dungeonofthedragon · 5 months
Non-Violent Adventurous TTRPGS
Today is ANZAC day in Aotearoa New Zealand. It seems a very appropriate time to share some games about helping and healing.
Monster Care Squad by Sandy Pug Games
A game about nurturing monsters and healing them of their pain. In the creator's own words, you play a squad of elite veterinarians. I love games that make you feel you're making a positive difference. I hope to play this one some time.
Ngen Mapu by Helena Real and Evil Hat Productions
This game's gorgeous art is what first caught my eye, but what really drew me in was the premise. Playing as manifested spirits from the dawn of time, you must stop people who are causing serious harm to the natural world without hurting them. What happens if you hurt them? Well, you risk becoming a corrupted ngen called a wekufe.
Wanderhome by Jay Dragon of Possum Creek Games
A game of wandering animal folk. Wanderhome has been on my 'to buy' list since its release. This review sums up a lot of why I love it. The grief and hope of a game that takes place in a world recovering from war appeals to me far more than a game about fighting a war. Plus, my favourite part of roleplaying is exploring a character's internal world, and there are so many chances for that here.
Lunar Echoes is a hack of Wanderhome set in a solarpunk future!
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vexwerewolf · 2 years
Tabletop Roleplaying Systems as DHMIS Stills
Promethean: The Created
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Vampire: The Requiem
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Hunter: The Vigil
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Shadow of the Demon Lord
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Monster of the Week
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Dungeons & Dragons 5E/D&D One
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Call of Cthulhu
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Eclipse Phase
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Delta Green
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Mage: The Awakening
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Don't Rest Your Head
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Cyberpunk RED
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Literally Any Warhammer 40K TTRPG
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Transformers RPG
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Have you played FATE CORE ?
By Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard, Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin and Mike Olson
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Our 400th poll
Grab your plasma rifles, spell components, and jetpacks! Name your game; Fate Core is the foundation that can make it happen. Fate Core is a flexible system that can support whatever worlds you dream up.
Have you always wanted to play a post-apocalyptic spaghetti western with tentacle monsters? Swords and sorcery in space? Wish there was a game based on your favorite series of books, film, or television, but it never happened? Fate Core is your answer.
Fate Core is a tabletop roleplaying game about proactive, capable people who lead dramatic lives.
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taliadoesrpgs · 4 months
I’m a professional Game Master, and I've got my July lineup of games ready.
For July, I’m offering:
- Dragon Heist for D&D 5th Ed
- Fate of the Galaxy, a space opera in Fate
- Solstice Rain, an introductory Lancer campaign
- The Summer Valor Build An OVA Workshop
- Slayers Detention, an Occult Punk Valor OVA
All of my games are $25/3 hour session and meet biweekly. Sign-up and is handled through the third party site Startplaying.Games - Descriptions and sign-up links below!
First off, having completed Dragon Heist for one group, I’m running it again for new D&D players - or those new to the campaign! Will you outsmart five crime lords and grab the treasure hidden in Waterdeep, worth half a million Gold Dragons?
Second, I have Fate of the Galaxy, a rollicking space opera adventure in the vein of Wars, DUNC (the slams must jam!), Nine Sols and Outlaw Star!
Join us to unleash psychic powers, make daring raids on Imperial bases, find alien allies and punch a Space Nazi!
Third, I’m bringing back Lancer with its introductory campaign, Solstice Rain. Become an elite mecha-jock for the benevolent Union as you intervene in an invasion. Save as many civilian lives as you can! Are you a bad enough pilot to rescue your captain?
Last but not least is a tradition of mine - the Original Valor Adventure Workshop! I’ll help your crew come up with a self-contained anime premise and characters, then do a short and sweet minicampaign - self contained, like an OVA series!
And, of course, we’re continuing the campaign created in the Spring OVA Workshop, Slayer’s Detention! There’s still room for two more punk teenagers who dare to fight spiritual and criminal corruption with gutter magic and street fighting!
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baronfulmen · 2 years
Here’s the secret about D&D 5th Edition...
Honestly it’s not that great.
I’m not saying it’s bad - not at all!  It’s actually a very good system in a lot of ways.  But the thing it’s best at is being fairly simple for new players (while still having enough complexity to feel like a serious game) and so once you’ve played it for a while or you get to higher levels... well...
Look, I ran multiple 5e games, one of which went for 103 sessions.  I’m not a hater.  But I’ve played a LOT of other systems, so I know when something is not working properly.  Combat is BORING in D&D, unless the DM goes to great lengths to make it exciting.  You attack, or eldritch blast, or whatever.  Then you do that again.
