#Elise Altair
theacblade · 10 months
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I'm BACK!!!!
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
bubbles with babe
A/N - based off a previous two scenarios here
I tried getting as many as I could or however many the tags would let me 😅
Summary: bath and relaxing headcanons 🥰
Altair - he insists you always bathe with him, washing your hair calms him down
Elise - wants to spoil and lavish you entirely, loves massages too
Desmond - a whole cutie pie who refuses to leave the tub and just loves a few sudsy cuddles
Bayek - presses tiny kisses into your shoulder as he weaves his fingers through your hair
Ezio - oh he’s shameless in spoiling you with all the bubbles!
Evie - a “guilty pleasure” she feels no guilt in because spending time with you is always a pleasure
Edward - cheeky in spending more time in the tub with you than getting anything done
Malik - he won’t admit it but he does enjoy how your spoil him and remind him to take breaks
Jacob - sure he MAY spoil you but he’s also so needy with your time and likes when you suds him up as well
Maria 🗡️- a reminder that she needs to take time for herself, particularly likes shoulder massages
Aya - jasmine and other floral scents fill the tub as you laugh and reconvene with each other
Haytham - he’s one relaxing session away from collapsing into your arms and the suds, loves a good scalp massage
Shay - likes when you wash his hair and offers to wash yours as well
Yusuf - you can’t leave yet unless he says so, just be prepared for bubbly cuddles and some face masks
Aveline - she likes a hot stone massage and maybe some lavender oil for a bath
Ziio - the temple run when you wash her hair is the most relaxing
Eivor - a bit of a spa day get away and tons of steam rooms that leave you both refreshed
Connor/Ratonhnhake:ton - he loves how you just melt into his touches and when you rub his back as well
Arno - a lil romantic who draws all the bubbles and oils for hours of relaxation
Henry/Jayadeep - he’s a sweetie who gushes about anything with you, neck and back rubs are a must
Kassandra - spa days are a must for you and her
Shaun Hastings is a man of business who sometimes forgets to relax so relaxing baths are way of reminding him he deserves TLC
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therealmissmagoo2 · 24 days
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Elise (Tattoo)
Just a little project I wanted to try. These tattoos were inspired by Elise Callisto from the series Zodiac Academy/Ruthless Boys by Caroline Peckham & Suzanne Valenti
Upper Back Slot. Sort Layer 3000. 2 Swatches
Tattoo includes:
"Even Angels Fall" across the ribs - Swatches 1 & 2
Black Wings, Roaring Lion, Soaring Dragon, & Coiled Snake down the spine - Swatch 2
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vegaxroyalist · 2 years
i would like to discuss zodiac academy and the ruthless boys of the zodiac. might make a spreadsheet of places where one series references the other.
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readerwithnosleep · 8 months
Book Series Specific Award Show Time!!
The categories are:
Most character development.
Least character development.
Best couple.
Best friendship.
Best chapter.
Best female character.
Best male character.
Best book of the series.
Most heartbreaking moment.
Most underrated character.
Most overrated character.
Plus an honourable mention.
The series of note in this case is the Zodiac Academy (plus additions from the connected series’) as it has quickly become my favourite series. For now that is.
SO! The results!
The award for Most Developed Character goes to:
🐺Seth Capella (ZA) because holy shit i hated this dude two books ago. I would basically skim his chapters when they appeared and now I'm smiling at the page when he comes on.
🐍Ryder Draconis (RB), like damn this man went from getting murderous, or horny it depends on if Elise was there or not, every time he saw the main group to being Nebular Allies with his worst enemy and walking around with DISNEY TATTOOS.
The award for Least Developed Character goes to:
🐲Darius Acrux (ZA), I really don't like this dude sometimes because his lack of change brings me such uncontrollable anger all the time and I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL- he. does. not. deserve. Tory. Like, they are perfectly matched but that means squat when he treats her like a clueless little girl all the time.
The award for Best Couple goes to:
💙🦇BlueLance (ZA) because THESE TWO have the best and purest relationship and they are so cute but also so fucking hot and sooo fierce when fighting for one another. Nobody can even attempt to come close to them.
The award for Best Friendship goes to:
🐍🦅Ryder and Gabriel (RB) because the friendship between these two was utterly heart breaking during how it began to fully form after the first Elysian Mate bond but the devotion to eachother that they end up with is UNMATCHED in the Ruthless Boys series.
