#Exclusive AC Replacement Offers
acesandocs · 3 months
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Finally a fic that includes a cannon character. In this case Viktor, its an exploration of what Viktor thinks of Ace and is written from his perspective. It also discusses his reaction to Ace's gender identity which he has a somewhat reductive view of. I wrote what i think would be the most likely reaction from him considering his age and the environment he grew up in. The story takes place after Ace started working for Atlas but before Atlas died. Ace presented exclusively masculine at this point.
Also thanks so much to @ahhhh-118 for beta reading for me and helping me come up with some ideas for the title card!
Content Warning: mentions of gun violence, serious injury, blood and drugs (medical painkillers)
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What the hell was he thinking! Just running in like that, stupid kid. Viktor spared quick glances over to Ace in the passenger seat. He’d slumped to the side and was leaning on the car door window now. Don’t worry just drive. Why was he worried in the first place. He was just some idiot kid he’d been saddled with for the night. It was initially just supposed to be him and Mordecai, but the tuxedo cat had gotten caught up in some other business he had to finish. So the kid had been sent with him as a replacement. He just needed some extra muscle anyway so this would be easy, but apparently not. They'd been ambushed on the side of the road. He’d just let the him out of his sight for a second but suddenly he was right in the middle of all the gunfire. The kid was lucky one bullet was the worst he got. He even tried to wave it off like it wasn't a big deal
‘’Jus’ drop me off at the cafe, I’ll be fine’’ Is what he said.
It was almost tempting. This isn't how Viktor wanted to spend the rest of his afternoon. But if he couldn't trust the kid not to run into open gunfire he knew he probably wouldn't be able to get medical help on his own. Viktor pulled up to what he thought was Ace’s apartment building.
‘’Which is- ‘’
Viktor said as he looked over just to see Ace fiddling with the door handle. He managed to grab the back of his shirt before he could face plant out the door. Once the Slovak managed to get the boy safely back in his seat, he grabbed a coat from the back and got out muttering a foreign curse ot two while quickly making his way to the other side of the car.
‘’Apartment number’’ he said sporting one of his infamous glares.
‘’…407‘’ Ace coughed out.
Viktor offered him a shoulder to lean on but he refused. Why was he so stubborn about this. Ace was usually overly familiar him. He sighed and handed Ace the coat. The kid wrapped it around himself, making sure to cover any signs of his injury. It was almost comical how big it looked on him. Hopefully his neighbors would just think he was drunk, the way he stumbled up to the elevator. With the push of some buttons and a metallic whine they were on their way up. By now Viktor could see the kid was struggling to stand up. As the doors opened he hooked his arm under the smaller cats shoulder.
‘’I said I can-‘’
‘’Now is not time for whining.‘’
The kid grumbled but relented. They made it into the apartment without much trouble. Viktor let Ace down the nearest chair.
‘’Keep pressure on it. I will go call doktor.’’
Ace only nodded. Viktor supposed he was to tired to refuse the help at this point.
A quick call and half an hour later Ace was being seen to by one of Atlas’ on-call medics. They tended to work odd hours usually having to be available to tend to his personnel at any time. Viktor stayed in the kitchen as the older woman worked. It were three rooms in total a bedroom a bathroom and the main entrance room that was also a kitchen. The apartment was competently furnished albeit almost everything was miss-matched. Just the plates sitting in the sink were different colors and materials. The only unusual piece of furniture in the apartment was a almost pristine sewing machine and table. A few shelves hung on the wall in front of it with a robust selection of threads, ribbons and other textile accessories Viktor couldn't name. And a bigger box of fabrics sat underneath the table next to a small stool, that was presumably pulled out when the machine was in use.
Viktors ears twitch as he heard the doctors footsteps exit the bedroom ‘’I removed the bullet, dressed up the wound and gave her some pain killers. I’m about 83% sure the bullet didn't hit anything vital but if she starts spitting blood call me back up.’’ She said with a huff wiping the sweat from her brow with her sleeve.
‘’Yeah you know, in there‘’ gesturing to the room behind them with her thumb.
Viktor blinked a few times brown furrowing in confusion, he opened his mouth about to counter her but the doctor interrupted him seeming to be in a hurry.
‘’She’s stable for now but you should still monitor her. I have a few more stops to make tonight but if she gets worse ill probably be able to make time to come back… probably’’ And with that she was out the door
Viktor stood in the kitchen for a moment contemplating the medic's words. He peaked into the bedroom and he saw Ace lying on the bed near the window wearing a pair of pajamas while his old bloody clothes slung over a the back of a chair, along with what looked some old bandages. It was much clearer to see now that the medic had not been lying.
He retreated back to the kitchen slumping down on by the table as he furrowed his brows. He had always thought there was something off about the kid. He looked remarkably young for a man of 20 and his voice was light and raspy. He could have just been lying about his age. Viktor had raised the the thought to Atlas once but was assured he didn't need to worry about it. He tried not to think about it, he wouldn't be the only teenager in this line of work thats for sure and besides he or she? Had always done their job well for the most part. And it wasn't really any of his business. He had enough to worry about. But he couldn't stop wondering why. why was she here, doing this job. why was she pretending to be a man. Didn't she have a family or something.
He was brought out of his thoughts by a loud thump. Like someone had dropped a sack of potatoes on the ground. Peeking back into the bed room there he was sprawled out on the floor the tip of his tail swishing quickly back and forth in frustration. H-she was trying to push herself up from the ground but couldn't quite manage before it became to painful. Lying on her side holding her ribs, her eyes looked bleary as she noticed Vikor reaching down for her. Viktor gently lifted her up and placed her on her bed. He was about to stand up and leave when a weak hand gripped his forearm.
‘’Jeg vil ikke være alene… jeg er redd’’
He gently tried to shake her off but she was persistent
‘’Nei … morfar…’’
She was completely out of it. Slurring her words and sniffling? He’d never seen her cry. He’d never really seen her show any other strong emotion than erratic glee.
‘’Kan du lukke vinduet?’’
She limply gestured towards the open window to the left. He looked back at her and she seemed almost scared of it. He slowly made his way over and closed it, it seemed to make her more at ease. Victor slowly made his way to the door but was interrupted again
‘’Ikke dra fra meg!’’
She was openly crying now and reaching for him. He sighed and pulled up a chair and sat beside her. She relaxed back into bed.
‘’Kan du synge noe?’’
He thinks she was asking a question by the tone.
‘’Sleep naov, ask later.’’
She looked at him for moment but eventually responded
‘’Det går fint. Så lenge du ikke drar.’’
She closed her eyes and rested her hands between the pillow and her head. She almost looked like a child. Sighing as he looked out the window he though he’d keep an eye on her for a few hours before leaving, and maybe he could confront her about I tomorrow. Then again he didn't wasn't to deal with whatever drama that might cause. He should probably just act like it didn't happen. Maybe he could push her to quit, she had to just have run away from home right. He’d just have to get her to run back. But what if hse didnt have anywhere to run back to, he tried not to dwell on it. This wasn't a place fro her. Åse grunted as she shifted on the bed, her wound clearly bothering her. She looked pitiful.
‘’No place…’’ he muttered softly
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A translation of Ace's dialoug at the end:
‘’Jeg vil ikke være alene… jeg er redd’’ - ''I don't want to be alone… I'm scared.''
‘’Nei … morfar…’’ - ''No… Grandpa…''
‘’Kan du lukke vinduet?’’ - ''Can you close the window?''
‘’Ikke dra fra meg!’’ - ''Don't leave me!''
‘’Kan du synge noe?’’ - ''Can you sing something?''
‘’Det går fint. Så lenge du ikke drar.’’ - ''It's fine. As long as you don't leave.''
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Authors note: Ive mentioned before that Viktor reminds Ace of his grandpa. They have the have the same body type and bright red fur. And while being very sweet to his family, Ace's grandpa could be similarly grumpy and quiet to other people. In Ace's pain killer addled mind he probably remembered some time in his childhood when his grandpa took care of him when he was sick and confused Viktor for him. Aces grandpa was also liked to sing, which is why Ace makes that request.
I imagine Aces grandpa sounding like Alf Prøysen who is a Norwegian musician among other things. He is probably best remeberd today for the children's music and books he wrote. There are some reference's to his songs and stories in the title card.
I hope i managed to catch all the spelling mistakes and fix up any weird wording lol.
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propenseverbosity · 4 months
Gale with an Ace!Tav (Part 2)
[Part 1]
Still thinking about Gale with an Ace!Tav.
After their night together, intertwining their spirits in the weave, Tav is elated to fall asleep in Gale's tent rather than their own. Being with him in the weave was strangely satisfying, in a way. They had no idea magic could do such a thing. And if it was something that Gale enjoyed as much as 'the old ways', then as far as Tav was concerned, everything was perfect.
They make their relationship official the next morning. Many grueling days in the shadow-cursed lands often left him with very little magic to spare, but Tav assured him they were delighted to simply enjoy his company. Their nights spend reading together and falling asleep in each others arms were just as important to them as the ones spent in the astral form. He becomes the one silver lining in their otherwise bleak endeavor.
One such night, after reaching the city and finding the Annals of Karsus as Gale requested, they return to the Astral Plane. This time, in a rowboat meant to bring peace and comfort, instead of passion and satisfaction.
Gale lays everything out plainly before him. His desire to claim the crown and become the best version of himself. The version that Tav deserves.
They try their best to convince him he doesn't need to become a God to earn their admiration, but Gale disagrees. If he was already enough for them, then why have they never spent the night together outside of the astral form?
Several emotions come crashing down around Tav at once when they realize their mistake. Keeping the truth from Gale had only made him feel unworthy. He felt that he had no choice but to 'wow' them, rather than woo them.
All this time, Tav thought they needed to find a compromise to hide their true feelings, while Gale had been trying to impress them with his mastery of the weave to hide his own.
If there was ever a time to tell him, this was it.
