nessaiscute · 4 years
my final iron raven theory before the book comes out
I was pinned to the ground, as was Ethan and Meghan. Titaina stood above us, waiting to destory us all. that evil grin forever on her face.
“Now, I’m only going to ask one more time.... where is the Forgotten king?”
Meghan looked down not answering, of course she wasn’t going to betray her son. Ethan glared at the summer queen, wrong thing to do kiddo and she noticed.
“Aww is the little human angry? You have no reason to cling to the traitor, hell, he tried to kill your wife. Where is he?”
Ethan spit in her face, “ Go to hell!” Titaina scowled and zapped him, he cried out in pain.
“Stubbronness will only get you so far emo boy, humans don’t have much resistance. Why cling to him? He’s a traitor to you! Does your wife mean nothing to you?”
Ethan laughed, laughed!  he was being tortured by the summer queen herself and hes laughing. I swear every Chase I run into is dumber then the last, he then tried to pull himself up, and then... he broke free.
“You don’t know a damn thing about me. Kerrian....is family and if i betrayed him Kenzi would kill me much faster then you ever could.”
you could see the lighting fuming in the summer queen’s eyes, “You think I can’t kill you faster then a human!” and she zapped him again but this time the lighting lasted a lot longer.
Ethan’s cries were painful to hear, so many thoughts ran through my head. he deserved it was one, Kerrian can handle himself. Theres no need to keep him hidden espcially as a human, but then.... I was sick of this, I’m sick of defending her. what has it got me? I love Oberon, I really do. But this is too much, hes just a human! When I saw Meghan handle that crying iron fey without gettin angry even when the citzen punched her.... thats how a leader handles themselves.... If only I could get up. damn it all to hell!
“Get the hell away from my husband!!” Cried out a voice.
Suddenly a human, ran straight up to Titaina and punched her dead in the face. breaking Ethan free, but not before Ethan fell to the ground panting and gasping for air. the human ran up to him and cupped his face. It was Mackenzi, how in the hell did she even get here??
“Kenzi??” Ethan gasped.
“What the hell Ethan? Why are you fighting the summer queen?”
Suddenly the sky turned dark and it started raininging and lighting, as if the sky was spelling what was about to happen. Titaina slowly rose up.
“Foolish human.... you dare hit me! The queen of summer.”
Kenzi turned towards the summer queen, “If anyone is foolish its you! How dare you attack my husband!”
Then Kenzie made mistake number two, she charged at Titaina. 
“Kenzi!! No!” Ethan called out
“I’ve had enough of your bullcrap! First Kerrian and now Ethan! I’ll kill you!!”
Kenzi jumped into the air winding up a swing, she was too slow, she didn’t have a chance. Titaina just zapped her straight through her chest. Like I’ve seen her do to way too many summer knights trying to attack her. 
“NOOOOOO!” Ethan cried out, he broke free. Pulled out his swords and charged next.
However, Ethan must of learned something cause he dodged Titainas lighing and stabbed straight through the summer queen’s heart. Not killing her but there was a lot of blood. Titaina fell to the ground.
“Kenzi!” Ethan cried out and rushed towards his wife’s side.
“Ethan...I’ve done it now..... I’m so sorry.... I just got so-”
“Shhh its okay youre gonna be fine. Meghan! Call one of those medics we need to get her out of here...”
Meghan looked away not moving.
I stepped up, “Ethan.... her medics only work on Iron fey... not humans.... theres....nothing anyone can do.”
Ethan looked like a puppy that go kicked with an iron boot.
“No! There has to be something! A herb! A potion! ANYTHING??”
“Ethan love.... its alright. I... always knew this was coming.”
“Kenzi.... what am I suppose to do without you?? I need you!”
“Ethan.... They always told me, I would never find anyone that I was a walking death trap. That my Lukemkia would deterre all guys away. But you never listened even when you should of. You made me feel like a queen, a loveed queen. Life was so dull till I met you, I love you Ethan.... Wherever I go, I’ll wait for you my love.”
And with that While Ethan clung to her, Kenzi passed from this life.
“Kenzi? KENZI??? No.... don’t leave me.” Ethan sobbed.
Ethen then closed her eyes and said, “Weither Jesuses throne or the 9th circle of hell. I won’t stop till I find you again Kenzi. Rest in peace my wife. I love you.”
“Isnt that cute, but arent you forgetting something..?” Titaina growled.
Everyone turned around and Titaina had healed and was ready for more.
“You’ll join her soon enough!!” She charged but thats when i lost control, I grabbed her hand and deadlocked her she cried out in pain and fell to her knees.
“P-Puck?? What are you doing?”
“This is where my loytaly ends Titaina, send this message to Oberon.... If you two keep aiding that beast.... I’ll stop you. I swear I will.”
“You.... you’ll regret this Puck!”
She telported away. We decided that was enough exictement and it was time to rest.
Ash Nxy and Kerrian found us a few hours later.
“We found out how to get to the giant beasts-”
“Bad time Pretty face.” I told Nxy, “Kenzis dead.”
Kerrian gasped.
“What killed her?” Ash asked.
“She...gave up her life for Ethan. Titaina still wants Kerrian.... Ethan refused so Kenzi saved him.”
“Where is Ethan?” Kerrian asked.
Meghan pointed to a distant long where Ethan was staring off at the sky.
Kerrian went straigh there.
“Boy!” Ash called out, “Let him cool off.”
“no. he dosen’t need to cool off. he needs a friend.” Kerrian snareld.
thats right, princling lost Annwly if anyone knows what hes going through its Kerrian.We all decided to creep up and watch.
“Hey Ethan.” Kerrian greeted.
“Leave me alone Kerrian.” Ethan mumbled and he got up and started to walk away.
Kerrian followed, “Ethan.”
“I’m fine!” Ethan yelled.
“Ethan!” Kerrian  yelled back.
“What??” Ethan roared and Kerrian threw his arms around his uncle and pressed his uncle to him,
“G-Get off me Kerrian....” Ethan sobbed.
“Let it out Ethan. I’m here for you....”
“I.... Why didn’t I let you kill her?? If i did..... If you killed Titaina.....”
“We’ll get her.” Kerrian confirmed.
Ethan then cried in his newphews arms. Kerrian held him there all night long it was sweet. We all stopped watching with a renewed detemriontion.
Oh Titaina....you have no idea what who youve just pissed off.
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