azkhar · 2 years
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earthdom raffle reward!
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yaccham · 2 years
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【感写】 ライブという名の光の光奮の中で。 ◻︎THE REDEMPTION(@redemp_staff )/新大久保EARTH DOM/HAT TRICKERS Presents "Side Show" ------------ "感写" 写真から是非この瞬間、音を感じてください! 撮影依頼、お気軽にご相談くださいませ^ ^ #theredemption #リデンプ #サンジョウヤスタカ #新大久保 #earthdom #suncame #感写 #音楽を止めるな #その瞬間に物語を #写真の奏でる私の世界 #聴こえるものを写したい #キリトリセカイ #音撮 #livephotography (Earthdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CovZ72ryWoe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nzchao · 2 years
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【2022前半振り返り】4/17、所用で新大久保行ったらアースダムの面子が面白そうだったので久々にフラッと遊びに行く。画像はAYANO。 #反安静療法 #Earthdom https://www.instagram.com/p/CkVDWWCSkRM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cosmik-homo · 27 days
blake is not REMOTELY a nothingburger protagonist he has a lot of interesting shit going on its just very tied- by the protagonism but not remotely just that, its an active part of who he is- to plot and setting and stuff. Its not really convenient for shortform ramble-posting. except maybe "I think he'd do honestly p good if
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woodsfae · 11 months
B5 s03e08 Messages From Earth table of contents • previous episode
We open on some morning military grousing, and a secret note and delivery from a chef! And it's real bacon and eggs from Marcus, because she helped him get an id card. And she said "Surprise me!" That's cute. What a rascal, casually able to arrange for highly perishable foods to be shipped out to B5 before they spoil. I wonder if he just liberated some senator or ambassador's expensive export shipment. Faked it spoiling or something.
And switch to Marcus, who is involved with shenanigans! Er, an actual fight through some narrow rooms and corridors! Hope he doesn't suddenly have a corpse on his hands. Disposing of a body on a space station isn't the easiest thing in the world.
Maybe we'll get G'Kar and Delenn back this episode? I would also like to see Na'Toth, if she hasn't died and I missed it, like I missed Ko'Dath's!
Last episode a Ranger or some sort of intelligence contact told Marcus things were up on earth and any Rangers in the area should move away from Earth for awhile, and now in this episode, there's speculation about President Clark having been involved with the deceased president's assassination.
Love seeing G'Kar! Boo prison. And good for Garibaldi for visiting him. I hope Garibaldi has been actually learning Narn. And he says he's trying although he wishes there was a translation! G'Kar says the Book of G'Quan cannot be translated and must be read in its mother tongue. Good for Garibaldi. He's been earning a lot of Conditional Brownie Points lately for good behavior. I appreciate the check-in with G'Kar. Hopefully he's making lots of progress in his telepathy while he's in the slammer.
G'Kar is using his prison sentence to meditate and write a book. Very productive! I bet the book will be a banger. Or perhaps is actually secret intelligence he's gathering with his new telepathy! Also, what a drama llama, fading back into the shadows when Garibaldi asks to read it. "When it is done…" *fades into shadow* I don't think it was meant to indicate a leaning towards The Shadows, though.
Garibaldi got a message about a package. The same one Marcus was expecting "in a week" last episode, perchance?
The package is, as I suspected, a person. Dr Mary Kirkish. She's on several hit lists. And I think Sinclair sent her? What a funny pan down the table at really awkward angles for every single one of their faces. The assembly of senior Rangers (?) plus Dr Kirkish the archaeologist.
Her team discovered an artifact at least a thousand years old buried on Mars. A Shadows' ship, in fact! And Earthdome says they've never seen ships like the one Sheridan released hyperspace footage of. Dr Kirkish says they must be lying, because she personally discovered one. Almost everyone who knew about the ship on Mars is dead or missing! The Shadows must have been building strength all over the galaxy for a long time. Someone touched the ship and he died instantly. Earthdome came and went, then a Shadows ship came and dug up the buried one. More confirmation that being in the physical presence of the Shadows feels wrongbad on an instinctual level, and triggers fear and loathing whether seen, heard, or in close physical proximity. It seems like even recordings of the shadows has that effect to some extent. I wonder how they shield their allies from it. Morden didn't seem to be badly effected by a fear/loathing aura when there were some in his holding cell with him.
