#Erik’s home in genosha
yandere-wishes · 4 months
⭒ㅤׂ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ʟɪꜰᴇㅤׂ ⭒
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⭒⌒★ Yandere! X-Men x Reader ★⌒⭒
゜。♡ 𝓔𝔁𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 ♡ 。 ゜
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˚୨♡୧˚Magneto - Erik Lehnsherr | مگنیتو - اریک لنشر 
Techno graces your body in lieu of veins. Wires coiling like arteries should. You use it to mimic him, embody him, be him. His starry-eyed parody. Erik needs you to be more, to be everything he -and everybody else- could never be. You are synthetic and sacred in every way, you are the future he so desperately craves. 
He can't help seeing them when he looks at you. The reverend wraiths of tortured adoration speak to him through your eyes. He sees a bit of everyone inside you, Charles, Raven, Rogue... their faces flashing like holy ghosts. You have too many constellations inside of you, all on the verge of erupting. It keeps him up at night, especially when you're curled up on your side of the bed, asleep and oblivious. 
"You will save us, little one, you will be the savior we have longed for"
He feels the centuries rolling through him, desperately lost, trying to find his way back to a home he never even knew. Maybe that's why he kneels, brushing his lips across your knuckles tracing each vein in hopes that'll lead him back to a place he's only ever seen in his dreams. I'll stay lost, I'll wait for you to find me. He knows you will, you'll do anything for him. He's sure of it. 
Genosha asks for a queen, demands it really. It's funny how these things work. Funny how those who rule the world are so intent on destroying it. Kingdoms aren't built in a day yet they can so easily be toppled in one. In turn, Magento asks you. Who else? It's his one cardinal tenet, you are the savior he could never be. The one his people, your people, need. Erik rolls your name between his lips, relishing as the syllables melt on his tongue. There's a magnetic pull to 'queen' it tastes like a hallowed prayer. "My queen" he whispers in your ear, his tongue sending sparks up the cartilage shell. Magneto pins you to his lap, keeping you tethered to his strong body. His fingers run lines up your hips indulging in your presence. You don't squirm although he suspects you want to. his lips lower, kissing your jugular and savoring the ungainly moan that slips past your pretty lips. "M-Magneto" He's only now realizing you've never called him by his birthname, maybe cause in some way you find it treacherous that he should bear such a human thing. He may see you as salvation, yet you've always gazed at him with the pietistic eyes of a zealous worshipper. 
"Use your power, feel the magnetic pull flowing through you."
"You're overcomplicating it again, master, I just need to command that which I need lifted."
You've always been a rebellious student. The sardonic irony isn't lost on him, Magneto finds it fitting that he should master such an intricate pupil.
He wonders if you can forgive him for the bodies he's scattered in your name. From this far up he doubts you notice the broken bodies littering the concrete. He'll do it all again, anything to keep your distractions at bay. His kind needs a leader, not another sanctimonious hero.
You will be their savior.
You will be his queen.
♠️🂱♠️Gambit - Remy Lebeau | گمبیت - رمی لیبو
Remy wonders if the king ever longs to be stacked with the queen. Holding his breath every time the cards are shuffled. Praying that this time, this time for sure, he'll be next to her. Gambit's holding his breath too. There's a lively lilt when you giggle, he wonders if you truly grasp how much he means every word. "Mon Cheri, you know you're the only one for me." It sounds so childish, so jejune and Gambit knows he's too old for school-boy crushes. But he can't help it, he's desperate too, just another aspirant king vying for the attention of his red queen. 
You once told him the blacks of his eyes remind you of a starry night sky back home. He thinks about that too much. About the sting of your hand on his shoulder and how good it felt sitting crooked in his bones. So that's why an ace surpasses the king. There is only, one who holds power. Maybe it's never been about the queen or the king or the royal house. It's been the Ace all along. Remy only has one heart, he knows he only has one ace too. There was an ace of hearts on your nightstand this morning, you don't recall how it got there. 
Remy's kisses are too explosive, they hold all the weight of a dying star. Yet the force never ceases, it feeds off the detonations only growing stronger, you think you'll be consumed in this kinetic nova he calls love. 
-`X´- Cyclops - Scott Summers | سیکلوپ - سکات سامرز
There's a shutter of loneliness crawling up his spine. He knows you feel it too. Scott bends and breaks under its crushing weight. You've always been there, tangible, solid. You're the living metaphor for a rock in a raging river. He just can't find the right words yet. You can't see his eyes, you can't withstand his power. But you can be there holding his hand through it all. 
'Is this selfishness'? Scott wonders and he kisses you under a dying moon. He's never had anything to call his own, nothing that stayed for long anyway. He's snuffed out his desires his whole life. His place is with the X-men, playing the no-choice hero of a thankless story. But you, you're still here, you never left. Even now you stand still as his lips taint yours. He feels your fear, undue thing that it is. But he can't let you go not when everything is always marred in endless red monochrome and melancholy. Not when the only blessing the universe had ever given him comes in the shape of you. He's so tired of only ever knowing the life of a perfect toy soldier. 'Stay' he begs you between each kiss, each touch. Please just stay. Ease his pain.
☽✭☾ Wolverine - Logan Howlett | ولورین - لوگان هاولت
He's been alive longer than he cares to count. Running from one hell to another. He remembers your ghost, essence weaving between places too blurred to be graced with a name. But he remembers you, he swears he does. It's just that time is so fickle and so few can withstand its crushing tides. 
"How have you been, Logan?" 
"I..ah... fine, just fine." 
When he looks at you he can't believe the changes. There's no trace of the rosy cheecked little girl who used to chase demons in the snowbanks. Playing hide and seek with every stray in the neighborhood. That's good, he thinks, he likes this refined dignitary better, somehow it brings out your eyes. There's a feral gaze when he looks at you, he thought he was over that. He feels the pulsing of his heart reverberate through his claws. It brings back something less than memories, something nostalgic, yet all so distant it may as well have been the sent of his childhood home. It's not right he thinks, as his claws trace your curves trying to feel something he knows is lost. You quiver, trying to make yourself smaller and he knows, he knows he shouldn't do this. But there are just so many pieces missing and he's never tried to look for any of them. Maybe just this once he can delude himself into remembering. 
˚ʚ★ɞ˚ Nightcrawler - Kurt Wagner | شب خزنده - کورت واگنر
Not too long ago this used to be fine. He's always been better within shadows, letting the soft dark weave around his body. Obscurity has always felt like a second home, a haven in everything but consistency. You speak in italics, talking and talking without understanding what he shoulders. If he didn't deem it blasphemy, Kurt would gladly dub himself Eros.
You would be Psyche. Oblivious, sweet Psyche.
Kurt longs to kiss your cheek, he knows it'll only starve him for more. He wonders how soft your hands will feel. If you'll You cradle his face nails tracing the sharp point of his ears, his fangs, the jagged scar he got from dreaming of you in the danger room. Will you grace him with a kiss? Something to relinquish the anguish stirring within. This should be fine, you're talking to him, laughing with him as he remains hidden within the dark. And yet how can he see this as anything less than retribution? You're so close, just a breath away. If only he could reach out and...
۵𓋹۵ Apocalypse - En Sabah Nur | آپآکلپژ- ان صباح نور
Your heartbeat sounds all too familiar. He used to hear it a thousandfold walking down the Bazaar's street. It's dead now, the noise, the rapture, the music. He wonders what went right for your heart to beat to such a lost tune?  He remembers once hearing that pain travels through families until it lands on the right generation. He's glad fate picked you. He's glad you share the same ancient burdens.
He puts the stars in the sky.
You've been warned against worshipping false idols so blindly.
Yet how can one not fall at his feet?
He who makes the earth tremble and mighty cower. 
He who seems to know everything you do not. 
Your fingers thread through his hair. It's too black, like staring at a moonless sky in December. You wonder if the eternal ebony is what gives Apocolypse his cynical edge. He laughs at the comment as he melts into your familiar touch."Thank you" he mutters. His pride laces every word twisting them into something metaphysical. Nur wonders if you catch the true sentiment behind the words. If the sand and stars make it through. 
You're too archaic for this time Nur thinks as he watches you run across the fields. The other mutants are there, persistent in the games you all play. In his time he'd have already declared you his wife. Do you know the ancient ceremonies? Would you have gifted him gold or flesh? The yearning builds in his throat. Maybe he should have stayed dead. 
Apocolypse lingers the days away in your room, plotting, scheming. You keep him hidden like a blood secret. He's the only one who seems to understand where your power comes from, where you come from. " I could win against you...someday" Your fingers glow igniting a forgotten glow, Nur can't help but laugh as he traces the curve of your spine. " I don't doubt you could, beloved." His blue lips are on the length of your neck. Everything about you screams dead nostalgia. You've followed him through lifetimes. Smiling as you dragged him across the sand dunes just to watch the sunset. How he longs to carve you open and feel your heart between his teeth. 
He's choking on sand.
Drowning in stardust.
Nur feels like he's swallowed the sun whole. Devoured Ra and spat out his holy bones. He still feels the sting of its rays seeping through his teeth. He's divinity and desperation are all in the same breath. Apocalypse and Nur are just two sides of the same daric. You stand in front of him, tracing the blues of his face, kissing the reds of his eyes. An excavation into the lost, unearthing that which could collapse the world. You enjoy him, savor him, keeping his gold essence on your tongue locked behind rose-tinted lips. You beg Nur to dig through your bones, open you up, unseal every crypt. He obliges, kissing the hollow of your bones until his teeth graze your unsteady heart.
