How to Get Through the ADHD Medication Maze
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Have you had to go a day or more without your prescription medication? Do you know the physical discomfort and anxiousness of waiting to get the relief medication reordered? Have you spent hours on the phone with the doctor's office, insurance company or pharmacy waiting for your ADHD treatments to be filled? If so, you, like me, have been trapped in the medication maze. For years I have listened as shoppers told me about their challenges to be diagnosed, only to have their hopes dashed when they find themselves trapped in the ADHD medication maze. What is the ADHD medication maze? It is that tangled cycle of trying to get ADHD medications refilled. Prescriptions not relayed to local pharmacies or faxes getting lost to online medication mailing systems. On your guard looks from pharmacists when picking up medications. Refusals by insurance companies to pay for prescribed medications. The countless dead ends, backtracking, twists and turns of getting a written prescription through the process and have it filled. The ADHD medication maze is a frustrating web where so many people with ADHD find themselves stuck not knowing which way to turn and unfortunately several give up and never get a chance to experience the possible benefits of ADHD medications. In theory, filling medication prescriptions is supposed to be convenient work. In reality, it rarely goes smoothly. Let me tell you about my own recent experience with trying to get my medications loaded. I know many of you will relate. I called to make an appointment and a month later got in to see my general practitioner who, after a 25-minute wait and a 10-minute appointment, prescribed me my medications. As I left the clinic, As i was told a 14-day short-term prescription would be called to my local pharmacy and an email/fax may be sent to Express Scripts, my mail-order pharmacy. Okey dokey. Not so bad. Except (you saw this coming, don't you? ) a plan is only as good as its execution. The following day my local pharmacy auto responder called (nice feature by the way) to let me know my short-term interim medications were ready to be picked up. I has been pleasantly relieved and somewhat surprised it had been that uncomplicated. Easy peazy, I thought. I will pick them standing on my way to the airport and just to be sure, allow 15 minutes extra. You see where this is going, right? I achieved the pharmacy with plenty of time, trying to have faith and confidence in the system... after all they had confirmed my prescribed was ready for pick up, right? I waited patiently in line for the two people before me to pick up their own prescriptions and have a pharmacy consult... do dee do... no worries, plenty of time. My turn. I stepped up, brought the pharmacist my name and they turned around to reach for my prescription. The pharmacist placed two carriers on the counter, rang me up... my cost was under $10 dollars... Yay! Woo Hoo... happy move. I even scolded myself for doubting all would work out. And then... Wait a minute. I had three prescriptions. "Uh hello Mr. Pharmacy Man, I'm supposed to have three medications filled today... there are only two. " Now I was still hopeful... wanting to trust in this "fill a pill system" and then I heard those fated words... "The doctor reordered three medications, but the XYZase is not covered by your insurance until the first of next month. inches Wait what? And then, in a nanosecond, my stomach dropped, my pulse quickened and I began to see green. I was frustrated by the whole system. Frustrated because I trusted everyone to do their job. Angry with the detection that so many people get stuck in this medication maze with little support or map to find their way out... Aspect note: I'll admit it... I have a real problem with the way medications are dispensed in this country. It's a mad system, full of twists and turns we are expected to navigate in order to get prescriptions filled. It's complicated by monetarily excited insurance companies who decide what medical care I receive and what I don't. Last time I checked, insurers do not have a medical license; they don't have the training to decide whether I continue on a medication or not. My own doctor with the advanced M. D. degree should be the one to decide medically what is in the best interest of this health. So where was I... oh yes, standing at the pick-up counter at the pharmacy... Mustering my courage and additionally trying very hard not to be rude, I told the pharmacist that "the insurance company did not get to decide your medical care, my doctor did and I would pay for that prescription out of my own pocket if needed... thank you. " Then, I was asked to step out of the line and told my prescription would be filled as soon as possible. So that i waited... I don't mind waiting... after all I had allowed an extra 15 minutes just in case. So I waited while the pharmacist brimming other prescriptions, answered three phone calls... and a half hour later and 8 people less in line, the pharmacy assistant grabbed the coveted white bag, looked at me and said "it's ready. " Not trusting average joe to say a word, fuming with the needless half hour wait, the senselessness of our insurance companies dictating our health care bills and the realization of so many other people going through similar experiences... I paid the $25 for my medication in addition to left. Two weeks later, my interim medication bottles were almost empty, but my Express script online send prescriptions were scheduled to arrive. (Insert laugh track. ) Yep... you guessed it... no white