I’m not an idiot, I know that’s not literally all that you do.  But it’s what the system encourages.  And that’s not how it has to be.  There are better systems.  Pathfinder 2e is amazing so far (I’m still learning it) if you’re okay with the rules being a little more crunchy.  FATE is a great system if you abhor the crunch.  Savage Worlds is a little in-between and has multiple settings.  There’s Blades in the Dark for a gritty heist kinda game.  There’s Monster of the Week if you want to have a simple game that still has some character growth.
5th edition is good to learn about what role playing games are, but I’m begging you to branch out.  Not just because of this OGL thing, (though that does mean WotC is losing a lot of 3rd party developers and let me tell you the official 5e adventures and source books are... not great) but because different systems are good for different things and different people and chances are there’s one out there that you’ll love SO MUCH MORE.
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dreamchaserguild · 5 months
Ghost! Tell us about your game your GMing! (If you want to ofc)
Ghost: I'm still getting a lot of the kinks worked out, but the we're calling it Dreamrenders and are running it on Fate Condensed.
In this world, dreams exist in their own separate world made from the dreamer's mind. And some people can call their dreams into reality. But all of this is kept secret by a shadowy organization. Sometimes though, people will unconsciously push their nightmares into the real world, and the organization has to respond by sending its top operatives, called the Dreamrenders.
Their goal is to find the nightmare and the dreamer, enter the dreamer's mind while they sleep, and destroy the nightmare from within. (Because nightmares will just respawn with the dreamer if they're killed in the real world.) All without letting the existence of the Nightmares become public.
At its core, the premise of the game is similar to something like Men In Black, and is intended to be procedural with each session being a case of the week... at first. If it goes on long enough, I have grander plans in mind for future developments with rival shadowy organizations with their own agendas, a vigilante group that knows about the secret and wants to kill everyone who has these dream abilities, and possibly even world-threatening nightmares made from the collective nightmares of all humanity that are based on the five primordial fears.
But we'll see if it gets that far. What I like about this format is that it allows us to play games with less of a commitment, because each game should close out with a satisfying conclusion on its own. If I want to build it into a more complex narrative, I can. But I don't feel like I have to focus on the bigger picture as much.
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musician-ttrpg · 5 months
Hello world
Hello everyone!
I am working on a table top rpg (based off DnD 5e) wherein the players get to play as musicians trying to get their band off the ground.
I'm currently working out the mechanics and game flow and testing things with a small group of people.
Follow for updates and opportunities!
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onehobgoblin · 1 year
My new dice just arrived! And my friends decided to cancel the game 🔥🔥💯😎
(I feel pain)
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chronichumancatalogue · 4 months
There was a protest by a bunch of college students. I made sure no one could see my face and ducked into a café near the area they started by before following along. After a while of marching, there were cannisters of tear gas thrown into the crowd. Everyone was instructed to wear gas masks, so some of us were ok, but the people who didn't have it had to soak their scarves in water to filter the gas out and we had to move them somewhere else. The police and news have been saying that we were being rude or violent, but that's far from the truth. I'm writing this down because The Scribe has deemed it important and I think there was never a better time than now to become The Scribe's vessel.
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luxlicht · 1 year
The Musical Episode
Musical episodes are pretty common in television, so why not in your RPG campaigns? Here's some ideas about how to run that.
Intro I recently saw an advertisement for the new game Stray Gods coming out soon. It’s a story about the Greek Gods, and an RPG that doubles as a musical. It’s a fantastic concept, and it left me thinking. Why aren’t there more musical RPGs? Many of us who came into the space are ex-theater kids, so there’s plenty of people with the (frankly admirable) lack of self awareness to do a musical…
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gorgonarcher · 8 months
Game 4 - Fate Core
All right, some recent discussion about RPGs has brought me to look at Fate Core again and decide to use it for the next gorgon archer build.
Now, this is a bit interesting because character and world creation in Fate Core is meant to be collaborative. I could go ahead and just make up these other characters, I've done it before, but I might reach out to some other people this time.
So, character creation is the last bit of creating a game. And I'm going to be thinking about what sort of setting for this.
The first character I did on this blog was for a modern Earth superhero setting, the next two were standard heroic fantasy... well, I was never specific about the Hero System character's setting, but I had in mind some sort of medieval European-based heroic fantasy. I have a couple of good options for urban fantasy coming up in other games. In this case... I think I'm going to go with a sort of sci-fantasy such as Star Wars.
