#Ever 9 x Yi Ping
heretherebedork · 7 months
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Ever 9 was built to provide emotional support and comfort.
(But also, so this is what fear feels like as he realizes the difference between an experience and his programming and what will love feel like compared to what was programmed?)
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ppeonppeonhan · 6 months
I'm starting to wonder if maybe "brother"...means something else in Taiwan. 👀
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zhaozi · 5 months
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禮豐超攻的欸!! // Li Feng's super attack!!
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aliceisathome · 6 months
Hmmm. Anti Reset. This is how I felt after the last 3 eps...
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Opportunities to talk about self determination, choice, sentience, ethics etc all missed. Threads teased (Ever 9's awareness during programming etc) and left dangling. Why didn't they either destroy Ever 9 or give him back when they discovered he'd rather be terminated than lose his memories of love? A weird, unexplained SEVEN YEAR time skip - what, didn't the uncle bother to call once in that time and invite Yi Ping out for dinner thus discovering he as still keeping his promise to eat more healthily?
Disappointing. Gah.
Nice kisses but I expect that from Taiwan so not enough to save it. Serviceable but had so much wasted potential which makes it so much worse than something you knew would be just fluff.
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sunshinechay · 7 months
I’m starting to get really concerned that what is happening between Yi Ping and Ever 9 is either a fictional scenario the tech people are using to test his capabilities before he’s made available to the public.
Or that it’s memories that Ever 9 had that are resurfacing as they are doing tests on him.
Either way, it leaves me with an even bigger pit in my stomach that the ending might not be as happy as I hope will be.
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alejunsu · 7 months
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Anti Reset EP 4
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coffeelover5eva · 6 months
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This little robot show has got a lot of nerve making me feel all these feeling!
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itsanidiom · 6 months
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sir...that is not a family that is a slave...
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tiramisiyu · 4 years
【未定事件簿】Tears of Themis: Main Story 6-16 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Video
Chapter 6 – Tiger’s Accomplice Ghost (Parts 1, 2): 6-1 / 6-3 / 6-5 / 6-7 / 6-9 / 6-11 / 6-13 / 6-15 ♦️ ♦️  6-16 / 6-18 / 6-20 / 6-22 / 6-24 / 6-26 / 6-27 / 6-28 / 6-29
NXX Base
On Wednesday morning, Lu Jinghe pushed open the main door to the base’s meeting room.
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Lu Jinghe: Hah, I haven’t seen wrong, right? You’re surprisingly here, Mo Yi.
Lu Jinghe lifted his hand and looked at his watch, his meaning self-evident.
Mo Yi: If I said that I have not slept all night, would you also run outside to see where the sun has risen from?
Lu Jinghe: That wouldn’t be necessary. No matter how the sun rises and sets, it all won’t affect me.
Xia Yan: Sure enough, the transmission of data on this wristband has problems.
As if he hadn’t heard Lu Jinghe’s and Mo Yi’s dialogue, only after Xia Yan had finished with the work in his hands did he greet Lu Jinghe.
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Xia Yan: You came pretty early.
Xia Yan: Why are you dressed so formally? NXX doesn’t have formalwear work requirements, right.
Lu Jinghe: I’m about to go hold a board meeting at the company – just taking the time to come to the base first to check some materials.
Mo Yi: There are results on the wristband inspection?
Xia Yan: Mhmm. Based on the hardware, the wristband we got from Wang Han doesn’t have any differences from typical health wristbands.
Xia Yan: But looking at the direction of data transmission, it doesn’t only collect in the Heirson examination centre’s cloud health system.
Xia Yan: I’m still tracking the exact recipient address, and I’ve already set up a program to crack it.
Xia Yan: Although it’s hard to estimate how much more time needs to be spent for now.
Xia Yan: If the data flows outside of borders, the time spent on inspection will increase by several times.
Mo Yi: I’ve already done comparative screening through the night on the examination centre’s examination report you gave me yesterday.
Last night, Xia Yan cracked the Heirson examination centre’s encrypted database, getting an examination report that had been partially specifically encrypted.
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Mo Yi: From just the chemical experiment indicators, I can preliminarily estimate that the portion of participants with abnormal mental states is very high.
Mo Yi: But there is a very large discrepancy with the severity of their symptoms and their exact illness.
Mo Yi: I did a simple comparison to the cases of abnormal mental states already listed in “X-Note” and was able to find some coinciding people.
Lu Jinghe: So for the next step, you intend to directly contact the people in the cases and investigate their relationship to Heirson?
Mo Yi: That’s right. If we consider Mu Ziyou as a single piece of evidence, we might be able to find more illness cases.
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Xia Yan: Lu Jinghe, you… ss…
Xia Yan stood up from in front of the computer, and was about to walk towards Lu Jinghe when he suddenly clutched at his left waist and sucked in a breath.
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Lu Jinghe: What happened to you?
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Mo Yi: …
Xia Yan: I’m fine, I’m fine. I pulled a muscle from suddenly standing after sitting for a long time.
