#Earth-tober 2022
pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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Earth-tober 2022 day 30!!! Giegue/giygas
im actually going as claus/maskedman for halloween! :3
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bloodredx · 2 years
Day 18: Obstacle
Stone, sturdy and reliable. Yes, Earth is known for these qualities. The hardheadedness of one so determined and massive. Immovable, continental in scale, but also the individual grains of sand. The small mills in depths of soil. All will always be returned to the soil, the Earth is the last one to take the physical remains. But he won’t waste it, no. Many believe Earth to be the kindest, the most supportive. How trite, to ascribe such simplicities to that which merely provides a place for feet to stand, to propagate itself. As if the rest of the Children were incapable of kindness. As if Earth was incapable of cruelty. Landslides, quakes. The world is nothing more than clay to a potter, a moldable mass in the hands of one who feels the pain of excavation within the breadth of their great shoulders.
Earth has never asked for pity, no, content to continue as it always has. Proud. Formidable. But quiet, though not Silent. Earth has enjoyed much serenity in the fact that near all is restricted to his surface. Water must pool, Fire needs a base, though Wind in direct opposition seems to skirt around her brother. Though the two are rarely separated. Even still, the inversion must come to even the most sessile of the Children, and how odd and quaint that Plant be her name. Yes, truly enigmatic that the so called gentle one reveal herself to be the most cynical and cruel of all. The words of forests, plains, grasslands, even the tundra all hold their own private wars. How violent, patient. Plant tells her legions to grow, propagate, encompass. There is little she does not see or know. Quite like her parent!
Without a single doubt, Earth is looking to challenge and be challenged. There is no might that does not on one level or another pique his interest. Any block or obstacle is a motivation to be taken in stride. And how Earth rewards those who take up the trial. The farmer yields much fruit for tending to the soil, the sculptor a masterpiece for struggling against stone. Unsung against the Song who relies on the percussion he beats. Never forget the soil beneath thine feet. For without the brace of solid ground, one is left to face the odds alone. How terrifying.
Her lofty branches drifted slowly through the tickling stream of wind, scattering weaker leaves to flutter in the swirls of the unseen currents. Yes, of course, a time of loss to befall us all. The Hamadryad stretched her spirit down into her roots, reaching deep into the layers of ground water that fed into her. Moss did its best to murmur, even mumble to her. Mother, a title that held the same as Thief or Queen to her. All that mattered was the constant direction Nor’mans gave her millennia ago. And so far, the bargain had been upheld.
The ground at her roots trembled, some message to be delivered soon, but the exact wording wouldn’t be known until much later. Her master made quite certain the enigmatic nature of the gods was beyond her. Even then, some recent visitors gave her questions. A raven landed gently in a low limb of hers, toes not quite giving the same needle piercing grip the species typically gave her. Forcing power, both fluid and magic, along her xylem, the branch swiftly turned into an arm, a hand now holding the bird aloft. Her fingers twitched slightly, the magic, exhausting, pushed her head and torso out of the bark, to face the creature. A voice low, harsh, reedy in timbre began as she hummed her greeting. “Ah, word of the Reaper, so long since taken hold.” The bird only tilted its head in response. “Have you come for me at last? Or is this a mere intrusion? Holding one of my own? Just watching? Wretched thing.” The raven, for its worth, merely bowed, preening its feathers delicately in her hand.
“Mother?” A soft voice, concerned broke her thoughts. “Have you awoken?”
The Hamadryad washed herself with grace, pushing out any rage the intrusion burrowed deep into her heartwood. “You know I do not sleep, dear. Juniper, soft willed and young still. Why visit me? You know your place is to watch the west, stand blazing with the sun aloft. Should Nor’mans need us…”
The words were heavy so she stopped, opting to observe the young dryad through her fan shaped leaves. “Of course, of course. Please grant forgiveness, but…”
Juniper’s own leaves bristled, and not just from wind as her hand reached forward. A single, orange tatter of fabric was folded over her outstretched fingers. A torn pennant, a war pike. All these things were revealed at once. Her dear dryad’s mouth was shaking, the news too grave to deliver at all. “Too close. Can’t be coincidence. Should the forest be broken-“
“If it is a game they are wanting to play, fire stands only to fuel us in the long run. Weep not child. We have time and patience on our hands.” The ground shook below her body’s root, and out from the mud burrowed out a massive turtle, face and shell caked with the layers of sediment. The Hamadryad smiled, despite the toll on her. “Let them try to get close.”
