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arjunvib · 6 months
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oneshotnewbie · 8 months
hii! i would like to request maya x carina x reader, where reader is still in college/university and a whole incident happens. r is taken as hostage and carina and maya panic after getting a call. really angsty pls
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the mention of a rampage and a brief mention of a hostage situation. Those plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
For you, the university was not only a place of learning, but also a melting pot of emotions. As the daughter of Maya and Carina, you felt the expectations weighing on your shoulders. Your mother, a respected obstetrician-gynecologist, had already made her mark in the medical world, and you felt the urge to follow in her footsteps.
Your parents had never put any pressure on you to follow the same path as either of them. Nevertheless, you felt an inner obligation to continue your family tradition. Even as a little girl, you listened with fascination when your mother talked about the challenges and successes of her job. The love of medicine seemed to be embedded in your DNA.
The campus pulsed with life as you moved through the crowd, clutching your books on anatomy and surgery, eager to head to your lectures. Like every day, your heart beat faster with excitement and a hint of uncertainty.
In your first year at university you found yourself in a world characterized by complex theories and demanding internships. The anatomy books became your constant companion and you learned to understand human anatomy like a puzzle. In the labs, you made precise cuts and analyzed tissue samples with the dedication of an artist who wanted to perfect every detail of her work.
The challenges of studying became clear as you approached your first internship at the hospital. Beads of sweat appeared on your forehead as you assisted in your first procedure. The smell of disinfectant and the hum of medical equipment surrounded you. You felt the responsibility getting bigger and bigger.
But with each passing day, not only did the challenge grow, but so did your passion. You soaked up the knowledge like it was the sweetest honey and found comfort in the advice of your professors.
The lecture hall you had just entered was filled with a hushed murmur of inquisitive students as you slumped in your seat. The excited atmosphere before another exciting lecture permeated the room as the professor began to talk about the latest advances in surgery. Surrounded by attentive fellow students, you listened intently to the expert's words and the technical details that rained down on you.
The projections on the wall showed complex surgical procedures as the professor delivered her explanations with enthusiasm and expertise and you tried to understand the connections between the details. You found yourself in a stream of information that took you into the fascinating world of medical innovations. Your eyes sparkled with excitement, taking in every sentence as if they could be keys to some secret knowledge.
Just before the professor was about to play a video showing complex open-heart surgery, a shrill alarm code, followed by an urgent warning, ripped through the air. "Attention, active shooter. Barricade yourself in the rooms." The room froze for a moment. You sat up, your eyes wide in surprise. An uneasy feeling settled in your stomach.
Students frantically ran to corners and sought shelter under tables. The professor tried in vain to calm the panicked crowd. But the situation escalated further when muffled shots were heard from outside the building. Recognizing this soundscape captured the attention of everyone in the room. Faces faded with fear and a feeling of helplessness spread.
Your heart was in your throat, you could hear the pulsing of your own heartbeat as you also pushed yourself into a corner, trying to keep a clear head. Panic was in the air, and thoughts of the surgical procedures and advances paled in front of the pressing reality.
A wave of fear passed through you and your thoughts whirled wildly. The idea of the place of learning becoming a scene of violence shook you to the core.
In a moment that seemed like an eternity, doors were thrown open and hooded figures entered. Another wave of fear swept through the room as people realized that this was no mere alarm, but a cruel reality. The shadow of disaster had entered the lecture hall.
Armed men in dark clothes now dominated the scene. Your class was taken hostage and a cold shiver ran through your body. Your eyes searched for allies, for a means of escape, but the men with weapons clung to their control over the desperate crowd.
The professor, your fellow students and you were trapped in a nightmare that was unfolding at breakneck speed. The situation worsened when the men began making demands and firing wildly in the air. You suddenly found yourself in the middle of a threatening drama that you never thought possible.
Maya and Carina stood in the fire station's supply room, surrounded by boxes full of medical supplies, taking inventory of necessary medical supplies. The mood was focused as the two checked lists and made sure all life-saving supplies were present.
"Do you think we should order more bandages? To be on the safe side?" the blonde asked as she pulled out individual small packages, counted them and then sorted them into the cupboards. "Yes, I think so. You can't have enough of them, especially on larger missions."
The sounds of the plastic wraps and packaging had created a calming atmosphere, but it was suddenly broken by a shrill voice. Victoria, who until recently had been sitting in the relaxation room, stormed into the small inventory room, her eyes wide with dismay. "You must come with me immediately," she said in a trembling voice. Her hands were gripping the remote control tightly.
Maya and Carina exchanged a worried look and dropped everything. Both women's hearts began to pound wildly in their chests as they quickly left the room and followed their friend. As they entered the room, they both stopped in the middle of it.
The television flickered as the newscaster solemnly announced the terrible truth. "A serious incident has occurred at Seattle University. Armed attackers have entered the building and taken hostages. Police are on scene, but the situation is extremely critical."
Maya and Carina stared at the screen in shock as the reporter reported on the dramatic scenes, hitting them like a blow. Images of students running out filled the room. An icy shiver ran through the two of them when the name of the affected university was mentioned several times. A feeling of helplessness fell like a leaden veil over their hearts. The words invaded their thoughts, and the images of their beloved daughter studying at this institution seemed like a fragile glass threatened by an impending storm. "Y/n.. she has classes today. She's there."
Carina felt her knees weakening and tears forming in her eyes. The blonde reflexively clung to the back of the sofa. The world of the two, which had just seemed so familiar and safe, was thrown out of control. The maternal instincts awoke with frightening intensity when they thought of the dact that you were currently in a dangerous situation. "Oh mio Dio, no," the brunette whispered, her voice shaky. Maya, usually a rock in the surf, felt tears burning in her eyes too. Fear for her daughter engulfed them both like a blazing fire.
"We have to go to the university immediately," Maya spoke, interrupted by the muffled sound of the news in the background. Carina nodded, the determination in her eyes reflecting the inner strength that mothers could mobilize in times of crisis.
The fear, worry and hope blurred together as they set off together, seeking reassurance that they would do everything in their power to get you out of there.
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Jessica Valenti at Abortion, Every Day:
I remember the feeling of hands inside me. Pulling, tugging, moving things aside. My emergency c-section wasn’t painful, but that feeling of being invaded was somehow worse than physical hurt. For years, the thought of the surgery would send me into a PTSD panic, my knees literally buckling and vomit coming up the back of my throat. In my memory, my arms are tied down while I’m being cut—but I know that’s not true. It’s just my brain’s way of making the powerlessness of the moment seem tangible. 
