#Emerald Bay
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Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe by W Azevedo (WandaAzevedo4)
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Psíquicos en Del Monte Forest
#SAGITARIO: Esta primera etapa del año va a ser proclive en acontecimientos profesionales. Debes estar muy atento a todo lo que sucede a tu alrededor en ese sentido, porque habrá mucha competitividad y posibilidad de algunas traiciones.
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Para resolver los problemas del corazón y entregarnos a la felicidad. ¡Los temas del corazón son tan complejos! Cuando el amor no ha tocado a la puerta nos sentimos ansiosos por encontrar a la paraje ideal y una vez que la tenemos nos enfrentamos al miedo de perderla. En cualquiera de los casos no hay de qué preocuparnos porque el tarot amor nos brinda la ayuda necesaria para triunfar en una relación.
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sunburnteyes · 2 years
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Emerald Bay during wildfire season
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smilesatdawnmain · 4 months
Will tragedy of six have a time skip or will we see the children grow up :) ? Both options are great.
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We are going to have them all as little for a few chapters, just because there are a few learning moments that happen when they are little that really define who they are when they get older : 3 Plus, I adore Mama Nezha, so we gotta see more of that~
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
bay of emeralds academy readers who had not so good biological parents. Maybe dragonet reader had parents who tried to sacrifice them, I know there are some animals who will strait up drop their babies in order to escape prey. So maybe their parents gave up or reader when they were young in order to escape scavengers how you'd platonic yandere adults react to this when reader finally confided in them.
Hmmmm... I can work with that. While I don't think Reader's biological parents (or who they think are their biological parents) would abandon them because of scavengers being nearby, as I see them living in a HiveWing Hive in Pantala originally, they have the potential to be cruel or demeaning to Reader. They'd likely be self-centered, narrow-minded, and demanding, wanting Reader to be what they want, rather than encouraging Reader to be themself. Theyd make Reader feel insecure and small, only giving praise when Reader does what they want when they want it. They only give conditional attention and care; otherwise, they leave Reader on their own, regardless of if they're crying or upset or being hurt. They might leave Reader or abandon them at an early age at an orphanage or on a random dragon's steps, but they'd leave a lasting impression on Reader, making them believe all adults are secretly awful and want you to only please them, regardless of what you actually want, and will belittle you if you ask for help...
If Reader told the platonic yandere adults about this, they'd be livid. They'd want to officially adopt Reader then and there, but hold back. No wonder Reader is so jumpy around them, and always try to say the right thing. This poor dragonet doesn't even know what they want, let alone what's expected of them. Reader only shows others what Reader thinks they want to see, so there's always a barrier between actual connection. Well, it won't stay that way for long! As soon as possible, they are transferring complete custody of Reader to the school, and keeping them far away from the dragons who barely kept them alive...
Chary is letting Reader know how proud he is they told him this information, and that he will do everything in his power to move custody of them to him and the school. (He doesn't mention adoption just yet). He's asking if they need a minute, or if they want a handkerchief for their eyes or nose. He remains gentle and quiet, offering words of comfort and letting them know it will be alright...
Storm is hugging Reader, wiping away any tears that roll down their face and twining her tail with their's. She tells them they're strong, for telling her all of this, and asks if Reader is okay. If Reader needs to spend the night with someone (assuming they don't want to be seen by the students as weak), Storm is offering to let Reader sleep in her room for the night, having a small sleepover...
Locust is taking it in, then snarling. He let's Reader know they're brave, and better than their parents ever were. He's also secretly plotting to hunt them down and make them pay for hurting his kid. He's letting Reader pour out any emotions and reactions with him, crying or screaming or sobbing, whatever helps get the bad stuff out. Then he's wrapping his wings around them in a small hug...
Beauty is having to take a deep breath. Then he's pulling out some tea and a jar of sweets, telling Reader to grab a cup amd take a few honeydrops while they calm down. He's furious on the inside, but keeps calm on the outside for Reader. He's offering to let them vent to him when they need to, and asking if they want to have a journal for when they feel down, amd one for when they feel happy. If Reader is tired after that, he's throwing a blanket around their shoulders and telling them to rest their eyes for a few minutes...