With a start, Juniper sank her roots underground, vanishing quickly and worming her way through the Hamadryad’s own roots. It almost tickled the way she moved, tunneling through the very soils that sustained them. On her way to alert the others. Of course. Energy faded quickly, and she felt all traces of her body melt back into bark. The raven, up till now silent, cried out to the turtle sitting below, jumping from the branch. The world faded out of view right as the pressure built up, raw mana doling out an unnatural silence. The two deities were sure to speak, she knew this. Shame it wasn’t a conversation for her.
(OC-tober challenge by @oc-tober2022 can be found here.)
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grimdork · 2 years
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Day 12 of OCtober - Pisha A sexyhot living statue. She's cursed beyond all reason, so she's a hired assassin who kills people by getting close to spending time with them until her curse kills them.
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general-gt · 1 year
My Writing Masterlist: Updated 19.9.2024
My Hero Academia:
Foresight is 20/20-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43853637 - Sir Nighteye accidentally mistakes Izuku for a doll and takes him home. 4 chapters, completed.
Sanders Sides:
Anxiety and Rat Traps-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45429106 - Logan accidentally trapping Virgil in a rat trap. One shot.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48630253 - Roman is a borrower trying to steal some Halloween candy, unaware he’s being watched. Part 3 in the ‘G/tober 2022’ series. One shot.
The Scientist and The Fairy-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48630730 - Logan finds fairy Virgil in a box in the woods. Part 1 of the ‘G/tober 2022’ series. 2 chapters, finished.
Tiny Screws And Their Significance-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43862274 - Logan has a prosthetic and he notices parts going missing courtesy of the 6 borrowers living in his walls. 1 chapter, unfinished.
Two Of A Kind-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50784142 - Logan didn’t know the borrower he’d befriended, Remus, had a twin. One shot.
The Magnus Archives:
Are You Afraid of the Monster in the Woods?-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43938712 - Martin is sent to investigate the statement about a giant monster in the woods. Part 2 in the ‘G/tober 2022’ series. 2 chapters, finished.
Feasting on Silent Screams-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43915251 - Jonathan Sims can sense the fear of a borrower Sasha and proceeds to scare her. 2 chapters, finished.
1, 2, 3, Switch!-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54287878 - Megatron and Aster experience a size swap on an alien planet. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’. One shot.
Accidentally Traumatising Someone is The First Step to Friendship-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49641892 - Wheeljack meeting a human after crash landing to Earth. One shot.
A Little Help Needed-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58695733 - Aster and Rung help each other with their injuries. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’ series. One shot.
A Not So Fictional Tale-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52992415 - Orion gets a shipment of datapads and there’s something strange about them. One shot.
An Out-Of-This-World Friendship-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55682098 - Cyclonus and Hazel developed a good friendship and even her being on Earth doesn’t stop them getting closer. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’ series. One shot.
A Small Problem-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47080186 - Optimus Prime helping his human friend write g/t by helping act it out. One shot.
A Teaching Moment-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49577713 - Ultra Magnus giving a lecture on humans to Rodimus Prime and others with a live subject. One shot.
Bitter-Sweet Situation-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58532251 - Aster tells Rung the real reason they don’t want to return to Earth. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’ series. One shot.
Don’t You Speak, Hide And Seek-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54383089 - Jazz encountering a human during a hunting trip. One shot.
Down To Earth-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48832984 - Megatron crashes into Earth and finds a human poking around his ship. One shot.
Dreaming With Their Eyes Wide Open-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58945957 - A BFG AU where Megatron and Optimus are tasked with giving humans dreams and one night they’re seen by a human. One shot.
