#Except hint that he's a playboy which we already knew
persefoneshalott · 2 years
"Tholomyes is something of a Spaniard" bc 'Tolouse and Tolosa are cousins' (Tolosa is on the Basque Country, north of Spain) but then says it's a Gallega song (from galicia, another autonomous community from the North) and the song says "I'm from badajoz" which is in Extremadura, west & south of Spain.
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angelguk · 3 years
Omg pleaseee write the jock jk playboy bunny costume idea u had 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼😩😩💗💗
lemme do a quick little thing 4 u :)
featuring: oc and jk being dumb lovers, chayoung  (the female lead from vincenzo) as seed of doubt, anniversaries and a playboy bunny costume. somewhat mature towards the end but only because jk see's sexy gf and cannot help himself.
This is a stupid idea, so incredibly stupid that you're considering jumping out of the bathroom window right now. A four-storey jump may result in various injuries (or potentially death) but it would be a far more welcomed out come than leaving Jeongguk's bathroom in this stupid costume.
You don't know why you bothered to listen to Chayoung's drunken blabbering. The moment you'd mentioned your upcoming one-year anniversary she's launched into a spiel about how young love never lasts, or how the roots for future foreboding break-ups were planted during the first anniversary. Her words sowed a dangerous seed in your head, one that was nurtured by Jeongguk's sudden distance. You could tell he was stressed, weighed down by the daunting options before him. Coach wanted to push him to try for the national leagues, his parents wanted him to take a step back and focus on his degree, and Jeongguk, after one quiet evening at yours, had confessed he didn't know what he wanted at all. It hurt to see him like this, usually such a sure and confident soul suddenly staggering and lost. But what could you do apart from hold his hand as he walked forward and help him up when he fell? There was nothing else you could offer, you knew his parents and their concerns were sensible but those same concerns made Jeongguk wonder if they ever believed in him in the first place.
So maybe that's why you're doing this, in hopes of rekindling a spark you feel dying and taking Jeongguk's mind away from everything that burdened him – just for one night.
It's oddly quiet in his room. You'd scuttled right into the bathroom the moment you'd picked him up from practise, complaining that you needed to shower before you commenced your usual shared evenings. Jeongguk had just nodded, quiet and mulling, his eyes absent. It had made something twist in your gut. The whole entire day, from the moment you woke up to right now Jeongguk had not mentioned one thing about your anniversary – not even a text or a bouquet no matter how subtly you hinted. It hurt, but it was proof Chayoung was right. And perhaps the only think that could fix this ship before it sunk was her stupid, stupid idea.
You can only stare at yourself in brief swift glances, grimacing every time you catch the reflection of those white ears standing at attention on top of your head. The fluffy tail attached to the back of the costume was making your butt itch too. Even with those criticisms you knew deep down that you looked good... Surprisingly so. The body of the costume was black satin, shimmering under the luminescence of the bathroom lights. It fit perfect over each curve and roll, hugging your waist just right. Coupled with a pair of fishnets and the fact that your boobs looked exceptionally great today (perks of ovulating) you were a sight to behold.
So even if Chayoung is irritating as hell you had to give some props to her.
"Y/N?" The knock that follows it startles you, sending you lurching forward hard enough that your hip bangs against the counter-top.
"Are you okay?" He sounds tired through the wood, weathered away despite his concerns.
"Hmm? Yes, I'm good–I'm good. Just give me a sec."
A pause, you hope you locked the door because normally Jeongguk would have barged in not bothering to knock.
"Okay. Hurry up though I'm hungry and I ordered food. It's here and if you don't come out I'll eat it all."
"Already? It's here?" God, how are you going to disrupt Jeongguk's chicken nights with a playboy bunny costume?
He makes a noncommittal noise. "Yep. So hurry, I'll really eat all of this if you don't come out soon."
The handle burns your palm when you finally grip it, tummy swimming like you've chugged a series of vodka shots. Jeongguk should like this, right? He calls you bunny all the time, even Chayoung had noticed it (hence the horrifying costume you were currently donning). So wouldn’t he like it? And it was a cute little anniversary surprise, at least you were doing something unlike Jeongguk.
You take in one deep last breath, heart pounding in your head, before you twist and handle and swing the door open, a forced sneaky smile slipping onto your lips.
It falls right off the moment your eyes land on Jeongguk's bedroom.
Either he's the fucking Flash or you've been camped in the bathroom for too long because somehow he's managed to turn his messy room into a perfect romantic dinner spot. He's got the lights turned on to a low rouge, lit candles scattered around the place (which is a fire hazard but the warmth blossoming in your heart is ignoring that), a couple cushions on the floor flanking a heart shaped picnic basket where you dinner presumably resides. And then you glance down, something bright bursting in your chest when you see the red petals lining your path from the bathroom right to the picnic set up.
His back is turned to you, his phone in hand which he abruptly presses on. A melody fills the room a moment later, the song low and familiar. You know that song, that's your song.
Jeon Jeongguk will be the death of you.
"Now if–fucking hell." Jeongguk turns before you can stop him, the grin on his lips evaporating when his gaze lands on you
Oh. Oh. You wilt in a second, floundering against the bathroom door frame in a attempt to hide you bare (and bunny costume covered) body.
The silence that follows is unbearable, sinking deep into your gut as guilt rises to the surface. Jeongguk planned all of this and all you did was wear a stupid sexy costume.
"I–" You start, but his brain must of started working at the same time as yours because he catches that sentence with his own statement.
"You–" It's coated with disbelief, and your tongue gets caught in your throat when he exhales heavily, head falling into his hand. You watch with a sore heart as his fingers comb through the loose chestnut curls, tugging and yanking at his scalp as if his brain was falling to pieces.
"Jeongguk," you finally murmur, meekly padding forward, the shame you feel eating you inside out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin this. I'll change just give me a second."
His head snaps up when you say that, gaze sharp, almost terrifying as he surveys. "Why should you change?"
"I said," he rises then, slowly moving forward as if not to startle you, his eyes never straying from your body. "Why should you change?"
"Because I look dumb," you return. "And I ruined your great anniversary surprise with my stupid one."
You only notice it then, how his jaw ticks, his head tilting to the side slow. Like he's holding himself back.
"You think you look dumb?" The question itself is innocent but the tone Jeongguk delivers it in is not. You can feel the words in your throat clumping together the longer he looks at you like that, his doe eyes different – dark and spilling with something that has you quivering, your eyes shifting away.
"Answer my question." A firm but gentle hand on your chin, guiding your gaze back to his.
"Yes." It's silent in his room, the low hum of the song bleeding into the thumping of your heart against your ribs.
"Why would my baby look dumb wearing a bunny costume? Huh? It's fitting actually, since you are my bunny."
"Yeah," you try and lighten it was a small laugh, noting the way Jeongguk is staring at your lips. "But this was dumb anniversary surprise. Yours is much better."
You see it click in his head then, like he wasn't hearing a single word you were saying before.
"You did this for me?" Jeongguk questions, eyes dipping to your chest.
"Obviously, who else would I do this for."
"No–I meant, this, this is for me? This was meant to be a surprise for me?"
"Yes," you repeat. "I'd do anything for you. Now let me take this silly thing off so we can have dinner first." You twist away then, but Jeongguk snatches you right back, your frame colliding with his solid chest, firm massive arms holding you in place. The squeak that erupts from your lips lands into tight air, a sudden tension thrumming in your veins. Jeongguk's hard against your ass, erection grazing the downy tail attached to the base of the costume. There's a palm placed steady around your neck, trapping you against his while his other hand idly explores, sparking little fires along your skin as it journeys from your chest down to your stomach before settling right between your thighs.
There's nothing in your head except how massive he feels behind you, wandering hand gentle but eager a certain roughness appearing when his lithe fingers press through the fabric, toying with your clothed clit. It's a promise for what's to come, judging by the quiet groan that melts into your skin from his throat as his hips buck into you.
"You don't know what you do to me do you?" It's whispered softly, mimicking the ginger kiss he places on your hollow of your throat.
If you could think sensible words you would speak but right now everything is loud and roaring and words feel to heavy for your tongue. So you hum instead, whimpering when his fingertips circle your clit.
You can feel the smile on his lips. Hear it in what he says next.
"I should show you then, shouldn't I?"
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Young Hearts Divided (3/?)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader / James Potter x Female!Reader 
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 2.3k 
Part Summary: As James and Sirius continue to act strangely, Y/N struggles to figure out the reason. When James asks her to do something, the pieces start to fall into place, leaving her even more confused than before. 
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James and I study for History of Magic all afternoon following copying Lily’s notes. James is lucky I actually understand History, otherwise, we’d both be in trouble. As I go over the chapter with him, he takes notes for the first time on this portion of the book. During class, he’s usually sleeping or doodling. It’s rather distracting being his seat partner, especially when he asks me to play Tic-Tac-Toe with him. One of us has to pay attention because we can depend on Lily to cover us. 
“What led to the Goblin Rebellion of 1612?” I quiz James. 
He taps his chin with a quill, thinking up an answer. After it takes longer than it should, I lean back in my chair with a raised brow. Unable to withhold my amusement, I snicker at my struggling friend. He’s toast, this exam is going to wreck his marks. 
He whines, reaching across the table to gently grab my arm pleadingly. “Help me!” 
I giggle, sliding my book toward him. “Read up. You’re going to need it!” 
He whines some more, childishly pouting. “But I hate reading,” he groans, tossing his head back. As an idea pops into his head, he perks up, “summarize it for me?” 
I open my mouth to protest, unsure if I’ll do it justice, but James cuts me off eagerly. 
“I’ll make it up to you!” He insists. “I’ll… I’ll…” he struggles to think up compensation. Then, he snaps his fingers, pointing at me as another apparently brilliant thought crosses his mind. “I’ll take you to Hogsmeade this weekend!” 
“See! You already got a part of it,” I point out, ignoring his silly offer as I bring my textbook back to me considering he’s clearly not going to use it. “Hogsmeade is where the rebellion occurred! Tell me more.” 
He rolls his eyes at my seriousness, a hint of a smirk on the edge of his lips. Leaning forward, he crosses his arms on the table between us. “I’m serious Y/N,” he whispers so Professor Pince doesn’t shush us. “Let’s go to Hogsmeade this weekend.” 
Our group has never missed a Hogsmeade weekend. Any excuse to mess around drunk off firewhiskey and butterbeer is our preferred free time activity. Except for Lily and Remus, they play the parents. 
“James… everyone is going there this weekend…” I state a matter-of-factly with amusement before turning to write down in my notebook. 
“No, I mean….” he pauses, licking his lips nervously as he avoids my eyes. Evidently, he’s unsure of his words. 
I place my quill down, his hesitation earning my attention. It’s not like James to sound so anxious. What is wrong with everyone today? Did someone pour a spell in their pumpkin juice at breakfast today? It was probably a short term spell from Malfoy or Snape, a payback prank. I guess it’s a good thing I slept in. 
“James,” I place my hand on his comfortingly. His eyes break away from the space between us and meet mine with amazement. “It’s okay,” I laugh softly. “You can say anything to me, safe space here.” I wave my finger in a circle to gesture to our table. 
He laughs, nodding his head in understanding. “Yeah, yeah, you’re right…. I know. You’ve always been really easy to talk to Y/N. Uh, which is somewhat why I wanted to… um… ask you to Hogsmeade… You know, to go to Hogsmeade with me,” he stammers nervously, combing his fingers through his hair with his free hand. 
“Go with you as you go on your date?” I seek to clarify, still kind of lost in translation. 
He narrows his eyes, somewhat confused himself. “Yes…” he answers, making it sound more like a question. 
I nod at a steady pace, processing his words. Okay, well, this day has been anything but average. It’s not even supper time and already two Marauders have suddenly expressed interest in me. One minute, we’re all just friends and the next two of the most infamous playboys at Hogwarts are claiming to have feelings for me. I swear to Godrick Gryffindor if Peter or Remus stop me in the hall to confess their love I’m packing my things and going into hiding. Plus, I could’ve sworn James was head over heels in love with Lily? He told me so multiple times. Whenever he gets drunk we have a heart-to-heart about it. He asks me for advice and I assure him to be himself. Could his feelings have changed without me noticing? It’s hard to believe, but not impossible I suppose. 
Not wanting to hurt him, I accept the offer, “Yeah, yeah sounds good.” 
He smiles brightly, enthused by my answer. “Okay, um yeah, cool!” 
What harm could it do? I’m sure nothing will come from it anyway, James is pretty filthy with his affections. He’s been claiming to be in love with Lily since First Year but has dated girls since them. I’m sure I would even call it dating, they were more like flings here and there. I suspect James might just be confused or annoyed with Lily not reciprocating his affections, so he’s looking to me for some guidance. I don’t mind helping my friend figure out what he wants, as long as he doesn’t act irrationally. 
One problem though, how is Sirius going to react? We aren’t exactly together, but we can’t ignore what occurred at the lake today. He’ll be with us at Hogsmeade, we always go together as a group. I hold the necklace that Sirius gave me between my fingers without James noticing. What a confusing chain of events. I’m not sure what to think. I’m not sure what either of their intentions is. I never thought any of this would ever happen. I wonder if Sirius’s outburst during lunch has something to do with James’s offer? The two seemed rather harsh with each other. James clearly knew that Sirius and I were down at the lake considering he was next to Sirius in Potions and likely read the correspondence as Marlene did. My next thoughts are: how much does he know? Does he know what Sirius said? Does he know what he gave me? If so, does that have anything to do with him asking me to Hogsmeade? Is it all a competition with him? I’m utterly lost and all I can do is see how it pans out. I don’t want to shout accusations and end up hurting someone by accident. It’s odd, I’m both looking forward to this weekend and somewhat dreading it.
James and I decide to skip dinner, staying at the library to cram for History after James gets a sudden urge to study. James finishes telling me a humorous story about his family’s vacation many years ago when we returned to the tower after sundown. 
“My dad was soaked-” He describes with amusement. 
“Password?” The Fat Lady interrupts as we approach. 
“magia enim quisque est,” James answers, not missing a beat. He doesn’t even glance at the portrait. The Fat Lady swings open, revealing the passageway as James continues his story. “I thought my mom was going to topple over, she was laughing so hard!” 
I cover my mouth, laughing at James’s words. I’ve never had the privilege of meeting the Potters like some of the others. They sound like really fun from what I’ve heard from James and Sirius. 
Our friends are gathered in front of the fire. The fire is the main source of light in the room other than some weak candlesticks on the walls. Peter and Remus in opposite armchairs, with Lily sitting on the floor resting against Remus’s seat. Marlene is sitting on the floor directly in front of the fireplace, playing cards with Lily on the coffee table. Sirius sits at the far end of the couch, appearing to be venting to Remus. Everyone’s attention turns us when they hear us appearing in the Common Room. James and I stop, our shared laughter settling down as we peer at our friends. 
“You two were busy,” Marlene remarks with a smirk as she lays down a card on the table. 
“Yeah, you missed dinner,” Peter reminds us, sounding rather distressed by the idea. 
“Eh,” James shrugs, not too fazed by the matter. He presses his hand to my back, guiding me to sit on the couch with him. 
I follow his lead, not physically reacting to the presence of his hand through my mind is racing.
 “We can go grab something from the kitchens later,” he adds with a wink as grabs my waist to cross in front of me and sit in the middle, between me and Sirius. 
I blush, not used to receiving so much attention from James. I mean, I’ve known him since we were eleven so I’ve been the receiver of his relentless flirtatious personality, but now I’m starting to think it’s not unintentional. I ease down on the cushion, crisscrossing my legs comfortably. 
“You’re not allowed to do that,” Remus warns, knowing well enough that James won’t listen. “Unless you want another months’ detention.” 
James casually rests his arm on my leg as if he’s done it a thousand times before. Lily and Marlene silently look up from their cards, taking note of the action. They look between me and James’s arm as his thumb rubs against my knee. I share their looks of astonishment without the boys noticing as they’re too distracted by James and Remus going back and forth. I have no doubt this will be the hot topic when we head to bed. I exhale deeply, subconsciously picking at my nails, a nervous habit. 
“Did you hear what happened to that First Year in Herbology?” Lily is quick to change the subject. “Apparently a Slytherin boy fainted!” 
“Isn’t there a kid who faints every year on Mandrake day?” Marlene laughs, returning to their card game. 
“Not surprised it was a Slytherin,” James remarks mockingly with a chuckle. “They’re such pansies.” 
I frown at James’s words, my eyes focused on my lap. I have friends in Slytherin, they’re decent people. Granted, their house has a bad reputation, but that doesn’t mean they’re all bad. I have family members who were in Slytherin, they’re not evil or anything. Shoot, I could’ve been a Slytherin, the Sorting Hat debated on it. It saw motivation and cunningness in me, in fact, it nearly outweighed my Gryffindor qualities. 
“Forget that!” Peter nearly bursts with excitement in his chair next to me. “Did you hear about Snape?!” 
“Peter!” Lily snaps uncharacteristically at the boy. 
James and I jump slightly at the rudeness of Lily’s outburst, my hand gripping his on my knee instinctively. James glances down at my hand and I swiftly remove it. Peter cowers into his chair as though he was just reprimanded by a parent. My eyes flicker between the two, brows high like everyone else’s, except for James who continues to look at me admiringly. 
“What happened?” Sirius finally speaks, grumbling disinterestedly. Did he just miss Lily snapping? After that, he still has the guts to ask what happened? That’s bold. 
Lily glares at the jet black-haired boy. I lean forward peering in front of James to see Sirius’s reaction. He appears unfazed, slouching into the cushion beside James. His features are sharp, covered with evident frustration and annoyance. 
On that note, I think I’m going to excuse myself before things get too heated. Frankly, I don’t really care what happened with Snape. The boys obsess over picking on him and Lily worries for her childhood friend. Though I don’t condone bullying, I don’t care to get involved. I’m civil with both parties. 
“I’m going to head to bed,” I announce, already moving to stand up. 
Protests erupt amongst the group, each of them talking over each other. The only silent parties are James and Sirius. Sirius hadn’t reacted, starring ahead at the fire with a frown. 
James peers up at me with disappointed eyes, waiting for silence. “But I thought we were going to sneak down to the kitchens?” He pouts, holding my hand loosely. 
“And risk getting a detention?” I chuckle at the boy. 
“That didn’t seem to stop you this afternoon,” Sirius mumbles bitterly under his breath, not having the decency to look at me in the eye as does. 
James looks over his shoulder at his best friend. In unison, our friends begin to talk over each other again, this time exchanging their farewells and excuses for heading to bed. I’ve never seen Lily shove cards into their box so urgently before. I thought Remus was going to trip over himself, he leaped up so quickly from his seat. Now, the three of us are left alone in the Common Room. Sirius hasn’t even flinched once despite the chaos that just occurred around him. His eyes remain in narrow slits as they focus ahead on the burning fire. James burns holes into his friend, waiting for some sort of reaction. His hand continues to hold mine, it’s the only reason I’m still here. I would’ve safely run off with the others given the chance. I sort of feel like I’m rudely watching a private moment between best friends. Do I say something? In my defense, I wanted to leave before everyone else did. 
Building up the courage to break the silence, I slip my hand from James’s and stutter, “I’m gonna… I’m gonna go.” Hopefully, that won’t make either of them burst or something. Urgently, I pick up my books off the side table next to the couch. 
James and Sirius both snap their heads in my direction. Okay, not what I had hoped. I freeze, unsure of what to do or say. I have two pairs of eyes pouring into me. One pair black, the other hazel. I press my books to my chest nervously. 
Suddenly, the sound of the Fat Lady opening interrupts us. Professor McGonagall appears from the dark archway in her robe and cap. Her distraught expression makes my heart sink. James and Sirius both fly up from their seated positions behind me, sharing in my worry. Already predicting what this may be about, I’m too afraid to move.
Tags: @hannah220506​ @devilstradegy
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seoulessnights · 4 years
fly to you
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Best friends. Those were the two words that trailed you and Harry for the past ten years. The problem was, this label was only half-true. Almost everyone around the two of you knew that Harry was madly in love with you. In fact, it seemed like you were the only one oblivious to this. But Harry continued to play his part of your best friend, sticking by your side under the delicate facade of a ten-year friendship. Until the day he just couldn’t play the part any more.
It all started with you and Minsik. There was a spark the moment Harry introduced the two of you to each other at a party. That entire night, Minsik couldn’t take his eyes off of you. And fortunately for him, the feeling was mutual.
You ended up crashing at Minsik’s studio that very night. The two of you left sloppy excuses to Harry and somehow managed to slip out of the party without Harry thinking too much of your coincidental disappearances. 
You woke up the next day on the couch of Minsik’s studio. Upon realizing your whereabouts and seeing Minsik snoozing next to you, you felt….warm. And glowing. There was none of the shame or embarrassment that normally trailed you after a one-nighter. You listened to Minsik’s steady breathing, mentally tracing the features of his face with your eyes, as you waited for him to wake up. Sunlight spilled into the tiny windows of the studio and bathed Minsik’s tan skin a warm honey tinge. You held your breath at the sight. In that moment, you realized you would do anything to wake up to this again. You were completely infatuated.
“Let’s do this again sometime?” Minsik grinned cheekily as he leaned against the door, nonchalantly tucking a piece of your hair behind your ears. You flushed profusely. You nodded as you met his eyes. Yeah. I would like that. Friends with benefits. That was probably the best label to describe what you started with Minsik that day. Except somehow those words didn’t suffice in capturing your relationship with him. At least not for you. It had been almost a year since the fateful night you met Minsik, yet your heart pounded every time Minsik was near you. Every time you inhaled a whiff of his warm cologne. Every time Minsik caressed your body. 
Sik-k is such a playboy. You had heard Harry shake his head countless times as he relayed to you how Minsik boasted of his most recent rendezvous with girls he met at the club. And every time, you simultaneously felt a pang of guilt and pain - guilt that you were, unbeknownst to Harry, one of those girls Minsik often bragged about, and pain that you were just one of those girls. You knew this was how Minsik was. Yet you were completely smitten with him, although you let yourself deny these feelings, as you knew Minsik didn’t view you in that way. He enjoyed your company at night, but it never went beyond that. As the relationship progressed, the two of you had come up with clever ways to sneak around Minsik’s studio and avoid the nosy members of AOMG and h1ghr music. Especially to avoid Harry. You were afraid of how Harry would react when he found out that his best friend was sleeping around with one of his label mates. Knowing Harry and how overprotective he was of you, you knew it wouldn’t be a pretty scene. You already felt bad enough declining Harry’s numerous invitations to hang out at his studio and instead choosing to crash at Minsik’s. Harry sensed something was off with you lately, but little did he know that it was because you were spending most of your time right next door at Minsik’s studio.
Minsik would always text you with instructions when he wanted to have you over. And you would happily oblige. Sometimes it would be for you to wait until everyone else left the studio. Other times, you would hide under the desk or behind the couch, shielding yourself from the view of whoever abruptly walked into the studio. “Why can’t we do this somewhere else?” You absent-mindedly asked Minsik once as the two of you were laying on the sofa. Actually, sandwiched on the sofa would’ve been a better description, as the sofa was barely big enough to fit one person.
“Babe,” Minsik dawdled, as he rubbed circles on your back. 
“You know why we can’t”.
Minsik flashed a smile - the same cheeky grin that captivated you and made you keep coming back to him. His words stung. You knew why. Minsik only brought his girlfriend back to his apartment. Only the ones that actually deserved to visit his private space. And you had to admit, meeting at his studio was more of an inconvenience, but it didn’t solicit the need for Minsik to bring you to his place. In fact, there was only one occasion in which the two of you almost had your cover blown. Harry had walked in just minutes after Minsik had, quite literally, torn your clothes off, and you were barely able to hide in time under Minsik’s desk. 
“Jeez, Minsik, you gotta stop bringing girls to the studio or have a sign on your door or something”
Harry muttered as he saw the scattered pieces of clothing on the floor that you didn’t quite have time to hide.
Minsik grinned sheepishly as he shooed his hyung out of his studio. And that was the end of it. But this time was different. Maybe the two of you had gotten too confident with sneaking around Minsik’s studio. Or maybe the music in his studio was turned up a little too high that day to hear Harry’s footsteps approaching the door. “Y/N?”
In what happened to be the most terrible timing, you peeked your head over the couch and met eyes with Harry the moment he stepped into the studio. You saw Harry’s eyes visibly widen in shock and how seconds later, his face creased into a look of …pain? anger?
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me…”
Harry clenched his jaw when he saw Minsik’s half-nude body plastered underneath yours.
As Minsik scrambled onto his feet, you hurriedly pulled a t-shirt over yourself, following Harry out the studio.
“Harry, wait up!”
Harry refused to slow his pace as he left the building, letting the doors slam to a close behind him. You were eventually able to find him tucked away under some trees near the building. 
“What do you want, Y/N?”
Harry retorted angrily. His eyes were red, and his breath was unsteady. You were startled at how visibly shaken he was. 
“Harry… what’s wrong?”
You had a gut feeling that there was something more that was going on. Or maybe it was your past ten years of knowing Harry that nudged at you, hinting that something was wrong. You expected Harry to overreact when he eventually found out about you and Minsik, but his current reaction far exceeded what you had anticipated.
