eleanore-delphinium · 2 years
Dialogues from Damirae Fics I May or May Not Write. I .
Damian: It's you.
Raven: Yes, it is.
Damian: But it can't be. I looked for you everywhere. You don't exist.
Raven: You didn't exist to me too. I searched for you for so long. I didn't want to take you from someone that you already belonged to.
Damian: ...
Raven: Then, I found you, the same as me-- someone who longed for me just as much as I longed for you.
Damian: You're real.
Raven: Yes.
Damian: You haunted my dreams for so long...
Raven: As did you--
Damian and Raven: I longed to meet you.
Raven: For so long... you haunted my dreams.
This is the turning point planned in this fic. The conversation is supposed to also show how the fic is written. I actually do have a title for this fic, it's been in my head since 2020.
And yes, I offer crumbs to keep the fandom alive.
I plan to do this more or less, writing dialogues because, let's be honest, this is probably the closest I get to posting new stuff.
Should I write the scene properly, I have it rather vividly in my head. Anyways this is the gist. Ta-ta.
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helluvatimes · 8 months
Flower Guardians
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Delphinium elatum ‘Guardian Lavender’ looking great in the light. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.
Exposure for this one was biased 1-1/3 stops brighter because of the light behind the delphiniums. Shadows were brightened up further in post to get this final image.
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chenanigans-draws · 3 years
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The last and biggest family of Hyla Rouj: the Speedwell and Verdite families. These two families are big on baking, farming, mining, metal work, and kids! So, so many kids.
Clematis Speedwell
He is a baker, Perry's husband, and Veronica's dad.
He's a big softie, very sensitive, and loving towards his family.
He runs a bakery in their little village which is popular amongst the grungs and a few folks from Meliwater as well.
He loves baking cakes for celebrations and often tries to charge less towards those with bigger events.
Perry Speedwell
He's a wheat farmer, Clematis' husband, and Veronica's pa.
He's a bit serious, bossy, and an animal lover.
Alongside his wheat, he cares for a few chickens of which he provides both chicken meat and eggs to other grungs.
He loves his husband's baking, so he works hard to provide a lot of wheat and eggs for the bakery.
Veronica Speedwell
She's a baker, Everett's wife, and mother to her 9 kids.
She's sweet, a little sarcastic, and extremely patient.
Pretty much every time she tried to have kids, she would have twin or triplet sons, save for Delphi and the adopted Brunnera. She blames having two dads for this.
Despite her many kids, she often babysits others children as well and teaches them how to read and write.
Eleanor Verdite
She's a miner, Parsley's wife, and Everett's ma.
She's very cheerful, often singing, and very perceptive.
She helped collect minerals and metal for tool making and other items around their community.
She also teaches a lot of the kids grung folk songs and helps with teaching them to read and write like her daughter-in-law.
Parsley Verdite
They're a blacksmith, Eleanor's partner, and Everett's parent.
They're a bit of a grump, soft-spoken, and very focused at their craft.
They helped with maintaining weapons while they were traveling away from their old tribe.
They don't have to make weapons as much anymore and often spend time forging tools for both practical and decorative purposes.
Everett Speedwell
He's a metal worker and blacksmith, Veronica's husband, and father to his 9 kids.
He's a bit of a workaholic, a bit scatterbrained, but extremely loving towards his family.
He works hard as a metal worker/blacksmith to provide for his wife and many kids.
When he's not working, he enjoys spending time with his wife and kids and trying to indulge in each of his kids' interests.
Lupine Speedwell
He's one of Veronica and Everrett's eldest son and Oxford's twin.
He's energetic, cheerful, and very inquisitive.
He's very interested in mining and loves picking up various rocks and getting his granny Eleanor to identify them.
He helps his grandparent Parsley in their forge very often.
Oxford Speedwell
He's one of Veronica and Everrett's eldest son and Lupine's twin.
He's curious, observant, and a big sweetheart.
He often tries to help out his parents with the younger ones and has an interest in teaching.
He's learning to bake from both his grandpa Clematis as well as his mom.
Flax Speedwell
He's one of Veronica and Everrett's 2nd eldest sons and a triplet to Sweet Pea and Thistle.
He's the leader of the mischief, sneaky, and just all around a little rascal.
He likes getting into things and riling up Noah, much to his folks annoyance.
If he isn't getting into trouble with his brothers, he'll be helping poppa Perry collect eggs from their chickens.
Sweet Pea Speedwell
He's one of Veronica and Everrett's 2nd eldest sons and a triplet to Flax and Thistle.
He's the least mischievous of the triplets, a real giggler, and unfortunately the worst at keeping secrets.
He often blows his fellow triplet's cover by giggling, but he also serves as a good distraction.
When he's not causing trouble he's helping grandpa Clematis which carrying ingredients.
Thistle Speedwell
He's one of Veronica and Everrett's 2nd eldest sons and a triplet to Flax and Sweet Pea.
He's in the middle in terms of mischief, very perceptive, and often the first to notice if they'll get into trouble.
He often carries his little slingshot and really looks up to Bettie and Rawhide.
When he's not causing mischief, he's shooting targets in their yard or getting shooting lessons from any grung who can use a bow (Bettie, Rawhide, Dollie, or Nettie usually).
Brunnera Speedwell
She's Veronica and Everrett's adopted daughter and middle child.
She's cheerful,  helpful, loves joking around, and a real people pleaser.
She spent the first few years at a circus, before running away due to the abuse she faced.
She's very scared about disappointing her new family, but her family loves her very much and are just happy she's here.
Harvestbell Speedwell
He's one of Veronica and Everrett's 2nd youngest son and Bluebell's twin.
He's quiet, a bit of an airhead, and very related.
He's still pretty young, but likes relaxing and listening to the sounds of their poppa Perry work.
He really likes eating eggs.
Bluebell Speedwell
He's one of Veronica and Everrett's 2nd youngest son and Harvestbell's twin.
He's much like his twin in being quiet, but is much more adventurous and energetic.
He likes collecting rocks and often wants to follow nana Eleanor to the mines, but he's still too young for that.
He often is seen weighed down by rocks in his pockets.
Delphinium Speedwell
She's Veronica and Everrett's youngest daughter and a future chronurgy wizard.
Right now she's a baby, but when she's older she's soft-spoken, kind, and oblivious.
She surprised everyone with the size of her egg and surprised them further upon hatching; the largest grung ever hatched in their community.
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'Digging your fingers into fresh dirt' for Rhiona and Loghain? :3
Here's some pre-canon courtship fluff for you! :D I've been thinking of these two idiots a lot lately. Have something cute!
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The sun shines sweetly down upon Rhiona's shoulders in the castle gardens. It's a bright spring day and the world smells of green, and Loghain carries a bucket of gardening supplies beside her as they walk. A little way behind them, her mother Eleanor, their chaperone, strolls slowly, taking in the colorful sprays of flowers around them.
"When did you start gardening, Ree? Was this a childhood hobby?"
"No, it wasn't. I was more interested in tromping around in my mother's gardens than tending them." She laughs at the memory. "Once, when I was nine, she and I had a row and so I went out into the garden and angrily 'played' in the dirt. I was gone for three hours. No one could find me--because I was hiding in the roses, afraid of what would happen when she saw," Rhiona confides.
He chuckles fondly, a rich sound that never fails to brighten her day. "When I was a boy I wished for my mother to have something so grand. She never had much care for a flower garden, but every week my father would buy her a bouquet in town, and on those days her smile rivaled the sun in its brightness."
They arrive at her garden, a section off the main paths nestled in the shade of a nearby weeping willow tree, and set up camp. A flat of seedlings in small paper pots waits for them. Loghain passes her a trowel and together they kneel down before the upturned earth.
"What are we planting today?" He digs his fingers into the earth at Rhiona's direction. It's beautiful. He's beautiful, his hair pulled into a low tail, face open and relaxed in the sun. Loghain smiles, his eyes crinkling with it, and all is right in Rhiona's world.
Smiling in return, Rhiona slips her hands into the dirt, still cold but brimming with promise. "Delphinium. They're beautiful. Here, why don't you--yes, exactly that."
They work side by side, digging in holes and filling them again with the seedlings. It's pleasant, domestic.
"Are these your favorite?" Loghain asks after a while.
Rhiona looks up at him. He's got dirt streaks upon his cheek, and his hands are brown with soft earth up past his wrists. It's delightful and makes her long for next summer and their wedding. "No, but they're close," she murmurs. "My favorites are daffodils. Look." She points to a nearby flower bed filled with tiny unfurling plants. "In a couple of weeks, we'll see a whole plot of them right here in the middle."
