#Economical air conditioning fix
ramservices1 · 9 months
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Don't sweat it! Fast and affordable AC & cooler repair solutions. Get expert services for reliable cooling. Beat the heat with our repair solutions.
Do Read: https://ramservicesandsales.com/2023/11/10/dont-sweat-it-fast-and-affordable-ac-cooler-repair-solutions/
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A taxonomy of corporate bullshit
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Next Tuesday (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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There are six lies that corporations have told since time immemorial, and Nick Hanauer, Joan Walsh and Donald Cohen's new book Corporate Bullsht: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power, and Wealth in America* provides an essential taxonomy of this dirty six:
In his review for The American Prospect, David Dayen summarizes how these six lies "offer a civic-minded, reasonable-sounding justification for positions that in fact are motivated entirely by self-interest":
I. Pure denial
As far back as the slave trade, corporate apologists and mouthpieces have led by asserting that true things are false, and vice-versa. In 1837, John Calhoun asserted that "Never before has the black race of Central Africa, from the dawn of history to the present day, attained a condition so civilized and so improved, not only physically, but morally and intellectually." George Fitzhugh called enslaved Africans in America "the freest people in the world."
This tactic never went away. Children sent to work in factories are "perfectly happy." Polluted water is "purer than the water that came from the river before we used it." Poor families "don't really exist." Pesticides don't lead to "illness or death." Climate change is "beneficial." Lead "helps guard your health."
II. Markets can solve problems, governments can't
Alan Greenspan made a career out of blithely asserting that markets self-correct. It was only after the world economy imploded in 2008 that he admitted that his doctrine had a "flaw":
No matter how serious a problem is, the market will fix it. In 1973, the US Chamber of Commerce railed against safety regulations, because "safety is good business," and could be left to the market. If unsafe products persist in the market, it's because consumers choose to trade safety off "for a lower price tag" (Chamber spox Laurence Kraus). Racism can't be corrected with anti-discrimination laws. It's only when "the market" realizes that racism is bad for business that it will finally be abolished.
III. Consumers and workers are to blame
In 1946, the National Coal Association blamed rampant deaths and maimings in the country's coal-mines on "carelessness on the part of men." In 2003, the National Restaurant Association sang the same tune, condemning nutritional labels because "there are not good or bad foods. There are good and bad diets." Reagan's interior secretary Donald Hodel counseled personal responsibility to address a thinning ozone layer: "people who don’t stand out in the sun—it doesn’t affect them."
IV. Government cures are always worse than the disease
Lee Iacocca called 1970's Clean Air Act "a threat to the entire American economy and to every person in America." Every labor and consumer protection before and since has been damned as a plague on American jobs and prosperity. The incentive to work can't survive Social Security, welfare or unemployment insurance. Minimum wages kill jobs, etc etc.
V. Helping people only hurts them
Medicare will "destroy private initiative for our aged to protect themselves with insurance" (Republican Senator Milward Simpson, 1965). Covid relief is unfair to people that are currently in the workforce" (Republican Governor Brian Kemp, 2021). Welfare produces "learned helplessness."
VI. Everyone who disagrees with me is a socialist
Grover Cleveland's 2% on top incomes is "communistic warfare against rights of property" (NY Tribune, 1895). "Socialized medicine" will leave "our children and our children’s children [asking] what it once was like in America when men were free" (Reagan, 1961).
Everything is "socialism": anti-child labor laws, Social Security, minimum wages, family and medical leave. Even fascism is socialism! In 1938, the National Association of Manufacturers called labor rights "communism, bolshevism, fascism, and Nazism."
As Dayen says, it's refreshing to see how the right hasn't had an original idea in 150 years, and simply relies on repeating the same nonsense with minor updates. Right wing ideological innovation consists of finding new ways to say, "actually, your boss is right."
The left's great curse is object permanence: the ability to remember things, like the fact that it used to be possible for a worker to support a family of five on a single income, or that the economy once experienced decades of growth with a 90%+ top rate of income tax (other things the left manages to remember: the "intelligence community" are sociopathic monsters, not Trump-slaying heroes).
When the business lobby rails against long-overdue antitrust action against Amazon and Google, object permanence puts it all in perspective. The talking points about this being job-destroying socialism are the same warmed-over nonsense used to defend rail-barons and Rockefeller. "If you don't like it, shop elsewhere," has been the corporate apologist's line since slavery times.
As Dayen says, Corporate Bullshit is a "reference book for conservative debating points, in an attempt to rob them of their rhetorical power." It will be out on Halloween:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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robertreich · 2 years
The Truth About Corporate Subsidies
Why won't big American corporations do what's right for America unless the government practically bribes them?
And why is the government so reluctant to regulate them?
Prior to the 1980’s, the U.S. government demanded that corporations act in the public interest.
For example, the Clean Air Act of 1970 stopped companies from polluting our air by regulating them.
Fast forward to 2022, when the biggest piece of legislation aimed at combating the climate crisis allocates billions of dollars in subsidies to clean energy producers.
Notice the difference?
Both are important steps to combating climate change.
But they illustrate the nation’s shift away from regulating businesses to subsidizing them.
It’s a trend that’s characterized every recent administration.
The CHIPS Act –– another major initiative of the Biden administration –– shelled out $52 billion in subsidies to semiconductor firms.
Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” delivered over $10 billion in subsidies to COVID vaccine manufacturers.
Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act subsidized the health care and pharmaceutical industries.
George W. Bush and Obama bailed out Wall Street following the 2008 economic crash while providing about $80 billion in rescue funds for GM and Chrysler.
And the federal government has been subsidizing big oil and gas companies for decades, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.
Before the Reagan era, it was usually the case that America regulated rather than subsidized big business to ensure the wellbeing of the American public.
The Great Depression and FDR’s Administration created an alphabet soup of regulatory agencies — the SEC, FCC, FHA, and so on — that regulated businesses.
Corporations were required to produce public goods, or avoid public “bads” like a financial meltdown, as conditions for staying in business.
If this regulatory alternative seems far-fetched today, that’s because of how far we’ve come from a regulatory state to a subsidy state.
Today it’s politically difficult, if not impossible, for government to demand that corporations bear the costs of public goods. The government still regulates businesses, of course –– but one of the biggest things it does is subsidize them. Just look at the growth of government subsidies to business over the past half century.
The reason for this shift is corporations now have more political clout than ever before.
Industries that spend the most on lobbying and campaign contributions have often benefited greatly from this shift from regulation to subsidy.
Now, subsidies aren’t inherently bad. Important technological advances have been made because of government funding.
But subsidies are a problem when few, if any, conditions are attached — so there’s no guarantee that benefits reach the American people.
What good is subsidizing the healthcare industry when millions of Americans have medical debt and can’t afford insurance? What good are subsidies for oil companies when they price gouge at the pump and destroy the planet? What good are subsidies for profitable semiconductor manufacturers when they’re global companies with no allegiance to America?
We’re left with a system where costs are socialized, profits are privatized.  
Now, fixing this might seem daunting — but we’re not powerless. Here’s what we can do to make sure our government actually works for the people, not just the powerful.
First, make all subsidies conditional, so that any company getting money from the government must clearly specify what it will be spent on – so we can ensure the funds actually help the public.
Second, ban stock buybacks so companies can’t use the subsidies to pump up their profits and stock prices.
Third, empower regulatory agencies to do the jobs they once did — forcing companies to act in the public interest.
Finally, we need campaign finance reform to get big corporate money out of politics.
Large American corporations shouldn’t need government subsidies to do what’s right for America.
It’s time for our leaders in Washington to get this message, and reverse this disturbing trend.
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mariacallous · 3 months
If you’re one of the millions of Americans worried about your pocketbooks and the general cost of living, you might have picked up on some good news recently: Inflation has really been cooling off this summer, as long-sticky (and long-lamented) food and energy prices continue to moderate. Some economic indicators remain stubborn, however—and they aren’t likely to abate anytime in the near future, no matter how long the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates high, what tweaks President Joe Biden makes to his trade policy, whether corporations decide themselves to slash prices on certain products, or whether Covid-battered supply chains finally get some long-needed fixes.