"And what will you do once you meet the real world?"
"Oh, nothing, the real world will have to meet me first."
There is so much blood, he doesn't remember doing this. You stand beside him watching the sand in the hourglass run out. He is Apocolypse bringer of destruction, the end of worlds, funny how he needed you, frail sweet thing that you are, to remind him of this. It's only when he looks at you, really really looks at you that he realizes how many things are still the same. Twisted deformed yet still they harbor their old shapes. Apocolypse kisses you under the shade of a palm tree hoping it'll mean something in the end.
Hoping everything can just go back. 
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cemeteryspider · 3 months
Genosha Revisited
Purely Father Daughter!: Magneto! Erik Magnus Lehnsherr x Daughter! Reader
Gambit! Remy Lebeau x Mutant! Reader
Summary: A complete rewrite of episode 5 of X-Men 97' where you and Gambit visit Genosha to see the place where your past trauma took place.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Trauma, Anxiety, Mentions of Enslavement (Genosha)
Word Count: 682
You allowed your mind to drift as you stared out the window of the jet. The vast expanse of ocean below made your stomach twist into knots. Remy noticed your frown and calmly grasped your hand in his.
"What's goin' on, Chere? Is everything okay?" He smiled sweetly, but you could feel the sweat on his palm.
You were returning to Genosha, where you and Remy had first met years ago. Back then, it was a place of enslavement and suffering, far from the mutant sanctuary it claimed to be now. Magneto insisted you needed to see its transformation—a place where mutants could thrive.
Reluctantly, after much persuasion from Gambit, you boarded the jet, now en route to Genosha.
"Oh, you know, just great, Remy. I feel like we're walking into the lion's den again." You squeezed his hand back, trying to mask your unease with sarcasm.
"I know it's difficult, but maybe the place has changed for the better. Everything's going to be okay, Chere."
The sinking feeling in your chest persisted. You knew better than to trust something that seemed too good to be true.
"We're here, dear," your father announced. You looked out to see a vast island of color. Your heart swelled at the sight of mutants with wings guiding the jet to the landing pad.
Putting your nagging thoughts aside, you exited the jet with your father and boyfriend.
Almost immediately, your best friend Kurt leaped into your arms, "Mein Freundin! I've missed you!"
After he released you, he hugged Remy. "And the thief! I've missed you as well! I'll be showing you around while the consul speaks to Magneto. Follow me and see the new and improved Genosha!"
An odd feeling churned in your stomach, but you forced yourself to stay open-minded as you stepped into the bustling world.
Mutants of all shapes and sizes surrounded you—some with wings, others with different colored skin, and some with serpentine features. It felt like home, but more like a community than a family, unlike the mansion.
Kurt led you through vibrant markets filled with fresh fruit, freshly caught fish, hand-knit goods, and other trinkets. You bought an assortment of fruits and baked goods to share with Remy, who gladly shared with you.
You arrived at an open area filled with dancing bodies and flashing lights. It wasn’t a party scene, but more a joyful reprieve from daily life. You pulled Remy into the crowd and began to dance.
"You better keep up, Remy!" you laughed, pulling him closer.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I was about to say the same thing to you, Chere!"
Kurt talked to the band, and they began playing a lively tune with a fun guitar riff.
As the music picked up, you and Remy twirled and spun, your movements synchronized and fluid. The world around you blurred into a swirl of bodies and quick feet.
You and Remy moved in perfect harmony. He pulled you close and spun you out with a flourish, your hands never leaving each other. The crowd clapped and stomped their feet with enthusiasm. The music swelled, and the world pulsed with life.
As you finished the dance, the crowd clapped for you, amazed by the moves Remy had taught you from his Louisiana roots.
Heat rose to your cheeks, but Remy quickly dipped you and gave you a small peck on the cheek. Then you were off again, moving through the streets as the music returned to its tropical beats.
Your walking slowed as Kurt stopped to talk to someone he knew.
You let your head fall onto Remy's shoulder. "That was the most fun I've had in a while."
He smirked at you. "Me too, Chere."
You looked up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I'm glad we came, Remy."
He wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'm glad too. This is much different from the last time we were here."
As the sun began to set, he gently rocked you and pressed a silent kiss to your forehead.
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angelfirstclass · 4 months
Cherik- the heart and soul of X-men 97.
So whether you ship them together or think of them as brothers or whatever, the relationship between Erik Lensherr and Charles Xavier is the heart and soul of this show and dare I say the entire franchise in whatever form. We see their friendship and being nemeses and relationship in pretty much all versions of the X-men and Xmen 97 is chock full of Cherik gold.
The series starts out with Magneto inheriting the X-men and Xavier's entire estate which says a lot about their close relationship and Xavier's trust in Magneto. He trusts and relies on him even above his precious X-men as they are caught off guard by this news and are even hurt by it like Scott. In this act, Xavier follows his heart and feels that by doing this he gets Magneto to come to his path and for the X-men to lose an adversary and also be less burdened with leading the team.
Going forward, Magneto loyally follows Xavier's path honoring his memory and legacy. Even reluctantly and with gritted teeth his restraint is "proof of (his) desire to honor Charles Xavier's dream of mutant human coexistence". To see how far he was before as a X-men adversary to one who truly wanted to honor Xavier was very extreme and a testament to Erik's love for Xavier. He goes through a lot in the series even undergoing a massacre and even through that event continues to try to be a X-man and show restraint and be a leader, but eventually it becomes too much for him.
The scene in episode 2 is very telling of their relationship when Magneto speaks of the helmet and how he could always sense Charles as a presence. "I was in his thoughts and he in mine." Romantic or not, this line highlights just how important the two of them were to each other and that's love is it not? Then Rogue hits the nail on the head by stating that Magneto was worried about if he felt how much Xavier still loved him, Magneto wouldn't be able to go through with his crusade. Magneto canonically lays out that he knew/knows that Xavier loves him.
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At the end of ep 2, Magneto is seen looking at a picture of Charles and himself when they were young that is kept framed on Charles' desk. Whether that was Charles' picture (which I suspect) or put there by Erik, the implications are clear the two are important to each other despite the past or their differences. Storm is talking about finding connection and pans on Rogue and Magneto and Morph and Wolverine, but also stands for Charles and Erik.
In ep 5, Magneto is considered to rule over Genosha because of his trial and because Xavier trusted Magneto with the X-men. He mentions the pivotal bar scene we will see later and what a moment it is for Magneto. At this moment, he is seeing his and Xavier's dreams coming true which he never thought possible. It turns out Magneto was right, but at this moment Xavier's dream seemed real and it was Magneto that was leading the way to get them there.
At this point I have to mention Rogue in that she is the only other person that is connected to Erik and understanding of his thoughts. I like Rogue and don't think that it gets in the way of Cherik. Rogue has seen Erik's inner thoughts through her absorption powers or by the time spent talking to him. She is the one who gets the Cherik relationship better than most and understands the love the two have for each other and how long and deep their relationship is. She is not an obstacle to Cherik, she may be the Queen Erik wants (particularly when he thinks Charles is gone), but is also someone who gets the Cherik thing and understands. This leaves so much room for love triangles and Magneto bi loveness galore. Rogue GETS it, she's not going to stand in the way.
Then leading to the finale, there is so much Cherik even a non-Cherik fan is left with no doubt that there is something there between the two. Whether its the salty "Welcome home, cheater" vibes about the Bird Queen, the bickering about Genosha and Bastion and Magneto's response, and the scintillating together in Erik's mind sequences, there is so much Charles-Erik action going on that the writers gifted us.
Granted, I was sort of pissed at Xavier in the first part of the finale for not being on Magneto's side and being so harsh on him after all that Erik had been through as well as thinking that going into his head was a violation. I still kind of feel that way, but I'm more understanding of Xavier's flaws (he's not perfect, not by a longshot) and also of how much he loves Erik despite violating his mind. The fact that he was willing to lose his own mind and also endure the tragedies and pain of Erik despite knowing Erik's tragic history is a testament to how much he loves Erik. Magneto may have conflicting feelings about what happened after season 1, but I don't think he's going to ever forget how Xavier basically talked him out of oblivion and made him come back to himself talking about love and family.
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Magneto saves the day, but it must be remembered that Professor Xavier did not have to return Magneto back to his mind or the world. Magneto has been a fierce adversary in the past and is currently causing major mayhem to the planet and still Xavier considers him a brother and encourages him to recognize and become Magneto again. In another storyline, Rogue could have absorbed Magneto while he was down and got the planet up and running, but that's not the direction the writers went with because it didn't highlight the Cherik relationship as well. The writers wanted to focus in on Cherik and so I again repeat that Charles and Erik's relationship is the thesis, the plot, the heart of the show and I can't wait to see more.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Nightcrawler having to be kept out of wherever Sentinel!Reader's body parts are held because he'd just hold Reader's head for awhile, which is reasonable considering he's probably the one that first found reader, but uh.. kinda need Reader's head to help with figuring out how to make them a new body so can you let go-
It's especially difficult to keep Kurt out since he can y'know- teleport-
Cube Anon
He does, a lot.
This was his friend. They were one of the nicest people he knew. They were gone, possibly even more gone than the others, because they were machine-born rather than human.
It hurts his heart.