Because I was so early in my pregnancy, just 28 weeks along, doctors had to cut me both horizontally and vertically, making it life-threatening for me to have a vaginal birth in the future and increasing my risk for uterine rupture. I didn’t know it then, but I would never have another child.  So when I see anti-abortion groups blithely suggesting that women with life-threatening pregnancies should be forced into c-sections rather than easier, safer, and less traumatic abortions—it feels personal. Because I chose my medical nightmare; it was necessary to save both my life and my daughter’s. I can’t imagine the horror of going through such a thing unnecessarily, or at 16 weeks pregnant instead of 28. What if my tied-down arms weren’t a post-traumatic illusion, but a legal reality?
For nearly a year, I’ve been tracking this growing strategy: Some of the most powerful anti-abortion organizations in the country are using carefully-worded legislation and seemingly-credible clinical recommendations to codify medical atrocities—pushing doctors to force pregnant women into unnecessary labor and c-sections, even before fetal viability and sometimes even when a fetus has died. Why would anyone do such a thing? The answer is as simple as it is awful: Anti-abortion groups and lawmakers want to prove that abortion is never necessary to save a person’s life. The problem is that they know pregnancy can be deadly, especially in the United States. Rather than admit abortion can be life-saving, their solution is to force doctors to end deadly pregnancies in any other way—even if it means torturing women in the process. 
Anti-abortion lawmakers and activists are so desperate to divorce abortion from health care, they’d prefer to see us dead than allow critically ill women to get care they disagree with.  I mean that literally. This is how they kill us. With the sly shifting of medical standards and surreptitiously-placed legislative language. Because while these people are cruel, they’re certainly not stupid. Anti-abortion extremists know the only way to normalize medical torture is to move quietly and slowly.  After all, dystopias aren’t created in a day. They’re built, law by law and talking point by talking point, through medical regulations, bureaucracy, and fear. From a Supreme Court ruling in Idaho to timid guidance from hospital administrators in Louisiana—anti-abortion groups don’t need to own up to their grim vision when they have others embedding the nightmare bit by bit. 
That’s not to say they haven’t been busy themselves. Using extremist groups with credible-sounding names—like American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs or the Charlotte Lozier Institute—the anti-abortion movement has carefully disguised radical calls to hurt women as simple scientific recommendations. They’ve inserted the nonsense term ‘maternal fetal separation’ into legislation, court cases and conservative talking points, removing ‘abortion’ in an attempt to further the lie that the procedure is never necessary. They've published papers and trotted out ‘experts’ who claim it’s “medically standard” to force women into c-sections or vaginal labor when their lives are at risk. Again, even when it’s too early for a fetus to survive.
Anti-abortion legislators have done their job too, passing laws that allow their state to define what conditions are life-threatening during pregnancy and the best course of action for doctors. They’ve written mandates that emergency terminations be performed in a way that “provides the best opportunity for the unborn child to survive.” If states must be forced to save women’s lives, it appears, they’ll make sure we suffer greatly for the trouble.  It’s not a coincidence that reports coming out of anti-abortion states show a sharp rise in c-sections. With their license and freedom on the line, doctors and hospitals are falling in line. One Texas OBGYN who was directed to give a septic patient a hysterotomy told researchers, “The morbidity is going to be insane.”
To people who value fetuses above women, that’s a price they’re willing to pay. Indeed, all of this cruelty starts to make morbid sense when you understand that the broader anti-abortion goal goes beyond forced c-sections or redefining medical standards. They are trying to make Americans numb to women suffering and dying during pregnancy. They’re treating it as unpreventable—natural, even—so that voters don’t bat an eye when the maternal mortality numbers skyrocket. 
Jessica Valenti reports on the rise of c-sections post-Roe and dishonest efforts to divorce abortion from healthcare by anti-abortion zealots in her Abortion, Every Day blog.
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striderl · 10 months
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Facts about Foley
Expert breakdancer
Worked as a bartender before the Skibidi Apocalypse
Reeked of blood at all time
He has LED lights embedded in his speaker, only use it on occasions
Has tons of knives under his suit, most of them are trophies from his previous job
The most dangerous member of the team, even more than Styrofilm. Most of the speakermen avoid him because of his brutality and instability, including large ones
Gaffer is only his BFF not girlfriend, at least not yet
His biggest dream is to ram a helicopter into Skibidi Scientist’s or G-man’s face
Favorite fight move is to c**kshot mutant Skibidis
He has a Skibidi eyeball collection
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t-tomuras · 1 year
㊋ ─── • 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐃-𝟏𝟕𝟓
cw: Halo au, angst, Touya centric
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Touya laments the times he can’t bury his regrets, unable to swallow around the bitter pill of choices made too early and out of ignorance. Tired of mourning the loss of childhood and innocence, both left in the past as he dredges forward as a living weapon against humanity's enemies that he foolishly volunteered to become to please his father. 
Most Spartans don’t recall their augmentations. Some of the pain of it, sure, but for most it feels like a distant memory, no recollection of the searing pain and agony that followed, no longer at the forefront of their mind. They deal with worse as they face war, the wounds they’ll suffer than making the procedure comparable to that of a skinned knee.  
But not for Touya, no such luck since the day he was born. The torture, because for the child that he was that is the only suitable description for what he endured; a slender frame similar to his mothers instead of the bulk like his father, is always at the precipice of his consciousness. A constant affliction analogous to a living nightmare that even slumber doesn’t gift him reprieve of. 
He feels like he relives each attempt, not that he could ever forget with every glance in a mirror the times he’s shed his mjölnir armor and the compression suit beneath it. Horrendously disfigured, in his expert opinion, lucky to be alive every physician loves to comment. Staples so deeply embedded into his epidermis that they’re simply part of him now; doing their job well at keeping together the mended skin in a patchwork job that doesn’t seem related to the exceptional advancements their science has to offer. 
It seems more like a halfhearted butchering to him when he thinks about it but he wanted this, all of it. Wanted to make his father proud, wanted to grin with his head held high as he served the human race. Desired the imaginary raucous applause by the people he protects with his life as he exited a drop ship. Touya knew the risks, each one and every one of them including his possible death but the glory and pride pushed any trepidation into the furthest recesses of his mind, far beyond that mental image of his war hero fathers praise. But it doesn’t make continuing to live any easier, the weight of ill-gotten success more akin to failure now that he was older.
It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth now, worse than the blood he spits at his feet as he stares blankly at the medical bay doors. 