Taking both of his hands, Tav offers their explanation. Gale isn't exactly familiar with the concept of asexuality, but he's nothing if not open to learning new things.
He listens patiently as they explain the reason why their relationship has been strictly romantic, and why their previous 'encounters' had been exclusively incorporeal. They explain how he is already enough, and apologize for not telling him sooner.
All of Gale's thoughts of godhood are replaced with shock and surprise from their mutual misunderstanding. In turn, he explains his own feelings on the subject, all but outright stating that his relationship with Mystra was also incorporeal, and he feared Tav's eventual rejection in much the same way.
"I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I promise, you're more to me than magic, Gale. You're already everything I need you to be."
He finally understands. The calm of the astral sea is nothing compared to the relief they each feel in their hearts.
All Tav can do is smile, and kiss him.
Come what may of their adventure, at least they still have Gale.
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haootia · 2 years
The Truth About Activated Charcoal
You may have seen a post going around warning people to avoid foods colored with activated charcoal because it can interfere with certain medications. This is well-meaning advice, but the facts about what activated charcoal actually does have been muddled. FIRST: Activated charcoal only affects the gastrointestinal tract. That means:
If you take long-acting birth control via injection, or have a birth control implant, activated charcoal will not interfere with that medication. AC can only interfere with birth control that is taken orally, i.e., the pill.
If you take hormones via injection, or by applying it to your skin (as a gel, dermal patch, et cetera), activated charcoal will not interfere with that medication. 
If you take insulin via injection or a subcutaneous pump, activated charcoal will not interfere with that medication. 
Activated charcoal works exclusively within the gastrointestinal tract. It adsorbs (different from absorbs) chemicals that are dissolved into liquid form and which the AC makes direct, physical contact with. It cannot affect anything that doesn't go through the gastrointestinal tract! Medications (or drugs, or poisons) that you take as injections, inhalants, vaginal suppositories, and/or topical treatments cannot be affected by activated charcoal.
SECOND: Even if you take your medication orally (or through a tube that enters the stomach or intestines, or as a rectal suppository) it may not be chemically able to be adsorbed by AC. Activated charcoal does not significantly affect:
Metals (incl. lithium; iron, calcium, or zinc supplements)
Electrolytes (incl. magnesium, sodium, or potassium supplements)
Furthermore, AC loses effectiveness if taken more than one hour after a substance is ingested, and even with very high doses or delayed-release drugs, four hours is the limit for it to be considered to have any clinical effect at all. If you take medication (or drugs) more than four hours prior to ingesting AC, the vast majority of the chemical will have already been absorbed through the stomach/intestinal lining and into the bloodstream before the AC has a chance to reach it.
Also, this is considering activated charcoal at maximum pharmacological efficacy -- at the strength it is used in emergency rooms. Charcoal purchased at craft or food supply stores, or online, may not be nearly as potent as the medical-grade stuff hospitals use to treat poisoning. It may not be "activated" at all! Activated charcoal is made through a special process of heating charcoal in high-temperature, low-oxygen environments and then mixing it with other chemicals to eliminate any remaining contaminants. It's very likely that the "activated charcoal" on store shelves is just normal charcoal, aka "burnt plant material." 
There are other reasons not to use AC as a food additive (constipation, teeth staining, dehydration) but it will not magically render all your medications null and void, and it certainly won't "flush out" hormone replacement therapy -- even if it inhibits your body's absorption of oral HRT medications like estradiol, it absolutely will not affect any hormones that have already entered your bloodstream. Consider that people have never worried about AC interfering with natively-produced hormones. There is no mechanism by which activated charcoal, or any substance, can differentiate between which hormones your body made on its own and which ones were taken as HRT. Again: activated charcoal does not have any effect on hormone levels in the blood. It is entirely limited to the gastrointestinal tract.
Please try and take a moment to fact-check any post you see that makes any claim about medication interactions, contraindications, overdoses, or side effects. Even if the post seems to be offering well-meaning "better safe than sorry" advice, this is a serious, delicate subject, and misinformation about medicine can have disastrous consequences (I'm looking at you, horse dewormer)
The main source of this information is this article from StatPearls. Information about potential side effects of activated charcoal consumption comes from this article by INTEGRIS.
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dostanddost · 7 months
Ashok Leyland Small Commercial Vehicle Service Center in Madurai
Title: Elevating Service Excellence: Dost and Dost Auto Care, Your Ashok Leyland Small Commercial Vehicle Service Center in Madurai
Introduction: Ashok Leyland Small Commercial Vehicles (SCVs) are renowned for their robust performance, fuel efficiency, and versatility, making them indispensable for various businesses and individuals across Madurai and surrounding areas. However, like any other vehicle, Ashok Leyland SCVs require regular maintenance and servicing to ensure optimal performance and reliability. For owners of Ashok Leyland SCVs in Madurai, Dost and Dost Auto Care emerges as a trusted service center specializing in the maintenance and repair of Ashok Leyland SCVs.
Comprehensive Maintenance and Repair Services: Located conveniently in Madurai, Dost and Dost Auto Care is a reputable auto service center equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of skilled technicians specializing in Ashok Leyland SCVs. At Dost and Dost Auto Care, we understand the unique needs of Ashok Leyland SCV owners and offer a comprehensive range of maintenance and repair services tailored to keep their vehicles running smoothly and efficiently.
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Routine maintenance is essential for prolonging the lifespan and ensuring the reliability of Ashok Leyland SCVs. Dost and Dost Auto Care offers comprehensive maintenance packages that include oil changes, filter replacements, fluid top-ups, brake inspections, tire rotations, and overall vehicle inspections. Our experienced technicians conduct thorough inspections and use genuine Ashok Leyland parts to ensure that your SCV receives the care it deserves.
In addition to routine maintenance, Dost and Dost Auto Care specializes in diagnosing and repairing any mechanical or electrical issues that may arise with Ashok Leyland SCVs. Whether it's engine repairs, transmission services, brake repairs, suspension adjustments, or electrical system diagnostics, our technicians have the expertise and tools to address a wide range of issues and ensure your SCV is restored to optimal performance.
Genuine Parts and Components: At Dost and Dost Auto Care, we understand the importance of using genuine parts and components when servicing Ashok Leyland SCVs. As an authorized service center, we exclusively use genuine Ashok Leyland parts and components in all repairs and replacements. By using genuine parts, Ashok Leyland SCV owners can have peace of mind knowing that their vehicles are being serviced with components specifically designed to meet the manufacturer's standards for quality, reliability, and performance.
Value-Added Services: In addition to maintenance and repairs, Dost and Dost Auto Care offers value-added services to enhance the overall ownership experience for Ashok Leyland SCV owners. These services may include vehicle detailing, interior cleaning, wheel alignment, AC servicing, battery testing, and more, aimed at keeping your SCV looking and performing its best on the road.
Customer Satisfaction and Convenience: At Dost and Dost Auto Care, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to provide exceptional service and ensure that every Ashok Leyland SCV owner leaves our service center completely satisfied with the quality of our work. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have, and we offer flexible appointment scheduling, transparent pricing, and efficient turnaround times for all services.
In conclusion, Dost and Dost Auto Care stands as a premier service center for Ashok Leyland Small Commercial Vehicles in Madurai, offering comprehensive maintenance and repair services, genuine parts and components, value-added services, and a commitment to customer satisfaction and convenience. With our expertise, dedication, and state-of-the-art facilities, Dost and Dost Auto Care is your trusted partner in keeping your Ashok Leyland SCV running smoothly and reliably for years to come.
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Maximize Your HVAC System’s Lifespan: Tips from HVAC Contractors
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Your HVAC system is an important fixture that makes your home comfortable. Therefore, it is essential that it has a long lifespan and can operate optimally for a long time. To ensure HVAC longevity, homeowners must maintain a regular maintenance schedule.
Additionally, essential HVAC components like the air conditioner and heater must be given priority repair status to ensure your home’s temperature is always comfortable. Another aspect of prolonging the lifespan of your system is ensuring it is primed for seasonal changes.
You also reduce wear and tear by increasing energy efficiency.
Table of Contents
The Importance of HVAC System Longevity
Regular Maintenance: Essential for Prolonging Your HVAC System's Lifespan
1. Cleaning and Changing the Air Filters
2. Cleaning the Coils
3. Check Refrigerant Levels
4. Inspect Electrical Connections
5. Check Thermostat Settings
Air Conditioner and Heating Repair: Essential for System Health
1. Health Implications
2. Preventing Major Electrical and Technical Issues
3. Safety Concerns
4. Energy Efficiency
Seasonal Preparations: Getting Ready for Peak Seasons
1. Hire a HVAC Professional Services Company
2. Clean or Replace Air Filters
3. Adjust Thermostat Settings
4. Insulate and Seal
5. Check and Clean the Outdoor Unit
Energy Efficiency: Tips to Reduce Wear and Tear
1. Use an Appropriately Sized System
2. Explore Other Heating and Cooling Options
3. Use a Smart Thermostat
4. Inspect Your Ducts
5. Regular Maintenance
Call the Professionals for Help
HVAC longevity is a concern for all homeowners, but do you know that you can maximize the lifespan of your system just by scheduling regular maintenance with an HVAC contractor?
Klondike Air offers exclusive tips on extending the life of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system while minimizing costs. We also provide a free whole-home health, safety, and comfort inspection for first-time callers and have our Gold Club for ongoing maintenance to ensure your system is always operating at full capacity.
This article breaks down HVAC maintenance, including heating and AC repair, essentials for regular maintenance, seasonal preparations for your ventilation systems, and how to ensure energy efficiency.
Let’s begin.
The Importance of HVAC System Longevity
A long-lasting HVAC system is essential for many reasons, the biggest of which is cost savings. The average HVAC system can last 10 to 15 years with regular maintenance. During this period, you won’t have to spend much on replacing specific components, repairs, or outright replacement of the entire system.
