#Event Advertising Agency Paris
kpeventmarketing · 2 years
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Instagram 2 June 2023 ⬆️ Instagram 20 August 2015 Instagram 20 August 2015 #2
Glamour Italia: August 2015
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Caitriona Balfe, the Outlander’s star, is hitting the big time in Hollywood. And after shooting with Clooney and Julia Roberts, she’s ready to return to Scotland. With specific ideas, some style tricks and few regrets.
One thinks that some things can happen only in an episode of Sex and the City. Instead you can just walk in the West Village in New York with Caitriona Balfe (pronounced Catrina; it’s a Gaelic name) to suddenly glance at your side a coach with the advertising of Outlander, where she is the leading actress, exactly what it happens to Carrie in the unforgettable theme song. But Caitriona does not stumble: she mirrors herself in her image and smiles. “Thanks to the photo editing the scene seems almost heroic”,she says. “But looking at it I can only recall that my ass was freezing that day in the mountains of Scotland”. After leaving Ireland at 15 years old, entering the fashion industry as a model, last year she has been mentioned by Entertainment Weekly among the twelve Hollywood’s rising stars. Thirty-five years, 1.77 cm tall, a perfect body, icy stare and reminiscent features as Cate Blanchett, one of the actressess she likes more.
How did you feel working side by side to George Clooney and Julia Roberts in Jodie Foster’s Money Monster?:
“They are all movie giants, I learned a lot. But in the end, when you’re there, it’s just a work, and it becomes almost a routine”.
You grew up in Northern Ireland, two hours from Dublin, not only far from the spotlight but even from the city lights. How did you end up working in fashion?
“The usual fate. When I was 18 an agent stopped me while I was volunteering for an association against multiple sclerosis. I was filling shopping bags in a supermarket. He offered me to work for an agency in Dublin. I left the college, where I studied acting, and a year later I moved to Paris”.
You have worked with all the greatest – from Karl Lagerfeld to Dolce & Gabbana and Balenciaga – at the spike of your career you were considered one of the twenty most sought-after models in the world. Is there something you currently miss of that world?
“Surely the bread with olives made by Dolce & Gabbana’s cook! I remember they always had the best refreshments. Sometimes I still dream that bread. However, it was a very funnyworld, but I think it was a suitable lifestyle for my age at that time. You can cope with certain pace, between trips and parties, only when you are twenty years old”.
Is there something you never tolerate?
“The fashion system idealize only one type of woman: it’s wrong and misleading. It forces to doubt about yourself, because it doesn’t matter if you were the prettiest girl or the smartest one at school. You are judged only upon the basis of how much you are skinnier than the girl at your side. Or if you have nicer doe eyes “.
Did you feel you would have become an actress?
“Yes, I always saw my modelling career as a temporary thing. Of course, I did not think it was a step lasting for ten years! But at the time I wouldn’t have even been able to deal with all the responsibilities requested to an actress and the roles I play”.
Such as the Claire role, the heroine of the Outlander series, adapted from the book by Diana Gabaldon. Do you see herself in her?
“The story of Claire is a radical change, a great loss, but also a renaissance (Claire is mysteriously thrown back in time; in Scotland, from 1945 to 1743.) It talks about how you can survive in front of tragic events and that you must keep living your life against all odds. She has ahuge force: she is a modern and feminist woman, not by choice, but simply because she feels to be worth as much as men. And she is so strong she can afford to make mistakes … So not only I like to think to have many things in common with her, but I hope so”.
Claire is in a love triangle. Have you ever experienced a similar situation?
“It happened that the place in my heart taken by someone I loved was not yet free and meanwhile … someone else was already entering! But I have never found in a difficult position as Claire is. I do not think, however, that neither of the two men competing for her would be right for me. The first thing I look for in a boyfriend? Certainly a beautiful head. Even if no woman would say no to the overwhelming passion felt by Claire and Jamie in the serial. I almost had to take a test of “chemistry” on the set before having the part ( she laughs)”.
You had to cope with the book fans, following the character for years. Judging from your followers on Twitter – more than ninety thousand –you convinced them.
“The reviews so far are always positive and fans are very active. The funniest part is that they send me a lot of paintings of my cat. I find them beautiful and I gave a part of them to some friends who live around the world. So, it seems to meI have a piece of home wherever I go”.
Do you like Twitter?
“The wonder of this social network is doing something good by using all the “chatter”created around my success. For example, I support an association helping children with cancer worldwide. Through Twitter I can give visibility even to them”.
The first series of Outlander was shot for almost a year in Scotland: did it was a kind of homecoming or did you feel isolated from the world?
“It was a long time since I was living in Europe … Scotland and Ireland are very different but both have landscapes with ancestral energies, magical, taking your breath away. However, sometimes we were so isolated that the mobile phone did not work for days. But that’s good – actually I hate to take it always with me on the set! Maybe the only thing I really missed was dressing up elegant to go out. It seems strange, but being accustomed to Paris or New York, where you pay attention to how you dress even to go to dinner, I felt a bit out of place in Glasgow. No one dresses to impress there, unless you go to dance”.
But your look, brown sweater, high waist denim skirt, ankle boots with a little heel, apparently, seems to reflect a simple taste …
“In New York, jeans and t-shirt are the uniform between shootings, but when I go out I want to tart myself up. My style depends a lot about how I wake up: one day very feminine, girly, the day after tomboy or even “rock and roll”. The only constant is black and a few jewels. And, definitely, high heels”.
Do you have a secret to be perfect during the long days on the set?
