#Event: Beastly Blight
tinkering-survivor · 10 months
*poking the old man with a stick* hey buddy hows it going
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tohwitchesduels · 3 months
Amity Blight - Capabilities (Character Profiles - Witches Duels Tournament)
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Amity Blight naturally specializes in Abomination Magic the most, but she does so capacity in knowing spells of other tracks like Plants and Illusion, but it's very limited.
Amity is a very skilled, talented, cool-headed, and pragmatic fighter. Hardly does she lose composure when battling even strong opponents, displaying plenty of agility and athleticism (as shown in her battle with Hunter and Grom, which is also given considering she was a former captain of the grudgby team at Hexside), and can be both a powerhouse using plenty of strength or a mastermind coming up with tricks on the fly while outsmarting her opponents with her skillset. Very dangerous, and even more so once she puts more passion into her battle. Hardly there are any weak spots or flaws in her battling style, but she can still be overpowered. Abomination Magic in particular feels to be weaker than Construction Magic for example, and it can be rendered useless when dealing in an environment with no mud. Granted Amity holds abomination goo with her so at most, she's going to be weakened. Amity is capable of controlling any slime or mud she comes in contact with.
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Amity does wield a Palisman named Ghost and according to herself, she's a "safe flyer". This means she's overall pretty proficient and skilled in her flying capabilities, but at the same time, it means she's not a real aerial ace like Luz or Hunter for example. She's skilled enough to not easily fall off by herself, but as proven in her battles with Hunter (both EL and TTT), she's not fast enough to necessarily avoid being hit in midair. Granted she can still be faster than average and have better reflexes than average, but still not enough to beat some real aerial aces. She is proficient in staff-wielding, being capable to use it to enhance her own spells.
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Light Spell - as proven in season 3, Amity does know a light spell, as even according to herself "even a child can do it", so light spell doesn't come hard for her, granted she never utilised it offensively. Now, glyphs are not allowed during this tournament, but since Amity's light spell is pretty useless otherwise, I allowed Amity to use it the same she used light glyph in WaD (as even at the time she didn't know that glyph magic is counter to the Collector's magic, so I assume Amity thought that light spells, in general, can undo mental effects), so Amity now can use a light spell to cancel out psychological effects (like mind-control, beastly transformation, or even illusions of even great merit)
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Projection Spell - Amity is capable of creating projections of images or historical events similar to how Eda did it in the first episode, as proven in Enchanting Grom Fright when explaining Grom to Luz. The spell however has very little use in the battlefield and at most can be used as a brief distraction.
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Voice Change - Amity is capable of briefly changing her voice to sound whoever she wants like to sound. Her real voice however can still be heard through, but it could be used as a brief distraction during Battle Royale or maybe to mess up some verbal spells of other casters (like beast-keepers, though it's hard to tell if it would actually work, or Alador's Abomatons as proven in Reaching Out).
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Oath Spell - Amity can make oaths between her opponents as demonstrated in Covention. It all however depends on Amity's manipulation and bargaining skills on what she could force her opponent to oath to.
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Thorn Bolt - Amity's only known successful plant spell, but a very potent one. Amity by striking a magic circle to the ground can create a giant pillar made out of thorns that can be either used to knock out people all around her while getting away or be used as an offensive strike at the specific target. It is proven to be quite destructive. She demonstrated it in the flashback during WILW
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Shield Spell - Amity is shown to create a tiny shield out of energy to block attacks, as demonstrated in her training with the twins at the knee. She did this with the wand at the time, but I believe that now that Amity has grown stronger, she can do it fine by herself as of now. The shield isn't particularly big, but it can be very effective against very direct and simple attacks
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Barrier Spell - Amity is capable of creating a cage made out of energy around her opponents. The cage is very resistant to physical damage and can also deal damage upon being touched, effectively immobilising its opponents. It can also last pretty long. However the barrier has a flaw in its top being left wide open, so if the caster can use their capabilities to jump above it, the barrier becomes effectively useless.
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Fire Ball - Amity is shown to be able to create and shoot fireballs of various sizes (from very small, to medium, to even large ones) at her opponents. Her fire magic can naturally melt away ice and mud/goo (as proven to be effective against SlitherBeast's goo) however her spell could still be blocked. It is Amity's second trademark spell aside from her proficiency in Abomination Magic. She can also use this spell to just raise the temperature or create combustion to destroy objects as demonstrated in Adventure in the Elements when Amity destroyed her drawing.
