#Energy-Efficient AC Deals
ajje-111 · 4 months
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Pick a Painting: General Messages
Pile 1: Lady in Blue [Two of Swords]
Pile 2: Woman holding man's head [Justice]
Pile 3: Four Women [Ace of Swords]
Pile 4: Two Young Girls [10 of Pentacles]
In usual tarot fashion, please take the following messages as what resonates with you. I hope these messages find you well. With peace and love, Hare Krishna.
Pile 1
Cards: Two of Swords, Two of Pentacles, & 10 of Swords (reversed)
Courage: I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence.
Balance: I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment.
Hello to all the visitors of pile 1. I hope you are well. The colors blue and purple are very vibrant to me in this pile. Many of you may strongly connect to your throat and third eye chakra.
A current situation in your life is affecting these deeply connected qualities, specifically your ability to communicate. You are on the fence about how to approach a certain situation because you are unsure of the consequences that it may lead to. I picture someone biting their tongue a little before speaking up to someone who has a big say in their future.
You will be turning inward and taking this situation personally because it has triggered deep emotions within you that were unaware of.
Although I see you being able to find the courage and strength needed to restore balance in this situation, I do not see it happening without deep reflection beforehand.
If there is something that brings out uncontrollable emotions in you, listen to them. Our body reacts to all stimuli, not only physical but also emotional. Learn how to find balance in this situation.
Song: "Dem Haters (feat. Dwane Husbands)" - Rihanna
I hope this helps, be well. Thank you :)
Pile 2
Cards: Justice, Queen of Swords, Seven of Cups, & Six of Swords.
Failure: I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn.
Perseverance: I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to.
Hello pile 2 visitors, I hope you are well. Purple is the color for you, embodying a sense of high knowing and openness of your crown and third-eye chakras. Very beautiful energy that you have created within yourself. I sense that many of you make sure that your thoughts are clear so you can operate throughout the day as efficiently as you'd like.
The message here is not for all of you, so please take what resonates with you. If you feel it does not apply to your well-being I suggest you stop reading. This message is for those who have left a certain situation in the dust. There is a person or situation that is showing me your complete disengagement. Much like the painting, you hold the dead head of whatever it is that you have left. Only you will know what that is.
I sense you feel that this situation was a failure, but I see you choosing to believe that it was not a waste of time. You're taking this fall out and learning from it, you're moving on to a better place and imagining what awaits you next.
Either way, this situation or person that you have decided to disengage with is the right decision. For some of you, I see karma dealing its cards in your favor. Continue to do what feels right for you.
Confirmation from your guides that you are on the right path.
Song: "Free Mind" - Tems
I hope this helps, be well. Thank you :)
Pile 3
Cards: Ace of Swords, Eight of Swords, Eight of Wands, Two of Pentacles, and Two of Swords.
Honesty: I can't always expect the truth from others, but I can expect it from myself.
Peace: I am a being of love, and I release all negative energy.
Hello pile 3 visitors, this pile is very in tune with the universe I can tell by the synchronicities within the cards. During my initial shuffle, I was supposed to only take one card but for your pile two came out.
I see honesty and peace being key ideas that you hold with your heart. If there is anything that poses a challenge to you I see that you do not take action without regarding your honesty and peace first. I see this to the point of you virtually not engaging with negativity at all for the sake of your own being. Which I totally understand, sometimes I have to do this myself. Not every opinion needs a thesis written about it.
I digress, your message here is that there is a certain aspect of your life that provides stability to you, it could be a job, relationship, pet, house, I don't know but it shows up as something that gifts you new ideas the more you engage and invest into it. This aspect restrains your creativity and restricts you from expressing ideas of honesty and peace. Similar to the painting, you feel claustrophobic in the world you're in and brings out a different side of your honesty and appears defensive.
I see that this situation or aspect of your life has caused you to not express yourself in the most peaceful of ways, but you see that as a sacrifice willing to take to be an honest person. You will not lie.
Some of you will leave this situation as is, you tell yourself you did all you could. You may be right.
Others of you will feel a sense of regret and guilt, remember that the past does not define you. You can move past this if you find it within yourself to be honest about the situation and see it for what it is.
You may be a water sign.
Song: "Wake Up Alone" - Amy Winehouse
That's all, be well. Thank you :)
Pile 4
Cards: Ten of Pentacles, Three of Swords, Three of Wands, Five of Pentacles, Five of Cups, & Two of Cups
Death: I am learning that endings are merely beginnings
Relationships: I am attracted to those people who serve my higher good.
Blame: I accept responsibility for my well-being
Hello, pile 4 visitors, a lot of messages I got for this pile specifically. I don't pull many cards out for my readings. But there was no need the cards honestly flew right out. Off the bat, this tells me that you are a very expressive person who doesn't hold any of it back and honestly refuses to. Some of you may be performers as a career or side hustle. Either way, this pile attracts those who are very creatively defined, talented, and intelligent.
Your message is that there may be something you've invested in that is not working out how you initially thought it would. For many of you, there was actual money involved. Some of you may have lost a large sum of money but that is not a message for everyone.
There is a project you are working on that requires you to be on 10 all the time. This means discipline, and you're only human but this project requires 100% focus and it shows up to me as draining, but it ultimately invests into your 10 pentacles, which is the abundance of your life. You see this investment as worth it even if you may have lost something of value or importance to you. Do not dwell on loss if you did lose a large sum of money. Think of the law of attraction, if you worry about what it is you don't want, all you will receive is exactly that.
A strong message to keep moving forward, reflect on how you're showing up in your relationships. Continue to connect to loved ones as they will remind you of who you are.
Song: "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" - Whitney Houston
That is all I have for you, be well. Thank you :)
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
An outburst of a spark
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: Eris and Y/N discover their son Finna has powerful magic after a dramatic outburst, leaving Eris panicked and uncertain. Together, they resolve to support and guide Finna, reaffirming their bond as a family. Chapter Warnings: Magic outburst, parental panic, strong emotional distress.
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
A couple of nights have passed, Eris and Y/N lay in bed, wrapped in the cozy warmth of their blankets. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains. Y/N rested her head on Eris's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Her dark hair fanned out across his skin, and his fingers gently threaded through the strands, each touch a soothing, rhythmic caress.
"We need to take Ace to his vaccination," Y/N murmured, her voice a soft whisper in the quiet night. The puppy had quickly become a beloved member of their family, full of boundless energy and mischief.
Eris's chuckle rumbled in his chest, a warm and comforting sound. "I know, but who's going to take him? I have that meeting with the council tomorrow."
They debated for a moment, their conversation a gentle tug-of-war filled with playful banter. Eris's hand wandered to her weak spot, just at the base of her neck, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles. She sighed, feeling the tension melt away under his touch.
"You're not playing fair," she mumbled, her resolve weakening.
Eris leaned in, his lips brushing against her earlobe, his breath warm against her skin. "How about you take him? Finna and I can have a father-son day. Just the two of us."
