#Emily Spiers
nextwavefutures · 6 months
Using ‘literary futures’ to open up the imagination
I’ve been aware of the concept of “literary futures” since I attended a workshop at Lancaster University’s then Institute for Social Futures in early 2020.[1] Emily Spiers ran a narrative futures component in an all-day workshop that was, presciently, about biohazards. That work has been taken further by Emily’s former colleague Rebecca Braun, now at the University of Galway, and she has just…
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What a Jurassic Mess
Chapter One
"And what if a dinosaur escapes?! It's hard enough knowing Claire works and lives there full time! Now we're sending all of our kids there." Emily huffed a laugh as her and Alice fit the last bag into the van. Alice simply smirked, rolling her eyes as she shut the trunk.
"I'll get the 2nd pair of twins, you try to calm worrywort."
"He worries because he cares, plus Jurassic World didn't have a good start when Hammond first brought the idea up." Emily said, shooing her oldest back into the house. She walked towards her husband, smiling and chuckling softly. "Sweetheart, relax, my sister is running Jurassic World. She wouldn't agree to take our kids there if it wasn't safe." Jack sighed looking away from her and to Simon and his friends and then Zach who was with his girlfriend.
"I know I'm just," he sighs, turning back to her "I'm worried something unplanned will happen and mess things up."
"You trust me?"
"Always, without question."
"Good, because I trust my sister. You kids will be safe and have a great time before coming back for Christmas."
"I'll only be gone till the 23rd. We're going to visit my Aunt, haven't seen her in seven years." Simon said looking at his dad with a fond smile. Nick glanced between father and son before voicing the question that had been on the tip of his tongue for a while.
"And why is your dad panicking over it?" Simon laughed ruffling his hair, as he looked back to his friends. "Let's just say if something goes wrong where Aunt Claire works and lives it'll be dangerous. He's the only one worried though, anyway I'll see you guys when I get back! Enjoy the game without me." Simon says as Gray runs up to them. He grabs Simon's hand tugging him towards the van with a bright smile.
"Come on Si! I don't want to be late!" Simon laughs, pulling his hand away and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"Alright alright I'm coming mini-me!" Gray huffs a laugh before pulling away and rushing back to the van. "See you guys when I get back!"
"Have fun Si! Text me if you meet any cute girls!" Nick called, causing Abby to elbow him.
"Let me know if you, well you know?" Abby said not wanting to out Simon, causing the blonde to smile.
"Be safe Si" Leah called out as he got into the van.
"Zach, come on we'll be late." Simon called out to his own twin, things had been tense between them ever since Zach started dating Veronica. Said girlfriend glared at Simon for the interruption when Zach wasn't looking, and look, he could have his moment's of Simon Logic but he knew without a doubt Veronica hated him. Simon had no clue what he did to his brother's clingy girlfriend but she hated when Zach spent time with him, and Simon would never admit it out loud but it hurt to see his twin pick her over him. He smiles nervously before moving into the seat on the right side of the van leaving the left open for Zach. Zach kissed Veronica goodbye before getting in and closing the door. Nick, Abby, and Leah stood waving goodbye, keeping a quiet obvious distance from Veronica, as the van pulled out and drove down the road.
"Don't worry Si, you and the other Musketeers will survive this separation." Jack teased looking at Simon in the rearview mirror, smirking as the eye roll he received. "And Zach you're not going off to war ya know, little less dramatics." He said shifting his gaze to Zach, who frowned looking actually upset. Emily turned around patting Zach's knee with a smile.
"I know it hurts, Sweetheart."  Simon nudged Zach gently grinning at his twin trying to calm him down but just barely stopped himself from slouching when Zach glared at him.
"It'll be okay Z." He said softly trying not to let the hurt show in his eyes when Zach ignored him putting his headphones on. Simon held back a sigh and smiled at Alice who ruffled his hair. He pulled his phone out and opened gmail, he wanted to email Blue one last time before both couldn't get emails. Rather in his case checking them, Alice and Gray had teamed up together and managed to get Simon, Zach, and Nora to agree to only using phones to take pictures. 
Date: Dec. 15 at 4:23pm
Subject: Re: Vacation + My brothers Girlfriend 
Today is the start of my somewhat epic vacation. I wont go into too much detail, I dont want to brag when I know youre going to be in the middle of nowhere, but I don't know if I'm looking forward to this or not. Lets start with reason number one:
Me and all my siblings will be leaving on a plane tonight, landing tomorrow morning and then getting on a boat that will take us to an island. Exciting? Would be if the island didnt have a bad history.
My next reason! I will be spending a week with my brother! Who used to be my closest sibling but has been pulling away from me to the point of absolute heartbreak. I havent talked about it with you because admitting it hurts even more but at this point Im convinced he hates me as much as his girlfriend does.
Third and final reason, we will be staying with our aunt, which would be cool if this wasnt our first time seeing and talking to her in seven-yes seven years.
Blue I am so nervous about this vacation. I was looking forward to it and hoping things between me and my brother would get better but Im almost positive his girlfriend turned him against me. I just wish I knew what I did to her.
Though I think the worst part of this is knowing that we wont be able to talk again until school is about to start up. I dont know what I'll do without your emails and knowing I'll have to go so long without them sucks.
Besides that I hope you have a great holiday with your dad. I know you don't celebrate Christmas but enjoy the time off it affords us. 
I'll miss hearing from you,
Love, Jaques
Simon went to grab his headphones but stopped when Gray tapped his hand gently. “What's up Mini-me?” Gray smiles softly, leaning his head against the side of Simon’s seat.
“You okay?” Simon nodded, holding Gray’s hand in his. “Are you sure I know when you’re lying Si.”
“I’ll be fine, Gray. Don’t you worry, it's my job to worry about you after all. Now tell me what are you most excited about seeing?” Gray’s eyes lit up as he started on about the different dinosaurs he wanted to see.
“But I’m really, really excited to see the Mosassaurus! Though it's not really from the right era as the others, it's still so cool!! I just wish I could ask how they got its DNA, are mosquitoes able to get blood from fish? They’d have to do it really quickly, but even then the Mosassaurus would have had to be really close to shoreline at the time of it all!” Simon smiled listening to Gray ramble on about dinosaurs. ‘Zach may hate me now, but at least Gray still looks up to me.’
"I'm so jealous. You all are going to have so much fun!" Emily said ruffling Gray’s hair and kissing Simon's cheek. Gray smiled leaning back against Simon who wrapped his arms around him. "Si, everything is-"
"Yes mom. I checked all the tickets and I have mine and Gray’s. Everything is right and no one will be left behind." Emily smiled cupping his cheek before looking over to her other kids. 
"I love you all. Now come on, family hug, stop groaning Zach." Emily said, dragging everyone into a hug with Jack. She let them pull away when Zach pushed out of the hug. She bit back a sigh watching Simon deflate as Zach turned away from him. "Okay, Nora, Alice has your ticket and Simon has Gray's, and Zach you have yours?" Zach was staring out the window at the planes, headphones on full blast.
"Zach!" Jack called out, grabbing his shoulder and turning him to look at Emily. He waited until Zach pulled his headphones down to speak again. "Listen to your mother." Emily smiled before addressing all the kids.
"Alright, take care of each other, and answer your phones. I'm serious, it's the green button. When you see my name, push it okay?" Alice smiled, waving her hand.
"Don't worry mom, we'll be fine." Emily sighed, unable to hide her smile.
"Alright, alright, just remember if something chases you…run" They all groaned rolling their eyes as Simon moved and placed his hands on Gray's shoulders pushing them towards their gate.
"Alright, yep! That's our que by mom bye dad." Emily laughed watching as their other kids followed her.
"Bye guys! Miss you already!"
"Bye!" They called together as Emily hugged Jack's arm watching them.
"I'm so nervous, what if they get chased?" Jack said, looking down at his wife. Emily patted his arm while watching their kids.
"Relax. Claire wont let anything happen to them."
"Did you call her?"
"Straight to voice-mail. But they'll be fine, she handles twenty-thousand people a day. She can handle our five." 
As they were deboarding the plane Gray ran up to Zach grabbing his sleeve. "How big is the island?" Zach was focused on his phone as he took it off airplane mode.
"Big." Gray huffed, rolling his eyes at the answer.
"But how many pounds?"
"That doesn't make sense." Zach said walking away towards the ferry, Simon walked up wrapping an arm around Gray.
"Ya know, I bet Aunt Claire would know. We'll ask her when we see her today." Gray smiled wrapping an arm around his waist as Simon led them towards the ferry.
"I'll ask her then since Zach is still pouting over leaving his girlfriend." Simon bit back a laugh as they joined the rest of their siblings. "You know, when they first opened, they had eight species. Now they have fourteen herbivores and six carnivores. That's like fifty tons of food a week." Everyone nodded except Zach who was focused on some girl below them.
"That's pretty cool G-man." Alice said, leaning over to ruffle his hair. "I can't wait to hear all the facts you've got in that head of yours." Nora leaned over grinning.
"I can't wait to see dinosaurs!" She said getting everyone but Zach to laugh.
"You know me," Simon said, leaning against Alice. "I am going to eat my weight in oreo and reeses desserts!" Alice snorted, pulling him closer. 