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Abomination Golem - Amity naturally can create golems out of abomination goo. She'll usually limit herself to one at a time when using her own golem. Her golems can come in various sizes from very little, to medium-sized, to even giant-sized. Her golems also showed to be quite obedient and intelligent for a typical abomination, being able to mimic Amity's movements and being capable of throwing projectiles, throwing themselves at the opponent, blocking attacks, tying their opponents or their attacks, and knocking them out with brute strength. They are however fragile as they can be easily destroyed with just enough force, but Amity can easily fix them up again. Her abominations can be also pretty quick and due to their ability to mimic Amity, can showcase a mannerism closer to actual combatant rather than slow, zombie-like mannerism. Amity also never lost control over her abominations.
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Take Over Abomination - Amity proved to be capable of taking over abominations that weren't made by her, as demonstrated when she took control over abominations at Hexside during her debut and even managed to bring down to the knees a very improved Abomaton made by her dad. She can also use this ability to destroy abominations of other people with it, though it could be harder against more skilled abomination casters if they're also putting just enough effort into controlling their own abominations.
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Abomination Bullet - as demonstrated with her own abomination minions, Amity can throw abomination goo as projectiles that can be pretty destructive as demonstrated during Covention.
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Abomination Block - Amity can use abomination goo to directly block attacks from her opponents as demonstrated in her battle with Hunter during Eclipse Lake. She can also use it to trap attacks inside a ball made out of abomination as demonstrated in EL. In KT it's also demonstrated that she can shape her abomination block into an abomination hand which is also larger and helps protect from bigger attacks like falling debris for example.
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Abomination Shield - Amity can create a fortified shield made out of Abomination Goo that is supposedly stronger than typical Abomination Block as demonstrated in Reaching Out.
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Combined Abomination - as demonstrated in Reaching Out, Amity can fuse abominations of other abomination casters to create a stronger and larger abomination golem. This however can come in handy only during Battle Royale scenarios as it is a team attack.
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Abomination Slide- as demonstrated in Reaching Out, Amity is capable of using abomination goo to ride on it for transportation. It could be used to get away from her opponents, get into a specific location for Amity to proceed with her strategy, or just charge head-on towards her opponents as shown in WaD.
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Abomination Root Attack - as demonstrated in Reaching Out, Amity can slide her abomination goo through the ground unnoticed, for it to pop up wherever she wants to create a hand that can be either used to block people's movements, or sneak attacks to throw them away, it can also take shape of a hand.
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Abomination Arms - as demonstrated in both King's Tide and Reaching Out, Amity can create arms using her abomination goo. It could be used to either block the attacks even as strong as falling debris, hold their opponent still as Amity attempted with Belos, or she can cover her own arms with goo to form bigger arms to match the strength of stronger opponents while also being capable to extend them however she likes.
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Giant Abomination Arm - Amity as demonstrated in WILW, was capable of creating a giant arm made out of abomination that could be used to block attacks as strong as a giant axe for example. It can also be used for uppercuts as demonstrated in both WILW and ASIAS when Amity killed Tibbles.
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Abomination Lasso - as demonstrated during her battle with Belos, Amity is capable of creating a lasso made out of abomination goo that can be used to tie her opponents down.
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Abomination Bind - as demonstrated in EL, Amity can bind her opponents with abomination goo as she did with Hunter during the entire episode. The bind is quick enough to catch her opponents no matter what and it would require top speed to break from them.
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Abomination Bubble - Amity can create a restraining bubble around her opponents to trap them as demonstrated in Eclipse Lake, being quick enough to trap them no matter what. However, it is not invulnerable as Hunter broke out from it with enough force. The bubble can be used to also use for herself for protection and transportation.
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Abomination Blade - as demonstrated during her battle with Hunter, Amity is capable of creating a simple blade made out of abomination goo.
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Abomination Gauntlet - Amity is capable of creating a fortified gauntlet made out of abomination goo. She can create only one at a time though (not counting Abomination Arms which aren't as fortified as the gauntlet which has spikes). However, she can use it to enhance her own physical strength with it (though barely as she didn't break Hunter's nose with it and only came "close" to breaking a barrier according to Alador). She can use her abomination gauntlet to shoot projectiles at her opponents as demonstrated during her tag-team battle with Luz against Kikimora.
