#Emperor's Coven Amity
puppyeared · 1 year
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Callbacks to older episodes
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rockymountainqueen2 · 1 month
So, am I the only TOH fan who appreciates the animatic for season two's theme song?
Animation by: Kofi Fiagome
Sourced from: The Owl House Wiki
And just for fun...
Behold, Hunter!
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kingoftheu · 1 year
I’m sorry but it’s funny that Belos managed to impose a Puritan fear of Wild Magic over the Boiling Isles but wasn’t able to impose the slightest bit of Puritan Homophobia over that same time period.
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askventhespy · 20 days
Toh oc ask blog intro
Welcome to my silly toh oc blog I just kinda made for fun idk.
RULES : don’t send any rude or inappropriate asks And preferably send asks related to my oc. oc info (s2) :
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royal-they · 2 years
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or should i be a bad girl chosen one with black nail polish and a mysterious withdrawn attitude? “i act like i dont care, but I secretly do”
a beat-up blonde with no magical powers. she called him, and these are her exact words, “a bad but sad boy”
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asherisawkward · 1 year
How do you think a "hero and villian are forced to work together" type of episode would have worked between Luz and Belos?
(Note, this is a rough outline of what season three could look like but without any focus on subplots.)
The intro would play the way it does in Thanks to Them, and we’d get some scenes of the Hexsquad adjusting to Earth while Luz is in school. She’d still be suffering from guilt, but it would be related to abandoning Camila without thinking about how that could affect her, especially with Manny’s death. Additionally, there would be a scene where Vee and Luz talk about what happened, and Vee apologizes for taking over Luz’s life and throwing out her things without permission. I think it’d be a good thing to give Vee some more time to develop and acknowledge her own mistake.
At school, we could have a few scenes of Luz trying to fit in and being shunned as evidence for why she was so eager to leave behind the Human Realm. We’d still have the scene of Flapjack finding the Codex and the Hexsquad deciding they’d go searching for the Titan’s Blood as a surprise for Luz. It would also be around this time that we see Gus and Hunter being Cosmic Frontier nerds. They’d get the scene of the group finding giraffes and getting terrified like in canon, and they meet Masha, who gives them a hand with the code.
It would then switch to follow Philip wandering about the Human Realm, possessing or feeding on animal corpses in an attempt to regain his strength. This would be an incredibly grim set of scenes focused on the difficulty Philip has with physical survival and regaining his strength after what the Collector did. A lot of his screentime would focus on the after effects Philip experiences after the Day of Unity. He’s falling apart and having a hard time becoming stable without a form to take over, and he would frequently be interrupted and distressed by various memories that Gus went through in King’s Tide coming back and tormenting him.
He’d start working up in forms until he got to a deer and get hit by a car just like in canon, and goop would get sprayed and spilled over the road, attracting Luz’ and Camila’s attention as they’re driving home with groceries. This is the point that Philip becomes a variable to the Hexsquad, and they start trying to plan around him.
Then, as the episode continued, each party would individually realize that the Collector is a threat to their respective goals (Luz’s goal being to save the Isles and Philip’s being to destroy them) along with the unwanted necessity of needing the other person in order to be able to stop the Collector from going on a rampage. Philip could help them make another portal if they gave him the right incentive with it. The group is rightfully conflicted on it, and Hunter is the most outspoken one on the Anti-Philip side of things for obvious reasons.
Philip would probably be more active about seeking Luz out because he’s more aware of her and the Hexsquad, while the latters are still putting pieces together about where he is and grappling with the fact that he may be an asset. Eventually, he’d move to digging up corpses and possessing them to get back his human form without actually hurting any humans before he forced himself into his human form briefly to get his clothes back and starts hauling himself to the Noceda household.
The scene of Philip knocking on the door of the house that the Hexsquad’s adopted would be very tense because, a) everyone is already there, so who’s knocking on the door, and, b) Philip is possessing a literal corpse to be here. Along with, you know, he’s Philip.
He wouldn’t ever say “I need your help to take down the Collector,” because he would not want to confess that he needs help and cannot take the Collector on alone. Instead, he makes it about how the Hexsquad needs him to make a stable portal and his magical expertise will be invaluable to them. Hell, he’ll even be generous and swear to not attack them while they’re teamed up. After a lot of debate and bargaining, they come to an agreement and start working together.