But as he sits on your examination table, staring up at the sterile white lights that always trigger the memories, he exhales slowly. He lets his lids slip shut and his nostrils flare as his chest compresses with the full expulsion of all the oxygen in his lungs before they inflate again. Counting to himself to will away the feeling of waiting to see the blurry silhouettes of a new set of medical professionals for this round's augmentation.
Touya begins to consciously attempt to steady his heart rate, reminding himself that he won’t be going under again, that faceless men and women won’t be cleaving his flesh from his bones to graft ceramics to them in order to make him stronger. That nobody will be spending countless hours hard wiping his entire nervous system to rewire him for inhuman reaction times. 
Another slow breath as your voice shatters the scenes that plague Touya, gently calling his name in that professional tone you’ve facilitated for each Spartan. You’re gentler with him, much more than bloodthirsty blonde that skipped from this room shortly before he entered. 
Your tone is more placating with him, like you’re handling a skittish animal and Touya doesn’t know if he should be grateful for or offended by it. He figures now isn’t the time as you call his name again. 
“How are you feeling today Spartan D-175? Any pain, fatigue?” Questions for normal people, not super soldiers. You should know that, Touya was modified to not experience any of those things anymore. 
But he’ll play his part once again, as he always does; fixing his features with a smile that doesn’t meet he eyes. Brilliant turquoise devoid of any spark before he offers you his own placification, because nobody truly cares what the weapon feels. 
He stretches, arms over his head as he cooly responds, “doin great doc.” 
A lie you see right though.
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lord-squiggletits · 6 months
OH, I am so interested in your idea for SG Tarnma.
Okay so my exact ideas for SG Tarnma vary a lot, because I think there's two different canon varieties of Shattered Glass: the original Fun Publications SG where everything was completely flipped and turned into crack-canon, and then what IDW later did with Shattered Glass IDW1 where it was more or less just role reversal IDW1 with only some "complete flipping" of lore and personality. There's also my own personal Shattered Glass universe that I built for Pay Unto Evil, so I could also answer this question as "what would Tarnma be in the SG PUE universe."
That being said I'll do my best to explain all of the different ideas I've had for SG Tarnma. All of them are pretty different so I'm not really particularly attached to any one, but here goes
Version 1: FunPub complete role reversal style. Pharma was originally a mere energon farmer get it lol and has a very meek, shy, unconfident personality. He got enlisted by the Autobots, but he spoke too quietly when they asked for his name (Farmer), so they started calling him Pharma. Then at some point Ratchet is like "yo I'm gonna make this completely untrained guy do medical operations. No I'm not gonna send him to medical school he can learn on the job!" And so Pharma becomes Ratchet's apprentice and develops even more anxiety from the hundreds of times he murders patients either on accident bc he literally has no medical training, or on purpose bc Ratchet made him. He's literally just trying his best and doesn't even want to be here. Meanwhile, the SG DJD is known as the Decepticon Jokester Division, formed as a sort of circus troupe meant to bring good cheer to the Decepticons in a time of depressing war. The members of the DJD are codenamed after the first cities they toured right before/when the war started. How reluctant medic Pharma and literal clown Tarn meet in this universe is anyone's guess.
Version 2: IDW style. Tarn and Pharma still have basically the same backstories as canon IDW1 except that Pharma is a professional assassin instead of a doctor (yknow, role reversal where Pharma is an expert at killing people instead of healing them). Also this universe's Pharma has the posh and aristocratic personality fandom thinks he has in canon lol. Maybe Pharma finds out about Tarn having a secret t-cog addiction, and he starts bringing t-cogs to Tarn in exchange for Tarn providing him intel (or some other service, idk). Maybe in this universe instead of Tarn torturing Pharma into insanity, Pharma somehow develops guilt for killing people because of Tarn, then defects from the Autobots willingly? Or they kick him out like in canon
Version 3: Pay Unto Evil SG. Tarn and Pharma would have their FunPub style backgrounds (though maybe Tarn's would be slightly more serious) with the added caveat of Pharma having the evil Matrix's mind control embedded in his brain. He still didn't join the Autobots willingly and wasn't even trained to be a doctor. Somehow he and Tarn meet and fall in love across faction lines because Tarn sees how much Pharma is suffering under mind slavery and feeling like he doesn't belong among his cruel comrades. It's a bit of a tragic one though, as Pharma warns Tarn that the Prime can look through his mind at any time thanks to the Matrix. If he finds out that Pharma is Tarn's vulnerability, he could use that against him somehow, or worse, mind control Pharma into trying to kill Tarn himself. They were both devastated when the universe swap happened and they thought they would never see each other again. Though Pharma secretly felt some relief that Tarn was now a universe away and can find someone else to love who isn't a mind-controlled walking time bomb that could try to murder him at any moment.
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
¡Número seis por favor!
This got supremely goofy, and I thank you for giving me a prompt that allowed me to write some sweet, established relationship-y nonsense.
“Be gentle, please.” 
Chrissy can’t help it. She laughs. Like, a lot. To the point where Eddie lifts his head from where his chin is propped on his hands and looks over his shoulder at her, scowling. 
“It’s not funny.” 
“Eddie, it’s hilarious.” 
“Chrissy…” That comes out a whine, and she can’t resist giving his bare ass a pinch, for which she’s rewarded with an indignant yowl. 
“You’re such a baby.” 
“It really hurts!”
“And whose idea was it?” 
Eddie rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to the headboard. “Mine.” 
“Exactly. So be a good boy and hold still while I get it out.” 
Chrissy does her best to be expedient. To wield her tools with expert precision. 
Still, the splinter is long, jagged, and deeply embedded in the crease where Eddie’s ass meets his thigh. Try as she might, it will hurt, and Eddie whining, squirming, and begging her to stop every time she gets a firm grip on the wood doesn’t make her job any easier. 
“If you don’t stop moving around, I’m going to give you something to cry about,” she says after maybe ten minutes have elapsed and her exasperation has won out over whatever modicum of pity she felt for him when he’d first given himself the splinter. 
Eddie stops squirming, allowing Chrissy to wipe a trickle of blood on his thigh. “Like what?” 
“Like I’m going to punch you in the dick.” 
“Oh.” He sighs and flops his forehead onto his hands, hair fanning on the pillow. “That’s not so fun.” 
“No. Not so much.” She leans in close, and honestly, she’s pretty familiar with the contours of Eddie’s body after five years together, but this is a new level of intimacy. “There’s one little piece left. I’m gonna have to dig for it.” 
“Can’t you knock me out or something?”
“Would that I could, my love. Bite a pillow for me, huh?” 
