#Events Hall Vaughan
hazeltonmanor · 3 days
Choosing the Perfect Wedding Reception Halls for Your Special Day
Your wedding reception is one of the most important events in your life, and finding the perfect wedding reception halls is key to making the day unforgettable. The reception hall is where you, your family, and friends will gather to celebrate your love, so it’s important to choose a venue that reflects your style and meets all your needs. Here’s a guide to help you select the ideal wedding reception halls.
1. Capacity and Layout
One of the first things to consider when choosing a wedding reception hall is its capacity. The venue should be large enough to accommodate all your guests comfortably but not so large that it feels empty or impersonal. Many halls provide maximum capacity information, so be sure to confirm this before booking. Also, consider the layout of the hall. You’ll want to ensure that there’s enough space for a dining area, dance floor, and any other activities, like speeches or a photo booth, that you plan to include.
Additionally, ask about flexible seating arrangements and room customization. Being able to rearrange tables and seating to match your vision can greatly enhance the flow and feel of your event.
2. Location and Accessibility
The location of the wedding reception hall is another important factor. Ideally, it should be convenient for both you and your guests. If your wedding ceremony takes place in a different location, consider the travel time between the two venues. For out-of-town guests, it’s helpful to choose a reception hall that’s near hotels or accommodations. You may also want to look for a venue that offers ample parking or is accessible by public transportation. Ease of access ensures a smooth experience for everyone attending.
3. Style and Ambiance
The style of the wedding reception halls should align with the theme and aesthetic of your wedding. If you’re planning a formal, elegant wedding, look for venues with classic architecture, grand chandeliers, or luxurious décor. For more rustic or laid-back weddings, consider barns, gardens, or halls with a natural, minimalist design. It’s important to choose a venue that fits the vibe you’re trying to create. A beautiful space with the right ambiance can set the tone for the entire evening and enhance the overall experience.
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4. Catering and Services
Some wedding reception halls offer in-house catering, while others may require you to bring in your own caterer. If food is a priority for your event, ask about the available catering options and the types of menus they provide. Many venues offer customized menus to suit different tastes and dietary needs. Additionally, consider other services that the venue provides, such as bartending, cake cutting, and waitstaff. The more services a venue offers, the easier it will be to plan your event, and the less you’ll need to coordinate on your own.
5. Amenities and Extras
Modern wedding reception halls often come equipped with a variety of amenities to enhance your event. Ask about things like sound systems, projectors, lighting options, and AV equipment. Having access to quality sound and lighting can make a big difference, especially for dancing, speeches, and entertainment. Some venues also offer bridal suites, coat checks, and valet services, adding an extra layer of convenience and luxury to your big day.
6. Budget
Your wedding budget will play a major role in selecting your wedding reception hall. While you may fall in love with a high-end venue, it’s important to ensure that the price aligns with your overall wedding budget. Reception hall costs can vary significantly depending on location, size, and services offered. Look for a venue that offers a balance between affordability and the features you need. Keep in mind that some venues may have additional fees for things like overtime, corkage, or setup, so be sure to ask about all potential costs upfront.
Choosing the perfect wedding reception halls is an exciting but important task. By considering factors like capacity, location, style, and budget, you can find a venue that matches your vision and ensures a seamless, memorable event. Whether you’re looking for a luxurious ballroom or a charming, rustic hall, the right reception venue will provide the backdrop for the celebration of a lifetime. Make sure to visit the hall in person, ask plenty of questions, and envision how the space will bring your wedding dreams to life. For more details visit our website: www.hazeltonmanor.com
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thedeafprophet · 1 year
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Finished drawing my character designs/ line up of the Light Fingers Crew to formalize my drawing of them
Overview/ Design talk under the cut if anyone is interested in that sort of thing
For all the designs I used the art given for them in the game as a starting point and then went from there. For all but Hephaesta of course that means using a non character specific art. I also wanted all the colors to sort of fit together so where i would have done more vibrant stuff and i strayed away from that.
Clara and Her Sister
Putting the discussion for these two together, as their designs recieved similar thoughts because they are identical twins. ('She is wearing the Fading Music-Hall Singer's face, which seems rude.')
The basic art of the bohemian faction is used to depict the sisters.
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So this was my basic starting point for the visual design. I ended up diving further into research into bohemian fashion, which of course lead to me reading up on the history of the term and the connection to the Romani people. According to wikipedia, the word comes from the french term 'bohémien', which was the word for the Romani people.
This of course put a complex spin when i looked into the clothing used in the time, as theres a question between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation, and one I don't have the full understanding for.
Nevertheless i did take some inspirtation for the clothing here, Clara with having her hair loose and down and looser clothing, the singer with the hair scarf and the necklace among some inspirations.