The rest of the episode is about how the various characters come to terms with having to be around the monster that tried to murder them all, and how Philip attempts to balance his recovery and creating the portal. On Halloween, they go out and have a bit of fun before they go to leave, and they still see the Tale of the Brothers Wittebane. The episode would end with the characters going through the portal, except for Vee, who stays behind how she does in canon. She’s been incredibly brave in facing and dealing with her abuser/captor, and I like that she’s not expected or forced to go along after that.
In For the Future, it would focus on King and the Collector for about half of it (with a little bit of Eda and Lilith) and the expanded Hexsquad for half of it.
On King’s side of things, he is dealing with a very sadistic and manipulative Collector (Shadow Collector, my beloved /j) They’re still playing Owl House with the Collector as Luz, but they’ve amped the stakes up. Instead of puppetifying everyone immediately, the Collector is forcing everyone to play their parts through intimidation, and if they mess up, then they start getting turned into a puppet slowly. It travels kind of like possession but slower, and the victims lose control and feeling of their limbs as the spell progresses. I’m thinking a horrifying situation that kind of goes, “my body is not my own.” Once someone is completely transformed, the spell is irreversible like petrification and basically becomes a corpse that is forced to move around and talk by the Collector. Eda, Hooty, and Lilith are set up by King as vital characters and are given a bit more leeway because King said they’re necessary for the game. Still, the Collector is becoming more violent as he starts to get bored with the game.
With the Hexsquad, Gus is quickly becoming one of the more important characters in the episode. The earring the at he took from Graye had a slice of Galderstone, which, contrary to popular belief, amplifies the complexity and scale of illusions that can be done. Using this knowledge, Gus makes and maintains an illusion as the Hexsquad walks that makes it seem as if there is nobody there without needing to hold breath the way they would with a glyph. He does a double-layered spell: one layer that has slight changes to the area around them and a couple animals to explain the noise they’re making, and another that just makes the group invisible to other eyes.
Willow and Amity will start talking properly about the way that things have changed over the past couple years and how just because Odalia and Alador made them stop being friends did not excuse the bullying that she did for years. Amity could properly acknowledge this and work to be better.
Camila is being a momma bear while also trying to adapt the way Luz did, and Luz finally gets to explain to her mother how she came to the Isles and how she fell in love with the place as a whole. It’s a really good bonding moment for the pair, and I think it could really help flesh out the way they interact as a family as a whole.
They’d stop at the Owl House and take a break, and Gus would have a moment where he talks to and connects with Philip. He explains his fascination and interest with humans and how he spent his childhood being enamored with them. He thought they were strange, amazing creatures that were good as a whole. Now, with what he’s seen in Philip’s memories, he feels disillusioned and hurt, like he’s lost a part of something integral to himself. How it that humans can be so horrible to people?
It would be really interesting to watch Philip and Gus to mourn their childhoods and the loss of that bright-eyed innocence about the world. After all, even if Philip believes humanity is good, he knows that there are bad people, and it can’t have been easy to learn that.
It would be a moment of genuine connection between the pair, and Philip could point out that there are good and bad people in every group, and that for every murderer or thief, there are doctors and authors and other amazing people who change the world. After listening to that, Gus pauses for a moment and says, “Have you ever considered that it’s the same way for witches, too?”
The pair stop talking after that.
Finally, finally, Luz and Philip get to talking about the way things are. Luz shares some of her concerns about being like him and how she’s a bad person for helping him meet the Collector. Philip roughly says, “You aren’t like me; you’re like Caleb.” Then we get a brief flashback scene as Philip explains a little bit of his childhood—being orphaned and dependent on Caleb with no one else in his life, the way he was all but destroyed when he saw his brother leave with Evelyn, how certain he was that Caleb wouldn’t abandon him, and everything else about his story.
At that point, Luz starts feeling awful about what happened with her mother and how scared she must have been when she found out that Luz wasn’t at summer camp and instead another realm. She wonders how she could be so thoughtless and what other ways she could have hurt the people she cares about. Philip points out that Camila is still alive and that there’s time to make things right between them. Hearing that, Luz runs off to go talk to her mother.