He hums and plants another seedling. "Daffodils are beautiful," he agrees. "I'd never gardened before the war, and after we were busy re-establishing the kingdom. It wasn't until after I married my late wife that I had any real experience in a garden, and even that was limited. I am not skilled in the activity, and I'm afraid you may discover my lack of experience in this arena evidenced in your flower bed here."
Her stomach flip-flops, as it is wont to do at the mention of Teyrna Celia. "I'd love to see her gardens at Gwaren after we marry. Perhaps I can rehabilitate them."
Loghain stops to smile at Rhiona. His hand is warm around her own. "I'd be honored to show you, Ree."
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tomedonaki-hakujou · 3 years
delphinium ft Eleanor Forte AI
Here is a short song about Delphi from Dragalia Lost. I had Eleanor Forte AI sing it, to test her out. It's a poetic, beautiful song of melancholy and hope. I hope you enjoy. :>
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here is the illustration as well.
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tenderstarved · 3 years
A bouquet of flowers arrives early in the morning, a selection of lilies, orchids, delphinium, and peonies carefully selected, if not so carefully arranged. The note attached reads 'A promise made is a promise kept. May these flowers keep you company until I can keep the rest of my promises.' For the first time, William's name is attached to the flowers.
It was funny, the things you missed when you were away from home. Kate had known she would miss her parents in Margate, but had assumed, foolishly perhaps, that sine it was only a scant few days, she would barely notice. Instead, it had only highlighted the closeness in her family, and the sudden absence of it. As much as she complained about her mother chiding her first thing in the morning, she found that breaking her fast without her parents felt oddly sorrowful, like some warmth had gone out of the room unexpectedly. So on the morning of her departure from Margate, she drank her morning tea and wished for coffee and sugared pastries and the musical chatter of her parents. Her lady's maid was still looking a bit green around the gills from whatever she had eaten the day before that had disagreed with her so, which was making Kate feel a touch green herself, which was only compounded upon by the fact that her head was pounding from lack of sleep. She hadn't returned to her room until nigh on the witching hour, and though she'd managed to sneak in (she hoped) undetected, she'd laid awake in her bed tossing and turning and staring at the ceiling for hours, only falling asleep an hour before sunrise, when her maid had awoken and she'd had to rouse herself and pretend like she hadn't only just managed to fall asleep.
As such, Kate was far more grumpy than she normally was in the mornings, and very much looking forward to spending the trip home napping in her carriage.
She was staring into her tea, wondering if she wished for it hard enough, if she could perhaps make it turn into coffee magically –– she was certain she'd read a book once where someone could do that, and honestly, maybe it would be worth it to be thought a witch if she could get more caffeine than this weak cup of tea was affording her –– when there was a knock, and Eleanor rushed to answer it. Kate leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes and pressing her fingertips against them, as if that might vanish away the throbbing ache there, groaning low and soft in the back of her throat. A touch dramatic, perhaps, but she would not apologize for it. Then, suddenly, there was the pleasant smell of flowers, fresh and soft in the room, and she opened her eyes to see Eleanor standing before her, holding a rather sizable bouquet in her hands, brown eyes as wide as her smile.
"There's a note, miss," she said, and Kate continued to blink, stupidly, at the flowers, her brain struggling to keep up with all that was happening. She took the folded piece of paper from Eleanor and opened it, reading it once, twice, and then broke out into a smile, her face softening so much that she almost looked heartbroken in her happiness. Her thumb brushed over Will's signature, as if she could feel the ghost of his hand braced against the page while he'd written the note. The night before returned in a rush, his hand on hers, her name in his mouth, his mouth on hers, and Kate felt herself flush, heat rising on her cheeks. From the look on Eleanor's face, Kate was as red as a tomato, and she turned to bury her reddened face in the flowers, as if they might offer her some privacy.
It was a far cry from the white hyacinths and hydrangeas that had been delivered anonymously for the last month; these flowers spoke of something far more moving than simple loveliness. She wondered where he had learned of their meanings –– Kate was rather certain she had told him that white lilies signified purity of heart, but orchids, delphinium, and peonies? Love and beauty, ardent attachment. A happy marriage. These were not flowers she would have dreamed of discussing with him before the night before. Did he know? Surely he must. Will was always so careful with his actions, she could not imagine a world wherein he so carelessly sent peonies, but still ––– for a moment, Kate could picture him so clearly in her mind, frowning at the flower selection in Margate and asking the seller for clarification on the blooms, painstakingly writing out the note, the barest hint of a smile as he signed his name.
She smiled into the flowers, still flushed, the petals of the peonies brushing against her lips, and then looked up at Eleanor, her breakfast all but forgotten. "Are we ready to leave?" Kate asked. "Is the carriage ready? We should go –– I suddenly have the most urgent wish to speak with my Mama."
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crimson-mage-02 · 4 years
Fallen Raven
Summary: One night, Damian had begun having nightmares of his beloved dying and didn’t want it to become true as he desperately wanted to prevent it from happening.
@eleanore-delphinium @chromium7sky @ravenfan1242 @whereflowersbloom @srose-foxfire here you all go! 
He was in a dark and abandoned building with cloth blowing in the wind slowly. He went through spider web and felt the cold wind against his face. He was looking around to see if his teammates and Raven were there in the room. But he could not find them in the dark.
He nearly trapped over and looked down to see his friend, Conner on the floor injured. He bent down to aid him only to see his clothes were all ripped and stained with blood. He looked around and saw his brother, Starfire, and everyone in the team all injured. No sign of Raven anywhere which made himself worried and concerned about her safety.
“Raven! Where are you?! Rachel!” Damian called out to her.
“You’re too late, Damian.” Deathstroke’s voice echoed through the room as the young hero unsheathe his sword and looked for him.
“Where are you Slade? Come out you coward!” Damian growled as he turned around and saw him holding onto Raven with her clothes ripped, while seeing red symbols all over her body including on her forehead. He also saw her short hair had grown longer.
“You are too late to save her, Damian. Oh, and Happy Birthday.” Slade cackled as he let go of Raven with Damian dropping his sword and ran to try and catch her, but Slade held him back, making him watch her fall down to her own demise.
“NO!” Damian jolted from his sleep and sat up with cold sweat and looked around his room, seeing it was only a dream. He panted heavily and ran his hand through his hair and heard the doors opening. He saw Raven coming in a hurry, looked concerned about him. “I am alright, Rachel. It is just a dream.”
“More like a nightmare. I can tell.” Raven shock her head, seeing it wasn’t the case.
“Don’t try and read my mind, Rachel.” Damian sighed sharply as he turned to the side and took the covers off of him. His back was facing her and he sighed heavily.
“I wasn’t reading your mind. I do not need to read your mind. I can see that you are distressed.” Raven pointed out, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Just try and relax and go to sleep. We can do our meditation exercise tomorrow during training.” She left him alone in his room and went back into hers across the hall. She could’ve sworn he looked terrified when he first saw her when she came into his room before hearing him shouting out.
Damian sighed and went back to sleep. He laid his head back and tried to go back to sleep. Trying to forget it was all a dream. Maybe tomorrow it will not continue to make him go off guard. He saw all of his teammates in a bad shape, beaten up by Slade. He clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes as he buried his face in his pillow, he remembered the state Raven was in his dream. But to him, it felt real to him.
In the morning, Damian walked along the hallway and saw Jaime was on the phone talking to someone with a bright smile. He sent him a thumbs up with a grin. “Y-Yeah, sure, I’ll be there! Heck yeah! I don’t want to miss it. See you at 6.”
“Is it your girlfriend of yours?” Damian asked with a smirk.
“Oh, uh, we haven’t made it official yet, but I uh, am taking her to see a movie.” Jaime rubbed his neck nervously with a chuckle. “As well as taking her for some pizza.”
“Sounds romantic.” Damian smiled at his friend.
“Oh, come on, how about you and Raven?” Jaime asked him, going into the kitchen to eat breakfast with Damian getting some tea out for himself and his friend was getting some eggs and toast ready.
“Me and Raven are nothing but friends.” Damian replied simply, composing himself.
“Hmm, I am not convinced by that, Damian. You and Raven seemed very much like a couple. I know you guys want to keep it secret until the time comes.” Jaime said with a smile.
“How long have you known?” Damian asked him.
“Not long. I mean, it was pretty much obvious.” Jaime replied, giving him his toast with egg and butter. “I knew when you started to her to take her to Gotham.”
Damian grumbled underneath his breath and looked away from Jaime who smirked. He was only taking her to Gotham because they were having their mission there and had to stay over the night while she was injured during a fight. He sighed, seeing he was now alone in the kitchen to make his breakfast.
Then he heard footsteps thinking it is Jamie. “Back on it, again are we?”