“Why him, Y/N? Out of all the fucking guys out there…”
Harry turned to face you, his face a splotchy mess of pain and frustration.
“What’s wrong with Minsik? Why does it matter so much to you?”
You winced at how pointed and cold your question came out. But you were genuinely curious. It had been ten years of this - you dating or hooking up with someone that Harry deemed was unfit, prompting you to eventually end things with the other person. He made you feel like his younger sister, someone who constantly needed protection when you knew how to fend for yourself. You knew what you were doing with Minsik. You knew what you were getting yourself into, or at least that’s what you convinced yourself to believe.
“Because I like you, Y/N.”
Harry sighed. He knew that once those words left his lips, his friendship with you would never be the same again. There were so many instances over the past ten years where he dreamed about reciting these words to you. And he remembered how every time he had to bite his tongue and swallow his words, as he knew you wouldn’t feel the same way. But he was tired of pretending to be your platonic best friend, watching every relationship of yours run its course when he knew, in his mind, that he could treat you better. 
I like you. The words rang in your head, but before you even had time to grasp what Harry had just said, he walked away from you. You knew there was no point in chasing after him again. You would need time to process everything - time to rethink everything about your friendship that you took for granted. And you could only hope that when you were ready to face him again, he would be waiting by your side, ready to listen to what you had to say, just like he had all these years.
this was truly one HOT mess & thank you to those who reached this point LOL i edited this again & again over a course of 4 days, but i’m still v unhappy with how it turned out. this was such a whirlwind of emotions, and such a mish-mash of everything you could ever find in a love triangle. but yeah, that’s it. no part 2. i am wiping myself clean of this awful scenario LOL
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yutaya · 5 years
Headcanon: Batwoman WAS actually on another Earth(???)
When Kara and Barry were going around exclaiming over all being on the same Earth now I was like "lol Barry you were already on the same Earth as all these people (except Black Lightning I guess) Kara's the only one who was elsewhere - I love how excited you are for your friend that she's on the same Earth as you and Oliver and all your other friends now!" And when Kara was all "IT'S KATE KATE'S HERE TOO!!1!" I assumed it was more of the same. Kara's just excited to be with all her friends.
Something else that was bothering me during crisis: what the hell even is batwoman's timeline?
Like, it seems to me like not that much time has passed in Batwoman. When she showed up in Elseworlds it was sometime after she'd gotten semi comfortable with the whole Batwoman gig, so that had to have happened somewhere... Mid season ish?
But they kept referring to Elseworlds as "last year" during crisis. Which. Fair. Elseworlds happened last year for Barry, Kara and Oliver. But it was before batwoman's show even premiered, so we didn't see a whole lot happen in Batwoman "after" that, comparatively.
During Elseworlds, both Barry and Oliver (Earth 1) and Kara (Earth 38) made reference to knowing about Batman. Barry and Oliver arguing about whether Batman was real or a myth, Kara dropping hints about "my cousin knows Bruce" with a *wink wink nudge nudge* kind of tone, the GCPD knew Oliver Queen, and they travelled to Gotham from Barry and Oliver's Earth 1. I assumed at the time this meant Batwoman was also on Earth 1, and maybe Bruce Wayne just had an Earth 38 doppelganger - wouldn't be the first time we deal with cross-Earth doppelgangers. Heck, it's what all the new show arcs seem to be right now.
But! Elseworlds was an altered reality event to start with! Maybe part of the altered reality was letting them bleed into Batwoman's world. Maybe in their original Earth 1 batman existed more in shadows as a myth-like figure without ever really coming into the spotlight or being captured on camera etc the way he's implied to be in Batwoman. Maybe in the original Earth 38 Batman had some Justice League esque dealings with Superman but like, whatever, that's ancient history by the time Kara emerges as Supergirl, apparently. (Or he just decides to stay in his city every time there's some National City crisis. if Clark wants to go help just cause Kara's his cousin - that's his problem; ain't got nothing to do with Bruce.) Maybe the GCPD and the gossipy radio host lady either knew some alter Oliver Queen (like how Earth 2 Oliver Queen was mostly the same playboy Oliver as Earth 1 Oliver) or maybe it was part of the Elseworlds meld, making them face challenges as part of the monitor's test.
I mean, Elseworlds was the only time we saw Kate + Earth 1 so much as hinted at. Maybe she was on her own Earth all along. Elseworlds was a reality altering event that blended them temporarily, and then it went back to normal, and possibly they didn't even notice bc they didn't bother trying to talk to each other. Why would they? Those guys were just some Gotham gate crashers Kate kicked out of her city once.
I mean, the other option is to believe an entire year passed somewhere between Kate adding the wig to the outfit and Alice killing Catherine. I grant that clearly there is some amount of timeskip we don't see in batwoman - she becomes the city's favorite vigilante awfully quickly otherwise - but still. It didn't feel THAT long to me. Like, if it took an entire YEAR Alice must have been sitting on her laurels a lot more than I thought, and also both the Crows and the Bat Team must be really bad at their jobs, since they seem to make very little to no search progress in between episodes. If some of those eps had MONTHS passing in between, the way they would had to have for Elseworlds to have taken place an entire YEAR before crisis, you'd think there'd at least be some sort of establishing "it's been months, and we're still no closer to finding Alice and now we have to wait for her to come out of hiding to get any new info" dialogue every now and then.
So yeah. I might actually headcanon that batwoman was on a different earth before crisis. It doesn't really effect the plot at all, but it makes more sense to me. After all, I always felt like a large part of the reasoning for Supergirl to be on a different earth in the first place was bc her world's history with Superman and all having already been established would clash with the Earth 1 history of arrow being the first confirmed vigilante and all the chaos of the metahumans being created on a city wide scale for the first time. Batwoman likewise had some established preexisting Batman stuff and no mention whatsoever of either metas (Earth 1 stuff) or justice league/at least Superman (Earth 38 stuff).
Kate probably just rolled with everyone calling that time she saw them a couple months(?) ago "last year" during the crisis crossover. She didn't care at first, and then she got stuck at the vanishing point with only 5.2 other people for actual months, so she figured she can't really ever assume what was going on with them and their personal timelines.
Tl;dr: Batwoman had her own Earth before the crisis bc I prefer to view her personal timeline to be shorter than the others'. Sorry for the text wall.
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 9 commentary (Alexander)
FINALLY!!!!! Finally I can talk about a few big things from this series I have been dying to talk about....
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...............What did I sign myself up for. 
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A quick rundown of what it says here: More and more people are becoming interested in the street-style and choosing to be street-style stars since the Prism King Cup. In the graph, the gold portion is academy-style and the silver is street-style, before -> after the Prism King Cup. Below it points out that Kazuki and Hiro’s “sparking” scores from the Prism King Cup (the Prism Watch data) were equal and suggests Schwartz Rose needs to step up their game in the street category. 
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Every time I laugh at this. 
Every time I feel kinda bad afterwards. 
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So Ace was entered as an official participant. It says “reserve”, but still. I guess that may have helped to make Joji’s score possible and not break the system. 
(In between writing my episode 5 commentary post and now, I got to read the interview with the director in spoon2Di where he confirmed that Joji’s high score was only because Ace joined in what was supposed to be a solo show.)
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Flashy, huh. We’re going with flashy this time for “charachara”.... Okay. (Better than gaudy I guess.)
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I love this so much. Kakeru coming outside just to watch Taiga exercise and get all sweaty and all that. I wonder how long he stood there. Or rather I wonder how long he watched with binoculars after heading back inside. 
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I’m such a dumbass. After episode 3 aired someone pointed out that this is Taiga’s mom vs. Alec’s mom, and my excuse for not noticing then was that it’s in the background and such. (Can’t pause the movie in the theater and didn’t think to check it afterwards.) But here the camera actually pans over them slowly, so yeah I have no excuse. 
But regardless. Amazing!! 
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Another thing I didn’t catch in the theater. But I have never had a reason to know the Japanese word for asthma before. I’m glad that gave him an actual reason for being sickly instead of just.... sickly child syndrome. 
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As long as you’re happy, Victoria. 
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But really though, their relationship is pretty damn interesting. 
I wonder if she knows he borrowed her clothes. 
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No I don’t know why these grown-ass men have nothing better to do than pick on an actual seven year old child...............
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So uh. This line confused me for the longest time. The way he says it, I really thought he was giving “Daikokuno” as another last name and I thought it was some kind of DJ KOO reference I didn’t get or something. 
But thanks to Crunchyroll I finally realized.... ITS A PLACE. He’s just saying where he’s from, and that’s how Alexander is able to find him. GOOD LORD IM SUCH A DUMBASS.......... Another point for Crunchyroll. 
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Okay so now that I have the luxury to pause this, as soon as I did I opened up Google Maps in another window, zoomed in and....
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At least I finally know where it is
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Fuck asthma am I right
It wouldn’t give me the cycling time, but yeah, you can imagine. 
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They only have this one image of Rei doing a jump and gosh darn they are gonna use it to the fullest. 
So during this scene and the next people cheer for Rei in the theater, but nobody really knows what color he is. There was a whole lot of variation at the beginning before people (in Nagoya at least) finally settled on red. (For the flames maybe? I don’t know if it’s official.....)
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Alexander actually had a flashback to this moment on Prism Rush during the Road to SSS 9 event. I reblogged it recently on my @prism-rush blog trying to disguise it as part of my Alexander birthday spam. (It wasn’t.)
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So if you have no idea where the heck this egg came from and what it is..... Rainbow Live.
But anyway. 
I can finally FINALLY talk about this!!! Even though I knew it would probably be all over Twitter, I really wanted to protect this spoiler on Tumblr if I could. It was such a big deal to me when I saw it in the theater and I really wanted you guys to have the opportunity to be as blown away as I was. I could not possibly think of anything to say about it that wouldn’t be a hint, so all I could say all this time was just that Alexander’s episode has “a surprise” in it.... SURPRISE!!!
But yeah, when I saw this for the first time I thought it just came out of NOWHERE. Total shock! I thought this was not predictable at all!
But then it hit me. All of a sudden I remembered something. Something important.
Again, in Road to SSS event 9....
So, for folks who follow my @prism-rush blog, remember that one Alexander PR where he was looking into a box? And nobody knew what was in the box? But  there was something weird following him? I even mentioned it and my confusion over it in my summary of that event. WELL GUESS WHAT.
We finally know what was in the box don’t we.  
I asked a friend to see the card story to fill in the blanks and see if there were any obvious hints to what was going on at the time, and it’s just mentioned as a strange animal he picked up. Alexander struggles with what to do and not really wanting to take care of it, but then he asks himself what Rei would do..... (Whether he could see Momo at that time, I do not know ahah....)
So in the beginning after seeing Part 1 in theaters I said on Tumblr that the Road to SSS events from Prism Rush didn’t have much to do with the SSS anime, and most of them didn’t and still don’t. All of course except for Road to SSS 9, just that one, which ended up being way more important than I would have ever imagined. And this isn’t even the only reason either, there is also--
SO UH anyway Road to SSS 9 took place in June, so this flashback is taking place in June DURING Road to SSS 9. A very roundabout way to dating the episode, but really cool. I like how Road to SSS was significant after all. 
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And another surprise for me. In the theatrical version he’s not glowing here. They wanted to emphasize that he’s powering up I suppose eheh. I was really freaking out about this in the stream chat. SO COOL.
To the right of his little dragon house you’ll see some “dorayaki” because.....
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Although they never actually mention it in the anime, his name is Dorachi. (Confirmed on Twitter.) 
(Note: Dorayaki is also the favorite food of classic Japanese character Doraemon.) 
Even though Dorachi doesn’t talk in this episode, in the theatrical special video for Alexander he talks A LOT. An UNFAIR amount. So much I do not remember most of what he said since I only saw it once and it went by so fast. 
But his real name is very long (like the manager names from PriPara) and he talks about spreading the prism sparkle. I’m sorry, that’s honestly all I remember right now.
Will he show up again in the main anime before the end?
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(Okay yes.)
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And at least they gave you guys was a bit of original(??) art of him in the new ending. 
Okay moving on....... 
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Urrgh..... okay so.............. When I first was watching this with you guys in the stream I was like UGH because I don’t think “flashy” fits here at all. I really wished they had stuck with “playboy” since it would work better with this scene. 
But then when I watched it again, I realized they already used “flashy” once in this episode to describe Kazuki’s sweater, and it did kinda work there. 
If we go back to my episode 3 commentary, my main complaint with Crunchyroll’s  translation of “charachara” was actually less about the words they used, and more about how it just wasn’t consistent. 
This episode..... is consistent.
Another point for Crunchyroll. 
I officially cannot complain about the subs in this episode. 
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Another little thing in SSS I have spent way too much time thinking over is how Joji got here. 
In every episode up until now, it’s always been Louis seen walking beside Jin like his pet. But in this episode. JUST THIS EPISODE.... it’s Joji instead. 
I think the reason is because Louis is performing next, so he has to rest (since he’s not exactly in the condition he once was.....) So Joji scooped up the opportunity. 
Whatever the reason, I find it really interesting. 
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My all time favorite Alexander face
In a weird way I actually think he’s cuter here than in the Prism King Cup
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This song.... was not quite what I was expecting for Alec, but I love it. No part of me anticipated he’d just launch into a ballad but WOW. I just love how they picked something that really shows off his beautiful voice like this. Alexander is in my top three singing voices in King of Prism (1: Hiro, 2: Taiga, 3: Alexander) so I loved hearing him belting this out. 
Now time for my like.... 4th(?) embarrassing confession in this post.... I had no idea this song was a cover until like AN HOUR before this episode aired. You guys were playing TRF songs in the stream, the original came on, and while y’all were like “what should we watch next” I was sitting there like “!!!!!!!!FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF”
Well, it’s a new song to me. And I think it’s perfect for him. 
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Poor Joji and his inconveniently timed fruit. 
He finally gets to spend time with Jin, and he just can’t get a break. 
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I love the generation gap here. Kazuki’s existence has been so big to Taiga he can only think of Kazuki. But Kazuki and Hijiri are able notice the subtle differences that make this an OG Rei move. 
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I could certainly spend a whole lot of text speculating why Alexander did not change into his battle suit, but I won’t waste your time and just admit I have no idea. I’m glad he doesn’t, since it keeps the spotlight on Alexander since HE CAN’T PERFORM ONE GODDAMN SHOW WITHOUT TAIGA BARGING IN ON HIM BUT MMMRGGHGHG
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Yeah I was SO MAD about this when I first saw it at the midnight showing.
A lot of people change to green when Taiga comes out, but I do not. This is the only battle where I cheer for Alexander the whole time.  
Not only was I mad at Taiga for being so dumb, but just mad at the whole concept of Taiga barging into Alexander’s one show to do basically the same jumps we saw in Pride the Hero again..... 
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Nowadays I forgive my idiot son. And I hope you do too. 
This wasn’t the moment I forgave him. No, that’s coming later. I was mad at him for an entire month. But yeah. 
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He’s just so confident and everyone believes in him................................
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So Alexander breaks the street-style curse and gets a damn good score. Higher than Taiga’s original score. 
But just like Joji’s score was due to Ace, I can’t help but think Alexander’s score was a good deal due to Taiga.........
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I had a feeling this would happen. 
I knew long before Part 3. 
Even back when I had only just seen Part 1.... I just knew the tables would turn in this episode. 
Maybe it would be difficult to guess by watching week-to-week, but for me having Alexander’s episode as the last episode of the theatrical Part 3 just seemed like it would be WAAAAAY too much of a coincidence otherwise. So I had a strong feeling Schwarz would come out ahead at the end of this one. (I didn’t guess the reason would be because Taiga would get a penalty, but yeah.) And especially because the performances are kind of out of order to make this work? Up until now I thought all of the Schwarz Rose boys performed first, but Yu was up before Alec? And Louis is up next. Maybe it wasn’t a guaranteed thing that the Schwarz Boys always go first, but I noticed it.  
So up until now score has not mattered much as Edel Rose has just sailed on though. But now it does. It matters a lot. 
So this is the second surprise of this episode, and why I was saying it’s the beginning of the chain of events that lead to the end.
But about score mattering now, one of the reasons I have been questioning Taiga’s score the whole time is because I knew this was going to happen. So I just.... I just hope Taiga’s score wasn’t lower to begin with on purpose for mathematical reasons so they could get their desired progression of the overall score or something. IDK.
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I don’t blame Rei for not figuring it out right away. Even though I KNOW this is Alexander, I still have trouble connecting his younger and older selves. I mean, getting muscular doesn’t make your eye shape completely change does it....?
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Poor Kazuki. He doesn’t care.
So if I interpreted this episode correctly.... 
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This was Alexander’s official transition from an antagonist to a protagonist. (Or just to a normal rival at least.)
During the first two movies and for a good long time of Prism Rush, he always played the part of the villain. But once Road to SSS started that began to change. We saw him reminiscing about Rei, making awkward conversation with Louis, struggling over forming a duo with Joji, etc. So I had a strong feeling they were taking his character in this direction, but this right here was the official turning point I believe. 
No more destroying stadiums. From now on he’ll be spreading the prism sparkle with Dorachi. 
And still trying to beat Kazuki but you know. 
So I don’t have a source handy (if someone challenges me to find one I’ll dig it up) but I remember I read one time that Alexander was actually originally a character that was only created for the first movie. But then they realized they had to keep him on when he was just so popular. 
So if you have ever supported Alexander, this episode was for you. Fans make King of Prism possible. 
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So.... one more thing I guess. Something I learned from the Minato episode was that even if I ignore controversy and specifically state I don’t want to talk about it, it still finds its way into my inbox anyhow. So I might as well get this over with I guess. 
After Young of Prism Alexander was revealed to have light skin, someone told me a theory that mixed race children are sometimes born with lighter skin which darkens as they grow older. So up until her design was revealed, I had always imagined Alexander’s mother as a black woman. 
So yeah. I don’t know the reason for his darker skin color now. 
But I’d like to point out that in this episode being pale was associated with being weak and unhealthy, while darker skin was associated with being healthy and strong and just leave it at that. 
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And thus ends Part 3. 
Next week begins.................. what I have been dreading for a long time............
So up until now I have been pretty tight-lipped about spoilers. But once episode 10 airs, the floodgates will pretty much be open. Episode 10 and episode 11 are so connected it’s really hard to talk about one without the other. I mean, once you know about episode 10, I seriously might as well. So after episode 10 airs, at the bottom of my commentary post and after a warning I plan to share some episode 11 spoilers. 
Because I have been through this......
And I know how it’s gonna make you guys feel......
And since I was lucky enough to get some answers right away, I’m going to give you guys those same answers for those who want them so you don’t have to just sit on episode 10 for a week. I am not that kind of a monster. I won’t put you guys through that. 
So after episode 10 ends, take a deep breath, cry it out if you need to, and get some tea. 
I know how you’re gonna be feeling. I know. Don’t send me a panicked anon ask right away. Give me a little time. Hold on. 
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juvellita · 6 years
messy kbtbb character analysis
So… Let me just say that this is going to be LONG and MESSY post. I will try my best to make an analysis of all Kbtbb characters. Eisuke’s might be the longest, just because know about him more than any other bidders. This is more geared towards to those people who still have negative misconception about KBTBB. I get it. Their season 1 prologue did not give the best impression of those guys. I want to give you an insight of characters’ past, and why they are the way they were when MC first met them. PLEASE feel free to express your thoughts/ add on the comment section/reblogging! Let me know of what I am missing from character. I want to hear your analysis of characters too.
First things first. Let’s jog back to season 1.  I know MANY people did not like this game in the beginning because how it hinted on human trafficking. Let me clear this out first; when Eisuke and other bidders created the auction, they made a rule of not selling any human in an auction, unless they are willing to be sold. This is mentioned in Episode 0: The Promise substory.  
That’s not all though. Bidders approached mc in almost..inhuman manner. They treated her as a weird creature that they have never seen before.  Why do you ask? All bidders have some sort tragic/traumatic past that cannot be easily cured. I have mentioned this briefly in my “short bidder’s complexity summary” post, but every single one of them has a reason why they cannot trust anyone that easily. Let’s look at each character in depth.
Let’s start with Ota and Eisuke, since these two characters were the MOST controversial characters when they were first released ( I apologize in advance if I miss anything for Ota. I have played his route every now and then, but I never actually read all his stories). WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD if you haven’t read any of their stories yet. Also… ALOT OF FAWNING UNDER EISUKE’S
First, Ota Kisaki (The Angelic Artist).
Essential Question: Why does he treat MC like a pet at first?
He was an unique artist ever since when he was little. No one acknowledged his art, except this guy named Doi (I believe), who was an artist.  He keeps encouraging Ota to continue with his art, regardless of how others thought his art was so weird.  This kind of event makes Ota ABSOLUTELY trust in Doi. He was the only one who supported his art preferences. Why is there reason not to trust him? Until… Doi plagiarized Ota’s work, and claim it as his own. At that time Doi was much of bigger artist than Ota, so Ota didn’t have any power to fight back that it was a lie. This.. made tragic mark on him. He refuses to trust anyone. I mean, it’s arguable right? Doi WAS the only one he trusted (before MC came into his life of course). He then creates this facade of “Angelic Artist”. It was his way of separating between the real him and the expectations from the others. That way, he wouldn’t  have to go through the pain he went through again. When he first met MC, he called her ‘Koro’. The name ‘Koro’ was a way for him to put a distance with MC, since he refused to trust anyone after his most trusted companion betrayed him. A lot of people argue that how he treated MC like a pet was inhumane. I understand this also, because trust me… I was one of those people. However, the main purpose for calling her ‘Koro’ wasn’t to treat her like a pet. He was simply..afraid of getting close to another person and being hurt again. Koro starts out as a way to put boundary between MC and Ota. As the season continues, it becomes affectionate nickname for MC.
Eisuke Ichinomiya.
Essential Question: Why is he inhumanly cold?
Oh man, You all know how much I LOVE Eisuke (I mean.. Just look at my shet spam on my blog). I will try my best not to only fawn over him in the duration of this post.
Where do I even begin with Eisuke? I mean, I think his first description was “Cold-hearted billionaire”. He probably went through A LOT during his career.  But If you still think he is cold-hearted, please look at all my screenshot spams. At least to Mc, he turns squishy marshmellow. When MC gives him that puppy dog eyes or when she smiles at him with uncontrollable happiness, there is NO way this man can say no to her.
In his Childhood Promise Substory, Eisuke only wanted power to save and protect ones he cared about and himself. He might come off as only selfish person in the beginning, but as story progresses on, you will know that is not true. He has difficult time expressing things in words.
Let’s first look at his family background. “Ichinomiya” isn’t his actual biological name. When he was young, his family went bankrupt. His father disappeared (Eisuke finds him again in season 5), and shortly after his mother’s health got worse and passed away.  He got separated from his little sister (who he finds again in his s1 sequel), and Akira Ichinomiya adopts Eisuke, who was good friend of his biological father. Before meeting MC, everyone who approached him, only approached him for his power and money. Up until his S1 epilogue, he used to have a groupies, who were obsessed with Eisuke. When he sees them shet talking about MC, he threatens them he will ban them if they keep on creating a scene in his hotel (and we never see them again after that).  Anyways, back to my point. These groupies only loved Eisuke for his money, power, and looks. Did they know a single thing about Eisuke? I doubt it. He only kept them around because he needed someone to numb his loneliness(numbing doesn’t solve any problem. He knew this, but regardless, he needed someone.). But beneath that cold facade, he was an absolutely lonely person. No one really loved him for he was.  He was craving for genuine love, but no one gave that to him.. He have gave up on the idea of getting that love..Until Mc came to his life. MC was the only one who was able to see through Eisuke, and realize he is lonely. She never approached him for his power or money, and he realizes that her actions and thoughts toward him are genuine.  (Seriously�� read his pov if you have not, because they are the VERY reason why I LOVE Eisuke so much.) But he sometimes have wonders about what love is, since he was never used to being loved so genuinely by someone. In his season 3, he has doubts that his adoptive father actually loved him. Everyone around him only saw him as a man ‘capable’ of handling business. However, when he confronts Akira about it, he says that he wanted Eisuke to understand family love. He also claims how he is happy that Eisuke has finally found someone who can love him unconditionally (referring to MC).  Then throughout multiple s3 substories (such as his bday story, under his protection, etc ...), you can see how the definition of ‘love’ changed for him. At first, he thought it was unnecessary thing (meaningless to say aloud). However as him and mc gets close in relationship, he notices expressing love for someone you love is important (hint s5).  We also see that he is emotionally unstable. Mc is his big emotion supporter. You can see his emotion breaking through BIG TIME when MC gets in life or death danger (refer to my Desperate moment post if you haven’t already).
I want to also bring this to light: Eisuke has so many enemies. I don’t know what stuff he really did, but I can say some are just falsely created by some influential being.  If you ever played Eisuke’s s2, do you remember how Shuichi and Hikaru approached Eisuke? Hikaru was assigned to assassinate Eisuke, believing that he was the one who killed his parents. Same goes for Shuichi. He at first believed that Eisuke was behind everything that happened to his family. However, after s2, they somehow realize that that is not the case. Some mastermind was controlling them to get rid of Eisuke. This still reminds mystery. I really hope they cover this in his s6 or s6.5.
