#English lit is not for the weak guys …
mayday505 · 2 years
I haven’t read untold origins so idk how accurate the anime is so far HOWEVER. YOUNG ODA !!! YOUNG RANPO !!! PRE-RANPO FUKUZAWA AAAAA also the greyscale Was a nice touch I actually liked it. If they weren’t hinging on use of gold light in Dark Era the greyscale would’ve worked there too. I’m so excited bsd season four is the only thing keeping me going so bones!!! If u fuck this up !!! 😀😀😀😀😀my therapist will be hearing about you 😀😀😀
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sc0tters · 1 year
Save a Horse | Ethan Edwards
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summary: as the bombshell of Umich, you set your sights on Ethan and don’t give up, not without a fight.
song: Cowgirls - Morgan Wallen
request: yes/no
warnings: underaged drinking, allusions to sex but nothing explicit.
word count: 1.58k
authors note: this has me thinking that a part two should be in order. Don’t usually write with such a boss reader but literally loved it. This thing took me much longer than I want to admit but I wanted the first piece since we hit 500 followers to be perfect! If you want to check out the rest of the celly you can do so here!
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You surely knew what you were doing right?
The way you looked tonight in your little costume as you danced with your friends, the way your laugh lit up the room as one of the seniors tried their luck with you. The way your nose did that little scrunching thing that it does whenever you get excited that makes Ethan absolutely weak in the knees.
It should have been torture, the way your eyes lingered over Ethan throughout the night when you’d bite your lip and tilt your hat in his direction.
But the boy remained where he always was as his doubts clouded his mind, you were a total bombshell and you knew it. As a result of that though it meant you had been through the experience of sleeping with some of the hottest guys on campus. Because when you look the way you do and have no desire for a relationship, you’ll have men falling at your feet as they fight to the death to be the one in your bed.
Ethan had started to like you in freshman year, you were a sophomore and at some party when the Canadian spilt his drink on your white shirt and has he begun to panic when your black bra became obvious under the wet fabric. He thought you were going to kill him but instead you flashed him a smile and let your southern charm do it’s thing “don’t worry about it darling.” You sent him a wink as you squeezed his shoulder.
All of his friends had watched the interaction in shock as you sent those boys a salute before you walked off. The sight was amusing as all of the freshman hockey players had their mouths open as their jaws were practically on the floor.
A year on and his feelings for you didn’t let up, during hockey season when you’d see him and congratulate him for the teams wins he swore he might as well have not spoken English because you left him speechless.
You watched hockey? You watched him play? You, the absolute babe watched Ethan?
Was all that could go through his mind.
“You better not screw him over peach,” Owen sighed as he connected to the FaceTime call with you.
Owen quickly became your college bestie when you two had three classes together in freshman year. Sure Owen loved you but he also knew that Ethan’s heart wouldn’t handle it if you did what you always did.
A scoff left your lips “I’m going to his hockey game, not his wedding.” You pointed out as you continued to line your lips.
The hockey player smiled as you said that “wedding, aeh? That’s a little bit early even for you to be thinking about that.” He teased causing you to roll your eyes “now do I look cute or what?” You asked as you flipped the camera off “so sweet peach!” When Owen learnt you were from Georgia that became your nickname, why was only an answer that he knew and refused to tell you.
Ethan almost died when he saw you after game in that 73 jersey, sure he gave it to you in the hopes that you’d wear it but he never actually thought you would be in that yellow jersey and look happy about it “you played well today darling!” You cooed as you pulled him into a hug.
You might have treated Ethan like he was one of your friends, which he still didn’t know how he got himself into that position. But you wanted more from him, all of your advances seemed to either fall on deaf ears or you were starting to think he wasn’t interested in you.
Sure the chase was fun but when you don’t come back with a sliver of success after months of trying, it begins to grow boring. Which was why you had been cold to Ethan this past week. For the first time in years you were feeling stupid about a boy, something about him made you feel ready to change your normal ways and swap them in for something more stable but here he was not interested.
So as you were close to the end of winning another beer pong game Ethan couldn’t help but watch as Nick stood by your side pretending to coach you through the game. When your ball went into another cup “let’s go!” The boy cheered as he placed his hands on your shoulders.
The Canadian grew jealous as he thought about you replacing him with Nick, maybe the senior was the man who you were now talking to.
Despite the fact that you were the only thing that went through his mind. He thought you were interested in him, nobody seemed to captivate your attention in the way that he did. Yet the thing that caused his hesitation was the fact that you never stayed with a person for long once you got their attention.
You pouted your lips as you locked eyes with Ethan. His Scooby Doo jumpsuit made him feel stupid as you looked like a sight for sore eyes with your denim corset and little matching mini skirt.
Somehow despite it all he was all you wanted “I’ll be back,” you mumbled to Nick as you won the game letting yourself take a celebratory shot of vodka.
The senior smirked as he saw what caught your eye “just behave,” he warned as you placed your hands on your hips “when don’t I?” You asked as you smiled.
Ethan watched as you sauntered over to his side “I like this outfit,” you confessed as you toyed with the zipper.
It made him stutter “r-really?” His eyes went wide as he caught the sight of your breasts that were only hidden by the blue material.
You smirked as you pulled him into the kitchen with you “wanna do a shot with you,” you explained as here was your final idea to see if Ethan liked you or not.
This was the moment that if he was able to resist your advance then you’d accept your fate and lose him forever.
Members of the hockey team looked in awe as Ethan’s eyes never left your back, the way he followed you like a little lamb was something they would have teased him about if you weren’t, well you.
Ethan pulled out two shot glasses “you’re gonna drink this one,” he explained as he motioned to his favourite tequila.
You smiled as you twirled your hair through your fingers “I think you’re the one in charge now,” you mumbled as you took the cowboy hat off of your head as you placed it on his own.
He wanted to die as you let out that angelic little giggle “want to see you suck this baby,” you watched as he placed the lime on his lips letting it rest in his mouth.
You nodded as you grabbed the salt shaker from the table “gotta start it off right,” you pointed out as you forced his hand into a fist as you let the salt land on his fist.
Ethan’s breathing turned unstable as his eyes never left yours, not when you licked his hand, not as you took the shot and let your lips wrap around the glass like you would if it was his cock.
When the devilish smile formed on your face was when he finally let his eyes move, you stood on your tippy toes letting bite into the lime.
The sour taste poured into your mouth when you pulled away from him “did I do something wrong?” Ethan asked as he watched you grab the lime from his lips “thought about tasting something sweeter,” you explained as your fingers ran over the rim of your that was still on his head.
If it was the other way around you would have been pulling upstairs so that you could ride him like he was the last man you were ever going to sleep with. But since it wasn’t you tried to remain calm “think you should have worked harder for it cowgirl.” His voice was husky as he placed his hands on either side of you.
Your thighs clenched at the thought of what his fingers could do to you “been making me work for too long with no reward.” You mumbled as your lips turned into a pout.
Ethan smiled as he placed your hat back on your head “now you can really get what you want,” he ran his finger over your plump lower lip.
A groan left your lips as you didn’t know what to do “you’re a cruel man Edwards,” you grumbled as you furrowed your eyebrows “you want your reward?” He wanted to hear you beg.
To see the vulnerability that you had never shown before with anyone else “please,” you whimpered as his thumb massaged the bare skin between your skirt and your top.
The feeling caused you to gasp, it seemed like that was the moment Ethan’s self restraint was thrown out of the window as he let his lips rough up against your own mixing the taste of beer and the different liquors that you had been drinking.
His shorts grew tight as the smell of your perfume mixed with the feeling of your lips made him want to come “let’s move this to the bedroom,” he groaned as he let his lips hover over yours.
“Who’s the needy one now?”
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fruitcoops · 3 months
After Midnight
Annual pride fic is here! I hope everyone is staying safe, well, and hydrated :) Character credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
TW for alcohol/ light drunkenness/hangovers
July 1, 1:30 p.m.
“Jesus,” Remus mumbled. Pressure pinched his lower back, runching up his shirt; he dug a clumsy hand beneath himself and fumbled for his phone. It took a few moments to extract it, clamped between weak knuckles, but he managed. Handful of Twitter notifications, a text from his dad, an automatic calendar notification, sticky lips and—good god, did his hair really look that bad?
He tried to sit up and was met with an immediate (and wildly cranky) grumble from the concrete slab resting across his belly.
Remus sighed, and closed his eyes. Getting up was overrated. He didn’t even want to think about the state of the house.
June 30, 10:30 p.m.
Kasey winced. “Christ, Harz, take some pity on my eardrums.”
“Hey, man, sorry—has anyone seen the margarita mix?”
“Side counter,” Remus noted, tipping his chin toward the kitchen. “By the sink.”
Finn’s face brightened. “Sick, thanks.”
“Gentle pours, please. Not everyone here has a college liver.”
“Please,” Finn snorted as he cracked a screw-top open. “You’re all in much better shape than those guys ever were. Knutty around?”
Remus shrugged and took another sip of his beer. He liked this kind—Sirius had picked well. “Went off somewhere with Reg. Probably gaming.”
Finn whistled through his teeth. “Not getting him back anytime soon, eh?”
“Oh, you bet,” Remus laughed.
July 1, 2:00 p.m.
“We should ban frat boys from the team.”
“All of them. Every one.”
“Or at least remove the—” Sirius paused to catch another mouthful of water directly from the faucet. For the first time in Remus’ memory, his glossy hair looked slightly dull and flat. “—lead weights from their hands, mon dieu, what did they put in there?”
“Hell. Burning, vicious, alcoholic hell.” He turned his head with utmost caution, and still felt a warning throb in the back of his skull. “I liked those ciders you picked up.”
Sirius groaned; Remus watched his forehead bump the side of the kitchen cabinet with a soft noise. “Don’t talk to me about cider right now. My tongue feels like I licked one of your sweaters.”
Remus frowned. “You like my sweaters.”
“That’s not…” Sirius straightened with a wince. Both hands remained braced on the marble. “The fuzzy stuff, it’s all in my mouth. Wool.”
Remus thought it was rather more like someone had packed his cheeks and sinuses full of cotton balls, but sharing that didn’t seem like the wisest choice. Nine hours of sleep. Dizziness still threatened every attempt at movement. The tap turned off and he heard Sirius’ footsteps approach; pressure compacted Remus’ ribs once more with a wobbly flop.
“I like this shirt,” Sirius mumbled into his left pec. His voice was thick—from his hangover or drowsiness or just giving up on English, Remus wasn’t sure. Knowing Sirius, it was a bit of all three. His stubble scratched gently over Remus’ collarbone, still damp from sticking his head in the sink. “Soft. Cute.”
“It’s one of yours.”
“Ah. I have good taste.”
The corner of Sirius’ mouth pulled up in a smile. “Hmm. Harzy and Tremz are going to be doing bag skates until their legs fall off.”
Remus snorted, trailing his fingertips through the squashed curls at Sirius’ nape. “Not to play frat boy’s advocate here, but in their very weak defense, I don’t think the punch alone did this.”
“Non. Margaritas.”
“I still think Lily poured extra in.”
“Ouais, prolab—probleb—oui. She did.”
A phone screen lit up in Remus’ periphery. He grabbed for it, stiff-fingered and extremely stuck beneath a lump of husband, and squinted into the bright light. “Pots says good morning, and that he’s going to go lay on the porch for a few hours. He loves you.”
“Mmph. Love, too.”
June 30, 11:25 p.m.
Sirius loved parties. He fucking loved them. This was the best night of his life. Second-best, after his wedding. Or third? He was happy when Harry was born. But no, his ribs were still broken then. That had to put it under tonight, because tonight was perfectly amazing and awesome, and James was his—
“You’re my favorite person,” he yelled over the music, leaning on James’ shoulder in case he didn’t hear. “I love you!”
“I love you, too!” James shouted back. His glasses had gone a bit sideways on his face. That was fine. Lily would totally fix those for him. She liked to kiss his nose, and she had once told Sirius that fixing James’ glasses made sure she got to do it. Sirius thought she might want to pick something that wasn’t so easily broken.
“Hey,” he continued with a pull to James’ shirtsleeve. “I kiss loup on the mouth.”
“I know!”
“And the cheek!”
“Why are you telling me things I already know?”
“Because Lily kisses your nose,” he explained. Maybe the music was too loud for James to understand. He looked confused. “And you can break your nose. But you can’t break your mouth or your cheeks.”
Finally, understanding dawned on James’ face. “Dude,” he said. “You’re so right. We gotta go tell her.”
July 1, 2:07 p.m.
Remus set Sirius’ phone down on his lower back and reached for his own, wiggling a little when his hips got stuck under Sirius’ torso. A displeased huff followed—he kissed the top of Sirius’ head in apology and let the popsocket slot between his fingers, just in case. He was so clammy all of a sudden.
You Have (4) New Messages From: Lion Den RAHH
everyone not dead sound off
Technically alive. Wish I wasn’t.
who made the fucikgn margs
New Message To: Lion Den RAHH
Not dead. Margs were Harz and Lily. You fuckers need to clean up after yourselves.
He had just clicked his phone off when the screen went retina-blasting bright again. Remus let his head fall back against the armrest and immediately regretted it. It took an embarrassing amount of time to lift his head again without the room tilting sideways.
New Message From: Lion Den RAHH
Big words. Small brain. Still drunj
Three gray dots scrolled, then vanished. Remus smiled to himself. The vindictive part of him was glad to see they weren’t the only ones in Pride-induced misery.
New Message From: Lion Den RAHH
Some1 help knutty is snorng like a fucking chainswa
Remus glanced down. “Did you know Knutty snores?”
“In planes.”
The shallow rhythm of Sirius’ breathing flexed the shirt across his back. Remus gave an appreciative rub along the valley of his spine and felt him arch into it. “Aw,” he cooed. “My poor little hungover lion cub.”
“Nooo,” Sirius protested weakly.
“Poor baby. How will you survive.”
“At least you don’t snore.”
“Is Harzy suffering?”
“As much as he can while he’s in bed on a Saturday with his boyfriends.”
July 1, 12:15 a.m.
“Bonjour, hi, hi.”
An arm caught him around the waist—Remus stumbled, but within half a step he had been gathered up against a warm, familiar chest. “Oh, hey,” he hummed, dopey even to his own ears. “Missed you.”
Sirius might have returned the sentiment, but Remus didn’t hear it through the buzz in his veins and the stutter of his heart when Sirius’ mouth found his own. He staggered backward with a sharp inhale and let Sirius carry their momentum. His back hit the wall; Sirius sighed into his lips when Remus dragged a hand through the top of his hair.
He tasted like oranges when Remus bit his lower lip. “Yum.”
“Love you,” Sirius said, smiling. Their foreheads bumped and Remus pushed into it. He was rewarded with another kiss that turned his ankles to loose jello. “Non, non, don’t leave.”
“Mmm, I’m not going anywhere,” he promised through a grin.
His eyes closed as Sirius’ mouth trailed over his cheek and jaw, then down to suck at his neck. “Should’ve done this earlier.”
Teeth grazed his skin with each word; Remus shivered despite the warm night. “Yeah?”
“Before the parade.” The sway of Sirius’ accent did unholy things to his heart. Stubble teased his skin when Sirius nudged under his chin. “That way everyone could see.”
“Oh, Jesus,” Remus breathed.
July 1, 3:45 p.m.
“Did you drown?”
Sirius glared at him across the bedroom, playful and foggy. Remus grinned and took a swig of Gatorade.
“You look like you did.”
“How are you rebounding?” Sirius grumbled.
Water droplets stuck to the mirror with each scrub of the towel through his hair. He’d left it longer than usual in the postseason, fluffy around his ears and neck. Remus was inclined to keep it that way as long as he could. He met Sirius’ gaze in the mirror and took another pointed sip. “Our lady of blessed electrolytes.”
“…give it.”
July 1, 1:30 a.m.
Sweat and glitter burned crystalline in the glow of multicolored LEDs. Sirius wasn’t sure where—or who—the glitter had come from, but finding one culprit in this crowd would be a losing battle, and one that required him to stand up. There was no way in hell he was leaving this perfect place.
Remus’ eyelashes threw shadows over his freckles when he blinked. “Do you think they’ll start leaving soon?”
“I’ve been hoping since midnight.”
His laugh was everything. Quieter at first, a mischievous snicker blooming loud at the end. Sirius let his eyes fall shut when Remus leaned over. His temple nestled against Sirius’ forehead. “Hi.”
The seam of his jeans rippled under Sirius’ fingertip. His quad flexed, and Sirius felt the weight in his lap grow heavier while Remus settled in. “Hey.”
“Proud of you.”
Sirius pressed his smile to a blush-warm cheek. God, he loved how pink Remus turned on nights like this. “I love you.”
It only took a minute adjustment, and they were kissing. He kept it soft and long and chaste, more a series of small pecks brought together by their closeness than anything. The tip of Remus’ nose was cool on the bridge of his own. He nibbled the corner of that grin and tasted bright apple-sugar, chasing it with a flick of tongue.
“You’re bad,” Remus murmured with audible delight, twisting slightly. He hardly went far—most of his weight rested on Sirius’ chest and he came closer without hesitation when Sirius tugged on his hips. His golden eyes flashed in the sudden transition from hot pink to blue lining their walls. “We have company.”
“So did Dumo.” Sirius kissed the roundness of his lower lip. “When we won the Cup.”
“We can’t throw a fuckin’ Pride party and then sneak off in the middle of it. It’s cliché.”
“If this is the middle, I’m sneaking off to sleep in an hour, and you can decide to join me or not.”
Remus’ laugh was loud all the way through, this time.
July 1, 6:00 p.m.
The groupchat had grown steadily more active as the hours passed and more of their friends were revived from their howling, sharp-toothed hangovers. Remus, for his part, had already sworn off alcohol six times in the past four hours. He hadn’t been left this hard-over since his junior year of college.
A gust of wind blew in from one of the many open windows and ruffled his shirt. Remus grimaced. “I still smell like a distillery.”
Sirius (who, despite his whinging, had recovered rather fast) sniffed the air. “Ouais.”