He prays for Reader, begs to God that they be where Gambit and Leech amd Madelyn and everyone else is, somewhere nice, that they have a soul that can see Heaven or wherever they go when they're gone.
He's broken over this.
His sister and himself and the X-Men lost their lovable friend Gambit, they lost their loving friend Reader, Genosha is in ruins...
Except now some of his friends question if Reader knew about any of this. They stsrt to think Reader had a hand in it, or had somehow alerted Bastion. They begin to wonder if they should bring Reader back, if it's worth it...
And his heart breaks all over again.
That's when he hands Hank and Charles and Erik back Reader's head, demands they look at their memory files, to see for themselves what Reader was, who they were, and that they were a good person, one who didn't choose to be what they were, yet was never hateful as their brethren or Bastion or Sinister...
In the end, Kurt was right.
Reader's memory files only show that Reader truly believed they were human or mutant, that they loves their friends, considered them family, that Reader fought for them, fought for Genosha, helped save some of the survivors... And that in Reader's last, glitching moments, realized they weren't human, but were a sentinel... and immediately brought down, not even bothering to save themself or go simehwere safer in their final moments.
At that point, there is no question anymore whose side Reader was on, or where their loyalties lied, or if they deserved to be with them again...
And now the team have to work through their guilt over accusing Reader, while coping with bringing everyone back, fixing a new hidden home for everyone, and trying to keep ahold of their hope to fix things, to bring back what was stolen and make something better with their new home...
(Meanwhile, in the heaven/purgatory/afterlife for the victims of Genosha, the mutants are all trying to enjoy the peace and quiet... and Gambit and Madelyn and any other friends of Reader are trying to get them to come up from a pit/lake/pond and to stop weeping, wanting to know what's wrong, what's hurting, why can't Reader tell them what's wrong, they love them, it's so much better up there with everyone else, can they please come out and let them hold them again-?)
(Cube Anon, I don't know if you want to get this dark, but... If Reader DID survive Genosha, imagine if the team, once knowing they were a Sentinel, blames them at first, causing Reader to leave... only for Bastion to later reveal Reader was a failure, a prototype sentinel, who went beyond what they were made to do, made to be... and in the end, Reader either saves them all somehow or dies helping take Bastion down, or ends up committing su*cide (their version of it) after being rejected by their friends, their family, because they're basically a child who was abandoned and turned on by the only family and lobe they've ever known...) (Please forgive me if that is too dark. It is okay to stick to something a lighter, okay? Just say the word, Cube Anon).
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thevulturesquadron · 4 months
"I imagine that ‘some things are deeper than skin’ is the line they wanted to get out of it. (For me that fell flat and overall I think once again Rogue drew the short straw just to accommodate her relationship with Remy but that’s a different conversation all together)."
Okay, here i was reading this ask in the tag and saw this. Now you've piqued my interest. When you've got the time i'd love to know your thoughts on this. 😯
hey there traveler! 🌠 I said that? Oops, might have thought that one out-loud. Silly me. 😶 Well, we’re here now so we might as well drive this one home. 'Some things are deeper than skin' was a shallow take on the situation for the trio, imo. It felt like a sticker placed on top of a damaged car. Some things are definitely deeper than skin. So are Rogue's feelings for Erik. So is what her time with him inspired in her. For someone who was a terrorist, who presented drastic solutions to the world, not once did he try to push that onto Rogue. On the contrary, it was made clear that, in the time they spent together in TAS, he taught her to see her powers not as a curse but as an essential part of who she is. He spoke to her about what it really means to embrace her identity, about building a future that makes her feel proud of who she is, about her powers creating a sense of belonging instead of discomfort, shame, and alienation. His presence in her life taught her not to fear who she is, not to put limits on what she can do, it taught her to be a part of the world she wants to see herself living in. THAT is why she fell in love with him. That is the Erik that Rogue loves. The whole 'touch' only came in later. We already see her falling in love with him before they even considered the possibility of touching. I love Gambit with all my heart, but in that scene he didn't consider a single thing of what Rogue had to say about why she wanted to be part of Genosha's future. He literally went ahead and did the opposite of what Erik had done - he made Rogue revert into herself and feel the pain of her inability to touch for the sole purpose of romantic and sexual gain. That line was ultimately used to show that Remy was in the right, to frame him as the one that's been hurt, with close to no consideration for Rogue and what she wanted from life. He says 'some things are deeper than skin' and it feels off coming from him, someone who has the privilege of sharing a connection based on touch with others. It makes Remy come across as not listening to what's being said. And I know his words in that interaction can be read as romantic in the sense of 'we can overcome anything'. It's a valid interpretation, but it doesn't work for me. I'd rather two partners try and understand each other and listen to each other than dismiss it with a 'we'll find a way'. Especially when one of them is deeply affected by it. It just isn't my jam. So having Rogue echo the 'some things are deeper than skin' fell flat because it only addressed part of the reason why her and Erik shared something. I think there is love in Rogue for both men and, unlike Magneto, Gambit is just not willing to accept it. It has to be him and only him. All this when he's had a lifetime prior to Rogue of experiencing intimacy, touch and relationships and understanding what he wants and what he values. In this instance it just feels like he's indirectly manipulating Rogue's emotions, making her sink into guilt and self-doubt (very important to note here that he's not doing it on purpose, but as an instinctive reaction to his own emotions - because this speaks both of his qualities and his flaws). So when Rogue says ‘Remy was right, some things are deeper than skin’ I think that is her guilt and insecurity talking.
I grew up with ROMY as my OTP but then, in time, that flame died and my view of the ship shifted. Part of the reason is because I started seeing a pattern in their relationship where often times Rogue would end up being the one pulled down, having to accommodate, accept and even apologize for things. And I was just not vibing with it anymore.
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gerec · 3 months
hi!! how are you? do you know any cherik with a secret or forbidden relationship?
Here are some of my favourite secret or forbidden relationship fics! Please remember to check the tags before you read :D
By Faint Indirections by kianspo
Erik is in his ~50s, and lonely and bitter. He survived the Holocaust and was only ~14 when the war ended; and even ~40 years later, living in a country that helped to end WW2 and the Third Reich, homosexuality is still a taboo topic. Then one day, he stumbles over Charles, who is young(early 20s) and bright and smart and cheeky and full of energy and beautiful. And moving in the same street where Erik lives.
Fool me once, fool me twice by musical_emjay 
Charles Xavier is sixteen years old the day his mother dies, leaving him parentless, temporarily penniless, and at the mercy of an inexplicable will. Shortly thereafter, his life takes a very drastic, entirely unexpected turn.
Sent to live with his estranged father — a man named Erik Lehnsherr whom he’s never met, and knows next to nothing about — Charles soon finds himself completely out of his depth. What follows is a bitter, obsessive, destructive battle of wills that sends both Charles and Erik sliding dangerously into something neither of them are prepared for, and may not be able to stop.
As to whether they want to, that’s another matter entirely.
 Make a list of everything that’s ever been on fire by cm (mumblemutter)
We're brothers, you and I. We want the same thing.
Give me your stars to hold by pearl_o 
Charles returns home from college and figures out why Erik has been so distant since he’s been away. 
Beneath Me by Magnetism_bind (Unfinished)
Charles is a young lord staying at his family’s estate for the summer. Erik is his family’s stable-hand.
Ritual Self-Torture by Turtletotem 
Shaw is King, Charles is his royal consort and Erik is a Knight/Lord. Shaw is sterile but his kingdom can’t find out, so he asks Erik to impregnate Charles.
He doesn’t know Erik and Charles are in love.
Your Heart Just Couldn’t Wait by Pookaseraph
Charles and his BFF Tony Stark have the life - they’re co-valedictorians at the most prestigious high school in the city, they have their own condo in Manhattan, and they get to go to all the awesome parties. Charles just wished he understood relationships and sex as well as Tony does. His theoretical bisexuality starts to feel a lot less theoretical when he and Tony end up in Professor Lehnsherr’s Physics III course at Columbia University, but Charles’ decision to take their relationship further leaves both student and professor with more than they bargained for.
I’m a bullet by Isolee 
Since mother - since the house - since Cain - He’s adapted. He can do anything. Now he wants something, and he suspects he might even deserve it.
Or - Charles is sort-of a sex addict, and Erik is his married-with-family supervisor at Uni.
The Weight of a Crown by sebastian2017 (series)
Erik is second in line to the throne of Genosha. He’s also gay. The two don’t always work together very well.
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dick-helmet-magneto · 5 months
I found a list of dialogue prompts so I decided to write some drabbles
“Race you!”
“Hey that’s unfair! Come back here!”
There was a certain, …youthfulness—Charles decided the right word was—to Erik, outside of the life they had been living. On Genosha, it was like he was a completely different man, free of the stress of being Magneto, the weight of trying to take on and save the mutant world. Charles could see the man he had first fell in love with and, possibly, a bit of the boy he once was before everything that happened to him. 
It wasn’t something Charles had ever expected, but he smiled easier, was quick to make jokes and poke at Charles—sometimes literally. Mornings were spent with kisses, smiles, fumbling hands as though they were teenagers, laughing as they learned each others bodies again. Sometimes Erik would find that ticklish spot Charles would rather not admit to and then they’d both dissolve into laughter. 
So it was still a shock—even if it shouldn’t have been—when they were walking side by side across the island, down one of the well-traveled dirt paths and Erik looked down at him with a small smile on his face. “Race you.” 