As he spoke, Xia Yan took out a subdivided medicine container, held up a cup, and ate two pills.
Mo Yi: I saw you eating this medicine last night. What does it treat?
Xia Yan: Medicine? Oh, you’re talking about this?
Xia Yan waved the medicine container.
Xia Yan: This isn’t medicine to treat illnesses. It’s used to wake me up – a Ministry of Security secret formula.
Xia Yan: Agents are also normal people; we’ll also get tired if we haven’t slept all night.
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Mo Yi: …
Lu Jinghe: Could you give me two pills? I slept late yesterday, and if I fall asleep at the board meeting later, I’m afraid I’ll get on the news again.
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Xia Yan: I can let you eat some, but I can’t let you take the medicine away.
Xia Yan: Who knows if you’ll take it to Pax Pharmaceuticals to analyze the formula and mass produce it? Then I’ll have leaked its secrets.
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Lu Jinghe: Aiya, you saw through me. Then I won’t randomly eat those medicines.
Lu Jinghe’s words were said meaningfully, and he also specifically shot a glance at Xia Yan’s medicine container at the end.
Xia Yan: How about you talk about the investigation progress on your side of things.
Lu Jinghe: With Heirson manufacturing illegal medications, Qin Shan wouldn’t be the only person in the know in the entire company.
Lu Jinghe: The backbones of the company, his aides, would probably know.
Lu Jinghe: It’s very hard for Qin Shan to regain consciousness now. I plan to start by checking on the people around him.
Lu Jinghe: And I also have an initial direction regarding exactly how Qin Shan was “poisoned”.
Lu Jinghe took out his phone and displayed a news article on its screen.
Mo Yi: The incident of Heirson staff members jumping from a building?
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Lu Jinghe: Correct. A few years ago, news on Heirson factory staff committing suicide due to unbearable work pressure were revealed, one after another, online.
Lu Jinghe: But it seems like it was all heavy thunder with little rainfall. After the news passed its peak, no one ever mentioned it again.
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Lu Jinghe: Zuo Ran’s been tracking the Xu Ping case this whole time. Xu Ping was also a Heirson staff member, and he also committed suicide.
Lu Jinghe: Then could there also be something strange about Heirson’s suicide cases from before?
Lu Jinghe: I came to the base because I wanted to check if I could find a list of names on related staff members.
Xia Yan: Speaking of which, we don’t know how the investigation on Zuo Ran’s side is going.
Just as the sound of Xia Yan’s voice fell, the three people took their phones with unplanned, identical timing and opened the chat screen…
City Police Station
Today morning, I came with Zuo Ran to the city police station. Yan Wei was still dealing with official business, so he had us wait a bit for him in the office.
MC: I looked through the briefing that Leader Yan sent on my way here.
MC: Xunye’s boss, Zhang Zhian, collaborated with others to rob armored vehicles in non-local areas 15 years ago.
MC: It was also 15 years ago that he fled to Stellis City. After that, the name “Zhang Zhian” disappeared, and it was replaced with “Qing Zhian”.
MC: The person who created a fake identity was called Gu Wei.
Zuo Ran: This Gu Wei is the deceased husband of Chen Hanzhang, and the founder of Wiley Financial.
MC: Deceased husband?
I had never paid attention to Chen Hanzhang’s marriage status, so it was somewhat surprising when being brought up now. I was just about to ask Zuo Ran when my phone suddenly vibrated several times in succession.
MC: What’s the matter…
I turned on my phone and took a look – Xia Yan, Mo Yi, and Lu Jinghe had sent messages to me individually.
Zuo Ran: What is it, have you encountered an issue?
MC: No, it’s just that the three of them all sent messages, asking me how the investigation process was going.
Zuo Ran: …
MC: Weird, they could’ve just directly asked in the group chat, so why’d they send messages individually.
I held up my phone and directly responded to the three of them in the NXX group chat.
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[MC]: Morning everyone.
[Xia Yan]: Morning, have you eaten breakfast?
[Mo Yi]: Good morning. Are you already working?
[Lu Jinghe]: Morning, jiejie, where are you right now?
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>I ate breakfast >I’m already working >I’m at the police station
[MC]: Of course I’ve eaten breakfast – Lawyer Zuo specially made it for me.
[Xia Yan]: So it looks like you ate breakfast on the way? That’s not too good.
[Mo Yi]: Mhmm, I agree about that.
[Lu Jinghe]: If you said earlier that you would be eating on the way, I could’ve had the chef at my place make some and sent it over to you.
[Zuo Ran]: The next time you want to know about the investigation progress, then directly ask in the group chat, so communication will be more efficient.
 >I ate breakfast >I’m already working >I’m at the police station
[MC]: Mhmm! I’ve already started work. Lawyer Zuo and I came to meet an important witness.
[Mo Yi]: Witness? Looks like Xu Ping’s package isn’t that easy to get.
