#Elu enemies to lovers au
she-is-tim · 5 years
I love hating you | Elu enemies to lovers AU | Ch. 3
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Previous Chapters: 1, 2
Lucas is an angry, closeted and frustrated gay teenager, while Eliott is the handsome, smart and popular guy in school. They hate each other… but not forever.
You still owe me
Lucas woke up happily the next day. For other people it could have been the vibe of friday, but for him it was different. The first thing he did was to check his phone. He got a few notifications on facebook, some likes on instagram, but no messaged. He didn’t let that to ruin his mood. He got out of his “bed” and walked to the kitchen, only wearing briefs. 
Mika was already there, wearing a red shirt and grey sweatpants, drinking coffee while leaning to the kitchen counter. As Lucas walked in, mumbling a quiet “Morning”, his flatmate slapped his butt playfully, while whistling at him. 
“What a nice ass you got there, kitten.” he said smirking. Usually Lucas would shut him down, but today he was in a good mood, so he just chuckled and grabbed his mug, pouring some coffee in it. Mika was utterly shocked by his behavior. “Oh, my! What happened to you, Dear Kitten? You got laid or something?” he asked, trying to analize the expression on Lucas’ face. 
“No, I’m just feeling good today.” he said, taking a sip of his hot drink, enjoying the taste of pure caffeine. 
“Well, whatever or whoever made you so happy, it could happen more often. I definitely like the happy kitty more than the grumpy one.” Mika said with a soft smile and right now, Lucas could totally agree with him. He himself felt much better in his body too. 
When he got to the school, he saw the boys on the schoolyard, talking and laughing. He walked to them, giving a fistbump to Yann and Arthur, leaving Basile out again. It was just so natural, he didn’t even think about it. 
“You look better today, Lulu.” Arthur said with a soft smile. 
“I’m feeling better for sure.” he said. “I slept like a baby last night.” he admitted.
The boys continued their talk about whatever they were speaking before Lucas arrived, trying to involve him too. They weren’t really successful, since the short boy catched a familiar, very handsome face among the other students. His eyes met those sky blue ones, which made his heart beat faster. Eliott smiled at him, raising his eyebrows, like he’s trying to flirt with Lucas. They were far from each other, but at that moment it was like nothing was between them. 
Lucas was so lost in Eliott’s eyes, he felt like he’s floating on water, feeling free and careless. A little smile appeared on his face, which made Eliott’s eyes widen, his lips forming into a huge smirk. Lucas felt the blush appearing on his face, so he quickly looked away, trying to join into the conversation with his friends. 
Later the day he was still in a good mood, feeling butterflies in his stomach when he remembered that his class just before lunch break was literature. With Eliott... He grabbed his stuff, walking into the classroom. Eliott was sitting at their table, there was a book in front of him, but he was just staring out of the window with a dreamy expression on his face. The sun was lighting up his face, making his eyes look like two beautiful pool of clear water. 
Lucas made sure he was taking in all the beauty and handsomeness of this boy, before sitting down next to him. Eliott turned when he heard the noise of the chair moving next to him. He looked at the short boy, lips forming a soft smile. 
“Hey there!” 
“Hey!” Lucas mumbled shyly. He couldn’t say anything else, seeing Eliott like this, so early in the day just made him speechless.
“You look good today.” Eliott said, which made Lucas gasp for air. He wasn’t expecting something like this from him, so he just looked at him with wide eyes, not believing what he just heard. Eliott laughed, putting his forearm on the table. “I love these expressions you make.” he said smirking, which made Lucas frown his eyebrows and crossing his arms. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You know, I can make a lot of people blush, mostly girls, but I will never get bored of your reactions.” he said smiling. Lucas had to admit that he looked even more handsome like that. Fucking hell.
 “You are fucking annoying.” Lucas said now, looking grumpy. He decided to face forward, not looking at the other, he was doing it for an experiment. What are you going to do now, Demaury? 
He saw from the corner of his eyes that Eliott is searching for his phone, pulling it out from his back pocket. He seemed to be busy, typing something to someone. Lucas was feeling something in his throat, his stomach got tiny all of the sudden. He was regretting that he decided to ignore Eliott, because he seemed to found something much better to do. At least he thought that until he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He grabbed it, opening the message he got and he almost choked on air. It was a message from Eliott. Are you serious right now?
srodulv Look, I found a picture of you
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Lucas had to cover his mouth to cover his giggle. Eliott was such a stupid asshole, but he kinda liked how he did some things. This was in fact pretty funny. He couldn’t remember when Eliott started to call him hedgehog, probably back in first year when he had much shorter hair than he does now. It was around the time when they got to hate each other. 
He couldn’t clearly remember why he started to be so annoyed by Eliott’s presence, it just happened one day. Everything he did made Lucas upset, especially when he was flirting with the girls. Daphné was always giggly and shy around Eliott in first year, Alexia basically undressed him with her eyes all the time. It pissed him off, because those girls were too good for such a douchebag. 
He shook his head, coming back to reality. He stared at the grumpy hedgehog on his phone. He was sure Eliott was fidgeting on his seat, not knowing what Lucas thinks of his stupid message. He let himself have a half smile, then he put away his phone without answering. This time he will be the one that controls the situation. He heard Eliott letting out an annoyed sigh. It made him feel victorious.
Later the day Lucas joined the girls in the common room, helping them make some decorations. He was painting some wooden chairs, making them look much better than they actually are. Alexia and Imane were working on decorative lightings, Emma and Manon were decorating the shelves with cute statues, vases with flowers, stuff like that. Daphné was sitting at the table, making plans, looking through her folder she made. It was really thick, full of pages filled with pictures cut out of magazines, printed out or drawed by hand. She seemed to take this thing really seriously. 
Lucas was so occupied with painting the chairs, he didn’t notice the buzzing of his phone. Not like he could check it, since his hands were covered in pink and yellow paint anyways. When he finished, he walked to the bathroom, trying to take off the colors, but it wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be. After long minutes of scrubbing, his arms were still stained. He sighed and decided to leave it for now, it was friday anyways, so he will have the weekend to take it off.
He walked back to the girls, they were all sitting at the table now, inviting Lucas to join them, so he sat down next to Manon, who offered him a cupcake that was made by Daphné. He accepted it and was chewing on it, while he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He opened instagram and noticed that someone tagged im on a picture. It was manon, she made a photo of him as he was painting the chairs with a serious face, like it was the most important task he ever had to do in his life. The caption said: “The only guy we trust”. He rolled his eyes and looked at Manon.
“Seriously, girl? What is this picture?” he asked, showing his flatmate his phone. 
“Isn’t it adorable? You were so focused, I had to make a picture.” Manon said smiling.
“And post it on instagram?” 
“You know if it’s not on the internet, it never happened.” Alexia said, drinking some pink liquid from a bottle. 
“That’s true.” Emma said smirking.
Lucas just rolled his eyes again, but decided to like the picture. Manon was just so caring and soft, he couldn’t be mad at her, and the picture wasn’t bad at all. He had much more embarrassing pictures on his own profile, so he had nothing to worry about. After that he looked at his messages, there was a new one from Eliott.
srodulv That pink paint looks good on you
Lucas’ heart was beating faster, he still haven’t replied to the hedgehog message, so seeing that Eliott trying to reach out again made him feel happy and a little satsfied with himself. Now he was the one in charge. 
lucallemant I still have some on my hands, that shit is not coming off easily
srodulv Oil can be really helpful 
lucallemant oh really? I will try that out when I get home
srodulv I was actually wondering if you wanna hang out I have some beer and a joint to smoke
Lucas had to really control himself not to jump up from his seat and leave the girls immediately. Spending time with Eliott AND smoking weed? What else could top that? He took a deep breath, finishing his cupcake. He totally forgot to reply to the message, so he was surprised when he got another one. 
srodulv Or maybe some other day, whatever is good for you
lucallemant No, I’m fine I’ll say bye to the girls and go
srodulv I’ll wait for you at the bus stop 
lucallemant Cool
srodulv Cool
Lucas got up from his chair now, saying bye to the girls. Daphné even got up and kissed him on the cheek. She was so sweet, Lucas liked her company a lot. He picked up his backpack and left the common room, walking to the bus stop. It seemed to be an eternity until his bus arrived, he was looking at his phone while he was traveling, reading his conversation with Eliott over and over again. He couldn’t believe it. Someone so handsome and popular as Eliott shouldn’t be flirting with Lucas. It basically went against the law of nature.  
