#Eclipse Knight Diana
aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Solar Eclipse Leona & Eclipse Knight Diana - Legends of Runeterra Splash Art
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Eclipse Knight Diana is properly...underwhelming
Sooo, this is a Legends of Runeterra exclusive skin released a couple weeks ago, and the boundless excitement that overcame me once I realised that we would get a Diana skin in Coven/Eclipse universe, was swiftly snuffed out as soon as I laid eyes on the splash art.
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Coven is a universe containing two rivaling aesthetics. One revolves around dark, high fashion, elegant witches as we see in the respective skins of Champions like Evelynn, and Morgana,
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and the other encompasses a more medieval Knights fighting the darkness with the power of the Eclipse aka the devoured Primordial Sun God (a tad pretentious if you ask me, but well). Now depending on the solar or lunar aesthetic, the general tone is black armor with orange or blue details.
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And somehow, Eclipse Knight Diana fails spectacularly at anything but lazily nodding toward the Lunar aesthetic of the Order. This skin is little but a glorified chroma of Diana's base form and has left my inner artist reeling.
Her armor comprises of jagged, sharp pieces of polished black metal in a pattern that does nothing to deviate from Diana's normal way of dress and only serves in making the armor seem uncomfortable and angular (Like what even is that thing around her neck, trying to parade as protection, and those bladed shoulder pads are more ostentatious than Irelia's, seeming more dysfunctional than intimidating.)
Her forearms and thighs are only clad in leather and are otherwise exposed, despite the over the top arm and knee protection. The polished silver accents upon the dark metal are a nice detail, though I feel it contradicts the black too much especially in the first splash art.
Speaking of which, what even IS her expression? She is going cross-eyed and her face is otherwise practically blank, the make up across her eyes making her look more like a racoon or a burglar, than a sophisticated warrior donning warpaint.
The fact that Leona is laying on the ground felled by Diana's blade is a wonderful detail that could nod to some lore update about their dynamic in this universe(perhaps? PLEASE).
Movement is also clunky; Diana is too still even though the world around her is moving, and it steals from the dynamic and the power of the piece (I think her base splash has a similar issue, but I am not sure.)
The blue in her armor is minimal and only appears in the form of a conspicuous glow emanating from the symbol on her chest armor, her arm guards and the headpiece. Now, don't get me wrong, Leona's armor also glows orange but it looks more natural, doesn't it?
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A paragon of the Sun's light. And though her own design doesn't come without faults, it is certainly an upgrade from her base from, and fulfills its purpose successfully. I dare say it is actually a pretty good skin. (Note the kneeling Diana in the back, khopesh buried in the dirt? It gives Leona's expression a whole new layer- I love it).
For Diana I would have definitely gone for something less ostentatious, and perhaps completed that set of armor, going with polished sleek pieces of metal that look more like actual armor and less like metal accents on leather. The idea of the symbol burned in the middle of the chest piece is actually great, and could be used as a parallel to Leona (same design glowing blue, or even a symbol more akin to the Moon, pointing to them belonging in different divisions of the same order). Most importantly I think I would like to see a detail or two pointing towards her "Insubordination" within the order, seeing as she searches for the truth in defiance of the predetermined rules.
"In the name of eradicating evil, Kayle has committed an unspeakable transgression. We are the inheritors of her atrocity, the children of her eclipse, and only through rectification of the Sun-Eater's great sin may we find true righteousness."
Diana could potentially be the perfect connection between the Knights and the Coven. Perhaps even forsaking the Order completely and becoming entangled in the Coven's web (Since there is a primordial Sun there should be a Primordial Moon as well RIGHT???) which might ultimately spell her demise OR lead to us getting a proper Eclipse Diana Skin - with a few hints of coven and moon worship, say something resembling a bull, or bull horns (associated with Selene) or even a rabbit (Chinese culture and the Aztecs), that upgrades/turns to a full blown Coven skin with her worshiping the primordial Moon.
In any case, this is a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for Leona and Diana interactions in this universe. Morgana's and Leona's voice lines already indicate that the two love each other and freaking gosh their interactions can potentially be wonderful. ( GIVE US THE ANGST FILLED LEODIA CONTENT WE DESERVE)
With voice lines like "Thy love will perish Diana. And thou shalt remain. Alone. Forever."(Morgana)
"Brave ser knight. Torn between duty and love. Blind to the truth of thine order." (Morgana)
Not to mention the all time favorite
"In another life, I am so sorry Diana." (Leona)
Riot has already set up the basics for a marvelous story. Full of intrigue, unrest, lies and deception, the fate of the world balancing in a thread, Dark magic and forbidden love that either endures or perishes with the last of the Moon's light.
Needless to say, my own head is spewing one scenario after the other, and I will be really irritated and salty if they don't fix this poor excuse of a skin and accompany it with the appropriate voice lines that will actually acknowledge her bond with Leona (yes I am looking at you Winterblessed) and expand the existing story in the coven universe. Cause it has too much potential to be left like this.
If you have reached the end of this rant, thank you for your patience. Here, have a cookie.
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Okay so every hero has their typical “A long running show/comic/movie series of this character needs to have these moments and beats bc they are jsut that pivotal and awesome” moments
Like, besides the Uncle Ben’s and Wayne deaths of comic book movies, there are these moments that you gotta have. Spider-Man needs the Venom arc at some point, Superman needs that short popping moment to show the S, Batman has his moment of being the Dark Knight with the people where he comforts a scared child (be it in or out of suit) and reminds everyone he’s not that edgelord male fantasy bc the Dad Aspect ™️ is very important to any iteration of him.
Now, stay with my brain rot, what would other heros big moments in a movie have to be? What’s that thing that cements “Yeah, these people get it!” or “Yeah, this is (character)!”