Other, grimmer recent headlines help to explain why. Hard rains from a tropical disruption in the Gulf have been battering Florida’s southern regions for days, leading to a rare flash-flood emergency. Another batch of storms is swirling near Texas at the moment and could form into a tropical depression, according to forecasts from the National Hurricane Center. Even if both states end up missing bigger storms now, it’s likely only a matter of time before they’re threatened again: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts that the United States will see its worst hurricane season in decades this summer.
Meanwhile, the heat waves that have enveloped Phoenix are intensifying to the point that some analysts are deeming its latest conditions “a Hurricane Katrina of heat.” Spanning outward, the Midwest and Northeast are projected to get their own extreme heat warnings as early as next week, with energy demand set to skyrocket as people turn on their air conditioners. The country has already seen 11 “billion-dollar disasters” this year, including the tornadoes that slammed Iowa just weeks ago. Meanwhile, the already strapped Federal Emergency Management Agency faces a budgetary crisis, and sales of catastrophe bonds are at an all-time high.
Now, let’s look back at the inflation readings. One of the categories remaining stubbornly high while other indicators shrink? Shelter and housing, natch, as rents and insurance stay hot—and still-elevated interest rates make construction and mortgage costs even more prohibitive. On the energy front, motor fuel may be cheapening, but fuel and electricity for home use are still pricey. Auto insurance remains a driving outlier, as I noted back in April, not least because of insurers hiking premiums for cars in especially disaster-vulnerable regions—like the South, the Southwest, and the coasts.
Look at what else is happening in those very regions when it comes to home insurance: Providers are either retreating from or dramatically heightening their prices in states like California, Texas, Florida, and New Jersey, thanks to their unique susceptibility to climate change. These states have seen supercharged extreme weather events like floods, rain bombs, heat waves, and droughts. National lawmakers fear that the insurance crises there may ultimately wreak havoc on the broader real estate sector—but that’s not the only worst-case scenario they have to worry about.
Agricultural yields for important commodities produced in those states (fruits, nuts, corn, sugar, veggies, wheat) are withering, thanks to punishing heat and soil-nutrition depletion. The supply chains through which these products usually travel are thrown off course at varying points, by storms that disrupt land and sea transportation. Preparation for these varying externalities requires supply-chain middlemen and product sellers to anticipate consequential cost increases down the line—and implement them sooner than later, in order to cover their margins.
You may have noticed some clear standouts among the contributors to May’s inflation: juices and frozen drinks (19.5 percent), along with sugar and related substitutes (6.4 percent). It’s probably not a coincidence that Florida, a significant producer of both oranges and sugar, has seen extensive damage to those exports thanks to extreme weather patterns caused by climate change as well as invasive crop diseases. Economists expect that orange juice prices will stay elevated during this hot, rainy summer.
(Incidentally, climate effects may also be influencing the current trajectory and spread of bird flu across American livestock—and you already know what that means for meat and milk prices.)
It goes beyond groceries, though. It applies to every basic building block of modern life: labor, immigration, travel, and materials for homebuilding, transportation, power generation, and necessary appliances. Climate effects have been disrupting and raising the prices of timber, copper, and rubber; even chocolate prices were skyrocketing not long ago, thanks to climate change impacts on African cocoa bean crops. The outdoor workers supplying such necessities are experiencing adverse health impacts from the brutal weather, and the recent record-breaking influxes of migrants from vulnerable countries—which, overall, have been good for the U.S. economy—are in part a response to climate damages in their home nations.
The climate price hikes show up in other ways as well. There’s a lot of housing near the coasts, in the Gulf regions and Northeast specifically; Americans love their beaches and their big houses. Turns out, even with generous (very generous) monetary backstops from the federal government, it’s expensive to build such elaborate manors and keep having to rebuild them when increasingly intense and frequent storms hit—which is why private insurers don’t want to keep having to deal with that anymore, and the costs are handed off to taxpayers.
When all the economic indicators that take highest priority in Americans’ heads are in such volatile motion thanks to climate change, it may be time to reconsider how traditional economics work and how we perceive their effects. It’s no longer a time when extreme weather was rarer and more predictable; its force and reasoning aren’t beyond our capacity to aptly monitor, but they’re certainly more difficult to track. You can’t stretch out the easiest economic model to fix that. And you can’t keep ignoring the clear links between our current weather hellscape, climate change, and our everyday goods.
Thankfully, some actors are finally, belatedly taking a new approach. The reinsurance company Swiss Re has acknowledged that its industry fails to aptly factor disaster and climate risks into its calculations, and is working to overhaul its equations. Advances in artificial intelligence, energy-intensive though they may be, are helping to improve extreme-weather predictions and risk forecasts. At the state level, insurers are pushing back against local policies that bafflingly forbid them from pricing climate risks into their models, and Florida has new legislation requiring more transparency in the housing market around regional flooding histories. New York legislators are attempting to ban insurers from backstopping the very fossil-fuel industry that’s contributed to so much of their ongoing crisis.
After all, we’re no longer in a world where climate change affects the economy, or where voters prioritizing economic or inflationary concerns are responding to something distinct from climate change—we’re in a world where climate change is the economy.
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chavisory · 8 months
One of the petty frustrations of the kind of city life that I live is how hard it can be to take care of clothing and things properly.
Like, I've had a couple of pillows, left behind by an old roommate, that are extremely good quality but had apparently never been washed and were...gross looking.
And I looked up instructions for cleaning and whitening yellowed pillows, and sources are like "soak in OxyClean in a tub for 24 hours" and...we have a kitchen sink, a bathroom sink, and a shower stall. We don't have a bathtub. I can't put the kitchen sink out of commission for 24 hours. I guess I could buy a giant, cheap plastic storage bin to use for this, but again...where? If I were alone in the apartment I could let this sit in the kitchen overnight, but I'm not; there's nowhere I can just take up that much space for a task like that.
Lots of things that need to be hand-washed/laid out flat to dry are really hard; we don't have enough of a common space that I can take it over like that! There are things I can wash one at a time in the sink and dry on a folding rack, and there are some that I could hang on the fire escape to dry if it were summer, but...it's not!
And so there's things I wind up paying more for professional cleaning for that I'd be fully capable of doing myself if only I had the space.
Anyway, so I took these pillows to the laundromat this morning before work and ran them in one of the big machines in hot water, didn't dry them, took them home and soaked them in bleach in the sink for a while, set out to let them air dry (because one roommate is out of town so I could use his room as well as the shower), went to work, got off early, came home, realized they would never dry under current atmospheric conditions (especially now that our heat is out), and also I'd already ruined a towel letting one drip onto it because I didn't get enough bleach rinsed out in the sink, so I took them both still sopping wet and heavy as shit back to the laundromat, ran them in the machine again, this time with no detergent and only warm water, let them spin dry, and this time put them in the dryer for about ten minutes...
And this is stupid and unfair and expensive, and I'm thinking so much about, like, class privilege and clothing care now. Like if I just had more money, I'd've probably just tossed them and bought new, good pillows.
But if I had a lot more money, I'd be able to live in a place that didn't make it ridiculously difficult to take care of my clothing and linens.
It's because I do belong to a certain economic class that it's advantageous to be able to fix and maintain things rather than replace them because money doesn't grow on trees...but also belonging to that economic class makes it significantly more costly to do that.
Anyway, I wish I'd taken before and after photos because these pillows look amazing and I can actually let people sleep on them now.
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trickybonmot · 5 months
I'm me so I will of course ask about "Interiority" for the WIP Ask Meme!
LOL haha you WISH this was something deep but actually it's just a dumb pun name for a fic I started where wangxian meet when LWJ is an architect and WWX is a carpenter working on fixing up an old building 🤷‍♀️ WWX will have a succession of coffee mugs with humorous slogans on them.
I'm reading it over now and I really like what I have. I think the problem is that I don't have a conflict in mind. I think I was going to have it be sort of driven by the project that they're doing but I didn't have concrete ideas about that. I'd like to get back to it at some point.
