#Eralen Lavellan
kokiricait · 2 years
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So I noticed this earlier (or yesterday I’m not sure) lol. My Surana (in my head she looks more like my pfp 😂), who will likely end up being my canon Warden, since I can’t seem to bring myself to finish the game more than once and one of my Lavellans, likely the one who will end up being my canon Inky. Embri Surana will probably end up with Zevran, but I entertain the idea that Cullen was crushing on her while she was still in the Circle. Eralen Lavellan suddenly steps into Cullen’s life so many years later and reminds him so much of that crush from his younger days. I think it’s kinda cute 🥹
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owletbears · 4 months
hi hello, I'm heather! ⸻ bg3 enthusiast. rizzard admirer. oc lore buff. (no, seriously, tell me about your ocs)
posting baldur's gate 3 • dragon age • tes tracking #usertogepies
[main blog - my art - my gifs - secondary ocs]
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nimue hawklin • paladin • noble • ♡ gale [main tag ◦ ship tag ◦ inspo]
elith everwood • bard • entertainer • ♡ astarion [main tag ◦ ship tag ◦ inspo]
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*these tags & links are under construction*
world states the tower ◦ the star ♜ THE TOWER ⤵ perrin amell • arcane warrior / blood mage • ♡ zevran [main tag ◦ inspo]
mallory hawke • spirit healer / force mage • ♡ sebastian➞anders [main tag ◦ inspo]
danyla lavellan • necromancer • ♡ solas [main tag ◦ inspo]
★ THE STAR ⤵ eralen mahariel • ranger / bard • ♡ merril [main tag ◦ inspo]
maeve trevelyan • rift mage • ♡ blackwall [main tag ◦ inspo]
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sugawara-kkoushi · 2 years
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“For a moment, the sunlight illuminated something within - a sliver of what the spirit might have been. Not the opposite of Regret. A different flavor, or shade. Contemplation. Introspection. It felt the echo of the actions that had summoned it. There might have been a better choice, said a thought it had never been allowed.”
- Dragon Age Tevinter Nights, Callback
I’m so pleased to be able to share this comic that I contributed to @solamancyzine! 
This was inspired by the chapter Callback from the Tevinter Nights book. What might have happened had Solas met the spirit that he had accidentally created in all his immense regret? 
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proph4031 · 2 years
Evelyn and Eralen
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Evelyn and Kiara
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Made in picrew by @sugawara-kkoushi 💖.
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shannaraisles · 4 years
Fidèle de la Cœur - Chapter 1
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In Regency era Thedas, the second family of a deceased Bann are forced to uproot themselves and build a new life far from the place they called home. Invited to live in Kirkwall by the Viscount - an old friend of their dead father - the two Lavellan sisters discover two very different paths to understanding the merit of a truly constant heart.
A Sense and Sensibility/Dragon Age mash-up, in which Brandon gets the right girl, and no one gets married before they reach the age of twenty.
Next Chapter - OR - Read on AO3
Chapter One
The sonorous tones of a melancholy piano echoed through the family wing of Ostwick Keep, lending voice to a grief that must be heard and accepted. Servants kept to themselves, speaking in hushed tones out of respect for the family so recently bereaved, yet forced to be about their business thanks to the arrival of the new Bann and his wife. It seemed to those women who could no longer call this place home that no sooner had word arrived of the old Bann's death than the new Bann Trevelyan had arrived hard on its heels, greedy to take up his position of respect, authority, and wealth. 
Johannes, they could have tolerated without much issue. The piercing gaze of his wife, Lady Goldanna, was an insult that could not be borne, and yet must be ignored for the sake of peace. She had made it quite clear that she had never approved of her father-in-law's second family, and now she fully intended to see them out of the only home they had by filling it with her ostentatious tastes and offensive personality. That her in-laws were elven appeared to make her poor manners ever more unfriendly, a fact that the servants were very quick to note. Her announcement upon arrival that her brother, Mr. Alistair Theirin, would soon be arriving to spend the winter with them was simply one more headache for the household to absorb.
The Lavellan women - for such they would now be called, no longer entitled to their half-brother's family name nor expectant of any support from him - were forced to accept this unwelcome change so soon upon the tails of the former Bann's death, and each reacted to the pain and inconvenience in their own ways. Ellana, the now Widow Lavellan, a handsome elven woman no more than forty years of age, had given way to her grief so wholly since the death of her beloved husband that she barely stepped from her rooms, weeping inconsolably as though she might never look upon the world with dry eyes again. Her somewhat romantic and dramatic view of their new circumstance was transmitted to her younger daughter, Lanise, who now chose to spend hours in the music room, playing the saddest of music at the highest of volumes, determined to cloak the house in the mantle of her grieving sixteen-year-old heart. And then there was Eralen, the elder Lavellan daughter who, though as heartbroken and saddened by their loss as her mother and sister, showed the world a calm face and gentle manner, taking on the burdens of running the household, making Goldanna and Johannes welcome in their new home, and consoling her mother during the worst of her fits of grief.
"Mamae, there is no need for this," she said, watching as her weeping mother swept about her private rooms, tossing keepsakes and personal items haphazardly into an open trunk. "Johannes will not simply toss us out onto the street."
