eene-fangirl · 5 years
Fanfic request :) “If you even put one scratch on that girl, you’re in big trouble.“ After a while, Eddy becomes a little protective of Sarah
“If you even put one scratch on that girl, you’re in big trouble!” Eddy threatened the boy who just pulled up in his car in their neighborhood. Eddy’s finger pressed hard against his tux that the young man looked ready to run for the hills.
“Uh, yeah, affirmative!” Gulping, he was afraid to even blink. “Um, so yer Sarah’s brother, Ed?”
Eddy’s eyes shifted, backing off. He just realized that he was an inch taller than this kid. Wow, he must have resembled a monster in his eyes! “No.”
“Then who are you?” Now he was suspicious. Since this was Sarah’s first date there was no doubt that even she must have been very nervous. Eddy had no idea what came over himself. The more they became acquainted over the years, Eddy saw something in Sarah’s eyes that he was no stranger to. 
Similar to Ed who had been fighting battles against their neglective and belittling parents, Sarah was also playing a mask she was forced to convey at the hands of her own mother. That was no different from himself.
Placing his hands inside his pockets, Eddy lightened up. Sarah would pound the living daylights out of him if she found out that he scared her date away.
“We’re just friends,” Eddy answered, biting his lip.
The young man nodded. He took a deep breath to help relax. It was long. With how much air he took in Eddy was surprised that he didn’t take the flowers with him.
That was when the young man realized that he never pressed the doorbell, throwing off his nerves again. Struggling to see if he had everything, Eddy watched him tangle his hand in his own tie.
Eddy was surprised that the kid didn’t wet his pants when he jumped out of the bushes, startling him.
“Um... you got any advice?” he asked Eddy, sweat pouring off his face.
Amused by such a question, Eddy wasn’t sure how to answer. Feeling himself flashing into the years of his brother, Eddy caught himself just in time before shivering. No, he was not his brother!
“Sarah’s been through a lot. Give her a chance. She won’t let you right in but if you talk to her like she’s a person she'll come around and open up.” 
Wow, it was like he was her brother!
The young man was surprised, too, albeit suspicious. “Thanks.”
Finally, he got up the courage to ring the doorbell. Taking cover in the bushes like a ninja, Sarah answered the door, nervous as ever. Eddy listened to them talk for a bit awkwardly bringing up a conversation about the night.
“You know, the moon will be full tonight. I know a nice place where we could just look at it,’ he suggested confidently. 
Sarah smiled, feeling better. “That sounds nice.”
Eddy waited for them to get in the car and then watched them drive off.
What was he turning into? Mr. Advice? Was he becoming some trustworthy, mature guy who looked out for everyone like he was their big brother?
Whatever was happening to Eddy he knew that it was far better than his brother.
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worlds1stghost · 3 years
Bridge Over Troubled Ed
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Ed Edd n Eddy
Rating: Teen
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Eddy/Sarah
Characters: Eddy, Sarah, Ed, Edd
Additional Tags: Teen Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Day At The Beach, Friendship, Fluff and Humor, Feelings Realization, Aged-Up Character(s), Post-Canon, Bikinis, Body Image, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Caught, Holding Hands, Public Display of Affection, Hot Weather, First Kiss, Getting Together, Teasing, My First Work in This Fandom, Sweat, Personal Growth
The repeated tapping of Eddy’s shoe against the sidewalk created a tuneless, inconsistent rhythm that threatened to make Edd’s head burst. With one hand over his ear in a hopeless attempt to block out the noise, he lifted the other to check his watch. It was approaching five minutes since he rang Ed’s doorbell, yet there was still no response. Edd could only grumble to himself about the vices of tardiness as he took a seat on the cooler he placed on the front lawn. He could tolerate this flagrant disregard for punctuality if it wasn’t combined with the incessant slapping of rubber on pavement. A nerve on the side of his head throbbed in alternating rhythm with Eddy’s shoe. The desire to scream swelled like a balloon inside of his throat, waiting to explode in Eddy’s face in a singular cathartic burst.
However, years of self-imposed civility curbed that urge and he spoke up, albeit in a strained voice: “Eddy, would you kindly stop that, please?” Much to his relief, Eddy obliged. He placed his hand down to his side and took a deep breath, savoring the silence. “Thank you.”
Eddy lifted his sunglasses to his forehead so Edd could see him roll his eyes. It also didn’t help that the shadow covering the house’s front lawn made it too dark to see with them on. “What’s taking him? We’re gonna waste the whole day if we wait any longer!”
Edd refrained from mentioning the irony of his friend’s impatience. Despite Eddy being the organizer of this get-together and even giving specific times for them to meet up, he was dead asleep and had to be physically dragged out of bed when Edd arrived at his house.
“You needn’t worry so much. As I assume you’ve noticed by the position of the surrounding shadow, the sun has only just begun its journey across the sky.” Edd paused, and then giggled. “You see what I did there, right? I spoke as if it’s the sun that is orbiting the earth. In reality, it’s merely our perspective that creates that illusion when it’s, in fact, the inverse that’s true.”
A pause reserved for an anticipated laugh stretched out for several awkward seconds; Eddy only grimaced throughout. “You’re a real riot, Double D.”
Edd cleared his throat, acting as if he hadn’t heard Eddy’s jab. “In any case, there’s no need to be so impatient. We still have plenty of daylight for a fulfilling, enjoyable time at the swimming hole.”
“Not with how long you’re running your mouth, we won’t.”
The sunglasses slid back over Eddy’s eyes as he plopped down beside Edd and the cooler. Why shouldn’t he be impatient to start the day? According to Edd’s meteorological calculations, today was supposed to be the hottest day of the year before summer started. With the end of the school year approaching, the normally crowded swimming hole would be void of rowdy beachgoers as they all scrambled to finish any last-minute schoolwork. Eager to partake in this chance to beat the summer rush, Eddy had announced to the other Eds that they’d spend the whole day at the creek to celebrate their upcoming graduation from high school. They would end the year in style, he told them, enjoying one last hurrah before the three of them graduated and moved on to bigger scams beyond the cul-de-sac.
Another two minutes dragged on in agonizing pace, yet there was no sign of Ed. Eddy’s towel and sunscreen tumbled out onto the grass after he had kicked his bag in frustration. He didn’t get woken up this early in the morning just to have that big lug shift him like this. This was one of the few plans he made that wasn’t motivated by self-gain and he’d sooner bust down the door himself than see his rare act of charity fall through. Storming past Edd and nearly knocking him over, he approached the door with his clenched fist raised over his head. Right before he could land a punch, the door swung open and the two boys were greeted by Ed’s infectious smile.
“Ready for liftoff!” Ed trundled out the door. An umbrella, a large bag, and several folding chairs were all slung underneath his arms.
The sight of the larger boy morphed Eddy’s scowl into a million-dollar grin. “Thatta boy, Lumpy! Geared up like a regular pack mule.” He stretched out his arms to grab his friends, bringing them in close. “Now let’s get this show on the road! We’re gonna be set like kings, baby! The entire swimming hole just for the three of us!”
“Hahah!” Ed’s wide grin stretched across his face, but soon flattened into a pensive grimace. He raised his hand and counted on his fingers, all while his features twisted in intense thought. “One, two, three, umm… boy Eddy you are pretty bad at counting.”
Eddy gripped the back of Ed’s neck and yanked him down to eye level. “Get your ears checked, lunk head. I said three. Did you forget how to count or something?”