“Thanks, baby.”
“Worth it, though.”
Remus gave him a sideways look. “Was it?”
Sirius glanced up and frowned, then set his slice of pizza down. “I liked the party.”
“Yeah.” One of his broad shoulders lifted in a shrug. “It was nice, having people around. The parade was fun. Kind of busy.” He took another bite, tipping his head back and forth thoughtfully even as a gentle blush colored his neck. “I like showing you off.”
Remus liked to think he had grown accustomed to Sirius’ sweetness—to his big heart and kind words, both of which were reserved for a select few that somehow included Remus. Yet he constantly found himself left speechless, cast far out to sea by the sheer honesty Sirius saved for him.
He stretched a leg out under the table and tangled their ankles together. “Love you.” Remus tilted his chin vaguely toward the window. “Here, and out there. For us and them.”
“We should have more parties,” Sirius said by way of an answer. The blush had risen to his ears. His foot ran along the length of Remus’ shin.
“I want to see everyone, and I want to love you so they know it.”
Remus’ face hurt from keeping his smile from drifting too close to utter lunacy. “Okay.”
“We should ban glitter next year.” Sirius nodded to himself, then nudged Remus’ foot. “And frat boys.”
“They’re gay frat boys, though. They have a right.”
The bridge of Sirius’ nose wrinkled. Fucking adorable. “Well, maybe they just need to pick a side.”
“Lily was partially responsible for the biohazard margaritas,” Remus pointed out, picking a piece of pepperoni off Sirius’ slice and adding it to his own.
“She’s out, too.” Sirius jabbed his pizza at him. “And you’re on thin fucking ice, thief.”
“I’ll pick her party over yours.”
“You can’t pick your best friend over the person you’re gay married to. It’s Pride.”
Remus stole another pepperoni, dodging the smack of Sirius’ hand. “Then I’ll get gay married to Lily.”
“That doesn’t count.”
“Any marriage I’m in is a gay one,” Remus informed him, slouching lower in his seat to hook his calf around Sirius’. “I can gay marry anyone I want. I’ll gay marry a dozen people and go to all their parties over yours. Ha-ha-ha.”
Sirius flicked a piece of pineapple at him; it bounced off his chin, and while he was distracted, Sirius stole one of his pepperonis back with a triumphant grin. “Fine. See if any of them put up with you like I do.”
A foot poked Remus in the back of the knee. “Doesn’t count if it was already mine.”
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hyunevlogs · 9 months
my target
fluff - hyunjin x fem!reader (no fem!body mentioned tho)
word count: 587
warning under cut !!
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warnings: smoking, making out (its nothing too bad), mafia, gangs, tattoos, angst (if you squint), stalking — let me know if i forgot smth
authors note: this is my first fluff ever so i’m sorry if the writing is bad (😭😭), english isn’t my first language, i’m welcoming any feedbacks, requests or writing aids
‘‘you‘re in my room at 2am, what do you want?‘‘
he sat next to me on my bed and lit up a cigarette as he was about to answer. my eyes directly landed on his silhouette - waiting for a response of his.
when suddenly his raspy voice began to break the silence between you guys.
‘‘you know what i‘m here for, sign it already‘‘
the smoke of the cigarette started to fill the room and the only light was coming from the moon. i locked my eyes with the ones of hyunjin and started analysing his gaze on me.
he looked almost angelic in this light, as if he was just a pure boy. but as he ran his hand through his hair, i couldn’t miss the red droplets of liquid on them.
he must have noticed me spacing out when he cleared his throat to make me answer his question, or rather demand.
‘‘i‘m not signing shit. it‘s the hwang‘s responsibility to end this‘‘
he laughed at my answer, like it was a joke. before reconsidering to say anything, he made sure to take another hit of the cigarette.
‘‘what’s so wrong about you becoming mine? you’re acting as if you weren’t before‘‘
‘‘yea right, that was before we had to join our family’s business‘‘
he wanted to argue at that but suddenly shuffled towards you and offered for you to take a hit. when you turned down his offer he moved even closer towards your body. now that his face was mere centimetres in front yours, hyunjin looked down at my lips and then in my eyes.
i couldn’t tell if it was the little light or because of his purpose for me to sign the contract, but he looked so delicate now.
the few strands of hair falling on the side of his cheeks and as well conversing some little parts of his eyes, made him look kissable. but by now you couldn’t make yourself look somewhat weak and give in to him.
so, he took matters into his own hands and decided to kiss you. when the gap was closed you did give in to him tho and returned the flavour.
his lips tugged at your lower one in order to open your mouth. and that’s when you felt some of the cigarettes smoke began fill your lungs.
when hyunjin noticed you struggling with breathing it out again, he backed up a bit. you two continued on kissing each other just when you felt a hand tugging at your sweater with the purpose of exposing the skin of your collarbone.
your exposed skin got scanned to find the thing he was searching for and when he found it, he bend his head down next to your ear. ‘‘you still have it?‘‘
the matching tattoo you two got one year ago - when things were still good between you. you slowly nodded at him as you asked:
‘‘you still got yours too?‘‘
and as a response he threw his now finished cigarette on the ground and exposed his collarbone too. he still has it. only if things could work out with him and without your family’s interfering.
‘‘let me love you, only for tonight‘‘
‘‘only tonight, without any contract signing?‘‘
‘‘we can talk about that some other day‘‘
and that’s when he leaned in to leave marks on your neck.
‘‘let that boy from earlier know you got somebody already‘‘
‘‘are you stalking me?‘‘
‘‘you could call it that. afterall you’re my target‘‘
reposts are welcomed !! 🤍 | masterlist
song recommendation — falling I chase atlantic
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nightmaretimemachine · 10 months
Gun Park x Fem!Reader
ㅤㅤㅤㅤPart 1
ㅤ " Remember me "
A/N : I didn't know that the Progolue would get this much likes, thank you sm! I'm actually surprised 😭 but as promised here the part 1 that you guys are waiting for!
And yes english is not my first language. I'll be telling you guys the same thing til chapter 4 or 5 HAHA
Gun is a bit ooc sry.
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Is was a bit weird for a foreigner from Japan to move in to South Korea, but you did it anyway.
Thankful for your childhood friend, who has taught you some Korea when you told him that you wanted to go there someday.
But sadly all the memories of him fades away when you were recovering in the hospital for 3 months.
You did tries to ask your parents about the young boy, but they know nothing about him. The only thing they told you was that he was dangerous, and you should stay away from him.
That, make you want to meet the boy more.
It's been 5 years now, since you now to South Korea all by yourself, but of course your parents often sent you some money for you. They were worried, but they wouldn't stop you from your dreams.
Surprisingly you got in one of the fashion school that you wanted. You also got a part time job easily, a cashier in the small convenient store not too far from your school.
The boss there was a bit creepy but you didn't think it's was a problem at first.
Now, let's focus on the present shall we?
You were walking back to your apartment while talking to the young man Daniel. He dumped into you one day in the library and when he was about to apologize, you speaks up the apologies first and quickly got on your knees and help him with his books.
From that day on you became his personal tutor, you didn't mind being the tutor. You always have a kind heart and soul after all.
But today was different, since the moment you met that tall man who looks.. Familiar in some way. Naturally you would talk about your day and what you're going to make for dinner.
You ended up being quiet til' you stepped in your apartment. Daniel was worried but he knew he couldn't push you too much, so he just texted you to make sure you're ok.
And when you answer that everything was alright, he sighs in relief.
You don't really know why you chose to be a cashier at night shift but.. You did, so here you are, in your cashier outfit working at night.
It's was bored for most of the time
Until the door opened up and your eyes lit up in excitement. Finally a customer!
" Welco– " Oh.
It's him
Your words caught in your throat when the tall man look over to you. Even with his shade on you knew he was looking right into your eyes.
You quickly look away from embarrassment when he finally walk toward you.
" May I uh.. Help you? " You tried again, this time you force yourself to look up at him. But when he only respond with a low chuckle that slips from his mouth. You were about to speak again but then he open his mouth once more.
" You're as beautiful as the day I lost you " The man said.
And you freeze. Not before you felt your face heat up, not only from those sweet words but also how sexy it sound coming from him.
You quickly clear your throat and finally speak up.
" I'm sorry but.. You might get the wrong person " You let out a small laugh before you glance back to meet his eyes.
He's just.. Stared, and that stared make you nervous, maybe it could even make any woman knees weak.
But when he suddenly came up to you and grabbed your wrist without any warning, your body react on it own by slapping his face with your full force.
And then the silence filled the air.
Your eyes widened in shock from what you did. And his glasses were now on the ground. You were about to shout out an apologize before another chuckle left his mouth and his now revealed eyes meet with yours.
He finally got to see you clearly, not just from behind that stupid glasses he likes to wear so much.
And you. You knew you should be scared, you should runaway, but instead. You felt like those eyes we're drawing you in.
" S– Sorr–.. "
" It's okay " He said.
Gently letting go of your wrist before he crouches down grabbing his glasses, as his dark gaze glance up to you.
" I should have ask you properly " He said before walking towards you even more.
You stood there. Still trying to contain all your thoughts what just happened but then he handed you a black card.
Giving him a questioning like last time before he raised his eyebrow. You slowly grabbed the black card before you start to read it.
Gun Park
Yamazaki Yuzuru
You're eyes widened before you shot your head up to ask him a question, but.
He was gone.
You sighs in disbelief, you didn't get to say sorry properly.
Well, now that you got his contacts you may as well try to say it to him properly through your phone? Yeah, maybe you could do that.
You simply kept the card in your pocket before she continues to do your night shift like usual.
But there's one problem.
You couldn't stop thinking about him.
You know it's weird, you just met him! How could you felt something like that for someone at first sight.
Yeah yeah, a lot of people might believe in love at first sight but you don't. You know there's something wrong. Something.. familiar.
After your night shift. You went back to your apartment and took a nice shower and making yourself a warm meal from your mother recipes.
Card in your hand, and your phone in the other. You have been staring at your phone for the last 30 minutes now. You don't know why you were scared but you are.
And finally! You called him.
" Hello ? "
" H–Hi! It's uh.. " You said your name.
Your heart were beating so fast you thought you were going to fast out.
When you didn't heard any answer, you try calling his name.
" Sorry, I didn't think you would call " and gosh.. The way you say his name. He could felt his heart skipped a beat.
" Oh– sorry, am I interrupting anything? " You asked, worried that you might call in the wrong timing.
But when he said that it's was okay, you simply sighs in relief.
The night went on by you and him. Gun. Talk all about the things that you wanted to know.
Even though he wanted to tell you everything he remember. All those memories that you guys made together in your childhood days. He couldn't. Maybe letting you find out by yourself might be the right way.
So, he lied. He lied about how you look like his childhood friend that he lost. He lied about everything he could, not wanting to make you feel any guilt for what happened 6 years ago.
And you believe him, even if you didn't want to. But you did.
Eventually it got late and you forgot about your school for tomorrow, you quickly glance at your alarm clock on your desk.
" AH! I have school tomorrow! Uh- I uh.. See you later? " You said, feeling a bit bad for leaving him in the middle of the conversation.
But when you hear him chuckle and slightly giving you a confirmation that it's was ok and you should get rest.
You chuckle softly before thanking him.
As you were about to press the disconnect button. His voice murmurs out.
" Would you like to have dinner together? Tomorrow? "
Your eyes widened as your face heat up from just thinking. This gorgeous man is asking you out?!
" S–Sure " You said. " What time? "
" I'll pick you up after school "
Oh yeah. He knew what school you were in, you forgot about that.
You gave him your last confirm that you accept his date. And finally hitting that disconnect button. Laying your head and your body down on the soft mattress, gently closing your eyes. And doze off immediately.
You couldn't wait for your date night tomorrow.
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toasty-melons · 1 year
Uhm idk if your request are open so i Hope im not bothering you (also Sorry if my english isnt perfect ) i wanted to ask what about maybe ellie x fem!reader where they're Just Friends and ellie Is stressed out cause She doesnt know if Reader likes her back or not so dina being a good friend ( and Sick of ellie complaining about this situation) sets up a truth or dare night with ellie , dina , Jesse and reader and dina dares ellie to kiss reader and tell her how She feels and yk going on like this( its ok if you dont like this or dont want to do It <3)
You guys could never bother me!!! And I actually really love this request! I adore the friends to lovers trope so this is perfect! Also you’re english is really good so no worries, lovely! <3
TW: cursing, mentions of alcohol
I got kind of carried away but i really loved how it turned out, i hope you like it darling!
If you see any grammar errors ignore them pls :)
Just to kiss you
Ellie Williams x Reader
Ellie Williams has never, ever had trouble with the women she had an interest in. She always knew the perfect words to woo a women until they were buckling in the knees and falling to her feet. But you, oh god. You were her biggest weakness. You were so sweet and kind, and so fucking pretty.
So pretty that she usually had to pinch herself to get her stop staring at you.
So kind with the way you spoke to her, always asking if she’s okay and how her day was.
So sweet that you always put your friends first and were always doing nice things for them.
Like right now for example, you had invited her and Dina out to lunch, which you so kindly offered to pay for too. Dina, a sucker for free food, and Ellie, jumping at the chance to spend time with you.
The sun was warm on her skin, but when you had started laughing at one of Ellie’s stupid jokes, she felt like her whole body had lit on fire. God, you were so pretty. Ellie comes back down to Earth when she feels Dina playfully kick her under the table and give her a knowing look. Causing her face to slowly redden at the fact she had been caught being mesmerized by you.. again.
And what Dina does next would cause Ellie to practically combust with nervousness.
“So y/n..” Dina’s voice was cocky and made the hair on the back of Ellie’s neck stand up. You give Dina your full, undivided attention, smiling at her sweetly to let her know you’re listening. “Me, Ellie, and Jesse are hanging out at my place tonight, you wanna go?” Dina glances at Ellie, and her smug smile on grows at the slightly horrified look plastered on her face.
You’re lack of hesitation has Ellie melting in her seat. The way your eyes light up and your smile brightens as you vigorously nod your head yes.
“Yes! I would love too.” You look over at Ellie with that big smile on your face and Ellie can’t help the smile taking over on her own face. Your phone pings and when you check it, a pout of disappointment settles on your pretty lips. You look up at the two girls and your voice is laced with sadness. “I have to go guys, my boss asked me to come in early. But this was so much fun. I’ll see you guys later.” As you’re grabbing your things Dina is telling you when to be at her place and thanking you for lunch. You, of course, say it’s ‘no problem at all’. Dina gives Ellie a glance and motions her head at you, giving her the signal that it’s her turn to thank you.
Ellie quickly rushes to her feet as you’re coming around the table towards her. You reach out to her with open arms and Ellie gladly welcomes your embrace. You squeeze her tight as you usually do, and the way your perfume takes over Ellie’s senses has her knees buckling. “Thank you, y/n.” You giggle and she feels her heart melt at the pretty sound. You whisper back a ‘anytime, Els.’
Once you’re gone Ellie plops back down into her seat and Dina is looking at her with a smug smile and a snark comment already on the tip of her tongue. “Dude.” Ellie can tell by her tone that she’s gonna be relentless. “When, are you guys going to get together?” Ellie’s gaze finally tears away from the seat you had been sitting and glares daggers over at Dina.
“Well let’s see. Probably never. Because she doesn’t like me.” Ellie leans over and places her forehead on the table in defeat. A sad sigh escaping her lips, causing Dina to gently pat her on the back.
“I guess we’ll just have to see.” Ellie can practically hear the evil grin in Dina’s voice and Ellie can only pray that things go perfect tonight.
Ellie’s leg is bouncing as she sits in the middle of Dina’s couch next to Jesse. He nudges her leg with his knee and she breaks eye contact with the wall to look over at him. “You need to chill.” Ellie scoffs at this and rolls her eyes, now focusing on Dina who walks towards her with three beers balanced in her hands. Ellie gladly snatches the alcohol from her hands and not even a moment later is taking a swig.
You would be here any minute now. Ellie can feel her body start to warm up from the drink and it relaxes her a bit. A soft knock at the door has her whipping her head towards it and climbing over the back of the couch to rush over. Jesse scoff as Ellie’s alcohol is accidentally spilled on him, but chooses not to say anything other than a mumbled, ‘chill out.’
Ellie swings the door open and you’re standing there looking slightly up at her with your pretty eyes and a sweet smile gracing your lips.
“Hi.” It’s the only words Ellie can think of. She internally kicks herself for being awkward again. But the way your smile grows and your eyes slightly crinkle makes her stomach flip.
“Hi.” Your voice is sickly sweet and so soft on Ellie’s ears. Ellie finally takes a step back so that you can come in. As you walk past her to greet Dina and Jesse, your perfume washes over Ellie and she has to bite the inside of her lip to keep from audibly moaning and embarrassing herself.
Two hours and beers later has you and Ellie laughing your asses off at anything and everything. Ellie is relaxed so much that she’s able to talk to you with crumbling and placing little touches on your arm and leg without combusting. Of course Jesse and Dina are all too aware of what’s happening, which is what causes the slightly tipsy Dina to start a game of truth or dare.
After silly truths like ‘describe your first kiss,’ or ‘what’s the worst date you’ve ever been on,’ and stupid dares like ‘prank call your ex,’ or ‘swap clothes with the person next to you,’ it’s finally Dina’s turn again. The look in her eyes has Ellie practically shaking with nerves.
You’re all too unaware of it, not tipsy but bordering on the edge. You’re giggling at the way Jesse has been tugging on your shorts he was dared to wear. The way his clothes hang off your body has Ellie screaming internally, wishing that it was her clothes instead.
“Ellie.. truth or dare?.” Dina’s voice is laced with a smugness and Ellie knows no matter what she picks, it won’t be good. You perk up and point at her accusingly, excitedly announcing to the room that, ‘Ellie hasn’t done a dare yet.’ Dina grins wickedly and leans back into the couch, crossing her arms over her chest. “I dare you to kiss y/n.” The rooms falls silent as Dina’s words settle over. A tension slowly rising between everyone.
