#Eren x Krista
luckyrave · 2 years
I’ve been super obsessed with this song when I first heard it, and that’s even helped motivate me a lot in my writing along with me correlating certain moments between Eren and Historia throughout the series.  Honestly, I almost teared up while I was rewatching this because it just felt so powerful!
Eren and Historia just have a really special connection with one another, and I wanna do everything that I can to keep their chemistry alive along with a little tease I’ve planted with this amv I’ve made. 
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ettas-stuff · 2 months
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Not aruani but I like college aus so much so have some mikasa and Historia drawings :3333 i think they would be fun as roommates
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levi501ackerman · 5 months
That Day | Levi x Reader Angst
Summary: Ever since That Day . . . Anytime you became lucid, Levi spent all the time with you that you could offer him.
Word Count: 10.1k ( about 50 mins to read)
Megan's Note: This popped into my head the other day and I had tunnel vision to write this. I have written 90% of Part 3 of Allegiance. I decided to write this in one part and it's not entirely proof read cuz now that I am done I need to focus on finals LMAO. Posted: 5/2/24
TRIGGER WARNING: torture, scars, mentions of underweight. (please lmk if there's anything else I should add because I've never written anything this dark.) It's supposed to be angsty AF. Please know I did my best and I understand for having medical stuff wrong or something unrealistic. Enjoy and lmk if you cried cuz I cried.
“This will not be discussed again,” Levi said firmly to the girl in front of his desk. She was frustrated and tearing up. Her dark hair was long and the girl had her arms crossed. Levi started pretending to read, hoping the girl would get the idea to leave. Annoyance crept up because the girl was still in front of Levi. He had nothing left to say. “Please, leave. I don’t want to discuss anything un-scout-related with you.” The girl sighed and headed toward the door. Before she could get near the threshold, there was a knock from outside.  
“Captain Levi, It’s Eren Jaeger.” The voice said behind the door. The girl glanced at Levi and then opened the door for him. Eren’s eyebrows were furrowed and raised, his eyes alert. Then suddenly dropped to confusion, “Oh hey Grace,” She walked passed without greeting him. Eren’s anxious tone returned, he was slightly sweaty and out of breath from dashing to the Captain’s office. “It’s Y/N. She’s lucid.” Levi looked at Eren, he slowly started rising from his desk. Engaged and forgetting anything else he was focused on. 
Hange and Moblit with a clipboard stood against the wall in an attempt to stay out of the way. They were quietly listening to the girl behind the curtain groan. A nurse could be heard trying to get the girl to drink water, but she kept rejecting the offer. The girl kept mentioning how cold she was. Hange had not visited Y/N in a few weeks. At the end of each lucid episode, it was filled with nothing but frustration and guilt. If only things went differently. Levi and a few others should be here any moment. The door opened and Sasha entered, quietly. She knew the protocol, she stood next to Moblit near the door and silently greeted Hange and Moblit. 
“NO! No, please! I don’t want shots!” Hange could hear you hoarsely beg. Hange breathed deeply. She thought to herself, you’re in the room. We are safe. “Can we wait?! Please, no!” You screamed. Behind the curtain, the nurse softly reassured you and asked you to lower your voice. 
“I think we’ll start as normal, have Doctor Winston Yates and Levi assess Y/N, and go off based on this first hour,” Hange whispered. Moblit and Sasha nodded. “I assumed Mikasa has been reminded of her role?” Sasha nodded again. The door opened again and Dr. Yates walked in. He gave Hange, Sasha, and Moblit a thumbs-up with a big smile. The older man brought a warm presence. He lively strode behind the curtains.
“Y/N! Good to see you awake . . . she’s on IV fluids?” He loudly greeted you. 
“Yes,” the nurse said. 
“Tell me how you feel right now, don’t hold back on me!” His chuckle is probably what you needed to hear. You didn’t hear much laughter anymore. 
“I’m tired . . .” You said softly. The door opened once again with Levi hastily entering the room, he glanced at the three and then went behind the curtain. Eren entered and held the door until it closed with a quiet click. “Levi!” You said and Levi sat in the chair next to your bed. You reached out your hand. He sat down and with a soft embrace he held your hand. 
“Y/N, how do you feel?” He asked in a low voice. 
“Good, I want to sit outside.” Levi smiled and Dr. Yates and the nurse laughed.
“That’s what we want to hear!” The nurse said.
“We can go outside, later,” Levi assured.
“We need to give her a shot, she’s on her usual IV with concentrated vitamins and minerals.” The nurse said lowly to Levi and Dr. Yates. You panicked and jerked away from the nurse. You couldn’t get far with the straps still clamping down your ankles. But you moved as close to Levi as you could. He wrapped an arm around you and then looked you in the eyes.
“Just a shot it’ll be over really quick.” Levi whispered.
“I’ll need her arm.” Levi freed you and held your hand with both of his. The nurse rubbed your arm and you felt the cool sensation. You closed your eyes. “Okay and you’re done.” 
“What!? I didn’t even feel it,” You said.
“There you go! Next time, bump her TPN to 2 liters,” Dr. Yates said, looking at your arms. 
“See nothing to worry about.” Levi said and you smiled at him. “Let’s brush your teeth and clean yourself a little then we can sit outside.” 
5th Debriefing Session:
Hange glanced at her notes before speaking. She sat in a comfortable chair at a table where the survey corps typically held meetings. Dr. Yates, Levi, Commander Erwin and Moblit sat at the table and turned their attention to Hange. Hange hated the debriefings. All of them did They only happened at the end of your lucid episodes. 
“According to this recent episode, Y/N stayed lucid for four days. Her 2nd longest lucid. This time she was showing a more closed off demeanor. She only wanted to socialize with Levi, Sasha Brause, Dr. Yates, and Eren Jaeger. She was opposed to physical touch except for Levi . . .” She looked at her clipboard and sniffled. “My hypothesis was correct that when Y/N showed signs of starting to revert and feel triggered, Sasha’s presence made Y/N feel safe. Twice during this episode, Y/N started screaming and Sasha was introduced and Y/N appeared to calm down and eventually went back to a neutral state. And like Dr. Yates mentioned in his therapy debriefing, Y/N is showing signs of improvement.”
“Day by day. She’s getting better,” Dr. Yates said to Levi. Levi was looking down at his lap. He hated these sessions too even though they were important. Though he did recognize signs of improvement, he felt defeated every time you got triggered. Guilt shredded him, as he went through the past seven months without you fully. Levi wanted you to live life with him.
“White pants or black pants?” Levi asked you, holding up both pairs. 
“Black.” For the first month after That Day, the pinstriped scars on your legs triggered you. As they healed and were less bloody, scabby and painful they didn’t visually trigger you anymore. That was the first success from Dr. Yates working with you. Levi went behind the curtain and pulled it behind him to give you some privacy. It was now only you two in the cold room. When you pulled back the curtain slowly you let out an unsure sound. “Um . . .” Levi looked over at you looking down at your big pants. His heart dropped, but wasn’t going to let you see his disappointment in you losing more weight.
“We’ll eat soon. Try rolling it.” He said.
“What?” He approached you and grabbed the pants and folded it down so the waist wouldn’t fall down. Levi couldn’t help but catch your eyes. He wanted to kiss you, but to him you were so fragile. You kissed him on the cheek and it elated him how lovingly you were this time. He wrapped one arm around you and squeezed you.
4th Debriefing Session:
 “Y/N’s overall behavior this episode . . .” Hange said and then let out a sigh. “Was . . .” 
“Aggressive.” Levi said. 
 Hange held two bowls of hearty soups with bread. One bread had an excessive amount of butter on it and in one of the bowls there was extra oil in the soup. She carefully walked with the meals in her hand. Moblit was next to her with the clipboard. 
“With the extra butter and oils, I’d track probably a thousand calories for this meal. If we can get her to eat again later, I’ll call that a success.” Hange said and Moblit was writing on the clipboard in his hand. They walked outside of the dining hall and saw you and Levi in the distance. You were sitting on a bench under a tree facing away. 
“Section Commander, her bread is as wet as the soup.” Moblit said, eyeing the pound of butter on your slice of bread. 
“ . . . I’ll do anything to have her be healthy again . . .” Hange said. Birds flew away from the tree Levi and you were sitting under. She sighed. Moblit looked at her and recognized her anguished expression.
“Don’t be hard on yourself. Torture trauma could take multiple years to recover from . . .” Moblit said.
“ . . . I just think about . . . only if . . .” Hange stared at the grass in front of her. Then she recognized the beauty of that moment. You were lucid and cooperative. Moblit was right to not be hard on herself. It was a good day because of the sun and the slight breeze. It has been Months since you were outside. Not only that, you wanted to go outside. Inbetween most of your lucid episodes, you were sedated, because you wouldn’t stop screaming or kicking. Your vocal cords would get shredded and you would lose your voice. “Good Morning, Levi! Y/N! Are you hungry?” Hange found it deep inside her to sound joyful. You whipped your head around toward the voice. You gasped excitedly and jogged toward Hange. Levi walked toward the three after.
“For me?” You asked.
“If you won't eat it, I will.” Hange bent a little to your height with a smile. Levi took the two bowls from Hange. When the food was out of the way you hugged Hange and she froze out of shock then embraced you lovingly. She hadn’t received a hug from you in a while. You seemed excited for her to be around. You hugged for more than five seconds and when you realized Hange wasn’t going to pull away you did.
“Thank you for the food!” You said, “Come sit with us!” You grabbed Hange’s wrist and pulled her toward the bench. “You too Moblit”. When you looked back, you saw him writing on his clipboard and then he grinned at you. When you got to the bench Levi handed you the bowl with the extra oils and butter. “Oh . . . I don’t think there’s room on the bench.” You scooted all the way next to Levi and assessed if Hange could fit in the small space. 
“Oh no worries—”
“Levi, get up.” You said and he obeyed, which Hange laughed. Levi faced you while still standing next to you. He didn’t want to leave your presence or miss anything you did. Hange sat down next to you. 
“She’s been asking about you,” Levi said to Hange then sipped his soup. Hange was certainly intrigued especially since the last time was not a good experience with you. She felt a sliver of hope.
“Have you been missing me?!” She asked. It was an eye opener for her, the last two months were not physically good for your health. Her heart dropped analysing you, you were skinny, looked dull and genuinely tired. She regretted not visiting you enough.
“Yes, I feel so . . . out of it. Like I woke up from the longest dream . . .” You said. Then took a spoonful of soup making sure to get a little bit of the chicken onto the spoon. 
“She was talking about the time you were teaching her how to braid hair.” Levi said. 
“Hmm. Are you sure that was me?” Hange asked.
“Oh well, I thought it was you, maybe not.” You laughed. 
“Hey, eat before it gets cold,” Levi said, tapping your ankle lightly with his foot.
“Yeah. Yeah. I just want to talk to Hange.” You said.
