#Edwin I see you twin
ofthehands · 2 months
Been thinking about the childhoods of the Sawyers again, this time in particular Drayton, and wondering about how the time period he grew up in might have shaped who he became. Generally I base his age on his actor, Jim Siedow, which just makes sense, we’ve never been given any reason to doubt he’s the same age as his actor. Which would mean Drayton was born in 1920 sometime, and would’ve grown up in part during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. 
Now, of course the Sawyers would’ve been too poor to have a stake in the stock market, and whether or not the Dust Bowl would’ve hit them exactly depends on where Newt, Texas actually is, but for this little piece of analysis I’m going to make the leap and assume Newt would’ve been impacted by the Dust Bowl, and that the Sawyers were impacted by the job loss and industry cutbacks (via the slaughterhouse, most likely) of  the Great Depression, both because it’s interesting and because I think it makes sense. 
We know Drayton was born in 1920, and the twins were likely next, or at least the next surviving Sawyer children, born in 1945 (if you base their age on Edwin Neal’s age). Which is a big age gap, and we’ve discussed lots of reasons for this age gap, but one that isn’t talked about much that I think makes sense is the economic impacts of the times leading the Sawyers to be too afraid to have more children. They had Drayton when things were looking up- the Great War just ended and while many farmers were burdened with debt, the roaring twenties were beginning, and along with that came a boom in industrial production- it could be possible this is when the slaughterhouse came to Newt.  Only for all that to be yanked away when their son is about nine years old. The Great Depression comes first- wages are cut, many people lose their jobs, folks are going hungry. But the Sawyers seem to have at some point lived off the land somewhat, maybe they could raise livestock or grow food. For about a year, until the Dust Bowl starts, nearly a full decade of dust storms so intense they choked the life out of the land and left the Sawyers and many people like them not only in abject poverty, but absolutely starving. Of course they wouldn’t want another child- they probably only barely managed to clothe and feed Drayton. But, eventually the Dust Bowl does end, and the economy of the United States is boosted by the second World War, leading many Americans to feel secure enough to start having lots of kids, causing the Baby Boom. Which started around 1945, birth year of the twins. The birth order and timeline of the Sawyer family makes a lot of sense with these historical events taken into account, and the Texas Chainsaw universe is never shown to be different to ours historically beyond the existence of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so I believe it’s entirely reasonable to assume these events did happen and did impact the Sawyer family in this way. 
So, with that out of the way, how did these events impact Drayton? As an adult Drayton seems to be a very anxious and money-conscious man. Which in the first film makes a lot of sense- he and his family are very poor, and he’s their only source of real income that we see. However, at the same time, the family is shown to have a collection of victims’ previous cars. Which is a bit odd. There could be a good bit of money there, which you would think would cross Drayton’s mind.  Of course, it would be important to make sure these cars aren’t traced back to them, so selling them outright would be risky, but selling parts of them as scrap or the whole cars to be scrapped could be a fairly easy way to make some more money. It would’ve been easier to get away with then, without cameras everywhere especially in the middle of nowhere Texas, and with the law caring/ believing as little about the Sawyers as TCM2 showed us they did.  But, the cars are collected anyway. Since Drayton is the head of the household and these cars wouldn’t be easy to hide, it’s reasonable to assume that Drayton allowed these cars to be kept. It could be argued that the Sawyers just aren’t smart enough to figure out how to safely dispose of their victim’s cars, and so they keep them in order to avoid suspicion. However, I would like to posit that these cars are an early sign of Drayton’s tendency to hoard. 
Hoarding is a fairly common behavior in people who lived through the Great Depression, and it can be handed down generationally as well- the children of (or in our case, children raised by) those who lived through the Great Depression often struggle with hoarding too. Hoarding behaviors are commonly associated with anxiety- the fear of not having enough, the fear of needing something and not having it- there is an anxiety around need. Which, of course, is an anxiety that was greatly exacerbated by the Great Depression and Dust Bowl- people in mass didn’t have what they needed, and like many traumas, these events left people with the unending fear of it happening again. Additionally, and notably,  hoarding can also be related to a number of mental health conditions, like severe depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and psychotic disorders. So how exactly does this relate back to Drayton Sawyer? 
To assume Drayton is a hoarder, or takes part in hoarding behaviors, based only on the car graveyard would be quite the stretch. However, this is far from the only time we see hoarding-type behaviors  in the Sawyers that must either be done by him or allowed by him. In the first film the Sawyers don’t seem to have too much of a hoarding problem. They use absolutely everything they get their hands on, which could again be a Great Depression/Dust Bowl influence, but their home seems rather sparsely furnished, and while they have a lot of animal bones laying about, its still easy to move through their home- it’s not particularly cluttered, just filthy. In the second film, however, with greater access to money, the Sawyers have started to collect things. The massive cave system they live in is full of strange items, all throughout the walls, and bodies are kept throughout their ‘home’ even when they aren’t being used- the giblets being stuffed into the walls, where Lefty finds them. They could burn something like that, or find some use for it, or get rid of it in some other way, but Drayton, who is in charge of their cooking operations undoubtedly, does none of this- he keeps all of it. He additionally is still very worried about money- he refuses to take a break or miss out on money for even one night, in spite of his advanced age, the fact that they have enough food to be selling food in mass, and that his business is stable enough for the woman at the chili contest to call him “Dallas’ favorite caterer”. Dallas is a big area- if he’s one of the most popular caterers in Dallas, his family isn’t going to go hungry. But Drayton expresses constant money anxiety anyways, and he keeps or allows the keeping of tons of strange and borderline useless items in their home- Christmas lights, skeletons, giblets, a stop light for some reason. If they lived still in the old farmhouse and not the cave system, their house likely would be full wall to wall. And, with the blood and guts in the very walls of their house, which is a cave and thus a fantastic place to grow all kinds of deadly molds, this behavior is definitely putting the Sawyers at a significant health risk. The Sawyer family, and Drayton specifically, show hoarding behaviors to the extent that it’s putting their health at risk. It may also seem like an odd thing, to keep mentioning the collection of bodies on the Sawyer property as a form of hoarding, but I think for Drayton it very much is. Meat is life for the Sawyers- they were raised in meat- and having it is all they have, often. So a massive collection of bodies and body parts, even when they’re not really being used and are likely rotting their home, soothes Drayton’s fear of needing and not having. If hard times come again, like they did during the Depression, or when the Sawyers could no longer work at the slaughterhouse, they’ve still got something, even if that something is nothing more than viscera in the walls. 
Now, of course, other mental health conditions could be impacting Drayton and causing his hoarding behavior. While Drayton doesn’t display a lot of obvious symptoms, we know psychotic disorders run in the family- Nubbins is heavily coded as schizophrenic, Edwin Neal based his performance off his schizophrenic nephew. Additionally, Drayton could have some type of severe depression. Throughout the end of the second film, Drayton talks about ‘quitting’, and how he’s been thinking about ‘quitting’ lately. Reasonably, it could be assumed he means retirement- he’s 66 after all. However, at the very end of the film, he refers to killing himself and his family in the same terms- “Maybe it’s time to just shut down. Time to shut down the show, yeah.” It’s possible that he did mean retirement originally. And it’s also possible he was always thinking of suicide. Drayton Sawyer may not seem like someone who is depressed, especially with business booming as it is, but depression doesn’t yield to success, and Drayton displays and follows through on suicidal intensions. It’s not a sure thing, but certainly not impossible. Additionally, Drayton could have OCD. Compulsive hoarding was considered a type of OCD, and 1/4th of people with OCD also display compulsive hoarding, and 1/5th of hoarders also display other traits of OCD. 
However, I still think one could argue these hoarding behaviors present in Drayton and his money anxiety are inextricably linked to trauma related to the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl. Especially since in disorders like depression and OCD, trauma- while not necessarily causative of the disorder- is a risk factor for the development of these disorders. So I do believe it could be said that Drayton is a hoarder, or at least shows signs of hoarding behaviors, and that this behavior stems from the impacts of the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl on him. 
I think, additionally, Drayton’s sadism and antisocial behaviors could stem partially from his experiences with the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl as well. I do believe there are other factors at play, ranging from potential generational abuse in the Sawyer family, to Drayton’s own desire for power and control leading him to exert that power as violence over anybody he can hurt and get away with hurting- namely his vulnerable and reliant younger brothers and the victims of his family. However, I think the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl could still have played a substantial part in shaping the way he’s sadistic, and forming within him a need for power and control. 
One of the more prominent ways I think that the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl shaped Drayton’s antisocial behaviors, is the way that it altered his view of people outside his family and the nature of human interaction. One of his snappier lines in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 was “It’s a dog eat dog world and from where I sit there just ain’t enough damn dogs!” which gives a pretty solid view into Drayton’s mindset. People can and will tear each other apart, and it’s important to him to be the one doing the hurting instead of being the one getting hurt. Of course, ignoring the cannibalistic implications of this sentence from the mouth of a cannibal would be silly, but taken literally the meaning is much the same. Drayton believes that the people he and his family kills and eats would at least harm and take advantage of him and his family if the shoe were on the other foot- maybe he even thinks its a matter of cannibalize or be cannibalized. And, of course, now that Drayton is on top- now that he’s scrapped out some deal of security by slaughtering others, he only wants more. Which makes sense if he grew up with barely any food on his plate, in a time period where others could pose a real danger, as they’re hungry too. Their neighbors realistically weren’t going to cannibalize the Sawyers in turn, but it was possible they might try to steal from them, or that desperate people might try to hurt them in order to take resources from them. It’s possible this could’ve happened to the Sawyers in Drayton’s lifetime, and it’s possible it never did but Drayton was raised with the idea in his head that it could happen- that the anxieties of older Sawyers before him imparted on him that he couldn’t trust people other than his family and that he should take what he can from other people before they take from him, regardless of whether the Sawyers were even cannibalistic during this time or not. I think that this anxiety around being hurt, baked into Drayton from a young age, manifested in his adulthood as an inward justification for his extreme and violent behavior, and in the way that he raised his younger brothers to continue this cycle- Drayton never breaks the cycle and imposes his beliefs and traumas onto his younger brothers, causing them to become even more isolationist and antisocial than him. 
