#Eris moreso though being from a more rural area.
autumnalwalker · 1 year
Pride Month Drabble Challenge: Day 23, Smile
Reblog of the challenge rules with links to my posts is here.
“Look!  They’ve got the tillandsias growing upside down to look like jellyfish!”
“I’ve seen photos online of setups like this but it’s the first time I’ve seen one in person.”
“So, buying one?”
“I’d prefer to make my own holder and pick my own plant for it, but… Oh!  They have spanish moss!”
“They never have spanish moss in stock here.  I don’t know why, it’s not like it’s even that exotic.”
“New plan, I’m making jellyfish out of this.  Do you think we have room for another hanging in front of the living room window?  I’d put it out on the balcony but I don’t think it’s native to the area.”
“I guess we could set up another grow lamp, but I’d rather not bump up the electric bill any more than it already is.  Maybe something with mirrors…”
“Oh, nothing.”
“You look like you’re about to start laughing.  What’s the joke?”
“No joke.  I just love seeing you like this.  Right up there with listening to you talk about space.”
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