“Awe, you’re so cute. But Levi’s right, you wouldn’t want your food to get cold.” Hange said.  
“Could you have put any more butter on this bread?” You laughed and Hange laughed it off.
“Try it like this,” She took your bread and dunked it in the soup. The bread was dripping in broth, butter and oil. You took the soaked bread and attempted to take a bite out of it without dripping on yourself. 
5th Debriefing Session:
“Yes, day by day, Y/N is getting better. My only concern is that she stopped having an interest in eating. Levi informed me that she would push around her food and barely drink water. I sat a table over and noticed two evenings in a row she only took a few bites.” Hange read from her notes. “However, I noticed the start of a trend. She always finished a bowl of soup. Perhaps at least one of the meals for the day needs to be soup.”
“We can start a total parenteral nutrition IV when sedated. Then adjust the dosage.” Dr. Yates said and wrote the note down. 
“Great. Another thing I wanted to talk about which I mentioned before was her social behavior . . .” Hange took a deep breath then focused on her notes. “Y/N had a small improvement from her last episode. This episode Y/N wasn’t against socializing. Besides the few previously mentioned she seemed fearful or hesitant around some friends. I do not want to describe her as shy, just . . . disinterested.” Hange choked and then took another deep breath.
Levi stared at the books on the bookshelf. He couldn’t look at his friend.
“How are you?” You asked Levi. “You are more quiet today.” He smiled, grabbed your hand and lifted to kiss the back of your palm. The four of you were on a short walk. You were unknowingly walking toward your next few tests. Hange was on the other side of you with Moblit on her side. A few scouts would walk past and greet Levi. He ignored them.
“I’m at peace being with you.” He said softly knowing moments are fleeting. You thought he was being cute. You stepped in front of him, wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. It took him by surprise. But you were giving him a pleasure he wasn’t going to deny. He kissed you again, deeply and he thought how there is just no one else in his life he wanted. Levi was willing and planning on being patient for the time it took you to heal. Years. Decades. You made it through That Day. Levi knew you were worth the time to heal. He knew that healing was not linear. He intended to be with you for all of your moments. He remembered something and reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out your ring. “I cleaned it.” He grabbed your left hand and slid the ring on your left ring finger. Then he warmly smiled at you, gazing at his special girl. “Someday when you are healthy, we’ll get married . . .” Levi realized they were out in the open in public and glanced towards Moblit and Hange. Moblit was writing on his clipboard and Hange was acting like the bowls she was holding was the most interesting thing. He clasped your hand and continued walking, Hange and Moblit slowly trailed behind you. 
When you got closer to the entrance of the dining hall the more noise you could hear. There were scouts laughing with each other. Some people standing in groups talking to each other. Some were out in the front enjoying the sun. A few people grouped in the front. Some faces you recognized but you haven’t ever conversed with. It was getting louder as you approached the threshold. A girl with pretty dark hair caught your eye.
“Mikasa?” You asked a little unsure. The girl’s eyebrows raised and her eyes were wide. “Mikasa Ackerman?” She stepped closer to you. Hange, Moblit and Levi could see Mikasa’s eyes start to gloss over. 
“Y/N . . .” Mikasa said calmly. 
“I haven’t seen you in a long time,” You hugged her and she hugged you back tightly. Mikasa didn’t want to let go. She kept blinking, but her eyes were filling up with tears. You pulled away, “How are you?” You asked brightly. “Keeping Eren out of trouble?” She smiled through her tears. “ . . . What’s wrong?” 
“We haven’t seen each other in a while. It’s happy tears.” She sniffled and you laughed. 
“You look sad,” You said and touched her hair. 
“I have something for you . . .” Mikasa gently went through a small bag she usually did not have with her. 
“What is it, Mikasa?” Hange asked.
“She got me a present!” You said excitedly. Mikasa found what she was looking for. She gently brought out paper that was folded twice. 
“I found this a few weeks ago and I want you to have it.” She handed you the folded paper and you hesitantly took it. You carefully unfolded the paper. On the paper was a drawing of three girls. You gasped. It was a drawing of Mikasa, Sasha and you and the background you could tell was your room from your cadet days. Mikasa sniffled, blinked back tears, and quietly took a deep breath. “Remember? Jean drew us and Sasha when we were roommates in the cadet corp.” The drawing of you and your friends was done in pencil, but along the edge of the paper were names written in ink. In elegant penmanship was written: Mikasa, Sasha and Y/N. “I had it all these years, but I think you should have it.” Your heart felt like it was swelling in your chest. How could you not? You thought of the fun times you and Mikasa would plug Sasha’s nose when she was sleeping. She would swat and roll over leaving you and Mikasa giggling. You thought of the time when you peed your pants because Sasha made you laugh so hard. Another memory of Mikasa teaching Sasha how to braid hair and she tried it on you and put knots in your hair. Mikasa had to cut your hair. It ended up so badly that Mikasa braided your hair for the last year of the cadet corp. You thought of the time you stole Mikasa’s shirt for the day then when heading to bed your mattress was gone. Mikasa was like the sister you always wanted. You hugged Mikasa and she let a tear fall. She closed her eyes and enjoyed that moment. 
“ . . . You’re the one that taught me how to braid hair . . . This is so sentimental, Thank you.” You said and when you pulled away you analysed the drawing again. “Hey, how's Jean? I’m surprised I haven’t seen him yet . . . Where’s Eren? He’s usually . . .” You froze, you felt cold. You felt sick. Why did you feel scared? Mikasa stared back at you, her eyes grew bigger. 
“Y/N.” Levi grabbed your arm and held your head while embracing you. 
“How do you feel? Tell me your thoughts.” Hange said worryingly. She tugged on your shirt gently. You stared off and then you looked at Mikasa.
“I was just . . . wondering where Eren was . . . you two are usually together.” You said dazed and confused. 
“Let’s sit down . . .” Levi said and you stared at Mikasa. She was still in her stance. She looked at you carefully, she didn’t want to frazzle you. Though this moment for her was fleeting, she looked at you and appreciated that you were alive and lucid.
“Do you want to sit with me?” You asked Mikasa. More tears streamed down her face with a smile. 
3rd Debriefing Session:
“There’s not a clear indication why Y/N’s long term memory was affected. There are gaps—not remembering long term friendships, routines, and some milestone events. But with this episode lasting 28 days and with the evidence that over time her health did improve over the 28 days.” Dr. Yates said. Levi stared at the books he always did. The survey corps went on a large scale planned expedition and unfortunately, you became lucid the morning they left. 19 days they were gone. Apparently, you kept asking for Levi. You were a little moody sitting in the medical room not being allowed to do much. You asked to go outside, but once you were outside you just wanted to go back in. 
Levi was pissed when the survery corp returned and he received the message that you’ve been lucid since they left. He wasn’t there for the longest time you were lucid and he didn’t know how much time he had left. When he did return to you, you became happier and so you started becoming healthier. Dr. Yates let you stay with Levi for a couple nights. 
While staring at the books, his mind ended up thinking about one of the nights of you staying with him. You were on top of Levi practically begging to have sex. He thought about how you kissed his neck and palmed him teasing him with pleasure. You two haven’t had sex since before That Day. He rubbed your thigh gently, he tried to pretend he didn’t feel your pinstriped scars. You ran your hand through his hair, pleading with him to touch you. Levi felt like he was taking advantage of you and suggested going to bed. 
“I suggest we can add a couple tests when she’s lucid.” Hange’s bright tone pulled Levi away from the thought of you. 
“What are you thinking?” Commander Erwin asked. 
“Since Y/N could not recognize Mikasa Ackerman, even though she should have for knowing her for so long. They were roommates along with a few others including Sasha Braus since the Cadet Corp. We could have Mikasa walk by Y/N and see if she reacts, says hello or recognizes her slightly. If she doesn’t we could try having Mikasa approach her and have a light conversation to jog her memory. 
“Another thing I noticed was Y/N feels calm around Sasha Braus. Whether it's because they are long term friends or because of That Day. According to Sasha, she was the one that killed Hecate when she was torturing Y/N. We could conclude that subconsciously Y/N remembers Sasha saving her.
“One last hypothesis. I was thinking if Eren Jaeger was around Y/N. She would not think about where Eren could be as that was the information Hecate was trying to get from us.” Hange suggested. “I recognize these ‘tests’ do require the efforts of others, that are not mandatory. But I know they would want to help Y/N.” 
“How long do you think expect her friends to help her?” Commander Erwin asked. 
“With all due respect, I am not the doctor. I am just summarizing her social behavior. I can only help, but I can not solve anything.” Hange said and then there was silence in the room. A sense of apprehensiveness to speak. They were ignoring what needed to be said. 
“ . . . Levi, there’s a hospital in the capital that specializes—”
“Are you suggesting shipping off Y/N? She was lucid for almost a month. She’s improving.” Levi said sharply. Erwin let out a deep breath and decided to pin that suggestion for later. 
Your fourth lucid episode was two months after. Levi was worried that you were slowly dying and not going to have another lucid episode. When you did . . . it was the worst behavior to deal with. Hange and Levi had to restrain you while Moblit attempted to sedate you with a syringe. You scratched Hange’s face with your engagement ring.
As the day went on you felt tired. Though you did enjoy hanging and conversing with Mikasa, Eren and Armin. You were starting to feel out of it. Dinner was starting to be served and more of your friends came into the dining hall. 
“If I get you food will you eat it?” Levi asked.
“I’m just tired.” You said. It felt like a long day. Your social battery was starting to become drained. 
“You should eat, Y/N” Eren said. 
“Yeah we’re all going to get food. I think there’s soup.” Armin added. 
“I already had soup today.” You said, lethargically
“Are you saying F/N L/N has a limit on soup?!” A bright voice said behind you. You turned around and a jolt of energy burst from you as you sprung up to hug Sasha.
“SASHA!” Levi and Hange laughed. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while!”
“Is soup all you had today?” Sasha asked, but it seemed like she was more asking Hange. 
“I would like for her to eat more.” Hange said to Sasha. 
“Then let’s get in line I’m starving” Sasha grabbed your wrist and you guys went into the line. 
During dinner, Levi’s heart swelled watching you be with your friends. It was the first in a while where you were smiling and laughing with them. Jean told stupid jokes that made you laugh hard. You laughed so hard you cried. Sasha gave you some of her soup so you could eat more. Armin didn’t say much, but he enjoyed seeing you alive and healthy. Levi thought your smile was so warm and watching you from where he sat it was like he was seeing you for the first time again. 
Your laugh, your smile and you being with your friends. Levi remembers being so shy and nervous to talk to you. Your courage and initiation to talk to Levi is what started the relationship. He glanced at the ring on your finger. He just knew. Denied it to himself, Levi thought he was ridiculous for knowing he was going to marry you only after interacting with you a limited amount of times. But you were just so considerate of him and caring for him. He never had someone like him for him. He closed his eyes and tried not to cry. He was grateful you were in his life. Levi was going to be by yourside for the entire time you needed to heal. He will marry you. 