We're going to say the scale is a bit mixed, personal stories against epic backdrop. So instead of being the lead elements of a rebellion or war, they're people trying to survive the collateral of the ongoing issues. So we have two issues to make, a current issue and an upcoming issue.
Current Issue: Corporate Overlords
Upcoming Issue: War of Regimes
The galaxy is one run by oppressive megacorporations but they are soon facing a threat from the outside the form of another empire pressing a war of conquest over the area. I may be leaning a bit into Stellaris here. I haven't named the external empire making the press, yet, they might not even be public knowledge yet. Something coming along later maybe for the GM to shape themselves, or something the PCs will shape with their stories.
This is also sci-fantasy more than sci-fi, so there'll be some weird magic stuff. In this regard it's similar to Babylon 5 or Star Wars. (Or Stellaris in many ways, now I think about it).
So now, to start with we choose some Aspects... Aspects are used to note things that are important about the scene, the story, or the characters. Every location and character have some permanent Aspects attached that rarely change. Even the campaign will have some Aspects.
So, anyway, going to move onto character creation with that decided.
So the first thing we do is determine our character's aspects. We're going to start with two before we get to the collaborative part. These are:
High Concept: a summary of your basic concept.
Trouble: a summary of the most common and pressing problem they have.
"Gorgon Archer" is actually a perfectly fine Aspect to start with as a High Concept, but I do like adding a bit more flavor.
For a moment, I was going to go with "Project: Gorgon Escapee" as High Concept. This establishes a lot about the character and about the world at large as we now have "Project: Gorgon" and what it is to consider. In this case, I'm considering it as a secret gene-splicing project by some corporation meant to produce super-soldiers. (And now I'm drawing on Dark Angel). But I think this better fits a Trouble as while it implies some benefits in the form of whatever enhancements she has, the problems it suggests are much more pressing.
So, back to the High-Concept. The thought I had was "Star-Trekking Enhanced Archer." I'm getting the feeling that she wanders around traveling with different space craft and uses a bow of some sort. I've also referenced potential enhancements her a second time. Having Aspects overlap like this isn't a bad idea. I thought about using "Ship-Hopping" but if one of the other PCs turned out to be a pilot with their own ship, then that wouldn't fit since the PC would likely be spending their time on that one ship instead of switching ships. "Star-Trekking" has the benefit of implying traveling the stars without necessarily suggesting it's all in the same ship.
We're also supposed to name the character now, it occurs to me that I forgot to do that in the Pathfinder and Hero System characters. I might go back and fix that. In this case, let's name her something that we'd get off an experiment and turn to Google translate with "Experiment 15" to come back with "peírama dekapénte" (Experiment 15). And adjust that so that not everyone who speaks great does a head tilt when she says her name (granted, the snakes for hair might do that). "Peira Madekapen" which is the sort of silly thin cover name that might come out of a TV show.
The Phase Trio
Now we start to work on the remaining three Aspects. These come out of their first adventure and how they involved themselves in the first adventures of the other characters.
This is called the Phase Trio and the phases are:
Phase One: Your Adventure - Your character's first spot-light adventure pre-game and an Aspect that gave them.
Phase Two: Crossing Paths - A way your character was a supporting role in someone else's Phase One and an Aspect you gained from that experience.
Phase Three: Crossing Paths Again (It's literally called this) - Same as Phase two but with a second character.
In a 3 player game, you would all end up being each other's Phase Two and Three and be connected twice over. In a four player game, you'd be a supporting role in one other character's story, another character would be a supporting role in yours, and for the third comrade you'd be both supporting and supported by them in your Phase One. And in a 5-player game everyone would have two other people show up as support in their stories and show up as support in two other character's stories.
Her first adventure was about how she got clear of Project: Gorgon and shook the trail of their hunters.
Agents attached to Project: Gorgon tracked Peira to a farming colony run by a rival colony. While there, some type of intrusive creature appeared on the colony, threatening everyone. Maybe the first sign of the empire that will be invading soon, or maybe some project of the corps they needed to test. Peira helped several of the colonists escape the danger and the colony as a whole was written off, leaving Project: Gorgon at least temporarily convinced she was dead.
