#Evan Edwards
nakeddeparture · 2 years
Evan Edwards, Pastor, and his son, Josh, arrested over $8 million Covid funds fraud.
Trust no one. Naked!!
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blac-ivy · 2 months
Bitches complain about fandoms being dead but don't post about it themselves. Or even encourage the 4 or 5 writers breaking their backs carrying that fandom, with a like, a reblog or comment. You just want to consume the work and energy of others and can't even replenish their energy by showing your appreciation. The very least you can do for someone who provides entertainment or comfort or joy through their posts is give them a little ❤️
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themuselesswriter · 3 months
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Also Evan Peters cause this guy's been through hell
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violetsandcigarettes · 4 months
I only watch ahs for the plot.
The plot:
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bexism · 21 days
the steve(stede), ed(die), buck(y) phenomenon
ty to beckett for the graphic!!
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gatopidao · 5 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‧ ⋆ messy ᡣ𐭩 ׂ 
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evnp17 · 1 month
its by:@per4ltcine
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my growing collection of characters who were on opposing sides of a love triangle when they should have just dated each other:
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I eagerly welcome any suggestions for expansion
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angeldiarybook · 7 months
Hey yall… send request please 😼
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Mostly for scream 1996 cast,the outsiders and TWD😭but I’ll take any request for these prompts
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Just a few people I lose my mind, my time and heart to 🧎🏾 pt1
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☆ Ian x Mickey ☆
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☆ Will x Hannibal ☆
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☆ Eddie x Buck ☆
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☆ Nigel x Adam ☆
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☆ Bucky x Steve ☆
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☆ Eddie x Venom ☆
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☆ House x Wilson ☆
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☆ Frank x Matt ☆
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☆ Dean x Castiel ☆
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☆ Oswald x Edward ☆
I love them so much 😭😭
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dispatch-eddie · 8 months
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So ....?
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reyrey-art · 2 months
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You can find a HD version on my Pixiv. This is the best quality I can post here (>﹏<)
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trueangel420 · 2 months
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Edward Philippe Mott / fem reader, you’ve resist his ‘charm’ and ignored his letters for far too long, imagine, wc 1354
You sat in the carriage, your hands grasping around your feather, swaying it in front of you as the heat of South Carolina got to you slowly but surely. You had received several letters, so many that your parents had no choice but to send you to him—Lord Edward Philippe Mott. He was a well-to-do man, in other words, wealthy beyond measure. When he moved to the middle of nowhere, he kept in touch with his only friend, you.
Many people admired Edward, men and women alike, and he was sought after. Your parents ensured you stayed connected, hoping you would wed him and provide an heir. But you wanted nothing to do with Edward in that way…. he was your childhood friend, and his erratic behavior was worrisome. The letters he wrote piled up in your drawer, leaving no room for you to even answer back, the ink in his feather lessening more and more.
As the carriage bumped along the dusty road, you loosened your corset, trying to comfort yourself from the heat. Your gown, a fine muslin dress in the latest style with short sleeves and a high waist, clung uncomfortably to your skin. You longed for the cooler mornings of home, where you could enjoy a leisurely breakfast of cornmeal mush and honey or sip on a cup of hot tea.
Arriving at Edward’s estate, you were struck by its grandeur. The house was large, built in the vintage style with tall windows and a wide veranda. Servants bustled about, and you were ushered into a parlor where a spread of refreshments awaited. There were platters of ham, sweet potato pudding, and freshly churned butter. The table was set with delicate china cups for the sweet tea.
Edward sat there, wearing an expression you had only seen before on people right before they faint. “Madam,” he whispered, his voice filled with longing and shock. He looked around the room at the maids, shooing them away immediately, his voice booming through the room.
“Leave us,” he commanded. The maids scurried out, their skirts rustling and heads bowed, leaving you alone with Edward. His eyes, usually so full of mischief, were now wide and haunted.“You’ve gotten my letters? The ink for my quill?” he asked, standing up and moving towards you, leaving only an inch between you two.
“Ah, Lord Mott—” He leaned down, eyes focusing on you as he fixed his waistcoat.
“Skip the formalities, my treasure.”
You felt a lump start to form in your throat. You had forgotten why you were here—you had to confront him about the words he wrote and the way he spoke of you. “Edward, you mustn’t send me any more letters,” you said slowly, watching his reaction.
“I will do what I please,” he snapped, though his tone remained soft as he took in your appearance. “You will stay here for a fortnight.”
“Edward, please understand,” you implored, your voice trembling. “Your words… They cause me great distress. I cherish our friendship, but your letters… they speak of things I cannot repeat.” You had only read one letter, one out of the thousands he sent—he could tell because he had spoken so loosely with his quill that he didn’t expect you to show up.