“Perhaps the main problem are dark circles, due to the impossible schedule. So patches help a lot, the ones you can cool down. When I am engaged during the episodes of the series I have always a bit of them hidden in the fridge of the crew, and usually my days begin with them”.
With the end of the Money Monsters’ shooting you will have to leave New York to return to Outlander in Scotland. And then? Which are your plans?
“For now, I know more or less what direction I want to go, but I do not want to have a clear strategy. If you schedule everything, you risk being disappointed, while I always took my best decisions without thinking at them. I let myself be surprised and, when there are challenges, I took them up. For the moment, they were right choices. I have no regrets..apart from a couple of ex-boyfriends!”
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Remember when August 2015 seemed like only yesterday?
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freifraufischer · 1 year
PARIS, June 20 (Reuters) - The headquarters of the Paris 2024 Olympics organising committee and those of its infrastructure partner were searched by police on Tuesday as part of investigations into alleged embezzlement of public funds and favouritism, prosecutors said.
The national financial prosecutor's office (PNF) said the Paris 2024 headquarters were raided amid a preliminary investigation launched in 2017 into contracts made by the Summer Games' organising committee.
The headquarters of SOLIDEO, the public body responsible for delivering Olympic and Paralympic infrastructure, were also being searched amid a preliminary investigation dating back to 2022, following an audit by the French Anti-Corruption Agency, the PNF added.
"Paris 2024 is cooperating actively with investigators to facilitate their enquiries and provide answers to all the questions raised as quickly as possible," a Paris 2024 spokesperson said after the search ended at around 1730 local time (1530GMT), according to a Reuters witness.
"To ensure the transparency and propriety of the several hundred contracts it has awarded, Paris 2024 has adopted stringent procedures, and has set up an ethics committee together with an audit committee to supervise its activities.
"The audit conducted by the French Anti-Corruption Agency and five audits by the Cour des Comptes (Court of Auditors), in addition to the continued monitoring of our governance structures, have not raised the slightest wrongdoing.
"Throughout these audits and ongoing monitoring, Paris 2024 has demonstrated the effectiveness of the stringent procedures that it has continued to implement in collaboration with auditing and regulatory bodies."
The Paris 2024 Olympics, which organising committee president Tony Estanguet has vowed will be "beyond reproach", will be held from July 26-Aug. 11 with the Paralympic Games taking place from Aug. 28-Sept. 6.
The searches coincided with the start of a two-day International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board on Tuesday to discuss a number of issues, including the progress of the Paris 2024 Games preparations.
"We are aware that there has been a search by police of the Paris 2024 headquarters today," an IOC spokesperson said. "We have been informed by Paris 2024 that they are cooperating fully with the authorities in this matter."
The total budget for the Games has soared to 8.8 billion euros ($9.62 billion) from an initial assessment of 6.6 billion in 2017.
The infrastructure alone is expected to cost 4 billion euros from an original estimate of 3.2 billion. The cost is limited as most of the events will be held in existing facilities.
The main construction sites are the Olympic village and the swimming pool in Saint Denis, just north of Paris.
The cost of security, which according to the Cour des Comptes, France's supreme audit institution, will reach at least 400 million euros, has not been included in the overall budget.
It is not the first time Olympics organisers have been the subject of an investigation.
Japanese prosecutors earlier this year indicted six companies including advertising giant Dentsu Group and seven individuals over suspected rigging of bids worth $320 million for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics.
The indictments followed months of investigations into alleged corruption in the planning and sponsorship of the Tokyo Games, held in 2021 after a COVID-19 postponement.
Dentsu has offered its "sincere apologies" and said it had set up a committee of outside experts to review the case.
($1 = 0.9148 euros)
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Armageddon to wet lettuce: The phrases that defined 2022
Agence France-Presse, 5 December 2022
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PARIS — A year of extraordinary upheaval, from the war in Ukraine to catastrophic natural disasters, AFP looks at some of the words and phrases that have defined 2022.
With the war in Ukraine and increasingly strident threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin, the specter of nuclear warfare is stalking the globe for the first time in decades.
"We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis" in 1962, US President Joe Biden warned in October.
Experts warned of the most dangerous situation they can remember, with fears not limited to Russia: North Korean nuclear saber-rattling has reached new heights, with the world bracing for a first nuclear test since 2017.
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At 6:30 p.m. on September 8, Buckingham Palace announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died, bringing to an end the longest reign in British history and sending shock waves around the world.
For 10 days, Britons paid respects to the only monarch most had known, following a carefully choreographed series of ceremonies.
The program of events, famously codenamed "London Bridge", set out in minute detail every aspect of the protocol -- down to BBC presenters wearing black ties.
In the event, she died in Scotland, meaning special provisions came into force -- Operation Unicorn.
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World leaders and negotiators descended on the Egyptian Red Sea port of Sharm el-Sheikh for the latest United Nations summit (COP27) on tackling climate change.
After a fractious summit, widely seen as poorly organized, a deal was clinched on a fund for "loss and damage" to help vulnerable countries cope with the devastating impacts of climate change.
Behind the institutional-sounding name lies destruction for millions in the developing world.
The COP summit was hailed as historic but many voiced anger over a lack of ambition on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
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The chant screamed by protesters in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman arrested by the Tehran morality police.
Protesters have burned posters of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and women have appeared in public without headscarves, in scenes scarcely imaginable before the uprising.
The demonstrations have lasted 3 months and appear to pose an existential challenge to the 43-year rule of the clerical regime.