Inbetween the two I imagine the singers appearance to be more reserved then Clarabelle's. For one, my interpretation of the singer is as someone who uses her singing as a backdrop for sneaking and gathering information (per her role as a 'contact' of the player). The other being that we are told Clara's title is the 'eccentric opera singer' to me implies a grander sense of creatativity and wilder clothing. In less stressful times I imagine her wearing brighter clashing colours and skirts with patterns on them and jewlery (which i intend to draw at a later time when i get better at adding patterns to clothes lol).
We also know the two of them are 'not young' so i attempted to not make them appear so.
Heph is of course the one character of the group with a personalized art, which i used as the base for my design.
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Hephaesta is supposed to be a large figure, as she is a strongwoman, and is described as towering over even jasper and frank. So of course I had to make her tall compared to the others of the group.
And of course i can't go without bringing up Katie Sandwina (again), a real strongwomen of the time who serves as a great inspiration both in body type and height.
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What a woman huh.
Dr Vaughan
The Campaigner template art was the one used to depict her when you first speak to her and was a starting point here.
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To me i always pictured her as a fairly older women given her experience and amount of time she's been researching. Clearly someone with a lot of exprience. And also i just vibe with it.
I kept her outfit simple, as i dont figure her as someone to put too much into the latest fashion given her focus on her work. I took the green from the art to use as her skirt to tie in that colour. I also looked up some photos of female doctors of the time and that partially influenced my art direction here.
Obliging Silverer
I debated including him or not given that you only have him as part of the team if you use the light fingers exclusive option to access the parabolan basecamp. But given the fact that he literaly dies defending the camp, I think its only fair that he gets included.
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i just had a bit of fun with the design as there wasnt too much to restrict off. I dont draw a lot of characters with mustaches depsite them being a thing of the time, so I figured this was a good excuse as any. I kept with some orange colours within his colour scheme for further callbacks to parabola and his work.
Also hey did you know that people of an ashkenazi background can also have red hair? Fun fact heh.
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zilabee · 2 years
"I wasn't there because ahead of the Quarry Men's evening performance I'd gone home for a bite to eat. I only lived a ten minute walk away and hadn't eaten since breakfast, so after coming off the church field and putting my kit in place ready for the evening's performance I'd nipped home for my tea and in the process I missed that historic audition."
- - - Colin Hanton
"I must have nipped out to the toilet because I have no memory of the greatest meeting in rock n roll history."
- - - Rod Davis
"I noticed Paul while we were playing. He was standing with Ivan... but I don't remember him carrying a guitar."
- - - Eric Griffiths
Pre:Fab! - by Hanton and Hall.
History quietly shifting itself into place, while half the quarry men are looking the other way.
I just I love that some people are out there writing meaningful fantastic remembrances about Paul's eyelashes and electricity in the air, and then others are like 'I don't know, maybe he was there..?'
Colin Hanton (quarry man) consistently claims that Paul met John before the Quarry Men went on to play in the afternoon. Colin was in the scout hut, playing his drums with one of the scouts, getting ready for the afternoon performance:
"At the far end of the hut, I noticed John had returned by himself. [...] He was standing talking to another scout. It was at this moment that Ivan Vaughan walked in accompanied by this dark-haired lad whom I'd never seen before. I carried on jamming while the three of them stood talking. This carried on for about five or ten minutes, after which John, Ivy, and the stranger left the scout hut together."
Sounds completely like what a constructed memory of that event would seem like, but also sounds completely like something that might have happened too, and we'll never know.
Eric, meanwhile, believes that he was there for the 'historic meeting' in the church, but that Paul never played guitar for them at that point, no matter what Paul, John, Pete, Len and Ivan have to say. He thinks John first heard Paul play a few days later when John and Eric went round to Forthlin Road specially for the 'audition'. That's where he thinks Paul played Twenty Flight Rock for the first time.
Beatles fandom is an incredible study in the vagaries of memory. I love it. It's fantastic how little we will ever know.
As Colin Hall (biographer) writes:
Like most bands, they met a lot of new people every time they were booked to play. Often there'd be a lot of people hanging out with them before or after a performance. No wonder that, in the interim, exact memories faded, details disappeared. It would be many years after the event that the Quarry Men would be asked to describe this day in the forensic detail people now want from them. [...] They were not all present in the same places for some of the key moments. At the time it was a fun day, but of no great significance to most of them beyond the moment of their performance.
He also points out that an article published just one week after the fete, ("All the Fun of the Fair at Woolton" in the Liverpool Weekly News) which is an eye-witness report written while everything was still fresh... claimed that Colin wasn't there, and the Quarry Men played without a drummer. Something easily disproved by any photograph of the day.
Give up, surrender! Beatles reporting has been pure fiction from day nought. Nothing is knowable. Everything is mist. You can keep trying, you will get nowhere. Honestly it's all an imagination, so imagine wonderful things.
