thenighteternal · 2 years
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ex0skeletal-undead · 1 year
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Red Death speedpainting by ELIANT ELIAS
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hollowreliquary-backup · 11 months
i love the viego family! his father alvaro and his mother lianor and his brother nivor and his brother(?) castillia and his brother basillon and his sister-in-law eliante and his uncle vladimir and his cousin briar and his niece kalista and his nephew-in-law ledros and his daughter gwen and his wife isolde and his wife senna and his wife the maiden of the mist and senna's husband lucian and the maiden's husband yorick
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Sur Le Misanthrope : Adaptations
Une première mise en scène, datant de 1977, par Pierre Dux (classique)
Casting : Alceste - Georges Descrières, Oronte - Bernard Dheran, Philinte - Michel Duchaussoy, Dubois - Gérard Caillaud, Clitandre - Philippe Rondest, Acaste - Guy Michel, Arsinoé - Bérangère Dautun, Eliante - Dominique Constanza, Célimène - Béatrice Agenin
Costume tout noir pour Descrières, quelques rubans verts qui garnissent l’épaule ; il sera intéressant de noter comment chaque metteur en scène habille son Alceste. Chose étrange, la vue donnée par les fenêtres de chez Célimène ressemble à une vue d’un jardin de Versailles (carrément pas fait au hasard, on vous fait confiance m’sieur Dux). Ô diction naturelle d’un texte classique, mon amour ! J’ai l’impression d’entendre une vraie conversation, c’est magnifique. Un Alceste déjà bien énervé, dans les starting blocks dès le début (j’aime beaucoup le jeu de Descrières), mais qui a une certaine noblesse, une certaine majesté. Intéressant de voir que le costume de Philinte est le même que celui d’Alceste, mais son opposé complet en termes de couleur (rouge vif). On dirait que ce Philinte est le psy d’Alceste, c’est marrant. Psy un peu ferme, car le petit côté misanthrope de Philinte semble ici plus utilisé pour souligner les excès d’Alceste. Pour l’instant je vois l’amitié Alceste/Philinte like two old queens, c’est jouissif pour moi. Bon excusez-moi, les costumes masculins sont tous les mêmes, juste de couleur différentes et plus ou moins ornés. Un Oronte précieux et pétasse à souhait (excellent Bernard Dheran). Philinte qui donne des petits coups de tête approbateurs quand Alceste réussit l’interaction sociale, my autistic king. Potescore à la lecture du sonnet, vraiment mon moment préféré, eux qui se prennent le bec à voix basse mais dont la resting bitch face ressurgit immédiatement telles les fleurs au printemps. Philinte a l’air constamment atterré par son pote, je trouve ça hilarant. Une Célimène MAGNIFIQUE (Béatrice Agenin, quelle belle femme mon dieu), tout en noir, absolument charmante (et qui n’hésite pas à embrasser Alceste dans sa première apparition pour lui donner une preuve de son amour), très ironique, et médisante pétillante. Alceste l’aime, bon dieu, au début d’un amour grognon mais qui garde une certaine tendresse ;  sa colère dans l’Acte III après la “trahison” de Célimène est bouillante, mais en sous-main, pas vraiment de grands éclats de voix, une rage plutôt contenue (malgré un poing qui aurait pu partir). Mais ils s’aiment quand même. La grande folle tout en rose c’est bien sûr Acaste (Guy Michel qui ne ménage aucun ridicule), et son acolyte en jaune poussin, Clitandre, plus soft (très bon Philippe Rondest). Eliante (jolie Dominique Constanza) semble prendre un peu après sa cousine dans le ton, mais reste mimi (par contre, un peu plus d’émotion que diable, à certains moments j’avais l’impression de voir jouer une carpe. Avec tout le respect que je lui dois.). Bérangère Dautun est une Arsinoé très méprisante, la voix posée, j’adore. All by myself joue bien fort dans ma tête à la dernière sortie de notre asocial préféré. Je retiens de cette pièce un Alceste assez désillusionné pour garder un certain calme, qui lui confère une aura noble, mais pas assez pour ne pas s’énerver de temps à autre.
Deuxième version, de 1959, mise en scène (bien sûr classique) de Jean Kerchbron
Casting : Alceste - Renaud Mary, Philinte - Bernard Dheran, Oronte - Jean Le Poulain, Célimène - Françoise Christophe, Eliante - Evelyne Dandry, Acaste - Jacques Ciron, Clitandre - Alain Feydeau, Arsinoé - Malka Ribovska
Caméra qui est le point de vue d’Alceste ??? Innovative ! Surprise de retrouver l’Oronte de la version de 77 en Philinte. Diction pas très naturelle, pet peeve. Perruque ridicule pour Renaud Mary, mais c’est pas sa faute. Mise en scène hyper minimaliste, je suis surpris (agréablement je le concède). Turbopétasse de Le Poulain en Oronte, parfait. Je suis furieusement bisexuel pour la Célimène de Françoise Christophe, hautaine et au rire méprisant jouissif. Turbopétasses derechef avec Clitandre et Acaste, les années 60 n’étaient-elles donc faites que de cela ? Je suis également furieusement bisexuel pour l’Eliante d’Evelyne Dandry, Philinte je vais te piquer ta femme. Même Arsinoé (Malka Ribovska) est MAGNIFIQUE, un joli filon pour les fans de Molière lesbiennes. Dheran est super en Philinte tout doux, monsieur flirtez avec moi svp pour le 14 février. Une bonne vieille interprétation tout ce qu’il y a de plus classique.
Troisième version, de 2000, mise en scène de Jean-Pierre Miquel (classico-moderne ?)
