highlyentropicmind · 6 months
The history of the siblings you didn't know you had
Hello, I am Emshteko, or just Etko for short, and I want… I need to tell you a story
Long ago people emerged in this planet and they wandered over the land and the water, reaching many distant places, having adventures we will never know. You know this
But what you didn't know is that one day slavers arrived, they chased people with nets, and they captured some of them, and they took them away
You already know what happened with the people who stayed. They raised plants, they did cities, they performed writing, found science, established music and all that stuff… This is your history
But what you didn't know is what happened to those who were taken
The slavers didn't live in a world, they lived in the Fleet. The Fleet is more ancient than the slavers, the Fleet survived its makers and like the shells of those crabs it has been found and inhabited many times by many peoples. This was the turn of the slavers
When humans woke up they were already in the fleet. They weren't slaves at first, they were specimens, they were pondered by the slavers for a long time, until the slavers realized humans had mental capabilities similar to them, this is when they decided to make them property, to make humans into living tools. This lasted for a little more than two thousand years
People were forced to work without time to play nor tell stories. If a human was holding a piece of art and they spoke, the slaver would tear their teeth away saying "tables don't speak, and they don't need teeth"... I realized just now that saying this is unnecessary. I was going to give you examples of the cruelty of the slavers, but the humans that stayed also turned other humans into property, and they were cruel in similar ways. You know this, and you know why humans had to rebel
The Fleet has a heart, and it gives control in its heart to the crew of the Fleet, but the loyalty of the Fleet is high and cannot be reached, it will be loyal as long as one of the crew remains, and for that reason this was a war of total extermination. Only by killing all the slavers could the humans be in the heart of the Fleet
We don't know much about this war, but we know it was painful. The warriors fought with mangled bodies, with melting skin, with vibrations in their bones, they never stopped. Everyone fought until all the ATP in their cells was spent, they hugged their children and their minds were stopped
This is how humans became masters of the Fleet. But by then the Fleet was as broken as the bodies of the warriors, for a second they thought they had turned the Fleet into a tomb, but then the Fleet came back to life
All the ship-mites began taking the pieces of the Fleet and putting them back together, like two patches of skin separated by the edge of a knife longing to be together again, reaching towards each other. This is how the Fleet slowly healed. This period of reconstruction lasted for a thousand years
The human family also healed, having more children, children who were free. They grew up and became masters of the Fleet
We don't know where were the slavers going, maybe they didn't know either, maybe the Fleet had been going in the same direction since it was made, we will know if we ever decipher the logs of the previous crews, but now people had to decide where to go
We knew we had been taken from somewhere, and we decided we would go back to that place. That was nearly six thousand years ago. Our ancestors set the destination and they forgot about it, they knew they wouldn't live to see it
During all that time we lived in the Fleet and we too experienced history. People lived their lives, they raised their children, they found art, they touched jobs, they made ideas, they told stories… Sometimes large groups would work together in big projects, sometimes large groups disagreed and there would be conflict. Many times there was war in the Fleet, although never like before
This is to say, we walked the same path, you in the planet, we in the Fleet. It was different, of course, no one told you guys anything, you had to give shape to everything yourselves, and that's admirable. We as a difference were told many things about the inner workings, but we still had to learn to use it, and we had to give shape to those things we weren't told. We are still giving shape to many questions
But now, after this long time, we arrived at the place we were stolen from, trying to undo the damage of the slavers, but can you imagine our surprise when we saw our home wasn't empty? We saw you living around and walking your lives, and we were happy. We thought the slavers had taken everyone. We were also happy to see many other creatures in your world. The slavers told us they burned everything they couldn't take. Now we see that was a lie
This is happy, but this is awkward. We cannot simply go to the planet as we had thought. It's not like you were expecting us, you didn't know about us, that story was lost long ago
Some think maybe we should just continue, never visit the planet, but most of us think this is unacceptable. We are siblings, we cannot leave without saying hello. We also know many things you probably want to know. Also, the people from before selected this course so that we could be dressed with the sky, and the water. So that we could feel the sand, and the mud. The victory against the slavers will not be complete until we walk freely on our planet. We feel strongly about this, even if it happened long ago. This yearning has shaped us, we cannot let it not happen now that it is reachable
For that reason we have decided to wait. We have waited six thousand years, we can wait a bit more. BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND, this is a great sacrifice for us. Everyday people die in the Fleet, people who hoped to live long enough to be dressed with the sky, and we have to tell them: "No, you didn't live quite long enough for that. We are sorry"
We have sat far away, watching you, learning. We like your art, we like the stories you tell. Well done!. We can't wait until we can share with you the stories we've made, you are gonna laugh, and cry, and scream with passion at the stories of our heroes
We are your long lost siblings and we want to embrace you, we want to be joined and have a single future, but to get there we have to solve that problem: How can you say hello to someone who wasn't waiting for you?