Eddie bites. Chrissy digs. Less than a minute later, she emerges triumphant, the last tiny bit of wood trapped between the pincers of the tweezers they’d bought at the drugstore on the way back from the lake. 
“Fuck me,” Eddie yelps when she shows him the pile of extracted materials. 
“Is it bleeding?” 
“Not as much as you’d think for the amount of complaining you did.” 
“That’s called trauma, man.” 
“Now I’m definitely going to punch you in the dick.” 
“The more you say it, the kinkier it sounds.” 
“Such a perv.” She kisses Eddie’s not-so-gaping wound before reaching for the cotton balls. “This is going to sting.” 
“I can be brave.” 
“Oh, totally, you've been a real champ so far,” she says, upending the rubbing alcohol onto the cotton. “This’ll teach you to look before you leap, Munson.” 
“To be fair, Rick’s dock wasn’t always so... rickety.” 
Chrissy allows herself one single snort at the pun before getting back to making her husband squirm.
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darkmaga-retard · 18 days
Goldman Sachs, or Government Sachs as they are known in the industry, has bet on the establishment candidate. The person who has already spent four years in the White House will somehow repair the damage they caused to the US economy, according to Goldman Sachs, who strongly believes America should stay on the same losing trajectory.
“We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse” from maintaining most tax cuts, Goldman economists stated. Remember that Goldman Sachs places their employees within the US government as there is an ongoing revolving door. “We estimate that the contribution from immigration to labor force growth if Harris wins would be 10,000 per month higher than if Trump wins with divided government,” and 30,000 a month higher than if Trump secures the vote.
America has spent billions on the migrant crisis which has toppled state and city budgets. We have over 8 million newcomers now living solely off government assistance. Goldman is preaching the same propaganda that these migrants are needed for America’s workforce, despite recent data showing a major slow in hiring in addition to numerous adjusted jobs reports that show NO new jobs have been created outside the public sector under Biden-Harris. They believe GDP would peak by 0.5 percentage points in Q2 of 2025 under a Trump victory.
A Harris victory would lead to a “very slight” boost in GDP compared to Trump, as “new spending and expanded middle-income tax credits would slightly more than offset lower investment due to higher corporate tax rates.” The “experts” believe that “the effects of policy changes would be small and neutral on net,” but the truth of the matter is that a Harris victory would guarantee a major economic downturn. It is astonishing that they expect the public to believe that the middle class will increase their spending through tax credits. They simply do not understand that a lack of confidence is the reason that people hoard, and under this economy, the middle class does not have any disposable income to spend.
Then they state that Trump’s tariffs on China, Mexico, and EU would cause inflation to rise by 30 to 40 bps. I do not support tariffs but we are seeing the Biden Administration slam China with new tariffs and one could reasonably believe Kamala would do the same. Do they understand Kamala’s corporate tax hike proposition and how that would decimate America’s ability to compete?
Harris is proposing taxing capital gains including UNREALIZED gains. The American public has nothing left to offer Uncle Sam and rest assured Harris will raise taxes as her countless spending packages come at a price. Goldman Sachs completely failed to consider the impact government spending has had on the overall economy.
Most importantly, Government Sachs did not factor in the strongest driver of inflation – WAR. War produces nothing and will not lead to an economic increase. Kamala Harris along with Joe Biden helped America become completely embedded in Ukraine and now Israel. Trump is the only candidate who wants to stop sending endless checks to Ukraine and end the war.
These reports are meant to mislead the public and are nothing more than establishment propaganda.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration - Sweet
Look, it wasn't as if Taako liked Barry Bluejeans. That was a wild assumption to make straight off the back. This had layers. But if he needed evidence in like, a court situation, or something similar that totally wouldn't happen, where he needed to prove that Barry Bluejeans was awful and an absolute nerd and not good for Lup, he had three key points.
Number one: Lup had a bad taste in men. Granted, she said the same thing about him. But Lup had a very nasty history of choosing the guy whom Taako enjoyed being around the least. And that's not to say she needed to consult Taako every time she found someone new to date. Far from it! Actually, Taako was very glad she wasn't doing that. But from that guy who stole fifteen hundred dollars from them to the man who left the smell of cigars so deeply embedded in their sofa they had to get a new one, he was always very wary of whoever Lup was interested in next.
Number two: Barry was her colleague. From her job. Taako might not be an expert in the dating scene, but he was pretty sure that was a shitty idea. Sure, he seemed decent and nice at work, but who knew what this creep did in other places? Taako very much doubted that he volunteered at pet shelters or was working on curing cancer in his free time. The fact that he arrived in a large white van with zero windows besides the ones at the front seats definitely didn't help the vibe.
Taako didn't wish the man any harm. It was supposed to have been a quick drop-off- According to Lup, Barry hadn't been to work in the past few days due to his mother passing away. Understandable, normal. At least, probably normal, Taako wouldn't know. He was coming to give Lup the notes that he had for their project and then dip.
Platonically. Lup had very much stressed that this was platonic. Taako would have believed her if she hadn't stressed it so much that he started to doubt it.
Lup was still at work, of course, so Taako had to take them. Like a nice, kind brother would. She was making him chicken and dumplings later tonight so she wouldn't be in his debt. Again, totally normal sibling things.
So when Barry Bluejeans (Lup had to be fucking with him) knocked on their door, Taako answered.
Number three: Just like, look at the guy. He looked like a depressed oatmeal cookie. He looked like a grown-up Pillsbury Doughboy in jeans. He looked like if every Hallmark loser boyfriend was stuffed into one guy.
"Uhm, hey," Barry said. He sniffled a little. His eyes were red-rimmed. "This is for Lup."
He held out a thick, bright orange binder. Taako took it and almost, almost, faltered under the weight. Damn, scientists all must have some sick gains to be carrying around shit like this with them. But Taako took it and stood straight, trying not to look like he hadn't worked out since he barely passed his high school gym class.
"I'll get it to her," Taako said. Barry nodded, looking down at his feet instead of at Taako. Taako was strongly reminded of a kicked puppy.
"Thanks," Barry said, pathetically.
He didn't move. Neither did Taako. Barry looked up slightly, caught eye contact for half a second, and then looked down again.
"I'm, uh, I'm gonna get going," Barry said.
Thirty minutes later, Barry was sitting on Taako and Lup's new sofa and crying. Taako was patting his arm. There was a tub of ice cream in between them. Technically, Lup had told him not to eat it, because it was hers, but technically, this was an extenuating circumstance.