Ed’s gaze shifted to the side to avoid eye contact with Eddy. “I see three, yes siree. But what I mean is that which is not seen.” Ed grabbed the back of Eddy’s shirt collar and effortlessly lifted him from the ground. He turned the smaller boy around so he was facing the front of the house. “Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”
“Pardon me, Ed,” Edd interjected. His lips curled into a smile bordering on hopeful excitement. “But was that Shelley you just quoted? I never would’ve guessed you had such a poetic side.”
Taking a moment to comprehend his friend’s words, Ed shook his head and laughed. “Nah, I read that in Mutant Horrors Issue #5, where the evil mummy leads the helpless damsel to his tomb before sucking her brains right out of her nose!” Sticking two fingers into his nostrils, he stretched them open as wide as he could to demonstrate, all while the optimism drained from Edd’s face.
Before Eddy could yell at Ed to stop messing around and put him back down, a figure cloaked in a wide shadow stepped onto the porch. Sarah nudged up the brim of her floppy sun hat to get a better view of the boys. Edd was dancing frantically to avoid the spray of boogers being unleashed from the depths of Ed’s now impossibly enlarged nostrils. Ed chortled all the while, oblivious to both his friend’s distress and the thrashing boy lodged under his arm. Eddy’s flailing attempts to free himself from his noxious, swampy stranglehold proved useless as his arms bounced harmlessly off his captor’s torso. Sarah regarded these shenanigans with no change of expression, as if she had seen this exact scene play out before her multiple times.
Eddy twisted himself around in Ed’s grip so he might face Sarah in a slightly less undignified position. A beach bag dangled from her shoulder, heavy with towels and plastic beach toys. “What’s all that for, huh?” he said with a sneer. “You bringing Mono-brow the rest of his stuff for our trip?” The word ‘our’ was emphasized as a means to exclude her from the sentence.
“What are you talking about?” Sarah tugged at the sagging collar of her oversized t-shirt to keep it from slipping off her shoulders. Anyone could tell that it was Ed’s based on the faded alien graphic on the front, which meant it had to be sanitized thrice-over before she got anywhere close to it. “These are my things, bozo.”
“Why the heck would you be all dressed up like that for?” The smug timbre of his voice faltered in his throat. His brain was making the connection, but he refused to acknowledge it.
“What? Didn’t Ed tell you?” She grinned, relishing in knocking Eddy off his composure. If he insisted on playing dumb, she’d gladly spell things out for him. “I’m coming to the swimming hole with you guys.”
“What!?” Eddy wrenched his body back around and grabbed Ed by the shirt collar, shaking him hard enough for his head to jerk back and forth. “What’s the matter with you!? I thought I told you no plus-ones!”
Ed bit his trembling lower lip, looking at Eddy like a scolded puppy. “It’s not my fault, Eddy! Honest! I told my mom what we were doing today and she said…” He cleared his throat and stiffened his posture before continuing in a higher, throatier register: “Edward if you are going out, you must take your sister with you!”
“Parents!” Eddy spat the word out as if it was burning the inside of his mouth. “Always wrecking everything! I can’t believe they’re still making you babysit her!”
“Tell me about it!” Sarah spoke up, her mouth curling into an indignant scowl. “I should be able to stay home alone. I’m not a kid anymore!”
The urge to laugh rose in Eddy’s throat before he stamped it out. Sarah might be going to the same high school as they were now, but that wasn’t enough for him to view her as anything more than Ed’s “baby” sister. Before he could contradict her statement, his eyes twinkled with a devious glint as an idea crossed his mind. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, squirt. You’re all grown up now, so maybe you should just let Big Ed hang with us while you have the place all to yourself. What your mom don’t know won’t hurt her, right?”
“Is that so?” Sarah’s grin returned, wider than before. “Well, then maybe I will stay. But that still means Ed has to be here with me! Rules are rules, Eddy. Where I go, he goes!”
Eddy gritted his teeth. “Why you little…” His insult went unfinished as he plummeted to the ground alongside the rest of the beach supplies. He shoved a towel away from his face while Ed threw himself at Sarah’s feet, hands folded together and wobbling in desperation.
“Oh please oh please baby sister, don’t do that!” the larger boy blubbered.
“Now now,” Edd spoke as he stepped in between the feuding parties. “I’m sure we can all reach an amicable understanding here. Eddy, surely you can respect the fact that Ed is merely fulfilling his obligation as both a loyal son and a responsible older brother. Besides, I see no reason why Sarah’s presence should spoil our little excursion. The more the merrier, as they say.”
These words, well-intentioned as they were, rang hollow in Eddy’s ears. Edd was only playing peacemaker because he was an only child; he didn’t know what pains siblings could be. There was one reason Eddy could name for why Sarah shouldn’t come, but it was the only one he needed: bringing along another person defeated the whole point of the trip. It would just be another routine visit to the creek, not the special pre-graduation celebration he had been envisioning. Why not invite the whole cul-de-sac if it wasn’t going to be the three of them anymore? Eddy’s narrowed eyes bounced between Edd’s pacifying smile, Ed’s quivering lips, and Sarah’s taunting smirk. The sun had changed places over the course of this argument, causing the shadows outlining their respective features to skew at different angles. He turned up to the sky to confirm this, his frown deepening. How long had they been standing here, and how much more of the day did they have left?
“Alright, fine!” Eddy relented, throwing his arms in the air for dramatic effect. The more time spent arguing was more time wasted, so it was best to just give in at this point. “Let’s get a move on. I don’t want anyone slowing us down, okay?”
Rejuvenated glee lit up Ed’s face. Springing up from the dirt and scooping up all the beach supplies, he charged ahead of the group in a manic sprint down the sidewalk. “Onward to victory!”
“Ah, careful Ed!” Edd exclaimed, scurrying after him. “Take care not to drop any of our essentials!”
With only Eddy and Sarah standing side by side on the lawn, Eddy shot a parting leer at her before trudging after his friends. Sarah sauntered close behind, her springy footsteps doing nothing to conceal her newfound sense of triumph. Getting a rise out of him took no effort on her part, but it was enough to make her giggle whenever his face flushed red with anger. This trip to the creek promised to hold many opportunities to get under his skin, which was why she was eager to tag along. If Eddy expected today to be a day of fun, he wouldn’t be counting on her idea of fun to be at his expense.
The balmy summer sun cast a shimmering ripple across the cloudless expanse of sky. Its position overhead had changed very little by the time the group had made it to the creek. As they neared the yellow sands of the lakebed, Eddy bounded ahead toward the shady spot near the cliff. With a beach umbrella held over his head, he speared it into the sand and twisted it with glee. The prime spot was all his and no other kids were around to fight him for it.
“Bingo!” Eddy said with a satisfied chuckle as he unrolled his towel. The others soon joined him and set up their respective places in the shade as well.
“Well it does appear that my calculations were accurate.” Edd made no attempt to hide the pride in his voice as he watched the spangles of light skipping across the water’s surface. “It certainly is a scorcher today.”
“Yeah it is. Let’s hope you don’t burn up this time,” Eddy said through his snickering.
Edd’s brow flattened. “Ha ha, very amusing, Eddy. Fortunately, I have taken extensive precautions to ensure that that mishap would not repeat itself today.” Digging into his bag, he pulled out a bottle of sunscreen and held it triumphantly before screwing off the cap and squeezing it onto his arm. “Aaah, the cool, soothing touch of SPF 50. Let it be known that any ultraviolet radiation attempting to savage my epidermis will have its attempts thwarted by this impenetrable, topical shield!”
Eddy shook his head, unimpressed by the sunscreen’s supposed glory. “Jeez, don’t be so dramatic, Sockhead.”
“Toss that over here, Double D,” Sarah called out.