💙❤️‍🔥Darcy and Tory (ZA), these two have such a strong relationship, I mean their bond transcends the effects of the shadows from the very first moment that they use them. They were my rock, my fall-to relationship throughout this whole series and it hurt when they were separated and at odds the most.
The award for Best Chapter goes to:
🦁💜🐍Chapter 21 - Warrior Fae (RB) was SO FUNNY. Leon was a genius and that's all I'm going to say. 🦇🦅Chapter 19 - Warrior Fae (RB) was so fucking bizarre but so absolutely hilarious that it makes sense that why 'Orio' and 'Noxy' are bonded by the stars because what other friend would not double over in laughter when that happens.
💙❤️‍🔥Fire trial chapter in Darcy's POV (can't find what chapter it was) in The Reckoning (ZA) because they were so damn badass when they literally WALKED. THROUGH. FIRE. Like, goddamn. I would gladly join the A.S.S. and bow to Tory and Darcy.
💙🦇Chapter sex ed - The Reckoning (ZA) when many readers where reading the chapter through the gaps in their fingers and tears of disbelief and laughter. It was so bloody funny!
The award for Best female Character goes to:
💜Elise Callisto (RB), while yes there was limited amounts of female characters that were actually good in the Ruthless Boys series, Elise was still a complete badass and she deserves more recognition then I'm giving her in this.
💙DARCY VEGA (ZA) because this girl is amazing in every way. Imma just sum up her brilliance in this quote in which she cut Seth down to size; "Iron is made stronger in the hottest part of the fire, Seth. You didn't break me, you forged me.” I am in love with her.
The award for Best male Character goes to:
🐍Ryder Draconis (RB) because he was tied favourite with Gabe but since we barely see Ryder in the other books there is more excitement at the prospect him popping up in them.
🦇Lance Orion (ZA) THIS MAN OWNS MY SOUL. I would be his doormat if he asked me to. If he told me to. Even if he looked at it, I would materialise into it and feel honoured when he stood on me.
The award for Best Book of the Series:
3️⃣The Reckoning - (ZA), this is my comfort book. It is before all the awful shit stars to happen at the scarily fast rate that it does for the rest of the series. Plus, BlueLance forms.
5️⃣Warrior Fae - (RB) because this is where everyone gets all mushy squash and the ✨group activities✨ were great. And when they actually got on there was some absolutely amazing scenes between them all and it warmed my wounded heart.
The award for Most Heart breaking Moment goes to:
🚨🦁THE CAVE WITH EVIL, SIREN, THERAPIST BITCH AND LEON. (RB) That scene made me bawl my eyes out at like five in the morning and it was NOT pleasant. Not fun.
🐉💙❤️‍🔥Y'know what? Nobody talks about it and it annoys me. When Catalina is given a star divorce by Darcy and Tory, that shit was heart breaking because of how unhappy she was for YEARS until that moment. It was a happy moment only because she had escaped.
The award for Most Underrated Character goes to:
🐉Catalina Acrux (ZA) because this woman was so strong and despite that she treated the twins, Orion, the Heirs and both of her boys with so much of the motherly love that most of them were missing growing up. She deserved every little speck of happiness that she could carve out of the world.
🍰Middle Kipling (RB) HEAR ME OUT! He provided so many weird ass moment that had me in tears of laughter every time. For example, the wedding?? That was peak comedy.
The award for Most Overrated Character goes to:
🦟Melinda Altair (RB specifically) I did not like her one bit in the Ruthless Boys series, I mean she outed them and almost got Ryder killed, brutally, many times. Idc that she is Elise's or Caleb's family, she was a bitch in those books.
🧛🐟Caleb Altair and Max Rigel (ZA) the only times that these two are not completely unbearable are when they are with their ships. If it wasn't for Seth and Geraldine they would be such extremely pointless wet blankets. Granted, they have some leeway with this because they are useful in the seventh book but other than then they are just kind of... there.
Now, finally the honourable mention goes to...
🐀Eugene Dipper! I loved this little guy when he appeared in both series'. He was funny and he became a much stronger Fae by the ZA books and I think he deserves a mention because he managed to escape Lionel's grip.