A lot of thing that I mentioned for Eisuke, I have already mentioned through my screenshot posts, or other bloggers have said it already. It might sound repetitive, but I cannot enforce enough, how much mc means to Eisuke. She is basically his life, one existence that will drive him insane if MC is in trouble in any way (but then again, Eisuke is so extra sometimes LOL). He will literally do ANYTHING to make happy. Mc isn’t a selfish person, so this won’t EVER happen but, in theory ( I DID SAY IN THEORY, SO DON’T FREAK OUT), if she ever wanted someone to disappear because they have hurted her ever since she was little, Eisuke will not hesitate to make that come true (actually he will do it before she even mentions it). He believes that anyone who makes mc sad should not exist (at least not close to them). I mean… he even says this to his own son LOL.  He will not hesitate to keep mc in his penthouse all day if he feels like she is in danger. Only reason why he doesn’t do this much anymore is because he knows how much mc doesn’t like that . This is where yandere eisuke came from because of how he is sometimes abnormally OBSESSED with MC. I mean...installing security cameras all around his hotel JUST for MC’s safety (and to check on her ...for his benefit).  This just proves how all sense of his ‘logic’ flies out of window when it comes to MC. He perhaps might not know the ‘normal’ way to express his love, but he tries his best to show MC that he loves her. And mc knows this.
Any ways… I am gonna end my Eisuke post here… if I continue I will end up fawning more over him.  SORRY I WAS SUPPOSED TO ANALYZE. I ENDED UP FAWNING
Baba Mitsunari
Essential Question: Why is he known as ‘playboy’?
There are many theories that this man has depression, which I honestly can see why. He is the nicest bidder in everyone’s route. He usually says hi to MC first when she comes in the penthouse, and cheers her up when she is seriously feeling down.  He is quick to lend a hand when any of bidders are in trouble.  His man has a tragedy… of not being able to truly love anyone, because he is scared that his ‘thief’ title will hurt the one he loves. He also wants to be loved like Eisuke and Ota, and give love, but he is SCARED.  Unlike Eisuke or Ota though, Baba has tendency to deprecating himself.  He once genuinely fell in love with this girl named Cynthia. However, he decides to leave her because he was scared that he would hurt her because of his career as a thief.
I have said it once, but I honestly think Baba is underestimated as a character. If I look at him closely enough, he probably is saddest character in KBTBB. Sad i mean…only one who probably realizes that he is sad. Other bidders are too prideful or disinterested in emotional feelings before mc comes in. Baba is probably the only character who is fully aware of what he is feeling even before mc coming into his life.  I do not know much about Baba, but I can tell this much from observing him in Eisuke’s route. He only became known as ‘playboy’ because he knew he wasn’t able to stick to one woman without hurting them.  Instead, he tries to numb his depression by having a lot of women around him, which obviously doesnt work.
Mamoru Kishi
Essential Question: Why is he so darn lazy?
You might not believe it but he used to be very passionate about his career. He had a investigation partner named Minami. However, one day, for some mysterious reason he died. Mamoru has made several attempts and proposals to solve the mystery of his death, but interpol has rejected his idea every time he proposed it. They all thought it was unnecessary to reveal that case was closed (in his route, we figure out Aida was behind all this).  From that point on, he realizes how crooked and ‘good for nothing’ his job is, and he loses all motivation to work hard.  I have never played his route so I cannot say much about him. But he is very skilled detective/policeman. He may not seem like it, but the way he gets Eisuke all those confidential information about interloper… i mean, I don’t think normal policeman can do that! In Eisuke’s season 5, Eisuke worries about Mamoru’s job in danger if he went such length to help him. But he assures him that it is fine since he is known as ‘slacker’ and so no one cares about him. He would go full length to uncover the truth once he sets his eyes on something.
Soryu Oh
Essential Question: Why is he allergic to women?
I mean… mainly because of his mafia title. Just like baba, he doesn’t think he deserves ordinary happiness nor could ever get one because of his career. Most times, his job is life or death matter.  He has strong sense of what is ethical and what is not. He would hate to put anyone in danger because of him. Beneath that cold exterior, he is probably most normal person amongst the bidder. He is also the one who is (personality wise) close to describing mc. When he meets mc, and sees her devotion to stick something that she set her mind on, he falls for her.
I also think one main reason why he hated women is because how they were ‘used’ to secure his life. In one of Eisuke’s substory, Soryu mentions that he lost his virgin because it was ‘life or death’ matter. Although it is clearly not addressed, there might be some unspoken reason why he used not like women.
FYI... I typed this out on word doc first... it turned out to be 5 pages...
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itsshortfurball20 · 5 years
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong?
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This chapter has 3,461 words
7 – I Know Exactly What I’m Doing (No I Don’t)
The Helicarrier was in full panic mode; emergency lights were flashing, and an alarm was going on from somewhere in the ship. Red lights flashed in the lab. Percy was almost out the door when Fury called him back.
“Back to last names, are we?” Fury threw something small at Percy. The demigod caught the small piece and saw that it was an earpiece, like the kind that all the agents wore. “Cool. Am I a spy now?” Percy asked as he fitted the device on his ear.
Fury shook his head. “If we can’t get the Helicarrier back up and running, we might need your help landing her in the water. Listen for the call.”
“I can do that.” He told the director before he was running out of the lab and down the hall towards his room. Agents ran past him, all hurrying to get to their positions to help stabilize the falling ship.
In the back of Percy’s mind, his own alarm bells were ringing. As soon as the explosion had hit the lab, he knew that Loki was the one behind it. Suddenly, his willingness to come along made sense.
The ship shook as it continued falling. Percy steadied himself against the wall. He was about to push himself off when he heard it—louder than any of the alarms, a roar so primal and angry and inhuman. A sound that made goosebumps rise along Percy’s arms.
With renewed energy, he pushed himself away from the hall and ran faster. Maybe it was just luck (he hadn’t had any of that in a while) or maybe he was finally getting the layout of the ship, but he was able to find his way back to his room. He threw on his breastplate and grabbed the shield before running back out of the room, fumbling with his straps as he ran towards Loki’s cell. Percy needed to check to see that the god was still there and hadn’t escaped and then he would go find whatever the Hades had made that hair-raising noise.
Except he didn’t know where Loki’s cell was. There were no signs advertising Evil Norse God this way. He was lost again.
Percy tapped the button on the side of his earpiece. “Testing, testing, one two three. Pirate?”
There was a small static sound before Fury’s voice joined in. “What?” He snapped.
“You never gave me a map.”
The demigod could hear Fury’s heavy sigh. “And that’s important how?”
“Because someone should be with Loki.” Percy explained. “to make sure he doesn’t get out.”
There was a small pause before Fury said, “Two lefts and down the stairs.”
The demigod took a sharp turn as he ran down the left hall. “Thanks.” He said to Fury, but there was no response from the director. Percy followed his instructions, taking another left before heading down the staircase until he found himself outside of Loki’s room.
He walked in, thankful to see the god sitting there on his small cot, looking bored, despite the chaos he had caused upon the ship. Loki only spared a quick glance at him. “I supposed one of you might come to check on me,” the god commented. “but I did not think that it would have been you. One of the smart ones, Stark or Banner.” A small grin spread across his face. “Although from what I heard, Dr. Banner is no longer available.”
Percy recalled the loud roar from earlier. Had that been the doctor? He had been so mild and calm earlier, and he definitely didn’t look capable of making a roar close to that. Then again, lots of things were possible. Greek gods, armies from outer space. Percy had also learned the hard way not to underestimate people. When Percy had first met Leo, for instance, the guy had looked like a small child hyped up on too much sugar that had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Of course, Leo still looked like a child from time to time, but now the son of Hephaestus had helped defeat Gaea, sacrificing himself and then coming back from the land of Hades.
The demigod walked along the catwalk and leaned against the rail. Facing Loki, he took Riptide out of his pocket and uncapped the pen. Causally, he started twirling it in his hand, loving the familiar feeling of having his trusty sword in his hand that he had missed. After a couple good twirls, he pointed the sword at Loki. “I hope I don’t have to tell you what this means.”
Loki recognized the threat being given to him by the demigod. “Oh, I have no intention of breaking out of this cell.” He said with a smirk. “But are you sure you want to waste your time watching me while I’m locked up when the real monster’s out there?”
As if on cue, Percy heard several gunshots followed by a bellowing roar. His fists tightened, and he gripped Riptide tighter. It’s a trick, he told himself. Don’t listen to Loki. He glanced over at Loki as the ground shook.
“I did say I wouldn’t break out,” Loki told him.
Percy laughed despite himself. “How am I supposed to believe that? You lie all the time.”
“Well I wouldn’t put it past me,” Loki admitted. “but if it means anything to you, I swear to not break out of this cell.”
The ground shook again, and Percy glanced over his shoulder towards where the roar was coming from. Was it worth the risk of leaving Loki by himself, giving him a chance to escape during an attack that Percy knew Loki was behind, just so he could go find the source of that roar? Loki had hinted at it being Dr. Banner who had roared, but Percy didn’t know how the mild-mannered doctor could produce such a sound. Could this be the ‘party trick’ he had mentioned earlier?
It only took him a couple of seconds to decide. “Stay here.” He told Loki as he ran out of the room.
“I’m not a dog!” Loki yelled at Percy’s retreating back. Percy ignored the god and continued running. He pressed the button on his earpiece.
“Can someone get to Loki’s cell and watch him?” Percy requested over the comm. “We can’t let him escape.”
A familiar voice responded. “This is Agent Coulson. I’m heading to Loki’s location.”
Percy nodded before remembering that Coulson couldn’t see him. He was too used to Iris Messages. “Get there fast. Don’t want him alone for long.”
A loud crash came from down the hall. Percy entered what appeared to be a hanger room. People were running past him, desperate to escape the room and whatever was in there. He pushed past them to see Thor and oh gods.
It was the large green beast from the packet. And gods it was huge. Percy felt his breath catch a little at the hulking monster that was getting up and facing Thor. The son of Poseidon watched as the green beast looked over at him, noticing Riptide in Percy’s hand. The demigod leaped out of the way of the charging monster. It roared at Percy and the demigod hesitated when he realized what, or who this monster was.
“I think you and I have very different definitions of party, Doctor,” Percy whispered as he stared wide-eyed at the former doctor.
The small hesitation was all that Hulk needed. He took a swing, boxer style. If Thor hadn’t jumped in and grabbed the Hulk’s fist, Percy would’ve gone flying. Thor strained against the Hulk’s strength. Percy shook his head, clearing it, before shoving Riptide in his pocket and rushed to grab the other first that Hulk was winding up to hit Thor.
“We are not your enemies, Banner!” Thor shouted over Hulk’s harsh breathing. “Try to think!”
Hulk lifted his fists, taking Percy and Thor with them, lifting the two off the floor. They shared a look of horror before Hulk tossed them aside like rag dolls. Percy slid on the ground, coming to a stop in front of one of the planes. He scrambled to his feet as Hulk let out another roar.
Taking a brisk glance, he spotted Thor a couple of feet away. He was kneeling, hand outstretched. Percy didn’t take too much time wondering what Thor was doing. He had other things to worry about. Like an eight-foot-tall angry and green doctor running right at him.
Percy let his instincts lead him (which admittedly have never been that great in the past). He ran towards Hulk. The Hulk grinned at the sight of a challenger. Percy kept running closer, until the very last second when he slid baseball style under the Hulk’s legs. The Hulk slowed and looked around, confused as to where its target had just gone. It gave Percy all the time he needed to jump on the Hulk’s back and wrap his arms around Hulk’s throat.
At this point, Percy thought, as he held onto the Hulk as he thrashed around trying to reach around and grab Percy, if the whole superhero business didn’t go well, he could maybe make a living bull riding since that seemed to be a pretty common occurrence to the demigod. He tried to steer the Hulk away from Thor until he was done doing… whatever he was doing.
Percy saw Thor’s hammer fly into his hand. As soon as he saw the hammer, Percy started working on a plan, becoming distracted enough that he didn’t even notice the Hulk reaching out to grab him until it was too late.
The Hulk smiled victoriously at Percy. Just before the angry green doctor could do anything, Percy shouted, “Thor, throw it!”
A confused look crossed Hulk’s face as he turned to Thor. He ended up getting a face full of Thor’s hammer, letting go of Percy as he went flying back into one of the fighter jets. Percy wobbled on his landing but straightened himself up. Thor called his hammer back to him as Percy thought about pulling out Riptide. He was unsure of whether to use it on the turned doctor, not certain on how the doctor would feel after switching back.
Across from them, the Hulk was already back up and tearing off a piece of the plane to throw at them. Percy ducked down, barely missing the flying plane part. The plane part passed close enough to Percy for him to feel the breeze as it passed overhead. Gathering himself, he jumped back up as soon as he heard the loud crash of the plane part hitting the wall behind him.
Percy needed to act fast. The demigod glanced around frantically. Thor was already back up and rearing his arm back to throw his hammer. Like slow-motion, Percy watched as the Hulk tried to grab the hammer, only to be dragged behind like Percy had the night before. The Hulk landed on the floor, dazed, and Percy saw an opportunity. While Hulk started struggling with the impossibly heavy hammer, Percy managed to pull Thor back from pounding on the giant green beast.
“We need a plan,” Percy told Thor. “If I knew what made him like this, then I could come up with a counter-idea maybe. But the best we can do for now is subdue him. Can you do that?”
Thor nodded and Percy noticed that the god was bleeding a little. While he certainly felt tired, bruised, and sore, he didn’t have any open cuts. He was definitely faring better than he had the night before.
The duo took back to fighting the Hulk, who was still struggling to pick the hammer that hadn’t budged an inch. By now, the Hulk’s feet had managed to dig deep into the flooring of the ship.
Percy stood on one side of the Hulk while Thor stood on the other side. Hulk slowly took notice of them. He looked up from the hammer, letting it go, and gazed at the two, flicking his head back and forth between the two.
Thor made eye contact with Percy, who gave just a subtle nod. In a split-second Thor was running towards Hulk, jumping on his back like he had seen Percy do earlier. He called his hammer to his hand and used it to help him keep the Hulk from bucking him off. Percy narrowly dodged one of Hulk’s flailing hands as the doctor attempted to get Thor off his back. He seemed to have learned from last time. Very soon after Thor had jumped atop him, the Hulk leaped up, hitting the ceiling and going through.
Dust and debris flew back down at Percy. “Okay. New plan.” He told himself. The son of Poseidon knew he couldn’t jump that high, but with the big shipping crates nearby, Percy figured he could use those to climb through the new hole in the ceiling.
He scrambled over and quickly scaled the boxes. Percy could hear thuds and crashes from up above him. Standing on four of the crates, he could easily reach and grab the edge of the hole. Percy wasted no time in pulling himself up.
As soon as he got up onto the floor, he watched Thor go flying past him. The Hulk growled once he noticed Percy. The demigod reached into his pocket and wrapped his hand around Riptide. With a roar, the Hulk started towards Percy.
There was a small second where everything slowed. Percy felt his heart slow a little, and his head cleared as the Hulk got closer. The Helicarrier’s alarm and other noises faded. For a second, Percy was in the midst of a battle and he loved it. He wondered how he could have ever left this behind.
Then the bullets started.
Percy dove for shelter behind one of the desks. He was shortly joined by Thor, who had his arms above his head to protect him from the falling shards of glass. Percy didn’t look around the desk to watch what was happening. The only thing he knew was that the Hulk roared and suddenly the bullets stopped.
When the bullets had been done for a couple of seconds, Percy cautiously peered around the side. There was a huge gaping hole in the window, where just outside he could see the Hulk tearing a fighter jet to pieces.
Thor gingerly picked himself, brushing off some of the glass shards. “Where’s Banner?” He asked, looking around for any sign of the green beast.
“I think,” Percy stated. “he needed some fresh air.” He gestured to the broken window. “Let’s just hope he’s okay after all this.”
Thor nodded. “Do not worry, Perseus. I am sure that Banner will turn out fine.”
“Please, it’s Percy,” The demigod told the blond god. “And before something else pops up, I already sent Coulson towards Loki, but you better hurry over there. You’re the best person, or god, to take care of your brother.”
“Thank you, Percy.” Thor gave him a small wave before turning around and running away. Percy stood there for a second, watching the god run off, before he the ship shuddered again and started to tilt. The demigod fell onto the floor and started sliding towards the broken window.
“Fury?” Percy yelled through the comm. “Fury? Is this the call? Hello?” The comm remained silent. Percy tried planting his feet on the ground, but his shoe slipped. Riptide had slipped through his grasp and Percy watched it go through the window. He wasn’t too far from the window at this point, and he could see the sea glittering under Apollo’s rays.
Percy braced himself, closing his eyes and covering his face from the flying glass shards. There was a brief second where the demigod could still feel the ground under him before he was surrounded by nothing.
The wind roared in Percy’s ears. His breath was ripped from him as he fell. Above him, Percy watched as the Helicarrier grew farther. It was the first time Percy could see just how huge the flying ship was. The ship was bigger than the Argo II, a ship so big it had been able to hold the Athena Parthenos (albeit with some rather tight fits).
His eye was drawn to one of the propellers. Smoke was billowing out from it. Out of nowhere, a giant piece of metal fell from the propeller. Percy could see a red blur flying around, and realized it was Tony in his suit. The demigod also guessed that the Captain was also somewhere up there since the two had run off together when the attack had first begun.
Looking back down at the fast-approaching ocean, Percy knew he could use the water to propel himself back up to the craft. The water’s surface was close, probably less than 50 yards away. Percy reached out for the water, feeling a tightening in his gut.
A huge spout of water shot upwards, grabbing Percy and carried him back towards the Helicarrier. The water wrapped around Percy, creating a cocoon around the demigod.
It didn’t take long to get back up to the Helicarrier. The water shot past Percy as he tumbled onto the broken wing, steam evaporating around him as the water came into contact with the heat of the wing.  He could see through a few gaps in the wing and noted Cap rushing around below.
“You need any help down there?” He called as the plane shook, sending him through the gap to land at Steve’s feet.
Steve quickly glanced at Percy. “Yeah. See that lever?” He pointed toward a red lever on the other side of the broken wing. “Pull it when Stark says. I’ll deal with these guys.” He gestured to the three men piling through the hole in the side of the aircraft.
Percy looked at the huge gap between him and the lever. “Got it.” Looking around, he noticed a damaged ladder. Percy did a quick check on the ladder, pulling down on it as hard as he could, before launching himself up. The ladder squeaked and groaned under Percy’s weight, but supported him long enough for him to get up to the next level.
It was easy enough from there to just walk along the catwalk to the area above the lever before he could just drop down in front of it and wait for Tony’s word. The sound of gunfire, however, brought Percy to a halt and had him crouching for cover. Carefully, Percy peeked over the edge just in time to watch Cap punch the shooter off the ship. The demigod gave Steve a thumbs-up before running to the other side, eager to avoid any more shooting.
Lowering himself from the catwalk to the platform below proved to be easy. Percy stood waiting by the lever when he heard Steve cry out. He turned just in time to see Steve slip off the edge of the platform. For a second, Percy thought that he was about to lose him until Cap managed to grab a loose piece of the ship.
It held, and Cap dangled from the side of the ship. Percy started heading for him when Tony’s voice came over the comm. “Cap, I need the lever!”
“Go!” Steve managed to shout. “I’m fine.”
Percy glanced at the captain one last time before running over to the lever and cranking it. The sound of gunfire returned, and Percy noticed the gunman down on the platform beneath him. From the height and angle Percy was at, there was no clear way to hit the man without turning into swiss cheese.
The sound of repulsors grew loud and Tony flew by, the bullets ricocheting off the metal armor. Tony slammed into the guy and tackled him into the wall, knocking the guy out. Percy stood up, looking over at Cap who had pulled himself up back onto the ship.
“Everyone good?” Percy asked. There was no answer, just a sigh from Steve and Tony who just rolled off the unconscious man’s body and laid on the ground. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
A couple minutes passed while the three waited, catching their breath. The attack seemed to be over. Percy had just started to relax as the ship turned eerily quiet, the engines humming in an odd but stable pattern, when Fury’s voice cut through the silence from the comms.
“Agent Coulson is down.”
Percy tensed at Fury’s words. Other voices started flooding the comm.
“Paramedics are on their way.” One person said.
“They’re here.” Fury responded. There was a brief silence and in those few seconds, Percy’s heart dropped.
“They called it.”
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tae-pollux · 6 years
House of Cards: Sacrificial Lamb 3
{Chapter Three}
Rated M Pairing: ReaderxOT7 Genre: Horror? Angst? Vampire/Demon AU a/n: I’m still trying to figure out how to do this bit lol. I’m open to any pointers on how to improve the appearance of my blog and posts. o-o
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You didn't know how long you spent curled in a ball, willing yourself to wake up. But you didn't want to stand idly by while waiting for these.. these monsters to come looking for you, either.
Sliding out of bed, you quickly went to the door to check it, finding it unlocked. Which is odd considering you were a prisoner..
Back tracking, you slowly approached the floor length mirror across the room, taking in the damage. Even though you were bandaged up, it was plain as day where you were wounded, as blood seeped through the cotton patches and wraps.
Gingerly touching the two on your neck, you took in the rest of your wan, pale appearance.
Wasn't someone helping me before?
As you thought back on it, there was a person taking care of you while you were coming to. Would they help? It's possible they aren't like the ones who attacked you. After all, what killer would give you tea? Maybe they would help you escape..
Swallowing down your hopes before they get too high, you explored the room. At first, you assumed it was themed specifically in an older style, but now you could see that it was almost like a collection of things from several time periods and cultures. Chinese fine china displayed next to a Walkman. A french vase filled with coins from all times and all countries by the look of it. Rapper bling necklaces wrapped around the artworks neck.
Raising a brow, you couldn't help but notice the 1950's pin-up calendar with scantily clad women, and the modern playboy one right next to it, hung up above a beautiful statuette of a Grecian woman.
“I'm sorely judging whoever’s room this is..” You grumbled.
You turned to take in the rest of the room, but instead of the weird collection aesthetic you were expecting, all you found were books and the bed. What must have been hundreds of books. Put away on shelves, all stacked on one-another. New ones and old ones alike. Some scrolls and some parchments.
Ok.. So the pervert likes reading.
You spot your dress and jacket you were wearing before, resting on one pile of books. The jacket was a goner for sure. Stiff and completely saturated with blood. But the dress was still mostly clean aside from the dirt and smell of alcohol from when you must have spilled on yourself.
Quickly sliding it on, you had to laugh to yourself. They even grabbed your heels that you thought you left behind.
Yeah, fuck that. You weren't about to try and sneak out and run for it in those things again.
Padding to the door, you softly pushed the handle until you heard the faintest click. After a brief silent moment, you peaked your head out, scanning the area.
It seemed like an ordinary house except.. More weirdly random decorations. As you made your way down the hall, you even spotted a pinball machine in another room. Next to work out equipment.
The house was dead silent, however. Giving no hint whether anyone was home. All that could be heard was your uneven breathing and the slight creak of a floorboard every now and then.
Taking the steps two at a time, you went downstairs and turned a corner, finding yourself  the kitchen, which you assumed was where they.. Where they fed from you.. Shuddering and feeling nauseated, you unconsciously scratched at your neck, continuing through the silent expanse.
You were just beginning to think you were home free once the front door was in view, but then you spotted a figure sitting in a chair just off to the side of the door. As if they were waiting for you to make a run for it. He just blinked, unsurprised.
“I was just-”
“So you are that stupid.” He simply stated. Entirely deadpan.
All you could do was gape your mouth like a fish before he was already in your face. Intense silver eyes staring a hole right through you.
“Where exactly did you think you could run to? From us?” The black haired male mocked. Clearly thinking little of you. Backing up against the door, you eyed him wearily, watching as he stuck his tongue into his cheek, annoyance clear in his piercing eyes.
His skin was soft perfection like the others, looking more like a painting than a person. His exotically almond eyes aglow with their silver coloring. Black hair standing out against the white. He was startlingly beautiful.
Like a black widow.
Reaching for the handle behind your back, you managed to slip out just as he reached for you, his fingertips brushing against your back.
In your head, you imagined a grand escape, running like a rabbit away from wolves. However, the reality was much different. More pitiful.
The bite on your thigh stung as your muscles worked, attempting to run down the porch and the stone paths, but more like hobbling. The getaway being made only more difficult once you ditched the path, running over rocks, pine needles and sticks with your bare feet.
You could just cry in frustration.
When you heard him approaching from behind, you began screaming, trying to call for help even though you couldn't see any other buildings in sight. Only forest and the lake.
“Shut it!” He snapped, just before you were bulldozed to the ground, a much larger body over yours, pinning you down, then picking you up off the dirt despite your thrashing, kicking and screaming.
“I got her, Yoongi.” The new stranger bit out as he tried to subdue you, carrying you back to the cabin they were holding you in.
“Oh, yeah. Looks like you have a real handle on it.” The shorter one with black hair, Yoongi, commented with sarcasm dripping from his tongue. But not arguing further, he walked ahead of the one carrying you, hands in pockets.
“Let me go!” You screeched, clawing his brawny arms.
“You should be grateful I caught you instead of Yoongi, you know. He wouldn't have held back.” He grunted, throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, giving you the perfect opportunity to jab him in the ribs with your knees, earning a resound swat on your ass from his gigantic hand.