When he got off the bus, he saw Eliott sitting on one of the seats. He was wearing a dark blue denim jacket over his hoodie this time, which made him look like a model. When he noticed Lucas, he smiled at him, stading up. The smaller boy was holding onto the straps of his backpack, because he wasn’t sure what to expect from this guy. 
“Hey!” Eliott said as he walked closer to Lucas, his eyes checking him out from head to toe. Lucas felt like he was completely exposed, with Eliott he had no walls around himself and it scared him a little. 
“Hey!” He mumbled, looking everywhere but in the other’s eyes. 
“You coming?” Eliott asked, starting to walk backwards, staring at Lucas with his beautiful blue eyes. 
Lucas sighed and smiled a little, going after Eliott, who now turned around, walking towards his apartment building. It only took a few minutes, none of them said anything, but it wasn’t awkward at all. The short boy wouldn’t even be able to form any kind of sentences right now, he was still struck by how perfect Eliott looked in that jacket. 
They got inside, Eliott opened the door to his flat, letting Lucas inside. He put his jacket on the hanger and told Lucas to get himself comfortable, while he brings them some beer. The small boy did that, walking to the living room. He put down his backpack near the wall, then took off his jacket, carefully putting it on the armchair that was next to the coffee table alongside another one and a couch on the opposite side. The place wasn’t big, but it seemed really nice. Lucas first noticed the few drawings on the wall, but then his eyes catched the piano right next to a bookshelf. He looked at Eliott when he came back with two bottles of beer, handing one to Lucas.
“You play the piano?” he asked, pointing at the instrument. 
“Not really.” Eliott chuckled and took a sip of his beer. “It was here when I moved in, haven’t really touched it.” he said honestly, looking into Lucas’ eyes. “You could play something on it.” 
Lucas swallowed, he was holding the beer so tightly that his knuckles were white. He looked at the piano, back to Eliott and he continued this for a whole minute, before he found his own voice to say something. Congratulations, Lucas. You are winning the game. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I haven’t played in a while... well, except this wednesday, but that was just so random.” he said and now looked at the drawings on the wall, trying to change the topic. “You made these?”
“Yeah, but it was a while now, most of them are a year old.” he explained with a soft smile. 
Lucas checked out all of the arts when he noticed something on the top of the piano. It was a drawing of a hedgehog, the only color was the pink stains on his face and his hand. Lucas blinked, not believing his eyes first and he heard Eliott making a weird noise next to him, quickly reaching out and grabbing the paper, pulling it away from Lucas’ sight.
“That’s just... a doodle. I was bored.” he said, avoiding eyecontact with the small boy, which amused Lucas a lot.
“Yeah?” he smirked, drinking from his beer now. 
Eliott rolled his eyes, which was usually Lucas’ speciality, folding the paper and sliding it into his backpocket. He seemed to be kinda nervous, his bottle was almost empty, though they just started to drink. 
“Whatever, let’s smoke.” he said grabbing the joint that was sitting on his ear all this time. Lucas was too busy examining the apartment to notice that. 
They sat down on the couch, putting the beer bottles on the coffee tables. Eliott pulled out a lighter from his pocket, lighting the holy cigarette. Lucas was excited to get high with him, it might not have been the best idea, considering his mixed feelings towards the tall boy, but he was too whipped. Eliott put the cigarette in his mouth, breathing in the smoke, then handing it to Lucas. He grabbed it with a happy smile, taking it between his lips, but he almost choked, when this god damn model looking guy next to him decided to blow out a smoke ring. That was so fucking hot. 
Eliott looked at Lucas, leaning back on the chouch, stretching his long legs under the coffee table. He seemed to look so different than in school. Usually he was the good looking, always cool and perfect student, but here he just seemed to be like everyone else: a carefree teenager. Lucas turned his body to the side, to see him better and he was leaning on the back of the couch like this too. They were listening to some chill music from Eliott’s phone, it was a nice background noise to their stupid laughter. Both of them were telling silly stories from their childhood. 
They were doing this for long minutes, probably for a couple of hours. There were a lot of empty bottles of the coffee table now, the air around them smelled like smoke, so Eliott decided to open the window. As he got up, Lucas had some time to breathe. It was so unbelieveable to sit here in Eliott Demaury’s living room, smoking weed, drinking beer and talking about his 6 year old self who got chewing gum stuck in his hair. 
“Are you hungry?” Eliott asked suddenly, leaning to the window as he looked at Lucas. His eyes were a little red because of the smoke. 
“Yeah, I am.” Lucas said, being surprised how he didn’t even notice his own hunger. Maybe because he was too busy watching this handsome boy laughing like a happy child, then blowing out smoke like a professional model. 
“I’ll go make some sandwiches in the kitchen.” he said smiling and started to walk now. Lucas got up, he was just a little bit tipsy, so he could still move without stumbling. 
“I’m coming with you.” he said, which made Eliott smile like an idiot.
The kitchen was small, it only had a square wooden table with two chairs, so Lucas settled down there while Eliott was searching for stuff in the fridge and the cabinets. He seemed to be so occupied, even sticking his tongue out in the process. The small boy decided to check his phone now, letting his host to make those sandwiches peacefully. 
He got a couple notifications from instagram, he didn’t really care about that, but he also got a text from Manon. He just noticed that it was almost 21:00, he was here at Eliott’s place since 4 hours now? How is that possible? He quickly opened the message.
From Manon Hey, is everything ok? It’s getting late and you are still not home
To Manon Yeah, sorry, I am at Yann’s place, but I’ll be home soon
From Manon Okay then, next time tell me if you going out for so long, I was worried
To Manon I’m sorry, mom!
From Manon Very funny
Lucas smiled at his phone, feeling warmth in his chest. Manon was always the typical mom friend, but it was still making him happy how caring and kind she was with him. She was the one in the first place who offered Lucas to live with them in the apartment and even now that she took her room back, she tried her very best to make the boy feel welcomed there. It was nice, even with the struggles he had to go through with Mika or Lisa.
“Lucas?” a soft voice snapped him back from his phone to reality. He looked up, eyes widened, facing with the most beautiful guy on this planet, who was just a step away from him, leaning down so their heads will be at the same height. Oh, you smooth fucker. 
“I was asking you something.” he said crossing his arms now. He seemed to be a bit frustrated. Was it because Lucas focused on his phone rather than him? It’s possible considering the huge ego this guy had. 
“Can you ask again? I wasn’t listening.” he said with little smirk, enjoying the expression that appeared on the tall boy’s face. 
“You are unbelieveable, Lallemant.” he said, frowning his eyebrows. “I’m inviting you to my place and you rather chit-chatting on your phone than listening to me?” 
“Come on now, we were talking for hours in the living room. I just wanted to check my messages.” he said, rolling his eyes at the childish behavior of Eliott.
“Your boyfriend can wait. We have more urgent things to discuss, like if you want ham or sausage slices on the sandwich?” he asked with a serious face. Lucas had to laugh, because he was really acting like a 5 year old who just got told that he can’t play with his favorite toy.
“I was answering Manon. She is worried that I’m not home yet.” he explained, being amused by the tall one’s concerned expression turning into something that was probably his realization of being overly dramatic. “And I want ham on my sandwich, with double cheese please.” he added smirking. 