When Ellie glances over at you, she surprised to find your face completely flushed red and your wide eyes staring back at her. You glance down at her lips and it has Ellie practically foaming at the mouth. Before anyone can say anything the silence is broken by a phone ringing. Jesses curses under his breath and grabs the phone hopping up. How convenient.
“Shit. It’s my work, I gotta answer this.” He bails out of the room and after a few more moments of tense and awkward silence Dina stands up.
“I’m gonna go get another drink.” She leaves the room just as quickly as Jesse did and now it’s just Ellie and you. You and Ellie. Alone. When Ellie looks back over at you you’re not looking anymore and her heart sinks a bit. Not being able to stand the pressure anymore, Ellie stands up next and she feel your eyes on her again.
“I’m gonna.. get some fresh air.” Her voice is mumbled as she rushes out the side door that leads to Dina’s private patio. It’s small but it’s decorated in lights and plants that has a really warm and homey feeling to it. Ellie takes a seat in one of the chairs and places her head in her hands, elbows resting on her knees. Her heart hurts, she had her chance and she blew it. And for a moment, just a moment, Ellie thought you actually wanted to kiss her and it felt so euphoric.
The sound of the side door opening again has Ellie’s head popping up. She’s surprised to find you sitting down quietly next to her. You don’t look at her, not at first. No, at first you fiddle with your fingers, a nervous habit Ellie noticed you had. You thought you looked so silly right now, hell you felt ridiculous still drowning in Jesse’s clothes.
Neither of you say anything for a while, just allowing the silence to embrace both of you. You shift and Ellie glances at you again, and finds you finally looking at her. You break the silence first, clearing your throat quietly. Before you can say anything Ellie groans and rubs her hands over her face, “Fucking Dina.. always causing trouble.” This makes you giggle.
“She has good intentions.. just awful ways to show them.” At this Ellie gives you a sad chuckle. It makes your heart clench and your brows furrow.
“Kissing me would be awful, huh?” Your eyes widen at the realization and you shake your head frantically.
Ellie watches as your face reddens, a look of fear on your face, so scared that you had offended her. “Oh. No, no, no. It wouldn’t be awful it would be amazing- I mean.. oh gosh.” You cover your face and laugh awkwardly at yourself. Ellie is silent, still hanging onto a thread of hope.
“Ellie.. You’re one of my best friends. I really don’t wanna mess up what we have, but..” You uncover your face and chew on your bottom lip.
“But?” Ellie’s voice is so small, so full of hope that it makes you smile shyly.
“But.. I really really like you Els. And know you don’t like me back and i’m sorry if i’ve ever made you uncomfortable with my flirting, but today with the Dina and the dare to kiss me..” Ellie is stunned at your confession. She honestly feels like she’s dreaming. You like her? And you’ve flirted with her? How could she have not noticed?
“Can I kiss you? Not for the dare.. just to kiss you.” You peer up at her through your eyelashes, face full of nerves. You hesitate but you nod. Ellie leans in slowly, so close to your lips but not quite touching.
“Ellie Williams if this is a joke.. it’s the worst one you’ve ever had.” At your whispered words Ellie chuckles softly. Her lips are on yours not a moment later. The kiss isn’t sweet or soft like Ellie expected it to be. Instead your hands are tangled in her hair tugging her closer. Ellie’s hands find your waist to pull you onto her lap. Her fingers rubbing up your hips and thighs. She feels your breath tremble into the kiss and she pulls away.
“Too much?” You breathily laugh at her question and shake your head, placing sweet kisses along her jaw. Ellie is melting into your touch with the way your hands are sliding around down her neck and chest. You mumble a soft, ‘not enough,’ that has Ellie going feral.
Before Ellie can ravish your lips once again the sound of the side door slamming open has both of you looking over, frozen in place with widen eyes. Dina is standing in the doorway, jaw dropped and stunned.
“Oh.. my.. god..” You’re scrambling out of Ellie’s lap, standing up and shyly looking down. A grin is plastered on Ellie’s face and she can’t tear her gaze away from your shy one. “You guys we’re gonna fuck on my patio.” Ellie watches as you tense up at Dina’s accusation and shake your head waving your hands around you frantically.
You stumble over to Dina and grab her hands in yours. “Dinaaaa.” Your voice is whiney and it causes something deep to stir within Ellie. She can only watch as Dina teases you playfully and you protest with more whines of embarrassment.
“Y/n.” You’re whipping your head back at Ellie when she calls for you. Dina takes the hint and bails once again, shutting the door behind her.
“Yeah?” Ellie reaches out, grabbing your hand and pulling you down onto her lap once again. No other words are spoken as she pulls your lips back onto yours. This time the kiss being much softer than before, a vulnerableness laced into it. “Els.. i love you.”
“Fuck.. you have no idea how much i’m in love with you.”
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i’m reading jane eyre because my eng lit teacher recommended it to aid my coursework and OMG OKEKQKDKKKQKDJ okay okay so jane’s inner monologue is so relatable like… falling in love with a man whom, typically, she can’t have, and trying to convince herself out of her feelings, how jane is so full of love and curiosity and the way mr rochester is so NFMMEMWMEMMEMWEKMDKCKSK LIIKE i’m weak idek!??,!!?, i didn’t think id enjoy jane eyre this much but OOOOOOHHH it’s good!???!!!! like his weirdness and off putting demeanour -like jane’s- is so dear to me. she’s just a girl and he’s just some guy. i love ittt. i am going to have a RIVETTING conversation with my english lit teacher about their dynamic and how it links to The Yellow Wallpaper (the story we’re basing our coursework on) REEHHHH
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hotdilfs11 · 1 year
People We Met In Supermarkets pt 2- Damon x Reader
part 1 part 3
✩Jade had some past secrets she's been keeping away from the Salvatores especially Damon. Ever since she met them she only told bits and pieces about herself, and it's so bad that they don't even know that Jades older than them. What secrets are she keeping and will it come out? Who or what is hiding?
✩parings:Girl name Jade x Damon
warnings:mention of stabbing/being casted away
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As I walk into the long, aching halls of school, I see my two best friends, Bonnie and Caroline. However, I wasn’t in the mood to have a long, exhausting conversation with them after what just happened. But I walked up to them anyway, giving them a fake smile and saying, “Hey guys”.
Caroline looked at me with a heartfelt smile on her face. “Hey Jay!”
“Hey care, Bonnie. I need to talk to you; it's urgent,” I said in a monotone voice.
Bonnie nodded in confusion and worry as I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the nearest women's bathroom. Her face frowned up. “What's wrong, Jade?” 
“The Salvatores asked me about the originals, but I reacted wrongly, and now I think they’re going to start asking questions, Bonnie. I’m scared,” I stated anxiously.
Hesitantly “I know you're scared, but I think you should tell them, especially Damon.”
I sighed "Yeah, I know, but I’m just scared.”
“It's been decades; I think they’ll understand." Bonnie says as she tries to reassure me, but it isn't working. I thought I could run away from this, but of course it came back to play after decades of me not thinking about it. I know that the Salvatores are supportive, but I've lied too much about too many things. When the time comes, I’ll tell them, but until then, it's only between me, Bonnie, and Grams.
Bonnie tries to say something else, but I cut her off instantly “I have to go, Bonnie; I’ll see you”. I started rapidly walking away from Bonnie, pushing the door open, revealing the same boring, drowsy hallway. I wanted to run away from my problems, but I’m done with running. Even though I’m still scared out of my mind, I’ll try to deal with it.
1921, New Orleans
“Get off of me, Nicklaus!” I shouted, trying to retrieve my hand from his strong, illuminating grip. I’m terrified of Nicklaus. He’s stronger than me and faster than me, so right now, me trying to yank my hand away is useless because his grip is getting stronger and stronger.
“No, not until you pick between my brother and I!" He screamed with a hefty English accent.
Elijah was behind him, doing jackshit to help me. He’s weak and scared of his own fucking brother, and Klaus, behind all that anger, is still a scared little boy hiding from his bloody father.
"Elijah, do something; you’re just bloody standing there like a fool!” I shrieked as tears started to run quickly down my cheeks.
Elijah looked at me with a cold, piercing stare as he mumbled the words, “You have to pick Jade.”
I scoffed. I’m in shock with these two; they want me to love them both, but I don't want that. I loved Klaus before, and I loved Elijah before, but now that I’m seeing their true colors, I’m not sure I love any of them anymore, especially Nicklaus.
I gave them both a deceiving glare. “I’m not bloody choosing between you guys. I am sick and tired of you two treating me like I’m some kind of fucking doll.” I took a pause, trying to put my words together. “I don’t want any of you, and I don’t FUCKING LOVE ANY OF YOU!"
Klaus' looks at me in disbelief as his grip loosened up, and I had my chance to run back into the club we were in. I know that they wouldn't make a scene in there. I ran through the doors of this nightclub as I made my way through the crowded, dimly lit room. I fought my way through, making my way to the open bar, sitting down. The bartender went up to me and asked, “What can I get for you, ma'am?" I ordered a Bourbon neat, and he brought it to me as I chugged the whole thing in one motion.
The bell rang loudly as I jumped out of my seat, releasing myself from a crushing memory. I raced through the crowded halls desperately wanting to leave this god-forbidden school, wishing I had listened to Stefan about staying home. I made it out, walking down the parking lot, trying to find Bonnie's cute yellow car. However, I got distracted by the roar of Damon's car quickly approaching me. I tried to ignore it, but he stopped right beside me. I stopped in my tracks and bent down to Damon's open window.
I sighed “What are you doing here, Mr. Salvatore?" I said it coyly.
He gave me a quick smile. “I figured you needed a ride home.”
I looked at him for a minute, giving it a thought. "Okay," I said as I got into his car.
The engine roared to life as we sped out of the parking lot and onto the long country highway. I slightly turned my head, looking at Damon's strong, rugged hands gripping the black steering wheel as we raced down the highway. I started to admire his features again, like this morning. I love looking at him, it gives me butterflies. His side profile was perfect, his jawline was sharp and lean, and his hair looked slightly messy, like he didn’t care to do it this morning, but he looked amazing either way.
He turned his head in my direction as I quickly twisted my head, pretending to look out the window. However, I felt his eyes caressing my body, and it made me anxious yet excited for some reason.
Teasingly, he says, “You’re always looking at me, Blue Jay."
I looked at him and smiled. “Whatever do you mean, Damon?”
He smiled, but it faded quickly. He looked a bit bothered, and I had a feeling what it was about too.
I let out a strong exhale. “What is it, Damon?” I said as I looked at him, annoyed.
He looked at me, then looked away, trying to pay attention to the road. “I just… I just want to know why you got all tense this morning about the originals.”
I stayed quiet as I directed my gaze out the window.
“Do you know them? Are you running from them?... I just want to know what the connection is between you guys," he curiously said.
“Please pull over, Damon.”
I demanded "pull over.”
The car started to slow down rapidly while he pulled off to the side of the road. When the car came to a full stop, I grabbed my school bag and hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut. I started to walk back to school, thinking Bonnie would probably be there if I walked; however, the thought flew out the window as Damon ran in front of me. I didn't notice him doing that until I bumped into his firm, hard chest. I looked up at him, making eye contact with him. “Move out of my way, Damon,” I demanded.
I tried to step out of the way, but all he did was block my way. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing he'd keep this up, so I just gave up.
Damon sighed "Look, Jade, I’m sorry I bombarded you with these questions, but I just want to know the truth, okay?” His voice grew soft with me, and his strong, soft hands cupped my cheeks. I felt reassured by him, but I’m still not ready for it. I grabbed his wrists and lowered them slowly.
I looked at the ground and said, “I’m not ready yet."
“It's okay, I understand,” he said softly as his arms wrapped around me like chains, pulling me into him. I took in his sweet-scented cologne and the warmth bouncing off his body as my face rubbed against his soft, cottony black shirt. I feel safe and at home in his arms. I never thought I would feel like this in decades. It brings me back to my own family.
Damon slowly loosened his grip. I looked at him and said “thank you” as we started walking back to his car.
A husky voice beside me blurted, “You must be having a rough night.”
As the bartender gives me my second drink, I slowly turn my head to see a handsome gentleman who looks a bit mysterious but well-known. He had jet black hair, icy blue eyes, and a nice, sweet smile. I noticed there was another man beside him. He looked a little different from the first one yet similar. However, he had brown hair, brown eyes, and a stronger build. I assume they may be brothers or cousins, but he never noticed the other one talking to me.
“You fancy a drink?” I said it with a strong British accent.
He smiled. "Yeah, sure, if you tell me why you’ve been crying.”
I scoffed and let out a soft chuckle. “Boy problems.”
He started to rapidly nod his head up and down, probably understanding what I’ve been going through for the last hour. "Well, a pretty girl like you shouldn’t cry over a skeevy little boy.”
“Yeah? and what makes you so different?” I say being coy.
The mysterious man shrugged his shoulders and said, “Maybe it’ll make a difference one day.”
A flush of warmth crawled on my cheeks as a strong hue of red covered my face. "Uh, well, one day it might; we’ll never know." I looked at him, then trailed off to the guy beside him. “Who is that man beside you? He’s been awfully quiet there, mate.”
He looked behind him and said, “Oh yeah, that's my brother Stefan Salvatore,” then whispered, “He's in quite a mood tonight.”
A new voice appeared in the air as the other man stated, “I am not in a mood, Damon. I just don’t want to bother this beautiful woman, unlike you.
A chuckle released from my lips: “Is that really your brother?"
“Yes, sadly,” Stefan said nonchalantly. He seemed a bit drunk and angry, but he was quite funny. I started to gaze at the other Salvatore brother in curiosity. “Now what's your name, mystery brother?
“My name is Damon Salvatore, and yours?" I stood up from my seat as Damon's eyes followed me, concerned. “Jade Bennent."
I stood between both brothers as they both looked at me with a surprised look. "A Bennent witch?” Stefan was intrigued by what I said.
“A witch and vampire boys.” They looked at each other with confusion. “And you are vampires like me. I knew the minute I sat next to you two, Mr.  Salvatore," I said calmly.
I started to walk away until I heard Damon Salvatore say, "Wait." I looked back at both of them with a smile. “I’ll see you boys later, yeah?”
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Leonard Hofstadter x Reader: Early
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Summary: Never listen to your gut. It just might ruin something beautiful.
Rating/Tags: T (referenced Sheldon & Leonard; high school teacher!reader; lit teacher!reader)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
It wasn’t every day that a scientist from Cal Tech deigned to speak to a high school English teacher while said teacher pored over historical fiction in the local bookshop. Cal Tech was big. Cal Tech was smart. Cal Tech was–well, to put it lightly, a lot of the people from there came off as a little snooty to the rest of your kind. So when the adorable guy you saw getting coffee there almost every week came up to you, you were surprised to find he worked at Cal Tech. You’d been even more surprised when he’d stammered out a request for a date later in the week.
Not that you’d come off as much cooler with your hasty, embarrassed acceptance. It wasn’t like guys were just falling over themselves to ask the local lit teacher out to dinner. Leonard had bumbled off toward a skinny guy that only looked annoyed, only to hurry back to give you his phone number. All while you stood there clutching a stack of biographies on Abraham Lincoln.
In the four days that followed, you often wondered why you had agreed to go. You had not been on a real date since college. It was hard to find the time when you were so busy grading essays and drawing up quizzes over The Lord of the Flies. And what did someone that worked at Cal Tech want to hear about weak excuses for papers on symbolism? 
You had talked to Leonard for five whole minutes. That seemed about as much as someone at his level would be able to deal with someone at yours. Now, standing in your shower and dripping soap from the ends of your fingers, you wondered if you shouldn’t just text him and call the whole thing off.
The battle raged inside you, back and forth, back and forth, for the duration of your bathing. Standing underneath the stream of water, you argued that you could handle one date, and clearly he liked you. You had noticed him watching you before, on other trips to that same bookstore. Scrubbing at your skin with a loofah, you told yourself that that was probably a sign of him being some creep or perhaps even a serial killer. By the time you’d finished your shower, you were too anxious to think straight. Even if Leonard had meant to ask you out, he wasn’t going to find you in your right mind that afternoon.
Maybe, you thought with a spurt of hope, he had decided to cancel. Yes, that seemed likely. There might have been some emergency at his school that required his scientific expertise. He wouldn’t be able to use your date as an excuse to stay away. Just rescheduling would be enough. Then perhaps you could get your head back on straight before you had to see him again. 
Unfortunately, your cell phone remained where you had left it charging in the kitchen, forcing you to endure your nervousness for as long as it took to dry your skin and slip on a robe. Only then could you exit the bathroom in search of relief.
It was quiet in your apartment, something unusual for the summer. As you passed the window, you saw some of the complex children tossing water balloons at one another in the parking lot below. You almost wished you could join them. It seemed so much less stressful than your current situation. This was all you could think about for a few more steps, until walking past your front door caused you to notice a shadow sitting on the bench nearby it. 
It was only walking past again a few seconds later with your sadly voicemail-less phone that the shadow's presence really registered. It was vaguely human-shaped and had been there so long that it could not be someone dropping off a package. Your heart leaped into your mouth as unbidden thoughts of a lurker or an intruder paraded through your mind. There you were, all alone, on a sunny Saturday afternoon. The likelihood of a neighbor hearing your cries for help wasn’t very high, and what help would those kids be? 
You stood there, watching. The shadow sat there, unmoving.
On tiptoes, you turned on the spot and slunk back to your room. Wedged between the nightstand and the back wall was an aluminum baseball bat kept for this very reason.
You wrapped your fingers firmly around the bat’s handle, then slunk back to the front door. Whoever was out there was still sitting in the exact same spot as before. It appeared that they were waiting for you to answer the door, perhaps to head to your car to leave for your date. Well, you’d be giving them what they wanted, wouldn’t you? Plus some brain damage.
You flung the door open and didn’t hesitate. 
The form jumped–and thank goodness added a “holy crap!” for good measure.  The voice was familiar. You stopped with your bat still in the air over your shoulder.
