#Edward A. Locke
jvmesdoesart · 6 months
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epic hair swoosh.
these new bts pic's are everything.
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happy The Terror AMC (2018) is now avaliable on Netflix!
+ one for the Stanley fans
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ofmd-ann · 3 months
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OFMD S1 Promo Photoshop Manip 💕 [Source photo]
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(Team Fuck Around and Find Out advanced together in the semifinals, after Vash and Ianthe advanced together in round 2 and Link and Deandra in round 3)
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ollyrewind · 1 year
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and they were frenemies turned lovers oh my god they were frenemies turned lovers
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Rune Saint-John- The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards
Ianthe Tridenarius- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Nico di Angelo- Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
Thomas Lightwood- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
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ricoelpobre · 11 months
Please do not disturb me when this is on. I cannot be bothered.
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
What he says: Honestly, Ed? I don’t like who you are around this guy.
What he means: This entire scenario makes me uncomfortable because Jack’s banter is akin to the bullying I’ve dealt with my entire life. He reminds me of those who stoned me for picking flowers, or those who blatantly mocked me for being soft. I know he’s your friend, and I want to like him for you. But seeing you willingly engage in something that brings up bad memories is hard for me.
What he says: This is who I am, Stede. Do you see me now? You’re always going to realize what I am.
What he means: This is a part of me that I’ve never been able to escape. This is who I’ve masqueraded as for years and years. This is something I’m afraid I’ll always have to be. Jack feels like a representation of that persona, and you dislike him, so I don’t want you to dislike me. I don’t want you to see who I believe myself to be, and consequently hate me as well. So I’m leaving before you can. I’m leaving before it’s too late. I’m choosing to leave before I lose you.
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edsbacktattoo · 2 years
i think one of my favourite things about Ed is that he never says what he means, but he means everything he says. Examples:
“I’m the Kraken,” means something like “I’ve had to kill before and that scares me.”
“I am still Blackbeard,” means “I am still worthy of respect.”
“Do you wanna do something weird?” means “I think I can be myself with you.”
“We didn’t come all this way to not dig something up,” means “I’m in love with you.”
“Never left,” means “I’m in love with you.”
“Yeah. I know I don’t,” means “I’m in love with you.”
“What makes Ed happy is you” means two things. It means “I love you.”
It also means “please say it back.”
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muchimmm · 1 year
gotham doodles part 2
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doodling in paint is super fun :33
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pennysperfectpolls · 8 months
Adoption poll round 1 match 24
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Nona (The Locked Tomb)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Propaganda under the cut
Nona (The Locked Tomb) Propaganda
She is 19 years old but also 4.5 billion years old and also 6 months old. She has escaped from barbie jail on Pluto (long story) and has amnesia. She loves all dogs, but especially loves Noodle who has six legs and is king of dogs in secret. She likes eating sand, marker lids and luscious green vegetation and she does NOT like scrambled eggs because she has sensory issues and they are gross. She is not allowed to eat sand, marker lids or luscious green vegetation and she HAS to finish her scrambled eggs because she needs the protein. She cannot read but she is fluent in every single language that exists including body language. She is part of a gang with her friends from school. Her friends are called Hot Sauce, Born in the Morning, beautiful Ruby, honesty and Kevin. She thinks flowers are sexy and likes having agony aunt columns read to her. She’s only had two tantrums in her life and she can’t even remember them so you can’t hold that against her. Just about everyone who meets her wants to adopt her, and she was adopted by three people in two bodies but we can adopt her too because she has plenty of love to go round and honestly she kinda needs the supervision. Or she’ll eat sand.
Nona is getting ready to celebrate her birthday and she wants to invite every dog she's seen in the city. She knows every language. She likes to swim and touch the jellyfish that nobody else can touch because they kill you. She's in a gang with some of the other kids at school. Her family's not sure who she is. The rebellion wants to use her. So does the empire. She's got a crush on one of the rebels. She kisses the emperor's daughter. She's dying. All she wants is a birthday present. Nona loves you.
Pollrunner note: whoever wrote these propaganda deserves a medal 🏅 🏅
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) Propaganda
Feral child left to take care of himself and his brother at a young age. Cannot stop uncovering government corruption
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abybweisse · 1 year
Why I think Undertaker has to be Cedric, revisited
At this point in the series, I'm a bit surprised how many in the fandom not just don't see him as Cedric K. Ros-- but actually rail against the idea.
So, here's a long, somewhat thorough overview of the situational and physical clues that he's Cedric, the father of Vincent and Francis/Frances.
Situational hints
How he cries over the details of Vincent's death. Not just that he died but what became of his remains. I'd cry over my dead son, too, especially if I had the ability to reanimate corpses but his body was destroyed by fire so that I couldn't do that. Let alone the fact his cinematic records were destroyed, so I not only couldn't make a bizarre doll of him, but I couldn't even review his memories to see what happened right before he died. This ties in with what he later says about not wanting to lose any more Phantomhives. But it strongly suggests that whoever set the fire did so specifically to thwart the efforts of a grim reaper. Whoever did that either knew Undertaker was a reaper or was at least following the instructions of someone who knew.