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jacobfryes-hoe · 1 year
period headcanons
A/N: Altair, Arno, Edward, Ezio and Jacob with a significant other on their period.
Disclaimer: gifs are not mine! mentions pain and menstruation.
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Altair doesn't have much knowledge of periods but tries to understand what your going through.
he does his best to comfort you, even though it's not his forte.
he will go to the shops for you, but wouldn't have a clue what to buy, he'd be in the right aisle but wouldn't know what products to get and would just buy one of everything because he is too proud to ask for help.
tries not to snap back when your period makes you irritated.
brings you plenty of water and nutritious food to help you feel your best.
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Arno has quite a bit of experience with periods because of Elise, so he knows mostly what he's doing.
he will bring you whatever you want if that be treats from the cafe, cuddles, blankets etc, you name it and he'll have it there as quick as possible.
If the pain got too much Arno would get you some painkillers and a hot water bottle to help and if that doesn't help, he'll try to distract you from the pain by reading to you or doing your favourite hobbies with you.
doesn't mind your mood swings.
would spend the day with you cuddling and eating treats.
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Edward loves using your period as an excuse to stay in bed all day eating junk food.
he doesn't really know how to deal with mood swings, they put him on edge and he probably would just stare at you with a blank expression or offer you food to see if that will cheer you up.
will fetch you painkillers, food, drink and anything you want.
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Ezio spoils you when you're on your period, constantly reminding you how amazing you are, and showering you with both affection and treats.
would cook his mother's recipes for you.
will and loves to cuddle up with you.
does his best to help with the pain, whether that is getting you a hot water bottle, running you a nice warm bath or just getting you painkillers, he's on it.
is very patient when it comes to your mood swings.
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Jacob is the best for cheering you up with his stupid jokes.
he can't cook for you but will buy you your favourite snacks from the shop.
same as Edward, he loves using your period as an excuse for spending the day in bed.
doesn't really know much but tries his best - asks Evie for advice.
confused by your mood swings but isn't annoyed by them and is easygoing about them.
is very sympathetic when it comes to the pain, will make you tea in bed and cuddle up with you to comfort you.
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reddeaddamnation · 2 years
Hello! Your blog is great and I love it! But if I could ask, do you take AC yandere requests? If not, that's ok! If yes, can I have some headcannons for the assasin's?
Basim: Would act like he is chill at first and let you do whatever you want until you get comfortable. Then he would pout and nag you when you want to go without him or talk to someone until you give up doing something without him at all.
Yandere meter: 7/10
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Eivor: Is not subtle at all. Demands you go with him everywhere otherwise there would be problems. If you refuse, he would just pick you up and take you anyways. Even if you don't talk or do anything together, he still wants you around him because he wants to know where you are.
Yandere meter: 8/10
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Alexios: I imagine he is kind of the person who would kill anyone you go in contact with, watching closely,his rage slowly building up until ge goes in a fit and after he comes down from the rage he would act like nothing happened.
Yandere meter: 10/10
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Bayek: In no world can I imagine Bayek being a yandere. He is just too sweet.
Yandere meter: 0/10
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Altair: He would secretly watch you from far away and keep track of who you're speaking to. Women are safe but any man you speak to, even if it's he is asking for directions, he would be assasdinated shortly after. Altair would act innocent in front of you
Yandere meter: 9/10 (a hidden threat)
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Ezio: He wouldn't necessarily kill for you, but would threaten and beat anyone who looks at you even in front of you and if you get angry he would use the puppy dog eyes to make you forgive him.
Yandere meter: 6/10
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Connor: Would go into a rage at the thought of you leaving him. Even if you do some day, he will hunt you down to the ends of the world and bring you back.
Yandere meter: 9/10
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Haytham: Would prolly just lock you in his basement and tell everyone you died tragically.
Yandere meter: 10/10
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Edward: Would keep you on his ship at all times. No leaving without him. No leaving at all actually. He will bring you whatever you need but the whole time you will stay locked in his cabin with people guarding the door so you don't escape
Yandere meter: 10/10
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Arno: After Elise left him, his abandonment issues skyrocketed and he will do everything to keep you. He is livid. Would be alright with becoming your slave even. Bringing you everything you want or don't want, be attached to you 24/7, insecure af and scared of doing mistakes for which he will always apologize and cry. Absolutely obsessed. Meanwhile he will be hunting down everyone you know.
