#Emiko Izumi
magma1000 · 2 years
If you’ve noticed, I haven’t been posting in a while bc I was working on something….
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I also…..
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MADE SOME MORE!!!! This one here’s Class 1-D and above them is Class 1-C, my original ocs. Sooo, while you guys are waiting for me to draw cooler things again, everyday I’ll introduce you to five of the students from both classes!
Comin up,
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No. 1 from class 1-C, Atsuko Takahashi, 17, Quirk: Hot Head 
She can freely manipulate the lava on her head in multiple ways.
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No. 1 from class 1-D, Akari Nagata, 16, Quirk: Leo
She can summon a fiery lion from her own star spirit. 
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No. 2 from class 1-C, Ayane Suzuki, 15, Quirk: Siren
The lyrics she sings will direct anyone she wants, as long as the lyrics make sense
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No. 2 from class 1-D, Arakai Shimizu, 17, Quirk: Hawk
He can do anything a hawk can do but better, and she uses it fantastically 
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No. 3 from class 1-C, Emiko Izumi, 15, Quirk: Chameleon 
Izumi can do anything a Chameleon can!
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No. 3 from class 1-D, Charlie Mai, 17, Quirk: Oceanic Body
Mai can transform her body into an ocean like form, fish, coral, seaweed and everything!
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No. 4 from class 1-C, Etsuka Yoshino, 17, Quirk: Porcupine 
She can do anything a porcupine can
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No. 4 from class 1-D, Daichi Fumihiro, 15, Quirk: Body manipulation
Fumihiro has the ability to change the form of his body, in addition to growing new body parts (as long as he can produce enough bone and muscle for what he wants to grow)
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No. 5 from class 1-C, Fujin Tani, 16, Quirk: breath
For as long as she’s blowing air out of her lungs, she can create a powerful tunnel of wind 
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And no. 5 from class 1-D, Hikaru Ikki, 17, Quirk: Ant
Ikki is able to do anything an ant can do, but better 
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goddessofeternity · 5 months
Chronicles of the Supernovas: Chosen
Chapter 22: Truths, Lies...and a little Family Drama
My marriage is really over. 
After three hundred and twenty-five years, my wonderful and loving marriage with my dear husband was over and there was nothing that I could do about it. I would be gone by the time that he came back from the mission that he was on. I finally manage to pack the last of my bags and clean up around the house. I could at least make sure our…his own home was clean when he returned. After hauling all of my things to the front door, I turned off the stove to finish up the rest of the meals that I made for him. I just fell into my normal routine as I cleaned around the house. It was starting to get dusty and I should change the bed sheets. The garden also needed to be tended to so I should probably do that before I left as well.
“Oh! I didn’t get the groceries! I should go…” Before I had even realized it, much of the house was clean and food was stocked again. 
I felt my heart rip to pieces when I saw that it wasn’t there anymore. I held my hand against my chest as I took several breaths so I wouldn’t cry for the sixth time. Rubbing my temples, I rushed to the door to grab my bags before I broke down again.
I would have rushed out quicker if I didn’t catch a glimpse of our wedding picture on the wall. A day that was overflowing with joy, laughter and love. A day that my heart was filled with so much love that I feared it would burst forth like a geyser. Perhaps I shouldn’t have left my wedding dress behind for him to see. This whole situation was heartbreaking enough as it was.
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bags and left my home. I was sure that I would never recover from this pain, for the rest of my life.
“Welcome home Lady Masami!”
“Shh! Shh! Thank you…I don’t want to wake anyone up right now. I’ll just head to my room.” The maids dispersed without another sound. The walk to my room felt heavy and tiring, like I had been walking for months without rest. Finally reaching my room, I opened the door and laid out on my bed with a heavy thud. The days ahead would be long and painful, but my family would be here for me in this trying time. My body would have its rest, but my heart would need more than rest to heal its damage. I turned my face into my pillows so that I would not wake anyone with my crying and whimpering, they deserved a good rest before hearing my horrid tale. It was not long before the rays of the sun forced me awake and I forced myself out of bed. Leaving my room to take a shower, my ears were assaulted by a high pitched scream.
“KYAAA!” I couldn’t help but smile as my youngest sister came flying down the hall at me. “I had no idea you were coming home!”
“Yes I…I thought it was time for a visit.” I rubbed her head as I nuzzled her cheek. “I was about to take a bath before seeing everyone…would you like to join me?”
“Yes!” I smiled at her enthusiasm as we went to the bath. The maids laid out one of my favorite kimonos as we laid in the water. “Ohhh…Mimi-chan! I’ve missed you so much!”
I chuckled as she snuggled up against me and I stroked her hair once more. She was still the same after not seeing her for almost thirty years. Although it seemed as though she let her hair grow out again, and she was a bit more…busty. Something that I’m sure that my father was not happy about. If he was going to be upset, he should be upset with himself for marrying our mother. She was quite curvy and well filled out to put it bluntly. So it only made sense that her daughters would be the same. 
Hmm…I missed them after so long.
“So! Mimi-chan! You have to tell me all about your life so far! How is my brother-in-law?” My heart skipped a beat as I looked into her shining eyes. So hopeful and filled to the brim with a curiosity to hear more about a husband that I no longer had. “Or…are you here to tell us that we’re gonna have a new family member?”
“O-Oh no…I’m not pregnant Emi. I just wanted to visit everyone again. Callum…he’s fine. He has some business that he is taking care of…”
“Ugh!” She pouted and sank into the water and blew bubbles in annoyance. “....”
“Emi…I can’t hear you if you’re talking with a mouth full of water…”
“I want to meet him already!” I shook my head as she jumped up from the water. “These stupid rules about not revealing ourselves are so stupid and outdated!”
“I…I’m sure that they are in place for a good reason Emiko.”  I desperately wanted to change the topic from my marriage. “So…how are you? I heard that you have someone in your life now.”
“Oh yeah…he was in my life. I have moved on from him and taken on a new partner.” She sighed dreamily before sinking into the water. “Father isn’t all too pleased with all of my frequent lovers. I just have a lot of love to give.”
“I think father just wants us to be his flowers forever.” I giggled as she rolled her eyes and twirled a loose hair around her finger. “I’m guessing that you…”
“Hmm? Oh yeah…the first time was awkward…but everything after was great!” I never thought that my youngest sister would have already…ahem…done the deed. I suppose it was because our parents weren’t as strict with us. I also think my father forgot that when children grow up that they start to think about such things. I was never the type, but I’m sure he was more concerned about my brothers getting into some trouble. 