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caperingcryptid · 2 years
A Strange Patchwork
"Family" meant a lot of things to the Resolute Agent.
It meant, for one, the weight of responsibility around her neck before she was even old enough to fully understand what it meant. It meant learning to hold herself a certain way; silvering her tongue to a shine; keeping her cards close from anyone from her family. After all, she couldn't trust anyone else but them. Not really. Not even herself.
"Family" meant, to the Agent, being the clay shaped into exactly the type of figure that was expected of you. It was an oppression that curled its fingers into your shoulders, leaned into your ear, and told you you must make them proud.
She was not even 15 years old when she threw what belongings she could into her trunk, slipped out the window, and darted into the dark to never return: for if she did, she would be resigning herself to something far worse than what the streets had to offer.
Leaving her home hadn't brought her freedom. Pawning off the jewelry she had snatched on her way out for a little extra pocket money hadn't brought her freedom. As long as she was anywhere near her home town- her home country, even- she would always feel like the hunted animal she knew she was.
The Neath promised freedom: not just from the ever-present paranoia that haunted her in the harsh light of the day, but from the constraints that the rest of the world bound her to. In London, a man and a woman stood on equal footing. Her education, her job prospects, and her entire future were firmly in her hands, and it would be hers to do with as she saw fit.
Whether she ran herself into the ground, or climbed beyond what she could even dream, it didn't matter. She was, and would now forever be, her own creature.
When she and the passenger ship she was on passed through the gates of the Cumaean Canal and into the lush, unfathomably eternal night below, she very calmly put to death the girl she had once been. Though a part of her would always remain, it was there that the Agent was born in her place.
She found that London suited her quite well. Over the years, she did far more than survive. She thrived. In a world where the services of the most Watchful, were needed to help handle some of the rampant chaos that went on in the Neath, someone who had long adapted to being on guard fit in perfectly.
She carved out a reputation for herself with her own scarred hands. Though not famous, she was known enough among certain circles that she was never short of work. She was an investigator that would work in quiet determination until the job was done, and once it was, turned her attention to the next.
It was true that she had little in the ways of companionship, but the Agent had never exactly been a social butterfly. She enjoyed a good book and the quiet. She might not have been happy, but she was content. That was enough for her.
Then an old acquaintance of hers came calling. The Faded Music-Hall Singer.
It's remarkable how quickly one event can turn such a carefully constructed life on its head.
It's remarkable just how deep the Bazaar's well of poison ran in the Neath.
It's remarkable how the most desperate of circumstances could bring those caught within them together.
The Faded Music-Hall Singer was little more than a friendly acquaintance, but with her death, the safety of her sister, Clarabelle, had fallen into the Agent's hands. Even if she hadn't known the Singer beforehand, the horror of the poor woman's situation was more than enough to compel her to look after her.
Dr. Vaughan came next into her life by means of necessity. Prenatal care was important for anyone pregnant, after all, let alone someone carrying a creature that was not of this world. Vaughan was the only one capable and competent enough to be trusted to help. Then, of course, knowledge needed to be found. Supplies needed to be gathered.
Dangers had to be faced, and the Agent was the most qualified to be the one facing them on the behalf of their little party. She had to be their protector, because there was no one else that could. She led them to the roof of the unworldly skies, down a sun, through the glass. She gave her blood to save the life of a woman she had met not long ago, even if it meant binding herself to the strange, chimerical creature that was building inside her.
One day, as they were breaking bread over a campfire, the good doctor cracked a dry joke about the Provost of Summerset, and the Agent found that she had started to smile in spite of herself.
She knew, then, that it was too late for her. Professional care had given way to something fonder. Something softer.
"Family" meant a lot of things to the Resolute Agent. It meant the weight of responsibility around her neck. It meant holding herself a certain way, and bracing herself against the horrors that the world might bring. It meant vulnerability.
She found herself thinking of it again as she wiped the sweat from Clara's forehead, her other hand being crushed in a grip so tight she thought the bones might snap. Around her, Dr. Vaughan, as sensible as she was, barked orders and worked with ferocious speed. The Singer sang her sister's child out into the muggy Parabolan air, even as the force of it burned her tongue to char. And Hephaesta, who had fought for the sisters long before the Agent had entered their lives, who had sacrificed her own safety to help in this venture, ran supplies back and forth to the brink of exhaustion.
Then it was over. Before the Agent could think of protesting, the doctor passed the child to her, and left to patch together the damage that had been done to Clara.
She had always thought of the child as entirely and inarguably Clarabelle's, even after she had supplied her own piece to the puzzle. She looked down at the little creature with exhausted fascination, aware of just how much of an anomaly it was, and...