Yandere meter: 10/10
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Jacob: Is the type to say "Look who I ran into today" with an evil grin and throw the head of your high school crush or colleague at your feet.
Yandere meter: 10/10
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paintsplantspaws · 6 months
I don’t care who you are or where your from you are never too old for stuffed animals
It’s Assassins creed time Y’all Stuffed animal headcannons
stuffed eagle Pretty self explanatory. But he tells everyone he’s too for them.
Yellow Dog Because he gives off golden retriever vibes
A black cat He’s very cat coded. After losing Kadar he keeps his as well.
Stuffed cat Because he seems like a cat person
Conner: a turkey because he recruited a Turkey to the brotherhood
Arno: a doll from his lovers collection as a child (yes I ship Arno and Elise)
Jacob: a plush rook because Rooks!
Evie: a cat plush. She’s 100% a cat person
Bayek: Keeps his son’s favorite toy on him
Kassandra : stuffed version of Ikaros she made herself as a child
Evior: A wolf pup because of her nickname Wolf Kissed
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jageshemashftw · 2 years
If all the other Assassin’s Creed games had choosable Male/Female protagonists like Odyssey/Valhalla…
Assassin’s Creed
Altair or Maria
Whoever you don’t choose becomes the secret disciple of Robert De Sable. (Maria is kept secret because she’s a woman, Altair is kept secret because he’s Islamic)
Assassin’s Creed II/Brotherhood/Revelations
Ezio or Claudia
Whoever you don’t choose becomes the younger sibling that you protect.
Assassin’s Creed III
Ratohnhake:ton/Connor or Io:nhiote/Abigail
Whoever you don’t choose becomes a childhood friend of the player character who joins Kanen’to:kon on his raid and gets killed. The player character then names their daughter/son after them.
Assassin’s Creed Black Flag
Edward or Caroline
Whoever you don’t choose stays behind in Wales while the player character pursues piracy.
Assassin’s Creed Rogue
Shay Cormac or Hope Jensen
Whoever you don’t choose stays loyal to the Brotherhood because they didn’t witness what happened in Lisbon.
Assassin’s Creed Unity
Arno or Elise
Whoever you don’t choose becomes the child of De La Serre while the player character becomes the child of Dorian.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
Jacob and Evie
…. Nevermind, this one works as is.
Assassin’s Creed Origins
Bayek and Aya
Play as both, but you choose who is the main player character hunting the Order of the Ancients and who is the side player character helping Cleopatra.
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etherealsdreaming · 2 years
When He Surprise Kisses You 🧡
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Altair Ibn La’Ahad
🧡 After another successful mission complete with a few injuries you went back to fill in your report. That’s when the legendary Ibn La’Ahad started brooding towards you. Internally grimacing for the upcoming lecture soon to arrive you wondered why was it always you to get the brunt of it? Yet instead of a lecture you found yourself being dragged into a small private area away from others and pushed against the wall. His rough almost desperate kisses drowning out your own thoughts while his hands travel up the length of your body. When he finally broke away with a heady breath, he glared at you. “Don’t ever do something as foolish as what you did on the mission.” He quickly left without another word leaving you breathless and confused.
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Ezio Auditore
🧡 You were bedridden after a difficult mission with Ezio. When you awoke, the guilt hurt just as much as the pain of your recklessness. But so did worry for your mentor’s safety till your eyes laid on his sleeping form at your bedside. Relief flooded you in knowing he was safe and unharmed. When he awoke and spoke of his own worry you felt even more guilty for bothering him. Continuously apologizing and covering your face from embarrassment you didn’t realize when he moved to a sitting position. His warm yet rough hands showing the countless missions he’s been in, gently removing your hands away from your face. Much to your surprise, his soft lips meet yours, entranced and playing right into his hands, he backs away with that charming smile of his. “If I had known it’s effect I would’ve done it much sooner.”
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Connor Kenway
🧡 You both ended up splitting up from Myriam when tracking the white cougar. While he followed you, letting you take the lead he couldn’t help but remember last night. You were helping out in the tavern on a busy night when a few sailor’s gazes lingered a little too long to his displeasure. Lost in thought to his own jealousy he didn’t realize when you stopped to question him. Next thing you know he stepped closer to you, much closer. He didn’t know it himself until he leaned in for a kiss or that you would accept such affections in return. But when he realized his actions and much of yours, he laid his head onto your shoulder sighing in relief with a whisper of a sorry crossing his lips.