The following are the importance of HVAC longevity:
Cost saving:using your HVAC system for a long time helps you save on repair, replacements, and energy bills.
Comfort:a better-maintained system translates into more comfortable temperature regulation and comfort in your home. A long-lasting HVAC system will also give you peace of mind against sudden breakdowns.
Enhanced energy efficiency:HVAC system longevity ensures better energy optimization and efficiency. If you use a smart thermostat, the system already knows your preferences and can better regulate temperature while minimizing energy bills.
Air quality:When your HVAC system is long-lived, you can be assured of the quality of air delivered to your home. Extended use easily translates into trust.
Regular Maintenance: Essential for Prolonging Your HVAC System's Lifespan
Like every other electrical and mechanical system, your HVAC system requires regular maintenance to function optimally and have a long lifespan. The following are tips to maximize your HVAC system’s lifespan:
1. Cleaning and Changing the Air Filters
Air filters are essential to the workings of your HVAC system. However, due to their location, they can be slowed down by dust, debris, pet hair, and more. When this happens, your HVAC system will require more power to work properly, which will increase energy bills and cause wear and tear, which may later lead to major technical problems.
While cleaning the air filters is relatively easy, you need the services of a professional HVAC contractor to change the filters and ensure they’re working properly. While changing the filters, the technician will inspect other areas and discover minor issues before they escalate.
2. Cleaning the Coils
The evaporator and condenser coils are critical HVAC components but can quickly accumulate dust and debris, affecting optimal performance.
If your coils are allowed to accumulate dust and dirt with proper maintenance, it might lead to costly repairs or complete replacement of the component. You can prevent this by employing an HVAC professional to carry out regular maintenance.
3. Check Refrigerant Levels
Refrigerant levels play a crucial role in the proper performance of your HVAC system. If your refrigerator is low, your HVAC system will work harder and use more energy, increasing energy bills.
Scheduling regular maintenance allows you to top off your refrigerant level before it gets too low. The technician will also check for refrigerant leaks and fix other issues to prevent unnecessary wear and tear.
4. Inspect Electrical Connections
Electrical components should be regularly inspected for loose connections and faulty wiring. Faulty electrical connections can decrease the efficiency of your HVAC system and are also a safety hazard, significantly impacting your HVAC longevity.
You should hire a technician or HVAC contractor for regular electrical maintenance, including checking capacitors, contactors, and relays for signs of wear and tear.
5. Check Thermostat Settings
You should always check your thermostat setting to ensure the calibration is active and your HVAC system is not overworking. Some thermostats offer programmable schedules for increasing energy efficiency, which will also increase the lifespan of your HVAC system.
You should also invest in smart thermostats because they offer remote control and advanced technology functions.
Air Conditioner and Heating Repair: Essential for System Health
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Regarding faulty air conditioners and heaters, some homeowners might be tempted to delay repairs, especially if the systems are still operational. However, if the repairs are delayed further, minor issues might become significant problems and affect your system’s health.
Here are some of the reasons why heating and AC repair is essential:
1. Health Implications
One reason to repair faulty air conditioners and heaters is that they optimize home air quality. When you refuse to fix a malfunctioning heater or air conditioner, you risk your home’s air quality.
Dust, mold spores, and pollen will not be adequately filtered, which may aggravate asthma symptoms and other health complications. However, when you ensure repairs are done on time, you’ll not only have quality air in your home but also increase the lifespan of your HVAC system.
2. Preventing Major Electrical and Technical Issues
Failing to repair your air conditioner and heater can exacerbate minor issues, making them unmanageable and needing significant repairs. For instance, failing to clean air filters may cause your air conditioner to stop blowing air or bring dust into your home, necessitating substantial replacements.
Other minor system issues may require a comprehensive overhaul and huge costs.
3. Safety Concerns
Beyond comfort and cost issues, regular maintenance and repairs of your heating and air conditioning systems can help you discover critical safety malfunctions. Issues like poor electrical connections or wiring can be found and fixed on time.
Additionally, heaters powered by natural gas, propane, and fuel oil can pose a significant fire hazard if they are not properly maintained.
4. Energy Efficiency
Your heating and air conditioning systems need energy to work efficiently. However, when they are not properly maintained, they consume more energy, which increases your costs. Components that can reduce energy efficiency include dirty air filters and coils, low refrigerants, poor insulation, and more.
Seasonal Preparations: Getting Ready for Peak Seasons
As the season changes, your HVAC system must be primed to handle the upcoming weather conditions. Neglecting seasonal preparations can lead to the breakdown of your system, expensive repair bills, or inefficient energy usage. The following tips will help you get your Orange County home ready for the coming season:
1. Hire a HVAC Professional Services Company
You should always get a professional HVAC contractor to inspect your system settings and calibration. A certified technician will review the entire system extensively and fix any issues that arise.
2. Clean or Replace Air Filters
Dirty or clogged air filters will affect the quality of air coming through your home and the efficiency of your HVAC unit. For optimal performance, you should either clean or replace your air filters before the start of any season.
3. Adjust Thermostat Settings
To maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, you should constantly adjust your thermostat settings according to the season. You should also consider investing in programmable or smart thermostats, which make it easy for you to adjust the temperature and ensure energy efficiency.
4. Insulate and Seal
Proper insulation and sealing will ensure your home’s temperature stays comfortable. Before the start of the season, you should have a professional HVAC contractor review your home insulation and offer recommendations to prevent heat and cool air from escaping.
5. Check and Clean the Outdoor Unit
The outdoor unit of your HVAC system can quickly accumulate dirt, dust, and debris, affecting its efficiency over time. Excessive accumulation can lead to eventual breakdown. To prevent this, you should regularly check and clear the area around the outdoor unit.
Energy Efficiency: Tips to Reduce Wear and Tear
The most minor wear and tear occurs every time you turn on your HVAC system. And when the little problems accumulate, your system consumes more energy to operate optimally. However, you can improve energy efficiency and increase your HVAC longevity with these tips:
1. Use an Appropriately Sized System
The first tip to being energy efficient is ensuring that your HVAC system is fit to handle your home’s needs. If the system is too small or too large, it will consume too much energy and accumulate wear and tear quickly.
So, before choosing an HVAC system for your home, involve your contractor for better options.
2. Explore Other Heating and Cooling Options
Giving your HVAC system a rest is a straightforward way to reduce energy consumption and wear and tear. You should explore alternative options like fans in the summer and extra blankets or a fireplace in the winter.
Exploring other options will increase the lifespan of your HVAC system and help you save on energy bills.
3. Use a Smart Thermostat
A smart thermostat will minimize energy use while ensuring a comfortable temperature in your home. It is equipped with intelligent learning and remote control features, making it easy to achieve energy efficiency.
4. Inspect Your Ducts
Ducts are the method for cool and hot air reaching your home. However, when these ducts are clogged or dirty, they will resist performing their function, which will force your HVAC system to work harder and consume more energy. If this dirt accumulates, the HVAC system will eventually stop working until repairs are made.
5. Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance is a comprehensive servicing of your HVAC system. With regular maintenance schedules, minor issues can be discovered and fixed before they become significant problems. This will reduce wear and tear and also increase your HVAC longevity.
Call the Professionals for Help
The plan to maximize the lifespan of your HVAC system starts with a comprehensive review of your system and regular maintenance. While homeowners can easily carry out some of this maintenance, other aspects require professional handling.
Don’t wait for your HVAC system to break down before calling a professional for help. Klondike Air operates in Orange County and larger California. Contact us now for HVAC repairs and maintenance.
With proper maintenance, your HVAC system can last more than ten years, giving you ample time to save up for a better upgrade. However, you need a professional HVAC contractor to ensure minor fixes are handled appropriately to guarantee HVAC longevity.
Klondike Air is certified across all brands and has over 30 years of experience helping homeowners in Orange County maximize the lifespan of the HVAC system. Contact Klondike Air now for affordable repairs.
This blog was originally published at https://klondikeair.com/tips-to-maximize-your-hvac-systems-lifespan/
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coolandgoodvibes · 2 months
Communication Guru TJ Walker Unveils Groundbreaking “Interactive Video Clone” to Revolutionize Global Training
Delray Beach, FL — August 6, 2024 — TJWalker.ai, a pioneer in artificial intelligence video cloning technology, proudly announces the launch of the world’s first interactive video digital clone coach designed to help individuals enhance their communication skills. This revolutionary technology features a digital video clone of renowned communication expert TJ Walker, available 24/7 for personalized coaching sessions. Access the digital clone at [TJ Walker AI](https://www.delphi.ai/tjwalker/video).
Introducing TJ Walker AI: A New Era in Coaching
TJ Walker AI transcends the traditional boundaries of artificial intelligence, offering a unique one-on-one coaching experience. Unlike standard AI bots or audio digital clones, this digital video clone provides lifelike interactions and personalized responses tailored to individual needs.
Breaking New Ground in Digital Interaction
The TJ Walker AI digital clone is poised to transform the landscape of communication coaching through several key technological advancements:
- Advanced Integration: Leveraging cutting-edge video technology, TJ Walker AI delivers real-time responsiveness, including facial recognition and natural language processing, enabling the video clone to interact in a manner that closely mimics TJ Walker’s behavior and mannerisms.
“This technology revolutionizes communication coaching and tutoring, making one-on-one sessions available at scale around the world. This is bigger than Gutenberg’s printing press and the internet itself when it comes to the advancement of communication,” said TJ Walker, founder of TJWalker.ai. “It’s like having a digital platform that amplifies the impact of my work, enabling me to reach individuals across the globe who are eager to elevate their lives.”
A Revolutionary Approach to Communication Coaching
The TJ Walker AI clone focuses exclusively on improving communication skills, including public speaking, media training, presentation skills, and job interview skills. Beyond simply answering questions, the clone can also conduct simulated mock interview sessions, providing a comprehensive and interactive coaching experience.