"I swear Bub, keep eating all those reeses and oreos and you'll put on weight." Simon blushed, pushing her away.
"I don't eat that much!" Zach turned, raising an eyebrow, giving Simon a rare smile.
"Says the person that has a secret stash of both hidden in his closet." Simon huffed pouting slightly looking at him.
"You weren't supposed to tell that secret." Simon said, biting back a sigh when Zach seemed to close off again. 'What did I say wrong?' Zach's eyes hardened as he turned away starring off at the island. Alice glared slightly, opening her mouth to say something but stopped when Simon waved his hand.
Gray ran down the ramp with a bounce in his step, Simon making sure to keep up with him, as their other siblings took their time. The park announcement system chiming in to welcome all the guests.
"Welcome to Isla Nublar, home of Jurassic World. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable stay with us." 
Gray stopped staring at Zara who was holding a tablet with their last name on it. "Where's Aunt Claire?" He asked, grabbing Simon's sleeve as the others joined. Zach just gave him a sullen look while Alice sighed softly walking over to talk with Zara.
"I'm sure she just got hit with a last minute meeting. She is running the park after all." Simom said trying to cover for Claire, but Zach's snort at his lie didn't help.
"Come on guys, let's get on the monorail!" Alice called out besides Zara smiling but all of them could tell it was strained. Simon reached out grabbing Zach's sleeve and tugging him along behind them. His shoulders were losing tension as Zach didn't pull away from him.
Zach stared at the back of Simon's head, opening his mouth to say something before closing it with a sigh. He follows behind nodding to Zara when she gets them early board access to the monorail and they get front seats. He says nothing as Simon sits down next to him. Gray glances at Zara sitting behind Zach, and Nora and Alice sitting in the seats adjacent. "Si, can we share a seat." Simon turns to him smiling some tension leaving his shoulders as he scoots closer to Zach allowing Gray to sit with them. Zach huffs, noticing the Smion is barely even sitting on the seat before pulling him down. Not saying anything as he has Simon sit on his right thigh.
"Zach?" Simon says looking at him but stops when Zach looks away, Simon smiles as they sit waiting for the other guests to finish getting on.
"Alright everyone be ready for a little jolt as we begin our adventure to Jurassic World!" The monorail announcements called out as they began moving. "Okay, those of you in the front of the train should be able to see our main gate, built from the gate of the original park, over twenty years ago." Gray jumped up rushing to the front to see the gates with the others. Simon turned looking at Zach.
"This is gonna be a fun vacation!" He said trying to keep a smile on even though Zach wasn't looking.
"I know we won't see much of Aunt Claire but at least all of us are here."
"And it's a place Gray has been wanting to go for a while, not only that but mom and dad didn't have to pay a thing. I think that's the best part."
"Mhm, the coolest." Simon sighed glaring at the ground. He stood up pulling Zach out of his thoughts as he turned to look at his twin. "What are you-"
"The least you could do is pretend not to hate me, I don't even know what I did." Simon said, brushing away tears before turning around and walking forward to join Gray. Zach reached out to stop him but just sighed slouching back in his seat looking out the window.
"You're the one keeping secrets."
The moment the monorail stopped Gray was off running around and looking at things. Simon brushed past Zach hurrying after Gray to keep up with him. Zara followed behind them as Nora and Alice beelined towards the Escalators. Simon was herding Gray back towards the center with a soft smile. Zara looked up from her phone looking at them annoyed as Gray darted off to look at another attraction. “Your aunt arranged to meet you at one o’clock.” She missed Alice’s eyes roll as her gaze followed Gray. “Can he slow down?” Zach looked at her as Gray and Simon stepped on to the escalator, Gray waving excitedly and calling out to them.
“Come on!”
“Nope.” He said, popping the ‘p’ as he walked past her getting on the escalator.
Zara pushed the doors open to the hotel room letting the kids follow her as she continued typing on her phone. “Your aunt’s got you VIP access. So you can get on all the rides without waiting in line. We’ll head down a little before one to meet with your Aunt before you hit the park.”
Alice whistled as she looked around the hotel room before moving over to the bed that had her bag in front of it. Nora beamed as she moved over to the mini kitchen in the room as Gray rushed to the window, throwing it open to look at the park.
"Do you think I'd be able to cook in here?" Nora asked excitedly looking at what the kitchen had. Alice shared a grin with her as she pulled a camera out of her bag.
"Maybe breakfast only since I plan on trying to enjoy every restaurant they have here!" she said causing Nora to laugh and nod moving over to join Gray at the window.
Zach flopped down on the bed as he typed on his phone.  Gray bounced in place smiling at Nora before rushing over to Simon and grabbing his hoodie sleeve.
“Can we go?” He asked, his eyes shining as he turned looking out the window again. Zach didn’t even look up from his phone as he responded to Gray.
“Dude she said we had to wait.” Gray huffed looking at him and rolling his eyes.
“I don’t want to wait anymore!” 
Chapter Two
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wordsaresimple-imnot · 5 months
Truth or dare - Joe Toye x F!Reader
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Summary: Could taking Toye's cigarette from his mouth on a dare be the push Reader and him need to cut the recent tension in their friendship?
Warnings: Cursing, heavy make-up, suggestive ending. 1st person POV (female, no use of y/n).
A/N: I have the biggest respect for the real life heroes of WWII (and all other wars, past & current), this work & all other works is based on the actor(s) and character(s) portrayed in the Band of Brothers series.
A/N pt 2: This is the second fic I've posted today and I'm really hoping it's good. The ending leaves room for a possible smut part 2 if anyone is interesting. Comments, likes, reblogs mean everything to me. Thank you & enjoy!
"What's so funny?" I ask as I sit down at the nurses table in the mess hall. I got there just in time to grab the last bits of lunch options before my shift starts.
"We are playing 'truth or dare' and Emily just had to answer who she'd rather kiss: Tab or Luz." Betty told me between giggles.
"Well? Who'd you pick?" I shoot Emily a smirk, already knowing her answer as we've been the only ones in our group that came from Toccoa and therefore the closest.
"Tab." Her face gets redder, as if that was possible, then she gets a mischievous look in her eye. "Your turn. Truth or dare?"
"Dare." I know she knows too much dirt on me to let her ask a question. But judging by the smile spreading on her face, I'm not sure I chose correctly.
"Go get that cigarette Toye is smoking." Her smile widens as the girls within earshot say 'oh' and some whistle.
Joe Toye is not someone that most of the nurses like dealing with. Not that he's rude or inappropriate, he just intimidates them. Not as bad as Spiers, but they put him right up there. From an outsiders point of view I can understand, he's not overly friendly like most of the guys in Easy you have to work a little to weasel past the hard exterior.
For myself, all I had to do was shoot Tab down for the billionth time back in Georgia as I was wrapping up his ankle that he twisted on yet another Currahee run. Don't get me wrong, I like Tab but not in that way and the quicker I could make him understand that the sooner we could just enjoy being friends.
Right when I was finishing up with his wrap, he started to say another pick-up line and being at my wits end I snapped a little. Grabbing his ankle I put enough pressure on it that made him stop talking and sit up straighter.
"Tab, if you come onto me one more time I will break your ankle. Do you understand me?" I kept my voice low and hard, maintaining direct eye contact so he knew I wasn't playing. With a small gulp, he nodded his head and I put on my most charming smile. "Wonderful, now take it easy with that ankle. If Sobel gives you a hard time about it, let me know and I'll put in a word with my supervisor to find a reason to annoy him."
With a final nod, I got him off the bed and started to help him to the door when a hand pushed me to the side and took my spot next to Tab. My protest died on my lips as I came face to face with Toye.
"I can take him from here, ma'am, thanks." He threw Tab's arm over his shoulder and started moving to the door. Two steps later he looked over his shoulder back at me with a small smirk on his face and said, "Remind me to not piss you off when you're fixing me up." Without waiting for a reply, he turned back around and kept himself and Tab moving.
From that day forward a friendship of sorts grew and since landing in Europe and dealing with the horrors of the war in our faces everyday, we'd grown even closer. The past few weeks things are taken a turn to being more flirty with beginning stages of intimacy. Jokes whispered in each others ears just so we can be closer than normal, fingers touching when handing each other items, lingering hugs, forehead and cheek kisses. It was all adding up and creating a tension neither of us seemed ready yet to break but didn't want to dispel either.
Emily's foot nudging mine under the table breaks me from my memories and makes me send her a glare. She's fully aware of the gray area Toye and I are in at the moment and seems to be all too happy to add fuel to that fire. I give a loud sigh and look around till I find him sitting a few rows to our left, sitting with Guarnere and Buck. Inwardly I groan, those two are never going to let me live this down.
With a final glare in her direction, I stand up and make my way over towards the guys. I can feel all of the girls eyes on my back which does nothing in helping me stay calm.
All three of them see me at the same time and smile in greeting.
"Hey doll, how's it going?" Buck asks as I sit across from him, next to Toye.
"About to go on shift, thought I'd say a quick hi and get a smoke." I shrug, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Here ya go." Bill tosses his pack my way from next to Buck.
"Thanks, but uh, I think I'll take this one." Before I can over think it, I pluck the cigarette resting between Toye's lips and take a long drag. I blow the smoke right in his face, hoping it'll hide how red my face is and stand up quickly. "Always a pleasure."