Manta is angry, inside and out. He let's Reader know they will never go back to those dragons, and if they come to cause trouble, he and the others will protect Reader. He's telling them that as of now, he and Chary will see about moving full custody of Reader to them and the school, and assures them it is for the best. If he secretly asks Chary to find out the names of the dragons who hurt Reader so he can help hunt them down, then no one heard a thing, now, did they...
Majestic is turning bright red and burning black and boiling green. She's ready to spit venom on the poor fools who hurt her dragonet! She let's Reader know she is there if they need any help or if they have anything else they want to say, and she won't turn them away. She offers Reader a piece of fruit, and asks if they have any other problems they need to talk about, all while plotting an assassination of their former parents...
Sawfly is demanding names and descriptions. He tells Reader they're worth more than their parents weight in gold, and they're nicer, too. He offers a bit of comfort, letting Reader stay in his room for a bit while he starts making a list to give Chary and Manta. He let's Reader know they aren't in trouble, and that Reader did nothing wrong. What he doesn't tell them is he and his brother and a few of the others are about to hunt their parents down and have a nice, "friendly" chat with them, with added claws and venom and death...
Chary: NightWing Xavier
Storm: IceWing Storm
Locust: HiveWing Logan
Beauty: SilkWing Beast
Manta: SeaWing Magneto
Majestic: RainWing Mystique
Sawfly: HiveWing Sabretooth
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ardethbayrulez · 2 years
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Brendan Fraser and Oded Fehr reminisce about The Mummy at their reunion Emerald City Comic Con panel
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knowlesian · 1 year
“what if i made this website even worse and way less functional, would people give me money then” was a super hilarious question elon asked himself, for the first time well done buddy no notes
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Inter-American Water Day
The Inter-American Water Day was created in 1992 by means of a declaration signed by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (AIDIS) and the Caribbean Water And Wastewater Association (CWWA). Its objective is to pay tribute to water as the basis of our existence. We do this on the first Saturday of October every year. The commemoration of this special day highlights the importance of water for the well-being, health and sustainable development of all humankind.
The meaning of this day expresses the existence of shared values in all American countries, underlines the sense of Pan-Americanism, and reinforces the collective interest in water, life and health.
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travelella · 5 months
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Emerald Bay State Park, El Dorado County, California, USA
William Bout
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sentimentoz · 1 year
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sunspill · 9 months
I was so emo earlier but now my edible hit
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theeemeraldstar · 1 year
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Cold as fuck for a walk along the beach, but pretty
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"Where's Aly?"
"She's in the bathroom. Do you want me to help you with the dishes?"
"You know, Aly is such a kind young lady. I can tell you're on the same wavelength. Just take your time – I'm already so proud of you."
"Thank you. I like her, too."
"Now come to your aunt!"
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theglasscat · 1 year
i think there would be a really easy way to combine the first oz books wherein dorothy aids in the discovery of ozma and in learning of the wizard's misdeeds against a land not his own she would have a firmer compassion to the place she was trying to escape from and we could feel satisfied when she returns to kansas
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smilesatdawnmain · 2 months
In tragedy of six, the children were raised rather isolated from, well, everything. Is it possible that because of that, they don’t understand normal things that people in society do or they act very weird and others (who were raised normally) don’t understand them ?
Adding to that, Nezha is a celestial. He isn’t too familiar with human customs (*thinking back to taken au where Nezha asked why humans were horns on birthdays*)
The children would be as oblivious about the human rules and norms as Nezha 😂
They are all VERY naive to the world. Which is one reason Nezha is so nervous to send them out into the world once they get a bit older and are sent on little "missions" by LBD. Here here XD You can have some little doodles I've made that work for this question.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Platonic yandere parents/teachers Wolverine, Storm, Xavier, Beast, Magneto, Mystique, and Sabretooth in a Wings of Fire AU, for Reader their (unknown to Reader) adoptive dragonet...
Reader is going to a new school, a place between Pyrrhia and Pantala, and they're trying to fit in. They struggle a bit, not used to so many other dragons and dragonets, especially their clawmates and sharing a room with some of them... Yet the teachers are very nice to them! Almost alarmingly so... But they also are really fun when they want to be!