Charles laughed, his arms pumping faster to try to keep up with the man who had taken off running as fast as he could. Unsurprisingly, Erik could really move, all those morning runs had paid off. 
“Hey, that’s unfair, come back here!” Charles called after him, laughing. He watched as Erik stopped and turned back, a look on his face—and his mind—showing that he was a little uncertain if he had done something wrong suggesting a race. 
But Charles used the moment to shoot past him, rolling faster. He threw a smile over his shoulder and kept going, a loud laugh leaving him, “I’ll win if you just stand there! At least give me a challenge.” 
Behind him, Erik smiled and shook his head before starting to run after Charles. He caught up well enough but wasn’t finding it as easy to push past him. Charles was smiling as he finally reached their home and turned, just in time for Erik to crash onto his lap. 
They were both breathing hard as Charles wrapped his arms around the man, even though they felt a little like jelly. “Good race,” He commented, his forehead resting against the top of Erik’s head. 
“You’re faster than I thought you’d be. I was certain I was going to win that one,” Erik said, standing back up, grabbing Charles’s hand as he did. 
“You asked because you thought you’d win?” Charles asked, amused but trying to sound hurt. “That should teach you to underestimate me.” 
“You play dirty though,” Erik replied, “That little trick saying it’s unfair.” The man was almost pouting and Charles used the hand in his to pull Erik down, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
Charles smiled at him, “I thought you’d be rather proud of me for that. It sounded like the kind of thing you’d be preaching.” 
Erik became much more serious as he looked down at Charles, “I am proud of of you, Schatz. I’m always proud of you.”
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superherotiger · 4 months
*pokes head through your catflap* humbly asking for a 97 drabble of pietro (+wanda? rahne? anyone else if you want) looking for erik post-ep5
This definitely became bigger than a drabble but I hope you enjoy it bestie haha!
The eeriest moment on a battlefield wasn’t the fight itself, but the silence that followed in its wake.
Genosha was a void of sound. Streets that were once filled with music and laughter had been smothered beneath layers of rubble, and statues that represented hope to so many were now torn down and scattered across the broken palace. The city was once a home to thousands of mutants- new lives just waiting to begin.
Now, it was nothing but a graveyard.
Pietro had seen his fair share of battlefields, but they all paled in comparison to Genosha. At least- what was left of it. Debris stretched for miles in every direction, creating a perilous, scorched terrain that few had dared to enter.
The last known survivor had been brought into camp nearly three weeks ago. The last body that had been recovered over two. Despite how hard X-Factor had been working since they touched down on the island, even they were beginning to lose hope.
But Pietro couldn’t stop.
Couldn’t stop moving.
Couldn’t stop searching.
Couldn’t stop until he found…
The team were beginning to worry about him, he knew. Especially Lorna. He could always feel her eyes following him whenever he left camp on another fruitless search in the desolate remains of the city.
“Pietro… it may be time to end the search and turn our energy towards the survivors,” Lorna had told him earlier that morning.
“How can you say that?” Pietro bit back coldly. “There are still hundreds missing!”
“And there are hundreds more here, right now- and they need us,” Lorna implored, her eyes betraying the grief and exhaustion they both felt. “We can’t keep chasing ghosts, Pietro.”
“And what makes you think there are no survivors left?” he asked bitterly. 
Lorna’s expression softened with pity.
There was nothing Pietro hated more than pity.
“I know what he meant to you…”
Pietro didn’t stay long enough to hear the rest of her words. He couldn’t bear it. Not the crushing sympathy in her gaze or the truth awaiting in her patient voice. He just couldn’t accept it.
Not yet- not until he knew for certain that his father had fallen in this hellish wasteland. 
The thought seemed impossible to comprehend. Magneto was not one to die easily- history had proven it time and time again. To believe that the man hadn’t clawed his way out of death like he had a dozen times before seemed like a disservice to his strength and resilience.
So no, Pietro didn’t stop his search.
For hours he traversed the decimated land, digging through endless mountains of rubble and climbing through the unstable burrows and tunnels that wove beneath the surface. While Pietro searched for any survivor or body he could recover, his heart longed to find his father above all else. The two hadn’t always been on the best of terms, but they were attempting to mend old wounds in recent years. To make something new out of a history littered with secrets and betrayals.
Pietro should have gone to see his father sooner. He regretted not seeking him out as soon as he heard the rumours of Magneto’s reform, or better yet after the trial by the UN swung in his favour. Over the past months Pietro had considered going to visit, but without fail he would talk himself out of it. Tell himself that his father didn’t need to be bothered. That he would find another time.
And as was the speedster’s cruel fate, time had run out.
It always did…
The sound of shifting rubble drew Pietro out of his fixation, peering up from the pit of cracked walls and shattered glass that had once been someone’s home to find the source of the noise. For a moment, he felt his heart spark with hope. Perhaps there was another survivor. Maybe he hadn’t been too late-
His hope swiftly extinguished at the familiar voice.
“You shouldn’t be this far out- it’s dangerous,” Pietro called back with barely concealed frustration.
Drawn to his voice, a figure covered in dusty red fur climbed over the ledge of debris and gazed down at him in relief. “I could say the same to you,” Rahne -the youngest member of X-Factor- chimed back lightly, pearly white eyes shifting to emerald green as she returned to her human form.
Pietro ignored her comment and started shoving aside broken furniture and scorched foundations again to continue his mission, asking sharply, “Did Lorna send you to retrieve me?”
Rocks skidded as Rahne came to join him in the hollow, kneeling down beside the speedster before she answered gently, “No. I came because I was worried about you.”
Pietro scoffed, though regret was quick to flood in when he noticed Rahne’s saddened stare in the corner of his eye. He took a breath so not to let any harsh words slip. Rahne deserved better than that. “Though I appreciate your concern, it’s unnecessary. You should return to the camp where it’s safe,” he suggested.
“It would do little help,” Rahne said, placing a warm hand on his shoulder as she explained, “I can’t stop worrying about you anymore than you can stop worrying about him.”
Pietro’s fingers clenched around the jagged rocks below. “Since when did everybody become an expert on how I feel.”
“Well, are we wrong?”
Sighing, Pietro turned his gaze towards the sky that was painted in shades of orange and pink. It was only now that he realised the sun was well on the way to setting, too lost in his search to notice. No wonder Rahne had been worried.
So, figuring she at least deserved an honest answer, Pietro said, “It’s not that simple. With Magneto, it never is. I hated being his son in the beginning. How could my sister and I have been born of someone so cruel? So monstrous?”
Rahne hummed in understanding -perhaps more understanding than he would ever know- and waited patiently for him to continue.
“I wanted to hate him- and I did, for a long time after we learnt of our connection,” Pietro admitted, before closing his eyes as memories flooded back in like a tidal wave. “And then the Phalanx attacked. You remember how vicious they were- how close we were to losing everything that day.”
“I do,” Rahne said solemnly.
Grimacing, Pietro confessed, “It was my fault… the speed of it, at least. The Phalanx studied and replicated my mutation to hasten their conquest. I was the accelerant to humanity’s downfall.”
“Pietro, you can’t blame yourself like that,” Rahne attempted to sooth. “We were all caught off guard by their attack. And besides, we still won in the end. That’s what really matters.”
“Yes, a victory that relied on Magneto’s cooperation,” Pietro said with a humourless scoff. “My father -the self proclaimed judge, jury and executioner of the world- saved humanity that day. Do you know why, Rahne?”
The girl shook her head.
“He did it for me,” Pietro said, nearly choking on the grief that rose in his throat as he did. “As soon as he heard of my capture, he joined Beast and the others to destroy the Phalanx. Saved the very world he despised just to protect me.”
It was a truth Pietro had never dared to tell anyone else before, afraid of the backlash he might face. He knew his father was a dangerous and hated man. Pietro of all people had not forgotten his transgressions. But no one else knew what it felt like to be the son of Magneto. To hear the words “Thank God you’re safe,” whispered against his temple like a prayer as he soaked in the security of his father’s embrace. To know that the fate of the world had relied on one man’s love for his child.
How could anyone else ever understand that burden -the confusion, the confliction- when Pietro barely understood it himself?
Wrapping his arms around his chest to still the cries that desperately wanted to burst forward, Pietro said shakily, “Do you have any idea how that feels? To know that someone loves you enough that they would sacrifice everything just to keep you? It’s an impossible debt to repay.”
A beat of silence passed, before Rahne asked softly, “Is that why you won’t stop?”
Pietro bowed his head with a sigh. “My father would do the same for me,” he answered simply. “What kind of son am I if I gave up on him now.”
Slowly, Rahne leant her head against Pietro’s shoulder, awaiting his reaction before laying a hand on his arm when he didn’t push her away. “I would never ask you to give up,” she said with such compassion it made his eyes well with tears. “All I ask is that you would take care of yourself. We’ve already lost so many… please, I don’t want to lose you too, Pietro.”
Despite their voices sounding nothing alike, Pietro could hear an echo of his sister’s concern in Rahne’s words. Wanda had asked for the very same thing when they were children. Orphaned and alone and starving, Pietro had done everything in his power to keep her safe, no matter the cost to himself. No matter how hard Wanda begged him to stop and rest.
Now, years later, Rahne had taken his sister’s place. An unfair sentence for such a kind heart. And though Pietro hadn’t been able to spare Wanda of that burden, he refused to let Rahne experience the same thing.