“Oh oh! Hikaru is supposed to be bringing her lover over to meet us today. You came at the perfect time Mimi-chan. Father is being a baby about the whole thing, but mother is excited though.”
“Hikaru is seeing someone?” Huh…she only has ever seemed interested in her potions and such things. She had loves here and there, but for the most part she seemed content on being alone. I really needed to check on my siblings more. 
I suppose now I would have the chance. 
“I think mother is hoping for one of us to get married at this point. She probably wants to see us as happy as you are.”
“Yes I…marriage is really a beautiful thing…” I guess that was the difference with my parents. My father wanted his girls to be unmarried flowers, while my mother wanted us to be married to our lovers, but she was happy for her nonetheless. After we got out of the bath, my mood immediately went right back down. I hoped that I could put on another happy face before my parents. I was not ready to talk to them about my struggles. My parents had changed the mansion once more, but it still held that familiar air to it. 
Emiko walked with me to the main sitting area and I could hear the sounds of Mei’s biwa as we drew closer. Her talent was unmatched and it was always such a soothing sound to listen to early in the morning. I’m sure that my parents were already sitting and eating breakfast to listen to her. 
“Father! Mother! Mei! Good morning! Look who came to visit!” I smiled at her hyper voice so early in the morning. My mother was not a morning person so the twitch of her eyebrow was not missed. It was quickly gone once she locked eyes with me. Both her and my father rushed to hug and nuzzle me before I could even greet them. 
“Oh Masami! Oh I’ve missed you so much!”
“Are you well butterfly? Is your…husband treating you well?” I was glad that my face was buried in between them. 
“Father…you don’t have to say it like he’s some creature…” I chuckled as Mei stopped her playing to hug and nuzzle me too. “You have to stop being so cautious about it.”
“Yes I know I know…I mean no disrespect. I just wish you never left home…”
“Oh Takeshi enough!” He grunted as my mother jabbed him in the chest with her elbow. “She has been married for many years now. Our girls will not stay here forever.”
“I mean…they could…” Her growl silenced him and we all shared a laugh at that. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so hard if I was surrounded by my family. 
“Now…come sit and eat with us. Your brothers are away at the moment and Hikaru should be coming with her lover soon too.”
“Tch…” My mother glared at my father and he coughed and sipped his tea away from her. She never failed to put my father on ice. The glint from the gem on her forehead in the sun made me stare. It was such a beautiful gift that was given to her by the Gods. She never did say why they gave it to her though. 
“Callum…Callum is well. He had some work to do so he’s away at the moment. So…I thought that I would come visit.”
“Oh I wish that my boyfriend was here…”
“I don’t…” I chuckled as my father mumbled against his tea cup and my mother pulled his ear.
“You need to stop…let our girls be happy.”
“They are happy…right here with me and you. Isn’t that right Mei?”
“Hmm?” Mei looked up from her biwa and just shrugged. “I have no opinion about it.”
My father pouted at her as my mother rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to me. The way that she was looking at me was too motherly and analyzing. If I didn’t think they noticed before I was wrong because my mother was looking right through me.
“Hello family!” I was saved by Hikaru throwing open the tatami doors. 
“I have such loud children in the morning…” My mother grumbled under her breath and my father chuckled and kissed her head. The sight made my heart ache in the best and worst way.
“Oh! Masami!” I was once again assaulted by a hug and nuzzles as Hikaru almost took the breath from my lungs. “I didn’t know you were coming to visit! I would have gotten your room together and had some potions ready for your garden.”
“It’s ok Hikaru…this was a spontaneous thing. I just really missed everyone so I thought I would stop by.” My mother was still staring hard at me as Hikaru informed everyone that her lover was here. Mei was also giving me the side-eye, but I just focused on eating a rice cake. 
“So…your…partner is here? Now?” Hikaru rolled her eyes as she went into the hallway and came back pulling on the arm of a handsome kitsune with dark brown hair and gentle eyes to match. 
“Welcome to our home. I hope the trip to come here was good.” My mother elbowed my father hard and he just frowned in his usual pouty attitude. 
“Oh! Y-Yes my lady. Your lands are beautiful and your home even more so.”
“I’m glad that you think so. I thought it was important for my children to be surrounded by beautiful things.” He gave us all a swift bow before looking at my father and mother and touching his forehead to the floor in respect. “My lord…my lady…thank you for allowing me into your home…and for giving life to the woman I love. I see that she gets her beauty from her mother.”
“Hehe…charmer…” My mother giggled and the look on my father’s face almost made me choke on my tea. “You can raise your head…what was your name?”
“Oh…my name is Yasuke Nagamasaki…I come from a region in the west.” I was surprised that he had gifts for not only our parents, but also for me and my siblings. I eventually left them to their conversation, I would hate to watch my father grill Yasuke. Hopefully Hikaru and my mother could keep the peace. Walking around the outskirts of the mansion, I was greeted by another relative that I hadn’t seen even longer. 
“Oh! Well there’s a face that I haven’t seen in a long time.” He hugged me and he seemed to have gotten even taller. I thought my brothers were tall, but Masaru was becoming a tree. “I thought we would had lost you to married life.”
“Mmm…you should try it sometime. You might like it.”
“Nah…when I meet a woman who can throw me over a cliff…then there might be something to consider there…”
“Uh huh…so…is your father around?”
“He was here just the other day. He got into an argument with your mother the other day.”
“What for?” My mother and my uncle were notorious for their arguments, but honestly I felt as though my mother was still punishing my uncle. The things he did in the past were…horrible and unforgiving, but they were out of his control. There was so much evil in the world and something attached to my uncle. He only ever wanted to make things right and be the man that he was always meant to be. I missed him terribly.
“Oh…well Shino showed up unexpectedly and spooked her. Aunt Izumi thought that…well she was not happy about hearing Shino shriek and my father was standing in the same room.”
“It was just an unfortunate coincidence…my mother has got to stop with her attitude. Things will never change and get better if we hold onto hate.”
“That is funny coming from you…” I only shoot him a look and he threw up his hands immediately. “Sorry sorry! Anyway…I swear you are closer to my father then I am. You truly are his favorite…”
“Mmm….well don’t say that…you are his son…his only child. I highly doubt that I’m his favorite.” He scoffed and sat down on the veranda with a frown. I suppose something must have happened if he was making that face.