Yelping, you stilled. The stinging making you freeze up until you were inside, being thrown down on the floor of the living room with a loud -oof-
The one standing over you brushed his fingers through his soft brown hair while glaring down at you. His towering muscular figure intimidating you to the spot. He was young, but with masculine features. Looking like a jock or Calvin Klein model as he clenched his teeth, his cheek and jaw muscles flexing under the soft flesh.
“So you managed to catch the fish, hm?” Another gigantic male questioned, entering the room. This one, also with black hair, was more matured, his fair-skinned face statuesque.
What's with all of them looking like masterpieces? Why can't they be as hideous as they act! You briefly thought to yourself, looking between the two would-be models with disdain.
The taller, older male kneeled beside you, making you flinch as he reached for you. “Shh little one.” He murmured, plucking a stick from your hair. “Y/n, was it? I'm Jin.” He then gestured to the muscular one. “This is Jungkook.” When you didn't respond, the muscular one, Jungkook, huffed.
“We should get her back to Namjoon's room before the others see her out here.”
“You're right.” The one named Jin nodded in agreement before standing, then looked about for the 'others' they were so concerned about.
Jungkook held out his hand, clicking his tongue when you didn't take it. “Come with me, or you get fed to my friends.” He sighed, rolling his eyes.
Taking the offered hand, he had to pull you up himself because you were too weak, then you limped after him, anger seeping through your bones and frustrated tears forming in your eyes.
You were so close.
Or was I? Did the attempt even matter? Would I have been caught, even at my best? But you knew the answer. You remembered how the blonde angel toyed with you in the park. How he could be all around you all at once with no effort. Any normal escape attempt would just end up the same way. With you getting grabbed when they wanted to grab you.
Once you were back in that initial room, the brunette left you with a nod, locking the door behind him. As you heard the click of the lock trigger, you slid down the door, tears falling from your eyes.
You were tired and sore and bloodied with disappointment and fear wracking through you. All you wanted was to go home to your friend's house and put on your sweats, eat all the ice cream you could handle, and go back to when your ex was your only nightmare. Now, you were living in a real one.
You weren't sure how long you had been crying, but you must have passed out because you were jarred awake by the door suddenly pushing you over.
“What the-? I give you my bed for a day and sleep in the study on the sofa, and you just sleep on the floor? Seriously?” Namjoon complained, shaking his head before pulling you up to your feet.
Before you could mumble a reply, he began pulling you out of the room. “Let's go meet the boys.” He announced, dragging you, sputtering and pulling, all the way through the house to the living room, where he practically threw you to the floor.
As many times as you've been thrown at it, they might as well get this over with and make you a rug..
The one named Jin entered the room after you, a steaming bowl in his hands, carefully setting it on the coffee table. “Really, Namjoon..” He admonished silently, helping you sit up and ushered you to the bowl of what looked like, chicken and rice soup.
Glancing around the room, various familiar faces were scattered about. You felt like a fly caught in a web as all predatory eyes watched you curiously. Namjoon took a seat in the living-chair behind you, making the nerves on the back of your neck tingle.
“Since she'll be here with us for a while.. Assuming you don't kill her too quickly.” He paused, as if pointing stares. “We might as well get to know each other a little better.”
Jin nodded at you in greeting, a friendly smile on his face. “You know me and Jungkook already.” He gestured to the brunette who was sitting on the love seat, legs strewn over the blonde angel, playing on some portable game.
“We've met, but my name's Jimin, beautiful.” The blonde winked, leaning over the younger male's legs to send you a flirtatious smirk.
“Call me Suga.” The one they were calling 'Yoongi' muttered, half interested from another living-chair across the room.
Then, with a bright smile, the one who made your skin crawl slowly approached, squatting beside you, peering at your cringing face. “We met too, remember? Name's Hoseok.” He licked the corner of his lips as his sunshine smile faltered to a more sinister smirk, brushing his finger to his lips thoughtfully as his eyes landed on your lips.
“Then there's V, upstairs. He doesn't come out much.” Namjoon commented from behind.
When you didn't say anything, the silver fox's booted-foot landed squarely on your upper back, nudging you. “What do you say?”
Well, if you were going to die eventually..
Defiantly, you raised chin high and glared at each individual who was placed casually throughout the room.
“Nice to fucking meet you.” You hissed.
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cancerianprincess · 6 years
Birkin Bag (2)
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|Part One|
Summary: Erik finds out he might’ve rubbed off on his best friend a tad too much and that she’s really with the shits
Warning: Language, Angst, Kidnap Mention(s), Mild Violence
Quick A/N: Didn’t plan on doing an OC, but still wanted ‘Reader’ to have a name, so you are Aniya, Aniya is you, & that’s “Y/N” for the series. That cool? Everybody got it? Aight bet 🙂👍🏾
“I bought my bitch a Birkin Bag so she could hold my fucking strap..”
“It’s been two days now, can’t we just kill him already?”
“No, stupid! Do you want to start an international incident?”
Erik could only roll his eyes at the bickering taking place in front of him. They couldn’t have possibly been professionals, because professionals never discussed business around their captive, or argue, to put it more accurately. Still, they weren’t totally inexperienced either, and that’s probably what pissed him off the most about this situation.
“Man whatever, I’m tired of this ‘being patient’ shit.”
“Well that’s what yo’ ass get for giving him the wrong injection! Ain’t nobody fault but yours he was out for a day and a half, we coulda been got somewhere with the operation.”
Him of all people, Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens, Prince N’Jadaka of Wakanda, had been taken down in his own home. And even if it was late when he got home from the range with Aniya, he still should’ve sensed them from a mile away. Though he couldn’t be too hard on himself, because thanks to the big, burly, Harambe looking nigga in the corner, he had given him a run for his money in that fight. That dude was damn near bigger than M’Baku!
“Fuck the plan, I’m bout to just shoot this nigga right now.”
“Tee, put the gun away. What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?”
Nevertheless, now wasn’t the time to think about that. Before the vaguely familiar woman could put a cap is his ass, Erik needed to concentrate on how to escape without breaking the promise to his aunt and cousins that he’d never go on another psychotic murderous rampage ever again.
“Please? Just one to the shoulder, that’s all I’m asking.” But Harambe wouldn’t give in to the whining.
“You heard what the man said, we gotta wait til she notices he’s really missing.”
His brain had been multitasking the entire time, dually focused on both the conversation and breaking free of his restraints, but when the word ‘she’ hit Erik’s ears, he only had to ponder for half a minute until it registered. There was only one female he was tight with that would think to immediately come to his aid in circumstances such as these.
‘It’s a trap.’
Alarm rapidly grew in the pit of Erik’s stomach, but he refused to let it show. He wasn’t sure how to make it happen, but if there was any chance to prevent Aniya from getting hurt, he would have to play it cool in trying to get the two captors to accidentally disclose pieces of their strategy to him.
They turned around at his second shout, realizing that Erik was actually speaking to them now.
“Look, Jay, he’s finally talking to us,” the girl cooed, pretending to be honored. Her partner whipped to peer at her with a hint of panic. “How the hell you gon’ just throw my name out there like that, Tracee?”
She simply scoffed. “Bruh, you literally did the same thing to me, like just then.”
“And?” Jay shot back. “He been awake for a good minute now. Ain’t no telling what he already done heard.”
“Exactly. So stop bitching, aight? He gone be dead soon anywa-”
Erik cut into their dispute with an intentionally exaggerated laugh, which gave him precisely what he wanted.
“Yo, y’all funny,” he joked, drinking in their irritation expressions. Time to follow his asshole side with the playboy act. “Listen, y’all two real cute and allat, but say shawty, why don’t leave ol’ Magilla Gorilla over there alone and come talk to a real man?”
Tracee’s face fell blank for a second or two before brandishing a wicked grin that was semi-genuine. She retrieved something from the table they were working at and began stalking her way over to the chair Erik was strapped to.
“Yeah, gone head and cut me out these ropes, ma.”
He didn’t really except her to comply that easily, but if she got close enough, one good head butt would do the trick. All he’d have to then was get loose, grab the gun from her hip, and tag Big Boy one good time so he could dip.
But unfortunately for Erik, the woman advancing on him wasn’t about to let that happen in the slightest. Tracee knew if anything could weaken her prey, it was the file she held in her hand. Which is precisely why she threw it open in Erik’s lap after drawing her weapon, placing it to his temple. She nudged him with the barrel, silently prompting him to take a look at it.
“You know if I were you, I’d shut my mouth and open my eyes instead,” she purred. “Save as much energy as possible.”
Erik bore his daggers at her for another moment, but reluctantly did as he was told and inspected the image lying on the very top of the pile of paper.
“Because that smooth talking ain’t gonna get you far with me,” Tracee continued, her voice growing darker with each word she spoke. “Unlike it did with my sister, sadly.”
That’s when any sort of guard Erik had up began crumbling away.
He thought he recognized the crazy bitch towering over him, and when his gaze fell on the name at the top of the folder, he knew exactly how he knew her. Through clenched teeth Erik asked her, “‘The fuck is this?” His voice was low but the bass in it caused his barely audible question to be heard. Tracee responded with malicious snickering rather than an actual answer as she backed away from him slowly. Erik repeated himself again, only this time he roared it, finally tearing away from the black and white photo that was now burned into his memory.
Still the woman said nothing, merely flickered her eyes to a spot behind Erik to glance at the source that would rebuttal in her place.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t wanna know the answers to, homie.”
It was a third voice that Erik had yet to hear since waking up in the foreign location, but before he was even able to identify it the third stranger struck him with something blunt, delivering a hard blow that knocked Erik out cold.
You felt something was up by the third day. Erik never missed a chance to taste your mom’s cooking, except for the rare cases when he was otherwise occupied. Even in those instances, he would always ask you to snag him a to-go plate to retrieve later on. So when he never showed up for dinner that Sunday afternoon without a heads up, it had been icing on the cake.
Granted, it wasn’t like the two of you constantly stayed up each other’s asses and talked every single day, but 72 hours of complete radio silence? No texts, no call, no stupid Snapchat, absolutely nothing. There hadn’t even been one single funny tweet sent to your DM’s and it just didn’t seem right. Plus, Erik’s fatass never turned down some good soul food, so after lumping two and two together, your better judgement was done taking the back seat. Something was definitely wrong.
“Your boyfriend not coming for dinner today, Aniya?”
“He’s not my boyfriend, Ma,” you said, rolling your eyes at her obvious teasing. She merely smirked, thinking otherwise by how frequently you were checking your phone. You fed her the first sensible excuse that came to mind as an attempt to downplay it.
“The center has some kind of conference or something coming up, so they probably had Erik on call for the prep work. But because you’re so worried about him, I’ll go fix him a plate since he’s your ‘favorite child.’”
That had been several hours ago, the recent memory playing back of you ambling into the kitchen to mask your jittering leg. Now you were hurrying towards Erik’s front door, having practically sped over to his apartment the minute you reached your car. But after making the walk from the elevator, your hand stopped short of knocking, eyes alert once spotting that the door was already hanging open slightly. You inched it open a little further, tapping twice with your knuckles just in case anyone was still inside.
“Erik,” you called out. “Yo, you in here?”
No answer came so you proceeded to investigate with caution, but instantly felt a wave of queasiness bud in your stomach due to what you saw next.
Nearly everything in the main room of the two-bedroom had been trashed. The couch was slanted at an odd angle, no longer in its designated place, while both armchairs had been overturned on their sides. Shards of what used to be the glass coffee table laid scattered across the living room floor along with all the items it once held. There was even a rather large hole in the wall closest to the hallway. All clear signs that there’d been a struggle or fight of some kind.
As soon as shock loosened its grip on your body, panic took over and sent you searching through each section of the apartment, yelling for Erik the whole way. Your feet raced from room to room, your mind going twice as fast trying to piece together what could’ve possibly happened. None of them appeared to have been damaged; the kitchen, bathroom, home office, and Erik’s room all remained untouched, but unfortunately empty as well.
Returning to the starting point of your search, anxiety continued to flow through you as you placed your hands on your head, thoughts bouncing around like rapid fire.
“Who would attack Erik? And in his own house, at that? I mean, sure he’s done his fair share of wrong, but he’s been making up for it all since coming back from his first trip to Wakanda,” you thought.
No matter who was behind this or why, you knew you had to track them down quick before Erik relapsed back into his old ways, or worse. The list of enemies was potentially endless, with the outreach center opening and newest addition to the United Nations and all, but you figured you had to start somewhere. Right as you reached for your phone, racking your brain on where to even begin, it went off in your pocket. In fact, it buzzed continuously, signaling more than one new notification:
Unknown (3)
At first you raised a puzzled eyebrow at the screen, but given the circumstances decided to click on the messages rather swiping them away. When it opened the first thing you saw was a shared location, leaving you even more confused than just a few seconds ago. But when your gaze drifted up to the bubbles above it, confusion quickly evolved back into panic.
‘If you want your boyfriend back be at the old Stokely Warehouse by midnight. Come alone.’
The next one was even more grim than the first.
‘No cops or we put a bullet in his skull.’
You blinked at your phone several times, gradually letting your mind wrap around the seemingly unreal situation that was now at hand. You had to have been staring at it for a good bit, because you only zoned back into reality long after the device’s screen had went black.
And that’s when it all hit you like a ton of bricks.
Erik had really been taken by some mysterious ass goons.
Who had evidently been tracking his whereabouts.
Or the movements of the apartment at the very least. That had to be it, for it was the only way they could’ve known to send you the demand right then and there. And now they wanted you of all people to be the one to go and retrieve him.
But that was the question, though: why you? If it was money these people were after, you certainly didn’t have it. They should’ve hit up the Wakandan council for that; it wasn’t necessarily a secret anymore regarding their wealth, or Erik’s true identity, so demanding ransom from them would have made more sense.
None of that mattered now, though, because the bottom line was that your best friend was in danger. You registered the fact that Erik’s specific skill set would probably kick in and he’d off every last one of those dumbass bums, but instantly remembered that he was on a different path now. You were so proud of him for attempting to overcome all the traumas of his past and trying to shy away from the ‘Killmonger’ persona, and now who knew if this would trigger a setback for him? Just thinking about either dilemma and its following outcome was enough to launch your anger into overdrive.
You bolted from the loft, dialing a number while backtracking to your car. Starting the engine and reversing from the parking space in record time, you began leaving a voicemail for your boss when she didn’t answer. Not going into specifics, you simply spun a tale about some ‘family emergency’, knowing it would get you at least the next week off. That way, you’d have plenty of time to save your partner in crime and put the bitches in the dirt who’d started all this. Maybe ask questions first, if you felt like it.
But before any of that could happen, you zoomed through the night, shredding back to your place for a swift pit stop inside. Because if you were gonna do this, you would need the bag Erik had brought back for you from Wakanda.
*Y’all I’m so sorry 😭😭 I know this one might have been a teeny bit long but it’s just how it ended up flowing but still, thanks as always for reading and sticking with it!! 💋”
|Part Three|
@iamrheaspeaks @princesskillmonger @eriknutinthispoosy @wheredidallthedreamersgo @sonofnjobu @bidibidibombaclaat @turn-thy-paige @ayellepea @another-imaginesblog @mzbritt @youreadthatright @chaneajoyyy @theunsweetenedtruth @marvelpotterlove
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raptorfiction · 6 years
The tapping of my boot heels on the floor echoed as I made my way to my destination. As I passed them, gods and goddesses lowered their gazes in respect. Offering platitudes and greetings, they gave me a wide berth which suited me just fine. The less people to bother me, the better. Keeping my gaze focused straight ahead, it was easier to tune out the mind numbing pleasantries and avoid any gods who might want to try cozying up to me.
Despite my complaints, this was actually my favourite part of the day. Which was a shame really, as my day is just beginning and I’ve got a long  day ahead of me. Just the thought of it causes me to frown the faintest bit. Quickly though, it disappears and my mask of neutrality returns just in time for me to reach my destination. The Department of Wishes office space. Turning the handle of the door, I step inside to find the usual suspects up to their usual games.
Sprawled out on a sofa, snoring quietly, Aigonorous, the god of Capricorn was asleep as per his usual. I stared at him unamused for a few moments before my gaze shifted over to the other god lounging about the place--Tauxolouve. At least he was awake.
“Good morning, Lou.” I greeted him with a pleasant, yet flat tone.
“Pythia. There’s my favourite girl. Good morning.” Lou flashes me a flirtatious smirk as he greets me.
“I’d be tempted to believe you if you didn’t say that to every goddess in the heavens.” I respond in the same, flat tone. Having grown up with Taxuolouve, I’d long since grown immune to his playboy mannerisms.
“You’re breaking my heart.” He places a hand over his chest, pouting.
“I doubt that.” I let out a small sigh. This was our usual morning greeting with one another and I knew he never took me rebuffs personally. Taking a moment, I looked around the office and frowned. “Where’s Karno?”
“Hm?” Lou’s smirk faded and he gave a small shrug. “He said something about going to Earth this morning. Probably checking in on the other three.”
“Ah.” I nodded my head in understanding and placed a hand on my hip. Just then, I noticed another flirtatious smirk creep across Lou’s lips.
“But that means, since Aigo’s down for the count, it’s just you and me…” He gave a seductive wink and although I found myself swooning internally, I refused to let it show.
“Good thing I brought pest repellent.” I deflected his attempt to woo me with a snarky quip.
“Man, I thought for sure that one would work.”
“No you didn’t.” I let out a soft sigh once again and rubbed the back of my neck, letting a rare hint of emotion in the form of frustration linger on my face for a moment.
“Now, now, Lou… that’s not an appropriate way to speak to the King’s assistant.” A deep, soft voice rang out from right behind my shoulder, causing Lou’s eyes to widen with surprise. Admittedly, the suddenness of the voice took me by surprise as well, but I had long trained myself not to react to such things.
Instead, I turned around to meet the owner of such dulcet tones to find myself face to face with the man I had been looking for. Karno, the Vice-Minister of the Department of wishes stood a few steps behind me. Flashing me a winning smile, he gestured towards his desk, inviting me to precede him. With a small nod of my head, I took him up on the offer. Following a step behind me, he made his way around the desk and settled in his chair, lacing his fingers together, resting his chin on them as he looked at me.
“Good morning, Karno. I see you’re already busy.” Karno was one of the few gods I felt I could get along with, one of the few I felt I could come close to letting my guard down around. He was a gentle soul, mature and understanding. The fact that he was handsome didn’t hurt either. “Enjoy your trip to Earth?”
“If only.” He chuckles softly, flashing me a soft smile. “No, I was busy making sure Leon and the others were doing their jobs. Or rather, nagging them to do their jobs.”
“Ah.” I let a soft chuckle escape. “So you had your hands full. I imagine the lion was none too pleased about being told off. But I apologize, seems I have more to put on your plate.”
With a snap of my fingers, a large stack of documents that I had left in my office materialized on Karno’s desk. He blinked at the sheer volume and then let out a sigh, closing one eye as he took it all in.
“All of these are today’s assignment from the King for the Wishes department.” That was mostly true at least. I was the one who always put the lists together, but it always had to be approved by the king. Essentially I did all the work while he gave his approval. Though considering the current state of things, I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. “If you happen to need any assistance with getting through all of this, please let me know. With Leon, Teorus, and Huedhaut exiled to Earth, you’re down on man power. Considering he sent them down there, he can spare me for a few hours to help out.”
“Oh, no. I couldn’t do that to you.” Karno flashed me another winning smile. “You’re always so busy. And honestly, the three on Earth are capable of at least doing paperwork.”
“Please.” I give a dry laugh. “It would make my day much more enjoyable if I could get away from dealing with boring meetings and assisting in the King’s entertainment. So don’t hesitate if you need it. I plan on offering the same to Zyglavis, so don’t feel as though you’re abusing me. Anything to get away from that sparkly bastard…”
“Alright then.” Karno gives another soft chuckle. “If we get backed up, I’ll send Vega for you.”
“Good.” I flash the faintest of smiles at Karno and then, straightening myself out again, give a small nod of my head. “I should be off, then. Need to head to Punishments and then deal with…. Hnnngh…” I let out a mutter of mild discontent and turn on my heel. Tauxolouve gives a small wave of his hand as I walk past and I return it, stepping back out into the hallway. The best part of my day was already over.
“Hopefully he wasn’t just placating me…” I thought to myself, casting a quick glance over my shoulder at door behind me. With another small sigh, I tugged on the hem of my uniform jacket, straightening out any creases that might have formed and began to make my way back through the temple.
As I neared the entrance for the Department of Punishments, my pace quickened a little. While running work orders to both departments was the best part of my day, I had to admit that this portion of it was my favourite of it all. Partially due to the nostalgia from working here in my younger days, but also because it meant seeing the individual who I considered my best friend in my own, roundabout way.
I intentionally kept people at a distance, never allowing anyone too close to me. It’s been like that for a long time now. So long in fact, that I really had no idea how to behave otherwise. Which was also why I always kept a mask of aloofness about me. Well, at least until someone or something irritated me. I suppose because displaying anger or irritation helped to keep people at arm’s length. Even people like Lou, who I had been friends with since childhood. I’m not sure when it happened or why, but suddenly one day, we started pushing each other away, keeping ourselves in a friendly orbit, but never connecting like we used to.
That’s not entirely true though. I knew at least why I had begun to push people away. It was in part, due to the divine power I was born with. I could see people’s futures and change them. All except for myself and the people closest to me. Which I supposed was partially due to the fact that it would effect me, though I had never really had a way to prove it. Nor did I care to. If I kept them at arm’s length, never letting them get close, I could use my ability to protect the people that I cared for from a distance. Like Lou and Karno, or--
“Zyglavis.” As I reached to push open the door to the Department of Punishment’s office, I nearly ran smack dab into it’s Minister, and the person I considered close to a best friend.
“Hm? Good morning, Pythia.” Zyglavis stared down at me, his face about as expressive as mine usually was. “Unusual for you to nearly collide with someone. Are you feeling well?” Staring down at me, his dark eyes reflected a momentary flicker of concern.
“Ah, yes. Apparently lost in thoughts, this morning.” I let my expression relax a bit, hoping to allay any concerns. It seemed to have worked as his usual stiff demeanor returned and he held the door open for me to enter the office. With a grateful nod of my head, I stepped inside, Zyglavis barely a step behind me.
As we made our way to his desk, I casually greeted the other gods settled there; Partheno and Krioff. “Good morning, you two.” I gave a small wave of my hand. Krioff I had known for a long time, his father used to have a very important position in the palace and though I didn’t quite like him, Krioff was another matter. I enjoyed his presence.
Partheno, I hadn’t known as long, but had long since grown accustomed to him and his ways. He’d been around longer than some of the other gods in the departments, so I’d had plenty of time to get to know him and appreciate him. Well, sort of.
“Morning, Pythia.” Partheno flashed me a suggestive smirk. More suggestive than one of Lou’s smirks. Though that could be because I knew Lou wasn’t actually trying to sleep with me.
“Pythia.” Krioff gave me a simple, gruff greeting and left it at that. He wasn’t the sort to dabble in a lot of small talk and that was something I appreciated. If he said something, it was usually for a reason.
Stopping in front of Zyglavis’ desk, I took a moment to glance down at him as he settled himself. He was a very attractive man; long, dark hair pulled into a ponytail, dark eyes that while stern, could also be incredibly gentle, and a figure that outwardly made him seem a bit on the thin side, but I knew he was actually quite toned beneath. Not to mention his impeccably well kept uniform could make nearly any woman swoon.
A loud clearing of the throat brought me out of my reverie and a faint dusting of red cropped up on my cheeks. I let out a soft cough into my fist to cover and focused Zyglavis with my business stare. “Apologies. I seem to be mildly out of sorts this morning, so I’ll just get right to the point.” With a snap of my fingers, documents appeared on Zyglavis’ desk, much like they had with Karno.
I heard a groan behind me and Zyglavis let out a sigh through his nose, though his expression never once changed. “This is today’s work assignments, I’m to presume?”
“Yes.” I responded, trying to sound apologetic. “I’m sure you’re swamped already, but King’s orders and all that.” I pursed my lips for a moment before continuing. “I know you run a tight ship, Zyglavis. And I have no doubt that Scorpio is keeping the other two miscreants with him on Earth in check, but…” I paused for a moment. “If you require assistance with any of these jobs, you know you need only ask. It would be poor form for the King to allow work to back up on account of conditions he himself imposed.”
Zyglavis frowned for a moment before nodding. “I appreciate the offer, but the Department of Punishments shouldn’t have a problem completing its assigned tasks. Even with half of its staff unable to do more than just paperwork.”
“I see.” I let out a sigh and let my shoulders relax for a moment. “Even so. If you find you require anything, please do not hesitate to ask. I’m not so swamped with tasks that I can’t set them aside for a bit to assist. I offered the same to the Wishes Vice-Minister. I would be remiss if I didn’t extend you the same courtesy.”
“I do appreciate the sentiment.” Zyglavis flashes me a small smile and then I hear chuckling from behind me.
“Look at these two love birds. Why don’t you ever offer me your services, Pythia?” Partheno’s honeyed voice caused me to turn my head and glare daggers.