"I'm sorry," Barry said, wiping his eyes with one of the dozens of tissues Taako had given him. "I'll- I should get going-"
"You have said that three times in the last half hour, my man," Taako said. "Just accept that we're gonna eat all this ice cream and move on with it."
"Right," Barry said, with another sad sniffle. "I'm sorry, I'm not normally like this-"
"It's just been really hard recently and I know I need to get back to work, but it's hard-"
"For sure."
"But I don't want Lup to have to do this project alone," he said. "That'd be super shitty of me. I just- I don't know what to do. Y'know?"
Taako did not, in fact, know. But he nodded anyway because the talking seemed to be helping.
"Listen," Taako said, slinging his arm around Barry's shoulders. "You're a tough little oatmeal cookie-"
"Th- thank you??"
"And I'm sure you'll get by just fine," Taako continued. "But you're right, leaving Lup to do all the work would be super shitty of you. No doubt. So maybe you can, uh, get out there and, uhm, make your mamma proud. Or whatever. Something like that. Not that she's already not proud of you. Or, uh, that she wasn't."
This was hard. Taako was bad at emotions. What about this guy made Taako want to comfort him instead of just shutting the door? Maybe Barry was an evil wizard using magic spells to lure both him and Lup into a false sense of security before he killed them or something.
"You think so?" Barry said, with such yearning and sweetness that Taako swore he was going to get a toothache. Lup liked this guy? This was the man Lup thought was funny and handsome, in a totally platonic and normal way, thank you very much Taako? This unseasoned piece of chicken eating all their ice cream and making his way through their issues?
He didn't sound like an evil wizard, that was for sure.
"Sure," Taako said easily. "I think that's how it works."
"Thank you," Barry said, his voice wobbly. "That'- that means a lot, Tah-ko."
"Taako," Taako corrected, patting him on the arm. "I'm gonna go get more ice cream. Gimme like, a hot sec and I'll be right back."
He got up from the couch and ducked into the kitchen before pulling his phone out. He shot Lup a text that said,
What are the chances that Barry Bluejeans is an evil sorcerer who runs off ice cream?
For someone who was at work, Lup replied very quickly with a,
Eight percent. He's too sweet to be a completely evil wizard. Maybe like, neutral evil, at most? Also, he's lactose intolerant.
"Goddamnit," Taako muttered.
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luxe-pauvre · 8 months
By doing that repetitive work, we not only spent time with our materials and our tools, we became part of multiple systems. The first is the community of practice I described earlier. The second is the physical system by which any workplace is structured and set out, which I’ll examine in the next chapter. The third is the internal system within our heads which we populate by repetition. This can be explained by a neuroscientific concept called ‘predictive coding’. The idea here is that the brain’s job is not to absorb and process everything. Instead, it is meant to minimise surprise. The more you’ve experienced, the less surprised you’ll be. This is particularly true of things that look roughly the same. For instance, each piece of cloth you work with might be different, but making a pocket flap to a specification minimises variation. That makes life easier. As I got the hang of the bloods, I started to recognise patterns – to spot which veins were like clay pipe stems, and which ones would burst into huge bruises at the touch of a needle. I became aware of a landscape of common variations, and I adapted my technique accordingly. Like a beginner at chess or bridge, I came to realise that the number of common opening gambits is relatively small. Once I knew them, I could often see trouble coming before it arrived. That’s predictive coding. As we develop, our brains assemble a series of ‘probability priors’ – predictions of what is likely to happen next. If the outcomes happen as anticipated, the brain doesn’t do much. It just recognises that things are as it expected. But if the anticipated outcomes don’t happen, the brain registers surprise and takes appropriate action. Our prior knowledge sets hypotheses and tells us what’s likely to happen. Our senses provide confirming or disconfirming evidence. The difference between experts and non-experts in a field is that the experts have built up a rich set of expectations based on their previous experience, so they can ‘sample for difference’. That stops them having to waste energy in processing everything they encounter. Non-experts, on the other hand, have to start from scratch, analysing and interpreting information from all their senses. This helps to explain the value of doing time – the gradual exposure to a range of experiences and sensory impressions that prime the brain with a knowledge of what to expect. That kind of knowing takes a long time to gain, but once embedded it is seldom lost.
Roger Kneebone, Expert
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mariacallous · 6 months
Al Qaeda is back to its old tricks in Afghanistan. Much as it did before masterminding the 9/11 attacks, the terrorist group is running militant training camps; sharing the profits of the Taliban’s illicit drug, mining, and smuggling enterprises; and funneling the proceeds to affiliated jihadi groups worldwide.
An unpublished report circulating among Western diplomats and U.N. officials details how deeply embedded the group once run by Osama bin Laden is in the Taliban’s operations, as they loot Afghanistan’s natural wealth and steal international aid meant to alleviate the suffering of millions of Afghans.
The report was completed by a private, London-based threat analysis firm whose directors did not want to be identified. A copy was provided to Foreign Policy and its findings verified by independent sources. It is based on research conducted inside Afghanistan in recent months and includes a list of senior al Qaeda operatives and the roles they play in the Taliban’s administration.
To facilitate its ambitions, al Qaeda is raking in tens of millions of dollars a week from gold mines in Afghanistan’s northern Badakhshan and Takhar provinces that employ tens of thousands of workers and are protected by warlords friendly to the Taliban, the report says. The money represents a 25 percent share in proceeds from gold and gem mines; 11 gold mines are geolocated in the report. The money is shared with al Qaeda by the two Taliban factions: Sirajuddin Haqqani’s Kabul faction and Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada’s Kandahar faction, suggesting both leaders, widely regarded as archrivals, see a cozy relationship with al Qaeda as furthering their own interests as well as helping to entrench the group’s overall power.
The Taliban’s monthly take from the gold mines tops $25 million, though this money “does not appear in their official budget,” the report says. Quoting on-the-ground sources, it says the money “goes directly into the pockets of top-ranking Taliban officials and their personal networks.” Since the mines began operating in early 2022, al Qaeda’s share has totaled $194.4 million, it says.
After regaining power in August 2021, the Taliban integrated a large number of listed terrorist groups that fought alongside them against the U.S.-supported Afghan republic. The Biden administration, however, has persistently denied that al Qaeda has reconstituted in Afghanistan or even that al Qaeda and the Taliban have maintained their long, close relationship.
Those denials ring hollow as evidence piles up that the Taliban and al Qaeda are as close as ever. The U.N. Security Council and the U.S. Congress-mandated Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) have consistently reported on the Taliban’s symbiotic relationship with dozens of banned terrorist outfits, including al Qaeda.