“Levi? Are you okay?” Hange asked. He opened his eyes and saw you intently listening to Eren’s story. 
“I just . . . want to marry her.” He said.
After you were done eating. You braided Sasha’s hair and then Mikasa stood behind you and braided yours. You french braided Sasha’s and Mikasa was also giving you a french braid. When you and Mikasa were done braiding. Mikasa sat down in front of you and you started braiding her hair. 
“Hange! I could braid your hair!” Sasha turned excitedly to Levi and Hange’s table. Hange raised her eyebrows.
“No! I want to braid her hair!” You said to Sasha.
“Oh come on please!” Sasha begged. 
“HANGE LET US BRAID YOUR HAIR! YOU WOULD LOOK SO CUTE WITH PIGTAILS. ” You demanded and Levi laughed. You dropped her hair and walked over to Hange, you started pulling her wrist but she was holding onto the table. “SASHA GRAB HER OTHER WRIST!” Sasha laughed and you both pulled Hange over to the other table. 
“Fine! Just normal, nothing fancy.” Hange appeased and sat down at your table. 
“You braid Mikasa’s hair. I want to do Hange’s.” You said. Then you started pulling out her ponytail and brushing it with your fingers. “Jeez, your hair is knotty.” Levi smiled. You braided her hair into pigtails and looked over at Sasha braiding Mikasa’s hair. “You look so cute, Mikasa!” Mikasa blushed. “Awe Hange you look so cute, too!” 
“We’ll all have braided hair, now!” Sasha said excitedly. 
“Jean needs to draw us!” You said. “Quick, we need to get a pencil and paper!” Jean froze with a spoon almost to his mouth. 
“When did I sign up for this?” He laughed. 
“Just do a quick one!” Mikasa said. Molblit handed Jean a blank sheet of paper and his pencil. He smiled. He did want to remember this moment. 
“Okay bunch up. Have Sasha and Hange stand behind you two.” You and Mikasa had an arm around each other and Hange and Sasha hugged you two from behind. It took a little, but you still chatted and talked with the rest of the table. Except for when Jean asked you all to smile. Then he let you get out of the pose. He continued drawing though and after a while he folded the paper twice. Then licked among the folds and split the paper into four. “Ladies of the braid. I have your drawing.” Jean handed Mikasa a fourth of a paper with a drawing of the four of you with your braids. Then handed you another fourth with the same drawing copied over. 
“Jean, you drew it four times?” You asked and Jean handed the last fourths of the paper to Hange and Sasha. The four of you lined up the drawings you received by the ripped folds. You all had the same drawing of the four of you smiling with your hair in braids. 
“You’re an amazing artist, thank you, Jean.” Hange said admiring the drawing. 
“Thanks, Jean!” Sasha brightly said. Mikasa picked up the pencil Jean was using from the table. 
“Y/N, hand me your drawing really quick.” She put your drawing on the table and wrote something on an open space of the drawing. Then she gave you the paper back. You looked at what Mikasa wrote. In elegant penmanship was written: Sasha, Hange, Mikasa and Y/N. 
“You have such nice handwriting, Mikasa.” You said and she smiled hopefully at you. Then you hugged Jean and thanked him for the drawing. You happily strolled to Levi and showed him the drawing. It was like the drawing Hange showed him a moment ago. Except yours had the names written. Levi recognized it was the same handwriting from the other drawing. 
5th Debriefing Session:
“We need to have a tough conversation,” Commander Erwin started. “When looking at the big picture of Y/N’s health. We are nearing the 6th month mark . . . Levi, the Survey Corps can only do so much . . . evaluating her when the one year mark—” Levi abruptly stood up with a loud screech from his chair. He began to walk toward the doors. “Hange wants to help Y/N! Her friends want to and are willing to help, but—” Levi ripped the door open.
“If you want to send her to a hospital in Mitras. Honorably discharge me. I’ll go with my wife.” Levi slammed the door. 
“Okay Hange. Yeah, okay.” Levi closed the door on Hange. He just wanted to spend some alone time with you. You carefully walked to the table while holding two cups of tea and gently on the table. For a moment you reminded him of his mother. You were so elegant and when you smiled at Levi his felt happy that you were his. He had love in his life and he was going to take care of you just like you have always taken care of him. He fondly looked at you and then he approached you and hugged you. You were his just like he knew he was yours. No matter what. “Sit, I want to get something.” He said and went off to the corner where he had a small bookshelf. He grabbed a leatherbound journal and a pencil. He put it in front of you. “Here.” You stared at it.
“Remember it’s your journal. You haven’t written in it in a long time though. I want you to write an entry.” Levi gently said then he grabbed the drawing Jean gave you and he leaned it against some books on the bookshelf. 
“Oh yeah . . . I forgot . . . I used to write everyday. I had like 8 journals . . .” You trailed off.
“Yea, you wanted to keep a record of your life. Maybe write how you feel or just what went on today. I think the last entry you wrote was near when we got engaged.” Levi said. 
“ . . .we’re engaged?” You asked confused. Levi closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He tried to keep the mood light.
“Just a little entry.” He sat down next to you and sipped on his tea carefully. You smiled and started writing about your day. “Then we could go to sleep early.” Levi enjoyed sleeping with you because he had poor sleeping habits. But when you slept next to him he got a few more hours. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and you turned to kiss him again on the lips. His admiration for you only grew watching you write in your journal. These little moments are everything he has to accept for now.
“I don’t know what else to write . . .” You said lightly. Thoughts came into your mind and then disappeared. “I’m sorry.” Levi offered you his hand and when you took he gently helped you stand up and walked towards the bed. He then held your hand to his heart.
“Let’s lay down.” Levi said.
“Can I have a back massage?” You ask. Levi does his best to give you a shoulder massage, he carefully does his best to not hurt you, but he wants to relieve you of all pain. Levi tried to be as careful because to him you were so delicate and fragile looking. He wanted you to relax and be with him.  
“Is this okay . . .?” He asked.
“Keep going.” You ordered and he obeyed then smiled. He moved down your back, pressing little circles into your back and along your spine. 
“Let’s go brush our teeth and go—” Levi said, pulling away. 
“No more.�� You put his hand back on your shoulders. He gave you a couple more seconds of massaging.
“Okay no more, your majesty.” He said. You jumped on him which took him by surprise. You attempt to pin him down on the bed and Levi let you. You kissed his forehead and he looked up at you fondly. Youre eyes looked so pretty. You trailed your hands slowly on Levi’s chest, feeling his carved muscles. You placed one of his hands on your thighs and you ran your fingers in his hair. To Levi you are everything. He reached towards your face and then touched your braid. “Let’s go to sleep.” You kissed him and fisted his shirt. Levi pulled away, “Y/N . . .”
“Please . . .” you mewled into his ear softly, knowing this is what gets to him. You put more pressure on him, feeling him getting harder. You tucked some of his fringe behind his ears. You looked into his steel grey eyes and the eye contact was making you feel heat in yourself, you haven’t felt in a while. You grinded your hips and Levi was starting to breathe heavily. “ . . . Levi,” you moaned, you knew it drove him crazy. “I love you so much.”
“I’m in love with you.” Levi said to you. You looked so pretty.  
“We haven’t . . . made love in a while.” You said and continued to grind on him and Levi was thinking of the pleasure’s he could have with you. He hasn't felt your body in a long time and Levi wanted to feel you wrapped around him. He wanted to hear you whimper in his ear. But clarity came to the forefront. 
“I can’t take advantage of you . . .” He said quietly.
“You’re not, I want you.” You started taking off your shirt. Levi stopped you. Pulling your shirt down. He sat up and hugged you, smelling you. 
“Y/N I can’t . . . please let’s go to sleep.” You pulled away and gave him another kiss.
When you slept next to Levi, he felt it easier to relax. His muscles untensed and he found it easier to fall asleep. Levi had terrible sleeping habits before you and when you slept next to him for the first time he realized you helped him. He slept a good six hours with you next to him. Levi realized you brought him a sense of peace and you always were positive and good natured. 
You always had taken good care of him, sometimes he saw his mom in you. You reminded him that he was worthy of love and he saw you as someone who wanted to give love to your friends. He admired that you made friends wherever you went. He knew how much your friends love you and you saw them as your family. Your kind heart is what drew people in. Levi was glad you had a large support system, something he didn’t have in life. He recognized that he wanted to marry you when he realized that you made up an entire family for him. He trusted that you would always be there for him and you were so supportive and loving. You made him laugh so much, feeling joy in life. 
Levi half asleep rolled over, he felt the bed empty. He sat up and he was alone. He heard you in the dark room whimpering quietly. He saw your dark silhouette on the floor against the wall. His heart dropped, more time he begged.
“Please,” you begged quietly. Levi cautiously approached you. “No, please don’t” You said as he got closer. He grabbed a syringe off of the table. 
“Y/N. It’s Levi.” He said almost pleading.
“NO!” You pleaded. Holding your hand out to him as if that was going to stop him. He started to feel tears in his eyes, this was the first time he had to do this alone. There was a hope that you just had a bad nightmare and you needed comfort.
“Come back to me . . .” He said. You screamed loudly and it pierced his ears. He had to jump on you. You thrashed and one of his tears landed on you. You slapped him and pushed Levi. He grunted. 
“Y/N!” He said, pining one of your arms against the wall. 
“NO! PLEASE DONT!” You cried out and screamed again. Levi used his weight to hold down your legs. He set the syringe down and did his best to pull your pants down. You panicked and fought him. “STOP! I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING!” You pulled up your knee and tried to hit Levi in the croch. Levi cried. You were weak and Levi was much stronger than you. He managed to get a good surface of your thigh showing. You managed to get another slap on his face and he grunted. You screamed loudly, a cry in desperation. You whailed hoping someone would hear you and help you. 
“PLEASE STOP!” You screamed, he winced at the volume going into his ear. He picked up the syringed and shot it into your leg. You screamed and Levi looked at you in the eyes hoping to find you somewhere. You looked at him in desperation, pleading to spare you. Levi had to hold you down until you got physically worn out, he cried waiting for you to go unconscious. When you were weak. He hugged you, he knew you needed help. This was the life he was dealt with. 
Before he left his room, he laid you on his bed and pretended you were only sleeping. This time was so short again. What else could Levi do to help you? He knocked on the door and waited for a while. His eyes were puffy and his face was stained with tears. He knocked again and the door finally opened. Hange still had her pigtail braids in. Levi held up his empty syringe.
“Levi . . .” Hange said tiredly then she saw the syringe. 
“Y/N’s in my room.” Levi said dismaly. Hange leaned her head against the doorframe and sighed. 
“I’ll get Dr. Yates.” She said.