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Arno Dorian
Ever since Elise reentered his life, you knew his heart was set on her so you’ve backed away from your friendship with him. But you never imagined Arno Dorian feeling the same towards you. Not until you were in Cafe Theatre, casually flirting with a friend when you got up to order another drink. When you happen to come across Arno who pulled you by the waist and pressed his lips to yours, leaving you desperately clinging to him for balance. After that he leaned in to whisper all while glaring at your childhood friend “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that, mon amour” this small confession made you blush beet red especially when you started hearing all the whispers varying from jealous ladies to busy employees. Lets just say after the sudden embarrassment, you found your friend leaving the cafe all while Arno held your hand, ordering your usual.
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diqabun · 14 days
Okay, so I have another problem. I don't know which Assassin I like the most.
Like, they're all cool, but everyone has their favorite, and I don't.
Altair is reserved and silent, I like that about him, because I am also a silent person. Although I am an extrovert, as the test shows, but in essence I am an introvert.
Ezio... Well, fuck, it's classic. Well, it's impossible not to love him. He's fucking awesome. He's calmed down a bit over the years. Fuck, honestly, he and Sofia are so cute. They are the cutest couple in the entire franchise for me (if anyone was thinking of Arno and Elise, they are third on my list, with Haytham and Zio in second). And here's another thing: he and Altair are the ones I could never cross off my list of favorites.
Connor is a teddy bear and he was so sweet asking Prudence about women and he acts so sweet. He keeps his hands to himself all the time when talking to others and I find it a cute habit. I WANT TO HUG HIM— I find him the cutest of all the Assassins.
Edward is love at first sight. First of all, he is blond and I like blonds, plus Matt Ryan (who plays Ed) played Constantine in the series, and I like that series. This Kenway is a scourge of the seas or just a bitch. A fucking dream man. I would also give up everything and sail away for 12 2 years somewhere for the sake of money. Oh yeah, and he's the only one whose father wasn't killed🤣
Shay... Good bitch. He's basically a villain, because, well, all the Templars are villains in Assassin's Creed. But still, he managed to capture my heart. I want to kiss all his scars and console him. He is not guilty of anything🥹 Honestly, it was nice to play for him, because for the first time we were given a Templar protagonist and were shown that the world is not divided into black and white (although in AC3 we had Haytham—)
I think Arno is the most handsome and a little bit daring. Well, I like his sweet French walk. However, I feel sorry for him because of his losses. Besides, in the country I live in, Arno was voiced by the voice actor of Deadpool.
Jacob is brash and reckless. He and Ed are brutal in their kills and combos, but that's their charm. Sometimes I like to, well... kill someone. I am a cruel person, yes. Jacob at 21 and Jacob at 41 are two different people, but I will still choose 21 year old Jacob, who could have fun with me.
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theacblade · 1 year
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WOW it's been a hot minute since I posted! Enjoy!
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demigoddessqueens · 10 months
Gonna give the poor boys a heart attack but imagine how absolutely TERRIFIED Haytham, Shay, Connor, Arno, Ezio, Altair, and Malik would be if you got kidnapped. ESPECIALLY if it was by the other faction.
I mean, Haytham's sister was kidnapped, I think that's reason enough for him to absolutely panic if you were as well. The assassins know what the Templars are capable of. Especially Malik and Ezio. Shay always seems like he'd be extremely protective anyways.
And if you were hurt by your captors? Even tortured? Heads would probably roll and you probably aren't leaving your poor boyfriend's sight ever again.
First off, how dare you??! 😭💔
Second, oh boy , buckle up
he feels like his chest is about to cave in from how rapid his heart is beating when he hears the news
It’s all hands on decks to look for you and find you
when he finds you, he rushes to your care immediately and the stern facade falls as silent tears fall
if this was when he’s an Assassin, he’s INCREDIBLY impulsive and hot-headed and will do anything to get you back
Templar-wise, it goes the same way only there’s more of a vicious element to it because it’s the Assassins he once knew
ultimately, when you are safely returned, he refuses to leave your side at all times
There will be no remaining Templars who know peace for the short time they have remaining
This man will go above and beyond to find you, even against the better judgment he knows of what will be a dangerous situation
the moment he has you back with him, he insists to help you with anything, everything and refuses to leave your side
Oh why torture this poor man?? All of Italy and the Borgias will know his wrath!!