Few experts believed Taliban leaders’ assurances, during negotiations with former U.S. President Donald Trump that led to the ignominious U.S. retreat, that the group’s relationship with al Qaeda was over; bin Laden’s vision of a global caliphate based in Afghanistan was a guiding principle of the war that returned the Taliban regime, which one Western official in Kabul said differs only from the previous regime in 1996-2001 in that “they are even better at repression.”
The historic relationship hit global headlines when bin Laden’s successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was killed on July 31, 2022, in a U.S. drone strike as he stood by the window of a Kabul villa. The property was linked to Haqqani, the head of the largely autonomous Haqqani network and a member of al Qaeda’s leadership structure. He is also a deputy head of the Taliban and its interior minister, overseeing security. He is believed to harbor ambitions for the top job of supreme leader, with aspirations to become caliph.
Now that they can operate with impunity, the reports says, the Taliban are once again providing al Qaeda commanders and operatives with everything they need, from weapons to wives, housing, passports, and access to the vast smuggling network built up over decades to facilitate the heroin empire that bankrolled the Taliban’s war.
The routes have been repurposed for lower-cost, higher-return methamphetamine, weapons, cash, gold, and other contraband. Militants from Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and the Palestinian territories also circulate through the al Qaeda training camps that have been revived since the Taliban takeover. Security is provided by the Taliban’s General Directorate of Intelligence.
The report includes a list of al Qaeda commanders, some of whom were bin Laden’s lieutenants when he was living in Afghanistan while planning the attacks on the United States. Those atrocities precipitated the U.S.-led invasion that drove him, and the Taliban leadership, into Pakistan, where they were sheltered, funded, and armed by the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence agency.
The report’s findings “demonstrate that, as expected, the Taliban leadership continues to be willing to protect not only the leadership of al Qaeda but also fighters, including foreign terrorist fighters from a long list of al Qaeda affiliates,” said Hans-Jakob Schindler, the senior director of the Berlin- and New York-based Counter Extremism Project and an expert on terrorism. “It is clear that the Taliban have never changed their stance toward international terrorism and, in particular, al Qaeda.”
Many analysts believe President Joe Biden’s decision to stick to Trump’s withdrawal deal led to Afghanistan becoming an incubator of extremism and terrorism. Leaders of neighboring and regional states, including Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and countries in Central Asia, have expressed concern about the threat posed by the Taliban’s transnational ambitions. U.N. figures, including Special Rapporteur Richard Bennett, have repeatedly called out Taliban suppression of rights and freedoms and the imprisonment and killing of perceived opponents.
In February, the George W. Bush Institute released the first report in its three-part Captured State series titled “Corruption and Kleptocracy in Afghanistan Under the Taliban,” which recommends action by the United States and the U.N. to rein in Taliban excesses. It calls on the United States and allies “to pressure foreign enablers of Taliban corruption and reputation laundering to stop facilitating corrupt economic trading activities, illicit trafficking, and moving and stashing personal wealth outside Afghanistan.”
Pointedly, it says the U.N. and other aid organizations “should demand greater accountability for how aid is spent and distributed” and urges international donors to support civil society, which has been decimated by the Taliban.
It’s a reference to the billions of dollars in aid that have been sent to Afghanistan since the republic collapsed—including, controversially, $40 million in cash each week, which has helped keep the local currency stable despite economic implosion. The United States is the biggest supporter, funneling more than $2.5 billion to the country from October 2021 to September 2023, SIGAR said. Foreign Policy has reported extensively on the Taliban’s systematic pilfering of foreign humanitarian aid for redistribution to supporters, which has exacerbated profound poverty.
The Bush Institute paper is one of the few comprehensive studies of the impact of the Taliban’s return to power to publicly call for the group to face consequences for its actions. It suggests, for instance, the enforcement of international travel bans on Taliban leaders, which are easily and often flouted.
Recognition of the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan “would reinforce the Taliban’s claim to power and strengthen their position” by giving them even greater access to “cold, hard cash,” the report says, a warning that comes amid growing fears that the United States could be preparing to reopen its Kabul embassy, which the Taliban would see as tacit recognition.
By “capturing the Afghan state, the Taliban have significantly upgraded their access to resources,” the Bush Institute argues, putting the group “in the perfect position now to loot it for their own individual gain.”
That plundered resource wealth also appears to be boosting the coffers of like-minded groups. The London firm’s unpublished report identifies 14 al Qaeda affiliates—most of them listed by the U.N. Security Council’s Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team—that are directly benefiting from the mining proceeds. They include seven inside Afghanistan (among them, the anti-China East Turkestan Islamic Movement, the anti-Tajikistan Jamaat Ansarullah, and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, which is fighting the Pakistani state) and seven operating elsewhere: al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, al Qaeda in Yemen, al Qaeda in Iraq, al Qaeda in Syria, al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, al Qaeda in the Mahgreb, and al-Shabab, largely active in East Africa.
For Western governments that might be pondering a closer relationship with the Taliban regime or even diplomatic recognition, Schindler of the Counter Extremism Project sounded a note of warning. The Taliban, he said, are “not a viable counterterrorism partner, even on a tactical level.” Instead, the group “remains one of the prime sponsors of terrorism” worldwide.
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arjunvib · 6 months
Future of Mobility & Automobelievers | Life at KPIT
Explore the Future of Mobility, career opportunities & growth prospects. Join KPIT, Meet our Automobelievers & expand your potential in automotive technology
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Okay I tried to do a quick scroll before I went back to work, I already walked 8mi today and it took a lot out of me but I need to do flats so it was literally just a uber fast ‘what might be important’.
I see a lot of y’all getting sick and I’ma put on my big sib hat for a moment (I’m the oldest of 9 okay I did earn that title), and also these are just good reminders in general (read: Tagg fucking take your own advice ffs). It might get a smidge lengthy so under read more.
Getting sick isn’t a moral failing, it’s literally bugs’ job to fuck with us but to help you dodge this shit since I myself have a crappy immune system and cannot fucking afford being sick (and apart from that fucky business a few months ago have mostly dodged contagious stuff in the last few years)….continue reading.
Stay hydrated. I’m fucking terrible at this with plain water in the winter because who the fuck wants to drink water that MUST be cold when you’re already struggling to stay warm right now? Not me. So add some lemon (yay vitamin C). I can’t buy fresh lemons. I forget them and they go bad. BUT the bottled stuff while it does not taste as good imo, still has the good shit. So flavor and vit c. Or add it to herbal tea! Something that isn’t monster or dark soda or coffee (yes I’m aware those are part of the major food groups I don’t care you dehydrated walking plant). Broth soups also count- chicken soup is the cure all for a reason- veggies and hydration in one!!!