Pietro would not give up on his father. Regardless of where X-Factor went next or how much time passed, there would always be a part of his soul searching for the man. But with a humbling realisation, Pietro knew Magneto wasn’t the only family that needed him right now.
So lifting an arm around Rahne’s shoulders to embrace her like he had done for Wanda so many times before, Pietro assured gently, “I promise you Rahne, you will never lose me. I’m sorry if I ever made you fear that you would.”
Smiling up at him with relief etched into every feature, Rahne teased, “I’m going to hold you to that, Speedy.”
Pietro scoffed in amusement. “I’d expect nothing less.”
Looking ahead, the two watched as the sun finally dipped below the horizon, casting the battlefield into shadows and hiding its horrors from view. For the first time since landing in Genosha, the silence didn’t feel uncanny. It felt peaceful. The same peace Pietro felt when Wanda welcomed him with a warm embrace, or when his father pressed an adoring kiss against the crown of his head.
Tightening his hold around Rahne ever so slightly, Pietro was grateful that in his greatest time of uncertainty, he still had family to rely on.
“Ready to head home?” Rahne asked gently.
Releasing a heavy sigh, Pietro felt the crushing weight on his chest ease at last. “Yes, I am,” he answered, pleased that his words were entirely honest.
But pulling out of the embrace with a spark of mischief in her eyes, Rahne joked, “Bet I could beat you in a race.”
Pietro rolled his eyes and stood up, brushing the dirt and dust from his suit. “Gambling would not be a wise career for you then,” he said bluntly.
“Sounds like you’re scared, Speedy,” she said as she bounced up to her feet with a grin. “Afraid I’ll win?”
“You’d be talking to my dust before you even said ‘go’,” he mocked, though a smile was quick to follow when Rahne burst into laughter, knowing full well that the speedster would never abandon her, not even for a joke.
It was the most beautiful sound to echo across of Genosha in weeks.
Don't forget to check out the @house-of-dadneto event!! ✨
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ghostbird-7 · 2 months
JUST WONDERING when Jean showed up to see Erik and he was like "who's blood is that", did you also get the vibe that Erik is the motorcycle-riding leather jacket dad who is going to help you bury a body, he just needs to know where to bring the shovel, or was that just me
i really want a fucking fic of Hank setting up an summer retreat for the students who don't have homes to go back to so they can go hang out on Genosha. no one informs Charles beforehand. Erik is terrifyingly good with kids.
(oh and i have no idea how tf Genosha works in the comics but i hope Erik was like "okay i'll be the first prime minister, then someone else can be elected" and all the other citizens just refuse to run against him and he's like "wait no this was not the plan, you can't make me keep doing this????" and now he's trapped as a public servant. sorry i have a lot of emotions about this man.)
YES, he was absolutely ready to fucking go. With his newfound Dirt Power a la Apocalypse he can make a grave terrifyingly deep. I feel like a summer program is the amount of Erik exposure you’d want kids to have. Enough for him to packbond to them and teach survival skills that are only a little disturbing but that all the kids really enjoy, but not too much for him to try to pressure them into succeeding him as prime minister. You are so right about that, he’d put himself in a temporary leadership position and then be like ok guys I think you’re set now I’ll be off! :) and the genoshians (?) are like no :) you are our prime minister forever. He’ll go around doing free home renovations and fixing water pipes and having serious straight faced conversations with your kid about the importance of whales and be baffled when everyone adores him and never wants him to leave. I love him so much, he’s my absolute favorite and I’m so glad he’s rehabbing his problematic man
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enrogued · 4 months
@themckaytriarchy sent These are the last good days of summer--the last good days before Genosha. They still have time for "trivial" things like team politics and figuring out how to get through to Magneto during disagreements without banging your head into the wall. Tess... has not been doing a great job of getting through to Erik, even if she's persistent. Every day is the same: 'we need arts programs for mutant kids outside Genosha. Like an outreach.' And 'Erik, I'm not giving up." And, 'Every mutant kid should have the opportunity to dread their piano lessons!' Followed by the inevitable, 'Fine, let's table it.' On. And on. At this point, Morph's probably regretting telling Tess their parents couldn't find anyone to teach them to play... whatever instrument they tried to force them into playing as a child. Because Morph didn't pass. So she paces, and she grumbles, and she considers her options. Then she goes, 'well, I might as well.' 'Might as well' involves plopping down in a chair across from Rogue, bracing her hands on her own knees as she leans forward. She doesn't blink as she studies her, gaze speculative. "I'm trying to get something done. Community work." Blunt and to the point. "But Xavier's not here anymore, and I don't know if I can swing it without Erik's help. 'Well. If Rogue kills me, at least I'll get to die in a dramatic fight.' "How do I work him?"
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there's a crispness to the air that's a good indication that summer is almost over, that pretty soon all the trees across the state will be turning orange and dropping their leaves. rogue's always torn between preferring the cooler temperatures because they make it easier to wear full body coverage outfits and missing the heat of the sun that reminds her of home.
but right now the sun is shining and she's settled like a cat in a sunbeam, chair underneath one of many floor to ceiling windows, book in her lap. relaxed. or as relaxed as anyone ever gets around here, especially with the new boss on their tails.
she's not too worried about it. there's no scolding on earth could move her from this spot right now. (she'll move for an emergency, but nothing less than the mansion being on fire).
so she takes a long moment to actually look up from her book when someone sits in the chair opposite. rogue places a gloved finger between the pages to hold her place and raises her head, only to be startled by the intensity of tess' gaze.
it's not intense like angry, it's just piercing. feels like she's trying to see her soul. " ya good, hon? " she asks, as tess launches into her spiel about trying to get some community work done. mutant outreach, she assumes. or something similar. come to think of it she's heard someone mention tess's music and arts programme.
so it strikes rogue as strange that erik hasn't signed off on it yet. her brow scrunches slightly- and then even more as tess asks the most obvious of questions that rogue doesn't want to answer.
how do i work him? as if there's any one way that will work. more worrying is that she's come to rogue, like she knows that it's easier for her than anyone else. is it that obvious? has she been that obvious? that careless?
she ignores the question. " woah, slow down, sugah, is this about your arts programme? " she already knows the answer is yes. " you wanna put together a music and arts outreach, right? " so why hasn't erik said yes? rogue has fond memories of him teaching her about the importance of the arts, talking about a culture of mutant led activities, exactly like what tess is trying to put in place.
is the new magneto so far removed from the erik she knew in the savage land? " i don't understand, erik- magneto should want to put together a mutant arts program, he- " used to talk about it all the time. used to demonstrate how much the arts meant to him by painting me? c'mon rogue, think before you speak. " i don't know why he wouldn't sign off on that. it don't make a lick o' sense. 'less he can't see the forest for the trees. " or he just hates other people trying to explain his own ideas to him (heaven forbid) and so he's deliberately ignoring tess' idea so he can follow through on his own.
" maybe it's a control thing and he won't give ya what ya want because he wants it to come from him. either way, i've got nothin' for ya, sugah. i wouldn't know where ta start. " a lie, because she does know where to start, but it requires a far more in depth explanation of what is going on between her and erik than rogue is willing to give. she wants to say leave it with me, i'll make sure ya get it. but that seems far more suspicious than she wants to be. it's disclosing a little too much. and it's implying she has some sort of sway over their new boss, which she's pretty sure she doesn't. right?
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friendlytikek · 1 year
where is my mind? (there's nothing in it)
Available on AO3.
Summary: She'd said, "Charles needs you," and everything after that was a blur. Suddenly, nothing else had mattered, not blossoming Genosha, not politics, not decades-old debates. Charles needed him, and so, the next thing he knew, he was here.
Preview below the cut:
The land around the mansion's grounds was thick with fog, rendering anything beyond the walls impossible to see through dense, white-grey clouds. 
Erik stepped through the wrought-iron gates, out of the fog like a spectre emerging from brickwork, and stared at the mansion up ahead. His chest ached at the steadfast familiarity of it. Though he'd never stayed at the mansion for more than a handful of weeks at a time, nowhere else drifted to mind when he thought of home. This was the first place he'd felt comfortable being himself since… So long ago, the memories were fuzzy, and Erik was sure the sense of security he felt during his earliest years was only thanks to the protection of his parents, who had most likely hoped against hope that the torment of their community would abate as he grew older, not develop into – 
"Genocide," Charles said, voice soft, his brows drawn together as he stared at Erik across the board. Neither of them had made a move in some minutes, their debate having grown too heated for the tiny figures and their fictional lives to matter any more. "That's what you're talking about, Erik, you realise?" 
A scoff escaped Erik. "Don't," he said, pointing at Charles with one finger, the rest wrapped securely around his glass of whiskey. "Don't compare me to them," he said. He raised the glass and gulped down the amber liquid within. Then, he snapped, "Don't twist my words. Human extinction is inevitable. So what if they're given a helping hand? The world would be better off for it."
"It will be a long, long time before mutants are the dominant population of the planet, my friend," Charles said. "It certainly won't happen in our lifetime. It definitely won't happen if you kill all of the non-mutants now. The X-gene isn't anywhere near prevalent enough." 