“Because I actually have standards and a sense of dignity.” I hissed at him, though that seemed to make his smirk grow wider.
“So you’re not denying the rest of my statement?” He prodded, suggestively.
“What rest of--” I paused and then glowered more, my tone turning to ice. “There is nothing romantic between Zyglavis and I.”
“Everyone knows she’s with the King, anyways.” Krioff’s voice came from left field and caused a surge of revulsion and rage to burst from within me.
“Excuse me?” I snapped, rounding on Krioff now.
“Enough.” Zyglavis’ deep voice reverberated through the room, causing the three of us to fall silent immediately. “The two of you have jobs to do, you don’t have time to waste heckling the King’s assistant. And Pythia,” His gaze shifted to me as I turned to face him, his face contorted with irritation and disappointment. “You should know better than to allow these two to rile you up. You’re a goddess with one of the highest positions in the heavens, do conduct yourself accordingly.”
“Of course.” I puffed my cheeks out indignantly, but Partheno just chuckled and grabbed his paperwork.
“How can I resist? It’s the only time we can get her to show any sort of emotion.” Another smirk crawled across his lips and he scampered from the room before I could retort.
A small growl rumbled in my throat before I let out another sigh and focused on Krioff. “Allow me to clear up any misconceptions. I am not ‘with’ the King. It would be professionally irresponsible for me to form any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with the person who I am directly serving. Not to mention what sort of implications and issues would be derived from being the partner of the King of the heavens. And that’s not taking into my own personal feelings of revulsion at the concept. So, no. I am not with the King. I will never be with the King. And I never have been with him. Or anyone else for that matter. I simply have no interest. Now, if the two of you will excuse me.”
Without further ado, and sparing no moment for farewells, I carried myself out of the Punishments office, headed straight for the palace throne room; the one place I really did not wish to go, though my job required it of me. As the King’s assistant, I was required to be in the throne room for all meetings of importance with the King. Other duties of mine consisted of keeping the palace guards trained and vetted, make sure all manners within the palace and its staff were taken care of and running smoothly, maintaining the palace grounds, and of course, delivering the daily tasks for the Departments of Wishes and Punishments. Plus, somewhere in all of that, it had become my responsibility to try to dissuade the King from going overboard with his “entertainment”. Toying with the lives of Gods and Goldfish alike, sometimes he created more problems than we could handle.
“But honestly.” I thought to myself bitterly. “That damned rumor about the King and I. How stupid does someone have to be to believe that?” But what I really couldn’t understand was how no one could ever put two and two together to figure out our actual relationship.
A sigh slipped past my lips. I mean honestly, I looked almost exactly like him. True, I kept my hair pinned back and wore a uniform, but I had the same, flowing, wavy, golden locks. My eyes were the same, preternatural shade of pink that, if you looked at them from a certain angle, looked like a very pale orange. Even my fair, porcelain skin was the same. It really wouldn’t take too much of a look to figure out that we’re related.
Which was the second reason I always kept people at arm’s length. I was the King’s one and only child. And a secret, at that. Though he wasn’t exactly doing a good job of hiding our connection by having me stand beside him in the throne room every day. But the two of us had striven to keep my familial tie a secret as it would not only open the King up to criticism and attack, but it would put a bigger target on my back than the one I already had as his assistant.
At first I had questioned his logic when he assigned the role to me. After all, being the person closest to the king put me in very real danger. But after some time, I had come to realize that his reason for doing so was out of a desire to keep me close and protect me, without stifling me. Well, sort of. The point being that he did care about my wellbeing and happiness, so he had offered me the job as a way for me to stretch my wings and prove my worth to the heavens, while simultaneously keeping me close enough by so that if my secret were to leak, he could provide safety. It was his own, weird brand of paternal love.      
Not that he wasn’t a doting father in his own way. He did, after all, raise me himself. I had never known who my mother was and I honestly didn’t care much one way or another. He had always been enough for me and had always taken very good care of me. My disdain for him was one part an attempt to keep the truth hidden, one part actual, legitimate disdain. As I had grown older and began to see things with an adult’s eyes, I had come to realize how much of a meddlesome trickster he was. And while I admit that some of his amusements were incredibly entertaining and fun to watch, they were mostly just troublesome for everyone involved. And no one escaped his machinations, at least not if you were in the palace. I was no exception.
Scowling as I reached the throne room doors, I pushed them open and strode inside. There, on the far side of the room, sat the King of the Heavens--my father--in his regal throne. An unreadable smirk sat on his lips as I approached and took my post, standing at his right side. I didn’t even bother to spare him a glance as I stood there, looking out at the throne room, but I knew his gaze was fixed on me.
“You know,” He began, with a crisp, clear voice. “We have Altair and Vega for a reason. They are more than capable of distributing the daily work orders.”
“Of course they are.” I responded perfunctorily. “But that would rob me of the few precious moments of the day in which I don’t have to deal with you. It’s as much a break for me as it is for those two. What’s on the docket for our first meeting this morning?” I intentionally changed the subject so he couldn’t rebuke me. Well, he could, but he wouldn’t.
“Hmm.” His expression changed from a smirk to one of disinterest as he glanced at the throne room doors, head propped up on the back of one of his hands that had been resting on the arm of his throne. “A lower ranking noble seems to be having a dispute of some sort and has requested an audience.”
“Of course you didn’t bother to remember.” With a snap of my fingers, the throne room doors opened and a haughty looking god came strutting in. Stopping a few yards away from us, he bowed formally to the King before greeting him.
As the god began to drone on, I sighed and my thoughts began to wander. My arms hung uncomfortably at my sides as I stood there, staring straight ahead, feigning interest. I knew I should have bothered to pay attention because the king most certainly wasn’t, but I just couldn’t bring myself to care about his petty complaint when there were more pressing matters to worry about.
“Hmmm… I wonder. What if I had a sword.” Not that I actually needed a sword. Nor did any god in the heavens, really. Such a thing wouldn’t really harm one of us so badly that our divine abilities couldn’t heal it. “But it would be nice to have an armrest. And maybe it would serve to make me look more intimidating. Not that I really needed that.”
“Pythia.” The King’s voice interrupted my thoughts and blinking once to clear the glaze over my eyes, focused my attention on him.
“Yes, your highness?”
“What do you make of this god’s predicament?” A small smirk tugged at the King’s lips again. He knew I had been in my own world.
“Truthfully, your highness?” My gaze shifted from him to the God before us, my expression flat and devoid of any emotion. “It sounds like a petty squabble with another god that could be solved easily through diplomatic negotiations and swallowing one’s pride a tiny bit. But instead of doing so, he’s made his way here, pulling strings, hoping that he might sway you into intervening in such a pointless matter so as to boost his social standing in the eyes of other gods.”
The god was looking at me with equal parts venom and shock. The King, however, was smirking deviously, his head propped in one hand as he shifted his gaze from me to the god. “Well, there you have it.” He spoke, amused. “Your petition has been denied. Fix your issues on your own.”
Shooting me a nasty look, the god bowed to the King once again before departing. Though my gaze was fixed straight ahead, I could feel the gaze of the King on me. I did my best not to acknowledge it, but eventually the feeling of his eyes boring into me grew to be too much and heaving an exasperated sigh, I turned my head to look at him.
“...What?” Despite who I was talking to, my question came out harsh.
“I was certain you weren’t paying attention.” The King answered in an almost haughty tone.
“You know I wasn’t. That’s why you asked my opinion.” I retorted flatly.
“I wonder.” A knowing smile crossed his face and I felt a sudden knot of anxiety in my gut.
“He was clearly here to brown nose and try to climb the social ladder.” I grumbled. “That notwithstanding, there are more important matters that could use your immediate attention beyond that of some… what? Lover’s quarrel? Property dispute?”
“Oh?” His smirk widened as he watched me. “Such as?”
“Don’t play dumb.” I snapped, his toying with me only serving to ignite a small flame of anger within me. “I’m referring to the mess you’ve created by exiling those six to Earth. Work is getting backed up in Wishes and Punishments and you know what sort of imbalance that’ll cause.”
“Hmph.” The King’s smirk disappears and his face takes on a more serious expression.
“You cut off their use of divine powers. How is anything supposed to get done with half the workforce out of commission?” I pressed him further. “At the very least, allow me to assist both departments and help alleviate some of the strain being put on them.”
“Let’s see what they department ministers have to say.” The King comments in an unreadable tone. Lifting a hand, he snaps his fingers and suddenly Zyglavis and Karno are standing before us.
Both look about, bewildered. Two sets of dark eyes exchange glances with one another and then shift to me. I lift a shoulder to them in confusion and then shift my gaze back to the king. Another smirk lingers on his face before he stands and steps forward towards the two ministers.
“Zyglavis. Karno.” He focuses them down. “Tell me truthfully. How are things with your departments with half of them on Earth?”
“Well…” Karno lowers his gaze, gentle voice echoing through the room. “I’d be lying if I said things weren’t a bit strained. It’s been hard to make deadlines and there are some jobs that only Leon can do.”
“I see.” The King shifts his gaze to Zyglavis who is standing stick straight with perfect posture.
“It is as Karno says.” His deep voice carries a dignified tone with it and I felt my heart leap once at its sound. Bad heart. No. We don’t think of Zyglavis like that! “More and more punishments come in and it has grown more difficult to keep up with the flow. Especially with my Vice Minister unable to do his job.”
“I see.” The King is silent for a moment before he turns to me. “It seems you are correct, Pythia. The departments do seem to be struggling. Very well…” He lets out a dramatic sigh. “I suppose it would be… bad form… if I do not intervene on a situation that I created.”
My blood runs cold at the King’s choice of words and my eyes widen a fraction. I had spoken those words only a short while earlier to Zyglavis. The king had been listening in. Of course he had. A wry expression makes its way over his face as he continues.
“To that end, I’ll be lending your departments the use of my assistant.” His smile grows and the knot in my stomach starts to grow. “She’ll be going to Earth where she will lend her power to the six exiled gods so that they might start doing their jobs.”
“I’m… what?” The color drains from my face and the knot in my stomach turns into a bonfire of rage. I clench my jaw and take in a deep breath through my nose. “No.”
“Oh-ho?” The King’s expression shifts to serious again. “This is an order from your King. You cannot say no.”
I narrow my eyes and clench my jaw tighter. My hands curl into fists so tight that my nails break the skin, a tiny droplet of blood falling to the floor. I take a deep, calming breath before forcing myself to bow. “Yes, your majesty.” I can barely grit the words out through my teeth. My gaze then shifts to Karno and Zyglavis who seem taken back by the sudden series of events. “Karno. Zyglavis. My room… go… now.” I manage to choke out through my rage.
The pair offer a nod of their heads and retreat, leaving the throne room at once. I take a few more breaths, glancing over at the King. There’s an unreadable look on his face, but I have no doubt that not only is he enjoying this, but that he’s been planning this for some time. The thought enrages me further, but I know better to let it show or to unleash it on him. Instead, I simply fix him with an icy stare that would kill a lesser being if it were possible and speak in a low, subdued voice.
“Your Highness.” I give a slight bow before stepping down from the dais and making my way across the throne room.
“Pythia.” The King’s voice causes me to freeze in my step. “Consider this a learning opportunity for yourself as well as the six sinners.”
I clenched my fists harder. It was as though he was goading me on. Which in all likelihood, he was. Thinking better of making any commentary, I proceeded out of the throne room without sparing him so much as a look. My feet echoed angrily on the floor of the hallway as I traversed the short distance to my room. I pushed the door open angrily, making my way to my desk.
Waiting for me patiently, Karno and Zyglavis both snap their gazes to me as I slam the door to my room. Karno wears a look of deep seated concern while Zyglavis watches me dispassionately. Though as I gesture for them to seat themselves, the trademark wrinkle between Zyglavis’ brows makes its appearance. Suddenly, he reaches out and grabs one of my hands, inspecting it.
“You’re bleeding.” He states bluntly, thumb moving gently over the cut my nails left in my palm.
“It’s inconsequential.” I tried to brush him off, but he held onto my hand tightly and pointed to my other one as if demanding to be shown it. “Zyglavis. It’ll heal.” I tug my hand away, succeeding only in deepening the wrinkle in his brow.
Karno watches the two of us quietly for a moment before finally speaking. “Pythia…”
“Forgive me.” I let out a long sigh. “I’ll cut right to the chase. I need to know exactly what difficulties you’re having with the knuckleheads on Earth.”
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neeko0neeko · 6 years
The circus boy.
DamiDick. Bruce Wayne was the most recognized billionaire of Gotham City as he also liked to help small charities like small businesses that looked at the high potential to thrive, and one of his donations went to a small circus that had recently moved to the city to stay, they were not tents but was itself a building that looked like a huge circus tent with some attractions and rides and a small room where they had the circus mascot a small sea seal, which all the circus cared for and They had appreciation. One of those days the billionaire and play boy, was that place called Circus Halley, accompanied by his only son Damian Wayne who looked in a derogatory way all around him as annoyed by the fact that his father dragged him that place, he preferred the comfort of the mansion where he could get away from all the hypocritical and annoying society that there was but Bruce believed that maybe a little fresh air would not hurt his son, and least a place that every 13 year old boy is excited to go and meet and see their acts, all except the son of the bat. While the Playboy was talking to the director of the place and they were walking towards what the child of 13 years felt was the address of the owner's office, some members of the Circus Haley team were walking in the opposite direction, and suddenly the Director stopped them and apparently called for the heir Wayne to see a small child of maybe about 10 years old, thin frame almost delicate like that of a girl, some beautiful cobalt blue eyes and a thick but beautiful jet hair with his practice suit for the choreography of the next act that they would present in two days. The boy was with a couple of teenagers, who continued their course leaving the minor with his director, who said: -It is Richard, our youngest trapeze artist and new member of the Flying Grayson -the man introduced the small boy who smiled and greeted the new guests of the place with genuine joy, but Bruce understood without any delay the hint of why he called to that boy of almost the same age as his only son. Dick, why do not you give a little tour of our facilities to young Wayne? "He suggested without having to send the boy because he was happy to accept the proposal. The two adults left the boys alone to be talking about business and so on, things that Bruce tried not to meddle with his son because he was still young for these things and it was better that he enjoyed his childhood a little. While, where the boys were a tense environment, Dick the young acrobat had some nerve to have that boy closer still for the cold emerald look and could swear that he had already killed him, if the looks kill, and took all the courage giving him a broad smile and he said: "My name is Richard John Grayson, but you can tell me Dick like everyone." He extended his hand to the other boy, who just looked at his action and almost with a gesture showed his displeasure towards Dick, who put his hand down and got a little more nervous thinking about how to get rid of that tense atmosphere between the two of them and perhaps gain a little of the boy's confidence. He was encouraged a little and with some courage even boldly took the arm of the rich child and not caring about the scolding or complaints of others dragged him throughout the facilities talking about each of them without ever letting go of his grip on the other, while that Damian growled angrily and was already thinking about kicking or slapping the boy to be almost smoke from the ears of the courage he felt but when Dick turned to see him showing a broad and very happy smile something inside the heir Wayne He moved away forgetting for a moment the anger he felt towards the other lost in the cobalt gaze for a few seconds before the little acrobat stopped looking at him to continue with his tour, it was there that the young Wayne decided to calm down a little and let himself be dragged by the younger when noticing the joy that it gave off. Time ran and they had already gone through all the permitted areas and a couple forbidden to visitors, where Dick slipped Damian perfectly but of course he had to steal an acrobat costume so nobody would suspect the other, and how he convinced the son of the Bat to change their clothes was difficult but the blackmail was not a bad idea even more to mention that the circus hid a surprise that only the father of the heir Wayne and the director as the members of the circus knew more no one, with this fact led him to the practice area where you could see some trapeze artists and stagehands rehearse their routines as exercising; Dick took Damian's arm to take him out of the place and they went to the apartment complex or rooms next door in a half-size house almost the size of a small-floor house, where Dick climbed up and entered through a semi-open window and then He helped the older man to enter the same place. "Wait for me here, and I'm not slow," Dick said with suppressed joy to Damian, and before hearing any reply or denial, he went further into that place that was somewhat dark and left the senior in total alert of anything, until the The light was lit, exposing a small enclosure as for an animal by the straw on the ground simulating a lawn, and he could see not far away a small pond of clean water maybe a meter or two deep. Damian did not hesitate to start making speculations that he had locked up there until the child's voice took him out of his thoughts and without delay went to where the boy was, finding that he was not alone but accompanied by nothing more or less than an elephant taller than perhaps one or two heads that Dick, who was playing with his trunk the jet black hair of the acrobat taking him a couple of laughs. A small smile left the demon Wayne's lips before approaching the minor completely, and almost slowly he reached out to touch the pachyderm that he allowed himself to do without any problem. "Her name is Zitka, she's an elephant," Dick explained, still with laughter in between, like a little scolding or that they wanted to look like because they were more play words for the elephant to continue to torment the boy with playing with his hair, before the attentive greenish look The other boy who also began to hit the joy of the child. -Why have not they taken Zitka out in their actions? -Asked the child curious, to know the royalties that people would give just to see the elephant in the circus acts. Something that surprised him not to see in that circus, because it was one of the few that the animals were not in their acts and something that made him happy internally because there was no animal abuse of their caretakers. Dick stopped playing with the elephant to look at the boy and thought well the exact words for the explanation that should give, as also part had some nerve to get into trouble if he went with the gossip to his father or someone else when I knew that the information of the pachyderm in the circus was strictly confidential, something totally different from Coral, the little five-year-old sea seal - which, too, was not linked to the circus life of the place and was only there with them at the decision of the seal, since several times they released her in the ocean after her recovery when she found her wounded and entangled on the beach and this despite the many attempts she always returns to them - but something inside the little acrobat told her that she could trust the other, so without further ado, he said: -I found her together two of my friends Zachary and Garfield who are also part of the circus. It was during a small excursion through the docks, and we saw her locked in a wooden box for smuggling, we did not think well about the problems and we took her out of there-she began to narrate Dick with some tranquility, slightly erasing her cheerful smile, while vaguely remembered the sad look of the elephant inside that small space that was confined and was poorly nourished. We brought her here, and well, Mr. Wayne gave us his approval and moved a couple of threads so that she will stay here until she is three years old, she will be referred to an animal rehabilitation center in Nairobi, Kenya-she sighed knowingly that there was only one year left, perhaps only months before her friend left, because that was that elephant. Damian listened attentively to each word as to each micro expression of the other finding the genuine truth of his words as his sadness, it was not all knowing that perhaps the separation of that elephant would hurt the boy, who now caressed the head of the animal in a loving way. Soon both boys returned to where they should wait both the father of the major and the director of the circus, now Damian wore his normal clothes and was calmer listening to all the crazies and anecdotes of the 10-year-old boy who narrated him with joy until dramatizing some things, giving a little laughter to the other or a smile really crazy because the son of Bruce Wayne was not someone to smile so easily let alone share their living space with another person. When it was time to say goodbye, the younger thought that maybe he would never see the other one again, so he decided to follow them until he reached the limousine with his butler, Alfred Pennyworth, and without waiting Dick raised his voice saying: "Wait!" And as if it were the day of the miracles themselves, the son of the bat heeded the request as he turned to see Dick who had come to his side before telling him- You did not tell me your name, You could say before you leave, please, "the younger asked, with some nervousness and wearing a faint blush painting on his cheeks. -Damian-said with a smile that was only dedicated to the other leaving almost surprised everyone present even more to his father and Alfred, who never saw much that genuine smile on the lips of the only heir Wayne so far. Little Dick reciprocated the gesture with a smile before quickly reducing the distances almost fleeting to give him a small kiss on the cheek on the contrary, leaving gawking and with the heart beating a thousand the cold son of the billionaire. -I hope to see you again soon, Damian-Dick gave a broad smile and a more marked blush on his cheeks, but already leaving a little aside his nervousness. After the departure of the heir Wayne of the Circus Haley, Dick could not get the face, the smile and even the laughter of the elder, feeling not only excited but also satisfied that he had managed to get that cold guy from high society it will show its warm side, and even more than just maybe he has seen it. While with Damian, he promised to return to that place to see that cobalt-eyed boy because something told him not to let him go that was the right one, and how not to do it if he managed to get more than a smile and laugh today, something that his two best friends (servants and punching bags) Colin and Jon had achieved. Link in Spanish: https://my.w.tt/RvtQCxSfxQ
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btsjeonjazz · 7 years
All I’ve got II pt. 3
Jungkook x reader
genre: fucking fluff, angst, hints of smutty actions, badboy!jungkook, bestfriend!jungkook
word count: 12.6k
Jeon Jungkook was a tall guy, handsome with all those ethereal artwork tattooed on his arms..and your best friend. He was by your side whereas you faced a painful heartbreak, caressing your hurt soul for as long as you needed him. But how much can a friendship withstand if one of the two develops feelings?
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Jungkook: Jo, y/n. We need a helping hand on friday as well. Could you come backstage the night? We owe you one. [08:33pm]
Jungkook: Okay, I heard one of our stuff is cut short cause of a personal matter [09:10pm]
Jungkook: so…maybe even a few times? [09:10pm]
You were currently lazing around in the bathtub, ignoring Jungkook’s tries to reach you as you watched some videos on your phone while he pestered you with his messages. It was Tuesday night, work stressful the last two days so you decided to take a relaxing bath to distract your mind from all the stress around you. Recently you got no time to think about yourself, too many things occupying your brain, starting from Yoongi to Jungkook, Namjoon and work. Therefore you would casually ignore your best friend further, not answering his desperate texts. Of course it wasn’t right, he needed help obviously, but right now you concentrated yourself on you and the funny video you were watching.
Jungkook: Y/n? [09:23pm]
Sighing annoyed you shoved the message back up, the video stopping for the third time already. Not only that, you just clicked on the play sign again as you received a phone call. Jungkook. What a handful of a best friend.
“What? Don’t get on my nerves right now, I try to relax!”, you snapped the moment you held your phone pressed against your ear, hearing Jungkook’s frantic breathing. Did he ran a marathon?
“Sorry, but you’re our last hope, y/n. Do you agree? Please, y/n”, he whined, a move that didn’t suit him, but worked wonders, especially in combination with his breathy voice calling your name. “Come on, I owe you big time. Ask whatever you want from me, but help us out this weekend!”
You closed your eyes, his voice having too much impact on you ever since the day Yoongi had broken up with you wherefore you let out another long, exaggerated sigh. Jungkook would know that this was you answer, his cheering louder than you imagined.
“You’re our saviour, y/n. I knew I could count on my girl!”, he sounded different, thankful and happy about your silent agreement to his ask..but my girl? The words coming out of Jungkook’s mouth had a sweet aftertaste, heart beating a lot faster.
“Don’t forget your promise”, you were calmer now, his voice accompanied by his relief got you, your face painted with a soft smile. “I’ll be at yours around half past two on thursday. Be ready.”
A scoff was heard on the other end of the call, Jungkook’s groaning repressed. “Sure thing. Have to go, y/n. I hear you?”
“As always”, you responded, your smile heard through the phone as well as his, his deep chuckle reaching your ear before he ended his desperate call.
After your work you would help Jungkook and the others on the weekends as well..what a life. Faking sobs you tried to concentrate on your video again, but it was no use, your mind wandering off hence you let your phone drop down the carpet, sinking further into the hot water. Why did you agree? Your head spun even today because of your wild thoughts, contemplating what there was between you and Jungkook. Or between you and your own thoughts about him. It wasn’t necessarily called ‘love’, but lust. That was the reason you should’ve thought about agreeing so fast..
But there was Namjoon, too. He was the argument in your head that got you at least kind of excited, in a positive way though. The night of their last gig was a rash until now, feelings and thoughts running riot inside your head, but at the same time you were certain that you wanted to have sex with Namjoon, your distraction from your heart break and by now from your best friend, too, who was able to plant several naughty images in your head. Fortunately you two started to exchange texts, turning your attention fully on the funny, but sweet guy with the irresistible, illegal dimples and those grape colored hair. Mostly your messages contained some nastier, mischievous messages, from time to time even pictures from his side. It was thrilling, nice to get attention from one of the guys that seemed to be clever and polite, although you knew he was as much of a playboy as Jungkook or Taehyung.
The water splashed over your face as you let your thoughts free, body sliding down the tub until your face lay under the surface. Holding your breath you stayed in that position for a while, trying to let the relaxation seep through you again.
You had finished work early on thursday to get to your parents punctually around three after your mother had called you that sunday morning to invite you over with cake and milk, Jungkook coming along, too. Hence you rushed home, dressing yourself into a nice, casual outfit before you drove to your best friend’s apartment a few blocks away from your own. Luckily he lived only five minutes from your house (with the car obviously), the perfect distance separating you two best friends from each other. On late nights you could easily walk back home from him or the other way around. You couldn’t even count the times you two had spent walking the other home, laughing, bickering, enjoying your best friend’s presence. Mostly Jungkook would take you home after you drank, or would offer to share his bed which became a severe habit of yours, because whenever a party took place you decided to get back to Jungkook’s the night after. Who knows why..
Waiting for him you parked the car in front of the rather expensive building he had his apartment in. It showed how successful their band was up to that point where Jungkook could afford a flat in one of the best areas around. Glass, white colored walls and costly looking cars no exception around this neighbourhood, the opposite to your own small, shabby home only a few blocks from here. But if you got a new job, the money from your current one not worth to mention, you would be able to move closer to Jungkook in one of the better areas in the city.