Eat. Something. You can’t run on nothing. Fed is better than not, period. Eating what you can afford is doing yourself better than going hungry for the sake of those two nights of ‘healthy food’.
If you stopped masking, go back to it. No seriously don’t stop. Buy one with a print you like with the slot for a filter and wear that shit. I’m sure most of my dodging illness during the height of lockdown while being not able to isolate in high trafficked places was the masking. That and the hand washing and hand sanitizers.
Speaking of- the one brand I used to buy is a boycott but there are lotion hand sanitizers out there if you’re like me, and you can just look at hand sanitizer and your hands crack. Highly recommend. 13/10. Not going back.
Indoor clothes/outside clothes- keep your ‘been everywhere all day’ cooties off the bed and your furniture. Will also reduce allergens embedding in the places where you’re laying down. Even if you didn’t shower, you’re doing yourself a favor changing the clothes. Yes I know this is more laundry, so there’s also clothing/fabric sanitizer. It’s like 8$ for a can but that’s an option if extra laundry is a Herculean task of which I understand the trials and tribulations.
If you can afford it- get some elderberry supplement. It’s not as difficult to find as it was in 2020. Ideally you take it just regularly, in a pinch, start taking it as soon as you feel ick to lessen it.
Lots of garlic, pepper, and ginger in your food. That is all. Season your food. Good food, better immune system, no notes needed.
Here is where you’re going to laugh at me and tell me to fuck off- SLEEP. Look, I am well aware okay, I know. But even if you have insomnia like me, your body will get more rest just by laying down and closing your eyes than it will by not doing so even if you didn’t even hit light sleep let alone REM.
Okay that’s it. That’s the post. I am not going to call it no brainer stuff because all of these things I had to learn and some were definitely as an adult, so just in case nobody told you, it’s for you. If you’re adhd and forgot, this one’s also for you. I’m not claiming to be a health expert, I ain’t a doc, just an expert at trying to dodge urgent care while living in a dystopia with no health insurance and I don’t like seeing people down and feeling crappy. :D
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goatboyalex · 7 months
Get Superior Exterior Cleaning with HouseWash PA in Glendale, PA
Keeping your Glendale PA home outside surface areas clean is necessary for maintaining your home's value and protecting it from long-term damage with Housewash PA in Glendale PA. However, cleaning the beyond your home, driveway, roof, deck, outdoor patio, and other locations is difficult and time-consuming to do correctly on your own.
Power cleaning is an effective cleansing technique that utilizes high-pressure water to completely sanitize exterior surfaces and get rid of contaminants like mold, mildew, dirt, spots, mud, pollen, and more. When done correctly by a professional power cleaning company, the outcomes are transformative.
HouseWash, PA has over twenty years of experience offering quality power washing services to homeowners and businesses in the Glendale, PA area. With over 200,000 clients served and a 5-star ranking on sites like Google, their dependability and complete satisfaction guarantee makes them the premier option for renewing your property through power washing.
Full Series Of HouseWash, PA Solutions Housewash PA in Glendale PA uses a thorough set of power washing options to clean, improve, and secure all of your home's exterior surfaces. House Washing-Their soft wash strategy and EPA-registered cleansing services gently clean siding, stucco, decks, fences, and other locations of your home without utilizing high pressure. This removes dirt, mold, mildew, and other toxins while brightening surfaces.
Concrete Cleaning & Sealing:
They concentrate on cleaning concrete driveways, walkways, and patio areas to refresh their appearance and seal them for lasting security from spots. Roof Cleaning-With time roofings gather mold, algae, moss, and other buildup which Housewash PA in Glendale PA can completely clean without utilizing overly high pressure or damaging shingles.
This boosts looks and can avoid pricey roofing system problems. Deck Cleansing-Weather, mold, and daily usage can make wood or & composite decks appear old and worn. Their procedure cleans and lightens up decks while killing mold and mildew growth.
Patio Cleaning-
Housewash PA in Glendale PA lightens up the appearance of outdoor living locations by cleaning away discolorations, dirt, mud, and other contaminants from concrete, brick, and paver outdoor patios.
Fence Cleaning-Vinyl and wood fences get filthy and stained with time.
Their environment-friendly cleaning solutions get rid of mold growth and dirt to restore the like-new look of fences. No matter what kind of outside surface requires rejuvenating, Housewash PA in Glendale PA has the right methods and options to renew its appearance through expert power cleaning.
How the HouseWash, PA Process Works. HouseWash, PA makes it basic to get the outside surface cleansing and renewal your home needs. Their power wash process has just 5 simple steps: Free Assessment Call- They schedule a no-obligation call with you to assess your cleansing requirements, offer suggestions, and answer your concerns. Instant Quote-Utilizing satellite measuring innovation, they provide a reasonable quote for power cleaning services based upon your property's size and surfaces requiring cleaning.
Schedule Service Date -Choose a convenient date and time for your power washing service. A lot of tasks take a single day or less to complete. Job Notification-The day before your scheduled service, you'll get an automatic tip text message that they are coming so you can prepare.
Complete satisfaction Follow-Up-Once the power washing is total, Housewash PA in Glendale PA follows up to guarantee you are fully pleased with the renewal and improvement in your house's outside that their service offers. This simple process makes it simple to get the gratifying results a professional power wash can use on your residential or commercial property.
20+Years of 5-Star Power Washing With over two decades of service to the Pennsylvania area and over 200,000 delighted consumers, Housewash PA in Glendale PA has an exceptional credibility for providing quality power cleaning experiences: An A score with the Better Business Bureau( BBB)with absolutely no unsolved grievances submitted versus them ever.
The 5-star average across thousands of online consumer reviews on sites like Google, Patio, Angi's List, and more. Their 100% complete satisfaction assurance -if you aren't entirely satisfied with the power wash services, they will come back out to deal with any problems. Many favorable reviews applaud their expert technicians, prompt completion of tasks, and remarkable improvement in home exteriors after services are completed.
It's clear from their radiant track record over 20+ years that Housewash PA in Glendale PA backs up their work and guarantees complete satisfaction with all power washing tasks. Power Washing Service Areas HouseWash, PA provides power cleaning services in Glendale, PA, and surrounding areas consisting of: Ambler Blue Bell Fort Washington Glenside Horsham Jenkintown Lansdale Montgomeryville North Wales Plymouth Meeting Upper Dublin Willow Grove Numerous other close-by residential areas and metro location neighborhoods As experts in outside cleansing for homes and businesses, HouseWash, PA has served over 200,000 clients in PA, OH, and surrounding states. With their satellite-determining technology, they can supply instantaneous quotes for entire counties.