Delenn is taking Dr Kirkish under her protection, it seems. Lennier swoops her away to safety. The Minbari probably do have better security than the humans can manage. So far it seems like they're probably less likely to work with the Shadows than humankind, too. Since they have historical and religious teachings of mortal enmity about the Shadows.
Zack Allen gets even more opportunities to be a collaborating bootlicker on screen! Joy.
Delenn going to John Sheridan quietly, alone, in the dark, asking if he's sure he wants to go through with something. With…?? I kinda wonder if they'll randomly get married like this, with very little on-screen buildup.
I must have missed some information earlier, because I didn't know Earthdome had any access to the crashed, 1,000 year old Shadow ship. But Sheridan and Delenn want to go through Earth's defense grid, go to the Shadow ship while evading all of Earth's defenses, and destroy the Shadow ship before President Clark can get his corrupt and fascist hands on it.
Dang, what an escalation! Acting directly against Earth, while trying to hide it! Dr Franklin will fake Sheridan, Delenn, and Lennier's deaths if they fail! Or they also might die! Damn. High stakes. I love how this show has huge leaps of plot when I'm least expecting it.
Delenn and John are being cute on the bridge of the White Star, as they should be.
Some Earthforce fascist is telling the Night Watch that Earth Dome is going to start making arrests of disloyal people within two months. He's demanding the Night's Watch start higher and more invasive levels of investigations into and volume of reporting people. Here's Zack Allen's latest moral checkpoint to fail! And they want to know if any of their informants know where the captain is! So they've already sussed him being perhaps away? Or they dislike that he frequently keeps his whereabouts confidential?
It's pretty cute that Sheridan is an argumentative person, until faced with Lennier's gentle logic. Lennier is right, Sheridan should get some rest. But I also don't know how the Minbari sleep SO vertically. There's comfortable slant, and then there's a whole forty-five degree angle!!
Cute little bedtime confidences being shared here! On smaller than twin-sized 45 degree angled meditation tables. Sheridan's adorable story of his dad standing outside in the wee hours of the morning spraying the hose on the roof so John could get some rest the night before a big test still seems more comfortable and sleepier than these Minbari beds.
Hah! He's so blown away by the idea that you can ask a smart speaker to play rain sounds. But also, what an intimate little hand hold across the void between their uncomfortable tables. Delenn is gonna love human beds once she adapts to the cultural difference. Or at least I hope she does! Get a comfy night's sleep, girl.
John has been sharing personal tidbits with Delenn, but she tends to share about herself but describing what Minbari in general do. I have my fingers crossed for her opening up about her past to some degree. She is open, and does share what she currently feels with those she trusts, but she really does not talk about her past at all. iirc, at this point we've only seen her past in flashbacks, and not through her own words at all.
This is a highly productive fight Susan and Marcus are having. Let's honestly say our feelings at each other at a relatively high volume, but not really shout!
Dang, that Shadows ship is not fucking around. It absorbed an EarthDome person, went insane, and started destroying everything around it. Is there another isolated jump gate they can destroy it with?
The bootleg videos of this are gonna spark so many conspiracy theories, lol.
Lennier's getting sassy in the face of near-certain death by Jupiter-crumpling! But Sheridan has a stressful MO of only winning unwinnable fights by barely surviving an overwhelmingly destructive force.
They're being accosted by Sheridan's old ship, the Agamemnon! Is the White Star large enough to carry its own jumpgate? Lol, I'm perfectly in time with the plot being revealed. They're gonna try to escape with only a little explosion caused by them activating the jump engine. Is the Agamemnon going to follow them through somehow? Seems…not?