He REFUSES to let what happened to Cristina happen to you
As soon as you’re returned home, it’s all hands and allies on deck to help you recover, all under Ezio’s watchful eye
Everything feels like it’s crashing down and he’s barely hanging on by a thread
Also a disaster like Ezio but amped up more, sobbing flashbacks between seeing your face and Elise’s
Once you’re back home, he’s always there to help you through the nightmares and gets emotional when you try to sleep or help replace your bandages
Livid and so afraid for you, but he hides it behind barking orders
Altair knows better than to interfere but does all he can to help his friend
Once you’re back home, Malik constantly holds to you and worries for your safety
He is livid!! The entirety of Masyaf and Jerusalem will be scoured by every inch to find you. Behind closed doors those golden eyes betray his heartbreak
No Templar is safe from his blade and he cuts them down easily
Having you back home requires all of his attention when you recover, heal and the Flying Eagle himself never letting you go far at least not without him
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therealmissmagoo2 · 27 days
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Ryder (Tattoo)
Just a little project I wanted to try. These tattoos were inspired by Ryder Draconis from the series Zodiac Academy/Ruthless Boys by Caroline Peckham & Suzanne Valenti
Upper Left Arm Slot. Sort Layer 3000. 3 Swatches Link
Tattoo includes:
Snake & Lepus on right shoulder - All Swatches
Snake Around Moon (Lunar Brotherhood) left collar bone - Swatch 1
Scorpio Sign (Feathers + My Hope), Leo Sign (Flames + My Joy), Gemini Sign (Lightning + My Mercy), Aquarius Sign (Rainbow + My Duty), & Libra Sign (X's + My Life) on left forearm - Swatch 3
PAIN & LUST on knuckles - Swatches 1 & 2.
PAIN & FREE - Swatch 3
Half an Infinity Sign on upper right hand - Swatches 2 & 3
Snake on right hip bone - All Swatches (hidden under pants)
An X on left chest - Swatches 2 & 3
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assassinschaoticcreed · 4 months
Hey, I wanna asking
What if Ezio, Altair, Connor, Arno, Edward, Jacob & Desmond do when their visit to Indonesia?
(BTW, only Desmond cantik speak Indonesian)
(It means Thankyou)
of course thanks for the ask!
so, the boys have a trip to Indonesia and they're all hyped! except..Desmond is nervous since he doesn't understand nor speak Indonesian. not to worry though, he has his bilingual friends to the rescue! I can see Jacob, Connor & Edward knowing a little bit of Indonesian, but Altaïr, Arno & Ezio are fluent in it.
now, for things they'd do during their trip!
he's big on learning more about the history there, and interested in going to any museum there is to visit. he would also like to walk around and take in the scenery, he's not really into tourist areas where there are a lot of people, but he would definitely go to a few of them especially if the boys are going. looks for souvenirs for his parents, Malik and Kadar, and is VERY specific for what he wants to get for each of them and spends hours upon hours making sure he gets each of them a couple that they'd love. definitely wants to get himself something to keep in his room as remembrance that he and the boys all had a fun vacation together, but will not admit it openly.
excited about everything honestly, he wants to take as many pictures as possible of not only the beautiful scenery and tourist areas but also with the boys for the memories. he's a very sentimental guy. also took his time picking out souvenirs for his parents, Bellec and Elise. he and Altaïr planned out visiting certain museums, while he and Ezio planned on going shopping for clothes that they were excited to get, and just lazing around with Desmomd. definitely did quite a few group photos that he has in his room but also in the living room for everyone to see.
excited about the scenery as well as wanting to see the zoo! this man loves animals (change my mind) and wants to see the different kinds of animals. also a gift giver who wishes to get the perfect souvenirs for his parents and even the boys, not really into photos but when he finds out they're for memories he's the one who picks out the place since he found the best scenic areas. he has a photo of him and the boys in his room also. likes to kick back and relax, the life of an assassin is tough work and he would like to just forget about being an assassin for a little while.