Like, Wondy? I feel like she needs a moment where she handles an already elevated situation by talking the aggressor down, that feels like a good “Yes, we understand the character and what you’re here for” moment. Diana is a warrior but that’s kinda eclipsed her status as an ambassador, and it’s a saying she memorized to basically not do harm if you can deescalate. Also, some opening of her mother lifting Diana from the earth she molded her from or a shot of a mother holding a child statue and turning with her back to the camera to reveal a baby Diana when she was momentarily obscured. Clay baby origin y’all, as a treat after all the Zeus shenanigans
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league-of-skins · 1 year
Diana, the Scorn of the Moon
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League of Legends
Original Diana
Dark Valkyrie Diana
Lunar Goddess Diana
Infernal Diana
Blood Moon Diana
Dark Waters Diana
Dragonslayer Diana
Battle Queen Diana
Prestige Battle Queen Diana
Sentinel Diana
Firecracker Diana
Winterblessed Diana
Wild Rift
Original Diana
Dark Valkyrie Diana
Infernal Diana
Blood Moon Diana
Firecracker Diana
Lunar Goddess Diana
Sentinel Diana
Serene Sword Diana
Legends of Runeterra
Original Diana
Sentinel Diana
Corrupted Diana
Eclipse Knight Diana
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ooc: Alt. Verses/AUs for Muses!
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Final Fantasy 14 Midori: Midori is an Au'Ra who grew up in the Ruby Sea with two older sisters. The three were nobles, treated like precious dolls to serve their family. Midori was the youngest, always causing issues with her clumsiness and hiding away from others shyly. The three dreamed of seeing the world above after hearing from travelers about a grand revolution against a terrible tyrant. It was then that Midori learned of Yugiri, another Au Ra like herself, and grew to admire her.
When the oldest decided they wanted to leave home and break free from their confined noble lives, the other two went with her to explore the world. Since Midori admires Yugiri, she wants to be a ninja like her, training hard despite not being the best at it now that she is free to do so.
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Final Fantasy 14 Xia: Xia is flirtatious and charming, using her beauty and words to attract anyone she desires. A masterful manipulator, Xia finds it fun to play with the hearts of others and trick them into thinking she’s desperately in love with them, only to be using them for power or fortune (or both). Kugane was her final stop. Xia had been around a majority of places, flirting and taking riches from both unsuspecting men and women.
She ran away before they could find out and catch her, hopping place to place before she found Kugane. She fell in love with the town, the people there never seeing a Viera before and willing to spend time (and money) on her. Xia thought about becoming a geisha but wanted to be more free in case trouble came to her again. She took up becoming a samurai in order to protect herself better, being in the rogue guild from some time but now living too far from them.
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Final Fantasy 7 Xia: She used to live in the slums but ran from home, joined the Honeybee Inn, then after stole from Corneo and escaped. The Turks learned of her escapade and ran into her before hiring her on as a newbie. She found her calling being an undercover unit for them and is loyal to them while they are keeping an eye on her to keep her out of trouble.
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Pokemon Gijinka AU Kyana: Kyana is a trainer aiming for the big leagues and championship. She wants that under her belt so that maybe she has a really good chance to become a fire-type gym leader. Though battling with a sort of single type of Pokemon is a bit tough, she loves fire types so much to stick with it. Kyana herself is very energetic and can be hyper, rushing into things without a lot of thought. She loves to battle but also kind of wishes there were contests like the ones she heard exist in other regions.
Kyana also tends to let her emotions drive her, including wearing her heart on her sleeve and tends to crush easily on anyone cute and charming.
Kyana’s Team is: 1. Fuecoco (Taco) 2. Growlithe (Flare) 3. Lampent (Calcifer) 4. Larvesta (Fluffy) 5. Charcadet (Zero) 6. Fletchinder (Phoenix)
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Genshin Impact Iyumi: Iyumi is a Electro Fatui mage on the prowl for someone cute she can call hers. To most she acts vicious and snobby, ready to electrocute them should they get on her nerves. But should she find the someone she wants, she becomes more adoring and flirty, chasing after them until she can have them. Which can turn into an aggressive chase should the other not want her.
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Genshin Impact Kyana: Kyana is from Mondstadt, growing up learning about the wind god as well as the knights of Favonius. When she discovered her Vision, she couldn’t control it well and caused many accidents. But her parents never hated her for it, instead worked hard and encouraged her to train herself and use her abilities for good.
After all, Visions were seen as gifts from gods, so she had a greater purpose to fulfill. Kyana feels like her purpose is to become a knight and protect the people of Mondstadt from any danger. She works hard to catch their eye so they will accept her in.
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Kingdom Hearts Diana: Diana is the resident of a world called Eclipse’s Embrace, a medieval old European world with knights and even mages. At a young age, Diana looked up to her mother who was a knight of the kingdom and wanted to be just like her. She practiced hard though they had no need to worry about battles as the world was at peace. That is until the darkness came.
When the heartless invaded her home world, a very young Diana was sent alone on a gummi ship set to anywhere safe by autopilot. Her parents said they were going to join her in another one, making sure she was safe first, but never made it. Their whereabouts to her are still unknown. After a Heartless encounter in Traverse Town, Diana discovered she was a keyblade wielder and now is off to stop the darkness and find her family.
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Tsareena Gijinka Iyumi (A Pokemon Gijinka version of Iyumi where she is a Tsareena. Prissy and can seem stuck up but is actually willing to help others. If you’re charming and caring, her personality flips and she becomes a lot more friendly and adoring.)
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Demon Iyumi: A demon AU for Iyumi where she is a demon princess wanting to find her king and become a queen! Though her stuck up, snobbish attitude tends to scare away others. However, if she has interest in you, her personality switches and she’ll be nice and adoring towards you, possibly even flirty. Though watch out, when she sets her eyes on someone she wants, she’ll do anything to get them. Also has a Disgaea verse where she is a wannabe Overlord!