Small chunk of the beginning:
The heat of the morning settles over Lan Zhan like a suffocating blanket the moment he steps out of the car’s air conditioned bubble. Following his brother inside, he notes that there’s exterior work in progress, as indicated by the pop-up sunshade set up in the side yard, sheltering a table saw and an assortment of lumber and tools. A travel mug emblazoned “FUNCLE: the Fun Uncle” is sitting on the saw, but there’s nobody there.
Inside, they introduce themselves to Wen Qing, the director of the community center, and Wen Ning, her assistant and brother. Also in attendance is a small boy, perhaps four years old, who is dashing from room to room and exclaiming to himself, clearly involved in some game of his own while the grown-ups are talking. Wen Qing explains briefly what they’d like to do with the space, and then Lan Zhan goes to get started on taking measurements while Xichen discusses it with her in more depth.
The building itself is an old Victorian boarding house, once rather grand, now crumbling slowly to bits in what has become an economically depressed neighborhood. It’s a pity to see it going the way of so many fine old houses, riddled with the dismal alterations made by various owners over the years. All the interior trim, which would originally have been rich natural wood, is gummed over with an incredibly thick layer of drippy semi-gloss paint. The kitchen is a mess of cheap MDF cabinets and fluorescent lighting. The lyrical proportions of the once grand entry hall have been annihilated by someone building a wall to create a storage closet. Lan Zhan hopes this project can remedy at least some of those ills, although admittedly much of it is more of a carpentry and finishing issue than an architectural one.
When he steps out to photograph the exterior, there are work sounds coming from the sunshade, the clack of lumber and the intermittent whine of the saw. Also a voice — Jiang Wanyin’s carpenter is singing to himself. Singing and…rapping, and unselfconsciously beatboxing.
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Most, if not all, households will, with the approach of a national election, consider what are called “kitchen table” issues. These include, of course, the cost of providing light and heat in our homes.
What have we seen since Indian Point closed? Yes, an increase in the cost of power, which compels households to somehow cope with this enlarged expense, while at the same time experiencing ever-increasing costs for food, consumer goods and services, medications, housing, commuting costs, et cetera.
The Wheelabrator has provided energy, employment, and tax revenue since 1984. I would submit that, after having moved from Mount Vernon, NY in 2011, to Peekskill, my health has certainly not been negatively affected and, in significant respects, is better now than it has ever been.
In their first 30 years of operation they converted more than 20 million tons of waste into energy. Wheelabrator has continuously achieved emission levels well below state and federal standards to protect public health. Their process reduces greenhouse gas emissions by diverting waste from landfills. The waste is burned to heat boilers, producing high pressure steam for a turbine generating 60K kilowatts of electricity per hour, sufficient to power 67,000 homes.
As per the American Lung Association the main causes of asthma are: allergies, obesity, smoking, air pollution, chronic health conditions, and a family history of asthma (factors which certainly existed prior to the opening of Wheelabrator). As per the AAFA certain substances can cause one to develop allergic asthma, including: dust mites, pet dander, mold, pollen, cockroaches, and rodents. I do not think Wheelabrator causes these risk factors in residential housing.
One also must consider how increased electricity rates affect small businesses. Greatly increased electricity rates have effectively shuttered many businesses in Germany, England, and Ireland as their power plants were shut down and power bills doubled or tripled. Increased rates kill businesses, which would ordinarily employ people, who in turn pay taxes and support their local economies.
In individual homes, in Europe, many must choose between heating and food due to skyrocketing electricity charges.
All too often, the virtue-signallers have policies which in practice will harm those who can least afford it—seniors on fixed incomes, single parents scraping by, families coping with increased costs for food, housing, consumer goods, medications, commuting costs, tuition fees — worsening the economic juggling act for ordinary families—so they may clap themselves on the back whilst the rest of us are made cold and poor by exorbitant energy costs.
Especially in this economic climate—we want abundant, reliable, inexpensive power. We do not want our power bills to be tripled to satisfy the egos of pie-in-the-sky activists.
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manorpunk · 2 years
Visiting Duke Rider - Part 2
“Do you fuck the maids?”
The question spills out of your mouth involuntarily. Duke Rider laughs, unfazed.
“The reason I gave myself the title of Duke is because, regardless of what the anarchists say, any community larger than a neighborhood simply needs some level of vertical authority to survive. If you don’t have some way to create and enforce administrative standards, then power grids start blowing up and bridges start collapsing. But authority requires legitimacy, and legitimacy requires, among many other things, ritual. One ritual of legitimacy is the creation of a liminal space between daily life and serious decision-making. In many historical empires - Imperial China, the Eastern Roman Empire, the Ottomans - this role was filled by eunuchs, who already occupied a liminal gendered state in their patriarchal societies. Femboys are a far superior way to fill this role.” He trades a finger through the air, following the idea like a thread.
You blink.
“…so do you fuck the maids?” you ask.
He leans forward and looks at you as if sizing up your trustworthiness, then gives you a sharp, licentious grin. “They sure ain’t here to do chores,” he cackles.
You must have reacted to that in some way, perhaps flinched or grimaced, because he gets defensive. “It’s entirely consensual. Enthusiastically so. Now then, if I’ve satisfied your non-history related curiosity, let’s get back on topic.”
A History of the 21st Century, Part One - The Boomern’t
The defining event of America in the 2020s was the Boomern’t - the deaths of dozens of aging political and economic figures from the “Baby Boomer” generation (contemporaries had an obsession with genpol (generational politics)) during the winter of 202X. History articles often attribute it to an unusually cold winter, along with new strains of Covid and antibacterial-resistant Staphylococcus. Undoubtedly these were factors – the first Covid outbreak was practically a trial run for the Boomern’t - but the latent cause was that many of those affected (i.e. dead) had simply reached the medical limits of the human lifespan.
However you assign the blame, the consequences were immediate and manifold. As CEOs and board members died, trillions of dollars were suddenly trapped in probate courts and inheritance disputes. The death of over a dozen congpeeps (congresspeople) ground legislation even further to a halt, and the special elections triggered by their deaths were plagued with understaffing polling locations and threats of violence and intimidation.
Despite the chaos, many younger contemporaries were excited, seeing it as their first chance to participate in a government which had kept them locked out for decades, the long-awaited breakdown of a generation that had reached Romanovian levels of indolence, ineptitude, and (figurative) incest.
In fairness, they weren’t exactly wrong. If you check the records, a lot of these folx were occupying the same seats for decades, America was clearly being run by an old boy network. It’s the same old story - feeling powerless to change the material conditions behind their misery, the masses simply chose a demographic to be at fault for everything.
It’s a touchy subject, given that many elderly people at the time - the poor ones, of course - were also facing poor living conditions, mistreatment, or in some cases, quietly being killed off to avoid having to pay for treatment and palliative care. That was another contributing factor to the Boomern’t, though you have to read between the lines to see it.
Where was I? Right. The special elections because a bunch of congpeeps died. A number of Justice Democrats were elected to office - they were sort of like the progressive caucus of our Incumbent Party. And here’s the real tragedy at the heart of the 2020s, which became the even bigger tragedy of the 2030s: these folx could see what was happening. They had a pretty good idea of how to fix it, too. But they weren’t able to organize themselves and solidify their gains before being picked apart, bought off, co-opted, and isolated by both parties.
I do not mean to be dramatic when I say that this left a psychic scar on the politically active populace. After decades of fighting and clawing and struggling, they were left with a disappointment of millenarian proportions. The Justice Democrats have a pretty miserable reputation in most history articles, but personally, I do not think it is deserved. One should not be faulted for failing to succeed at a last-ditch long shot, and it was indeed a long shot.
Still, we must save these what-ifs for another time. In our time, America was struck with the Yet Another Fucking Real Estate Crisis of 202X, and slumped its way into a decade of turmoil.
Don’t worry, it gets better eventually.
Tune in next time for:
A History of the 21st Century, Part Two - The 2030s Crisis; Internal Migration; The Hipsters Redeem Themselves
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samanthabennettt · 3 months
Choosing Transportation: Charter Bus vs. Carpooling - Which Is Best for Your Group?