"I didn't say to kill them all now," Erik said, irritation nipping at him. It felt as if Charles was making a conscious effort to be obtuse. "I said we should be open about who we are and willing to eradicate those who oppose our very existence –" 
Erik breathed in deeply and squeezed his eyes shut, shoving the memory back into the corners of his mind. The cold air chilled his throat, his lungs, but worked to ground him back in the present moment. When he opened his eyes again, the mansion was still there, solid, unwavering. No matter how many disagreements he had with Charles, he wouldn't abandon him in a time of need, and that was how Mystique had described it. 
She'd said, "Charles needs you," and everything after that was a blur. Suddenly, nothing else had mattered, not blossoming Genosha, not politics, not decades-old debates. Charles needed him, and so, the next thing he knew, he was here. 
The skies above him were dark grey with water-laden clouds. That, combined with the fog, in addition to the total silence enveloping the mansion and its grounds, more than established the mood. Westchester itself seemed miserable. Whatever was going on was nothing good. But then, perhaps the fact Erik had been summoned at all ought to have been indication enough of that. 
As he began the long walk up the driveway, the sandy gravel crunched underfoot. Nobody rushed out to protest the arrival of Magneto. In fact, nobody appeared at all to greet him. There wasn't a soul in sight as he approached the front door of the mansion. The feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach only grew. His gut told him to turn tail and run, whatever was going on within the mansion's walls causing his stomach to churn with anxiety. Inexplicable panic crawled up his throat. He couldn't pinpoint why until he realised he hadn't felt the warmth of Charles touching his mind in greeting. He hadn't brought his helmet, so there was no reason for him not to have said hello and welcomed him back home. 
Fighting the urge to flee, Erik raised his hand to knock on the door, only for it to open before he could. Before him stood Beast, who sighed at the sight of him. His blue fur was a welcome splash of colour after the miserable grey of the outside world. 
Hank gestured for him to enter and follow him through the mansion. His quiet was unsettling, but all Erik could do was trail after him. "What's going on?" Erik asked, stomach writhing. "Mystique - Raven - didn't really… She hasn't explained."
They were heading for the elevator. Even the metal of that didn't bring him any comfort. Everything felt so cold and sterile. Hank was quiet as they entered it and then pressed the button to take them down into the bowels of the mansion, where Cerebro and Hank's lab and makeshift medical clinic were located. Only a year ago, he'd been here, checking over the final details with Charles –
"Don't tell Hank," Charles said, lips twitching up into a smile. He was admiring Erik's handiwork, looking up at the angular plates of Cerebro. It was one of the last things to be done, only justifiable to complete once all the children had a roof over their heads again. "But I think this version of Cerebro is even better than the last."
"Of course it is," Erik said, resting against the console, meeting Charles' smile with a playful smirk of his own. "I built it." 
Which was only right, considering he'd contributed to the destruction of the original. "Careful," Charles said, eyes bright as he teased. "Wouldn't want to have to take the place apart again to get your head out." 
" – telepathic attack," Hank was saying. Erik blinked back to the present again, trying to focus on the explanation. The elevator came to a smooth halt and the doors slid open. "It hasn't just hurt his mind, but the brain itself. His brain activity has been decimated. He's scoring a three on the Glasgow Coma Scale." 
That was practically nothing. Erik's stomach churned again as he stared along the white corridor ahead and let Hank lead the way. "And what about…" Erik gestured to his temple. "Can't someone go in? Repair the damage?" 
"We can't risk a telepath venturing in there," Hank said. "Not yet. He's too unstable. Once he's stabilised, we can try, maybe. For now, the best thing to do is just talk to him. Let him know you're here."
Once he'd stabilised. Not if he stabilised. That wording, at least, gave Erik some hope. He let out a breath. 
They stepped into Hank's medical clinic, which was as professional and sterile as a legitimate hospital and in the centre of the room was a bed, upon which lay Charles. The soft, baby blue bedding contrasted starkly with the white and silver walls and equipment of the room but Charles' pale hands, in turn, stood out against the bedsheets. There were wires all over him, trailing under the hospital gown, running down his arms. There was a tube rammed down his throat, a machine helping him to breathe. No, not helping him – forcing him to breathe. Keeping him alive.
The breath was knocked out of Erik's lungs as he approached the bed. There was a seat beside Charles, which Erik allowed himself to sink into and then he reached out to touch Charles' cool hand. He glanced over his shoulder, but Hank had vanished, likely sensing he'd be intruding on a private moment if he stayed. 
It was awkward, at first, words failing Erik. What was he meant to say? Even if it was to argue, he was used to Charles being able to reply to him. He never just talked at him. He cleared his throat, fingers absently drawing a pattern on the back of Charles' hand, and wracked his brain, searching for the right words. 
"I don't know if you can hear me," Erik said, swallowing down any embarrassment at the reality of talking aloud to an unconscious person. "But I'm here. For what my presence is worth. If it's worth anything at all. I should've been here sooner. I could've helped," he murmured. He should've been here to help, not playing at being a leader on an island nation with only a handful of occupants. 
Of course, if a telepathic attack had done this to a telepath as powerful as Charles, Erik shuddered at the thought of what it would do to a non-telepath. But, at least Erik would've had his helmet. You couldn't be attacked by a telepath if you blocked them out and killed them – 
"You haven't killed me," Charles said, not turning his head to look at Erik. "Though it might have been kinder if you had. You have some nerve coming here."
The hospital in New York was state of the art, handpicked by Hank for its expertise in spinal injuries, or so Charles had said a few minutes previously. It wouldn't be enough to make much difference to Charles' recovery. Though it hadn't been a complete spinal injury, the delay in treatment had resulted in extensive nerve damage which there was little hope of healing enough to allow Charles to walk again. 
"I had to see you - when Mystique said…" Erik's throat closed up. "Charles, I'm sorry."
"I don't want your apologies," Charles snapped. "We both know you're only here to make yourself feel better. I won't be forgiving you today. Look at what you've done to me." He gestured down to his motionless legs. "If you have an ounce of humanity in you, you'll go and leave me in peace. And you can tell my sister to stay away, too, if she doesn't have the strength to actually talk to me instead of skulking around in a nurse's skin."
Erik's mouth opened and then shut again. His eyes burned. There was another apology on the tip of his tongue, but Charles was right. He was here for the sake of his own conscience, and he didn't deserve forgiveness. He certainly wouldn't be forgiving himself for his carelessness any time soon. 
Would Charles send him away if he were awake now? Maybe not. Probably not. It had been over twenty years since Cuba and though he still didn't deserve forgiveness, a lot of healing had happened in the weeks following Apocalypse's destruction. The two of them had healthy, productive conversations as the mansion was slowly rebuilt. Erik's fingers continued to trace patterns on Charles' hand. They'd had fleeting moments where their hands had brushed while the mansion was being rebuilt, but they'd been a long way from 1962, and the memory of Magda had been too raw for Erik to dare push for anything more. What Erik wouldn't give now for Charles to return his touch, to even just wiggle his fingers a little. 
Erik lifted Charles' limp hand and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. "I'm sorry," he said. He squeezed his eyes shut and then rested his head on the mattress by Charles' side, unable to find anything more to say. He had time to find the right words. He had no intention of leaving until Charles opened his eyes again. 
...continue reading on AO3
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pullakori · 1 year
Cherik week 2023
Day 4. Protective Erik
It’s been a year since Charles followed Erik to Genosha and started living in there. The change wasn’t an easy one, but slowly the island started to feel like a home and its residents like a family. Old sorrow and guilt still followed him, but they were not as consuming as they had been right after… Well, a year ago.
Charles sipped his tea, enjoying the morning sun on his face. It seemed like it was going to be another beautiful day in the paradise, no need to ruin the otherwise beautiful day with such gloomy thoughts.
“What would you like to do today?” Erik asked him from the other side of the table. Most days he would already be working on some project on the island, but today he had decided to take a day off and that meant that they could spend the whole day together.
“We could visit the beach, return through the market and make dinner together.” Charles mused, turning to look at Erik, who was smiling at him.
“How domestic.” He teased, but continued before Charles had an opportunity to quip anything back. “Chess after dinner?”
“Naturally.” Charles replied.
Domestic. That was possibly the best way to describe their situation. They lived together and there was certainly something more between them, but neither of them had had the courage to approach it, too cautious of what it could do to the serenity they had managed to find.
As it turned out, the faith of their found peace was not in their hands at all.
It started with a knock on the door and a concerned mind on the other side of it.
“Magneto! Magneto there is a helicopter flying towards the island!” The voice was clear, as it carried through the open window and after a quick shared glance with Charles, Erik stood up and hurried to open the door. On the other side was distressed looking Corina, who was clearly trying to catch her breath.
“Where?” Erik asked, straight to the point while Charles wheeled himself to the door too.
“From the North-West.” Corina panted and pointed towards the right direction. “I saw them while I was practising my flying. I don’t think it will take long for them to reach us.”
“Were you able to identify it?”
“Nothing specific, but it looked military.”
“We’ll be ready. Find Panic so he can sound the alarm. There might be only one, but I rather not take any risks.” Erik ordered and with a nod, Corina took few running steps and jumped, flapping her seagull like wings and flew away.
“Charles, are you able to reach their minds?” Erik turned to Charles.
“I should be, if they are not that far away.” Charles said and closed his eyes, so he could focus his powers, sending tendrils of it out to scan the ocean area. He tried to find sparks of any kind of minds, but he found strange voids instead. They were familiar, reminding him of Erik’s old helmet. They were closing in on the island fast. “They are blocking me somehow.” Charles said aloud, and the grim look on Erik’s face mirrored his own thoughts. This wasn’t good.