“Do you not wish to stay here with me? Am I not worthy of your affections?” His voice trembled slightly, Edward was used to getting what he wanted, and when he wanted it.
He was more than worthy to you; he was everything you had ever wanted. But it was improper. A lady such as yourself was not part of the ton—you were middle class, with no lords in your family. Yet Edward treated you as though you were like him.
“Edward, you are more than worthy,” you said softly, your voice catching. “But our worlds are different. I am not of noble birth, and to stay here with you would invite scandal.” He stepped closer, his expression earnest. “This isn’t your home, this is mine, and it is only us here. I don’t care for the ton; I don’t care about any of that, for it shall not exist if I am here with you. So stay here, please. I do not beg; I am not used to begging, but I am begging you,” he croaked, his rich dark brown eyes staring into yours intently, the same eyes that made you gasp for air.
Your resolve wavered as you looked into his eyes, feeling the depth of his emotions. “Edward, it is not that simple. My staying here could ruin your reputation, your future.”
He shook his head fiercely. “What is a future without you in it? I would rather face scandal and disgrace than live without you. You are my heart, my soul, my everything.” Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you felt the intensity of his words. “Edward, I... may I be excused?”
“Yes, you may…” You practically bolted to the guest room at this, your hands shutting the mahogany door quickly, covering your eyes. You stayed in the room until night, carefully lighting your candles. There was something so serene about your situation—he wanted you desperately, so deeply, and you wanted him. But at what cost? What if you failed to provide an heir? What if his family frowned upon you? They liked you as his friend, but as his wife? What would people make of it?
You let your hair down, the tight curls cascading down your neck as you stared into the mirror. As you undid your corset, you heard a small knock. You looked back at the door, seeing a paper being slid underneath it. The ink was bright red, and the page only held one sentence. You slowly walked toward the paper, holding it up, your eyes reading it carefully. “When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew,” you read aloud, your eyes widening in disbelief at the boldness of the words.
Edward waited patiently outside the door, his curly mousy brown hair was out now devoid of that awful wig. He had changed out of his formal wear into a simple white shirt and breeches, the fabric soft against his skin. The sight of him in relaxed attire brought an unexpected warmth to your heart. He longed to burst through the door and see your reaction, but before he could gather the courage, you opened it, letting him in and shutting it firmly behind you.
“What am I to make of this?” you asked, holding the note aloft, the bright red ink glimmering in the candlelight.“Make of it that I love you,” he said simply, his eyes wandering over your figure. The sight of a lady with her hair down, the soft fabric of your nightgown flowing around you, made him feel more starved than ever before.
The dim candlelight accentuated the delicate curves of your body, he stared you down. His heart raced as he took in the moment, caught between desire and the weight of telling you how he feels.
“Make of it… that you love me?” you repeated, disbelief lacing your voice.
He nodded, moving closer, invading your space until his chest was nearly pressed against yours. “Make of it that I do. Make of it that you love me too,” he said softly.“Sans toi, je ne suis rien,” he added, his voice a tender whisper. “Tu es la lumière de ma vie.”
You felt warmth spread through you, not fully understanding his French words, but sensing the depth of his affection. The passion in his tone made your heart race. “I love you,” you said, a smile breaking across your face. The candlelight made him look almost angelic, illuminating his features in a soft glow. “Je t’aime plus que les mots ne peuvent le dire,” he breathed, finally wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace. You melted into him, feeling safe and cherished as he wished you to be.
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layuki12 · 2 months
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2024 kin list but I drew them still have bank problems but keeping my head empty by drawing my favorite characters :P I locked myself onto just 1 character per game/series/franchise because I'd probably just shove 100 more characters and burn myself out ~o~
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months
evans characters as lana songs 💋
not camryn's normal content but whatever this has been on my mind 🙏🙏 just so we're clear:
tate- i want you boy, pretty when you cry
kit- let the light in, tomorrow never came, queen of the gas station
kyle- (pre death) driving in cars with boys, video games, black beauty
jimmy- national anthem, blue jeans, yayo, how to disappear
james- art deco, million dollar man, and money, power, glory
epm & rory monahan: idk i haven't watched roanoke in like a year
kai: ultraviolence, cult leader (duh), religion, american (RAHH 🦅 🇺🇸)
austin sommers: groupie love, serene queen, your girl, fishtail
peter maximoff: high by the beach, white dress (cuz she talks real fast in that one)
colin zabel: playing dangerous, thunder, pretty much all of blue banisters
argue with the wall. (actually dont instead interact with me im so bored 💀)
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evansdoodles · 10 months
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Sketch for a small fic I’ve been writing!
In which Ed’s a little shit and won’t let Oswald fucking help him (as usual)
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