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The tiny blue tick (it's actually white on a blue background), which certifies users on Twitter, became a symbol of the chaos engulfing the social media platform in the wake of its $44-billion takeover by Elon Musk.
The mercurial Tesla boss announced that anyone wanting the coveted blue tick would have to stump up eight dollars, only to scrap the plan hours later.
A month on from the takeover, Twitter's future remains up in the air, with thousands of staff laid off, advertisers leaving, and its "free speech" platform hugely uncertain.
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In an historic ruling, the conservative-dominated US Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 "Roe v. Wade" decision that enshrined a woman's right to an abortion.
The Supreme Court ruled that individual states could restrict or ban the procedure -– a decision seized upon by several right-leaning states.
Protests erupted instantly in Washington and elsewhere, showing how divisive the topic remains in the United States.
The overturning of "Roe v. Wade" became a critical battle in the US mid-terms in which candidates in favor of abortion rights won several victories. 
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One of the "words of the year" in Britain and Australia, the phrase refers to doing the bare minimum at work, either as a protest against your employer or to improve your work-life balance.
The trend, which has sparked debate about overwork, especially in the United States, appears to have surfaced first in a TikTok post in July.
"You're not outright quitting your job but you're quitting the idea of going above and beyond," said the post which went viral, drawing nearly a half-million likes.
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As Liz Truss approached the end of her chaotic and short-lived tenure as British prime minister, the Economist weekly mused that her effective period in office had been "roughly the shelf-life of a lettuce."
The tabloid Daily Star leapt on the idea, launching a live web cam featuring said vegetable -– complete with googly eyes -- next to a picture of the hapless Truss.
Her premiership lasted just 44 days and featured a mini-budget that collapsed the markets and generated extraordinary political upheaval. In the end, the lettuce won.
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Environmental protesters seeking to draw attention to the role of fossil fuel consumption in the climate crisis hurled tomato soup at Vincent Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" painting at London's National Gallery in October, touching off a series of similar stunts.
Since then, activists have smothered mashed potato on Claude Monet and glued themselves to works by Andy Warhol, Francisco Goya and Johannes Vermeer.
For some, the campaigners are heroes bravely drawing attention to the climate emergency.
For others, the attacks are counterproductive and lose force by becoming commonplace.
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Protests erupted in China, initially over COVID restrictions but later widening to broader political grievances, posing the greatest threat to the Beijing authorities since 1989.
The demonstrations became known in some quarters as the "A4" protests as protesters held up blank A4-sized sheets of white paper in a sign of solidarity and a nod to the lack of free speech in China.
© Agence France-Presse 
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Part of the Network’s Annual “Loveuary”® Programing Event 
Shot Partially on Location in the City of Light
STUDIO CITY, CA – January 23, 2023 – Alexa PenaVega (“Love in the Limelight,” XXX) and Nicholas Bishop (“Industry”) star in “A Paris Proposal,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, February 11 (8 p.m. ET/PT) on Hallmark Channel as part of the network’s annual “Loveuary”® programming event. The movie shot partially on location in Paris and features iconic locations.
Anna (PenaVega) is an account manager for a New York City advertising agency who has the opportunity to land the biggest client of her career – Durand Diamonds. Much to her chagrin, her boss dispatches her and her colleague Sebastian (Bishop) to the City of Light to make the pitch and seal the deal. Anna’s by-the-books work style clashes with Sebastian’s looser approach and over-the-top ideas that dazzle the client but exceed budget realities that land them in hot water. Not only that, but Paris holds painful memories for her since that’s where she and her now ex-husband honeymooned at the start of their brief, one-year marriage. When they arrive in Paris to meet with the client, a misunderstanding leads the Durands to believe Anna and Sebastian are married, making them excited about the prospect of having real-life couple in charge of the creative vision for their brand. As they work on their campaign pitch and try to keep up appearances of being a happy couple – which becomes more complicated when Sebastian’s family becomes involved – they begin to learn about each other and the most romantic city in the world just might be working its magic. But when the truth about their relationship, or lack thereof, comes to light will this mean the end of their professional partnership as well as their budding romance?
“A Paris Proposal” is from Hallmark Media. Cameron Johann is executive producer. Producers are Jeffery Beach, Phillip Roth and Kristina Kambitova. Sufo Evtimov is line producer. Jessica Harmon directed from a script by Andrea Canning.
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infinitywebinfopvtltd · 3 months
Creating and Offering Tour Packages
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Creating and offering tour packages is a core service for travel agencies, as it combines various travel services into a single package, providing convenience and often cost savings for travelers. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to develop and market tour packages effectively:
Steps to Create Tour Packages
Identify Your Target Market
Determine the demographic (age, interests, budget) of your potential customers.
Identify niche markets such as adventure travel, luxury travel, eco-tourism, cultural tours, or family vacations.
Research Destinations and Activities
Select popular or emerging travel destinations that align with your target market's interests.
Research and include local attractions, activities, and experiences that offer unique value.
Establish Partnerships
Collaborate with local hotels, tour guides, transportation providers, restaurants, and attractions.
Negotiate rates and establish contracts to secure competitive pricing and ensure availability.
Design the Itinerary
Plan a detailed itinerary that includes transportation, accommodation, meals, activities, and free time.
Ensure a balance between structured activities and leisure time for travelers to explore independently.
Pricing Your Package
Calculate the total cost of all included services and add a markup to cover your profit margin.
Consider different pricing tiers (budget, mid-range, luxury) to cater to various customer segments.
Legal and Insurance Considerations
Ensure all elements of the tour package comply with local laws and regulations.