Edd handed her the bottle and she squeezed a generous glob of the goop into her hand before slapping it onto her face and body. She had since slipped out of her borrowed t-shirt and was now wearing a pink two-piece swimsuit. Even in the shade, her skin glowed with a bright, natural warmness that dazzled Eddy’s eyes. He had never seen so much of her exposed skin before; she used to always wear a one piece back when they were kids. The change in apparel helped accentuate her slender frame and the minute curves of her chest and waist. Those had taken five years to develop, but they might as well have all sprouted overnight as far as he was concerned. After having caught himself staring for a few seconds too long, he swung his head in the other direction, scowling at his lapse of focus. She clearly wasn’t Ed’s “baby” sister anymore, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t the same brat she always was.
“Don’t forget to reapply at regular intervals, especially if you’re planning on entering the water,” Edd’s helpful voice chimed. If he had been watching Eddy at all, it wasn’t evident in his tone.
“Maybe later,” Sarah said as she rubbed the last of the lotion on her face. “I’m going to be building sandcastles.”
“Sandcastles?” Eddy made a squawking laugh. “What are you, ten years old?”
“If you hate ‘em so much, that’s good news for me.” Sarah picked up a pail and shovel before marching toward the water’s edge. “It’ll be the best place to get away from you.”
A smirk cracked across Eddy’s face. If Sarah truly meant what she said, he could pretend she wasn’t even here. It was doubly better that he wouldn’t have to worry about her body either. “Perfect. So what do you want to do first, Double–” He paused once he saw the skinnier boy bring a pen and notepad out of his bag. “What the heck are those for?”
“I was hoping to use this opportunity to get better acquainted with the wildlife inhabiting our humble creek,” Edd explained. “Since there are no unruly swimmers to disturb them, it’s an excellent chance to observe these creatures in their natural state. Why, I’m positive there’s an extensive assortment of lichen making their home on those rocks over yonder that are just waiting to be catalog–”
“You’re jokin’, right? School’s almost over, Double D! Don’t bring the classroom out here when we’re supposed to be having fun!”
“On the contrary, Eddy, I find this to be an enjoyable, and might I add quite productive, use of my leisure time. Of course, you are welcome to join me if you change your mind.”
Eddy’s eyes smoldered as Edd strolled off towards the craggy rocks on the opposite side of the lake. “Fine! Go write a novel for all I care! Ed and I are going to have a day for the record books, all without you! Ain’t that right, Mono-brow?”
But Ed was running off towards the water and laughing all the way before Eddy had even finished asking his question. Ed was, as usual, living within his own world. Eddy wasn’t even a factor in whatever plans he had for the afternoon.
“Prepare yourselves, creatures of the deep!” Ed bellowed. “For I, Ed, have come to plunder your fishy kingdom!”
With a mighty jump, Ed soared through the air and hurtled towards the lake. A towering jet of water erupted from his point of impact, casting a shimmering shadow along the shoreline and steadily growing until it nearly reached the top of the nearby cliff. It soon dissipated into a sparkling shower that rained on the lake like a miniature monsoon. Eddy waited in annoyed silence to see how long it would take Ed to resurface, but gave up after a minute had passed. If he was going to ditch him too, he could stay down there for all Eddy cared. The whole reason for this trip was for them to hang out together, but both of his friends would rather be with the fish than with him. Grumbling to himself, he put on his sunglasses and fell back on his towel. The underlying sand cooled his back, relaxing his knotted muscles while he racked his brain for ideas on how to make the most of his time. It was still a nice day, all things considered. It shouldn’t be gone to waste just because he was by himself.
“Well, well, look at who got left behind!”
The mocking voice burned Eddy’s ears. He rose himself to his haunches, glaring at Sarah from behind his glasses. Water sloshed over the rim of the pail swaying in her hand. Eddy chose to focus his eyes on that hand, rather than the one languidly resting on her hip.
“Alone? No way! I’m just working on my tan, is all.”
“In the shade?” She let loose a giggle that deepened Eddy’s frown. “Why don’t you stop moping and come help me build sandcastles?”
“In your dreams! I’d rather stay here.”
“What’s the matter?” Sarah sneered before resuming in a gruff, bumbling imitation of Eddy’s voice. “Don’t want to look like a baby?”
“Hey! I said ten years old, not a baby!”
“Well you sure cry like one.”
A hot flush consumed Eddy’s face as his jaw clanged shut, his teeth rattling together. Even after five years, her words could still dig under his skin. Now on his feet, he stomped over to Sarah with his fists trembling at his sides. “You’re such a pain! Why’d you have to tag along and stick your big mouth in our business? This trip was supposed to be just the three of us!” The jab about her mouth made Sarah’s eyelid twitch. “Why are you still such a jerk, huh? You need to grow up!” Her back stiffened, straightening her posture as much as she could to match his height. It was only a two inch difference between them, but she was determined to make it appear non-existent.
“Yeah?” Plucking off his sunglasses, he slouched slightly to meet her fuming eyes. “You first.”
The space between their foreheads grew dangerously smaller. The two of them pinned each other in place with their eyes, silently goading the other into making the first move. A drizzle of sweat slid past Eddy’ nose and his lip grew sore from his fervent nibbling. A long time ago, he would bellow some insult or otherwise throw a few punches if it meant getting her out of his face. His dry throat refused to muster any words and his shaking arms remained glued to his sides. Sarah was similarly frozen, even though she wasn’t one to stop herself from biting and clawing anyone she felt had wronged her. No longer were they the angry kids ready to tear out each others’ throats. They were teenagers now, a little calmer but no less stubborn. Violence wasn’t an effective means of solving their disputes anymore.
Shielded from the sweltering rays of the sun, Eddy’s cool head had time to weigh his options in this stalemate. This day was supposed to be one for the record books and he was on course for sulking it all away. Sarah had offered him a means to salvage it. Rejecting her meant either stewing in solitude or indulging the other Eds with schoolwork or underwater shenanigans. Of all his options, building sandcastles promised to be the least obnoxious use of his time. It didn’t hurt that she wasn’t so bad to look at, either. For the moment, his glare remained fixated on her expectant eyes, not willing to risk getting distracted by the rest of her body during his surrender.
“All right look!” Eddy leaned back and groaned. The remaining shreds of his pride clumped up in the back of his throat and slithered down like a stone. “Those two feebs aren’t coming back any time soon, so we’re both stuck with each other. All’s I want is to try to make the best of this stupid trip.” His voice lowered to a grumble while he let his next words spill onto his chest. “So I’m sorry, okay?”
Sarah’s expression softened once it became clear she had come out on top of this exchange. Wrenching an apology from Eddy was no easy feat, even one as half-hearted and mush-mouthed as this. As cute as he looked earlier with his face bright red and his teeth gnashing together, she found the grimace weighing down his cheeks to be a more endearing expression for him. “Sounds good to me,” she said, embellished sweetness dribbling from her voice. “I’m about to set up our work site, so grab a pail and follow my lead.”
With leaden feet, Eddy shuffled behind Sarah, who skipped ahead and dug up a shallow bowl in the sand to contain the water from her pail. Beside her beach bag laid a spare yellow pail, which Eddy snatched up while she readied their supply of wet, pliable sand. Eddy sat at the opposite end of the hole and plunged his hand into it, grimacing as wet granules stuck to his skin.
Scooping up large handfuls of slurry at a time, he shoveled them into the pail without much thought. The crumbly, uneven lumps weren’t packed tightly enough and would create a castle that would disintegrate the moment he upturned the pail, but he didn’t care about any of that. Every time he tried focusing on his work, an unknown force would pull his attention back to Sarah. She had grown quite a lot in five years, only superficially resembling the runty terror that would menace him and his friends on a daily basis. Although he had poked fun at the size of her mouth earlier, it wasn’t noticeably disproportionate to the rest of her face anymore. Time had allowed all of her parts to fit together quite nicely and, Eddy had to admit, attractively. His cheeks were ablaze, but he wasn’t sure if it was from the blood rushing to them or because he didn’t use any of Edd’s sunscreen.