When planning group travel, whether it's for a corporate event, a family outing, or a school trip, transportation is a key consideration. Two popular options often come into play: charter buses and carpooling. Each option has its advantages and drawbacks, depending on factors like cost, convenience, comfort, and environmental impact. Let's delve into the comparison between charter buses and carpooling to help you decide which is better suited for your group's needs.
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Cost Considerations
Charter Buses:
Fixed Cost: Charter buses typically charge a flat rate per trip, regardless of the number of passengers (up to capacity).
Economies of Scale: The cost per person decreases as more passengers join, making it economical for larger groups.
Inclusions: Often includes amenities like comfortable seating, air conditioning, and sometimes onboard entertainment.
Variable Cost: Costs are shared among carpool participants, typically covering fuel and possibly tolls.
Cost Efficiency: Can be cost-effective for smaller groups or short distances.
Flexibility: Participants can split costs fairly based on agreed-upon terms.
Convenience and Comfort
Charter Buses:
Space and Comfort: Buses offer ample space for passengers to move around, recline comfortably, and store belongings.
Door-to-Door Service: Provide direct transportation from pick-up to drop-off points, minimizing transfers and hassle.
Onboard Amenities: Some buses offer Wi-Fi, restroom facilities, and accessibility features for diverse needs.
Flexibility: Participants can choose pick-up and drop-off locations that suit their schedules.
Personal Space: Offers a more intimate setting among passengers who know each other well.
Driving Responsibilities: Participants take turns driving, which can be convenient or burdensome depending on the group dynamics and driver availability.
Environmental Impact
Charter Buses:
Efficiency: Transporting multiple passengers in one vehicle reduces overall carbon footprint per person.
Modern Fleet: Many charter bus companies invest in eco-friendly technologies to minimize emissions.
Sharing Resources: Reduces the number of vehicles on the road, contributing to lower emissions collectively.
Vehicle Efficiency: Participants can choose fuel-efficient vehicles, further reducing environmental impact.
Safety and Reliability
Charter Buses:
Professional Drivers: Buses are typically operated by trained drivers who prioritize passenger safety and adhere to regulatory standards.
Maintenance: Charter bus companies maintain their vehicles regularly to ensure safety and reliability.
Driver Responsibilities: Safety depends on the driving skills and behaviors of each participant.
Vehicle Condition: Reliability varies based on the condition and maintenance of individual vehicles.
Decision Factors
Group Size: Charter buses are ideal for larger groups, offering cost savings and logistical convenience.
Distance: For longer distances, charter buses provide comfort and amenities that make the journey more enjoyable.
Budget: Carpooling can be more economical for shorter trips or smaller groups willing to share driving responsibilities.
Choosing between charter buses and carpooling depends on your group's specific needs, preferences, and logistical considerations. For large groups requiring comfort, convenience, and safety compliance, charter buses often provide the best solution. Alternatively, carpooling may be more suitable for smaller groups seeking flexibility and cost-sharing benefits. Assess your priorities and weigh the factors discussed to make an informed decision that enhances your group travel experience.
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nsomniacsdream · 1 year
I feel like sometimes all the dots aren't connected. Since the 70s'ish, employers have been doing everything they can to destroy compensation, especially things like pensions. It's all profit all the time. This is the Greed is Good era. Basic human needs begin to be rebranded as investments. Housing is the most obvious, but we're already several years into water becoming a wall street staple. So your income goes down, you're now responsible for saving up for your retirement (almost always as a fund that is invested into the stock market, which means it's always at risk from being eaten by the big traders) staple prices go up. You've heard no doubt that real compensation hasn't increased since the seventies. So you have less money to start with, but your expenses skyrocket every year, far outpacing inflation. Healthcare was allowed to become for profit in 69? I think? it was Nixon, though. So it's all rigged against you, and it gets worse every year. We are the first handful of generations where conditions are worse than they were for our parents, and we've arrived at a point where the only way to generate wealth is by inheritance. But because our parents are living longer, they're spending more on retirement than previous generations, which means they're passing down less as well. At the same time, they support anything that increases their property values, because it's the only investment most of them have. Which means you have to spend even MORE on housing, because your parents are sabotaging the market against you. When you take this all together, how much longer do you think it can continue like this? We are rapidly approaching Bell Riot solutions, designated areas for "poors" to live, ostensibly so that it simplifies the supply chain for 'support' but realistically, so that they can be oppressed in one place and exploited for basically slave labor. Open Air Prisons, would be an easier description. Oregon is already exploring these ideas. And if it succeeds even in just concentrating the poor into generalized areas, it'll be copied elsewhere. Capitalism is the root problem here, but capitalism is untouchable, because it's a system of control as much as an economic system. My best guess will be the increasing weaponization of Law Enforcement against anyone who complains or struggles under the sytem as implemented. I've been rambling for like forever, but I feel like it's important to connect these dots, because a lot of the time, the only solutions offered are bandaids for the symptoms and not a cure for the disease. But nothing will change until power is decoupled from wealth. Democracy is a fix for this, but capitalism is soooo good at undermining democracy.
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ramservices1 · 9 months
Don’t Sweat It: Fast and Affordable AC & Cooler Repair Solutions!
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It’s easy to feel the heat rising, physically and figuratively, when your reliable air conditioner or cooler breaks down. And yet, fear not! Since we recognize the urgent issue, we provide quick and reasonably priced AC and more relaxed repair services customized to meet your demands and financial constraints. With our effective and reasonably priced HVAC services, you can wave goodbye to hot days and restless nights.
This thorough blog will cover all there is to know about AC and more excellent repairs, revealing easy and affordable ways to keep you comfortable and relaxed. We’ll explore frequent issues and the advantages of timely repairs, select the best provider, and offer do-it-yourself repair advice. After reading this article, you should be prepared to handle cooling system problems expertly and affordably.
What’s More Annoying Than a Broken AC or Cooler?
Nothing is more unpleasant than discovering your air conditioner or cooler isn’t functioning on a hot summer day when the sun is beating down mercilessly, or you’re trying to enjoy a nice drink. The level of discomfort and annoyance is sufficient to make someone sweat physically.
These situations, which might include your cooler not chilling your drinks or your air conditioner not being able to cool your house adequately, can rapidly become annoying. The good news is that quick and reasonably priced solutions are available, so avoid irritation getting the better of you!
Common AC and Cooler Problems
Following are some: –
Uneven Cooling – Are some rooms in your home as frosty as the Arctic, while others feel like a desert oasis? Uneven cooling is a common issue that many face with their AC units.
Weak Airflow – When your AC system starts blowing weak or warm air, you’ll immediately notice the discomfort. It’s like trying to enjoy an ice cream cone that’s already melted!
Leaking Water – Finding a puddle of water around your AC unit is never a good sign. Leaking water can damage your property and pose health risks.
Strange Noises – Your AC should hum quietly in the background, not screech or bang like a rock concert gone wrong. If you’re hearing strange noises, it’s time for a repair.
Cooler Conundrums: Chilled Beverages Await
Inadequate Cooling – There’s nothing more frustrating than a cooler that can’t keep your drinks cold. Warm beer or soda? No, thank you!
Frost Buildup – Excessive frost buildup inside your cooler can reduce its cooling efficiency. Your drinks should be cold, not buried in ice!
Electrical Issues – Coolers rely on electrical components, and problems in this area can lead to inconsistent cooling. Don’t let electrical issues spoil your party.
Leakage – A leaking cooler is a party pooper. It’s messy and can damage your floor or carpet. Nobody wants that!
Quick Fixes for Common Issues
Following are some: –
1. Uneven Cooling
Ensure proper insulation in all rooms.
Clean or replace air filters regularly.
Check for blocked vents or ducts.
Seek professional assistance for ductwork adjustments.
2. Weak Airflow
Clean or replace clogged air filters.
Clear obstructions around the condenser unit.
Ensure the thermostat settings are correct.
Schedule routine maintenance with professionals.
3. Leaking Water
Check for clogged or disconnected drain lines.
Inspect the condensate pan for cracks or damage.
Tighten loose connections in the drainage system.
