teneven · 9 months
This is my character. Her name is Estelly (Esty). She is a deity and captain of the angelic army.
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wolftheidioticfan · 27 days
My like decade old terriara au basic ass summary so i can tag this all since i decided after years to talk about it:
The Hero (Chance) has been chosen to protect the world and restore it's balance between the main world, hollow, crimson, and corruption. Eventually, the Moonlord is brought into the fray and it is a countdown to get Chance up to speed and strength to prevent the entire world from being ended.
During this ordeal, some of the bosses (anthro/object headified for some, mostly similar for others) befriend or begrudgingly work with the Hero to keep themselves alive and the world from completely decaying.
That's it that's the base premise. The insane bits are just how ocified everyone is.
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kirknstuff · 9 days
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Shadowheart by estellier
Clair de Lune
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
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When I stumbled upon estellier's work on Twitter, I was thrilled to see that she was open for commissions. X-216 looks so lively in this piece like he's about to exhale smoke and ask you a question. I love his shiny leather coat (complete with zipper!) and the flame's reflection in his glasses. His fingernails look so clean and shiny, too.
X-216 is smoking weed, signifying that he's as anxious as ever, but his expression looks less distressed and more inquisitive. His eyes reveal a million thoughts racing through his mind. Running into an older man who stands 6' 4'' in an alleyway is always going to be intimidating, but he's not going to harm anyone--if anything, he's just as bewildered as you.
(X-216 Rick is my OC who appears alongside C-137 in my fics Spectrum of the Curve and Running Like Water 🌿)
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estellier · 1 year
Do you have a store or sell prints? 👀
I do, yes, thank you for asking! Here you go!! :]
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elvaria-project · 2 years
Oversimplified-ish Elvaria Lore- Part 2, Classical History(Age of the Cycelian Empires)
We cut back to Elvaria lore where we ended off last time, being there's now whole ass kingdoms that are quickly becoming empires Big 3 are Solaris, kingdom of the sun, Lunaris, kingdom of the moon, and Urthalis, kingdom of the sunrise and sunset There's a 4th smaller kingdom that is on the same continent as Lunaris called Estellis, which is the kingdom of the stars There's also a massive storm in the center point of where all the continents would meet Remember the Åkthora? Yeah they're the ones that are living on a small floating set of islands surrounded by extreme storms, and now they're known as Åsterlis but still isolated Miners quickly discover veins of Asurei which are the energies that course through the world Golden Age incoming with breakthroughs in magic and practical application of Asurei into inventions, turns the big 3 kingdoms into empires Golden Age would become known as The Prosperous Gold or Golden Age of the Prosperity Technologically, the world would hit something similar to the 1990s Estellis was particularly advanced but hid their hyperadvanced shit underground after they found out about something they weren't supposed to
Estellans hit a technological point equivalent to the not so distant human future Asurei experiments start early on in the Prosperous Gold and continue for thousands of years Estellis is absorbed into Lunaris via treaty somewhere at the 50,000 year mark An organization called the Accord of Oracles rises into prominence as trusted aides of royalty, and the people in it are blessed(or cursed?) by otherworldly beings with control over time to give them foresight -Roughly 490,000 years of experiments and prosperity pass by until the oracles warn the empires of the end of their glory through an event that will come to be known as The Fall They warned them of the folly of careless experimentation and complacency with the world with no cautions, but at the meeting of the empires, they were written off as madmen The Empress of Urthalis completely disregarded the warnings as she believed that Urthalisan technology was flawless, and the suggest otherwise was a slight on her kingdom's intelligence The King of Solaris believed that the oracles had begun speaking nonsense and had lost their gifts, only becoming doomsayers to sow chaos among the rulership of the empires The King of Lunaris briefly considered the possibility that the warnings were true, but decided to write off his worries and trust in the judgement of his fellow monarchs The representatives with Lunaris that represented the old kingdom of Estellis would side with the oracles, not doubting the truth of their warnings
These representatives held no true power though, and ended up being removed from their positions by the judgement of the 3 monarchs under the reason of doubting the prowess of the empire and conspiracy. The Accord of Oracles was then forcefully dissolved and the Asurei experiments continued as those 10,000 years slowly ran their course, until that fateful day where an oversight in Urthalisan storage chamber systems caused pure Asurei energy to leak and then explode. These chambers were each roughly the size of a lake and were spread across and around the capital city of Urthalis, and the detonation of one set off all the others, creating a massive blast that would decimate roughly 6,300 km of land from the force alone The rings of destruction around it brought debris that rained down on many more people and choked the sky with dust and rubble, but what would kill the most people would be the Asurei contamination itself There was a good reason why the most potent Asurei ran deep within the group in veins and the commonly used Asurei was impure and in less concentrated amounts in the air, and that was because pure Asurei was pure poison and acted similar to radiation This would mark the end of the Prosperous Gold, and thus the empires fell in under a week, them now realizing too late that their mistake to not heed the words of the oracles was fatal This event would become known as The Fall from then on- the fall of the Cycelian empires and all they had worked for, and the fall of the people as the world descended into darkness and chaos- But this is not the end of Elvaria's story.