“We had an argument a few weeks back. We were in another land and you know…my father and I just travel and train and train and train. It seems to be the only thing that we ever do together. The only thing that we do besides train is drink together and occasionally have an actual father and son bonding moment that includes more drinks and sometimes women.”
I sat down beside him as he sighed and rubbed his temple in further frustration. The fur on his tails was even standing on edge as he thought about his father. I had never known the two of them to argue about anything. I hoped that whatever it was they could work through it. 
“What caused the argument?”
“Oh yeah…and this is hardly the first time.” They argued about me? Why in the world would they have an argument about me? And it wasn’t the first time? “We got into a fight with some bandits and I had gotten injured. One of the men got the better of me…and after we left my father…he just snapped.”
“You are useless boy! How can you not handle some simple bandits?! You need to be more like Masami! She would never have struggled with them! She has always been perfect! While you can only be described as highly unexceptional! This is why she is my favorite! The only one who has a fucking spark!”
“He…he said that?”
“Oh yeah he did…it continued on for a bit too. Wishing that you were his daughter instead…hoping that you would come home soon. I was fed up with it and I came back here. I hadn’t seen my father in over two months, well that was until I saw him arguing with your mother. He barely spared me a glance though.”
“I’m so sorry Masaru…I never thought that…” I didn’t truly even know what to say to him. My uncle and I had always been close. He was like a second father to me, he was my mentor and he helped me with a lot of things, even though my mother absolutely loathe him. I could actually see that he seemed to prefer me over his own son, but to admit such a thing to his face? It was a horrible thing to do. 
“Hey…you aren’t at fault here. It's just my idiot of a father being an ass. We will eventually talk and work things out like we always do.”
“Still…he should have never said those things to you.”
“Eh…he’s been really stressed out lately. I think it's mostly because he’s been trying to have his own territory, so it's been hard to gather resources and people. He’s trying to get out of your father and mothers way. Now with that argument the other day, I feel that he might want it even more.”
“Mmm…I wish I could have seen him before he left…” Masaru chuckled before he stood up and patted my head. I grumbled and fixed my hair as he did. 
“I’m sure that he would love a visit from his favorite.”
“M-Masaru!” He said nothing else as he walked back into the house and I sighed deeply. It seemed that my family needed some therapy or just help in general. It had been some time since there was any sort of drama in the family, but now it seemed as though things had resumed. My problems could be swept away in their current mess though. Although, my mother could be more hawk than kitsune when it came to us. 
Speaking of family, besides my brothers, there was still someone that I hadn’t seen yet. I should go and see if she is awake. Of all my sisters, I think I missed my sweet sweet Chiharu the most and I wished that I had brought her a gift. I would make sure to get her something soon since I had the time for it now. Standing by her door, I could hear her shuffling around, most likely getting ready for the day. She was probably fussing with her hair. I suppose that I should help her with that, and I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face when I knocked and I could hear her fussing more.
“C-Come in!” 
I was assaulted by the gentle aroma of various flowers and the sight of many many stuffed animals. My dearest sister was such a girly girl. My father loved to spoil her with delicate and feminine things. I suppose that she got that from watching me. I was never as into stuffed animals as she was, but others often remarked on my feminine grace, but that was to be expected of the eldest daughter of a powerful clan. 
“Well good morning my love!” I smiled at Chiharu from her vanity mirror and her eyes almost left her skull when she saw me. No more words were said as she flung herself into my arms. The force behind the hug was stronger than I thought it would be, but we laughed the whole way down to the floor. Like I thought, her hair was giving her trouble once more. She had also gotten even more beautiful and I thanked my parents everyday for being together. My siblings and I were stunning and I would forever be conceited about that. 
“Masami! I’ve missed you so much! You have been gone far too long and you must never be away that long again!” I kissed the top of her head and sat up only to see that she had tears in her eyes.
“Oh love…please don’t cry…” I wiped her tears as she tried and failed to keep a straight face. “Come on…let’s fix your hair hmm?”
“O-Ok…” She was practically vibrating in her seat as I brushed through her long hair. Grabbing her bow, I tied half of her hair up into a bun and let the rest fall over her shoulders and back. I never knew how she couldn’t keep her hair tamed, it was so soft and didn’t tangle up too badly. 
“There you go. The prettiest kitsune in all the lands.”
“I think that will always go to you, Masami. If you weren’t married you would probably get more marriage proposals than me and Mei.”
“You both have been getting marriage proposals?” 
“Oh yes…father mostly burns the letters anyway, but some of them still get through. The only reason Emi or Hikaru haven’t gotten any is because father has spread a rumor about her having poor health.
“Poor health huh?” Yes, that was quite the believable rumor considering how often she runs around and is keen on being the most hyperactive kitsune around. 
“Hehe yes…Hikaru hasn’t been getting many proposals because she and father somehow convinced the entire kitsune populace that she was the cause of a recent plague across the region.”
“Hehe…so every person that has ever been in contact with her has gotten a “deadly” illness. Of course it was nothing serious, but enough people thought it was. It turns out that father and Hikaru mastermind and plotted around with her magic and potions. It was quite a big issue for a while. Mother was beside herself in anger for weeks.”
“I…wow…I’d imagine so.”
“Hehe…father and Hikaru were effectively banished from home for three months before mother let them come back, and even then she made them sleep out in the gardens for another three.”
“Yes that…that sounds like something mother would do.”
“I guess the man that Hikaru is seeing most know that everything was a lie, or maybe she just really likes him, which I’m glad for her. Seeing your love with Callum makes me wish the same for the rest of our siblings.”
“Yeah…” I brushed through her tail before I moved on quickly. “How about for yourself?”
“O-Oh I…I don’t know…I would like to love…b-but…” I raised a brow as her stutter came back in full force, something that only really happened when she was nervous or embarrassed. I thought it was adorable. 
“What is it?”
“W-Well…you know…when you have someone you…d-do things together…”
“Yes? That is usually something you do with a lover. You go on dates and vacations and such…”
“N-Not that! I mean…things that…m-married people do…l-like you and our parents…”
“Like me and…oh! Oh!” Her face burned bright as she looked down at her hands. I twirled the brush in my hands as my own face grew red. Intimate matters were something that I kept private myself and I often got flustered too. Now, to hear my precious and innocent Chiharu bring it up brought a whole wave of embarrassment. “Well…um…you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to love.”