It wasn’t long before Sarah caught him staring. There was a peculiar, hazy gloss in his eyes as they roamed her body like a hungry dog. He had made that expression before, back when they were kids, but she couldn’t recall from where. As tempting as it was to let him enjoy the view a little longer, she had to keep up appearances. With a sneer, she folded her arms over her chest and purposefully twisted her body away from his line of sight. “What are you staring at, weirdo?”
“Staring, nothing!” Eddy turned his head and rubbed his fist against his eye. “The stupid sand got in my eye, is all. Probably from you digging so much of it up.”
“Yeah right. Maybe you should focus more on your castle instead of what I’m doing.”
Eddy’s “castle” more closely resembled one that had been besieged and reduced to rubble. Using his hands as like a pair of shovels, he pushed the mass together in a feeble attempt to mold it into an acceptable shape. He kept the act up until she returned her attention back to her own work. They each toiled in silence, neither one willing to risk another awkward encounter. The only thing filling the space between them for the next several minutes was the arid pre-summer air pressing down from above. Any word that might have been spoken would’ve been stifled upon contact with the sizzling heat.
With Sarah’s own castle completed, immaculately molded without any fissures or lumps, her eyes wandered back to Eddy. His attention was entrapped by his own castle. With each passing second, the sun was sapping more moisture out of the sand he was using, making his bumbling attempts at molding it even more ineffective. A scathing jab at his intelligence and abilities formed itself on Sarah’s tongue, but it dissolved before she could throw it his way. It was more agreeable to sample some of his natural assets the way he had been poring over hers not long ago. High school had given him the long awaited wish of a growth spurt to rival the other kids in height. Several of them still had him beat by a couple of inches, but he was no longer the pint-sized pariah of the cul-de-sac. Physically, he was developing into a well-formed young man, ignoring the few stubborn remnants of baby fat still sticking to him. Why exactly did she find an oaf like him so handsome? He wasn’t the smartest or the strongest kid in the cul-de-sac, and certainly not the nicest. But he was a lot like her in ways she was embarrassed to admit. He was someone who knew what they wanted out of life, and smarts didn’t matter when he had plenty of charisma and resources to burn through until he got what he was after. Much like how she used brute force and intimidation to get her way, Eddy’s approach differed in execution but was similarly strong-willed and tenacious. If it was somewhat narcissistic of her to be attracted to him just because he reminded her of herself, she’d just have to deal with that.
Loose sand streamed through the gaps of Eddy’s cupped hands before he slammed them down on his ruined castle in defeat. After the cloud of dust settled, he caught Sarah’s distracted gaze locked onto his body. There was a longing gleam in her eyes and Eddy smirked. “See something you like?” The muscles in his bicep twitched as he made a subtle flex of his arm.
Sarah’s lips pursed once she was caught, but her eyes didn’t leave Eddy’s body for a second. Flashing a grin as a shield of assuredness, she leaned closer, scuttling across the sand so that her vision was filled with nothing but Eddy. “Nope! I don’t see anything at all.”
“Man, you’re such a little pest.” Webs of sweat criss-crossed down his brow and traced along his eyelids. She was getting uncomfortably close to him now, but he anchored himself to his spot.
“Oh really? What are you gonna do about it?” Her smirk was defiant. Sultry. She was egging him on to make a move. It was what she had been doing for the whole trip and he was just too oblivious to notice.
That glazed stare had returned to Eddy’s eyes. This time, Sarah recognized where she had last seen it: he looked like that whenever he was looking at Nazz. She forced her face to remain composed despite the heat roiling in her cheeks. Not once had she ever considered herself to be on Nazz’s level, but the way Eddy’s eyes pored over her from top to bottom did plenty to convince her otherwise.
“I’m gonna…” Eddy pushed himself forward and pressed his lips to hers. They were soft, holding a sort of plumpness that shouldn’t belong on a mouth capable of unleashing such rage. He pulled away, half-expecting her to bite his face off, but she chased after his lips and caught them.
No words were exchanged, not with their lips locked together. Eddy’s body continued pushing forward and he was on top of her. Sarah sunk into the sand, her arms coiling around him to keep herself steady. Her fingers curled into his skin, taking hold and pulling him down closer to her. She was determined to not be passive in this exchange, but Eddy didn’t seem to mind. Skin on burning skin, heated by the torrid sun, rubbed together in movements only fueled by hormones and long-ignored desires. They remained like this for what felt like hours before the kiss broke apart with an eruption of gasps and weak coughs. Even though neither of them had stepped foot in the water all day, the dampness coating their bodies was hard to ignore.
“Eddy…” Sarah’s petite breasts pushed up against his chest every time she inhaled. Static engulfed her mind, preventing her from finishing her sentence.
Eddy wanted to respond, but his heavy breaths smothered any word he tried to force out. All he could think about was, after years of being menaced by the Kankers, how nice it felt to finally kiss a girl by his own volition for once.
A shadow draped over them, causing them to disengage and turn toward the source. Edd stood to the side, slack-jawed and his paper and pen fluttering in his shaky hands. Even though his sunscreen protected him from being burnt, it didn’t stop his face from flushing a fire engine red. Eddy jumped off of Sarah, dusting off his moist chest as if nothing had happened. Sarah sat up, twisting her arms in front of her chest self-consciously.
“P-pardon me, I promise you that it wasn’t my intention to intrude. But, um…” Edd wiped away the sweat currently streaming down his forehead. His trembling knees were audibly rattling as he, Eddy, and Sarah remained fixed in this awkward staring match. For the first time in his life, the normally verbose boy was at a loss for words.
“Get on with it, Double D!” Sarah finally yelled.
“O-oh, yes!” Edd tugged at his shirt collar as he cleared his throat. “Well, uh, I thought I’d just inform you that it’s getting rather late. Um… wouldn’t you agree?”
Eddy and Sarah turned toward the sky, which was in the process of changing from red to a deep purple. How long they had spent kissing, neither of them could say.
“Guess you’re right,” Eddy sighed. “Let’s head back.”
“Just a moment. Have either of you seen Ed anywhere?”
Loud, soggy squishes slammed into the sand as Ed tromped toward the group, his body pruned and soaking wet. His hands were raised triumphantly over his head, a large sheet of gristly green film held between them. “Look guys! Pudding skins from the depths!” He brought it to his mouth and took a large bite, chewing happily.
Edd examined Ed’s new prize with scrutiny for a few moments before the recognition nearly knocked him backwards. “Ed! You’re eating a biofilm of algae! That’s utterly insalubrious!”
Ed continued to chew and push the algae along the inside of his mouth. He mulled over Edd’s reaction while trying to discern the flavor. His lips peeled back in a toothy grin, green globs of fuzz lodged in the gaps in between his teeth and gums, as he extended the sopping wet sheet over to Edd. “Want some, Double D?”
Edd’s face went as green as the algae and he placed a hand over his mouth to suppress his retch. “Good lord… Would someone please make him stop before my stomach has a chance to expel all of its contents!?”
Sarah shook her head disapprovingly. “Jeepers, Ed, can you get rid of that thing? It might get you sick or something.”
“Okay, baby sister.” Ed chucked the algae sheet, sending it soaring in a high arc before it landed on the lake with a soggy smack. It floated on the water’s surface for a few moments before being sucked back to where it came from. “All gone!”