Another way I think the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl would’ve impacted Drayton as an adult is by impacting how and why he expresses sadism. I believe that Drayton likely expresses sadism the way he does due to feeling helpless or out of control. This is an odd sentiment to apply to Drayton- he’s a very cruel and controlling man when he’s present in the films, and helplessness isn’t particularly befitting of him from the outside. However, despite what Drayton might admit or be willing to believe, he has control over almost nothing. He’s dirt poor, and likely disabled, trying to keep a gas station running in a tiny town when he can’t even always count on having gas. According to signs on the station, he sells barbeque and fishing worms as well, the barbeque sourced from their victims, and the worms likely just dug up out of the ground. He’s doing all he can to make ends meet, but whether or not he makes it really isn’t in his control. Additionally, he can’t keep his brothers under control. It’s not a particularly reasonable thing for him to want- the level of control he wants over his brothers, who are grown men, could certainly be argued to be unhealthy, he treats them quite like children. But it is still something Drayton clearly wants- he punishes them severely for disobeying him, and “I told you and I told you” is a pretty common sentence out of his mouth- he’s always vying for control of his brothers, even to the extent to not teach them about sex and to try and sway them away from ever having connections to people outside of the family, especially of a romantic variety, going so far as to try to make Bubba kill a woman Drayton assumed he had some kind of connection with. But, for all he does, he can’t keep Nubbins in the house, or Chop Top from getting into trouble and messing with Nubbins’ body, or Bubba from developing an interest in women. He wants control of them, desperately, but he can’t have that either. The only time Drayton Sawyer has complete control is when he’s tormenting a victim. It could be argued he torments them for the sake of tormenting them, not to have control, but to hurt someone for the simple enjoyment of causing pain. However, I don’t think this lines up with much of what we know about Drayton. While he is very cruel, he also shies away from violence at odd times. He enjoys poking Sally with the stick when she’s in his truck, but he also doesn’t like hearing her cry. He enjoys watching Grandpa bash her head in with a hammer, but also scolds his brothers for “torturing the poor girl”. Drayton clearly does enjoy violence to some degree, but I don’t think he enjoys violence for the sake of it. I think Drayton enjoys violence as a means to feel in control, and desires that feeling both because of his lack of control in his everyday life, and because of the way his life was suddenly upended by forces beyond his control or his family’s control at a young age.  
Ultimately, I’m not entirely certain that the creators of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre would’ve put much thought into the ways that the politics and economics of the time period the characters were born in would affect how the old scary guy who takes a chainsaw up the ass in the second movie thinks and behaves, so take this analysis with a grain of salt, lol, but it was a lot of fun to write, and I think that these factors are certainly something fans could take into account when thinking about and creating content of these characters. I greatly enjoy trying to unravel some of the mystery around the Sawyers with what little information we have, especially since these questions will never be answered in canon. Feel free to add on anything you think I might have missed with this topic, or any other thoughts that come to your mind! I love hearing other people’s theories and thoughts and such.
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pejite · 16 days
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As they had planned, Wilhelmina and Edwin set out for a leisurely walk, leaving Robert and Winifred in the capable hands of their two older siblings. This rare opportunity allowed them to take a break from their daily routine and enjoy a moment of tranquillity beyond the confines of their small farm.
They wandered into the village, their steps crunching on the snow-covered cobblestones. The streets, lined with quaint stone cottages, were bathed in the soft light of the winter sun. They passed by the church where they had exchanged their vows—just as their parents and grandparents had before them. It was a place steeped in family history, and one day, their own children might walk these same paths, perhaps even bringing their own children to be wed in this cherished spot.
"I see you've been mending some of your dresses" Edwin remarked, breaking the comfortable silence. The sound of their footsteps echoed softly as they walked hand in hand, enjoying the crisp, fresh air. Wilhelmina nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes, I’ve been taking the puffed sleeves off some of them and bought a few discounted fabrics to make new dresses. The children are growing so quickly, and our old clothes from when we were young are becoming rather worn."
Edwin’s face lit up with a fond smile as he gently squeezed Wilhelmina’s hand. "I remember when your mother made those beautiful dresses for Thomas before he was born. You’re still using them, aren’t you?" Wilhelmina chuckled, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "Yes, and I plan to use them for our new baby too…"
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Their eyes met, and they spoke in unison, "What shall we name the baby?" Their anticipation was palpable, they had grown accustomed to the idea of not having more children after the twins, and Wilhelmina’s previous pregnancies had led them to believe their family was complete. The prospect of a new addition brought a fresh wave of excitement. "You think it’s a boy, so…" Edwin murmured thoughtfully.
"Edwin?" Wilhelmina proposed tentatively.
"What’s that?" Edwin asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.
Wilhelmina laughed softly. "No, I was wondering if you’d be alright with naming him Edwin, after you."
Edwin looked at her in surprise, shaking his head gently. "I was already named after my father. I’m not particularly fond of that tradition. I think it might be nice to choose a different name for our son" he said, as they carefully descended the stone steps near the church.
Wilhelmina wrapped her arm around his, contemplating the suggestion. After a moment of thoughtful silence, she seemed to have an idea. "How about George? I believe your grandfather was named George" she suggested. Edwin’s face brightened at the thought, and he looked at her with affection. "That’s a lovely idea. George it is. And if it turns out to be a girl? What about Frances?" he added, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.
"Frances is a beautiful name" Wilhelmina agreed. "It has a lovely ring to it and feels quite fitting."
Edwin leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, the warmth of the gesture making her smile. They continued their walk, enjoying the serenity of the village streets and each other's company. It was the first time in many months that they had had such a peaceful outing, just the two of them, without the bustling presence of their children. They relished every moment of their intimate stroll, appreciating the calm and the closeness they shared.
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suzyblue0292 · 3 months
Rewatch - Dead Boy Detectives S1E2 - The Case of the Dandelion Shrine
Is this a functioning cannery?
Edwin being their diplomat is both horrifying and hilarious, but yeah, he is actually the best choice. 
I always knew if my cat could talk he’d be an asshole.
I can’t tell how much of the seduction is real and how much is a play to get the bracelet on…
The fear on Edwin’s face as he backs off. 
I’m not sure it’s consensual if you smack a caging spell on someone first…
I wonder if the cat king returned him hours later on purpose to screw with them - it makes Edwin’s story so suspect to Charles because - how could that be all that happened - you were gone for hours!
Edwin is so stressed out and striking out at everyone. Also this makes 2 times he has mentioned hell. 
Poor Jenny does not get paid enough for this shit. 
Obviously they have not traveled much if they don’t know the mail gets forwarded.
And the sad moment we all realized it was not psychic lesbian love. 
“You’re a cursed walrus. That’s cool.” Oh Charles.
Charles does smile a LOT.
Esther was totally planning revenge before she knew they were stuck. Oh, deary me. I love her so much. 
Where do doctors still make house calls? Is it because he really is such a crap doctor?
I don’t think Edwin doesn’t care - he’s trusting Charles to handle Crystal - while he observes and puts together evidence. 
Honestly, Edwin a simple “We can’t talk to the living, you can.” Would have sufficed. Yes, Charles, stop being so nice. Western doctors refuse to treat women with any seriousness even when it’s not a magical malady so let’s not give Dr. Dehydration any props here. 
Married bickering. 
Crystal, while I don’t begrudge you poking through someone else’s library, those letters are not your business. 
Edwin’s repetitive use of “hysteria” cracks me up.
More married bickering. Right until it looks like Edwin could hurt himself, then Charles is so soothing.
Also, which one of them is more obsessed with the Cat King?
Poor Charles. Also, when you consider that Edwin’s calmness is because he’s seen so much worse, poor Edwin.
Crystal, all you do is talk about it.
Boarding school is a theme in this show. 
Everyone was staring because of the sprites, so she had to drop out of school. 
Where do all of Crystal’s clothes come from?
Niko looks so delighted at the prospect of Crystal being insane. She really is delightful.
So much of Edwin’s rudeness comes from a place of concern.
Are those women twins?
A dead child causes more trouble than a live one. Tell me how you really feel about children, Nurse Lady.
Such a cute map Niko.
I think Edwin liked, or at least respected his father. He is quoting him a hundred years after his death. I wonder if he didn’t have a better homelife than Charles and that is why he looks so stricken when Charles says “lets not talk about dads.” He doesn’t really understand that Charles was abused - in part because Charles hasn’t shared that and in part because our idea of abuse has changed over time. However - it should be noted that when Edwin himself was a small child there were reform movements, and anti-child abuse laws passed in England, so it isn’t fair to assume he was abused or would have no understanding of the notion. 
I love the relationship we’re seeing between these two. Charles’ gentle comments about Edwin’s “old-timey insults” immediately elicits a promise to be nicer from Edwin. 
Then his comments about liking Crystal because she’s like Edwin get this soft smile from Edwin and he breaks down and admits he isn’t upset with Crystal but himself. Charles is so quick to put the blame on the Cat King - even though he could scold Edwin for trapping the cat.