Casting : Arsinoé - Alberte Aveline, Oronte - Michel Favory, Eliante - Isabelle Gardien, Alceste - Denis Podalydès, Clitandre - Laurent d’Olce, Célimène - Clotilde de Bayser, Philinte - Laurent Natrella, Acaste - Christian Gonon, Le Garde / Dubois - Guillaume Gallienne
Wow, Podalydès avec les cheveux encore très très bruns. Un tout tout petit ruban vert en guise de collier, c’est un Alceste bien mélancolique, comme Podalydès sait faire ce genre de personnage. Je compare avec une autre version dont je parlerais après celle-ci, je sais, mais j’ai l’impression de voir la mise en scène d’Hervieu-Léger en moins bien, les personnages sont placés pareils et rient même parfois aux mêmes moments…Mais il manque la petite étincelle que donnent Corbery et Génovèse dans l’autre version. Non vraiment Podalydès est hyper calme en début de pièce, c’est très bizarre. Guys pick up the fucking pace, ça a pas l’air naturel ni dans l’esprit de la pièce, qu’est-ce que vous faites ??? Et bordel, Natrella, un peu d’émotion merde, j’ai l’impression de voir un ragondin à qui on a filé un texte et un costume de dentelle. Favory, pareil, le ridicule d’Oronte est où ??? Clotilde de Bayser à vingt ans MADAME je suis à vos genoux. Elle est belle, pétillante, souriante, drôle, bref, ma femme. Aussi, serait-ce un lieu commun de foutre Acaste et Clitandre en jaune poussin et rose pétant ? Alceste se réveille un peu à l’Acte II, merci, on attendait que ça. Un tout petit pitchoune Gallienne. Est-ce que c’est aussi un lieu commun de foutre Alceste enserrant de ses bras la taille de Célimène et poser la tête sur ses genoux ? (ça ne me dérange pas, les hommes désespérés on aime ça ici). Un Alceste bien cheum aussi, dont la déclaration “je voudrais qu’aucun ne vous trouvasses aimable” est assez creepy. Wow, Philinte qui fume (*transpose immédiatement ça avec Génovèse et décède promptement par excès de horniness*). Les costumes deviennent hyper sombres à la fin, pas mal. Et Célimène qui reste seule sur scène avant le tomber de rideau ? (dieu quelle femme magnifiquement belle.). Je me suis quand même assez emmerdé, la mise en scène aurait tellement pu être mieux mise en valeur, et les comédiens étaient pas trop au rendez-vous…
Quatrième et dernière version, de 2019, mise en scène de Clément Hervieu-Léger (une moderne, pour changer)
Casting : Alceste - Loïc Corbery, Philinte - Eric Génovèse, Célimène - Adeline d’Hermy, Eliante - Jennifer Decker (mais j’ai aussi vu Claire de La Rue du Caën), Oronte - Serge Bagdassarian, Arsinoé - Florence Viala, Acaste - Christophe Montenez (mais j’ai aussi vu Clément Hervieu-Léger), Clitandre - Pierre Hancisse (mais j’ai aussi vu Birane Ba), Dubois - Gilles David (mais j’ai aussi vu Christian Gonon)
Comme d’hab je vous ai réservé ma version favorite pour la fin et…j’adore cette mise en scène. Depuis je fais totalement confiance à Hervieu-Léger en matière de direction artistique. Transposée dans un salon d’un appartement haussmannien en emménagement, la pièce reprend un peu de vigueur avec une mise en scène plus contemporaine. Des jeux de lumière, de musique de fond contribuent à l’ambiance et surtout rappellent que la pièce se déroule sur une journée. Mais ce sont d’abord les acteurs qui donnent un nouvel éclairage. C’est la seule fois jusqu’ici où j’ai vu la misanthropie d’Alceste traitée comme une véritable maladie, qui lui fait autant de mal qu’il en fait aux autres. C’est Loïc Corbery (pour moi, un des meilleurs acteurs de sa génération) qui porte cet Alceste blessé, à l’aura de chat mouillé, qui alterne périodes de calme ressentiment avec des explosions de colère stupéfiantes. Je compare avec la reprise de la pièce en 2023 (que j’ai vue hihihi), il a rendu son personnage plus calme par endroits, mais cela fait ressortir toute la violence de ses éclats. Philinte est campé par Eric Génovèse qui donne une douceur indicible à ce personnage ; qui garde cependant une bonne couche de rire devant Alceste et son ridicule, sans pour autant cesser d’agir comme un véritable ami (des petites attentions, l’aide à l’interaction sociale, sa présence presque constante auprès de lui, son inquiétude pour lui, la scène du câlin…LA SCÈNE DU CÂLIN PUTAIN), sans oublier la petite touche de misanthropie inhérente au personnage (et qui le rend complexe). Mention reprise 2023 : il est plus abrasif, plus triste peut-être, plus misanthrope, mais ça relève encore plus les moments de douceur. Célimène (Adeline d’Hermy je vous AIME) est si belle, si pleine de vie, et amoureuse en plus…Le duo qu’elle forme avec Corbery (bouleversants dans l’Acte III) permet de nous rappeler en nous mettant un gros coup de couteau dans le cœur que leur amour restera impossible. Eliante est choupinette outre commune mesure, Philinte sans déconner un jour je vais te piquer ta femme (ou eux deux ? vive la bisexualité). Serge Bagdassarian est un Oronte jouissif par l’interprétation typique et personnelle qu’il donne de ce personnage ; même chose pour Florence Viala en Arsinoé particulièrement âpre ; Acaste et Clitandre, peu importe les interprètes, sont parfaits et confinent aux petits-maîtres quelquefois (même si Hervieu-Léger en Acaste a été la plus pétasse to have ever pétassed). Si les moments de comédie sont là, on oublie surtout pas de nous rappeler que c’est aussi une tragédie, et la fin de la pièce est tellement douce amère…Enfin bref, je pourrais passer des heures à parler de cette mise en scène là, mais mon compte principal est un assez vibrant témoin de mon admiration pour celle-ci.
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ghostflowerdreams · 2 years
Writing Research - Truck Driver
This is for all the writers that want to write about or have a character who is a truck driver. I hope this helps you a lot. 
This list of links contains information on how to become one, types of truck drivers, how much they earn, what kind of food they eat, how they get clean, what kind of dangers they face, what a day in their life is like, and so on.
How To Become A Truck Driver?