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Abomination Wave - Amity is capable of creating a giant wave of abomination goo. The wave could be used to knock back her opponents, glue them to the floor as demonstrated in Clouds on the Horizon, or to the walls as demonstrated in Labirynth Runners.
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Abomination Construct - Amity has demonstrated to be capable of creating precise tools and objects with her abomination goo as seen in Follies when she created a skateboard or balloon in Reaching Out. Amity showcased to be quite creative with it.
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Abomination Multiple Hands - as demonstrated in WaD when attacking Luz, Amity is capable of creating multiple abomination giant hands to use to attack her opponents.
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Abomination Tendrils - Amity is capable of creating multiple tendrils made out of abomination that can be used to hold up structures (like Luz's ice bridge in TtT) and attack her opponents during her battle with Luz in WaD.
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I think that's all for now when it comes to Amity. If there's anything I've missed that should be added, let me know in the tags. Return to the masterpost
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ephemeronidwrites · 5 months
Never Enough
Rating: Mature, mostly for gore
Relationship(s): Morrigan & Warden, Morrigan & Alistair
Less than a year after the events of the Fifth Blight, Morrigan finds herself in the frozen southernmost reaches of Orlais. Alone, friendless, and pregnant.
And she's doing a damn good job at convincing herself that this is exactly how she planned the whole business.
Content warning for:
Gory and extremely detailed depictions of what childbirth feels like from the perspective of the person pushing a child out of their body. The story also deals with the Dark Ritual, with all the... weirdness that implies.
Morrigan also knew something of motherhood when it came to the creatures of the wild. How mothers would reject their weakest and sickest, in favor of lavishing what care they had to give on the offspring who had a better chance to survive. Or reserve themselves, entirely barren for a turn or two, for a chance to try again. Some other season, when the sun was more favorable, the wind balmier, the food more plentiful, the world a kinder place.
And Morrigan knew too much to fool herself that this—the freedom afforded to a beastly mother—would ever be her own to wield.
It was something Flemeth—the wizened crone, the one who Morrigan had always called Mother—had drilled into her head from girlhood, after all. It was an honour, Flemeth had told her over and over, for as long as Morrigan could remember speech, or comprehend what meaning even was. To be a vessel to a soul so rare and elevated was an opportunity that visited this world only once in millennia. Morrigan should know her fortune, just to exist in the same timespan as such an exceptional, momentous opportunity.
And of course, no woman who knew her own worth would ever be so foolish as to refuse the privilege of being entrusted with such an honour. That was something Flemeth had never bothered to say out loud, for surely a child as clever and powerful and valuable as Morrigan could put two-and-two together, without needing the obvious spelled out for her.
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intemporalities · 3 years
Ender Lilies
Tag: Ender Lilies [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ A Kingdom Afflicted By Blight
This is her default verse.
NieR: Replicant
Tag: NieR: Replicant [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ Soulless Shells of Humanity
NieR: Automata
Tag: NieR: Automata [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ The Androids Carving Earth’s Future
This is her default verse.
Drakengard 1
Tag: Drakengard 1 [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ The Broken Man And The Crimson Dragon
Drakengard 1.3
Tag: Drakengard 1.3 [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ The War of Humans And Dragons
Drakengard 2
Tag: Drakengard 2 [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ The New Breed
Drakengard 3
Tag: Drakengard 3 [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ The Songstresses of Midgard
Tag: RWBY [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ A World Infested By Grimm
Born in the city of Mantle in Atlas, Sofia’s past is roughly the same as her default verse, being abandoned by her parents due to being a burden and going through a lot as a child on the streets. She unlocks her Semblance, Invisibility, during a situation in which she was on the run from a large group of thieves whom she had stolen their latest steal from, and in desperation she ended up unlocking her Semblance and managing to evade them via becoming invisible and hiding that way. As per her default verse’s past, Sofia eventually becomes a assassin by choice- or more so a mercenary-assassin of sorts. She’s quite well known on the streets of Mantle and knows the city like the back of her hand- she’s a very useful guide if need be. Hard to find due to her Semblance, which she keeps active rather often. She is rather uninvolved in the events of RWBY, although possibly gets involved during Atlas Arc if she encounters Team RWBY and Co. or Cinder and Neopolitan. She manages to escape Mantle before Atlas crashes into it regardless of whether she gets involved in the main plot or not. She is 26 during Beacon Arc, 27 during Mistral Arc, and 28 during Atlas Arc. Her Aura is colored indigo.