“I know..b-but…it just seems so…like so much and embarrassing…”
“Well…in my um…experience…when it is someone you love and who respects and appreciates you…it will be a wonderful experience. You won’t even feel embarrassed I promise.”
“Really? W-What about you?”
“Oh I…it…it was perfect.”
“Well…that does make me feel better.” I was about to ask her if she had any other stories to tell, but Mei suddenly appeared at the door.
“Sorry to interrupt, but mother wants to see you Masami.” Of course she did. She couldn’t just let me sulk for one day. 
“Alright…we can chat later Chiharu.” My smile disappeared once I made my way down the hallway. What was I to say to them? That my marriage is over and my heart is broken? My father would lose his mind over it and my mother would try to stop him from doing something so stupid. 
I sighed outside the room before I entered to see my mother with an already calculating frown, while my father just looked confused, bless his heart. 
“Yes mother?”
“I thought that I would check on you my butterfly. You seemed distracted when you came in this morning…more closed off.”
“Oh…I’m just tired…it felt strange to be in a bed that I haven’t slept in for so long.”
“You could always stay Masami. Your bed will feel familiar once more.” My mother rolled her eyes but kept her comments to herself. 
“I’m fine really…I just cleaned and prepped dinner for Callum. It just took most of the afternoon since I also went to get food and tend the garden a bit.”
“Does the man do nothing to help you? I swear…”
“No no! I enjoy tending to my home and Callum! Being a housewife is very calming and relaxing for me…I just…needed a break and Callum helps me around the house all the time.”
“Mmhmm…” My father grumbled and went to the other side of the room to sign his documents, but my mother didn’t seem convinced of what I was telling her at all. 
“Masami…is there something going on with you and Callum?” She held my hand and pulled me in close to her. It was easy to relax against her and I just wanted to cry because I had no idea how everything just seemed to fall apart. We should have been planning for our anniversary right now, or at least just loving each other.
“I…yes…” I didn’t want to admit the problems in my own home, especially seeing how wonderful and perfect my parent’s marriage is. It was such a stupid thing to leave him for. It just made no sense to me and I hated it. 
“What?! What happened?”
“I…something happened that wasn’t supposed to happen. The one thing that I wasn’t supposed to do as a kitsune.”
“The…what my butterfly?”
“I shouldn’t have done it!” I buried my face in my hands as my tears finally spilled out. “There was a waterfall and I just wanted to soak in it…I had no idea he was there! Callum saw my tails and everything! So I left…I left our home, my ring, him! It’s over between us!”
“Oh my dear…” My mother hugged me tight and rubbed my back, but it barely did much to comfort me. The love of my life was gone because of a simple mistake. These stupid rules ruined everything and they just made no sense. “I…I’m sorry butterfly, but I don’t see how him knowing that you are a kitsune would ruin your marriage.”
“W-What? Of course it would…that’s why I had you all be in disguise for the wedding. I couldn’t let him know the truth.”
“That’s why we haven’t had a proper meeting with him? I thought it was because we needed to keep our identities hidden because of the forces that he faces. It was understandable, which is why we never fought it and took you for your word that he was a good man. I thought that he knew you were a kitsune?”
“N-No…f-father told me that once a kitsune’s lover sees their true form that they would to leave or something horrific would happen…and it would be even more dangerous because Callum is a Supernova. If my identity would put him in danger with his greatest enemy…I could not risk that no matter what. Our family has a history of misfortune…so I took father’s advice and kept it to myself.”
“....” I leaned back to wipe my eyes and my mother was wearing a blank expression on her face. Her tails suddenly cut through the air angrily before she slowly turned to look at my father…who was currently climbing out the window. “Takeshi!”
I blinked in confusion as my father jumped from the window and my mother practically tore out the window as she chased after him, a slew of curses spewing from her mouth. Rubbing my eyes, it was not long before I heard more cursing and things crashing. The maids walking the halls squeaked in shock as I could hear my mother wrestling my father. It was not long before they both stumbled back into the room, with my mother pinning my father’s arm behind his back before shoving him to the ground, her knee deep in the center of his back.
“I-Izumi! I-I give! I give!”
“Apologize now!”
“L-Listen I only-”
My father grumbled despite the death grip my mother had on his arms at the moment. If she kept up the force, I’m sure that she would have caused some damage if not ripped them off. “F-Fine…”
Releasing him, my father rolled his arm as he grimaced in pain, and my mother stood over him with her arms crossed and seething in rage. Taking my hands, my father sighed once more before he looked at me quite seriously. “My butterfly…what I told you about the secret and keeping it…was not true. I…it was an old myth that has been disproven for many many years. I…I have always had a hard time with you girls growing up, and when you announced your engagement…well I thought I was losing my daughter. I should never have been petty and done something that has caused you great distress. Forgive me, daughter.”
“....” There was no conceivable way that my father lied to me just because…I…of all the things to do! “So I…I left my husband for no reason! A lie!”
“Masami…I…I know and it is still a failing of mine-”
I wanted to have my chance to rail into him, but my mother suddenly looked out the window. Her eyes were alert, but it was like she was looking at something far away. My father instantly stood and held her hand, and she tightened her grip, which meant that she wasn’t having a vision. She hadn’t had a vision in quite some time, but I just took that as a good thing. I could have been seeing things, but it almost looked like the gem on her forehead started to shimmer. 
“Takeshi…I’m going to head out for a bit.” She gave me a smile before she planted a gentle kiss on my father’s head. “Try not to tell our daughter more ridiculous things.”
“Mmm…” Once she left, I glared daggers into his skull and he rubbed the back of his nervously. “Masami…please forgive me…I never meant to hurt you…”
“Hmph!” I turned my nose at him, intending on making him work for my forgiveness. This also meant that I had no reason to stay. I could save my marriage and be happy once more. “I will think about it…”
“Well…that is the best that I can hope for huh?”
“Yes…yes it is…” 
I was more than a little curious about whatever it was that my mother was doing. It seemed to be something serious, but my father did not budge from his spot. He was always ready to follow my mother anywhere she went to keep her safe. Of course, she would argue him down about being able to take care of herself, but I think she secretly liked to put up a fuss and have my father care for her. Once I finished nagging my father in the ground, I could not help being curious. 
I followed my mothers scent deep into the woods outside our home. Perhaps she was just taking a walk, she often did this every few months, but was always gone for hours at a time. Whenever I asked, she just said she liked the peace and quiet that the forest brings. I never believed it for a second, but I never pressed the issue and eventually left her to her secrets. Now, there was a pull and a need to discover what she was doing. After that, I would leave and be ready to talk to Callum and explain what happened and apologize for everything. 