“Huh?” you said intelligently.
On his feet and cowering against the bricks was none other than your date. Leonard squinted at the raised bat in your hands, his arms held up to beat off your attack–an attack that now wouldn’t come. 
You gasped as you dropped the bat onto the welcome mat. “Leonard?”
“Uh, yeah, hi?” His voice tremored upward into a question. “I can leave, if you want me to.”
“No, no, I–what are you doing here?”
To your surprise, Leonard blushed bright red. “I, well…are you sure you don’t want to just smack me with your bat? It might put me out of my misery.”
“Misery?” you echoed.
He looked away and began to play with his fingers. For a few seconds, you thought he was going to answer. Then he bunched his shoulders up around his ears, only to force them down with what appeared to be great effort. This effort was nothing compared to what it took him to speak, however: “I–well, I was excited for our date. So I headed out, and I sort of…ended up here. An hour and a half early.”
“You just…ended up here?”
“I was excited,” he repeated. “I-I did get you flowers.”
Hastily, Leonard bent, picked something up, and held out a small bouquet, wilted slightly in the California heat. They’d been sitting on the bench with him the whole time. If you’d seen those, you wouldn’t have gone after him with a baseball bat. Probably. In the wake of your mute acceptance of this gift, he squirmed again.
“I stopped and did that. Still showed up early. I can leave, if you want. Probably don’t want to…huh?”
He trailed away at your trembling. That was the final straw. Seeing his dark eyes narrow uncertainly at you through the lenses of his glasses had you laughing fit to burst. Almost hesitantly, Leonard smiled back.
“Did I say something funny?” he asked.
“No…No, sorry,” you said, straightening as you rubbed the moisture from your eyes. “I just thought you were going to cancel on me.”
“Cancel? Why would I do that? I’ve been looking forward to this all week!”
“You can’t have!” 
You had meant this (mostly) in jest. Leonard’s stiffening made plain that he had not taken it this way. Your grin faded. 
“Well, I mean…” Why had you brought this up to begin with? You were afraid he thought you were stupid, and now he absolutely would. “I’m just…I’m me. And you work at Cal Tech.”
“Have you seen the people at Cal Tech?” Leonard asked. “Believe me. You’re the better deal.”
You offered him a shy smile. Maybe it could have been bigger, except the heat was starting to get to you. It had to be getting to him, too, in that jacket of his. “Would you like to come in?”
“Oh, I–uh, I don’t really want to interrupt. I can just wait out here. It’s–it’s no big deal.”
He stopped fidgeting enough to look up at you, mouth slightly agape. 
You smiled wider as you pulled the door open a bit. “I just need to take care of my hair. You can have some coffee at my table before we go. I really don’t mind,” you added at what looked to be an argument forming on his lips. After all, you were still in your robe, and those kids in the parking lot were beginning to stare.
He looked toward the open door, eyes darting from you to the living room and back. “If–If you insist.” Slipping past you into the air conditioning, Leonard twisted toward you with a smile of his own. “I thought you would cancel with me. My neighbor says I’m a freak!”
You smiled into your flowers. Maybe Leonard was a freak. Most guys didn’t turn up an hour and a half early for a first date. If he was a freak, though, he was a freak in the right way. He wanted to be there. He hadn’t asked you out on some dare from his beanpole of a companion. Even better, he thought more of you than the geniuses at his school. 
Forgetting your fears from earlier, you found a vase for your bouquet and coffee for Leonard, then headed back to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Funny how this took even longer now that you were enthusiastic about your date than it had when you’d been dreading it. That might have had something to do with stopping every five minutes to ask Leonard question, but he wasn’t complaining–and neither were you.
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tomurabunny · 1 year
Love sure is strange.
read on ao3 Notes: English is not my first language, so there may be some grammar or syntax errors. However, I actually feel more comfortable writing in English than in my native language. Another thing is that it's been a while since I last wrote something. Pairing/Par: Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader
Summary: You, the UA traitor, is feign feelings for Mirio to gather crucial information. Tomura, possessive and jealous, struggles with his attachment to you due to All For One's teachings.
Content warnings: reader being ua traitor, elements of possessiveness, jealousy, and volatile emotions. scenes of verbal confrontation, physical intimidation, and explicit language.
"Shit! It's too late!" you mutter under your breath. Tomura Shigaraki, with his bluish-gray hair, immediately senses your distress as you stand up abruptly, dislodging him from your chest, a wave of unease washes over him, annoying him deeply.
The truth is, the only times he manages to get a decent night's sleep are when you're beside him. However, he would never admit that vulnerability to you. Instead, he grumbles, "What's the problem?"
You scramble to gather your things, your mind racing with the realization that you're going to be late for class. But what's even worse is that Mirio Togata, the guy you agreed to date to infiltrate UA, has promised to accompany you. Shigaraki can't hide his distaste for the blonde hero-in-training.
"I don't like this guy," Shigaraki grumbles, his jealousy evident in his voice. "He's always playing the good boy role"
You pause for a moment, meeting Shigaraki's gaze. "I think it's because he IS A GOOD BOY," you reply with a sigh, trying to downplay your own irritation at the situation.
"I don't care," Shigaraki retorts, his voice filled with a mix of possessiveness and worry. He knows that pretending to be interested in someone else is part of your mission, but it doesn't mean he has to like it.
You give him a weak smile, trying to ease his concerns. "Right... See you later, okay? Don't worry, I won't get caught."
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In Tomura's dimly lit room, the glow from the screen illuminates his face as he focuses on the game, doing his best to avoid meeting your gaze.The tension between you both is palpable, and the air hangs heavy with unspoken words.
"You're pathetic... Always searching for others' approval," Tomura's voice dripped with icy disdain. The mere sight of you seeming so comfortable with that insufferable hero grated on his nerves. Weren't you supposed to be his? Weren't you in love with him?
Glancing at him, you noticed his seething anger. "Are you pissed?" you asked softly.
Tomura scowled, his eyes still fixed on the monitor. "You're so dumb," he retorted, rolling his eyes. "Of course, I’m pissed. We haven't even started our relationship, and we're already having problems" he added sarcastically, unwilling to reveal the depth of his internal turmoil to you.
"Just so you know, I'm only fooling Mirio for the mission." you insisted.
"Is that so?" Tomura's voice lowered dangerously. "Tell me, how does it feel? Being in his arms, laughing, looking into his eyes like a helpless fool who has fallen in love... Does it feel better than being with me?"
Frustrated, you snapped back at him, "You're so stupid sometimes..."
"What did you say?" he erupted, his voice filled with venom. He stood up from his gaming chair, finally locking eyes with you as he approached, attempting to intimidate you. Gripping your face, he forced you to look up at him.
Unfazed, you met his gaze head-on. "I said you're stupid... I don't feel anything while I'm with Mirio. I'm just pretending for the mission, for the League, for All For One, and especially for you," you stated resolutely, refusing to back down.
“Ow!” His grip faltered as you bit his finger, forcing him to release your face. "You're fucking annoying!" he seethed. "I can't believe I'm in love with someone so stupid," he grumbled.
You laughed at his reaction, finding it ironic. "How can I be so attracted to you? You’re annoying as hell too" you pondered.
His laughter mingled with yours, tinged with irony. A villain... a killer... and yet somehow you had fallen in love with him. Love sure is strange.
But amidst the irony, he cherished it. Your attention and company had made things less stressful for him. You were there, by his side, and you seemed to actually care about him.
"You can't help it," he retorted sarcastically, a smirk playing on his lips. "I mean, who can resist this undeniable charm? Clearly, I'm just too irresistible."
Just then, your phone buzzed. Snatching it from your hand, he saw that Mirio was calling. Refusing the call, he nearly crushed the phone with anger. "I do NOT give a fuck about that bastard hero!" he shouted, his rage escalating. "I'm telling you... If you like him... I'm gonna destroy him," he declared, his body pressing you against the wall. He didn't want to believe you cared for that hero—it was unacceptable, and he would not tolerate such betrayal.
You smiled, understanding his point. "You're the one that owns my heart." you assured, placing your hand on his cheek as his body pressed against yours, trapping you between him and the wall.
Feeling your touch, warmth bloomed in his chest. You were showing him that you still loved him, that you were true to him. A soft smile graced his lips as he leaned closer, claiming your lips in a kiss. He needed to make things clear.
"Only me," he whispered into your ear.
"Only you," you echoed. "You don't have to worry... I'm just pretending my feelings for him for the mission"
"Good," he responded, leading you to his gaming chair and urging you to sit on his lap. He kissed you softly on the neck as his grip tightened around your waist, drawing you closer. It felt so good being with you... he was addicted to you.
"I love you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper, his words almost drowned out by the kisses. "I have you... Just you," he breathed, his possessiveness shining through. He tried to convince himself that his feelings were solely rooted in ownership rather than genuine affection.
You turned your head to meet his gaze, yours lips meeting in a tender kiss. "I love you too, Tomura," you whispered, a smile lighting up your face.
Your words stirred a warmth within him, a happiness he hadn't experienced before. You loved him, truly. You were his.
Sighing contentedly, he closed his eyes, resting his head against yours, savoring this moment of peace. When you broke the kiss, a soft smile played on his lips.
He could have kissed you for hours.
Having you by his side made all the hardships and suffering fade away. You were the reason he would keep going, keep fighting.
The tender moment was abruptly interrupted when Kurogiri appeared, reminding the two that it was time for you to leave. "I'm sorry, Tomura, but she needs to go. Her classmates will start looking for her soon," Kurogiri softly spoke. Tomura's disappointment was evident as he pleaded, "Just a few more minutes..." He didn't want to let you go. He still craved your presence, but Kurogiri's words rang true. If you didn't return soon, your classmates would begin searching for you. Reluctantly, he released his hold on you, allowing you to stand up. Before parting, you leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips, expressing your affection. Walking away towards the portal Kurogiri had opened, leading to your dorm at UA, "Be careful", you whispered your words of caution. "Don't do anything stupid." he whispered back, his worry for your safety evident in his eyes. A small hint of sadness crossed his face as he watched you disappear through the portal. He had a whole organization to run, responsibilities weighing heavily on his shoulders. Now that he had you, though, his mind buzzed with endless possibilities.There were so many plans he wanted to execute with you, so many things he wanted to experience together. As you vanished from his sight, Tomura's determination grew. He would protect you, keep you by his side, and make the most of the bond you shared. With you, his path seemed clearer, his purpose stronger.
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scolbert22 · 1 year
Tutor's Pet
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@brandedx2 requested "BRAWNY FOOTBALL PLAYER IN A HAMSTER CAGE PLEASE" (Talk about microfiction lol)
Grant was a little apprehensive about being the new tutor for the football team, but Coach Anthony had hardly given him a choice in the matter. Them short, sandy haired otter was kind of a pushover, and the older man had sensed weakness in him. Long story short, there he was, knocking Tank's door.
Travis "Tank" O'Neil was a 6'5, 310 pound offensive lineman. He had a fiery copper mohawk, with a heavy brow and beard to match. He was the terror of the English department, as he was both barely literate, and mean as hell. He'd sent more than one tutor to the ER. The towering behemoth was wearing his green and white jersey and a pair of jeans when he opened the door roughly, his eyeline high above Grant's head. He looked down, regarding his next punching bag.
Grant Conners was about 5'6, he had wide blue eyes hidden behind large glasses, and a sandy goatee. in his college sweater, khakis, and high tops painted the picture of a meek bookworm.
"You the one who's gonna keep me from failing?" Tank grunted down at him in his rumbling voice.
"Uh...w-well I am certainly going to do my best!" Grant chirped up with an optimism he did not feel.
Tank laughed cruelly. "Well you better do more than try, little man. 'less you want me to rearrange that pretty little face." he reached down with one of his baseball mitt hands and pinched the little guy's cheek. Grant cringed in pain.
As he followed his charge in, Grant noticed that he was drinking from a plastic bottle of green liquid. It seemed to glow in the light. He noticed that the outside of the bottle was covered in some Cyrillic language, but he couldn't be sure what.
He sat down on a rickety chair across from Tank's bed, where the giant took his seat with a manly grunt. Pulling Jane Eyre out of his bag, He tried to make some pleasant conversation to ease his way in.
"Oh what are you drinking?" He smiled brightly.
"It's some shit I found on the body building forums, supposed to make me swole as fuck." He grunted before downing the last of it. "Shit's not FDA approved but I can already feel it giving me more energy- BWWWARRRP" The ginger goliath belched loudly in his tutor's face.
"Oh! Uh, alright!" Not sure what to say, he pushed forward. "Well, Coach says that you're struggling in your English lit class. Are you struggling with the archaic language? Or is it more the themes of the novel?"
"I don't struggle with anything runt. I'm a champion." Tank growled. "The problem is that it's boring as shit, Who cares about this lame bitch wandering around a stupid old house?" The giant burped again, even longer this time. Grant turned away, trying to hid his disgust. As he did, he noticed a wire cage with a large water bottle hanging from it.
"Oh do you have a hamster?" He tried valiantly to change the subject.
"Had one. Then it bit me." Tank smirked, looking toward the open window. Grant gulped.
"Ah! I see! Well, back to Jane Eyre-" He started, but he was cut off by another explosive belch. He regarded the gassy lineman across from him. Were his clothes looking a little....looser?
"Travis, are you feeling okay?"" he asked.
"My name is BRAAAAAAWWWWP Tank you fuckin cumstain. And I've BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWP never felt better." Tank did his est to menace his tutor, but the uncontrollable burping undermined it somewhat. Additionally, Grant was sure now that Tank was getting smaller. They were nearly eye-level now, and Grant had an experiment he wanted to try.
He reached forward, quick as a flash, and placed his hand on the center of Tank's musclegut. He pressed firmly.
"What the fuck are you doing you little- BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWP!" Tank roared, and belched helplessly against the pressure his would-be victim applied to his solid tummy. He shrank more rapidly now, his feet dangling from the side of the bed. He leapt up in an attempt to tower over Grant, shouting "Quit it dickhead!" This posturing backfired immediately.
The dwindling ginger realized that the top of his head barely reached Grant's chin. His jeans slid to the floor, leaving him in his oversized jersey and his lucky jockstrap.
Grant's eyes lit up. "Well, what's this?" He laughed, peeling the jersey off his pasty, freckled body and tossing it to the floor. He grabbed both sides of the jock and lifted him up like he was in a bungie swing. "How's the weather down there?"
Tanks legs kicked helplessly as he bounced in his dingy jock. "Stop it dude, please!" His voice was higher now, and a twinge of fear had replaced the cocky aggression.
Grant laughed in reply, poking his gut merrily. "Boop!" He declared in a sing song voice.
Tank replied with a belch that rose a few octaves as his size dwindled from "underdeveloped freshman" to "chunky housecat". He dangled helplessly, looking like he was about to cry.
"Please man, I'm beggin' you!" He whimpered, sniffling.
"You know, my friend Michael begged too, when you pushed him downstairs and broke his leg." Grant growled, slapping his belly pink.
The ricochet of burps that followed caused him shrink
He finally settled at about 6 inches tall.
Finally, he felt less bloated.
the former giant curled up in the musky pouch of his own jock, whimpering and blubbering pathetically.
Grant laughed, carrying him over to the vacant hamster cage.
"Don't worry little fella! I'm a much better pet owner than you!" He dumped the naked jock into the enclosure, tossing the jock on top of his discarded clothes. "Now run on that wheel until I say stop, or I'll give you the hamster treatment."
The red faced little man didn't need telling twice. He got up to his feet immediately, panting and whimpering in fear. His squeaky little voice breathlessly shouting "Yes Sir"s and "Please don't hurt me!"s.
Grant kicked back in the giant's old bed. He was just about to finish out the rest of their tutoring session watching his new little pet when there was a stern knock at the door.
Frantically, Grant leapt to his feet. He grabbed the jersey off the floor and draped it over his jock cage, kicking the rest of his clothes under the bed. In his haste, he caught his toe on the minifridge door, knocking it open and biting his finger to prevent from crying out. He hobbled quietly toward the door.
Glancing through the peephole, he saw Coach Anthony. The greying muscle bear was in his track jacket and short shorts, checking his watch impatiently with his cold, silvery eyes.
"Tank, you better not be pulverizing another one of those little geeks, or its 20 laps for you!" the gruff man shouted through the door.
Glancing around in panic, Grant's eyes settled on the minifridge he'd kicked open. It was full to the brim with bottles of that strange black market drink. A grin spread across his face. He opened the door.
"Hello Coach! Travis is in the bathroom, but he's really taking to the material!"
Coach looked unconvinced. "Really?" he snorted. "I've never seen Tank take to anything that didn't involve tackling a freshman."
"Well, I don't want to brag but I really think that he's turned over a brand new leaf! Why don't you stay a minute and see? Can I get you something to drink?"
Coach considered for a moment. "Ah why the hell not! Why don't you toss me one of them Gatorades in the fridge? Tank's a big boy, but he won't miss one."
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anki-of-beleriand · 2 years
A Heart Made of Glass ch.6
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision - (Past) Carol DanversxPowered!F!Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI, Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. Slow burn. Found family. Innocent crush. Mention of sleeping medication. Slighlty non-con for drug consumption? More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret
Hello guys! Once again I have to say I'm quite surprised at the response the story has been accumulating so far, thank you so much for your support, it really means the world to me. Now, once again the chapter ended up being far too long and I have to divide it in two, I really hope you like this one because we will have the aftermath of meeting Scarlet officially and some other surprises. Please do not forget to comment and tell me what you think, I love reading all your comments and tags, and even reading anons, suggestions and requests!
Reader is highly frustrated, they look for some advice and end up discovering somethings about Wanda and Tony. Wanda is getting weak and it is Scarlet's chance to do what she is meant to do.
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Prequel Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Chapter 6
The secrets you keep
The conversations we have
The car drive back into the city was refreshing for your mind.
You loved winter. Always had
It was the time of the year in which darkness would endure even more so than light, and while many people would think this a bad thing for you it was amazing. Perhaps it had to do with your powers, or just the fact that you had always operated in the dark, but there was something soothingly familiar in the long nights and cold nights that winter in the north part of the globe brought to you.