Perhaps the simplest solution is the best one: Introduce yourself and explain your story. But of course, we can't simply appear in your sky and send you our story, that would scare you
Maybe we can share our story in some insignificant way, shared in many different places across your systems of communication, pretending that it comes from a normal person, pretending it is a fiction
If someone sees this story they could believe, or they could think it is indeed fiction, but either way, they can choose to share it with others, and maybe some of those will take that same choice… Eventually some of the people who read the story will believe it, or at least they will get used to the idea, and if enough people believe, you will not be scared when we say "hello!". You will say: "Oh, those are our long lost siblings! I read their story, I thought it was fiction, but it is reality. That's their fleet, we should welcome them!", instead
I know this is probably overly optimistic. Maybe we'll try something else, maybe we'll wait for you to find us, we are not sure
I've even asked the committee to let me go into the planet, in secret. I don't know if they will agree, but if they do you should know I have straight white hair, green eyes, and dark skin. This is actually a common combination of features among us. If you see me, and you recognize me, wink
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memoriallibrarytmc · 2 years
Top Ten(ish) Tuesday: TMC Easy #6
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One of the #6 most checked-out books from TMC Easy last year is The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson! It's a beautifully illustrated book with a meaningful message about having the courage to reach out to others and make connections.
The #6 tie is very... very long! Wow! Here are just a few of the highlights:
A Sweet Meeting on Mimouna Night by Ofanansky
At the Mountain's Base by Sorell
Be Kind by Miller
I am Enough by Byers
Keep Your Ear on the Ball by Petrillo
Last Stop on Market Street by De la Peña
Molly's Family by Garden
My Whirling, Twirling Motor by Saunders
Pete the Cat and his Magic Sunglasses by Dean
Robert Lives with his Grandparents by Hickman
Round is a Tortilla by Thong
Shi-Shi-Etko by Campbell
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ilpostcyprus · 3 months
פסטיבל Loud התשיעי חוזר ביולי הקרוב לארבעה ימים של מוזיקה, בוייב קייצי מושלם ETKO לימסול תארח את אירוע המוזיקה הגדול בין התאריכים 4-7 ביולי, ותקבץ חובבי מוזיקה מכל הסוגים כשיותר מ-50 תקליטנים יקחו פיקוד על הבמה. ביום חמישי, 4 ביולי, הבמה החיה תרים את מסך הפסטיבל עם הופעות חיות של Amazeme, The Tease, Snik ו-On Tour, עם 12os Pithikos כמארח הערב. ביום שישי בערב, 5 ביולי, תהיה מחווה למוזיקת RnB עם הרכב של תקליטנים שמנגנים מקצבים מרוממים. התקליטנים Nmar, Adm&Ash, Mx, Louw, Sts Michel &; Pro, Phatcat, Mr Cause & Mr Mk, Delor & Pettis N ו-Mc Stan יארחו את בלייני LMF עד חצות. יום שבת יוקדש למוזיקת דאנס אלקטרונית, הידועה גם בשם EDM. הדיג'ייס DJs Angie, Tania, Adjk, African Stevenson, M. Unkwn, El Gato, Andy Von Emmanouel and Matox & Memo ישאירו את הקהל על רחבת הריקודים עד מאוחר עם מקצבים פאנקיים, ועם Napaman כמארח הערב. בערב האחרון יהיו וייבים של אולד סקול עם מוזיקה של Panza Selecta, Kanaris, Manic Mike, VJ Tony Steel, Mario, Dino G and Dino. מלבד המוזיקה החיה, יהיו בפסטיבל גם אפשרויות אוכל רחוב וברים קוקטיילים עם משקאות מרעננים שיוסיפו לחוויה. Loud Music Festival פסטיבל מוזיקה בן 4 ימים עם למעלה מ-50 תקליטנים לייב. 4-7 ביולי. ETKO לימסול. 16:00-00:00. www.loudmusicfestivalcy.com לארוע בפייסבוק
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discobar · 6 months
BEONIX 2024: Tale of Us e ARTBAT i nuovi headliner
BEONIX Music Festival è davvero entusiasta di annunciare i nuovi headliner in cartellone nell’edizione di quest’anno, in calendario da venerdì 20 a domenica 22 settembre 2024 nell’iconica sede di ETKO in quel di Limassol, nell’isola di Cipro. BEONIX Music Festival proporrà una line up caratterizzata da nomi affermati affiancati da talenti emergenti.  Gli ipnotici TALE OF US e ARTBAT si uniscono…
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lignanolanotte · 6 months
BEONIX 2024: Tale of Us e ARTBAT i nuovi headliner
BEONIX Music Festival è davvero entusiasta di annunciare i nuovi headliner in cartellone nell’edizione di quest’anno, in calendario da venerdì 20 a domenica 22 settembre 2024 nell’iconica sede di ETKO in quel di Limassol, nell’isola di Cipro. BEONIX Music Festival proporrà una line up caratterizzata da nomi affermati affiancati da talenti emergenti.  Gli ipnotici TALE OF US e ARTBAT si uniscono…