The whole not wanting to lose more Phantomhives thing. Claudia/Cloudia is gone, and so is Vincent. Reanimating real Ciel is the best he can do to not let the older twin go. He tried to destroy Sebastian to release our earl "Ciel" from their demon contract and might try again. Makes you wonder just how many Phantomhives he's really lost already. As well as where others might still be alive. What exactly was his business in France? 🤔
Even his odd comment to our earl (before the attack) that he wasn't sure which twin this was... but that it didn't matter because they were both Phantomhives. Instead of seeing an heir and a spare, he saw them equally. At least he did then. I suspect he now sees our earl as a spare soul... or conversely sees real Ciel as a spare body. I guess both could be true, making them still essentially equal in his eyes. Again, this could be another attempt to save our earl from Sebastian. By putting our earl's soul into the unmarked body of real Ciel, that might void the contract... unless the seal on our earl's eye also somehow affected his soul. 🤔 Anyway. I digress, since that gets into a separate theory discussion.
Standing in to help young Mr. Pitt take a photo of the twins. That's right after telling our earl it doesn't matter which twin he is. Then the other twin and Mr. Pitt arrive, the latter holding a new camera. It's odd that Mr. Pitt would ask a non-relative of the kids (besides a nanny) to help stage the photo, though Pitt is perhaps the non-traditionalist anyway. Undertaker seems like he's shocked to be asked, but he also seems amused. Mr. Pitt likely doesn't even suspect Undertaker is the twins' paternal grandfather, otherwise he might have seen it as a scoop, á la "LOWLY UNDERTAKER IS SIRE TO PROMINENT NOBLE FAMILY" or something equally scandalous. Because undertakers were considered low class citizens. So, Undertaker acts shocked but complies with giddy delight. By asking Undertaker to help stage the photo, he has likely, unwittingly asked a relative of the boys, which would be considered completely appropriate for the time period.
How he treats the Midfords. He recognizes Lizzie's talents and skill with a sword, otherwise he wouldn't have wanted her at Sphere Music Hall as a protector of the lords of the stars, while he kept them and Blavat hidden away. So he probably had Blavat bring her into the cult. Undertaker might see some of himself in Lizzie, but he definitely sees it in Frances/Francis, and I don't just mean physically. Both women fight in a similar manner as he does: highly skillful and graceful. Idk what he thinks of Edward, but I know he got a great laugh from watching the Phantom Five (including Edward) perform onstage. He doesn't interact much, if at all, with Alexis, who isn't a Phantomhive.
What he says to Francis/Frances, as well as how she responds. Again, he hardly acknowledges Alexis' existence, but Undertaker speaks directly with "Lady Phantomhive". That's really important because she's married into the Midford family and hasn't gone by her maiden name in many years. As long as Edward is old plus at least a bit longer, since she strikes me as too proper for a shotgun wedding, even if she weren't a noble. So, he sets her apart from her husband because she was born a Phantomhive. He doesn't want to lose her, either, because she is her mother's daughter. Then, when she nervously states he hasn't changed in roughly four years, he pokes fun at the fact he hasn't changed in a much longer time frame. He says her birth, over 30 years ago, seems like just yesterday. She's sweating bullets, and it's not just his creepy vibes. She knows he means it -- that 30-some-odd years is nothing to him... and that he very specifically recalls her birth. I'm pretty sure she knows he's her father, and she's horribly embarrassed by the fact. Alexis doesn't have a clue about it, and she'd rather keep it that way. But what he says strongly implies that he was present at her birth. Maybe down the hall, like Vincent was when his sons were born, but there... and just as anxious and excited and proud.
How the years for Cedric's birth and death dates are hidden by a speech bubble. Cloudia/Claudia's dates are fully shown because she's a regular human being. Well... a human, anyway. But if Undertaker is Cedric, then the birth and death dates for him would be from when he was a human, before he committed suicide and was sentenced to serve out his punishment as a reaper. That death date could be decades or even centuries before Cloudia/Claudia was even born. Remember that this family tree isn't one prepared by humans; it's part of the dossier that the German reapers have for our earl. The focus is purely biological ancestry, not marriages. Cloudia/Claudia and Cedric don't have to be married to be on this family tree; he is biologically the father of both Vincent and Francis/Frances.
Physical hints
He looks a lot like Francis/Frances and Edward. And Yana-san tweeted years ago that Francis and Edward look like Cedric. Here's a comparison between Edward and Undertaker. Here's one between Francis/Frances and Undertaker.
The place on his right where his hair has a long braid seems to match up with Lizzie's and Francis/Frances' right side locks that tend to stick out. He's got it tucked behind his right ear, but the braid might originate from the same spot. If Lizzie and her mother pushed those locks back, behind their right ears, the placement would be the same as Undertaker's braid.
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He has the exact same baby hairs at the nape of his neck as Lizzie and Francis/Frances. They might be a bit shorter, but they are definitely there. Here's an old post about it. Edward possibly does, too, and we could tell if his hair was grown out and pulled up, but his hair is short and a bit shaggy on the nape of his neck, so we can't be sure.
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monstersteam · 10 months
Thomas wiki pages but they're designed with a more Wikipedia-ish format
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lbe-3223 · 5 months
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rosyopal-eva · 1 year
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okay pretty boy ✨
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wingedqueenlynx · 7 months
I wonder what they are talking about?
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The original picture down here for reference lol
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