LearnHowToBecome - How to Become a Truck Driver
Smart Trucking - How to Become a Truck Driver in the US: 10 Steps to Getting Your CDL
wikiHow - How to Become a Truck Driver
Berks Technical Institute (BTI) - How to Become a Truck Driver
Trucking Truth Blog - So You’re Thinking About Becoming A Truck Driver?
FCC - What Types of Truck Drivers Are There?
US Truck Driver Training School Inc. - Trucking 101 – Types of Trucking Companies
How Much Do Truck Drivers Make?
LearnHowToBecome - Truck Driver Salary Guide | How Much Does a Truck Driver Make in the United States?
Prime Inc. - How Much Money Do Truck Drivers Make?
Trucking Truth Blog - Truck Driver Salary: The Complete Guide
AllTrucking - First Year Truck Driver Salary
CloudTrucks - 9 Highest Paying Trucking Salaries of 2022
MigWay - How Much Money Do Truck Drivers Make in 2022?
Drive My Way - 11 Types of Truck Driver Pay Explained
Truckstop - Truck Driver Salary: Top Paying Jobs (By State & Freight Type)
Youtube: The Rideshare Guy - Truck Driver Salary: Here's What It's REALLY Like to Be a Truck Driver!! [video]
A Day In The Life Of A Truck Driver...
Flock Freight - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
Energy Transportation Group - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
John Greene Logistics Company (JGLC) - A Day in the Life as a Truck Driver
CRST The Transportation Solution - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
Migway - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
EpicVue - A Day In The Life of a Truck Driver: What to Expect
Carlile - A Day in the Life of an Alaskan Truck Driver
Youtube: CNBC Make It - I Bring In $144K A Year Driving Trucks | On The Job [video]
Youtube: Trucker Josh VLOGS - My Trucking Life | A DAY IN THE LIFE | #2228 | March 4, 2021 [video]
The CDL School - What is the Typical Day in the Life of a Truck Driver?
Business Insider - See photos of a day in the life of a married trucking couple making $125,000 a year [photos]
Youtube: HISTORY - Ice Road Truckers: Ready To Roll (Season 1, Episode 1) | Full Episode [video]
The News Wheel - On the Job: What Is It Like Being a Truck Driver?
Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
Southwest Truck Driving School - A Day in the Life of a Trucker
Youtube: Eiver2 Trucker - A Week of my Life/ My Passion/ Truck Driver [video]
Youtube: She Someone Special - What It’s Like Being A OTR Female Truck Driver+ Pros & Cons + Storytime + Being A Young Trucker [video]
NewsNation - Behind the wheel: A day in the life of a big rig driver [video]
lily - Female Truck Drivers Archives: Lily Transportation
Youtube: Happiness By The Mile - A Day in the Life | Over The Road Trucker (Trucking Vlog 001) [video]
Youtube: Grtruckingdemolitionllc - A day in the life of a heavy haul trucker | kenworth moving oversize load [video]
Youtube: Kayla Taylor Trucking - A Day In The Life Of A Truck Driver / Drop and Hook / Weighing and Sliding Tandems / Fueling + More [video]
Youtube: Niesha K - A Detailed Day in the Life of a TRUCK DRIVER | Laid Back [video]
Youtube: ALEX THE TRUCKING GUY - a REAL day in the life of a U.S truck driver (POV 626 miles Indiana to Nebraska) - [vlog #104] [video]
Youtube: Eliante and Kayla - A Day In The Life Of A Woman Truck Driver | Eliante and Kayla [video]
Reddit: I Am A - IAMA New Long Haul Trucker, Ask Me Anything.
Youtube: Trucker Jay in the UK - New job new truck London [video]
Youtube: mark pritchard - A day in the life of a UK truck driver. [video]
Youtube: Trucker Cassie - Full Day Winter Vlog: Sweden [video]
Youtube: Angelica Larsson - A Day as a Real (Swedish) Trucker: What we do [video]
Youtube: Iwona Blecharczyk - Mój pierwszy ładunek! My first load (Polish Trucker) [video]
Youtube: Sheila Bellaver Caminhoneira - Na Vibe Da Estrada!! Saindo Empresa Rumo SÃO PAULO! (Brazilian Trucker) [video]
Youtube: Parul TV - Truck Driver in Canada Punjabi Life Daily Routine [video]
Youtube: PinoyTruckDriver Japan - Japan Truckers| Pinoy trucker Japan [video]
Youtube: LifeWithTracyB - A Day in the Life of Husband and Wife Team Truck Drivers! [video]
Youtube: Driver Solutions - Trucking: Day In The Life Of A Married Couple On Truck [video]
Youtube: Bair's on the Road - Day in the life: Truck driver & wife [video]
Female Truck Drivers
The Trucking Scribe - Dealing with Period Aches and Pains for Women Truck Drivers
The Trucking Scribe - Feel Better on Your Period, Tips for Female Truck Drivers
Trucking Truth - Handling Your Ladies Time On The Road…
Fueloyal - Female Truck Driver – Trucking Career Challenges and Importance
Youtube: Niesha K - Period Tips for Female Truckers + MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE [video]
Matheson - Is it Safe for Women to be Truck Drivers? Myths Busted.
Business Insider - Truckers say they’re denied bathrooms on the job, forcing female drivers to take creative measures to relieve themselves
NPR - What women truckers can tell us about living and working alone [audio]
Women in Trucking - How Safe Do Female Drivers Feel On the Road?
Business Insider - Female truckers describe the extra precautions they take to stay safe on the road — from disguising their gender and avoiding tight clothes to carrying weapons
Trucking Truth - Women In Trucking: Tips For Safety and Comfort
Kelly Struck - Female Truck Driver Safety: 27 Tips to Keep You Safe on the Road
Reddit: Truckers - What’s it like being a female trucker
Youtube: Big Trucker Bre - Pros & Cons To Truck Driving | Female Edition [video]
Reddit: Truckers - I’m [19F] interested in trucking… how safe do y’all lady truckers feel?