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derpylittlenico · 6 months
Yuri On Ice fic recc
Victuri | 8,328 | 1/1 | Teen and Up
“Can we pet your dog?” Viktor, never one to be ashamed, asked.
The man stared at him, incomprehension written across his face. Viktor tried again, slowly and clearly, with hand gestures. “Pet?” he said. “Your dog.” He pointed. “Pet. Pet. Peeeeet.” He stroked the air. Little did either Viktor or Yuuri know, ‘pet’ was actually Catalan for 'fart.’ “Pet OK?” Yuuri tried. The man, affronted, sneered at them and dragged his adorably fat dog away. “I don’t see how that went wrong,” said Viktor, who had just been repeating the word 'fart’ slower and slower to a stranger. [OR: Viktor and Yuuri get lost following a dog in Barcelona. Written for Victuuri Big Bang 2.0, partnered with tumblr user estellie!]
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delunafiresworld · 10 months
Art is by estellier on X
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deliriousabsol · 1 year
The End: Rekindled Chapter 79 is Now Live!
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Things are looking bleak for our heroes. Can Yveltal be defeated? Or is this the end of Estellis? Find out here!
If you want to be part of an awesome, active Pokemon fanfiction community you can also read Rekindled on Thousand Roads Forums!
Synopsis: In a world ruled by a wicked hydreigon, the pokemon have been split into groups: Outcasts, Heretics and Darkness. Two Outcasts - a meowstic called Cleo and her small dedenne companion Spark - stumble upon an odd discovery. Something that gives the Outcasts a little hope. Hope that the Darkness will one day be defeated, and pokemon can live in peace once more.
But this discovery comes at a cost. It sends two of Hydreigon’s best assassins after them. What unfolds next is a roller-coaster of events that throw our heroes right into the epic battle between good and evil.
(Pokemon and its characters © Nintendo, Game Freak etc)
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organisationskoval · 2 years
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12) Liga Republikańska, Republican League, Liga Republicana -  faszystowski ruch w Argentynie założonym przez Roberto Laferrere i Rodolfo Irazustę w 1929 roku. Partia zapożyczyła dużo z ideologii i struktury francuskiego ruchu integrystycznego Action Française, którego idee były rozpowszechniane w Argentynie przez polemistów, takich jak Juan Carulla. Liga miała swoje korzenie w ruchu młodzieżowym założonym przez Irazustę i Laferrere około 1927 roku, którego celem było osłabienie rządu. Grupę zjednoczyła nienawiść członków do Hipólito Yrigoyena, chociaż znaczące elementy w Lidze były inspirowane faszyzmem Benito Mussoliniego, a także ideami Miguela Primo de Rivery, 2. markiza Estelli. Laferrère nalegał, aby Liga nie stała się partią polityczną i starł się w tej sprawie z Irazustą, gdy ten zasugerował przedstawienie listy na wybory w 1930 roku. Pomysł De Laferrère i Juana Carulli, że Liga powinna wspierać Niezależnych Socjalistów, został poparty i Irazusta zrezygnował z ruchu. Po utworzeniu Legión Cívica Argentina w 1931 r. Laferrère zaczął słabnąć w swoim poparciu dla José Félix Uriburu i ostatecznie wycofał swoją Liga Republicana z ruchu, powołując się na „lumpenowy” charakter tego, co zbliżało się do ruchu masowego, a także jego powiązania do głównego nurtu konserwatyzmu. W konsekwencji rozłamu de Laferrère'a w jego ślady poszli inni nacjonalistyczni intelektualiści. Los Ligi po tym jest niejasny.