I like that Delenn and John are both suggesting batshit insane and unhingedly dangerous plans now. And that they support each other in this highly risky behavior! I wanna see what they goad each other to do. They really seem to bring out "limits? What the fuck is that?" sort of attitudes in each other.
Zack Allen's wobbly moral backbone continues to be bendy as fuck. And the Night's Watch leaders really want to know why Sheridan's quarters haven't been accessed in four days. He and Delenn should just claim he was at her place if it ever comes up.
Zack Allen just kinda sorta took a moral stand! He refused to snoop on Sheridan, and got quite a scolding for it. It's so pathetic I can't even say well done Mr Allen. It's the most he's done, and it's so piddling. You gotta start somewhere, though. Choose to be better, then keep choosing. I'll applaud him if he keeps choosing to be better instead of diving headfirst down the fascism slide.
Of course Earth is using the Shadows ship getting away from them and the White Star's incursion as an excuse for more fascism. They would use absolutely anything that happened as an excuse. I really hope there's a ton of videos of the EarthDome and Shadows events and the destruction afterwards floating around on the 24th century thepiratebay equivalent.
Dang! A lot happened this episode! It was really a huge escalation for them to take the White Star up against Earth Dome directly. So far they've had huge successes when going out in the White Star to do stuff, and I wonder if that means they're going to start taking some losses and failing at some of their missions. Things have been going a little too well for them lately. And that concerns me!
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horta-in-charge · 11 months
Hello, welcome to the six o’clock news. I’m Dan Randall, the ISN anchor everyone hates. Our top story tonight: Alien Ambassadors don’t know what ducks are. Are they really that imbecilic or is it part of a secret conspiracy to overthrow EarthDome? We’ll have the answers for you right after this commercial break.
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bonepriests · 4 months
leveled and exalted like 10 dragons last night. earthdom. powerhouse.
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saltminerising · 10 months
Bug fix: Ping and subscription alerts from forums belonging to other flights are now automatically blocked.
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stardustinthesky · 2 years
couldn’t love you more. babylon 5. john sheridan, delenn. they give them the presidential suite of the luxury hotel in earthdome. set somewhere during rising star. companion fic to for fear that tonight is all and there is light in us.
title stolen from john martyn’s couldn’t love you more. i own nothing, just playing in the sandbox for a little while.
read at ao3 or continue under the cut
They give them the Presidential Suite of the luxury hotel in Earthdome.
Earth politicians’ hypocrisy has always been astounding, if not unexpected; from being branded as a traitor to being lauded as hero and liberator, going from a shady cell on Mars to being given one of the nicest hotel rooms on Earth—all in the span of only a couple of weeks and no one seems to bat an eye. It should make his head spin, but he’s got enough experience with politics that this reversal doesn’t surprise him in the least.
Earth officials have to make do with protocol now that he’s been introduced as President of the newly formed Insterstellar Alliance during the latest press conference, but John is no fool; if she had her way, President Luchenko would have him put on the first transport and out of Earth-controlled space as fast as possible.
He can’t blame her though; he’d like to get the hell out of here as soon as possible just as well.
‘Does this still hurt?’ Delenn’s fingertips run down his chest to the bruising on his ribcage. They’ve been intimate for some time now but they barely had time for much of anything since Shan’Fal, almost six months ago. Too busy with trouble at home, both homes; their last night together on Babylon 5, only their second night, feels like a lifetime ago.
Six months without her; without holding her, kissing her, having her in his bed, having her. He’s pretty sure Shan’Fal is supposed to be a one-time thing among the many rituals leading up to union, nevertheless she spent the night with him before her departure for Minbar. Had wanted it, wanted him. One last night and he’d been terrified then, of what it meant for them, of the possibility he might never see her again.
He’s missed her, in his heart and in his bed. He has no shame in admitting that; he’s a man after all, with wants and desires, and he wants her, and desires her. Made that pretty clear for the last three nights.
After six months, being able to share a bed again with the woman he loves for a couple of nights in a row now suddenly feels like luxury.