It was eerily quiet despite it being so early in the morning. There wasn’t even any animals running around. I quicken my pace towards my mother because I didn’t like the feeling that I was getting. It wasn’t until I heard her voice that I finally stopped. 
“Yes…I know…it is holding strong…I promise that you have nothing to worry about and if anything happens you will be the first to know.”
“Yes…I will stay close by to ensure that it doesn’t break or that no one has discovered it.” I crept closer so that I could hear who she was talking to. 
“I have to get to them…but they are fighting back far more fiercely than I would like. They want that child badly…but she’s running out of time…”
“I have faith that you will persevere and get through your battle. I wish that I could give you more hope than just my words.”
Wait…that female voice sounded like…
“I can’t send it directly to her while I am fighting…”
“I’m glad that I was able to make it so quickly for you, but yes…there is no telling if it will be delivered while they are fighting. It could get lost or smashed in all of the chaos…”
“Masami…perhaps you could help?” My ears perked up as I stepped through the brush. My mother’s eyes narrowed as I stepped over to her. Looking at the person she was talking to…I was surprised to see a pure white kitsune, and even more surprised when I realized that I recognized her.
“Lady Serafina?!”
“Masami! What are you doing out here?!” I flinched at my mothers tone, but she relaxed when lady Serafina placed a hand on her shoulder. It was only after she did that I realized that I could see right through her hand, and most of her body for that matter. This was only an image of her, her real body must be indisposed somewhere else, and by the sounds of it, she needed to get somewhere in a hurry-
“Is Callum alright?!” My heart leaped to my throat as I rushed over to stand beside my mother, who still looked annoyed at me being here. That didn’t matter because Callum was the only person on my mind. They were in the middle of a mission and she was voicing such concerns that something must have happened. 
“He…well they are running into some serious issues. Celica in particular is going through the worst of it. She’s dying Masami…and she has less than an hour left if something isn’t done.”
“What?!” I felt sick. I felt useless and weak. MY legs felt like they were going to give out under me if not for my mother holding my waist. My Callum was in danger and my best friend…she…she would be dead in an hour. What in the world was happening on that mission?
“It is the weapons that are being spread across the cosmos…” She turned and ran a agitated hand through her hair. “They give even the weakest mortals strength and if a god was to wield them…well it has been a disaster.”
“There….there must be something that can be done right?! You have to help them!”
“Masami I am trying…believe me I am. The Darkness is making it impossible to make it down to the planet. I came here to ask your mother for a healing tonic she specifically made for injuries only the Darkness causes.” 
“You made a medicine for injuries that the Darkness causes?” I raised a brow at my mother who sighed deeply before sharing a look with lady Serafina. 
“Do you remember all those years ago when…when we were at war with the Nobara clan? Those creatures in the woods were from the Darkness. It caused a lot of injuries but…well your mother is pretty smart when given the right tools and cause. So I made something that Celica needs to heal.”
“I…I remember them but…” That day flashed back in my mind, thoughts of the war always found their way to my mind at random. The entity in the field that day, it was not just some creature…it was-
“It is exactly what you think it is Masami.” I snapped my eyes up to meet lady Serafina’s and she only gave me a weary smile. “You were…very lucky that day- no…luck had nothing to do with it. You are stronger than anyone would dare give you credit for.” 
“...” I highly doubt that. It had to have been sheer luck for things to go my way that day. The thing that was nagging me was how did my mother and lady Serafina know each other? Looking at my mother, it seemed that she didn’t even want me in these woods, and I swear that gem on her forehead was shimmering again. “Mother…what is your relationship with Lady Serafina? That gem on your forehead…what is it and what are you hiding in this forest?”
“Masami…” My mother sighed deeply as she faced me. “My butterfly…I promise that this is nothing for you to worry about. We…we have known each other for a while and the reason for that is nothing to be concerned about. Your friend and husband are in danger…”
“You can discuss it with her later.” I looked back at lady Serafina as she locked eyes with my mother. “You can tell her about it, but for now I need something from her.”
“What? My daughter is not about to be tangled up into something that is no concern of hers…this is something that your people have to handle.”
“Mother please…” I grabbed her arm and she sighed in annoyance. “What is it, my lady?”
“I need you to go to Zosmuna and get this medicine to Celica. I will send you there so I would need you prepare. Celica does not have much time…none of them do. I could fight the Darkness for a long time…they don’t have that and the child must be moved.”
I could feel my mother growing agitated next to me, but I could only think about my love and my friends. I had to help them no matter the cost.
“Mother…I will be alright.” She closed her eyes and I could see the gears in her head spinning, spinning in fear. “Callum will be there…I will be surrounded by gods who will keep me safe.” 
“I…I don’t like this one bit…”
“Mother…I will be just fine. I will be in and out.” I hugged her close and she nodded against my shoulder. 
“Alright…just be careful. Your father is going to have a heart attack over this though.”
“Yeah…I imagine that he would.” Rubbing my cheek and giving me a final hug my mother left me alone with lady Serafina.
“So…how are we doing this?”
“I will send you to the planet and I’ll give you something to track them if you need it. Other than that just get the medicine to Celica. I will try to wrap this fight with the Darkness up so you all can make it back to my temple.”
“Alright…I can do that…” Turning back to the mansion, I was stopped by her speaking up once more. 
“I know that it has been some time Masami…but hopefully you won’t have to get involved…”
“Yes…for their sakes…”
Next: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/748036122900348928/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Previous: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/747597892435460096/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Thanks for reading! Likes are appreciated!
Comments and reblogs are welcomed!
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maddiesflame · 1 year
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Tokyo Ever After headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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spilladabalia · 8 months
Curse of the God Dog (1977) Original Trailer [FHD]
La maledizione del Dio Cane
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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A month and a half later (not really because it's the next day but storywise 👀😄), Juliet was pregnant and in her second trimester, and she and Rowan threw a baby shower for their nooboo. Rowan has a large as heck family, so most of the 15 guests were from her side, but Juliet’s parents, grandma, and auntie Mizuki were invited too. I wanted to invite Luna and Tess, Juliet’s best friends/cousins-in-law, but there wasn't enough guest slots and I was like I'll just have them celebrate with the family later.
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That’s disturbing.
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*shows the video tape to Izumi and then stops* So... given what you saw, I don't think I need to tell you why I took issue with your granddaughter and no; I didn't edit the video at all.