I practically jog to the nurses table, ignoring the laughs and 'good jobs' as I grab Emily by the arm and force her to leave the mess hall with me. I don't let go of her until we are nearly at the medic station. With a final puff I toss my stolen cigarette into the road and turn to face my friend that hasn't stopped beaming at me since I grabbed her.
"What?!" I sound almost frantic.
"Oh calm down, it's not the end of the world. It was just a cigarette."
"How do I even begin to explain what that was?" I put my hands on my hips.
Emily shrugs and flicks some invisible dust off her shoulder, "Just tell him that it was dare. But honestly, I don't think he really cares why you did it. The way he was looking at you as we left was more than mild interest. You're welcome." She pats my cheek and goes into the medic station, leaving me with no choice but to groan and follow her.
It doesn't take long for me to push the earlier experience from my mind and become overwhelmed with current and new patients in need of varying medical attention. Most are stable and just need an easy wrapping or cleaning up. There's a few that have been with us for a little while that still need monitoring but they're in relatively good spirits so it helps make the shift not too depression.
It's fully dark outside when I finally am able to step away and take a breather. With a signal to Emily letting her know I'll be around back, I slip out quietly and lean against the backwall of the building. I can't be alone more than a few minutes when I hear footsteps heading my way. I just want to be alone. But my annoyance goes away when I see who it is.
Neither of us speaks as he stops right in front of me and tucks a lose piece of hair behind my ear.
"You okay?" His words are soft and light, barely above a whisper as if he's afraid anything louder would break the small bit of peace we've managed to get in this hidden area. All I do is nod, not wanting to elaborate on the different faces and wounds I've been dealing with the past hours. His response is to pull me in his arms and spin us around so that his back is against the wall and I'm leaning against him.
We stay like that for a bit, listening to the noises on the street and each other breathing. It's nearly enough to make me fall asleep when I feel his chest rumble and the question I've been dreading is asked.
"So what was that at lunch?" I groan into his chest before pushing back far enough to look at his face. Fuck Joe Toye for being beautiful and sexy at the same time when he allows himself to give a full smile, not just a smirk.
"The girls were playing truth or dare and that was my dare. Sorry." I shoot him a small smile and pray he just drops it. He gives a small hum as he takes in my words.
"Well then, truth or dare?" He leans more against the wall, waiting for my answer. I gape at him.
"You can't be serious." The intimidating Joe Toye is trying to play 'truth or dare' with me? What the fuck.
"I'm always seriously," Joe winks, "so, truth or dare?" The glint in his eyes tells me there is no safe choice.
"Dare." I'd rather do something stupid than be asked something I'd rather not answer right now.
The silence stretches between us almost to an unbearable point, making me start to fidget in his arms.
"Close your eyes." His words make me freeze and my face scrunches up in confusion.
"That's my dare?" I'm trying to figure out what the catch is, but I can't find one.
"Close. Your. Eyes." His voice leaves no room for argument and since it's not anything crazy all I can do is comply.
With my eyes closed I try to use my others senses to figure out what his next step is. At first all he does is stand up straighter, move one hand up my back and gently cups my cheek. Joe pulls me a little closer to him and then I can feel his breathe on my lips.
"I'm going to do something now and I only want you to respond if it's something you really want. If you don't, just push me away." I barely finish processing his words when his lips brush against mine softly, teasingly.
When I don't make a move to push him away, he gently pecks my lips still in a teasing manner. The next time his lips touch mine I grab onto his jacket to hold him there and kiss him back. At the feel of his tongue tracing my lips I open my mouth and let him have complete control.
We lose track of time staying wrapped up in each others arms, making out like teenagers. We break apart at the same time when we finally need air. I'm not sure what comes over me but I kiss along his cheek, making my way to his neck and begin nipping at his exposed flesh. The hand that had been on my check moves to my the back of my head, fisting my hair but not moving me away. His breathing is becoming more ragged and when a groan escapes his lips from a particular bite I leave I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. As my tongue works to sooth the sting, the hand that was on my back drops down and grabs my ass, pushing my hips against his, letting me feel his erection.
"Joe." His name comes out as a whimper mixed with a moan and that makes him grind against me again.
Just as we are about to kiss again, someone clears their throat and we freeze.
"Very sorry to interrupt, and believe me I am sorry, but I need help checking wounds and restocking the stations." Emily's voice is both amused and apologetic.
"Yeah, I'll be right there, Em." My voice comes out much too ragged but it's not like she doesn't know the reason at this point. I wait till her footsteps grow faint, before beginning to pull away from Joe. He's slow to let me go and only manages to move his hands back to my waist.
"I should be off in a few more hours...can I come find you after?"
"No need, I'll be waiting outside for you. I believe we have some things to finish." He pulls me flush against him, making his point perfectly clear. Before I can think of a cheeky response, he gives me a final, firm kiss and spins me around towards to way back inside the building.
I walk a few steps, then turn around and shoot him an innocent smile, "No touching before you find me, Toye. I have a few ideas on how to spice up 'truth or dare'." I laugh lightly to myself when all I can hear as I round the corner to the building entrance is Joe cursing.
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malarkgirlypop · 2 months
MEDIC! Part 32 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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This chapter is short and sweet! Minus the sweet, whoops.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut , @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls anyone else please let me know.
Don avoided me like the plague. No one seemed to notice thankfully, they were busy training again, preparing for the warfare they would head over to face in Okinawa. I made myself useful but still there was little for me to do. The injured had been shipped off the aid stations and then home due to it all being finished over here. They kept only the fit young men who they would use again when they went to help the troops in the Pacific. 
When I wasn’t busy stocking medical supplies or treating minor injuries the men sustained in training, I walked aimlessly through Austria. I replayed the scene with Don, thinking about all that was said. I had hoped he would come around soon enough but still, he kept his distance. I also thought about leaving, I kept an eye out for the shimmer. I had made up my mind that if I were to see it, I wouldn’t hesitate to go back. I wouldn’t say goodbye, I would leave. That’s why whenever I left the base I packed all of my belongings and brought them along with me. Not that I had much in the first place, most of my possessions already resided in my medic bag. 
After finishing my menial task of stocking shelves I headed for the door, but a voice stopped me in my tracks. 
“Major Winters wants to speak to you Em.” Spiers had caught my elbow as I brushed past him quickly with my head down. I faced away from him, my eyes still glued to the door. I sighed nodding.   
Speirs led the way through the building to Winters’ office. He opened the door greeting the pair that spoke in hushed whispers, they straightened seeing they had been interrupted. Lew and Dick smiled as I stepped into the room. I hadn’t spoken to them in months. I never wanted to bother them, they were always so busy. 
“Thank you Speirs.” Dick dismissed the Captain. He saluted before exiting the room. 
Winters’ eye landed on me, I cast my stare down to the ground, fidgeting with my hands. I felt as if I had been brought into the principal's office. 
“Please take a seat.” Richard gestured to the chair that sat in front of the desk. I shuffled forward, dropping my bag to the ground and sitting.
“How have you been?” Dick asked politely. 
I flicked my eyes towards him, my chin still lowered to the floor.   
Lew awkwardly cleared his throat at my rigid response. 
“Well I’m glad to hear it.” Winters’ said after a beat when he realised that was all I was going to say. 
“Emily, I called you in today to talk to you about the future.”
I froze after hearing the words, ‘the future’. I glanced up again, both Lew and Dick stared at me with expecting looks. They wanted me to say something, but I couldn’t get my mouth to work. I nodded my head, encouraging Winters’ to continue. 
“I noticed that you never registered. We never officially offered a contract, but we assumed you would at least ask to be compensated.” 
“No, sir. I don’t want any money. I’m a volunteer.” I shook my head. There would be no use for the money I received. I didn’t have a bank account to hold it, people would ask too many questions. It was better just to remain undetected. 
“Yes, but even volunteer’s get paid.” Dick clarified.
“You can give my earnings to the other’s, or donate it to charity. But I do not want that money.” I stated firmly. 
Both Lew and Dick looked perplexed. I’m sure they wondered why on earth I was turning down a decent pay. 
“Is that all?” I asked rather impatiently. This meeting was making me even more anxious than I already was. 
“No. We wanted to discuss other things as well.” Dick stuck out his hand ushering me to sit back down in the seat I had started to rise out of. 
“The fighting in the Pacific is brutal. More cruel than what we have experienced. I just wanted to inform you that you do not need to go.” Winters’ face was pale, his expression sour. 
I knew of the brutality of the Pacific. The Japanese were ruthless, they didn’t care about their own survival, only the triumph of their country. It was an honour for them to die for their nation. A heroic death to be killed in action, they would rather die than go home injured, or pull back. 
“They have enough medic’s over there.” He pulled me from my thoughts. 
“But aren’t we sending men, sir?” 
“Then you will need more medic’s to care for those who will be travelling over there, am I wrong?” I challenged the Major. 
He sighed. 
“I’m going to be honest, Emily. I don’t particularly want to send any of the men over there, but they don’t really have a say. However, like I said before, you aren’t registered, and I don’t want you to go over there, not if we have a choice.” His brow furrowed in concern. For his men, for me. 