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Goddess of Darkness Iyumi and Goddess of Light Miyuki: Twin goddesses with not only polar powers but polar personalities. Iyumi is a snob and a bit of a brat, seeing herself as above all others (especially mortals) though secretly wants to find someone to love (and dominate over) and has a secret soft side as well. Miyuki is sweet and kind and has a very sympathetic heart, willing to help any mortals she comes across that are in trouble. Though she is also quite gullible and naive. The two bicker at times but try to work with each other.
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Kingdom Hearts Xia: Xia used to be a normal girl named Ai living in Radiant Garden until the darkness came and consumed the town and her along with it. Ai was a sweet, kind, lady that loved nature but the darkness had consumed her heart so greatly her Nobody ended up being nothing like her. When she became a Nobody she gained the ability to summon and control plants, her favorite things to summon being roses and vines. This power might have come from the fact Ai’s parents owned a flower shop and Ai’s favorite flower was roses. Xia woke up with strangely no memories of her past self, only her name Ai. This didn’t bother her though as she decided with her new found powers to explore the worlds. She had heard of a group called Organization XIII and discovered they were Nobodies just like her and spied on them for quite some time and decided to change her name to have an X in it as well. She’s hoping to catch their attention and become a part of them just to have some allies on her side. Or perhaps use them for her own devious purposes.
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Fire Emblem Three Houses Ai: Ai Malificia is a Golden Deer student. A little shy but friendly and kind to all, Ai mainly focuses on magic, studying Reason and Faith. She can be seen in the library or the courtyard but especially the greenhouse with all the flowers. Ai loves flowers, especially pink roses. She also has a twin sister who has run away from home that she hasn’t heard from in a long time. The two were dotted on by their overprotective parents as both had Crests.
They feared what could happen to the two and though Ai didn’t mind, her sister had enough and decided to run away. Ai was sad for days until she heard about the Monastery. It took some convincing for her parents to let her attend as a student but finally they let her go. Now on her own, Ai strives to do her best and learn to be a healer in order to help others.
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Goddess Ai: Ai is kind-hearted, gentle, soft-spoken, nature goddess who loves flowers as well as relaxing activities like painting or reading with tea. She is quite naive about the world though, only knowing little from books and hasn’t been outside much due to worrying that there is danger out there. Ai is sweet and could possibly never harm anyone no matter the danger she may end up in.
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Vampire Xia: Flirtatious and mischievous, Xia loves to prey on those who fall for her charms. She of course aims for a meal but also likes luxurious things so she targets the rich and gets them to fall for her so they give her whatever she wishes. She pretends to be human, going from place to place to have her fun and doesn’t settle on one place for too long.
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Twisted Wonderland Kyana: A Twisted Wonderland verse for Kyana with her as the MC! Suddenly transported away from her city home to the strange academy, Kyana is far from home with no magic and no idea how to get back. But she doesn’t let it get her down too much. Fascinated by the new world she is in, she sets to explore it and meet the various students of the dorms.
Still, why was she brought here? What is her purpose? These questions circle the mind of the spunky, fiery spirited girl as she attends the academy as a student, trying to learn all she can about the world and a possible way back.
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Pokemon AU Nikki: A young trainer with octopus type Pokemon, her favorite being an Octillery she named Tickles! She can be rather strange, doing odd things and saying odd things but is rather friendly, even to those who might be evil. She sees every Pokemon as a potential friend, no matter how scary they may seem!
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Yugioh 5DS Aku: Aku lives in the not so grand parts of Neo Domino though it’s not too shabby either. He loves to duel and duels with a rather tough, cocky, sadistic personality. His deck reflects him so that he was nicknamed the Dark Punk by random strangers. Nobody really hangs with him because of how he is but the friends he does make he is loyal and kind too. He became a duelist to better himself at dueling and become the greatest like his idol, Jack Atlas.
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Angel Miyuki: Miyuki or Miyu is a young angel of heaven. She watches over humans with great curiosity but also a sense of duty to protect them. She is quite interested in the mortal world and wishes to visit it one day. Though she is no warrior, she wishes to use her healing abilities to help anyone in need. Miyu cares a lot for all living things and sympathizes easily with others’ struggles, even demons and fallen angels. The innocent angel only wishes to help whoever in need in whatever way she can. Face claim: Nasse from Platinum End
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Fairy Miyuki/Miyu: Miyu is a friendly fairy that lives in the forest. Since people who come there sometimes get lost, if she finds anyone with such a case, she tries to help them in any way she can to find their way out and be happy. She feels sorry for them and also as someone who was born in the forest, finds it her duty to help those who don’t know the area well. Miyu is however naive and desires to help everyone even if they might have hidden intentions, and is rather innocent in nature. She could never hurt anyone even if they were to try and hurt her.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
The Winner Takes The Crown (Princess)
by VLN_Stories
When members of the Team get sent out to scout an inconspicuous town in Indonesia with supposed hauntings and missing teens on the night of an eclipse surely nothing could go wrong, right?
Meanwhile the Ghost King got tired of every old timey ghost royalty trying to get their hands on his little sister/cousin/clone and got an idea. Why not have them duke it out amongst each other for once. It'd be entertaining at the very least or a disaster waiting to happen at most--- at least that's what his newly appointed Fright Knight thought anyway
Words: 5451, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Young Justice (Cartoon), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, John Constantine, Zatanna Zatara, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Cassie Sandsmark, Barbara Gordon, Wally West, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Jazz Fenton, Fright Knight (Danny Phantom), Danny Fenton, Jason Todd, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Valerie Gray, Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clark Kent, Prince Aragon (Danny Phantom), Doctor Fate, Giovanni "John" Zatara
Relationships: Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Kon-El | Conner Kent & Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Danielle "Dani" Phantom/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton & Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Danny Fenton/Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Additional Tags: accidental arranged marriage, Clone Wars, Dead On Main - Freeform, DPxDCShipWeek2023, Reunions, Unhappy Reunions, Does the major character death apply, if theyre already dead, Angry Jason Todd
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45025489
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xnekorux · 4 years
Hey, guys! I know I've been super inactive here and I'm so sorry for that. I moved to Twitter mainly and is mostly active there, which brings me to why I'm making this post right now. ^u^
I made a poll for my Christmas Special, so I suggest you peeps to check it out and vote for the story you favor! ^o^/
I suggest you guys check it out immediately, cuz the voting time is just 24 hours. :3
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thelockedtomb · 4 years
Gideon the Ninth Names
Quick n’ spoiler-free name analysis for prominent players in GtN.