That Day:
They were in a large room of a house. The windows were large and revealed that there were no other buildings nearby. They were almost in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere northwest Wall Rose. One of Hecate’s men was holding a knife to Hange’s throat. Another was holding you by your waist and had a knife to your back. Levi and Erwin were on their knees and tied up. With another guy standing behind them. Hecate walked back and forth between the four of you. Her heels being the prominent sound on the hardwood floor. 
“I recognize you, scout regiment. You know where Eren Jaeger is. So which one of you is going to tell me where he is?” She said toyingly. She has been wanting to kill Eren for years. She came close to killing him twice. She played with the knife in her hand. “Commander Erwin . . . top dog. Leader of the scout regiment. Tell me.” She bent down to level with him. He stayed silent. Hecate grabbed his hair and yanked his head back then sliced into his collarbone. Erwin groaned, gritting his teeth. You grimacing looked away. 
“We don’t know where Eren is.” Erwin said lowly.
“Liar. Tell me where he is.” She said and Erwin didn’t respond. She kicked him in the balls and he let out a gutteral groan and fell on his side. The scouts were on their way, though there was no hope of getting out of the situation. They needed to get here before everyone was dead. Erwin painfully coughed. Then she walked over his body. 
“What about you?” She stood over Levi. He said nothing. You couldn’t help but watch what she was going to do to Levi. She grabbed his shirt and yanked him up. “Are you going to tell me, handsome?” You felt a rage, but your fear was more developed. You knew Levi wasn’t going to spill even if he was beaten to death. The four of you wouldn’t. She slapped Levi and you closed your eyes.
“That’s Captain Levi born from the underground. He’s not going to talk.” The guy behind Erwin and Levi gruffly said.
“Huh, that's so?” She looked at Levi and pushed him face forward to the ground. She lifted up his shirt revealing his back and dug the knife into him. “I’ll ask you one more time. Where is Eren?” You heard Levi muffly groan as Hecate dug the knife across his back. Beads of blood bursing from the cut. “Come on, Captain, I want answers.”
“I’m not answering you, bitch.” Levi spat at her. You raised your eyebows when you saw some of his blood. You wanted to tell Levi to not make her angry, but you stayed silent. She stood up from him and looked at him. 
“Huh, of course, Captain.” She kicked his face. You jerked, “I believe you.” She laughed. She glanced over at you and Hange. Your heart pulsed. She strolled over to you two while wiping her knife. “I know how the dynamics work, captain . . . your attempt to provoke me? I’ve seen it a thousand times. You’re not gonna talk.” You felt your heart in your throat when she eyes you and Hange. “But one of you will.” You kept your eyes down. She stood in front of Hange. “No need for that . . .” She said to the man holding Hange. He took the knife from her throat and put it in her back. “You’re quite pretty.” Hange scowled at her. Hecate took Hange’s glasses off then threw them on the ground then crushed her glasses with her boot. She kicked her in the stomach. She recoiled, the wind being knocked out of her and the man holding Hange caused her to not fall over. Tears started building in your eyes. “Tell me where Eren is and you and your friends will be left alone.” Hange said nothing. Hecate slapped Hange. She whimpered. “Tell me what I want to know. Where is Eren Jaeger?” Hange sniffled. Hecate breathed impatiently then looked at the ground she picked up a sharp glass edge from Hange’s glasses. Then lifted a part of her shirt and jabbed the glass into Hange’s abdomen. She cried out loudly and whimpered. Choking for air trying to regulate her breathing. Hecate walked over to you. You continued looking at the ground, noticing some blood was on her shoe. “Why are you crying? Do you not like seeing your friends get hurt?” She taunted. She slapped you. You yelped and some of your hair got in your face. “We don’t have to do this, you know. Let me know darling, where is Eren Jaeger?” You stayed silent. A tear rolled down your cheek begging that the scouts would save you four. She swiped the blade onto your collarbone. Blood drew from your cut. You moaned and whimpered. “Answer me. Or you’ll get another cut.” She grabbed you by your shirt and pointed the knife to your abdomen.
“Stop, she doesn’t know.” Hange huffed out. Hecate turned her attention on Hange. Then glanced at you.
“Bring Commander Erwin Smith over here, would you?” Hecate asked and the man brought a stumbling Erwin over in front of Hange. He made Erwin kneel. “Commander these pretty girls are your subordinates?” Erwin stayed silent looking at the ground. Hecate slapped him. “So fucking rude not to answer my question.” She went toward you and kicked you, knocking the wind out of you, making you fall to the ground. The man who was holding you put his foot on your side. You felt paralyzed and then the pain set in. “Where is Eren Jaeger? or these girls will get it.”
“I don’t know.” Erwin said.
“You do know.” Hecate said and then sliced a cut into Hange’s collar bones. She whimpered. “Tell me what I want.” She was starting to lose her patience. 
“Leave them alone, bitch,” Levi with a strained voice said. Hecate kicked you in the chest and forced you to let out a cry. 
“Say that again, Captain? I didn’t hear you. Get her up.” The man forced you to sit up. She knelt in front of you and Hange eyed both of you. You couldn’t hide your tears. “This time it’s your choice . . . which one will get my knife?” A tear dripped onto the floor in front of you. “Hmm?”  Hange swallowed and wheezed.
“Me. Just give—” Hecate cut your arm instead of Hange’s, making you shriek. You cried out, not being able to hold it in. You breathed hard. Erwin winced at the sight of you two. 
“Once again, you or you?” Hange and you stayed silent. She sighed and kicked you to the floor again. 
“She doesn’t know anything! Stop it!” Hanged yelled. Hecate grabbed Hange’s hair, forcing her head back. 
“I see . . . you care for her . . . ” She let go of Hange’s head. Then she stood in front of you. “Where’s Eren Jaeger?” She asked Hange. She then held down the same arm she cut into earlier. Hecate started cutting into your arm next to the other one. You screamed trying to thrash your legs, but the man was holding you down. When she was done slicing you, you sobbed into the floor. Hecate sighed. “Take them downstairs.” One of the man jerked you and Hange up. You couldn’t look at anyone. The one man forced Levi up and his nose was bloody. The last man got Erwin up and he was stumbling and wincing trying to keep up with the man. Hange coughed and her vision was blurry. They pulled you toward an area where the stairs went down. Levi was the first forced down the steps. “Hold on.” Everyone froze anticipating what Hecate was going to say. “I want to ask her some questions,” she pointed at you. Hange’s eyes went wide as she felt another man grabbing her. She watched as the man who was holding both of you, pushed you back towards Hecate.
“NO! WAIT! TAKE ME INSTEAD! LEAVE HER ALONE!” Hange, Erwin and Levi were pushed down the stairs by the other man. You went out of sight and Hange noticed Levi glaring at her. The men threw them in a cell, locking it and walking back upstairs. 
“Levi, untie my restraints,” Commander Erwin whispered. Levi turned around and tried his best to untie the knot while not being able to see it. Hange started crying again sitting down. Then Commander Erwin untied Levi who was pissed. He walked over to Hange and grabbed her shirt. 
“YOU IDIOT!” Levi couldn’t care about his volume. “HOW STUPID COULD YOU BE?! YOU NEVER SHOW—” Hange jerked away from his grasp.
“I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT Y/N!” Hange said harshly 
“—I WOULD RATHER IT BE ME THAN HER!” Hange said. As Levi was about to retort back, the three of them heard you scream above them. Hange’s heart pounded and she started crying. Levi took off one of his shoes and threw it against the wall angrily. Erwin started untying Hange. She slid down the wall crouching into a ball. They could hear you begging.
“NO! NO, PLEASE!” Then they heard you scream louder. Hange put her fingers in her ears, she closed her eyes. The special operations squad should come any moment. Hange then felt a pull on her shirt, again. Levi with a bloody face and a fire in his eyes was holding her. 
“LEVI!” Erwin pulled Levi off Hange. Another scream was heard above.
“I was trying to get her to hurt me instead of Y/N!” Hange sobbed. 
“Because you opened your mouth she knew you cared about her! The moment you do that they’ll torture her to get you to fucking talk!” Levi said. “My fiance is going to die BECAUSE OF YOU!” He pushed Hange into the wall. 
“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Erwin asserted himself in front of Levi. “ENOUGH PULL IT TOGETHER! WE NEED TO THINK . . . let's look around and try to get out.” Levi put on his shoe and Hange covered her face, sobbing. 
“STOP! PLEASE! NO!” They heard you above them. Hange got up and started coughing. She went into the corner gagging. Hange threw up in the corner. Levi kicked the cell door, it clanked and didn’t budge. About ten minutes later. It was quiet. They didn’t hear you screaming and they didn’t hear yelling from Hecate. Suddenly they heard soft footsteps descending from the stairs. Hange’s hope rose only for it to deplete when Hecate walked up to them. The knife she was holding was covered in blood
“Comfy?” Hecate taunted. They couldn’t look at her. “Terrible of you to not do anything about your friend . . . hey gorgeous!” Hange ignored her. “Fine . . . Anyone want to tell me where Eren is?” She started backing away, smirking. “I’ll just ask your friend.” She walked back up the stairs.
“Where are they?” Hange whispered frustratedly. Levi leaned with his arm against the wall. He was facing the wall, the pressure was building in his nose and he was blinking away any tears forming in his eyes. They heard a thud and they heard you screaming above them, Hange plugged her ears. She continued crying. The three had dried blood on them and they stayed helpless in the cell. They heard you scream, beg and cry for a while longer. Hange felt paralyzed listening to you scream. She couldn’t think of a way to save you or them. To her it was her fault, she shouldve kept her mouth shut. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if she kept her mouth shut. She hugged her knees. “I’m sorry.” She whispered. She glanced at Levi who had his forehead against his arm. In the distance they heard shattering, then some yelling. “Commander Erwin, THEY’RE HERE!” Levi turned around. There was a large boom above them and more screams and yells. Then suddenly rapid footsteps were descending the stairs. Moblit and Jean appeared. 
“Section Commander!” Moblit exclaimed then he noticed the blood on Levi’s face and Erwin’s cuts. 
“How’s Y/N?” Erwin demanded. 
“Let us out!” Hange screamed. 
“HOWS Y/N!?” Levi yelled. Jean unlocked the door with the key from one of Hecate’s men. Levi ran out of the cell and dashed up the stairs, Hange followed after him. Hecate was dead on the ground and scattered on the floor were her men. Levi saw you slumped against the wall, Sasha was holding you. You had no pants on and instead there was blood dripping on your legs. Multiple long cuts down the length of your legs. 
“Captain!” Sasha exclaimed. “Captain, her pulse is faint.” Levi caressed you. Your eyes were closed and your head was nodded out. “I think she’ll need stitches.” He shook you a little waiting for a response. He was revolted at what Hecate did to you. He let anger get to him, gritted his teeth then went over to Hecate’s dead body and kicked her four times, grunting. 
“Levi!” Hange pulled him away and Levi pushed her off of him. Hange saw Mikasa crying at the sight of you with Armin comforting you. Levi went over you and Sasha. 