The lights of your car lit up the road before you, the house was left behind in complete darkness and you knew by the time Natasha and Yelena noticed you had gone without them you would be far to busy at school to answer any questions.
You really were quite smart when you want to run from confrontation.
Out of the corner of your eyes you could see the dim light of the sun trying to sneak around the mountains and the darkened sky. The music inside your car blasted through the speakers while you sang through the songs while you tried to ignore the burning on your neck and your back. In all this time what you were really trying to do was to outrun the heavy stare you could feel at the back of your mind, the familiar whispered of a voice you longed to forget.
A flickered to the sight told you there was a shadow in the window, but you didn’t dare to turn and see what it was. You didn’t need to, and if you didn’t see it well…it didn’t exist.
You sighed shaking your head, your eyebrows knitted together as you remembered yourself walking down the hall to Wanda’s room. The redhead had been fast asleep, the blanket you had placed on her was still neatly wrapped around her, her face a mask of pure peacefulness. Even if she had been using magic, Natasha had given her a doze strong enough to keep Wanda out of it for more than a couple of hours.
So, you knew Wanda Maximoff had not been the one visiting your dreams. Or trying to get your attention.
Perhaps you were paranoic?
The song changed into a more upbeat melody, your eyes flickered to the rear-view mirror and they soon fell on the skin-coloured bandage you had place on the hickey. The memory of how you got it was still fresh in your mind, your hands grabbed the steering wheel tight while the nails on your back burn with the memory. Whoever she was, that woman had shaken away your way in ways only Wanda had been capable of doing in the past.
The marks she had left told you there was magic at work, and the images of the dream, the words of Wanda, that dream Wanda haunted you even now.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” The word left your lips like a mantra, you returned your attention back to the road while furrowing your brows. “Friday! Call Tony!”
Your words came out like a desperate scream, you cursed once more just as the AI stopped the music and soon the car filled in with the sound of the ringing tone. While Strange had been your first option, and you were about ready to spill out your dreams and doubts to the man you realized he shouldn’t be your first option. Before you were right ahead and put the blame on someone it would be better to gather information, and Tony Stark was the only one you trusted enough to do so.
“It took you a week to call me back, kid.” The voice of Tony Stark was comforting, familiar to your ears with just the right hint of teasing and concern you had learnt to love in the other man. “Tell me you didn’t kill Maximoff because I’m not sure I can help you hide the body.”
You laughed lightly, shaking your head at the comfort you felt. Tony had been one of the few you had trusted with your life when you left the Avengers. He had offered a job, and the comfort of an easy life while you got your head around the break-up and the pieces of your life. He never asked more of you than you could give, and he always made sure to be right there for you even if it was difficult to do so.
“I didn’t kill her.” You answered flatly, tightening your grip on the wheel.
“Are you alright?” Tony finally asked picking up on your tone, you sighed shaking your head.
“No, Tony, I’m not.”
There was a moment of silence, you heard the man shifted and rummaged around before his voice was louder and firmer.
“Look, Kid, I know you didn't want her to know about you or your whereabouts."  Tony did not hesitate in his confession; you huffed shaking your head. 
"I'm not calling you because of that, Tony." You tried to evade the topic, right now the last thing you needed was for the topic of Wanda to come back when you were just trying to run away from it. 
"What do you know about the multiverse? How much do you know about… dreams?" There was some hesitation in your voice, you couldn't help but think about the dream, about the images in it. The feeling of Wanda's lips on your neck, her nails scratching your back. 
Not Wanda. 
You swallowed down your emotions, shaking your head while trying to continue with the conversation. 
"How is it possible to travel around the multiverse? Can it be done through dreams like America was telling us? That they reflect our variants or…" 
There was a long silence, you could hear the movement from the phone while Tony got into academic mode. Your lips quirked upwards, the familiarity of it all was enough to make you relax into the conversation. 
"It is highly probable that she knows more about the multiverse than we do." Tony cleared his throat and soon the left side of the window gleamed and you got to see his face. You snorted knowing he had hacked into your system just to make sure you were paying attention. 
"Still, I'm not totally convinced with her theory, there are worlds that may not be tangible. The quantum realm is one of them. A universe on its own."
You listened to the explanations with a pit of pure fire in your abdomen. Tony projected some images, your eyes flickered to the explanation about string theory and the four levels of universes. Tony made sure to speak about the impossibility of other universes existing, but then breaking this conception not only under the concept of physics but also of philosophy and magic. Being an Avenger and being Iron Man had taught him the universe didn't work the way he thought it did. And as he continued with his words, you realized the possibility of an intangible universe that could sneak inside your dreams was possible. 
That a variant of your Wanda was really possible. 
Mine. Not hers. Only mine. 
"The fact this girl can travel through them is interesting, and whenever this is over I wouldn't mind meeting her." Tony then fixed his stare on you, finally crossing his arms and taking into a fatherly pose he had learned to do recently. "Now, why are you so interested in the topic?" 
You considered lying to him, pretending it was to know more about the topic. But something in your mind stirred with a warning, your back burning with the marks of nails and your neck pulsating with the memory of Wanda's mouth on you. 
"I've been having some dreams. If I were to be honest, I've been having them even before Wanda and America appeared at my doorstep." You revealed furrowing your brows, the worry in your expression was quite evident and Tony could see you were really shaken by these. "But it wasn't until yesterday that I realized… they were not dreams."
You shook your head frowning, your lips forming a tensed smile. 
"It's okay, I can deal with them but I just need some information, I was wondering if you can get some for me." You shrugged, turning your eyes to the screen. "I'm not sure Strange is working the way he should, and this case about the traveller from the multiverse is just getting on my nerves. I have a feeling that there is more to it than meets the eyes."
"I can certainly get Strange and Pym to help me out in this, perhaps Bruce? It would be nice to have them together." Tony made a contemplative gesture before scratching the back of his head. "Pepper is leaving for an event, and I'm alone with Morgan, I wouldn't say no to the help, she has a party with her friends this week and her newfound uncles can be a nice distraction for the tea party."
You let out a single smile, Tony was such a different person to the one you had met in your youth. Playboy, uncaring and a drunk, he had made himself a better person for himself and the people he loved; Morgan had been just the last straw he needed to be amazing. There was a moment of silence, Tony glanced at you through the phone pursing his lips before speaking up. 
“Can I ask you and Morgan to make them dress up for the tea party? I will pay good money or whatever you want if you get pictures.”
Tony laughed shaking his head, his eyes gleaming playfully as he nodded.
“You got yourself a deal, kid.” You smiled imaging the scene, Tony shifted slightly pressing his lips together before he spoke again.
Better now than never.
"Before you go, there is something I want to discuss with you."
You raised your eyebrows, tilting your head while turning your attention to the road. After an hour of driving, you were finally getting into town.
"Sure, what is it?" 
Tony bounced on his feet taking a seat on his favourite chair. He could feel Pepper's eyes on him, the weight of this conversation pressing inside his head. He stared at you, distracted by the road but serious and attentive to whatever he was going to say. 
“I have always protected you, the moment I found out about you and Wanda and what happened with Vision I sided with you.” Tony let his words sink in, he tried to give you some time to answer or say something but the only indication that you were hearing him was the way you grabbed the steering wheel. 
“But I also think ten years is a long time.”
“What?” This time around you did turn sharply towards the window, but Tony was glancing at you sternly. 
“When she came here she was devastated.” 
You were tempted to silence Tony, you really didn’t want to hear how Wanda was doing after the fight with Thanos when she finally realised she was alone. But you couldn’t stop him, and you kept hearing as he told you about Wanda and her state of mind.
“For her it was hours after she killed Vision and then, she lost Steve and she no longer had you.”
“You’re going to tell me you feel sorry for her? Tony, I was about to give her everything!”
You weren’t sure when you stopped the car, but you were gesturing with your hands to the image of Tony on the window. The stress of the week, the weight of having seen Wanda again was finally catching up, and you were now facing one of the people you trusted the most in the world and he was defending the one person that broke your heart.
“I know what she did. And believe it or not, she has been paying for that mistake all this time.”
“That’s not my fault!”
“I’m not saying it is, I’m just telling it’s been ten years! I’m not asking you to go and jump in her arms and go back to her. I’m asking you to be her friend!”
The car was left silent for a moment, you snorted, shaking your head while looking outside the window.
“Since when are you ready to protect her? Did she enchant you or something?”
Tony took a deep breath shaking his head, “since she cried her heart out to me all night long, and I realised if Pepper hadn’t been there to forgive all my misgivings, all the cheating, all the things I did before I became the person I am now, I wouldn’t have anything. I wouldn’t have her, or Morgan.”
You clenched your jaw, Tony’s words dancing around your head as you thought of Wanda again. It was the only thing you had been doing in the last couple of days and you were starting to get fed up with all of it.
“Why are you telling me all of this, Tony?”
“She will always pay for what she did, but that day after the funeral she came to me.” Tony remembered that day, Carol had been all over you and you were not indifferent to her. Tony had seen the look on Wanda's face and later on, when they spoke he could hear the traces of a broken heart in her voice.
The regret she carried with her was something that made Tony feel sorry for Wanda. Her life had not been easy, and her fears and insecurities had only made it all the worse.
“She was asking me for permission to stay at the Avenger’s compound and then she just…broke. When she asked about you, about your whereabouts, about your contact number she did it with one thing in mind.”
You hesitated, furrowing your brows, you glanced out of the window not wanting for Tony to see or read your thoughts on your face. Tony waited but when you kept silent he continued.
“She just wanted to be part of your life again, even if it was as a friend. She wanted to make amends, but she didn’t know how.” Tony let out a heavy sigh, you understood right there and then that whatever conversation Tony held with Wanda had changed his perspective on her. 
“You sound as if you are siding with her right now, Tony.”
“I’m not siding with anyone, this time around. Ten years ago she broke your heart, and that was something I could not forgive at that time. But ten years, Y/N it’s a long time to hold a grudge.”
“I was ready to give her everything, Tony. The house, the family…god, my heart was hers and I was ready to be a fucking secret as long as she loved me.” Your voice cracked, you clenched your jaw just as the hickey in your neck and the marks on your back burnt with the memory of the other Wanda. “And then, when she supposedly wanted to make amends she goes all the way to Westview, my dream for her, and gives it to him! No, Tony, I’m not a fucking toy. Not anymore.”
Tony scowled at that, “don’t you think is really convenient that the world she made out of sorrow turn out to be your dream, that the kids look like you, that even the ring on her hand was yours…and yet, for some reason, Vision was there…as it the explanation of the soul gem was enough?”
For the very first time you were left speechless, you turned to Tony and the man had that glint in his eyes that told you he was analysing a situation that had not a good way out. You tilted your head, blinking away a couple of times before speaking again.
“What do you mean?”
Tony shrugged, turning around before settling the phone right in front of him again.
“There is something else that has been bothering me about Westview, and the sudden appearance of America. But, think about it.”
“What? That it was convenient that she thought of her dead lover?” You snorted, shaking your head.
“They had never been lovers, Y/N. After you left, Wanda…” Tony trailed off, the sound coming from the other side intensified and he sighed. “Look, I gotta go but just promise me you will think about what we just talk about, promise me you won’t let resentment dictate your decisions because…that’s not who you are, kid.”
“I promise.” You mumbled after a while, Tony smiled nodding.
“I’ll see you around, keep your phone at hand and take care.”
“I will. Say hi to Pepper and Morgan for me.”
Tony Stark glanced at the phone for a long time, Pepper came to him with a softened expression. 
"How did it go?" 
"You heard her." Tony huffed in frustration; you had always been quite stubborn with the Wanda topic. "I know I'm asking too much; I know what Wanda did was unforgivable but…"
"But ten years is a long time to hold a grudge." Pepper sat beside him, her arm went around his shoulders placing a kiss on his cheek. "They were young at that time, and we know that Y/N has always experienced emotions in such an intense way it is hard for her to just… let go. That's the reason she is still hurting…" 
"She is still in love with Wanda." Tony leaned into Pepper's touch, thoughtful for a moment. "How did you forgive me? All of it?" 
Pepper opened her eyes surprised; this conversation was something they had never held quite openly. Tony was more of an action kind of guy, the moment he tried to make amends he showed Pepper he had changed. But Pepper held her doubts for quite some time. She was waiting for him to start drinking again or going to parties and ending up with a woman or two in his bed. It never happened but her doubts remained for a long time. 
"It took some time, Tony. I always feared I will find you with one of your girls in bed as I did countless times." Pepper offered Tony a shrug with a contemplative stare. "It broke my heart every time I saw you in such situations. That's why I only try once with you, if you mess up then I would have known you didn't love me enough and I could have walked away in peace knowing I did give it a chance."
"You are so wise, Mrs. Potts."
"One of us has to be, Mr. Stark."
Pepper kissed Tony softly until she broke the kiss with a smile. 
"Do you think they… have another chance?" Tony asked all of a sudden, Pepper tilted her head glancing at the phone. 
She knew Tony worried for you and now he has also worried about Wanda. Wanda had never been overly affective towards Tony, the past in between them was enough to make her wary of him. But that day, she had trusted him with everything, and Tony had finally understood her in ways Steve had done so from the very beginning. Pepper knew that day, the fatherly part of Tony had allowed Wanda in and now he was just worrying for the both of you.
What he had said to you was not the first time he voiced his concerns about the topic, and if Pepper were to be honest she also thought there was something else at play here. 
"I'm not sure, Tony. Y/N was so hurt when everything happened, she has been running from this confrontation all her life. And Wanda… well, she just needs to heal before making any decision." The sound of small steps coming over and the loud laughter of Morgan called both their attentions. 
"I guess time will then." Tony shifted ready to welcome his daughter with open arms. "Let us hope is not too late."
Natasha hated magic. 
She really hated the advantage it had given Wanda that first time when she sided with Ultron, or when the fight got too much. It wasn't the magic itself, but the wielder of said magic. Natasha had seen it create chaos more than saved lives and she knew first-hand the damage such power could create under the wrong hands. 
Natasha knew Steve had tried to give Wanda the was training he could, the potential of the young witch was not missed on him and while Wanda had learnt about control and her powers in all that time; it was also quite evident that the way she experienced her emotions were a way for her to lose control. The information Natasha had gathered from SWORD and Rambeau was enough for Natasha to be worried that Wanda would lose herself all over again. The chaos she had created in Westview was everlasting, with the town still being affected by it.
Which brought her back to the situation at hand. Natasha had her green eyes on Wanda, the young woman was looking rather mad but also rather scared and emotion Natasha had seen on her several times. And this time around, the Black Widow couldn’t blame her; waking up after being drugged was not a nice feeling.
"What did you do to me?" Wanda asked again, holding Natasha against the wall, Yelena and America were standing by the side gaping at both women. 
Natasha was impassive, as if the red tendrils of magic holding her against the wall were nothing more than decorations instead of a thread.
The morning had started like any other Monday morning in your household. Yelena had been on cooking duty that day; she was grumbling around while making sure to prepare the breakfast with America soon joining in with some amusement. It was quite evident Yelena was not a morning person, and her grumbling just got worse when Natasha came in asking if the breakfast was ready.
Conversation had been light, and almost playful, with Natasha already announcing you were gone and that they would need to move on if they wanted to catch up with you. America noticed the glances the sisters interchanged, and the young woman knew that you leaving that earlier was not a common thing. But before she could question it, or before something else could be said about the topic Wanda came in.
Natasha had been the first one to show in the living room and that was when she found herself being wrapped in red magic and pushed against the wall. Wanda was furious, red eyes gleaming dangerously and her hand stretched out holding Natasha against the closest wall.
Some frames were on the floor and Yelena could see some crystals and decorations broke on the floor.
"Y/N is not going to be happy when she sees that." Yelena mumbled shaking her head. 
America for her part was more worried about Wanda and Natasha. Both women were glaring at one another, though Natasha was smirking as if her current position didn't bother her at all. 
"What the hell did you do? Did it amuse you? Do you hate me so much?" Wanda asked again, more forcefully than before. 
Natasha winced lightly though she recovered rather fast putting on the same mocking smirk she had before. 
"I wouldn't say hate, but we don't like you that much, Wanda." Natasha saw the tightening of Wanda's arms, the flickered in those red eyes that indicated Natasha had hurt her with the comment. "Yet what we did was for your own good. Not because of our dislike of you." 
"My own good? You drugged me!" 
"Sleeping drug, mind you." Natasha tried to explain rather boringly. She glanced around herself then at Wanda. "Would you mind letting go? If I have wanted you dead Wanda I would have done so a long time ago."
Wanda scoffed without letting go, she turned her head seeing as Yelena and America glanced at the scene without doing much but observed. Then she noticed you were nowhere to be seen, her heart ached at your absence and when she turned to Natasha she hated the knowing glint in her green eyes. 
"So instead of killing me you drug me to what? Give Y/N and advantage or what, Natasha?" 
"Please, you may be powerful, Wanda, but Y/N has been training her ass off ever since she left the Avengers." Natasha replied with an edge to her words. "If she had wanted to, she would have wiped the ground with your face."
Wanda scowled at this her hold on Natasha didn't waver but her mind went to the fight the day before. America stepped forward placing a hand on Wanda's arm shaking her head. 
"They were just trying to get you to sleep a little, Wanda." America explained softly though she also scolded Natasha who merely rolled her eyes. "I mean that was a little extreme but you look so much better today than you did a few days ago."
"No more panda eyes, and no more assface that's for certain an improvement." Yelena chimed in with a helpful smirk, Wanda turned to Natasha who held the same impassive glance Wanda was used to seeing on the spy whenever they were on a mission. 
"Y/N wanted to tire you out, I just thought the sleeping pill would speed up the process." Natasha shrugged unapologetically; Wanda let her go slowly turning away from everyone. 
"I didn't need the help; I was sleeping just fine." She said softly, Natasha fixed her clothes snorting. 