Thank you to @swordrogue​ for inspiring me to type and format my scribbled notes, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing the next parts of your (deliciously not spoiler-free!) House-founder name series, and also @eschatolegation for connecting the dots on Ninth House lineages.
2nd House
Judith: In Jewish apocrypha, Judith was a beautiful woman who feigned escape from a besieged city, sweet-talked the attacking general until invited into his private tent, and cut off his head while he was asleep. Deuteros: “second” (Greek)
Marta: “dedicated to the god of war” (Latin) In Christian theology, Marta witnessed her brother Lazarus raised from the dead by Jesus. Dyas: “di-” means “two” (Greek) and “-as” means “having a quality of something” (Latin)
3rd House
Coronabeth: A corona is the dim outer atmosphere of a star. The sun’s corona can’t be seen with the naked eye until a solar eclipse where it appears as a halo. Beth is Hebrew for “house, place,” and as a suffix, it means “in, at, or with”. Tridentarius: “tri-” means “three” (Greek), a trident is a three-pronged spear, and “Arius” is a Greek name meaning “immortal”.
Ianthe: This name is attributed to three different women in Greek mythology. In one story, she was so beautiful that the gods made purple flowers grow around her grave. Tridentarius: (see above)
Naberius: Described by a late-1500’s occultist as a demon especially skilled at the art of persuasion who can take the form of a three-headed dog. Tern: “triple,” and can refer to a favorable combination of three numbers resulting in a lottery prize
4th House
Isaac: The historical figure Isaac was the son of Abraham (i.e. the “Abrahamic” religions Judaism, Islam, and Christianity). God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on an altar, but tells him to stop at the very last minute and kill a ram instead. Tettares: “four” (tetra-, Greek)
Jeannemary: “favored by God” paired with “sea of bitterness” (Hebrew to French) Chatur: “clever, intelligent” (French)
5th House
Abigail: The historical figure Abigail was a powerhouse, described as “intelligent and attractive” in the Torah. Long story, but TLDR: Her cunning, boldness, and political tactfulness saved the lives of hundreds. Pent: “five” (Greek)
Magnus: “great” (Latin) This name originated in Rome as a nickname title (i.e. ____ the Great) and became popular in the Middle Ages with Scandinavian royalty/nobility as a forename. Quinn: “fifth-born” (Greek) “wisdom, intelligence, counsel” (Irish/Gaelic)
6th House
Palamedes: A character included in several accounts of the Trojan War, said to be a genius and the inventor of parts of the Greek alphabet as well as dice. Palamedes is also the name of a Round Table knight in Arthurian legends, the son of King Esclabor. Sextus: “sixth born” (Latin)
Camilla: “helper to the priest” (Latin) “whole, complete, flawless, perfect” (Arabic) Also, a warrior-maiden attendant of the Roman goddess Diana (AKA the Greek goddess Artemis). Hect: “one hundred” (Latin)
7th House
Dulcinea: In the novel Don Quixote, the impractically romantic protagonist imagines a peasant to be a fine lady called Dulcinea. Based on the Spanish word “dulce” for “sweet”. Septimus: “seventh-born” (Latin) Also, play on words for “sepsis,” a life-threatening complication of infection.
Protesilaus: At the start of the Trojan War, a prophecy said the first attacker to set foot upon the shores of Troy would die, and Protesilaus was the first to leave his ship. Ebdoma: Alternative form of the Greek “hebdomas” meaning the number seven.
8th House
Silas: “prayed for” or “the youngest” (Hebrew) The historical figure of Silas was a Jewish convert to Christianity and missionary around 49-52 AD. Oktakiseron: In meteorology, an “okta” is a measurement for describing the amount of cloud coverage - possibly a reference to their House colors. It’s from the Greek/Latin root word “octa-“ for eight.
Colum: “dove” (Irish from Latin) The historical figure Columba was an Irish missionary and Catholic saint. Asht: “host” (Albanian from the root for “bone/relic”) Tamsyn Muir also referenced Ash Katchem from Pokemon in her pronunciation guide, which could be a hilarious reference to “Gotcha catch ‘em all!”
9th House
Harrowhark: In Christian theology, Jesus descends into the realm of the dead before his resurrection, an event referred to as the Harrowing of Hell. (The word “harrow” refers to breaking up the earth in a field before sowing seed.) The word “hark” means “listen and pay close attention”. Nonagesimus: “nineteenth” (Latin) Canonically, this is also a variant of Ninth House family names that trace back to their very first necromancer.
Gideon: “great warrior” (Hebrew) The historical figure Gideon destroyed their family’s idols to false gods and was later the leader of vastly outnumbered Israelites victoriously battling against their oppressors. Nav: “corpse” (Proto-Slavic) Canonically, this is also a variant of Ninth House family names that trace back to their very first cavalier.
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
The Winx club as magical girls from Madoka Magica. What would their wish be?
another question I've been waiting for forever!
Per my own headcanons and a bit of canon, Bloom is obsessed with all things magical, so I feel she would become a magical girl for the sake of being a magical girl. However, I could also see her wish being to either find more people that share her interests or to make Mitzi stop bullying her. With the first wish, her powers would be similar to Mami's, making some sort of ribbons or threads to represent how she can now make connections with other people; with the second wish her powers would most likely be something like generating barriers, I can see her using them offensively as well, like sending the barrier to you as if being hit with a wall. In both cases, her magic motif would be hearts, with her Soul Gem also in the shape of one. Her weapon would be a cutlass, like Sayaka.