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dyklopces · 3 years
i put myself in a box bc id really like to write Jet and zukos relationship in my zcu but that would require writing zuko pre transition. I hate it here
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annakoumoushi · 4 years
jazz nights at etko winery
very impressive I must say. vast. huge. a very large area, a (very) vintage winery and a very nice initiative to host jazz nights at the front yard. 
in collaboration with vinylio etc, the place was perfect for an outdoors cosy event, but mostly I was impressed by the building and fortunately we could go on a fast tour and check out the place. 
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dailyhistoryposts · 3 years
Here is a curated list of dozens of books by Indigenous writers about residential schools curated by Winnipeg-based Cree author David A. Robertson (@DaveAlexRoberts on Twitter).
Here is the bare list, but be sure to check the link to read summaries, commentaries, and more links! General warning for the trauma and racism of residential schools, but these books cover most age groups, including children's books.
1. Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese 2. The Orange Shirt Story & Phyllis's Orange Shirt, both written by Phyllis Webstad, illustrated by Brock Nicol 3. Shi-shi-etko by Nicola I. Campbell, illustrated by Kim LaFave 4. Shin-chi's Canoe by Nicola I. Campbell, illustrated by Kim LaFave 5. My Name is Seepeetza by Shirley Sterling 6. Seven Fallen Feathers by Tanya Talaga 7. Dear Canada, These Are My Words: The Residential School Diary of Violet Pesheens by Ruby Slipperjack 8. In Search of April Raintree by Beatrice Mosionier 9. The Train by Jodie Callaghan, illustrated Georgia Lesley 10. Fatty Legs by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, illustrated by Liz Amini-Holmes 11. I Am Not A Number by Jenny Kay Dupuis & Kathy Kacer, illustrated by Gillian Newland 12. When We Were Alone by David A. Robertson, illustrated by Julie Flett 13. A Stranger At Home by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret-Olemaun Pokiak-Fenton, illustrated by Liz Amini-Holmes 14. Porcupines and China Dolls by Robert Arthur Alexie 15. The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline 16. When I Was Eight by Christy Jordan-Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard 17. Stolen Words by Melanie Florence, illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard 18. The Journey Forward by Richard Van Camp & Monique Gray Smith 19. Sugar Falls by David A. Robertson, illustrated by Scott B. Henderson 20. Not My Girl by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret-Olemaun Pokiak-Fenton, illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard 21. As Long as the Rivers Flow by Larry Loyie, with Constance Brissenden, illustrated by Heather Holmlund 22. Five Little Indians by Michelle Good 23. One Story, One Song by Richard Wagamese 24. The Red Files by Lisa Bird-Wilson 25. The Education of Augie Merasty by Joseph Auguste Merasty, with David Carpenter 26. Speaking Our Truth by Monique Gray Smith 27. They Called Me Number One by Bev Sellars 28. I Lost My Talk by Rita Joe & I'm Finding My Talk by Rebecca Thomas, both illustrated by Pauline Young 29. 7 Generations: A Plains Cree Saga by David A. Robertson, illustrated by Scott B. Henderson 30. Amik Loves School by Katherena Vermette, illustrated by Irene Kuziw 31. Up Ghost River by Edmund Metatawabin, with Alexandra Shimo 32. Broken Circle by Theodore Fontaine 33. In My Own Moccasins by Helen Knott 34. The Reason You Walk by Wab Kinew 35. Betty: The Helen Betty Osborne Story by David A. Robertson, illustrated by Scott B. Henderson 36. The Land Is Our Storybook series by Julie-Anne Andre & Mindy Willett
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cobraonthecob · 4 years
probably going to get a lot of hate for it but eh, i’m tired
i’m like...tired of the new ATLA fandom. it shall be under the cut
it’s basically me ranting about the weird trend in the fandom regarding Zu/ko’s relationships
Zu/ko: has strong moments, whether platonic positive or just charged romantically/whatever with both male and female characters
Z/uko: has a moment with Son/g where he sees the extent of the Fire Nation’s damage, goes out with Ji/n for some reason, is with Jet on the boat
Zuk/o: has hecking good moments with K/atara, to the point where in the finale we get one of the most romantically coded scenes in the history of media
The fandom then: Okay so Z/uko is bi/pan/poly/ace/demi 
the rest of the fandom: coolio! Check out my Ji/nko fic!