“Back on what again?” Damian gasped softly turning around to see Raven. In a shirt and a light lavender shorts and had her hair in a little ponytail. “Uh, apologises, I thought you were Jaime.”
“Oh, well, he left already and it’s just the two of us in the Tower now.” Raven said slowly going up next to him getting her own cup from the cupboard. “So, what’s your plans for today?”
“The usual, I train and train. Nothing else is planned.” Damian replied, drinking his tea.
“Hmm. You seemed disturbed about something from your ‘not dream’. Are you sure you are okay?” Raven asked with great concern.
“Yes, I am sure. There is nothing to worry about.” Damian assured her as he sat on the couch with her sitting beside him with her legs on his lap. He was used to sitting next to like this. He was uncomfortable at first and he secretly liked it. He looked over her, seeing her drinking her coffee with her eyes glancing into his. As if she was trying to figure out what is really bothering him from last night.
“You really want to know?” Damian sighed heavily, putting his cup on the table in front of them while holding her legs in his lap, making sure she doesn’t fall.
“Yes, we have been secretly going out for a while and I am worried that you hiding something from me.” Raven said putting her cup behind her on a small table. She turned back to see Damian, leaning back on the couch, covering his face.
Raven sat on his lap with his hands on her thighs and he looked up at her, feeling her hands caressing his face. “Damian… just tell me what happened and then we can try and solve it.”
Damian sighed and looked away from her for a moment then back into her eyes. “Alright. But I must warn you, you might not like it.”
After he had explained what he had seen in his dream, vision, or nightmare. She sat in deep silence with the young Wayne looking down at his clasped hands in front of him. “Did…that really happen in your dream?” Raven asked softly.
“Yes, all I ever saw was darkness, the whole Team injured with you being held by Slade with all those red markings all over you and on your forehead. I-I saw him letting you go, and you fell down the Tower.” Damian said softly, not looking at her.
“Well, that is just a dream, Damian, it might not happen. I am still here.” Raven said to him, putting her hand on his. “I won’t die unless I know you are going to be okay.”
“But a world without you in it, I don’t think I will ever live on.” Damian scoffed, looking away from her, but still held her hand in his.
“Damian… people come and go. Live the moment, you know.” Raven said, holding onto his hand tightly. “I want to enjoy every moment with you, while I’m still alive. It is not going to happen.”
Damian looked at her with a gentle smile and was about to lean in until Gar barged in. “Hello! Good morning!” He glared at him for interrupting their moment and Raven just calmly drank her tea.
“Oh, sorry, lovebirds, I am just excited. So, uh, what are you doing for the rest of the day?” Gar asked his teammates.
“Oh, uh, that’s great. I just uh, get some grocery then. Tara and Donna are out for shopping. Why aren’t you with them Raven?” Gar asked.
“Uh, well I insisted they can go on ahead while I do meditation and other things to care of.” Raven replied, finishing her tea. Damian and Raven thought they both were alone in the Tower. They would’ve had the whole Tower to themselves to have time for themselves.
“Anyways, I’ll get going, any requests?” Gar asked.
“Some more milk and some more bread. We also need toiletries.” Damian replied as he got up from the couch. “Raven, you need anything else?”
“Hmm, I’ll just send you a text Gar.” Raven replied as she stood from the couch and then put her cup in the sink.
“Alright, then. I’ll be getting them and uh, I’ll be back in a few hours. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Gar smirked at the two. Damian sighed in annoyance and then went out of the kitchen but looked back at Raven who leaned on counter.
“Raven I do assure you, that dream will not happen. I promise.” Damian said, putting both of his hands on each side of counter where she was leaning. She nodded slowly with him kissing her lightly on the lips and pressed their foreheads together.
Starfire and Nightwing led the team onto their assignments in taking down criminals in Jump City. Jaime, Traci, Donna and Conner were with Starfire. Damian, Raven, Tara, Garfield, and Kid Flash were with Nightwing. Both separate teams were taking down some cult members to some secret organization.
Raven took down two cult members with Damian swinging his sword at them with Kid Flash, running through the field, hitting, and kicking them onto the ground with Tara trapping them with her boulders.
Garfield had hunted a few with Nightwing. “Alright, this should be it.” Gar went to Tara’s side who was standing with Raven.
“Kori said she had captured one with a symbol on his forehead. She wants to see you Raven.” Nightwing said to the young girl with Tara raising her eyebrow in suspicion.
“Why would a cult member want to see Raven? I don’t like this Rae.” Tara said, turning to her friend.
“Me either, Grayson. Can’t I go with her to see this…. Cult member?” Damian asked, narrowing his eyes.
“Sorry, Damian. But the cult member only ask for her.” Nightwing replied as he narrowed his eyes. “And only Raven. No one is to disturb them.” Damian scoffed softly as he crossed his arms. He wanted to stay by her side at all cost if something does happen to her.
On way back to the Tower, Raven went into the interrogation room with Starfire and Nightwing waiting with their cult member being seated. With cuffs on. “We’ll be right outside if you need us.” Nightwing said to her.
“And we’ll be checking on you soon. Just call us if you needed help, Raven.” Starfire smiled at her and then they both left her alone with the cult member. Kori and Dick stepped out of the room and saw Damian who was waiting outside for her.
“Damian, she’s going to be fine. I am sure of it. She’ll pull through.” Dick assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I know… it’s just I wanted to make sure she is fine.” Damian said to his brother, not wanting to tell him about his nightmare he had last night. Not wanting him to worry over him so much.
“Why don’t we all go to living room to eat up? To keep up our strength?” Kori suggested.
“That’s a great idea, come on.” Dick wrapped an arm around Damian and casually dragged him in the hallway with Kori smiling brightly at the sight of the two brothers fooling around in the hallway.
Raven was sitting on the chair, waiting patiently, staring at the cult member in front of her. He or she wasn’t saying anything for the past 10 minutes. She sighed softly and took off her hoodie with her medium length hair flowed down on her shoulders. She doesn’t know what to do in the meantime, but she could always try and read the cult member’s mind.
She concentrated on getting into the cult’s mind, but it was clouded by a thousand thoughts until she felt a sharp pain in her head. Then opened her eyes, seeing fire surrounding her. She coughed violently, there was no oxygen. She saw destruction in front of her, buildings broken down. Windows cracked and heard horrid screams from the people.
She stumbled back until she hit something. Hands were on her shoulders and she shuddered in fear, as she looked up seeing it was Slade. “Hello, Raven.”
She screamed in terror with her eyes glowing white with red symbols appearing all over her body as her hair started to grow with Slade throwing her on the ground with the cult members grabbing her as she shouted out.
“……Raven!” She opened her eyes seeing everyone in the room with Damian helping her up. She sat up, looking at everyone looking at her in concern.
“Whoa, you okay Raven? You look like you had seen a ghost.” Tara said with Donna and Traci nodding in agreement.
“Maybe you should take a few days to rest up.” Traci suggested with hands clasped together.
Raven looked back at the cult member and saw him all completely drained and was left in a catatonic state. She then looked at herself and looked for the markings she had seen in her vision. She sighed seeing it wasn’t glowing in front of them.
“Raven? Are you alright?” Kori asked her.
“Y-Yes, just a bit shaken up.” Raven nodded, not looking at her in the eye.
“Alright, Damian, take her to her room. Everyone else, get some rest while Dick and I handle this. We will talk about this in our tomorrow morning’s brief.” Kori said to everyone. Damian nodded and walked with Raven by his side. He watched every move she does, seemed moving towards the elevator slowly. He could tell she was shaken up by what she had seen.
Once they walked inside the elevator, Damian turned to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, only to see her all shaken up. She took a few steps back from him and then calmed down. “Sorry, Damian. I am…. Just…”
“I know. You had seen something in his mind.” Damian said. “What is it that you saw in his head? Let me see through your eyes.”
Raven looked over at him and then took off her hood. “I don’t want to get you in a catatonic state.”
“You won’t. Do you trust me, Raven?”
“Do you trust me?” Damian asked again as he looked into her eyes determinedly. He was willing to try and help her overcome her fears and anything that scares her. She knew that he wouldn’t give up that easily to help her and the rest of the team.
“Alright, meet me in my room after you get changed.” Raven sighed in defeat as she stepped out of the elevator with Damian frowning in concern.
Later that night, Damian had changed into his normal short and pants. He sighed as he walked across the hall to Raven’s room. He knocked on the door three times. The door slid open to see Raven in a blue blouse with black leggings.
He went into her room slowly and sat down on the floor with her sitting in front of him. “You sure you want to do this?” Raven asked softly.