Call an expert for complex leak issues.
4. Strange Noises
Examine the fan blades for debris or damage.
Tighten loose components.
Lubricate moving parts.
Consult a professional for persistent noise problems.
Read More: https://ramservicesandsales.com/2023/11/10/dont-sweat-it-fast-and-affordable-ac-cooler-repair-solutions/
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schunknastasja · 3 days
Private Coach Hire in London: Your Convenient Transportation Solution
When it comes to organizing group travel in London, the concept of private coach hire emerges as the ultimate solution for convenience, comfort, and efficiency. Imagine a world where you can travel with your friends, family, or colleagues without the stress of navigating public transport or the hassle of coordinating multiple vehicles. This is precisely what private coach hire offers. It allows you to focus on the purpose of your journey, whether it's a school trip, a corporate event, or a fun day out, while a professional driver takes care of the road.
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The Advantages of Private Coach Hire in London
Choosing private coach hire in London opens up a realm of benefits that can transform your travel experience. One of the most significant advantages is the flexibility it provides. Unlike public transport, which operates on fixed schedules, a private coach can be booked according to your specific timetable. Whether you require a one-way trip or a return journey, the service can be tailored to your needs. This level of customization ensures that you can maximize your time, whether it's for business or leisure.
Moreover, the comfort offered by private coaches cannot be overstated. With spacious seating, ample legroom, and modern amenities, traveling by coach is a far cry from the cramped conditions often found on trains or buses. This comfort is particularly appealing for long-distance journeys, where passengers can relax and enjoy the scenery without the typical travel fatigue. The onboard atmosphere can be enhanced with features like air conditioning, entertainment systems, and even Wi-Fi, allowing travelers to stay connected or unwind with their favorite shows during the ride.
Another compelling reason to consider private coach hire is the cost-effectiveness it brings. While some might assume that hiring a private coach is a luxury reserved for high-budget events, it can often be more economical than other forms of group transportation. When you calculate the expenses of multiple taxis or train tickets, the cost per person for a coach becomes remarkably competitive. This financial advantage is particularly relevant for large groups, where the savings can be substantial.
Ideal Scenarios for Private Coach Hire
Private coach hire in London is versatile and can cater to a variety of group travel needs. For schools and educational institutions, safe and reliable transportation is paramount. When organizing school trips, safety standards must be met, and hiring a professional coach service ensures that these standards are upheld. Thandi Coaches of London, for example, meets all the necessary regulations for transporting children, providing peace of mind for teachers and parents alike. With experienced drivers and well-maintained vehicles, school trips can be both enjoyable and secure.
Corporate events also benefit significantly from private coach hire. Whether it's a team-building retreat, a conference, or a corporate outing, having a dedicated coach allows for seamless travel that can enhance the overall experience. The ability to transport employees together fosters camaraderie and ensures that everyone arrives at the venue on time and in good spirits. Moreover, the professional image presented by using a private coach can leave a lasting impression on clients and partners attending corporate functions.
Sports events represent another prime opportunity for private coach hire. Fans traveling to witness their favorite teams in action can enjoy the benefits of traveling together, creating an electrifying atmosphere on the journey. Coaches can be equipped to accommodate sports equipment, making it easier for athletes and fans alike to bring their gear without the worry of additional costs or complications. Whether it’s a local match or a cross-country tournament, a private coach ensures that the excitement starts long before the game begins.
How to Choose the Right Private Coach Hire Service
Selecting the right service for private coach hire in London involves several considerations. First, assess the size of your group. Different companies offer a range of coach sizes, from mini-coaches for smaller groups to large executive coaches that can accommodate upwards of 90 passengers. Knowing your group size will help narrow down your options and ensure you select a vehicle that meets your needs without excess capacity.
Next, consider the amenities offered by the coach service. Depending on the length of your journey, you may want features such as reclining seats, on-board toilets, and entertainment systems. Some companies, like Thandi Coaches, provide a variety of options, ensuring that you can find a coach that suits your preferences and travel requirements. Additionally, inquire about the experience of the drivers and the safety measures in place. A professional coach service will prioritize driver training and vehicle maintenance to ensure a safe and pleasant journey for all passengers.
Another important factor to evaluate is the company’s reputation. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the level of service provided. A reputable coach hire service will have a track record of satisfied customers and a commitment to excellent customer service. If possible, reach out to the company directly and ask questions about their policies, pricing, and booking process. This interaction can provide insight into their professionalism and responsiveness.
Booking Your Private Coach Hire
Booking your private coach hire in London is a straightforward process. Most companies, including Thandi Coaches, offer online forms where you can request a free quote. By providing details such as your travel dates, group size, and specific requirements, you can receive a tailored quote that reflects your needs. Furthermore, it’s advisable to book well in advance, especially for peak travel seasons or special events, to ensure availability.
Once your booking is confirmed, you can look forward to a hassle-free travel experience. On the day of your journey, the coach will arrive at your specified location, ready to take you and your group to your destination without delays or complications. With a professional driver at the helm, you can relax and enjoy the ride, knowing that you are in good hands.
In summary, private coach hire in London stands out as a convenient, comfortable, and cost-effective transportation solution for groups of all sizes. Whether you are planning a school trip, a corporate event, or a day out with friends, the advantages of hiring a private coach are undeniable. The ability to customize your journey, coupled with the comfort of modern coaches and the professionalism of experienced drivers, makes it an ideal choice for all your travel needs.
As you consider your options for group transportation, remember the myriad benefits that come with private coach hire. With a reliable service like Thandi Coaches of London, you can ensure that your journey will not only meet but exceed your expectations. Embrace the ease, comfort, and flexibility that private coach hire offers, and make your next group trip a memorable one. Whether it's a short jaunt or a long-distance adventure, the journey will be as enjoyable as the destination.
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Transparency of Real-Time Façade Performance
CHANGE IN DESIGN APPROACH TO THE TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS LIKE AIRPORTS Traditional façade systems and engineering are still taking place all over the world including multiple longtime failures mainly in performance, water penetration, air leakages, condensation, detachment of gaskets, falling down glass panels and peeling off silicone sealants are the main catastrophic failures nowadays in façades at many transport infrastructures projects. These prior failures are continuously happening especially due to customized and tailor-made façade systems in the long run- in infrastructure/commercial projects that are getting highly exposed to different atmospheres, environmental conditions and as well as high usage It has also become an issue of using the traditional methods of engineering that have not been calculated or
mentioned in the codes of practice As per the author's investigation and experience, most of these failing customized and tailor-made façade systems have been designed and engineered by using extremely traditional engineering and testing protocols as well as inappropriate value engineering methods.
REALTIME NEED Natural and traditional elements can weaken HVAC in buildings. There is a general phenomenon that all façade experts always fight with water, solar heat gain, thermal bridge, and many climatic and environmental conditions. Realtime envelopes have become extremely advanced, incorporating new and sophisticated technologies and materials such as Kinetic / Operable screens/ Perforated screens and green walls
Moreover, in today's economic situation, energy consumption and savings are more important than ever. Improvement of energy efficiency in all aspects of our lives will reduce costs and CO2. emissions. Curtain Wall assemblies are more attractive nowadays than at any time in the past due to the abundant use of glass & aluminium/Various sustainable metal and living green wall systems in highly engineered façades. GLOBALISED TRANSPORTATION HUBS Airports
Airports are vital national resources. From a historical perspective, airport terminals are a relatively new building concept that has evolved in line with the requirements of the commercial aviation industry, which is even less than 100 years old. Airports serve a key role in the transportation of people and goods in regional, national, and international commerce. Also, this will have multiple different global elements as globalized transportation hubs will be used by different nationals from all over the world. Moreover, a globalized transportation hub can be taken as an iconic symbol of a country's status and economic success. There is where a designer needs to present an iconic, sophisticated, and real-time façade on the infrastructure to serve all the real-time necessities.
An exterior enclosure of a transportation hub, orientation to be designed to maximize the use of daylighting and can significantly impact the value of solar heat gain of the building. Maximizing the daylight welcome to the building will drastically decrease the artificial lighting cost in heavyweight.