"You didn't dream last night, did you?" Wanda furrowed her brows Natasha placed a hand on her shoulder. "No nightmares and you just woke up so… no, Wanda you weren't sleeping just fine until last night. Now let's have something to eat before we go."
"Go where? Where's Y/N? She isn't awake yet?" 
Wanda noticed the way Natasha and Yelena exchanged glances, the four of them entered the kitchen with a table set for breakfast. There was something the two Widows were hiding but before Wanda could question it Yelena started talking. 
"She is a teacher back at the primary school, she usually leaves before us." Yelena then pointed to the breakfast. "Now eat, America will come with me to get enrolled in school and then we will go to the mall for clothes."
America made a face by taking some eggs and bread. 
"Do I have to enrol? I don't see the need to do so…" 
Their conversation soon fell in the background, Wanda watched as Natasha placed a plate filled with eggs and beacon. Her stare stern, as her brows lifted. 
"Are you going to boss me around now, Natasha?" Wanda asked in a low tone.
"Someone has to do it." Natasha fixed her own plate eating slowly before speaking again. "I won't apologise, and if you keep skipping sleep I will do it again."
"Why do you care? I thought you guys hated me." Wanda asked, playing with the food, her eyebrows knitted together. 
Natasha shrugged, "not really. I was angry, still am. I have always thought you have missed the good things in your life for holding onto old beliefs and fears… but you have paid enough for that. Still are. Probably always will. Someone has to cut you some slack."
"Thank you." Wanda said nothing else, she started eating, hearing the conversation filled in the silence in her mind. 
The rest of the meal went by uneventful; Wanda couldn't deny that the full night sleep and the warm breakfast was fulfilling at the moment. It was something she had been skipping for a very long time and now it felt heavenly to her senses. The lack of nightmares or the multiple scenarios in her head was something she was grateful for, and while she was still mad to be drugged and manipulated in such a way, she couldn't deny she felt good. 
"Are you coming with us to the city or are you staying?" 
Wanda weighed down her options, going out into town would be a great opportunity to clear up her mind and perhaps think about what to do next. But another part of her wanted just to be alone, perhaps get to think about what she wanted to do next without the rush that was America's conversation and the glares and sarcasm from Yelena. Wanda shrugged shaking her head while offering a reassuring smile to America before turning to Natasha. 
"I think I'll stay, but you can go ahead and have some fun for a change."
"Will do." America approached Wanda offering a hug, she leaned in with a flicker of worry in her eyes. "Are you sure you wanna stay?" 
"Yeah, I'm still a little tired so I guess staying behind will make me some good."
"Since you're staying, please help around with the dishes and the dinner?" Yelena chimed in shooting Wanda a half amused half daring glance. "I mean, you guys have been living for free here and as we could see in that TV show of yours you have learned to be a good housewife for a thing that didn't even eat, I guess now you will have some alive people that can tell you how good or bad your cooking is." 
Wanda clenched her jaw hating the burning on her cheeks, her eyes grew red for a moment but then she just nodded. 
"Fair enough."  
"You don't have to do it, but it would be appreciated." Natasha clarified by placing a hand on Wanda's arm. 
"No, I'll do it. I have to contribute to the household, it's just fair." Wanda replied, shrugging. 
Yelena nodded her head impressed, but Natasha furrowed her brows looking at Wanda then back at the door. 
"If anything happens, you can call. We'll be back later today." Natasha and Yelena soon made their way to the entrance, America stayed behind for a moment turning her attention to Wanda.
“Are you sure you want to stay? You know you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.” America let her eyes take into the softening features of Wanda, the older woman nodded placing a hand on America’s shoulders.
“I’m going to be okay; you don’t have to worry.” America hesitated for a moment before nodding.
“Want me to bring you something? And do you think you can convince them to let me skip school?”
Wanda chuckled fixing America’s hair, her heart shrank with the memory of the twins and her face broke into one of bittersweet happiness.
“I don’t think school is that bad, and…perhaps it would help you out.” She said locking eyes with America, the young woman stirred shrugging.
“Help me out with that?” America mumbled though she was pretty sure what Wanda meant.
Wanda shrugged stepping back, “to decide where you wanna stay after all of this, America.”
America made a face shrugging, “I’m not sure I like them that much, you know?”
Wanda offered a tiny smile to her, “I know I don’t like them that much, but they are not the only ones.”
America returned Wanda’s smile nodding while rolling her eyes, Yelena was screaming from the front door and the horn of the car was sounding rather desperate. Wanda chuckled raising a single eyebrow at America.
“If it helps some, I think Yelena likes you.” Wanda chuckled when America just winced, though she could tell America was also warming up to the blond Widow.
“Be careful and have some rest if you can, we will be back as soon as we finished everything.”
Wanda watched until the door closed behind America and the sound of the car leaving the front yard diminished in the distance.
The house was left alone.
Wanda stood there for what seemed an eternity until her eyes flickered down to glance at her hands. She observed the flickering of black and white before she shook her head trying to clear out her eyes. Her hands were back to normal, the young woman felt a poke inside her head and she couldn’t help but remember the day before, nor could she forget the morning she had.
The blackout was something she had gotten used to in recent months, but the sensation that she should remember something important was sometimes frustrating. Wanda pressed her lips together, her body trembling and her breathing increasing.
The deafening silence in the house was not enough to distract her, and in reality, it only contributed to her feeling anxious. The weakness in her mind was something she didn’t like, and while she understood Natasha had good intensions well…right now her mind was still fuzzy and trying to clear up her thoughts.
Just when she was about to occupy herself the overwhelming pain inside her head increased, and soon it spread out to her body. Wanda whimpered grabbing her head with both hands, this was not the first time that such a headache attacked her senses. But the last time it happened things had been…chaotic. She could barely remember what she had done, and it had been Monica the one filling in the blank spaces.
The world around her spin out of control, her knees buckled under her weight and Wanda let out a gasp filled with pain as she fell down to the floor. Her fingertips darkened and her eyes started gleaming red, she tried to grasp her mind, her sanity but was losing the battle.
Give in.
“No…” The word was just a meekly whisper before she knelt down clenching her jaw tightly.
She opened her eyes finding herself in an unfamiliar setting.
The first thing she noticed was the vinyl flooring with forms right under her, she took a deep breath getting used to her lungs while scowling at the décor of the floor and the walls. If she had any said in the decoration, this would never be the one she would choose for her home. In fact, her dream house would reflect the family home she had always dream for you and herself.
With a scowl still in place, she stood up and her eyes, a mixture of red and green, looked around the house with a gleam of amusement and disapproval.
The place was big, the great windows facing a beautiful sight of green and mountains and snow while the inside of the living room held a cosy feeling of familiarity yet it lacked the family that could be living there. It was a place owned by grown-ups, not people with children; the though made her heart shrank, her knees trembling as she straightened up fixing her hair while taking in every detail.
The place had a characteristic smell of forestry with recently made pancakes and coffee. Then, there was that unmistakably scent that was purely yours, something that had always made her feel at home. She could feel the smirk forming on her lips at the sight of such a tidy home full of fancy furniture and technological gadgets only you could enjoy. That was one of your perky characteristics that usually drove Scarlet mad because you could spend hours with Stark talking about technology while ignoring her.
And yet, she couldn’t help but smile at the sight of something so yours. It was quite evident you had been the only one organizing the place and doing the decorations, a part of her felt relief that even though Natasha and her sister were there with you they had not said in what you did in your household or your life. Another part of her hated it.
The house should be yours and hers.
She lowered her gaze to see the hands that were hers and yet not hers at all. The black corruption on her fingertips was like a shadow, the proof that her dream walking had been successful. The clothing was certainly no something she would use, but she guessed Wanda had not much from were to select. Her lips tugged to the side, her eyes closing for a moment until she turned around to see her reflection.
Wanda had not changed since the last time the both of them had met.
Still so broken, and weak…So lost without any real power over what she wanted or how she wanted it. Wanda had been offered the world and she had hidden away from it, she had turned her back and lost it on a single day with a single mistake because she was afraid of who she was. Of what they were.
Her eyes glowed red and the glass on the frame broke.
She sighed turning around while gathering her strength and controlling her own emotions, she took a step forth, then another. Controlling Wanda, her Wanda, this Wanda in particular was far easier than trying it out with others; there was a reason for this, of course, but Scarlet Witch had not the time to think about it.
Agatha was right.
If she wanted her life, the one she had really built in Westview she would need to act fast.
Her feet moved one in front of the other, her mind clouding for a moment before she gathered the control necessary to keep on going. She was unfamiliar with the place, but for what she could gather she would have time to do what she needed to do; with her goal in mind Scarlet went to look for the basement until her eyes fell on the pictures.
It was like watching the life she wished crumbled under her feet.
You looked happy in all of them, and the pictures tell the story of your life right after you broke up with her. The suffering you had lived, the heartbreak you had endured while you tried to recover; she let her eyes wander around the pictures her counterpart had already seen with detail. In some of them you and her were smiling at the camera, and Scarlet remembered those days, the warm of your touch, the melodic sound of your laughter. The comfort of your embrace; Scarlet set her eyes on the Halloween picture and pain pierced through her heart at what she had lost.
She lifted a hand, her fingertips caressing the spot in which you were smiling. Her lips quivered, her eyes went blurry and she had to look away or else she would mess everything up. Though she wished she hadn’t done so, the moment she turned around her eyes fell in another picture.
Her eyes gleamed crimson as they fell upon your smiling frame right beside Carol fucking Danvers, the famed Captain Marvel wearing casual clothing while holding you to her. It was in that moment she realized most of those pictures had you and her together, smiling and rather intimate in their touches. And her heart broke again, and she hated it. She hated Wanda, she hated Hydra, and she hated the fucking gem that made her a prisoner for so long.
Scarlet clenched her fists almost breaking the picture until her mind caught up to the mission, she couldn’t leave any obvious marks or traces of her presence in the house. She took a deep breath and held onto the memory of you, the way you feel against her, your hand on her throat the kiss the both of you shared in your dreams.
It would be a matter of time.
Taking a step back, Scarlet turned around lifting a single hand in the air, her fingers wriggling around opening the front door to let her out.
Time to put her plan in motion.
School time had become your comfort zone.
It was a place in which you could be a different person, you could be that nice teacher everyone loved because you were chill and laid back with homework and the strictness in your class. It was one of the reasons why you were in charged of the last year of Primary school and the last three years of Secondary one.  
You walked down the hall with Noah, a nine-year-old boy, babbling away his activities during the storm. To his other side was his sister, Sofie that was just seven years and was not as outgoing as her older brother. The school was over for the day, and as had become your routine in the last couple of months you were taking them down to the main building where Vera would be waiting for them.
It started by accident, that day Sofie had hurt herself and you had helped out while Vera was called during an important meeting with the Minister and the school board. You had seen the young woman before; her husband had died during the Blip after his plane fell down without a pilot to fly it to safety. She was cute, and you knew how much she liked you but for you she had always been a friend, and her kids were a reminder of what you wished you could have. Yelena loved pushing you around and making sure the both of you were always alone, and while you would never admit to Yelena that you and Vera had fooled around a couple of times…you just couldn’t.
Vera offered a huge smile though her eyes flickered to your neck in concern.
“Hey, Y/N, how did it go during the storm?” She leaned in placing a single kiss on your cheek.
You lowered your head looking away before shrugging, “as expected, just a little boring and with lots of things to do around the house and the greenhouse.”
Vera pressed her lips together, her eyes falling on the patch on your neck then lifting to your face. You tried to remain impassive, knowing full well everyone that had noticed had asked about the same thing.
“I guess with your new visitors must have been hard, right? Old friends?” She asked trying to keep the tinge of jealousy out of her tone; after all, you two were just friends nothing else.
You opened your eyes in surprised nodding, “How did you know…”
“Oh, they stop by the store, you know? Mrs. Elly’s store and were looking for directions.” Vera shrugged lowering her gaze before settling her clear eye on you. “They seemed to be in a hurry to meet with you.”
You pressed your lips together shrugging, “yeah, they were…old friends. Nothing important really, just asking for help and a place to crash for a while.”
Vera chewed on her lower lip, she had tried to ask for more information early during the day when she met with America but the young woman was pretty good at evading questions and Vera couldn’t keep being noisy. With you, however, things were different. She knew if she were to outright ask you about the redhead and America you would answer with all honestly, and she wasn’t ready to hear the answer for fear of the redhead to be an old flame. Much like Carol Danvers.
“Oh, so that’s why America it’s starting school tomorrow?” She asked casually, you smiled at her nodding.
“Yeah, can’t stop her learning process just because they…” you gestured with your hands not offering major explanations about the topic, Vera nodded in understanding her lips curling in a sad smile.
“So, I guess we won’t be seeing one another this Wednesday, right?” She sounded hopeful, though her eyes flickered in disappointment when you were unable to hide your expression.
You hand went right through your hair, the sudden ached in your heart went directly through your body burning on the marks that you were wearing on your back and neck.
Her voice, the finality with which she said it…It had been Wanda yet, it wasn’t your Wanda.
You stepped closer to the young woman in front of you, tilting your head you placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I have some things I need to work on, right now America and Wanda need my help and I’ve been…busy trying to do just that.” You lowered your gaze before turning to Noah who was looking at the both of you and Sophie playing around the park. “I just… I mean we can still go out if you want, just not…you know…”
Vera chuckled looking away to hide her pain, “yeah, I understand. Don’t worry, you can…I mean if you want you can invite her over.”
You snorted shaking your head before stepping back.
“No, I don’t want to invite her over, like I said she is a friend that needs help.” You put your hands away shrugging. “Anyway, I guess I gotta go, the road is long and I’m beat.”
Vera laughed looking at the building then back at you, “yeah, it was a long day. By the way, what happened to you?”
You tensed when she pointed to the skin-like bandaged you had placed on your neck. She eyed the bandage with narrowed eyes, though there was concern written in her eyes.
“Oh, I…I was…” You swallowed down thinking a mile per second on a good explanation, Vera waited patiently though she was getting suspicious by the second. “I…I cut myself trying to shave.”
Vera blinked a couple of times, at first you though she was not going to believe you until her lips quirked upwards and soon she was laughing. You chuckled nervously scratching the back of your head hoping Natasha’s and Yelena’s reaction would be the same though you had a fat chance of that happening. That was why you had been running away from that discussion all day.
“I mean, why? How were you shaving?” Vera put a hand on her mouth, though her other hand stretched out to touch your bandage. You stiffened but the young woman merely brushed her fingertips against it.
“I…I was using the…straight razor and it’s harder than it looks.” You smiled sheepishly; your chest tightened at the lie. “My cousin…Peter…he…he was asking for help for a date.”
It was the stupidest thing ever, and that lie stretched out as far as you could take it. But it seemed to work, Vera softened her eyes turning to her son then back at you.
“I wish there would be someone to help me teach Noah how to shave, you’re a good cousin, Y/N.”
And now you were feeling like shit because this lie was like an open door for Vera to see a side of you that she wished for herself and her family. A good person that could do stupid things like shaved herself to tech someone else how to do it. You didn’t do it of course, but…you shook your head. You needed a cold shower, sleep, and something strong to drink.
And for no one, and you really meant no one to find out about the dream.
“But was it really that bad?” Vera said all of a sudden stepping closer ready to take the bandage off but stopping when you took a hand to your neck.
“Eh, just a little, you know? Stupid to do it so low.” You smiled sheepishly stepping back again, lowering your gaze to the watch on your wrist. “I think I gotta go, I bet Yelena and the others are driving themselves to the walls waiting for me.”
Vera sighed disappointed offering a half smile, “yeah, just make sure America comes in early tomorrow and try to…I mean, I know Yelena was probably joking but tell her there is a no weapons policy in this part of the world.”
You chuckled knowing Yelena wasn’t joking at all, but you just nodded winking at Vera.
“You got it, girl. I’ll take care of that.”
“Okay, then see you tomorrow.” You nodded walking back before turning around and leaving, you didn’t need to turn around to know she was looking at you, leaving a strange weight on your heart.
You wished your heart was easier to manipulate.
That you could chose instead of…
You sighed accommodating inside your car, the music soon filled the inside of the vehicle while your hands settled on the steering wheel. The thought of going back home for the day made your heart fluttered painfully hard against your ribcage, you clenched your jaw while the rest of the body tingled with anticipation, your eyes fell on the bandage on your neck. You shouldn’t feel this way, it was probably that stupid dream and all the fucking mess that had fallen onto your lap because Wanda Maximoff couldn’t deal with it alone.
The road spread out before your eyes, you shut down every single thought inside your head while your mind focused on the lyrics of the songs blasting through the speakers. You refused to let yourself fall into a circled of thoughts about Wanda, about what was, about what was happening or what could happen.
At least not until you were faced with reality.
And that wouldn’t happen anytime soon if you could prevent it.
At the end of the day, the ride back home worked for you.
You sang at the top of your lungs to your favourite songs, the day at school had been good and now you had some work to do while distracting yourself from your guests. By the time you were getting home the lack of sleep and the long day were catching up to you, you already planned the rest of your afternoon and the night while thinking about the next day. It was as if nothing had changed in the last week.
As if Wanda had never come back to your life.
You yawned rubbing your eyes while parking the car into your garage, your eyebrows knitted together noticing Natasha’s car was nowhere to be seen and the house was still in the dark though it would take another hour before the sun and the daylight disappeared completely.
You stretched out, your lips curling slightly as you put on your headphones.
The day was really turning out to be better than your previous night. If no one was home that meant you could go ahead and do your normal routine before going to bed and pretend to be busy or asleep by the time Natasha and the others get home which meant no one would see and question the bandage on your neck. And you wouldn’t see Wanda at all.
A win-win situation.
With music filling up your senses you made your way back inside the house, the place was in darkness with just the faint aroma of coffee that didn’t even bother you at all. You went right ahead to your room discarding your clothes while taking off the bandage on your neck, your eyes went right to the mark the memory of Wanda leaning in like a vampire ready to suck out the life of you.
You clenched your eyes shut feeling a shiver of pure lust ran down your body.