Damian didn’t say anything but just to grab her hands. She was trembling. Shaking in fear. He knew she was afraid to hurt him. He trusts her with all of his heart. He placed both of her hands each on his temple. She nodded and she closed her eyes and let him inside her head once again. Damian frowned when he opened his eyes seeing he was in a pit of darkness. He looked around until he saw the symbols in front of him then saw fire was surrounding him.
Damian gasped softly, hearing heavy footsteps and saw Slade in front of him. He charged at him with a single punch and then he opened his eyes, seeing Raven had let go of his temples and sat in front of him, not looking at him.
He panted softly. “Slade…. He’s…. He has the same symbol in his forehead.”
“Yes, I saw it as well. He is after me with those cult members.” Raven nodded.
“We must warn the others.” Damian said urgently as he stood up and looked down at her. “I-I don’t want to lose you. And it’s risky to let you go on missions with us.”
“What? But I want to help, Damian.” Raven argued, standing up, looking into his eyes desperately. She wanted to help and never felt like she is useless to anyone, especially Damian. He looked away from her and remembered his nightmare he had. He doesn’t want her to die not at all. He wanted her to live the life she’d deserve.
Early in the morning, Raven had woken up and was on the rooftop watching the sunrise. She stood up with her cloak covering her body with the wind blowing gently. She sighed softly and looked at her arms seeing more symbols were appearing and glowing. She narrowed her eyes and closed her eyes to pray that Slade won’t go after her.
She heard the door was opened and saw Damian beside him in his normal attire, watching the sunrise. He didn’t say a word and wanted to enjoy the sunrise with her. He looked away with a small blush as Raven felt his hand was intertwining with hers. She smiled a bit and held his hand tightly and cherished this moment with him as the sun shone brightly beyond the horizon.
The two went down to the lounge and saw Kori and Dick were already there. “Oh, you two are early. We are just going to wait for the others.” Kori smiled, greeting the two.
Raven and Damian both sat away from each other with Donna arriving to the lounge and had a conversation with Raven. Damian glanced to the side to see Raven smiling at the Amazonian next to her. Dick noticed the longing looks they had given each other and smiled. Damian glared at his brother who now knew of their relationship. He also knew he can keep a secret. For now.
After a few minutes, everyone else had arrived and started the brief. “Alright, as far as we now know is that Slade is out there hunting for cult members.”
“And he will be out there in the city, so whenever you are out there in the open. Make sure to keep your comm on at all times.” Dick said as he looked at Damian who had his arms crossed. “Damian, is there anything you would like to add?”
Damian looked at his brother, Kori and his teammates with Raven not looking at him. “Raven did have a vision of Slade. He is after her. Only her.”
Everyone all looked at Raven in concern as well as Kori and Dick. “Alright. Thank you for telling us. Well, I think it’s best if Raven stays here. Damian, would like to volunteer in looking out for her?” Kori asked him.
“Yes, I would like to do that.” Damian responded quickly.
“What? But I want to help, Kori. I want to be out there stopping him!” Raven exclaimed desperately at the two older leaders.
“Raven, if Slade is after you, he’ll mostly likely to kill you.” Dick reminded her. “If Slade is after you, then it might be possible your dad might.” Raven stayed quiet and then thought this through, thinking he could be right. Her father might come back to get her. Or worse after her family.
“Okay, while Raven and Damian stay here, all of us will be patrolling the city. Any other questions?” Kori asked. Everyone shook their heads as they moved on with their activities and training until nightfall.
All day, Raven was meditating to clam her nerves down on the rooftop with the wind gently blowing away. She opened her eyes seeing two birds flying up in the sky with the sun shining brightly. She smiled and wanted to enjoy the perfect sunny day, but she cannot help but think about the vision she had.
It was all frightening to her and as for Damian, he is extra worried and protective of her now that she is confined to the Tower at all times. But she liked the peace and quiet. She stood up on her feet and decided to go down to get something to eat, but on the way back inside, she saw Damian training with the holograms. He was doing kata and some hand to hand combat. It was precise and in perfect form. Also, noticed he was only training without his shirt.
He kicked one hologram while punching the other from his side. He panted heavily and then swiped it legs as it disappeared on the ground. Then he stood up tall and then turned to the console, seeing Raven was leaning on the wall.
“How long have you been standing there?” Damian asked.
“Not that long.” Raven replied with a smile and gave him a towel for him to use. “You have been training for two hours?”
“Yes, I must…. Stay focus on perfecting my fighting style.” Damian said, rubbing his face on his towel and then chucked in a small basket. He grabbed his water bottle and drank it. “What have you been doing?”
“Just mostly meditating.” Raven replied short as she walked past him, not looking at him in the eyes. She walked into the hallway with Damian watching her. He seemed to think that she might be planning on escaping. He won’t let that happen.
“Raven, what are you plans tonight?” Damian asked her as she stopped in her tracks.
“Nothing expect for reading and meditating.” Raven replied, turning to Damian who put his singlet on and walked towards her. “Why?”
“Just curious. How about while the others are on patrol, we should have dinner together?” Damian suggested to her.
“Sounds nice.” Raven smiled at him.
It was nearly nightfall and Raven was in Kori’s room, waiting as she got ready for her night patrol. “Raven I assure you. You will be safe here. You won’t be alone. You have Damian.”
“I know Kori, but all those cult members and Slade, they are dangerous.” Raven pointed out. Kori smiled, knowing she won’t give up and wanted to helped them. “I-I don’t want to lose you and the others.”
“Oh, Raven, you won’t lose us.” Kori hugged her young friend with a warm smile. “And remember Damian is always here if you need him.”
Raven nodded and walked out of her room, standing by her side. She and Damian had said their goodbyes to their family while they stood by the door, the entrance of the Tower. They both watched them going further away from their home until they were out of sight.
“So, what shall we eat for dinner? Perhaps some more soup and some bread?” Damian asked her.
Raven turned to him and thought over some of the other choice she could have. “Hmm, maybe some spicy food this time? The one Tara had cooked?”
“Oh? Okay then we are having curry tonight, then. Wise choice, beloved.” Damian smiled as he leaned down for a kiss. “Hmm… been a while we had some time alone.” He wrapped his arms around her. Raven chuckled and hugged him tightly. She laughed feeling him peppering kisses on her cheek.
“Come on, you get freshen up and I’ll get dinner ready.” Damian smiled before going for another kiss on the lips and he kissed her on the back of her hand. He walked back inside to prepare dinner while Raven gets freshened up.
Damian watched Raven going up to her room and he got started preparing the dinner table with two plates and some cutleries. He also had placed Raven’s favourite flowers in the centre and placed candles in the middle. He smiled, seeing his plans are all coming together. He had put the curry rice on their plates and had made their drinks and set them on the table. He was all ready to wait for her.
In Raven’s room, she was fixing herself until she heard voices calling out to her. She looked around in her room, only to see no one. She sighed and rubbed her eyes tiredly. Raven left her room to eat dinner with Damian. Titus barked when she was going down the stairs. She made a turn seeing candles and flowers being set on the table with their dinner being served.
“Oh, Damian, this looks amazing.” Raven smiled with Damian holding her hand gently in his.
“I wanted to surprise you. After all, it has been a long time we have been alone.” Damian smiled at her and took her at the dining table to eat. “Are you alright?” You look pale.”
“It’s nothing.” Raven replied quickly as she pulled down her sleeve to hid the marking on her wrist from him.
“Are you sure, I can brew in some tea to calm your nerves.” Damian offered, going straight to the kitchen to get her tea. Raven smiled and then sat down to eat the curry. She ate a few bites with Damian giving her tea.
“Thanks.” Raven smiled at him and then glanced at him seeing him looking at his phone. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s a warning. Cameras has alerted us there is an intruder.” Damian replied, not taking off his eyes from his phone. “Stay here and I’ll check who is trying to break in.”
“Stay here.” Damian sternly demanded her. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Raven stayed silent and stayed put as she was asked. She waited for Damian in the dining room, eating her dinner with Titus sleeping on the floor peacefully. She heard talking from Damian computer room. She wondered what was that all about. It sounded so serious.
She placed her empty plate in the sink as well as her cup. She turned to the table, seeing he hasn’t finished eating his meal. She walked towards the computer room and then heard Nightwing’s voice. “There are too many of them searching for Raven. We are trying to lure them away from the Tower as far as possible. Do not let her go anywhere near Slade.”
“Alright, I’ll make sure she does stay here.” Damian nodded as he got up and ended the call. He was holding a purple and red gem necklace in his hand and had planned to give it to Raven as a gift. He walked out to only see one candle lighting up. He saw one plate was in the sink. Titus whined as he heard him scratching the door. Damian realised she had went out to fight against Slade!