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shyonaaisha · 3 years
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Spirit gear characters design notes of Velevt, Estelle & Kor (Mirrage Artes)
Source: 1, 2
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squeak-art · 1 year
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A few entities of times long lost
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pyxinavis · 2 years
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Did some chibi icons but only got as far as doing 3 of them haha. The first one is a draconic sorcerer kenku called Estelli Krownary who I played in a Christmas oneshot with my friends c:
Estelli is goofy I love her. C-CAW.
× No Usage, repost, or faceclaiming please.
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belovedyuuri · 6 years
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lost and found (ao3) - written for @estellie for braving through a bad day <3 (the banner was made by her, I’m shook at how cute it is)
One of Viktor’s gold medals has gone missing. Not any gold medal, either—it’s his first Worlds championship in the senior division. Yuuri remembers watching the medal ceremony on the grainy TV back in Hasetsu like it was yesterday.
He could swear that he put it on the coffee table, right next to the TV remote, his phone, and the leftover pizza boxes from last night’s dinner which he had to throw out into the bin downstairs when Makkachin tried to bite them into pieces.
Even the kitchen towel he placed it on is still there!
It’s not on the floor. Not on the couch. Not under the couch. Not on the breakfast bar nor the kitchen counter. Not back in the medal showcase, either.
Contrary to popular belief, Yuuri isn’t the ‘sit in the corner and rock back and forth’ panic kind of a guy.
Oh, no, no, no.
He’s the ‘I will turn this entire apartment upside down until I find the medal’ man—and that’s exactly what he’s in the middle of doing when Viktor finds him two hours later. He’s semi-stuck under the bed when the door to the apartment open. He looks towards the bedroom door just in time to see Makkachin jump off the bed and disappear in the living room.
“Here’s my girl!” Viktor’s voice rings through the hall. Something drops in Yuuri’s stomach at the sound of it. “Here’s my champion!”
Viktor’s home and he hasn’t found the medal yet. Shit, shit shit shit shit—
“I’m home~!”
“Yeah!” Yuuri shouts back and hits his head on his way back out from under the bed. His elbows are covered in gray smudges—a sign they really need to vacuum under there sometime soon. No sign of the medal, though.
“Yuuri?” Viktor’s voice comes closer and closer, accompanied by the sound of his footsteps. He appears in the doorway, finally, shoes and coat off, hair mussed with the cold St. Petersburg wind. “Everything—“ he starts, but the question dies on his tongue as he takes a look around the room.
Yuuri feels himself jerk alive again and glances around, too, actually seeing, for the first time since he came into the bedroom.
The room is a mess. The drawers are half pulled out or set on the floor completely. Their contents are upturned (what if Yuuri dropped the medal there when he was searching for something else? Did he even have the medal in the room? He doesn’t remember, maybe he did? Maybe he didn’t? It was safer to check), previously neatly folded underwear and socks piled on the bed, some scattered on the floor. The wardrobe is wide open, some hangers empty. Even the top of the chest of drawers, usually meticulously void of anything but their wedding photo, is littered with god knows what.
“What—what happened here?”
Yuuri’s cheeks grow hot. “I—” Shit. “I was just—cleaning up?”
Everything’s completely quiet for a long moment—so long that Yuuri gathers enough courage to glance at Viktor.
Viktor, who looks absolutely surprised, with a small smile playing in the corner of his lips. “I can see that,” he says, a gentle note of teasing curling around his words.
Yuuri groans and drops his face in his hands. “I’m so sorry, I was just—I wanted to clean the medals but then had to take the trash out so Makkachin wouldn’t—“
The trash.
“Oh no,” Yuuri breathes and jerks his head up to look at the door. In the next moment, he jumps to his feet and runs out of the bedroom, past Viktor, who only calls his name again, but Yuuri’s not listening. He runs to the coffee table, looks at the TV remote and the phone and the kitchen towel, looks around, and remembers...