...It looked up at her. In that strangely cherubic face, she saw her own eyes mirrored back at her, but off: like looking in a funhouse mirror. Gone was the calculated sharpness. The layers of stoicism and guardedness, which had built up in them like a pearl around sediment, were entirely missing. Its eyes were entirely bright and earnest and alive, and so vulnerable in just how amazed they were by the very idea of being alive.
The Hybrid- no, her child- wrapped its tiny, delicate fingers around one of her own, and smiled at her.
Family was a frightening thing, as was the love that was brought with it. It was a vulnerability that could cow children and the grown alike into obedience.
However. There was something beautiful in just how frightening it was, as well. As the Agent stared down into her own softened eyes, she knew, then, that she would give her own life before her child fell into the claws of Mr Fires. Before any of her strange, ragtag group did.
She had found her own family, the strange patchwork of people that it was. She would not let it come to ruin.
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nobitayansu73 · 2 days
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If you're searching for a banquet hall in Woodbridge, The Terrace offers a prime location that combines the convenience of a Vaughan setting with the charm and appeal of Woodbridge. It’s a sought-after venue for hosting various events, from engagement parties to corporate meetings, birthday celebrations, and more. The Terrace's Woodbridge banquet hall provides a stylish environment with flexible event spaces that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your gathering. Whether you need a large hall for a gala or a more intimate setting for a private dinner, The Terrace has the capacity to accommodate. Its modern amenities and a team of professionals committed to excellence will ensure your event is successful and memorable. 🌎https://theterrace.ca/
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choralmusicghana · 1 month
Upcoming Events You Should Know About
ACCRA, 14th August, 2024 - The next few weeks promise to be exciting for fans of classical music. Two recitals from leading young Ghanaian classical musicians, and the 6th Anniversary Show of Afro Classical Nights are what's in store for anyone in Accra looking to engage with the classical community.
Matthew Eshun and Dr Kyong Ok Kim present the works of Vitali, Brahms, Boakye-Frempong and others on the 23rd of August at the Mawere Opoku Dance Hall at the University of Ghana. The recital - his second in Accra in four years - is in collaboration with the Department of Music at the university where he began his studies.
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The month of August ends with the Anniversary Show of Afro Classical Nights, a landmark live music event that features classical and African art music.
Afro Classical Nights celebrates six years of bringing together the best musicians and singers, and breaking barriers to classical music performance and appreciation. The likes of Kokui Selormey, the Ruotolo String Quartet and pianist Julius Richardson have performed at the event in previous months.
This year's Anniversary Show sees Solomon Adonoo, Naana the Violinist and the Meloharm Jazz Band in performance at the Ghana Club on 30th August.
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On 20th September at the Ghana Club, Bernard Odai performs with the Ruotolo String Quartet, Julius Richardson and others. This recital will feature works from Newlove Annan, Kafui, Mendelssohn and the 20th Century English great, Ralph Vaughan-Williams.
Bernard is a cellist with the Accra Chamber Orchestra, Ruotolo String Quartet and the 2024 cohort of the International Symphonina Orchestra.
That does it for our round up of events you must attend! Keep up with the musical community on our Facebook and Instagram channels!
About the author: Jesse Johnson is a writer at Choral Music Ghana.
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davissmith8 · 7 months
Elevating Celebrations: A Tapestry of Banquet Halls in Vaughan, Woodbridge, and Thornhill
In the heart of Ontario, where each city holds a unique cultural narrative, Vaughan, Woodbridge, and Thornhill boast an array of banquet halls that elevate celebrations to unparalleled heights. These vibrant communities are not just geographic locations; they are canvases where dreams are painted, and memories are etched in the grandeur of their banquet halls.
Banquet Halls in Vaughan: Grandeur Redefined
Vaughan, a city characterized by its cosmopolitan charm and cultural diversity, is home to banquet halls that redefine grandeur. These venues blend modern sophistication with classic elegance, offering a versatile Vaughan Wedding Venue, corporate events, and social galas. From the moment guests step into the meticulously designed ballrooms adorned with crystal chandeliers, they are immersed in an atmosphere of opulence. The sprawling spaces, coupled with top-notch services, make banquet halls in Vaughan the epitome of luxury and style.
Whether it's the sleek and contemporary design of modern venues or the timeless charm of more traditional spaces, Vaughan caters to a spectrum of tastes and preferences. Couples seeking a romantic ambiance for their wedding find themselves enchanted by the lush gardens and elegant interiors, while corporate events benefit from the seamless blend of professionalism and sophistication that these banquet halls offer.
Banquet Halls in Woodbridge: Opulent Ambiance
Woodbridge, with its enchanting landscapes and rich cultural tapestry, hosts banquet halls that exude opulence. The venues in this community are a harmonious blend of intricate architecture and lavish interiors, creating an ambiance that resonates with luxury. From intimate gatherings to grand celebrations, Vaughan Banquet Halls are crafted to provide an exceptional experience. The lush surroundings and attention to detail make each event in Woodbridge a testament to refined taste and an appreciation for the finer things in life.