Y/N felt her willpower slipping as he nibbled gently on her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine. "You're impossible," she sighed, her voice a mixture of exasperation and affection. "Alright, alright. I'll take Ace. But you owe me."
Eris grinned, his lips curling into a mischievous smile. "Deal. You get a break tomorrow, and Finna and I will have our day off together."
He continued to stroke her hair, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her scalp. She closed her eyes, feeling a wave of contentment wash over her. The thought of a peaceful day, even if it meant taking Ace to the vet, seemed more manageable knowing Eris and Finna would have their special time together.
As they lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Y/N felt a deep sense of love and gratitude for the family they had built. The challenges of parenthood and the responsibilities of their roles seemed a little lighter in these quiet moments of intimacy and connection.
"I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Eris tightened his hold on her, his lips pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "I love you too," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity.
The next morning, Eris woke up feeling the familiar chill of early December in the air. He stretched his limbs, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, and glanced over at the empty side of the bed. Y/N was already gone, having taken Ace for his vaccination appointment.
With a soft sigh, Eris swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his bare feet meeting the cool floor. The soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. He quickly dressed in his usual attire, opting for a warm, dark green tunic and brown trousers. After combing through his ginger-red hair and fastening his boots, he set about the morning tasks with practiced efficiency.
First, he headed to Finna's room. The little boy was peacefully asleep in his crib, his light strawberry-brown hair tousled and sticking up in adorable tufts. Eris gently lifted him out, taking care not to wake him. He changed Finna’s diaper with swift, practiced movements, the baby stirring slightly but remaining mostly asleep.
Once Finna was clean and fresh, Eris dressed him in a cozy, light blue onesie lined with soft fleece. He added a little knitted hat to protect Finna’s head from the cold, and slipped his tiny hands into matching mittens. Despite being so small, Finna’s outfit looked both adorable and snug, perfect for a day out in the crisp December air.
Eris carefully carried Finna on his hip, feeling the reassuring warmth of his son against his side. He moved with a sense of purpose, heading downstairs and through the house to meet Borra outside. The winter morning was frosty, with a light dusting of snow on the ground, and the world was painted in shades of white and gray.
Outside, Borra stood by the gate, his breath visible in the cold air as he waited. He was dressed in his usual uniform, looking every bit the capable leader of the armies that he was. When he saw Eris approaching, he gave a nod of acknowledgment, a faint smile touching his lips at the sight of Eris with his young son.
“Morning, Eris. Ready for the market?” Borra asked, his tone light and friendly.
Eris returned the smile, his eyes softening as he looked at Finna. “Good morning, Borra. Yes, we’re ready. Just need to make sure everything is in order before we head out.”
Borra chuckled, glancing down at Finna. “He looks like quite the little adventurer, all bundled up.”
Eris adjusted Finna’s hat, making sure it was snug but not too tight. “He’s as ready as he’ll ever be. I just hope the cold doesn’t bother him too much.”
As they walked toward the market, the crisp December air filled their lungs, and the occasional snowflake danced through the sky. Eris held Finna securely, occasionally glancing down at his son to ensure he was comfortable. Finna’s small face peeked out from the layers of clothing, his eyes wide with curiosity as he took in the sights of their surroundings.
The market was bustling with activity, a lively contrast to the serene landscape they had left behind. Vendors called out their wares, the smell of baked goods and hot drinks mingling in the air. Eris navigated the crowds with practiced ease, his attention divided between the market stalls and his son.
Borra fell into step beside him, occasionally pointing out different stalls or items of interest. “If you need any help with the shopping, just let me know,” Borra offered, his voice warm despite the chill in the air.
Eris nodded, appreciating the offer. “Thank you. I might take you up on that. There’s always so much to see and choose from.”
As Eris and Borra exited the bustling market and moved towards a more deserted part of town, the stillness was abruptly shattered by Finna’s sudden, distressed crying. The baby boy’s wails echoed through the quiet streets, accompanied by harsh, rattling coughs that tore at Eris’s heart. Eris bounced Finna gently, trying various soothing methods to calm him down, but nothing seemed to work.
“Shh, Finna, it’s alright, little one,” Eris murmured, his voice tinged with worry. “Daddy’s here.”
Borra’s concerned gaze darted between Eris and Finna. “Is he alright? Those coughs sound serious.”
Before Eris could respond, a surge of magical energy burst from Finna. It was like a flame, gleaming with golden red, black, and the most delicate shine of purple—a perfect blend of the powers of the Night Court and the Autumn Court. Eris felt the heat and power of it, a raw and potent force emanating from his infant son.
Eris’s eyes widened in shock and realization. He knew there was a possibility that Finna could inherit their abilities, but this display of magic was far beyond what he had anticipated. The fact that Finna was a descendant of the Phoenii had magnified his powers, making them manifest in a sudden and explosive way.
“We need to get him home,” Eris said urgently, meeting Borra’s eyes. “Now.”
Borra nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He moved closer, ready to assist in any way necessary. Eris held Finna tightly, and with a focused thought, they winnowed back to their house, the world around them blurring and reforming in an instant.
Once they arrived home, Eris's panic only intensified. Finna's cries grew louder, echoing through the house and amplifying Eris's worry. The baby's tiny body continued to radiate bursts of magical energy, each wave a mix of golden red, black, and purple.
“Finna, please, it’s alright,” Eris murmured, his voice shaking. He could feel the magic coursing through his son, wild and uncontrolled.
Borra, sensing Eris’s mounting distress, quickly moved to his side. “Eris, we need to get Y/N. She’ll know what to do.”
Eris nodded, his face pale and eyes wide with fear. “Yes, yes, you’re right. Please, find her. Hurry.”
Borra wasted no time. He winnowed out of the house, leaving Eris alone with Finna. The baby’s cries were relentless, each one piercing Eris’s heart. He held Finna close, trying to calm him, but nothing seemed to work. The magical energy continued to pulse, each burst making Finna’s little body tremble.
“Shh, it’s okay, Finna,” Eris whispered, though his own voice was unsteady. “Mommy will be here soon. Just hold on, my brave boy.”
Minutes felt like hours as Eris waited, the anxiety gnawing at him. He paced the room, trying to soothe Finna with gentle rocking motions and soft words, but the baby’s cries only grew more frantic. The room seemed to shimmer with the residual magic, a constant reminder of the power their son possessed.
Finally, Borra returned, his expression grim. “I couldn’t find her anywhere, Eris. I’m sorry.”
Eris’s heart sank. He had hoped Y/N’s presence would be enough to calm Finna. Now, he was on his own. “Alright,” he said, trying to steady his voice. “We’ll have to figure this out ourselves.”
He took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand. He remembered the calm, soothing tone Y/N always used with Finna and tried to emulate it. “It’s okay, Finna,” he murmured, rocking his son gently. “Daddy’s here. We’ll get through this.”
He tried everything he could think of: singing lullabies, rocking Finna gently, even using a touch of his own magic to try and stabilize the chaotic bursts emanating from his son. But nothing seemed to work. The cries continued, and the magic only grew more intense.