Obtain necessary permits and licenses.
Offer travel insurance options or ensure liability coverage for your agency.
Types of Tour Packages
Group Tours
Organized tours for groups, often with a fixed itinerary and a tour guide.
Cost-effective due to shared expenses among participants.
Customized Tours
Tailored itineraries based on individual preferences and needs.
Offer flexibility and personalized experiences.
Adventure Tours
Focus on outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, water sports, or extreme sports.
Cater to thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts.
Cultural and Historical Tours
Highlight the cultural, historical, and heritage aspects of a destination.
Include visits to museums, historical sites, cultural events, and local communities.
Luxury Tours
Premium experiences with high-end accommodations, gourmet dining, and exclusive activities.
Target affluent travelers looking for a high level of comfort and service.
Emphasize sustainable and environmentally friendly travel.
Include activities that promote conservation and support local communities.
Marketing Your Tour Packages
Online Presence
Create a professional website showcasing your tour packages with detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and customer testimonials.
Utilize SEO strategies to improve your website’s visibility on search engines.
Social Media
Promote your tours on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Share engaging content, such as travel tips, destination highlights, and customer stories.
Email Marketing
Build an email list and send regular newsletters featuring new tour packages, special offers, and travel news.
Personalize your emails based on customer preferences and past bookings.
Collaborations and Partnerships
Partner with travel bloggers, influencers, and online travel platforms to reach a broader audience.
Collaborate with businesses in related industries, such as airlines, hotels, and tourism boards.
Invest in online advertising, including pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, social media ads, and sponsored content.
Consider traditional advertising methods like print ads, brochures, and travel expos.
Customer Engagement
Provide exceptional customer service to build a loyal customer base.
Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and refer your services to others.
Examples of Tour Packages
European City Hopping
Destinations: Paris, Rome, Barcelona
Includes: Flights, hotels, city tours, transportation between cities, some meals
African Safari Adventure
Destinations: Kenya, Tanzania
Includes: Safari tours, accommodations, meals, local flights, park entry fees
Southeast Asia Cultural Experience
Destinations: Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia
Includes: Flights, accommodations, guided tours, cultural activities, some meals
Luxury Caribbean Cruise
Destinations: Multiple Caribbean islands
Includes: Cruise fare, meals, on-board entertainment, shore excursions, travel insurance
Family Fun in Orlando
Destination: Orlando, Florida
Includes: Theme park tickets (Disney World, Universal Studios), accommodations, rental car, some meals
By meticulously planning and effectively marketing your tour packages, you can provide memorable travel experiences that meet diverse customer needs and preferences.
Contact Us :-
Mobile :- +91 9711090237
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arbtvtr · 5 months
Climate change progress
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yashmodel · 7 months
Modeling in Paris: The Ultimate Agency Guide
Paris, known as the fashion capital of the world, is a dream destination for aspiring models looking to make a mark in the industry. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and renowned fashion scene, Paris offers a plethora of opportunities for models to showcase their talent. In this ultimate agency guide, we will explore everything you need to know about modeling in Paris, from the types of agencies to the top agencies and how to get signed.
Why Choose Paris for Modeling?
Paris is home to some of the most prestigious fashion houses, designers, and modeling agency Paris. It has a reputation for setting trends and pushing boundaries in the fashion industry, making it a desirable location for models looking to establish themselves in the industry. Additionally, Paris Fashion Week, held biannually, attracts designers, models, and fashion enthusiasts from around the globe, providing unparalleled exposure and networking opportunities for aspiring models.
Types of Modeling Agencies in Paris
Fashion Modeling Agencies
Fashion modeling agencies in Paris represent models for runway shows, editorial shoots, and high-end fashion campaigns. These agencies work closely with top designers and brands to provide models for fashion events and photo shoots.
Commercial Modeling Agencies
Commercial Paris modelling agency focus on representing models for commercial and advertising purposes. They provide models for television commercials, print advertisements, and promotional campaigns, catering to a wide range of clients and industries.
Plus-Size Modeling Agencies
Plus-size modeling agencies in Paris represent models with fuller figures for fashion and advertising campaigns. These agencies play a crucial role in promoting diversity and inclusivity in the fashion industry.
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Top Modeling Agencies in Paris
Yash Model Paris
Yash Model Paris is one of the leading modeling agencies in the world, representing top models for fashion, advertising, and editorial work. With a strong presence in Paris, Yash Model offers unparalleled opportunities for aspiring models.
Elite Model Management Paris
Elite Model Management Paris is another prestigious best modeling agencies in Paris known for representing some of the most iconic faces in the industry. With a focus on fashion and commercial modeling, Elite Model Management Paris is a sought-after agency for aspiring models.
Ford Models Paris
Ford Models Paris is part of the renowned Ford Models agency, representing models for fashion, advertising, and editorial work. With a strong global network, Ford Models Paris provides excellent opportunities for models looking to launch their careers.
How to Get Signed by a Modeling Agency in Paris
Getting signed by a top modelling agencies in Paris requires dedication, hard work, and a strong portfolio. Here are some steps to help you get noticed by top agencies:
Preparing Your Portfolio
Your portfolio is your visual resume and should showcase your best work. Include a variety of photos that highlight your versatility and potential as a model.
Attending Open Calls and Casting Calls
Many modeling agencies in Paris host open calls and casting calls where aspiring models can meet with agents and showcase their talent. Attend these events to get noticed by top agencies.
Networking in the Industry
Networking is crucial in the modeling industry. Attend fashion events, industry parties, and networking events to meet industry professionals and build relationships.