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I recorded everything for what it was and kept it the same and I'm sure you as the head of the clan don't want your successor to act like this, now do you?
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...Is... Is this true...?
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Yeah, in fact I did ask the other students as well and seems a lot of this class got tormented by her for a whole year so I don't think this was the first time she has done this.
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So maybe instead of blaming the students here; you should really consider how she behaves around others because I don't think this would look good for your clan and quite badly if you ask me.
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Hiyoko, what that girl show was all true, wasn't it? Did you bully all those students and torment them, why...? Why did you do it?
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Be-Because they can view me as weak! I don't want to be view as weak, pl-plus I didn't want to get in troooouble...
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*gets snacked upside the head* OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOOOOR!!!
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You idiot! Do you realize that your behavior towards others will look back for our clan?! Your the heir to the Saionji Clan and yet here you are, acting like a selfish, immature brat!
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And now I have to wonder if sending you to this damn school was a good idea or not; that idiot daughter of mine say the school wasn't bad and look what happen...
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I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry grandma! I didn't mean to bully them, I was just messing around! Please don't drop me out!
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Don't apologize to me! Apologize to these 2...!
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*turns to Jin* Also headmaster, I apologize for letting this happen I wasn't aware this was going on...
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So I think I'll be dropping my granddaughter out of Hope's Peak as it seems that it was a mistake sending her to this school in the first place.
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Understood, ma'am... will drop out Hiyoko Saionji as you requested...
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But Nagi Nanami and Mikan Tsumiki? Can you both not say anything about this to anyone or show that video evidence you have presented...?
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It's mostly to make sure that no one gets in trouble and it wouldn't look good for Hope's Peak so I would recommend you keep quiet about this; Miss Shinogi - please go back to class, your dismiss.
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Ye-Yes sir, I-I promise to keep quiet about this a-as long as I'm at this sc-school...!
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Sure sir, we can do that... (I don't like how he spoke near the end but I guess he does want to keep the school's reputation in mind...)
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Right sir, let's go you 2. *after that Emiko directed Nagi and Mikan outside and back to class*
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the-badger-mole · 11 months
Writer ask: 2, 9, 15? For “All the Things That Are and Will Be”
2: What scene did you first put down?
One of the first scenes I wrote was one that didn't actually make it into this fic. At least not as I originally wrote it. It was based on one of the first episodes of Golden Girls, and Aang shows up at Toph's place (it was Zuko's place originally). Aang had come to complain about how Emiko doesn't do the things that Katara did (cook, clean, organize his life, etc), and telling her that he regrets their divorce. Katara lights into him, having had time to really process her married life with him and how much he took her for granted. She tells him that the worst insult was that he didn't even tell her to her face that their marriage was over, instead having a lawyer deliver the news, and how much it hurt that it was a stranger telling her that her life as she knew it was over. Then she says she's glad he's there because now she gets to have something that he tried to take from her- the opportunity to say goodbye. Obviously, A version of this scene exists in the story, but not this specific one.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Yes, aside from the scene outlined above, a few things were going to be different originally. First of all, the decision to kill of Sokka came after I'd begun outlining this story. I didn't want to do it at first, but having him gone fit my purposes better. (Plus I was able to include that nod to Rose and Charlie). Second, Sochiro was going to propose to Katara, and the back end of the story would've been completely different. I never got around to actually writing that version, though. When I started plotting it, I didn't love where it was heading, and I decided I'd rather give Katara a good, mature mutual parting than have Zuko burst into the wedding ceremony to declare his love. Finally, I had originally intended to have Su-Yin and Izumi make appearances in person, but at that point, I had so many characters to keep track of and nothing really for the two of them to do.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
There is an audience for Older!Zutara. Down the Road is surprisingly (to me, at least) my most popular fic. I hope that if nothing else, it'll inspire other writers to consider writing more fics with Katara and Zuko older than their 30s.
Send me more asks
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luna-di-fuoco · 5 months
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*art credited to nocnoc_art @ instagram*
Name: Yukina Kurimoto (栗本 雪奈) Birthplace: Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan Nationality: Japanese Birthday: October 24th (Scorpio)
PHYSICAL FEATURES Age: 17 (WMS Arc 1) | 18 (WMS Arc 2) | 18 - 19 (WMS Arc 3) Height: 158cm (start of Arc 1) | 160cm (end of Arc 3) Weight: 47kg Hair Color: Dark Brown / Black Eye Color: Medium Brown
GENERAL INFORMATION Family: Tatsuya Kurimoto (father, deceased), Akane Matsuda (mother, deceased) Unnamed Paternal Grandparents Emiko Matsuda (maternal grandmother) Daisuke Kurimoto (uncle)
Fighting Style: Aikido (Arc 1) | Aikido, Kobudo (Arcs 2 + 3) Weapon: Dual Sai
Personality: Quiet and reserved by nature, she carries a somewhat mysterious aura around her. While being from the Kansai region, she speaks with a formal dialect and has an extremely subtle accent.
Despite her soft demeanor, she's far from a pushover. She'll protect those she loves by putting herself on the line, even in a compromising position. She's also willing to bend the rules on occasion and can be surprisingly stubborn, which is more apparent in close relationships.
While she appears distant at times, it's merely a defense mechanism to keep herself at arm's length. Her innermost desire is to make everlasting bonds, but certain memories make her hesitant; all it would take is for her to meet the right people to set her free.
HISTORY: A high school student living in Kyoto, Yukina trains alongside her uncle to become a full fledged aikidoka.
Originally approached by her friend Izumi to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, she declined due to a personal hiatus.
One night, she dreams of a young man turning into a monster and plunging the world into darkness. Unsure of where this came from, she wakes up to discover that Heihachi Mishima, the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, has suddenly passed away.
Over the next few weeks, her dreams slowly repeat in a constant loop. Getting a bad feeling from these visions, she learns that the Mishima Zaibatsu is hosting a new tournament. Hardening her resolve, she enters the competition to prevent this dark future from happening.
While her first round in the competition is a success, her second round is interrupted by visions of two young men fighting against one another. It's there that she sees him: the young man from her dreams morphing into noting short of a demon and nearly decimating his opponent.
Consumed by this vision, she suddenly feels her entire body grow hot. The next thing she knows, she's relocated to an unknown area...but even more startling to her, she dons an entirely new outfit which strongly resembles that of a sailor suit.