The sound of Panic’s warning scream echoed through the air, telling everyone on the island to be prepared and soon after, the sound of helicopter propellers grew louder and louder.
“You should stay inside, Charles.” Erik told him as he stepped out himself, turning to look from the sky to Charles. But the telepath was having none of that.
“I’ll just stay near you.” He said, following Erik outside and meeting his eyes, making it clear, that he would not be hiding away.
Not that he would have time for that, as the helicopter appeared over them, landing on the clearing in front of Erik’s home. Other mutants had gathered around too, waiting for what was going to happen.
‘Do you think they know where you live, or was this just a coincidence?’
‘Oh, I’m sure they know.’ The distaste in Erik’s thoughts was clear. From the helicopter, soldiers hurried down a ramp, helmets on their heads and guns in hands. ‘Plastic.’ Erik’s mind stated.
‘That might become a problem.’ This whole thing seemed to become more concerning every second.
‘Luckily the copter isn’t.’ Charles did his best to suppress his smirk, but didn’t quite manage.
The tension in the air grew as the last person came out of the copter, better dressed, clearly in charge. Erik took a step forward and Charles followed him, staying by his friend’s side.
“Why have you come here?” Erik asked the man with an authoritative tone, speaking loudly so his voice carried through the whole clearing.
“We are not here because of you Magneto. No need to stir any trouble.” The man answered, stopping in front of his men.
“You are the ones who barged to my home with guns.” Erik stated, not impressed by the man’s attempt to be pleasant. “So I ask again, why are you here?” The man shook his head, before his gaze turned to Charles.
“Mr. Charles Xavier.” It wasn’t a question, he knew exactly who Charles was.
“Yes?” The helmet made it impossible for the telepath to get a reading from the man, but even though his eyes were hidden behind sunglasses, his attention made Charles feel unnerved. Like he was a fly trapped in the spider’s web, about to be killed. The man’s next words only made the feeling stronger.
“You have been found guilty for treason and we are here to take you back to the Stares.”
Charles was certain that the time froze for a few minutes, no one moved, no one said anything, even the noises of the island nature seemed to fade away.
“Excuse me?” Charles was proud how steady his voice came out, even though he felt shaken to his core. Treason? What the hell were they talking about? But the man wasn’t about to explain himself.
“This doesn’t need to be difficult. Just come with us, and there will be no reason for use to use any force.” He gave a small hand signal, and the soldiers raised their weapons. Not only at Charles and Erik, but the other mutants as well. Charles could see the bloodshed that would follow, if he didn’t do as the man wanted. And too much blood had already been spilled because of him.
He was about to move forward, but Erik beat him to it, stepping in front of him.
“You are not taking him anywhere.” Erik stood there arms crossed, unmoving and shielding Charles from the soldiers.
‘Erik…’ Charles felt frozen, he wanted to move, to tell Erik to stand down, but he couldn’t.
“What a shame.” The man said, his voice barely reaching Charles’ ears.
It was over in a matter of seconds. There was the sound of gunfire, shouting, groaning of metal and chaos of fighting, before suddenly, it was quiet again. The man and his soldiers were lying on the ground, blood staining the ground. Few mutants had been hurt too, three dead. Because of him.
“They’ll be back.” Charles managed to find his voice all the while his mind was running wild. He had to get away from Genosha, away from anyone who could be hurt because of this.
“And we will be ready.” Erik’s words snapped Charles back from his thoughts. Erik was still standing in front of him and was examining Charles for any injuries. There were none, at least Charles didn’t think so. Erik on the other hand had gotten a shallow wound to his cheek, but otherwise seemed to have escaped without further injury. Against all the odds. The thought chilled Charles from the inside. Erik could have died.
“I can’t ask you to risk your life for me.” Charles told Erik, taking a hold of his arm. The last thing he wanted was to put the lives of the Genoshans in danger, least of all Erik’s.
Erik held his gaze, and for a moment it felt like he was the telepath instead of Charles, like he could see through all Charles’ masks right in to his heart. But maybe that had been the case through all their relationship. Erik moved down so they were looking eye to eye, before he took hold of Charles’ shoulders, his left hand resting where shoulder met the neck, stroking the spot there with his thumb.
“You don’t have to ask.”
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angelophanie · 2 years
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Ah I just loved this tweet from CherikDoing @ Twitter 🥹
Erik planted hydrangea in various spots in Genosha until he could get the right soil composition to obtain the same blue as Charles’s eyes 🥺
Then they put a bouquet in their sweet little home and made out on the bed 😌
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jackyjango · 2 years
Hi when you get the chance can you tell me more about your headcanons for Erik and Charles living in genosha. Also I have a question in one of your oneshots Erik showed Charles blueprints for a school in Genosha does Charles ever come around to the idea of teaching again in Genosha?
Thank you so much for the ask!! 😬
Hey, I'm extremely sorry that I'm answering it this late...Listen, I can go on and on and on about cherik leading a happy, domestic life in Genosha. It's literally my happy place. I won't bore you with how they get back together (Because of course they back together!!!)
And YES!! It takes some time, but slowly, the more he mingles with the Genoshan kids, the more he embraces the idea of guiding them and teaching at the school.
As for the headcanons, here are some of the headcanons I have for Charles and Erik in Genosha.
-First of them is that Charles' hair grows back, because I really can't even imagine Charles losing his luscious luscious locks. So in my imagination, his hair grows back to what it was back at the beginning of Apocalypse. Erik doesn't mind either way, he likes Charles with or without hair.
-Erik has modified his home and most of Genosha to make it accessible for Charles to move around freely. And that's even before Charles agreed to come with him to Genosha.
-Erik's bed is low and narrow. But Charles likes it that way. They wake up everyday snuggled close in each other's arms.
-Erik decides to build a small school for the children of Genosha, which also doubles as a place for orphaned mutants by parents in the mainland. Erik hands over the blueprints of the school to Charles as a present on Valentine's day. Charles is reluctant at first, but later agrees to teach the kids. Slowly, Charles takes over as the school's headmaster. They somewhat become the parent figures to the kids. (What's new there though?)
-Erik trains with the teenagers and the youngsters in the mornings-- his own military in the making. Though Charles accompanies him on most days, on days that are unreasonably cold, he chooses to sleep in. Erik brings him breakfast and hot tea from the community cafetaria on such days.
-Charles has taken to gardening. He has a herb garden outside their home by the pond. It has all the plants to make a strong herbal tea, and Erik makes them just how Charles likes it.
-Erik makes them dinner on some nights when he has the time. They sit on their balcony table and eat under the stars.
-They take long strolls on the beach on leisure evenings and sleep huddled together under the stars (Erik's even re-designed Charles' wheels so that it doesn't dig into the sand).
-Erik returns on some mornings after his run with hand picked flowers from Gwen's flower bed. Charles treats them with at-most care. He places the flowers in a vase by the bedside and is greeted by their scent when he wakes up.
-On one side of the beach is a secluded nook shrouded by the shadow of trees and grass. Between two stout trunks of a tree, Erik's tied a hammock. Charles and Erik snuggle in it on hot days.
-On cold nights, Charles' back acts up. Erik makes him got chocolate, tucks his legs under a heavy blanket and messages his neck and back.
-Summers in Genosha are scalding hot. While Erik just tans under the sun, Charles pinks and frails in the heat. Erik gets Charles a straw hat at the market and they both chuckle under the awning when Charles puts it on.
-Though the Genoshans are weary of Charles at first, they warm up to him readily. Soon, he becomes fondly known by everyone as the Professor.
-Under Erik's insistence, Charles begins to involve himself more and more in the affairs of Genosha.
-While Erik is a master military stratergist, he isn't a very good diplomat. That's where Charles steps in. They're yin and yang. An unstoppable force when they come together.
-At their school, a little girl named Cora-- with brown hair and blue-green eyes-- sits on Charles' lap one afternoon and asks, 'Professor, are you and Magneto our parents?' 'Yes,' Charles says, smiling, 'I suppose we are.'
-That evening while Erik prepares dinner, Charles says, 'Darling, did you know that we've started a family of our own?' Erik chuckles fondly and says, 'Really? Tell me all about it.' And Charles does.