“Thank you for your consideration, but I will be going if need be.” I gave a tight smile. 
The men shifted awkwardly in their seats. I know I was being difficult, but there was no point putting on a show, and pretending I was fine. It didn’t matter in the end.
“What are your plans for after the war? Are you returning home?” Lew asked, trying to ease the tension in the room. 
“No, I don’t intend to return back to America.” I shook my head, keeping my eyes trained to the floor. Even though I couldn’t see the men I knew they were exchanging glances. 
“What is your plan?” Dick asked hesitantly.
“I’m not sure. Maybe I will stay in Austria if we don’t leave, or somewhere else. I haven’t planned anything. But that’s fine no one is waiting for me back home, so I’m free to do as I please.” 
“Have you spoken to Malarkey about this?” Winters’ asked. 
The mention of his name made me snap my head up to stare at Dick. 
“Why would I need to speak to Don about this?” I questioned, venom laced in my tone. 
“Oh, well.” Winters’ stumbled over his words. 
“You two are together are you not?” Nixon finished Dick’s ramblings. 
“No offence, Sir. But I’m not sure how that’s any of your business?” 
My retort left the pair with their mouths hung open. I didn’t mean to be so bitter, but I couldn’t stop it. I was hurting. I knew they were only asking because they cared for me. But I wanted to cut ties and just flee. 
“I’m sorry. I think I should go.” I stood from my seat before they dismissed me, giving a half-hearted salute before rushing out the door. 
My breaths left me in short gasps as I tried to control the sobs that desperately wanted to escape my mouth. Hot tears streamed down my face, as I put my head down and made my way out of the building. I crashed into several shoulders, mumbling quiet apologies, never lifting my head to see who I was saying sorry to. 
I stumbled outside, gasping for air in between my sobs. I covered my mouth trying to muffle the awful sounds. 
“Emily?” I heard from behind me. I turned away from the voice, hiding my face from view. 
“”Em?” Speirs asked again, walking closer. 
I rushed away, but I could hear his footsteps following after me. I headed towards the forest, I wanted to be out of sight. 
Choking and spluttering I lent against one of the trees for support as I cried. 
Speirs moved me away from the trunk I clung to, pulling me into his arms. 
“I fucked up.” I blubbed out. 
“Shhhhh.” Speirs hushed, pressing me into his chest. His hand cradled my head, his fingers tangling in my hair in a soothing manner. 
His chin rested on top of my head, he held me until my crying stopped. By then I had crumpled to the ground in a heap as Speirs hugged me close. 
“What’s going on?” Ron asked as I finally pulled away. His thumbs caught the stray tears that streaked down my cheeks. 
“I’m not going home.” I told him. His brows furrowed in concern. 
“Is this about not having anywhere to go? Cause if that’s it, you can come with me.” 
I shook my head. 
“I can’t stay. I don’t want to burden anyone.” My heart hurt. I didn’t want to be a sad reminder of the war, like some stray dog someone brought home because they felt bad for it.
“I can’t ask that of anyone. That’s cruel. People have families they actually need to care for.” I crumpled a dry leaf in my hand watching its shattered remains scatter to the floor. 
“We love you, why can’t you ask that of us?” Speirs asked, his head dipping down to try and meet my eyeline. 
“I’m used to being alone. It’s my normal niche. This isn’t normal for me to be surrounded by so many people. I think I need my space.” I didn’t truly mean those words that left my mouth, but I needed to convince myself that I couldn’t stay. The more I believed it, the better. I couldn’t have any doubts when leaving.
“Do you really mean that?” Spiers asked. 
Ron knew me well. Which pulled a bitter laugh from my throat. This universe was cruel, giving me everything I ever wanted and then snatching it all away.   
“I have no place here.” I muttered. 
“What about Malarkey?” Speirs asked.
“What about him?” I snapped.
“I thought you two were in love?” Speirs asked tentatively. 
“Yeah, well things change!” I huffed. “But what does it matter? It still doesn’t change the fact, I’m not going home. I will serve until everyone else leaves, and then I will make my own way. That was always my plan, I look after me, cause no one else will! I will not be someone’s responsibility! I don’t want the charity, someone to take me home and then regret it. I can’t ask that of strangers.” 
“You think we’re strangers?” Speirs sounded hurt. 
I lifted my head to look at him. “Yes, we are. We aren’t a family, you do not carry the responsibility of an older brother, I am not yours to try and take care of! You have family, people who need you. I am not one of those people. I don’t want your pity.” The words felt like acid in my mouth. Seeing Speirs’ mask slip slightly and crack at my harsh words, sent pain shooting through my chest. He quickly regained his composure, taking a deep breath. Ron rose to his feet, a tight smile graced his features. 
“If you say so, Lane.”
That was all he said before we strided away. I had done it once a-fucking-gain. Pushed all those who cared for me away. God I was good at ruining everything.  
Chapter 33
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nerdygaymormon · 3 months
Favorite LGBTQ movie and TV quotes
“Um, I do drink red wine, but I also drink white wine. And I’ve been known to sample the occasional rosé. And a couple summers back, I tried a Merlot that used to be a Chardonnay, which got a bit complicated… I like the wine and not the label. Does that make sense?”
— David Rose, Schitt’s Creek, Season 1, Episode 10
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“That felt so good to say. I feel like I just solved an escape room I’ve been trapped in my entire life.”
— Fabiola Torres, Never Have I Ever, Season 1, Episode 5
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“Look, I’ll be hurt either way. Isn’t it better to be who I am?”
— Eric Effiong, Sex Education, Season 1, Episode 7
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“Everybody’s story is different. There’s your version, and my version, and everything in between. But the one thing that all of those stories have in common is that moment right before you say those words when your heart is racing, and you don’t know what’s coming next. That moment’s really terrifying. And then once you say those words, you can’t unsay them. A chapter has ended, and a new one’s begun, and you have to be ready for that.”
— John, Happiest Season
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“The good thing about being different is that no one expects you to be like them”
— Ellie Chu, The Half Of It
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"When I'm with Brittany, I finally understand what people are talking about when they talk about love. I've tried so hard to push this feeling away, and keep it locked inside, but every day just feels like a war. I walk around so mad at the world, but I'm really just fighting with myself. I don't want to fight anymore. I'm just too tired. I have to just be me."
— Santana Lopez, Glee, Season 3, Episode 7
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“Now, there is a long and honorable tradition in the gay community, and it has stood us in good stead for a very long time. When somebody calls you a name…you take it and own it.”
— Mark Ashton, Pride
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“So I'm bisexual. So what? It's LGBTQ for a reason. There's a B in there and it doesn't mean Badass. Okay, it does, but it also means Bi.”
— Callie Torres, Grey's Anatomy, Episode 1105
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“We’re standing here in Philadelphia, the, uh, City of Brotherly Love, the birthplace of freedom where the, uh, founding fathers authored the Declaration of Independence, and I don’t recall that glorious document saying anything about all straight men are created equal. I believe it says all men are created equal.”
— Joe Miller, Philadelphia
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"Yes, I wear foundation. Yes, I live with a man. Yes, I'm a middle- aged fag. But I know who I am, Val. It took me twenty years to get here, and I'm not gonna let some idiot senator destroy that. F*** the senator, I don't give a damn what he thinks."
— Armand Goldman, The Birdcage
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"Being gay is your thing. There are parts of it you have to go through alone. I hate that. As soon as you came out, you said, "Mom, I'm still me." I need you to hear this: You are still you, Simon. You are still the same son who I love to tease and who your father depends on for just about everything. And you're the same brother who always complements his sister on her food, even when it sucks. You get to exhale now, Simon. You get to be more you than you have been in... in a very long time. You deserve everything you want."
— Emily Spier, Love, Simon
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"The greatest gift we can give each other is our authentic selves and sharing that. Sharing our truth is what will make us strong. So here I am. I am both human and alien. And I am a trans woman."
— Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Season 4, Episode 19
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"But I feel more when I look at a picture of Kristen Stewart than I do when I kiss him."
— Elena Alvarez, One Day at a Time,
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"You can’t change it. You can’t fix me. Because I’m not broken, I don’t need to be fixed, OK? I’m me!"
— Ian Gallagher, Shameless, Season 5, Episode 12
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"Becoming me was the greatest creative project of my life."
Eliot Waugh, The Magicians, Season 1, Episode 1
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"Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place. So, thank you."
—Raymond Holt, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 5, Episode 10
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"I might be…bisexual, and you guys know I hate labels, but this one feels important right now to own the space I’m in and to make sense of it."
—Kat Edison, The Bold Type
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hiddenpxpercuts · 2 days
Event Starter Call!!!
Finally finished it! No cap for right now, so pick who you want. Their jobs are listed and their status.