Reddit: Truckers - The fucked up shit women drivers have to deal with…
Reddit: I Am A - IAmA former female truck driver, AMA
Reddit: Ask Me Anything - I’m a 23yo female long haul truck driver. AMA
Youtube: YOU LOVE INDIA - A day in the life of a female truck driver| pallet fell out the truck [video]
How Do Truck Drivers’ Eat?
Schneider - Grocery list for truck drivers with ready-to-eat, no-prep foods
Logity Dispatch - What Do Truck Drivers Eat on the Road
Heavy Duty Trucking - How Truck Drivers Can Eat Healthy on the Road
HMD Trucking - A List of Healthy Meals for Truck Drivers
Prime Inc. - Healthy & Simple Truck Driver Food Ideas
Nutrition and Food Services (NFS) - Healthy Eating Tips Truck Drivers [pdf]
CloudTrucks - 13 Healthy Snacks for Truck Drivers
Trucking Truth - The Complete Guide To A Career In Trucking: How can I eat healthy on the road? Will I be able to cook my own meals?
Knight Transportation - Top Healthy Diets for Truck Drivers
Smart Trucking - Healthy Snacks For Truckers – 15 Simple Ideas For On the Road
Healthy Truck - Healthier Living (and Eating) for the Long-Haul
Garmin - How to Stay Healthy as a Truck Driver on the Road
How Do Truck Drivers Stay Clean & Use The Bathroom?
Truckers Insider - How do trucker do laundry?
Big Rig HQ - Where Do Truckers Wash Clothes While On The Road?
Trucking Truth - I Shower How Often? What Is Personal Hygiene Like On The Road
Schneider - What kind of clothes do truck drivers wear?
Team Run Smart - Laundry Tips For Truckers
Trucking Truth - The Complete Guide To A Career In Trucking: Life on the road: Showers, bathroom breaks, & personal hygiene
Prime Inc. - All About Truck Stop Showers: Tips For Showering On the Road
CTC Trucking - Everything You Need To Know About Truck Stop Showers
Schneider - Where do truck drivers shower? And other common questions
CloudTrucks - Where do Truck Drivers Sleep?
CDL Training Spot - Where Do Truck Drivers Shower?
TruckersGoods - How To Get Free Showers At Truck Stops? (Best Places List)
Truckers Insiders - How do truck drivers shower? Travel tips from the Pros
FreightWaves - Can I use the bathroom? The answer for truckers is often ‘No’
CDL Training Spot - Where Do Truckers Pee? Get Ready For The Truth
The Trucking Scribe - How Do Female Truck Drivers Pee When There Is No Restroom?
Big Rig HQ - How Do Truck Drivers Use The Bathroom While On The Road?
Truck Drivers’ Advice & Tips
Trucking Truth - The Complete Guide To A Career In Trucking: Rookie Drivers: Tips, Tricks, & Surviving your First Year On The Road
Smart Trucking - 7 Things You Need To Know About Your First Year as a New Truck Driver
CloudTrucks - Tips For New Truck Drivers: Starting Your Career Strong
Trucking Truth - Important Truths for Rookie Drivers: Surviving Your First 6 Months
Schneider - 6 truck driving tips from experienced truckers
USA Today - These truck drivers have mastered road trips. Here are their pro tips.
Trucking Truth - Trying To Teach Proper Driver Forecasting
Schneider - 8 truck driver trip planning tips
Chevin Fleet Solutions - 10 essential winter driving tips for truck drivers [infographic]
Schneider - 6 leading truck driver budget and money saving tips
DRS Truck Sales - 5 Smart Money Saving Tips For Truckers
TransForce - 5 Budgeting Tips for Truck Drivers
The Lanier Law Firm - 50 Tips for Truck Drivers
Smart Trucking - Trucker Tips Master Guide: Expert Advice From Experienced Truck Drivers
The Trucking Scribe - Hobbies for Women Truck Drivers in Small Spaces
Porter Freight Funding - Most Popular Hobbies for Truck Drivers
Knight Transportation - 7 Hobbies for Truck Drivers and How to Start Them
Schneider - What do truckers do for fun on the road?
Smart Trucking - Team Driving Jobs | A Professional Truck Driver’s
GuideTrucking Truth - Dispelling The Myths Of Team Driving
Youtube: Ebony Swope - Couples Truck Driving | Day in the Life - Team Driving [video]
HMD Trucking - What Is Team Driving and How Does It Work? (Updated October, 2022)
Drive Knight - Top 10 Benefits of Truck Driving With Pets
ATBS - Tips for Trucking With Pets
Reddit: Truckers - A question for truckers who ride with pets…
CloudTrucks - Trucking Life with Dogs: Traveling Tips + Breed Recommendations
HMD - Best Pets for Truck Drivers
Reddit: Truckers - Pets?
Trucking Truth - Tips For Trucking With Your Pets
PRIME Inc. - 5 Advantages of Truck Driving With Pets
The Trucker - Dogs, cats, other pets can provide drivers with companionship, other benefits on the road but require care and caution
Reddit: Trucker Cats - Please give all tips and tricks for having a trucker cat. I’ll be riding with my boyfriend soon and we are bringing our cat. Any advice? Litter box, leash, or both? If litter box, where? Plus I’d love to see any cool setups for your furry riders’ litter boxes and beds.
Yuma Truck Driving School - An Intro to CB Radio for Truckers
Apex Capital Corp - Talk Like a Trucker: A Guide to Trucking Lingo
Top Mark Funding - Guide to CB Radio Lingo & Trucker Slang
Smart Trucking - Learn How to Talk CB Lingo Like a Trucker, C’Mon!
Freightech - Tricking Industry Slang and Terms
Trucker Country - CB Terminology And Trucker Slang
New York Post - Australia’s ‘hottest trucker’ makes $63K-a-year from OnlyFans
New York Post - Hot pink Brazilian truck driver racks up 2 million followers transporting fruit
Truck Driver Institute - How to be Successful at Truck Driving with a Child
Healthy Trucking of America - Can a Mom be a Professional Truck Driver?
TruckDrivingJobs - Truck Driving With Children Passengers
Trucking Truth - How is the truck driver's family affected?