Failure and Flower Crowns-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49616911 - Optimus Prime guiding humans away from danger. Part of the ‘In Which Magic Barriers Do Nothing To Stop Human Curiosity’ series. One shot.
How To Handle Your Cybertronian-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50937124 - A blog post fic about dealing with being around Cybertronians. One shot.
I'd Run Away From You if my Feet Could Feel The Ground-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48906124 - Rodimus Prime and Megatron with a human who’s come to rescue their kidnapped friend. Set as an AU of @callsign-relic’s ‘Too Close For Comfort’ series. One shot.
If We Can’t Rewind, We’ll Restart Instead-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53433847 - Aster, immediately after the war, is tasked with undertaking a mission with ex-Decepticon Megatron. One shot.
I’ll Be Back-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50808868 - Orion steals a shuttle to go investigate the supposed existence of an ancient relic on a far off planet called ‘Earth’. One shot.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48987337 - Tarn as both a tiny and giant bot feat. a brief Optimus cameo. Part of the ‘In Which Magic Barriers Do Nothing To Stop Human Curiosity’ series. 2 chapters, finished.
Is It Still A Mask If You Can’t Take It Off-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54839833 - Optimus is living as his holoform amongst humans and the borrower in his home knows. One shot.
Not My Commander-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47961757 - Ultra Magnus and a human crossing paths and the human is having precisely none of it. One shot.
Once Upon A Time-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50886154 - An insight into Elua, the woman who sealed Drift away, and her experience with other giants. Part of the ‘Undoing The Past’ series. One shot.
On Human Beings-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57612490 - Optimus’ musings about humanity. One shot.
Optimus’ Travels-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47540602 - Optimus Prime is sent to Liliput in a Transformers/Gulliver’s Travels crossover. 4 chapters, finished.
Raindrops and Sparkbeats-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46672807 - Soundwave and his cassettes during a storm on Earth. One shot.
Rumours Versus Reality-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49368388 - Drift is woken up after hundreds of years by a human. Part of the ‘Undoing The Past’ series. One shot.
The Hunters And The Hunted-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58749007 - Sick of their kind being hunted down, Megatron proposes a deal to Optimus. One shot.
The One Who Helped-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52582771 - Upon encountering Optimus, the protagonist begs to go with him. One shot.
The Sole Sentry-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54656287 - Prowl protecting a human from a bully after centuries of being the protector of their village. 2 chapters, finished.
The Tinyformer Distribution System-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48104755 - Blitzwing is a tinyformer found abandoned by a therapist. One shot.
This Is Totally Normal, Right?-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54615661 - No one aboard the Lost Light has any idea what humans eat, and it shows. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’ series. One shot.
To The Other Side-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52326736 - A mirror connects Aster’s bedroom to the Lost Light. 2 chapters, unfinished.
You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49902286 - Hitching a ride on Rodimus, away from the aliens who kidnapped them, Aster hides on the Lost Light. Part of the ‘Stories Set in The YCRBYCH Universe’. 8 chapters, finished.
Down The Mountain, Under The Door-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56648212 - A human’s eventful first meeting with Underswap Papyrus. One shot.
Recovery Is A Long Road-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57008593 - A borrower trying to adjust to eating regular meals under the Horrortale skeleton brothers’ care. One shot.
A Looming Shadow-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58704952 - The Friendly Shadow is sent on his latest mission, where he finds someone that pushes him to make a tough decision. One shot.
Monsterjäger und Beschützer-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51082228 - A set of pilots find out that their Jaeger is sentient. One shot.
The Prideful Borrower-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49767286 - A borrower gets too arrogant. A cautionary tale. Part 1 in the ‘A Giant Chronicle of Tiny Tales’ series. One shot.