Utterly confused as to what's going on, she then comes to face to face with her toughest opponent yet—Jinpachi Mishima, the host of the tournament.
From this moment on, reality shifts into a new paradigm, setting the groundwork for White Moon Saga.
Yukina's voice claim is Shizuka Itō
Her face, when drawn realistically, is loosely based on Mirei Kiritani
She has a red crowned crane motif in her training gear
The inspiration for her use of dual sai stems from Elektra (Marvel) and Raphael (TMNT), which begins in Arc 2
She presses flowers for a hobby
Her go-to drink is chamomile tea with a splash of milk and honey
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[VIDEO] Musical JAMIE: The Musical "JAMIE" is Now Available to Watch Online
With the double cast of Morisaki Win and Takahashi Fuu as Jamie New, both versions of the Musical "JAMIE" have been made available to watch online.
Both versions feature Sato Ryuji as Dean Paxton.
NOTE: On the broadcast day, Yabe Masaki (the W-cast for Dean) had been a close contact of someone who had tested COVID-19 positive. During this time, Ryuji took on the role as an emergency replacement. Because of this, Ryuji performed for five consecutive performances on three consecutive days without a break.
Dean Paxton is a classmate of Jamie who bullies Jamie for being gay and for wanting to be a drag queen. However, Ryuji puts his own spin on the role, bringing to life a Dean whose confidence and popularity hides a boy who is as conflicted and insecure as the Jamie he bullies. 
Even as he watches Jamie grow into his own, Dean finds himself being pushed to the fringes, and we watch as Dean’s shields crumble, leading to the final explosive but also incredibly sweet confrontation between him and Jamie. 
Ryuji’s Dean has a subtly different relationship with Win’s Jamie and Fuu’s Jamie, and an incredible chemistry with both of them. 
Morisaki Win / Takahashi Fuu (WATWING) as Jamie New (W-cast)
Aran Kei as Margaret New
Tamura Meimi / Yamaguchi Nonoka as Pritti Pasha (W-cast)
Sato Ryuji / Yabe Masaki (DISH//) as Dean Paxton (W-cast)
Ito Kanoko as Fatimah
Ota Masaki as Mickey
Kawahara Kazuma as Sayid
Konishi Eito as Cy
Suzuki Emiko as Bex
Tano Yuuka as Vicki
Frank Rina as Becca
MAOTO as Levi
Higuchi Asami / Misaki Rion as Miss Hedge (W-cast)
Nagano Akihito as Tray Sophisticay, Laika Virgin
Keigo Yoshino as Tray Sophisticay, Hugo Battersby / Loco Chanelle
Izumi Yohei as Laika Virgin
Hosaka Chizu as Ray
Ishikawa Zen as Hugo Battersby / Loco Chanelle
Imai Kiyotaka as Jamie's Dad, Sandra Bollock
The Japanese version of the West End production "Everybody's Talking About Jamie", the Musical "JAMIE" follows the story of Jamie New, a 16-year-old teenager who fights against prejudice and bullying to become a drag queen.
Streams of both the Morisaki Win and Takahashi Fuu versions are available. Ryuji plays Dean in both versions. 
To watch the streams, please refer to this link: HERE
NOTE: VPN is required to watch the streams. 
Source(s): ( x , x , x , x , x )
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greenconverses · 2 years
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Recently read: Squeaked out one more book to hit an even 100 for the year. I’ll do a full round-up of 2022′s books in a day or two, but on to my last weekly-ish summary!
I started One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston this summer and at the time, I didn’t feel like fully committing to it for some reason. Sophomore book jitters? Whatever it was, I was a stupid idiot and should always trust Casey because this was absolutely delightful. I don’t think I liked it as much as RWRB, but it such a different book that it’s really hard to compare the two besides the quirky and quip-heavy dialogue. Wish I’d be at home reading this instead of it being my on perpetual airport delay companion so I would’ve been able to properly process some of the more emotional beats. (★★★★)
The Other Side of the Sky was your standard YA sci-fi, which is what I’ve come to expect from Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. They reliably produce fun and interesting books, but Other Side wasn’t as good (or weird!) as some of their previous series. My college roommate sent me a bunch of her books, like, a year ago and this was in the pile, so I figured I should get started! (★★★)
Jen DeLuca’s Ren Faire books are such summer books, so I was bit bummed that Well Traveled was coming out in December. However, it was a nice little escape this week with the cold temps and snow! Well Traveled was more of a heroine-finding-herself story with a romance on side as compared to the three other books in the series; it’s a good read for times when you wanna relax and run off to join the circus. (★★★.75)
Ugh, I hate to end the year on such a bummer, but Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean was just not good. Pitched as The Princess Diaries meets Crazy Rich Asians, Tokyo just didn’t have the charm or development of the former and the ridiculous characters and sly humor of the latter. It read like the plots of the first five PD books were shoved into one book and stripped of everything fun; Izumi’s friend group wishes they had an iota of the personality of Lilly Moscovitz. Paper thin characters, a poorly developed romance (seriously, I said, “Wait, since when are we HERE?” when confessions of ~feelings started happening midway through), and pretty much no conflict made it a disappointing read all around. (★★)
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Previous / Next / Beginning
(Transcript under the cut)
Dear Gertie:
We’ve come home for a short while, but we’ve decided to head back to Komo so little Emiko can be immersed in the culture while she’s young. 
To be told, we can’t seem to leave the house. We’re simply obsessed with her!
I won’t lie – we’re taking all the time while we can before Izumi and Trinity graduate and get married.
I hope you, Peyton and the girls can come by soon! 
- Masami
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So can we have a list of who the monster kids plus silent death are going to meet? Mod needs a reminder.
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((Hello dear anon, hope your doing alright this night. And sure, here is the small list of who is meeting who.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
Cyno and Ren
Kazuha and Jemisha
Razor and Cordelia
Itto and Diana
Tanjiro Kamado and Calidora
Raymundo and Hu Tao
Elren and Ganyu
Vincente and Dehya
Leo and Shenhe
Suzue Kambe with Rosa
Shinra Kusakabe with Emiko
Katsuki Bakugo and Yuri
Erick and Kyoka Izumi
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bellaizumi13 · 1 year
OC Compilation
Here’s the final picture that I’ve been working on that I gave a sneak peek of in that oc championship  post. It’s a collection of all my various ocs that I’ve made (sans the like 20ish MHA ocs I’ve made).