Prime Inc. - For Trucker Families | Being A Truck Driver With A Family
Logity Dispatch - Can a Child Ride in a Commercial Truck?
Napier Truck Driver Training Inc. - Staying In Touch With Family As A Truck Driver
Overdrive - Driver held at gunpoint, cargo pilfered: How to avoid being an easy mark in dangerous times
TransForce - 6 Tips to Prevent Semi Truck Cargo Theft
Drive My Way - 8 Dangers of Being a Truck Driver (And How to Avoid Them!)
Smart Trucking - The Deadly Dangers in Truck Driving Jobs That You Probably Didn’t Know Existed
TCI Transportation - Common Dangers Truckers Face Every Day
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Workplace hazards of truck drivers [pdf]
Prime Inc. - What Is Team Driving Life? Pros & Cons of Team Driving
Schneider - Team truck driving jobs: What is Team truck driving?
FleetOwner - LGBT truckers share tales from the road
Rolling Stone - Inside the Growing World of Queer Truckers
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reindeer-spotting · 2 years
god i feel so fucking awful i woke up an hour and a hlaf before the gig and my ride fell trhu and i didnt know the ticket sitaution and one my friends was liker eliant on me im going to kms its i thnk sorted now im just waiting on confirmation for tickets
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rayfinny · 20 days
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Photos taken on my phones:
Danny when he got his Eliante chain.
Trap house shenanigans.
Neph necklace.
Chrome Hearts accessories I gave to a friend.
Carhatt Dunks (one of my fav dunks of all time).
Etai custom bear- one of his earliest pieces.
Circa 2018-2022
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from Swedish forenames, including the letter sequence "An".
Adander Adandra Adanilsak Adank Adanna Adant Adante Adantor Adran Adrank Adriande Adriander Aleiani Alexan Alexanda Alexanne Alian Alianda Aliank Aliann Alianna Aliannes Aliante Aliantel Alianten Alinatildan Aliviant Alliannelin Alman Altorianter Alvan Alvani Alvian Alviank Alvigriani Andav Ander Andra Anicia Aniltor Annathar Annatheo Annatils Annattor Annes Anteodorid Anteon Anter Anterid Anterikton Antorneo Aranda Aridan Asmillaran Axelianton Aximildant...
Beliante Belmann Caran Cariantor Carlianna Cellician Chalfran Chanda Chande Chandra Chandria Chanicornes Chank Chann Channatton Channeah Chante Chanter Chantor Chantora Colian Coliandamer Coliande Colianteon Collexanto Coranna Coriann Danda Dander Dandra Danicia Danie Danna Dannathande Dannestia Danten Danter Danton Dantona Dantor Eddan Edithan Edithani Edithanna Edithanteon Elian Eliandra Eliani Elianilly Eliank Elianna Eliante Eliciandra Elinathant Elivannes Ellariande Elleian Elleianda Elleiant Ellexan Ellexante Ellian Elliandard Elliantona Ellilman Elman Elmandri Elmanna Elvalexan Elvan Elvani Elvian Elviandra Elviank Elvianna Elvildan Emildan Emildani Emildank Emillielian Emiran Emman Emmanneo Emmanton Erante Felian Feliant Felician Fellian Fiandra Fianna Fianteo Fildantor Filiann Filianteo Fillexan Fredithank Fretavian Gabeliandri Griamelian Grian Griande Halexann Hallexan Halvanna Handa Handar Handav Hande Hander Handra Handrian Handrie Hanilma Hannath Hannatte Hante Hanton Hantor Harian Harvianilly Heddanna Heddant Hildan Hildandara Hildande Hildank Hildanna Hildanteo Hilianda Hilman Hilmandra Hilovan Idani Idanna Idanter Ingriank Ingriant Ingridante Iranna Irian Iriant Iridan Isaltelian Jacolician Jalvidan Joelian Joelindrian Johan Johanda Johandard Johank Johanneli Johanteo Joleian Jolexani Jollicianna Joscarlian Juliandri Juliandria Juliank Juliante Julianton Julician Julicianna Leian Leiank Leianna Leiantor Lexan Lexande Lexanie Lexanilda Lexank Lexann Lexannea Lexant Lexanteo Lianda Lianderia Liandrisak Lianician Lianiel Liank Liann Lianna Lianne Liannes Liannestin Liante Liantelly Lianter Lianterik Liantorne Licelian Lician Liciandran Liciani Liciant Lisalfranna Lividante Livigreddan Lovan Lovandrid Lovanie Lovanilhea Lovannatheo Lovanten Lucarandra Lucarank Lucarantelm Ludviant Ludviciank Ludvilianie Ludvilmank Ludviranna Luniciandra Manda Mander Manie Manilia Manne Manteo Manter Manteria Manton Mantornes Marianton Matheddanna Matian Maxelian Maxelvildan Meddanna Medvidant Melian Meliande Melician Mellexan Mellexante Melvanda Melvanter Mildan Mildande Mildanton Mildantor Miliandrias Miliank Milman Milmani Milmant Milmeddan Miranna Miranton Miridank Mohan Moharan Nathalian Nathandrisa Nician Niciank Nicianna Nilderan Nilian Noelian Noeliank Noeliviank Noelman Noranter Noriandrida Novallarant Novan Novandarlie Novanicton Novanie Novante Novarandrid Noverianna Novian Noviandanna Oleianten Olexan Olexander Olexante Olexanton Olian Oliann Olianne Oliciandria Olivanille Olleian Ollexande Ollexanne Ranna Ranteon Ranton Rantonja Saridanna Similovian Simohanicia Siran Sirank Siranna Sofian Sofiank Sofiante Sofildander Sofildanton Stiande Stiann Stiannathan Stridanten Svalmanna Svanda Svank Svanna Svannea Svantera Thandanda Thande Thander Thandrias Thani Thank Thannatin Thanneah Thant Thante Thanteo Thanton Thantorid Thelvank Tianicton Tiank Tianna Tiantellia Tianter Tiantera Tiantorne Tilian Tiliellexan Tiloviran Tinustrian Tuvalian Tuvalvan Tuvan Tuvandam Tuvandamuel Tuvank Tuvann Tuvanna Tuvannes Tyran Tyranilma Tyrant Valfreddant Valvidanda Vander Viandria Viank Vianna Viannatil Vidander Vidank Vigridanna Vindriank Viranna Viranter Viriandria Virianna Virianto Wildaman Wildan Wildande Wildander Wildanilly Wildanna Wildant Wildante Wildanteon Wildanto Wiliantor Wilicianto Willeiann Willian Williandank Willician Wilmande Wilmank
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itsbecauseiminmyhead · 4 months
it’s a sad one today
Oooh, Just can't believe this man (Metro Boomin want some more --)
Somebody said they saw you The person you were kissing wasn't me And I would never ask you, I just kept it to myself
I don't wanna know, if you're playing me Keep it on the low Cause my heart can't take it anymore And if you creeping, please don't let it show Oh baby, I don't wanna know
I think about it when I hold you When looking in your eyes, I can't believe And I don't need to know the truth But baby keep it to yourself
I don't wanna know, if you're playing me Keep it on the low Cause my heart can't take it anymore And if you creeping, please don't let it show Oh baby, I don't wanna know
