#Extreme minecraft launcher
I'm so fucking sick of people putting flashing lights and colors in things with no fucking care in the world for other people. There is literally an unskippable ad on the curse forge launcher that features an ass load of rapidly flashing lights for an extended period of time.
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
…also for the record if you hear me say “yeah use [x thing] instead of curseforge’s launcher” or hear people complaining about curseforge as a company, that’s NOT the same thing as forge, the mod loader. or neoforge, which I think a lot of forge projects are slowly switching to? that’s a different thing. because this is the modded minecraft community that ALSO has a pretty large and famous community split, being the forge/fabric split, and there’s ALSO a load of different reasons and community drama behind it, although that’s more typical open-source project drama than curseforge/modrinth, which is less “two projects with different philosophies” type developer drama and more “the open source developers got tetchy about a for-profit company not responding to their needs” drama (BROADLY. I’M NOT IN THESE COMMUNITIES ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY SUMMARIZE THE MANY THINGS THAT ARE GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES HERE. I AM JUST TAXONOMIZING BASED ON THE TYPICAL FLAVORS OF PROGRAMMER DRAMA.)
so like. yeah forge and curseforge are two different things, the modded minecraft community loves its “someone should make a standard to unify all the standards” “we now have three standards.” type dramas, please use a launcher that isn’t the curseforge launcher so you don’t have to have ads served to you every time you play minecraft.
bonus points though: one of the big elements of the curseforge/modrinth split is that sodium is only on modrinth (due to security concerns with curseforge allowing mods and packs of extremely similar names to sodium’s and refusing to take moderator action on that, if I remember right?). sodium is the recommendation you’ll normally get given if you want a performance mod for fabric instead of forge. there are multiple mods to put in addition to sodium to make it have optifine’s features and rampant debate as to which is better if you’re like, just playing vanilla (I’m on team sodium/rubidium for the record). there are also mods to port sodium to forge, bringing us full circle. this is because programmers never change,
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memoryoflooping · 4 months
I wish modded minecraft wasn't a nightmare to play. Sorry but i don't want to have to use a external launcher to be able to play the game can you make a mod list that you keep updated witb the required versions in your shitty discord server. It's the same problem i have w playing on older extremely ancient versions of yhe game bc i can set that up on my own perfectly fine but minecraft forge doesn't keep its shit properly working anymore so i literally can't use it
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wolfwillowisp · 9 months
Had yet another weird ass fucking dream. So I’ve been playing a lot of modded minecraft. So much that apparently I’m having fucked up dreams about it. I was playing a modpack on the forge launcher, pretty large one, and testing things out in creative mode and I see a structure that spawned in naturally. It’s clearly some type of arena, with multiple rings of stone block walls and iron doors separating the entrance from the actual arena. Above each iron door was an item frame containing one of those the following each: the strongest weapon in the mod the structure was from and a full stack of “Haystack Armor” added by the mod. The haystack armor is essentially a ghillie suit, making you invisible to all mobs while crouching. So five rings of stone blocks and equipment later I enter the arena, now in survival mode and the structure spawns its boss: Pee Wee. Now this thing. This fucking thing. Did not fit that name at ALL. It was the side of a player and had the base model of one, altered to look like an anthropomorphic animal of some kind with a wolf like peg tail and a long muzzle as wide as the head. Guessing by that and the bumps on the texture it was meant to be a crocodilian of some kind and I interpreted it as an alligator. It was also blue. The whole texture was various shades of similar blues except for the eyes which were a hollow looking black. It had sickles in place of its hands which were modeled in a decidedly non minecraft style. Looked PS1/N64 like. Clashed with the rest of the relatively normal model. Anyways this thing FLEW straight at me, extremely fast. Like one of the fastest mobs I’ve ever seen. It two shot me. When i Re spawned I went back into creative mode and. Was met with my personal new worst sentence in a dream, in that chatbox was this message: Pee Wee has entered Creative Mode.