Tips for Success in the Paris Modeling Industry
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is essential for models to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough rest to stay in top shape.
Professionalism and Punctuality
Professionalism and punctuality are key traits that modeling agency in Paris for female look for in models. Always be on time for castings, fittings, and shoots, and conduct yourself professionally at all times.
Building Relationships with Clients and Agencies
Building strong relationships with clients and agencies is essential for success in the modeling industry. Be professional, reliable, and easy to work with to build a positive reputation.
Challenges of Modeling in Paris
The modeling agency in Paris is highly competitive, with thousands of aspiring models vying for a limited number of opportunities. It takes hard work, perseverance, and a unique look to stand out in the crowd.
Pressure to Maintain Certain Standards
There is often pressure on models to maintain certain standards of beauty and appearance. It's important for models to stay true to themselves and not succumb to unrealistic standards set by the industry.
Modeling in Paris offers a unique opportunity for aspiring models to launch their careers in one of the most prestigious fashion capitals in the world. By understanding the types of agencies, top agencies, and how to get signed, aspiring models can take the first steps towards realizing their dreams in the Paris modeling industry.
Get In Touch Contact- +91 9818043775 Email- [email protected] Website- http://yashmodel.com
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fashionpolicenigeria · 11 months
Modeling Agencies in Lagos Where Beauty Meets Opportunity
Lagos, the vibrant and cosmopolitan city of Nigeria, is not only a melting pot of cultures but also a hub for fashion and modeling. With its thriving fashion industry, it's no surprise that modeling agencies have found a firm footing in this city, serving as a gateway for aspiring models to chase their dreams and leave their mark on the world of fashion. In this article, we'll explore the modeling agencies in Lagos, shedding light on their significance, the opportunities they offer, and their impact on the local and international fashion scenes.
The Rise of Modeling Agencies in Lagos
Lagos is known for its unique fashion culture that combines traditional African elements with modern trends. As the city's fashion scene grew, so did the demand for models who could effortlessly showcase the creativity and diversity of Lagosian designers. Modeling agencies quickly emerged to fulfill this demand, becoming essential players in the city's burgeoning fashion ecosystem.
These agencies serve as talent scouts and bridges between aspiring models and fashion designers. They offer a platform for models to launch their careers, whether it's on the catwalk, in editorial spreads, or through commercial campaigns. The modeling agencies in Lagos are instrumental in nurturing talent and providing opportunities for models to gain exposure and experience.
Key Modeling Agencies in Lagos
Beth Model Management: Founded by Elizabeth Elohor in 2005, Beth Model Management is one of Lagos' most prominent modeling agencies. They have played a significant role in the careers of many successful models, both locally and internationally.
Few Model Management: This agency, known for its commitment to diversity, has made a name for itself in Lagos and beyond. They represent a wide range of models, ensuring that the fashion industry in Lagos remains inclusive and representative of its multicultural society.
ISIS Models Africa: With a focus on high fashion and editorial work, ISIS Models Africa has become a go-to agency for models seeking international exposure. They've contributed to the rise of many top African models.
Wave Model Management: This agency has carved out its niche in the fashion world by representing a mix of both established and up-and-coming models. They've been pivotal in promoting Nigerian models on a global scale.
Opportunities for Aspiring Models
Modeling agencies in Lagos offer numerous opportunities for aspiring models. These opportunities include:
Runway Shows: Lagos Fashion Week and other local and international fashion events provide a platform for models to showcase their talent and strut their stuff on the catwalk.
Photo Shoots: Models often participate in photo shoots for fashion magazines, advertising campaigns, and online content, which helps them build their portfolios and gain exposure.
International Exposure: Lagos-based modeling agencies regularly collaborate with global agencies, giving local models a chance to work with renowned designers and brands worldwide.
Personal Development: Modeling agencies in Lagos offer training and development programs to help models improve their skills, from posing to runway walks and even etiquette.
Impact on the Fashion Scene
Modeling agencies in Lagos have had a profound impact on the local and international fashion scenes. They've not only given a voice to local talent but have also diversified the industry. By promoting a wide range of body types and ethnic backgrounds, these agencies have contributed to a more inclusive and representative fashion industry.
Furthermore, the success of models who've emerged from Lagos has brought global attention to the city's fashion prowess. Nigerian models have graced the covers of prestigious fashion magazines and walked the runways of Paris, London, and New York, showcasing the city's fashion excellence.
Modeling agencies in Lagos serve as the backbone of the city's dynamic fashion industry, offering opportunities for models to launch their careers and make their mark on the global stage. With their dedication to diversity, inclusion, and talent development, these agencies have not only shaped the local fashion scene but have also impacted the international fashion world. As Lagos continues to shine as a fashion capital of Africa, modeling agencies will undoubtedly remain instrumental in nurturing and showcasing the city's incredible modeling talent.
Modeling Agencies In Nigeria
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europeincomingei · 1 year
FIT Events and B2B Travel Operators in MICE Business Travel
In the active traveling and additionally visitor market, Europe has frequently pulled in people in addition to companies alike. With its abundant social tradition, impressive scenes, as well as likewise additionally altered repayments, Europe remains to entryway explorers from all sides of the world. Among the numerous sections inside the traveling field market, FIT occasions, B2B tour operators, as well as MICE organization traveling have really come to be main participants in advertising and marketing Europe as a leading place. In this message, we check out FIT celebrations and also the essential task that business-to-business journey drivers play in advertising MICE solution travel in Europe. Revealing a FIT event: FIT events, in addition referred to as "Fully Independent Taking a trip" celebrations, have just recently obtained a great deal of appeal. FIT celebrations, unlike regular team trips, suit individuals that are looking for personalized experiences. These celebrations give you the convenience to create routines and also activities based upon the details interests of each participant. Europe is an exceptional location for FIT events due to the wide array of social, historic, along with natural visitor destinations it makes use of. FIT occasions allow individuals to look into the continent at their very own rate, from finding old monoliths in Rome to taking in the lively art scene in Paris.