Eliott took a deep breath and turned back to the bread on the kitchen counter, buttering the slices and putting ham and cheese on them. He didn’t look at Lucas, so the boy had a lot of time to observe him. It was really amusing to see him doing normal stuff, like making a sandwich. In the school he always seemed to be someone who only does things with elegance and perfection, but he was actually struggling with the damn butter or the package of the cheese. 
“Here you go.” he said, finally handing Lucas a plate with two sandwiches on it. He was staying at the counter, holding his own food. 
“Thanks.” he grabbed the plate and took a bite of the sandwich. Eliott watched him closely, making sure that he is not gonna choke on it or anything, at least for him it seemed like he was doing that. “You should eat too.” He said looking at the sandwich in Eliott’s hand.
“I was just... you have pink paint on your face.” he said, pointing at Lucas’ left cheek. 
“It got there before I washed my hands probably.” he mumbled, touching his cheek to look for the paint. 
He was so busy doing this that he didn’t noticed the long fingers slowly sliding on his face, cupping it gently. He raised his head, looking into deep blue eyes filled with desire and something Lucas couldn’t put into words. The world around them seemed to disappear, they were in their own little bubble, staring at each other, leaning closer by each second, until they could feel their breath on their lips. Lucas’ heart was beating faster, his lips were parting, ready to get kissed by Eliott. Right now, right here in this exact moment it was all he wanted.
They startled to the loud noise of the doorbell. Eliott’s hads slipped down from Lucas’ cheeks to his neck, looking at the direction of the front door. He cursed under his breath which made the short boy smile. He was disappointed that they got disrupted, but seeing how much it annoyed Eliott too made his heart flutter. 
“I swear to god, this happens all the time.” Eliott mumbled, unconsciously rubbing Lucas’ skin with his thumb, still not wanting to leave him to open the door. The bell was ringing again, longer and louder. 
“You should really open it.” the boy said softly, grabbing the hands on his neck and pushing them away gently. “Eliott, go.” he said seeing that the boy was still not wanting to move. He looked at Lucas, with the face of little kid who had been separated from his favorite plushie. 
He then took a deep breath, stroking Lucas hands before walking to the door. The small boy had time to breathe out, collecting his thoughts. Eliott definitely wanted to kiss him, god, they almost did. Deep in his thoughts he was really disappointed that they didn’t. He finished one of the sandwiches while he waited for Eliott to come back, and he did, with two other person.
He recognized one of them, tall, even taller than Eliott, dark skin, big smile. It was Idriss, the older brother of Imane. The other guy he didn’t know, but he was really gorgeous, dark, curly hair, handsome face and the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. They were wearing casual clothes, jeans and hoodies, holding some books and notes in their arms. Eliott seemed to be a bit annoyed that they were there, but he still had a smile on his face. 
“Hey, We didn’t know you had a visitor.” Idriss said and his eyes widened as he recognized Lucas. “Look at here! Little Lucas!” he yelled and walked to the boy, giving him a fist bump. “Haven’t see you in ages.” 
“Yeah, we mostly study with Imane at the common room, so...” he smiled and shrugged a little, looking at the other boy who walked to them.
“You know Imane?” he asked, voice soft as the warm wind on a summer afternoon. 
“Yeah, she’s my friend.” Lucas said, reaching his hand out, the boy grabbed it, shaking it softly. “I’m Lucas.”
“Sofiane.” he said smiling. Wow, such a beautiful name to a beautiful face.
“Great, now that you guys introduced yourselves, can you go the fuck out of the kitchen?” Eliott said now frustrated. 
Sofiane and Idriss smirked at each other and walked to the living room after high fiving Lucas. They were awesome guys and seemed to be really kind. It was unbelieveable how they were friends with such and egoistic and rude person as Eliott. But Lucas had to admit, this guy had his good sides too. 
“Sorry about that, I totally forgot they wanted to study here during the weekend.” he said, scratching the back of his head. 
“It’s okay, I should go home anyways.” he said, standing up from his chair. He wanted to leave the kitchen, but Eliott blocked his way, looking at him seriously.
“You still owe me, you know.” he whispered, leaning down until their foreheads touched, keep looking into Lucas’ eyes.
“I know.” the short boy mumbled, his legs were weak, his heart was beating fast. He could smell Eliott’s cologne and even some smoke too. It was making his head feel dizzy.
“I wish I could walk you home...” 
“It’s okay, I’m a big boy.” he smiled softly and Eliott shook his head.
“You don’t get it, don’t you?” he asked and just smirked at Lucas’ confused expression. “Doesn’t matter. Text me when you get home, okay?”
Lucas nodded, feeling like he’s going to pass out, but luckily the tall boy pulled back, walking to the door with him. He put on his jacket and walked out, saying goodbye to Eliott before leaving. As he stepped out of the building, cold air touched his face, making his dizziness to fly away. He gasped, glancing back for a short time. A wide smile appeared on his face as he walked to the bus stop. He looked down at his phone while waiting and he got a new message from Eliott. 
srodulv Take care, and don’t forget to message me when you get home
Lucas chuckled, this guy was so extra. He just left his place a few minutes ago and he already had to text him to make sure Lucas is okay. He shook his head, typing him an answer. 
lucallemant You should be studying now, Mr. Demaury
srodulv I can’t stop thinking about you 
Lucas’ heart skipped a beat and he barely could step up on the bus as it arrived. His legs felt like they were made out of jelly, he felt butterflies in his stomach. This was the first time that someone made him feel things like this. He did have a crush on Yann like a year ago, but that was nothing compared to what Eliott made him feel with just a text message. He waited with the answer until he got home, cuddling pillows on his couch. 
lucallemant I’m home now, study with your friends We’ll talk tomorrow
srodulv Sleep well, Lucas
lucallemant Good luck with studying, Eliott
Writers note: You guys probably hate me, because of the almost kiss, but hey, they will have a lot of time for that later, and don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that scene, cause I did enjoy writing it! Make sure to give me some feedback after reading the chapter, I love reading your comments and messages. I’ll put it on AO3 later tonight, because I gotta go to work.
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kissjane · 4 years
[Prompted by @nachtumringt. Hope you like it, Nat.]
With the bac fast approaching, there was a study session going on almost every day now. The gang and the crew usually settled at one of the big tables at the library, finding solace in the company – revising was still tedious and the work never-ending, but it became a bit more bearable when done together with friends.
Lucas was struggling with French literature, when Eliott entered with arms full of coffee and snacks. He’d become good friends with them all last year, when he had helped the gang repaint the foyer, earning him Daphné’s everlasting gratitude. Remembering all too well how he had suffered with the bac a year ago, he’d taken pity on his friends and whenever his class schedule at university allowed it, he’d drop by at the library with reinforcements.
A tanned arm appeared in Lucas’ peripheral vision, dropping a caramel hazelnut latte and a chocolate muffin next to Lucas’ notes.
“Thanks, honey,” Lucas muttered distractedly, trying to figure out why on earth Antigone was being so headstrong about burying her brother.
A minute later, he gave up trying to understand the motivations of women. He took a bite of his muffin and startled when he realized there were five pairs of eyes staring at him.
“Uh, what? Do I have something on my face?”
Silence. Lucas grew slightly uncomfortable, looking from Yann to Arthur to Imane. They continued to stare at him. Manon smiled fondly, but remained silent. Lucas turned towards Emma, and she burst out.
“You called Eliott honey!”
Lucas blinked.
“I what?”
“Yeah, dude,” Yann cut in, “Eliott set down your coffee and you thanked him and you called him honey.”
“I called Eliott honey? What the fuck?”
Lucas opened his eyes wide in terror.
Manon nodded gently.
“We all heard it, Lucas.”
Lucas mentally slapped himself. There was no point in playing it cool, since he felt the blush creep up on his cheeks already.
“You want to tell us something, Lu?”, Arthur smirked.