Fair Pricing for Any Home With Housewash PA in Glendale PA
Housewash PA in Glendale PA offers custom quotes based on your special home setup and which exterior surfaces require power washing. Variables that impact price consist of the number of stories/levels Kinds of surfaces requiring cleaning, and Overall square video Their satellite quote technology steps your home's metrics to offer reasonable, competitive rates without the need for an in-person visit first.
This saves you time while still guaranteeing openness. In addition to custom property-based pricing, HouseWash, PA also runs seasonal discounts and specials like 10% off full-service house cleaning Referral rewards programs Volume discount rates for numerous rental homes With flexible prices and discounts provided year-round, HouseWash, PA makes it simple to manage top-notch power washing tailored for your distinct home. Renew Your Property Properly Allowing outside surfaces to stay covered in mold, mildew, dirt, and stains.
Looking unattractive, however, can reduce the value
Curb appeal plus results in long-term damage. However, poorly done power cleaning carries threats too, especially for more fragile surface areas. The specialists at Housewash PA in Glendale PA understand the precise pressure levels and cleaning-up solutions to use across all surface types for exceptional cleansing without surface damage. Their specialized methods and knowledge offer much deeper, much better cleaning for your home versus attempting to do it yourself or using standard firms lacking specialized skills.
Offer your Glendale home remodeling inside and out with power-cleaning surfaces like siding, brick, stucco, decking, and concrete from HouseWash, PA. Their complete satisfaction guaranteed service provides the best, most reliable refresh possible for your exterior surface areas to keep optimal home value for several years to come.
Contact Housewash PA in Glendale PA Today.
Do not wait for mold, algae, dirt and gunk to permanently harm your property's aesthetic and financial worth. With over 20 years of experience.
Housewash PA in Glendale PA uses the highest quality power cleaning.
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Call House Wash PA at 484-881-2713 today!
Read more here https://marketing-tutor.com/blog/superior-exterior-cleaning/
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technoscripts1 · 7 months
Become an Embedded Systems Expert with Top-Rated Training at Technoscripts
The Embedded Training Program at Technoscripts is a comprehensive and immersive course designed to equip individuals with the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in the field of embedded systems. The program is 100% job-oriented, focusing on practical learning and real-world applications. It is available in both online and offline batches, making it accessible to students from all over the world.
The program is taught by industry experts with extensive experience in the field of embedded systems. They are passionate about sharing their knowledge with the next generation of embedded engineers and are committed to providing students with the best possible learning experience. The program covers a wide range of topics, including microcontrollers, digital signal processing, operating systems, and more.
One of the key features of the Embedded Training Program at Technoscripts is its emphasis on interview preparation. As part of the program, students will undergo intensive interview preparation sessions aimed at helping them land jobs in the embedded systems industry upon completion of the program. These sessions will include mock interviews, resume building workshops, and tips on how to effectively communicate technical concepts during interviews.
Throughout the program, students will participate in live projects, allowing them to apply their knowledge and gain valuable experience. These projects will expose students to real-world scenarios and enable them to demonstrate their problem-solving abilities. The program also includes regular assessments and feedback sessions, ensuring that students stay on track and make progress throughout the course.
In summary, the Embedded Training Program at Technoscripts is an exceptional opportunity for anyone looking to advance their career in the embedded systems industry. With a focus on practical learning and real-world applications, this program will provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the rapidly evolving embedded systems industry. Its emphasis on interview preparation ensures that students are well-equipped to secure a job in the field upon completion of the program. So if you're ready to take your career to the next level, enroll in the Embedded Training Program at Technoscripts today!
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Why Palpatine's speech works - #3 Rhetoric
(The Bad Batch, season 2, episode 8)
Read #1 Voice here Read #2 Body language here
Palpatine's speech is not complicated in terms of structure. In fact, it's so ordinarily structured that you can predict every next part (or maybe I'm weird).
There are two basic principles that we see at work:
Ethos, pathos, and logos
We love sandwiches (or: order matters)
Ethos, pathos, and logos
Generally, there are three elements that you want in your speech:
Ethos: credibility of the speaker, good morality, etc.
Pathos: appealing to the listener's emotions
Logos: reason, logic
If you manage to use all three of these, your rhetoric becomes so much more effective. I have color coded the parts in Palpatine's speech to show how ethos, pathos, and logos are used (keep in mind that this isn't exact science and phrases could arguably go into more than one category).
I am deeply troubled by this recent revelation. My gratitude to Senator Chuchi for exposing a rogue element within our ranks. Many lives have been lost. But I assure you, Admiral Rampart will face the consequences for his treachery. However, he did not act alone. The fact that the clones under his command so blindly followed orders, inflicting such carnage without hesitation, gives me pause. Perhaps it is time for a change. Now more than ever. Building a strong galaxy requires protection and security. Due to the nefarious actions of Admiral Rampart and the immediacy of the bill on the floor today, it is my opinion that this legislation is our future. With this momentous act, we shall usher in a new era. Heralded by the Imperial stormtrooper.
The emotions that are appealed to here are mostly fear and a need for comfort and security. Palpatine makes it sound like he & the listener are on the 'right' side of history. He also makes it seem like the math is mathing: 'Rampart bad + bill on floor + needing protection & security = imperial stormtrooper legislation'. It's hard to argue against.
We love sandwiches (or: order matters)
In the example above, you can see how the logic is embedded in the middle, with pathos and ethos framing it. Rather than hitting us with the logic right away, which could distance the listener the same way dry instructions would, we're pulled in emotionally first.
Then, after the logos (the meat of the argument), we are given another emotion to feel. The emotion a speech ends with can color everything that came before. The emotion Palpatine leaves his audience with, is victory, security, perseverance, hope, excitement, etc. So, now people experience his speech (as a whole) as something great.
If he'd ended by emphasizing the deaths or the treachery, people would have been left with a more grim or vengeful mood. Instead, they're pacified and willing to cooperate with him.
So it can benefit you to shape your speech like a sandwich: ethos/pathos - logos - ethos/pathos. By doing this, you are pulling your listener in, soaking them in your reasoning, and then deciding how they'll feel about everything you've just said.
*Disclaimer: I'm not a communications expert, I'm just sharing what tactics I recognized from grammar school, job interview trainings, debate assignments, etc.
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