Camila is a bit surprised that her daughter comes to her suddenly and says that she needs to talk with her. They go into another room, and Luz pours her heart out about everything that happens and apologizes for leaving the way she did and not talking about things with her. Camila is gentle and comforts her, saying that she had been incredibly scared, but she’s proud of how much Luz has grown from her time in the Boiling Isles and how she could never ask her to leave someplace so dear to her forever.
Luz’s palisman wish in this is, “All I wanted is to feel like I belong somewhere,” because it still fits into her theme of being a weirdo and feeling misunderstood without putting pressure on her friends and family to bend over backwards to understand her even when they disagree. Stringbean is still her Palisman, but she’s just a snake as opposed to a snake-shifter.
Meanwhile, the Collector is becoming more and more suspicious of their “friend.” King goes away too often, and he’s always so secretive around Lilith and Eda! What if he’s planning something? What if he’s going to betray them the way Philip did? He begins preparing himself for King’s betrayal and spends some spies to follow the Titan. Eda, Lilith, Hooty, and King wander about in some of their limited time away from the Collector while they’re distracted or sleeping.
Eventually, the two groups meet up, and there’s a lot of joy for everyone as they reunite with each other, explain what’s been happening in the different realms, and introduce Eda, Lilith, and King to Camila. The Hexsquad is ecstatic to know that their loved ones are okay, as King confirms that he hasn’t seen any of them get puppetified (and King’s almost always there when that happens). However, once the shock has worn off, they realize that Philip is there, and they become incredibly suspicious about him. The situation is quickly explained, and the Eternal Oath between the two groups soothes them for now, but Lilith makes sure to tell Philip that she’s watching him for any suspicious business. The episode ends on the Collector, revealing that he’s seen the whole interaction.
In Watching and Dreaming, it would start shortly after Eda, Lilith, and Hooty were reunited with Luz and the rest of the Hexsquad. Philip is awkward and generally standing off to the side due to his mistreatment of both witches in the past and the growing realization that with the fight approaching, they will have to fight and either die or suffer, and Philip will have to turn against them in the end.
Eventually, the Collector would find the group and try to take King hostage for betraying him and working for his downfall. That would trigger an all out fight where everyone would scramble to get King free. Hunter would succeed by grabbing King and teleporting away after Amity restrains the Collector for a short period of time.
I’m not the best at describing fight scenes, but it would be a mess. Willow would be shooting vines at the Collector and making sure that everyone had the potential to get in range and get away if needed. Gus would be distracting, diverting, and attempting to visually overwhelm the Collector with his illusions. He might even try the bad memory thing again.
Amity would attack utilizing abomination matter and attempt to restrain the Collector’s movement. Hunter would have Flapjack and go about his usual teleportation-and-retreat based fighting style. King would use his Titan powers and Lilith would use potions (and Hooty) to destroy and hold back the puppet army. Eda and Camila would be doing their best to give the Collector hell while protecting their kids, and they’d be absolutely badass at it.
Philip would be fighting like the devil, and it’d be another opportunity to get a true sense and scale of his power. I’m thinking that because he’s the most durable and survived being liquified by the Collector, he jumps in to take most of the damage for the Hexsquad. Finally, Luz would be absolutely amazing with her glyph combinations now that Philip has had some time to teach her some of his combinations.
The fight would eventually end when Philip partially petrifies the Collector before Luz slams them with a glyph combination that nice again traps them in their prison. Then, the Hexsquad absolutely demolishes the tablet that’s used for the imprisoned and the real world to communicate.
There’s celebrations, laughing, crying, and hugging. People are hugging, and Amity and Luz kiss after the latter hugs her mother. Everyone’s celebrating, except for Philip. He’s standing off to the side and kind of staring at the scene before him. He’s seeing proof, actual proof, of the goodness of the witches and demons that he thought were evil. His entire life has been dedicated to a lie, and everything that he used to see as good is monstrous.
Philip is badly wounded, but he interrupts the festivities to attack the witches around him. Luz uses Stringbean to deflect the attack and begins fighting him back. With the wounds he has and the knowledge he’s been wrong his whole life, Philip is not fighting nearly as well as he does in his prime, making it easier for Luz to fight against him on more equal ground.