Woodbridge's banquet halls often feature opulent touches such as crystal-draped chandeliers, luxurious fabrics, and spacious outdoor areas for guests to enjoy. This attention to detail not only enhances the visual appeal but also contributes to an overall atmosphere of sophistication. Events hosted in Woodbridge are not just occasions; they are immersive experiences where every element is curated to perfection.
Banquet Halls in Thornhill: Timeless Beauty
Thornhill, known for its historic charm and scenic beauty, houses Banquet Hall Vaughan that embody timeless beauty. These venues seamlessly blend modern amenities with classic aesthetics, resulting in spaces that transcend the boundaries of eras. The banquet halls in Thornhill are often characterized by manicured gardens, elegant banquet rooms, and a commitment to personalized services. Here, every celebration becomes an ode to romance, sophistication, and the enduring allure of timeless beauty.
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Thornhill's banquet halls provide a picturesque setting for events, with many featuring expansive gardens or outdoor spaces. The combination of classic architecture and modern conveniences creates an ambiance that appeals to those seeking a perfect blend of tradition and contemporary flair. Whether it's a wedding ceremony surrounded by blooming flowers or a corporate event in a stately banquet room, Thornhill's venues offer a timeless backdrop.
Choosing the Perfect Venue: A Personalized Experience
Selecting a banquet hall in Vaughan, Woodbridge, or Thornhill is more than a choice; it's a personalized experience. Each venue offers a distinctive ambiance and amenities, providing hosts with the flexibility to curate an event that aligns seamlessly with their vision. From themed decor to customized menus, banquet halls in these communities pride themselves on versatility, ensuring that every celebration is a reflection of the hosts' individual style and preferences.
Banquet halls in these communities are not just event spaces; they are partners in crafting unforgettable moments. They offer a range of options and services to cater to diverse needs, making the process of choosing a venue a collaborative and exciting journey. The ability to customize the experience ensures that each celebration is unique, leaving a lasting imprint on the memories of hosts and guests alike.
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don-lichterman · 9 months
Join us as we celebrate artistic expression and community engagement at Newark Symphony Hall. Learn about our upcoming events, including the Sarah A.
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namneetkush · 11 months
Hilton Garden Inn
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The Hilton Garden Inn Toronto/Vaughan hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Vaughan at Highway 400 and Highway 7, minutes from Canada's Wonderland, Vaughan Mills Mall, Yuk Yuks, Dueling Pianos and several multiplex movie theatres. Our hotel is proud to be the only hotel in Vaughan with an 8,000 square foot banquet and conference center , Toscana Banquet Hall. where perfect weddings and memorable meetings happen.
1. Maintenance Staff: Handles repairs and maintenance of the hotel facilities to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for guests.
2. Event Coordinator: Plans and organizes events, conferences, and weddings held at the hotel.
3. Human Resources Manager: Oversees recruitment, training, and employee relations to ensure a skilled and motivated workforce.
4. Accounting Department: Manages financial transactions, payroll, and budgeting for the hotel.
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We're off Highway 7, four kilometers from Vaughan Mills Mall and LEGOLAND Discovery Centre, and 10 minutes from Reptilia Zoo. Kortright Centre for Conservation and Canada’s Wonderland are within 15 minutes, and Toronto Pearson International Airport can be reached in just 20 km. Enjoy our restaurant, 24-hour snack shop, indoor pool, and waterslide.
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Conferences are large gatherings where people come together to discuss and exchange information on a specific topic. They often include keynote speeches, panel discussions, presentations, and networking opportunities. They can be industry-specific or cover a wide range of topics
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musicblogwales · 1 year
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Green Man Festival 2023
Green Man Festival - 17th - 20th August 2023
Eve Appleton Band is this year’s Green Man Rising Winner!
Cardiff band Hyll will also claim their spot on the Rising Stage as finalists too, congratultions to them.
Green Man is thrilled to announce that Eve Appleton Band is its Green Man Rising winner for 2023, and will bag a slot on its Mountain Stage this August.
The Bristol-based act beat off competition from a record-breaking 3,000 hopefuls and over 30,000 votes to claim the annual award after they were announced as the judges favourite at the virtual final.
The Dorset born songwriter’s brand of progressive folk music won over a panel of industry experts including Hayley Morrison, Ivano Maggiulli, Kate French-Morris, Liam Keightly, Nuha Ruby Ra, Steve Nickols, Tom Baker and Ben Coleman.
Following a rise to prominence on the UK live music scene, Eve is now set to claim her place on the biggest stage at Wales’ largest music festival alongside the likes of First Aid Kit and Self Esteem.