In a notable development in the field of communication training, TJ Walker, an internationally renowned expert with over 2 million students across 7 continents, has introduced a digital clone of himself. This innovative technology leverages AI to create a virtual version of Walker that can interact with and train millions of people simultaneously — a first in communication training.
“We’re not just thinking outside the box here; we’ve obliterated the box entirely,” Walker said with his trademark enthusiasm.
“Our goal is to help 100 million people become better communicators, both at work and in life. With this clone, we can reach and teach on a scale that was previously unimaginable.”
This digital doppelganger captures Walker’s expertise, charisma, and unique teaching style, making it possible for learners worldwide to benefit from his insights and techniques as if he were right there with them. It’s like having a personal TJ Walker in your pocket, ready to help you nail that presentation or ace that interview at a moment’s notice.
The implications of this breakthrough are staggering. Imagine millions of people around the globe, all improving their communication skills at the same time, guided by one of the world’s foremost experts in the field. It’s not just a step forward; it’s a giant leap for communication training.
“This isn’t about replacing human interaction,” Walker clarified. “It’s about amplifying our ability to reach and teach. We’re democratizing access to top-tier communication training in a way that’s never been possible before.”
The launch of TJ Walker’s digital clone marks a pivotal moment in the world of personal and professional development. It’s a bold move that promises to transform how we think about and approach communication training on a global scale.
About TJ Walker
TJ Walker is a world-renowned communication coach, entrepreneur, and innovator in digital cloning technology. With over three decades of experience, TJ has trained executives, politicians, and thought leaders worldwide. Walker has created more than 200 online communication and personal development skills courses and has more than 2 million online students from more than 197 countries. He is the founder of TJWalker.ai, a company dedicated to leveraging AI to enhance personal development and communication skills. Both TJ Walker and his video clone are available for live media interviews, together or separately.
The TJ Walker AI digital clone is now live and accessible to everyone. To experience this innovative coaching tool, visit [TJ Walker AI](https://www.delphi.ai/tjwalker/video).
About TJWalker.ai
TJWalker.ai is at the forefront of developing AI-driven solutions for communication and personal development. Founded by TJ Walker, a world-renowned communication coach, the company aims to leverage cutting-edge technology to make expert coaching available to individuals worldwide. TJWalker.ai utilizes technology from the platform Delphi.ai.
For Media Inquiries:
TJ Walker
Founder, TJWalker.ai
Phone: +1.917.204.9490
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carcility · 2 months
Beat the Heat with Carcility Car Summer Offers
Get 20% Off on Car AC Services
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Beat the heat with our AC service special.
Get 20% off on a comprehensive AC checkup that includes:
System check
Compressor check
Filter change and cleaning
Leak detection
Gas refill or top-up
Keep your car cool and comfortable all summer long. Book your appointment today at www.carcility.com!
*Offer valid until 31st August 2024. Terms and conditions apply.
Get 10% OFF on Car Detailing Services
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Transform your vehicle with our premium car detailing services and enjoy 10% OFF! This exclusive offer includes:
Ceramic Coating: Protect your car's paint and enhance its shine.
Window Tinting: Improve privacy and reduce glare.
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Wrapping: Customize your car's look with high-quality wraps.
Upholstery Services: Refresh and protect your car's interior. Hurry, offer valid till August 31, 2024! Book now at www.carcility.com.
Best Summer Offers: Get Up to 50% Off Tyre Deals
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Enjoy Great savings on Tyre Services Until August 31st!
Upgrade your ride with our exclusive tyre care package. Avail up to 50% off on selected services:
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Don't miss out on this limited-time offer! Book your appointment now at www.carcility.com.
Save Up to 30% on Battery Services
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Keep your car running smoothly with our battery service special. Enjoy discounts on:
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Don't let a dead battery ruin your day. Take advantage of these amazing savings today at www.carcility.com!
*Offer valid until 31st August 2024. Terms and conditions apply.
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yoyik456 · 4 months
Yoyik offer Large gear (left and right rotation) YOT46-508-01-01(03) for power station
Yoyik offer Large gear (left and right rotation) YOT46-508-01-01(03) for power station is an exclusive product for power units offered by Yoyik. Dongfang Yoyik Engineering Co., Ltd mainly provides hydraulic components, spare parts of power units, mechanical parts processing and so on. We have spare parts, components, replacements for generators, boiler, turbines and hydroturbines. Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-Large gear (left and right rotation) YOT46-508-01-01(03)-DF hydraulic oil 80AYZ-70 electric oil pump 150LY-23-B ac vacuum pump P-1264 motor universal coupling PVH074R01AA10A250000002001AB010A fluid transfer pump Y180M-2/22KW/IP44 pressure hose SMS-15/N1/4-1829mm-B water pump 65-250 twin screw pump HSNH440-46NZ EH oil pump outlet unloading valve rpgc-lav pressure hose S100-AC-AC-500 (G1/4) hydraulic screw pump SMH80R42E6.7W21 radial piston pump PVH098R01AJ30A250000002001AB010A pump screw NM063BT01L06V rotor ring 65-250C Gate valve Z41H-40 DN150 pressure hose SMS-12/15-1305-B radial piston pump hydraulic A10VS0100DRS/32R-VPB12N00 radial piston pump hydraulic PD060PC02SRS5AC00E1200000 shaft seal mechanical 104-45 vacuum oil pump P-1916 O-ring C8689099 pressure hose S100-AC-AC-0125 piston pump parts PVH74QIC-RSF-1S-10-C25-31 Hexagon tube plug Q/D9403 NPT1 1/2 relief valve 98H sleeve 1-23-35162-552 mechanical rubber seal G50 centrifugal pump prices 65-250 manual vacuum pump P-1836 sealing oil floater tank float valve FY-40 mechanical seals 10014CH1-5008 rotary vane vacuum pump F3-SV10-1P5P-00 fluid transfer pump 3Gr70×2 piston plunger pump PVHD74R01AA10A250000001ABO1OA sealing ring HB4-56J8-55 solenoid valve 4WE6Y62/CG24N9K4 Large gear (left and right rotation) YOT46-508-01-01(03) Cartridge valve for Pressure relief valve LC25DR40E-6X chemical pump centrifugal YCZ50-250A twin screw pump 3G80*6GR40 Globe valve J61Y/DN125/PN4.0 oil transfer electric pump YW80-50-250XL bearing bush 3 108 (88/100 (130) pressure hose SMS-20-1829mm-C mechanical seal DFB100-65-230 piston pumps PVH740ICRSF-IS-10-1 By-pass valve HC3402A3-17 electric transfer oil pump 50SDZLJ-50 jacking oil pump R15.3-15.3-15-15.3A piston pump PVH098R01A250000002001AB010A solenoid valve A3701/0504/802 solenoid valve 8327B001 centrifugal pumps head DFB125-80-250 centrifugal pump working CZ65-250A O ring HY.SO.0051.V butterfly valve K125D0F4PB3 dc screw pump HSNH80-27 vacuum pump ac 2S-185 oil change pump 125LY-40-B oil transfer gear pump HSNH120-46 sealing ring HB4-56J8-130 piston vacuum pump PVM098ER09GS02AAA28000000A0A RELIEF VALVE DB15G-2-L5X/5U/2 vacuum pump parts M02225.0BGCC1D1.5A vacuum pump 265v P-2332 Solenoid valve DBW10B-2-5X/100U6AG24NK4 burgmann mechanical seal BGM37G/50R-G9 Circulating pump F3-20V (M)-5A (M)-C-22-R radial piston pump hydraulic PVH98QIC-RSM-1S-10-C25-31 globe valve HY-SHV6.01Z trip globe valve SHV6 hydraulic vane pump F3-SDV10-1B7B-1A water pump YCZ65-250A Large gear (left and right rotation) YOT46-508-01-01(03) DFYLSYC-2024-6-3-A
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alhadiacrepair · 4 months
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By: imran khattak
No Comments
Al Barari in Dubai is synonymous with luxury living, featuring lush greenery, exclusive residences, and modern amenities. A fully functional air conditioning system is essential to maintain the comfort and luxury of your home in this beautiful community. Al Hadi AC Repair & Maintenance Services Sharjah offers top-notch AC repair services in Al Barari Dubai to ensure your cooling systems operate efficiently and effectively. This guide will detail the importance of professional AC repair, our range of services, and why you should choose us for all your AC repair needs.
Helpful Tips to Undertake Professional AC Repair
Ensures Comfort
A spoiled AC system can spoil your comfort, and that matters more in the scorching hot summer in Dubai. Expert repair services make sure the appeals are fixed promptly and effectively, thus preserving the convenience of your homes.
Prevents Further Damage
Any issues that are not dealt with can spiral into bigger disasters and ultimately cause more extensive damage that might require comprehensive rehabilitation to be made. Addressing most of these concerns requires professional repair services, which will help prevent small problems from developing into big concerns.
Improves Energy Efficiency
A bad AC system causes the system to consume more electricity to cool the entire house hence making the electricity bills high. If your unit is experiencing some issues, you should seek to repair it since doing this can help to return it to its best state and thereby minimize the energy that it uses and the money that you have to spend.
Extends Lifespan
AC maintenance can therefore be carried out more often to reduce the frequency of how often a repair is needed. This is because, by addressing some issues at one time, it is possible to elongate the life span of your computer system as it can last for many years.
Professional and Affordable AC Repair Services Provider in Al Barari
Diagnosis and Troubleshooting
Purchase Validating the Diagnosis of AC Issues Another important aspect of diagnosing is to make sure that you identify the actual problem that you are dealing with. Another concern is that always sometimes, repairs are not capable of resolving different problems if troubleshooting is not done appropriately.
At Commodore, skilled technicians make the best effort to diagnose your AC system issues effectively. This means that the damages being worked on have to be exact and specific, hitting the heart of the issues as much as possible.
Refrigerant Leak Repair
Most of the refrigerants used in air conditioning equipment if leaked may greatly reduce the cooling capacity of your AC unit and can be detrimental to the atmosphere.