You shook your head ignoring the burning memory of her nails on your back, while the music kept on playing inside the bathroom. It was such a bliss to get to forget everything, to try and run away from reality; it was something you had learnt how to do when your breakup with Wanda was threatening to overwhelm you. It wasn’t as if you were escaping, because at the end of the day the problem and emotions were still there, but at least it was a moment in which you could pretend, recover the energy you would need to keep on going.
Your eyes flickered to your form, always on top of the game training and educating yourself to be of help in ways others couldn’t. You offered yourself a smile, whatever was to come you finally felt as if you could face it completely, even if it was with Wanda so close by.
The house was still fairly silent, and you furrowed your brows thinking of all the places Natasha and Yelena could be with Wanda and America following them around. With a hand on your stomach, you decided it was time to grab something to eat before going to the office to work a little.
When Scarlet thought of herself as Wanda, she was taken back all the way to Westview.
That was the perfect example of what she had wanted, of what she had desired at the moment she finally got a glimpse of freedom inside Wanda. Whatever had happened when she finally exploded, it didn’t turn out the way she wanted it; once more Wanda had made it possible for her life to be ruined in ways Scarlet knew would be quite difficult to recover.
When she walked around your house, she knew Westview was not necessary.
It had been convenient at that time, but perhaps what you and she needed was a fresh start. Billy and Tommy would love this place, they had loved the snow and she knew in this place their abilities would shine in ways the States would never make it possible for them.
When she got to your room her breath caught in her throat, it was you all over again. Those moments you two would steal back in the Avengers compound, she snuggling to you while hearing you talk or sing. Scarlet smiled sadly thinking about the lost time, then her smiled turned into a grimace and she couldn’t help the thought of how many women had shared this bed with you. Her hands clenched with sparks of red coming out of them.
The sound of an alarm on her wrist told her afternoon had already fallen and you and the others would be back soon enough. With a face she turned around making her way to the kitchen, she was getting exhausted and had used Wanda long enough to set up the very first part of her plan. Soon enough she would make you forget about everyone but her, and you two would finally get the happy ending you deserved.
But until then, she would need to make sure that whatever emotions your harbour for Wanda did not intervene with what she had in store for the both of you. Scarlet could sense her energy draining little by little, but until then she would make sure to make a right impression on you.
The kitchen was a complete mess, she made a face while flickering her hand so the dishes would be done while she got ready to make dinner.
The dishes were the easiest part, but the dinner was something she was not sure how to deal with. Should she make your favourite and let Wanda take the credit? Or should she make something simple and be thought of as lazy and unhelpful. With a face she opted for your favourite, if only to see your face before she had to go back to her prison.
An hour and a coffee later, Scarlet was getting ready to prepare the dinner. She was starting to feel the effects of her magic wearing down, Wanda’s consciousness trying to come back and Scarlet knew the more she tried to keep this the weaker she would be to try it a second time so soon. Though she could still reach you through the dreams, making sure you left with an everlasting mark would be difficult.
Her mind was running these particular thoughts when the sound of the front door opening and closing startled her. Her body stiffened hearing with care until she froze on the spot. Your voice washed over her with a wave of relief and comfort she hadn’t felt in a long time. She stood still waiting to see if you would come her way, but when she realized your voice was moving away she couldn’t help but follow you in silence.
It was pure torture, knowing she was just a few meters away and not being able to do nothing at all. Scarlet knew whatever step she made without planning ahead would end up with her losing what she had worked so hard to recover. Her eyes roamed around your body, her lips curling in triumph when she saw the mark of her nails on your back. Scarlet knew what she had done in your dreams would be on you all through the day and the week, she could read the deepest part of your thoughts and she found herself there. Over and over, a constant thought you were trying to quiet down.
The witch closed her eyes hearing the shower ran in your bathroom and your voice washing over her senses. She had missed this, your voice your playful tone while singing silly songs, letting yourself go and just….
Scarlet opened her eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Before the shower stopped or you were ready to leave the shower, Scarlet stepped back ready to make her way back to the kitchen. Her eyes lowered to the darkened skin around the fingertips, the ink flickering in and out just as her vision went blurry for short periods of time.
She was getting weaker by the moment, but she didn’t want to leave before she could give you her final gift. A dinner you would remember her by. With a content smile, and thoughts of you plaguing her mind, Scarlet went back to the kitchen making sure to work as fast as she could before you decided to go looking for food in the kitchen.
What could possibly go wrong?
@username23345 - @wandanats-goodgirl - @catswag22 - @imadethisblogbecauseiamasimp - @marvelogic - @dumpaccdontmindme - @nikkinss - @reereeineedtopee - @kaisenblog - @your-internet-adviser - @dark-hunter16 - @wandabear - @justyourwritter69 - @wandasmarley - @imthenatynat - @bisexualnoodle - @trikruismybitch - @fxckmiupup- @justafoolinlove - @teenybean - @haunt626 - @itshouldvebeenme30 - @wandasmarley - @lonewalker17 - @alwaysgoodnight - @wandsmxmff - @iliketozoneout - @kacka84 - @get-the-fuck-outta-here - @charl-lally - @sadiesgf69 - @fanboy7794 - @yenmaximoff - @yenmaximoff - @the-mute1 - @the-mute1 - @when-wolves-howl - @mroyalll -@justhereformemes12345-blog - @justhereformemes12345-blog -@paaandiculations - @anaaam - @bibliophilicbi - @princess-kennys-rats - @danicarpediem - @iliketozoneout - @oh-thats-cute - @screechcat - @sheriffhaughtearp
Please, tell me if I forgot anyone.
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penforthewin · 8 months
I really like your analysis of MK1's storyline, specifically with Bi-Han. I totally agree that there are some significant plot holes and missing context in the story. Bi-Han in particular seemed weird to me I guess? His betrayal just stood out as really weird to me.
Like, there should have been more build up or something. Idk, maybe it was obvious to everyone but me, but his betrayal actually caught me off guard. I even thought it was a fake-out till he injured Kuai.
(I just don't know why Bi-Han would expect Kuai to go along with Shang Tsung. Even if Bi-Han believed his brothers would stick by him over Liu Kang, there's no way he would have thought they'd team up with Shang Tsung, right? Kuai Liang is honorable and someone who protects the weak. He'd never put up with Shang Tsung's and Quan Chi's atrocities.)
I just really want some more backstory. I need to see his perspective. Especially regarding the accident that killed the previous Grandmaster.
Another Thing
Bi-han genuinely seems to regret Sindel's death but still broke out Shao?? His lines with both Mileena and Kitana seem contradictory at times (although that could just be because the conversations take place at different points in time).
Is Bi-han blind to the evil acts his "partners" have done and will do, or does he just not care? If he just doesn't care, I'm really confused at how he turned out so different from his brothers because both of them seem to be very compassionate.
I could go on but this is long enough as it is.
I knew Bi-Han was gonna turn just bc of his goofy ahh voice lmao
You are asking ALL the right questions.
MK1 Bi-Han is ambitious, impulsive, and above all, arrogant. I wouldn't be surprised if Bi-Han was so confident in his decision to betray Earthrealm that he thought he could convince Kuai Liang and Tomas to follow him.
And the "accident" thing is so funny to me. Was it a car crash? Did he fall down the stairs? Buried in an avalanche? Who knows.
Bi-han probably doesn't regret Sindel's death, but he does sympathize with Mileena and Kitana. He strikes me as the "ends justify the means" type of guy. Although he feels the sisters' pain, he's still doing what he has to in order to accomplish his goals. That would mean breaking Shao out of prison... benefits him in some way? Maybe he just wanted to make some noise in order to distract everybody from his shenanigans.
He told Tomas that their mother would "applaude" his actions. To me, that seems like he was closer to their mother than he was to their father. Maybe she is the reason he doesn't see the honor in serving Earthrealm. Maybe she would tell him, "You're destined for more than serving Liu Kang. You will lead the Lin Kuei to greatness."
So other than Bi-Han being a mama's boy, we know nothing about her. It could be possible that she thought Liu Kang was holding the Lin Kuei back and led Bi-Han to think the same way. Not a very evil backstory, but a decent explanation as to why he's so different from his brothers.
Don't get me wrong, I love it when a character is evil for evil's sake. But a character like Bi-Han needs more depth to explain his motivations.
Tldr: Bi-Han has a heart, but he's also hot-headed and will do anything to get what he wants.
Why can't I bring this same energy to my English Lit class like come on brain
EDIT: Corrected something. Bi-Han spoke to Tomas, not Kuai Liang.
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amiiaden · 20 days
Intertwined hands
This is my first time ever posting on here. This is a short story. Hope this isn't too messy for you guys. English is not my first language btw so plz no roasting my spelling.
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What if I told you that we were past lovers? Would you believe me? Those hands that he’s holding used to be intertwined with mine? Those smiles were only seen by me? Those big eyes staring at him used to stare at me ever so lovingly. You’d only let me pinch you in those chubby cheeks and would get so angry if anyone else would. Why won’t you recognize me? Why am I the only one that remembers all of these memories that you promised me that you’d remember? Why am I the only one patiently waiting for your beautiful soft voice calling my name? Why? Why?
It didn’t hurt when I first approached you with a relieved sigh, your eyes stared back at me strangely. When I called you by your nickname your apprehension only grew in seconds. I made the mistake of thinking that you’d remember but I never took you as a liar. I naively decided to trust those words that you kept reassuring me back then. Under the same hot and blistering sun that we’re standing under, the only difference was that your hands kept on holding mine and now they’re pushing  me away from you. 
The second time that I tried to approach you,  I was stopped by the sight of you hugging that man. His arms holding you near and never letting you go, even though you usually hated whenever someone held you for too long. His hands then rested on your shoulders before the two of you walked away, didn’t he know that you hated whenever someone used their tall stature to maneuver you around? Did you really change that much in just a couple of centuries? It only made me even more determined to try to win you back or to change you back into the woman that I fell in love with. 
The third time I tried to approach you was by the lecture hall in the east wing of our college. I foolishly had found out which classes you were taking, it was of course a sad attempt because when you noticed me it wasn’t your sweet smile I was met by, but a quiet annoyed expression that you quickly swallowed when your friends came. I kept myself in the back to try  just to get a glance of your face. The dimmed lit room was very quiet as the video that was being shown on the projector filled the silence. I could just see the back of your head but knew that you were dozing off by the way your head and your shoulders were angled. One of your many weaknesses were dark rooms and a comfortable chair. You’d always fall asleep in a matter of seconds. Not that I minded it only meant that I could study your sun kissed skin and your long eyelashes. The beauty mark near your eyes and your plump lips, all I could wonder back then was how lucky wasn’t I? To have you by my side?
The fourth time I tried to approach you was when I was invited to a study group meeting in the school library. I was so surprised when I approached closer to find out that you were also attending. Your hair was tied into a tight bun with your hair strands still lingering on your shining forehead. When I sat down with my hands sweating because you were right in front of me, your eyes focused on the screen in front of you. Suddenly your hands were now resting on the table separating me from you. I noticed the ring you wore on your ring finger, I almost couldn’t believe it. How did you still have this? The ring I gave you in the castle when I first met you. Your shy eyes stared at the ring with so much admiration and appreciation not noticing my unimpressed gaze. Reminding you again that this marriage was not going to be a romantic one. What a fool I was, you noticed my eyes fixed on your ring. I quickly coughed to conceal what I had done.
The fifth time that I tried to approach you, you’d have gotten used to my presence whenever the study group was being held. I kept my distance though, instead of sitting in front of you. I decided to sit in the far right, a perfect distance and a perfect spot where I could gaze at you without you noticing. For some reason I noticed that you stopped wearing the ring on your finger, instead a cheap ring was resting on its spot. My right eye twitched out of annoyance, who gave that to you? How dare they? Who am I to question that? We’re nothing to each other anymore. 
All I had of you as a memory from that time was your letter to me before the war broke out that killed both me and you or the old you. When I woke up in my small apartment I held an envelope in my hands. I recognized the wrapping of the paper and your neat handwriting on the front of the page. Before I died on the dimmed battlefield I always wondered why you had given me that letter. I was so sure that I would return to you and that we would be living happily together. But when I woke up I realized why you had written it to me, it was an apology. Though I never understood what you were apologizing for, from the beginning of the letter and to the end you were just apologizing for everything that was happening. It wasn’t like I knew what I was getting myself into, and what our relationship was supposed to be like from the beginning. I never regretted falling in love with your beautiful soul, I never regretted dying, never having to have kissed you again. What I regretted was telling you that I loved you that night before I departed with the soldiers, because all I wanted to tell you when I saw you that day was; 
I" love you"
The sixth time I tried to approach you was when the two of you had broken up that autumn night, you were very calm after what he had said. It was almost like your mind and your body didn’t coordinate well enough. Your eyes shut for a second taking a deep breath in as the roaring college students in the background were laughing. All of a sudden a loud laughter erupted into the lukewarm air. Your shoulders were rocking so hard that I almost thought you were crying. I tried to walk closer to you but was stopped by the sound of your crying, my heart nearly choked as your choked sobs started to get louder. “Ugh, why can’t I ever make anyone stay?” You sobbed as your legs gave out, sitting on the leaves filled with ground. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, it was almost too familiar. Like deja vu but too familiar than that even because it all felt like it was yesterday when you sobbed during our first night. I had walked out of our shared room out of frustration. Because I was still so furious about our marriage, you had been very persistent about us fulfilling our duties husband and wife. I had only dismissed you quickly before I ran out. Upon my return the door hadn’t been closed fully, I was just about to scold the servants but stopped in my tracks as I heard your quiet sobs. Something in me just started to bleed, now when I look at you sobbing on the ground tonight. I realized it was my heart that was bleeding all along. 
The seventh time I tried to approach you was when we had a festival to promote our college. You had dressed up as a horse with your friends, your smile only reaching your cheeks not your eyes. I knew you were hurting but kept myself in the background hoping that someday that you’d realize I had been here all along. I kept on keeping myself busy with answering potential students with their questions. At the end of the day you were sitting on the bench near our booth with heavy shoulders. Your eyes were closed as I approached closer, deciding to sit down in a split second. I decided to sit in silence until you opened your eyes, you glanced my way for a second, it was enough for me to scream internally. “Why are you here?” You asked in a nonchalant tone, “I was getting tired.” I explained with my sweaty hands clasping together, she glanced down to my hands and silently rolled her eyes. 
“You know,” She sighed heavily before continuing, “I feel like I know you from somewhere.” Her eyes were cheesing with her brows furrowing like she was thinking hard. “Not the first time I've heard that.” I splattered out quickly which made her glance towards me again. “I don’t think so, you’ve been following me around for a while now. Do you like me or something?” She asked in a tired tone as she stretched her neck, “Because if you do, I’m sorry to break your heart but I don’t like blonds.” Her eyes were closed as her arms were now crossed over her chest. “But wasn’t your last boyfriend blond?” I asked with a small smile, this made her open her eyes with a blush creeping on her full cheeks. She quickly stood up from the bench and coughed. “I would say he was more on the brunette way,” She bit her lip before she continued, “Whatever I’m leaving, seriously stop looking at me all the time.” She readjusted her horse costume before leaving me alone on the bench, 
The eight time I tried to approach you was at the cafeteria, I was sitting alone in the bustling cafeteria. As I sipped my milk package I spotted her within the queue that was waiting to get their food. She was all alone this time, her hair was now all out with her curls bouncing as she walked. Her eyes looking around the big dining hall but failing to recognize anyone. Her shoulders slumped and her lips were pouting a little as she kept on walking. My eyes were stuck on her as she walked around trying to find a spot to sit on, suddenly my back straightened and my left foot was shaking as she got closer. Her face was cold but her eyes were avoiding mine, her lips were twitching for a second. If I had blinked I would’ve missed it.  “Is this seat taken?” She asked through gritted teeth, “No, you can sit down” I answered almost too happily. “My friends all decided to eat out and I didn’t have any money so I had to come here,” She began rambling with her eyes still not looking into mine, i thought it was cute. Even back then whenever she was embarrassed or shy, she would ramble and refuse to look into my eyes. I would sometimes physically make her look into mine, but that night when I was departing. It was the first time that she had initiated eye contact, her brown eyes were looking into mine so fiercely that I thought I would get burnt if I looked away. “I don’t mind it, it’s nice to have company when you’re having a meal.” I assured her with a small smile before taking another bite of my food. She stared at me for a second which made me almost choke on my food. “Really?” She hesitantly asked with her hands on her thighs, I nodded before I looked away. Her gaze would randomly land on me throughout the meal and my left leg continued to shake. 
The ninth time that I tried to approach you was not something that I had thought would happen. Apparently in this life I had a part time job at a pizza parlor about 20 minutes from our college. I was so surprised when I noticed her small frame walking through the door by herself. Our eyes met and it all felt too familiar for my heart, it took everything in me not to hug her and apologize for the wait. But I couldn’t and I stood still behind the register with a blank face as she got closer. “Why are you everywhere I go?” She chuckled painfully, it was all too familiar for me. Back then whenever I walked around the castle in hope that she wasn’t there, she was standing right there. If I went to the library or the garden or even in our separate rooms. She would be there greeting me with her sweet smile and her dimples would come out of hiding. I couldn’t believe that I once despised that smile but now it was all I ever wanted to see. But now I was met by a sour expression and her face twitching whenever our eyes met. 
The tenth time that I tried to approach you  was at the beach event that our college held a hot July day. You’d always been very competitive back then, when I first mentioned horse riding. You’d just had to say that you also liked riding horses, I sighed and silently cursed myself for having to talk about it so openly. Though when I think back on it, it was probably around then when I started to fall for you. I mean who couldn’t? Your infectious laughter and the way you galopped so effortlessly. Your black curls bouncing and your high bun coming undone was the nail in the coffin. In the end I was the one that was left in a daze and couldn’t face you without my cheeks reddening into a deep scarlet color. Though this time it was beach volleyball, which wasn’t that hard to understand the game rules when the others explained it to me. In a matter of seconds my team was winning which a certain someone in the opposing team couldn’t handle. Her constant grunts and yelling at her friends made almost giggle, her constant glances and taunts made feel warm. It was reassuring that she was still a big sore loser like back then, as I laid down the last point that made my team win, we all decided to grill the food. 