Under the cloak of approaching night, the group gathered up their things and set off for the cul-de-sac. As the sun faded from view and the sky darkened into a deep indigo, Sarah offered her hand. Eddy took it with no hesitation, her skin offering protective warmth from the evening chill.
“Eddy and Sarah are holding hands!” Ed’s barely contained excitement caused his whole body to hop with every step. “They will get married and Eddy will be my new brother, just like how I always dreamed!”
“Shut up, Ed!” the two of them shouted. They turned to each other and pulled their hands apart, disgust twisting up both their faces.
Ed continued to chortle as he lumbered ahead of the group. Edd followed close behind, shooting a brief, congratulatory smile at the couple before jogging after Ed. Once the two were a good distance behind, their hands clasped together again. In a way, Eddy’s prediction came true. It was a day worthy of the record books.
0 notes
eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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Before being interrupted, the kids continue to congratulate each Ed.
Background moments are everything to me. You can do anything. 
Rolf is heard congratulating Ed, “Way to go, Ed boy.” Rolf has underestimated Ed’s mental capability, but never his strong physique. The kids barely know Ed. They don’t understand disabilities, but now they learned that although Ed is different he can stand up for himself.
Jimmy is still hugging Ed. Sarah never let Jimmy hang out with Ed because she always wanted him to be on her side. A good sign that Sarah is changing her ways.
And look, Sarah and Edd are having a conversation, while holding hands! CUTE! And Edd is actually letting her. He’s giving her a chance unlike how he’d always recoil misunderstanding her approaches. Edd had no idea how to interact around her in season 1 when she developed a crush on him. Edd’s social skills have grown.
Sarah is even doing Eddy’s happy leg. Perhaps they are alike in some way.
So, Sarah congratulated Ed and then Edd. I wonder if the bus hadn’t interrupted anything If she would have gone over to Eddy. They never interact once in the whole movie, a rare thing because they always interacted in the series. Their relationship worsened each episode.
I can see them being closer friends once Sarah starts growing up.
Eddy and Kevin are getting very friendly. Kevin has his arm around Eddy, which I am surprised that he is okay with. This is where I really want to know what they’re talking about. I want to guess that they’re figuring out what one another likes.
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I never noticed this bus had a school sign on it.
Another dreadful callback to the school season. Even when on summer break school is always looming in the shadows. 
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Just then, a bus screeches into the park.
How did it get into the park? It would have smashed through the walls and yet we don’t hear it. Come to think of it we never find out how the Kanker’s or Sarah and Jimmy entered the park. Perhaps there is another entrance way... which was left open during the night?
It’s cute how Rolf puts his hands up. He was caught off guard that he thinks it’s the police.
Do you think he’s ever seen a real bus before?
He and his family are from the old country. Rolf is always tending to his chores. Rolf mentioned that he was going to leave for market in one episode, a rather old fashioned market in his case. I don’t think Rolf has been around the modern world so much. This was his chance and yet he spent the half the film wandering around with a meat grinder stuck on his head. If I were to change another element to this film it would be Rolf’s storyline.
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The bus does an impressive stop and burnout. I wonder how many car chase scenes the crew needed to watch in order to animate this scene.
One question.
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Everyone is so quiet waiting to see who exits from the bus. So much has happened in only five minutes. Not to mention it could have hit them.
Listen closely to the sound effect in the background.
A heart beat. Almost like someone’s heart pounding in fear.
Wow, I never closely analyzed Eddy’s face until now. For once he genuinely  looks scared. Is his hand on his heart? I have read about theories regarding Eddy having anxiety. He’s been bottling it up for so long that it has affected him. Eddy immediately starts being more open about how he is feeling. This is his true self.
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Jonny’s Voice: “You’re time of reckoning ends now, rapscallions!”
Didn’t Edd use that phrase to describe Ed and Eddy during Case of an Ed?
This is what I love about having several characters in one screenshot. Artists get to pick how they’re feeling along with they’ll react to the action at play. Each member of the eene crew has worked hard to put endless effort into every feature that could come out from this show.
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Jonny springs out from the bus and races towards his pray.
So, are we ever going to find out what happened on the bus? He was riding around, supposedly, for half a day. Are the other people still on the bus? Did Jonny have some kind psychotic breakdown which would have explained more.
Again, this is where fanfiction comes into play. If we knew what happened it would have ruined an aspect of the film. Keep your viewers guessing. Don’t tell.
That’s a helpful story tip to take away from this series.
It’s still unfair that Jonny has the least amount of time out of anyone in the movie.
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“Jonny, wait...”
1. I’m guessing either Eddy must have known that Jonny was Captain Melon Head throughout the events of Robbin’ Ed or he found out afterwards. Eddy likes to play around as Big Picture Show reveals. Eddy plays along acting like a super villain to get Captain Melon Head to reveal is true self.
2.  Eddy walks back only a bit. We barely see Eddy walk at all since Bro played ‘Uncle’ with him. I believe that Eddy hurt his leg which is why he is not running away.I have headcanon that Eddy’s leg may have been severely damaged giving Eddy a permanent limp for the rest of his life.
3. Eddy is trying to talk the situation out. Eddy has always been a tough person to get along with. He won’t listen to others opinions  and would rather do things his way. Fight, however, has never been an option. I may argue against this case as he was teaching Edd to wrestle back in season 1. As Eddy explained wrestling is more about tactics. Eddy fights through situations with words rather then physical fight. 
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Jonny ignores Eddy’s plea and scoops up the Eds, throwing each into the air, and forcing them to land rather painfully on top of one another. Jonny delivers the icing as he stomps on the Eds nearly taking the wind out of them. And then he happily perches on his prize.
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“No thanks are necessary, citizens.”
Poor, Jonny. He came all this way just to get the kids to notice him. Jonny is the one becoming desperate for attention.
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And just like that Sarah redeems herself.
Sarah has stopped being her mom and is being herself. She owes Eddy. If she hadn’t witnessed this event, Sarah may have become Bro. She saw evil in Bro that she felt inside herself. I think Sarah has always disliked who she was as her mom controlled her.
Ed and Sarah deserve better. Now that they’re on one another’s side, they won’t have to face the horrors alone.
Without any words, Sarah has forgiven Eddy and calms him her friend. I would have loved to see them interact in the movie. Sarah has no idea what to say to Eddy so she offers a hand shake to make up fog everything.
I know a lot of you dislike Sarah. I find that she has so much hidden depth. She has a reason to act this way, but it is never said aloud. We have to watch the ways she acts very closely because you’ll notice that Sarah is afraid of her mom.
She journeyed outside the cul-de-sac on her own, found that she was never the dominant person, and learned to rely on Jimmy. Sarah had a journey like Eddy only we didn’t get to see all of it.
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“Back off, melon dweeb!”
I don’t know Kevin, can you really scare someone with those tiny fists?
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“Leave some produce for Rolf!” I literally had no idea what Rolf said until I looked up the script.
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Nazz also joins in instructing the kids to hit [Jonny] good.
Uh, Nazz don’t you remember that you hate violence? That’s not who you are. Nazz still continues with her own self identity.
Now, they knew this was Jonny when he dressed up as Captain Melon Head in Robbin’ Ed, but do they know it is him here? Kevin says, ‘Back off melon dweeb!’ But, Kevin has always disliked Jonny because of how annoying he is.
Even though the unknown scam was mentioned the kids have put it in the past. They just want to forgive and forget. The Eds have proved themselves to be more then the kids thought they were.
Isn’t it odd how they beat up Jonny? It feels as if they needed to beat up something since they never got to do what they came here to do. The kids show no remorse over what they did and think the Eds don’t see this.