From this, I'm going to focus on her rescuing some of the local colonists even though it might have been better for her to just escape herself. "Guardian Serpent" comes to mind... it's also starting to hit on the fantasy part of sci-fantasy. But let's add a bit more maybe "Secret Serpent Guardian".... or... you know, let's go for some alliteration and more flavor. "Shadow-Stepping Serpent Sentinel"
Okay, so I reached out to some friends and I got two characters:
A cyborg waitress with base-tech upgrades.
A human nekomaido waitress, bright-eyed and unprepared for terrible things.
For first stories, the cyborg waitress gets hired to do some grocery shopping for a merc and gets caught up in a robbery that she has to fight out of with her not too-impressive tech.
The human found herself stolen from her planet find herself deposited somewhere strange and she's trying to figure out why this happened and figure out how to move forward.
So now, I have to decide how Peira served a supporting role in those stories.
For the cyborg waitress, literally on a milk run, what if there was a chase sequence in both stories and at one point the chases crossed paths, giving each of the two characters an opportunity to gain an edge. In this case, the aspect Peira gets out of this, I'm going to call "Convenient Chaos".
For the other case, Peira probably also recognized the other person's look as a fish out of water and gave her some advice on how to get by in a new place with little to no resources. And we're going to call this aspect "Experienced Drifter".
So, no pilot, but maybe this group does indeed hop from one ship to another. Also, I foresee some light-hearted moments where the gorgon gets roped into doing server work in one place or another. At this point the other two characters would state how each of their characters served a supporting roll in two other stories.
Note that there might be more than 3 players, and the way you decide who's story you had a supporting role in is that character sheets are passed around, clockwise or counter-clockwise, or some other predictable method. And then the sheet is returned. So, everybody is connected to at least two other people. I'm not going to get into the other stories, even the ones where people had a supporting role in her story, because those don't affect her character sheet.
An alternate way to do this is for a person to determine how they were a supporting role in someone else's story as normal, but instead of taking an Aspect from how you supported someone else, you instead take an Aspect from how you were supported. I chose to use the default method from the core book.
Side note, if I were to actually play this, I'd predict some shenanigans with Peira being drafted to do server stuff with the two waitresses.
Now we come to the part that, admittedly, I long found the most obtuse.
It took me a long while to realize that Skills don't actually refer to skills in the way we talk about them in common day to day parlance. They are instead descriptions of how the character is able to reliably influence the story. Their "skills" from a common sense are often more shaped by their Aspects. I used to get upset that the pyramid structure they use (see below) doesn't represent how skills are built based on my training as a teacher and that some of the things they call skils aren't skills.
I figured this out once they released Fate Accelerated where they used the term "Labels" rather than skills, and the labels were basically personality types. Very much similar to how Monster of the Week or other Powered by the Apocalypse games do.
My best example for this is Bones from Star Trek. He would have an Aspect to be a skilled surgeon and medical professional, but the skill most often related to medicine wouldn't be his highest skill. This is because his primary role in the story has nothing to do with his medical skill and "he's dead, Jim" is one of his most iconic lines. Medical issues are either trivial for him or else very strange and something that takes a lot of effort. So his medical skills could do with a mild to low bonus and be fine. Bones' biggest impact on the story and biggest role is to call people out for being stupid. So his highest skill would likely be "Provoke". He's often the voice of common sense and reminding people of basic morality.
So, now let's get to assigning skills.
You get the following:
One skill at Great (+4)
Two skills at Good (+3)
Three skills at Fair (+2)
Four skills at Average (+1)
In most (not all) Fate Games, +4 is the highest a skill can get. As a farther note the way skills improve at Milestones is that you can either choose a new skill at +1 or you can improve an existing skill by +1 or you can switch the position between two skills. But also there have to be at least as many skills at the lower values as those above.
So you can't improve one of your +1s to a +2 right away, because then there would be four +2s and three +1s. This is the pyramid thing I was talking about... there has to be a foundation for the skills to rest on. You CAN do a column, but getting to that takes some effort.
This was another case where my brain couldn't accept this because you don't suddenly switch from being good at seeing things to being good at punching them, but once I realized these are personality and attention focuses rather than objective capabilities, that was a concern that faded away. I'm still not especially fond of the pyramid structure, but meh.
Anyway, let's list the default skills:
When I said some of these are not skills, I was thinking: Contacts, Resources, Physique, and Will. These are things that you can improve with effort though, but they're not really skills the way most games mean the term. And again, that's because these aren't skills so much as roles in the story.