The pile of cartoon boxes from the pizza they ordered last night. He put the medal next to them, then grabbed the boxes and went out to the outdoor trash bin, threw them out—
Was the medal there?
No, of course it—
Oh god. He can still get the medal back—
Except no, no, he can’t, the boxes are gone now, he’s seen the trash truck arrive—
“Yuuri?” Viktor asks again—it’s a good thing he’s there because, suddenly, Yuuri feels weak. “Yuuri, are you okay?”
Makkachin whines somewhere close but Yuuri doesn’t see her, can’t see anything. His head fills with bright, thick cotton, so bright it nearly overshadows the single high note ringing in his ears as his balance shifts—
“Hey hey hey,” somebody—Viktor—mumbles, his voice muffled and quiet as Yuuri loses control over his knees and they bend under his body weight, “Yuuri—Yuuri, what’s going on? Yuuri.”
Almost as if his body isn’t his, Yuuri’s only vaguely aware that he’s being moved; his legs lose their footing completely and for a second his instinct to fight back kicks in, only to be calmed when he’s sat somewhere soft—on their couch.
What has he done?
Viktor pulls at his hand and, in the next moment, Yuuri feels the warmth of Viktor’s chest underneath his palm, the beat of a heart pulsing directly under his hand.
“That’s it,” Viktor murmurs encouragingly and finally, finally Yuuri hears his voice and doesn’t have to guess the meaning of his words. “Breathe, sweetheart, breathe with me.”
And he does. He follows Viktor’s exaggerated breaths in and out. In. And out. With every another minute, the fog in his mind dissipates, and even if his heart still constricts with shame and panic of what a mistake he’s made, his nerves aren’t so on edge anymore.
His hands feel cold, but the warmth of Viktor’s protects them from shivers.
“There you are,” Viktor says oh so softly, Yuuri’s shoulders shake with it. “What happened? What made you so upset?”
Yuuri takes a shaky breath in and looks past Viktor at the coffee table—only to look him back in the eye when Viktor cups the side of his face and gently moves it back.
“I’m sorry,” Yuuri chokes, and for a moment it seems like he’s going to back where he’s just managed to get down from, like the panic claws its way back at his heart—but Viktor gets up from where he knelt on the floor, sits down on the couch next to him and pulls him into his arms.
It should feel confining, but it doesn’t. Chest to chest, hearts beating against each other—Yuuri presses his face into the crook of Viktor’s neck and breathes. Viktor’s running his fingers through Yuuri's hair, a soothing gesture. Makkachin whines next to them—and stops when Viktor reaches to pet her, too.
“Your medal,” Yuuri mumbles finally.
For a second, Viktor’s hand stills on his head and Yuuri thinks, “This is it”, but it continues to move just a second later.
“What about it?”
Yuuri clenches his eyes and curls his fingers around the fabric of Viktor’s sweater. It’s one of his more expensive ones, Yuuri shouldn’t be pulling at it—but he can’t help himself. It’s like he’s preparing for Viktor to leave but doesn’t want to—can’t let himself be alone.
“I lost it,” Yuuri whispers.
He’s had enough time to imagine what Viktor’s reaction would be to finding out. Anger. Disappointment. Sadness. Disbelief. Up till this moment Yuuri’s thought he could deal with any of these—but Viktor’s quiet for a long time again. Yuuri can’t even see the look on his face because he’s still holding onto him with all of that weak strength left in his body.
Yuuri shakes his head. “I—I think I threw it out.”
Viktor’s sigh feels warm against the top of Yuuri’s head when he puts his hands on Yuuri’s shoulders and gently pulls away. “What are you talking about?”
“Your gold medal.”
“The one Makkachin’s drooling on right now?”
Yuuri quickly searches for the poodle—she’s right there, her head perched on Viktor’s thigh. She perks up when she notices Yuuri’s finally paying attention.
Red ribbon dangles from her muzzle. And at the end of it there’s—
“Makkachin!” Yuuri jerks away from Viktor and towards the dog, but Makka’s faster. She jumps to her feet and darts back into the bedroom.
“Come here, give it back!”
“Yuuri!” Viktor calls, pulling at his T-shirt until Yuuri overbalances and once more falls back onto the couch. Makkachin barks from the other room, but Viktor’s hands move Yuuri’s face towards him again. “Is that what you’ve been worrying about? A medal?”