“She’ll need stitches, she lost a lot of blood. We need to get her to a hospital somewhere.”
“Sasha knows how stitch wounds.” Levi said.
“I don’t have any supplies.” Sasha said defeatedly. Connie ran into the room.
“I found a small first aid kit.” Connie said, panting. “We can clean her up and use whatever we can for now.” Sasha dashed over to Connie grabbing the first aid kit. 
“Captain Levi, are you wounded? There’s a bunch of blood on your back.” Moblit asked. 
“And on my face. Y/N is more important right now.” Levi said, his voice breaking. He could not lose another person he loves. 
6th Debriefing Session:
Levi didn’t want to sit. He listened to Hange and Dr. Yates relayed the details to Commander Erwin. His time with you this time felt so short. This time was the most you, you have been since That Day. He stared at the window. Having the trees fill his vision. Watching some scouts walk by or sit on the grass. The sunset was emitting an orange sky. Your favorite. Erwin was right. 
Levi leaned his forehead against the glass and closed his eyes. There was nothing left, but to wait for the next episode. Levi didn’t mean to zone out. His frustrated thoughts were consuming him and he was with you the whole time. He was defeated and didn’t know how to take the next steps. 
It felt like there was no improvement. As he gazed out the window, there were no positive thoughts. This was the life he was dealt. He abruptly turned around making Hange pause. 
“What is it, Levi?” She asked softly. He looked at the ground while walking past the table. Pressure building in his nose, his eyes starting to gloss over. He looked over his shoulder locking eyes with Erwin who had a sympathetic expression. With everything he had in him, he tried not to break.
“Start t-the paperwork, commander,” Levi did not win. 
Three weeks later:
Hange cautiously walked into your medical room. She held the door until it closed with a quiet click. She heard faint beeping and it was quiet. She knew Levi was behind the curtain sitting with you.
“I know it’s you, four-eyes.” Levi said shakenly. Hange walked around the curtain. Levi sat in a chair next to your bed. His arms were crossed and he was leaning back into the chair comfortably. Levi’s eyes were red and puffy. He looked at Hange and she saw the desperation in his eyes. Though he was sitting, there was no one around and so she stepped forward and hugged him. Levi nuzzled his face into her shoulder. Hidden, even though there was no one to hide from. Hange softly rubbed Levi’s back. 
“In the morning, right?” She asked.
“Yes . . .'' Levi pulled away from Hange and he stared at you. You looked like you were sleeping. He stood up from his chair and offered Hange his seat. They looked at you for a while. Both filled with thoughts. One thought after another. Begged for a change of fate. “Do me a favor . . .” Levi said and Hange didn’t look at him. “Stop blaming yourself . . .'' Hange put her face into her hands. “ . . . I was an asshole that day. I was wrong for calling you an idiot. Nothing was ever your fault”
“Levi . . .” she did her best to muffle her crying. “I thought if I could make it seem like I knew where Eren was . . . they would leave her alone . . . If only they questioned me instead . . .”
“Stop talking like that.” Levi said defeatedly. “I’ve forgiven you and you need to start forgiving yourself.” She sniffled.
“I wish I wasn’t losing my best friend . . .” Hange said and they looked at each other, knowingly. Years they have relied on each other and built years of trust. “And you.” They laughed. Hange wiped a tear from her eye.  
“Y/N would want you to visit.” Hange smiled.
“She would want all her friends to visit.” Hange said thinking of Sasha, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, Jean, Connie, Christa, and anyone she saw Y/N sharing joyful moments with. Everyone liked her, even Annie. 
“You don’t need to ask, drop by when you’re available. You could stay with us.” Levi said. 
“I will . . . I want to be there with her.” Hange whispered. She gasped because she saw your hand jolt. It was more than a twitch, Hange stood up anticipating for any more movement. “Her hand moved! She can hear us.” Levi grabbed your hand and they both hovered over you. Waiting for any other sign of consciousness. You did not move. Hange brushed your hair with her fingers. “ . . . Y/N, It’s Hange . . . If you can hear me, I love you so much . . .” No movement. No twitching or any indication of consciousness. “I’ll visit you when I can . . .” 
In the morning, Levi and you started traveling to Mitras. Erwin and Darius Zackly ensured to put you in one of the top hospitals in Mitras. Fortunatly you did improve. Your lucid episodes started becoming longer and the periods inbetween shortened. You were not triggered as much. Levi was by your side most of the time.
 Two and a half years later after That Day you, Levi, and the psychologists hit a huge milestone. For six months you were lucid, your triggers no longer  made you panic, scream and kick. You didn’t need to be sedated. You were able to relay the details of That Day without being triggered. Levi was allowed to take you out of the hospital and live togehter in the city. That day was now a painful memory. You didn’t cry when remembering it. Every now and then you would have nightmares about That Day, but when Levi woke you up you knew you were safe. You would calm down and then go back to sleep. 
Two years and nine months after that day, Levi and you officially were married. Though he already considered you his wife, he was elated that it was official. Friends who visited you in the hospital were there. Most of the scouts who you knew attended. Commander Erwin was happy to see you healthy and happy to see Levi happier. Everyone mentioned how happy they were to see you healthy and like your old self. You met Sasha’s boyfriend, Niccolo at the wedding. But when she showed you a ring on her finger you met her fiance. You cheered and jumped up and down excitedly. You planned to hang out for a day with Mikasa and Sasha. Eren wanted to come, but Mikasa told him no. 
Three years after that day, you barely thought of that day. You were free spirited and started to enjoy reading again. You mostly stayed home, cleaning, cooking and doing hobbies. Sometimes when the scouts were in town you’d invite your friends over for dinner. Most of the time you had a quiet and peaceful life. 
Three years and two months later, Levi brought up the idea that he would return to the Survey Corps. You were confused and almost begging him to not return. You didn’t want something to happen to him while he was away with the scouts. You absolutely did not want to go back. You wanted Levi to stay with you and continue the peaceful life you had with him. He agreed that he had everything he wanted. A home, a beautiful wife, a peaceful life on the surface, but he felt like he had a duty to fulfill. That he needed to payback Commander Erwin for helping him with everything he’s done. 
It took a while for you to come around, but you wanted Levi to feel fulfilled. You knew he was capable of doing everything he could to survive. You knew he would come back to you. 
Three and a half years after that day, Levi returned to being Captain of the special operations squad. You would visit each other in your free time. Sometimes you felt lonely, but you lived a peaceful and safe life which is what Levi wanted for you. 
Thank you for reading through the editing mistakes. It takes a good 50 mins to read through this whole story and I just need to study for finals rn LOL
Also i know the villians are random. Lol originally they were going to be Zeke Peick and Galliard but i couldnt imagine them doing shit that dark LMAO
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sonofthesaiyans · 1 month
The girl with no name.....
Okay, I got a question for you all, and I'm itching to see what people come up with. What's a name you think suits our long-lost Jaw Titan and Historia's beloved, Ymir?
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Even knowing where she came from, Ymir's origins still remain an everlasting question mark. There's still so much we never learned about her, and unlike Historia, who reclaimed her name and renounced the legacy of her family, Ymir never had the same luxury. Even before she became a Titan, she had no identity that was rightfully hers....
Even as a child, her name was not her own. As an orphan with no memory of her true family, she was easily manipulated into playing the part of a false idol, her name belonging to Eldia's long forgotten founder.
For this she was stripped of her humanity, turned into a Titan, and left to mindlessly wander Paradis. Even when she finally broke free of this personal hell, she had nothing left to go by but her old title.
Ymir may have eventually conquered these demons and found the strength to be her own person, even helping Historia to do the same.....But it's hard not to wonder what Ymir's real beginnings were. Who her parents were. And what her name might've been. It's truly perplexing how Historia eventually found the will to return to her true name, but we never got any such revelation from Ymir, who has either truly forgotten everything of her life before she was an orphan or has chosen to leave that all in the past.
It truly would've been a powerful moment if she could've reclaimed her past self, all that was taken from her, simply by taking back the one thing that allowed her to live her life on her terms, something that until her chance encounter with the Warriors on Paradis was no longer possible.
That all being said, I want to know what names you all think would suit Ymir, if her true origins were ever finally revealed?
For starters, I will tell you my headcanon name for her, one I came up with with a friend's help a while back: Leah.
I think her name could be Leah. A little trivia, in Hebrew, Leah apparently means "Delicate" or "Weary". Given all that she's been through, I think it fits.
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So now you know mine, what would be yours? First and last names are both fair game. What in your heart fits the one-time holder of the Jaw Titan? Have at it, guys. I truly want to know.
Because, as I so often say: Ymir Deserves Better.
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dreamingon-forever · 1 year
AoT Junior High Love Umbrella Merch
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I can't find much information on these and whether they're official merch, but I just came across AoT Junior High umbrella markers and they seemed to have sorted them in pairs 👀 And you all know that in Japanese stories umbrella sharing indicates love between the users.
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 5 months
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Modern Au, Yandere! Ymir x Female Reader
”Aren’t you guys excited for tomorrows concert?!” Y/N practically screamed into her phone.
”I heard that they’re good but their music isn’t really my type. I’m still happy to go!” Armin said calmly as he stared into the screen.
”I like the rock music they do. It’s..a vibe.” Mikasa mumbled, her chains rattling as she moved a bit.
”Babe, why are you so interested in these losers?” Eren asked as he grabbed a flyer off of his bed. “The Hidden Outsiders? What type of name is that? And aren’t they all gay for each other-“
”Geez babe! Calm down.” Eren muttered as he looked at her through the screen.
”The lead singer is so cool! Her names Ymir and shes got a ton of piercings and I think she has a few small tattoos.” Y/N squealed.
”Still, you wasted so much money on these tickets when you have ME! The fantastic Eren Yeager.” Eren said as he smirked.
”Eren no one wants to hear your seagull screams again..” Armin mumbled.
”I have sensitive ears, please don’t sing.” Mikasa begged. “You sing those weird Tik Tok songs too.”
”STICKING OUT YOUR GYATT FOR THE RIZZLER!” Eren screeched as Mikasa and Armin immediately hung up. “YOUR SO SKIBIDI, what’s next..? Uh YOUR A SIGMA?”
“EREN SHUT UP!” Y/N yelled. “Besides your terrible singing, I was glad to see you baby.” Y/N said.
”Aw thanks my love.” Eren cooed. “If only I wasn’t grounded today. I would have you over and hug and cuddle you so much until you bled out marshmallows.”
”Okay big guy, your pushing it now.” Y/N replied. “Besides, if it wasn’t for me, your mom wouldn’t let you go tomorrow.”
”I’ll see you at that lame concert then.” Eren sighed before saying goodbye and hanging up.
Y/N got up and walked to her wardrobe, choosing her favourite outfit and laying it out nicely to get it pressed. Quickly taking out her shoes, Y/N fixed up her outfit and quickly went to sleep.