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nuagederose · 2 years
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art nouveau-tober 2022 // day two: amethyst
“pull the plug” 💀🌺 (that flower underneath him, by the way, is wolfsbane, one of the deadliest plants on earth)
ig: badmotorartist
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"Look Out Earth"
For spgtober day 26 Necrostar/Necronaut
It was just over 3 weeks from sketch to completion
Acrylic paint on a 12x24 inch stretched canvas
SPG-tober list was made by pigtron over on Instagram
Progress photos under the cut!
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My initial sketches done on October 22nd 2022
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First painting sketch done on the 23rd
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Started to change up positioning and scale
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Finally locked in the earth and moon positions, still experimenting with some techniques
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Working on Earth and starting to realize the canvas wasn’t perfectly squared (it was cheap and on sale so not too surprising, but something to check for next time)
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It was around this point that I knew something wasn’t right with the composition, so I added the milkyway to try and balance things out
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But that didn’t work so I went on to add way more green to see if it was a color issue instead
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it was not a color issue, but a shape/scale imbalance. There had been too many large things trying to compete for attention so it was time to paint over what I’d done already
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After quite a bit of digital testing I finally found what felt best to me by shrinking down the Necronaut and letting the negative space create the sense of scale I was looking for
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paradise-and-cola · 2 years
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[Image description: A list of prompts for the 2022 edition of 17776 Tober. The background is a Google Earth image of the Southeastern United States, from chapter 3 of 20020.
Large white text in the top center reads "17776 Tober". Small text in the upper left reads "an art challenge for October of 2022. concept and prompts by @paradise-and-cola". Small text in the upper right reads "17776 belongs to Jon Bois and the Secret Base team. image credit to Landsat, Copernicus & Google Earth."
Below are the 31 prompts, arranged in three columns, formatted so they look similar to the text Nine, Ten and Juice type out in the webcomic. The prompts are as follows:
End description.]
It is once again time for 17776tober, a daily art challenge for all fans of Jon Bois' Future Football universe and stories. Same rules as last year (if you can even call them rules) - do as many or as few prompts as you want, use any medium (visual art, writing, etc), and most importantly, have fun! You can also use the tag #17776tober to share your creations with other participants.
Last year's post can be viewed here, if you're interested.
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pendragyn · 2 years
Disc-tober art prompt from the Discworld Monthly facebook page. The official stuff is for visual art only as listed in the rules below but I thought tumblr would like a crack at doing whatever the duck we want. (What duck?)
(I am not affiliated with the Discworld Monthly I just thought this looked like fun.)
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[image id: graphic labeled "Disc-tober 2022" with 31 single word prompts for the month of October, presented as the official Discworld® Monthly art prompt list. They encourage you to share your art with them everyday (presumably on facebook).
/end id]
The body of the facebook post is below for those curious.
Disc-tober 2022 is coming !!
We've run Disc-tober for several years now and we are always blown away by the creativity of the Discworld fans.
So here are the rules.
1. It must be a visual piece of artwork - whether you use pencils, pens, paint, charcoal or clay, printing, topiary, cake decorating or photography, it must be something we can see.
This rules out poetry, fan fic and other forms of the written or spoken word and it rules out any performances.
2. Share it with us making sure your post is public and use the hashtag #disctober2022 so we can see it or post it in the comments of any of our daily Disc-tober reminder posts.
3. Have fun with it.
Daily reminders will start on the 1st October and carry on through out the month until the end of the Disc-tober!
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pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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Earth-tober2022 Day 21 Porky
Hes just a lil devious
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pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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Day 18 Lucas could not stop crying!
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pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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Earth-tober2022 day 27 flying man
they are such cuties i like 2 think the flying man in earthbound beginnings look different compared to the ones in earthbound due to being in too different magicants (the one in this is how i think they look in earthbound beginnings)
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pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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Earth-tober2022 day 12!!!! The prompt was psi so heres kumatora using pk fire ^__^
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pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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earth-tober2022 day 29
vs. masked man
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pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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Earth-tober 2022 day 25 dog-like-dude!
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pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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Day 22 sunflowers and illusions
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pk-starst0rm · 2 years
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Earth-tober2022 day 6
MaskedMan and ultimate chimera
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