He ran to get changed into his hero attire and hurried on his motorcycle trying to call the entire team. But no one was available. He growled in frustration as he knew Raven was always stubborn. He drove fast to where Raven was. She was in a Tower where the other Titans were.
Starfire fell down on the ground as she was being thrown by Slade who was holding Conner who was punching him on the stomach, but he didn’t flinch. Slade used his body to hit Donna and Tara with Garfield catching them in his arms as a gorilla. Jaime was flying towards him with Kid Flash running towards him trying to knock him down, but Slade used his arm to hit him as he stumbled on the floor and nearly fell down the Tower.
Nightwing was already beaten up with demons and cult members were crawling to hold them and restrained them from attacking Slade. “Now I am going to ask for one last time, bring Raven to me and then I will let you go.”
“We are not going let you harm her, Slade!” Tara gritted her teeth in anger as he kicked her in the face.
“I am not talking to you. I am talking to lovely lady here.” Slade said, pointing his sword at Starfire’s chin, making her to look up at her.
“You are not going get to Raven.” Starfire glared at him. Slade narrowed his eyes down at her and then walked away from her. He looked down at Nightwing who was holding his arm, that was twisted. He grabbed his broken his arm and pulled him up with him screaming in agony. “NO! Don’t touch him!”
“Oh, he’ll be fine.” Slade assured her as he got his sword back in his sheath. His hand was going straight at his eye until he heard debris were going down. He threw Nightwing to the side as he moved out fo the side seeing Raven flying above them.
“Raven? Get out of here!” Donna cried out to her.
“Foolish girl.” Slade taunted as he ordered his cult to capture her while he handles the Titans until he was kicked by Robin in the face, he had just arrived in time to aid his friends.
Damian looked up at Raven who was fighting off against the cult but got her cloak ripped and was pinned down on the upper level. He gritted his teeth and growled trying to get to her but Slade had pinned him on the ground and punched him on the face repeated in anger, not having bruises and blood all over his face with his eye swollen a bit until he punched back at Slade and got him off of him.
Conner came to his side and got him away from Slade. “We can handle Slade, you help Raven.”
Damian nodded and used his grappling hook to get him higher to get to Raven. He used his smoke pellets and thrown them down on the ground with the cult members coughing and he swung to get Raven up higher on another level.
He turned to her seeing more symbols on her arms, body and on her legs. He growled in annoyance. “I told you not to go after Slade!”
“And I told you I want to help!” Raven argued. “I can’t stand by and watch my friends and you get hurt.”
Damian sighed softly knowing she is way too stubborn to listen. “Alright but stay close to me.” Raven nodded and stood up with his help and then they heard growling from the cult. She used her powers to bring down the debris down with her eyes glowing brightly. Behind her, Damian drew his sword and started swinging it at the cult.
Meanwhile, Slade was fighting off against the Titans. Kid Flash created a tornado to trap him inside from fighting against them with Terra trapping him with boulders. The tornado disappeared with Slade being trapped inside.
Robin had caught all of the cult members with Raven and Jaime. Conner had then tied up in Donna’s lasso. “That’s all of them.” Conner said to the group.
As they had captured the cult, Slade was the only one they all needed to capture. Nightwing had pulled out his tracking device. “He’s still close. We can still get him.”
“Great. I wanna pound him to the ground after what he had done to us, well, minus Donna, Conner and Kid.” Jaime said.
“So, where is he now?” Donna asked with Tara standing by Raven’s side who saw her markings were glowing. She sent her a worried expression while seeing Damian was standing by her side protectively. Slade had managed to escape from them during the fight.
“I suppose we can be in groups. To be prepared to take him down.” Starfire said to the team and Nightwing.
“That could work.” Connor agreed.
“Alright, Jaime, Gar, Tara and Donna. You are with me.” Starfire said, looking at her team.
“And I’ll be with Kid, Connor, Damian and Raven.” Nightwing said as they all moved out to find Slade.
Slade was waiting on a Tower while sharpening his swords and saw Kid Flash was running towards him. He chuckled dryly as he looked to the side and saw Tara and Beast Boy were on a boulder coming towards to his position.
He jumped down to the lower level while Kid Flash came running faster to knock down until he threw a bottle of liquid as he slipped on the ground and he flipped over and held on a railing above him and flipped over to stand on it. He looked over at Connor who stood far from him.
He flew up to him and punched him in the face until he had held on his hand and slammed him on the metal pole. Damian got his sword out and swung at him while Raven was throwing a few metal pipes at him. Slade luckily moved away and tried to find another way to get to Raven.
Damian swung his swung his sword in his hands. He desperately want to protect Raven and didn’t want his dream to become a reality. He fought against Slade with Connor who flew back up again while Kid ran from the sides to punch or knock him over. Kid rolled and then kicked him on the face with Connor catching him and flew up, throwing him up in the air with Nightwing pulling an arm back and punched him in the stomach.
Down below, Raven handled the cult members, trapping them in her own cage while Damian ran towards Slade with his sword nearly slicing his head off. He caught the blade in his bloody hands and head-butted him. Damian groaned painfully and Slade punched him repeatedly on the stomach, pinning him on the wall and dug his two onto his shoulders.
He cried out in pain while hearing Raven calling out to him. “Looks like your lovely woman is next.”
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Damian snarled at him.
Slade didn’t listen and still prepared himself to get to Raven while Connor flew to her side with Kid Flash and then Donna came in just in time with Tara as she threw in rocks with her. Slade dodged all of the rocks that were being thrown at him, catching Jaime in his hand, and slammed him onto the ground while punching Garfield in his bear form, knocking him unconscious. Starfire came shooting her bolts at him while he deflected the bolts and one bounced on his blade and came flying back at Starfire, injuring her arm and fell down in Nightwing’s arms.
Damian gritted his teeth seeing Slade was getting closer to Raven and all of his teammates were all injured and cannot fight. “Nightwing! Get these bloody knives out of my shoulders!”
Raven glared at Slade and raised her arms up, putting up a shield around her but Slade managed to shatter it. She gasped softly when he grabbed on to her cloak, ripping it from her. Revealing symbols appeared on her arms and body, glowing brightly. “Your father awaits your return, Raven.”
“NO!” Raven tried to fight back as he grabbed her arm while seeing a symbol appearing on her forehead. She swatted his arm away, shooting her orbs at him while he hid behind the pillar away from her.
She quickly covered herself from letting anyone see her glowing markings. She saw Slade was running towards her and had swung his sword at her. She moved away from him and stumbled near the edge of the floor. Nearly falling down.
Nightwing successfully got the knives out of Damian. He gritted in pain while seeing blood dripping down on the floor. His older brother charged at Slade, saving Raven from Slade but he kicked him on the face and grabbed his arm, throwing him into Damian.
He turned to Raven and slapped her across the face seeing more symbols on her back. She gritted her teeth and tried using her powers, but he held on to her wrist tightly as her eyes widened, seeing her father had given him powers to drain her dry. She screamed in agony while Starfire, Tara and Donna trying to reach her until Jaime and Garfield heard bombs ticking all over the pillars.
“Guys! No!” Gar shouted out to the girls as he transformed into a gorilla and grabbed Tara’s hand, taking her up on the upper floor with Damian running to get Raven to safety. He grabbed his grappling hook, but he was stopped by Slade once more.
He had enough with him and punched him hard on the face, knocking his teeth out. He snarled at him and punched him back, kneed him on the stomach. “You won’t be able to save her, Damian. Such a pity.” Slade chuckled as he looked back at Raven who was weakened and slowly got up with debris around her, hearing cracks coming from the floor.
“Since this place is crumbling to bits, there is no reason for me to stay here.” Slade smirked evilly as he walked away from Damian as he started running towards her. “Oh, and happy birthday, Damian.”
Raven fell down from the crumbling floor, but her hand was tied up to Damian’s grappling hook while he held onto it as more debris fell down on them. She gasped softly while seeing more cult members attacking her family and one was about to strike him on the back. “Damian!”
She lifted her arm and blasted the cult, burning its face while Damian was losing his grip and looked to the side seeing another was throwing a knife at the rope, cutting it with a weakened Raven, falling down to her death. “NO! Rachel!” He dove right in to save her as she fell down.
That was the last time she had seen was Damian in his civilian clothes, the last hero of Jump City she has seen was Robin, falling in to saving her determinedly while seeing the rest of her family were all getting out of the debris while trying to save her.
Her tears were forming in the corner of her eyes with her long black hair flowing in her sight. Damian was shouting out to her while grabbing another grappling hook. The rope was coming out, reaching out to her as she was reaching out to him while falling down the Tower, hearing her family calling out to them.