B2B tour Operators: B2B trip operators play a vital feature in connecting the traveling market's vendors and purchasers throughout FIT occasions. Impressive tour chauffeurs focus on producing travel experiences for numerous other organizations, such as travel agencies, occasion planners, in addition to service customers, or B2B. These managers take on as middlemen, collaborating with engagements in between suppliers, like inns, transport carriers, and additionally moreover area destinations, together with the purchasers that seek to utilize remarkable venturing out experiences to their clients. MICE Business Travel: Europe uses an appropriate background for MICE service taking a trip with its cosmopolitan cities, sophisticated centers, as well as outstanding link. By supplying extensive remedies that please the particular demands of service consumers, B2B trip drivers play a crucial feature in improving this experience. These car chauffeurs have the ability to develop personalized techniques that strike a balance between solution objectives as well as leisure by using their understanding of the area. Furthermore, B2B journey vehicle drivers are up to day on the most recent trends in MICE traveling. They continue to be educated regarding advanced areas, cutting-edge modern technologies, in addition to lasting techniques, enabling them to provide cutting-edge options to their clients. Whether it's teaming up wise development into seminars or suggesting eco-accommodating locations, these supervisors add to developing noteworthy as well as furthermore considerable MICE occasions in Europe. The 3 interconnected components that add to Europe's flourishing vacationer market are FIT occasions, business-to-business journey chauffeurs, and also MICE company travel. The versatility along with customization utilized by FIT events, matched with the capacity of B2B browse through managers, make Europe a charming purpose for organization customers looking for fantastic se experiences.
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kpeventmarketing · 2 years
Fashion PR Firms USA
KPPR Events & Marketing is one of the dedicated Fashion PR Firms USA that you can depend on to build brand credibility. We can provide unique touch point and add value to your product offering that makes you different from the competitors.
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blockgeni · 2 years
According to several executives, the Securities and Exchange Commission's aggressive efforts against digital currency startups and the U.S. government's lack of clear regulations for the sector have crypto companies outraged. In contrast to other nations, the United States has not yet developed a thorough framework or set of legislation that permit cryptocurrency and blockchain enterprises to function without concern for being targeted by regulators. With the demise of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX last year, the U.S. SEC has increased enforcement actions against businesses. The SEC sent a Warning notice to Coinbase on Wednesday, alerting the firm that it had discovered possible violations of American securities law. The SEC also announced allegations of fraud and unregistered securities against Justin Sun, the originator of cryptocurrency, and famous people who supported the digital coins he was promoting. A number of other businesses, including Ripple, Genesis, and Gemini, are now involved in legal issues with the SEC. Because the subject is so delicate, the senior crypto executive who made the statement at the Paris Blockchain Week event asked to remain anonymous. It's incredibly upsetting for players who have been performing well all along. According to Joe Lubin, CEO of ConsenSys and co-founder of Ethereum, the ecosystem is generally outraged. President of Blockchain.com Nicolas Cary said on Thursday that We're still sort of seeing the SEC play its game of punishing those who are still surviving. And it's kind of annoying to see in that regard. As the crypto sector was founded many years after the Howey Test, one of the crucial tests to establish whether or not something is a security, most of what the SEC has done includes applying current legislation to it. The crypto community as a whole believes that this is not the best course of action. Bittrex Global's Oliver Linch believes that the regulatory frameworks are less effective when you attempt to examine cryptocurrency through the prism of conventional finance. You inquire, Is it somewhat similar to a security? If so, is it a commodity? No, it isn't really any of those things. This is crypto. What the SEC says Many of these issues were covered by SEC Chair Gary Gensler in an opinion post he wrote in The Hill last month, saying the agency has been transparent about the laws. The talking argument that the securities regulations lack clarity is unpersuasive, according to Gensler. Some cryptocurrency companies can argue that the regulations are murky rather than acknowledging that their platforms don't offer enough investor protection. He outlined situations in which cryptocurrency companies are subject to the existing securities regulations, such as when a business provides financing products. Crypto intermediaries "aren't exactly lined up" to register with the SEC and follow the laws passed by Congress, according to Gensler. Enforcement proceedings, according to the SEC chair, are another tool in the regulator's inventory for catching "noncompliance." The US could lag behind Europe CEOs have cautioned that the United States may lag behind other nations and jurisdictions due to a lack of clear legislation. Because cryptocurrency is here to stay, Linch asserted, he thinks it's incumbent on Congress to actually build a legal regulatory framework that controls crypto properly. Governments all across the world are considering how to regulate cryptocurrency. Switzerland and Dubai, for example, have advertised themselves as crypto-friendly locations with benevolent regulations. The Markets in Crypto-Assets, or MiCA, law, intended to put certain restrictions in and around digital currency enterprises, is expected to be introduced by the European Union this year. Monica Long, the president of Ripple, responded in the affirmative when asked if the United States runs the risk of lagging behind other nations in the crypto economy.