Alexander Lightwood 31 | Unaware | Shadowhunter ?? Evan Buckley 29 | Unaware | Fire Fighter ?? T. K Strand 28 | Aware | court physician ?? Richie Tozier 24 | Aware | Jester ?? Max Mayfield 23| Unaware | Unemployed ?? Harry Hook 23 |Aware | Chef ?? Marco Del Rossi 21 | Aware | Thespian ?? Max Baker 19 | Unaware | Thanks she’s a witch. ?? Matthew Murdock 35 | Unaware | attorney ?? Dean Winchester 38 | Unaware | Demon Hunter ?? Emily Fitch 19 | Aware | Tailor ?? Nick Nelson 18 | Unaware | Fisherman ?? Simon Spier 19 | Aware | Farmer ?? Katherine Pierce 1000+ | Unaware | Harlot ?? Maria Vasquez 25 | Unaware |Tailor ?? Chishiya Shuntaro 21| Unaware | Doctor ?? Lillian Deville 21 | Unaware | Gravedigger ?? Mercutio Alice 27 | Unaware | Candlemaker ?? Enid Sinclair 18 | Aware | Werewolf, Unemployed ?? Lily Tucker-Pritchett 19 | Unaware | Messenager ?? Derek Hale 25 | Unaware | Merchant ?? Jake Wheeler 19 | Unaware | Artist ?? Mickey Milkovich 27 | Unaware | blacksmith ?? Reggie Peters 20 | Unaware | bard ?? Ivan Carvalho 19 | Unaware | noble ?? Prince Henry 26 | Unaware | knight ?? Edwina Sharma 21 | Unaware | Married to a rich man ?? Zed Necrodopolis 19 | Unaware | Zombie, Theif ?? Olaf 21 | Unaware | Astrologer ?? Tenth Doctor Olf AF | Aware | Unemployed ?? Luca Pagro 21 | Unaware | Fisherman ?? Joel Miller 46 | Unaware | Theif ?? Gretchen Wieners 19 | Unaware | thespian ?? Sir Pentious 100+ | Unaware | assassin ?? Olivia Valdovinos 21 | Unaware | herbalist ?? Verosika Mayday 25 | Unaware | assassian/bard ?? Chris Argent 42 | Unaware | demon hunter ?? Carl Grimes 23 | Unaware | physician ?? Darcy Olsson 19 | Unaware | graverobber ?? Shaggy Rogers 25 | Unaware | mule driver ?? Wade Wilson 40 | Unaware | theif/graverobber ?? James McGuire 21 | Unaware | tax collector ?? Ron Stoppable 23 | Unaware | cobbler ?? Klaus Hargreeves 31 | Unaware | HARLOT ?? John B. Routledge 21 | Unaware | Fisherman ?? Armand 500+| Aware | Rich Vampire ?? Miles Hollingsworth III 21 | Unaware | Rich Idiot ?? Ryan Evans 20 | Unaware | thespian ?? T.J Kippen 19 | Unaware | miller ?? Billy Loomis 24 | Unaware | gravedigger/robber ?? Katherine Howard 21 | Aware | bard ?? Ella 22 | Unaware | dressmaker ?? Kai Parker 30 | Unaware | witch/vampire ?? David Rose 32 | Unaware | tavern owner ?? Finn the Human 20 | Unaware | knight ?? Fiyero Tiggular 26 | Unaware | rich ?? Paper 24 | Unaware | astrologer ?? Prionsias Cassidy 1000+ | Unaware | vampire, drug addict ??
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brokehorrorfan · 7 months
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Dracula 2000 will be released on Blu-ray on May 14 via Scream Factory. The 2000 action-horror movie is produced by master of horror Wes Craven.
Patrick Lussier (My Bloody Valentine, Drive Angry) directs from a script by Joel Soisson (Piranha 3DD, Trick or Treat). Gerard Butler, Christopher Plummer, Jonny Lee Miller, Justine Waddell, Omar Epps, Colleen Fitzpatrick, Jeri Ryan, and Jennifer Esposito star.
Dracula 2000 has been newly scanned in 4K from the original camera negative, approved by Lussier. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by film critics Emily Higgins and Billy Dunham (new)
Audio commentary by director Patrick Lussier and writer Joel Soisson
Interview with director/editor Patrick Lussier (new)
Interview with production designer Carol Spier (new)
Interview with composer Marco Beltrami (new)
Deleted & extended scenes with optional audio commentary
Behind-the-scenes featurette
Theatrical trailer
When a team of techno-savvy thieves breaks into a high-security vault, they don’t discover priceless works of art … they find a crypt unopened for 100 years! Suddenly, the ancient terror of Dracula (Gerard Butler) is unleashed, and his first destination is the city of New Orleans – a place where he feels right at home. Not far behind is a vampire hunter (Jonny Lee Miller) determined to save a young woman (Justine Waddell) with whom Dracula shares a dark legacy.
Pre-order Dracula 2000.
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comtessezouboff · 1 year
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King Ludwig Ist's Gallery of Beauties.
A retexture by La Comtesse Zouboff — Original Mesh by @thejim07
The Gallery of Beauties (Schönheitengalerie) is a collection of 38 small portraits of the most beautiful women from the nobility and middle classes of Munich, Germany painted between 1827 and 1850 (mostly by Karl Joseph Stieler, appointed court painter in 1820) and gathered by Ludwig I of Bavaria in the south pavilion of Nymphenburg Palace in Munich. Two additional ones were created by Friedrick Drück and one portrait was stolen in the XXth century and remains missing.
The set includes all the 38 portraits, with the original frame swatches, fully recolorable. The portraits are of:
Friederike von Gumppenberg (later Baroness von Gumppenberg).
Amalia von Schintling.
Amalie Maximilianovna von Krüdener (née von Lerchenfeld) Baroness von Krüdener.
Anna Hillmayer.
Anna von Greiner (née Bartelmann)
Antonietta Cornelia Vetterlein.
Archduchess Auguste Ferdinande of Austria, Princess of Bavaria.
Auguste Strobl (first version).
Auguste Strobl (second version).
Baroness Mathilde von Jordan.
Carlotta von Boos zu Waldeck (née von Breidbach-Bürresheim) Baroness von Breidbach-Bürresheim.
Caroline Maximiliana Maria von Holnstein (née von Spiering) Countess von Holnstein aus Bayern
Elise List (later Elise Pacher von Theinburg
Eliza Rosanna James (née Gilbert), Known ss Lola Montez.
Helene Kreszenz Sedlmayr.
Irene Pallavicini, Marchioness Pallavicini and Countess von Arco un Steppberg.
Isabella, Countess von Traufkirchen-Engelberg.
Jane Elizabeth Digby, Later Baroness von Venningen.
Josepha Conti (née Reh).
Karolina Lizius.
Katharina Rosa Botsaris in a Traditional Greek Costume.
Lady Theresa Spence (née Renard) as Sapho of Lesbos.
Maria Dietsch (In prayer, first version).
Maria Dietsch (second version).
Marianna Florenzi (née Bacinetti) Marchioness Florenzi.
Marie Friederike Franziska Hedwig of Prussia, Crown Princess of Bavaria.
Maximiliane Borzaga.
Nanette von Kaulla.
Princess Alexandra Amalie of Bavaria.
Caroline von Oettingen-Wallerstein (later Countess von Waldbott-Bassenheim.
Regina Daxenberger.
Rosalie Julie von Bonar (née von Wüllerstorf-Urbair) Baroness von Bonar.
Sophie Friederike Dorothea Wilhemine, Archduchess of Austria (née Princess of Bavaria).
The Actress Charlotte von Hagn-Schwab as Thekla in Schiller's "Wallenstein".
The Actress Friederica Katharina "Willhemine" Sulzer.
The Dancer Antonia Wallinger as Hebe.
The Honourable Emily Mikbanke-Huskisson (née Mansfield)
The Honourable Jane Plumer-Callander (née Erskine)
Found under decor > paintings for 540§
Retextured from the "Portrait of Balsasarre Castiglione" found here
CC shown here:
Wall paneling, mirror, girandole and floor by @thejim07
Fireplace by @hydrangeachainsaw
Chairs, stools, flower vases, bust, table, fireplace screen and candelabra by @joojconverts
Torchere by @martassimsbookcc
(Btw excuse my sims' reflection having tea)
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(Sims3Pack | Package)
(Useful tags below)
@joojconverts @ts3history @ts3historicalccfinds @deniisu-sims @katsujiiccfinds
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withinthem · 3 months
hi, friends! this is a fresh starter call for all of my muses! capping starters at 5 per muse, but there's no cap for muns. i will get to these when i can. thank y'all! ♡
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Diana Prince:
Faith Lehane:
Gracie Bishop:
Haley James Scott:
Simon Spier (hiddenpxpercuts)
Scarlett Thomas (youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Hannah Washington:
Emily Davis (wvsteria)
Lucas Sinclair (ofmimicry)
Sunny Baudelaire (ofmimicry)
Naomi Campbell (youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Sam Giddings (atorturedscul)
Randy Bradley (intxthevxid)
Jyn Erso:
Kate Denali:
Nina Zenik (ofmimicry)
Sailor Serpeni (youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Kirby Reed:
Jill Roberts (drvcxrys)
Tara Carpenter (wvsteria)
Brooke Maddox (atorturedscul)
Lorelai Gilmore:
Maggie Rhee:
Michonne (drvcxrys)
Maya DeLuca-Bishop:
Mira Sorrengail (lcngliive)
Victoria Huges (mastcrmiind)
Nani Pelekai:
Lilo Pelekai (thetorturedmusesdept)
Inquisitor Andromeda Lavellan (ofmimicry)
Stitch (youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Noelle Bailey:
Robin Buckley:
Nancy Wheeler (drvcxrys)
Chrissy Cunningham (wvsteria)
Lucas Sinclair (ofmimicry)
Sharpay Evans:
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panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
26 (😈), 11, 10, and 1 for the fandom ask game!!!!
zim zam, may the lads look upon you! 🔥
1. What is your favorite part about being inthe fandom?
Definetely how welcoming and supportive everyone here is! I adore every second of it and how can so many creative people be on the same place??? Its simply incredible!