We identify damaged areas and fix them by sealing any cracks that may have developed through which the refrigerant is leaking, and then we recharge the refrigerant to the appropriate level and check whether the cooling system is working efficiently or not. This service assistances in the restoration of efficiency and cooling ability of your equipment.
Thermostat Repair and Replacement
If the thermostat is not functioning properly then the temperature could fluctuate and instead of cooling down the room, it will make the room warmer which is not desirable, and the bonus feature of course is that the bills become even higher.
Circulating oil is used to regulate temperature and we either inspect or replace the faulty thermostat or have it repaired. This in turn helps better the efficiency and the comfort of using your AC system.
Electrical Component Repair
Therefore, poor electrical parts may trigger a system failure and become a potential source of danger. Electrical components are one of those crucial elements that need to be protected from destructive external factors as their reliability is directly connected with the safety of the electricity distribution network and influences the overall infrastructural efficiency.
Some of the electrical works that we do include checking of wirings, testing and sometimes fixing of capacitors, and checking of circuit boards. A meticulous check by our technicians guarantees electrical components’ correct functioning thus minimizing system failure.
Compressor Repair and Replacement
The compressor may be considered the “heart” of your air conditioning system because it is one of the most important components for its proper functioning. This means that your AC unit cannot cool your home enough if it does not work properly.
Specifically, we identify any problem in the compressor and in case of repairs, we fix it; in the case of replacements, we replace it. Our technicians make sure if the issues are with the compressor and if so, then gets it repaired so your system can cool again.
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Why Choose Al Hadi AC Repair & Maintenance Services Sharjah?
Experienced Technicians
The technicians who join our team possess a high level of qualification and relevant experience in AC repair. This extensive information assists in eradicating your AC problems in the right way and as early as possible.
Customer Satisfaction
In our Al Hadi AC Repair & Maintenance Services Sharjah, we also focus on ensuring that the customer is satisfied. These tips will help create good relationships between the clients as well as provide the best service possible.
Transparent Pricing
To ensure that clients are charged fairly, we provide affordable and accessible, vying for our services with exclusive hidden charges. We manage upfront prices to provide you with honest and transparent service delivery and thus depend on.
Reliable Service
We want you to know that we value time, so we pay a lot of attention to timely performance. So when you agree to have your automobile mechanics repaired by us, be sure you will be attended to at the agreed time and your car repaired the soonest.
The process of scheduling AC repair services in Al Barari is quite easy if you follow these outlined steps.
Contact Us
To schedule an appointment with us, you can call, email, or contact us through our online form on our website Al Hadi AC Repair & Maintenance Services Sharjah. If you would like to receive more information or schedule services, you can contact our customer service at any time.
I can talk to the customer and explain the situation with the AC and arrange the time necessary for the technicians to come. In our work, we aim at flexibility so that our clients do not have to waste time coming to our premises or looking for us.
Service Execution
We shall dispatch competent personnel to your premises at the agreed time to; diagnose the problem and or do fixing. To uphold the durability of our products, we employ the best quality parts and materials, tools, and equipment.
Post-Service Support
At the end of our repair session, we offer guidance on how you can keep your AC unit in good shape through maintenance tips and suggestions. Our team is always ready for any follow-up questions or concerns we might have at any time.
Benefits of Regular AC Repair Services in Al Barari Dubai
Cost Savings
Maintenance is essential since it enables one to have frequent checks on the components in their systems in order to make necessary repairs before breakdowns occur. Catching minor issues early on prevents big troubles later that cost more to fix.
Enhanced Comfort
A properly maintained and well-repaired AC helps support the cooling needs of a home, whether at the beginning of summer or the height of the season.
Healthier Environment
Routine maintenance can reduce the accumulation of dirt, fungi, or dust on the air-conditioning equipment and thus enhance healthy living standards indoors.
Increased Reliability
Preventive maintenance cuts down the odds of failure, thus ensuring your AC unit works when you need it most, thereby averting inconveniences.Share:
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How to Avoid Pigeon Droppings on Your Outdoor AC Unit with Pigeon Nets
Pigeon droppings on your outdoor air conditioning (AC) unit can be a troublesome issue, affecting its efficiency and appearance. Fortunately, using pigeon nets can provide an effective solution to keep your AC unit clean and functioning optimally. Here, we'll explore the problem of pigeon droppings on AC units, and their consequences, and detail the solutions that pigeon nets offer.
The problem of pigeon droppings on AC units Pigeons in Air Conditioning Unit – Videos
Pigeons living on outdoor unit of AC | Pigeon birds relaxing
The Problem: Pigeon Droppings on AC Units
Pigeons are notorious for roosting on outdoor structures, and AC units provide them with an ideal spot. The consequences of pigeon droppings on AC units can be numerous and include:
Decreased Efficiency: Pigeon droppings can clog AC unit components, such as the condenser coils and fans, reducing the unit's efficiency. This leads to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills.
Corrosion and Damage: Pigeon droppings are acidic and can corrode the metal components of the AC unit over time. This corrosion can lead to costly repairs or even the need for AC replacement.
Health Hazards: Pigeon droppings can carry diseases and parasites, posing health risks to humans. The presence of pigeons near AC units can lead to contaminated air circulation, potentially affecting the health of building occupants.
Aesthetics: Pigeon droppings are unsightly and can mar the appearance of your AC unit and the surrounding area. This can be a concern for both homeowners and businesses.
The Solution: Pigeon Nets for AC Units
1. Pigeon Net Installation:
Pigeon nets, also known as bird exclusion nets, are a highly effective solution. They are durable, lightweight, and made from weather-resistant materials.
Professional installation is recommended to ensure the nets are securely attached to the AC unit and surrounding structures. This prevents pigeons from accessing the unit.
2. Physical Barrier:
Pigeon nets create a physical barrier that prevents pigeons from landing and roosting on the AC unit. This, in turn, eliminates the problem of pigeon droppings.
3. Safe and Non-Harmful:
Pigeon nets are a humane and non-lethal solution to the pigeon problem. They deter pigeons without causing harm to the birds.
4. Aesthetic Considerations:
Pigeon nets are available in various colors and designs to match the aesthetics of your property. They can blend seamlessly with the surroundings.
5. Low Maintenance:
Pigeon nets require minimal maintenance. Periodic inspections to ensure the nets remain in good condition and cleaning, if necessary, can help prolong their effectiveness.
6. Long-lasting Solution:
When properly installed and maintained, pigeon nets can provide long-lasting protection for your AC unit, ensuring its optimal performance and extending its lifespan.
Benefits After Installation:
The pigeon netting effectively prevents pigeons from accessing your outdoor AC unit, keeping it clean and functioning optimally.
Maintenance of the netting ensures long-lasting protection against pigeon-related problems.
Your AC unit will operate efficiently, reducing the risk of damage and health hazards associated with pigeon droppings.
The process of removing and reinstalling these nets is straightforward and convenient.
Pigeon droppings on outdoor AC units can lead to a range of problems, from decreased efficiency to health hazards. Pigeon nets offer a practical and humane solution to this issue by creating a physical barrier that deters pigeons from roosting on the unit. Professional installation and regular maintenance of these nets can help keep your AC unit clean, efficient, and free from the problems associated with pigeon droppings. Make the wise choice to protect your AC unit with pigeon nets and enjoy a more comfortable and efficient cooling system.
Contact Deepthi Safety Nets, Chennai's leading bird netting team, today for expert bird net installation services. https://deepthisafetynetschennai.com/
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thirdlatestnews612 · 1 year
HVAC replacement 07/23
Having trouble with your HVAC system can be super annoying, right? Dealing with finding reliable technicians, scheduling appointments, and unexpected breakdowns can cause so much stress. But don't worry, we got you covered! After Hours Heating & Cooling is here for you!
With over 15 years of experience, we proudly offer our exceptional HVAC maintenance membership tailored to your needs. Choosing us means getting top-notch assistance that you truly deserve. Whether you need HVAC replacement, maintenance membership, furnace repair, AC repair services, or any other job, count on us!
Say goodbye to the worry of costly repairs and unexpected breakdowns by entrusting your HVAC system's care to After Hours Heating & Cooling in Ooltewah, TN. With our exclusive heating and AC maintenance membership, you'll enjoy exclusive benefits, expert assistance, and exceptional customer service.
Contact us today and become a relaxed homeowner with After Hours Heating & Cooling!
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latestnews612 · 1 year
AC repair services 07/23
Don't worry, we understand how frustrating it can be when your HVAC system acts up. Dealing with finding reliable technicians, scheduling appointments, and unexpected breakdowns can be a hassle. But fear not! After Hours Heating & Cooling is here to help.
With our 15 years of experience, we proudly offer our exceptional HVAC maintenance membership tailored to your needs. Choose us for top-notch assistance with HVAC replacement, maintenance membership, furnace repair, AC repair services, and more!
Find peace of mind by entrusting your HVAC system to After Hours Heating & Cooling in Ooltewah, TN. Our exclusive heating and AC maintenance membership ensures you are protected from costly repairs and unexpected breakdowns. Sign up today for exclusive benefits, expert assistance, and exceptional customer service.
Don't stress, be a relaxed homeowner! Contact us now to learn more about how After Hours Heating & Cooling can help you.
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robinsarm · 3 years
So, what if the killer realms offered more than just a home for killers and trial space?? What would they hold? Some DBD headcanons that I haven’t really seen before. Do tag me if this has been done but I just wanted to make my own list. 
(For reference, I’m not replacing the canon bloodweb, I just thought, “what if the survivors/killers weren’t getting enough from their bloodwebs?”)