How does a ghost break a bone on the mortal plane? 
“I went with grab it.” Charles I love you.
“ANOTHER discussion about your impetuous behavior.” “Sure, mate.” Charles does shit like this all the time, clearly. 
The teacher in me feels such kinship with Jenny.  I wish I could say “cut the weird shit.” God knows I think it a lot. 
Me too Edwin. Me too.
I think we all sleep on how brilliant Charles really is. While Edwin and Crystal are bickering he’s reading the book and coming up with a solution.
Why does the jar float in thin air but not the book?
Edwin does care about Crystal. 
Okay Crystal’s speech to the sprite’s is so sad, but does anyone else expect a lion and hyenas to start a musical number when she says “you’ll never go hungry again”?
So rude that the sprites could just always “exit the body” this way but instead explode people. 
Love the sprites.
“But also dangerous and unprofessional. Do not do it again.” Is Edwin for “I care about you and you frightened me. Which Charles damn well knows. I suppose it would embarrass Edwin (and probably Crystal) for him to point that out though.
Charles please stop. We’re all in pain here.
Love Niko’s confidence.
Charles is so happy to collect new friends. 
Oh my god. So many ghosts.
Esther, my queen. 
The spellwork sequence is so cool. 
I know Monty comes off all sweet later but his grin is evil. 
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aurorawest · 10 months
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The Scottish Boy by Alex de Campi - 5/5 stars
This book managed to rip my heart out at least 3 times. I loved it. Medieval enemies-to-lovers slow burn; very romantic. Kinda read like fanfiction at times but in a good way. 10/10 would read a follow-up love story about Arundel and Captain Wekena. If you like Captive Prince, give this one a try.
Reforged by Seth Haddon - 4/5 stars
Pretty good bodyguard romantasy. Ironically CS Pacat blurbed this one (another am-I-in-the-matrix moment). The world was interesting and I enjoyed the politics, though they're definitely not as complicated as other SFF politics I've gone feral over (see: Captive Prince, Winter's Orbit, A Memory Called Empire). I ordered the sequel after I finished this.
The Doctor's Date by Heidi Cullinan - 4/5 stars
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske - 5/5 stars
Where do I start? I love, love, LOVE A Marvellous Light. It's one of my favorite books ever. None of the rest of the books in the trilogy could live up to it, really, because it's so good. You'll notice I rated this one 5 stars though, because quite honestly I fell prey to a bit of The Academy Paying The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Its Due syndrome. I did love this book and thought it was better than A Restless Truth (which I still loved!) but part of that is, quite frankly, just due to the fact that I prefer m/m romance to f/f romance.
Anyway. This was such a good finale to the trilogy. I loved that the romance was a giant middle finger to purity cultists. I loved that one of the mains was Italian. I loved finally getting the story of what happened to the Alston twins. One thing I thought was really cool was how, viewed from the outside, you totally get why Edwin is such a loner. I really admire from a writing perspective how Marske pulled that off.
I feel like there's a lot to be said about what Marske was trying to SAY with this book, but I definitely need to reread it first before I can articulate any of it. The purity culture stuff is obvious, but the magic system too. I feel like Jack when he's almost able to connect everything in his mind into a bigger idea, but he can't quite get there.
I've got a special edition from Illumicrate coming, so I'll be rereading it when I have that.
Oh also, this book was the embodiment of all that one tumblr post -
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The Guncle by Steven Rowley - 5/5 stars
I saw this in bookstores for years before I finally gave in and bought it. The blurb makes it sound insufferable and twee. Ignore the blurb. This was such a good book about grief and learning how to live again after terrible loss.
I Like Me Better by Robby Weber - 4/5 stars
At last I can stop getting the Lauv song stuck in my head whenever I set eyes on this book (it's stuck in my head as I type this). Pretty standard-issue YA, but it was cute and had a good message.
The Stagsblood King by Gideon E Wood - 4/5 stars
Another book about moving on from grief! This is the second book in a trilogy. When I was trying to determine if I wanted to read on beyond book 1, I scoured the internet for information about what happens in books 2 and 3. Eventually I decided, hell, I enjoyed book 1 well enough, even if what I want to happen in the rest of the trilogy doesn't happen, they're worth reading. SO, to that end, I will tell anyone looking for info that Tel gets romantically involved with a new man in this one, which, eh. I still want him to somehow end up with Vared. It was still quite good though.
In the Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune - DNF at pg 82
So funnily, we were at the bookstore the day I was about to start reading this, and my wife pointed out Ravensong (also by Klune) to me and said, "Do you have this one?" I made a face and said, "That's an older one of his books and I'm wary of his early work after that horrible Verania series. I don't think I've ever read an author as hit or miss as TJ Klune."
I wrote the above when I was 60 pages in and now I have officially DNFed this. Listen. You know how in Thor: Love and Thunder, Taika Waititi was clearly given free rein to do whatever he wanted, so all of his worst impulses made it to the final cut unchecked? Yeah. That's what this book is like.
Here's my Storygraph review: I see Klune is officially Too Big To Edit now. This book has exactly the same problem that his awful Verania series had—a joke that's funny at first but quickly grows tiresome when it's repeated five times per page. The emphasis on Victor's asexuality was also weird and read like Klune was just super proud of himself for writing an ace character.
Lion's Legacy by LC Rosen - 4.25/5 stars
Queer, YA Indiana Jones, but less #problematic. This book had some eerie similarities to my own archaeology adventure novel(s), which made me wonder half-seriously if I somehow know Lev Rosen? Anyway, I feared this would be very heavy-handed and not nuanced on archaeology's ethical dilemmas, since it's YA and also the current culture is to view said dilemmas as completely black and white with no nuance, but I was pleasantly surprised. It manages to examine that, queerness, and daddy issues, plus has time to be a genuinely fun and exciting adventure story. Highly recommend.
Too White to be Coloured, Too Coloured to be Black by Ismail Lagardien - 4/5 stars
I picked up this memoir in a bookstore at OR Tambo airport in Johannesburg as research for Six Places to Fall in Love, since Percy is coloured. A pretty brutal read, but good, and definitely good research. The author was a photographer and journalist through the most violent years of apartheid.
The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson - 5/5 stars
Two nonfiction books in a row?? This is the second book by Erik Larson I've read, the first being the excellent The Devil in the White City. I'm not, in general, all that interested in WWII when it comes to military history, but this book is about the day to day lives of Churchill and the people surrounding him (with brief stops to visit FDR and high-ranking Nazis sprinkled throughout). This is a very, very good book, and I recommend reading it if only as a reminder of the resilience and bravery of ordinary people under terrifying circumstances.
Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh - 5/5 stars
Holy shit. Holy shit is this book good. Imagine the love child of Lost, Person of Interest, and Battlestar Galactica, but queer and with multiverse shenanigans thrown in.
I need everyone to read this book. Now. Yesterday. Get to it.
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simp2537 · 5 days
A/n: I’m finally done with this chapter, I’m super happy with it. I am announcing that I will be doing a Sleeping beauty AU with this series later after I’ve finished it. I hope you all enjoy!!!
Word Count: 2.348k
Trigger Warning: Religious themes, gore, murder, violence, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism, demons, blood,  self hatred, cannibal tendencies in flashbacks, child neglect, ptsd, self neglect, imprisonment, torture, consumption of other demons,  more warnings to follow
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“You are a plague on this world.” He slowly circled Y/n, his ruby eyes staring down at her. The girl panted as she held onto her twin daggers.
Her upper cheek was cut, the blackened blood dripped down her. Her body was dripping in sweat. Her shoulders sagged as he continued to attack her.
“You are the famine that has killed hundreds.” His words echoed with each of his blows to her body. She lurched forwards, coughing violently as her knees his the sand.
Her head shook hazily as she knelt in the ground. His large hand cupped her cheek, pulling her face to his.
“You are the death and destruction of this world.” His nails dug into her skin as tears began to streaming down her face.
His eyes bore down at her as she panted. Her face a mess of tears, snot and sweat. “You are the Great Scylla, doom of this world!”
“…. No.”
“No?” His tone mocked her. He mocked her. His pulled her closer, his body bent over so she could see his face.
“Then what are you?” She brought her dagger into his arm and he pulled away. On shaky legs she stood, her face full of tears.
“I’m a witch.” His pale lip curled up as he pull the dagger from his arm. He threw back at great speed. Y/n’s hand flew up, grabbing around the blade of the knife.
It stung as her blood covered the knife. Then again he attacked. Again and again he ask, “What are you.” 
Again and again she repeated, “I’m a witch.”
Till she didn’t.
Her body shot forward in her bed as her hands flew to her throat. Her nails clawed as her throat as she gasped for air. The dark walls of the room seemed to close in on her as she gasp.
Her nails bit into her skin leaving red lines. Her eyes darted around her room frantically. 
“What’s wrong!” Both ghost fazed into the room quickly approaching her bed. Charles placed his arm around her as she panted.
Edwin hesitantly placed his hand over hers, pulling them away from her throat. Her neck was red and a few small cuts covered her. 
There touch felt strange, like small tickles upon her skin.  She couldn’t really feel them but she could in a way. She felt them in her heart and her mind. She breathed out shakily as she tried to calm herself.
“Breathe mate, breathe.” Charles whispered to her softly. Her breathing remained strained as she panted.  She laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes glued shut.
“What was it about this time mate?” The tears continued to stream down her face as she sniffled. 
“Same old, same old.” She mumbled mindless as she felt Edwin’s thumb against her hand. She didn’t see the look the two boys shared. She didn’t see the way Charles looked down at her. Y/n was an enduring mystery to them. 