“Do you have a bit of a crush on our handsome Eliott?”, Yann asked.
“No,” Lucas answered immediately.
“Oh, come on,” Emma declared bluntly, “you’re redder than a fire truck, Lallemant.”
The others agreed vehemently.
“Lucas is in lo-ove!”, Emma singsonged loudly.
Lucas tried to shush her, looking around nervously, but it seemed the other students were too concentrated on their books to pay them any attention.
“Shut up! I’m not, and even if I was –”
“Oh, you are,” Arthur declared solemnly.
“Even if I was, then that’s my business.”
“Oh no, Lallemant. We need to do something about this. If we leave it up to you, you’ll just keep pining over the guy forever. You’ve just made it our business, my friend.”
Right at that moment, Basile and Daphné showed up.
“What’s our business?”, Daphné asked.
Lucas groaned and hid his head between his arms. If Daphné was involved, nothing would stay secret for long.
“Lucas is in love,” Yann answered.
“Oooh, Lucas! That’s so wonderful! Is he nice? Cute?”, Daphné thrilled.
“He is,” Lucas declared. He realized his mistake quickly, and continued talking, hoping to nip the conversation in the bud before things went out of hand. “Hey, does anybody understand this question about the catharsis in Antigone?”
It might have worked. Imane leafed through her notes to the chapter on Antigone, and Manon shot Lucas a look that clearly indicated she wasn’t done with the subject, but would save it for later. The boys hesitated, but Lucas counted on his friends to understand he didn’t want to discuss it at the moment.
It might have worked… had it not been for Emma.
“Oh, he is,” she said gleefully.
“You have met him?”, Daphné asked incredulously.
“I can do you one better,” Emma replied. “You have too.”
“Oh, we know him? Who is it? Who is it?”
Daphné looked like she might explode from excitement.
“Eliott,” Emma said, with the aplomb of a judge delivering a life sentence.
“Eliott? Eliott Demaury?”, Basile involved himself in the conversation.
“Do we know any other Eliotts?”, Arthur answered. “Of course, Eliott Demaury.”
Daphné actually clapped in her hands and jumped up and down.
“Oh, but that’s perfect! We can easily figure something out to get you guys together then! I have a feeling you guys would suit each other. At least you’d look good together…”
Lucas snorted.
“Seriously, I appreciate the sentiment, but just don’t, okay?”
“Oh, please,” Emma said. “I don’t feel like having you be all grumpy all the time because you don’t dare to ask the guy you love out.”
“Jesus,” Lucas spluttered. “First, I already said I’m not in love with him –”
“And we already declared that’s a lie, Lu,” Arthur cut in once again.
“And second, if I was, I can ask him out without all of you interfering.”
Yann nodded.
“I believe in you, dude. Ask him to the party after the bac is over.”
“What?”, Lucas objected. “He’s gonna go to that party anyway, why would I ask him?”
“Ask him to go together,” Basile clarified.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea…”, Lucas hedged.
“It is!”, Daphné sounded enraptured. “We’ll all be there, in case you need help!”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m afraid of,” Lucas muttered under his breath.
“Anyway,” Yann said with a calculating glint in his eye. “How about this? Lucas asks Eliott out to the party, or he agrees to leave matters in our hands.”
“Deal,” Emma declared, and she shook Yann’s hand.
“I’m in,” Basile said, and Daphné nodded so fast Lucas was afraid her head would fall off.
“Fair deal,” Arthur decided.
Daphné turned to a blank leaf in her notebook, and neatly wrote at the top of the page: ‘IDEAS TO GET LUCAS AND ELIOTT TOGETHER’.
“Hey!”, Lucas retorted. “I haven’t agreed to anything!”
“Majority rules, man”, Arthur waved away his protest.
Lucas groaned again, and Manon took pity on him.
“So, catharsis, anybody?”
Lucas shot her a grateful look, and everybody started looking through their notes and flashcards.
Imane, however, tapped her fingers together thoughtfully. A shrewd gleam danced through her eyes.
“You know what I wonder about, though, Lucas?”
“Why I still don’t get Antigone after all your study sessions?”, Lucas quipped.
“That, too. But no, right now I am interested in another little detail.”
She waited until everybody’s attention was on her, before she continued.
“Why did Eliott not react when you called him honey?”
Later that evening, Lucas crawled into bed, exhausted.
“Honey? I think we���re gonna have to go on a date…”
[Read part 2 here.]
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tawmlinsun · 5 years
🌈 !!!!!
send me a 🌈 for 100 words of elu fluff!!
Lucas pulls his robes tighter around him as he starts the long walk up from the Slytherin common room. The cloak is a little too big on him, a secondhand find his mama managed to track down in Diagon Alley, and it’s a bit roomy up top, too much space for his 11-year-old shoulders to fill. She’d tried to tailor it to Lucas more, but there’s only so much a needle and thread could do without being aided by magic.
He glances down at his schedule to check his classes again and make sure Charms is still in that first slot. He doesn’t think anyone would’ve jinxed the parchment overnight, but Imane had heard from her brother who had heard from some Hufflepuff who had heard from another friend who had overheard some third-years whispering about playing a prank on the first-years today.
And Lucas doesn’t need a prank right now, really. He’s got enough going on this morning already. He’d slept in late and missed breakfast in the Great Hall, and when he woke up, Imane had already left and she had promised him that they could walk to class together. She said her brother, Idriss, had made her a map with all of the classrooms so that she wouldn’t get lost on the first day, and Lucas was kind of counting on the map to guide them for at least the first week. Lucas needs that map!
He makes he way out of the dungeons to find the hallways just a little too empty. He glances down to check his watch: he’s nearly late!
Lucas starts running, robe fluttering out behind him and bag bouncing against his back as he dashes around corners and pushes past older students walking leisurely, and the confidence in their movements is envy-inducing.
By some miracle, Lucas makes it to the Grand Staircase and dashes up the first flight he sees, trusting that it’ll get him where he needs to go. Imane said Charms was on the third floor, right?
He takes the steps two at a time, nearly tripping over his robe as he goes. He’s on his final staircase, the door to the third floor in sight, when all of a sudden he gets thrown to the side, sending him stumbling into the handrail. Ouch. Falling against the stone, Lucas looks up and sees the world turning on its axis.
“Are you okay?” someone asks, and Lucas stares with panic-stricken eyes at the boy who has somehow appeared in front of him. He’s got sandy hair and robes accented with blue, and Lucas may be a little slouched over but he can tell this boy is tall.
“What’s happening?” he asks, clutching the stone behind him as the staircase jerks.
The boy furrows his brow. “The stairs are moving, of course.”
The stairs move? The prefect from last night hadn’t mentioned that! Bloody hell, how’s he supposed to get to class now?
“Merlin’s beard,” Lucas whispers, slumping against the stairs as they continue on their new path.
The boy chuckles and holds out a hand to Lucas, which he promptly takes and lets himself be pulled up to his feet. (The boy is even taller than Lucas had thought he was. Definitely older, maybe a third-year? And hopefully not one of the ones playing pranks, because now he’s seeing Lucas’ ill-fitting robes and messy hair and Lucas has never felt more like a target.)
“Where are you headed?” the boy asks, keeping a hand on Lucas’ shoulder to steady him as the staircase slams into place.
“Room 2E?” Lucas nods. “Oh, this worked in your favor, then. You were headed to the old Forbidden Wing, actually. 2E will be the second door on your left,” he notes, nodding to the door at the end of the staircase. “You’ll be in class in no time.”
“Really?” The boy nods, and a weight lifts itself off his shoulders. He won’t be late after all!
“Thank you,” he mutters, shooting the boy a grateful smile before hefting his backpack over one shoulder and dashing up the stairs.
“Hey, wait!” Lucas turns to find the boy on the same stair he was before, staring at him expectantly. “What’s your name?”