Yuuri stares at him, disbelief clear in his eyes and heavy on his shoulders. “It’s not just any medal,” he says, nearly scoffs. “It’s—it’s your first gold in seniors! The first time I saw you, I watched you win it.”
Viktor looks at him incredulously. “Yuuri,” he drawls. “I don’t care about any medals.”
“No.” He shakes his head and brushes Yuuri’s hair away from his eyes. “No medal has ever given me what I found in you. They’re not worth you being so upset at all.”
“What did you find in me?”
Viktor smiles and takes Yuuri’s hand in his. For a moment, he simply holds it and strokes his thumb over the ring on Yuuri’s finger. The warmth seems to seep through the metal and envelope it even after Viktor places their joined hands on his chest, right over his heart.
“This,” Viktor says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Like his words don’t carry as great of a meaning as he puts into them. Like Yuuri’s own heart doesn’t grow calmer with the comfort of slowly, slowly beginning to understand. “Can you feel it?”
Warmth. Life. Love. Softness washes over Yuuri, easing all his muscles into rest with every single beat of Viktor’s heart.
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
He whispers, “Yes, I can.”
“There were times when I felt like it wasn’t here anymore,” Viktor murmurs. “And then you appeared and I felt it again. I’ve been constantly aware of it ever since.” He tightens the hold. “Every day. Every minute. Every second.”
“Oh, Vitya,” Yuuri breathes, quiet enough for the words to get lost in his own heartbeat. He gently pries his hand away and hugs Viktor as close, as tight as he can.
They breathe together like this, calm without the storm, fingers playing with each other’s hair and the fabric of each other’s clothes. It’s a treasured little moment even when it’s not rare to them at all.
“Don’t be upset with Makka,” Viktor says eventually. His voice is light; Yuuri can hear the smile in his words, yet still pulls away to check if it’s really there. “I used to play with her this way, you see. She’d hide my medal and I would search for it.”
Yuuri can’t quite help the small sound in the back of his throat; it translates in two ways: Those are your gold medals!, is one, and the other, How can you be this adorable, I don’t understand?. Both are completely correct.
Viktor chuckles and leans in, and Yuuri can’t help but follow until their foreheads press against each other. “Don’t tell her you know it from me,” he says and lowers his voice to an exaggerated whisper, “but she’s not that great at hiding things. She just lies down on them and doesn’t get up.”
Yuuri frowns and thinks back to when he barged into the bedroom in a desperate search of Viktor’s medal, right before he turned the place upside down—and Makkachin didn’t even try to get his attention except for her tail waggling whenever Yuuri as much as looked in her direction.
He closes his eyes and breathes a soft laugh. “Looks like she won this time."
Somehow, he doesn’t mind it at all.
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yoigallery · 6 years
Extraordinary Este
Este’s (@estellie) artwork redefines what “cute” is. You’ve never seen cute until you’ve seen her Makka. With clean lines and crisp color, Este’s pieces pull you in like nothing else. An excellent portrait artist, she has drawn some of my favorite close-ups of our skaters on and off the ice.
On top of that, she is an amazing technical talent. Can you believe she does much of her lineart with a mouse? unbelievable (with a MOUSE!!)
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All kinds of things inspire Este, and it shows in the different types of subjects and styles she tries out.
It may sound really cliché, but I draw my inspiration from everything - it may be a scenery I saw recently, an old memory, a random photo on the Internet or the show itself (I like to draw while thinking about a particular quote from YoI). Also, my friends' works! I'll be forever grateful to them for continuously inspiring me and helping me to improve.
Este’s favorite to draw is...Vitya!
Why? Because his hair is easier to draw than Yuuri's! Just kidding. I have a weakness for white- or gray-haired characters in general, but Vitya captured my whole heart - his blue eyes, the heart-shaped smile, his silliness, charisma, even his awkwardness in dealing with crying people... Alright, I probaby should stop now, because this is turning into a Victor-appreciation gush.
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Visit Este and see her amazing works for yourself!
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bibliolectors · 6 years
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¿Por qué vigilan al lector? (ilustración de Estelli Meza)
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