His eyes take in her naked form in the soft glow of the bathroom lights; his parents are waiting for them and they’re already late and she’s not helping.
‘Only when I laugh.’ He tries his best boyish smile; but her frown only deepens, her fingers tracing the outline a still particularly nasty-looking bruise. ‘I’m fine.’
That is anything but the truth, but he’ll just have to pretend. One look from her and it’s clear she doesn’t buy it either. ‘As fine as I can be,’ he concedes.
He kisses her, as much reassurance for her as it is for him. For three nights now he’s woken up and reached for her to make sure that he’s not dreaming, that he’s not back in that fucking cell on Mars. To make sure she has made it back from Minbar.
He’s heard the rumors and read what few reports there have been about the Minbari civil war. She has been particularly tight-lipped about it but he hasn’t pushed, just as she hasn’t pushed him either about his imprisonment. Too stubborn for their own good, some would say, and maybe they’re right.
But she’ll talk about it just as he will, when they’re ready.
Her nails dig into his back, just like she did only ten minutes ago in the shower. He brings her closer, deepens the kiss; they fit like they’ve always been made for each other. Oh, he has loved before her, there is no denying the past, and it is different from what he had with Anna, but isn’t that the whole point? And yet his heart races at the mere thought of Delenn, had from the beginning. He didn’t think he could love anyone after Anna; never expected he could love this much.
But he does.
‘A’fel E’,’ he whispers against her lips. He feels, rather than sees, her smile.
‘You know what it means.’ Her fingers brush softly along his spine and the shivers it sends through him are nothing but extremely pleasant; she’s always been tactile, even when sex between them was only a notion, not a fact, but she can’t seem to get enough of touching him lately. Not that he’s ever going to complain about it.
‘I started learning when you were away. I wanted to make it a surprise.’
His Adronato is thick with his American accent and hesitant, something he’s more than aware of but he tries his best anyway and she listens. She doesn’t correct him, only guides and encourages him. They must make quite the picture, standing naked and fresh out of the shower, in each other’s arms, her laughter echoing throughout the bathroom when he accidentally propositions her. 
She responds very favorably to his advances; they’re going to be very late but that’s okay.
He feels like he’s on top of the world.
And maybe he is.
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rosallora · 1 year
S2E22 The Fall of Night
Attache to attache communication... Vir and Lennier love. Instant adoration for that relationship. Same time tomorrow.
And of course... G’kar was right about the Centauri pushing for more worlds.
Oh my god. He really isn’t the same Londo. He’s just... he can’t stand down.
Ministry of Peace... always a good sign (sarcasm).
Oh Ivanova... no family. She has Sheridan at least, and Garibaldi! And the ambassadors. I love her very much. And I love that she’s unwilling to leave Babylon 5, to betray her fellows, to join the Night Watch... she’s a wonderful character. I wish she had gotten to be with Talia. I miss Talia.
The Night Watch, oof. It’s back.
Why won’t the Minister of Peace (Lantz) talk with G’kar? I am just. Augh.
I cannot believe this is happening. GET OUT THERE FIGHTERS, IT’S TIME! And YAY! The Narn are safe :)
I can’t wait for Babylon 5 to go rogue. We’re gonna see it. So far!
I fucking hate Welles! He can burn in Helles.
Kosh OUTSIDE THE SUIT! Beautiful. Amazing. Very Gender.
We’re going FULL thoughtpolice. YEP. YEP. Sedition is a powerful thing.
I love Sheridan’s reaction to Kosh’s true form - the idea that the Vorlons have been manipulating people from the very beginning. It really says it out loud, really makes it clear. Love it.
And Christ on a Cracker. We’re going to get Rogue Bab5. There’s no way that we’re going neutral on this. And there’s no way we’re going to be abiding by the shithole called Earthdome.
Anyways - that’s a wrap on Season 2.
I’m trying to get my thoughts together. I like the side stories - Keffler chief among them. He had a full arc, he found his own personal closure. His story is done, and it’s a catapult into the future.