Stella's wish is easy, especially if we assume Kyubey got to them all at the right time - getting her parents back together. Her powers would revolve around unifying things, sort of like fusing objects, and would retain a sun and moon motif due to her parents, as a show of how she got them. Her weapons would be a pair of quarterstaffs, like Kuroe - one sun themed, one moon themed. Her Soul Gem would be eclipse-shaped.
Musa is also another easy wish - to heal her mother's illness. She would have strong healing powers, and they would probably manifest the same way as Sayaka's powers, given the recipient of the wish in both cases are music-aligned. Her weapon would be an axe, and her Soul Gem would be volume-icon-shaped.
Flora is hard, because in canon we really don't have anything to go by that would make her wish for something. So for this I'm gonna have to come up with something, and say that Flora would become a magical girl if someone she cares about is in danger, like her family or her friends of the time. She would have powers and a motif related to plants, and her weapon would be a chain or whip, to get her loved ones out of the way. Her Soul Gem would be leaf-shaped.
Tecna is also hard, but not by much - she would wish to change herself, so she could be more open to other people's emotions. She would become a far chipper and outgoing person, but her real self is still inside and her love for technology would still drive some people away even with her new personality. Her weapon would be a crossbow, her motif would be emojis, and her Soul Gem would be power-shaped, as in the icon for turning on a device.
Ending with Aisha as another easy question - she would wish for her parents to stop micromanaging her entire fucking life, to be free. Her powers would be wind-related, "free as the sky" and all that, her motif would be air currents and clouds, and her Soul Gem would be wing-shaped. Her weapon would be a pair of daggers.
Raiponce, the Witch of Fairytales. Her nature is daydreaming. She lives in her own world of fantasy, surrounded by characters from epic tales and romance arcs. However, nothing in her own world really attracts her, so she spends her days dreaming of a life she can no longer have. Some say she can be heard sobbing and laughing at times, when her dream fades as all dreams do. Her familiars are Azurro, the knight and Carmilla, the princess. Their jobs is to bring the Witch back to reality and defend her from those that try to keep her dreaming.
Aurora, the Witch of Threads. Her nature is spiteful. She lives under the deepest of seas, threading red strings for one and all, drawing people to each other even when they hate each other, forcing them to comply with her idea of union as revenge for ignoring her. If her tears reach the thread she's working with, they dissolve and free those tied up in them. Her familiars are Marcel and Ivanna, whose role is to be tied by the witch into eternal bonds.
Guillermina, the Sylph Witch. Her nature is free-spirited. She flies around her endless sky without a care in the world, singing a song that no one but her people can hear. Those that refuse her offer to fly and perform alongside her are quickly tossed into the hurricane feeding the endless wind of her neverending realm. Her familiars are Sophia, who offer backup vocals for the Witch and assist her when her flying falters.
Lucinda, the Rotten Witch. Her nature is anger. Her forest has been decaying and wilting for aeons now, and all of her tries to revive it and failing have turned her to rage and fury, now determined to destroy the forest that refused her help, unaware that it's her own presence that feeds the decay. Her familiars are Alejandro, who assist her in destroying the forest with their sharp shears.
Marcille, the Witch of Summer. Her nature is moody. The sky of her world is a kaleidoscope, changing from bright sunny days to overcast gloom to torrential storms to relentless heat in the blink of an eye to fit her current emotion. She cares not for how this affects her subjects, and demands attention at all times - those that refuse or don't make it in time are quickly destroyed by the current weather. Her familiars are Diana, Gerald and Frederic, whose must always assist their Witch with anything she wants.
Emilianne, the Shadow Witch. Her nature is joyful. She lives her days in a dimly-lit place, enjoying the cover of the partial shadows and spending time with her friends, unaware that her friends don't seem to pay attention to her at all. Her familiars are Lucas and Julia, who play the role of her friends and protect her from realizing they don't care at all about her.
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somnolancee · 2 years
Not to bother ya or anything, but I made the costumes of Selene’s friends!
Lilias Gladiolus:
Blossom Sylph🌟
Eco Knight
Silver Succulent
Galactic Moth
Tiki Gal
Lucky Ladybug💗
Diana Springfield:
Golden Goose🌟
Day Eagle
Diamond Dragon
Sentient Statue
Gilded Dragonfly
Labrador Warrior💗
Rose Miller:
Thorny Rose🌟
Shadowy Swan
Eclipse Raven
Crystal Condor
Gentlemanly Werewolf💗
Star is Representative, Heart is Act 3.
Thanks for your ideas I appreciate ❤️
However I already have costumes ready for them (well only Diana since Rose and Lilas never set foot in the Wonderworld) 💞
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flashfuture · 3 years
Ah okay so if you happen to have HBO Max you can watch both justice league and justice league unlimited and I think while not all parts are perfect I think it’s aged very well. Some of my favorite episodes (ft. Bad summaries)
Black Night (Oa has a shitty legal system)
The Enemy Below (Fish people)
Legends (Copy right strikes again but country girls make do)
A knight of the Shadows (The terrorized by a milf and trauma; a j’onn special)
Savage time (that time Vandal Savage took over Nazi Germany, I mean what the fuck whi green lit this—)
Tabula Rasa (Android boys make do)
Maid of Honor (Diana crashes a wedding)
A better world (it was not, in fact, a better world at all. Actually it was quite awful, but that batman scene tho)
Eclipsed (Speedster boys make do)
The Terror Beyond (They really wanted to produce that one marvel plotline so they did)
Secret society (honeymoon phase is over)
Star crossed (fucking STRESSED, also LOWKEY season two of yj cartoon ripped these three episodes off in my opinion)
The Once and Future thing (hey Bruce John and diana cosplay cowboys)
The ties that bind (Flash says fuck the rules I’m doing what’s right)
The balance (the girls are fighting!)