Macmillan Estates: Bog Laurels and Sweet Williams (Objective and Boldness offerings) At first, Trapper was very protective of the plants. He didn’t want the survivors to get more bloodpoints for being annoying. It used to be a whole separate trial endeavor to get even one sachet before Trapper noticed they were there. However, as time has gone on and more killers have gotten on Trapper’s bad side, he’s been more open to handing over the boldness offerings. The survivors know that if he offers them up personally, he wants them to act as shitty as possible to a specific killer (It’s usually aimed at Legion or Freddy)
Autohaven Wreckers: Toolboxes and add-ons galore Much like Trapper, Wraith didn’t really like his stuff stolen at first. Generators were hard enough to counter as it was, he didn’t need to give them a boost. For a long time, Wraith would stay cloaked amongst a decent pile of toolboxes and wait for the survivors to show up, then run them off. It was only when Jake showed up one time, with a burlap bag of bloodpoints, and offered it for a few items did Wraith finally begin to loosen up. Now, it’s a tradition to show new survivors Autohaven first so they can meet Wraith and learn that they can buy toolbox stuff from him.
Coldwind Farms: Primrose Blossoms (Altruism offerings) The fact that Hillbilly, the killer having endured the worst abuse of the killers, guards the empathy offering is a sick, cruel irony from the Entity itself. Hillbilly doesn’t notice the flowers very often, but when he does it’s usually because a survivor is in the process of taking them. Hillbilly is Wraith’s feelings about stealing x1000. There is no convincing him. The only way to get the offerings from the killer is to take them when he’s in a trial. The survivors have tried the bloodpoint trick with Hillbilly too, but he’s never gone for the offer. 
Crotus Prenn Asylum: Shrouds Each shroud offering has its own distinct color that doesn’t blend with the gray land of the burnt asylum or decrepit chapel at all. They take some searching to find, but always manage to be in places that none of the survivors expect. One such shroud, Vigo’s, was in a burning barrel, completely unharmed. David can’t say the same for his hand since he was the one who retrieved it. Nurse doesn’t care if survivors show up to collect a few of the fabric pieces. She doesn’t believe it makes a difference in the long run. Clown would probably care if he wasn’t constantly passed out, drunk or otherwise, in between each trial.
Haddonfield: Crispleaf Amaranth (Survival offerings) Good luck getting one of these past Michael. Good luck living long enough to find one. Another bit of irony from the Entity, trying to survive long enough to get this offering is near impossible. In order to have a chance, the survivors need to bring 4+ of their teammates to distract Michael long enough to look. Michael’s not dumb though. The killer will usually find all the offerings first and defends them like a silent snake.
Léry’s Memorial Institute: Batteries That’s not a joke. The survivors haven’t been able to find anything other than batteries. In hindsight, it makes a bit of sense being how electricity-dependent the realm is. But, that doesn’t mean the survivors don’t hope for a medkit or anything else like they’d expect. Feng is really the only one that goes to get more of the flashlight addon. Not once has she come back with anything less than an armful of batteries.
Backwater Swamp: The Wards (Black/White/Sacrificial) Backwater was the first realm to have both survivors and killers actively trying to retrieve the offerings. There’s a catch though. Unlike other realms, where multiple of the add-on or offering appear at a time, only one of the three wards appear per Entity day. If it’s a black ward, the killers are actively fighting to get it before the survivors can. If the survivors get the black ward, they’ll just destroy it later. It’s vice versa when dealing with white wards. If it’s a sacrificial ward, one of two things happens: either both parties are too disappointed to even go for it, or it’s a complete bloodbath - neither side is safe if that’s the case.
Red Forest: Medkits and their add-ons Another bit of Entity’s humorous irony, medkits are surprisingly abundant on these maps. However, the Huntress and Plague both guard them like hawks. Huntress will actually plant medkits and alluring add-ons in high enough spots to make the survivors struggle reaching for them. It gives her ample time to ready a hatchet and practice throwing. Plague doesn’t like the styptic bottles, so those are the things that don’t usually leave her realm. Survivors can get away with a bandage here and there, but usually end up using it on the way back to the fire.
Springwood: Reagents No one really cares enough to go to Badham to retrieve reagents. No one wants to deal with Freddy; survivor and killer alike. The only memorable time that someone went of their own free will was when Julie and Susie wanted to. They actually approached the survivor camp asking for help because they didn’t want to go up against the burnt pedo being just the two of them. Some agreements were shared and David, Jeff, and Quentin ended up helping the girls. Julie and Susie got enough clear reagents to last them for months and the boys got a few good punches in; Quentin actually managing to break the killer’s jaw in the process.
Gideon Meat Plant: Blueprints The Game used to offer nothing, so nobody went. It was only when the blueprint offerings were introduced, and Pig seemed to be offering them quite a bit, did the survivors begin to get suspicious. Felix was the one to recognize the offering first when he was searching with a group. Much like the wards, only one blueprint appears per Entity day; it’s not as much of a fight for them, however.
Yamaoka Estate: The Oaks (Putrid/Rotten/Moldy/Petrified) This offering is prevalent and has to be snapped off the surrounding trees. Killers frequent this realm more than the survivors do. There was one time when Adam and Yui both went to retrieve some Petrified Oak for the group and found not 3, not 4, but 5 killers on Family Residence, not including the Spirit and Oni. Those two have never run faster in their life and refuse to this day to go back without at least a full group.
Ormond: ??? There’s no specific item that can be found on Ormond. Spin a wheel of anything that can be used in a trial and the survivors will probably find it. Steve and Nancy both came back with event items that they hadn’t been around in ages. Everyone believes that the Legion just steals from other realms and hoards their prize around their resort, but no one’s been able to prove it. 
Hawkins National Laboratory: Mori’s The first Killer offering exclusive realm, and again, like the wards and blueprints, only one spawns per Entity day. The Demogorgon doesn’t care about the offerings usually; it’s always having too much fun chasing after the killers who trespass. In order to find the offerings, the killers have to search around the dead bodies strewn across the realm. Once, multiple days had gone by and there were no mori’s to be found. Some thought Demo had taken them, but the Nurse had a different idea and checked the room only she could access. She left that realm with eight Ebony Memento Mori’s that day and checks back frequently.
Grave of Glenvale: Alcohol The first realm to not offer a trial item. Each Entity day, Deathslinger’s bar refills every bottle present. If there are no bottles, the Entity will take one day to replace the bottles and then the next to refill them. Deathslinger doesn’t like company, so, get a drink depends on his mood. If you show up he’ll either hand you a bottle and make you leave, or shoot you dead on the spot. Zarina is the only one allowed to stay regardless of his mood. Zarina has shown up to trials plastered many many times. 
Silent Hill: Other realm offerings Hung on many of the walls or tucked away on the shelves, both survivors and killers can find any other realm’s offerings. Mary’s Letter has never been found but the rest of the realm's offerings are free game. Some can be found in the same spot each time. Ormond’s damaged photo is usually hung on a second story bulletin board while Glenvale’s dusty noose is usually found hanging from a tree in the courtyard. Pyramid Head patrols his realm constantly, so if the survivors are wanting a realm offering that doesn’t have a specific spot, they better be quick and lucky. Ace is convinced he’d be the best one for the job, but Cheryl’s proven herself to be the one to grab the most and leave unharmed. 
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Favorite videogame consoles growing up.
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[ S Tier ]
Nintendo DS - I had the most nostalgia for it as well as the DSi, I had a Blue bulky DS, then I had a light blue DSi (sadly the LR buttons broke), and currently I have a silver pink DS lite.
Nintendo GameCube - Another console I spent a lot of time on as a kid, mine was a silver system covered in Rock Band stickers (the old bubble TV I had was covered in them as well), and a Wavebird controller. I also had the Gameboy player disc and bottom piece to play GBA games on my TV.
Nintendo Switch - I play on this thing every other day since the day I got it, it's a first edition Switch that came bundled with BotW, sadly it's falling apart, and I plan to get a replacement for it soon.
[ A Tier ]
Nintendo Wii U - The system I got was a black console which came bundled with Nintendo Land. It runs great, however the left stick has seen so much use that it may occasionally drift.
Nintendo 3DS - I loved this one quite a lot, and I love the Wii U just as much. As big of a cringe storm as Miiverse was, I still kinda miss it. The first 3DS I got was a cosmo black original. After that I got the red New Nintendo 3DS XL model, then the Majora's Mask limited edition New 3DS XL, and then the Hylian Shield 2DS XL I have now. (I also had a red original 2DS which I got with A Link Between Worlds. Kinda hated the design philosophy of it being a slab that I can't close and fit into my pocket. Like, I understand the whole 2D only angle, but why take away one of the defining characteristics of a DS in general?)
Nintendo Wii - The third childhood system I grew up along with. I have my own white model Wii system (I think it's an older model?) But I used to play on my mother's older Wii system, which was loaded with games to play, as well as the fun Wii channel games that used WiiConnect24 for online play. Sadly that one got traded in before everything on it could get transferred to the Wii U they bought right after.
[ B Tier ]
PlayStation 3 - My dad owned the original huge expensive model that could play both PS1 and PS2 games on it, however the disc drive on it broke so it became impossible to play anything that wasn't digitally downloaded. The only games I really played on it as a kid were Little Big Planet, Katamari Forever, and Minecraft. Other than that I didn't have all that much nostalgia for the thing. I do have a slimmer model in storage in case I ever have a reason to dig that thing out again.
PlayStation - The only reason I got this system was so I could play Final Fantasy on it, and it was fun for quite a while, but then I just kinda got tired of fuzzy graphics so I moved onto better versions of those games.
Gameboy Advance - Here's another system I grew up with. I didn't have the original model, but I did used to play on a Gameboy Micro, which came with tons of changeable face place. I also had a Gameboy Advance SP at one point.
PlayStation Portable - there were quite a few PSP games I did enjoy, 2 of which I can't even remember the names of. But I did play Little Big Planet, Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron, and I loved Dissidia Final Fantasy. Other than that, didn't care all that much for the handheld.
Xbox 360 - I have an original model that's still alive due to the fact I haven't touched it in years, and the only games I have played on it are an Ace Combat Assault Horizon, and Star Wars Battlefront II. I have recently picked up the 360 exclusive Beautiful Katamari, and I hope to play that sometime soon.