Borra watched helplessly, unable to offer more than moral support. “You’re doing everything you can, Eris. Just keep trying.”
Eris nodded, though the weight of his worry pressed heavily on his shoulders. “I can’t let him lose control,” he said, more to himself than to Borra. “I promised we’d protect him.”
As Finna’s cries reached a fever pitch, Eris felt a surge of desperation. He held his son closer, letting his own magic flow freely, creating a protective barrier around them both. The chaotic energy seemed to clash with his own, but slowly, gradually, it began to subside.
“It’s working,” Borra said, a note of hope in his voice. “Keep going, Eris.”
Eris focused all his energy on calming Finna, whispering soothing words and projecting a sense of safety and love. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Finna’s cries began to soften. The magical bursts dwindled, becoming gentle pulses that matched Eris’s own heartbeat.
“There you go, little one,” Eris whispered, tears of relief streaming down his face. “We did it. Daddy’s here, and everything’s going to be alright.”
Borra stepped closer, his expression a mix of admiration and concern. “You did it, Eris. You kept your promise.”
As the door to their cabin creaked open, Y/N stepped inside, feeling an almost palpable rush of energy hit her. It was an unusual, unsettling sensation, one that sent a shiver down her spine. Her heart quickened, and instinctively, she called out, “Eris? Eris, where are you?”
Her voice echoed through the quiet house, carrying a note of urgency and worry. She hurried through the entryway, her eyes scanning for any sign of her mate and their child. The sense of unease only grew stronger as she moved deeper into the house.
“Eris?” she called again, louder this time. “Finna?”
She found them in the living room. Eris was sitting on the floor, cradling a now-sleeping Finna in his arms. The room still seemed to shimmer with the aftereffects of magic, and the air was charged with residual energy. Eris looked up as she entered, his expression a mixture of relief and exhaustion.
Borra stood off to the side, looking as if he’d been rooted there for hours. As soon as Y/N entered, he gave a slight bow and excused himself, slipping quietly out of the room to give the family privacy.
Y/N rushed to them, her eyes wide with concern and shock. She knelt beside Eris, her hand immediately reaching out to touch Finna’s soft hair. “What happened?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “I felt the magic from outside.”
Eris closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “It was Finna,” he said quietly. “He… he had a magical outburst. I’ve never seen anything like it. I tried to calm him down, but it was like the magic had a mind of its own.”
Y/N’s heart ached as she looked at her son, his little face peaceful now in sleep. “Oh, Eris,” she murmured, her voice filled with sympathy and surprise. “Our son has magic.”
Eris nodded, his eyes meeting hers. “I didn’t know what to do,” he admitted, his voice breaking. “I tried everything, but he wouldn’t stop crying. The magic just kept coming.”
She reached out and cupped his cheek, her thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped. “You did everything you could,” she said softly. “And you kept him safe. That’s what matters.”
Eris leaned into her touch, drawing comfort from her presence. “I thought I was becoming like my father,” he confessed, his voice choked with emotion. “I felt so helpless, like I was failing him.”
Y/N shook her head, her eyes fierce with determination. “You are nothing like Beron,” she said firmly. “You’re a wonderful father, Eris. You did exactly what you needed to do to protect our son. And you succeeded.”
She leaned in and kissed him gently, a silent promise of support and love. “We’ll figure this out together,” she whispered against his lips. “We’ll learn how to help Finna control his magic. He’s our son, and we’ll always be there for him.”
Eris pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her and Finna close. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice full of gratitude and love. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love for her mate and their child. “You’ll never have to find out,” she said softly. “We’re in this together, always.”
As they sat there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the remnants of fear and panic began to fade, replaced by a renewed sense of determination and hope. They were a family, and together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.
A/n: @rcarbo1 thank youuuuu for this wonderful idea!
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geographerdose · 2 months
I love finding “new” things in my natal chart, even if they’re challenging. It helps to explain things:
Lilith Sag @ 1 degree + MC Pisces @ 4 degrees= Lilith Square MC 3 degrees
And I’m sitting here wondering
I always get women at work being passive aggressive towards me???
6th house Lilith, bilith. (Get with the program)
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But no through scrolling this lovely social media outlet, I have learned the MC plays just as big a role in how we are perceived in this world as the AC.
I feel like it’s common knowledge by now strong Lilith energy in a natal chart makes the Native not very likeable by the common public— it’s problematic energy.
I, as someone who uses whole houses, would consider strong Lilith energy as: Lilith angular house/close aspects to AC+MC/aspects to chart ruler
It’s like the woman who just wants to mind her business and do her job, getting recognized only for the accurate, efficient work done but winds up sticking out for the wrong reasons bc those who have noticed this good work watch them, looking for anything negative they can voice to anyone who will listen.
Why? Because they are jealous.
They want to knock the Native with Lilith energy down because they’re shining a little too bright, they’re getting a little too much positive attention— and **god forbid anyone else feel good or be happy in their miserable presence. I think fucking not.**
Natives with Lilith energy can honestly be the sweetest, most genuine and polite people you’ve ever met, and someone will always be after their neck. And the thing is those after them feel so justified in being after their neck because of their perceived moral decrepitude.
I feel like for confident, self-assured people, Lilith energy is probably magnetic for the right reasons— it’s exciting and challenging, not intimidating.
Whereas for insecure, miserable victimized people, Lilith energy is like the get back they think they need— like taking down this person or ruining their reputation will suddenly make them feel vilified because of the perceived (likely inaccurate) moral judgments made on this person that they just had to “out”.
But it’s like when you don’t actually know the whole truth and you’re just flapping your gums in assumption, it’s literally gossip. And if you’re gum flapping with the intention of damaging someone’s reputation, it’s defamation. (Where are the HR policies on that, by the way?)
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I just feel like those with Lilith-MC aspects have had to deal with a lot of unfairness at work and being treated poorly for literally no reason other than that they’re doing good and are likeable.
So I think it’s important for those with this to remember that when you notice people are after you more or you just really feel them after you lately, it probably means you’re doing something right.
You’re drawing their attention, whether it’s from doing extra good work lately, getting positive attention from other colleagues or even improving your appearance.
Fuck them, babe. It’s not your job to make other people feel good. It’s your job to make yourself feel good. Stop lowering yourself to get approval from people who don’t even like you. Take that as a compliment. Keep doing you, keep improving yourself, maintain your integrity, and let them burn alive with their jealousy bc you’re not stopping anytime soon, babes. 😊
Oh yeah and keep those around who aren’t intimidated by you. Those who want to and can meet you at your level. Be careful to watch out for their reactions when good things happen to you and/or when you’re improving yourself though— it can show hidden jealousy. Because sometimes people are weird and run on that antiquated 90s petty patty “keep your enemies closer” mindset so you have to be careful— snakes lurk around every corner with Lilith energy.