The Eds watch amazed as the kids beat up Jonny. Nobody has ever defended them before. It’s going to take them a while to get used to all this kindness. The Eds have spent their lives losing and constantly being belittled.
This is a change for the better.
Is... Is Edd smiling? Or is that a frown? If he were smiling it would make his character a WHOLE lot darker. Well, he comes from a dark past. And he does get sharp mood swings. And he will defend himself when he feels the need. And he approaches scary, intimidating people twice his age and size. Yeah, Edd has proved himself to be a more courageous person.
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Aw, Ed is happy that Jimmy is helping Edd to his feet. Edd and Eddy continue to be skeptical.
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Why is Jimmy so creepy?
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Jimmy helps Edd to his feet and brushes off his tie. Edd and Jimmy have developed a bond over time. I’m not sure how much they have interacted since Look Before You Ed as Jimmy disliked how Edd wouldn’t stick up for himself, along with how he was friends with Ed and Eddy.
Jimmy still respects Edd, but I think their bond has broken. They did have a better understanding for one another. If Jimmy didn’t break it off maybe they’d still be friends. That was rather selfish of Jimmy. Edd was finally starting to understand Jimmy and accept him as a friend.
That’s another reason why the Eds may not want to befriends the cul-de-sac kids. They’re not understanding. They’ve never taken the time to understand the Eds for who they are. 
Edd doesn’t notice the kind gesture so much as he turns around to watch the rest of the fight.
None of the Eds think Jonny deserves getting beat up. He wasn’t here to see everything unfold so he has an excuse. The writers could have done better with how the movie ended for Jonny because he was already at wits end.
Honestly, the kids could have talked things out with Jonny so he would have understood what was happening. The Eds look very uneasy right now.
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Ship list
This is somewhat to categorize the ships I like and also to maybe get some other ships attention. I'm a big multishipper and I think the list is gonna prove that lol --------- EdEdd EddEddy EdEddy KevEddy KevNazz KevRolf EddJimmy EddyJimmy EdRolf EdJohnny EddSarah EddySarah JimmySarah SarahNazz JimmyJohnny KevJimmy EddMay EddyMarie KevMarie EdEddEddy(edt3) KevEddEddy KevNazzRolf EddEddyJimmy ​KevEdRolf KevEddNazz KevEddyNazz EddJimmySarah EddyJimmySarah EddEddyMarie EddEddyMay EdRolfJohnny MayJimmyJohnny MayNazzSarah So these are some ships I really like, some more than others. There are other ships I have that I didn't include because I don't want this fandom to have discourse, this is my safe haven, so I'd like to avoid that. I'll post about those other ones on my nsfw blog, message me if you want a link.
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leopardskinundies · 8 years
Got a request over on FFN a bit ago for an EddySarah fic where Eddy notices that Sarah is growing up. This is a ship I like but never have written before, so this was fun :D
Eddy would say he's not sure how he got roped into this, but he'd be lying. He got roped into this because Ed had made that ridiculous wibbly face that shouldn't work for a guy his age but always does. Ed had gotten on his knees and pulled that face and whimpered, "Please," and Eddy had caved like a house of cards in a hurricane. Ed had then rubbed salt into the wound by swinging him around in a hug and smiling like the friggin' sun, so Eddy couldn't even have the satisfaction of being upset with him.
That was fine, though. He may not be able to be upset with Ed, or even Double Dee-- who'd had the nerve to have a valid excuse to deny The Face-- and he may have spent too long being upset with himself to want to bother now, but he still has Sarah and he can be plenty upset with her.
"Are you even paying attention?"
Yeah, he can be plenty upset with her. Driving Sarah to the mall for a flash sale so Ed wouldn't miss the start of his movie marathon, Eddy had agreed to. Playing fashion yes-man to Sarah, not so much.
Still, the faster she picks her clothes, the faster they can leave. Heaving a sigh, Eddy looks Sarah's way to fake a compliment about whatever she has on. In the next instant, he's on his feet, the jacket he'd tossed over his arm barricading Sarah from the view of the rest of the boutique.
"What are you doing?" she demands, shoving at his hands.
"What are you wearing?" he demands right back, voice pitched puberty high. "And where the heck's the rest of it?"
She makes an outraged noise and kicks him in the shin. "It's a crop top and shorts, you weirdo," she growls, flouncing back into the fitting room, swaying hips he doesn't remember her having, and slamming the door.
Eddy slumps back down onto the bench, head reeling as the world shifts around him. "Oh, boy," he mutters, scrubbing a hand over his head like it’ll scrub away the memory of Sarah's legs stretching out of those shorts like ten years of dance classes. His mind turns to the heap of swimsuits she'd picked out to try on and only sheer force of will keeps him from crying. "Ohhh, boy."
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amostimprobabledream · 11 years
Tasting Electricity
Pairing: Eddy x Sarah Rating: T Summary: A boy, a girl, and a boatload of sexual tension. ~~~ If Sarah was the masochistic type, she'd be beating herself in the head right about now. Of all people, why did it have to be him?
Although, she supposed, this whole situation was a little masochistic in itself, and it was mostly because of her. How ironic. Sarah was pacing her bedroom- beforehand, she had been trying, trying, to do homework, listen to music, text Jimmy, scream into her pillow. ANYTHING that didn't involve thinking about her current predicament, but no matter how much she tried to push the thought away, it would return, nagging away at her, begging her to pay it attention. And she always did, without fail. Sarah let out a growl and continued to pace. She was convinced that she was would wear her carpet down into nothing if she kept this up, but for now she paid it little heed. She wanted to punch something, but that would only be satisfying for a few minutes, and not worth getting into trouble for creating holes in the wall. Sighing, Sarah flung herself onto her bed, disturbing the papers that sat there, and her phone hit the carpet with a thump. She ignored it, staring up at the ceiling with a disgruntled expression. She gave up trying to ignore her problem- it did not want to be ignored. Just like him, she supposed. Sarah hit the mattress in frustration. Stupid Eddy. It was all his fault. Why on EARTH did she have to like that big-headed, attention-seeking, loudmouthed idiot? Well, it was obvious, wasn't it? Eddy was what Sarah couldn't have, and it infuriated and fascinated her. The truth was, it had always been this way, but the ignorance of childhood had prevented Sarah from fully understanding her feelings. Not to mention her incapability of controlling herself, which still held true occasionally, but she was a bit less of a terror then she had been at the age of nine. Her temper and headstrong personality were still steadfastly there, but now she had matured over the years and was capable of expressing her anger less...psychotically, she supposed. Although she did have slip-ups (especially where Ed was concerned). After all, she was only human. But Eddy wasn't scared of Sarah. Not like the other two. Obviously, he did have a certain amount of grudging respect for Sarah's abnormal strength. (Not as great as her brother's, but for a nine-year-old girl to be able to lift a car without issue, you had to give her some props.) But despite the frequent beatings Sarah would happily unleash on the loudmouthed Ed, Eddy would always yell at her, or answer back, or even actually try and get revenge. It pissed her off. And it made him strangely...alluring. Sure, Sarah had always thought Double D was cute- which he was. He was so polite and always quick to help, plus, he was kind of a nerd. What wasn't to like? Sarah liked how he was nice, she imagined what a great boyfriend he'd be, probably the type who'd buy thoughtful presents and hold the door open and things like that. Although Edd seemed to be quite the ladies man, without actually even trying- Nazz was fond of him, Marie Kanker used to chase him like a cat chases a mouse, and May Kanker had once had a fierce crush on him too. So why did she have to like the loudmouthed idiot? And what made the situation worse, is that Sarah knew it wasn't reciprocal. She