Double date (Ollie can’t fight with Barry so he beefs with Vic sage instead)
Flashpoint (oh no war crimes 🤭)
Divided we fall (go Wally go)
I don’t have HBO but I will be pirating these episodes thank you for the suggestions.
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Nilah, Volibear, Janna, Eclipse Knight Diana & Solar Eclipse Leona - New Legends of Runeterra Card Backs
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1973
Under the cut.
Carly Simon – “You’re So Vain” -- January 6, 1973
Knowing who this song is about -- if there even is someone -- would make it a lot less fun. "You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht" is one of the greatest lines of all time. The subject of this song is a grade-A douchebag, and yet his life's kinda enviable, isn't it? He can fly his plane to see the total eclipse of the sun, he hangs out with spies, he seduces his close friends' wives, his horse wins races. But he "gave away the things he loved." He chose to be a movie character instead of having love, which is rather sad. It's a more complex song than it seems at first. And it's a lot of fun.
Stevie Wonder – “Superstition” -- January 27, 1973
Can't write too busy jamming. Okay so this song is great. The sentiment is one we need a hell of a lot more of. The music has my favorite funk beat. It's my favorite Stevie Wonder song, and one of my favorite songs period. Actually this is three in a row of my favorite songs now.
Elton John – “Crocodile Rock” -- February 3, 1973
Well that ends that streak. I don't like Elton John's music. I find it dull and irritating. I can't even pinpoint why entirely, because I can't listen to enough of his music all the way through. I have had to listen to this one all the way through at every wedding reception I've ever been to, though. It's a boring dance song, and boring dance songs are very bad things.
Roberta Flack – “Killing Me Softly With His Song” -- February 25, 1973
Roberta Flack is great, but I prefer the Fugee's version of this song. Flack's version is a little too color-within-the-lines for me.
The O’Jays – “Love Train” -- March 24, 1973
An optimistic, happy song about everyone loving each other and getting along. It's also a good dance song, which makes it easy to get on board.
Vicki Lawrence – “The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia” -- April 7, 1973
She killed her sister-in-law for cheating on her brother? Really? Really? Well this is where revenge leads -- now her brother's dead too. This song doesn't get at anything interesting and the story is simply unpleasant. The music in this song's not spectacular or anything, but it deserves a better story.
Tony Orlando & Dawn – “Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree” -- April 21, 1973
This lounge lizard singing a twangy country-ish song doesn't work. He doesn't know how to do it. Also, it sounds like they were trying to make it into a novelty song. Someone coming home from prison and hoping his wife will still want him is in very poor taste for a novelty song. This song somehow became about soldiers returning home. It's a really bad song for such a poignant and complex topic. It's a really bad song for anything.
Stevie Wonder – “You Are The Sunshine Of My Life” -- May 19, 1973
Stevie Wonder and his wife Syreeta Wright were in the process of breaking up when they recorded this love song together. They stayed in each other's lives until Syreeta passed away, though. Knowing that makes this song even more moving.
The Edgar Winter Group – “Frankenstein” -- May 26, 1973
How did a hard rock instrumental reach the top of the charts? The riff is pretty great, and some cool things are going on with the electric guitar. Hard rock instrumentals aren't my thing, though. But I think it's good, even if I don't want to listen to it.
Paul McCartney & Wings – “My Love” -- June 2, 1973
John and Paul both started producing lighter, slower songs after The Beatles broke up. I feel like George was keeping them grounded. Or I guess maybe Ringo -- who knows? This is tolerable, which is more than I normally say about too-light 70s love songs. Actually I think this is also a sex song. For the most soporific sex imaginable. Paul McCartney's bass playing was awesome when he was in The Beatles. I don't get why he didn't build songs around that after they broke up.
George Harrison – “Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)” -- June 30, 1973
Another spiritual song from George Harrison, but it's better than "My Sweet Lord" in multiple ways. First, the melody's not plagiarized. Second, it has forward motion. You can actually dance a little to it if you want. Third, there's a bit of anguish there. Spiritual songs are always better when they have the tang of pain to them. And Harrison's guitar is on point. Pretty good.
Billy Preston – “Will It Go Round In Circles” -- July 7, 1973
The last two #1s were by ex-Beatles, and this one is by the man often called "the fifth Beatle." It's the best of these three by quite a ways. It sounds to me like it's about the creative process. A song with no melody, a dance with no steps. And the one I like the best: "I've got a story, ain't got no moral/ Let the bad guy win every once in a while." Sounds like his story's a lot farther along than the song and the dance.  The music is funky and soulful with a lot of different things going on, but without feeling overly crowded. Excellent.
Jim Croce – “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” -- July 21, 1973
Leroy Brown is a big, mean man, and everyone's scared of him. Until he goes after the wrong woman and her husband kicks the everloving crap out of him. Being big and mean doesn't count for much if you're a dumbass. It's sort of a country/funk blend, and I like it.
Maureen McGovern – “The Morning After” -- August 4, 1973
Mneh. I know why this one became a big hit; it was the ballad attached to a hit disaster movie. The Poseidon Adventure, one of the biggest disaster movies. I don't get disaster movies either. This song is schmaltz.
Diana Ross – “Touch Me In The Morning” -- August 18, 1973
Diana Ross sure sang a lot of songs in which she was desperate for a man who didn't want her. This time, she promises to be content with having sex just one more time in the morning with a one-night stand. How low maintenance of her. It's slow. It's boring. It gives me the icks.
Stories – “Brother Louie” -- August 25, 1973
Louie is white. He falls in love with a black woman. When he takes her home to his parents, they explode. I think he probably chooses to stay with her, but the song isn't clear. There's the fetishizing "Danger, danger when you taste brown sugar" line. Interracial relationships were really dangerous then still, so that's something. But I don't like the music, I don't like the singing, that one line is really bad and so I can't like the song at all.