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gangshuffle · 1 year
The Mutinous Cabal
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Marvel Capital's crew of self-proclaimed watchdogs. They keep an eye out on whatever's brewing on the city's notorious criminal underbelly- with a little cut of the pie, of course. Gotta keep their heads above water, after all.
Posing as their figurehead is the ever charming and mysterious DEBONAIR DESPOT, an ex-soldier turned vigilante. He's a quiet, dedicated man with the energy of a restless cat. Of course, when you have the ability to see the future, wouldn't that make you restless as well?
The real boss hiding behind the curtain is SCRUTINOUS SCOURGE, the visionary behind Marvel Capital's creation. He's madly in love with his city, and rumor has it he's made a deal with a Terror to secure her flourishing in exchange for his sight. God complex? Seems pretty simple to him!
With their intel guy, COGENT DEALER- a former Dersite agent- and medic turned heavy muscle, HARMONIC BASTION, the Cabal keep the shadows in line and out of the light of day. It's their city.
Team Ace
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A gang of dishonorably discharged ex-coppers, teamed up with the goal of cleaning up Marvel Capital's dirty laundry. Little do they know, they've already passed their hero arc. Everyone else starts looking like a villain when you think you're the protagonist, after all.
Leading their rather suspicious charge from the shadows is the obstinate POLEMIC IMAGINEER. They say that cute face hides the wrath of God.
Functioning as the 'man in charge' is ACEPHALOUS DICTUM. But his friends, and his co-workers, and.. Well. Everyone calls him ACE DICK. Tired father of one girl and two grown-ass men.
And every ragtag group needs a poster boy, and for Team Ace that boy is the grown-ass man, PROSAIC STEWARD. He's. Uh. Been in a rough spot since a.. Particular even that happened before he was kicked from the Marvel Capital Police Department.
They seem at odds amongst themselves often with their goals- but when they pose as a threat? Shit just gets REAL.
The Flux
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The top yakuza syndicate in the Marvel Capital. Having taken over during a vulnerable time for the city, they've had their claws dug deep into the corner of every block in every district. No gang seems stand a chance against them and their wide array of magical abilities- utlizing Shadow and Temporal magic alike.
The Flux use number based aliases, with their real names mainly unbeknownst to the public. But two in particular send shudders down the spine of even the most notorious oyabun in the city's underworld.
Number Six, DEOR. The big boss himself. A reclusive man who stands firm in his ideals, hellbent on sucking Marvel Capital dry before running it into the ground. Some say he's got a powerful Terror pact- other's claim he's a naturally gifted Green Sun mage. No one's lived long enough to determine for sure which one's true.
Number Seven, YUSHA. Deor's personal lapdog. He's never seen without a smile, nor without his Crowbar. People who know him say he's got an odd air to him, as if he doesn't even know what's going on around him. Regardless, that doesn't stop him from swiftly fulfilling his orders with great efficiency.
This rainbow of thugs will stop at nothing to claim Marvel Capital as their own. It's their land.
City Officials
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Every city is only ever as good as the people in charge of it. Luckily for the Marvel Capital, capable hands work hard behind the scenes to keep the place livable for the average citizen- determined to keep the peace. Even if it means occasionally having to play by the Cabal's rules.
The former Mayor, WINDSWEPT VILLAGER, keeps a well trained eye on the city's archives. After an attempt on his life during that left him disabled, he's stepped down from his position. Nevertheless, he continues to work behind the scenes- playing as an informant and confidant for the current Mayor. PEACEKEEPING MAYOR is the current head honcho serving in office. Having been an ex-archagent like Villager, positions of great responsibility (and stress) are nothing new to her. She's a stubborn woman with a who will do anything for the city- going so far as to work with the Cabal to keep as eye on what goes on in the shadows. If the Mayor watches over the city, who watches the Mayor? That duty of course goes to ASSIDUOUS REGIMENT, the head of the City Council's security department. Having failed to protect Villager before, he's sworn to himself to not allow that to happen ever again. He's a stiff, stern figure, but below that tough exterior, he's got a good heart.
The three of them work day and night trying to maintain the balance of the city- but everyday it grows clearer it was made to be less of a home and more of a playground.
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OOC: so this one doesnt have a TRO entry its just fanart by Mattplog but according to him this thing is powered by an ICE and a i quote "mid grade AC" so lets say ac 5 and 20 machine guns. what do you think?
In Character: Found one of these used by some amaris wannabe oppressing some poor farmers out in the periphery. The loadout is inadequate for dealing with anything more than some poor farmer whose largest ordance is just grandpa's hunting rifle. I figured you'd get a kick out of this silly design. I was almost tempted to keep it for myself, but figured those farmers need it more than i do. With the quality of bandits around those parts, i reckon most will take one look at the twenty machine guns and turn around and run. I just hope they dont have to use it much. those MGs are going to be hungry and ammo is hard to come by hereabouts.
So that is where it went... Ah, forgive me. Context, aff? Nostalgia strikes once again.
I remember when this was built. It was built by one of the Fusiliers. A particularly grating and irritating merc who went by the callsign "Xarn". He was arrogant, unpleasant, and uncouth.
The "Gun-a-Pult" was part of an argument that Xarn was having with some of the other Fusiliers back in the 3030s, about the efficiency, effectiveness, and "coolness" of ballistic weaponry versus missile and/or energy weaponry. The argument eventually got so heated, Savannah had the parties involved redirect their ire into building 'Mechs, from scratch, to settle the argument.
The "Gun-a-pult" was designed by Xarn as his attempt to win that argument. Twenty "MMM 15mm Gatling" Machine Guns, and a spare Armstrong J11 80mm AC/5. And then he stuck an ICE engine into it, because he also wanted to prove that ICE engines were better than fusion ones. You do see now that he was a moron, quiaff?
Needless to say, Xarn did not win the argument. And like the petulant man-chikd that he was, he immediately quit the Fusiliers, taking the 'Mech with him. I do not know what happened to him, but that his 'Mech survived this long indicates that at least someone (or several someones) found use for it over the last century-and-a-quarter. One thing Xarn did not take with him, though, was the design specs. I contacted Savannah to have them sent over so you may see it, in all its horrific "glory".
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Did the 'Mech survive your encounter with it, quiaff? If so, I would be more than willing to purchase it from you.
(OOC: Wow, talk about a blast from the blast! I remember surfing the /btg/ threads and seeing this thing first pop up years ago. I remember it getting the full TRO treatment, too, like you see. Everyone rightly took the piss out of it, for being pretty bad. But it's kinda got charm, yeah? Though I'll say, I think I like the sketch version of the art slightly more than the finished piece. Can't really say why exactly.)
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sister-hawk · 1 year
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I made an AC that looks and plays like a medieval knight!
It's a medium weight build that uses the weapon bay upgrade to hold two melee weapons and two arm guns. Each weapon represents something a knight could have used in battle.