Luz asks him to stop, saying that there has to be some other way to resolve the situation. Now that she understands the situation and what caused it, maybe find another way. (Basically, she tries to pull a Steven Universe)
“How else could this have ended with how far I’ve gone?” Philip asks, continuing to fight. They continue to fight, the man getting more and more injured as they go on. Eventually, he’s too wounded to go on, and his body gives out beneath him. He passes on soon after. Luz is there when he dies, but she is not responsible for it. I want it to feel kind of somber, because he’s a pretty tragic character as a whole.
That’s my idea for Season Three if Philip and Luz had to team up. A lot of Thanks to Them comes from @chiconisroc’s “Was Not The Hero,” because it’s got the same sort of premise.
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Spilling the tea before your petrification
Emperor Belos: Do you have any final words?
Captured Wild Witch: I-I do. May I? Emperor Belos: Go on then
Wild Witch: Great. *Clears throat* Um, Terra Snapdragon has Clam-ydia! Oooh! Icky! Yeah she’s been spreading that around faster than a forest fire. Boys that burning desire you’ve been feeling is actually just inflammation! Alright? Go see the Healing Coven!
Emperor Belos: Is this necessary?
Wild Witch: Um yeah. They’re my final words. I get to have my final words.
Emperor Belos: Ugh, alright…
Wild Witch: Amazing! Um, a witch in Latissa had a boy named Gavin out of Wedlock! *Gasps* Someone call Darius Deamonne because you are not the father!
Warden Wrath: Good Titan…
Wild Witch: Adrian Graye Vernworth is sleeping with the CEO of Blight industries, Odalia! Oooh that’s gonna be some family affair I don’t want to get involved in!
Emperor Belos: Oh that’s not good…
Wild Witch: Oh and Emperor Belos, Hi~!
Emperor Belos: Please no…
Wild Witch: No no no! Don’t worry! You did nothing wrong! You have a hole and it should be used! Right? Don’t let it go to waste it’s important to be curious and honestly, I think you’re brave. Especially for experiencing with the Coven’s head Cleric! Oooh! Tell me, did you find Titan up there? Hahaha, holy moly alright I’m-I’m good to go. Always wanted a big freeze. Have fun hashing all of this out, uh, peace and love, and I’ll see you in Heck!
Emperor Belos: I-I haven’t the slightest in what she was raving about! W-Wild witches say the craziest things right? Right?
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milfcamilanoceda · 2 years
Toh is about idealistic dreams, learning that the real thing is far from perfect, and then learning to be ok with it by either finding beauty in the imperfections or letting it go.
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yardsards · 2 years
forever rotating the idea of amity and lilith re-forging their apprentice-mentor relationship (but this time healthy and also anti-establishment) around in my head
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drachenfalter · 1 year
Alador: "You don't want to join the Emperor's Coven anymore? But that's- That's always been your dream!"
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Amity: "No, that's always been Mom's dream!"
Come on, Amity. You can't really blame Alador for believing you wanted to join the EC, when a few months back-
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you reacted like this when Bump implied you might one day join them. With a squeal of excitement.
(Yeah. Amity's stance against the Coven System is a recent development.)
Of course Odalia wanted you to join the EC. But did you ever tell either of your parents that you didn't want that as well?
Because it really looks like you did.
(Psst. It's okay to admit that you changed your mind, okay? You don't have to act all cool and say "I never wanted that anyway", just because your dreams and goals changed.)
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Why did you get to live? they’d demanded in his dream. And the simple truth was, Hunter still wasn’t sure how to answer that.
He’d lived because Flapjack saved him. Because Flapjack loved him enough to save him. Because Camila loved him enough to dive into the water after him and Flapjack loved him enough to give the last of his life-force and magic to Hunter.
He lived because his family fought for him to live.
I’m sorry, he thought, wondering if they could hear him. I’m sorry no one fought for you when you were still here. But we’re going to fight for you now. I will. We’re not leaving you behind.
He hoped it would be enough.
Hunter's not doing okay. How could he be? But he's not alone this time.
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jennaray143 · 1 year
Baby Hunter likes when Darius or Adrian shakes their coin purse in front of him; he likes the sound of the snails jingling inside. Kind of like how most babies like the sound of jingling keys.