Why is my post doing this
Ok anyways Pee Wee “Entered Creative Mode” and shot upwards out of the roofless arena and made a beeline straight at me and killed me in two shots. In creative mode. No matter where I went or what I did Pee Wee continued to hunt me. Done with its bullshit, I left that world and started searching for what mod it was from. I remember my search terms even “minecraft [version] modded mob, invincible alligator pee wee”. And somehow that word spaghetti got me two top results. The first result was for a video from the very real YouTube channel JaidenAnimations and was about her and her friends’ experiences with a remade modern version of the classic meteor mod. The second result was exactly what I was looking for. The mods curseforge page. I clicked through and scrolled down through the otherwise normal features of the mod, and at the bottom of the page was a brief description of Pee Wee. It read: “a supernatural assassin that can follow its targets between dimensions. Once it finds a target it never stops.” Pee Wee can also travel between different minecraft saves/worlds by the way. When i got back into the select world menu I had a loading screen pop up of Pee Wee in a block made cartoon rocket with the text: “Pee Wee is invading other worlds!”. I closed minecraft and removed the mod from the modpack. To replace it, I took a look at the new meteors mod: and honestly I kind of want this one to be real. Like so bad I’d get into coding and contact the original modder bad. The base mechanics were the same it still had the space cats and space creepers that could spawn at meteor impacts. But it had even more meteor types, more mobs like a wide variety of slimes two of which were tameable, also tameable was an small undead dinosaur. I switched the mods out, deleted all my previous worlds and that was that. I’m guessing my brain constructed Pee Wee from a combination of various edgelord herobrine mods(why are those always hostile! Herobrine really isn’t in any of the original stories, he’s just…. Creepy) and Lycanites Mobs. More specifically the Janberwocky mob witch is an anthropomorphic deer with sickles for hands that runs extremely fast. Funny thing is my current modpack DOES have a mob named Pee Wee: it’s a minuscule and adorable lime green fish from the mod Fins And Tails which adds a variety of fictional fish species to the game.
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
What do you use to run/install/play mods? That's always been a barrier for me; it feels complicated and stressful to get them actually running.
the tl;dr here is "prism launcher is really easy to use and if you are playing a modpack, the people who made that modpack have already solved the 'making sure the mods run and don't crash together' problem, modded minecraft is actually pretty easy these days".
the longer answer with detailed instructions is below the cut, i just realized the many paragraphs seemed way too intimidating, and i want to be clear that "just install prism launcher" is 99% of what you need to do to have a smooth modded minecraft experience! you probably won't need most of this instruction i just talk too much.
so, since you want an easy answer to this, i am going to give you the easy version; if anyone wants the hard version, let me know. but. okay. you are either going to want to download the curseforge launcher or prism launcher; there are also a lot of other options out there (many, like prism, being a fork of multimc), but those two are the ones i recommend and that most other people will recommend.
i STRONGLY recommend downloading the prism launcher over the curseforge launcher (which is why its the only one i've linked); while this technically supports mod creators less (because you will not view the ads on curseforge), it gives you an easier way to download mods and modpacks that are only on modrinth, and also there are Good Reasons i don't want to get into why you might not want to monetarily support curseforge more than you have to in order to play modded minecraft. if there is a modpack you use a lot or a mod you use a lot, i highly encourage going to look for if that modder/team has a patreon you can support, if you have the money to do so! this is also, if you end up getting technical enough to need it, normally the place you get your first-class support for a given mod.
i am going to continue these instructions as though you've downloaded prism launcher, because that's the one i use and know best. luckily, it's really easy!
first, install prism. next, open prism. i... cannot remember if you're given some kind of setup screen at this point; if so, follow those instructions. if not, you will be greeted with a blank screen (i cannot remember if prism by default gives you a vanilla instance, you might have that, but otherwise you'll have an empty prism window). in the top right, there is a section for selecting what minecraft account you're using; log into your minecraft account by following the prompts. you will get a microsoft security alert about a new app connecting to your account that's able to read your account while you do this; this is normal, and what you want to happen.