Did he touch you better than me? (touch you better than me?) Did he watch you fall asleep (watch you fall asleep?) Did you show him all those things that you used to do to me? If you're better off that way (better off that way) Baby all that I can say (all that I can say) If you're gonna do your thing, then don't come back to me Ooh
Woah, woah, woah 21 Had me crushing, I was cuffing like the precinct How you go from housewife to a sneaky link Got you ridin round in all types of benz's and rovers Girl you used to ride in a rinky dink I'm the one put you in Eliante (on God) Fashion Nova model, I put you on the runway (on God) You was rocking coach bags, got you chanaynay Side --in frisco, I call her my bae bae (21) I got a girl but I still feel alone If you playing me that mean my home aint home Having nightmares of going through your phone (21) Can't even record you got me out my zone
I don't wanna know, if you're playing me Keep it on the low Cause my heart can't take it anymore And if you creeping, please don't let it show Oh baby I don't wanna know, if you're playing me Keep it on the low Cause my heart can't take it anymore And if you creeping, please don't let it show Oh baby I don't wanna know
If you creeping just don't let me find out (on God) Get a hotel never bring him to the house (on God) If you're better off that way (better off that way) Baby all that I can say (all that I can say) If you're gonna do your thing, then don't come back to me
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iigorr · 8 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕖
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⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
。・゚゚・               ・゚゚・。
𝓟𝓵𝓸𝓽 𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮
Act 1:
 The play opens with Alceste, the misanthrope, expressing his disdain for the hypocrisy and insincerity of society. He is in love with Célimène, a coquettish young woman known for her beauty and charm. Alceste's friend Philinte attempts to counsel him on being more adaptable to social niceties, but Alceste remains steadfast in his honesty. Meanwhile, Célimène engages in witty banter and flirtations with multiple suitors, including Oronte and Acaste. The act sets the stage for the central conflict between Alceste's principled honesty and the superficiality of courtly society.
 Act 2: 
As the romantic and social intrigues continue, Alceste remains critical of societal norms. Célimène's salon becomes a hub of gossip and flirtation, with various characters vying for her attention. Arsinoé, a jealous rival of Célimène, attempts to undermine her reputation. Alceste, despite his aversion to social conventions, finds himself drawn to Célimène but struggles with the contradictions between his principles and his feelings. The act builds tension as Alceste faces the complexities of love and social conformity, foreshadowing his turning point and confrontation with Oronte which will lead to his fate 
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Introduction to the characters and commentary 
“The Misanthrope” is a story that focuses on the characters of alceste, who as the title suggests is a misanthrope. Alceste fights against the dishonesty and fakeness inside French society, he rejects anything that is not the “truth” as well as anything that is done in order to keep an image for the public, he repudiates social niceties and people who talk and gossip behind people’s backs, In a way it could be said that he rejects all that is part of the french high society in the 17th century, which is often seen as a pinnacle of decadence. However the mind and heart of Alceste lives in constant hypocrisy as the young woman who has stolen his heart is none other than a satire representation of this society that he despises, Célimène is a woman that thrives in social contexts often accepting flirtatiousness from other men. She enjoys the gossip and is often one to propagate it in the courts of high society, she lives by her social appearance. The other character that pulls at Alceste’s hypocrisy is Philinte, a man that although recognises the flaws of their society also understands the importance of having a social norm and adhering to it. Despite often disagreeing with Alceste he is shown as caring and defensive towards him, Despairing when Alceste’s choices lead him astray and wishing the best for him. Philinte is often considered to be Alceste’s foil throughout the play as he reflects the extremeness of Alceste’s views on humanity.
Alceste attraction to Célimène is almost inexpiable, it is not as if he lacks choice in women as two other suitors, Arsinoé and Eliante, both of which preserve those values that Alceste finds noble such as prudishness and honesty, but he still finds himself orbitating towards Célimène. Even Alceste finds it impossible to be in love with such a woman, as such he often asks her to change for him, or at least to put him above all other suitors, and although she rejects the idea of change she promises to put him above everyone else. Followed by Alceste, Célimène has three other suitors that try to win her heart throughout the play. A marquis called Acaste, a noble called Oronte and another marquis called Clitandre. Célimène strings along all of her suitors, giving them attentions and affections, however this game dooms her to her fate as Alceste finds out that the romantic letter that Célimène sent to him was not alone, but instead she had sent the same letter to other suitors, This greatly heightens the tensions between the two as Alceste is deeply hurt by this action. 
However, the turning point of the play follows soon after. Alceste at the start of the play confronts Oronte who asks for an opinion on his poem, which Alceste finds repulsive, and not finding the usefulness in lying and praising his work decides to tell Oronte what he really thinks of his work, thus gravely insulting it. This however snaps back at him as later on in the play he gets called to trial for the humiliation he gave to the noble Oronte. Upon this trial Alceste is humiliated thus exiling himself. Before doing so Alceste asks Célimène to come with him, to leave behind her frivolous ways and be faithful to him, as nobody else would grace her after her plot was discovered. Yet she denies him, leaving him alone to his fate. 