10. An oc you can't get enough of?
That would be @next-autopsy 's Birdie (but even more so Francesca, I fucking love her so much!!!) AND @malarkgirlypop 's Emily! She's just so funny and relatable, I can't xD
11. Songs that tou associate with a certain character?
Oh no. You all will discover my ecletic musical taste! Oh well. Be warned! XD
Nixon - I literally CANNOT listen to Wine is better than Water from The Jolly Rogers without thinking of him. (Wine is better than water, and beer is much better than wine, and whisky my friends is better by far, so much better by far, than all the others combined!)
Luz - Why did the chicken cross the road? by CG5 and no one can change my mind. He would be songing this all the time just to annoy people.
Spiers - I feel like whenever i hear Russian Roulette by a whole fucking lot of people. Or Hell's Comin' With Me by Poor Man's Poison.
Roe - I feel like I think of him when I hear Dream by Priscilla Ahn. Is just so,,, soft. Or Rome Wasn't Built In A Day by Morcheeba.
Webster - I think the version of him that I made in my head is the only one I know now... and that version is so fucking stupid. Anyway Yellow Submarine by The Beatles and Boys will be bugs by Cavetown.
Liebgott - Chemical Overreaction or Thermodynamic Lawyer, both by Will Wood. I am such a dog for his songs and I feel like Lieb would DEFINETELY try to sing this at a karaoke and fail miserably because he's nowhere near capable of screaming his lungs off like Will.
Bull - Thank God I'm a Country Boy by John Denver. Yes.
Malarkey - (sad boy edition, to be clear) is Why Do I by Set It Off and Hatsune Miku. Also The World Spins Madly On by The Weepies.
Sobel - Mama Hates You by CK9C. Yeag, the Tattletail song. He is Mama. He hates you.
I feel like thats enough songs for now xD I really thought there would me more shanties tbh, since I listen to so many. Oh well... most of them are about booze so they all fit Nix KAKAKAK
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Representation matters!-in TV/MOVIES.
i am, obviously, not able to type ALL here, but the ones i know and love dearly+the ones I think are most important for the viewers♥- I WILL KEEP UPDATING THIS WHEN NEEDED♥) +obvi not in any important-order!!
1. BISEXUAL-BI-REPRESENTATION (as a bi person myself I still think this should be represented more in media everywhere(when it’s done right!))
-bi boys: Jesper Fahey (Shadow And Bone), Nick Nelson (Heartstopper),  Alex Claremont-Diaz (RWRB-Red White & Royal Blue), Timmy Andrews (The Craft: Legacy), Malakai Mitchell (Heartbreak High), Magnus Bane (Shadowhunters), Gar Logan-BeastBoy(DCTitans), Aki Menzies (GossipGirlHBOMax),, Salem Saberhagen (SabrinaTheTeenageWitch-90s), Li Shang (Mulan1998), Lucifer (Lucifer), Jeremiah Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty),  Gael Martinez (Good Trouble), Michael Guerin (Roswell, New Mexico), Evan "Buck" Buckley (9-1-1), Dustin ‘Dusty’ Reid (Heartbreak High), Patrick Zweig (Challengers 2024),
  - bi girls: Anna Taggaro (OTH-One Tree Hill), (and to me Peyton Sawyer, Brooke Davis(the actress said it so it’s canon!), Rachel Gatina (OTH-One Tree Hill), Nina Zenik (Shadow And Bone),  AJ Campos (Crush2022), Hope Mikaelson (TO-Legacies), Ava Silva (Warrior Nun), Katherine "Kitty" Song-Covey (XO Kitty), Missy Beckett (Heartbreak High), Yasmina-Yaz Fadoula (JWCC- Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous & JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory), Casey Gardner (Atypical), Noa Olivar (Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin), Abby(Atypical), Beatrix "Bird" Castro (Finding Carter), Marissa Cooper (The O.C), Alex Kelly (The O.C),  Aneesa Qureshi (Never Have I Ever),  Lake Meriwether (Love, Victor),  Vada Cavell (TheFallout-2021), Eve (Lucifer), Stella Yamada (Lemonade Mouth 2011), Sahar Zahid (Heartstopper (sinceS2) ), Nora Holleran (RWRB-Red White & Royal Blue), Haley Dunphy (Modern Family), Eleanor Henstridge (The Royals), Maureen Johnson (Rent the musical), Anthea (Shazam! Fury of the Gods), Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo), Sue Gilbert (Dickinson), Toni Topaz (Riverdale), Marie Moreau (Gen V), Jackie (Love Lies Bleeding), Isobel Evans-Bracken (Roswell, New Mexico), Francesca Bridgerton (Bridgerton), Helga Sinclair (Atlantis: The Lost Empire),
(for an epic and very queer historical-fiction tv show watch MARY & GEORGE !!)
Max Wolfe (GossipGirlHBOMax), Mazikeen (Lucifer), Mal (Descendants Movies), Josie Saltzman (Legacies,TO,TVD), Penelope Park (Legacies), Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy), Isabel (Bottoms 2023), Karen Shetty (Mean Girls 2024), Benedict Bridgerton (Bridgerton),
(for an epic and very queer historical-fiction tv show watch MARY & GEORGE !!)
Raphael Santiago (Shadowhunters), Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper), Tolya Yul-Bataar (ShadowAndBone-Grishaverse), Tori Spring (Heartstopper), Douglas ‘Cash’ Piggott (Heartbreak High),
-gay:  Wylan Hendriks/Wylan Van Eck (Shadow And Bone), Prince Henry Fox (RWRB-Red White & Royal Blue), Jack McPhee (Dawson’s Creek),  Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters), Simon Spier (Love,Simon2018),  Victor Salazar (Love,Victor),  Benji Campbell (Love,Victor), Rahim (Love,Victor), Charlie Spring (Heartstopper), Brimsley and Reynolds (OueenCharlotte-BridgertonSpinoff), Eric Van Der Woodsen (Gossip Girl), Quincy “Q” Shabazian (XOKitty), Damian Hubbard (Mean Girls 2024), Nick Feinstein  (The Fallout 2021), Alistair Ellington (Maxton Hall : The World Between Us (2024)), Wilbur Evans (Geek Girl),
-lesbian: Beatrice (Warrior Nun), Shotgun Mary (Warrior Nun), Diana Berrigan(White Collar), Fabiola Torres (Never Have I Ever), Ellie Chu (The Half Of It), Sammy Gutierrez (JWCC- Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous & JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory), Emily Fields (Pretty Little Liars),  Maxine Baker (Ginny & Georgia),  Izzie Taylor (Atypical), Calliope "Cal" Burns (First Kill),  Juliette Fairmont (First Kill), Tara Jones (Heartstopper),  Darcy Olsson (Heartstopper), Mia Karp (Vampire Academy), Meredith Beckham (Vampire Academy), Tamar Kir-Bataar (Shadow And Bone), Nadia Zhabin (Shadow And Bone),  Simone Jackson (DaisyJonesAndTheSix), Yuri Han (XO Kitty), PJ and Josie (Bottoms 2023), Hazel Callahan (Bottoms 2023), Madison (Finding Carter),  Kit Tanthalos (Willow), Jade (Willow), Sabina Wilson (Charlie’s Angels 2019), Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo), Winnie Black (Miller’s Girl), Janis ‘Imi’ike (Mean Girls 2024), Emily Dickinson (Dickinson), Sasha So (Heartbreak High), Monet de Haan (GossipGirlHBOMax),
(for an epic and very queer historical-fiction tv show watch MARY & GEORGE !!)
-Elle Argent (Heartstopper),  Anybodys (West Side Story 2021),  Luna La (GossipGirlHBOMax), Chanel (Warrior Nun), Naomi (Heartstopper), Felix (Heartstopper), Amy (RWRB-Red, White & Royal Blue), Ash Romero (Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin),
4. Non-Binary/Genderqueer/ (they/them) Representation
-Darren Rivers (Heartbreak High), Addison (Never Have I Ever), Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy), Jordan Li (Gen V),
(we seriously lack the representation in popular and mostly-watched shows and movies for teenagers and young adults here tho),
-I don’t see this represented enough in TV or Movies for Young Adults, nor Kids.
Kaz Brekker & Jesper Fahey & Wylan Van Eck, Genya Safin(Shadow And Bone) , Rebecca Hall-Yoshida (Never Have I Ever), Maxton Hall : The World Between Us (2024),  +  JWCC-Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous & JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory
+ MORE BELOW(and above in this entire post♥):
Nathan Walter (My Life with The Walter Boys),
Cassie Salazar (Purple Hearts), Abby Brown (OTH-One Tree Hill), (still not enough tho, if it’s done, it is so often shown WRONG..)