Super Nintendo - Don't get me wrong, this machine pumped out lots of fantastic titles that I still need to catch up on, and I did have one with a few games as a child, but sadly I didn't really spend as much time with it as I should have, and I want to love it and everything it has to offer.
[ C Tier ]
Gameboy - I couldn't remember if it was a Gameboy or Gameboy Color I had growing up. I just remember it being a little big, but it still had color. My memory is probably messing with me. Sadly didn't have very many games to play on it, aside from Game and Watch Gallery, Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, and Super Mario Land 2. Also the one I used to have had a terrible battery, the system would only stay on when plugged into the charger.
NES - I personally only had vague memories of playing Super Mario Bros. 3 on the original model, and I wanted to show it appreciation for everything that came after it, but I didn't really have enough games to play on it other than Mario, Duck Hunt, Punch-Out, Zelda and Burger Time. Not to mention me giving up after losing so much at some of those games. Still loved games like Zelda 2 and Mega Man tho once I looked deeper into the NES library.
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miekasa · 3 years
and i found them! the actual ac unit snippet was hiding with the last one, so i thought i’d just drop them both here 😅 your appreciation means the world to me 🌼
💉the broken ac unit snippet [not the previous choppy summary, but the actual snippet that was hiding with erwintholomew’s]
it’s summer—dry heat, humidity, and warm winds all around. oc has been working in the outdoor makeshift hospital for her month’s rotation shift. tents of covid cases have been overflowing. it’s patient after patient, and she’s in PPE—full-on hazmat suit for 8 hours (sometimes more). food and water breaks between shifts aren’t feasible because they’re saving suits, bathroom breaks are timed before or after she suits up. it was literally hell.
levi’s been noticing his roomie coming home even more exhausted than usual. sometimes, she just goes to the kitchen and drinks down two glasses of water before heading for a nap. he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t worried. she looked like she’s lost a bit of weight. she was always a little paler and seemed to be wilted these days. he’s been trying to quietly shoulder a bit more of her chores, but he’s also pretty amazed at how she manages to keep up.
it was on a saturday afternoon when he found out. he had work and errands to run and some packages to send to his mom. he knocks on his roomie’s door to ask if she wanted him to do anything for her. he’s willing to do her groceries or make her dinner if it meant seeing her eat something other than instant ramen or a peanut butter sandwich. her muffled voice bids him to come in.
oc: oh heya
she gives him a tired wave. she’s sitting on her bed, reading something on her tablet. the first thing levi notices is that it’s way too fucking hot. her room is neat with a bit of a mess, a few notebooks strewn around her bed and a shirt hanging on the study chair, but obviously clean. the fan she has turned on was doing nothing to alleviate the heat though.
levi: you know you can turn your ac up in this heat right?
oc gives a tired chuckle at that.
oc: it’s been broken for a few weeks, but don’t worry! i already got a new one
levi is pretty speechless, considering that the heat wave has only been getting worse for the past month. she points to the unopened giant box crowding the space by her work desk.
oc: work’s just been exhausti—busy lately, but i’ll get around to it. i just need to switch them out and take the old one to recycling downstairs.
levi honestly doesn’t have anything to say to that because what the hell—
oc: did you need something?
he snaps out of it.
levi: i’m—i’m going out for errands. want me to get you anything?
oc: oh, are you passing by the pharmacy?
he wasn’t planning on it, but levi nods.
oc: yeah hang on, lemme just write the prescription for my pills. thank you!
levi shuts her door and speedwalks to his room. he knows he’s being irrational, and he knows that it isn’t his fault but fuck, she’s been living like that for weeks on top of all her work. he turns up his ac unit, rolls down his blinds, and fluffs the pillows on his bed before pulling the covers down. he knows that he could offer the suggestion of sleeping on the couch in their living room (they had an ac unit there after all), but no. she deserves better than that.
when levi walks back to her room, oc’s head peeps out of the door.
oc: here, i just need three boxes and i can cashapp you the payment.
levi grunts, taking the prescription and folding it into his pocket.
levi: come with me.
oc is pretty taken aback at his gruff tone, and she wonders what’s gotten him in a twist. she’s on the verge of passing out because work has been brutal and she has a golden weekend, so she was planning to catch up on a lot of rest. she follows quietly, wanting to quickly resolve whatever this was. her roomie’s always been a little...weird. it gets weirder when she realizes that he’s leading her to his room. cold air hits her when he opens the door and ushers her in, and she feels reborn.
levi: you can rest here for now
oc’s eyes widen at that. they’ve been roomies for over a year now, and respecting personal spaces has always been a huge factor contributing to their civil harmony as roommates.
oc: levi, it’s fine! i can’t, really! i don’t want to intrude, and besides, it’s fine, i—i’ve been alright anywa—
she’s cut off when he starts nudging (pushing) her towards the bed.
levi: seriously, i’ll be out the whole afternoon.
her but’s and what-if’s and i’m-fine’s fall on deaf ears. her roomie maneuvers her expertly and practically trips her to make her fall onto the bed. when her back hits the soft mattress, she feels a wave of fatigue hit. then he’s guiding her head towards the pillows while she mumbles about feeling like she’s overstepping, but levi’s room was cold and comfortable. the bed was a cloud, cool and soft and dragging her further into sleep. she feels the covers pulled up around her shoulders, and darkness claims her.
levi leaves quietly after shutting down the fan in her room. his afternoon is spent running some on-the-ground tasks for projects for work and personal errands. he does take an impromptu trip to the old deli near their place to buy some cuts of beef and a cheap bottle of red wine for a stew. he wonders if he’s breaching boundaries, but he makes an impulsive decision for once. he’ll drag her to dinner if he has to, she looks like she hasn’t had a decent meal in days. when he gets home, it’s late afternoon, but the sun was still up in all its scorching heat. he disinfects the goods thoroughly before heading for a shower himself. oc is still sleeping soundly when he checks in on her [levi thoughts: good, she really fucking needs it]. he goes into her room and replaces her broken ac unit, easily installing the new one and padding up the sides tightly. he brings the old one down before sweeping up the dust in her room that has settled from his handiwork. he turns it on to test it, and her room cools in minutes. satisfied, he leaves the ac unit on and starts dinner.
oc comes to slowly, mind still clouded and heavy from sleep. everything around her is blurry and she’s engulfed in softness smelling of black tea and spearmint. the realization of where she is hits like a freight train and this wakes her right up. the time on the clock by the bed says it’s almost half-past seven, and oc panics. she’s overstepped, her roomie’s gonna be pissed, and oh god, she didn’t mean to take that long of a nap. she practically runs out of his room. levi is setting two places at their table when she dashes in. a pot of stew was simmering on the stove. he looks up and just points to her meds.
levi: it’s already been disinfected.
oc opens her mouth for what was going to be a long apology when levi interrupts her before she even begins.
levi: i also installed your new ac unit. the broken one’s already at recycling.
oc’s eyes widen and she can feel tears welling up because it’s been weeks of exhaustion and uncomfortable hot nights and she’s been trying to find enough strength to do that and—
levi goes tomato-red when his roomie launches herself at him and wraps her arms around his shoulders tightly. he can hear her voice quivering, tone hovering on about-to-blubber-and-cry, repeatedly thanking him and apologizing for overstepping and he kind of just stands there for a moment. he pats her back awkwardly, wondering how to respond to her and decides to keep quiet and let her break the hug first. she might actually cry if he pushes her away.
oc lets him go gently, a little embarrassed at her outburst but she gives him a small smile and mutters a soft “sorry.”
levi: cut the apologies, brat. i offered. it’d be inhumane to let you sleep in that heat.
oc is about to argue when he fixes her with a glare that makes her sigh. she presses her palms into her cheeks in resignation.
levi: come on, i made dinner. you really need to eat something other than synthetic garbage and peanut butter.
oc sniffles and giggles. levi sets the food down and takes a seat beside her. he freezes when she grasps his hand.
oc: really, levi, thank you
levi shrugs (absolutely melting at her smile). he doles out servings of stew and rice, and they have a quiet dinner.
💉erwin’s own private gym in his penthouse snippet [in which erwin’s not even in this snippet, but he and his gym are catalysts of sorts]
it’s a rare occurrence that oc wakes before noon on her days off. so when she bumbles into the kitchen at 7am, craving for some tea and the little tiramisu her patient from work gave her, she bumps into levi. levi—also fresh out bed and only clad in boxer shorts. plaid dark pink ones that did wonders for his ass.
oc, completely forgetting that she’s in an oversized shirt that goes past her shorts and that her hair is a mess, stops mid-stride. her jaw drops. levi is built. not to any extreme body-builder kind to any extent. but he was fit and holy fuck his back alone was oh wow. yeah, she’s awake. levi turns at the sound of footsteps and has to suppress his smirk because oc’s appraisal was very very distracting, affirming, and ego-boosting. he thinks his roomie doesn’t even realize she is gawking [levi thoughts: she looks way too fucking cute and soft for someone half dead from a toxic shift yesterday and he wants to run his hands through her hair and knead the knots out of her shoulders and feel those legs—].
he truly has to hold in his laughter when oc literally goes “what the fuck” while waving around her hands gesturing to his abs and pecs. oc squints in the midst of her appraisal.
oc: how do you maintain all that in a pandemic??
levi sets down another mug and pours out more tea while explaining that erwin, who lives in the penthouse suite of the complex, has his own home gym. levi, hange, and moblit have exclusive access to it because they’re friends, they live in the same complex, they all work from home plus they clean up and help him maintain it.
levi: it’s a lot safer than public gyms.
oc is still chewing on this information while now blatantly staring at his thighs.
levi: i’m pretty sure erwin will let you use it too if you’re looking for someplace to work out. i can ask him if you want.
he adds some milk to her tea before walking over to oc and handing her a steaming mug of chai. he does this on purpose just to get a reaction out of her because he is absolutely basking in this. she is usually very composed and almost nothing fazes her, and he thinks he’s never seen her flush this deep. oc snaps out of it as she thanks him for the tea. she just nods, her eyes a little glazed over and unfocused.
oc: oh, th—that’s nice. i’ll think about it.
she primly grabs her tiramisu and walks back to her room, leaving levi smirking in their kitchen. she has thoughts that need processing.
oc thoughts: erwin happens to be filthy rich and roomie-free and can afford a penthouse. he dedicated a room in his penthouse to a fully-equipped gym. this is some really good chai. she pretty much stared at her roomie, with his knowledge, very disrespectfully at seven in the morning. her roommate is hot. pretty. cute. sexy. his voice—how has she never noticed? arms? abs? those thighs?? all of the above??? anyway, that v down his hips, his chest—yeah, her vibrator’s batteries die that night, and she’ll have to remember to get new ones after work. this is very for her, very bad indeed.
this was the h-word snippet 🥵 LMAO i had to give oc a little something because this isn’t one-sided after all 😌
when levi walks back to her room, oc’s head peeps out of the door.
oc: here, i just need three boxes and i can cashapp you the payment.
levi grunts, taking the prescription and folding it into his pocket.
levi: come with me.