“You were really good back there.” A very happy voice praised me as they sat down, my eyes met hers. I was quiet and looked straight ahead at the quiet waves with a small smile, she kept her gaze on me for a few minutes. “I know.” With that I looked at her brown eyes, my lips were quivering. “Alexandre,” She whispered with teary eyes, I couldn’t believe it. All she uttered was my name, nothing else. But it only took her to utter my name for me to crumble right in front of her. Dissolving into the very brown sand underneath our clothes.  My eyes teared up as my body moved on its own. I had been waiting for this for an eternity, I had missed her warm body underneath me. I had missed how her hands were always intertwined with mine. I had missed the sweet taste of her  lips, I had missed her sighs as our kisses deepened. 
“I love you.” I whispered between the kisses as she  nodded  as an answer, “I love you, I love you, I truly love you. I’m sorry for saying it so late.” We sobbed together under the moonlight as  the silent waves came running and swept us away. 
The eleventh time I approached you  was when I tapped your  bare shoulder. She turned around with her usual sweet and bright smile that showed her big dimples. Her eyes stared back at me so much love and yearning that I almost forgot where we were. Her hand waited for me in the air, I kept my eyes on her loving gaze as we walked down the street with our hands intertwined and our engagement rings on our fingers blinging under the sun’s big rays. The warm summer breeze and passerby’s conversations filled our ears. Though my ears were shut down and only my eyes working, taking everything that she was doing. How she licked her lips, how her lashes fluttered whenever the wind blew our direction. 
“Have I told you I love you?” I asked, smirking which earned a soft giggle before she shook her head. “You have not, do you have something to say Alexandre?” She asked with an arched brow, her tone was slightly teasing. “I love you Abeba, I’ll love you today, tomorrow and even in our next life again.” I dragged her into a bear hug which made her squeal in return before she buried her face into my face. 
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The True Meaning of Family - Chapter 5
Summary: A found family Supernatural AU. Ophelia Humphries is an English 19-year-old who is just trying to finish her online history degree when she receives a letter from two brothers she never knew she had.
A/N: So, chapter 5 is here. Once again a HUGE thank you for reading, any and all interactions mean so much to me. If you didn't see the previous chapters, you can find the master list here. Let me know what you guys think!
Ophelia flicked the kettle on and it began to boil. She took four mugs off the mug tree and started to fill them. A scoop of coffee with no sugar for Sam and Dean, tea with two scoops of sugar for Ophelia and hot chocolate for Sandra.
Sandra never could quite make hot chocolate like Ophelia, she either made it too sweet or too bitter, Ophelia had picked up the skill from her grandma when she was still alive.
The Winchester boys stood in the hallway, away from Ophelia and her mum.
“Do you think she’ll come now that her mom is on her own?” Dean asked in a whispered voice.
“I’m not sure, I think she might consider it now that Sandra isn’t in any real danger from Brad.” Sam said in an equally quiet voice.
“I’m not sure Sammy, she’s comfortable here and she seemed unsure when we were talking before.” Dean replied.
“Guys!” Ophelia called out from the kitchen “Your coffee is getting cold!”
“We'll talk about it more in the morning. It’s been a hard day for her.” Sam said heading towards the kitchen.
They all sat at the oak table drinking their hot drinks in almost silence until Ophelia spoke up.
“Mum, are you okay on your own in this big house?” Ophelia asked. She cradled the mug of tea in her hands, seeking what little warmth it had left.
“Don’t be silly ‘Phelia, you can move back in and then I won’t be on my own.” Sandra replied with a smile on her face. The smile was bright, relaxed and lit up her face.
Ophelia looked deep into the cooling tea, swerling the last of liquid in the bottom of her mug. She chewed the inside of her lip and narrowed her brows.
Dean noticed the look of contemplation on Ophelia’s face, she shared the same thinking face as Sam. He smiled slightly at the similarity.
“Yeah, I could move back in…” Ophelia paused.
“What’s wrong ‘Phelia?” Sandra asked puzzled.
“You see mum, I don’t think I want to come home. I love you so much but I need to leave home and act like a normal person my own age.”
Sandra’s face dropped with sadness.
“I’m almost twenty, and a lot of the time people are living on their own or at least away from their parents. All my friends from school moved to their university towns and now live with friends.”
“What are you saying, Ophelia?” Sandra asked.
“Sam and Dean have asked me to move to America with them and I think I want to go.” She blurted out. Her face flushed red at the outburst.
Sam and Dean looked startled by the sudden announcement.
“Are you sure you don’t want to think about it a little more kiddo?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, Dean’s right Ophelia, we have only just met and we offered you to come live with us because you were practically homeless.”
“So you… you weren't being serious?” Ophelia’s excitement trailed off.
“Of course we meant it and we’re still being serious but you shouldn’t rush into this. We said we’d be here for you when you made the decision, but we talked about this about two hours ago. Sleep on it kiddo.” Dean reassured his little sister.
Ophelia felt stupid at what she had said, maybe her brothers had been right, maybe she did need to think about it. She glanced at her mother. She noticed the hurt on Sandra’s face.
“I understand Ophelia, I really do. When I went to art school I loved being away from your grandparents. I think Sam and Dean are right. Sleep on the thought.” Sandra said with a touch of a whisper.
The girl nodded. She moved around the table and gave Sandra a hug goodnight. Dean patted her on the back when she passed and Sam gave a weak wave goodnight.
Ophelia slipped into bed, her room had changed more since she was last here. All of her personality had been removed. She didn’t want to live here, it didn't feel welcoming, it would never feel the same in this room.
If she lived in America with Sam and Dean she could start again. It would be good for her to move away and be her own person.
She snuggled down into the soft warm covers and drifted to sleep.
Sam woke to the smell of food cooking. He got dressed and ready before heading down to the kitchen. He was greeted by Dean and Sandra.
“Has Ophelia made an appearance?” Sam asked.
“No, not yet. It is still early though, you know how young people are.” Sandra replied. Her tone was not her usual one. “Do you know what,” she said, “I really wish you had run it by me before offering a spot in your home to her.” Sandra sighed as if she had been holding the comment in for some time.
“She was living out of her car Sandra.” Dean replied slowly.
“I didn’t know that. I thought she was staying with friends.”
“She said yesterday that all her friends had gone to university.” Sam replied sleepily.
Sandra moved bacon in the pan absent mindedly contemplating what the boys had said. Ophelia had no friends in the town, she had been living in her car and in random hotels… This hurt Sandra as much as you’d expect when a mother is told that her child was homeless.
Realising the bacon was on the verge of burning, Sandra placed the strips into the soft homemade bread that had been the night before. She handed both boys sandwiches.
Ophelia awoke to the sun streaming into the room, in the chaos of the night before she had forgotten to close the blinds.
She reached into her suitcase and pulled out a rust coloured short sleeved shirt and a pair of light blue denim mom jeans. Once dressed she found an old black belt that had a silver buckle and a small silver chain necklace that had a charm of a star with sun rays around it. Ophelia grabbed her phone and left her room.
She heard soft talking in the kitchen and quietly approached.
“She’s still a child, I don’t want her doing anything that might put her in harm's way. I don’t want to lose my little girl like I lost your father.” She heard her mother say.
“She’s an adult Sandra, she has been making decisions for herself for the past six months and is doing well. She’s enjoying school and getting good grades. She can do that from anywhere.” Sam replied.
“And besides, we’re not going to let her get into any danger. She will be safe at the bunker.” Dean added.
“I will be watching over her while the boys are away. You have my word Ms Humphries.” Ophelia didn’t recognise the third voice immediately but quickly realised it was Cas.
She stood in the doorway of the kitchen waiting to be noticed.
“You know it’s rude to talk about someone while they’re about.” Ophelia said with a slight smile.
After the morning greetings and an awkward silence Ophelia spoke up.
“I’m sorry for what I said last night. I shouldn’t have been so blunt about it.”
“Don’t be sorry sweetheart. I should have realised you would want to spend more time with the boys. If that means going to America then I have to trust that’s the best place for you.” Sandra replied.
Ophelia reached out for her mother’s hand and squeezed it tightly.
After some time, Ophelia and her mother had come to an agreement. She could go to America with the boys on a trial period. If Ophelia didn’t like it or wanted to come home for any reason then that was okay. After six months they would talk again about the situation and see if Ophelia and the boys want to make the move a permanent thing.
“Once you come into this life Ophelia it’s really hard to leave. Are you sure this is what you want?” Sam asked. This was the first time Dean had seen Sam act like a big brother. Dean had always seen Sam as his baby brother despite being much taller than him. Seeing how he interacted with Ophelia made Dean smile.
“This is what I want Sam. I can always come home to mum if it gets too much. Anyway, I’m a Winchester, it’s in my blood.” Ophelia replied. She had a girlish grin on her face that highlighted just how young she was compared to her brothers.
“Like we said, you’re not going to be going out into the field straight away. Hopefully never…” Dean glanced at Sandra in reassurance before continuing “When we are away, Cas will keep an eye on you. Don’t worry about it.”
“Wait - how am I going to get to America with all my stuff?” Ophelia asked.
“Oh, Cas will take us back and then come back for you. We can take a few of your things if they don’t fit in your bags. We tend to travel light so no need to bring everything.” Dean said.
Ophelia looked at Cas and smiled, the angel looked older than her brothers but that made sense as he was an angel and has been around since the beginning of time, but he looked so human to her. His eyes were sunken and his skin wrinkled.
The angel noticed Ophelia staring at him and noticed she was confused about his vessel. “I asked my vessel if I could inhabit his body. He was a true believer in god. I do not get to pick how he ages Ophelia.” Cas said with a flat tone.
“Uhh… I’m sorry? How did you know..? I didn’t say anything…” Ophelia replied with a defensive tone.
“Don’t worry kiddo, he can read minds.” Dean said with reassurance.
“Oh that’s pretty neat.” Ophelia acknowledged with a smile.
The makeshift family talked the rest of the morning about what sort of things Ophelia would be doing. Research and finding cases would be the main thing, they all thought that this would be enough work for her without impacting her university work.
Her car would have to stay with Sandra but as she technically wouldn’t be legal in America she wouldn’t be able to drive anyway.
“I feel kind of guilty at the thought of being illegal in America. Millions of people get sent back to war zones or unstable governments because they want a better life… But I’ll get away with it because I have Cas to just pop me into some secret bunker.”
“Well, Sam and I are technically dead if that makes you feel any better.” Dean said.
“No, it doesn’t really but thank you for trying Dean.”
“Look, we know it’s not ideal but you will be helping so many people.” Sam added.
Ophelia sat in silence for a while. She would be doing good work but it still felt wrong. It really didn’t sit right with her that she would be able to get away with this so easily.
She ran her fingers through her hair and rubbed the slight tension headache that was forming around her temples. Ophelia dropped her hands to her neck and stretched her neck, trying to relieve some tension.
The day passed slowly as Ophelia fell in and out of thoughts. She was going through some of the things in her room. Old clothes, notes from school and little items she had collected over her life in this room.
She was sat in front of her wardrobe on the floor as this was where all her things had been put when Brad still lived here.
Sam and Dean said they travelled light, so she shouldn’t take much with her. Obviously a good portion of her clothes could stay in England. Kansas was much warmer even in the winter so she wouldn’t need all her jumpers and coats.
What sort of room would she have? Was there any room for decoration? So many questions went through her head as she went through her things.
Dean stood at the entrance of Ophelia’s room. He watched as she spread items around her in a way that only made sense to her. He hadn’t announced himself when a floorboard creeked beneath him as he adjusted his weight. Ophelia turned round to check out the noise.
“Oh, hi kiddo. Just wanted to come and see how you were doing. What have you got there? Dean asked quickly once he had been noticed.
Ophelia sighed and said “Nothing really, just old memories and things. School photos and things like that.” She handed one of the photos to Dean who had planted himself next to her on the floor.
The photo was of a young Ophelia, probably not older than six years old. Her hair was wild and her green eyes looked too big for her small face. She wore a blue and white checkered dress that had a school logo on it. Dean smiled as he studied the photos. Although Ophelia had grown into her eyes, she still looked exactly the same as she did in the photo.
“I’m just thinking about what stuff I should leave here and what I should take with me.” She said.
“Yeah, it can be hard to know what to take when you are always moving around. But, you won’t be. You’ll be at the bunker so you can bring whatever you want.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah kiddo, obviously you’ll have to be able to carry it otherwise we can’t get it there but bring what you like.” Dean replied.
Ophelia stood up with energy that didn’t quite match the mood of the conversation.
She pulled out a suitcase, which was much bigger than the one Dean had seen previously, and began filling it with different coloured shirts, skirts and shorts and a few dresses. After the clothing followed the books, a mixture of textbooks and fiction and autobiographies.
Ophelia spent probably twenty minutes filling this extra suitcase while Dean sat quietly watching her.
Photos and other decoration was the last thing to go into the case before Ophelia sat on top of it to close it.
Finally Ophelia stood up and announced that she was all packed.
“That’s it? You don’t need anything else?” Dean asked.
“Nope, everything else is either in my tote bag or my other case. Oh I do need to get the photo out of my car though. I can’t go without that.”
“Alright then, well I’ll take that downstairs as it must be a little heavy.”
Dean took the suitcase from Ophelia and headed out the door. The girl cleared up the items all over the floor before heading downstairs to her family.
Her bags were by the door. Her mum was trying her best to not cry and her brothers were talking with Cas.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do? It’s not too late to back out.” Sandra said.
“Mum, don’t worry about it. I’ll email you every day. Don’t text otherwise we both will be billed horrendously.” Ophelia replied with a giggle.
“Okay so this is how it’s going to work.” Dean interrupted. “Cas will take Sammy and I home first so we can be there for when you arrive and then he will come back for you Ophelia.”
Ophelia nodded. They had been over this a few times but Dean was probably saying it more for the benefit of Sandra.
“I put the photo of you and your grandad in your tote bag Ophelia.” Sam said with a smile “We will see you in a bit.”
Both boys moved over to where Cas was standing. They grabbed his hand, picked up their bags and with a flash of light they were gone.
It was probably five or so minutes later when Cas was back again in the hallway with another flash of light.
“Is there anything you need before we go, Ophelia? I do not want to have to come back if you have left something. It is very draining.” Castiel said.
“No, I’m all ready to go Cas. Just one moment.” She turned to her mum and gave her a deep hug. “I’ll be okay mum, I promise.” She whispered into her ear.
“I know. I love you.” Sandra whispered back.
“I love you too mum.”
The two women broke apart. Ophelia carried her bags from the door to where Cas stood and sighed. The angel took the larger bag in one hand and Ophelia’s hand in his other. Ophelia held tightly onto the angel as she had no idea what was going to happen next.
“Are you ready to go, Ophelia? Cas asked one last time.
“Yes.” Was her reply.
Ophelia saw her mum cry a little as the room turned bright for what seemed to be forever.
When Ophelia’s feet finally felt like they were on solid ground again and the brightness died down she was greeted by the faces of her brothers in a very unfamiliar room.
“Welcome home Ophelia.” Cas said to the girl as she dropped her bags onto the hard wooden floors.
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talesofaduelist · 1 year
Pharaoh Atem Headcanons (Ancient Egypt)
♚Loves peaches.
♚Loves rainy nights.
♚Goes horseback riding to clear his head.
♚Says he trusts you, but if you are even the slightest bit suspicious, he won’t really trust you and will be keeping an eye out.
♚Never kissed a girl (or boy).
♚Sleeps naked.
♚Only sleeps on silk bedding.
♚Favorite color is purple.
♚Loves all animals.
♚Really good at hand to hand combat.
♚Flexible as fuck.
♚Doesn’t eat much, but not because he is afraid of getting fat. He just doesn’t eat often.
♚BUT his favorite food is bread.
♚Least favorite food is tomatoes.
♚Tries hard to be funny and makes jokes, but nobody thinks he is.
♚When he tries to be serious, this is where he is actually funny.
♚LOVE LOVE LOVES traditional Egyptian folk music and will almost always have musicians playing throughout the palace.
♚Always speaks proper, unless he is with close friends.
♚Enjoys trips to the library to read.
♚When the palace is closed to the public, he always has his shoes off. He fucking hates shoes.
♚Gets cold really easily.
♚Has a secret personal medic (male) he goes to when he has “questions”.
♚Tried to touch himself once, got too nervous and stopped completely, but he thinks about it from time to time.
♚Doesn’t really care for boobs and doesn’t really look at them, even if they are all in his face….thanks Mana.
♚Sings in private. Not sure if he is any good. Nobody has ever heard him sing.
♚Only drinks one glass of wine at a time.
♚Has never been drunk.
♚Never really felt self conscious about his height. He enjoys being shorter than most.
Atem Kanon Headcanon (Alternative Universe)
❋Full name is Atem Kanon
❋His father was Egyptian, his mother Japanese.
❋Caramel colored skin, violet-red eyes.
❋Wears a gold ring with a purple jewel in the center. A gift from his father on his 16th birthday. He never takes it off.
❋Wears a cartouche with his name “Atem” written on it in Ancient Egyptian.
❋Grew up in Japan, but has visited America and Egypt.
❋Favorite food is bread.
❋Hates tomatoes.
❋His weakness is peaches and cats.
❋Sensitive to the cold.
❋Is fluent in Japanese, Arabic, and English.
❋Plays video games in his spare time.
❋Kissed a girl once, meh.
❋Never kissed a guy, but would like to try.
❋Lives in a condo on the top floor of a fancy building.
❋Has tons of money, but doesn’t flaunt it, so most people have no idea.
❋Prefers showers to baths.
❋During casual outings and events he will tie the spiky part of his hair back.
❋Had his ears pierced on both sides, only with gold studs. Will sometimes switch them out for small gold hoops.
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