Everything felt like it slowing time around her. She looked at the rope as it caught up to her and was wrapped around her waist. Her tears were falling out of her eyes. She gritted her teeth, shaking in fear as she closed her eyes.
Damian felt Jaime’s hand holding onto him and held on the grappling hook and saw his love was caught but heard a loud thud that echoed from inside the tower. Raven’s head hit the ground before she could be pulled back up.
Both boys gasped in horror while Damian hooked the rope onto the metal bar above him and let go of Jaime’s hand. He landed next to Raven who was still attached to the rope. He breathed in and out slowly but unsteady. He took off his mask with his eyes looking over her worriedly. He held her in his arms, seeing she was not moving. “Rachel?”
He sat back on the ground with her in his arms securely, cradling her in his arms. He tried to find a pulse and his hand was shaking. “Rachel, please. Wake up. Rach—Rachel?” Damian called out to her, shaking her body a little, after seeing blood coming out of her mouth. “No…No!” Damian cried out while holding her closely to him.
The Titans all gathered around seeing Damian holding Raven in his arms, crying out her name over and over. “Please don’t leave me.” He laid his head on her neck while holding her closely with Starfire being comforted by Nightwing.
Garfield and Tara hugged each other tightly with tears rolling down. Jaime looked away from the sight of Raven’s body while Donna felt Connor’s hand on her shoulder, squeezing it tightly. They all heard the cries from Damian with the moon was shining on them from the broken ceiling of the tower.
2 years Later
After the death of Raven, Damian had given into the darkness. He had lost the woman he had loved with all of his heart. He laid himself down on his bed in his dark room. He covered his face with his arm, not wanting to open them.
Whenever he opens them, he only see Raven in his line of sight. He can see everything, her face, her smile. He can still hear her laughter ringing in his ears. He gritted his teeth in anger, wanting to block the sound of her voice.
“Uh, Damian?” Garfield knocked on the door.
“Get the hell away from my room, Logan. I do not want to deal with you right now.” Damian spatted, putting a pillow on his head.
“Look, I know how exactly you feel. In that other timelines, I felt as helpless and sad when Tara had died, but it takes greater strength to get up on your feet. I am sure R-she wanted you to do.” Garfield said, leaning his head on the door. “Look, man. You haven’t been to her funeral 6 months ago.”
He didn’t hear him answer or him talking. So he opened the door only to smell the scent of alcohol in his room. Seeing the bottles were only half empty. “When was the last time you cleaned up, dude?” Gar groaned in disgust.
“Just get out of here.” Damian said in annoyance.
“I SAID GET OUT, LOGAN!” Damian finally snapped and grabbed his sword from the floor and pointed it at his neck. He saw Garfield didn’t flinch from his spot and his brown eyes looked into his emerald eyes, seeing as if he was trying to calm him down. To calm his anger.
“Raven… Rachel doesn’t want to see you suffering over her death badly. She wanted you to be happy, live your life to the fullest.” Garfield said sincerely. “She loves you so deeply and cares for you. You two were so close and she had made you be a better person, yet, you are here moping. She wanted you to be on your feet and become someone else. Someone better than Robin who couldn’t save the love of his life. You can be more like your father. You can be able to move past this and save more lives from suffering.”
Damian stood quiet from listening to his speech and lowered his sword down. Sitting back down on his bed. “You… really think I can move on…without her?”
“Yeah, I mean, I know everyone does. She does too.” Garfield replied, putting a hand on his shoulder, giving something out to him. “I found this in her room. I think she wanted you to read it.”
He left him in his room to read it as he opened the sliding doors to his balcony where the moon shone brightly. He opened up the letter and saw Rachel’s hand writing, as he remembered clearly, it was neat. And clear for him to read.
“Dear Damian,
By the time you are reading this, that means I have already passed. And I have written this just before you shouted out when you were having a nightmare. I had comforted you in a way and I am glad.
I know you’ll ended up feeling like this. Helpless, hopeless, defeated, and lonely. Do not forget that you have a loving family and friends who are still by your side. And you be there for them, Damian. You can get past this by moving on and live your life to the fullest. I believe in you and I love you.
I love you. I love you just as you are. You are Robin, the member of the Titans. You can become more than just Robin. You can become their light to make the world a better place. You are Jump City’s protector in the dark. I know you aren’t ready, but I do believe that you are ready. Remember, justice not vengeance, my beloved.
Love forever,
Rachel R.”
Damian held onto the letter and gritted his teeth with his tears staining the paper in his hands. He wiped his eyes with his hand and sobbed, finally letting all out, mourning his lost love’s death. Once he had calmed down, he looked at the letter once more and then held it in his hand, now having a new found purpose. He wanted her death not to be in vain. He looked at his closet and grabbed a small chest and had started to get changed.
In Jump City, the citizens were attacked by Black Mask and his goons, Putting everyone’s life in danger with the Titans coming in and saved the citizens while Nightwing kicked one goon on the head and flipped one over his shoulder. Garfield flew up in the sky dropping one with Terra slamming her hands together trapping two goons her boyfriend had dropped mid-air.
Superboy and Wonder Girl punched down the ground, crushing their vehicles while Donna used her lasso to throw the truck to crush down the speeding cars that were going straight at the young girls who were screaming and shouting.
“NO!” Starfire cried out until she saw a shadow appeared and grabbed the two young girls. She looked around the area and saw a grappling hook line coming from the building. She gasped seeing Batman was in Jump City helping them to save the citizens. He threw in his Batarang at the goons while Kid Flash managed to run towards them and tied them up with Donna’s rope. He and the Titans knocked down the last goons with Black Mask being arrested at last.
The Titans looked at the new Batman. He had the same mask with a navy-blue cape and yellow utility belt and had small jewel beads attached to it. His body suit was mixed with black and red accents.
“Damian?” Nightwing questioned with him looking at him and then left while grabbing his grappling hook and swing up to the building. The Titans all followed him to talk to him in private while the police took care of the villains down below.
“Damian? Is that you?” Jon asked rubbing his neck.
The new Batman took his mask off and revealed himself to his family. Starfire smiled sadly but proudly to see he is inheriting his father’s legacy. For Raven’s sake. This was good progress in moving. “I am proud Damian. I am sure Raven is too.”
“Yes, I do hope so.” Damian smiled fondly while looking down at the mask in his hands.
“And I love the new look to the suit, Muscle Man.” Terra smiled while Gar chuckled, agreeing with her. The Titans all rejoice with Damian, as Batman formerly as Robin has risen and vowed to make the world a better place to live while making Raven’s wishes coming true.
Damian finally set foot in the cemetery where Raven’s grave was. He bent down and put a bouquet of blue roses and white irises. He smiled and patted the engraved stone gently. “Rest well, my beloved.” He heard sirens blaring and looked up to see the Bat signal. He smiled seeing duties were calling and had said his goodbyes to Raven before joining his family in an another night of crime fighting.
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
Could you answer #11 and #24? :)
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
- It would have to be Damirae and the DC universe so far. Back in late April / early May of this year, I first started sharing my writing by writing some fics for RWBY and the pairing for Rosegarden, sadly it didn't go well since I was testing the waters with the style of writing I was trying out and not many were very please, making me stop writing completely. 
Then after seeing Aokolips War and jumping for joy that Damian and Raven became canon was then I jump into fan arts and fanfics for Damiare and the many wonderful writers of the Damirae fandom inspired me to write again but change my writing style. So any Damiare writer reading this: I wanna thank you for giving me hope that I can become better and being so kind to me. 
24. favorite fic you read this year
- Gosh there’s so many fics I just LOVE from so many writers its hard to just pick ONE. Here’s a list of some that I very much enjoy and you should probably check out! 
(in no order) (all of these are Damirae fics)
- Skate into Love by @whereflowersbloom
- Drunk | (You All) That I Want -a damirae week prompt- by @chromium7sky  (I read this one on Wattpad) also this was one of my fave cuz Raven gets really drunk and Is acting all silly 😂
- Misunderstanding by @xaphrin
- Night at Wayne Casino by @jasonrae117
- A little Adjustment by @irisesnroses
- Study Sessions by @tweepunkgrl
- Bonding by @vivian24l
- The Engagement by @eleanore-delphinium
- Fallen Raven by @kallura-juniblade
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glassrain83 · 5 years
Dear Yuletide Writer
I am GlassRain on AO3, and thank you for writing for my tiny fandom(s)!
Any fic about these characters will be exciting. This is all just extra information to use if you want inspiration or guidance or specific prompts to think about.
Yes please: gay stuff, outer space, magic, microphilia. Non-con, dub-con, and mind control. Relationships where there’s a power imbalance but they also truly love each other and do the work to make it good. Identity porn or any other kind of reveal where the audience knows something and gets to enjoy watching the characters figure it out.