he's the most chill of the group, he's down for almost any plans that are made. gets souvenirs like the others, but it's nothing fancy, he's more about emotional quality than quantity. enjoys going with Altaïr & Arno to a few museums, shopping with Arno & Ezio, activities with Edward & Jacob and spending time with Connor. he would also like to laze around and just relax while the others do their own thing, let Desmond rest please. but he ALWAYS makes sure that if he's out doing something that one of the boys are with him since he can't speak or understand Indonesian.
excited about shopping and the biggest tourist spots, even excited about the different desserts they have. another one who spent hours looking for the perfect souvenirs for his family & friends. doesn't prefer to laze around unless the weather is bad or has no idea what to do for the day, he'd rather be out and about enjoying their little vacation that they rarely ever get. FaceTimes his family and shows them the places they're at and even takes pictures of the places for them, he definitely wants to take his family there one day. picks up some stylish clothes & cook books while shopping with Arno & Desmond, they all get matching hoodies for them, the boys and his family.
he's big on the activities, doesn't only look into the tourist stuff, but also what locals think is the most fun thing to do and he pitches the idea to the boys. isn't big into getting souvenirs, but will get a little something. he and Jacob are the ones who eat out for all 3 meals and snacks/desserts, while it's also he and Jacob who try out as many activities as possible. the boys do some with them, depending on what it is and how dangerous/risky it could be.
hyped about trying all the different foods! looked up the most well known and most liked restaurants where they would be staying as soon as they landed. wants to eat out for all 3 meals a day on top of snacking/desserts. uses snapchat to send snaps to Evie & Henry during the entire trip, taking pictures of every meal and telling them how delicious each dish he tried. he even posts them online for everyone to see, and bought a recipe book for Arno & Ezio so they could make the meals he liked since he isn't allowed to cook.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Are you familiar with demon slayer and the AC JPN dubbing , if you do. Then be prepared for this. The demon slayer voice casting has 6 VAs who does the voices of the AC protagonists
Altair & Uzui
Ezio & Sanemi
Connor & haganezuka
Arno & tanjiro’s dad
Jacob & enmu
Bayek & yahaba “arrow demon”
Aya & Daki
Imagine them meeting the voice counter parts
Oh, yeah, I’m a bit familiar with the Japanese dub of Assassin’s Creed and I watch Demon Slayer when it’s airing in Japan then I rewatch it in the English dub because I enjoy watching English dubs in general XD.
Before anything…
Imma list the names of their JP voices and a few other characters they voice. (And I will be focusing on the ones listed by @ullyaboo because… well… this would get too long if I start listing everybody...)
Altaïr is voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi
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(Sombron/Hubert/Xander/Randal from Fire Emblem, @princesslikesfanfics might recognize him as Tory Innis from Ancient Magus’ Bride, Diavolo from Jojo, Lloyd Irving from Tales series, America/Canada from Hetalia, and mecha fans might recognize him as our bestest aniki Kamina)
No, seriously.
Can we just take a moment to think about how Altaïr’s JP voice also voiced these characters as well:
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Also, shoutout to him being the voice of the dead big brother of my Trails blorbo XD
Ezio is voiced by Tomokazu Seki
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(HE VOICED MIGUEL O’HARA IN THE JP DUB OF ATSV, oh and Toad in the Mario movie, Jojo fans will probably find it funny that he voices Father Pucci and his stand, Panda from JJK, Gilgamesh from Fates, mecha fans would remember his “SHINING FISTS” as Domon Kasshu, he’s also Toya in Cardcaptor Sakura, and Van Fanel of Vision of Escaflowne (one of the earliest isekai anime))
Ratonhnhaké:ton is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa
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(Lindel from Ancient Magus’ Bride, Anasui AND Giogio from Jojo, Yamato from Digimon, Persona 4’s MC, the jp voice of Sekiro from… well… Sekiro, Richard from Tales series, Italy from Hetalia, and Lupin the 3rd’s Goemon)
This deserves to be seen: Ratonhnhaké:ton’s JP Voice also voices Oikawa (Haikyuu) and Italy (Hetalia - also Romano) (this means that Ratonhnhaké:ton sang the Hetalia ending song)
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And he’s the JP voice of Jake Muller, Wesker’s kid in RE6.