Honking a melody you signalled Jungkook your arrival, shifting to your self-made beat you grinned at him as he stormed out of the entrance, annoyed by what you were doing.
“Fucking stop! You’re the most annoying person walking this planet!”, he snapped the moment his ass touched the solid, dark material of the passenger’s seat. But all you did was ignoring him, dancing continued without the loud noise of you pressing the honk.
“Chill out, big boy”, you chirped, turning the radio on, the songs playing suiting your mood that day. Playful, cheerful, happy.
“It’s my new nickname or what?”, Jungkook scoffed, his mood not as playful as yours, but you would work on that as you had a twenty minute drive ahead of you.
You nudged his arm, winking at the raven haired boy who was dressed in black again, from the beanie on his head, strands of hair peaking through, to the black timberlands on his feet. Despite the casual outfit did he look ethereal, sexy in all black, the leather jacket his constant accompany.
“You told me that you’re not my cute baby boy anymore, so yeah. It has a strange tone, but you’re my big boy”, you giggled, eyes averting his as you concentrated on the street ahead. “How was your week up until now?”
Changing the subject Jungkook’s dark orbs wandered off outside the window beside him, the environment a blur of green and brown as you drove through the fields on your way to your parents. “Stressful. I had practice that morning and had to help Jimin’s little sister out”, he sighed remembering whatever Jimin’s sister had to cope with. This information sparked your interest, lips curled into a faint smile.
“What’s with her?”
Jungkook let his head fall back, the beanie sliding down his forehead, almost covering his eyes, too. “She’s an eighteen year old rebellious girl that stood deep in the shit with her boyfriend. It reminded me of you and your ex..”, he paused and you noticed him watching you out of half closed eyes. “Jimin couldn’t handle that little shit alone, so you could help me out a bit when we arrive”, your oculars darted from the street to the hand that was held right in front of your face and what you witnessed made you groan loudly.
“Again?”, you shook your head in disbelief at the sight of his swollen knuckles, popped skin revealing dried wounds of a fight. “Seriously, Jungkook you have to stop handling everything with your fists. It’s no use!”
Your best friend let his hand drop down on your thigh, caressing it to soften your hard attitude about him constantly getting into fights. Even if you didn’t want to be touched by him, your body reacted on its own, tensing, feeling a prickling hot sensation where his warm hand landed on your clothed leg. Without any warning you took his hand off, faking to observe the wound with racing heart although it was the only way you could take it away from its spot without seeming too obvious.
“He had her pressed against a wall, her arms bruised by the way he held her. Jimin couldn’t do a thing, he’s too weak and then there was me. Should I just look away, y/n?”, his voice was soft, hand enclosing around yours, squeezing it ere he let go.
Sighing you shook your head. Jungkook had a huge, caring heart for the ones in need, but forgot his own health and safety at those times. “Just be careful.”
“Always, you know it”, he leaned in, head falling heavily on your shoulder causing you to loose track of the street for a split second. Your heartbeat increased to a loud staccato, Jungkook’s warm cheeks laying flat on your dressed shoulder. “I missed you, y/n. Over two weeks already.”
In panic you glanced at the raven haired boy so close to you, seeing his eyes closed, bangs brushed over them while his hands remained at their place in his own lap. Stiffly you pulled the wheel to drive the curve of the road, half of your way already behind you. You honestly didn’t know what to do while Jungkook snuggled up to you, his bodyheat resonating to your own wherefore you opened the window a crack, the cold air filling the car. Whatever he thought as he laid his head on your shoulder, it drove you crazy, the promise you made with yourself slowly dissipating into nothingness.
“W-what do you mean with 'two weeks’?”, you cleared your throat to dissolve the forming knot, stuttering the words out in haste to fill the intimate silence with sound.
Black dressed Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, brushing his forehead on your neck before he positioned himself back on his own seat, leaning his head on the rest. Chocolate eyes observed you, you felt it, but didn’t dare to respond to his staring. “I can’t sleep anymore. Can you see my eye bags? You’re missing in my bed. Seriously it’s like an addiction already. Thank you, y/n, now your habit is taking over me as well”, he grumbled the last words while you glanced at him to witness the darker shades under his eyes. He was right, he definitely looked sleep deprived, insomnia taking the lead. “Come over again. It’s already too damn long ago you stayed over!”
You felt cornered by his needy voice, low and desperate searching for a way to coax you into coming with him if the evening ended and the night began. “Remember that you were the one who wanted to stay awake the last time I stayed over? I slept all alone in your bed”, you complained showing him a half-hearted pout to find a way out of his offer.
“It’s set then”, he smirked at you, winking before he closed his eyes again. It seemed like your plan failed miserably at this point. “Give me my five minute power nap and I’ll be my old self if we arrive at your parents’.”
What was set? Your eyes got wide as you let his words sink in. He suggested to come with him more often? That was not like the Jungkook you knew. He was the one who always tried to kick you out of his house at night, afraid he might lose an opportunity to fuck around if you stayed. So what the hell happened to him? Shaking your head in doubt you affiliated it to the boy’s current insomnia. What else would cause him to change so drastically today?
The ride was longer than expected as you had to drive through different construction zones, taking ten more minutes than planned. You parked your car at the end of the street, a clean, light path lining the pavement to your parents’ house.
“Jungkook?”, you watched him falling into a light sleep after he told you about his power nap, shaking him awake by his shoulder. “We’re here. Now get up, you sleepy baby!”
A low chuckle, tired and amused reached your ears as your best friend stretched, his arms pulling you down for a brief moment, taking you by surprise. “Ah, I don’t want to..”
Wriggling yourself out of his hug you turned in the direction you would find your parents’ house in. You ignored his protest as he obediently followed you, his face contoured in tiredness, his large steps keeping up with the distance. His arm wrapped around your shoulder you stopped dead in your tracks.
“God dammit, Jungkook”, you burst, shoving his arm off of your shoulders. “What’s wrong with you? If you need affection or a new pussy look for it, but don’t touch me so bluntly all the time. Why’re you doing this?” Maybe it was too much to scoff at him for doing something he did constantly. It must’ve been a habit, normal treatment between you two to touch, cuddle, hold hands, but right now you felt too tense to do that, your mind a mess with a couple of dirty thoughts. His frequent touches turned your stomach, a tightness in your core couldn’t be avoided anymore. “Ah, sorry..I just..”
“It’s okay, y/n”, he smiled at you, a glint of pain tracing his chocolate orbs, a faint smile trying to hide the sadness.
“No, no!”, you called after him as he left you standing, walking further towards the house he knew as well as his own. “Jungkook!” You reached him, taking his hand in yours for the last five metres. “I overacted the situation.”
The tattooed, black dressed guy exhaled, squeezing your hand lightly, warmth spreading out on your skin. “I was a bit forceful today. No need to apologise.”
Nodding at each other you two smiled honestly, and you were confident that you saw the old, baby Jungkook seeping through for a short moment, your heartbeat increasing to see him devoting himself to you as your best friend.
“Ready?”, you asked, ringing the melodious bell signalling your mom that Jungkook and you were finally there. Before the door opened in one swift go you let go of Jungkook’s hand, his falling back to his side, a faint smile on his pink lips.
“Jungkook! Y/n!”, your mother smiled brightly at you, her arms spread wide to embrace you two at the same time, stroking heavily over your backs. “How tall you are! And so handsome! What an eye catcher, right y/n?”, you mother let you go, taking your childhood friend into her observing eyes, Jungkook kind of uncomfortable at your mother’s stares. “Ah, come in, come in.”
She didn’t let go of his hand as you followed her to the already decorated table, cake, coffee, milk, cookies neatly arranged for her two guests. Jungkook glanced at you, then down his hand and back up, his expression showing amusement and asking for help, but all you did was wiggling your eyebrows.
“She’s so fond of you. Ever was”, you whispered inside his ear, his face tinged in a rose hue. “Should I call you baby boy again?”, you teased him, giggling evilly.
“Sit down”, your mother beamed as you took a seat with your friend next to you, the smell that illuminated the air as familiar as ever. Wood, the smell of home-cooked food, your mother’s flowery perfume. It smelled like home. “Your dad is in the garden, but don’t wait for him. Coffee or milk, Jungkookie?”
Repressing a laugh you narrowed your gaze down your empty plate, the guy next to you freeing himself from his beanie and jacket freezing mid-air. You bit down your bottom lip as you saw his shocked expression, his lips agape at the name he had last heard years ago.
“I’ll take my good old milk, mom. Jungkookie coffee, I guess”, you giggled, lifting your empty cup to hand it to your mom.
Jungkook only nodded stiffly, the old nickname making him uncomfortable whilst he adjusted his black shirt, pulling it down at the collar revealing his significant collarbones. Your gaze was drawn to it, not unnoticed as your best friend cocked his brows up, tilting his head.
“So”, your mother smiled faintly, her light eyes darting between the two across from her. She brushed her short hair back, leaning in to support her chin with her folded hands. “Are you two finally official?”
She announced it as if it was obvious that two long life friends would come together one day, her head tilted as your mother wiggled her eyebrows, a movement you most certainly inherited from her. The reaction from Jungkook and you not the one she expected whereas Jungkook’s doe eyes shot wide, his hands held up in defence while you choked on your first sip of milk.
“After y/n told me about the break-up with the guy I didn’t approve of from the beginning”, she shot  you a I-told-you-listen-to-your-mama glance she perfected throughout your rebellious teenage years. “I called her daily, but you know what she told me?”
“Mom”, you groaned, gritting your teeth. “Stop-”
“Y/n chatted about you the whole time, Jungkookie. She told me how you helped her the first days and I guess she even stayed at your house, didn’t she? So, tell me, Jungkookie”, she ignored your shouts, waving her to stop ranting about you secretly telling your mother that you stayed by his side even now. “Are you two dating?”
Your head fell back, your eyes closed. Why had she to tell him that you talked to her about Jungkook and his care for you? It was embarrassing as he was your best friend, teases would follow the moment you two stepped out of your parents’ house, you just knew it.
“We are not”, you defended your friendship with all you’ve got, taking your best friend’s hand under the table, squeezing it to signal him to relax. This move wasn’t one you expected from best friends, right? “He’s such a womaniser, mom. You should see him on stage with his band!”
“We’re really not like that”, Jungkook sounded calm, a strange undertone lacing his voice. “Your daughter is way too complicated and annoying. She pesters me over twenty years by now”, he faintly smirked at you, showing his bunny teeth.
Your mother smiled, nodding as if she saw through your lie, seeing your affection towards the tattooed guy beside you, seeing the craving for his body, but said no more. You felt trapped under her eyes, fanning air in your face for the heat to disappear. And here you thought it could be a nice, lazy afternoon with funny conversation between the three of you, wallowing in old memories and listening to stories you had long forgotten.
“I’ll go and look for your dad”, your mother grinned as she stood up, giving Jungkook a view. “He told me he’d be ready if you got here. Never get you a man who’s disobedient”, she rushed out on the terrace, her loud complains droning in as she scolded your father for taking forever.
Jungkook next to you chuckled, leaning forward to support his head with his hand, elbow on the white tablecloth. His gaze turned upwards he grinned smugly at you. Thanks mom.
“You’re talking about me, huh? Am I that irresistible?”, Jungkook licked his lips, the vast neckline of his black shirt showing a lot more skin than necessary, sparks of artwork you briefly witnessed at the after show party inside the storage room..well, you’ve never seen his new tattoo up close, lining from his shoulder down his chest. Your eyes darted down his slightly tanned skin, examining the freshly healed art until you forced yourself to look back up to his face. “The way you look at me tells me enough”, he whispered breathy, his eyes constantly getting darker whilst gulping, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.
“Jeon Jungkook, your a nuisance and you know it”, you averted your eyes hastily, the previously lewd images printed behind your lids lighting at the way he watched you so intensely. Scoffing you crossed your arms, not taking his teasing any further although your heart raced like hell by the way Jungkook leaned in, taking your hand in his free one, the wounds still present on his knuckles. “Don’t touch me, baby boy”, you hid your embarrassment, the blushing cheeks telling him that there was more, behind your nervous laugh and the try to hide something behind that ridiculous new nickname.
“Jungkookie, baby boy, what else, y/n?”, your best friend let your hands drop on your thigh. “Teasing me even though you’re the one who should be teased?”
Something was odd about the way he said those words. In your years by his side you had seen him talking with such a low, dangerous voice only with his prey, his orbs taking unfathomable emotions while he wriggled his fingers out of yours, entwining them before he smacked your thigh with a stinging, loud thud of his palm meeting your clothed skin. Your eyes shot wide at his sudden action, taking you aback. You didn’t know how to react wherefore you just sat there, staring down at your best friend who cockily smirked at you, his wet lips parting, forming a faked 'o’ with wide, playful eyes.
“Did I surprise you? Better stop teasing, y/n”, Jungkook massaged the spot he just hit softly, your body still paralysed. Right now you thought about nothing relevant, shoving, kicking and pushing the upcoming pictures aside while you concentrated on the raven haired boy who looked so suggestively at you, showing you a new side of him. “Are you uncomfortable like this?”, it was a whiff of his manly voice, whispering the words in anticipation.
Before you could stop yourself you shook your head a 'no’, saying him with that simple gesture that he could go on with whatever he had planned, you wouldn’t deny his touches any further. Jungkook locked his chocolate brown eyes with yours, swallowing again as he silently stroked over your thigh, lost in his thoughts whereas you felt a familiar tightening down your core. You should stop him, his tries to tease you, because you knew he wasn’t serious about what he implied with his warm fingers.
“You’re teasing..”, your voice was quiet, excited and high, eyes glued to the way his pink lips stretched over his pearly whites, the centred mole showing. He didn’t give you an answer, pulling up his dark brows behind his raven bangs, his brown oculars darting to your chatting parents outside. Then you felt his hand vanishing from the spot he dug his digits in, building up momentum to hit your sensitive skin a second time, harder. You flinched a bit, your lower lip pulled between your teeth, unable to resist him, occupied by the way his warmth spread across your thigh. You definitely knew that it was wrong to find pleasure in the way your fucking best friend teased you, your own promise throwing overboard because of his simple move. It should be stopped, but you didn’t dare to reject him, his eyes taking you into another dimension, away from your nagging thoughts, away from the demarcation line you overstepped with not making him stop.
Jungkook tilted his head to the side, two of his fingers darting up and down your leg, your chest heaving in arousal, feeling your panties tightly clinging to your folds..just by his simple, rather domestic movement of his fingers, not even brushing your private parts, only your clothed thigh. But his eyes ate you alive, be it fake or not, he drove you insane with his looks, the revealing shirt showing you inexperienced skin, his messily brushed hair, his shiny jewellery..
“Don’t tease me again, you stand no chance”, his voice was a faint whisper, challenge lacing it accompanied by unreadable emotions.
Another shook of your head. “What if I want to be teased?”, it was a dangerous question, holding your breath waiting for his response.
The raven haired guy straightened himself into a sitting position, leaning in to you, his hand wrapping around your knee with solid grip, his lips pressed on your ear. “You’re too pure to play in my league, y/n. Love, romance, tenderness, that’s what you stand for.”
Goosebumps covered your arms, the hair on your neck standing straight as his hot breath hit your ear and the skin on your jaw, his sweet cologne intoxicating the air around you. His words were true, but you still shook your head, his lips brushing your ear. You could feel how your folds started to get wetter by the second, the sex deprivation from the last weeks taking its toll on you.
“I’m dangerous, hungry for more, I like the rough shit. Obedience and the will to just fuck”, you snorted, hands shaking whereas Jungkook tapped on your knee. “ Love is for the weak.”
“Don’t treat me like the little girl I once was, Jungkook”, you turned your head in his direction, his orbs, nose, lips only centimetres away.
“You’re still my little girl”, he whispered, clearing his throat ere he leaned back, smirking lopsided at you out of playful eyes. “Got you, y/n. Stop acting tough if you melt even under my touch. You’re too naïve”, he hummed, but you were sure he bluffed with those words, his cheeks too pink to be sincerely scolding you because of your suggestive reaction.
You watched him, his breathing most certainly stronger than usual, his hands clapping together the way he did when he felt awkward or lied. “Liar”, your voice was inaudible for the guy beside you, your own cheeks flushed at the way he toyed with you. A moment of silence followed as you two stared at each other, keeping up the conversation as one of your silent ones. Unspoken words that might be too much between best friends, and which would none of you take to heart..at least you thought so.
I’d do you way too dirty, girl, stay in your lane and stop teasing me with my past, he’d threaten you with his words whilst you would never say 'Try me, baby boy. I’m naughtier than you think. You just got no balls’. Jungkook wouldn’t answer 'I can show you right here. Wanna see them? Better idea, you would take them-’
“My princess and her knight!”, your father made his first appearance, storming inside the clean house with his dirty bluey interrupting one of the rare silent conversations you two shared after a few weeks. You had to force yourself to look away from Jungkook who still tried to get the words out, but the magic was broken the moment your father’s voice filled the tensed atmosphere in the living room.
Reluctantly you two separated your gazes, seeing your father holding out his arms to take you in a tight embrace. “A few weeks feel like years without my princess”, he’d squeeze you hard, your breath stuck before he turned his attention towards the tall, muscular guy next to you who silently waited for his turn. “Oh my god, is that really the small boy with the bunny teeth? Jungkook you’re a man, what happened with you?” The way your mother already examined Jungkook, he held him with separation until he softly smiled at your friend, pulling him into a fatherly hug as well. “You should’ve visited us more often. Susan and me missed you so much, Jungkook!”
A faint, soft, loving smile appeared on the black dressed boy, his eyes shyly narrowing. “I’m sorry, Moe, I really am, but the last years were such a haste to be honest”, Jungkook explained the last years to your father and by the time they sat together on the couch, exchanging stories while your father took him in as if he was his own son. It was always like that, long before Jungkook’s parents left him with a note and money, your father was there for him, partly playing the father role and partly being a friend. You loved both men who chatted excited, your father’s arm lazily around the rest while Jungkook looked like the boy he once was; shy, cute, heartily laughing. The scene got to your heart, a soft smile playing on your lips.
“It’s nice to see them like this, isn’t it?”, your mother woke you from your absence.
You slightly nodded. “After all what he went through, yes, it’s so nice”, you answered her, taking your cup to fill it with milk again. Feeling your mother’s eyes on you, you looked up, questioningly blinking at her.
“Are you sure there’s nothing between the two of you? I’ve seen you from across the window”, she pointed behind her, your heart sinking to the bottom as you got what she meant. Your living room was lined with a huge window from whom you could look into the garden, and the other way around. If you were alone you would slap your hand on your face, face palming your stupidity.
“There’s nothing, mom. Really, he’s still only my best friend”, you laughed nervously, a sign that you lied. “Stop talking about that, will you?”
With that your mother sneaked suspicious glances your way from time to time, seeing right through your lies while you stomped towards the couch, falling next to your dad to catch up with their conversation.
“I know, right? The gigs get larger every time, and I hope at the end of next year we’ll travel the world together”, Jungkook and your parents were stuck at the theme of his band and music. He even gave them tickets for a show in a few weeks, and you were sure that he had planned to invite them, because he casually pulled the two tickets out of his leather jacket.
You were happy with the way the afternoon turned out, fishing for your phone to realise you had a few missed calls as well as messages from Namjoon. Opening them one by one your eyes got wider.
Namjoon: Where are you guys? [04:58pm]
Namjoon: It’s meeting time, we need you here. RIGHT NOW [05:15pm]
Namjoon: Is everything alright? You’re damn late [05:44pm]
3 missed calls 'Namjoon’
Namjoon: We ended practice without our vocalist. Guys, you have to do the rehearsal alone tonight [07:23pm]
“J-Jungkook?”, your voice was tinged in a mixture of fear and regret, fear as you didn’t know how your best friend would react that it was around eight already, three hours late, regret in not looking at the clock once.
He nodded to you, the conversation on a halt as you scratched your neck, avoiding all eye contact. “We might be a bit late for your practice..”
Furrowing his brows he glanced towards the clock hanging on the wall behind him, his facial expression freezing. “Three hours is late, you’re right”, he sounded amused to your positive surprise. “Guess we should go as fast as we can.”
“They already went home. Namjoon texted me half an hour ago, but I missed all his calls”, you explained, standing up to grab your coat before you threw Jungkook’s leather jacket and beanie, which he caught with one hand, the other hidden for the time being – your parents shouldn’t notice that he currently got into a fight.
“If they’re gone then that’s it. Let’s get there and at least justify my mic and call the technician that he unlocks the hall for us”, Jungkook did it alike, pulling his jacket on his short shirt while adjusting his beanie on his head. His reaction was quite calm, easy going for his irascible behaviour. “It was so nice seeing you after what felt like an eternity”, Jungkook shortly hugged your parents ere he took your hand to rush back to your car.
“See you next week!”, you called out to your parents, waving them whereas your friend pulled you behind him.
Inside your car you started the engine, driving through the already darkening streets leading you to the concert hall Jungkook’s band would perform in tomorrow night. You two were silent for a moment, but as you remembered Namjoon’s desperate tries to reach you a few hours ago you fished for your phone in the bag between Jungkook’s spread legs.
“Slow down, girl, what are you doing?”, Jungkook held up his hands as your own brushed over his legs, rummaging through your back without success.
“Can you take my phone and write a message for me?”, you asked, holding the steering wheel with both hands again.
He took your phone in one go, opening it with his own fingerprint and scrolling through your phone to search for your messenger.
“Ready?”, you asked, eyes glued to the street. “Just assure Namjoon that everything’s okay with us and that we’re on the way right now. He had called me and I want to make sure he knows that we’re fine.”
Silence filled the car after you announced whom your message should reach, Jungkook locking your phone again, stuffing it back inside your bag. Confusion traced your features, looking back to the guy beside you. “What’re you doing?”
“We both were online, if he cares, he checks. That should be enough to reassure him”, your best friend glanced out of his window into the dark that rushed past you, but you wouldn’t take his answer.
“Are you jealous? I know that look on your face, Jungkook”, you chuckled, not believing he was seriously, really jealous.
“I’m not, but what does he want anyway? It’s none of his business if you come along or are too late”, he scoffed, his voice laced with anger. “Text him yourself if we’re there.”
Cocking your eyebrows you nudged his side, playfully trying to make your friend relax. “Come on, all fine all good, Jungkookie”, you used the nickname of your parents’ again, teasing your best friend without thinking about what he recently did to you for that. Not that you forgot, god no, but you didn’t want to remember that scene.
Jungkook’s head slowly turned your way, his angry mask crumbling as he saw you wiggling your eyebrows. “You should be careful, y/n. You never know when I attack”, his melodious low voice filled the small car, his lopsided smirk showing. “Ah, you got me”, he rubbed over his face, laughing at his own reaction.
“Just stay calm, yes? Everything’s chill between me and Namjoon”, you winked at him, telling nothing but the truth about the tall, handsome guy and you. Well, you left out the incident at the after show party and what exactly caused you to stop, but that would be your own, tiny secret.
“Yes”, you heard Jungkook talking to the technician over the phone, getting instructions where the concert hall’s office was. “I’ll be there in five minutes. Thank you for staying.” He ended the call, getting ready to pick up the key to unlock the large doors leading inside the building. “Give me a few minutes. I’ll be back in no time.”
He was gone faster than lighting and you finally had a couple of minutes to let yourself drown in your nagging, heavy thoughts which crept back in your head over the last hours. What were you supposed to do with him? He drove you insane with all he got, his touches fuelling it. You knew it was the dumbest decision to let him do what he wanted, but you couldn’t stop yourself, his breathy voice, his warmth mixing with yours, the light sting his smack left on your thigh..Sighing your head fell back against the rest of your seat. How often would you break that promise and overstep your drawn demarcation line? Now you stood one foot away from it, drawing a second one you weren’t allowed to pass, not one bit.
Jungkook was too much for you, your best friend, but were you really that obvious with your craving? First Yoongi, then your mother, two people who knew you too well noticed your odd behaviour towards your childhood friend. They might know that you had sexual feelings for the tattooed guy, but what they didn’t know was that that was all you wanted from him – despite his friendship. That was the only thought you clung to. No romantic feelings outside the bedroom, no kisses, caresses in public. You wanted his dick, to be blunt. Therefore it gave plan B, Namjoon. He had to work you hard if you wanted to abandon certain guys from your mind.
Holding your temples you heard a faint knock on your window, seeing that Jungkook was back, holding up the key to the hall. Closing your eyes to concentrate on pushing your thoughts back again, you exhaled, ready to follow your..well, best friend down the parking lot towards the metal doors. Dimmed light greeted you as Jungkook led you through a corridor straight out the stage. He switched on some headlights for you to see where you were walking and found yourself in the middle of the huge stage, thousand of empty seats lining the large hall in front of you. Dozens of rows, one seat next to the other, down the stage up to the furthest end right under the ceiling. It was breathtaking. Exciting to see it from up here, being the one to see empty rows of the seats which were taken by many, many people tomorrow night. You turned in a circle, witnessing the instruments positioned on their spots, cables you would trip over if not careful, several headlights that would illuminate the members and stage in bright light. You must’ve looked like an excited child with wide eyes and mouth parted in astonishment.