Sometimes she would speak on tiny things about her life before hell. The two boys could make a list of what they knew about her. In fact Edwin did have a list. 
Y/n’s mother was a witch named Melania, and she was raised in a small village outside of Salem called Widows Wailson
Y/n was extremely powerful in blood magic’s and the darker forces
Y/n had been trapped in hell for at least 300 hundred years?
Y/n was neither a sacrifice nor an evil soul, so how she ended up in hell was a mystery
Y/n often spoke of brothers, specifically her youngest brother who they only knew by the alias “little wolf”
Y/n was immortal, she would remain 16 years old for the rest of her existence. 
It was an odd list of things that they believed to be true. Y/n had never once mentioned her father, it was safe to assume he didn’t exist to her. The running theory between the boys was that Y/n and her mother had been hunted during the Salem witch trials and that somehow she ended up immortal and  in hell.
Much to Edwin’s annoyance it wasn’t a strong theory. Y/n didn’t like to speak about her past. There was so much about Y/n that didn’t add up. Y/n was not dead which was very obvious, but she’d been in hell.
Charles gently rubbed at her back as the lights from outside flickered into her bedroom. Her room was rather cluttered with magical objects, potion ingredients and other strange things. 
She was the only one with an actual bedroom. Both boys had their own rooms but no beds. They didn’t have a need for them like Y/n did. It was also nice that Y/n paid for there entire apartment with money they didn’t know how she had.
The window creaked as her red light opened  it slightly. The cold breeze drifted into the room. She sighed deeply as she closed her eyes once more. As she laid back down the two lay laid in either side of her.
“Do you guy think who were told we are and who we hope we are two very different things?” The two boys paused unsure how to answer. 
“Yes… I do believe who we’re told we are and who we are, are different. Sure sometimes the two images are blurred but at the end of the day we are not what others believe us to be.” Edwin answered softly. 
Pizza had to be one of the greatest inventions. As she sat on the edge of Edwin’s desk with an entire box of cheese pizza in her lap she knew the food in this age was much better than anything she’d ever had before.
She happily ate her food as she watched Charles circled Edwin with boxing mits up. His physique wasn’t prime to chasing away hostile ghosts.
“Come on, why are you so stiff? Loosen up. Come on.” Edwin could only groan at Charles words. She happily finished her first slice of pizza as Charles practically danced around.
“Come on, Edwin. I picked this just for you, mate. Boxing's a gentleman's sport, innit?” Edwin rolls, his face full of annoyance.
“When will I have to hit someone? I've been dead since 1916.” Edwin answers snippily. Y/n giggled softly as she waved her hand. The windows cracked open allowing a fresh breeze to enter. 
The boys didn’t feel the cold anymore, or extreme amounts of heat. She did though. She stared down at the pizza in her lap, she finished another slice. It was strange to her, to not be so hungry anymore. 
Life before was rough, the others in the village didn’t like her and her mother. They wouldn’t always trade crops with her family. She wasn’t used to having such an abundance of food.
It made her feel a little guilty. Her and her mother never had this. Yet now as her mother rotted she had so much. 
“Look I've been your best mate for 30 years, so I know you don't like to try new things, but it would make me feel a lot better if one of these decades you did learn to defend yourself.” Charles uttered. Her head snapped up as she watched Edwin attempt to box. 
“What am I then? A cockroach?” Edwin hit Charles hands rather gently.
“Noah mate, you’ve done great in being a bodyguard. Gave a good snaking to those wraiths in 07.” Charles laughed. Her head mocking lowered as she ripped a piece of her food off in her mouth. 
A loud buzz exhorted through the office. The trio shared a look as Y/n hopped down from the desk. She placed her pizza on a side table or and cleaned her hands.
“New case time boys.”
“Right, then. I’m Edwin Payne. This is Charles Rowland, and she is Y/n Adrienne. As you no doubt know,we are the Dead Boy Detective Agency.” Edwin told the young blonde girl ghost before them. 
Edwin sat in the chair of the desk with Charles and Y/n sat atop the desk on his right and left. 
“He’s the brains, I’m the brawn and she our power. Getting things done.” Charles answered with a smile. The young dead Victorian girl furrowed her brows.
“You are the brawn?” She asked suspiciously.
“Yeah. Why’d you say it like that?” Charles asked. Y/n giggled softly at the girl.
“No reason.” She insisted. The trio shared a quick look. The girl named Emma slowly place the picture in the desk.
“I would like you to help my friend Crystal. She’s a psychic you see.”  Slowly Y/n reach and took the picture. She slowly handed it to Edwin with a small smile.
“A medium. So she can see me even though I’m a ghost. But lately, something has been odd.” The trio stared at the picture of Crystal. She had curly brown hair, dark eyes and chocolate colored skin. Y/n smiled softly at her picture. 
“How do you mean “odd?”” Edwin asked handed the photo back to Y/n. She quickly pocketed it as a feeling of unease got her. Her heart sank into her stomach. Like a stone hitting water it sunk.
She slowly turned her head out the window. It was like she could feel a pair of hatful eyes upon her. The hairs on her skin shot up, her body itched to move. 
“Y/n are you listening.” She turned her gaze to Edwin quickly. 
“Course I am.” She uttered softly. She hadn’t noticed that she’d moved from the desk. She shuffled, leaning against Edwin’s chair.
“Yes, well we need to discuss payment. We sometimes do pro bone work but in this instance,” Edwin’s words were cute off by Emma.
“Oh, but I'm just a young child trying desperately to help my new friend. How ever will I afford it?” Y/n laughed loudly at the girl as she leaned further into Edwin’s chair. Charles smirked softly as he stood to Edwin’s right. Edwin waved his hand slightly.
“Emma Your hairstyle and Victorian coin purse point to your death in the late 1800s. Meaning you're older than us, supernaturally speaking.” Y/n turned her head slightly. 
Something was eating at her. There were eyes upon her. From every angle she could feel them. She did not like it.
“You've had plenty of time to learn how to exist as a ghost. You also have a knowledge of the arcane, as demonstrated
by the glowing magical squid as a pet. So...”  Y/n turns her attention back to them again. Charles looked at her, his eyes having a hint of confusion.
“I suspect you have the means to pay.” Charles smiled widened at Edwin’s words. 
“Next time you want to pull the helpless child act, maybe leave the magic squid at home, love.” Y/n said with a small smile, her sharp canines showing slightly.
“Fine, you twats. How much?” Emma asked. The trio exchanged smirks.
The dead boy and witch detectives had a new case. 
Y/n held into the bars as the train began to move again. She’d pulled most of her hair back and out of her face. Demons were messy, not easily subdued. 
It was just her lucky demons seemed to be a special skill set of hers. 
Charles and Edwin moved first. Grasping onto Crystal and drawing the rune. Y/n knelt by Edwin’s side as he finished the rune and Charles’s was sent flying. 
She knelt on the ground as Crystal stuck to the floor growling. Red started to encase the struggling girl as Y/n moved her hands slightly. Slowly her eyes shifted into the color of blood as the train began to spin.
Y/n’s feet remained firmly planted on the ground as the boys fell and spun around. From the hole on the trian fell out ugly stinky wet fish. Y/m scrunched her face in disgust at the smell. 
“The fish are washing away the runes!” Edwin yelled. With a wave of her hand the fish went flying away, hitting the windows as while flowers. Charles wu ily threw the white blanket with the runes drawn into it into Crystal.
As the train began to shift again Y/n held both boys in the air. Her magic encase them in a warm embrace, like a tight hug of red. She slowly lowered them next to her side with a small smile on her face.
As they all knelt down the blanket shot up, running out of the train. Crystal’s body shot up, fear and confusion laced in her face.
“It’s okay. It’s all right now, innit.” Charles said attempting to calm her. 
“Your names Crystal right.” Y/n asked gently. She moved closer to the trembling girl helping her sit up properly. Demon possessions were always traumatic, in many ways.
“Yeah. Crystal Palace,” She paused at a loss for words. “Something… there’s uh… theres more to my name.” She stuttered. Y/n held onto her shoulders gently as she tried to speak. Her words would not form coherently.
“Oh, my god. Why can’t I remember?” She gasped leaning forwards as if to throw up. 
“Probably a temporary side effect of the demonic possession. It will pass.” Edwin said softly. Y/n shock her head softly, most demon possessions didn’t result in a loss of memories. Sure the memories could become foggy but not truly lost.
Upon seeing the look on Y/n’s face Charles perked up, “You can stay at ours for a few days, until things come back to you.” Edwin cast Charles a sharp look.
“Usually not part of our services. We're the Dead Boy and Witch Detectives. We rescued you. You’re welcome.” Edwin said with a slight nod. Y/n softly rubbed her hands against Crystal’s arms.
“The Dead Boy and Witch Detectives?” She whispered faintly.
“It's aces, right? We're ghosts, she’s a witch and we solve mysteries.” Charles answered.
Crystal nodded, her face looking sickly. 
“Oh, yeah. Ghosts. Witch. Got it. It's just a stupid fucking name.” The trio shared a sharp look. Y/n frowned, she thought the name was kinda clever.
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eddywoww · 3 months
You can 100% ignore this whole ask completely but sometimes these scenarios pop into my head and I just have to tell someone and you’re my new favourite person so here I am. And I don’t know why this popped into my head. Probably because of the back and forth of reading female Stevie and male Steve that I’ve started to separate the two characters. But imagine this: twins Stevie and Steve (cause their parents are annoying and gave them similar names) + hooking up with Eddie (I imagine male). Like Eddie is seeing them both behind each others back and they figure it out but they’re into it. Idk I just can’t stop imagining female and male stevie/Steve in the same room. Bye.