So let's see how Peira has the most impact on the story. I don't think it's Shoot, but I am going to put that as a Good skill. I'm also going to take Burglary as a Good skill... but I think her biggest impact on the story is going to be Willpower. Stealth, Physique and Investigate will be the the Fair skills. Then I'm going to go with Empathy, Athletics, Notice, and Fight.
So her skills will look like this:
Will +4
Shoot +3, Burglary +3
Stealth +2, Physique +2, Investigate +2
Empathy +1, Athletics +1, Notice +1, Fight +1
So, she doesn't impact the story much at all with Resources or Contacts, and she doesn't like to attract attention so Deceive and Provoke are also not present. She also doesn't do much with making stuff, knowing things, or piloting vehicles.
So, now we come to Stunts.
Stunts and Refresh
Refresh is the number of Fate Points you start each session with. Fate Points are gained when your Aspects cause you problems and they are spent to activate Aspects or Stunts. (You can also activate Aspects for free via the "Create an Advantage" action). You do not have a maximum number of Fate Points.
Important note from someone whose run a lot of Fate: it is vitally important for a GM to keep the Fate Points flowing. This means you are engaging the characters' story arcs and giving them the fuel to be awesome.
You start with a Refresh of 3 and three free Stunts. You can get new Stunts by reducing your Refresh one for one to a minimum of 1. So you can get to a maximum of 5 Stunts.
Stunts do one of several things:
Add a new action to a skill.
Add a bonus to an action in certain circumstances.
Create a Rules Exception
They very much function similarly to PbtA moves.
There are a number of example stunts for each of the skills in the Core book, a large library of stunts available online by the communities that run Fate, and lots of guidelines for how to build Stunts.
The first thing I'm going to do is make a Stunt for the petrifying gaze. I'm going to say that she can Attack using Will by activating her gorgon powers. This will be a paralysis rather than true petrification. This is fairly powerful, especially since I chose Will as the strongest roll. But I also don't want it to be a commonly used thing, so I'm going to balance it by making it cost a Fate Point to use.
Basically, she can project a psychic jolt through a flash of light, allowing her to paralyze people that can see her face. Making it an AoE introduces collateral damage potential for drama and also balances making it cost a Fate Point, because otherwise attacking with a Skill that normally isn't used to attack is usually fine on its own for a Stunt.
Paralyzing Gaze - Peira can direct her snakes and gaze together forward, forming a psychically active light show and attacking those that can see her face using Will.
For her other two stunts, I'm going to take two of the prebuilt stunts from the core book.
Indomitable - +2 to Defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to Intimidation or Fear.
Always a Way Out - +2 to Create an Advantage whenever you're trying to escape from a location.
Stress and Consequences
Now we come to Stress and Consequences.
Most of this will be gameplay talk so you have context for what the values mean. The actual creation is pretty simple. Default is two Stress Boxes and it will be improved by Physique and Will.
Stress represents the temporary harm a person takes in the course of doing dangerous things. It heals up as soon as you have a chance to take a breath. There are two tracks by default: Physical and Mental. Some versions of Fate will also have other tracks such as the following:
Social - representing your reputation with other people and societal consequences.
Wealth - representing money.
Various power sources like "Energy" or "Soul"
Characters also have 3 Consequences (in some versions of Fate, they will have three Consequences for each track, but by default the consequences are mostly shared). Also, unlike Stress, they don't immediately go away just because you had a minute to catch your breath.
You have to take a deliberate action to recover from a consequence. After this action, the Consequence will recover at a time determined by it's severity.
Mild - After one full scene has occurred. (so if you do the recovery in the middle of a scene it will recover in the middle of the next one)
Moderate - After one full session has occurred. (so if you do the recovery in middle of a session, you will finish healing in the middle of the next session)
Severe - One whole scenario (adventure/mystery) after the recovery action happens.
When you recover, the consequence will either drop one level of severity or will go away completely if it was Mild. You name your Consequences to match the source of the harm.
So if you were attacked emotionally via Provoke trying to scare you and suffered a Moderate consequence you might name it "Frightened" if it was Severe you might name it "Terrified" or, if you want to be more flavorful, "The Fright of your Life" and you would change the name to represent healing after the recovery. So, "Terrified" might change to "Deeply Unsettled".
On the other hand a "Broken Leg" might turn to "Walking Cast".
So, how damage happens. An attack is rolled and the amount by which it succeeds determines the Stress coming in. If you can't account for even 1 Stress, then the character is Taken Out and will no longer be able to take part in the current scene. What this means generally depends on the situation. It could mean that they flee or get knocked out. They might be captured. Or they might be dead. This is largely determined by the players and GM at the moment.