According to Long, Europe is taking the lead in establishing very specific legislation and norms that permit traditional finance to embrace cryptocurrency as well as cryptocurrency businesses. The president of Ripple referred to MiCA, a statute that needed the approval of all 27 EU members, and said it was "amazing" that the U.S. had a single government yet couldn't get its act together. Source link
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solo exhibition
National Gallery / Sofia Arsenal - Museum of Contemporary art presents        SVETLANA MIRCHEVA    POSSIBLE EXHIBITIONS    2021    curator Nadezhda Dzhakova              Works in the exhibition     13 large-scale drawings-memories (150 x 100 cm) 54 drawings-memories in frames (120  x 84 cm, 60 x 168 cm, 60 x 84 cm) 47 drawings in transparent folders (60 x 42 cm each) Sculpture Installation “Dimensions” (200 x 190 x 150 cm) Video, Making of, 28' Video Archive / 19+ Interviews            “Possible Exhibitions” consists of a series of numbered drawings that reveal the spirit of Un Cabinet D’Amateur Gallery, which existed in Sofia from 2012 to 2017. The focus of the exhibition is on the works and artists presented in it: Bulgarian and French, united by innovative thinking, the vision and high standard of the gallery’s creator, Olivier Boissière. The project was made possible with the support of the Creative Initiatives Programme of the National Culture Fund.     In 13 large-format and over 90 smaller drawings-memories, Svetlana Mircheva shares her memories of ideas, events, images, exhibitions, works, meetings with artists and working moments. Employing a fragmentary approach, signs and text, she revives individual moments, turning them into a visual archive of gallery life. The series of numbered drawings-memories began with the first drawing of the manifesto of Un Cabinet D’Amateur for Æther Art Space in Sofia in January 2019, when the main concept for the current exhibition was formed. The title comes from Svetlana Mircheva’s solo presentation “Possible Exhibitions” at the Nurture Art Gallery, New York, in 2012, and her previous research, in which the gallery was seen as a place for possible exhibitions. The 2021 “Possible Exhibitions” commences a more in-depth project relating to the study of the Wunderkammers around the world and other galleries working in a similar way. An integral part of the exhibition is represented by a series of interviews that will be conducted during its duration with anyone wishing to share, in a video conversation or through a short piece of text, their personal experiences related to Un Cabinet D’Amateur Gallery. Svetlana Mircheva graduated from the National Gallery of Arts in Sofia. She also attended Olafur Eliasson’s class at IUAV, Venice. In 2004, she was granted the International Media Art Award of ZKM, Karlsruhe, for her project ‘Mistakes’. She served as Art Director in the advertising agencies Ogilvy and Mather, Demner, Merlicek and Bergman and Carré Noir Sofia, and of Capital Light Magazine. In 2010, she was among the nominees for the BAZA Award and, in 2012, came her nomination for the Henkel Art Award for Eastern European Art. Mircheva was one of the curators of the 2012 Sofia Design Week. Un Cabinet D’Amateur Gallery has presented artists Lewis Baltz, Sophie Calle, Jean-Charles Blais, Kalin Serapionov, Stefan Nikolaev, Marie Maillard, Stela Vasileva, Svetlana Mircheva, Ivan Mudov, Kiril Prashkov, Alejandro Gehry, Tanya Glebova, Iskra Blagoeva, Dimitar Solakov, Misirkov/Bogdanov, Iskra Blagoeva/Mihail Novakov, and Stefania Batoeva, among others. The gallery hosted the series, ‘Meetings with Nedko’, between young artists and Nedko Solakov after his idea, and architectural presentations such as ‘For Architecture Lovers Only’ from the successful project, ‘Reinvent Paris’, by Sou Fujimoto and the Manal Rachdi OXO Architectes. Un Cabinet D’Amateur published the art books ‘Sechs Songs d’Amour’ by Jean-Charles Blais and ‘Look at Me, David!’ by Kalin Serapionov, as well as catalogues of the exhibitions of Marie Maillard, Kalin Serapionov, Stela Vasileva, and Svetlana Mircheva. Young Bulgarian architects, artists, art connoisseurs, are friends of the gallery.     Possible Exhibitions  | National Gallery / Arsenal Museum of Contemporary art Short Illustrated Story  | Capital Magazine POSSIBLE EXHIBITIONS FULL EXHIBITION DOCUMENTATION  | on issuu
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enterenews · 2 years
Successful completion of ‘The Mill Seoul Studio Grand Opening’ event
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The Mill, a global VFX studio that has been in charge of special effects for various video products, from the movie ‘Gladiator’ to corporate advertisements such as Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor Company, has introduced an Asian hub to Seoul.
On the 18th, ‘The Mill Seoul’ held the ‘The Mill Seoul Grand Opening’ event to announce its entry into Korea in earnest with about 200 industry officials attending at ‘The Mill Seoul Studio’.
The Mill is a creative partner that visually realizes brand value through organic collaboration with companies, agencies, and production companies.
It has studios in major cities around the world, including London, New York, and Paris, and last November, it made Seoul its main base in the Asia-Pacific region and opened 'The Mill Seoul Studio' as its 10th global branch.
Since its establishment in Korea, The Mill Seoul has been active as a major partner of domestic conglomerates, participating in Samsung Electronics' virtual character 'G NUSMAS' project and Hyundai Motor Company's '2022 FIFA World Cup Campaign' video production.
The Mill Global CEO Josh Mandel, who attended the opening, said, “We decided to open the Seoul studio by paying attention to the influence of Korea, which is expanding its position in the global advertising market.” We look forward to establishing ourselves as an important global hub for wheat," he said, expressing his feelings about entering the Korean market.