As the innovation of façade systems drastically turns more towards kinetic facades and green wall systems (Living façades) author would like to describe the necessity of Kinetic and Living façade systems in transportation hubs in the real-time world.
A kinetic façade has its movement on the building envelope changing itself
dynamically rather than being static by itself or fixed. Such a façade can also make different appearances and as well as treating different kinds of environmental and climate changes Moreover, a kinetic façade can be designed to treat wind, light, and energy.
A kinetic façade can treat its building infrastructure interior environment to be adjusted by opening air paths and light by itself from its façade surface movements. The façade can be programmed to respond to climatic/environmental factors, time, several occupancies etc. to improve performance and efficiency. The application of kinetic façades is not a new concept in reducing energy demand for lighting and space air conditioning.
For kinetic facades, the main factors in the production of effective designs are kinetic and machining solutions. Good knowledge of kinematics, movement simulation, reliability and durability are the keys to the successful implementation of kinetic facades in buildings.
Some location-specific questions to consider during the conceptual design stages include.
Is the building in an area that is generally suitable for a kinetic Installation?
Is the speed and intensity of the wind sufficient to activate the kinetic elements of the façade?
What are the likely wind patterns at the selected location?
Is the building open or closed behind the kinetic facade?
The solar angle, and its effect on selected materials and associated glare, is another factor in the design, specification, and installation of kinetic façades. The angles at which sunlight hits the facade elements can have a profound impact on aesthetics. For specific environments, such as airports or in confined urban settings, the glare resulting from the selection of highly reflective materials may be undesirable in other cases, where indirect light predominates, a material with higher reflectance can accentuate the kinetic activity of the façade.
All kinetic installations can produce a certain level of ambient sound under high wind conditions, and therefore, the selected system should not produce sound considered excessive for the given environment.
Performance requirements are important in every building, and they deserve more attention for kinetic façade systems. Careful analysis is needed regarding the interaction between kinetic façade elements and their associated building structure, as well as the impact of structural behaviour on system design and cost.
To study the effectiveness of kinetic systems, many computer simulationis have been carried out Analyzed and compared to estimate the benefits of four different building blocks (hanging, folding, horizontal vane, vertical vane). Each environment is different. Aspect solar thermal energy, daylighting, ventilation, power generation.
Benefits and Details
Kinetic architecture is experimenting with moving building parts, such as rotating façade elements or folding walls. The pioneers of kinetic architecture have been constructivist artists since the early 20th century. An example of the later symbiosis between kinetic art and architecture is the corner facade of an office building in Germany, designed in 1966 by the ZERO artist, Otto Piene. The centre of the outer shell is made up of faceted steel panels that form a wheel from which rods with aluminium spheres protrude.
Kinetic architecture is still associated with amazing visual effects due to the animated interface elements. An example of this was the stunning digital facade of the Mega Faces pavilion in Sochi which displays ever-changing images of visitors. Inspired by technical innovations, the functional spectrum of flexible interface elements continues to expand.
Another example is the "Bloomframe" developed by Hofman Dujardin Architects for warm summer nights in densely populated urban areas. The building's facade displays a split window that folds into a balcony at the touch of a button in 10 seconds. Much technical research has been done on the mechanism and stability of the practical "folding balcony”. In Sharifi-ha's house in Tehran, entire rooms can be rotated from the façade The breakfast inn, guest room and home office can all be rotated 90 degrees. The mechanism, developed by the German company Burnat, is reminiscent of rotating stages in the theatre. In winter, semi- rectangular shapes remain within the closed facade in the hot summer months they are transformed into a loggia with stunning views
Another new form of the kinetic facade is the smart building envelope: rotating elements such as slats, panels, sails, etc. react to external influences. They can be opened and closed gradually, depending on the measured value of sunlight, temperature, wind, or air freshness, providing targeted control over the incidence of light and indoor climate. They are usually driven by bevel-gear motors. This results in mobile interfaces with air conditioning functionality that can change in a playful way, either independently or computer-based, using programmable choreographies. Smart materials play a major role in the new kinetic architecture. The KW Westarkade property in Frankfurt am Main one of the most energy-efficient office buildings in the world is an innovative type of glass that can be designed in any shape and, thanks to high-tech coating can also be used to cover a large surface to protect from the sun. Transmitted vertical glass panels in warm, earthy tones give the building a multi-coloured crystalline beauty. It can open and close depending on the position of the sun so that the building changes its appearance in a seamless manner. The colours and materials were chosen by the architects at Sauerbruch Hutton in such a way that the new headquarters is an ambassador for the KfW Banking Group's corporate values transparency, communication, and environmental awareness.
Dynamic fins/facia will move with the wind, creating an eye-catching aesthetic that matches (Real-time design).
Due to its aesthetic qualities, the wall can help save money on Arts in Transit and Art Percentage Compliance.
Customizability can include a variety of materials including polycarbonate, glass, aluminium, and steel.
It can be used on both small and large-sized interfaces.
Lightweight fins allow for easy installation.
It can be designed to withstand hurricane winds and rain.
Facilitate airflow for ventilation. Allows inner view deflects the sun, preventing solar heat gain. Over as another one of my kinetic façade experiences in India, we are now in the design and engineering stage of an upcoming commercial building in HYD Telangana with 4 levels of car-parking that is enhanced by a Zinc panel kinetic façade very similar to the parking garage of Brisbane.
Kinetic architecture is being rediscovered. Its pioneering character takes advantage of the exciting connection between functions to benefit user comfort and energy efficiency. Innovative materials and technologies become Ingenious modifiers of form and function.
The designed and engineered Kinetic façade of the bulliding contains 4 levels and a vast area of 1500 50 m. The façade is covered with Zinc plates supplied by VM Zinc India with spedaily enhanced pigments with a brownish finish to make glamour the appearance.
The Zinc plates have been mounted to a backer steel tube structure with articulated bolting to release certain degrees of movement to have the façade dynamically moving Façade h now completely operational, and you may see its moving effect like ocean waves due to the wind.
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nz67t43 · 8 days
Ways to Save Money on Laptop Water Damage Repair Costs
Accidents will happen, and liquid damage is one of the major mishaps for users of laptops. From an actual coffee spill to getting drenched in unexpected rainstorm, water and electronics don't really mix too well. So, a lot of wet laptops make many people start thinking about how much it could cost to repair laptop water damage. There are several ways to reduce the costs and possibly save your device. This article will look at some of the ways of cutting down these costs and the need to consult a liquid damage repair expert, where possible.
Act Quickly to Minimise Damage
The first and foremost thing to be done if your laptop encounters liquid is to switch it off immediately. This sudden move could save it from short circuits and lessen the possibility of damage, hence reducing the cost of laptop water damage repair. Remove any attached power sources and, if possible, take out the battery.
Carefully lean your laptop to one side to let it drop off whatever liquid inside it will come out. Use a non-fibrous cloth to dab off what little water you can still see. Do not try to wipe, or it may cause the liquid to go further in and reach other areas that are undamaged.
Drying Techniques
The most economical way to at least try and fix liquid damage is by air-drying it correctly. Place your laptop in a warm and dry place; make sure the air circulation is good. Keep it at a 45-degree angle with the keyboard facing down to drain the remaining liquid.
Place the laptop in a container of desiccants like uncooked rice or silica gel packets. Allow the laptop to stay in the container for 24-48 hours to absorb the moisture. Not very effective, but it does help with residual dampness.
Don't Make These Common Mistakes
Avoid using a hairdryer, oven, or any other heating device to dry out your laptop. This can cause further damage to the sensitive components and may increase repair costs for laptop water damage.
Patience is key. Wait at least 48 hours before attempting to turn on your laptop. Powering up too soon can cause short circuits if any moisture remains.
Seek professional assessment.
If your laptop doesn't power on after drying, or if you're unsure about its condition, consult a liquid damage repair specialist. Many offer free or low-cost initial assessments, which can help you understand the extent of the damage and potential repair costs.
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Professional technicians have the tools and expertise to accurately diagnose liquid damage. They can identify issues that might not be immediately apparent, potentially saving you from more expensive repairs down the line.