“Lucas.” The boy’s eyes sparkle when Lucas says it, picking up on the soft vowel, the slight accent underneath.
“Are you French?” he asks, and it builds a smile along his lips that sends heat across Lucas’ cheeks.
“Yeah,” he answers. “But my family lives in London.”
“Me, too!” The boy’s excitement shines, and he bounces up on his toes with the force of it. A rush of...something...sends Lucas’ heart beating fast. “Or, er, moi aussi, I guess.”
Lucas beams. Merlin, it feels good to hear French again. “And you are?” he asks, going down a step to get just a little closer again.
“Eliott. I’m a second-year.”
So he is older. “Oh, I’m a —”
“First year,” Eliott finishes with a laugh. “I figured.”
Lucas bites his lip, embarrassed, and nods over to the third floor corridor behind him. “Well, I’d better get to class.”
“O-Oh, uh, yeah, me, too.”
There’s a moment where they just stare at each other, identical smiles on their faces, and another weird thrill of that something clasps his heart.
“À bientôt, Lucas,” Eliott says, waving once as he turns to find his new staircase.
“À bientôt,” Lucas whispers after him.
Lucas thinks he’s really going to like Hogwarts.
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raypakorn · 3 years
fanfiction writer appreciation: skamverse edition
writing can sometimes take a lot of work out of us but it’s also such a beautiful thing and sometimes, it doesn’t get the recognition that it deserves. so, if you see this and you aren’t tagged, i want you to know that you are an amazing writer OR if you are a reader and aren’t tagged, but would like to spread the love to the writer’s YOU enjoy, do it! DO IT! spread all the love. i know all the writers of all fandoms (not even limited to the skam fandom) would love to hear from those who read their fics.
tagged by @yasminaselamrani , thanks for the tag brenna! i love to show support to any lovely content creators and writers are as much of apart of that as anyone.
if you’re a writer:
a fic that you’re really proud of:

the only fic that is currently posted is love is the tuesdays, and while i am proud of it because it’s been years since i’ve written an actual fanfic..will likely say i’m more proud of the wip i am doing.
a fic that you were nervous to post:
oh i was definitely nervous to post love is the tuesdays as i mentioned i’d been a while since i had written a fanfic and i always feel weird trying to write canon characters because i’m so afraid i won’t capture their characterization in the right way. also i was writing it based off this moodboard so i wanted it to be what everyone was looking for. however, as per usual like the clutch friend liz is she calmed me down.
a fic you wished got more hits/kudos/comments:
sometimes i feel like a dick saying this because it can come across like i’m not appreciative of people’s interest/compliments in stuff i do but it’s really not that. however, tbh, you’re never going to hear me complain about any feedback or lack thereof on anything i do. (other people’s things on the other hand...yes show them all the love please!) when it comes to me though ANY (even if it’s just liz screaming at me about it) is more than enough for me. i do everything for fun or just to get it out of my head so having even just one person enjoy it, i’m all good with that. so the comments/kudos/people interested in what i wrote/write, just thank you for showing any at all and as long as it makes one person’s day - i’m happy.
one of your favorite tropes to write:
despite me writing a completely fluffy domestic fic, i’m actually an angsty bitch. so i love writing enemies-to-lovers.... also love reading it. 
another ship that you don’t write but you’d like to write:
if i had the time and an actual idea, i would love to write an elu fic but alas i have neither.
one of your abandoned wip you never wrote but wish you did:
i mean it’s not technically abandoned per say but i have an au that i literally have saved as an ‘au i’ll never write’ because i’m not putting the pressure on myself to write it. but i wish again i had the time to write it because i definitely like the idea.
another writer you would love to collaborate with:
@hidden-joy...while i love the rest of you and you’re all so damn talented, it takes a certain chemistry and level of comfort to be able to write with someone.
if you’re a reader:
a fic (or more) that you love to reread:
hands down my comfort fic is save us by @luxandobscurus caro really has a way with words and it has such a good level of angst as well as fluff. i cry every single time. there’s also a little drabble called half of who i am isn’t all my fault by her as well that i reread all the time.
tag an author you always love reading:
obviously caro (kind of mad i didn’t realize you posted your fwb fic. like where have i been???) but also @surrealsunday i’ve read pretty much every single fic of jamie’s as well. there’s still times where my mind thinks of mood tattoo and i will just say ‘fucking jeremy’ and i’ll have a good laugh. from the wtfock fandom @sonderthroughthestreets, @foxsake5, & @yasminaselamrani, love reading everything they write as well.
recommend a story to your followers:
as brenna said, yall really should read @tsjernobyl’s sobbe’s dirty dancing au as once i started reading i couldn’t stop. it’s so dfskjkdjk good, excited to read the next chapter. another fic i really love and recommend that i haven’t spoken about is one call away by @demaury as i said i’m angsty bitch.
tag an author you discovered recently:
i wouldn’t say i discovered recently because i had read one of @kissjane‘s fics before but i have been making my way through the rest of her fics i haven’t read yet. and i have been having a good time with it 💛
spread the love!
tag someone who inspires you to write:
probably going to be a broken record but @hidden-joy, biggest support and biggest inspiration. but i really admire all of the authors i have mentioned and they inspire me to be a better writer as well.
tag someone who you’ve admired forever:
@demaury, @surrealsunday, @sonderthroughthestreets​, @earthlingeliott​, @lucasotteli (one of the best social media aus that i have read), @yasminaselamrani, @luxandobscurus
tag your writing support and loves!
@hidden-joy... she’s really the only one i talk to about my writing and obviously she’s the most supportive person on the planet. though i do apprecaite the feedback that @luxandobscurus, @sanderxrobbee, and @sonderthroughthestreets have given so far, though. also really anyone who’s left a comment on ao3 or come to DM me. seriously i give you a kisseth on the forehead. i promise i am going to finish that last chapter...eventually.
everyone who has already been tagged in this, @unhappilysane, @letisnotonfire , and since i don’t know who else is a big fic reader if you see this and liked to do this than i tag you.
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killherfreakout · 4 years
do you have some elu fic recs?
oh yes i do!! so, as promised, here is my extensive elu fic rec list ✨
i’ve really tried to find some hidden gems - ones you might not have read yet or ones that are so so good that may not have been recognized, so there should be a bunch of good reads for you!! and if you enjoy them please remember to reblog, kudos, comment, and show the writers some love 💖!
i’m sorry if i missed some but i will likely update this list / make another rec list when i have more! you can also check my misc skam fic rec tag as i am always reblogging fics!
also: i know a lot of these writers have many other pieces i haven’t mentioned and have lots of things in the works, so make sure to follow them / read their other stuff and upcoming fics too!! :)
and if you know the writers’ tumblrs that i missed, please let me know so i can tag them!
from @katzen-kinder - some s6 canon compliant/fix its i love: the walls between us and throw me into the flames ! + this post s5 elu: midnight mistake and this drummer!lucas AU: date with a date
@oceanicinception has such a way with words!!! i cursed the breath of sea (spelled as poetry) and you’re my favorite work of art are so wonderful!!
social media fic incoming!!!! all mixed up by @let-them-lovexx here on tumblr !
I am NOT afraid of the f***ing dark by @mdrskam is so sweet and exactly like the title suggests hehe
break room by angelboygabriel on ao3 - aka before the ‘storing dvds’ clip! so sweeeet
words and other weapons by WhoWhatWhereWhy on ao3 - fight/makeup fic that has perfect angst with such a sweet ending!!
when we collide by lallemvnt on ao3 - some high school enemies to lovers!! in a really cool writing style!!
this series of elu post-canon shorts by theagentshade on ao3 - o m g!!!!!!!
that’s lighter than any other by natoureuse on ao3 - a soft lucas bday fic :’)
fake it till you make it by xJane on ao3 - it just finished and it was great!! I know she has a lot more stories i can’t wait to read too!
the amazzzing @pinkplanetaries is not only a phenomenal writer but always has recs of her own and is always sharing fics!! some of my fav oneshots of hers are: close to you and automatic, kiss-o-matic ! annnnd (im)patiently waiting on the rest of ddd ahhh!!