“Thrilling, isn’t it?”, Jungkook’s voice came from behind you where he leaned against the door to the backstage area, his tattooed arms freed from the leather jacket, crossed over his chest. You nodded slowly, taking in the view again.
“I would really like to see it filled to the last seat. My heart races only thinking about it”, you declared, opening your arms wide. “You’re a lucky guy to experience it, Jungkook!”
Without notice he had positioned himself by your side, arms still crossed in front of him. His gaze lay on the endless amounts of free seats, biting his lower lip while lost in his thoughts for a long time. Neither he nor you said a word until you had an idea.
“Can I ask you a favour?” The raven haired boy didn’t say a word, tilting his head and cocking one of his dark eyebrows up as you woke him from his absent mind. “Sing for me.”
A small grin appeared on his pink lips. “Without instruments?”
You bit your lips, nodding heavily. It must sound ethereal, otherworldly wonderful to listen to his angelic voice in an empty arena, echoing through the hall without disturbance of a guitar, keyboard or the drums. The thought alone let your hair stand straight, heartbeat increasing.
“Let me put on some background music at least”, he chuckled, taking out his phone to connect it with the huge box where the speakers were plugged in. It took him a second to choose the right song, a shy smile pulling his lips up as he found what he was looking for. Jungkook tested the sound a second before he plugged in his mic as well, starting a melody you had never heard before.
“What’s this song? I don’t know it”, you furrowed your brows in confusion at the unfamiliar melody made by a lonely piano. It was a heartbreaking melody, slow, soft.
“Just lean back and enjoy, y/n”, he cleared his throat, inhaling deeply, you heard it coming out of the speakers as well, goosebumps starting to form on your entire body in anticipation. You sat down at furthest end near the edges of the stage to get a good view of Jungkook, pulling your knees up to your chest.
The sparsely lighted stage, darkness surrounding you, made the atmosphere quite intimate, romantic, the aching melody filling the hall before you saw the tattooed singer close his eyes, a painful sound in form of a hum resonating out of the speakers. You held your breath, echoes throwing the sound back softly, lulling you into a trance. The song started slowly, Jungkook’s heart put into every word, the lyrics different from the ones he wrote usually. It was a love song, serenading a girl who had the purest of hearts, her being the only reason he kept moving forward, all his life choices led by her.. Your eyes watered at the hurt tone in his voice, the melody reaching a peak wherefore Jungkook let his head fall back, a stretched high note making you flinch, the first tear rolling down your cheek. He opened his eyes, falling straight on you with a light shook of his head, taking the mic from its stand, walking slowly in your direction. Jungkook kneeled down in front of you, wiping away the single tear, his voice the only sound you were able to hear while he went back to the middle of the stage, his body tense, eyes darting down to you again.
You weren’t sure if you saw it right, but his cheeks were flushed, his hands trembling adjusting the microphone back at its place, the heartbreaking melody gradually getting quieter as well as his voice. Breathy howling into the mic he ended the song, standing there the way he did in the beginning, breathing heavily, chest rising with his eyes closed.
You never heard anything comparable in your life. His voice filling an empty concert hall, breathing, humming, singing. It filled your body with bliss, awe, Jungkook’s vocals able to clear your mind from scary, bad, fearful thoughts, perfectly replacing negativity with joy, happiness, craving to hear even more. You were addicted to him and he the drug giving you the high you waited for the past weeks. This was all you needed in your life.
Brushing off the dried tear you stared at Jungkook. His tattoos were tinged in light, moving on their own in your eyes, his still closed as long as the last note of the song played inside the huge arena, waiting for his turn. The moment the song finally ended his view glanced your way, brown eyes getting even darker, his lips a straight line while he let go of the mic. No one said a word, feeling as if on cloud nine to experience it between the two of you. Silently, not moving you locked eyes, deeply losing yourself in his, Jungkook staring back with anxiety in that took you aback. Weren’t you on the same page above the clouds?
“I-is everything alright?”, you asked reluctantly, whispering the words not to destroy the silence you felt utterly comfortable in.
Jungkook nodded, taking a shaking breath before turning around without another word, taking his phone from the connecting box, putting in down on it. He then stayed like this a couple of seconds whereas you waited for him to collect whatever he lost with that song right now. Shoving his hands into his pockets he turned to you again, his face now contoured in anticipation, chewing on his bottom lip, another sign of his nervousness.
“What do you think?”
Perplexed you blinked, standing up from your position on the ground wiping away some dust. Then you crossed your hands behind your back, shifting on your spot to increase his tension ere you smiled brightly at him, showing him one of your sweetest expressions. “It was the most beautiful song you ever sang for me. Let alone in here..”, you paused, biting your lip the way he did, his eyes gazing you up and down, landing on your face as you stopped speaking. “It’s a heartbreaking song though, suiting your voice, baby boy.”
Smiling shyly he narrowed his view down his shoes, scratching the back of his head, beanie long gone. “You think so? What about the lyrics, do you like it?”
“Like?”, you scoffed, wandering around the stage with your hands still behind your back, facing the empty rows again, now standing in the middle of the stage, the edge so close to your toes. You searched for the right choice of words. It was easy to form them in your head, your mind contradicting around a single aspect you would never speak aloud. “Aching”, you looked back over your shoulder. “Heartbreakingly beautiful”, gulping as memories of your ex flooded your mind for a split second. “Longing for something so close to you..”, you heard footsteps coming closer, the heat of another person’s body right behind you, so close to you..a longing.. “It tells the story of a man craving love that is right there in front of him, his world spinning around his own sun. He’d give all he got to her”, you let the lyrics form behind your eyes as you closed them, reading between the lines where words were unspoken, replaced the emptiness with your own ideals of love, describing his song with your own way of thinking. “I’m in love with it.”
You heard a mumbling answer, not sure what the guy behind you said, but you turned around, facing him with watering eyes. Jungkook held his breath, you two standing close to each other.
“No need to shed a tear”, his voice was a whiff, catching the first tear that threatened to fall down with his fingertips, delicately brushing it off while taking a loose strand of hair to put it back at its place behind your ear. “I’m glad you love it..”
Nodding you bit down your lower lip, your eyes not able to look away from Jungkook’s face whilst he locked his chocolate ones with yours, the air around you changing drastically. This should be the sign for you to step away, roaming him and making a dumb joke about his gentle treatment, but you didn’t move, your body paralysed again. You witnessed things on his face you usually would dismiss as his typical appearance, but not that night. Eyes darting down his rather big nose over the tan of his skin to the small, deep scar under his left eye, the skin healed over the years. It happened back in kindergarten as he teased you, hitting him with one of your red plastic shovels.. It wasn’t big, but tiny and delicate, the way you used to see him..His eyes darker than brown, not even chocolate like you loved to describe them, shaped in perfection, almond and round at the same time, his black lashes laying softly on his cheeks whenever he closed them..Down his lips where your eyes lingered, taking in every natural indentation of a humans mouth, the way his upper lip was significantly smaller, sharply shaped in contrast to his full, prominent bottom lip, so pink above the tiny, centred mole you knew as well as your own hand. You felt the warmth of hands cushy on your waist, but even now you couldn’t move away, your eyes forced to stay on his lips.
Then you sensed one of his hands tracing a velvety path over your arm up to your face, cupping it with his big, veiny hand. You knew where all of this led to, the inaudible voice in your head screaming at you to stop right there, hardly fighting not to touch the newly drawn line, but you just pushed it over it, shutting it with that move.
“Y/n..”, Jungkook’s voice was nothing more than pleading, craving, a needy whiff of your name, the blackness of his eyes searching for the answer in yours, finding what he needed as he took a step towards you, the hand on your face separating a couple of centimetres, making place for his thumb to brush over your bottom rim, tenderly tracing the shape with racing heartbeat. Your eyes never left his until he looked for something in yours again, leaning down to you, his lids starting to cover his black pupils. You on the other side trembled with anticipation, your heart a loud, fast staccato while the scene in front of your eyes passed you in slow motion.
The moment you closed your eyes as well you felt eternity, your veins pulsating, hands sweaty as if it was your first kiss. Jungkook didn’t press his lips on yours, rather brushed them over you in a soft move, ready to be pushed back by you, but you didn’t, your hands shooting forward to cling onto the hem of his black shirt. There it was again, the butterfly like touch of his soft lips, this time remaining on yours longer, giving you ultimate goosebumps starting on your neck down your whole body. Jungkook’s mouth felt unbelievably soft, warm, kind of sweet on yours, tasting like coffee, peppermint from the gum he recently chewed on, his fragrance filling your nostrils completely, intoxicating you fully. It was you who first moved your lips on his, parting them to kiss him like you used to, your head slightly turned to the side, moving your lips slowly on his, finding a rhythm. He did it alike, caressing your cheek with his hand again before he pulled you closer into his tall, lean body, his arm wrapping around you, holding you before you would fall off of the stage.
Time stood still, your fingers wandering up to his chest, laying flat on it, feeling his body on your skin, his lips dancing on yours whilst you kissed as if you had all the time of the world. You’re the only people on this planet, your own world occupied by the others wet mouth. Jungkook never dared to ask for access of his tongue, just kissing you passionately, moving his lips, pecking them with closed eyes. You felt his teeth grazing your lower lip, nibbing delicately on your already swollen flesh, taking it between his own ere he licked a path from one corner to the other, tasting your lips to his hearts content and so did you. Your hands disappearing in his raven locks you pressed yourself against him, the hand on your waist now cupping the other side of your face.
Your breaths mixed, breathing the others air, heads shifting from time to time, tiny, feminine mewls muffled by his red, swollen lips. Jungkook then laid one hand in your neck, pulling your head further up even though you already stood on your tip toes, pressing his lips on yours heavily this time before he let go of you.
Both of you parted with closed eyes, your heavy breathing the only sound filling the hall, echoing from the large walls. Opening your eyes you finally realised what just happened, seeing Jungkook with flushed cheeks, his chest rising as if he ran a marathon, eyes half closed, hair a raven mess. His lips were a shade darker, swollen from the kissing, a wet mixture of your saliva glistering on them under the dimmed headlights of the stage.
You felt insecure to start the conversation, your body shaking from the sensation, heart beating like crazy while you looked at each other in silence.
“Let’s go home”, Jungkook broke the quietness with a whisper, his voice traced with lust and tension as he held out his hand. But you didn’t reach for it, fishing for your keys inside your pocket to hand him.
“Y-you have..to drive home”, you stuttered, the incident clouding your mind severely as to why you weren’t able to drive back home on your own. He wouldn’t move as you stepped closer, signalling him to turn around and make way for you with a trembling hand. “G-go on.”
“Y/n”, Jungkook’s expression told you his feelings, obvious that it was his mistake, but you didn’t want to hear that shit, not after he shook your world with a simple kiss. “I know what you think, I’m-”
“Ah, yeah, I know. Mistake and so on”, you averted your eyes everywhere but on him, motioning wildly through the air while you tried to hide the truth behind your lie. “No need to apologise. Something like this happens. Felt great and so on, but l-let’s go home first.”
Jungkook grabbed your arm, spinning you back in his direction to face him properly. “You don’t understand, y/n. I’d never ap-”
“You confuse me”, you whispered, interrupting whatever he wanted to say. It would hurt you on a strange way if he continued apologising wherefore you bit down your already swollen lower lip, glancing up into his blushing face.
“That’s good enough for me”, he responded, letting you go out of his solid grip. “I have to prepare a bit more. You should wait in the car”, the tall guy turned around leaving you where you stood, throwing you the key from a safer distance. “Give me half an hour.”
Without another word you rushed out of the sticky hall, the air and foremost his sweet smell made your stomach turn. Teary eyed you ran back to your car, opening it in a rush, falling into the driver’s seat. You didn’t know how long you just sat there, contemplating what you had done. It was a vast mistake, the voice in your head constantly scolding you, throwing the imaginary stick away that drew the demarcation line two times, packing its seven things to leave you alone with your thoughts. Why were you so easy to persuade? Why? God, why didn’t you push him away playfully, turning the electrifying tension between you two into a cheerful one? Just what have you done? Was your friendship ruined by now? Or was it only a small mistake you and Jungkook would laugh about tomorrow? And why did you know that it wasn’t that easy, at least not for you, your sexual feelings now freed, panties tightly clinging on your wet folds.
You were confused, left alone with those feelings, because you couldn’t run to your best friend, telling him about your shaking heart and desire as it was him who did this to you. Groaning you cursed yourself even though you had enjoyed what happened the time it actually took place. The kiss was the best you had ever received, no rush, no haste, no forceful tongue action. Simply kissing each other, putting feelings into the movement of your lips.. the memory alone got you going, your cheeks a hue darker than normally.
“Fuck”, you hit your steering wheel hard, your palm stinging with pain. It felt good, shaking you awake, realising what you had hidden for so long. It was freed now, no chance to repress it anymore. You wanted Jungkook. More than anything. Feeling his skin hitting yours, his hands grabbing your ass the same way he had fucked the girl in the storage room. Now that you finally let the thought go, accepting it with wide arms you felt lighter. Well, you wouldn’t run to him, jumping straight on his dick, but if he started anything on his own you wouldn’t fight against your body. If he didn’t all fine, if he did even better. But one thing was for sure. You wouldn’t let it ruin your friendship, too precious what you two shared.
His heart beat like crazy, his eyes not seeing the things they did as he adjusted his microphone way too high. The only image in his head was you. Swollen lips, heated cheeks, glassy eyes and your tiny body in front of him..
You were his moody angel, his only ray of sunshine that lighted him throughout a hard time and now you were his unrequited love for an eternity. It all started back in middle school as he discovered how his cock worked, girls now interesting, but even though a dozen of girls fought to get his attention there was that one girl he admired from the first second – or the second, maybe the third. The girl who punched several boys to protect him from their prying eyes, mocking him for crying over his parents’ divorce. That one girl who he hated as a child, most annoying little bean in the world, but after you two turned sixteen his heart felt strange, aching whenever you were around, his stomach popping tiny bubbles whenever you called him by his name, your encouraging smiles after he had lost everything and wanted to dig a hole to disappear in..and even after he changed into an asshole who played with women on another level. You still protected him and cared for what he did and now? Just laying next to you was too much for Jungkook. He hated himself for his feelings towards you, afraid to ruin your precious friendship and everything you two shared over the past twenty years.
Running his hands through his hair he let out a frustrated cry to surpass the soft, happy smile that crept back on his lips. He had kissed you..damn he had fucking kissed you. His shaking hands did the last work before he couldn’t wait anymore, taking his leather jacket, almost running the way to your car. Although you weren’t meant to be his, he was the happiest man in the world right now, your taste on his lips still present wherefore his cheeks tinged in a bright pink the moment he saw you behind the steering wheel, your head leaned against the rest, eyes closed while a tiny crinkle was shown in between your brows. The typical sign that you were concentrated to find a solution for whatever you had a problem with.
Jungkook didn’t move as he watched you letting out a sigh, massaging your temples ere you shook your head with a knowing smile. It took him a lot of strength to take another step forward, his heartrate increasing while he contemplated how to face you now. The half an hour was to free his mind, what didn’t help obviously. Nervously he wanted to treat you better than ever, showing you that the kiss wasn’t a mistake and he didn’t want to apologise one bit for it. Furthermore did he enjoy it, wanted more and have you all for himself, but that was impossible, right? His offer from before, to stay over tonight was out of the question after you kissed, his mood slightly dropping at that thought. He knew that you wanted nothing more from him but be his best friend, your interest drawn by another guy, one he knew too well. Namjoon. Ruffling his hair he tried not to see the scene in the yard again, as if he hadn’t seen it..you pressed against Namjoon..moaning..fuck.
Biting his inner cheek he opened the passenger seat’s door, gliding on the seat. You seemed to be surprised, your body flinching at the sound of the door being opened. Jungkook couldn’t help but smile at you even though you looked at him with an unfathomable expression behind your pretty eyes.
“Let’s go home”, he said, his voice deeper than usual while his hands folded on his lap not to touch you while driving, even if the urge to do just that was too big to deal with after he was finally able to taste you like he wished for way too long.
The way home felt awkward, silence the main non-existent sound around you two, only the faint music of the radio filling the car while you didn’t dare to grant Jungkook one of your glances, your entire concentration laying on the road ahead. He understood you, the situation he had brought you two in strange, something you never had to cope with throughout your tight friendship. But even if it couldn’t be turned back did Jungkook want to lighten the mood with some simple chatting, showing you that he didn’t regret the kiss one bit. Furthermore wanted it to happen again, the faster the better although it wasn’t possible as long as you two didn’t clear the fronts again.
“You’re still in tomorrow? We need you, y/n”, he tried to sound cheerful, waking you up from your silent treatment. “I bet the concert will be amazing. Unlucky you have to stay behind stage and can’t party in front of the stage. I guess it was the best gig as you also were there”, he sighed as no reaction answered him, your eyes still glued outside the windshield. “Okay, listen, y/n. I don’t care what just happened, well I do, but come on. It was a kiss, something simple”, Jungkook nudged your side, the words leaving his lips hurting him, but if that was what you needed he’d repress his feelings like he did for the past six or seven years.
“Simple?”, he heard you mumbling, your eyes darkening ere you shot him a half hearted smile. “You see it as that?”
I fucking don’t. “I do.”
Nodding you pulled up your eyebrows while Jungkook reached out for the hand that lay casually on the coupling, his fingers stroking yours for a split second. “No need to worry, y/n. It’s fine between us, don’t you think? We know each other since we were children, a simple kiss can’t be a problem between us”, Jungkook’s lips twitched without actually smiling, the words feeling like daggers in his chest.
Another nod from your side ere you parked the car in front of his apartment. The drive home over too early for his liking.
“See you”, was all you said before he heard the loud noise of your car’s engine and screeching wheels. You were gone faster than he imagined, his heart clenching with fear at the upcoming event. Whatever he had done to you, be it the kiss or something he couldn’t read, he had to make it better again, for the sake of your friendship despite his own feelings squeezing the last fearful breaths out of his lungs, his brown eyes still seeing your car even though you were long gone.
The night was pure horror. Not a single minute of sleep, your eyes and head hurting, limbs aching and tired as you walked reluctantly through the huge metal doors that lead to the arena the boys would perform on in a few hours. After the incident yesterday you had ignored Jungkook’s texts, too afraid you might snap and run to him if you met this early, alone and in his or your home. Your actions were unpredictable even for you, the change of place tonight gladly accepting as other people were around you, a moment alone between Jungkook and you decreased to a minimum. Your plan was to stay away from his as much as possible without seeming too obvious with your desire to touch him and being touched. Therefore you would act put the role of being his usual best friend without hidden thoughts. But as you slandered though the corridor you witnessed a nervous looking Jungkook at the end, looking at his watch before his eyes met yours and he walked towards you with long steps.
“Y/n! I though you wouldn’t come”, his voice showed his relief, his pretty face freed from his hair that was styled back, his dark eyes softly locking with yours. “Are you okay? You didn’t answer me and yesterday you even-”
“All fine. No need to worry”, you faked a smile, patting his shoulder stiffly before gesturing to lead you to work. Tonight you had to play your role to perfection to get your friendship back to its previous level. “Tell me where I can help.”
Jungkook’s eyes got darker at your treatment, his hand enclosing on your arm for a brief moment ere he let go without letting you out of his view.
He showed you around, a few dozen people already working eagerly, greeting you ere he turned around a corner to open a door you recognized as the boys room. Namjoon and the other guys stood up to give you a hug, giving you instructions while your 'best friend’ left for a while. After they went to practise with the main band you were left alone with your thoughts. Sighing you arranged the clothes for the boys, taking out their shoes and make-up before you let yourself fall on the leather sofa in the furthest corner, sighing deeply. This will be a damn long night, sleep deprived, having a silent argument with your best friend, you knew it as the boys came back, sweaty laughing like crazy.
“One hour to go. A hundred fans are already waiting outside, man I’m excited!”, Namjoon’s voice was the first you heard, beaming with excitement while laying his arm around Jungkook’s shoulder. The shorter man on the other side nodded without the huge amount of anticipation that radiated from his friend’s body. “You okay, Jungkook? You’re fucking quiet tonight.”
“I’m fine”, Jungkook wriggled himself out of Namjoon’s grip, turning around as his eyes met yours to storm out of the room. Everybody followed his tensed back with wide eyes.
“He isn’t fine”, you just said ere a loud bell rang, a signal that the boys should be ready in no time.
Despite the hecticness inside the room, the loud laughter and music you couldn’t take off your thoughts of Jungkook’s strange behaviour, his hurt expression haunting you throughout the hours of the concert in which you had to get water for the boys, tidy their room, run errands for the technicians and waited impatiently for the end of their gig to talk to Jungkook. They took their time, the crowd the loudest after their last song, constantly shouting for more before you saw Namjoon rushing backstage, his body drenched in sweat with a bright, wide smile painting his plump lips.
“Y/n!”, he hugged you wherefore you pushed him playful away, laughing as his sticky body met yours. “Ah, sorry, but it was fucking lit. The best concert of them all up until now!”
“That’s what I want to hear”, you responded with a faint smile, desperately looking for someone else to get off of the stage. And as Jungkook also walked back towards you, you wanted to congratulate him for the perfect show, but he didn’t stop, rushing past you with a stone cold face. Confused you followed him with your eyes, Namjoon scratching his neck while turning you around in his direction.
“Wanna grab a drink after I took a shower?”
Namjoon’s invitation to grab a drink turned out in him taking many shots while you couldn’t drink that night as you had to drive home later. He told you stories again, funny ones like the last time whereas you watched Jungkook drowning one long drink after the other, getting drunk faster as you thought was healthy. But after he was gone out of your view Namjoon tried to get your attention by pulling you into him, kissing you passionately out of the sudden. You welcomed it because now you could drown in his taste, shaking off the negativity you had to face tonight in the form of your 'best friend’.
You turned around at the sudden coldness pressing on your bare shoulder, a hand ice cold gripping your arm in a harsh manner, turning you around while pulling you close. Hitting your nose on Jungkook’s chest you held your hands up in defence to shove yourself away from his body. The thick smell of alcohol and cigarettes filled your nostrils as you desperately tried to wriggle yourself out of his impenetrable touch.
Maybe the situation was kinda awkward to look at, but that wasn’t a reason for Jungkook to treat you like that, rushing over through the partying masses at the after show party, squeezing his lean body through people just to reach you, leaning over Namjoon, making out like some teenagers while he massaged your neck and shoulders, pulling your light blouse over them to get better access. After Jungkook told you to leave him for the night he hadn’t granted you a single glance, drinking like hell whereas woman after woman hit on him, in vain as his eyes were glued to you and his friend in the corner of the party without your notice. The tall guy had asked you to drink with him, make up for the last time you two met which ended in a heated make out session.
But the nice, relaxed atmosphere, your nagging thoughts finally replaced by another guy’s presence were interrupted by the one guy who strictly told you to leave him alone tonight. Jungkook didn’t let go despite your tries to loosen his grip, his teeth gritted strongly, chin shoved forward. Why the hell was he furious, beaming with anger?
“Jeon Jungkook, let me go”, another try to get away from his heat, your mind and stomach turning upside down at this closeness.
Namjoon also stood up from his seat, seemingly confused at his friend’s behaviour. Instead of getting annoyed or angry with his young friend the handsome, tall man started smiling, patting Jungkook’s shoulder. “Dude, let her go. Can’t you see that we’re kind of..busy?”
“Fuck off”, was all Jungkook said, smacking Namjoon’s large hand away with glaring eyes. “Come.” Without another word towards his friend he took your hand, squeezing it painfully close ere he walked out in the coldness of an autumn night.
Stumbling over his own feet Jungkook staggered as to why you supported him shortly ere you felt a cold hand on your neck, pulling your head high to lock eyes with the drunken mess in front of you who dared to disturb you and Namjoon, the only one treating you normally that night wherefore you had searched for shelter and distraction in his attention and kisses. Jungkook’s eyes glanced at you milky, the darkness of his chocolate brown evolving into blackness.
“Stop with your shitty behaviour, Jungkook. You seriously confuse the fuck out of me!”, you whispered, not wanting that the few couples around you understood what you two talked about.
“I hope I do, because you do that to me for a fucking long time now”, it was more of an unsteady growl, the words slurry from the alcohol in his tall body. You opened your mouth to question his drunken sentence as Jungkook leaned down to press his pink lips harshly on yours, suffocating you with his warm mouth. A second, a simple, fucking second and he was able to occupy your mind fully, turning your sober mind into a drunken one. Drunk from him, his presence, his lips, his fragrance..
You wanted him more than anything, but not like that hence you shoved him away with all your might, his legs wobbling till he found a steady pose not to fall. Heavy breathing your eyes shot wide, mouth agape ere you shook your head with furrowed brows.
“Don’t do that, Jungkook. You’re my best friend and I don’t w-want to change that..” Liar.
“You want to kiss Namjoon, but not me?”, his voice got louder, almost shouting at you, the other people’s heads darting in your direction. One step after the other he came closer, taking you by the arms to lean down again, stopping right over your mouth. The strong smell of different alcohols mixed with his cologne, his breath hitting your face. “Why?” All rage out of his voice he whispered that word desperately, aching, longing. The situation escalated too fast..