plastic container with jingling pill bottles had yet graced my mailbox. I was a day away from my medications functioning out a second time that month. Click here neuropathy pain Curses... here we go again! Who knew what had happened now? So once again I was on the phone calling my mail-order pharmacy to see if they had received the top off order from my doc... nope they hadn't received it. I called the doctor's office again... "oops"... they had emailed my local pharmacy the short-term refill (we all know how that went), but "sorry" this email/fax with the prescription to my mail-order pharmacy hadn't been sent. Do I need them to do it now? People! Help me here! I'm doing all I can... I need you to follow through. Who in their right mind would ever examine this craziness over and over again if their medication wasn't necessary? The fact is I know so many of you go through this challenging, exhausting medication maze... month after month, year after year. You bravely and boldly step into the process where people almost need a medical degree yourself to get prescriptions filled. It is ineffective, inefficient, and, unfortunately, it is what we are generally left to work with. We cannot escape it... so if you have found yourself in the medication maze, here are some tools to retain you when you find yourself in this labyrinth: Remember - you and your doctor get to decide your medical treatment. Your insurance company declining to pay for a medication doesn't mean you can't pay for it out of your own pocket. I know some medications are costly, nevertheless you might be surprised at how inexpensive some really are. Always ask. Always double and triple check to make sure emails/faxes/phone calls have been made/sent and received so the delivery of your medications goes as smoothly as possible. Specifically call your pharmacy and your medication-mailing service to confirm they received the prescription orders... if not, call your doctor's office to check they were sent. Don't assume. Keep the doctor's office, pharmacy and mail delivery systems numbers where they can be quite simply found. Don't give up. Remember the benefits of your medication far outweigh the frustration to get them. The confusing, strenuous medication maze is an all too common problem those with ADHD face. I understand your frustrations and admire ones courage to go forth despite the craziness of it all! I'll bet you have some "medication maze" stories of your own... I might love to hear them!
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cesium-sheep · 6 years
got the 6 page history form for the new doc today :) I understand wanting to maximize time with patients but the way to do it isn’t to put knowledge-intensive work on them. I am also responsible for bringing all rxs in bottle and faxing all records. the part I hate most so far? sexual partners question has “none” “male” “female” and “both” options. no “prefer not to answer”. so if you’re not comfortable being out your options are lie or be forcibly outed in the office anyway. I don’t have my vaccination records back to 1995. whenever I request records for anything they never fucking turn up. I’m still waiting for prescription records from scs and we’ve moved twice since I asked. I do not have the ability to fax you records.
this is not a promising sign in the slightest. I’m angry and under that I’m scared.
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nerdrehab · 8 years
So, since the holidays were going on like crazy last week and through the weekend, most places were closed. Unfortunately it landed on the weekend where I needed my refill for accutane. Got the appointment done and even asked the doc if I could get the blood work done somewhere in SLC, cause I live up there. Sure, no problem she said it’d be fine. On the day I had to get it done, I found a clinic in SLC, same name as the one I go to. Find out they don’t have the blood work order, they try to call my clinic, no answer. I even try and still no answer. Have to ask my Dad to physically go there to see if there is anyone, there is. Guess the phones were down. The blood work order is actually in the system but for some reason not transmitting through the hospital’s network. They are able to fax it over and I get the blood work done. Thank god because I’ve had to go without eating for 11 hours just to make sure everything is fine.
Get the call from them a few hours later saying everything is normal, they sent the prescription to my pharmacy on the base. Except the base closes in 2 hours and there’s no way they’ll have it ready or I can get there in time. Find out they’ll be closed on Friday because hey, the holidays. You know, the 30th. No problem, I have a week to get the script. I wait till they are finally open, today, to call the pharmacy and see if its ready, that way I don’t have to make the half hour drive down there to find out it ain’t ready yet. 
Wait 45 minutes to talk to someone. They tell me... they don’t have any orders. Fuck shit what the hell the Dermatologist called saying they submitted on the 29th. Well fuck. Call the Dermatologist, they tell me holiday hours and closed times, everything is okay from the sound of it. Its the 3rd, they should be open. NOPE, called twice, went to voice mail. I NEED to get this script within a week from the blood test, otherwise I don’t know, I’ll have to take the blood test again but at that point I’ll be so far behind. Like shit, why isn’t anyone answering the phone? I’ve left two voice mails and no call backs and no one answering. You can’t tell me your phones are down AGAIN?!?
Rant over.
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