Apologies it took me so long to finally finish it it has been an absolutely crazy couple of months with school and now some things within my personal life but luckily exams will end in the next two weeks so any more writing or an art request should be finished in a more timely manner thank y’all again and I hope you enjoy this piece🫶🫶🫶
It was a quiet afternoon in the emperor’s castle, a peaceful aura seemed to cover the castle like a thin mist…or at least it would if a small red faced child were not having fit at the moment. Hunter was being held close to Darius’s chest as the man paced form one end of the room to the other in a feeble attempt to sooth the screaming witchling, the babe cried with no end and had been for the past hour.
“You said walking back and forth would work but he’s still crying” Darius said stopping in his tracks to talk to Adrian who was draped gracefully on Darius’s couch reading a witches digress magazine. In contrast to Darius who was slightly frenzied and going deaf from the excessive crying Adrian held his calm and relaxed composure as he leaned back on the chase lounge flipping another page lazily.
“Did you give him the teething ring?“ Adrian asked boredly as he folded the corner of a page to come back later.
“I tried,” Darius said, his patience wearing thin “he doesn’t want it.”
“What about his paci?”
“He wouldn’t take that either,” Darius said as Hunter cries get louder.
“Have you checked if he’s hungry?”
“I have checked EVERYTHING” he said through gritted teeth.
“Well I don’t know Darius,” Adrain shrugged placing the magazine down on a neat stack on the side table and opening a new one “sometimes babies just cry for hours on end with no reason and there’s just nothing you can do about it”
“Well that information would have been good to know half an hour ago” Darius was practically seething, he wasn’t sure if he could handle much more of this man being in his home, but as painful as it was to admit he needed his help. Not that he was much at the moment.
Darius sighed irritably counting to ten in his mind before he spoke.
“You know I could use a hand.” He said looking down at the infant, Darius could feel his arms starting to burn for holding him.
Adrain barely lifted his eyes for the magazine as he replied in dry sarcasm “But you’re doing sooo well”
That was it, Darius snapped his fingers causing spikes of abomination to sprout for the ground surrounding the couch. They piercing the magazine to shreds causing Adrian to tense at the spot holding his hands up in surrender were the magazine used to be. He gave Darius a deadpan expression as one of the spikes nearly gave him a second ear piercing.
Just then a knock came from the door stopping Darius before he could impale the witch. Darius grumbled to himself as he turned away from his target to open it. Raine stood on the other end, having opened their mouth to say something before holding a perplexed look on their face at the chaos. They looked as though whatever thing they had come to say became second to the situation.
“May I come in”
Darius sighed stepping out of the doorway.
“Join the party” he said before turning to Adrian who collected the paper shreds and was about was to throw them in the trash bin “Those go in the recycling Graye.”
“And where exactly is your recycling?” Graye replied with an unneeded level of attitude.
Darius muttered something under his breath before turning to Raine as they stepped through the door.
“Can you hold him for a minute?” He asked offering up the wailing child causing Raine to stop in their tracks slightly alarmed.
“O-oh um..sure” Raine said carefully taking the witchling before Darius turned doubling on Adrian.
Raine looked mildly uncomfortable standing in the middle of Darius sitting room with Hunter crying into their vest.
“Uhhh there…there” Raine said awkwardly patting Hunter’s back, but the child only continued to bawl.
Growing anxious Raine looked to Darius for help but he was busy in mid argument with Adrian. They sighed racking their brain for some kind of solution. Raine thought about what their Mooma had said worked on them when they wer-
That’s it! Raine thought as their ears twitched at the idea.
They repositioned the babe so he laid on his back across their forearm before reaching onto their back pocket.
“Hey buddy,” Raine said gingerly, holding a small pouch with little music notes embroidered into it above the boy’s head “look at this.”
Raine gently shook the pouch causing a jingly noise to ring out from the snails. Hunter’s cries simmered down to whines as he looked up at the noise. Raine felt a wave a relief come over them as the child settled in their arms staring completely transfixed at the small snail purse. They chuckled when Hunter reached up trying to grab it unaware that Darius and Adrain had stopped their argument to stare in amazement at the impossible silence.