another part of the fandom: sweet! How about So/ngko?
another part of the fandom: I have a J/etko fic!
another part: I have a fic where Zuk/o explores his relationships, and ends up with Ka/tara
everyone: *is more or less chill with each other, save for the Kataa/ng-Maik/o-Zut/ara fights*
ATLA: has a resurgence thanks to coming to Netflix in the US
New ATLA fans: OMG Zuko is gay coded! 
the olds: okay nice headcanon - 
new ATLA fans: Ma/i and Z/uko are incompatible because they’re both gay and forced into a het ship
the olds: wait hold up that’s not -
new ATLA fans: anything else otherwise is homophobia
the olds: no???? where did this even come from????
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mevsimindeye · 7 years
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Biz sadece bir sertifika ile organik değiliz. Türkiye'nin ilk kendi çiftliğinde üretim yapan organik alışveriş sitesi. Hizmetimizle gurur duyuyoruz. Güvenle alın! 🇹🇷🐑🐂🐐🐏🐄🌱 #organiküretim #etko #güveniliralışveriş #organikgıda #organiksüt #organikpeynir #organiket #keçisütü #danaeti #sağlıklıalışveriş #mevsimindeye #yöresel #memleketten #organikçiftlik #takipet #l4l #b4l #organiksebze #organikmeyve #naturelfood #instafood #organic #organicfood #afiyetolsun #siparişver (Bozalan, Manisa, Turkey)
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zaeb-babe · 6 years
D’TKO’s story of KO
D’TKO doesn’t really have a KO, his D’KO is only a file that has to run but that would shut off D’TKO, he never gets to see his KO besides when the app they run isn’t running, when it’s not running they get to see and spend time with each other like brothers, till a day where something when wrong. The app account was hacked and in D’KO’s attempt to block the hack... he failed as D’KO was still running his file got a virus, D’KO was never run again and could not be run ever until D’TKO has a memory wipe and reset. (AND YES ETKO IS STILL IN D’TKO’S STORY ÒWÓ)ETKO on the other hand doesn’t want to lose what he has with D’TKO so he won’t reset him. So now D’TKO lives without a brother to talk with and love.
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aoabmur65 · 3 years
Daytoy man ketdi ti pagipapasan nga ipareha iti innapuy--kilawen (presko) a dumadara (yellowfin tuna) nga idumudom iti nasilian a suyo, kalamansi ken suka. Ken tapno maparuar ti ad-adu a ling-etko, ninayonak pay ti wasabi, piman.
Para pupus koma ta iparehak iti budlight ngem saanen, kunak. 'Maykan, karruba!
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antinoluet · 4 years
1333. Etko brewing Twilight Zone (5,0%, 0,33l tölkki)
Sain vaimolta tällaisen joulu/talvioluen, joka on milk stout Etko brewingiltä. Etiketti on jännittävä ja aika hieno, odotukset siis melko korkealla.