now is a good time to make sure that you have prism set up with the correct java version and the correct minecraft installation. the easiest way to do this is to click the "add instance" button in the top left. you will be taken to a screen with a seemingly intimidating number of options. luckily, it's not actually that hard. for now, to test your installation, just immediately click "okay", which will create a vanilla minecraft instance with no mods on the latest version of vanilla minecraft. if this runs as expected, you're all good!
if this does NOT run as expected, the problem is normally either that prism needs you to give it the correct java version or you aren't actually authenticated with mojang. these can both be solved in settings! go to the "Java" tab. there, it will show both a minimum and maximum memory allocation. first, change that maximum to a much higher number; i have it at 4096 MiB by default, but if your modpacks aren't loading or are running extremely poorly, this is often going to be the culprit. it will also show a "Java path:"; check to make sure this is pointing to a Java 17 version minimum. if it isn't, you will likely need to download java 17; oracle's website sucks i'm sorry but despite it feeling sketchy i promise it's the right place.
also i know this makes setup sound overly technical but i promise it's not; you basically just have to know where files on your computer happen to be. i am just going into overly fine troubleshooting detail, just in case.
now that you know prism is set up correctly, it's time to install your mods or modpack! if you are intimidated by getting mods to work, i highly recommend playing a specific modpack rather than a random collection of mods. however, i'll go over how to do both.
if you want to install a modpack, click the "add instance" button. this pulls you to the "new instance" screen. on the side, you'll see several options. you'll want to click either the curseforge or modrinth tab; this will bring up a menu that allows you to search either of those websites for the modpack you want. click the modpack you want, hit "Okay", and congrats! you're done! you now have the modpack with all the mods, the correct Minecraft version, and the correct mod loader installed! prism's done all that for you! just start it up!
there is a chance while doing this prism will tell you that certain mods can't be downloaded before finishing making the instance. luckily, prism also makes THAT easy; it gives you direct links to those mods so you can download them yourself, and it, by default, checks the downloads folder for mods, so literally all you have to do is click all the links and then that potential hiccup is also solved. how handy!
as a bonus feature: if you want to update this modpack later, after an update, you can do this from either the "modrinth" or "curseforge" tab in the "edit" menu of the instance. there will be a dropdown with the pack version that allows you to select a specific version for prism to automatically update the instance to!
but if you want to install specific mods, NOT a modpack--say, you want to play vanilla minecraft, but you also want to add performance mods like optifine or sodium--this requires an extra step, but is just as easy.
click the "add instance" button. this time, stay on the "custom" tab. know, before creating this instance, which version of minecraft your mods work with. because you aren't using a designated pack, you ARE going to have to know that already! additionally, you're going to need to go to the second section on the bottom for "mod loader". know whether your mods are for forge or fabric, and select whatever the recommended version is by prism of one of those. (if you aren't sure where to figure this out, basically every mod will have this somewhere on the page you download it on, and both curseforge and modrinth have specific symbols on every mod for this; the community is aware that the loader split is a pain and tries to make clear which one you're meant to use.) hit "okay", and you'll create the instance!
next, right-click that instance. click the "edit" button in the menu. you'll see a number of useful tabs, but the one you want is the "mods" tab. this will list every mod you have on that instance! you have two options from here. the easier one for most purposes is the "Download mods" button. this opens a menu just like the modpack menu from before, except it searches individual mods, not packs. you can search mods, and prism will only show them if they're compatible with your current version of minecraft. hit the "select mod for download" button on every mod you want to add to the instance, and then "review and confirm". voila; you have added mods to the instance! you can even do this with pre-existing modpacks, too, if you are playing a modpack someone else made but want to add a specific mod.
and that's it! you've downloaded your mods! if you are playing with specific mods and not a pack, you may have more compatibility troubleshooting to do, but from there that's just standard stuff, not a prism launcher problem!
if you want to get more in the weeds from there, you can, but generally, this will be all you need! the nice thing about prism and other mod launchers is that it also makes different "instances" of minecraft, each with their own installation folders, which means you should never have to worry about any instance affecting another instance, or having to add or remove mods before logging into a server, for example. just make an instance in prism that matches that server and you'll be good to go!
so this is my overly detailed instructions on how to use prism launcher! I HOPE IT HELPS!
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