[Xia Yan]: Do side issues keep coming up?
[Lu Jinghe]: Can you confirm that package is in Xu Ping’s hands? Don’t get deceived.
[Zuo Ran]: The next time you want to know about the investigation progress, then directly ask in the group chat, so communication will be more efficient.
  >I ate breakfast >I’m already working >I’m at the police station
[MC]: I’m with Lawyer Zuo at the city station – there’s an important witness we need to meet.
[Lu Jinghe]: Going to the police station this early? You’re working way too hard.
[Xia Yan]: Is your work schedule really reasonable? You got back that late yesterday, and you’re running around so early today.
[Mo Yi]: If you stayed at the base to organize data, you might have been able to relax more.
[Zuo Ran]: The next time you want to know about the investigation progress, then directly ask in the group chat, so communication will be more efficient.
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>Case progress
[MC]: Since you were all asking about the case progress, I’ll just tell you all together rather than responding to you all one by one.
[MC]: Xu Ping’s package really is with that person called Zhao Fei, but he refuses to directly give it to us.
[MC]: We’re investigating a case related to illegal drugs. After we figure it out, we should be able to get the package.
[Zuo Ran]: There is an account record of Heirson raw materials in the package – it’s very important evidence.
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>Ask about everyone’s progress
[MC]: Has everyone’s investigations been smooth?
[Xia Yan]: Of course it’s been smooth. I’ll tell you about the battle results after you return!
[Mo Yi]: It has been very productive, but the upcoming investigation will require your assistance.
[Lu Jinghe]: I’ve noticed something new. I’ll update you on the info after you’re done working.
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>Leader Yan has come >NXX is lacking in manpower
[MC]: Ah, Leader Yan is here, let’s chat later.
[MC]: Lawyer Zuo and I will head off first to meet the witness.
[Mo Yi]: I hope it goes smoothly.
[Xia Yan]: You absolutely must not work too hard – pay attention to your health.
[Lu Jinghe]: Jiejie, remember to give me a call if you need me to help anywhere.
[Zuo Ran]: We’ll head off first. Leave a message if you all have something to say.
 >Leader Yan has come >NXX is lacking in manpower
[MC]: Everyone’s work is quite saturated. I seriously think we need new people.
[Mo Yi]: It’s not just anyone who has the qualifications to join NXX. I’d rather we lack than have shoddy options.
[Xia Yan]: I think it’s fine. We can absolutely deal with the work amount we have now.
[Lu Jinghe]: As long as we schedule it reasonably, the people we have now is sufficient. Jiejie, don’t worry.
[Zuo Ran]: Leader Yan is here, so we’re going to go meet the witness. Leave a message if you all have something to say.
MC: Morning, Leader Yan.
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Yan Wei: You two have arrived – you’ve worked hard.
Yan Wei, who had arrived at the office, had an expression full of weariness – he’d probably been dealing with cases the whole night at the police station without resting.
Zuo Ran: You just finished a surprise interrogation?
Yan Wei: We’d finished interrogating the person a long while ago, but while suspects can sleep, the police cannot.
Yan Wei: Time’s tight. I’ll tell you both about Qing Zhian’s situation first.
Yan Wei: Beyond our expectations, he was cooperative. Too bad that he doesn’t know much – he’s likely just a peripheral person in Chen Hanzhang’s gang.
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Yan Wei: Plus… Zuo Ran, have you heard of the “Tiger’s Accomplice Ghost”?
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heretherebedork · 4 months
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I missed these soft, soft boys so much. I can't even look how are they this cute?
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heretherebedork · 4 months
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And that panic was real. But Ever 9 is here now to be with him forever and stay at his side and love him.
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heretherebedork · 4 months
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The absolute ultimate pink and blue adorable date of all time. Just... all time. Everyone else is disqualified. No one can come close to how adorable they are.
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aliceisathome · 6 months
Ever 9 has done all colourful in Ep 7. I fear we'll be seeing him all back in white before the end.
And hey - capybaras again! Same place as in VIP Only I believe. I'm counting them as a cameo along with the boys from Stay By My Side.
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The short circuit after this kiss gave me flashbacks to John Malkovich (who absolutely does not look good with bleached hair) in Making Mr Right.
Am I going to have an ep 8 AND 9 of DOOM? Say it ain't so Taiwan.
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aliceisathome · 6 months
OK - up to the end of ep 5 and Ever 9 can't be an AI-enhanced human because he doesn't sleep, eat etc but there's definitely something going on. His skin isn't flawless (unless this is something they've ignored just to cast the actor) and he's just too emotional. Still he's definitely been stuffed full of BL and Kdrama tropes by the uncle's secretary* Poor baby at home all alone at home in the storm - did she put Zong Yi from Kiseki: Dear To Me's trauma in as well?
*who is clearly the unsung heroine of this drama
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heretherebedork · 7 months
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Emotional devastation. Emotional destruction. A literal explosion. No survivors. @absolutebl this show is going hard.
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