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Molier makes great use of satirical devices and characters throughout the play, making somewhat fun of both those that are too-self absorbed as well as those who through cynicism and reject the status quo. The play revolves around two distant extremes, Célimène and Alceste, that revolve around each other maintaining an insurmountable distance dictated by their own values, both of which are too convinced to let go of. 
At the end of the day Alceste and Célimène are the only two people that suffer due to their own vices, Philinte and Eliante end up both finding love in each other, and the marquis and nobles will soon move on from Célimène and her affections. What this might be is a subtle commentary from Molier on excesses, everything is good from cynicism to self-absorption as long as we don’t get lost inside it. 
One of the other vices which takes on a major importance is the one of jealousy, which becomes a driving force for Arsinoé in ruining Célimène réputation, is becomes part of Alceste’s character as he finds himself jealous towards Célimène because of all the attentions she gives and receives.
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thenighteternal · 2 years
Trhä - ahmar lan, tähh kesht khadgulab mecyra
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Progetto "Sistema Museale della provincia di Lecco: nuove proposte inclusive di accessibilità e accoglienza"
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Progetto "Sistema Museale della provincia di Lecco: nuove proposte inclusive di accessibilità e accoglienza" Lunedì 22 gennaio partirà l'azione 1 del progetto Sistema Museale della Provincia di Lecco: nuove proposte inclusive di accessibilità e accoglienza, per il quale la Provincia di Lecco ha ottenuto un finanziamento di 260.000 euro nell'ambito dell'Avviso per Progetti Comuni di Fondazione Cariplo. L'iniziativa rientra nella più ampia programmazione del Sistema Museale della Provincia di Lecco con il progetto comune Star bene al museo, finalizzato alla maggiore inclusione partecipativa e al benessere nei musei e nei siti culturali del Sistema. L'azione 1 consiste in un percorso di formazione, coordinato dalla Cooperativa sociale Eliante Onlus di Milano e gestito da La Nostra Famiglia - Istituto Medea, rivolto alle realtà del Sistema Museale della Provincia di Lecco; possono partecipare operatori museali, collaboratori dei soggetti gestori, guide turistiche, educatori, insegnanti, associazioni culturali e turistiche del territorio legati a ogni singolo museo/bene culturale del Sistema. Il corso riguarda specificamente l'ambito delle disabilità cognitive e visuocognitive per ampliare le competenze dei partecipanti sia nelle relazioni con le persone con disabilità che utilizzano i servizi museali, sia per la messa a punto di percorsi e materiali specifici da offrire ai servizi del territorio che si occupano di persone con disabilità degli ambiti indicati. Il percorso di formazione è articolato in alcuni moduli teorici di informazione sulle caratteristiche ed esigenze inerenti gli ambiti di disabilità, in successivi moduli di taglio laboratoriale per favorire un miglior avvicinamento al tema della disabilità cognitiva e multisensoriale, in moduli pratici di co-costruzione dei percorsi e delle proposte specifiche realizzati con gli operatori museali. Verranno svolte anche simulazioni e role playing per la sperimentazione sul campo delle attività didattiche progettate, nonché un follow up in via telematica dopo le prime esperienze effettive con utenti con disabilità, per l'eventuale messa a punto e/o revisione delle proposte precedentemente sviluppate. Per ulteriori informazioni e adesioni: [email protected]. "Nell'ambito delle nostre attività di valorizzazione del Sistema Museale della Provincia di Lecco - commentano la Presidente della Provincia di Lecco Alessandra Hofmann e la Consigliere provinciale delegata a Cultura e Beni culturali, Turismo, Villa Monastero Fiorenza Albani - abbiamo voluto fortemente questo progetto con l'obiettivo di creare inclusione sociale e pari opportunità nel godimento del patrimonio museale, promuovere familiarità con i luoghi della cultura quali spazi di arricchimento personale, favorire una condizione emotivamente positiva nell'individuo, stimolare le capacità creative e comunicative in persone con deficit cognitivo/sensoriali, rafforzare il legame con i cittadini e il territorio. Ci aspettiamo un'ampia adesione a questa proposta formativa, che affronta la tematica sempre più importante e sentita dell'accoglienza estesa". Sintesi del progetto "Sistema Museale della Provincia di Lecco: nuove proposte inclusive di accessibilità e accoglienza" Il progetto si articola su due piani integrati: - riorganizzazione delle modalità di accoglienza, accompagnamento e progettazione didattica e fruitiva, per offrire luoghi sempre più coinvolgenti, grazie a un nuovo insieme di percorsi e proposte di visita senza barriere, rivolte a persone con mobilità ridotta e a visitatori con difficoltà sensoriali o cognitive - nuovi percorsi trasformativi legati all'accoglienza inclusiva e di formazione rivolto agli operatori museali e al personale che opera all'interno dei 51 siti culturali del Sistema Museale della Provincia di Lecco Si intende aprire i luoghi a una molteplicità di pubblici: non solo soggetti con disabilità motoria, sensoriale, psichica e psichiatrica o metabolica, ma anche a soggetti che necessitano di attenzione particolare, quali le famiglie con le carrozzine, gli anziani che hanno bisogno di soste frequenti, persone con difficoltà temporanee di movimento. Le azioni prevedono: - la creazione di un percorso Kids Friendly: le opere si trasformano in un cartone animato che racconta i suoi segreti con un linguaggio adatto anche ai più giovani, un modo per rendere l'arte e la cultura accessibile a chiunque, riprodotti in 3D - l'allestimento di un percorso tattile olfattivo nel giardino di Villa Monastero per rendere accessibile a chiunque, non solo ai non vedenti, la conoscenza e la scoperta degli oggetti musealizzati attraverso l'olfatto, il tatto, l'ascolto - nuovi manuali didattici universal design ad accessibilità estesa, progettati e realizzati all'interno del programma di formazione rivolto agli operatori museali - l'intervento formativo focalizzato sulle disabilità cognitive e visuocognitive, per ampliare le competenze degli operatori museali nelle relazioni con le persone con disabilità che utilizzano i servizi museali, per la messa a punto di percorsi e materiali specifici da offrire alle strutture del territorio che si occupano di persone con disabilità I soggetti operativamente coinvolti fin dalla fase di progettazione, che seguiranno le fasi successive di realizzazione, sono la Cooperativa sociale Eliante Onlus di Milano e la Fondazione La Nostra Famiglia di Bosisio Parini.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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my-chaos-radio · 8 months
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Release: March 17, 2023
Just can't believe this man
(Metro Boomin want some more --)
Somebody said they saw you
The person you were kissing wasn't me
And I would never ask you, I just kept it to myself
I don't wanna know, if you're playing me
Keep it on the low
Cause my heart can't take it anymore
And if you creeping, please don't let it show
Oh baby, I don't wanna know
I think about it when I hold you
When looking in your eyes, I can't believe
And I don't need to know the truth
But baby keep it to yourself
I don't wanna know, if you're playing me
Keep it on the low
Cause my heart can't take it anymore
And if you creeping, please don't let it show
Oh baby, I don't wanna know
Did he touch you better than me? (touch you better than me?)