“S-stop it..”, your voice nothing more than a whiff you closed your eyes, ready to feel his lips on yours as he was suddenly shoved off of you. His body hit the ground at the abrupt movement of Namjoon’s hands pulling him away by his leather jacket’s sleeves, his tipsy legs not holding him any longer. Jungkook’s eyes got wide and so did yours as you saw Namjoon, his bony fingers pushing your body behind his, protecting him from the boy on the ground.
“Dude, accept your limits”, Namjoon sounded calm, but you sensed the tension in his bones as he crouched down next to his friend to help him up. “I didn’t want to push you that hard, sorry, dude. Come here”, he held out his hand, but instead of grabbing it Jungkook smacked it away like he did inside the partying room.
“Don’t give me that shit and get your hands off of her”, fire left his mouth as he shoved Namjoon away to stand up with wobbling legs. Then reached out for you, but you didn’t dare to choose between two friends as to why you shook your head, holding your hands up.
“Stop it guys, I’m going home.”
Sighing Jungkook grabbed your upper arm to spin you around, but you had enough. His brown eyes tried to sooth you with a puppy view, but your skin was made of stone, not letting his glance get through to you, lull you into coping with a drunken mess and his tipsy friend who was seemingly angry with his younger mate. “I said leave me the fuck alone! Both of you. If you’re sober we can talk and Namjoon, get away from him, he’s drunk and wants to mess with you.” Shaking off his cold hand you stormed back inside to get your things and leave before one of the boys dared to follow you. Raging you reached your car, started the engine to get away from the young man who let your heart rate increase with his stupid, drunken actions. The situation was a blur, too fast and way too intense to deal with late at night. Maybe tomorrow or in a few days you had to look for a decent conversation with both of them, but not now.
Angry with the turn of events you opened your front door, sinking to the ground with your face buried in your hands, already knowing the answer to your problem without having talked with one of them..
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Hanigram AU / Broken Heart (Part Two)
Paring: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham Plot: Lecter. Hannibal Lecter. Agent 007 of the MI6, with the license to kill, a playboy and the only person that can save the world from the “Red Dragon”. But to archive that he has to work together with, Will Graham, whose heart he broke years ago. JamesBond!AU Warning: Violence Words: 1128 Part One
A/N: Here is the next part! Hope you all like it!! (And I aware of how bad the “flirting” is! XD)
Before Hannibal left to meet Will in Paris, he visited Q one last time, getting a few gadgets that could be useful for the mission, even though for now he only had to talk. Talk with his ex, if they even were a thing. The whole Will Graham story was really complicated and Hannibal wasn’t proud of how it ended. It was the first time he really thought about staying. But that was no possibility.
He was an agent and had duties.
The flight to Paris wasn't that long and Hannibal was glad that he could instantly get his car, to drive to the hotel.
Like always the hotel he stayed at was expensive, just the way he liked it. Good food, comfortable beds, and wonderful view. So it would always kinda feel like a vacation and not work.
But Hannibal hadn't much time to stay there, before he had to get ready, for the meeting with Will.
Even though he would never admit it, Hannibal Lecter was a little nervous, thinking about it.
Of course, that sounded out of character, but Will hadn't been a usual fling since day one. Will Graham was an exception.
But not anymore. All that was in the past!
Hannibal arrived at the restaurant a few minute before Will.
The agent sat down on their table, looking through the menu, debating if he should eat or not. Hannibal had always loved good food, so why shouldn't he take this opportunity.
He was still holding up the menu when someone was taking a seat on the other chair.
"Are you the agent."
And there he was, Will Graham, Hannibal would notice that voice anywhere.
"I am." Slowly the agent lowered the menu, revealing himself to the other, whose face showed pure shock.
After the shock had passed, anger took over.
"Are you kidding me?"
"So you still remember me, Will?"
"The question should be the other way round. You even know my name." Will scoffed not believing this situation.
"Of course I remember your name."
"I wasn't sure after you left that day. I figured what we had couldn’t have been that important to you."
Hannibal understood that the other man felt that way, and he couldn't apologize. This mission wasn’t about his past. saving the world was more important for now.
"Look, Will. I'm not here for that."
"The really send you out of all agents."
"I'm the best."
“You definitely don’t lack confidence.” Will sad, but with no hint humour in his voice.
"I..." Hannibal was about to say something but Will cut him off.
"Before I talk one more word with you I need some alcohol in my system. Waiter!" He called out and quickly a waiter appeared.
"A vodka martini, shaken not stirred, for him..." Before Will could finish Hannibal was the one to cut him off midsentence this time.
"And some good old whiskey for the other gentleman."
Will stopped the waiter, who was about to leave.
"No. The >other gentleman< wants some red wine. One glass of your Merlot, please."
The waiter looked a little confused but then he left without asking any questions.
Hannibal looked frowned at the other's behaviours but kept his mouth shut, exactly what Will intended.
They sat in silence until their drinks arrived.
"Okay, look Hannibal. Let's get over with this as quick as possible."
Hannibal nodded.
The agent tried to focus on the other, but he couldn't stop the feeling of discomfort. Something was wrong here.
While Hannibal had already taken a sip, Will hadn't touched his drink.
But he was about to drink too.
"Stop." A few guest turned to look at them when Hannibal shouted louder than he intended to.
Will looked like froze. He didn't stop the agent when he took the glass inspecting the liquor.
"Something off?"
"Let me check this!"
Hannibal still had some of the small paper strips in his suit pocket. He got them from Q a while ago.
He put a small drop of the whine on the paper, which quickly turned black.
"What?" Will asked, looking over the table, trying to figure what the other was doing.
"Your drink is poisoned."
"Oh..." Will didn't know how to answer, he knew that he put himself in danger, when he volunteered to give information to the MI6. But that someone wanted to poison him in public was still a shocker.
"What about your drink?" There was a worry inside the younger, which he wanted to ban in the last corner of his mind, but it remained. Hannibal had already drunken, what if the drink was poisoned too.
The agent did the same with his vodka martini, waiting for the results.
Will's heart fell when he saw the other's shocked expression.
"Shit...I'll call the ambulance!" Will's voice was shaking and he reached for his phone when he saw a smirk on Hannibal's face.
"It's really cute how worried you got."
Will could have killed the other for that stunt when he looked at the paper strip, no black dot.
"Are you serious!"
Hannibal only chuckled.
"But we should better get out of here, who knows how many more plans they have to kill you."
Will stood next to Hannibal outside the restaurant, after they made sure that the wine, was discarded.
The younger enjoyed the fresh air, closing his eyes for a moment.
Hannibal looked at him the whole time, taking in the other's face. Will hadn't really changed, he still seemed to be the same.
"We better go to my hotel."
"What?" Will shot the older a death glare.
"I'm not coming to your hotel, those times are gone."
"It's for our safety!" Will wanted to complain, tell the other that he was able to survive alone. But the events in the restaurant showed something else.
"Okay...Fuck…I hope you have a second bed."
Will said feeling defeated and tricked by his fate.
"Don't worry we don't have to do anything inappropriate." Hannibal took the lead to his car. "Except you want to!?"
They arrived at the hotel and went to Hannibal's room, where a bottle campaign was already waiting for them.
Will rolled his eyes when he saw it. Hannibal hadn't changed a bit.
The younger observed the expensive room. Like in the good old days.
"Do you still sleep with a gun under your pillow?" He asked genuinely interested.
"We could get in my bed and find out."
Will winced at Hannibal's words.
"Okay, maybe I'll just tell you what I know about Francis Dolarhyde."
"Yeah, you're right. First work, then pleasure!"
But the second part wasn‘t working like Hannibal had thought. Which surprised the agent.
People were never able to refuse his charms, especially not Will Graham.
Maybe he did change!
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attractive-asshole · 7 years
perfect's for the urgent (baby I want forever)
pairing: sebaek, side!chansoo length: chaptered(ongoing) rating: pg13 genre: fluff, romance, humor, fakedating!au,college!au a/n: trying to write another chaptered fic so not sure how many more chapters there’ll be & haven’t written in a while so my writing’s a little rusty. also, unbetaed. 
baekhyun's a self-proclaimed expert matchmaker on his way to change his best friend's life and he just so happens to need sehun's help along the way (even if it kills him).
AFF / AO3 / LJ  or read under the cut below
Chapter 1
Baekhyun took pride in being the world’s best matchmaker, though his friends would call it meddling in people’s business.
He didn’t know, some of his classmates wouldn’t have relationships right now if it weren’t him.
He was just a natural born cupid, he thought.
Junmyeon and Kris had been crushing on each other since high school, both too afraid to say anything and now they were in a happy relationship and they owed it all to Baekhyun- he made sure they never forgot it.
Hyejeong didn’t even know Jongdae existed before Baekhyun arranged for them to ‘accidentally run into each other’ and now they were close to celebrating their two year anniversary.
If that isn’t good, he doesn’t know what is.
Not everyone was open to his services though, one of them being Kyungsoo.
The thing about Kyungsoo was that he was not one to fall for people often, so when he did, he fell hard.
Kyungsoo had only been in one serious relationship in the eleven years Baekhyun knew him and it didn’t end so well to say the least. Kyungsoo has refused to crush (or admit to having one) on anyone ever since.
He and Baekhyun had been best friends since elementary school and Baekhyun knew him like the back of his hand. That being said, he could tell when Kyungsoo was lying about 90 percent of the time.
“I do not like Chanyeol.”
Baekhyun didn’t know Kyungsoo even bothered, he could obviously tell the other was very much so in denial about his feelings.
He had seen the way they look each other in class and around campus whenever they would run into each other.
“Are you sure, Soo?”
The other didn’t take his eyes off the page of his book as he listened to his friend.
“You’ve been asking me this for past week and my answer hasn’t changed,” he deadpanned, “so yes, Baekhyun, I’m sure.”
Baekhyun narrowed his eyes as he leaned back against the wall. “You know I can tell when you’re lying right?”
“No idea what you’re talking about,” Kyungsoo muttered under his breath.
The other sighed, “You know it’ll all be easier if you’d just stop denying it and let me help you.”
Kyungsoo immediately shut his book close, shooting his best friend a glare. “If you even try to pull that crap you did to Junmyeon and Jongdae, I’ll stab you in you sleep.”
Baekhyun groaned and fell back onto his bed after Kyungsoo left their dorm, probably to go vent to Jongdae about him.
Baekhyun hated his english class. Three hours of reading and writing and his boring professor? No thanks. But the absolute worst part of that class was definitely Oh Sehun.
They had known each other since high school, Baekhyun had hated Sehun since high school. He didn’t have a specific reason; Sehun wasn’t an asshole ex that cheated on him or broke his heart.
He was just an asshole.
Sehun was one of the best players on the basketball team and he sure as hell was not afraid to let anyone know. He was disgustingly flirty and full of himself; Baekhyun had never someone so arrogant and obnoxious before in his life.
He met him during practice one day when he was stopping by to give Kris his phone after he left it behind in class.
“Hey uh- do you know where Kris is?”
Sehun looked up at the cute boy in front of him before smirking and shifting his attention back to putting on his sneakers.
Baekhyun waited for the taller to continue and impatiently tapped his foot against the wooden floors when he didn’t.
“So can you tell me where he is?”
“That depends.”
Baekhyun scoffed, “On what?”
The other abruptly stood up, a little too close to Baekhyun’s liking. He had to take a step back, Sehun’s height surprising him a bit.
“On whether or not you’ll give me your number.”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, fighting back the urge to kick the other in the balls. “Wow...I can’t believe you actually go around saying things like that,” he sneered, “And aren’t you that guy Joohyun’s dating?”
Sehun shrugged, “We aren’t exclusive.”
Just before Baekhyun was about to tell Sehun he’d rather get punched in the face before dating someone like him, he heard someone call out his name.
“Hey Baek, Kyungsoo said you have my phone?
“Yeah, here,” the shorter angrily mumbled.
“Thanks and oh this is Sehun, coach says he got a lot of talent. Sehun this is Baek, we go way back.”
“We’ve met.” A small smirk pulled at the corner of Sehun’s lips as he winked at the shorter.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, muttering a ‘whatever’ under his breath before leaving the gym.  
“Sehun, we need to talk.”
The taller let himself get pulled away from his friends by the other. He leaned onto the wall, a smirk forming on his face as he looked Baekhyun.
“I knew you’d eventually come running to me.”
The shorter scoffed, slapping Sehun upside the head with his notebook and checked their surroundings to make sure his best friend wasn’t anywhere around. “As if. Look, I know Chanyeol likes Kyungsoo.”
Sehun’s brows furrowed, leaning in closer to hear the other’s whispering better. “So? Everyone knows.”
“Yeah everyone except Kyungsoo and I know that Kyungsoo likes Chanyeol too.”
“Wait he told you that?”
Baekhyun bit his lip, scratching the back of his head as he looked up at the taller.  “I mean, not exactly.”
“What do you mean not exactly.” Sehun raised a brow at him. “Did he hint at it somehow?” Sehun didn’t know why he asked, he knew that Kyungsoo probably did no such thing and that Baekhyun was probably exaggerating, as per usual.
The shorter brushed him off with a swift wave of his hand, shaking his head. “That’s besides the point, the point is that I wanna set them up and as much as I would hate to say it,” he sighed, “I need your help.”
“Oh god, you’re doing that match-making thing you always do.” Sehun crossed his arms and scoffed. “I thought Junmyeon-hyung told you to stop doing that?”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, wondered why everyone doubted his skills when he was clearly an experiment in the relationship/love department (even if he was single and hadn’t dated anyone since middle school, but that’s besides the point).
“Oh please, he never would’ve talked to Kris if it weren’t for me getting them together.”
The taller still looked reluctant and as much as Baekhyun wanted to tell him to shove it and leave, he already had concocted the perfect plan and that plan involved Sehun.
“Look are you gonna help me or not? Don’t you want your best friend to be happy?”
A frustrated sigh left Sehun’s lips as he combed his fingers through his hair. “Why do want them together so bad? What’s in it for you?”
“Nothing!” he hissed, “Unlike you, I’m just a good person and I want to see my best friend happy. He may have everyone else fooled, but I know he likes Chanyeol.”
“Ugh fine, but if we get caught the blame’s all on you. Now what’s your plan?”
December had always been Baekhyun’s favorite time of year.
He loved the cold weather and the snow, though the downside is that the coffee shop he frequented was always packed this time of year which meant less room for him.
It was a Friday night when he found himself struggling to find a table because his usual seat had been taken by some couple practically eating each other’s faces.
He looked around, searching for an empty table when the owner waved at him and pointed out that there was an empty one in the corner.
Baekhyun gave her a wide smile and mouthed ‘thank you’ before dragging his heavy backpack to the seat.
Why did he waited ‘til the last minute to do his psychology reading, he didn’t know, but he hated himself for it.  
He reached inside his bag to pull out his heavy psych textbook and reluctantly opened it up to begin reading.
It was all going fine until he suddenly heard a familiar- and subtly angry- voice speak to him.
“What are you up to, you idiot?”
Baekhyun slowly lowered his book, giving his best puppy dog eyes and batting his lashes.
“What are you talking about, Soo?”
His best friend narrowed his eyes at him.
“Don’t give me that ‘I’m innocent’ crap, you’ve been acting suspicious lately. Always trying to hide your phone from me whenever you get a text, since when did we ever hide anything from each other?”
Baekhyun cursed Kyungsoo for knowing him so well; this is what knowing someone for eleven years will get you, he thought.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He quickly got up from the table to avoid further investigation and casually strolled over to the barista to order his usual. He saw Kyungsoo walking toward him from his peripheral and tried to think of lie to tell him so that his master plan wouldn’t be over before it even started.
“Junmyeon told me he saw you with Sehun the other day.” The other’s voice trailed off, eyes focused on Baekhyun as if waiting for him to crack. “Since when are you ever willing to talk to Sehun, you can’t stand him.”
The tapping of Kyungsoo’s fingers on the counter almost drove Baekhyun insane as he wracked his brain for a believable story.
“Says who?” he retorted, trying to buy himself time.
“Says you!” Kyungsoo exclaimed. “You literally complain about him all time about how he’s an obnoxious and cocky playboy, don’t you even try to deny it. Baek I swear if you’re trying to hook me up with Chanyeol I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Well things change and pft not everything’s about you, Soo,” Baekhyun scoffed and quickly grabbed his drink from the barista so that he could get back to their table.
Kyungsoo followed after him, raising his eyebrows in suspicion at the other’s claim. “What do you mean things change? So what, you like Sehun now?”
“Yes, yes I do.” He practically had to force himself to say that. The thought of him ever liking Sehun made him him to puke. “We’ve been going out for a couple weeks now, thank you very much!”
“You’re such a fucking liar. You’ve told me yourself that you would rather die than go out with him. We both know he’s a dick and that he flirts with anything that breathes and even if it were true, why would you be hiding it from me for so long?”
“I told you, things change! And I didn’t want to tell you until things got serious because I knew you’d never approve.”
Kyungsoo stared at him, obviously trying to catch any signs that he was lying. Baekhyun tried his best to stay calm and keep a straight face.
“So you’re being serious, you and Sehun are actually dating.”
It sounded more like statement than a question.
“Yes, he’s changed. I think he really likes me and I really like him!”
Kyungsoo didn’t look too convinced yet, but he chose to let it go, at least for the time being.
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@mreyes1994​ requested Genma for the Character Ask.  Here you go!
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First impression Is that the coughing guy?  Didn’t the coughing guy die?  No it can’t be, because Ichigo* wasn’t voicing the coughing guy.  Ok, so different guy.  Seems very deep.  Kinda philosophical.  Would probably make a good mentor.  I like him. *i watched the dub, and the voice actor is the same one who voices Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach.
Impression now Is it hot in here or is it just Genma?  Definitly a character I would have liked to see more of.  There are such subtle allusions to his shared past with other amazing characters; he was on Team Chouza with Gai and Ebisu (and why are they not shown being friends i thought people were tight with their genin teammates? PLUS GAI---HE WOULD NEVER STAND FOR THIS LACK OF FRIENDSHIP) and he was on the Yondaime’s Hokage Guard Platoon (he’s 3 years older than Kakashi, meaning he was 17 when Minato died, and therefore learned the Hiraishin as a 15/16 year old.  How is he only a Tokubestu Jounin?  Yes, he needs to be with Raido and Iwashi to do it but still that’s badass).  I feel like Kishi and SP just kind of threw Genma in there when they needed an adult somewhere, or else they wouldn’t have given him so many random qualifications.  Genma has been around, and no, I’m not talking about his sex life.
Favourite moment When Shikaku starts the mental connection with Genma to inform him that Madara was brought back to life with Edo Tensei, and Shikaku is like “I have something to tell you, and it’s super important that I convey it to you quickly, so don’t ask questions.” and Genma agrees, so Shikaku starts again, “Marada has been reanimated with Edo Tensei---” and then Genma just can’t help but interrupt.  Repeatedly.  And makes jokes.  I love it.
Idea for a story I’ve actually always wanted to write a story which gets deep into Genma’s character.  Not this playboy bs, background character nonsense.  It could have a pairing, idk, maybe with Shizune, or Ino, or maybe even an OC, idk.  Ok, it’s a romance now (I love love, ok, sue me pleasedon’tsueme).  But in the story, it’s not just about wooing or getting the pair together, it explores Genma’s past, and his relationship with the main cast, and fleshes out all these details of his life.  And we see so many other characters in it.  Raido and Iwashi feature in it a lot, of course.  I’ll make it Post Fourth War, too, and maybe Kakashi is Hokage (because I love him leave me alone).  We get to see Genma’s friendship with GAI (omg this makes me so happy to think about...look what you made me do) and also his relationship with Ebisu (you can’t tell me that Genma doesn’t tease Ebisu about being a closet pervert like, all the time. Even you must know it’s true).  We get to see them comforting Chouza after the loss of Shikaku and Inoichi (and why yes, the flashbacks to their time on team Chouza will be plentiful) and maybe even see Genma with Chouji, sharing stories about his dad and the antics they all used to get up to.
Unpopular opinion I don’t know where people got the idea that Genma is a perverted player.  The series never even shows him flirting.  So why does he have a reputation of chasing after every warm body on two legs?  Is it because he’s attractive?  Is it the senbon?  Is it the bandanna?  I don’t get it.  And I don’t see him that way.  
My initial impression of Genma was that he was a deep thinker, and I hold on to that.  Sure, he’s got the reputation of being kind of a jokester (although with words less than with actions---he’s not going around playing pranks, I can’t see that happening) but that just means he’s playful.  
Playfulness can be expressed in many different ways, and yes, flirting is one of them.  But there’s a difference between being a flirt and constantly trying to get into people’s pants.  I don’t see Genma as one of those dudes at the bar trying to get his dick wet.  I think it’s more the case of---in casual conversations---if Genma sees an opening to make a crack at someone, or flirt, or joke, then he just goes for it.  He has a smart mouth (and ass, too lol).  His personality in conjunction with his looks very well could attract all sorts of people, but I don’t think his intention for making those types of quips/flirting is to have sex with them, or even grab a date.  
That Genma has a reputation in fanon as having dated every available kunoichi and/or shinobi honesty just seems to me like an easy plot device that strips Genma of who he is.  Like, ‘I wasn’t sure what to write/I wanted to make [character] jealous, so here’s Genma conveniently popping up at a bar to hit on one half of the main love interest.’  Which would be a totally great plot device if Genma was actually interested in the character he was flirting with, and we got an actual love triangle (and all that drama) or even some OT3 action (I never say no to poly relationships lol).  That would be great.  But he’s usually just written flatly, and he becomes a device and not a person/character.  It doesn’t do him justice, and Genma deserves better.  Say it with me now:
Genma deserves better!
I also don’t understand why, although clearly receiving signalled or verbal disinterest, Genma is always feeling people up.  I sincerely doubt that Genma cannot respect boundaries.  And if he wanted to check someone out, Genma is a ninja, and a great one.  He could totally sneak a peek without the person (who was made uncomfortable by his looking) noticing.  He’s not a creep.  He does not commonly engage in sexual harassment---I actually think he would be super mindful of people’s boundaries.  I think he’s very intuitive, and maybe even highly empathetic.  Not necessarily sympathetic (although I do think he has the capacity for it), but definitely able to understand other people’s emotions, often just from body language.  
That’s not to say that I don’t think he could develop a rapport with certain people, involving constant flirting or blatantly checking the other out, featuring wolf-whistling and cheeky comments, and maybe even a touch or two (he’d be that friend who always puts his arm around your waist and gets a little close, with hands that drift a little too low).  But that’s only if he knew the other person well enough to know they’d be fine with it.  And it would be a specific type of relationship, not just his default reaction to everyone.  
The fanon reputation he has is a discredit to his character.  It makes him so one dimensional, and cheapens what would otherwise be a dynamic and interesting character.  He is connected to so many people in the shinobi world; he’s in the periphery of almost every character.  And sure, maybe Kishimoto just didn’t want to draw another jounin, so Genma, Raido, and Iwashi just pop up when convenient.  But by whatever reason, he has all these connections, and they would be so interesting to explore.  
Along with being connected to Minato (who needs his own post, or we’d be here forever) Genma’s also connected to Gai and Ebisu and Chouza, and he probably had to work with Shikaku because of being around the Hokage (and Shikaku is obviously familiar with him).
Then there’s the fact that Genma has guarded three Hokage before the end of the war, and then presumably two more after the war---the man has been with FIVE HOKAGE.  In charge of PROTECTING them.  That alone makes him so interesting, regardless of everything else.  The things he must have seen, the plots he must have listened in on, the jobs he’s probably had to do, as someone the Hokage (past and present) trust implicitly.  And he’s just a Tokubestu Jounin?  WITH THE HIRAISHIN???  I don’t believe it.  
There’s something up with Genma, and while I don’t know what it is, I want to know.  Why can’t stories focus on that side of Genma, instead of reducing him to a playboy?  
Favorite relationship This is difficult, because Genma is so sidelined that you don’t see him interact much with the other characters.  You really only see him with Raidou, and sometimes Iwashi, so they win by default.  But honestly, I’m super interested in all of Genma’s many hinted at relationships, most notably his relationship with Minato.  I wonder how he came into the position (and Raido and Iwashi, too---Iwashi being chuunin, of all things, this doesn’t make sense, why is a chuunin guarding the Hokage?).  I think that Genma is the sort of person who loves relationships.  He’s the guy who can’t be alone. He doesn’t care if you’re reading at the kitchen table while he makes dinner, so long as you hmm along every once in a while.  Although he’s also probably an amazing conversationalist.  I want to have philosophical discussions with Genma on life and love and what sorts of pumpkin dishes are basic and which are shinobi acceptable (the answer: they’re all exceptional shinobi dishes, sibi---stop eating my soup!).
Favorite headcanon I’m going to get a little inappropriate with this.  But, Genma has an oral fixation if you know what I mean, and he knows his way around more than just a senbon...
This got super long holy shit.  I have a lot to say about Genma!  If you missed it, this post inspired a fic!
Here is the ask.  Send me a character (canon or oc) or even a pairing.  Up next is Hidan, and then Adult!Obito, Rock Lee, and Ino.
Already completed: Madara, Kakashi, Shino, Tenzou, Gai
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