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Info on characters under the cut
Bashira “Bella” Izumi (Digimon) - Bella is part of the original group of digidestined from Digimon Adventure. She was one of the younger kids, like TK and Kari. She’s Izzy’s younger sister. Pictured here is her during Adventure 02 when she’s older. Her partners are Lupamon and later DarkSalamon. She’s also the namesake of my blog
Sara Kanno (Bakugan) - Sara is part of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. She joined the group during a Bakugan tournament where she met her partner, Ventus Leonidas. The group worked together to beat an evil Bakugan known as Vladitor. After they won, Sara became a Battle Brawler and continued to help save the Bakugan in later seasons
Christy Cane (Pokemon) - Christy is from the Unova region. She is in training to become an Aura Guardian. She lives in a secluded manor in the woods near Nuvema Town training with her grandfather and the other aura guardians to eventually lead the Unova branch of Guardians. Her team is Samurott, Zorua, Luxray, Altaria, Ribombee, and of course, Lucario
Emiko “Elise” Daigo (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Elise is a member of the Ra Yellow dorm at Duel Academy. She duels using a Lightsworn deck. She is also one of the few people who are able to see duel spirits. Her closest spirit is Wulf: Lightsworn Beast. She always tries to stick up for the Slifer students despite how pointless it may seem
Juliet Walker (Ninjago) - Juliet is Jay’s twin sister and the master of plasma. She become a ninja after her brother when her true potential awakened in season two. She was trained by Sensei Garmadon and is well versed in the art of the Silent Fist. Her weapon is bladed tonfa and she’s dating Zane and PIXAL
Luna the Rabbit (Sonic) - Luna is the older sister of Cream the Rabbit. She is very close to Team Chaotix, specifically Espio. She has the ability to blend into the shadows and move freely between them. Cream looks up to her a lot
Hinoka Kato (Beyblade) - Hinoka is a blader from Japan. Ginga and the others meet her during the Battle Bladers tournament where she ends up losing to Kyoya in the quarterfinals. She ends up becoming a Legendary Blader when a secret third set of Legendary Bladers are revealed, along with Tsubasa, Masamune, and Yu. Her bey is Flame Salamander
Kanako Sera (Naruto) - Kanako is a shinobi for the Hidden Leaf village. She was in the same class as Naruto in the Academy and became a genin with her twin brother. Their sensei was Genma. She has a wind chakra nature and has the Scorch release Kekkei Genkai. During the Blank Period she ends up with Shino
Shina Kelley (Tenkai Knights) - Shina is another member of the Corekai. Her alternate form is called Zenith and attribute is Tenkai Flexibility. Her weapon is spiked knuckles and has control over the element of plants
Christy (SRMTHFG!) - Christy is Chrio’s twin sister. She was imbued with the power of the Power Primate when she and Chrio both activated the Super Robot. The two of them pilot the Torso Tank together. Slight confession, Christy was actually my first OC, not Bella who is actually my ever second OC. I just forgot Christy existed
Delilah North (South Park) - Delilah is the New Kid in South Park. She moved there because her family is on the run from the government that’s trying to use her powers of gaining followers online to their advantage. She quickly makes friends with the kids in town and gets roped into their crazy games of fantasy and super-heros
Raven the Party Spirit (Danny Phantom) - Raven is from the Ghost Zone. She just wants to have a good time and won’t let anyone tell her how. She sometimes comes to Amity Park with her followers to throw huge parties, even if threatens to destroy the town
Izumi “Belle” Steele (MHA) - Bella is my first MHA OC. She is training to become a hero at UA. Her quirk is Volatile Water, which gives her the power to manipulate water and steam. Her hero name is the Hydration Hero- Nympha and she trained under Gang Orca during her time at UA
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bmhasdeu · 13 hours
      „Tokyo pentru totdeauna” de Emiko Jean
   „Tokio pentru totdeauna” de Emiko Jean este un roman captivant și emoționant care îmbină teme precum identitatea, apartenența și relațiile familiale, într-o poveste modernă plină de descoperiri personale. Cartea se învârte în jurul personajului principal, Izumi Tanaka, o adolescentă japonezo-americană care află într-o zi că tatăl ei, despre care nu știa prea multe, este de fapt, prințul…
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purplesimmer455 · 2 years
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Juliet snuggled her son Izumi before spending time with her mom, who’d come over to visit. Emiko loved her daughter-in-law, and grandkids, and was overjoyed when Juliet told her that she and Rowan were trying for a third one.
Later that day, while Hinata was at her GF’s house, Izumi was taking a nap, and Rina was playing party frenzy online with her cousin Hamuera, Juliet and Rowan headed up to their room. They woohooed, and then Rowan kissed Juliet’s cheek before they freshened up and got dressed.
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Hiyoko never learned her lesson.
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Gr-Grandma, don't believe anything these 2 bi-bitches say! They are trying to tarnish the clan's name and try to ruin it! You have to believe me!
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Wait are you certain about that?
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I'm certain; they had try to bully me, attack me and insult me!
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Even that bitch with the hoodie even sabotaged everytime I try to make friends so don't believe anything she says!
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Wha-What?! But that didn't happen at all, in fact that's the to-total opposite!
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Quiet yourself, if what she say has happen must be true then! So expect you 2 to be punish if that's true!
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Exactly, if anything - they should never have any future; like that pig shit Mikan for example...
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I bet she only became a nurse because she wanted people to pay attention with her, she likely only wants to have a position of power because she views patients as weaker then her! Hell, I bet she wants to even sleep with her patients if she so desires!
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Bu-Bu-But I'm no, that isn't true! I-I-I want to help people, i-it's the only thing I have for a future...!
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Because it's true, don't deny it you slutty whore!
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Hiyoko stop with the insults, you know that isn't true at all!
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And did you forget that I did have everything recorded about you during my time in the main course so I would recommend for you to stop talking you liar...
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Wait what?! Shit I forgot you were there for a moment!
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Wait you recorded what Hiyoko did...?
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Yes I did and honestly I think you need to realize that your granddaughter is not innocent at all; she has done nothing but torment, sabotage any meeting I had with her and has been nothing but a bully, plain and simple - no one in our class likes her at all.
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I'm sure that once you see the video then you'll understand what I'm talking about...
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And I think for the safety of your granddaughter, I do think you should be aware of these issues here; especially as she is going to take over the clan soon.
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Gra-Grandma! Don't believe her, she is just lying about that video evidence, she is just trying to get you to turn against me!
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