was just Ed's baby sister to the Eds - or, at least, she would be if she hadn't developed the tendency of beating the snot out of them whenever they bugged her. Then she became Ed's Personal Demon Hellhound Baby Sister. She was an annoyance at best, she knew that, and she knew that Eddy only had eyes for Nazz, although she knew Nazz didn't feel the same way. So when the phone buzzed from the floor, dragging Sarah from her spiral of melancholy, she let out a drawn-out sigh and picked it up, flipping it open with a flick of her wrist and scrolling idly through it. Hey Sarah! :) It was Nazz. How strange. So Kevin's having a party tonight- wanna come? We've got almost everybody from the Cul-de-sac coming. There'll be some people from high school there. Love Nazz. xx Sarah thought about it, then typed one word. Sure. ~~~ After discarding about every single dress in her wardrobe, then trying them all on again and changing her mind over and over until Jimmy threatened to leave without her, Sarah was ready for the party. For some reason, she felt a little nervous about it. And that was a warning sign in itself- Sarah rarely felt nervous about social situations. School injections? Yes. Alien Invasions? Yes. But it was just a party, with people she’d known since infancy. What was there to be scared of? Breathing in slightly, Sarah smoothed down the silky, aqua-colored material of her dress and took a moment to steel her nerves. With a kind of determined-yet-grim air somebody who was about to enter an operating room or go onstage in front of a crowded theatre, Sarah pressed the doorbell. "Hey, guys!" Nazz grinned as she opened the door. As usual, the blonde looked gorgeous in a dark green spaghetti-strap dress, her hair carefully pinned back in an elegant bun. "Glad you could make it!" "We wouldn’t miss it for the world, Nazz!" Jimmy told her, grinning. "Well c’mon in!" the blonde said cheerfully, moving aside to usher in her guests. "Most of the others are here already." "Including my brother?" Sarah asked, propping a hand on her hip and raising her eyebrows. Nazz laughed. "I think he was chowing down on snacks." Giggled Nazz. "No worries, Sarah, he’ll be having too much of a good time to bug you about your outfit, which looks awesome on you, by the way." "You look amazing, too." Sarah grinned back at her friend, and they shared a conspiratorial look before the blonde departed to fulfill her duties as a hostess. Sarah chuckled to herself despite her nerves. Although he rarely had reason to be, Ed still hadn’t dropped his ‘overprotective big brother’ attitude, even though Sarah rarely appreciated his unnecessary interfering and was perfectly capable of handling herself. But she didn’t think that her dim-witted elder sibling would necessarily approve of his baby sister’s strapless dress too much. "Ooh, Sarah! I love this song!" Jimmy squeaked, tugging on her wrist. "Let’s boogie!" The two of them headed towards the dancefloor in the next room over, although they both grabbed a cup of punch each on the way. Sarah drank hers quickly, and despite its sweet taste she could tell that it wasn’t just fruit juice in there. "Mm, yummy!" Jimmy said cheerfully as he took a delicate sip of his. Sarah tried her best to abandon her jitters and dance, although she couldn’t help but notice as she and Jimmy partied away that she couldn’t see the loudmouthed object of her affections anywhere. Just as well. Sarah thought, grumpily. She bet he wouldn’t even notice her- he’d been too busy making eyes at Nazz. She had to admit, though, that Jimmy had always been good at bringing out the best in her and helping her to relax a little bit. He made her laugh with his extravagant dance moves, and eventually the other kids joined in as well. Sarah loved it when the music was loud and she could feel the beat in her ribcage, like a gigantic heart. "Wow, Sarah, it’s getting so stuffy in here!" Jimmy said later on, tugging at the collar of his shirt. "It’s just ‘cause we’ve been dancing so much, Jimmy." Sarah laughed. Jimmy chuckled slightly as well. "I think I’ll go get some more punch." He said, grinning. Sarah nodded and watched her friend head into the next room. She felt a little warm as well and rather light-headed, although it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. Then suddenly, she heard a voice next to her suddenly say; "Hey, Sarah!" She turned and saw, to her surprise and slight disgust, Jonny was standing there, wearing a lampshade on his bald head like a party hat. Plank was also dressed up for the occasion by having a tie doodled on his chest. "You look pretty tonight, Sarah!" Jonny announced in that almost ruthlessly straightforward way that often embarrassed other people. "Wanna dance?" "What?" But Jonny didn’t wait for her to reply, he just grabbed her wrist and started to what could loosely be described as ‘dance’. Normally Sarah would have simply screamed in disgust and punched him across the room, but she could barely hear herself think over the fast-paced song that had come on, so yelling probably wouldn’t have done much good, and as for the punching, she was getting to that, but her reflexes weren’t up to their usual standard to say the least. Sarah squealed in disgust as Jonny made a kissy-face, his lips getting uncomfortably closer to her own, like a frog. She shoved Jonny away with as much force as she could muster and bolted, running blindly and grabbing the nearest door and quickly flinging herself into it. When Sarah gathered her bearings, she looked around to see that she was standing in the closet. She rolled her eyes- why couldn’t she have picked somewhere classier to hide? But Jonny hadn’t followed her, so she decided to stay in here for a bit before emerging. Ugh, she couldn’t believe what had just happened. Jimmy was going to laugh himself silly. Although it wasn’t exactly a particularly cool thing to do to lock yourself in a closet in the middle of a party, Sarah actually felt a little bit relieved to be somewhere quiet for a few minutes. Her feet were starting to hurt a little bit, so she bent down and slowly peeled off her heels, letting out a contented sigh as she discarded them. She found herself wondering if the Eds had shown up yet, she had only seen Double D and Ed briefly, and nothing of Eddy. Sarah pouted in frustration- no matter what she did, her mind constantly seemed to be wondering back to the oblivious object of her affections. It just wasn’t fair. Suddenly, a wave of sound made Sarah jump slightly and she squinted as the closet was abruptly filled with light before being enveloped in darkness again. It took her eyes a couple of seconds to adjust, but when they did, she realized that somebody else had joined her in her little hiding place. Speak of the devil... "S-Sarah?!" "Eddy?!" For a moment, both of them could do little more than blink at each other in the darkness, stupefied. Sarah supposed that neither of them expected to see the other spending their time at one of Nazz’ parties hiding inside a cupboard full of coats and stinky old sneakers. "What are YOU doing in here?" Eddy suddenly demanded, apparently having regained his senses. (What little amount of them he possessed, anyway.) "Could ask you the same question!" responded Sarah hotly, folding her arms defensively over her chest. "I thought you were supposed to be out there ‘scoring’ with Nazz." She couldn’t help the sneer that entered her tone at this, and to her satisfaction, Eddy balked a little bit at the mention of Nazz. Evidently, his attempts to win her over had either never gotten off the ground or had failed spectacularly. The three-haired Ed then scowled and pointed at her. "Yeah, well, ain’t you meant to be with Fluffy? Did he ditch you or somethin’?" "Jimmy went to get a drink, idiot!" Sarah seethed. "Nobody got ditched!" Eddy snorted. "Yeah, that explains why you’re in here with everybody’s coats!" "So are you!" She pointed out. "Y-yeah, well, I just needed a second to, uh..." Just then, a familiarly braying laugh infiltrated through the door. It was then almost immediately followed by a shrill, cackling laugh. Suddenly, the reason that Eddy, show-off extraordinaire, was hiding in a cloakroom became all too clear. "You’re hiding from Lee Kanker, aren’t you?" Sarah asked, feeling triumphant that she had been able to guess correctly. "Ha! Like I’d have to hide from her!" Eddy scoffed, but he was lying and they both knew it. "But she’d be all over me tonight anyway and I need my space, so get lost, Sarah!" "I was hiding here first!" Sarah shouted, not realizing how ridiculous this sounded until she said it. She would have stamped her foot if it wasn’t still feeling tender from her shoes. "YOU get out!" "Oh yeah? Why don't