First we've got a laser rifle (longsword) on the right back, which serves as an ammo-efficient way of dealing with rank and file enemies from a distance. Then we've got a laser shotgun (war hammer) in the right hand which gives us high burst damage when dealing with beefier targets up close. Next is the laser lance (lance duh, though this one looks more like those used in jousting tournaments than actual combat) on the left hand for quickly closing the gap on targets and pummeling them with high stagger. And finally on the left back we've got the plasma thrower (ball and chain flail), used for its high stopping power to stagger and finish targets that try to run circles around you.
The playstyle does require a bit of finesse to use well. Did you know that the charge animation for the plasma thrower can actually deflect bullets? Twirl it around for some extra defense while picking off distant enemies with the laser rifle, though don't expect it to tank anything major. When anything tries to rush you, swap to the laser shotgun to stop them dead. But it's when dealing with stronger targets where this build really shines.
Firstly, the boost kick move is incredibly useful and this build will demand heavy use of it. Charge into targets and slam them with a kick to build up stagger, then immediately impale them with the lance. While the lance is cooling down, swap to the plasma thrower and get in two quick hits. By the time the attack animation is done, the lance will be off cooldown. Swap back for another heavy hit or use a charged shot from the shotgun to get in some extra damage. As soon as your target tries to create space, chase them down with another kick, or kick them while they are staggered for free damage and a longer stun. The plasma thrower is a great way to finish a charge from the lance, as it doesn't expend any energy.
Also I've included the Knight's coat of arms that I made and used as a decal on the AC.
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onetouchheat · 1 year
Maximizing Comfort and Savings: The Guide to Energy-Efficient AC Installation by One Touch Heating & Air Conditioning
As temperatures soar and summer settles in, the reliance on air conditioning becomes a necessity rather than a luxury. But with rising energy costs and environmental concerns, finding a balance between comfort and efficiency is crucial. That's where One Touch Heating & Air Conditioning comes to the rescue. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of energy-efficient AC installation, exploring how One Touch Heating & Air Conditioning can help you beat the heat while keeping your energy bills in check.
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The Importance of Energy Efficiency in AC Installation
Energy efficiency isn't just a buzzword; it's a way of minimizing your carbon footprint while maximizing your savings. Traditional air conditioning systems can consume significant amounts of energy, contributing to high electricity bills and straining the power grid. Energy-efficient AC installation, on the other hand, focuses on reducing energy consumption without compromising on cooling performance.
The One Touch Approach to Energy-Efficient AC Installation
At One Touch Heating & Air Conditioning, we take pride in offering tailored solutions that prioritize both your comfort and the environment. Here's how we approach energy-efficient AC installation:
1. Expert Assessment and Sizing
Proper sizing of your air conditioning system is the foundation of efficiency. Our team conducts a thorough assessment of your space, taking into account factors like square footage, insulation, and local climate. By choosing the right-sized system, we prevent overexertion and excessive energy consumption.
2. High-Efficiency Equipment
We offer a range of cutting-edge, energy-efficient AC systems that have earned the ENERGY STAR® certification. These units are designed to provide exceptional cooling while using significantly less energy than standard models.
3. Precision Installation
Our skilled technicians follow industry best practices to ensure every component of your AC system is installed with precision. Proper installation not only ensures optimal performance but also prevents air leaks and inefficient operation.
4. Programmable Thermostats
Pairing your energy-efficient AC system with a programmable thermostat allows you to regulate your home's temperature based on your schedule. This prevents unnecessary cooling when you're not at home, translating to energy savings.
5. Ductwork Evaluation
Leaky ducts can undermine the efficiency of your air conditioning system. We assess your ductwork for leaks and insulation issues, making necessary repairs or improvements to enhance efficiency.
The Benefits of Energy-Efficient AC Installation
1. Lower Energy Bills: By investing in an energy-efficient AC installation, you can significantly lower your monthly energy bills, leaving you with more money in your pocket.
2. Environmental Impact: Reduced energy consumption means fewer greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a healthier environment and a greener future.
3. Enhanced Comfort: Energy-efficient systems maintain a more consistent temperature, eliminating hot and cold spots in your home and ensuring a more comfortable living space.
4. Extended Lifespan: Properly installed and maintained energy-efficient AC systems tend to have longer lifespans, providing you with reliable cooling for years to come.
5. Potential Incentives: Some regions offer rebates, tax credits, or incentives for energy-efficient upgrades, further sweetening the deal.
When it comes to staying cool during the summer months, there's no need to choose between comfort and efficiency. With One Touch Heating & Air Conditioning's energy-efficient AC installation, you can have the best of both worlds. Our commitment to top-notch equipment, expert installation, and sustainable practices ensures that your home remains cool, comfortable, and energy-conscious. Contact us today to learn how our AC installation Brampton experts can transform your cooling experience while making a positive impact on the environment and your wallet.
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
As the planet gets hotter, more people use air conditioners to keep cool. Running these takes lots of energy, which means emissions that then further speed up global warming. Rethinking our architecture and using more efficient cooling technologies could help us break this vicious circle.
#PlanetA #AirConditioner #GlobalWarming
Reporter: Beatrice Christofaro
Video Editor: Markus Mörtz
Supervising Editors: Kiyo Dörrer, Malte Rohwer-Kahlmann
We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.
Read more:
A sustainable cooling handbook for cities:
Report on the future of cooling:
Medellín's interconnected green corridors:
Go-to guide for sustainable district cooling:
Special thanks (for research support):
Ulises Bobadilla y Jiménez
Peter Farag
00:00 Intro
00:54 The history of ACs
02:38 The dilemma
03:33 Cooler cities
04:43 Cooler buildings
07:34 Better ACs
10:22 District cooling
11:48 Conclusion
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callwesternair · 2 years
HVAC Maintenance in Coachella Valley
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Coachella valley’s summer highs are some of the hottest in all of California. With over 330 days of sunshine per year, the desert climate is still no match for our team. Our affordably priced maintenance programs keep your AC system running strong and performing efficiently. Nevertheless if an inevitable problem pops up, you’ll receive discounted, priority service from our NATE-certified technicians.
Heating System Maintenance
Once a year, you should arrange regular furnace maintenance. We do encourage more regular consultations for people who have asthma or other respiratory problems.
Finding a reputable company, such as Western Air, to handle your heating maintenance guarantees that you receive the finest possible service. Customers enjoy how we explain what we’ve done and any problems we discover. The maintenance appointment is usually brief. Your expert will compare the appearance of your system to the prior year, looking for anything that has altered.
When our specialists visit your home, they are focused on providing great service. We prioritize customer service and strive to make our visits as convenient as possible for you. You can discuss your heating system difficulties with our professional and obtain the answers you need while saving money in the long run.
Air Conditioning Maintenance
A yearly service for your air conditioning system is recommended. Focus is placed on little adjustments that can make your air conditioner function more effectively. The airflow will be better, reducing the amount of energy required for your system to work only to chill your home.
Many individuals are unaware of how much regular maintenance can improve a system’s efficiency. Your long-term concerns are reduced by preventive services. When the necessary maintenance is neglected, serious problems may arise. Problems won’t get worse if you deal with them as soon as they arise.