You have The Professor, or Chary, the NightWing, who teaches about dragon evolution and anatomy, who also teaches scales and squares to any students who are curious. He's always patient and calm, and protects his students from threats along with the other teachers. Sadly, he's paralyzed from his tail to his back talons, but he has a wheelchair to help hold his talons and let him go from class to class in the palalace-like school. He's nice, amicable, and seems to know what everyone is feeling or thinking... Maybe he's a mindreader? In that case, maybe Reader should be more careful? Yeah, that's a good plan-!
You have Storm the IceWing, the agriculture and dragon cultures teacher, who teaches students about different plants of the continents and dragon tribes, and about the tribes' different cultures and relationships. She's pretty and powerful, with sharp claws and the ability to shoot frostbreath from her mouth. She likes to tend to the gardens, and she let's students help her. While she doesn't have any kids there, she does have a nephew! Reader hopes to befriend both of them. The one weird thing is how their teacher always offers them different berries and fruits, but Reader usually declines them- even if some have a sweet-snelling syrup or honey on them...
There's Locust the HiveWing, the art and history teacher, who shows the students different art forms and tells then the history of the tribes, all the way back to even the Scorching. He can be pretty gruff and stern, but he does help if anyone asks him, and is understanding to anyone who has fears or doubts. He sometimes can be found in the art rooms, carving little wooden statues or hanging up art that the students make. Reader wonders if he used to be a soldier from how he acts... They hope he doesn't ever get mad at them...
There's Beauty the SilkWing, who teaches health classes and science, and also reads classic literature sometimes to the students. He's big, but a gentle giant. He drinks tea a lot, and even helps the students make tea, but he does his best to keep coffee away from them, as he says it's bad for their health. Reader thinks he's sweet. They just need to hide their coffee from him...
There's also Manta the SeaWing, who is the librarian and literature teacher. He tends to be cold and collected, but does not tolerate bullying or picking on differences. He hates scavengers, and doesn't like that Chary tries to make peace with them. He has twins, both of whom are students at the school. Reader has a small fear of their teacher, but also respect. They wonder why he hates scavengers...
There's also Majestic the RainWing, who teaches about geology and the environment. She seems to dislike most students, save for her son and adopted daughter, yet is gentler with younger dragonets, too. She doesn't seem to be pleased very often, and she helps keep scavengers away from the school, along with Manta and Sawfly. One can find her sometimes wandering the halls, scouring them in case any students are causing trouble. Reader never wants to get on her bad side...
Then there's Sawfly the HiveWing, who teaches defense, hunting, and games to the students. He's the largest of the teachers, and doesn't seem fond of anyone except Locust. He sometimes cooks food, and actually let's some of the nicer students try it. Usually the food is really good. While he's an imposing figure and extremely skilled in fighting and camouflage, it's best to steer clear from him when he's in a bad mood. Reader wonders if he's nicer than he seems...
Chary: Charles Xavier/The Professor
Storm: Ororo Munroe/Storm
Locust: Logan Howlett/Wolverine
Beauty: Hank McCoy/Beast
Manta: Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto
Majestic: Raven Darkholme/Mystique
Sawfly: Victor Creed/Sabretooth
(The school is almost like a mini palace/tower/fortress, with clean halls and dorm rooms and a built-in plumbing system that has small rivers in the prey center for drinking water, some sinks in the art room, some small bowls or pools of water in the dorm rooms, etc. There are little towers/turrets to look at the moons and stars, pools and gardens for recreational use, and there is a large library in the school as well. Statues can be found in some larger halls, and there are sometimes small areas with pillows for students to rest and read and relax together if they want. The students come from Pyrrhia and Pantala, and hybrids are welcome just as much as any other tribe. Students have special beds/sleeping areas suited to their tastes, such as kelp beds for SeaWings, hammocks for RainWings and SilkWings, rock ledges for SkyWings, etc. . Reader is new to the school, and is overwhelmed, but the teens are slowly getting Reader to open up a bit. The teachers like Reader, noting how polite and sincere they are, and how Reader puts effort into their work, even if it isn't perfect. I'm imagining X-Men Evolution specifically for this AU...)
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