ya make me?" Then, Sarah suddenly had a completely new idea. How did the expression go? Oh, yeah. You catch more flies with honey then vinegar. "Whatever." Sarah said, abruptly. Then she suddenly turned so she was facing Eddy completely, eyebrow arched. "Stay if you want, then. That is, if you think you can handle being trapped with big bad me all by yourself." Eddy stared at her, briefly thrown by Sarah's abrupt and rather startling shift in demeanor. But he suddenly noticed that she had this smug, almost...sultry expression, her eyes slightly half-lidded and her lips pulled into a lazy smirk. Eddy gulped. For some reason, that look...it was giving him a verypeculiar reaction. He could feel a blush rise to his face, and the look she was giving him made his knees twinge, like they suddenly didn’t want to hold him up anymore. Eddy was not the type of person who gave up easily. When he wanted something, be it for good or for ill (although times when it was for the former were so rare it seemed almost nonexistent at times) he would do whatever it took to get it, and he wouldn’t give in until he had whatever he wanted in his possession, even if said time was painfully short-lived. And right now, there was something about Sarah’s challenge that caused that familiar itch he always got, the one that dictated his uncontrollable urge to try his damndest to get something, come hell or high waters. "Oh, I think I can handle it." Eddy replied in a low voice, and he found himself moving a little closer. Sarah’s smug expression briefly faltered, as though she hadn’t quite expected this reaction, and Eddy smirked. "What’s the matter, Sarah?" he practically purred. "Scared?" The redhead’s eyes narrowed. "As if." She responded, her words dripping with scorn. Eddy moved forwards until he and Sarah were almost standing nose-to-nose. He was pleased to see that he was required to look down to look her in the eyes- fearsome though Sarah was, it have his ego a slight boost that he was now officially taller than her. As his eyes travelled up and down the redhead, they lingered slightly on the shiny material of her dress, which looked very nice against her skin and gave him a great view of her cleavage. Sarah must have noticed he was looking at her breasts, but her angry gaze didn’t waver for a second, and he found himself enjoying the intensity of it, like a cat basking in the sun. Of course, Eddy had noticed Sarah when she came in, because wow, for an annoying brat, she had blossomed quite spectacularly over the past couple of years. He was a guy, after all, it was kind of hard not to take note or these things. And he’d be lying if he said that there wasn’t something about her fiery personality that was equally as enticing as it was annoying. "So, you ain’t scared when I do this?" Eddy asked, and lifted a hand, resting it on Sarah’s waist and pulling her ever-so-slightly closer. The fabric felt smooth beneath his fingers. He saw the pink tinge on her cheeks deepen in colour, and his own face felt a little hot as well. Sarah could feel butterflies dancing in her stomach, but she forced herself to stay strong. "Nope," she said, boldly, tilted her chin down just slightly so she could stare up at him through her eyelashes. "Not scared." Eddy gulped, but if truth be told, he liked the way his hand felt on her waist- it felt completely natural, like it was made especially for his hand to rest on. "Eddy..." Sarah breathed. She didn’t know why she was saying his name, but it just kind of slipped out in a breathless rush. Eddy stared at her for a moment, with a look that made Sarah almost want to hide her face. Eddy had never looked at her like that before. It caused a hot, tingly sensation to crawl down her spine, like liquid tinsel. Then, he put a hand on her chin and tilted it upwards, surprisingly gently for his standards. It was impossible to tell who actually moved their head forwards first and started the kiss- but it seemed an insignificant detail. Eddy barely stifled a groan as Sarah’s pouty lips pressed against his. They were so impossibly soft- especially considering that this was Sarah, for crying out loud, and if they weren’t kissing so intensely, he’d be worried this was a trick and she was just about to bite him. Strangely, though, this idea didn’t terrify him as much as it would usually. "Sarah..." Eddy found himself moaning slightly, his voice a mere growl. Sarah responded by pressing herself up against him, her slim frame fitting easily against his chest. His grip around her waist tightened slightly and Sarah was sure that any moment now she would either melt or spontaneously combust, because her face was so warm it was almost burning. She could feel Eddy breathing quickly, his chest rising and falling, feel the vibration of the music outside the closet thumping through her body, vibrating up and down her ribcage. "Can you feel it too?" Sarah whispered, although she knew it was impossible for Eddy to know what she was just thinking, but he grinned slightly. "Yeah," he said, and his voice sounded like a purr. "I definitely do." He kissed her again, but this time he purposefully drew back before she had time to reciprocate, and instead kissed down her neck, occasionally biting or licking here and there. He could taste her strawberry-flavored lipgloss on the edge of his lips. Sarah shivered against him, tilting her head back to allow him better access to the peachy skin. "Eddy..." she whispered throatily, and she gently bit down on his lower lip before kissing it, her hands wandering up his shirt of their own accord, but he didn’t stop her, and he bit back a slight yelp as her hands touched the somewhat sensitive skin on his stomach. "Sorry," Sarah giggled, feeling light-headed, as though she might float away at any moment. "You coulda given me some warning!" Eddy told her, but he couldn’t stop the little smirk that pulled at his lips. "But I guess even you can’t resist my charms." Sarah smirked right back. "Guess not." She answered coyly, before pressing a kiss to his neck (she had to pull him down a little bit to do so) and sucking on the sensitive skin there. Eddy’s blush extended to his neck as he felt the sensation of Sarah’s mouth on his tender skin, and he gulped as he imagined the size of the hickey that would probably be there tomorrow! One of his hands wandered up to her hair, and he marveled at the unexpected softness of Sarah’s red locks, which fell like a waterfall of lava down her back. He stroked down her hair until his hands met the smooth expanse of her back, and he couldn’t stop himself from thinking of all of the equally tantalizing skin that was beneath the fabric of her dress...his face flushed further, and that wasn’t the only place where blood was rushing, either... Suddenly, a burst of light made both Sarah and Eddy wince and fling their arms up to their eyes to shield them from the sudden burst of it that was spilling in to the small enclosed space. It took them a couple of seconds to adjust, having grown long-accustomed to the semi-darkness of the closet, but once they did, they saw a familiar blonde bombshell standing there, her mouth dropped open. "S-Sarah? And Eddy?!" The pair glanced at each other, both of them having been caught red-handed. (Or, more accurately, red-faced.) "You two," Nazz said, although she looked highly amused and had a rather knowing smile on her face as she took in a considerably rumpled-looking Eddy and Sarah, both of whom were blushing furiously. "have got some explaining to do." When Sarah woke up the next day, she was hit with an overwhelming disappointment when she realized that she had dreamt about finally letting Eddy know she was hopelessly, irrevocably attracted to him, and had received a similar sentiment from the object of her affection. She blushed bright pink when she thought about the sensation of Eddy trailing kisses down her neck... A buzz interrupted Sarah from her daydreaming, and with a sigh she crawled to the edge of the bed and scooped up her phone. There was a text from Jimmy, and one from Nazz, neither of which she felt like reading just yet. Dream or not, she intended to savour the moments she had- Hold on. Scrolling through her phone, Sarah suddenly noticed that her list of contacts had increased. An incredulous smile broke out on her face when she spotted a number that was listed as "Sex God." Sarah knew there was only one person at that party who would have put that in her phone. Mentally replaying the feel of Eddy’s hands on her waist, his lips on hers, Sarah pressed the call button and held the phone up to her ear, holding her breath as she heard an all-too-familiar voice in her ear; "Hey, babe."
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