Eve is herself a lifelong Green Man fan, having attended regularly as a child from its beginnings as a much smaller event held at the Baskerville Hall Hotel, just outside Hay-on-Wye
She said: “I knew music was my life because of Green Man - I cannot believe I now get to set foot on the mountain stage with my best friends. To everyone at Green Man Festival, the judges board of GM Rising and Green Man trust for providing musicians like us this amazing opportunity, we are forever grateful.”
Delighted to be announcing this year’s Green Man Rising winner, Managing Director and festival owner Fiona Stewart said: "I want to thank all those involved in Green Man Rising. The judges all agreed that the standard of entries was so incredibly high this year, and I’m so pleased for Eve Appleton Band! They really will make a spectacular addition to our line-up.”
The Green Man Rising competition celebrates the best emerging talent every year. Each entry is listened to by the Green Man team before a long list is put out to public vote in order to find the final five, which this year attracted more than 30,000 votes.
Cardiff band Hyll and other finalists will also get play at the festival on Green Man’s Rising Stage as a result of their success in the competition too. Other Welsh acts confirmed for the 2023 event include Cardiff duo, Rogue Jones, who will be performing at the Walled Garden stage on Thursday as part of an all Welsh language day in the Walled Garden, alongside acts such as Aisha Vaughan and Caldicot’s The Bug Club. 
The magic of Green Man lies not just in its scenery and music. Made up of 10 individual areas, the festival also offers a diverse range of events to accompany its incredible line-up, boasting art installations spread throughout the tranquil valley, a beer and cider tent to enjoy a crisp Welsh pint, an Ancient Egypt-themed area of discovery and exploration for the little folk, a relaxation and workshop space for the teenagers, plus science engagement area Einstein’s Garden. Further line ups of music, science, film, comedy & literature will be revealed in the coming months.
The Settlement Stage
This years Greenman Settlement Stage has been carefully curated by Libertino Records Gruff Owen with Angel Hotel, Angharad, Cynefin, Edie Bens, Elin Grace, Gille, Half Happy, Ivan Moult, Joe Kelly & The Royal Pharmacy, Mari Mathias, Red Telephone, Siula, Sonny Winnebego, Spencer Segelov And The Great Paintings, The Family Battenberg, Voya and YNYS all gracing the stage.
Festival goers who have purchased a Settler’s Pass, a special ticket which includes discounts on local heritage sites, galleries, castles and more, will arrive on Monday 14th August for a week in the Welsh valleys as part of their Green Man 2023 experience. Tickets for this year’s festival sold out in just four hours in September 2022, following a fantastic 20th anniversary celebration in the Welsh Mountains just weeks before.
The full lineup is as follows
Devo | First Aid Kit | Self Esteem | Spiritualized |  Amyl & The Sniffers | Young Fathers | Slowdive | The Walkmen | Confidence Man | Goat | The Comet Is Coming | Squid | Lankum | Horace Andy ft. Dub Asante Band | Sudan Archives | Snail Mail | Warmduscher | The Delgados | Les Savy Fav | Beth Orton | Daniel Avery (live) | Gilla Band | Jockstrap | Obongjayar | James Holden | Bob Vylan | PVA | Dur-Dur Band Int. | The Wedding Present | Courtney Marie Andrews | Billy Nomates | Sorry | Lost Map presents Weird Wave | Rozi Plain | Buck Meek | Julie Byrne | Clipping. | Special Interest | Alabaster Deplume | Gina Birch | Cory Hanson | Girl Ray | Etran D’el Air | Anna B Savage | Jake Xerxes Fussell | Sarah Jarosz | H Hawkline | Eddie Chacon | Kanda Bongo Man | Melin Melyn | The Bug Club | Josephine Foster | Crows | Marie Davidson (DJ) | Arushi Jain | Say She She | Alice Boman | Water From Your Eyes | Thus Love | Julie | Salami Rose Joe Louis | Nuha Ruby Ra | Floodlights | James Ellis Ford | Spencer Cullum | deathcrash | Yasmin Williams | Oscar Lang | Mega Bog | Σtella | Gently Tender | Aoife Nessa Frances | Fat Dog | MADMADMAD | Deptford Northern Soul Club | Hagop Tchaparian | 4am Kru | Drahla | The Gentle Good | Etta Marcus | Sister Wives | Sam Akpro | Brad Stank | Bricknasty | Juni Habel | Clara Mann | DD Darillo | Aisha Vaughan | Rogue Jones | The Social | Dutty Disco | Postmen DJs | Popperz - Spank DJs - Belinduh belinduh belinduh - Babymorocco - Joanie - Kuntessa Butch Kassidy | Cumgirl8 | Freak Slug | Island of Love | Lady Maisery | The Last Dinner Party | Lilo | Mandy, Indiana | Mary in the Junkyard | Minor Conflict | Morgon Noise | Sans Soucis | Seb Lowe | Spielmann | Suep | Uh | University | Yabba | And many more ........