Benefits of Regular HVAC Maintenance
Annual maintenance increases system longevity. Your repair technician will fix little faults before they grow. Regular maintenance saves money because fixing severe problems is expensive.
Increasing system longevity.
More efficient systems reduce monthly bills.
Warranty maintenance.
Regular maintenance and system improvement boost comfort. Professional maintenance can reduce HVAC noises and odors. 
Western Air Management Club Member will receive:
2 yearly scheduled tune up visits
Filter replacements
Priority service on repairs and replacements
Discounts off repairs
Priority service
Extended warranty on repair parts
Reduced energy cost
Longer heating and air conditioning system life 
Less problems and breakdowns
Keep system operating at maximum efficiency
Top off 1 lb of refrigerant if needed
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Keep the Heat in Check During a Power Outage or Emergency:
Winter and a survival or emergency situation can be particular challenges for staying warm, cooking and resolving freeze-up situations. Having a wood stove and propane heater will help and knowing a few survival heating methods is a good skill to have. Keeping the heat in check at home, blackouts, frozen water pipes, cooking and keeping warm are just some of the problems to deal with. These suggestions may make the cold and power outages a bit more tolerable. While some electronic (battery) options are listed below, consider the possibility that an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) could render them useless. Non-electronics may be better all-around preparation choices. Important things to consider before cooking:
Practice with your method(s) of choice until you can reliably produce a meal. Don’t use it for the first time in an emergency.
Use cooking options indoors or outdoors as appropriate. Don't get asphyxiated from cooking fuel fumes or burn your house down while trying to make a hot meal.
Have cooking equipment suitable for your heating option of choice.
Alternative Cooking/Heating Methods:    [Blog Post] Home Heating Tips and Energy-Efficient Alternatives Indoor / Outdoor
Winter Survival Methods To Keep You Warm
What To Do When The Heat Goes Out
Meals that Heat Themselves/Portable Cooking Bags
Solar Heating for the Home
Wood Cook Stove or Masonry Stove with Bake Oven
Benefits of a Wood Stove
Tips for Maintaining a Wood Burning Stove: Proper maintenance is crucial to a top-performing, long lasting stove. Without it, the stove will not function as intended. A poorly functioning wood stove can lead to smoke damage or cause a fire.
Make Electric from Wood Stove Heat
Use a Thermoelectric (Heat-Powered) Fan to Improve Wood Stove Heat without AC electric or batteries. Look for a model with a High CFM (cubic feet per minute) and Low Start Temperature. Place the fan as far back on the stove-top as possible to blow across the stove-top surface to heat the area to be warmed. [Video 1]    [Video 2]    [Testing]    [More on Thermoelectric Power]    [Shop for Thermoelectric Wood Stove Fans on Amazon]
Make Fire Bricks From Junk Mail: Don't throw away that outdate newspaper or publications or junk mail. Use them to cook or heat the house. Dump waste products (paper, grass clippings, etc.) into a bucket with holes. When the bucket is full of paper, add water to soak and blend to make a paste (like oatmeal) which can then be molded and dried into bricks after squeezing out the excess water. Other Resource.
Household Fireplace
Propane and Kerosene Heaters
Pellet Stove
Arctic Stove
12 volt (car battery) heating/cooking appliances
Self-made fuel briquettes of shredded newspaper and dried plant material (leaves, etc.)
One clay pot and a candle can heat one room without heat. Turn a large clay pot upside down across 2 cider blocks and place the candle under the pot between the cinder blocks. [Photos]
Outdoor Only
Folding Camp Stove with Canned Fuel
Portable Butane Stove that Operates off of Butane Cylinders
Rocket Stove
Propane Grill
Charcoal Grill
Open Camp Fire
Volcano Stove (works with charcoal, propane or wood)
Propane Burner/Deep (Turkey) Fryer
Solar Cooker/Oven
Search here for other options or variations of the items listed above. Body Warming Options:
Reusable Hand and Body Warmers
Chemical Hand and Body Warmers
12 Volt Electric Blanket
Battery Heated Clothing
[Related Link] Related Resources: How To Build and Maintain a Fire Emergency Shelters and Interior Environmental Control Cold Weather Survival Tips No Power? No Problem!No Power? No Problem! Uses For Wood Ashes
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
This blog is partially funded by Affiliate Program Links and Private Donations. Thank you for your support.
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acshvacpro · 2 years
Expert HVAC Solutions For Residential Heating Repair Services
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Are you sick and tired of dealing with your outdated heating or air conditioning? Get the assistance you require from All Climate Solutions INC (ACS). Hire HVAC Company specialist who can identify the source of your issue and assist in getting your system back up and running as soon as feasible. Our experts in Sacramento, CA, are prepared to assist you with your needs, whether you require basic HVAC maintenance, new air conditioning unit installation, emergency Heating Repair Sacramento, or air conditioning replacement. Call our office to find out more about our services. If you’ve been searching online for “heater repair near me”, “water heater replacement near me” or “Sacramento AC repair company.”
What Do We Include In Our Services For Heating Repair Sacramento?
A thorough understanding of the various types and models, as well as the operation of the various parts, is necessary to identify the precise issue with a heating system and correct it. Our professionals perform a complete inspection of the system and deal with any problems affecting its functioning when we reply to a repair request. We investigate typical issues to see if a quick remedy is all your system requires. To correctly identify the problem, our professionals closely inspect the inner and outer components and their states. After determining the issue, we make repairs to get your furnace back to its peak efficiency. To assist you in maintaining your furnace, we also perform tune-ups.
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Do You Need The Best Water Heater Replacement Near Me In Sacramento?
Is your water heater reaching the end of its lifespan and you are thinking about to hire HVAC Company? Are you looking for the best water heater replacement near me because it’s time to replace your old one? All Climate Solutions, Inc. (ACS) has a plumbing crew ready to assist you! We provide quick, affordable, and efficient services of Heating Repair Sacramento across the country. We also promise that your new system satisfies the most recent, federally mandated energy efficiency standards. Modern water heaters may be more expensive initially, but due to improved heating efficiency and lower water utility bills, they offer better long-term savings. The costs associated with water heating decrease with these more contemporary techniques.
Residential Heating Repair Services — Prevention For Protection
Regular Residential Heating Repair Services are required. If you want your heating system to operate as efficiently as possible for the longest time. Your heating system, like your car, has a lot of moving parts and system components that need maintenance to work properly. The regular heating maintenance that All Climate Solutions Inc. (ACS) provides can increase the lifespan of your heater while maintaining its safe and effective operation. We will provide you with a year of our Free Family Plan when you engage him to install a new heater.
Our company’s success is constructed on our reputation in Sacramento for heater repair near me. It is a result of our interpersonal interactions, reliability, efforts to manage our money, etc.