Consider Independent Repair Centres
Independent repair centres often offer more competitive pricing compared to manufacturer-authorised services. When looking to reduce laptop water damage repair costs, these centres can be an excellent option.
Many independent repair shops specialise in liquid damage repair. Their focused expertise can lead to more efficient and cost-effective solutions for your damaged laptop.
Explore Repair Options
Sometimes, only specific components are affected by liquid damage. A skilled liquid damage repair specialist can often replace or repair individual parts rather than entire systems, significantly reducing costs.
If your data is at risk, some repair services offer data recovery options. While this might add to the initial cost, it can save you from losing valuable information and potentially costly data recovery efforts later.
Preventive measures for future savings
To avoid future laptop water damage repair costs, consider investing in protective accessories. Keyboard covers, water-resistant laptop bags, and spill-proof containers for drinks can all help prevent liquid accidents.
Regular cleaning and maintenance of your laptop can help identify potential issues early. This proactive approach can prevent small problems from turning into costly repairs.
Insurance and extended warranties
Check if your home insurance covers accidental damage to electronics. Some policies offer protection against liquid damage, which could significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.
If you're prone to accidents, an extended warranty that covers accidental damage might be worth considering. While it's an upfront cost, it can save you money in the long run if you experience liquid damage.
Negotiate repair costs.
Don't settle for the first repair quote you receive. Contact several liquid damage repair specialists and compare their prices. This can help you find the most cost-effective option for your specific situation.
Some repair services may be willing to match or beat competitors' prices. Don't hesitate to ask if they can offer a better deal, especially if you've found a lower price elsewhere.
Consider refurbished parts.
If certain components need replacement, ask your repair specialist about using refurbished parts. These can be significantly cheaper than new parts while still providing reliable performance.
Reputable repair services often offer warranties on refurbished parts, ensuring you're not compromising on quality while saving on laptop water damage repair costs.
Timing Your Repair
Some repair shops may offer discounts during slower seasons. If your laptop is still functional and the damage isn't severe, consider timing your repair to take advantage of potential off-season rates.
If your laptop needs multiple repairs or services, ask if the repair shop offers a discount for bundling these services together. This can lead to overall savings on your repair bill.
While laptop water damage can be a stressful and potentially costly experience, there are numerous ways to minimise repair expenses. From immediate actions like quick power-down and proper drying techniques to seeking help from a liquid damage repair specialist, each step can contribute to reducing overall costs. Remember, the key is to act swiftly and make informed decisions. By following these tips and considering preventive measures for the future, you can navigate the challenges of liquid damage repair more effectively and economically. Whether you're dealing with a minor spill or significant water exposure, these strategies can help you save money on laptop water damage repair costs while ensuring your device gets the care it needs.
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mj2994-me-blog · 8 days
Sleeping Drinks Market Size, Share and Growth by Forecast 2024-2032 | Reed Intelligence
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Sleeping Drinks Market Insight
Reed Intelligence has recently published a new report titled ""Global Sleeping Drinks Market."" This comprehensive report delves into crucial aspects of the Bluetooth fingerprint scanner industry, offering valuable insights for both established and new market participants. It covers key factors such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing processes, advertising strategies, technological innovations, major industry players, and regional market breakdowns, among other important details.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-sleeping-drinks-market/request-sample 
Sleeping Drinks Market Share by Key Players
Aqua Turbo Systems
The report also covers several important factors including strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, and the profiles of end users and target audiences. Additionally, it examines the distribution network, branding strategies, product portfolios, market share, potential threats and barriers, growth drivers, and the latest industry trends.
Sleeping Drinks Market Segmentation
The report on the Global Sleeping Drinks Market offers a thorough segmentation by type, applications, and regions. It details production and manufacturing data for each segment over the forecast period from 2024 to 2032. The application segment focuses on the different uses and operational processes within the industry. Analyzing these segments will provide insights into the various factors contributing to market growth and their significance.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment by Type
Floating Execution
Fixed Execution
Segment by Application
Sleeping Drinks Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-sleeping-drinks-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Sleeping Drinks Market has been thoughtfully compiled by examining a range of factors that influence its growth, including environmental, economic, social, technological, and political conditions across different regions. A detailed analysis of data related to revenue, production, and manufacturers provides a comprehensive view of the global landscape of the Sleeping Drinks Market. This information will be valuable for both established companies and newcomers, helping them assess the investment opportunities in this growing market.
Key Highlights
The report delivers essential insights into the Global Sleeping Drinks Market.
The report covers data for the years 2024-2032, highlighting key factors that impact the market during this period.
It emphasizes technological advancements, government regulations, and recent market developments.
The report will explore advertising and marketing strategies, examine market trends, and provide detailed analysis.
The report includes growth analysis and forecasts, with predictions extending up to the year 2032.
The report highlights a detailed statistical analysis of the key players in the market.
It presents a comprehensive and extensively researched overview of the market.
Buy Sleeping Drinks Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-sleeping-drinks-market/buy-now
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carltonmorrow · 10 days
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Asia Vieira celebrates her Wedding
When Anton gets back into the car with the suitcases, they head back to Asia's mansion, and during the drive, Asia Vieira suddenly speaks up:
"I noticed that Dmitry calls you "Skovant". Is that significant?" she asked, raising her eyebrows in surprise.
Anton laughed, unable to resist the humor.
"Oh, it's just an old nickname", he explained, throwing her a playful glance. "Skovant is an abbreviation of my full name, Skovorodnikov Anton. It dates back to when we were students at the Lenin State University of Economics in Ivanovo. We would shorten words to communicate faster".
"Interesting", Asia nodded, smiling. "So this nickname reminds you both of your student days?"
"Yes", Anton confirmed, pleased by her interest. "Dmitry and I always used short names. For example, his nickname, Dmivin, is also an abbreviation. Sometimes, when he forgot his full name, we just used these old nicknames. Skovant has stayed with me".
"Sounds like a nice reminder of the past", Asia noted. "It's great that you have such moments that connect you despite the distance and time".
"Yes, that's exactly what makes friendship special", Anton agreed, looking at her with gratitude. "Such details always remind you that true friends stay close, even when life changes".
As the car pulled up to the mansion, Asia turned on the headlights, and the house became even more cozy and warm. She turned to Anton with a joyful expression on her face.
"Ready to start a new stage together?"
"Absolutely", Anton answered, holding her hand tightly. "With you, everything is possible".
They got out of the car and Anton, carrying his bags, walked into the house with Asia. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and joy, and a new chapter in their lives, full of shared adventures and happiness, awaited them. The house was cozy and warm, enhanced by the soft lights and the sounds of an old gramophone playing favorite tunes. Asia, straightening her dress and fixing her hair, illuminated the room with her light and energy. Anton, unloading the bags and looking around the new space, felt his heart overflow with gratitude and excitement.
In the lead up to Anton and Asia’s wedding, preparations were in full swing. Asia’s mansion was as busy as ever, with every corner bustling with activity. Hired planners, designers, and florists were working to create the perfect atmosphere. Outside, a marquee was set up, decorated with white fabrics and luxurious garlands of fresh flowers. Palm trees and roses twined around the columns, and sheer curtains swayed softly in the breeze. Inside, the kitchen was filled with dozens of chefs and pastry chefs preparing the wedding treats. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and sweet desserts. Waiters in uniforms bustled about, setting tables and setting out crystal glasses. Designers sat at large tables, discussing the last details of the decorations to make sure everything looked perfect.
Anton and Asia spent a lot of time with the planners, checking every aspect of the preparations. Asia, dressed in an elegant robe, discussed the arrangement of flowers with the florists, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Anton, in overalls, helped with the wrapping of gifts for the guests, occasionally glancing at the to-do list.
"We need to make sure that everything is in the best possible condition", Asia said, checking another arrangement. "This wedding has to be perfect".
"We will do everything the way you want", Anton assured her, smiling. "The main thing is that you are happy. We will take care of everything else".