Arno is voiced by Shinichiro Miki
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(ROY MUSTANG from FMA, Randy Orlando from Trails, Sir Nighteye from BNHA/MHA, James from Pokemon, Alucard from Castlevania, Lockon Stratos (*haro voice* Lockon, Lockon, Lockon, incoherent sobbing) from Gundam, Hijikata from Hakuoki)
(side note: Elise’s JP voice is Toyoguchi Megumi who voices Rengoku’s mother and I don’t want to mess up Tanjiro’s family but… half-brothers Tanjiro and Rengoku AU???)
Jacob is voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa
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(Kakyoin from Jojo, Cao Lee and Rufus Albarea from Trails, Rei from Free, Makoto Ito from School Days (lollol, at least Jacob doesn't have the worst love life in this list), and Orlando Bloom in Kingdom Hearts games XD)
Bayek is voiced by Jun Fukuyama (JP voices of Origin (and Valhalla) weren't in Behind the Voice Actor so I had to doublecheck with JP wiki XD)
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(Persona 5’s MC, Lelouch Vi Brittania/Zero from Code Geass, Yukio from Blue Exorcist, Korosensei from Assassination Classroom, Maximilian from Valkyria Chronicles, Watanuki from xxxHolic)
Aya is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
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(female Robin from Fire Emblem, Milla Maxwell from Tales, Katalina from GBF, Elizabeth from Persona, Jolyn Cujoh from Jojo, Shinku in Rozen Maiden, Franziska von Karma in Ace Attorney, Celty from Durarara!!, Touko from Danganronpa)
For the actual ask portion:
Altaïr would probably be annoyed at Uzui at first because he’s so flashy. They’d probably spar and Altaïr would start to respect him after understanding that, underneath all that ‘flashiness’, Uzui is strong and has conviction (side note: Uzui’s three wives makes me think Makio - Maria, Hinatsuru - Adha and Suma - Kadar XD)
Ezio would think of Sanemi as having skills and potential but he won’t like his attitude. AC2!Ezio would definitely butt heads with Sanemi a lot, especially after he sees how Sanemi acts around his younger brother (since he doesn’t know the whole story) and he’d definitely try to act like a nice big brother to Genya, Brotherhood!Ezio and Revelations!Ezio would not be provoked by Sanemi and act more like an older brother/mentor role that Sanemi doesn’t want at all and thinks is super annoying.
Haganezuka would totally like Ratonhnhaké:ton because Ratonhnhaké:ton would take care of any weapon he receives from Haganezuka. Ratonhnhaké:ton will also be willing to listen to Haganezuka talk about swords for houurrrss. Achilles would have to be the one to smack Haganezuka to get out of the homestead after giving Ratonhnhaké:ton his sword. (Why is Achilles there? Idk, crossover???)
All I can think of is Arno getting adopted by the Kamado family. Tanjuro is quite frail and he’s been sick for a while now so their meeting would probably remind Arno of his late father. But, man, just imagine Arno dancing Hinokami Kagura…
Oh god. Enmu would totally fuck with Jacob using his dreams/nightmares. Like, every pain and weakness Jacob has, Enmu would take advantage of it. Worst of all? Jack the Ripper's actions would definitely haunt Jacob till the day he dies so Enmu using Jack in the attack would really hurt. Enmu wasn’t even a good person as a human but considering Jacob’s luck and bad judge of character? Absolutely won’t be surprised if he invites human!Enmu to the Rooks as a ‘doctor’.
I think Bayek has a good chance of taking out Yahaba. Dude got an actual flaming sword in the main story and I’m sure Reda would have a weapon made of Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and Scarlet Ore for some reason and, as long as Bayek understood how Yahaba’s blood demon art works, he’d be fine. Bayek took out giant gods (in the Animus), he can take out this demon.
Oh, Aya would not like Daki at all. She might even be reminded of Cleopatra a bit because of her arrogant and dismissive personality which wouldn’t help the situation. They’d definitely fight and… Aya would probably need help on this one. I’m not sure if she ever got into any Isu BS that ended in a boss fight so I can’t be sure how she would handle fighting Daki and her obi attacks. Human!Daki though? Aya would definitely recruit her and her brother to the Hidden Ones if she found them as kids. But if she saw her as her usual cruel self? Yeah, Aya’s not going to like her.
If anyone wants an actual Demon Slayer x AC crossover idea, let me know?
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