Tag: Bloodborne [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ A City Consumed By Beastly Scourge
Genshin Impact
Tag: Genshin Impact [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ The Seven Elements
Mystic Messenger
Tag: Mystic Messenger [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ Did you get mysterious messages?
Born in Yorkshire, England originally in this verse, her past is overall the same as her default up until...TBW
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Tag: FE3H [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ Three Crowns
Honkai Impact 3rd
Tag: Honkai Impact [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ The Pain of Sacrifice
A member of World Serpent codenamed ‘Nightingale’ originating from Wales, born on December 21st, 1998. She utilizes scythes in battle and is a fire damager. Her default background is rather the same, except she lacks magic- but in its place she has a Natural Stigmata. She was unwanted and outcasted, and Adrienne saw this and manipulated her into becoming her accomplice just the same as in her default. Eventually, Adrienne had a 15-year-old Layla aid her in burning down their hometown, until Adrienne revealed her true intentions, attacked Layla when Layla refused to comply with them, and was killed for it. Afterward, Layla wandered around, stealing and killing to survive, until she ended up being found by Kevin Kaslana when she was attacked by a Honkai Beast. Seeing her high Honkai Resistance as well as her Natural Stigmata, Kevin managed to recruit her into World Serpent after a lot of convincing. She’s still a member to this day.
Tag: Modern [Verse]//.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ➤ The Only World Where We Can All Be Ok
All of the muses live in the same neighborhood. Alstroemeria, Helia, Noire (16B), and Layla are roommates as they all attend the same college and know each other well. TBW
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sourmartyr-blog · 7 years
9 B)
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✘ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱    Lemonwhite  had  to  protect  his  people,  no  matter  what.  It  wasn’t  an  option  to  attempt  to  send  out  some  guards  to  do  his  bidding,  and  he  had  no  brother  to  come  to  his  side  anymore...  so  he  was  going  to  do  this  alone.  Perhaps  if  he  had  guardians  of  some  sort,  like  his  mother  in  the  candy  kingdom,  he  would  stand  a  chance  against  the  vicious  monster  that  was  attacking  his  kingdom.  Regardless,  with  the  lemon  children  frantically  reaching  up  to  tug  at  his  arms  to  get  him  to  stay,  he  grabbed  his  sword  and  prepared  to  go  out  and  face  the  ruthless  beast. He  took  a  look  back  at  the  people  of  his  beloved  family,  the  ones  that  respected  him  as  their  ruler,  and  was  heartbroken  to  find  their  faces  fortified  with  a  deep  and  genuine  despondency.  He  offered  them  a  reassuring  smile,  mere  moments  before  leaving  a  note  of  passing  behind  in  his  room  in  case  he  perished  in  the  upcoming  events,  thus  proving  the  cruel,  sick  irony  of  life  in  the  process  of  these  two  actions  being  performed  back  to  back. Coming  face  to  face  with  it  was,  in  short,  mortifying.  It’s  beastly  size  and  proportions  sent  Lemonwhite  into  a  chaotic  spiral  of  barely  containable  terror.  He  brandished  his  sword,  clearing  his  sore  throat  to  speak  and  warn  the  beast  to  leave  his  people  alone.  He     didn’t     have     the     chance. The  claws  came  sweeping  towards  him  faster  than  he  could  register,  and  before  he  knew  it  he  was  viciously  thrown  backwards  with  an  agonizing  feeling  of  blight.  A  loud,  unnatural   CRACK  sound  came  from  his  back  when  he  hit  a  wall.  The  lemon  felt  every  part  of  his  body  scream  with  the  torment  as  he  reached  up  to  touch  the  open  wound  only  briefly  before  straightening  himself  back  up  and  flourishing  his  sword  again.  Despite  the  obvious  disadvantage,  through  a  sheer  refusal  to  go  down  willingly,  Lemonwhite  charged  at  the  monster  at  full speed.
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tinkering-survivor · 4 months
[ngl y'all i got no idea how to conclude this event]
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tinkering-survivor · 10 months
Well, shit! Wilson turned into a zombie now, thanks to his experiment gone wrong. Any way to cure him?
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He's probably not the person to be asking about this at the moment.
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