Now in its 21st year, Green Man Festival is an award-winning, independent music, arts, comedy and science festival held in the breathtaking surroundings of the Bannau Brycheiniog. Uniquely, Green Man refuses sponsorship so that independent Welsh food & beverage producers can be offered and curational freedom retained. The festival is comprised of ten unique areas – from comedy, literature, theatre, film and art, and is the only large UK festival where a woman has majority ownership.
Green Man Festival is a melting pot of Welsh, national and international artistic talent and a creator of opportunities. The Green Man Trust charity extends the festival’s artistic, educational, and cultural ambitions by cultivating creative development, showcase and training opportunities within the arts, sciences and local communities. Over the last three years, 10,000+ people have been supported by Green Man Trust, £16,000 donated to Welsh food banks in 2022 in response to cost of living crisis, £3,000 donated for Ukrainian war relief, £16,000 has been raised for Welsh vulnerable people affected by storm Dennis flood, £100,000 was spent to commission 223 artists during the pandemic and over 100 community projects have been supported.
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hazeltonmanor · 3 days
Elegant Banquet Halls in Vaughan for Unforgettable Events
Experience the charm and sophistication of banquet halls in Vaughan, designed to host a variety of events from weddings to corporate gatherings. Our venues offer spacious layouts, modern amenities, and customizable decor options to suit your unique vision. With exceptional service and attention to detail, we ensure every moment is memorable. Whether you're planning an intimate celebration or a grand affair, Vaughan's banquet halls provide the perfect backdrop for your special occasion. For more details visit our website: www.hazeltonmanor.com
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thedeafprophet · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons about the light fingers cast?
oh i have so many that a nonspecific question is full flowing
do you wanna know about my many many thoughts about the Music Hall singer being a surface runner, who is a back and forth between crimes on the surface and crime in the neath.
Do you wanna know my thoughts about Clara's more 'eccentric' behaviour given her title of the eccentric opera singer, and how she leans towards more esoteric arts and wilder colours, engaging with the weirder things of the neath. Her journey of singing and how maybe her interests in the strange would lead her to like the neath more then her sister ever did.
do you wanna hear my thoughts about Dr Vaughan having lived through the fall, and her experience there leading to her wanting to know more about the neath and the sciences around her. ( and perhaps her having originally not even focusing on the aspects she is now, but originally having studied in medicine, esp female health)
do you wanna hear my thoughts about Hepheasta in Parabola after the events of the plot, fighting through nightmares among the dreams, and becoming a recollection to the people of London in her own right (i like to think her and alex hunt in parabola together sometimes <3 honestly we really should get more interactions with her in parabola smh)
many thoughts. head full. love them
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parkviewmanor · 1 year
Visit one of our exquisite wedding banquet venues in Vaughan to experience the height of elegance and romance. Our locations, which are tucked away in breath-taking settings, exude a classic attractiveness and elegant elegance that creates a magical atmosphere for your big day. Our halls can handle small-scale get-togethers or lavish festivities that are customized to your preferences thanks to their seamless integration of current conveniences and historic aesthetics. Perfectly crafted interiors with opulent embellishments offer the ideal setting for exchanging vows and making lifelong memories. Our devoted team of experts is committed to planning a flawless event and makes sure that every last detail is carefully put into place. With the help of our excellent banquet halls in Vaughan, you may realize your wedding dreams. Visit our website at https://www.parkviewmanor.ca for more details.
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bestofbrampton · 1 year
History of brampton
Brampton has developed to become quite possibly of the most different city in Canada. The last part of the 1970's brought new private turn of events, Best services providers brampton as Brampton delivered enormous plots of land to engineers. Heart Lake was one of the primary significant advancement outside the city's pre-1974 cutoff points or Bramalea.In the mid 1980's, Cineplex Odeon shut the Legislative hall Theater in Brampton. The City purchased the office in 1981 under the authority of councilor Diane Sutter. It adjusted the previous vaudeville scene and film house as a performing expressions theater, to be utilized likewise as an unrecorded music setting. It was renamed the Legacy Theater. Redesigns and support were costly.