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accoolncool · 2 days
How Regular Air Cond Servicing Can Slash Your Energy Bills
Regular air conditioning servicing is essential for maintaining optimal efficiency and significantly reducing energy bills. During routine maintenance, professionals clean and inspect filters, coils, and ducts, ensuring the system operates smoothly. A well-maintained AC unit can work less hard, lowering energy consumption. Additionally, addressing minor issues early can prevent costly repairs and extend the lifespan of your system. By investing in regular servicing, you enhance indoor comfort and enjoy substantial savings on your monthly energy costs. Make routine AC maintenance a priority to keep your system running efficiently and cost-effectively.
Seeking out timely Aircond service is vital for modern homeowners. After all, regularly maintaining the HVAC unit is critical in enabling it to retain its original operational efficiency and performance. Dirty condenser coils, clogged air filters, and other such issues make it difficult for the system to perform its job properly, and as a result, it uses more energy to provide the needed cooling. Therefore, inefficient air conditioners will increase your energy bills.  On the other hand, routine Aircond Service Setapak shall translate into savings on your energy bills.
Like any other machinery, the regular servicing of HVAC systems extends its operational life. While there is a limit to how long any model may last, proper attention and care ensure you can maximize your cooling system and enjoy the best possible value for the money invested. Even a seemingly minor malfunction can cause stress on other components of the HVAC unit and lead to bigger concerns in time. Timely servicing helps identify and fix these minor problems, improving the system's efficiency.  Seeking out regular Aircond service Setapak for the system's upkeep would be more budget-friendly than dealing with costly repairs and replacements.
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crystalherbalism · 6 days
The Best Time of Year to Schedule Florida Air Conditioning Service
The best time of year to schedule Florida air conditioning service is during the cooler months, typically in early spring or fall. This ensures your AC is in optimal condition before the intense summer heat hits. By scheduling maintenance during off-peak seasons, you'll also have faster service and avoid the rush. Regular check-ups improve efficiency, prevent costly repairs, and keep your home comfortable all year long.
Importance of Florida Air Conditioning Service
Living in Florida means dealing with high temperatures and humidity, making a reliable air conditioning system essential. Regular maintenance through a Florida air conditioning service can ensure your system runs efficiently, keeping your home comfortable year-round.
Pre-Season Preparation for Florida Air Conditioning Service
Spring is the ideal time to schedule your Florida air conditioning service. Before the sweltering summer heat sets in, having your AC system inspected and serviced can prevent unexpected breakdowns. Technicians can clean filters, check coolant levels, and identify any potential issues, ensuring your unit is ready for the demands of summer.
Ensuring Peak Performance with Florida Air Conditioning Service
As temperatures begin to rise, scheduling Florida air conditioning service in early summer can help maintain optimal performance. This is the time when your AC will be working overtime. An early check-up can improve efficiency and reduce energy costs, making it a smart investment for homeowners looking to save on their utility bills.
Addressing Issues with Florida Air Conditioning Service
Late summer is often when many homeowners notice their air conditioning units struggling to keep up with the heat. Scheduling a Florida air conditioning service during this period allows technicians to diagnose and fix problems before the system fails. Proactive maintenance can extend the lifespan of your unit and prevent costly repairs.
Off-Season Benefits of Florida Air Conditioning Service
Once the heat of summer fades, fall is a great time to schedule your Florida air conditioning service. With fewer calls for service during this period, homeowners can take advantage of better availability. This is also an excellent opportunity for technicians to perform a thorough check-up, ensuring your system is in top shape for the next cooling season.
Preparing for the Next Cooling Season with Florida Air Conditioning Service
Although Florida winters are mild, scheduling a Florida air conditioning service during winter is beneficial. This time can be used to make necessary upgrades or repairs without the pressure of peak season. Winter maintenance can include duct cleaning and inspections, setting your system up for success when the heat returns.
Year-Round Commitment to Florida Air Conditioning Service
Ultimately, the best time to schedule Florida air conditioning service depends on your specific needs and the condition of your system. However, regular maintenance throughout the year ensures your air conditioning unit remains efficient and reliable. Prioritizing service not only improves comfort but also extends the life of your system, making it a wise investment for any Florida homeowner.
This description provides a comprehensive look at the best times to schedule air conditioning service while keeping the keyword prominent. Let me know if you need any changes or additional information.
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steavethomas · 9 days
Reliable Air Conditioning Repair Service in Houston, TX – Turbo Home Services
Living in Houston, TX, means dealing with extreme heat, especially during the summer months. To combat the sweltering temperatures, a fully functioning air conditioning system is essential for comfort at home or in the office. But what happens when your AC system breaks down unexpectedly? You need a trustworthy and professional air conditioning repair service in Houston, TX, that can respond quickly and restore your system to peak performance. This is where Turbo Home Services steps in, providing top-quality AC repair solutions to keep you cool and comfortable all year long.
Why You Need a Professional Air Conditioning Repair Service in Houston, TX
A malfunctioning air conditioner can cause a range of issues, from uncomfortable indoor temperatures to increased energy bills. Whether you’re experiencing weak airflow, strange noises, or inconsistent cooling, these issues signal that your system requires expert attention. Here’s why choosing a professional air conditioning repair service is important:
1. Expert Diagnosis
Air conditioning systems can develop a variety of problems that are not always easy to diagnose. Professional technicians have the experience and tools to identify the root cause of issues quickly and accurately. At Turbo Home Services, our HVAC experts will assess your system, pinpoint the problem, and recommend the most effective repair solutions to restore your AC's efficiency.
2. Timely Repairs
Houston’s heat can be brutal, and a broken AC is more than an inconvenience—it can be a health risk, especially for children, seniors, and pets. That’s why timely repairs are crucial. Turbo Home Services is committed to providing prompt, reliable air conditioning repair services. Whether it’s a refrigerant leak, faulty compressor, or broken thermostat, our team works efficiently to minimize downtime and get your AC system up and running again.
3. Cost-Effective Solutions
Some AC issues, if left unchecked, can lead to more significant and costly repairs. For example, a small refrigerant leak can turn into a major problem, damaging other components of the system over time. Regular maintenance and timely repairs help prevent such scenarios. At Turbo Home Services, we offer affordable repair solutions and always focus on delivering long-term results that protect your investment.
4. Improved Efficiency
When an AC system isn’t working properly, it may still be using more energy than necessary. This leads to higher utility bills and reduces the system’s lifespan. Our technicians at Turbo Home Services specialize in optimizing the performance of your air conditioning system, ensuring it runs efficiently while keeping energy costs under control.
Common Air Conditioning Issues We Fix
At Turbo Home Services, we’ve encountered and repaired every type of AC issue imaginable. Here are some of the most common problems our air conditioning repair service in Houston, TX, can solve:
1. Refrigerant Leaks
Low refrigerant levels are often the result of leaks. If your AC isn’t cooling as it should, this could be the culprit. Our technicians will locate and repair the leak, recharge the refrigerant, and restore your system’s cooling power.
2. Frozen Evaporator Coils
Frozen coils can prevent your air conditioner from functioning properly. This issue is typically caused by insufficient airflow, dirty filters, or low refrigerant levels. We’ll clean or replace components to ensure smooth airflow and efficient cooling.