Did he watch you fall asleep (watch you fall asleep?)
Did you show him all those things that you used to do to me?
If you're better off that way (better off that way)
Baby all that I can say (all that I can say)
If you're gonna do your thing, then don't come back to me
Woah, woah, woah
Had me crushing, I was cuffing like the precinct
How you go from housewife to a sneaky link
Got you ridin round in all types of benz's and rovers
Girl you used to ride in a rinky dink
I'm the one put you in Eliante (on God)
Fashion Nova model, I put you on the runway (on God)
You was rocking coach bags, got you chanaynay
Side --in frisco, I call her my bae bae (21)
I got a girl but I still feel alone
If you playing me that mean my home aint home
Having nightmares of going through your phone (21)
Can't even record you got me out my zone
I don't wanna know, if you're playing me
Keep it on the low
Cause my heart can't take it anymore
And if you creeping, please don't let it show
Oh baby
I don't wanna know, if you're playing me
Keep it on the low
Cause my heart can't take it anymore
And if you creeping, please don't let it show
Oh baby I don't wanna know
If you creeping just don't let me find out (on God)
Get a hotel never bring him to the house (on God)
If you're better off that way (better off that way)
Baby all that I can say (all that I can say)
If you're gonna do your thing, then don't come back to me
Mario Winans / Erick Sermon / Roma Ryan / Eithne Ni Bhraonain / Nicky Ryan / Parrish Joseff Smith / Chauncey Hawkins / Michael Carlos Jones
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Le Misanthrope - Molière
Si j'ai parlé de Tartuffe, il fallait forcément que je parle de mon autre pièce préférée du répertoire de Molière. Peut-être une des pièces les plus complexes de notre dramaturge favori, tous les personnages ici semblent doubles dans leur façon d'être et de paraître.
Alceste, misanthrope plus qu'assumé, qui prend ses racines dans les plus vieux récits (on pourra penser à Timon d'Athènes), semble toujours sur le fil du rasoir de l'interprétation. Détestant les manières du beau monde, la politesse un peu fausse, l'hypocrisie journalière de la société, il enrage à chaque instant que les gens ne disent pas leur stricte vérité. Mais il y a une noblesse, une rectitude d'âme qui se montre dans ses critiques permanentes. Amoureux paradoxal, il aime Célimène, coquette parisienne, médisante, "donnant dans les mœurs du temps" ; son amour est jaloux au possible, parfois violent, possessif même, et il la voudrait pour lui seul, et que sa jeunesse et sa beauté cesse d'attirer tous les beaux gosses du coin.
Philinte, meilleur (seul ?) ami d'Alceste, fait figure de sage auprès de lui : toujours tout en retenue, tout en douceur, il s'accommode de la société dans laquelle il vit et "prend tout doucement les hommes comme ils sont", non sans méconnaître leurs vices. Pourtant, sa figure est elle aussi assez double, puisqu'il semble lui prendre quelques accès de misanthropie quand il concède à Alceste que les hommes sont imparfaits. Lui aime Eliante, cousine de Célimène, "sincère", plus discrète, qui si un temps elle s'intéresse à Alceste, lui préférera Philinte, un amant plus accordé à son caractère et qui surtout l'aime pour elle-même, et non pour tenter de rendre jalouse Célimène comme tentera de le faire plusieurs fois Alceste.
Derrière ce quatuor emblématique, une exposition des caractères ridicules au temps de Molière : Arsinoé, prude, dévote, qui cache le dépit de ne pas plaire aux hommes sous une couche de dévotion, "Tartuffe féminin" comme l'a dit Jacques Chupeau. Oronte, ridicule poète, est le parangon des faux gens d'esprit si souvent raillés par Molière (Les Femmes Savantes, par exemple). Les deux marquis, Acaste et Clitandre, s'ils ne sont pas les petits-maîtres qu'on retrouvera dans le théâtre de Marivaux, sont tout de même eux aussi des médisants, qui viennent chez Célimène (en plus de la draguer) pour cracher sur tout ce beau monde.
Pièce un peu toujours à double sens, personnages tout aussi troubles, la pièce qui au départ était jouée comme une comédie s'est peu à peu transformée en drame, celui d'un homme qui ne peut vivre en société à cause de son caractère, d'une société de faux semblants perpétuels, et d'un amour, s'il reste beau par certains aspects, impossible. Définitivement une de mes pièces préférées de notre cher Jean-Baptiste, dont je vais m'empresser de comparer les mises en scène pour observer l'évolution des rôles.
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jules-and-company · 11 months
philinte le plus smooth des smooth avec son crush parce que franchement i would like to be looked at like that
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par contre ptdr matez comment ça réagit quand on mentionne le pote qu’elle trouve mims
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mais à cœur vaillant rien d’impossible il pécho tout de même !
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this is an eliante x philinte stan post in case you missed it they are très kiki
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haitianculture509 · 1 year
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