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In 1983, Toronto experts Woods Gordon answered to the City that, as opposed to keep "pouring cash" into the Legacy, they ought to develop another 750-seat office with cutting-edge highlights. This suggestion was embraced, and the city assigned the 2005-06 season as the Legacy Theater's "fantastic finale" season. The city supported development of the new Rose Theater, which opened in September 2006.[citation needed]
Carabram was established in 1982, the consequence of workers from various ethnic networks needing to coordinate a celebration praising variety and diverse kinship. The name was approximately connected with Toronto's Procession Celebration of Societies. Carabram's most memorable occasion highlighted Italian, Scots, Ukrainian, and West Indian structures. By 2003, the fair had 18 structures drawing in 45,000 guests. The public administration of Canada had an anchor structure in the last part of the 1980s and mid 1990s, and for Carabram's 25th Commemoration in 2009.[citation needed]
In 1996, the city was 13% South Asian and 8.2% Black.[25] By 2016, the South Asian people group developed dramatically to address 44.3% of the city's populace, while the Dark populace developed to 14%.[26] Answering a developing multi-social populace, the Strip Leading body of Training presented evening English as a Subsequent Language (ESL) classes at secondary schools. Initially educated by volunteers, the classes in the end were booked as daytime courses showed by paid teachers. During the 1980s, general society and Catholic board extended its language programs, offering night classes in 23 dialects. These were acquainted due with demands by guardians, who believed that their youngsters should get familiar with their tribal dialects and legacy.
In the last part of the 1980s, Chairman Ken Whillans acquired endorsement and financing for the development of another city lobby in Brampton's midtown. The office was planned by nearby draftsmen and developed by Inzola Development and based on the site of a previous transport terminal. Whillians didn't get to see the launch of the new lobby in 1991 as a result of his passing in August 1990. With the arrival of the regional government to downtown Brampton, legislators and organizations associated to rejuvenate the center.
In 1991, advancement of another new town, Springdale, started. In 1999, advancement began to show up as far north as the city's boundary with Caledon along Mayfield Street. The Area assigned this boundary as the line of outline for metropolitan improvement until 2021, despite the fact that advancement previously started spilling north of Mayfield in the last part of the 2010s. Part of the limit among Brampton and Vaughan is likewise almost totally urbanized.
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colinmallory · 1 year
Well, it has been some time. So I shall summarise the recent events, first, Dr. Vaughan managed to relay a message through the mirrors sooner after I met with Mr. Fires. Clara was giving birth. It was a long, arduous process for all involved, but Clara's sister, the music hall singer, got it worst. That song, patently impossible for a human, and with the power to disperse parabola itself, if only for a moment, and birth the impossible, it burnt her, badly. I had thought she might not recover, but parabola allows for stranger recoveries. It would be some time before the hybrid could leave parabola, so I have spent the rest of the time bringing it food, it has a taste for amber among other things. I have also grown much better as a silverer; amid all of this day to day life I took an interesting series of commissions, which ended in building a palace that may hold hope of curing surface sickness from an unfortunate woman. these new skills became handy just this night. It was like any other recently, working as a silverer, guiding bohemians through parabola, and then, I myself sat down to sleep. It had been relatively calm, and I thought nothing ill would come to visit. I was wrong. At first, I was at a party of tomb colonists, then one of them began unwrapping himself. I saw glints of red, a frowning face, blond hair, Edward. "Beloved, It's been too long." after that, he fished a bell from some pocket, its ringing was like thunder, and the world moved around it. This was not something of Mr. Fires.
He mentioned that he had a new master, one that would let him vex me as much as he wanted. And vex he did, after the confusion cleared up, I found myself somewhere familiar. Everything tasted like grave dirt, darkness surrounded, and walls of pine hugged rather closely. But, love, I am alive, and while Edward seems to think he's in control, I know how to escape. After all, I'm a silverer, this is a dream, my domain. I have a certain seed, one that grows where battles once were. It likes blood, and well, I have a knife here. I ride the monstrous plant to freedom and command it to snare Edward. It even starts to choke him. His air of command turns into cursing, and his cursing turns to pleas for his new master.
Pleas which are answered. He is spirited away, but it cost him greatly.
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jarchaeology · 3 years
interestinginteresting.. so what year did jensen leave dool and do we know why? had Eric's story run its course (lol)? end of his contract? other projects happening? and most importantly: what was Eric's narrative farewell? (pls don't say they killed him off screen) 👀
his last day of filming was july 30, 2000.
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there was a little party for him on july 31st.
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his initial 3-year contract was up and he considered staying. he said he was torn about it because it was a steady job in the industry, but that he ultimately left because soaps are a LOT of work and he wanted to try more challenging roles. like in one interview he said he wanted an acting job that required him to do stunts and jump off of bridges. very spn actually.
he also said at a con sometime (idk bug found it for me sorry i don't have a link) that he asked his dool mom deidre hall if he should renew his contract and she said something like don't you dare. basically said i'm gonna be really pissed if you don't move on to bigger and better things.
i haven't watched his exit, but i've read a million articles about it. it's funny how i'm feeling weird about spoilers for an episode that came out over two decades ago. whatever. it was a car accident. he survived, but the character wasn't on the show. and then they recast eric brady with greg vaughan in 2012. that's where the defrocked priest and some seriously bummer events came into the eric storyline.
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