“How did you do that?” Darius asked dumbfounded causing Raine to look up. A deep blush to spread across their nose when they realized all eyes were on them. They paused for a moment unsure on how to answer the question and nervous under pressure.
“I-I don’t know-I just” Raine stuttered scratching the back of their neck, they brought their arm back down when Hunter whined from loosing the pouch “I just…thought it would work?”
Adrian gave a narrowly impressed hum.
“Not bad Whispers.” He said stroking his chin while Darius gawked looking irritated.
“How is everyone better at this than me?” He asked looking between Raine and Adrian.
Adrian took a step forward patting Darius on the back of his shoulder, Darius tensed in disgust at the touch turning to glare at the witch.
“Oh Darius, Darius-Darius-Darius, it’s just a gift,” He said in a false ruse of consolidation before added in a smug tone “One of which you don’t have.”
Adrian would regret his poke at fun in the morning. 
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au where the day of unity isn't until decades later and luz never comes to the boiling isles. willow somehow still gets transferred to the plant track and gets really good at her craft. amity never learns that bullying is bad, actually and they never reconciled in school.
and years later, blight industries is the most affluent company on the isles. odalia continues to be allergic to letting amity, who is her only child at this point to not run away from home the moment they turned 18 and cut all contact, associate with witches of "lower social standing."
so eventually when odalia tells amity that she's going to find her a nice respectable spouse amity just rolls her eyes and goes with it. maybe its some other heir to a big company. maybe it's a captain from the emperor's coven. maybe it's even the golden guard, if hunter managed to survive that long.
and then eventually she finds out that her mother has been trying to get her a date with PLANT COVEN HEAD WILLOW PARK
you've seen the countless amity x hunter miserable arranged marriage aus get ready for the amillow friends to enemies to arranged marriage to friends again to lovers 50k slowburn
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vickysaurus · 1 year
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"Luz, you ready for the field trip of a lifetime to the one, the only, Emperor's Castle?"
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"Right. I was actually gonna stay behind. I don't like the way they treat Eda."
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"But you're gonna miss out on all the cool stuff!"
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Willow: "Emperor Belos built it as a symbol of unity. Before he came to power, folks were doing magic all wrong. He taught us that the only way to respect what the Titan gave us is through joining covens."
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Once again, our heroes are not immune to propaganda. Willow and Gus don't really see anything objectionable about the Emperor's castle yet, or at least nothing heinous enough not to be outweighed by cool stuff. Amity has an Emperor's Coven recruitment poster and sigil on her wall. Even Luz's opposition took a while to solidify. I actually really like that the Emperor isn't automatically seen as evil by every sympathetic character. That's something we see a lot in fiction, and I think it can create a mistaken belief that we, and the people we personally know, who are naturally sympathetic and reasonable people, would immediately recognise evil when we see it. But real world evil often takes a great deal of thought, empathy, and insight to recognise, especially when it comes to systematic issues that you have been immersed in your whole life or things backed by a great deal of propaganda.
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yellowtiebite · 1 year
Well guys I did it. The Beleda short fic is out and done. Hope ya enjoy it. If you want more of it be free to ask in the comments and I will consider it .
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Art not mine but taken from antanariva with permission. Check them out now! https://www.tumblr.com/antanariva/720685677005717505/%D1%8A
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kraviolis · 1 year
i love seeing TOH fankids but for some reason i cannot conceptualize amity and luz planning to have kids. i feel like it'd be a purely hypothetical "someday" for them bcus amity would keep pushing it off and luz would never push her about it (despite how much luz would want to be a parent).
purely bcus i think amity would be so anxious and hesitant to be a mother bcus her number 1 fear as she got older would absolutely be turning into her mother. or amity feeling like she'd just accidentally push her baggage onto her kid just by virtue of them being related to her bcus the importance of the blight lineage was ingrained so deeply into amity that it's a line of thinking she cant ever untangle herself from.
the only way i can imagine a lumity kid is thru Accidental Baby Acquisition. where neither of them are ready, but theyre both so undeniably dedicated to helping others that they'd immediately step up to the task and go all in. there would be no side stepping it or pushing it off or avoiding conversations anymore. it's the only way that they'd both jump head first into motherhood without hesitation while holding each other's hands.
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