Each box has a value equal to it's position.
Let's say you have 3 Stress Boxes and you suffer 2 Stress from an attack. You would go from this:
to this:
If you took 3 Stress instead, it would look like this:
If you took 1 Stress it would look like this:
Now, if the Stress Box for the value you just suffered is filled, you have to go to the next higher value. So, if you were at this:
And took another 2 Stress you would have to fill in the third box even though it is worth 3 instead of 2 and you'd look like this:
Alternately, you can suffer a Consequence.
Mild Consequences are worth 2 Stress
Moderate Consequences are worth 4 Stress
Severe Consequences are worth 6 Stress
And again, if you suffer 1 Stress but all of your Stress Tracks and other consequences are filled... you might have to suffer that Severe Consequence for that 1 damage.
Now, that bit of gameplay away, let's get back to character creation.
Physique and Will improve Stress Tracks and give extra Consequences.
Physique of +1 or +2 means she has one extra Physical Stress box. While Will of +3 or higher means she has two extra Mental Stress boxes. For games that allow skills of +5 or higher, the character would also gain an extra Mild Consequence purely for the type of harm related to the skill.
So This is the final result for Peira Madekapen
Peira Madekapen - Refresh 3
High Concept: Star-Trekking Enhanced Archer
Trouble: Project: Gorgon Escapee
Shadow Stepping Serpent Sentinel
Convenient Chaos
Experienced Drifter
Will +4
Shoot +3, Burglary +3
Stealth +2, Physique +2, Investigate +2
Empathy +1, Athletics +1, Notice +1, Fight +1
Paralyzing Gaze - Peira can direct her snakes and gaze together forward, forming a psychically active light show and attacking those that can see her face using Will.
Indomitable - +2 to Defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to Intimidation or Fear.
Always a Way Out - +2 to Create an Advantage whenever you're trying to escape from a location.
Stress Tracks:
Physical: OOO
Mental: OOOO
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dungeonofthedragon · 5 months
TTRPGs About: Playing Monsters!
Delicious, fulfilling rpgs where you get to play as a monster. I have already done a separate post on vampires, but here's the best of the rest!
Apocalypse Keys by Evil Hat
I often call this one 'my favourite game I have never played.' One day! Play as 'omen class' monsters with the potential to end the world, who struggle against doing so while taking down monsters who actually are causing an apocalypse. Be frightening! Be vulnerable! Bond with the only others who can hope to understand you! It's so many things I love in one beautiful, Powered by the Apocalypse package.
My favourite playbook is The Hungry: a monster which yearns for intimacy but also very much eats people.
No Sacrifice Without Blood by hyphenartist
What if everyone was playing The Hungry? This game is kind of like that. Except you're not trying to save the world- you're just trying to catch a warm (blooded) meal and survive! At least you have each other.
Gods and Monsters by Evil Hat
This game runs on the Fate system. It requires special dice called fudge dice, but that's nothing online dice rollers can't deal with! In Gods and Monsters, players take on the rolls of deities in a young world. They must be careful not to become monsters as they shape the world around them.
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sigmasupreme · 1 year
I’ve always felt weird about aspects in FATE (the RPG). Sometimes I sit down at the gaming table, I go to come up with text to describe a character and I just come up blank.
Those sorts of mechanics where you have to be really creative about something that you might be stuck with are always a hard sell for me.
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worldeaterart · 1 year
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I finally got around to doing a colored sketch of my character Eve from my Saturday morning Fate Core game. She's the npc that has been traveling with the party, and recently they discovered that she may be reporting what they have been doing to an unknown organization. Who does she work for? Why hasn't she told the party? Why is she so different from the other mages they have met? There are many, many questions my players have been asking each other and I can't wait for them to find out precisely what is going on with Eve.
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unpossiblerpgs · 2 years
I think one of the first steps in getting people to try games other than D&D is to help them realize that there are entire ecosystems of games built around mechanics other than D20 classes & levels. This way they can feel a bit more comfortable about investing time in learning something new. For example, learn pretty much any D100 game (Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, Basic Roleplaying, Eclipse Phase, et al) and you’ll easily pick up other D100 games.
This article runs through several of the most popular systems that form the basis of many games. Hopefully it’ll provide inspiration if you’re trying to cajole your group into trying something new.
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captainbuhh · 1 year
Zooting and teaching myself how to run Fate accelerated while my partner is at work having never played anything from Fate core
Send prayers y’all
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