The Mill Seoul Studio invited leading domestic advertising agencies such as Innocean, Daehong Communications, and Cheil Worldwide, as well as corporate marketing officials such as Hyundai Motor Company, to introduce The Mill's various global project cases and independent VFX technology.
It attracted attention by taking the time to experience AR (augmented reality) technology that allows you to raise a dragon in the world-famous drama ‘House of the Dragon’ in the real world.
Utilizing state-of-the-art AR, the dragon implemented in the real world provided a dynamic and overwhelming experience, such as interacting with users and performing actions when given commands.
Alex Schneider, Global Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) of The Mill said, "Based on decades of expertise and artistry, The Mill is leading traditional media as well as web 3.0 areas such as metaverse, real-time, and virtual production." “In fact, we have received positive responses from customers in various global campaigns. I hope that the top-notch technology provided by The Mill can create synergy in the Korean market as well.”
The Mill Seoul Studio introduced its own data center in Korea and presented a blueprint to play a pivotal role as a hub in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Mill built a separate data center in Sangam, Seoul to gain a competitive edge in the VFX market where data security is important. Through the data center, it plans to expand global connectivity by sharing data with studios in the Asia-Pacific region outside of Seoul in the future.
TonyChoi, CEO of The Mill Seoul Studio, said, “If The Mill expands its studios to Asia-Pacific regions such as Australia, the Sangam Data Center will become a key global hub.” It is possible to work in real time with The Mill VFX team of 1,500 people.”
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Hallmark to Premiere Six Romantic Movies in February: See the Schedule
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All premieres are at 8 p.m. ET/PT, unless otherwise noted.
Sweeter Than Chocolate Starring: Eloise Mumford, Dan Jeannotte and Brenda Strong Premieres: Saturday, Feb. 4 A local bakery is rumored to have the secret recipe to finding true love on Feb. 14, drawing in a TV reporter to investigate.
A Paris Proposal Starring: Alexa PenaVega and Nicholas Bishop Premieres: Saturday, Feb. 11 Anna (PenaVega) is an account manager for a New York City advertising agency who has the opportunity to land the biggest client of her career -- Durand Diamonds. Much to her chagrin, her boss dispatches her and her colleague Sebastian (Bishop) to the City of Lights to make the pitch and seal the deal. Anna’s by-the-books work style clashes with Sebastian's looser approach and over-the-top ideas that dazzle the client but exceed budget realities that land them in hot water. When they arrive in Paris to meet with the client, a misunderstanding leads the Durands to believe Anna and Sebastian are married, making them excited about the prospect of having real-life couple in charge of the creative vision for their brand and forcing them to try to keep up appearances. 
Valentine, Nebraska Starring: Kathryn Davis and Markian Tarasiuk Premieres: Saturday, Feb. 18 It’s a week away from Valentine’s Day and Olivia (Davis) loses both her boyfriend and her job in the same week. Her sister Vanessa, who still lives in their hometown in Nebraska, convinces Olivia to come back home for an extended trip and help get her back on her feet. Olivia's roommate in New York has a friend, George (Tarasiuk), who's driving out to Los Angeles and agrees to take Olivia to her destination -- which is exactly halfway between New York and California -- in exchange for a free night's stay in her hometown. Olivia, low on cash after her layoff, agrees to take turns driving so he can get to Los Angeles in less than five days. The two strangers set out on the open road, both on their way to being who they think they're supposed to be. When George's car breaks down mere miles from Olivia's hometown, he has to stay a few more days in Valentine, Nebraska with Olivia and her sister. After spending so much time together, the two realize that their priorities might have changed, and love is what truly matters.
Made for Each Other Starring: Alexandra Turshen, Matt Cohen, Aaron O'Connell and Illeana Douglas Premieres: Saturday, Feb. 25 A sculptor (Turshen) uses magic to mold her ideal man (O’Connell) into reality but begins to fall for her real-life friend (Cohen) and embraces the flaws that make love perfectly imperfect.
All premieres are at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
Curious Caterer: Grilling Season Starring: Nikki DeLoach and Andrew Walker Premieres: Sunday, Feb. 5 Professional caterer Goldy Berry (DeLoach) throws a lavish barbeque event for her childhood friend, acclaimed realtor Susie Craig. Later that night, she is shocked to discover that after the event concluded, Susie's grill exploded and killed her. Goldy's professional reputation is put under fire when people realize that she was the last one to use the grill. On a mission to clear her name, Goldy teams up once again with detective Tom Schultz (Walker) to figure out who was behind this mysterious explosion. As they weed through manipulative party guests, heated gossip, and dark secrets, the suspect list grows with familiar names, ranging from business partners to ex-spouses. Goldy and Tom realize that the murderer might be closer to them than they initially imagined. 
A Nashville Legacy (Mahogany)  Starring: Andrea Lewis, Pooch Hall, Stan Shaw & Roz Ryan Premieres: Sunday, Feb. 26 Naima (Lewis) has recently moved to Nashville, where she is getting her doctorate while interning as a curator at a well-known Nashville museum. The tales her late grandmother shared about the old days in Music City during the 1950s provided a fascination that led music enthusiast Naima back to her grandmother's old haunts. As she begins her work at the museum, Naima meets Damian (Hall), a volunteer… or so she thinks. Damian is actually the heir to the Berryhall Records empire, run by his father Franklin Berryhall (Shaw), but he is struggling to step out from under his father’s shadow of success. The two begin to get close, bonding over their love for music and their desire to leave their respective marks on the world. 
Click this LINK to read the exclusive article at ET Online. 
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