That��s hilarious
Funny enough, I have a little written draft of an affair fic involving Eddie and HIS twin, Edwin. It’s omegaverse 😂 and Steve is a little bitch in it, so you’re not far off there clfkkffkd
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b4byblu3z · 4 months
HELLOOOO sorry I haven’t been active much!!!
But I just saw your yandere circus and OOOOOO.
I got ideas…
Clown yans with apprentice clown darling who just recently joined: She is new so she’s steadily trying to figure out what the main part of her act is going to be. The clowns use this as a chance to get her to be apart of their act to have her all to themselves. Here’s the fun part. Each clown has a unique act that ties into all of the others. So constantly they are stealing her away from each other to get her to work on their act, but all Darling sees is them being sweet enough to help her out. In reality they are at each other’s throats fighting over her attention. Now the question is… Who will she choose?
Ringmaster Yan with a darling who has applied to take care of the animals that are apart of the circus: His love(obsession) for her happened when he went to her tent to check to see how she was doing on her first day, and he so happened to walk in on her caring for a female elephant and her child. In that second he froze and it felt like his heart skipped over itself. From that point on he would constantly call her over to his tent from the pretense that an animal needed to be checked on while he supervised. This was so he could have her all to himself away from all the other members of the circus.
Twin tight rope walker yans with a contortionist darling: The twins from birth have always been inseparable. They shared everything. Clothes, hair styles, speech patterns, etc. If you saw one you could guarantee you would see the other not far behind. That is the main reason as to why their act was so special. They could not speak a word to each other before a show and do tricks flawlessly. It’s just how well they know each other. One day a new comer shows up and immediately they both are in awe. After their act from behind the curtains they see contortionist Darling move her body in ways they thought impossible. She could balance three bowling pins one on top of the other on the balls of her foot all the while bent backwards. She would flip and turn, and throughout her entire act the crowd was in awe. She made the children laugh and made gasps sound throughout the audience when she did something that many deemed impossible. After the Twins got through watching her act that moment they both knew something. They had to have her all to themselves, and they weren’t too keen on sharing her either…
Name Ideas:
Clowns: Chuckles, Whimsy, Pipo, Pips, Patches, Tot, Binks, Dimitri, Alphie, Artie, Chester, Davey, Edwin.
Ringmaster: Everett, Gabriel, Julius, Titus, Imre, Sebastian, Alexander, Edmund, Alister, Callum, Liam.
Tight rope walkers: Noah and Nathaniel, Toby and Thomas, Leo and Lucas, Finley and Freddie, Hugh and Hugo, Abel and Ave, Jasper and Finn, Benjamin and Elijah, Ash and Heath, Atlas and Adonis.
Sorry if this is too long!! I hope you’re having an amazing day/night!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!!
Like a band of clowns (Sunday, Artie, Chuckles, and Alphie) who joined the circus to put their unique violent skills into something helpful, their act is intricate, involving everything from slapstick comedy to knife throwing. Poor darling doesn't fit in, they're clumsy and oh so inexperienced.
The clowns, of course, offer to help their new apprentice vying for their attention in the process. Darling is all merry, happy that their mentors are all trying to get their act to fit into the show. Meanwhile, the clowns are giving each other nasty glares behind their back.
Or the Ringmaster, Edmund, who simply can't do it all. He's in charge of everything: animal care, cleaning, organizing shows. He just can't do it anymore. With one of his best elephants about to give birth and his show growing in popularity, he needs help.
He puts out an ad, asking for workers who were willing to travel with the circus to help out. Darling answers the advertisement, applying for the animal handling position. They were clumsy and a bit skittish, but beggars can't be choosers. He hired them up front, and their work began quickly. He avoided them for the first several weeks, until they're late bringing out the animals, and he went to search for them. Finding them in the elephant's trailer, he watched them help the newborn nurse, and a switch in him flipped. Something about the care that they gave the creature, the gentleness with which they handled her, it enraptured him.
He began calling them to check on certain animals, even when check ups or grooming was unnecessary. He just wanted to see them so desperately and get them away from prying eyes.
Or the tightrope walkers, Toby and Thomas, who were used to sharing, ever since they were young they would share toys, clothes, snacks, they even shared a bedroom until they were teenagers.
It was only natural that they share the pretty new performer as well. They're mesmerized by the way that they can move, flipping and twisting into unnatural positions.
The two made a silent agreement on their first night with the circus. The twins would share them, like they shared everything else. They belonged to the twins, even if they didn't know it.
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starset21 · 1 year
Sincerely, Yours
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Standard disclaimer: I only own my original characters, I've done some research but there will likely be Navy/military inaccuracies, and I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under @.itswildflower
Warnings: I guess death?
Summary: A little bit of back story for our two lovebirds
A/N: This is my first real attempt at truly posting a series on here so yay... Do we want a word count for these things?
Looking for future chapters? Sincerely, Yours Masterlist 
When Jake walked into the local bar in Miramar he didn’t expect to see a woman in a blue floral sun dress leaning against the bar beside her twin and his pilot, each of them throwing back a shot of Jack Daniels. “If it isn’t Tempest and Razor,” Jake drawled, allowing his southern accent to make its appearance. “That's certainly one way to celebrate getting into Top Gun, did you get one for me?” The woman turned to him a wide grin on her face. “Jake!” Jake grinned just as wide as she practically threw herself into his arms, hugging him tight. “Surprise!” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to her head before she let go of him and turned back to the others. “Looking good Hangman,” Razor teased. “I am good, Razor,” Jake replied before turning to the pilot standing beside him. “Duster,” he greeted with a dip of his head. “Hangman,” the man replied, dipping his head in return. “Ok enough boys, another round before we go mingle with the other pilots,” the woman demanded, taking Jake’s hand in hers and pulling him over to the bar where she raised a hand to signal the bartender. Jake couldn’t help but smile when he looked at her, Tempest, the windy storm that blew into his life that day at the academy when she’d bumped into him, otherwise known as Indira ‘Ria’ Kazansky. Ria handed Jake his shot as her twin, Rhett, and his pilot, Will took theirs from the counter. They cheered before downing them. 
“Dance with me, Cowboy,” Ria told Jake before pulling him over onto the small dance floor. Jake spun her around to ‘I’ll Be’ by Edwin McCain before they decided to take a break, walking over to where Rhett and Will were finishing up a game of darts. “Twenty bucks says you can’t get three in a row,” Will told Jake, offering him his set of darts he’d just collected from the board. Ria held a hand to her mouth as she and Rhett glanced at each other, holding in their laughter. If there was anything else besides flying that Jake Seresin was good at it was Darts. Jake smirked in his usual arrogant way and told him ok before he threw 2 perfect bullseyes. Ria held in her snickers as she moved so one of her hands was over his eyes so he couldn’t see. “That’s not fair Ria,” Jake grumbled. “Just do it,” she laughed. He sighed but threw the last dart, managing to make the bullseye again. Will groaned and she pulled her hand away as Jake cheered. “Hand it over Duster.”
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They’d done it. After 13 grueling weeks, they had graduated from Top Gun. The 1% of 1%. Another step in their father’s footsteps. Another step in their own legacy. Ria grinned as she held the trophy and took a picture with her father and twin. There were people congratulating her and clapping her on the shoulder. A throat was cleared and the group of mingling aviators turned to the stage where their CO was with the microphone. “I hate to cut this short but we have urgent news. Several of you are being deployed to two separate operations right away. Tempest, Banshee, Raptor.” Ria accepted the paper from her commanding officer with a stiff nod, opening it to quickly read where she was being sent. “And Hangman, Razor, Duster,” the Captain called out. “You’ll be briefed once on board. Say your goodbyes, choppers leave in 20 minutes,” he finished once they’d all been handed their orders. Ria said goodbye to her parents before joining Jake, Rhett, and Will to say goodbye to them. She gave Will a fist bump before enveloping Rhett in a tight hug. “You be careful Ria,” Rhett murmured into her ear. “You too,” she responded, squeezing him tightly before letting go and moving to hug Jake. Jake held her close. “It’ll be ok, we’re the best of the best, now it’s time to prove it,” she told him. “That’s right,” he replied before he let go of her. “Are you worried about them?” Andrea asked as the two women grabbed their flight gear. "No, my two best guys are going to be together and watching each other's backs, what more could I ask for." 
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Ria’s mission was a success, a quick in-and-out bombing run, that honestly made her question why they’d ordered them there so soon after graduating. She finished debriefing and was headed to get some food when she was intercepted by the chaplain on board. “Lieutenant Kazansky.” Ria was immediately suspicious because usually, the chaplain doesn’t address you directly unless there was news of something happening. “Ma’am,” she addressed, as she steeled herself for whatever was to come. “If you’d come with me,” she said simply. Ria nodded and followed the chaplain to one of the various private offices on board and motioned for her to take a seat. “The Secretary of the Navy has entrusted me to express his deep regret that your brother, Everett Kazansky has been killed in action. His plane was unable to defend itself further from surface-to-air missiles launched and it went down over the ocean. He and his pilot have been recovered and are on the way stateside. The Secretary extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your loss. Your command has been informed and there will be a helo waiting to take you back shortly after you pack your gear.” Ria blinked, in a state of shock, as she took the information just given to her in. “Wait!” she exclaimed after a moment. “Is there anything about Jake Seresin? He was supposed to be with them, is he ok?” Ria asked. “I was only told of your brother and his pilot’s passing.” Ria blinked again, leaning back in the chair she was sitting in with a deep sigh of relief. 