THIS PART!! IS SO LEVI!! I’M OBSESSED!! I’m obsessed with the whole concept of him just... affectionately forcing her to nap in his room because it’s the least he can do to help ease her pain, and show that he cares; but this right here!! The way he had no intentions of going to the pharmacy, but is going to help her out anyway!! Begrudgingly taking the perscription, and immediately changing the subject away from the topic of her paying him back!! So good!! (And why do I get the feeling that he never accepted her cashapp lmaooo). 
oc is about to argue when he fixes her with a glare that makes her sigh. she presses her palms into her cheeks in resignation.
levi: come on, i made dinner. you really need to eat something other than synthetic garbage and peanut butter.
oc sniffles and giggles. levi sets the food down and takes a seat beside her. he freezes when she grasps his hand.
oc: really, levi, thank you
levi shrugs (absolutely melting at her smile).
ALSO HERE!! I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know but the casual insulting her dinners lmaoo only to help her out; it’s the showing affection without outright saying it’s affection that’s so GOOD!! I’M OBSESSED!!
AND THE WHOLE GYM SEQUENCE!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! LOVE LEVI BEING JUST A LITTLE COCKY!! GOOD FOR HIM!! HE’S ATTRACTIVE!! HE SHOULD KNOW IT!! PLS but oc being just a little shameless and telling him how good he looks and just staring without feeling guilty LMFAOO GOOD FOR HER TOO!! GOOD FOR THEM!!
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raeynbowboi · 5 years
How to Play as Danny Phantom in DnD 5e
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We’re going ghost with this build as we work to incorporate the undead slayer of the undead: Inviso-bill. If we can, I might try to blend his division between human and inhuman forms, but if I can’t, then this build will focus exclusively on his ghost form.
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He’s a Phantom
Except he’s not. Not quite. He’s Undead. Or as close as he can get. Undead, Vampires, and Skeletons aren’t playable races, so we need a way to simulate being not exactly alive. The Revived Rogue is someone who has died and been resurrected and also comes pre-packaged with ghost bolts and walking through the Ghost Zone. Beyond his ghost powers though, Danny is a normal Human. However, his ghostly breath alerts him to danger, so we’ll make him a Variant Human with the Alert feat to warn him with +1 DEX and +1 INT.
Danny’s no stranger to using his powers selfishly to get what he wants, but he is at heart still a hero. I’d call him Neutral Good.
For background, super heroes often get lumped in as City Watch, but as Danny is a pretty well-known figure in the area, he could be considered a Folk Hero.
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He can walk through walls, disappear, and fly
We can’t make Danny a literal ghost, so the next best thing is to try and help him resist non-magical damage. Spells like Blade Ward, Stoneskin, and Investiture of Stone give you temporary resistance to these damage types. War Clerics, Oathbreaker Paladins, and Crown Paladins get these resistances as well. As a ghost, Danny can only be harmed by other ghosts. Unfortunately, all of the subclasses that offer protection for mortal wounds don’t offer them until extremely late in the build and are only viable if Danny doesn’t need too many levels in Rogue.
Psionics Wizards also get the ability to become resistant to Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage. Later, at 14th Level, this spiritual form gains the ability to walk through walls and can cast spells like Fly and Invisibility. With this build, Danny isn’t a pure ghost, as he can now shift between a tangible and ghostly form. Comparatively, the Revived Rogue gets Bolts from the Grave for Ghost Blasts, the ability to speak to ghosts, and Ethereal Jaunt lets you slip in and out of the Ghost Zone at will, which can offer the same intangibility to let Danny go through walls as the Psionics Wizard. As an Oathbreaker Paladin, he can boost the strength of Undead, detect undead, and gain resistance to melee damage.
To get Danny’s ghostly resistance to mortal wounds, you need at least 6 levels in Wizard, but doing so takes away Danny’s ability to walk through walls without using spells like Blink. However, this gives Danny’s Bolts from the Grave 7d6 Necrotic Damage. At a 14/6 split in favor of Wizard, Danny gets his ghost bolts, intangibility, and wall-walking, but reduces the damage of his ghost bolts to only 3d6 Necrotic damage. But to be fair, Danny’s ghost bolts aren’t that strong. Oathbreaker Paladins need to be 15 to get their damage resistance, which only leaves 5 levels for Rogue.
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Stats and Proficiencies
Okay, realistically Danny’s Intelligence would not be his top stat. Danny is not a valedictorian by any means. But the Psionics Wizard lets him go ghost, which is what we need, and Wizards cast with their INT stat. As a Rogue too, it would be criminal to deprive him of a high AC, so we’ll also focus on his Dexterity score. Next is Wisdom, since his ghost sense alerts him to the presence of undead, so he’ll need a strong Perception. Constitution makes sure you don’t die after a single hit. But as an awkward geek, your Strength and Charisma scores will suffer. You might have hid your powers from your parents for a long time, but to be fair, they’re not exactly the most perceptive pair, so you don’t exactly have to be a master at deception to fool them.
Acrobatics Arcana Deception Insight Perception Stealth
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Name: Danny Fenton Race: Variant Human Background: City Watch Alignment: Neutral Good Class: Revived Rogue (6)             Psionics Wizard (14) Base Stats: Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 10 (0) Charisma: 8 (-1) Saving Throws: Strength: -1 Dexterity: +11 Constitution: +2 Intelligence: +11 Wisdom: 0 Charisma: -1 Combat Stats: HP: 129 AC: 16 Speed: 30 Initiative: +10 Proficiency Bonus: +6 Passive Perception: 22 Dark Vision: 0 feet Proficiencies and Expertise:    Acrobatics (Rogue)    Arcana (Variant Human)    Athletics (City Watch)    Deception (Rogue)    Insight (City Watch)    Perception (Rogue)    Stealth (Rogue) Skills: Acrobatics: +17                   Medicine: 0 Animal Handling: 0              Nature: +5 Arcana: +17                         Perception: +12 Athletics: +5                         Performance: -1 Deception: +5                      Persuasion: -1 History: +5                           Religion: +5 Insight: +6                           Sleight of Hand: +5 Intimidation: -1                    Stealth: +17 Investigation:+5                  Survival: 0
Spell Slots
1st (4) 2nd (3) 3rd (3) 4th (3) 5th (2) 6th (1) 7th (1)
Danny’s Spellbook
Cantrips                          3rd Level   Blade Ward                      Animate Dead   Chill Touch                       Blink   Fire Bolt                           Fly   Mage Hand                      Gaseous Form   Message                          Protection from Energy 1st Level                         4th Level   Cause Fear                      Banishment   Detect Magic                    Greater Invisibility   Feather Fall                      Phantasmal Killer   Mage Armor                      Stoneskin   Magic Missile                    Vitriolic Sphere   Ray of Sickness             5th Level   Shield                                Danse Macabre 2nd Level                            Dominate Person   Invisibility                          Passwall   Levitate                          6th Level   Misty Step                         Circle of Death   Phantasmal Force             Create Undead   Ray of Enfeeblement         Investiture of Stone   See Invisibility                    True Seeing   Shatter                            7th Level                                              Finger of Death
Bonus Actions:
Cunning Action: Aim, Dash, Disengage, or Hide once per turn.
Uncanny Dodge: Reduce damage from enemies you can see that hit you.
Alert: Can’t be surprised. +5 to Initiative. Arcane Recovery: Recover 7 or fewer level 5 or lower spells on a short rest. Bolts From the Grave: Deal 3d6+5 Necrotic damage instead of a sneak attack. Empowered Psionics: Add +5 damage to Psychic or Force spells. Mental Discipline: Learn Dominate Person, Scrying, or Telekinesis. Can be cast once without using up a spell slot. Doesn’t count against spells known. Psionic Devotion: Cast invisible Mage Hand as a bonus action. Psionic Focus: Replaces Arcane Focus. Reroll a 1 on Psychic or Force spells. Revived Nature: Advantage against poison, resist poison, no need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. Alert immobility for 4 hours instead of sleeping for 8. Sneak Attack: deal an extra 3d6 when attacking with advantage. Thieves’ Cant: Speak and understand secret codes in casual conversation. Thought Form: for 10 minutes, resist psychic and melee damage. Use 5 times per long rest. Thought Travel: Thought Form can float, fly, and pass through solid objects. Tokens of Past Lives: Pick 1 skill or tool proficiency on a long rest. Watcher’s Eye: You can find and recognize criminal lairs and guard stations.
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How do you feel I did with Danny? Did I miss anything important? I have two more builds planned and then I’m taking a break from DnD builds to refocus on my Dating Disney posts. The last two will be Star Butterfly and Momo Yaoyorozu. But I’ll be sure to file away any requests for future builds when I come back to this.
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