Marvin Gaye – “Let’s Get It On” -- September 8, 1973
After learning about Marvin Gaye's life, I am extremely torn about this song. Marvin Gaye's father was a horrible right-wing preacher who made him think sex was a wicked thing. This song is Gaye's celebration of shedding the guilt instilled in him, and finding how wonderful making love was. But I still can't like this song. It's too light for me. (Marvin Gaye's father ended up murdering him -- he was truly a horrific excuse for a human being -- but at least Gaye was mentally free before that.)
Helen Reddy – “Delta Dawn” -- September 15, 1973
Helen Reddy manages a lot more emotion in this song than she did in "I Am Woman." I get it; I prefer stories to polemics too. That doesn't mean I like this song. A story song should have more than two verses and a repetitive chorus. Also, I don't like stories where women go mad because men promise to marry them and then split. I'm looking at you, Charles Dickens. Everyone's got tropes that make them itch, and this is one of mine.
Grand Funk – “We’re An American Band” -- September 29, 1973
My family moved a lot, but I always spent summers with my Grandmother in her cottage near Flint. So Flint is more my hometown than anywhere else. I'm definitely cool with a band from Flint laying claim to the "American Band" label. That doesn't mean I like the song. It's about touring and drinking and groupies, and then it's about repeating the chorus about a hundred and twelve times. Yeah, the music rocks, but it's repetitive and bores me as much as any soft rock ballad ever could.
Cher – “Half-Breed” -- October 6, 1973
I have a lot to say about this song. Way too much. Therefore I'm going to say nothing, except that nothing changes overnight, and this song is a massive improvement over the previous decade's songs about Native Americans.
The Rolling Stones – “Angie” -- October 20, 1973
I liked when the Stones were nice in "Ruby Tuesday." I don't like it so much in this one. It's a step too far. He's singing about how he still loves "you", Angie, but it's time to break up, and I just can't hear it as anything but insincere, fair or not. I feel like he's got someone else waiting. I do like how Mick Jagger makes "Angie" sound like "Angel" when he sings though.
Gladys Knight & The Pips – “Midnight Train To Georgia” -- October 27, 1973
Diana Ross was jealous of Gladys Knight and the Pips, and undermined them at least once. I am not surprised. Gladys Knight is a better singer than Diana Ross, and who wouldn't want the Pips singing and dancing behind them? This song is about how the singer's boyfriend is leaving on a midnight train to Georgia because he couldn't make it as a star in L.A., and she's going with him. Good for them. I love this song.
Eddie Kendricks – “Keep On Truckin'” -- November 10, 1973
Right into falsetto from the start. Sigh. This is a disco song, and it's not technically about trucking, but there are a lot of truck metaphors in it. I find a lot of disco weirdly hard to dance to -- I can't locate the beat somehow. I can dance to The Alan Parsons Project but not the Bee Gees. This is one of those disco songs I have trouble with. So it doesn't work for me to listen to or to dance to, and it's falsetto. Not bad falsetto, but still falsetto the whole way through. I don't hate it but I don't want to hear it again either.
Ringo Starr – “Photograph” -- November 24, 1973
This song is about looking at photographs of someone and missing them. It sounds a bit like an early Beatles song. George Harrison helped Ringo write it, and some of Phil Spector's collaborators gave it the "wall of sound" treatment. The former is likely why it's got a good melody and some interesting musical touches; the latter is why it gives me a headache.
The Carpenters – “Top Of The World” -- December 1, 1973
The singer is newly in love with someone who loves her, and it makes her feel wonderful. Very straightforward, honest, and unembarrassed, and Karen Carpenter's voice is gorgeous as always. The hook is dangerous; this song is likely to be in my head for a few days. That's okay though, because I like it.
Charlie Rich – “The Most Beautiful Girl” -- December 15, 1973
This is a country song in which the singer realizes he just destroyed his life, and is desperate to salvage it. He's asking if you've seen "the most beautiful girl in the world," because he needs to find her to apologize for the things he said that drove her away. It's sad and sweet, but it doesn't make me feel an awful lot.
Jim Croce – “Time In A Bottle” -- December 29, 1973
When this song would come on the oldies station, my mother would yell "Gah!" and change the channel to anything else. Her graduating class, very much to her chagrin, had decided it would be their song. (I don't remember what my graduating class's song was, but I remember some of us trying to get "I'm Too Sexy" to win and failing. I think we ended up being saddled with "I've Got Friends in Low Places.") In any case, I was prejudiced against this song before I heard it the whole way through. Jim Croce died young in a plane crash, so that is very sad. My reaction to this song is still the same as my mother's. It's glop.
BEST OF 1973 -- "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder WORST OF 1973 -- "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" by Vicki Lawrence
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rahorak · 4 years
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@moonaspect​:  “NO”
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Send “NO” to pin my muse against the wall to protect them.
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It came from the right, out of thin air. Black magic swirled towards her but never reached her. Instead, she watched as Diana flashed towards her and took the blow to the side for her. Uttering a single curse word below her breath, Leona quickly reached out to grab the woman who had so selflessly jumped to her aid, lifting her up once she realized how wounded she was and running off with her.
“    Curse thee, Diana, for being so reckless.    ”    She hissed, as she sought cover in the hollowing of a tree. She clutched Diana to her chest and dipped down, pressing their foreheads together while she waited for their attackers to give up the chase. When she finally heard them retreat, Leona slowly stuck her head out to check if the coast was clear.
She climbed out from their spot with a little effort, seeing as she refused to let go of her lover. She hit the ground running, however, making her way towards the Eclipse Knights’ nearest sanctuary.    “    Fret not, I shalt bringeth thee to safety, mine own love.    ”    And so she did. She brought Diana to the first medic who would take her, and stayed by her side as she was healed. Stroking some hair out of her face, she dipped down and kissed her. To thank her for her sacrifice, however foolish it had been.