Olut on pikimusta kohtalaisella, ruskealla ja melko tiiviillä vaahdolla. Tuoksua hallitsee kaardemumma sekä kookos, ja molempia tähän on lisättykin – vaniljan ohella! Suutuntuma on korkeintaan keskihapokas ja vähän öljymäinen, mutta kuitenkin kohtuullisen kevyt ja hyvinkin juotava. Makua voisi hyvin kuvailla siten, että tämä maistuu siltä kuin kahvia, korvapuusti sekä Bounty-patukka olisi vedetty blenderissä sekaisin :D Eli kaardemumma, kookos sekä vähän lievemmin vanilja ja paahteinen maltaisuus määrittävät makua vahvasti. Varsin erikoinen olut, joka ei kauheasti edes muistuta olutta, mutta on joka tapauksessa erittäin omaperäinen, ehdottomasti joulutunnelmaan virittävä sekä yllättävänkin tasapainoinen kokonaisuus. Voisin hyvin juoda tätä toistekin, tosin yksi per “sessio” riittää loistavasti. Pinna-pari lisää voltteja olisi voinut antaa tälle vielä toisenlaista ryhtiä.
Pisteet: 8/10
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dimelotv · 4 years
Curtiss y García los lanzadores de los Rays y Astros para el sexto partido
Curtiss y García los lanzadores de los Rays y Astros para el sexto partido
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Los derechos John Curtiss por los Rays de Tampa Bay y Luis García por los Astros de Houston, son los lanzadores convocados para el quinto partido de la Serie de Campeonato de la Liga Americana, programado para la 5:07 de esta tarde en el Petko Park, hogar de los Padres, en San Diego.
García en cinco presentaciones (una apertura) durante la temporada regular, el derecho tuvo efectividad de 2.92 y…
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annakoumoushi · 4 years
support cyprus wine
in these times of crisis, we turn to local treasures. we should be turning to them more often and not only during crisis, but especially now it is critical to support local businesses as much as we can and if we can that is. a few of my favourites cypriot wines in the pic below, and vasilikon winery which is not pictured here. tag your favourite, support cyprus wines and let’s hope that we will be enjoying a glass together soon, coronavirus-free. 
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my faves since we are on the subject:) 
from vasilikon winery: enalia
from tsiakkas winery: rose & xynisteri
from kyperounda winery: rose
from vlassides winery: shiraz
from etko: merlot shiraz
from argyrides winery: mourvedre 
from zambartas winery: koukouvagia with the fab labels from my talented friend myria konnari
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aliexpressrehberi · 4 years
En Iyi Gunes Koruyucu Urunleri
Cilt hasarına neden olan birçok faktörün içinde zararlı güneş ışınları da bulunmaktadır. Bu alanda kullanılması gereken güneş koruyucu ürünler ön plana çıkmakta ve bu ürünler arasında Soltis firmasının üretmiş ve piyasaya sürmüş olduğu en iyi güneş koruyucu ürünleri bulunmaktadır. Soltis’e ait tüm güneş koruyucu ürünler, uluslararası organik üretim standartlarına tamamıyla uygunluk göstermekte olup Etko-Cosmos Organic kuruluşu tarafından sertifikalandırılmıştır. Söz konusu sertifikasyon kuruluşunun organik üretim standartları tüm dünya tarafından kabul görmektedir. Soltis firmasının piyasaya sürdüğü ürünler, ilgili sertifikasyon kuruluşu tarafından test edilmiş ve organik ürün onayı almıştır.
Ürünler, her mevsim yoğun güneş ışığına maruz kalınan yaz veya kış tatillerinde ya da günlük koruyucu olarak güvenilir ve emin bir şekilde kullanılabilmektedir. Güneş koruyucu tüm ürünler, maksimum koruma sağlamakta ve zararlı güneş ışınları vasıtasıyla oluşabilecek tüm risklerin azaltılmasında yarar göstermektedir. Ayrıca firmaya ait sitedeki blog kısmında yer alan güneş koruyucu önerileri ve tavsiyeleri dikkatle okunmalı, bu öneriler harfiyen yerine getirilmelidir. Bunlar vücut açısından son derece hayati önem taşımaktadır. Her hastalığın kendine yönelik bir oluşum sebebi, süreci ve tedavi yöntemi bulunmaktadır. Kimse zararlı güneş ışınları ve etkileri sebebiyle rahatsızlanmak veya hasta olmak istemez. Bu yüzden, güneş koruyucu ürünleri kullanırken önümüze gelen her ürünü kullanmamalı ve organik kozmetik ürünleri kullanmaya azami hassasiyet göstermeliyiz. Sizde en iyi ürünler için hemen soltisorganic.com sitesine gelebilirsiniz.
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