Then next day, Y/N woke up got ready for the day and ran some of her moms errands for her to keep herself occupied. As soon as the night arrived, Y/N rushed into her room, got changed and ran to Mikasa’s house. 
Upon arrival, Y/N saw her walking out of her house with a shorter grumpy man. Walking up to the breathless girl, Mikasa handed her a ticket to the concert.
”Hurry up brat.. it’s already late at night.” The man grumbled as he started up his car. “Be grateful I’m even doing this for you.”
”Sorry about my uncle. Sometimes he gets really grumpy at me since he’s old and stuff.” Mikasa muttered. “His names Levi.”
”I’m not old!” Levi yelled from inside the car. “Get in.”
Sitting in the backseat with Mikasa, Y/N texted Eren that they’d be arriving in less than 15 minutes as Levi began to drive. Arriving at the crowded area, Y/N thanked Levi for the ride and quickly ran towards Eren as she hugged him tightly, soon greeting Armin.
”I’m so excited! Let’s get into the lines.” Y/N squealed as she grabbed Erens hand and rushed into the queue. After who knows how long, the group quickly rushed towards the front area where they could see the stage clearly.
”I’m so glad we got in with VIP tickets.” Armin said.
”Yeah! Imagine if we didn’t..  you guys saw those lines didn’t you?” Y/N asked.
”These guys aren’t really my type of musicians but it’ll be good.” Mikasa muttered as she fixed her chain necklace.
”Still don’t know why we are here for our anniversary baby.” Eren said as his arm draped over Y/N’s shoulder. “I could do my own concert-“
”No!” The trio yelled in unison.
”Fine fine! Geez you people have got to calm down.” Eren mumbled under his breath. “Hey loads of fans are coming now, that must mean it’s about to begin right?”
”Yeah. I can’t wait to hear them!” Y/N squealed.
”Let’s take a picture quickly, I’ll send it to you guys.” Armin said as he pulled out his phone and taking a group photo. Soon after, smoke flooded the area as fans cheered loudly as the opening music began playing. 
“Hello [Country Name] !” An energetic voice yelled as the group began walking onto the stage.
”ITS YMIR! OH MY GOD!” Y/N squealed as she gripped Erens hand.
”Thank you all for coming to our show tonight!” Reiner said as girls began screaming at his charming smile.
“Put down your phones and watch with your eyes cause this will be one heck of a concert!” Krista exclaimed into the microphone.
”We hope you enjoy tonight!” Bertolt mumbled before speaking up. Everyone began cheering before they started playing the opening of one of their songs.
As the songs were being played and sung, the constant stare on Y/N bothered her. She could feel as though someone was watching her every move even though everyone was watching the celebrities ahead.
Looking towards the stage, she saw Ymir staring right at her whilst she sung the song and played her guitar. Looking away, Y/N continued to enjoy the music along with her friends until the end of the concert.
”Thank you all so much for coming to tonight! We hope you all enjoyed-“ Reiner began to announce.
”Before we take our leave, you in the front. The pretty one.” Ymir said as she grabbed her microphone and walked towards them, squatting to get a better view. The crowd began to scream at her movements, causing Ymir to smirk.
”Me?” Y/N asked to her.
”Yeah you, can I get your number? You’re really my type y’know.” Ymir said before the crowd screamed even louder.
”Uh well, I already have a boyfriend.. “ Y/N mumbled as she held Erens hand.
”Sorry about that, but this pretty lady is already taken.” Eren said as he kissed Y/N’s cheek. The crowd began to coo at the couple as did the other members of the band. Ymir only scoffed quietly before standing up again.
”Ah, at least I asked!” She laughed out, trying to shake off the anger.
”Thank you all for coming! We hope to see you all soon!” Bertolt spoke into his microphone before all of them left the stage.
Leaving the stadium, Y/N swung her hand with Eren and kissed him goodbye before hopping into Levi’s car with Mikasa.
”What took you all so long?” Levi asked.
”It’s a concert.” Mikasa bluntly answered. “What did you expect us to do?”
”Whatever.. some drunk people started knocking on my damn window. Asking for my damn number.” Levi muttered before driving off.
The drive was as slow as Y/N stared out of the window and looked up at the stars were scattered across the dark sky. Making it home, Y/N thanked them for the ride before getting out and walking into her house.
”Hi honey.” M/N called out from the kitchen. “How was the concert?”
”It was awesome mom! The lead singer even talked to me!” Y/N said as she walked over to her mom.
”Lucky you! Your father isn’t home yet so you should get to bed before he scolds you.” M/N said.
”Alright then. Good night mom!” Y/N replied as she hugged her mom, quickly heading to her room afterwards.
Falling into her bed, Y/N sighed as she grabbed her phone and looked texted Eren ‘Good Night my Monkey.’ Soon after she received a message saying ‘Good night my NoogieBoogie 🥰’. Laughing at Erens humour, Y/N turned off her phone and went to sleep, not bothering to change her clothes.
The next morning, Y/N got up tired and got changed into her uniform quickly before heading out of the house and straight to school. Walking along the sidewalk, Y/N felt a lingering stare as she continued heading to her school. 
Turning around to see, the cars had all been parked as usual and no one else seemed to be around except for the other students walking to school.
Days went by and the same feeling of being stalled stayed with Y/N. Despite telling her parents, her father told her that no one would be doing such a thing to a school girl.
However, Eren was much more help as he started walking to school with her and making sure to drop her off. His bad behaviour continued which led to him having his mother to punish him by grounding him once again.
”Y/N my pookie wookie bear. How about you come over whilst my mom and dad go out?” Eren asked on the call.
”I don’t know.. your mom said you are grounded and it would be bad if we went against her words.” Y/N said.
”She said I’m not allowed to go to anyone’s house. But she didn’t say anything about anyone coming over!” Eren exclaimed.
”Alright, when are they leaving?” Y/N asked as she slipped her shoes on.
”In ten minutes, you should start walking now.” Eren replied.
”Alright then, I’ll see you in a bit. And don’t call me that!” Y/N scolded before hanging up and leaving the house.
Walking to his house, Y/N felt none of the lingering stares and felt more relaxed as she calmly walked along the sidewalk. Crossing the road, Y/N turned a corner and walked down the lane before reaching Erens house.
Walking up to the door, she had seen it nearly torn off. Unsure of what to do next, Y/N hesitantly stepped in before raising her voice out.
”E-Eren.?! Are you home?” Y/N asked as she walks into the ransacked living room. “If this is a p-prank then you need to stop!”
Loud noises could be heard upstairs which led to Y/N slowly walking up the creaky stairs, soon standing in front of Erens room. The noises were louder than before and voices could be heard mocking someone as if they were intentionally trying to hurt them.
Suddenly a large figure was standing in a different doorway causing Y/N to step back and look at it.
”R-Reiner?! What’re you doing in this house.?” Y/N asked as he looked at her. The sounds from within the room stopped as the door swung open, revealing Bertolt.
”What’re you all doing here?!” Y/N yelled as she tried to run down the stairs only to be grabbed by Reiner from the arm. “Let me go!”
”Bring her in and leave. All of you.” A similar voice called out from inside Erens room.
”Let go of me! You’re all mad! Crazy!” Y/N screamed out as Reiner dragged her into the room. Looking up she saw Eren ,tied to a chair which had tipped over, beaten to the point were he was close to death. Beside him was Krista and Ymir, who held a bloody baseball bat in her hand.
”Hello Y/N.” Ymir said as she got up and dropped her bat. “Sit down please.” Watching the other three members leave the room, Y/N rushed towards Eren and held his hand tightly.
”You’re all monsters! How could you do this-“ Y/N yelled out only to be pulled back by the collar.
”What did I say doll? I said to sit.” Ymir muttered as she threw her away from Eren. “You don’t want me to hit your boyfriend for every time you misbehave do you?”
”I-I no! Please just leave him alone! I’ll do anything just stop hurting him!” Y/N cried out as she saw Ymir smash Eren with her baseball bat.
”Anything? You can be so beautiful yet so stupid Y/N.” Ymir mocked as she grabbed her face. “You’d do anything for a silly boy who uses you?”
”Eren doesn’t do that! He loves me and I love him, I don’t get why you’re so mad about it!” Y/N exclaimed angrily.
“Why I’m so mad? You kept staring at me in your slutty outfit and that night and have the audacity to tell me you have a boyfriend in front of the whole damn crowd!” Ymir yelled as she grabbed onto Y/N’s hair.
Erens muffled cries grew louder as he watched helplessly from behind them. Y/N breathed heavily as Ymir came closer and closer to her face, before smirking.
”You need to be punished.” Ymir mumbled before lifting Y/N over her shoulders and tossing her onto the bed.
”No! Stop it! Help me! Someone help me-“ Y/N cried out before Ymirs lips crashed down into hers, quickly pulling away and slapping a hand over her mouth.
”Shut up. You’re louder than that idiot.” Ymir grumbled as she grabbed both of Y/N’s hands and held them above her head.
Yanking Y/N’s skirt off with her teeth, her panties came off with it revealing her cunt. Ymir stared at the dry cunt that laid before her, quickly placing the tip of her nose near it before latching onto it with her tongue.
Y/N’s muffled moans vibrated against Ymir’s hand causing her to stick her fingers into Y/N’s mouth.
”Suck on them. You love moaning don’t you? Moan around my fingers you pretty girl.” Ymir ordered.
Eren lay helplessly as he sobbed his heart out, unable to get free or even see his beloved girlfriend in their last moment.
As she finally cummed into Ymir’s mouth, Y/N breathed heavily as Ymir moved her fingers out of Y/N’s mouth. Rolling up her sleeve, Ymir stuck her fingers straight into Y/N’s cunt and swirled it around as Y/N’s moans erupted into the room.
”Such a pretty slut.” Ymir mumbled into Y/N’s ear before kissing her on the lips again.
A/N: that was my first time writing a sec scene… tell me your honest opinions on it :P
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ukeshik · 1 month
I bought a new book and the characters on the cover remind me a lot of Eren and Historia (that's the only reason I bought it, lol).
And in general, I believe that Eren could have dated Historia at school, looking for some kind of feminine sweet girl, since he always had a rather belligerent Mikasa at his side, and he said the opposite of her.
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Inscription: «love hate between us»
Just look at them. It so Eren Yaeger, omg.
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stargirlie-sharon · 8 months
attack on titan/shingeki no kyojin masterlist ☆
Requests are - CLOSED! (1 request pending.)
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request rules! please read before you send a request.
note: characters from season 4 will not be included in this! maybe i'll add them in the future, but who knows!
Eren Jaeger
Eren x Sibling! Reader (Platonic!) (Coming soon!)
Mikasa Ackerman
Nothing yet!