Pin Leona      /  /      Accepting.
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buckys-other-punk · 6 years
Umbra (Penumbra Part 2)
Knight!Bucky x Huntress!Reader
Warnings: angst (i guess), sad attempt of suspense, cuss words and cliffhanger
Word Count: 785 *its short i’m sorry*
A/N: Basically the reader is like the goddess Artemis/Diana-ish. I honestly hope you guys like this. I enjoy medieval and mythological stuff so yeah. As always if you wanna be tagged let me know and feedback is very much appreciated. This is unedited like everything I write so please don’t mind my mistakes. -_-
Tags: @capkilljoy @caplansteverogers @amour-quinn @roxytheimmortal
Part 1
Tribulation- a state of great trouble or suffering.
Bucky waited all night for (Y/N) to come back to him and explain why she left. While dawn was drawing near he tried to convince to himself, “She will come out of the shadows. She must.” He just wanted to see her beautiful face again. He visited the woodlands every day for the past 5 months and never saw her. The beautiful gown she wore to the masquerade ball. He knew that he would never get to see her again, but little did he know that she was saving him from the truth.
the dark central part of a sunspot
Bucky had been searching for you for a year. He almost forgot what you looked like, but he never gave up hope. He went to the village asking the people if they had seen you. Some say you went back to your home in the heavens and others say you traveled far in search for war to fight alongside those who you believe were fighting for the right reasons.
He checked everywhere in the kingdom. The only place he missed was the hidden lake in the heart of the mountains surrounded but trees. He had almost given up until he noticed the moon casting over the sun. He was standing at the top of the mountains where he was there was a light shadow from the moon, but the darkest part of the eclipse covered a particular spot. That’s when he saw something that spot was glowing. A glimmer of hope flooded Bucky’s mind and he somehow knew you would be at there. Just when he was about to climb down the mountain his fellow knights Sam and Clint had rushed over to him saying the king has requested for his presence. Also that he should give up since Bucky nor the other two knights have seen you since the masquerade. Bucky refused to follow the two and continued to proceed to go down the mountain, but the knight knew that they had to follow their king’s orders. So they dragged him back to the castle.
“NO! NO! I KNOW SHE’S THERE LET ME GO!” Bucky yell at the two, but they ignored his demands.
a feeling of intense irritation or annoyance
You were in the middle of the lake floating and wearing your whitish tan lace dress flowing around you. The dark moonlight was above you, but you made the lake glow. The unlit area around you a rustling came from behind. You stood up and grabbed you shawl and lantern on the side of lake. Still in the water looking at the dark forest around you.
“Who goes there?” you asked sternly. The rustling became louder and you got your sword that laid atop of a boulder. “Answer me.” you yelled at the woods. Then a deer came out of the shadows looking directly at you then ran away. Right when you turned around you saw a man. It wasn’t any ordinary man, no, it was your twin brother. Dominicus. “What the hell do you want.” you said angrily as you stood your ground (still in the water i might add).
“(Y/N), I’ve been looking for you for years.” he replied.
“You didn’t try hard enough.” you said and huffed as you continue to give your brother the death stare.
“Our kingdom need you, (Y/N), our people need us side by side to our lands.” he said.
Your brother laughed saying “Well that’s what our father intended to do, sister. It is better to be with only our people then to converse with those peasants in the next kingdom.” he paused looking at your angry face.
“Those peasants are wonderful people if you talk to them. It is not like you ever did. You’ve never even left our kingdom.” you replied.
“Why do you care about those people, sister. You should not even be stepping on the same land as them.” Dominicus said.
“Because I want to help the people, brother. All you want to do is follow in father’s footsteps. Distancing our kingdom from others.” you replied.
“Well that is the smart choice to do sister. They are the ones who banished us. They were the ones who didn’t accept us. They were the ones who were jealous of us.” he said.
“They are different know, brother!” you yelled at him.
“Why do you peak sudden interest in these people, sister?” your brother naked as he stared you down. You tried to avoid his eyes and that's when he knew. “You are in love with one.” he exclaimed. Your eyes went wide and you looked away from him. “Father would be disappointed in you (Y/N).”
“Father is dead, Dominicus!” you shouted at your kin with tears going down you face. Right when you said that you brother looked behind you and was startled by what he saw. As you wiped your tears away you turned around sign what was frightening him. There stood an apparition of your father in the lake with you. (a/n: gif underneath is irrelevant, but i really like it soooooo.)
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DUN DUN DUN!!! There will be a part 3 and it will be the final part to this mini-series (i guess thats what this is). Like always let me know if you like this and want to be tagged in the next part!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
The Winner Takes The Crown (Princess)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/y2oglVL
by VLN_Stories
When members of the Team get sent out to scout an inconspicuous town in Indonesia with supposed hauntings and missing teens on the night of an eclipse surely nothing could go wrong, right?
Meanwhile the Ghost King got tired of every old timey ghost royalty trying to get their hands on his little sister/cousin/clone and got an idea. Why not have them duke it out amongst each other for once. It'd be entertaining at the very least or a disaster waiting to happen at most--- at least that's what his newly appointed Fright Knight thought anyway
Words: 5451, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Young Justice (Cartoon), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, John Constantine, Zatanna Zatara, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Cassie Sandsmark, Barbara Gordon, Wally West, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Jazz Fenton, Fright Knight (Danny Phantom), Danny Fenton, Jason Todd, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Valerie Gray, Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clark Kent, Prince Aragon (Danny Phantom), Doctor Fate, Giovanni "John" Zatara
Relationships: Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Kon-El | Conner Kent & Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Danielle "Dani" Phantom/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton & Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Danny Fenton/Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Additional Tags: accidental arranged marriage, Clone Wars, Dead On Main - Freeform, DPxDCShipWeek2023, Reunions, Unhappy Reunions, Does the major character death apply, if theyre already dead, Angry Jason Todd
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/y2oglVL
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