3. Broken Compressors
The compressor is the heart of your AC system. If it’s not working, your system won’t be able to cool the air. Turbo Home Services offers professional compressor repair or replacement services to get your system running at full capacity again.
4. Thermostat Issues
A malfunctioning thermostat can result in inaccurate temperature readings and inconsistent cooling. We provide thermostat repairs and installations, ensuring your system responds to your comfort settings effectively.
5. Electrical Problems
Electrical issues such as faulty wiring or capacitor problems can cause your AC system to fail or short-circuit. Our skilled technicians will inspect your system for any electrical issues and resolve them safely and effectively.
6. Clogged Air Filters
Dirty air filters restrict airflow and can cause your AC to work harder than necessary, leading to inefficiency and wear. Replacing or cleaning filters regularly helps maintain system performance and indoor air quality.
Why Choose Turbo Home Services?
When searching for a dependable air conditioning repair service in Houston, TX, you want a company that not only has experience but also offers exceptional customer service. Here’s why Turbo Home Services stands out:
1. Experienced Technicians
Our team consists of highly trained and experienced technicians who specialize in diagnosing and repairing all makes and models of air conditioning systems. With years of industry experience, we’re equipped to handle even the most complex repairs.
2. Fast Response Times
We understand the urgency of air conditioning issues in Houston’s hot climate. That’s why we offer fast, reliable service with flexible scheduling. When your AC breaks down, you can count on us to provide prompt repair services that meet your timeline.
3. Affordable Pricing
At Turbo Home Services, we believe in fair pricing without compromising on quality. We provide transparent quotes with no hidden fees, so you know exactly what to expect before any work begins. Our goal is to offer high-quality repairs at competitive rates.
4. Customer Satisfaction
We take pride in delivering top-tier customer service. From the moment you call us to the completion of your repair, our friendly team will ensure that you’re informed and satisfied at every step. Your comfort and satisfaction are our highest priorities.
5. Preventive Maintenance Programs
In addition to repair services, we offer preventive maintenance programs that help keep your air conditioning system in peak condition. Regular maintenance helps you avoid unexpected breakdowns, extend the lifespan of your system, and ensure consistent cooling performance year-round.
Contact Turbo Home Services for Reliable AC Repairs in Houston, TX Don’t let a malfunctioning air conditioner leave you sweating through the Texas heat. When you need fast, reliable air conditioning repair service in Houston, TX, Turbo Home Services is just a call away. Our experienced technicians are ready to diagnose and fix any issues your AC system may have, ensuring you stay cool and comfortable even on the hottest days.
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epacer · 10 days
Eye on SD Unified
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Billions of Dollars Later, Some San Diego Unified Students Still Dealing with Hot Classrooms
Taxpayers have voted to give San Diego Unified School District $11.5 billion over the last 16 years with the express purpose of bringing working air conditioning to every classroom in the district. But nearly two decades in, and hundreds of millions of dollars later, some students are still dealing with dangerous heat.
This summer, several San Diego Unified schools were hit hard by high temperatures. Hoover students complained last month that some classrooms reached 100 degrees. Henry High last week also dealt with soaring temperatures in classrooms.
And at Garfield Elementary, a 9-year-old who was having trouble breathing due to the heat was taken to the hospital.
Hoover, Henry and Garfield all technically have air conditioning in all their classrooms — as do all the other schools in San Diego Unified. It’s the working part that has been the problem.
Since 2008, district officials have asked San Diegans to pass four construction bond measures totalling $11.5 billion. In some cases, district officials made air conditioning a central part of their argument for why voters should pass the bonds.
Pass these bonds, they said, and we will make sure every classroom has working air conditioning.
Even the verbiage from bond to bond looks copied and pasted:
2008: “Replace or modify aging heating, ventilation and air cooling systems with energy-efficient heating and air cooling systems (HVAC), including installing energy management systems.”
2012: “Replace or modify aging heating, ventilation and air cooling systems with energy-efficient heating and air cooling systems (HVAC), including installing energy management systems.”
2018: “Replace or modify aging heating, ventilation and air cooling systems with energy-efficient heating and air cooling systems (HVAC), including installing energy management systems.”
2022: “Replace or modify aging heating, ventilation and air cooling systems with energy-efficient heating and air cooling systems (HVAC), including installing energy management systems.”
But AC problems are still a yearly occurrence at San Diego Unified schools.
As part of the bond programs, district officials promised they would have a working AC in every classroom by 2019. It didn’t happen. In 2022, San Diego High School still didn’t have air conditioning for every class — though district officials said at the time it was the last school to not be fully air conditioned.
That year San Diego High was plagued with heat problems. Students complained that their classrooms reached nearly 90 degrees.
In 2013 only about one-third of district classrooms had air conditioners, according to district spokesperson Samer Naji. By 2019, he wrote, installation of air conditioners at the other two-thirds of schools was “substantially complete.” During that period, officials spent $460 million installing air conditioners.
All told, there are about 15,000 HVAC systems districtwide, Naji wrote.
District officials have received more than 1,100 work orders for heating and cooling problems in the last 30 days. As of last week, it had resolved 468 of the highest priority orders, NBC 7 reported.
“Issues have been reported from throughout the district, however only a few schools have experienced widespread AC issues, like Hoover or Henry,” Naji wrote. He also noted that the district fixed the malfunction that sent a Garfield student to the hospital in a day.
District officials have long gotten heat on their bond spending priorities. Despite talk of the need to remove asbestos when pitching the 2008 and 2012 bond measures, the district prioritized installing new turf fields at campuses that proved to be faulty and needed to be replaced just a few years later. Promises to fix aging plumbing fell by the wayside because, as former school board member Scott Barnett put it, “You can’t do a ribbon-cutting on new plumbing, right? But you can do it on a new stadium.” *Reposted article from the VOSD by Jakob McWhinney and Will Huntsberry on September 12, 2024
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bsairtechmumbai · 14 days
How to Save Money on AC Repair in Mumbai
Air conditioning repair can be costly, especially when emergency services are required. However, there are ways to save money while still getting the best AC repair in Mumbai services. Here are some tips to help you minimize expenses.
Tips to Reduce AC Repair Costs
Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance to detect potential issues early. This can prevent major breakdowns and reduce repair costs.
Choose Energy-Efficient Solutions: When repairing your AC, ask the technician about energy-efficient upgrades. These can reduce your energy bills and offer long-term savings.
Compare Prices: Get quotes from multiple service providers to find the best deal. However, do not compromise on quality for a lower price.
Importance of Choosing the Right Service Provider
Choosing a professional AC repair in Mumbai provider ensures quality service at a reasonable price. Look for a company that offers transparent pricing, a warranty on repairs, and excellent customer support.
Saving money on AC repair in Mumbai is possible with regular maintenance, energy-efficient solutions, and choosing the right service provider. Do not wait for a breakdown to occur; be proactive and schedule your maintenance today.
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