@rosesunrise fics are pure sunshine!! i want to sit down in your arms (wrap me in wonder) is 5 times lucas tells eliott he’s beautiful ! + such a soft neighbors au: between the houses + this coffee shop au !!!
by the lovely @kritiquer - cutest strangers to lovers: the colors are different (foreign and beautiful) and the softest established elu oneshot: forever in my mind (be my gold sunshine) 
@eliotts-eyes has some cuuute fluffy one-shots!! including my favs: make out in my car and my youth is yours !
@demauryss has a range of amazing fics! i love this skam-verse crossover with speed dating elu: slow motion (i’m watching our love) and of course the iconic multi-chap enemies to lovers matchmaking au, and one of my fav wips rn: sail the wildest stretch !
from the incredible @blanxkey - one of the best friends with benefits AUs: they’ll hang us in the louvre !!! seriously one of my fav fics ever!!!
@lumierelovers wrote one of the sweetest one shots: in the morning when i wake - i lovvvve this one :))
@lallemanting wrote soft quarantine elu feat. astrology: to me you’re everything that exists ! plus the pirate AU of my dreamssss wandering tides !!
ok i haven’t read these longer fics yet but they are next on my list:
greek god by MoniLikesReading on ao3
i should infinitely prefer a book... by historien_vil_huske_oss on ao3
you need me, and i’ll be here by Book_Lover2001 on ao3
meet me (in the hotel room) by eliottlallemants on ao3
ahh that’s all for this post but please don’t hesitate to ask for more, i would be so happy to make another rec post / find more great fics to share!!! i hope you found something interesting and remember to show the writers how much you enjoy it!!! 💖💖💖
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demauryss · 4 years
DO you do Fic recs!?!?!? I feel like i see fic recs from everybody on my dash cuz everyone wants to know what their fav writer is reading. I wanna know yourrrrs❤❤❤❤
agsahd thank you anon i do have a fic rec tag here but if you want to know some (or maybe lots) of my favourite stuff then i’d be happy to oblige!!!
(putting the list under the cut because it got long adfaasgd also featuring some old works )
first of all, a shout out to the queen @surrealsunday for blessing us with tempo and hollow edge (i mean would fic rec even be fic rec without including them??? also there’s a medical au in progress ADAHF)
take you to the flower shop by fkaps: florist! eliott, disaster lucas and a misunderstanding regarding someone getting married - need i say more?? 
perks of being an early bird by marveltimy: parks, elu and ouba. this one is just a big ball of sunshine and i enjoyed it so much
the moon song by @mayalecomte:  otteli/urbex fic???communication??? the beautiful writing?? just?? seriously i have no words to describe how truly marvelous this fic is. just...give it a read and you won’t regret it
 a measure of stars by @lepetitepeach : a pride and prejudice au with nat’s own turns and beautiful writing!! it’s sure to leave you satisfied and yearning all at once. it goes without saying that you should read all of nat’s amazing works because they all are phenomenal
illusion of bliss, there’s magic in all of this, and every single thing written by @lumierelovers : i love love love anna’s works they’re all so freaking pretty and her writing goddd like i wish i could write half as good as that asdadf 
splash me pink, i keep it together, so i don’t fall apart, white picket fence by @bluronyourradar: listen you should read everything mtea has ever written because they’re all amazing just like that!! (these three are just some of my personal faves atm)
i’ve got the touch placebo, you call the shots, babe (i just wanna be yours) and it’s second part i’ll die to take care for you by @sawszall: these are some of caroline’s most recent works but i’ve read and loved everything she has written so far
everything is about you (to me) by @kritiquer: lucas is in love with eliott. he is in love with otteli’s art but without knowing they’re the same person. this fic!!! omg just so good and lovely  (also kit has a soulmate au in progress and i really can’t wait to read it)
last dance by @livvyblxckthxrn: elu in a ballet, enemies to lovers andddd roommates au ??? literally the best thing! and the writing??? just amazing!! also i have just started reading seven minutes in heaven because i was waiting for it to finish and what i’ve read so far seems v promising!! the format is unique and the concept is amazing
i’ve been waiting here (i deserve this kiss) by @lifeisevak: the absolutely sweetest ‘sorting dvds’ fic you’d love!! and i’m talking lucas being a little shit and eliott not being able to resist him after when he dodged his moves like!!! also meg’s rainbow fluff drabbles deserve special mention ‘cause they were all so sweet and fluff and i loved reading them so much (i hope i included the right tag for them agasfdga)
flickers by @dcmaurys: a fake dating social media au!! fake dating is one of my favourite tropes and the way frankie does it is honestly so good and refreshing!! i love the way she incorporated eliott’s project into the fic and his posts just. have me crying on the floor every time
i’m just going to link @tawmlinsun ‘s writing page because i couldn’t pick just one of lauren’s works lol. from her elu drabbles to multi-chaptered fics, everything is worth a read (or in my case: several reads ahadgs)
 wandering tides (wip) by @lallemanting: it’s a pirate au and i love sara’s take on it! lucas comes with a past he seems to be running away from and from what i’ve gathered, the whole deal with black rose somehow ties into it. an intriguing world has already been put forward and i can’t wait to see how it all plays out!!! and also for want of gold made me cry like the writing is sophisticated and beautiful and fuck!! the concept behind the soulmarks likebsdjfhf just give sara’s works a read and you won’t be disappointed
one call away by @demaury: elu neighbours and enemies to lovers au??? man this fic is so good!!! lucas is a snarky spikey assole and eliott’s just there to make sure he doesn’t kill himself by his own stupidity! and their banter ajdgad gold
lemonade by @pinkplanetaries: i’d be a fool not to rec this one. because fuck if this isn’t one of the best fics ever!!! like cor comes up with the best concepts and this one was just so good!! camboy!lucas and eliott as a dedicated fan was the sweetest and the tangiest thing ever agagsdfhgsd also please read her other works too if you haven’t because they all are *chef’s kiss*
les diamants sont eternels and a rose, by any other name by @flying-elliska: the former a lawyer/gangster(?) au and the latter a myth/boss-employee/bodyguard/sort of magical au. they’re both thrilling and sexy and so much fun to read. you get swept into this world created by ellie with numerous twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat like....fuck
things i forgot to tell you by @brieflygorgeouss: do i even need to say how beautiful this fic is?? friends-with-benefits is such an interesting concept and it’s done so well in this fic. and with joana’s amzing writing, it’s bound to give you all the feels there are
anything and everything written by @sandalwoodhusbands especially this kiss like real people do series. the first part was all the bit angsty and emotional and beautiful and ro has just posted the prequel to it and i can’t wait to get into it!!
also here’s some of the writers in the fandom i’ve enjoyed reading the works of: @mauuvelesbian @eliotts-eyes @jebentnietalleen @ayellowcurtain @briallenko @mecsurprenant @blanxkey @ottelis @raconxteur
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xiaozhns-a · 3 years
TOP 5 : plot bunnies que mais quer desenvolver/jogar no momento.
meu deus eu tava me preparando pra fazer essa lista num futuro talvez-não-tão-próximo mas vamos lá
1. um plot kinda baseado numa novel que acabei de ler em que tipo muse a, da família real (ou enfim, próxime de uma figura de governo), é enviade bem jovem pro país de muse b pra servir de refém, porque esse foi o acordo pro fim de um conflito. muse a, obviamente, jurou o reino de muse b de morte e vingança quando crescer. já muse b não é necessariamente herdeire do trono de seu reino, mas é filhe de alguma figura política importante, tá sempre na corte etc... e é uma das poucas pessoas que é gente boa com muse a?? que ajuda muse a sinceramente e tudo? a única pessoa que ajuda muse a a se adaptar ali num reino hostil, e elus têm idade próxima e crescem juntes no fim das contas, e... sentimentos acontecem. um childhood friends to lovers (childhood friends to enemies to lovers? who knows? ou apenas duas pessoas conspirando juntas to rain chaos?) porém versão royalty au
2. esse plot aqui
3. isso não é nem um bunny direito é mais um conceito meio vago mas o único plot que eu to topando m/f no momento que é tipo. girlboss/malewife. mas make it swordfighting girlfriend/boyfriend who needs protection. em algum setting tipo wuxia ou fantasia/aventura ou realeza enfiim.