I want G’kar to continue being a part of the show, and I want for him to continue doing what he can for the Narn. Seeing him advocate in the streets, speaking up against the Centauri... he’s a brave man. I know that my admiration of him will likely only grow more as the show enters Season 3.
I have a suspicion that Ivanova will join the Night Watch, if only to have a woman on the inside.  The way that the offer was given to her, and her consideration in the last shot of Season 2 really confirmed that for me. The fact that we also ENDED with Ivanova in frame suggests to me that next season we might also see a shift in station power.
Sheridan has done a good job as captain, but I think it might be time for her to take the helm. Sheridan is very much a soldier, and he does operate like one. I think that his obedience to the rules will definitely force him out - or really, his refusal to find the loopholes that Sinclair might have. I think that Sheridan will have to step down from his position, and I believe that could be an interesting direction for the show to go in. If not, then not!
I have high hopes for Vir and Lennier going into Season 3. I love the attaches, though Na’toth has pretty much disappeared from the show at this point. But the mutual expression of worry that the two of them exchanged showed a special kind of commiseration between the two that I’d like to follow. Lennier’s continued support of Delenn is also big - sometimes she’s just silly, she messes up, and he’s there for her. I think Lennier is my FAVORITE attache by far! But I look forward to Vir perhaps working AGAINST the Centauri, and taking the actions that he felt that he was too helpless to in Season 2. He’s my horse to bet on.
The Talia/Ivanova thing will HAUNT ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I hope we can get Talia back.
See you in Season 3!
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azkhar · 1 year
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🪶 🐾 critters that hatched from my easter event on the earthdom discord!
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yaccham · 2 years
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【感写】 ライブという名の光の光奮の中で。 ◻︎THE REDEMPTION(@redemp_staff )/新大久保EARTH DOM/HAT TRICKERS Presents "Side Show" ------------ "感写" 写真から是非この瞬間、音を感じてください! 撮影依頼、お気軽にご相談くださいませ^ ^ #theredemption #リデンプ #サンジョウヤスタカ #新大久保 #earthdom #suncame #感写 #音楽を止めるな #その瞬間に物語を #写真の奏でる私の世界 #聴こえるものを写したい #キリトリセカイ #音撮 #livephotography (Earthdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CotPYTdSaGS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cloudmancy · 2 years
>finds you from earthdom >follows for cool art >gets introduced to cookie run, zines, and dimension 20 >winning rn
WAHH. they call me august 'adderal' cloudmancy. wait till I start ocposting then you'll see
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Re: the xyz discord - not sure about the discord itself, since it seems like people are enjoying it, but the person who runs the forum thread for it is the one who was involved in dumping the earthdom bank on the AH a while back, so i'm not personally interested in joining it
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先日東京でライブしました。UNARMとkriegshog企画で場所 は新大久保EARTHDOM。10代の頃岡山から割と行ってたライブハウスだけど初めてライブできました。
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貶すわけじゃないけどハードコアの中にもあまり居ないのに他のジャンルのコミュニティのほうがパンク系のファッションが盛んなのは普通に悔しい。まぁどうせ見た目だけだろって思う人がほとんどだと思うけど若い子(10代)が可愛い!かっこいい!でSex PistolsやNANAの様なファッションしてるの普通に嬉しいけどね私は。
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人それぞれの好みもあるけど私はハードコアパンクが好きだし、同世代の人にも好きになってもらいたいからMINI MYTHを始めたのもある。20代のパンクミーツなバンド出てこないかなって思ってるよりやったほうが早いし。まだまだですがマイペースにやっていければと思う。
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pot-pourri-official · 10 months
NEWS 2023.12.10.
2024.01.14.(Sun) Catastrophe Ballet presents.“Struggle to Survive” -Vol.2- @ EARTHDOM
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w/ Catastrophe Ballet、曇ヶ原 予約ページ: https://tiget.net/events/282096 open/start 18:00/18:30 adv./door ¥3000/¥3500+1d(¥500)
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