No thanks: Gore/body horror/graphic depictions of violence, embarrassment, extreme underage (teenage sex is fine), bodily fluids (except the usual ones for sex scenes), non-canon character death, mundane AUs.
Mini-challenges: Yuleporn, Make The Yuletide Gay, canon trans/nb relationships
Doctrine of Labyrinths - Sarah Monette
Characters: Felix, Mildmay
The Doctrine of Labyrinths is a series of fantasy novels by Sarah Monette. It is set in the secondary world of Meduse and tells the story of the adventures of the wizard Felix Harrowgate and his half-brother, former assassin Mildmay the Fox.
Lush fantasy melodrama full of codependence and great hurt/comfort. I’ve read the whole thing by now, so spoilers are welcome.
Sci-fi/cyberpunk AU. Make the hocuses into hackers, the magical curses into corrupted cybernetics, the petty thieves into data pirates. Write this version of some event from Melusine, or use the AU to give the course of the plot a new twist.
Missing scene from Felix and Mildmay’s journey across the continent in book 1, something where Felix has a bad turn and Mildmay successfully calms him down. Just lean all the way into the h/c in their weird-but-deep sibling bond.
This is one fandom where I would love some guilty frantic brothercest. (During a time in canon when they’re both mentally capable of consenting.) Especially if it’s already an ongoing situation when the story starts, so it’s not a story about how they fell into it but about how they can’t seem to get out.
The Good Place (TV)
Characters: Tahani Al-Jamil
The series focuses on Eleanor Shellstrop, a woman who wakes up in the afterlife and is introduced by Michael to “The Good Place”, a highly selective Heaven-like utopia he designed, as a reward for her righteous life. She realizes that she was sent there by mistake and must hide her morally imperfect behavior and try to become a better, more ethical person.
Ongoing TV fantasy sitcom. The final season will have ended by reveals, and spoilers for all of it will be welcome. I don’t ship Tahani with any of the male characters, but would love either gen or f/f.
AU where Tahani was the one who was “mixed up” with a different “Tahani Al-Jamil”. Where is she placed instead of a creepy clown house? How does she cope? How does Vicky (or whoever) craft the role of her most torturously-unsuitable soulmate?
Kidfic about the terrible family dynamics in Tahani’s childhood. Especially things that her POV frames as happy, or fine, or at least justified...but the reader can tell how much it’s not.
Friendship fic with Eleanor and Tahani during their time on Earth. They couldn’t possibly know each other for a whole year without bonding.
Leif & Thorn (Webcomic)
Characters: Any
Leif is a gardener in thrall to a mysterious debt, serving his native Sønheim at a foreign embassy. Thorn is a Knight of Ceannis who got severely burned while dragonslaying, and was rewarded with a cushy job guarding the embassy gates. Thorn doesn’t speak Leif’s language too well at first — but as they get to know each other, he finds a lot of reasons to learn.
Ongoing fantasy dramedy, with a cross-cultural romance and a great ensemble cast. (Read it here.) Leif/Thorn is canon. I’d love fic about them, and/or any romance (canon or not) that doesn’t break them up, and/or gen about anyone else.
Violet’s participation in fandom on the magic-crystal-internet. And maybe off of it, if a convention comes to town. What is magical-crystal-Yuletide like? Which series have split fandoms over badly-translated Ceannic-language dubs? Who else in the cast loves Violet’s fic without realizing she’s the one behind the pseudonym?
Something sexy from the “Thorn studied magic” AU, where Thorn uses his powers to suppress the consent-subverting functions of Leif’s microchip.
Canon divergence AU where Thorn joined the Secret Order of Monster Hunters instead of the knights. Does he sneak back to check on Leif later, Batman-style? Or just straight-up steal Leif in the moment? How does Agent Delphinium feel about all this?
Holiday fic where Leif and Thorn share their traditions with each other. Warmth and fluffiness a plus.
Tender, loving, slow-and-thorough Thorn/Kale -- with Leif’s permission and/or participation. In which Thorn notices how touch-starved Kale is and makes every effort to rectify that for him.
Jeeves & Wooster
Characters: Jeeves, Wooster
Bertram Wooster, a well-intentioned, wealthy layabout, has a habit of getting himself into trouble and it's up to his brilliant valet, Jeeves, to get him out.  
Completed TV adaptation of the books by P.G. Wodehouse, starring Hugh Laurie as Wooster and Stephen Fry as Jeeves. I’ll take gen or m/m between the two of of them.
Magical AU where they’re supernatural creatures -- fae, elves, angels, demons, nature spirits, things in that category -- and still manage to have the same dynamic, over much more ethereal problems.
Role-swap where Jeeves is a smart-but-disaffected member of the idle rich, and Bertie is a fanciful valet. Problems are solved by a mix of Bertie’s own talents and his ability to inspire Jeeves into thinking harder.
Bertie discovers the fandom for his published writing. This can be a modern AU if you want to get the internet into it.
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A Future with You Update (CH 14) and a mini-rant
Brought to you by, that anonymous person who asked for an update and those who hearted it. 
Thanks for showing interest. I really do appreciate it.
And now this is the rant part, which read at your own discretion. 
And I had to wing the batfam dynamic.
I had to reread (skim) through the chapters to recall how I wrote this and feel it. I find that I am somehow a method writer if that exists. Anyways, I was tearing up and crying. 
And it made me wonder why you (readers) want to go through that if you are in tears, and like what the fuq was I thinking when making this?
And then, at the same time, I am curious how to read it as someone who doesn’t know how this story is supposed to end. 
I kinda get it now, I am such a bad writer for leaving you all hanging wondering what the fuck is wrong with this woman. Because I was thinking the same...and then I remember I wrote this and I know what is going on. 
And it does not get easier. But in my mind it makes sense.
I am very curious about what you guys love about this, is it what I pointed out?
The angsts is worth it and the mystery?
But I'm also proud of how I wrote some things, I didn't expect I'm capable of writing some really nice lines and making myself cry by reading the lines.
I even totally get why others might not like Raven’s characterization. I’d get it if someone drops reading this. 
At the very least, I should aim to end the story in an ‘it can work/pass as the ending’. 
Also, chapters 1-13 are like 3 days in the story. 
When I said SLOW, wow, I did not think it was THAT slow. That is crazy.
And we aren’t even’ halfway there. I thought this chapter would be the birthday, but alas, tis not.
The Goliath scene was planned a long time ago.... but like everything else, nah man. 
Any ways Happy Reading.
I also am proud of myself, somehow I wrote almost 4k words for this, and I truly didn’t expect it. And to be able to write something this close to the request, I thought it might take me 3 months to fulfil anonymous’ requests...  :\
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eleanore-delphinium · 2 years
Poll Result for my Damirae fics...
Well, it’s a landslide, and the majority wants the summary.  But there is a minority that I also want to respect. So, I have made a decision. I will make the summary for the ongoing fics and the plan from beginning to end and post it separately from the actual fanfiction to avoid spoiling those who want to read it without knowing how it should progress (in detail?). And because I would still love to write it at my own pace. I will compile the summaries of ongoing fics in Ao3 and FFN, as my guide to my ongoing fanfics or something of the sort. And will place spoilers on posts if I share them here, so for those interested in knowing the full story without the long wait I tend to give, they have that option too.  Thank you so much for all the responses. Now I have to ask my other fandom too...  Sorry, I am an unreliable writer... And thank you for showing love and support for my small fics.  I also have plans on posting dialogues from fanfics I may or may not post (completely) or write in here too, so keep an eye out for that too. And tell me if you want a summary of those too.  Self-plug, I personally love my fic Reciprocate (damirae) so check that out if you have time. It is actually completed.  The Engagement and Heart of Stone are something I am very proud of for their uniqueness... so if you guys have time check those too.
Thank you for your time folks! 
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Take A Chance: A Little Sequel
I actually had this thought right after I posted the short.
If you haven't read it, here is the link: Take A Chance.
I am not making it detailed though, just lines. But if you guys want more than the lines, just tell me, I can cook it up.
Damian: We should go. I have everything planned. A nice romantic dinner on a boat on a river as the sun is setting. Ending with the most spectacular fireworks display at the stroke of midnight.
Raven: Uh... I don't think that is what I suggested that you do for your date.
Damian: What can I say? I like to give it my all when I have a goal in mind.
Raven: Please, Damian, tell me you're joking.
Damian: Well, there is one way to know if I am.
Raven: You can tell me now.
Damian: And what's the fun in that?
Raven: But seriously, did you actually plan that?
Damian: I'm telling you now: There is only one way for you to find out. C'mon let's go, I don't want us to be late. We still have to travel and I want to be on the boat before the sun starts to set.