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A portrait of her twin in his service uniform stands tall behind his casket. She felt entirely numb as she stood almost stoically beside her parents and younger siblings, hardly paying any attention to anything the various people who had known her brother had to say. She declined to say anything, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to get through it without crying again. She had cried herself to sleep last night and today she felt she had to be strong for her family. Taps played and they folded the flag that had been draped over his casket before they walked past her parents and presented it to her with a salute. She stared at the flag being held out to her for a moment before she accepted it, holding it tightly to her body. She knew the risks that came with being in the military, she’d signed up for it too but now it all felt too real. Her twin was gone. Her other half. She watched as they fired the shots and one of her brother’s squad mates pounded a set of wings into the coffin and saluted. Where was Jake? Why isn’t he doing that part? Her eyes darted around the crowd of service members gathered and they couldn’t find that familiar head of blonde hair or green eyes. When she couldn’t find him she disappointedly turned her attention back to the ending of the ceremony. She stared as they lowered the casket into the ground and the F-18s flew the missing man formation overhead. The ceremony concluded and people began leaving. Admiral Tom Kazansky turned to his oldest daughter as Sarah took the two youngest back to the car and that’s when the tears welled up in her eyes again. Tom pulled her into a tight hug and she let them fall in the safety of her father’s arms. “Why isn’t he here?” she asked quietly and Tom sighed as he rubbed her back. “I don’t know baby, I don’t know.” Ria looked back at her brother’s grave one last time before her father led her back to their car. Once situated in the back seat of the family car Ria tried texting Jake but it came back undelivered so she then tried calling him. “This number has been disconnected, please try again.” Ria’s brow furrowed. Disconnected? Did he break his phone and need to get a new one? He has her number written down in his address book so he should be able to text her or call as soon as he gets a new one then, right?
She wouldn’t hear from him again for another 6 years. In the meantime, however, she sent him letters. 
Dear Jake,
I have a feeling you left without saying goodbye because you think I’m upset with you because of what happened. I’m not. I know there was nothing you could have done. I swear it, I just want my friend back. I think I’ll be more upset and hurt if I can’t talk to you again. I hope you know how much you matter to me. 
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widespot · 9 months
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Parties are a little less crowded now.
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It's still hard to remember who not to invite over with David, alas. "But - you knew they were together, didn't you?" "…Yeah. Yeah, I did. I do."
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"David, for pity's sake!"
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"Scot, will you go distract Jonah from retaliating on David, please?" "Oh, you want me in the path of the bombs, huh? I'll see what I can do."
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"I dunno what you call that, dude, but break dancing, it ain't."
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"I wish now I'd had more of a chance at the arts, but balls were cheaper and the schools had teams but the only music classes were marching band."
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"Hey, mother of twins! I'm flattered you could get away!" "Edwin's co-sitting with the lady next door. She just had a baby too - and she is no spring chicken!"
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"Check out our fine new dance space and our fine new stereo!"
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"Just start dancing, they'll find their way in."
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David has his own ways of avoiding conflict.
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But Dixie's not letting that stand. "C'mon. You've got to practice your local skills."
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It's a shame about David, but Roxie and Jonah are so nice. "We didn't adopt him; he's just moved in." "Well, it was very nice of you all the same." "Hey, he's a good kid and a good guitarist. The home was no place for him."
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xxmyhomexx · 1 year
Just read the second book in the King Of Sins series by Ana Huang, and I have THOUGHTS.
Isabella and Kai have identical twin sons, an older one after Isabella's father (I don't think his name was mentioned, so I'll call him Arthur) and the other one named Kellan. Kellan takes after his dad into becoming the CEO of his father's company, while Arthur becomes a successful artist like his Uncle Felix. They are close to their grandparents on both sides, with Kellan taking tips from Leonora and Edwin, and Arthur attending events with Perlah, Felix, and his wife Clarissa.
During the race, a rival company comes to claim the vote, a woman named Narissa. She is beautiful, and while she is competition, Kellan can't help but be infuatuated with her. She feels the same, and the two begin a romantic relationship.
However, Narissa has a secret: she was sent to take the Young Corperation down by her father, Victor, but she can't go through with it because she genuinely sees Kellan is a good man. She gathers courage and tells him the truth, feeling guilty because she was so deep into it it passed over her head.
Kellan is angry and breaks up with her, unbelieving that she hadn't exposed his family's business secrets to Victor. He is heartbroken and full of hatred, hatred for Victor Black. When he tells Kai what happened, he has no idea what to do about Narissa.
"Did she ever give you any hint about her betrayal? Did she want to expose you?"
"No," Kellan is confident. "She looked bothered. Like she didn't want to do it at all."
Meanwhile, Narissa is confronted by Victor, who is enraged that she fell back on their plans. Narissa tells Victor it was his own fault that his business blew up in flames, just because Isabella wouldn't hook up with him and he's a terrible father. To her surprise, Victor smacks her and tells her he doesn't need her anyway, because he will unleash hell on Kellan's world, promising to ruin Kai's son before his life starts.
Narissa is terrified and runs to Kellan's apartment, banging on the door. When Kellan doesn't answer, she tries his friend's, and they mention he is going to his brother's art exhibition with his parents.
Narissa rushes to the exhibit. True to his word, they see Victor and another of his associates hiding in the crowd, but she knows she must be careful. She sees the goon at the bar, pouring a tray of drinks. She sneaks around to the back, and notices that he is taking something out of his pocket. It is a packet of drugs, and they look HARD.
The event starts to go, and Narissa walks toward the goon, confronting him head on. They get into a squabble, and end up falling through a wall in the middle of the crowd. Everyone is in shock, and Kellan walks over to Narissa, helping her up. Narissa explains the situation, and she exposes Victor to the crowd.
Victor is arrested, and Kellan and Narissa reconcile. She is welcomed into the family with open arms.
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stony-ao3-feed · 1 year
Honey Love
Read it on AO3
by Marvelous_Darkness
Petros wrinkled his nose, “I don’t want to be soft and beautiful. I want to be big and strong! Like you and theîos Bacchus.”
“You are big and strong. Growing bigger and stronger every day,” theîos Stiofán replied calmly. “See?” He squeezed Petros’ thigh gently. “Strong legs from climbing up and down our island.” He trailed his fingers down Petros’ body as he spoke, making the boy squirm and squeak.
“But, you are also beautiful,” theîos Stiofán continued. He cupped Petros’ cheek and smiled into his face. “It is good; you are still a boy yet. As beautiful as any rose, and petal-soft.” Tickling fingers swept over his rear and a teasing finger slid between the curves of youthful muscle. Petros gasped, and his theîos’ eyes flashed brilliant blue.
“Sweet, too,” Stiofán murmured. “Perhaps I should spread honey here,” a finger tapped the rose hidden away in that sacred space, making Petros’ face flame. “Shall I? Cover you in sweetness and lick it away?”
 ... Or, Petros' bad day is made better by strategic applications of love and honey.
Words: 7301, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Friday (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Peggy Carter (mentioned), Howard Stark (mentioned)
Relationships: Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, Harley Keener/Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Implied), Peter Parker/Tony Stark (implied)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ancient Greece, uncle!steve, Uncle!Bucky, aunt!Pepper, Peter and Harley are twins, Peter and Harley are Tony's biological children, inventor!Tony, Edwin and Ana run Tony's home, enhanced!Steve, Artist!Steve, enhanced!Bucky, agriculture and animal husbandry, beautiful Greece, sweet pretty boys getting sexed up by big strong men, Incest, I'll say it again louder...INCEST!, Kissing, Blow Jobs, Rimming, A little bit of food porn, a wonderful misuse of honey, brief musings on fratricide, but only because Peter is grumpy with Harley, Steve and Bucky are kind and supportive uncles, NO NON-CON/DUB-CON, except in as much as children cannot consent, obviously!
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omaticwriting · 1 year
Fears- Book 1: Awakening [Chapter Epilogue - take a shot in the dark]
As the two entered the bus and took their seat, Willa and Nicolas slumped and broke whatever composure remained within them from the night before. The latter of the duo more so as he looked to the forest. His unquestioning disdain reared for a brief moment before he watched it all pass by.
-I should really get my thoughts in order…- he mentally mused. Much had happened with little time to comprehend during the course of the night, he could only wish he could forget. Even if the possibility of it all was as little as the information hidden from him with his newfound omniscience.
But as he slowly closed his eyes, hoping the troubles of tonight could be chased away by the dawn of today a very calculated but still very high-pitched voice roused him from his near slumber.
“Nic?” His body tensed and yet it relaxed as fast he flinched, looking to the seats across his and Willa’s. 
There were two kids, roughly adolescent, possibly younger, one a boy and the other a girl. They gave Nicolas a look of weary, but he was glad all the same to see his cousins regardless of how much he went through. And he wouldn’t trade their care for anything regardless of the years that go by.
The boy wore a white shirt with black overalls & white sneakers, his hair was covered by a dark grey flat cap alongside a white eyepatch covering the right of his dark brown eyes. Which roused some worry, then again, Nicolas had heard on the phone he was caught in an accident so many months ago. Perhaps that was the result, as he looked to Nicolas with a somewhat weary and inquisitive expression.
The girl was albino much like Nicolas. Wearing a white dress that was almost completely covered by a black poncho, much too big for her to use alongside a  thick white wool scarf. Her hair was somewhat braided and looked at Nicolas with energetic and red eyes as she kicked her legs at the edge of the seat with black boots.