Armin Arlert
Armin x Reader Panic Attack Comfort
Sasha Braus
Nothing yet! <3
Connie Springer
Nothing yet! <3
Jean Kirstein
Nothing yet! <3
Annie Leonhardt
Nothing yet! <3
Christa Lenz/Historia Reiss
Nothing yet! <3
Nothing yet! <3
Hange Zoe
Nothing yet! <3
Levi Ackerman
Nothing yet! <3
Erwin Smith
Erwin x Reader Comfort Headcanons
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bryhaven · 2 years
Why "The Rumbling" is actually a message for Historia
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Okay, let me begin by saying that I don't ship EreHisu. But as I was checking on clips to make new AMVs again, I noticed something with the lyrics of this particular OP and all the relevant scenes from the anime suddenly came to mind. Hence, this post.
Not sure if anyone else, especially an EH shipper, already made such an analysis but here it is anyway.
𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝐼 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑑𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝐼 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔
A King's wife/pair is a Queen. And who is the Queen in this series? Historia.
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𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝐼 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐼 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑏 𝑎 𝑘𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑒
Yes, Eren did save Mikasa using a knife. But...
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𝑊𝑒’𝑟𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔, 𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑢𝑝 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡
Eren and Historia were talking about kids. Multiple times.
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Also, I'd just like to add that I find it sus for this scene in both manga and anime to come right after Zeke asks the below question. Which I know EH shippers are already aware of.
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𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑒? 𝐴𝑚 𝐼 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝐼 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒? 𝑁𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡’𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒 𝑁𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡’𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒 𝑁𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡’𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒
Eren concealed his plans from the others except for Floch and Historia. But more importantly, the lyrics would match the expressions and conversation here. Eren doesn't seem like he used to be in Historia's eyes, and she is questioning him.
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𝐼𝑓 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙, 𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦
But of course, Eren has already decided and he will not change his mind.
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ocean-eyed-lovers · 6 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir of the 104th, 104th Training Corps Ensemble & Eren Yeager Characters: Ymir of the 104th (Shingeki no Kyojin), Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover, Marco Bott, Annie Leonhart, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirstein, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer, Sasha Blouse Additional Tags: Ymir of the 104th Lives (Shingeki no Kyojin), Bertolt Hoover Lives, Marco Bott Lives, Everyone lives, for now tho 😈, Marco Bott is Freckled Jesus, Everyone Needs A Hug, Betrayal, Nationalism, Discrimination Against Eldians (Shingeki no Kyojin) Summary:
"Annie, take off Marco's ODM gear." "No." "Annie, you-" "I SAID NO."
During the battle of Trost, Annie makes a distressing discovery that changes the tides of the warriors' lives. Their mission on Paradis starts to feel meaningless... Fed up with Marley's lies, the Warriors decide to fight side by side with the Island Devils, to try and find new meanings to their tortuous lives.
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kittenfangirl20 · 10 months
How Eren and Historia in my AOT High School started to date
Jean: Hey Raccoon Eyes, Krista wants to talk to you right by the entrance of the library.
*at this point Historia’s father was still making her go by the name Krista*
Eren: Thanks Horse Face, I will go see what she wants.
*Eren leaves while Jean looks annoyed, when Eren sees Historia, his heart is slamming against his chest, he always had a crush on her, but ever since the memories of his old life and world returned to him, that crush developed into the love he had for her in that old life*
Eren: Historia?
Historia: How did you know that was my real name?
*Historia wants Eren to reveal that he knows about the old life they had when they fought Titans since she had recently regained those memories, but when Eren gave a nervous little shrug, she knew he wouldn’t say anything*
Historia: It doesn’t matter, I just wanted you to know that I have liked you for such a long time, I think I even love you. I want you for my boyfriend, I want to take you on a date this weekend.
*most people who talked like that usually sounded arrogant, but to Eren, Historia’s words felt genuine*
Eren: What about Ymir, people always say that she is practically married to you.
*Eren’s fingernails cut into the palm of his hands, he thought that when he made this new life with everyone, Eren feared that Historia would choose Ymir over him this time*
Historia: I have always been attracted to both boys and girls. I also admit to a little bit of an attraction to Ymir, but it is you I want.
*Historia still thinks of Ymir leaving with the Warriors of Marley in their old life, which still hurt*
Eren: The I would love to be your boyfriend.
*Eren smiles for the first time since he regained those memories which makes Historia smile too*
*I can see Jean in this AU call Eren Raccoon Eyes for the eye makeup he wears and I imagine him being the Class President and an Honor Role Student with how ambitious he was, don’t worry I will find a way for Ymir to be happy in this AU
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kawaiibaphomet · 2 years
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A modern Erehisu ❤️ the bad boy concept on Eren looks too good not to draw 😊
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levi501ackerman · 5 months
Allegiance: Part 1 | Levi x Reader
Summary: You're a wealthy citizen from Stohess. When the survey corps are in the city, you can't help but fall for a cute captain.
Word Count: 2.7k
Megan's Note: Song correlated: Cola by Lana Del Rey. Okay This is going to have to be multiple parts because it's already pretty long and I'm not even near the end. Posted: 4/25/24
You grew up in a large home never worrying about your next meal and you never cleaned anything yourself. Your parents had people employed to do so. Your family was one of many other families who could afford MPs to guard and escort your family. While growing up, MPs escorted you to school, shops, and friends' homes. You wore clothes that fit you right and were cleaned properly. There was food when you wanted and life was easy for you. Your family required you to attend Einrich College and you got a degree in chemistry. Though they did not care about having you employed they just wanted you to remain a person with higher education. They didn’t mind you living at home and they wanted you to marry a man with a similar background. 
You were fortunate enough to be a free-spirited person. You didn’t worry about titans coming to Stohess because of how close to the center your family lived. Most of your time was spent reading, writing, shopping, and being with friends. 
One day your father told you the survey corps was coming to the Military Police Head Quarters in Stohess. The family was going to going to be in attendance at the gala. You and your friends grew up thinking highly of the military and the survey corps. They were so brave and cool for going beyond the walls. However, your adoration for the survey corps depleted around the age of twelve. Your parents prohibited you from joining the cadet corp because they wanted you to attend Einrich College. 
When you were at the gala you stood by your parents like you usually did. You were polite to everyone your parents introduced to and made small talk with each official your parents knew.
“I want to introduce you to my good old pal Erwin Smith.” Your dad said to your mother and then glanced at you. You followed your mother and father toward a small group of people who didn’t look social. A guy with dark hair caught your eye. He had one hand in his pocket and he sipped his tea cup then put it behind him on the table. He was kind of cute. He noticed you looking at him and you offered a soft smile. He didn’t return one. “Commander Erwin of the Survey Corp!” Your father greeted a blonde-haired older man. To your surprise, he hugged your dad. 
“Warren L/N! Long time no see.” Your father and he both had warm smiles. It must have been nice for your father to see a friend from his past. 
“Erwin this is my wife, Cordelia L/N.” Your father motioned towards your mother who respectfully held out a handshake. 
“Commander Erwin Smith, nice to meet you.” She said sweetly.
“Please I’m just Erwin to you.” Then he looked at you next. All you could do was smile. 
“Erwin this is my daughter, Y/N,” Your father said. 
“Y/N, nice to meet you,” Erwin said to you and you stuck out your hand like how your mother did. 
“Y/N graduated from Einrich College with a degree in chemistry.” Your father said and you felt slightly embarrassed because you hated when your parents explained you didn’t need a job. “She was fairly vested in becoming a scout when she was younger.” You looked at the man with black hair to see his reaction. He was just staring at you. His attractive gaze made it hard for you to look at him any longer than a second. 
“I bet you would’ve been a wonderful scout, Y/N,” Erwin said encouragingly. 
“Poor girl can’t even run for more than five minutes.” Your father joked. 
“That’s not true, father.” You said trying to not sound annoyed in front of the attractive man. 
“Chemistry though? You must be easily able to find a secure job.” Erwin suggested and you started feeling embarrassed. 
“Oh, she’s smart, but she hasn’t worked a day in her life. Y/N doesn’t need to get a job.” Your mother said lightly but the shame felt heavy. You stayed quiet and couldn’t look at anyone in the eye. 
“I’ve been interested in jobs. I just haven’t found anything that interests me.” You said.
“Well, section commander Hange Zoe—” Erwin motioned to the cute woman next to him. “—studies and experiments on captured titans.” Your parents greeted and shook her hand. She seemed fairly inviting and energetic.
“Yes, titans have interested me—” You noticed the man with the dark hair roll his eyes. “—ever since I kicked a head and it was super light! We haven’t done much biological research on the titans. However, any information we collect is one step closer to solving their mysteries!” She said enthusiastically. 
“Wow, I didn’t think there was a branch of the survey corp that experimented on the titans.” You said. You could feel the obsession with the survey corp from your youth slightly return. Only if. 
“Yup! Just me and my assistant Moblit! We captured many titans!” Hange said.
“Are you looking for another research assistant?” You asked, thinking it could be a great opportunity to be in the survey corps.
“Unfortunately, Hange’s research is only a small part of the survey corps. You would still need to graduate from the Cadet Corp to be Hange’s assistant.” Erwin said earnestly. You looked at your parents who didn’t let you join. Erwin seemed like he understood that you wanted to join if you had the choice. 
“Well, I guess I could always join later right? There’s no age limit?” 
“You’d most likely be with a bunch of twelve to fifteen-year-olds. Not something you would enjoy.” Your father said.
“But I’d only be with them for three years and then I could make friends with people my age.” You said. 
“Captain Levi joined a little unconventionally.” Erwin motioned to the guy with dark hair. Captain Levi. So that’s his name. 
“Nice to meet you, Captain Levi.” You said holding out your hand eager for him to touch you. He looked at your hand and then your eyes. Then he shook your hand. Your heartbeat increased a little. “You joined the cadet corps older than the average?” 
“Again he joined the survey corp unconventionally. I recruited him because he excelled with the ODM gear by teaching himself.” Erwin said. You had to face the fact that you missed the age to join the survey corp. You realized deep down you wouldn’t enjoy being with twelve-year-olds like your father said.
“Wow, you taught yourself? That’s really impressive.” You said and looked into his eyes. You hoped he thought he found you pretty. “You are all a smart group of people. How long has it been since you last saw my dad, Commander Erwin?” 
“Over maybe twenty years?” Erwin turned to your father.
“Huh, time flies.” Your father said.
“Could they come over for dinner, Father?” You asked hoping for more time to get to know the three. “It would give you more time to catch up? And I could get to know more about Hange’s experiments?” Hange’s face lit up and you looked at Levi who had the same expression on his face. “Maybe we could get to know each other more.” You eyed him up and down despite him not seeming to warm up to you. You wanted him to know you found him attractive. 
“Why not?! Erwin are you and your officials available to come over and eat before leaving Stohess?” Your Father asked wholeheartedly. 
“I think we’ll have time in two evenings,” Erwin said.
“We could have chicken—” Your mother started.