As the wedding day approached, the tension and excitement only increased. On the last night before the celebration, Anton and Asia, despite their fatigue, found time to talk and relax. They sat in a cozy corner of the garden, surrounded by the soft light of lanterns and the scent of flowers.
"Are you ready for all this?" Anton asked, hugging her.
"Yes", Asia answered, staring at the endless night sky. "With you, everything seems possible. I'm so happy that you're with me".
"And I'm happy that I found you", Anton added, kissing her forehead. "There's nothing more important in this world than being with the person you love".
Time was inexorably approaching the wedding day, and preparations were in full swing. The team of organizers, carpenters, florists and designers worked as one, creating an atmosphere that perfectly reflected the dreams of Anton and Asia. Each day brought new details: from the final touches in the decoration of the hall to rehearsals for the hosts. Everything around was immersed in an atmosphere of anticipation and joy, and even the smallest details began to take on meaning in the overall picture of the holiday.
At the same time, across the ocean, Dmitry Vinogradov, without waiting for the last moment, began his preparations for the trip. He did it with the same energy with which he solved all his tasks. He was determined to fulfill every detail to help his friend. The first message he sent to Anton was full of enthusiasm and relief. Dmitry had just received his first salary after several months of hard work as a freelancer. He wrote to Anton proudly:
"Hello! I have great news – I have collected the necessary amount for the trip! Now we can move on to the next stage".
Anton, having received this message, felt his heart fill with joy. This small success of his friend gave him confidence that everything would work out. Dmitry, feeling support and approval, continued to share his achievements with Anton step by step. The next step was to apply for a visa. Dmitry found time in his busy schedule to go to the consulate. He regularly informed Anton about the process.
"Well, today was the day I spent in line at the consulate. The visa is processed, and to be honest, it was a bit of an adventure, – he wrote after his visit".
Anton read these messages and imagined Dmitry pushing his way through the line and discussing all the nuances of the visa process with the consular officer. This added a little comedy and joy to his days. When the day came to buy the ticket, Dmitry wrote to Anton:
"Bought a ticket! Spent a little on extra luggage, but no big deal. Anyway, as promised, everything will be fine!"
Anton couldn't help but laugh, imagining Dmitry nervously clicking buttons on the airline's website, trying to choose the best option. Each step was filled with anticipation and excitement, which Dmitry willingly shared. Finally, the time came for the final preparations. Dmitry bought the ticket, and all that was left for him to do was pack his things. His last message before departure showed his impatience:
"Everything is ready and I'm already on my way to the airport. I hope I won't forget anything important. It was fun and a little stressful, but as always, I think everything will be fine!"
When Dmitry entered the airport, he felt like a real traveler. Again, as before, he shared his worries with Anton:
"At the airport! I can't believe that everything is so real. Waiting for check-in, then I'll take a photo from the plane for you!"
Anton, having read this message, felt that his joy and excitement for his friend did not weaken. He imagined Dmitry moving around the airport, how he waited for his flight and how he finally boarded the plane.
"On board! The sky is below me, and I just saw the clouds. It's a little bit real exciting", Dmitry wrote, already in the air.
These messages from a friend became a source of inspiration and joy for Anton. Each stage of Dmitry's journey was important and significant, and each of his successes added confidence that everything in Anton's and Asia's lives was going in the right direction. And so, when Dmitry landed and went to the place where Anton was waiting for him, he continued to share his experiences and joy:
"I'm here, almost there. Ahead of me is a meeting with you. Thank you for being with me at every stage".
These words, filled with sincere admiration and joy, instilled confidence and calm in Anton, helping him survive the wait and preparation for a new beginning with Asia. Meanwhile, as the wait continued, the day itself continued to unfold into a festive atmosphere. And so, when the moment came when everyone had to start getting ready and preparing for the celebration, the bright sun dispersed the clouds, and Asia Vieira's mansion came to life in all its splendor.
The wedding day began with a bright sunny morning, and Asia Vieira's mansion was transformed into a real fairy tale. Flower arrangements strewn with rose petals sparkled in the sunlight, and snow-white tents created an atmosphere of sophisticated coziness. Guests gathered in the garden, where the ceremony was prepared. Delight and anticipation were in the air. Among the guests who arrived to congratulate the couple were famous faces. Actors Michael Woods and Faye Grant, stars of screen and theater, arrived in exquisite outfits that attracted the attention of all present. Michael, with his classic charm, and Faye, with her elegant dress, quickly became the center of attention. Madison Mason, known for his dramatic roles, and Jonathan Sheffer, a composer with a reputation as a genius in his field, also arrived, creating an atmosphere of light and recognition.
Faye Grant, noticing Anton, walked up to him and said:
"Congratulations on this wonderful day. Asia is an incredible actress and person. I am glad to be here".
Anton, slightly embarrassed but genuinely happy, thanked her:
"Thank you. We are all glad you came".
Meanwhile, despite the party and the noise, there was a slight nervousness among the guests. Dmitry Vinogradov, an important part of the plans for the day, had not yet arrived. He was stuck in traffic on his way to the wedding. As time went on, his absence was starting to bother Anton a little. Dmitry's messages kept flashing on his mobile phone, full of disappointment and apologies:
"Hi, Skovant! I'm stuck in traffic and can't move. I don't know how much longer I'll be late. Sorry for the inconvenience".
Anton responded with a smile and patience:
"Don't worry, Dmitry. Everything will be fine. We'll wait".
While Anton kept his nerves to himself, the guests were invited to enjoy cocktails and light snacks until the ceremony began. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and intrigue, and the smiles of the guests and the jokes of Faye, Michael and Madison helped create a festive atmosphere. Jonathan Sheffer looked at the details of the decor with interest and took notes, perhaps drawing inspiration for future works. The tension grew with each passing minute, and everyone was impatiently awaiting Dmitry's arrival. Anton tried to remain calm, realizing that small delays were part of a big celebration. Soon all the conversations and expectations were turned into joyful anticipation, and it was clear that, despite the delays, the wedding would be an unforgettable event for everyone present.
The guests, filling the hall, filled the air with excitement and happiness, and the sounds of live music and the light hum of conversations created an indescribable atmosphere of celebration. The wedding process was as it should be at all celebrations, with traditional elements that created an indescribable atmosphere of joy and happiness. On the paths of the mansion, decorated with white and gold ribbons, the smell of fresh flowers and the sweet aroma of treats being prepared could be felt. The guests, among whom were actors and composers, were greeted with smiles and champagne. And inside the mansion, everything was ready for the main event.
The hall, decorated in soft pastel colors, was filled with an atmosphere of awe and anticipation. The best man, in a formal suit, was preparing for his important moment. He carefully monitored that everything went according to plan. Anton, in a suit, in full dress, was anxiously waiting for his bride at the altar. Asia Vieira, in a magnificent white dress, with lace and shiny details, like a fairy-tale princess, walked down the aisle to the sounds of live music.
Asia Vieira looked beautiful, her face glowed with happiness, and her eyes were full of tenderness. With each step, a bright fire of anticipation of a new beginning in her heart flared up. When she approached the altar, Anton met her with a look full of love and pride. At that moment, all the worries and worries disappeared, giving way to happiness and anticipation.
"You look amazing", Anton whispered, taking her hand.
"Thank you", Asia replied, her voice shaking with excitement, "You too".
At this time, the priest, dressed in elegant robes, began the ceremony, his voice resounding with majesty and confidence, filling the hall with a solemn atmosphere.
"We have gathered here to unite these two souls into one", he said, his words echoing throughout the hall, attracting the attention of everyone present.
Anton and Asia stood before the altar, holding hands. Their eyes met, full of tenderness and anticipation. The couple standing before the ceremony was visibly excited, but this moment was the most important for them.
"Anton, will you take this woman to be with her in joy and sorrow, in health and in sickness, and to love her until death do you part?" asked the priest.
"Yes, I will take her", Anton answered firmly, his voice trembling with excitement and happiness.
The priest nodded, then turned to Asia:
"Asia, will you take this man to be with him in joy and sorrow, in health and in sickness, and to love him until death do you part?"
"Yes, I will take him", Asia said, her voice full of sincerity and love.
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