“Oh, hey Edwin, hey Delilah” He greeted his cousins sluggishly, almost forgetting how strained his voice was despite the fruit Elissa had given him. Almost, as if hearing it again combined with the suddenly concerned looks of his cousins made him cringe in embarrassment.
 “Are you okay Nic?” Edwin asked. He looked about as worried when he saw Nicolas and Willa enter the bus fully exhausted from who knows what. 
Nicolas for a moment released a tired sigh. He did not want to talk about what happened last night and simply responded with “It’s a very long story, but just know my friend and I waited for you guys to come here” which wasn’t a full lie, his parents did inform him of their arrival so that could work for now whilst Willa was lulled to sleep. The adrenaline and danger have long gone, in order to rest peacefully.
The twins gave a nod, perhaps this was for another time, and letting their cousin rest was acceptable. For now. “Hey, Del?”  Edwin asked his twin who looked at him with an intrigued hum “do you think there’s something going on with cousin Nic?” 
“Hmmm…” Delilah let out a slow and contemplative hum before dismissively shrugging “I’m sure he’s fine” She answered with a bit of a cheeky grin. Bringing some relief to her twin and yet, still found more suspicions as they waited for their stop.
… "So, guess I'll seya with Daniel and Selene later today?" Willa asked Nicolas, the two now at a stop near her own home, a small stroll away from familiar sight.
"Willa...you do realize we both need some sleep right?" he deadpanned whilst pinching the bridge of his nose. As much as he wanted to retort any further, his mind had long been fatigued. Willa let out a quiet chuckle at his response "I know, just wanted to mess with ya, you grouch" A large grin grew on her face as she spoke, before playfully punching the side of his shoulder she waved Nicolas goodbye before walking the rest of the way home.
Despite the events that happened, Willa found herself at ease, looking at the stone in her hand, she felt a strange sort of comfort while she passed by the trees.
at least until she made a reasonable excuse for her sudden disappearance in bed to her mothers. ...
Nicolas entered his room more fatigued than when he first left and found annoyance by how messy his room was prior to his departure. It even had a cobweb alongside a spider in the corner of the ceiling.
Haphazardly dropping Visera, he plopped himself onto his bed, now safe from whatever dangers laid before him and yet dreading for the day he would be called again whilst the small abomination slithered away from view.
Briefly looking at his bedstand, he noticed a large dusty but familiar tome on it, its cover metaphorically taunted him to open it.
Nicolas took a moment to breathe a sigh of disappointment before grabbing the tome, he had to guess Fennec had transported it to his room, post-incident. Much to his chagrin, but then again the contents tempted him, and now safe from whatever horrors lying beyond the town he let his scowl slowly turn to a soft smile.
“Maybe one read couldn't hurt…”
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 1 year
Honey Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/O3kZYNB
by Marvelous_Darkness
Petros wrinkled his nose, “I don’t want to be soft and beautiful. I want to be big and strong! Like you and theîos Bacchus.”
“You are big and strong. Growing bigger and stronger every day,” theîos Stiofán replied calmly. “See?” He squeezed Petros’ thigh gently. “Strong legs from climbing up and down our island.” He trailed his fingers down Petros’ body as he spoke, making the boy squirm and squeak.
“But, you are also beautiful,” theîos Stiofán continued. He cupped Petros’ cheek and smiled into his face. “It is good; you are still a boy yet. As beautiful as any rose, and petal-soft.” Tickling fingers swept over his rear and a teasing finger slid between the curves of youthful muscle. Petros gasped, and his theîos’ eyes flashed brilliant blue.
“Sweet, too,” Stiofán murmured. “Perhaps I should spread honey here,” a finger tapped the rose hidden away in that sacred space, making Petros’ face flame. “Shall I? Cover you in sweetness and lick it away?”
 ... Or, Petros' bad day is made better by strategic applications of love and honey.
Words: 7298, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Friday (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Peggy Carter (mentioned), Howard Stark (mentioned)
Relationships: Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, Harley Keener/Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Implied), Peter Parker/Tony Stark (implied)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ancient Greece, uncle!steve, Uncle!Bucky, aunt!Pepper, Peter and Harley are twins, Peter and Harley are Tony's biological children, inventor!Tony, Edwin and Ana run Tony's home, enhanced!Steve, Artist!Steve, enhanced!Bucky, agriculture and animal husbandry, beautiful Greece, sweet pretty boys getting sexed up by big strong men, Incest, I'll say it again louder...INCEST!, Kissing, Blow Jobs, Rimming, A little bit of food porn, a wonderful misuse of honey, brief musings on fratricide, but only because Peter is grumpy with Harley, Steve and Bucky are kind and supportive uncles, NO NON-CON/DUB-CON, except in as much as children cannot consent, obviously!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/O3kZYNB
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ao3feed-stony · 1 year
Honey Love
by Marvelous_Darkness
Petros wrinkled his nose, “I don’t want to be soft and beautiful. I want to be big and strong! Like you and theîos Bacchus.”
“You are big and strong. Growing bigger and stronger every day,” theîos Stiofán replied calmly. “See?” He squeezed Petros’ thigh gently. “Strong legs from climbing up and down our island.” He trailed his fingers down Petros’ body as he spoke, making the boy squirm and squeak.
“But, you are also beautiful,” theîos Stiofán continued. He cupped Petros’ cheek and smiled into his face. “It is good; you are still a boy yet. As beautiful as any rose, and petal-soft.” Tickling fingers swept over his rear and a teasing finger slid between the curves of youthful muscle. Petros gasped, and his theîos’ eyes flashed brilliant blue.
“Sweet, too,” Stiofán murmured. “Perhaps I should spread honey here,” a finger tapped the rose hidden away in that sacred space, making Petros’ face flame. “Shall I? Cover you in sweetness and lick it away?”
 ... Or, Petros' bad day is made better by strategic applications of love and honey.
Words: 7298, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Friday (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Peggy Carter (mentioned), Howard Stark (mentioned)
Relationships: Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, Harley Keener/Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Implied), Peter Parker/Tony Stark (implied)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ancient Greece, uncle!steve, Uncle!Bucky, aunt!Pepper, Peter and Harley are twins, Peter and Harley are Tony's biological children, inventor!Tony, Edwin and Ana run Tony's home, enhanced!Steve, Artist!Steve, enhanced!Bucky, agriculture and animal husbandry, beautiful Greece, sweet pretty boys getting sexed up by big strong men, Incest, I'll say it again louder...INCEST!, Kissing, Blow Jobs, Rimming, A little bit of food porn, a wonderful misuse of honey, brief musings on fratricide, but only because Peter is grumpy with Harley, Steve and Bucky are kind and supportive uncles, NO NON-CON/DUB-CON, except in as much as children cannot consent, obviously!
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48457519
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ribcagevalley · 2 years
the navy tide / long trip home
I arrived at the house on Hilltop Hill at around 5:00pm. The kind gentleman, Mr. Hawk, met me at the base of Hilltop Hill and escorted me up the winding path to the house door. He asked me questions about where I grew up, he asked about my daughter, he asked about Edward. I said oh Edward is dead and then my tongue curled like I had taken my teeth to a lemon wedge. Edward is dead, he is. It’s been almost a year but I’m getting used to saying it out loud still. Back home I didn’t talk to many people, I would talk to Joanne on my morning walk and the grocery store cashier in the evening and maybe Carol if she dropped by for a glass of wine before bed, but they already knew Edward was dead, so I didn’t make a habit of telling them. It's funny because I almost said “Edwin is dead” and that sounded right in my head, but at the last moment I changed “Edwin” to “Edward” because it occurred to me, I’ve never known an Edwin. Now I'm here, at the wooden table beside my twin bed. A twin bed! I haven’t had a twin bed since I was single in college, or maybe my first apartment in Harpfort had a twin bed, who’s to say, that was a long time ago. Anyways, Mr. Hawk unlocked the baby blue door to the house and gave me a little tour. He said I bought these appliances just a year ago and oh I just fixed the pipes and I think you’ll love this place and blah blah blah. He told me about how happy they were to have me in Hilltop, that I would be so happy here. He kept saying that “you’ll be so so happy here.” and I nodded a stiff little nod like shut the hell up and let me settle in. He told me that a man named Jonah is the lighthouse keeper but when Jonah is away he may ask me to go to the top of the lighthouse and turn the light on at night. I said well that’s all right, I knew coming to Hilltop I would have some duties. Mr. Hawk practically cut the rent in half for me. You see he’s Greta’s research assistant’s uncle. Greta knew that after Edward had died I needed somewhere to go, something to do with my hands so she said mom why don’t you go stay in Hilltop, it’s beautiful it’s by the water and you can do some work for Mr. Hawk and I said Greta that’s a great idea. So here I am. My eyelids are fluttering like Mexico-bound Monarchs. It's time to wrap myself up the navy flannel and call it a night. I’m hoping to go to the water tomorrow. April 5th 2002 The water is so beautiful here. It’s so different than the water I'm used to. It’s vast, dark and powerful. The waves pull into the shore like spinning tops, so chaotic and unpredictable. They break different every time, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Sometimes they start off small then swell a few meters before breaking, they’ll grow big like navy giants that smack the sand, foamy and wet, then retreat. It feels like I'm being teased honestly, it’s a bit erotic I must say. I feel comfortable saying that because this is my private diary and no one ever has to know that I find the waves sexual in nature. They play with your expectations the way good lovers do, they look like they’re about to rise, tall and strong, then shrink, sputter to the shore. And when you least expect it, they reach heavenward, they graze the lowest, wispiest clouds and crash so hard that white bubbles go in every direction. You could be standing 10 meters back and still get a few droplets on the tip of your loafers. I haven’t been touched since Edward of course. Even before he died, he was sick for