Jesper Fahey (Shadow And Bone),  Percy Jackson + other Demigods (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), Alex Claremont Diaz (RWRB-Red, White & Royal Blue),  Anne Shirley (Anne Of Green Gables 80s movies), Neal Caffrey(White Collar), Stiles (Teen Wolf),  Jesus (The Fosters),  Sara Eriksson (Young Royals),
Sam Gardner (Atypical), James McEwan (Heartstopper), Wylan Hendriks/Van Eck (Shadow And Bone), David Kostyk (Shadow And Bone), Amanda (Change Of Habit 1969), Oskar Schell (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close), Sara Eriksson (Young Royals), Quinni Gallagher-Jones (Heartbreak High), Francesca Bridgerton (Bridgerton), Harriet Manners (Geek Girl), Toby Pilgrim (Geek Girl),
Wylan Hendriks/ Wylan Van Eck (Shadow and Bone), Percy Jackson (movies + tv show as well), Donna Martin (Beverly Hills 90210), CeCe Jones (Shake It Up),  Evan Chapin (Atypical),
8b. DEAF/Hard of hearing(whichever u urself use!)COMMUNITY REPRESENTATION+ the use of Sign Language
Feel The Beat 2020, Ginny and Georgia, CODA 2021, Switched at Birth (2011–2017), Echo(Marvel), Eternals,
Ava Silva (Warrior Nun) , Lissa Dragomir (Vampire Academy), Wednesday Addams (WednesdayNetflix), Anna Taggaro (One Tree Hill), Santana Lopez (Glee),  Ella Lopez (Lucifer), Pilar Salazar (Love, Victor), Victor Salazar (Love, Victor), Maria (West Side Story2021), Cassie Salazar (Purple Hearts 2022), Alex Claremont-Diaz (RWRB-Red, White & Royal Blue), Jackie Howard (My Life with The Walter Boys), Noa Olivar (Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin), Descendants (2015) & Descendants 2 (2017) & Descendants 3 (2019),
Ariel (TheLittleMermaid2023), Raven Baxter (That's So Raven), Cyborg (Teen Titans), Antwon Skills Taylor (OTH-One Tree Hill),  Darius Bowman (JWCC- Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous & JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory), Calliope Burns (First Kill), Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy), Starr Carter (The Hate U Give 2018), Mary (Warrior Nun), Mia Brooks (Love, Victor), Simone Jackson (DaisyJonesAndTheSix), Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), Faran Bryant (Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin), Tabitha 'Tabby' Haworthe (Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin), Darren Rivers /they/them/ (Heartbreak High), Toni Topaz (Riverdale), Sarah Fox (My Babysitter’s a Vampire), Wilbur Evans (Geek Girl),
+ Queen Charlotte & Bridgerton
Malakai Mitchell (Heartbreak High), Missy Beckett (Heartbreak High), Reservation Dogs, Rez Ball (Netflix, out soon), Mohawk Girls,
Alina Starkov (Shadow And Bone), Mal Oretsev (Shadow and Bone), Tamar Kir-Bataar (Shadow And Bone), Tolya Yul-Bataar (Shadow And Bone), Lara Jean (To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before), Ellie Chu (The Half Of It 2020), Tao Xu (Heartstopper), Kitty Song-Covey (XO Kitty), Isabel (Bottoms 2023), Minnie 'Mouse' Honrada (Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin), Ash Romero (Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin), Sasha So (Heartbreak High), Jordan Li (Gen V), 
(+desi women) Edwina Sharma & Kate Sharma Bridgerton (Bridgerton), Devi Vishwakumar (Never Have I Ever), Inej Ghafa (Shadow And Bone), Zoya Nazyalensky (Shadow And Bone),  Mohini "Mo" Banjaree (Lemonade Mouth 2011), Princess Jasmine (Aladdin 2019), Emma Morley (OneDayNetflix), Amerie Wadia (Heartbreak High),
Elle Argent (Heartstopper),  Ellie Chu (The Half Of It), Emma Morley (OneDayNetflix), Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo), Margot Rivers(Get Even(2020) ), Harry Potter
Rahim (Love, Victor), Aneesa Qureshi (Never Have I Ever),
Nathan Scott + Lucas Scott & Brooke Davis(OTH-One Tree Hill),  Wylan Hendriks/ Wylan Van Eck (Shadow And Bone),  Pacey Witter (Dawson’s Creek), Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl), Kenji Kon (JWCC- Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous & JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory), Michael Guerin (Roswell90s/RoswellOG), Blair Waldorf (GossipGirl), Daisy Jones (DaisyJonesAndTheSix), Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy)  + Disney’s Tangled +  James & Lydia Beaufort (Maxton Hall : The World Between Us (2024))+ Descendants (2015) & Descendants 2 (2017) & Descendants 3 (2019),
Gar Logan/Beast Boy (DCTitans), (..like seriously we NEED more representation here..)
Seth Cohen (The O.C), David Gordon (Gordo) (Lizzie McGuire),  Ben Gross (Never Have I Ever),  Cyrus Rose (Gossip Girl), Max Wolfe (GossipGirlHBOMax), Danielle (Shiva Baby)
OTH-One Tree Hill, Roswell90s/RoswellOG, Shadow And Bone, White Collar, JWCC-Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous & JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Never Have I Ever,  OneDay(Movie+TV show), Red, White & Royal Blue(2023), Vampire Academy(2022), Fallen (2024), Fallen (2016), The Vampire Diaries + Legacies, My Life with The Walter Boys, Wild Cards, Young Royals, Dickinson, Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin/Summer School, Heartbreak High, The Fallout(2021), Maxton Hall : The World Between Us, The Last Tycoon, Dawson’sCreek, All Of Us Strangers 2023, Get Even(2020), Chambers 2019, Feel The Beat 2020, My Old Ass 2024, Anne Of Green Gables 80s movies,
OTH-One Tree Hill, Roswell90s/RoswellOG , Shadow And Bone, White Collar, JWCC-Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous & JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, Legacies, Red, White & Royal Blue(2023), One Day (Movie + TV Show),  According to Greta(2009), Better Off Dead (1985), The Beat Beneath My Feet(2014),  Rocketman(2019), Mary & George, Heartstopper,  Maxton Hall : The World Between Us,  Dawson’sCreek, Fallen (2024), Fallen (2016), Vampire Academy (2022), Get Even(2020),
Anne Shirley (Anne Of Green Gables 80s movies), Lucas Scott (OTH-One Tree Hill), Wednesday Addams (WednesdayNetflix), Emma Morley (OneDayNetflix+Movie), Prince Henry Fox (RWRB-Red White & Royal Blue),  Dan Humphrey (Gossip Girl), Joey Potter (Dawson’s Creek), Ezra Fitz (Pretty Little Liars),  Cairo Sweet (Miller’s Girl), Emily Dickinson (Dickinson), Penelope Featherington Bridgerton (Bridgerton),
OTH-One Tree Hill, Roswell90s/RoswellOG, Shadow And Bone, RWRB-Red White & Royal Blue, JWCC-Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous &  JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, White Collar, XO,Kitty, Heartstopper, Love,Victor  ,Teen Titans(OG), Scooby Doo(Everything), Daisy Jones And The Six, Lemonade Mouth 2011, Bottoms 2023, Willow(2022-2023), My Life with The Walter Boys, Charlie’s Angels 2019, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin/Summer School, Heartbreak High, Dawson’s Creek, The Thief Lord(2006), Warrior Nun, Living for the Dead, Maxton Hall:The World Between Us, Legacies, Lockwood&Co, Finding Carter, Fallen(2024), Fallen (2016), Vampire Academy(2022), The Fosters, Lab Rats, My Babysitter’s A Vampire, Descendants (2015) & Descendants 2 (2017) & Descendants 3 (2019), Get Even(2020), Feel The Beat 2020, Anne Of Green Gables 80s +00s movies,
Landon Kirby (TO-Legacies), Anya/Anastasia(1997), Michael Guerin(RoswellOG/Roswell90s), Carter Stevens/Carter Wilson (Finding Carter), Anne Shirley(AnneOfGreenGables 80s movies), Callie Jacob(The Fosters), Sam Walker (OTH-One Tree Hill), Peyton Sawyer(OTH-One Tree Hill), Christian Ozera(Vampire Academy),Lissa Dragomir(Vampire Academy),  Hope Mikaelson(TO-Legacies),Gar Logan(DCTitans),Nick(No Good Nick), SHADOW AND BONE, Heartbreak High, Fallen (2024), Fallen (2016),
Kenji Kon (JWCC-Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous +JWCT-Jurassic World: Chaos Theory), Gar Logan (DCTitans), Paxton Hall-Yoshida (Never Have I Ever), Jo (Running for Grace2018), Hiro + Tadashi Hamada (Bix Hero6),  Stella Yamada (Lemonade Mouth 2011),
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ridenwithbiden · 2 years
Here's how atheist candidates fared in the 2022 elections
There are at least 15 nonreligious state senators.
This is a jump from 10 just two years ago. While they use different labels to describe themselves, these legislators show that you can represent people of faith even when you don’t believe in a Higher Power yourself.