“Mother no! Let’s have braised beef.” You said.
During the rest of the gala, you couldn’t help yourself from glancing at the survey corps. A few times Levi and you locked eyes. You wanted to keep looking at him but remained focused on every one your parents introduced you to. Why did your father have to mention you barely being able to run? Sure you didn’t run much, but you could improve if you worked at it. Now Levi only knows that you have poor stamina. You needed to find a way to make a good impression on Levi. Perhaps a small gift would make him remember you? And you have a day to find one before the survey corp came over for dinner. 
The following day, you begged your mom to disregard your intention to interrupt reading time. You wanted to go shopping in town to find something for Levi. When you told your mom about wanting to find a small gift for Levi she teased you. You instantly regretted it, however, she let you miss reading time to go into town. You asked her to promise you that she won’t tell Levi about the gift until you give it to him. Your mother had one condition about going into town. She told you that you had to have MPs escort you.
In your teen years, you’ve argued with your parents that there was no need for the Military Police to escort you. After graduating from Einrich College you were especially adamant about it. Most of the time it was a losing battle. 
You combed your hair and made sure it lay nicely. You put on pearls and made sure your clothes looked nice. You put on a nice full-length dress that hasn’t been worn yet. The dress made your hair color look pretty and stand out. 
When you were heading to leave you thought you could sneak out the front door without the MPs. Of course, they followed you and you rolled your eyes because your mother assigned two. One would have been enough. The two MPs with you have been the few employed with your family most of your life. 
When walking through the shops with the MPs following you, nothing caught your eye for what Levi may like. It was a gamble because you didn’t know much about him. You wanted to find something small and something he could have with him at all times to remember you. You hoped Levi would like the gift and then start falling for you. Though he did not seem like the kind of guy your parents wanted you to marry. He was a high-ranking official for the survey corps though.
When walking out of a clothing shop you spotted Erwin across the street. He seemed to be alone, no Levi or Hange with him 
“Commander Erwin!” You waved and then ran after him the MPs shouted at you not to run and they burst after you. “Hi, commander! Are you out shopping? Are you alone?” He seemed surprised to see you and he glanced at the MPs on either side of you.
“Hello Y/N. Nice day isn’t it?” He said politely. 
“Yes! Is Levi here?” You asked. “And Hange?” 
“They’re nearby. Possibly getting something in that shop over there,” Erwin pointed at a small cafe that you’ve been to many times. 
“It’s so nice to see you! I’m excited for you to come over tomorrow. I’m just in town to buy a gift for Levi but DON’T TELL HIM!” You said excitedly.
“A gift?” Erwin furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Yes! But please don’t tell him!” You said. He laughed at your youth.
“I won’t.”
“Thanks! I’m going to talk to him and Hange! See you tomorrow!” You waved and dashed off to the cafe along with the MPs being forced to chase after you. 
“MISS L/N! STOP RUNNING!” They yelled. When you got to the cafe in the window you saw Levi and Hange inside. They were sitting at a table with a small plate of treats and cups of tea. Your heart raced. Levi looked so cute sitting there. You turned to the MPs you had known most of your life.
“Do I look okay?” You asked.
“Yes, Miss L/N. Please no more running.” 
“I’m sorry,” You said. When you walked in the owner who had known you most of your life gave you a big smile when he spotted you. 
“Miss L/N! Your usual?” He asked and you saw Levi and Hange looking at you. You waved at them and you grinned. 
“Yes thank you!” You walked over to Levi and Hange. Hange looked excited to see you and Levi looked normal. “Hi Hange, hi Levi.”
“Y/N! What a coincidence!” Hange cheerfully said. 
“Hi,” Levi said and sipped his tea. They both glanced at the MPs on either side of you. 
“Are you drinking the black tea?” You asked. “This place has the best black tea! I’ve come here since I was a child.”
“Yes, it’s good,” Levi said.
“Wonderful!” You said. “I’m excited for you guys to come over for dinner! I know you’ll like the braised beef!” 
“What are you doing in town?” Hanged asked.
“I’m out shopping!” Levi rolled his eyes and though you didn’t feel offended, you knew soon he would be grateful for the gift you’re going to find. “Hey, it’s rude to roll your eyes!” You shoved his shoulder playfully yet hard enough to catch him off guard. Hange laughed. 
“She got you there, Levi.” 
“Yeah Levi, good thing my parents didn’t let me in the cadet corp, I would beat you up.” You said hoping he would laugh. Hange did. 
“Not bad for a spoiled brat like you.” He said with a smirk and wiped off his shoulder. 
“Hey, I’m not a spoiled brat!” You shoved him a little harder. 
“Miss L/N, he’s humanity's strongest soldier.” One of your MPs said chuckling.
“Yeah, well, that’s only because I’m not in the military regiment.” You and Hange laughed. “Are you guys enjoying Stohess? What do you think of the town?” You asked. The owner of the cafe brought over your usual: a chocolate pastry. “Thank you!” Then the kind owner brought over a chair for you to sit on. 
“It’s a nice district, very clean,” Hange said. You looked to Levi and raised his eyebrows waiting for a response. 
“Very clean is correct.” You found his voice fairly attractive. 
“Wonderful! Stohess is one of the districts with great architecture too.” You said. You started splitting your chocolate pastry into three equal parts. “Here try this it’s delicious!” You offered to Hange and Levi.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Hange said and took a bite. She moaned. Levi took a bite too.
“It’s tasty, thank you,” Levi said.
“You liked that? I don’t think it’s hard to make. Maybe I can try to learn to make it for you.” You said with hope and Levi just stared at you. You smiled at him and noticed him looking up and down at you. Your heart skipped a beat because it seemed like he was checking you out. “I’m excited for you guys to come over tomorrow and I can get to know you both more! I’d love to hear more about your experiments with the titans!” Hange perked up.
“Yes, I am ready for any questions you have. Perhaps your knowledge in chemistry will provide some ideas on gathering more information about the titans?”
“Oh I’m not sure about that, but I’ll do my best.” You noticed the door of the cafe open and Erwin stepping in. Suddenly you felt a wave of embarrassment when he looked at you and then at Levi. “Okay, I should get back to my shopping! I’ll see you tomorrow night then?! Bye!”
“Bye Y/N!” Hange said. You rush off with your MPs following you.
“Bye Commander Erwin!” You rushed off not giving a chance for him to speak.
You spent the rest of the day looking for something for Levi. As the sun started going behind the wall it felt hopeless. Nothing seemed like something Levi would like. The MPs suggested making your way back home, but you kept bargaining for just one more store. While walking past a window display of a store, you realized you may have found your gift. It was a little unconventional, but maybe Levi will remember you even when he leaves Stohess. It was perfect he could always keep your gift with him and it was small. Levi will never forget you after you give him your gift.
Part 2 masterlist
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sonofthesaiyans · 7 months
To the gal who is most deserving of a second chance, Happy Birthday Ymir. 🎂
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There is so much to be said about Ymir, she is without at doubt one of the most intriguing and and perplexing characters in Attack on Titan. There's so much we don't know about her, even her real name remains a mystery. For me, Ymir was set up to be a much bigger player in the war to unravel the mystery of the Titans, and her story to me is one that demands an urgent continuation in some form.
Ymir definitely holds a special place in the story, she often comes off as cold and distant, and one to take particular pleasure in messing with the few friends she has in the 104th. Her motivations are never clear and she's an incredibly hard person to read, but then again many of my favorites elsewhere also fit that bill. Her one constant companion is Historia, and to call them an odd couple would be a huge understatement. It is however very entertaining to see how they play off each other, with Historia constantly in a balancing act with Ymir's more jaded attitude towards all that's going down with the Scouts.
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While Ymir may be cold, distant and detached a lot of the time, she isn't without heart and has come through for Historia and the others several times when it really mattered. She has been through hell and back, having easily one of the most messed up backstories of any of the Scouts. Literally everything Ymir knew from her past life in Marley is long gone, she doesn't even remember her own family. And was condemned to an existence by Marley that nobody should have to suffer. Ymir literally has nothing to lose, with the people of Paradis being the first chance she has had to escape her long personal hell.
Ymir as the Jaw Titan was an impressive reveal, and she could seriously have helped level the playing field against the Warriors and the Marleyans. Her unique bond with Historia would have been all the more interesting to see develop after Historia assumed her rightful place as the Queen of the Eldians. And let's be real, nobody wanted to see Historia end up with some nameless , faceless farmer who she may not even have been attracted to in the first place. Ymir and Historia both have similarly tragic backgrounds where they essentially had no family left to turn to, with only each other to fill the void. Theirs was a rocky relationship that nonetheless shone brightly......Certainly more than Eren and Mikasa ever did, and I stand by that, people.
For me personally, Ymir's long absence and ultimate fate was one of Titan's biggest bad calls, we all expected more. And we absolutely deserved more, she is undoubtedly one of the story's biggest missed opportunities. And now we're left to fill in the blanks as to what the full story behind her is.
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There's something really compelling about Ymir, even at her worst she was still a good person deep down, and one who deserved that chance to escape the insanity that robbed her of so much. I wanted to see her relationship develop with the other Scouts, and to see how she evolved as the Jaw Titan. Feels like the story we should have gotten with all that was set up around her was sacrificed for something that denied her her chance to shine.
I want to know more about Ymir, I want to connect with her more strongly, I want to know what her whole story is and see what might have been. I think Ymir could've easily carried a plot of comparable caliber to Eren's. It was all there, they had everything they needed.....Now somebody needs to step in and do what Hajime Isayama failed to take advantage of. Show the man how it's REALLY done.
For now, best wishes to the girl who so richly deserved a second chance to live a life that was all her own, to find the freedom she never had. I only hope one day she truly does get another chance. 💚 ⚔️ 💚 ⚔️ 💚
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And to close that out, a special shoutout to the incredibly talented Elizabeth Maxwell, who we have to thank for giving her voice to this amazing character. I can only hope she too might one day get another chance to do so again.
Thanks for the amazing picture, Liz! It was truly an honor to have shared our appreciation of Ymir with you. ❤️
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levisecretgfblog · 1 year
I can't take it it's so beautiful..
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Real talk now..
People get really triggerd by EreHisu.. for some reason. They say Historia is a lesbian, which was never confirmed to my knowledge (and they never provide a source). She could be bisexual. When asked how do they know she isn't bi, they say:
"Historia is a lesbian because she didn't show any interest in men" this makes no sense.
No character in AoT shows any interest in anyone besides their love interest. Historia had a female love interest and she didn't show interest in other females. Mikasa never showed interest in anyone but Eren, but ya'll wouldn't overrule the possibility that she's bisexual. Connie, hange, and many more don't show any interest in anyone but those same people don't jump to label them as aro/ace and straight up harass shippers and artists because of it. Because AoT isn't like other anime when characters are constantly lust after the gender they're attracted to. No one shows any interest in any character besides their love interest.
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