Raven: ...
Damian: If it makes you feel any better, one way or another, you will receive such a date eventually.
Raven: You are excessive.
Damian: And I excessively like you too...
PS: I just found out how to do these color thingies, but I wonder how I can make a darker green. Also, the end makes me wanna gag. Be wary of me in the coming posts... (in this case)
PPS: Did he just say 'I Love You' in a roundabout way!!!! (I think I might use this for some other fic...)
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Damian: Will I remember you?
Raven: Yes, unknowingly. Like the word at the tip of your tongue, like a memory, you couldn’t completely recall, like a kiss from a butterfly… A feeling you cannot shake. You and I have become soul mates. You are bound to me as I am bound to you. No matter when or where this will be true. Even if we do not know.
- from Familiarity AU, Damirae Week 2020 Soulmates.
Happy Cannon Anniversary!
I'm also thinking of reviving this timeline for the coming Damirae week, but we shall see if I really push through.
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eleanore-delphinium · 11 months
Revival of the Familiarity AU
My announcement
I don't know if you guys remember this AU. But this is my little announcement.
I am reviving this after years. And this isn't just me BS-ing, I have the chapter done (for a month) and it is scheduled to be posted on [ Nov. 13, 2023 ] which is why I am making this post. Now, I will be honest the chapter after that is an idk-if-it-will-happen. So read on your own accord folks.
For those who need to refresh or haven't read this, here are the existing chapters.
Familiarity AU ( A03 Link )
Note: Justice League Dark: Apokalips War AU
 1 : Damirae Week 2020 : BOUND TOGETHER
 2 : Damirae Week 2020 : SOULMATES
 3 : Damirae Week 2020 : MARRIAGE 
  4 : I remember You
Anyone excited?
Also did you know I had planned a whole wedding for this AU. I don't remember much of it. And that would have been way down the timeline which might not see the light of day.
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The whole werewolves stories I've been reading resulted in this thought because I don't understand how some mates are abusive and they are all like 'Goddess this or that why, but I also love him'.
This is Copium and in the form of DamiRae.
Warning: Bad words.
The Moon Goddess. 
The Goddess of the People of the Night. Believed to be the one who connects everyone to their mates, be it wolves, vampires, witches and humans.
And when someone so unfortunately gains a mate who is unworthy, abusive, hurtful-- they blame her.
'Why was I bound to this kind of person?' They would ask.
But because of the bond, and their blind trust to The Moon Goddess, ultimately these people bound to a cruel mate, would say, 'But I love them, and there must be a reason for this connection.'
It was laughable. 
How they got it so wrong.
These fated bonds they held sacredly, were not created by The Moon Goddess. 
It was created by a witch who wanted to be connected with her lover in this life and the next, and the next, and the next, well, till eternity.
And she ascended to Godhood to do so. For nothing could stop her from being with her lover. And he will always have a place right next to her.
Those who heard of what she had done and wanted the same fate with their lovers, sought her out. Not thinking that their partner won't be the same in the next life.
So, if you so happen to have an abusive mate. Don't blame The Moon Goddess or The Witch.
Blame yourself.
Because in some other life, this was what you wanted.
In a cold dark throne room, sat a man with black hair on a golden throne. His eyes were closed. His head propped up by one hand with his elbow resting on the armchair.
Everything was quiet.
The soft tapping of shoes echoed throughout the hall and the man's green eyes were revealed as he steadily gazed before him.
A pale woman in a long black dress that left no questions as to what her figure might be underneath, emerged from the shadows and as she got closer her long black hair was revealed and her mesmerising violet eyes that were locked at him.
He smiled.
And she smiled back.
There was nothing but silence as she moved towards him. The allure of her swaying hips caught his attention.
She lifted her dress revealing her beautiful ankles and her strappy heels as she ascended the small staircase to reach the man on his throne.
Their eyes still locked at one another.
He spread his legs apart as he adjusted himself on his seat, placing both arms on the armrest. And without pausing she slipped comfortably on top of one of his legs, sitting rather comfortably there.
"Damian, My Love..." She traced his angular jaw with her long wispy fingers. Her nails were long too and painted black.
He had closed his eyes to relish in her touch, "Yes, Beloved?"
"Do you not regret what I have done?" She inquired quietly as she studied his face with her eyes.
The air was calm as he replied, "Of course not."
She tilted his face towards her and she leaned down and kissed him. 
"Why would I?" He mumbled between kisses as he too reciprocated her affections.
"My Lady, there is someone seeking your service." Came the voice of a man as he knelt on the floor. He appeared suddenly within a whirl of black smoke and the woman sighed.
"I think we need to make the quest to search for The Witch harder, My Love." She mumbled against his lips. And he studied her eyes.
"I honestly thought it was hard enough already, but I will see to it then, Beloved." He caressed her face and she closed her eyes for a moment. It was her turn to enjoy his touch.
After a few seconds she kissed him on the lips and pulled away. "I must go." Her hand still held his hand as she slowly distanced herself from him, clearly not wanting to let go.
Eventually their hands parted. And she turned her attention fully to the steps as she started her descent. 
On the base of the staircase he called her, "Raven," she turned to him, "I will be waiting here."
She smiled and she glanced at the man, "Lead the way."
In the beginning of her journey to bind one person to another. 
Her lover and her were the first. And now there were so many more connections she binded after that it came to the point that everyone believed they had some fated mate somewhere as per The Moon Goddess kind graces.
With that, The Witch and Her Lover decided to create a quest in order to find her. And they only made it harder and harder when they found more and more people were still seeking her out. 
Seeking The Witch’s Unending Blessing.
The man seemed to have fallen asleep on his seat, his eyes closed and rested on one hand that was propped at the arm of his throne. His legs spread wide and he was slouched back into the back of his golden throne.
The familiar tapping of heels woke him up. His green eyes studied the darkness.
"How was it, Beloved?" He asked quietly.
And she emerged from the darkness again, a sad smile on her lips as she approached him.
He waited for her and was patient. She climbed the steps again and went to him, she sat on the throne, making her lover bring his legs closer together. Her back rested against one of the arms of the throne. And then she raised her legs to sling them over his firm legs.
She traced his face again with her long fingers, "A woman and man came to me, asking to be binded…" 
He waited for her to continue, knowing that there was more she had to say.
She sighed, "She already had 4 other connections." Her violet eyes then glanced at the ceiling behind his shoulder.
"And…" He glanced back at her with a small tilting down of his chin.
"Who am I to say no to their request?" She looked at his calm green eyes, "I will not take their choice from them like those people did to us." She brushed his lower lips with her thumb.
“After all, they also proved their love by coming all the way here, through all the hardships we have built to find me.” She paused. "I think she found me quickly because she has already found me before." She replied matter of factly and the two were left to stare at one another.
And that was another reason as to why they tried to fade into history like some folklore or legend because of people seeking her out. Particularly those seeking her out a second or third or nth time.
Raven The Witch. Would never turn them down.
"Did you tell her she already had a forged bond?" He asked but he knew the answer already.
She shook her head, "No, I have no right to intervene in their decisions when they put in so much effort to find The Witch from whatever urban legend that they heard me from." She traced his jawline again, appearing to be fascinated by his angular jaw and the feeling of his already prickling beard even though he had just shaved.
"I simply fill in their desire." She studied his face and the love she had for this man seeped out from every pore of her body.
And he glowed matching her affections.
Even though she said that, the main purpose of making her story a legend that would hopefully fade to nothing was because she didn't want to meet more people like the one she had recently created a bond for. 
Eventually, some bonds would fade if not reignited and would die down, but it takes a long long time for it to die. And the most recent connection would stay. But some did not have that with their older connections. The possibility of a bond to fade. 
And if those already bonded kept seeking her out to form new bonds to their current lovers– it will only be a messy story for those involved 
And Raven knew messy stories very well. For her life was the same.
One whole cluster fuck of a mess. 
So, remember, if your mate happens to be an asshole. Blame yourself. You placed your fate in another person’s hands. Thinking that you will always have the same kind of love in this life and in the next.
Forming bonds thinking this is that once in a lifetime chance to have such an epic romance. 
Well, jokes on you, even more so when you forge more than one bond in the name of such an epic love.
At the very least, if you get rejected by your mate and because you have more than one bond, then you have options.
Mortals are really foolish.
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" And the two bodies enjoyed themselves in the living room, on the couch, in his brightly lit apartment. With a desire that could not be contained, and a matching possessiveness from both bodies that was nothing less of intoxicating. "
- The Cruel Joke
{from a WIP Damirae fanfic that hasn't seen the light of day except for this part which actually has 3k in words but ain't close to being done, from a bad author (it's me.)}
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