Sen. Stanley Chang (HI)
Geoff Schroeder (ID)
Pinny Beebe-Center (NH)
Sen. William Brownsberger (MA)
Sen. Jeff Irwin (MI)
Sen. Jen McEwen (MN)
Sen. Megan Hunt (NE)
Sen. Andrew Zwicker (NJ) (wasn’t on the ballot)
Sen. William Peter Soules (NM) (wasn’t on the ballot)
Sen. Julie Mayfield (NC)
Nate Blouin (UT)
Rep. Rebecca White (VT)
Sen. Dick McCormack (VT)
Sen. Melissa Agard (WI) (wasn’t on the ballot)
Sen. Kelda Roys (WI) (wasn’t on the ballot)
Those whose races have not been called yet:
Jeanne Casteen (AZ)
Sen. Juan Mendez (AZ)
Brian Nash (CA)
Maria Peterson (IL)
You can see from the list that the senators include challengers, former state representatives, and incumbents whose open nonreligiosity wasn’t a dealbreaker for voters.
There are at least 44 nonreligious state representatives
With several races yet to be called, this is heading toward a record number of nonreligious State House members.
Jennifer Longdon (AZ)
Rep. Melody Hernandez (AZ)
Rep. Athena Salman (AZ)
Rep. Karen McCormick (CO)
Rep. Brianna Titone (CO)
Rep. Chris Kennedy (CO)
Rep. Judy Amabile (CO)
Rep. Cathy Kipp (CO)
Rep. Joshua Elliott (CT)
Rep. Roland J. Lemar (CT)
Rep. Paul Baumbach (DE)
Rep. Eric Morrison (DE)
Rep. Anna Eskamani (FL)
Elinor Levin (IA)
Rep. Lynne Williams (ME)
Rep. Lois Reckitt (ME)
Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr (MD)
Rep. David Moon (MD)
Rep. Jim Hawkins (MA)
Rep. Tram Nguyen (MA)
Rep. Mike Freiberg (MI)
Bob Carter (MT)
Rep. Rochelle Nguyen (NV)
Rep. Howard Watts III (NV)
Carry Spier (NH)
Rep. Sherry Dutzy (NH)
Rep. Amanda Bouldin (NH)
Rep. Kat McGhee (NH)
Rep. Jacqueline Chretien (NH)
Rep. Ellen Read (NH)
Rep. Harvey Epstein (NY)
Rep. Pam Marsh (OR)
Rep. Julie Fahey (OR)
Emily Kinkead (PA)
Mark Rozzi (PA)
Robert Ziegler (PA)
Rep. Chris Rabb (PA)
Rep. Jon Rosenthal (TX)
Rep. Robin Scheu (VT)
Rep. Kathleen James (VT)
Rep. Barbara Rachelson (VT)
Monique Priestley (VT)
Rep. Strom Peterson (WA)
Rep. Francesca Hong (WI)
Those whose races have not been called yet:
Sara Aminzadeh (CA)
Alex Lee (CA)
Stephanie Vigil (CO)
Jennifer Parenti (CO)
Brooke Grossman (MD)
Joey Andrews (MI)
Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban (NH)
Wendy Thomas (NH)
Holly Hillhouse (NH)
Melanie Renfrew-Hebert (NH)
Courtney Neron (OR)
Zach Hudson (OR)
Rep. Ashlee Matthews (UT)
Mike Rice (VT)
Jessica Wadhams (WA)
As you can see, there’s a mix of incumbents and challengers, including in several red states.
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cavenewstimes · 4 months
Nvidia Has an Unstoppable Monopoly — And It’s Legal, Too
Nobody’s Gonna Stop Nvidia Alex Kantrowitz of the Big Tech podcast joins the Money squad to discuss Nvidia, Sam Altman, and WhatsApp. We’re sorry, but something went wrong while fetching your podcast feeds. Please contact us at [email protected] for help. Episode Notes This week, Felix Salmon, Emily Peck, and Elizabeth Spiers are joined by Alex Kantrowitz of the Big Technology podcast. They…
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news247planet · 1 year
#‘Succession' #Fairly #NFL Succession S4 Ep10: Pretty Explosive Mega-F*** https://news247planet.com/?p=258911
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automatismoateo · 2 years
Here’s how atheist candidates fared in the 2022 elections via /r/atheism
Here’s how atheist candidates fared in the 2022 elections
There are now at least 16 nonreligious state senators:
Sen. Juan Mendez (AZ) Sen. Stanley Chang (HI) Geoff Schroeder (ID) Pinny Beebe-Center (ME) Sen. William Brownsberger (MA) Sen. Jeff Irwin (MI) Sen. Jen McEwen (MN) Sen. Megan Hunt (NE) Sen. Andrew Zwicker (NJ) (wasn’t on the ballot) Sen. William Peter Soules (NM) (wasn’t on the ballot) Sen. Julie Mayfield (NC) Nate Blouin (UT) Rep. Rebecca White (VT) Sen. Dick McCormack (VT) Sen. Melissa Agard (WI) (wasn’t on the ballot) Sen. Kelda Roys (WI) (wasn’t on the ballot)
There are also at least 53 nonreligious state representatives:
Jennifer Longdon (AZ) Rep. Melody Hernandez (AZ) Rep. Athena Salman (AZ) Alex Lee (CA) Rep. Karen McCormick (CO) Stephanie Vigil (CO) Jennifer Parenti (CO) Rep. Brianna Titone (CO) Rep. Chris Kennedy (CO) Rep. Judy Amabile (CO) Rep. Cathy Kipp (CO) Rep. Joshua Elliott (CT) Rep. Roland J. Lemar (CT) Rep. Paul Baumbach (DE) Rep. Eric Morrison (DE) Rep. Anna Eskamani (FL) Elinor Levin (IA) Rep. Lynne Williams (ME) Rep. Lois Reckitt (ME) Brooke Grossman (MD) Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr (MD) Rep. David Moon (MD) Rep. Jim Hawkins (MA) Rep. Tram Nguyen (MA) Joey Andrews (MI) Rep. Mike Freiberg (MI) Bob Carter (MT) Rep. Rochelle Nguyen (NV) Rep. Howard Watts III (NV) Carry Spier (NH) Rep. Sherry Dutzy (NH) Wendy Thomas (NH) Rep. Amanda Bouldin (NH) Rep. Kat McGhee (NH) Rep. Jacqueline Chretien (NH) Rep. Ellen Read (NH) Rep. Harvey Epstein (NY) Rep. Pam Marsh (OR) Rep. Julie Fahey (OR) Zach Hudson (OR) Emily Kinkead (PA) Mark Rozzi (PA) Robert Ziegler (PA) Rep. Chris Rabb (PA) Rep. Jon Rosenthal (TX) Rep. Ashlee Matthews (UT) Rep. Robin Scheu (VT) Rep. Kathleen James (VT) Mike Rice (VT) Rep. Barbara Rachelson (VT) Monique Priestley (VT) Rep. Strom Peterson (WA) Rep. Francesca Hong (WI)
Submitted November 15, 2022 at 03:44PM by ReligionIsForLosers (From Reddit https://ift.tt/C4Nr1EA)
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hiddenpxpercuts · 6 months
Since I am coming off hiatus and a lot of my muses need stuff, plus I dropped some folks, here is a new starter call for all my muses! Please react to your heart's content, I could use stuff for EVERY SINGLE MUSE!!!!
Tumblr media
Kronk (Emperor's New Groove)
Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Peter (mischiefxmuses)
Lydia (spellbcok)
Jake Wheeler (Chucky)
Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)
Reggie Peters (JATP)
Kiara (wvsteria) 
Ivan Carvalho (Elite)
Prince Henry (RWRB)
Max (mischiefxmuses)
Riley Matthews (GMW)
Isabel (wvsteria) 
Edwina Sharma (Bridgerton)
Zed Necrodopolis (ZOMBIES)
Astarion (coreofgold)
Veronica Fisher (Shameless)
Jesse St. James (Glee)
Beth Corcoran (Glee)
Olaf (Disney)
Gir (coreofgold) 
10th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Luca (Luca)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Daryl Dixon (coreofgold)
Gretchen Wieners (Mean Girls)
Blair (spellbcok) 
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Stolas (coreofgold)
Bee (mischiefxmuses) 
Katherine Pierce (TVD)
Enzo (wvsteria) 
Blaine Anderson (Glee)
Maria Vasquez (West Side Story)
Gabriel Boutin (Half Bad)
Chishiya Shuntaro (Alice in Borderland)
Lillian Deville (Rugrats)
Mercutio Alice (Romeo and Juliet)
Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers)
Beel (coreofgold)
Lorelai (spellbcok)
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday)
Sidney (wvsteria) 
Sabrina (spellbcok) 
Ambrose Spellman (CAOS)
Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Dohee (spellbcok)
Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
T.J Kippen (Andi Mack)
Harry Hook (Descendants)
Gil (coreofgold)
Marco Del Rossi (Degrassi)
Max Baker (Ginny and Georgia)
Matthew Murdock (Marvel)
Peter Parker (wvsteria) 
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Ruyi (spellbcok) 
Emily Fitch (Skins UK)
Nick Nelson (Heartstopper)
Simon Spier (Love, Simon)
Evan Buckley (911)
T.K Strand (911 Lone Star)
Richie Tozier (IT)
Alexander Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Markl (coreofgold)
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