"Yet he was quick to arrive and take charge of the estate," Ellana snapped back at her daughter. "And sending that woman ahead of him to hurry us along! Vultures, the pair of them, taking stock and inventory, laying a price on every precious memory we have made here. I will not stay to be a stranger in my own home, I will not -"
Yet here she crumbled, collapsing onto the stool by her vanity, her tears renewed with a wail muffled only by the press of her handkerchief to her mouth. Eralen bit her lip, moving further into the room to lay a gentle hand on her mother's back.
"I will start making enquiries to finding us somewhere else to live," she said quietly, not knowing what else she could say in the face of her mother's distress. "But until we have somewhere to go, you will have to bear it, Mamae."
Ellana groped for her daughter's hand, pressing her wet cheek against Eralen's knuckles.
"What would we do without you?"
Eralen smiled faintly, bending to kiss her mother's hair. As she straightened, the sonorous music faded for just a moment, only to be replaced with a melancholy rendition of a song the late Bann had dearly loved. Eralen winced just a split second before her mother burst into tears once again, throwing herself fully into her grief for the loss of the husband she had loved. 
With an imperceptible sigh, the elder Miss Lavellan left her mother to her weeping, calling for Orana to bring Mrs. Lavellan a cup of tea and sit with her a while until she was calm again. As the young maid nodded and hurried away, Eralen turned her face toward the music room, steeling herself to enter the whirlwind of dramatic emotion that was her younger sister. 
Passing one of the drawing rooms, she paused at the sound of voices, tilting her head toward the cracked door to briefly overhear what her half-brother and his wife were discussing. 
"Really, my dear, three women can live comfortably enough on the annuity granted by the terms of your father's will without putting you to the trouble of overseeing such a thing yourself," Goldanna was saying. "Indeed, they will be quite set up for life. And, of course, when the mother dies, the girls will receive ten thousand between them, which is not a sum to be sniffed at."
"My dear Goldanna, I made a promise to my father that I would see them cared for," Johannes answered, but even Eralen could tell he was being persuaded by his wife's greedy reasoning. "What do you say to the occasional gift of fifty gold every now and then?"
"And what would they spend it upon?" was Goldanna's reply. "In their situation, it would be more an insult than a help, I am sure, and we must think of our sweet Henry's inheritance. I feel certain your Papa never meant for you to help them with anything so vulgar as money; indeed, you need only give them the assistance they shall need when it comes to their relocation."
"No, Fanny, I must be plain on this case. My stepmother and sisters may remain here at Ostwick for as long as necessary to secure them a comfortable living."
"Of course, my dear," Goldanna soothed her husband in syrupy tones. "Yet one cannot help feeling that they cannot be allowed to engage in polite society with us. Miss Eralen is, I concede, acceptable in appearance and manner, but your stepmother and Miss Lanise are simply out of the question. Such violence of emotion cannot be allowed to stand and taint our reputation with the memory of the former incumbent."
"Oh, I quite agree on that point -"
Forcing herself not to frown, Eralen continued on, anxiously sweeping her hands down along the soft wool of her dress. So Goldanna was already working to have them gone with no inconvenience to herself; that was no surprise. She was saddened by Johannes' attitude, however. She had thought her half-brother stronger of spirit than this, yet it seemed he would bow to his wife's will. They could not expect any assistance from him. It was disappointing. But they would manage. Eralen had kept the books and helped run the household for several years now; she could keep her mother and sister from living beyond their means somehow. 
She opened the door to the music room, a sympathetic cast to her gaze as she looked upon her sister, not more than four years her junior. Lanise's eyes were red-rimmed, her cheeks glistening with tears as she watched her own fingers dance heavily over the keys before her. The music was beautiful, yes - Lanise had always had a gift for it - but the heaviness of emotion she instilled into it was enough to make anyone's heart break for her. 
"Lanise, da'len," Eralen began, moving into the room to catch her sister's attention. "Could you play something else? Mamae has been weeping since breakfast."
Lanise sighed tearfully, her fingers stilling on the keys, and for a long moment, the sisters simply looked at one another - one openly passionate in her grief, the other calm and composed in spite of it. Then the younger nodded, lowering her eyes to begin playing once again. This tune was no less melancholy than the last, though lighter in sound and complexity.
"I meant something less mournful, da'len," Eralen said, but she knew she was defeated before she began.
She loved the passion and fire in both her mother and sister, envying them the freedom to express whatever they felt in any moment. Yet in grief, they fed off one another, each one plunging the other deeper into more violent expressions of loss, until she herself felt inadequate in her own pain. No doubt Lanise thought her cold in many ways, but Eralen knew one of them had to keep a calm head in this trying time. If the conversation she had overheard was any indication, the sooner they were gone from Ostwick, the better things would be for all of them. 
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togepies · 3 years
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good morning. I’m obsessed.