so long. He sat in that brown crushed velvet chair while I served him chicken noodle soup on a wooden tv tray. Sometimes he would reach for my hand and say, “Thank you baby” and I would think about that for days afterwards. He was so cold, both literally and figuratively, and I was so starved for romantic affection, or any affection for that matter. When the cold water splatters my ankle, just above my low-rise sock, it feels like Edward’s cold finger saying, “Thank you baby” April 8, 2002 Well last night Jonah was away. He and his family took the ferry into the mainland to visit his mother for the weekend. His wife is a nice woman she really is. I’ve never met her but on my third day here there was a firm knock at my door at 8:22 in the morning. I was making my morning coffee, a full pot, one for me and one for Edward, every morning. Then it comes over me like a wave from the sea and I think to myself well oh my! Edward is dead! And I leave the coffee cup out until the wisps of steam fall and the coffee sits still and cold on the kitchen table. Then I dump it down the sink, but only when I feel good and ready to do so. I digress, so I get this sturdy knock on my door, the knock of a confident person, I think to myself. The knock of a person that isn’t prone to hesitation and second guessing. So I open the baby blue door and there on the little hay welcome mat is basket of cookies, chocolate chip. They were wrapped in cellophane and a little square not was taped to the center of cling wrap messily. It read, “Welcome to Hilltop. Mrs. Jonah Lighthouse Attendant”. So that’s how I knew the cookies were from Jonah’s wife and that’s how I know she’s a stand-up gal. The cookies were chalky, dense, and near flavorless but it’s the gesture was enough to warm my weathered heart. Although I’ve never really seen Jonah, save for his inky shadow in the double rectangle windows at the top of the lighthouse every once in a while. Or when he lurks around Hilltop at night on his “walks”. As I lay in bed channel, unable to sleep, channel surfing, eyes glazed over, I'll catch his shadow slugging around outside my window. Dark and tall he walks laps around the island, slow and sulky. He is almost formless on these nightly walks, blurry at the edges and dark like midnight in Nevada. The only way I can tell him from his surroundings is the grainy edges of his figure. It looks like swarms of gnats in the shape of a man, fuzzy like a tv filled with static. He lumbers around, to calm his mind I suppose, to lull his body to sleep. Anyways, so last night I hiked the 1000 feet to the lighthouse in the pitch black. It was so quiet, just me and the bullfrogs singing their sweet baritone seaside chorus. The night seemed to fall around me on all sides, a void-like blanket. I found myself swimming through the darkness, my arms outstretched, wading through the deepest dingy night. The sky didn’t exist above me, it closed in on me on all sides. The only element of my surroundings that was not sky was the slippery mud under my brown soled hiking boots and I couldn’t even see it, I felt it like think waves of molasses, sputtering into my ankle socks every few steps. When I made it to the door of the lighthouse, I took the dull silver key from my pocket and shoved it clumsily into the door. It opened to a cold, hollow swirling staircase that I made my way up at a rather slow pace. I was quite tired from my trek so each step was laborious. My feet like red bricks, the same bricks that Edward used to build our back shed. I would bring him sweet iced tea as he shackled the bricks, building, creating. I will never forget the sound the bricks made when they collided, rock against rock. By the time I made it to the top of the lighthouse I had enough energy to turn the light on and that was about it. I collapsed against the enormous light, leaned my whole weight into it. I stared out at the water, it beckoned me as always. The waves pulling closer and closer to me, saying come in come in come in come home come home come home. I saw a blurry figure near the shore, Edward? My love? He had no identifiable features, but I felt this energy from him, this familiarity that I only had with sweet Edward. If I had had the energy to, I would have leapt over the lighthouse banister and crashed to the shore into the figure, into Edward. And we would have become one, washed away into the sea, one formless mass, one ball of pure energy.
April 12th 2002 I see Greta’s number light up on the green display of the landline. I ignore the call because I cannot find words lately. They bubble in my throat and then slink back down. I don’t have anyone to speak to really but lately I can’t even speak to myself. I think maybe my vocal cords have finally given up. I’ve reached my quota; I've said all that needs to be said. When I see Jonah outside the window at night now, I crack the window, try to bellow a greeting but there are no sounds, no words. I fear there will never be words again.
April 13th 2002 Edward was in the living room tonight. I felt him even though I could not see him. He caressed my left cheek and then the small of my back. This happened while I was washing a single bowl that I had dirtied with canned chicken noodle soup I had made for dinner. He turned me around so I faced away from the sink. Then I felt him all over, like my nerves were made of him. I leaned against the counter to get my bearings. From the living room I heard the familiar click of the record player and then Moon River wafted through the air. I floated toward the record player, fell into step with Edward. We danced and swayed to the sweet sound; the air smelt like the apple pie I would bake every Sunday when Greta was young. Greta, Edward and I would sit by the bay window and have a slice each, as the sun set, light slanting in through tree branches, shadows dancing on our faces. Then we would go for a drive around the county, I would roll down the window and let the air push my hair from face, let it fill my lungs. “Greta look at the cows!” Edward would slow as we passed farms, I would reach for Greta’s tiny hand in the backseat and ask her what sounds various animals made. Her little “Baaaaaaah” was so cute when we pulled to the side of the road at the sheep farm. I’m starting to think memory doesn’t exist, that it all happens at once, our whole lives. I’m caught up in the memory, I’m here with Edward, Edward is dead, Greta is a grown up, Greta is a baby, Edward is alive. It's all happening right now. Memories are vehicles, Edward and I are dancing in the living room. He floats through the window, back to the water, I watch the waves crash into the sand over and over and over. Wherever I’m goin’, I’m goin’ your way April 14, 2002 Edward never went where I couldn’t follow. Even when he died. Edward is dead? I feel him here in Hilltop. In this home. Edward is here! He has shown me he never left! I find myself glued to the window at all hours of the day. That night that Edward visited me and then disappeared into the sea he was telling me something without speaking. Neither Edward nor I can speak but we said so much. Wherever I’m goin’, I’ goin’ your way. Tonight, I will walk to the shore, into the water. The waves will crash against me. Lap against my ankles, then thighs, then chest, then then then. I am there with him, I am there with Edward. And Greta is there too. I let the waves swallow me whole and below the deep, dark, endless sea I find our living room. And I'll laugh! How silly I was! I though death the end of a line but now I know it’s a point on a circle. Like a wave it pulls back and crashes against the shore, over and over and over and over forever. I bake an apple pie and we each have a slice. Salty sea smell fills our noses and we move the needle on the record player. Dance on the beige carpet. END THE WIDOW’S LETTER TO HER DAUGHTER ON HER FINAL NIGHT EARTHSIDE (SWAN SONG) April 15th 2002 (3AM) Dear Greta, By the time you read this, I will be with Edward once more. I will have been long swallowed by the persistent tide, cleansed of worldly sadness, of worldly grief. I will have woken in the middle of the night, when the whole world is black and blue, like a tender bruise, pulsing and pained. I will have shed my baby pink nightgown, it will have fallen to the floor for the last time, silky and limp. I will feel Edward, he grabs my hand, guides me down the stairs. He Opens the front door, I let the cool night air touch my bare skin, the wispy gray hairs on my legs stand on end. By the time you’re reading this I will have walked the expanse from the front door to the shore’s edge and I will have looked up at this sky one last time, the next time I see the sky it won’t be this one, it’ll be a mirror and the stars will tell me secrets that only they know. And Edward will be by my side. By the time you’re reading this the Hilltop House will be empty, a soft breeze will stir the white chiffon curtains and they’ll dance like ghosts. Jonah will walk the perimeter of the house and he will stop for a second, aware of a slight shift of energy, a missing presence, an empty house, then, in an instant, he’ll continue his nightly drudge. By the time you’re reading this Edward and I will be one with the pulse. The cycle continues, time a flat circle, the waves slap the shore over and over and over again. Forever. And Edward and I dance in the living room, one of the infinite times we will do this. Wherever you’re goin, I’m goin that way END AGAIN THANK YOU FOR READING
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isleofancients · 2 years
"poor Pal," Blue mumbles, shaking their head in feigned sympathy at the fluster somewhere above, "he clearly shares his twin's massively attractive qualities. he be doomed." they then of course, continue peppering said 'massively attractive twin' with tiny kisses, all over his cute face. because priorities.
they has very little confidence of Aiden's absence being a good thing. "ah," softly, reaching out at the light touch, and looping a shadow gently around Huitzi's wing in turn. "I stayed with Rasse after stopping in. mostly because falling asleep happened. he made breakfast, I helped him with his hair-"
"-then I went to see Green post battle, and we ended up dragging Serpent back here before the stubborn mer's spreading wounds could eat him alive." a soft huff at stubborn souls, "he's doing better, fortunately. then I took a very long nap with Green, because time is mutable apparently."
sighing, they rub their hand against their forehead, glancing at Umbra, then back at Huitzi. "is he okay?" quiet worry here, "Umbra i mean? it sounded like Aiden got... protective... of the doc earlier. after I left."
Magnus blushes and huffily smooches his mate some more.
"...in short, no." Huitzi says with a soft sigh. "He is very shaken."
He pats you on the arm, watchful of the citizens glancing his way, some with looks of faint, confused recognition.
"We should talk inside."
"I agree." Rasse says, rolling a bit closer.
Huitzi regards him softly, giving him a warm smile.
"You look good." He says.
Edwin nods emphatically, still curled around Bells.
"Can I braid it???" He chirps excitedly.
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