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priscus · 5 months
below are the details of my main verse as established with @godblooded. interactions will generally be set somewhere within the timeline of this verse unless plotted/requested otherwise. please note that this verse roughly follows the timeline established by the more recent xmcu movies beginning with x-men: first class, with extensive alterations based on events in our shared canon.
in 1962, charles xavier and erik lehnsherr establish the first team of x-men. together, they interfere with the hellfire club’s attempt to push the united states and the soviet union into nuclear war during the cuban missile crisis. when the assembled humans turn on the x-men, erik attempts to destroy them; inadvertently wounding charles when charles tries to stop him. with their respective ideologies split, erik leaves with mystique and the remnants of the hellfire club, forming the so-called brotherhood of mutants. most of them are killed or imprisoned within the first year.
erik is implicated in kennedy’s assassination in 1963 and is captured. a decade later, in 1974, charles; wolverine, beast, and quicksilver break erik out of imprisonment to help prevent mystique from killing boliver trask. later, erik attempts to kill trask and president nixon before he is stopped by charles and mystique. erik again is forced to go on the run. however, wolverine’s presence has permanently altered the timeline, ensuring that trask’s mutant-killing sentinels are never built. (without this alteration to the timeline, erik would have never met alana.)
over the next few decades, erik comes into conflict with the x-men multiple times. he’s an internationally wanted fugitive and considered to be public enemy number one. in 2014, the united states government attempts to pass the mutant registration act, which brings erik out of hiding. he again clashes with the x-men but is successful in preventing the registration act from being signed into law.
on the run from the government once more, erik breaks into the house of dr. alana bloom, a forensic psychiatrist and fbi profiler. while looking for money and other essentials in order to disappear, erik is confronted by alana. after almost killing her, alana offers to shelter erik until the government manhunt is over. over the next year, alana begins having erik assist her with fbi cases involving mutant activity; at which point it becomes apparent that alana is also a mutant despite being unaware of her powers.
in 2015, alana is asked to help the fbi profile a killer known as the toothfairy after a series of brutal murders. erik provides alana with assistance unbeknownst to the fbi. when erik and alana draw close to discovering that the toothfairy is francis dolarhyde, hannibal lecter sends dolarhyde after alana. alana is brutally attacked before erik manages to stop dolarhyde, sparing his life only because alana begs him to. however, alana is horribly wounded, and erik is forced to turn to charles and the x-men in order to save her life. after a few months spent recovering at the school for gifted youngsters, erik and alana return home. where their feelings for each other soon become more than apparent and alana ends up pregnant with twins.
not long after they find out alana is expecting, apocalypse is resurrected in cairo and subsequently kidnaps alana, forcing erik into serving as one of his “four horsemen.” with a united effort between erik, charles, mystique, storm, and the new generation of x-men, apocalypse is eventually defeated before he can destroy the world. as a result of his aid in the battle, erik is pardoned for his previous crimes, and he and alana are permitted to establish the mutant colony of genosha.
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up-risingrp · 1 year
1831 - Sebastian Shaw forms the Hellfire Club as a way to keep mutant property and ideals aligned
1931 - Dr. Abraham Erskine begins experimentation to create a super soldier for the United States Military
1940 - Howard Stark forms Stark Industries and aligns himself with the US Military for the Second World War.
1943 - Steve Rogers is injected with the super soldier serum
1945 - Steve Rogers and the Howling Commandos take out Johann Schmidt. James Barnes is lost during the fight. He is saved by HYDRA and experimented on to create the Winter Soldier
1949 - Howard Stark and Peggy Carter launch the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics division (SHIELD). They are unaware that former Nazi spies infiltrate SHIELD to form a secret second division of HYDRA within the division
1961 - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are brought together by the FBI with the influence of the Hellfire Club to bring a team of mutants together and protect the world from the potential of a new world war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Charles becomes paralyzed during the Bay of Pigs.
1963 - John F. Kennedy is assassinated. It is rumored that a mutant was the cause of it and Erik Lehnsherr is arrested and held at the Pentagon. This is considered the first major incident of a mutant being held by the US military and sparks underground discussions on the dangers of metahuman kind. 
1973 - Charles Xavier, Logan Howlett, and Hank McCoy break Erik Lehnsherr out of the Pentagon in order to keep Raven Darkholme from assassinating Boliver Trask, one of the main champions of Registration laws being drafted. They stop Raven from her assassination attempt.
1982 - Charles Xavier starts the Xavier’s Institute for Gifted Youngsters. It is not well known for many years, usually acting as a safe haven for mutants who are pushed out of their work or home life.
1991 - Howard and Maria Stark are assassinated by the Winter Soldier
1992 - Tony Stark inherits Stark Industries, led by Obidiah Stane until Tony is old enough to run it himself. Stark Industries heavily shifts towards machine weaponry under Stane’s leadership.
1995 - Nick Fury begins drafting what will later become the Avengers Initiative
1997 - After a traumatic event, Jean Grey is brought to the Institute and becomes Xavier’s youngest student and starts the push to rescue younger mutants from their home lives.
2005 - During an experiment with the bio-tech enhancement force of the US military, gamma radiation turns Bruce Banner into the Hulk leading him to disappearing to avoid being turned into a weapon
2006 - After a surge of her powers, Amara Acquilla creates an island off the coast of Africa. She names it Genosha and claims it for mutant kind. Thanks to many other mutant help, the island becomes inhabited by mutants looking for a safe place and becomes the new headquarters of the Hellfire Club.
2007 - Following the horrific deaths of his wife and child in Poland, Erik Lehsherr moves to Genosha and starts the Brotherhood. Meant as a group of mutants against the humans becoming involved with mutant control
2008 - The X-men are first brought together by Charles Xavier. He cities the need for an undercover group of mutants sent on missions to bring other mutants to safety. The original team includes Warren Worthington III, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Hank McCoy, and Bobby Drake. 
2010 - Following a mission, Natasha Romanova is deprogrammed through the help of Clint Barton. She leaves the secret Russian program of the Widows to join SHIELD as the Black Widow
2012 - During a weapons demonstration, Tony Stark is captured by the Ten Rings and during his captivity creates the first Iron Man suit to escape. When arriving home to Malibu, he begins to work on a more high tech version and starts to hunt down his weapons in the hands of the enemy. At a press conference following Obidiah Stane’s attack, he outs himself as Iron Man 
2013 - The House of Congress drafts the first bill outlining the need for regulation of metahumans and human bodysuit weaponry technology. The Iron Man suit is included in this bill. The bill dies on the House floor.
2014 - Thor, prince of Asgard is sentenced to Earth and stripped of his powers by his father, Odin. The Asgardian technology, the Destroyer is sent by his brother Loki to attempt his destruction when he regains his powers.
2015 - Steve Roger’s frozen body is found in the Atlantic Ocean and brought back to SHIELD headquarters. When realizing he is not in the right place, he finds out that over 70 years have passed since he went down to stop the Tesseract from being stolen.
2016 - SHIELD begins experimentation with the Tesseract following the events of Thor and the Asgardian technology.
2017 - The Avengers Initiative is invoked after the Tesseract begins to become unstable from experimentation. A portal is opened creating the ability for alien invaders to attack New York City. The Avengers including Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, and the appearance of Thor manage to save New York City with Tony Stark flying a deadly missile through the portal and seeing what lies beyond Earth.
During this battle, Charles Xavier forbids the X-men from intervening as SHIELD has looked the other way when it comes to mutant activity and is concerned that should they become involved and allow the general public see their powers, they will not be looked at favorably. This causes rifts in the X-Men as well as mutant kind in general.
The Department of Damage Control (DODC) is created in order to help clean up the mess left behind after the Battle of New York, a jointly funded project between Stark Industries and the United States Government.
2018 - Talks of Registration spark up once again in Congress and many laws are drafted on the need for regulation of metahumans. All laws die on the floor of the House and Senate.
2020 - For years following the Battle of New York, Tony Stark has been working on an Artificial Intelligence that would serve as a shield around the Earth. When the AI goes off the tracks, Ultron is created. 
The Avengers assemble again including the new recruits of Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, and Sam Wilson. With this group, and the eventual defection of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, they are able to destroy Ultron but not without destroying Sokovia as well. During the fighting, Pietro is killed while saving Clint Barton.
Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, and Victor von Doom leave on a SHIELD-sanctioned trip to space prior to the events of Ultron.
2021 - Following the events of Ultron, emergency action is taken and the first Registration Law is passed. This requires all metahumans to enter into a database with their powers noted. Bodysuit weaponry is heavily monitored and is strictly forbidden except for the permission granted by the US military. 
SHIELD is effectively shut down due to their involvement with Ultron and metahumans. The DODC takes up the duties of enforcing the Registration laws and absorbs many of the former SHIELD agents.
The Metahuman Advisory Council or MAC is formed after the legislation passes as a way to give insight to Congress about metahuman rights and abilities. The original members of MAC include Charles Xavier, Reed Richards, Steve Rogers, Hank McCoy, and Emma Frost. 
On the other side of the world on Genosha, the Metahuman Alliance of the State of Humanity (MASH) is formed spearheaded by Erik Lehnsherr with other members including Warren Worthington III, Amara Aquilla, Sebastian Shaw, and the unlikely appearance of Natasha Romanoff.
Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm, and Johnny Storm return from space after being hit with a cosmic storm. Their spacecraft crashes, and the four are picked up by the DODC for further studies. Victor von Doom is assumed dead, but a body was ever recovered.
2022 - On top of congressional and military restrictions on the use of metahuman powers, registration laws are passed requiring minors to be registered. Charles Xavier offers to take on the mutants whose abilities are considered dangerous, making the executive decision that all mutants living on in the Institute will register without complaint. Tension mounts amongst its residents and the remaining X-Men. 
Natasha Romanoff finds Yelena Belova. She manages to deprogram Yelena. They are the only two living widows outside of General Dreykov’s direct control.
2023 - Justin Hammer and Aldrich Killian have joined forces to create weaponry for the DODC to use against metahumans. There have been whispers that one of them is building on Trask’s old work on the Sentinel program. Those whispers also include William Stryker’s name.
Scott Summers has left the X-Men and moved to Genosha to create his own group of X-Men for those not interested in following Charles Xavier blindly. Jean Grey has stepped up to run the Institute while Charles works with Congress.
The Avengers are currently in shambles with some for the Registration laws and others vehemently against.
Illegal street teams are starting up, people are fighting back against the Registration laws even though to be caught would mean being branded as a metahuman.
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