4. isso também não é um bunny, mas quero muito jogar com uma oczinha que tenho que é lésbica e escritora de novels girl love (ela é chinesa naturalmente, e já escreveu alguns boy love também, enfim), que ficou bem famosinha mas ninguém sabe porque ela usa um alias. ela é um amor irl, toda dócil e meia insegura, e tá morando na coreia porque mudou pra lá com o irmão (tw: homofobia) quando os pais descobriram que ela é lésbica e expulsaram ela de casa. o irmão dela é o muuundo pra ela! porque ele largou tudo pra cuidar dela. she's baby, adora viver no mundo da fantasia, mas tá trabalhando pra fazer a vida dela funcionar.
5. isso aqui (nsfw e make it f/f)
ask me my “top 5” anything!
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lallemanting · 4 years
do you have any recent fic recs? xx
yes I definitely do! I’ll try and stick to stuff in the past month or so. hope this helps!
a measure of stars by @lepetitepeach: pride&prejudice au. enchanting and wonderful and all things lovely
seven minutes in heaven by @livvyblxckthxrn (WIP but there’s only one chapter left and it’s already nearly 200k so might want to get a headstart): this fic!!  incredible characterization, a beautiful multi-faceted plot, incorporates and respectfully deals with a multitude of issues and...it’s a band au so like?? this fic deserves so much love
a rose, by any other name by @flying-elliska (WIP but Ellie has been updating twice a week (INCREDIBLE) so lots of content): hades and persephone au/boss and bodyguard au/modern mythology au/kind of enemies to lovers - this fic truly has it all, I RUN to ao3 every time it updates
sail the wildest stretch by @demauryss (WIP but p sure zohra is updating regularly so no worries there): SUCH an interesting concept with a service that does matchmaking and it’s true enemies to lovers. can’t wait to read more!
one shots:
when you kill the lights (and kiss my eyes) by @blanxkey: elu hanging out in the video store (!!) so incredibly gorgeous and soft
i've got the touch placebo by @sawszall: friends to lovers!! lucas kisses eliott when he’s drunk and eliott keeps trying and failing to bring it up. very sweet and with just the right amount of angst!
everything is about you (to me) by @kritiquer: childhood friends to lovers!! lucas loves eliott...lucas loves otelli’s art...doesn’t know eliott IS otelli. so so cute and lovely!!
meet me (in the hotel room) by eliottlallemants: y’all remember that news story that went around a while ago about those strangers who missed their flight and then were put into a hotel room together?? yeah well it’s that but with elu. adorable, truly. 
The Moon Song by @mayalecomte: very cathartic. very in character. very beautiful. just elu communicating but it feels like a breath of fresh air!
my youth is yours by @eliotts-eyes: different ways lucas says “i love you” without actually saying it. SOFT!! LOVELY!! really made me emo y’all, but in a good way
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surrealsunday · 4 years
If you were to write another Elu Au (god I hope you do), what kind of fic would it be? Childhood best Friends to lovers? Ex‘s to Enemies to Lovers to Friends? I‘m so curious. Anyway, I love anything you write and would be happy with whatever you choose. 😘
Childhood friends to lovers! That is what my brain is thinking about right now. But ex’s to... something... intrigues me too I will admit hehe. 
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aslancallenreese · 4 years
hi! im not sure if you read fics, but if you do, could you rec some of your favorites? may they be just twitter sm aus or a shorter blurb on tumblr or something long on ao3 or just anything
Hello!! I am sorry for such the late response. I read a lot of fics askasjskaj but I mostly read evak. I don’t know what you were wanting but I can give you some good elu and evak ones. I added so much commentary i am so sorry😭😭😭
Things Look Different in the Morning
The Oceans Shall Freeze
Don't Fuss Over Me
just add water (ok...........I love this fic so much idk it is so good and I really connected to the MH side of it) 
I have a bunch of favorites that have been deleted and I only have the pdfs or favorites that are sadly incomplete 
a measure of stars (this just got finished and wow I loved it sooooo much)
Press F
you charge me up like electricity (ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
last dance
for want of gold (one of my favorite soulmate aus of all time)
Hollow Edge (honestly one of the best fics I have ever read!!)
as for twitter aus I have a bunch that I like 
all of these
and these
also I am currently reading this one and it is very good
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she-is-tim · 5 years
Tumblr media
I LOVE HATING YOU masterpost 
Elu enemies to Lovers AU 
Summary:  Lucas is an angry, closeted and frustrated gay teenager, while Eliott is the handsome, smart and popular guy in school. They hate each other… but not forever.
Chapters on tumblr: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
AO3 link
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kissjane · 3 years
i habe been binge reading all your fantastic elu fics & i am so glad that you keep in writing them🙈 Have you watched Bridgerton? I keep listening the soundtrack and see Lucas as Daphne, the diamond of the season but Yann so overprotective he scares all the suitors away. Then comes Eliott , a rake swore off all notions of love, making a fake courting pack with Lucas. Everyone believing and shipping them, because.. how can you not? 😅
Would you ever consider writing a Bridgerton!Au?
Fake dating-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers - trope .. pining, angst.. all is there🤣
Thanks, precious!
I did see Bridgerton and I enjoyed it a lot.
I'm not sure I can take on such an elaborate AU right now, but never say never... Who would be the gossip writer though? I can see Daphn��, or Emma, but also Imane...
Oh shit, I am thinking about this now, am I not.
Still. No promises. Remind me again in half a year or so and we'll see.
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noorengels · 4 years
my stuff
336 Hours: eliott demaury needs a break from his hectic life in paris, whereas engel lallemant yearns to get away from a certain person in her small town near amsterdam. an impulsive decision causes the pair to swap homes for the holidays, ready to escape their problems yet unprepared to encounter the most interesting people they’ll ever meet. (IN PROGRESS)
also it’s both social media and not social media idk where to put it lol
social media aus
Lockdown Walks: in which robbe keeps going on his daily walks in hopes of seeing the bleach blonde stranger (COMPLETED)
I Don’t Want To Be Your Friend: noor and engel’s friendship groups hate each other. after the big party at noah’s, romance begins to blossom between noor and engel. enemies to (secret) lovers au (COMPLETED)
Red is the Warmest Colour: soulmate au where you can’t see colours until you kiss your soulmate (elu)
You’re It For Me: the proposal drabble no one asked for (elu)
“what makes you happiest about noor?” (beewens)
beewens headcannons
my gifs (all)
beewens series
the many moods of x
which skamverse character that i hate are you?
what country that shouldn’t exist are you?
how to make gifs on iphone
skamverse ranks
meta analyses (only eskam atm lol)
my side blog is @callmeares ! i just reblog pretty things and gifs from shows/films idk bro it’s everything bUt skam
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nicolinocolino · 4 years
this or that, fic author edition
write late at night or early in the morning / prefer dialogue or descriptions / drink caffeine or i’ll stick with water / loves prompts or prefers to choose yourself / stickler for canon or preference for au / one-shots or multi-chaps / won’t take on more than one project at once or constantly juggling several fics / abandoned fics or completionist / gen fics or ship-first fics / pwp or plot-heavy / first-person or third-person / angst or happy endings / ff.net or ao3 / crossovers or one fandom only / friends to lovers or enemies to lovers / slowburn or they're together from the start
thank you @thehollowprince for tagging me!! this was fun :)
tagging: @crazybee @busybeingmakebelieve @revengeisalwaysanoption @azozzoni @doblondoro @poisonapple83 @ayellowcurtain @aryastark-valarmorghulis @lebalperdu @annefraid @evak-elu-nicotino (but feel free to ignore!)