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Happy Dragon Age Day to the fandom that pulled me out of my creative lull and inspired me to grow again. I am so thankful for all the wonderful friends I’ve made & I can’t wait to see the future we have in store. 💙 I wish I could have drawn every single one of you, but I’m still proud of all I got done, especially with the flu. For every creator and their OC mention in this piece, check out the tags below! I can personally confirm that they are all truly magnificent. 💙
From left to right, top to bottom, we have:
1. @polycythemiav Marian Hawke
2. @midorimaddie Aerwynn Lavellan
3. @debgall Inquisitor Trevelyan
4. @reonerra Réonerra
5. @the-dreadful-canine Elizabeth Montes
6. @emerald-amidst-gold Fane Lavellan
7. @ashalle-art Ashalle
8. @Udon Art’s (Twitter, because the Tumblr @ isn’t working for some reason?) Eralen Lavellan
9. @whataboutbugs Syrillon Lavellan
10. @pikapeppa Tamaris Lavellan
11. @oxygenforthewicked Saeris Lavellan
12. @fiadhaisteach Fenorain Surana
13. @elbenherzart Nare Lavellan
14. @best-of-the-vein Karrie Cadash
15. @layalu June Trevelyan
16. @varric-tethras-editor Marin Lavellan
17. @palepinkycat Orfan
18. @hybrus Lin Lavellan
19. @blueheaded Flint Brosca
20. @shift-shaping Eirwen Surana
21. @AnnaHenriArt (Twitter) Haleir Lavellan
22. @dreadfutures Ixchel
23. @noire-pandora Elluin Lavellan
24. @kumaronoa Feyren Lavellan
25. @drag-on-age Gaelowen Lavellan
26. @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold Maria Cadash
Also! Several characters are referenced that I didn't have time to draw this year, unfortunately. :( Those would be the ones referenced in the letters Mellan is writing. In the fourth panel, they are @dumbassentity Astaari Adaar & @rosella-writes Virelan Lavellan. In the final panel, Mellan is also writing letters (ft. the Theodosian Dread Dog Delivery Service) to @ElvhenGoddess (Twitter) Britannia, @lunarshardss (Twitter) Lyric, and @gaysolavellan Kiernan. Thank you @unofficialdragonageday for organizing this each year!
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baejax-art · 3 years
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I saw @noveriia's Eralen Lavellan and just had to draw her =)
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seahaloed · 4 years
Visus has 6 children (Yes! The number has grown! I can’t be stopped!)
Mirthadra: (Meaning: Honoured) First child and became a tailor as most of Clan Lavellan is skilled in. Their focus was to maintain ancient elvhen tailoring techniques.
Hanin & Enasalin: (Meaning: Glory & Victory) Twins, absolute menaces (Hanin is older and makes sure everyone knows it), they have a gift of oratory storytelling/acting. From a young age they made puppets and as they got older they taught themselves to make shadow puppets.
Renehn: (Meaning: Joyful Voice) An exceptionally talented mage, they ultimately decided to train as an Arcane Warrior as they believe that the way forward for the Dalish will not be a peaceful one.
Virevas: (Meaning: Way of Freedom) Takes the most after Visus in demeanor. Often very serious, and would probably take over teaching the Vir Tanadahl once they’re older.
Eralen: (Meaning: Child of Dreams) Youngest Son! Arana and Visus had Eralen when they were older and consider him a blessing. There’s about a 7 year difference between Virevas and Eralen in age.
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morgynnember · 5 years
I love your story. And as long as you love it that's all that matters anyway. Who cares if some anonymous asshole(s) don't. Your story. Your rules. Them getting offended over Sims with no canon personalities other than 3 personality traits is ridiculous. The point of the Sims is to craft your OWN stories, whether that be in line with someone else's ideals or not. Keep up the great work, you're doing wonderful and your oc is beautiful 👌
Akakakskkskskskskskihgrbeirjdieje ahhhh thank you so much for the kind words! I’m so glad you enjoy my story like I do. It’s definitely a love project of mine.
Right?! Thank you so much for saying that. Eralen’s been an OC of mine for YEARS. She started out as my Lavellan in Dragon Age Inquisition and then my main character for Blade and Soul. So! She’s been a project of mine for the long haul and I’m experimenting with a different version of her and am enjoying the hell out of it. I know she seems pretty bland right now, but I promise she’ll be fleshed out as she grows with the story.
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kokiricait · 2 years
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My new Lavellan, Eralen. She looks so soft in the character creation screen, but has a case of RBF in-game 😂
Planning to pair her with Cullen, I’ve done a Solas romance the past three times I’ve played and I’m currently craving a happy ending 😭
I’m still working my way, slowly, through DAO and will get to DA2 after that. I was just missing Inquisition so bad I couldn’t help myself lol. Hoping to have a full custom world state ready to go for the release of DAD
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salesart · 9 years
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@veeahknee‘s Eralen Lavellan!
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sugawara-kkoushi · 3 years
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P.S. They’ve already smooched in the Fade at this point, but they haven’t started an official relationship yet. He really does tease her too much. 
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togepies · 3 years
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have a WIP ✨
(do I have a new one every week with plenty unfinished? maybe so)
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sugawara-kkoushi · 3 years
And this is why the clergy told us to leave.
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sugawara-kkoushi · 3 years
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Solas, var lath vir suledin.
I wish it could, Vhenan… My love.
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