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killherfreakout · 4 years
☕️fave fics
ooo i love talking about my fav fics!! here are some elu fics that immediately come to mind and that i find myself rereading often bc they are so lovely 💛
more included in my fic rec tag!
elu prince au by @sweetbitterpdf is so good AHHHH
the book i read was in your eyes by @kritiquer 🥰
illusion of bliss by @lumierelovers ✨
things i forgot to tell you by @brieflygorgeouss ❣️
tempo by @surrealsunday !!!
currently obsessed with:
ddd by @pinkplanetaries - aka queen of steamy corporate aus!!!
sail the wildest stretch by @demauryss - enemies to lovers feat. matchmaking au!!!
wandering tides by @lallemanting - pirate au!!!!
one call away by @demaury - neighbors and enemies to lovers!!!
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Evak Fics - Twitter Social Media
I love following these social media aus on Twitter so I thought I'd share them with you. They are a lot of fun!
I've put them in alphabetical order based on the writers' twitter handles. Under a read more: 
@ 98mcu : 
AU 1 - Insufferable Everyone has secrets, but what if you share them with the one person you absolutely despise.
(WIP) AU 2 - Boy in love when a very shy boy starts a twitter account to ramble about his admiration for the most beautiful creature he has ever seen.
@ etannetsted : 
AU 1 - Enemies to lovers au Isak is pretty sure his whole life is a huge joke. Seriously, what were the odds that Magnus' new crush is the same guy he fell in love with a year ago and who left him with nothing but a broken heart and a green sketchbook?
@ evakslove :
(WIP) AU 1 - Last update Aug 2019  Even is a member of Hei Briskeby and a famous Youtuber who is struggling to separate the internet from reality. Isak is visiting Vidcon with Sana as a favor as she is being dragged along by her brother and Yousef. Isak is the realest thing Even has seen.
@ evamvhns : 
(WIP) AU 1 - Last update Sept 2019 the weekend getaway to chris’ cabin is something everyone looks forward to. but it soon turns into a nightmare when a familiar body lies dead the next day. and things keep getting worse when the group realizes that the murderer is within them.
@ quarterleigh : 
Thread of all their aus
AU 1 Isak is a broke university student who needs money fast. Thankfully his science buddy Sana has an in with a modeling agency
AU 2 Even is retaking his final year at a new school and is determined to graduate this time. Too bad the guy his mom hired to help him finish is the biggest distraction yet.
AU 3 Even is the crown prince of Norway, endlessly privileged and unbelievably unhappy. After a messy breakup, the media turns on him. Isak is a journalist tasked with what he thinks will be the least interesting story of his career- a profile on the prince.
AU 4 Every year, the university grants funding for 1 student project. Even is thrilled when he hears he’s going to be receiving funding for his short film, only for the board to withdraw their offer in favor of a last minute proposal from a biology student.
@ Sandras_SkamAUs : 
Thread of all of their aus
AU 1 AU where they meet in Uni. Isak doesn't think too highly of Even and it shows. And when they have to work on a group project together, Isak would very much like to kill someone... but maybe Even isn't so bad after all?!
AU 2 After weeks of copying, brewing coffee & getting lunch for his colleagues, Isak's time to shine comes in the last week of his internship at a local newspaper. He is allowed to do his 1st interview & write an article on Even Bech Næsheim, a theater director and gay rights activist. Little does Isak know that this man will change his life 4ever.
AU 3 Both Isak & Even decide to spend a semester abroad @ the University of Heidelberg, Germany. While this seems like a life-changing opportunity, both feel kind of lost, lonely and homesick in their new environment. That is, until they meet each other.
AU 4 Even is Norway's most sought-after model; Isak one of the most promising, aspiring models. They meet at a shooting & start an affair that only each of their respective bbfs know about. No one can know - not Even's girlfriend, not the media.
AU 5 Isak is a rich, rebellious guy who would do just about anything to piss his dad off. Even & his family on the other hand are barely scraping by; but he's a literal sunshine. Their paths collide when Isak tries to piss his dad off on his wedding.
AU 6 Isak moves to Trondheim to start his BA in Biology at NTNU. There he immediately is mesmerized by his local barista Even. However, Even holds back due to his disability. Inspired by the wonderful art of Elli (elli_skam on Instagram).
AU 7 Evak have been going strong for almost 3 years now. They are the picture-perfect dream couple that everybody envies just a little. However, Isak has a secret, he doesn't feel comfortable to share with anyone. Not even Even. Especially  not Even.
(WIP) AU 8 - Includes Skam France They've been best friends forever, four guys growing inseparable over the years. When two of them start dating, universes collide. Will they really make the right choices? And what will that mean for their friendships?
@ skamruinedme : 
Thread of all their aus
AU 1 Attending Sana's brother wedding turns into a nightmare when Isak gets stuck in the elevator for hours. But he is not alone, and he can't decide whether that is a good or a bad thing. And then the guy keeps popping up in his life for some reason.
AU 2 They are neighbours who hate each other with a burning passion. Despite this, neither of them can deny that the other is hot af. So they make an arrangement, and then other arrangements. The problem? none of them seem to work.
AU 3 Isak and Even are childhood best friends. Even is straight and in a committed and loving relationship with Sonja. Isak is hopefully in love with him and silently pinning. But what happens when Isak gets a boyfriend?
AU 4 When Isak said he'd have to move to Trondheim for uni, both he and Even decided that it's for the best if they part ways. Flashworward 5 years later Isak gets a job offer in Oslo and has to go back and face old friends and old love.
AU 5 Texting your number neighbour is a growing twitter trend that the boys from the famous YouTube channel Hei Briskeby need to try out too. Even is not very fond of the idea at first, but he gives in eventuality because what could possibly go wrong?
(WIP) AU 6 - a Nooreva au Nissen days are over, and they should celebrate, but they can't. Eva and Noora are both heartbroken, tired, and in a desperate need for change. The natural solution? Take a gap year to travel through Europe.
AU 7 Isak and Even are engaged and everything is perfect until it isn't. Isak goes missing without a trace. Can he be found before it's too late? And most importantly, who is guilty for his disappearance?
AU 8 Isak and Even are friends and it's all good, except for one small problem. Even has a crush, but Isak won't look at him that way. The solution? Make a finsta too woo him, in true desperate Even fashion.
AU 9 Isak? Busy student drowning in work. Hates Christmas. Known as cold and heartless. Even? Artist and charming barista every customer is in love with. Obsessed with Christmas. When they meet, Even swears he'll make Isak change his mind about the holiday. Will he though?
(WIP) AU 10 Isak is a troublemaker who can't wait to be done with high school and live the free-spirited life he's always aimed for. The problem? He might have to repeat his third year because he is failing English, so his only hope is getting a tutor. or badboy!isak and nerd!even
@ skamtext : 
(WIP) AU 1 - New au posted on Jan 7, 2020   Even is new to school and is popular figure online in Oslo and is indie basically all the girls (especially Eva) want to know him. He makes friends with Chris and Sana as well being mutual with Jonas. Isak is a class clown and gets in trouble all the time meaning he’s a known name around school. This interests Even and he wants to know more about isak
@ socialmdiaAU : 
AU 1 - Has background Elu Even sees Isak pining hard during rehearsal for the school play. He sends a text: “Cute guy staring at another guy like he’s in love....I hope this plays out like a Luhrmann film.” Nothing, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔, goes the way it’s supposed to.
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