encorefeezz · 2 years
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ithisatanytime · 10 months
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FEEZZ & HardBack - Phatt Bass (Blade) auf YouTube Music ansehen
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bonglife420 · 8 months
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longsleevs · 6 years
The cabin
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warning: language i guess
A/N: This time, a short imagine! Xx
Summary: Jacob looked confused at all of us "What the hell is going on! You two like each other or what!?" In that moment i was about to freak out, so i just standed up and went inside the cabin.
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We just can't wait till the moment when we arrive in that little town full of snow and cute views, were we will spend an amazing weekend
"What are you thinking about??" Tom said while i was looking through the window "What??" I said turning to look at that beautiful eyes that drive me crazy, he smiled "I asked what are you thinking about" he said with a kind smile "Oh! I just can't wait to arrive, that's all" i said looking through the window again trying to not to blush, he just smiled and turn to talk with Haz and Jacob
We finally arrived at the cabin, it was a smol house made of wood, it looked like any Christmas movie from the outside "This place is amazing" Z said looking to not just the house, the view that we had too "So you guys just learned something new" Jacob said while we all looked at him confused "That i can choose the house for the trip and it will be amazing" he said with a proud smile "We haven't seen the house inside Jacob, calm down mate" Haz said while Tom was laughing
In that exactly moment Jacob opened the door, and we went to inside the cabin to find the most beautiful place that we had ever seen "Can i spend the rest of my life here" i said as i walked around the house sort of like flouting with a huge smile on my face, i could feel a pair of eyes looking at me, following all my moves, normally i would stop but I'm just so exited that i didn't even care
We went upstairs to find 4 rooms, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom; we decides that girls in one room, boys in other room and mama Jacob in the last room. "You're telling me that this house just have 1 bathroom, while here we are 2 girls, 3 boys, 2 GIRLS that will never left the bathroom and the this idiot, that will want his hair to look nice!" Haz said like a insane person, like completely insane "Calm down, there are othet bathrooms Harrison" Jacob said laughing "I'm sure that you aren't insane because of Z and Y/N or my beautiful hair, you just don't want us to smell your shit in the bathroom, mate" Tom said and Harrison started laughing "Shut up! That was our secret, idiot!" Haz said thing that make all of laugh, suddenly i felt a soft touch on my shoulder "Sorry, darling" Tom whispered to me with a soft smile in his face.
Look away, you blushing, idiot!
Gez, i just don't know how to explain, how much i love this guy, that curly brown hair that falls over his cute face, that soft and kind smile that melts my heart, that deep brown eyes, the fact that in my head he is the most perfect human being on earth
Back to earth, Y/N
The next thing that i knew was that we were at the living room and we were already on the couch, Tom sat next to me (i was next to Z btw) and put his arms behind me, like resting them on the couch, but I could feel his touch from behind.
We were talking, laughing, having a great time, but all i could think about was the fact that he sat next to me and that his head was rest on my shoulder; i was freaking out inside and i knew that Z realised what was going on next to her and that her friend is about to have a heart attack
It was all dark outside (we arrived at 4 pm, rn it was 7 p.m) and Haz has the great idea of going outside and had like a little camping, but we will sleep inside, that's how he explained his idea, btw he meant have a little wood fire, we all laughed at him, i thought that he was insane because outside was freezing, but 3 out of the 4 people liked his idea, guess who said no, Yup! ME!!
We were in the living with Z, the guys went to the grocery store and we decided to stay "What was that in the living today?" She asked me with a smirk in her face and then laughed "Idk, i sat there and he came and sat next to me, thing that could be completely normal, but then he sort of hugged me from behind, i mean, you know exactly what i mean" i said and she laughed "idiot" she said as i rolled my eyes "and then he- he rest HIS damm head on MY shoulder and stayed like that until we all moved. Did you dam told him about my feelings! No! You told Jacob and he told Tom, yeah... that's what happened. Btw I'm going to kill you two!" I said and she laughed of her paranoid friend "No idiot, i didn't said anything, stop being paranoid" Ha! Look i knew that she think I'm being paranoid! "And no Jacob don't know. And maybe he likes you back! Is that so difficult to believe!?" She said as looked to the ground playing with my fingers "Yeah... why would he like me? I mean I'm just Z's friend, or that annoying girl that is always with us..." i stoped when i heard the door open "WE BACK!" Haz shouted, while we were rigth next to the door "we are rigth here idiot! And don't scream!" she said mad, just because i was about to cry.
I tried to stop crying, cleaned my face and turned to face Jacob ans Haz "Where's my chocolate??" I said trying to sound exited "Tom has it" Haz said, pointing at the kitchen, looked at him confuse "He is at the kitchen" i said ohhh and gave him a smile and went to the kitchen finding Tom taking the stufs out of the bags "You will just stare or you will help me??" He said and laughed "Mmmmm Sorry... i just came to for my chocolate, but i can help you!" He didn't even looked at me, or smiled, he just keep taking the things out of the bags "Here it is, love" he said as he took the chocolate out of the bag, i just smiled at him and started taking the stuff out of the bags with him.
We all were outside, i had life 3 or 2 bed sheets around me and like 2 couts, because it was freezing, while the weirdos of my friend's were drinking freezing beer and i was drinking hot coco. We all were sat on like this big chairs, all of them were for like 2 or 3 persons, i was sat in the least cold one when Tom came closer "Can i sit there??" I looked up at him "Yeah! Sure!" I said as i gave him some space to seat "Can i?" He said touching the sheets, i nod and gave him a little of space, in that moment i realized that we were cuddling, and sharing the sheets
Don't freak out
"I guess that we have a couple here, and i didn't knew!" Jacob said pointing at Tom and me "No we not! We are just feezzing!" I shouted without processing the words that were coming out of my mouth. Z looked at me saying 'like you are and idiot', while Haz looked at Tom but i didn't pay much attention on that "What it's going on here? Is there something that you guys wanna share with me?" Tom and I looked confused at Jacob while Z and Haz just looked at us like if they wanted to know what to do "Mate, just say it" Haz said looking at Tom "I guess you should say it too" Z said looking at me and whispered "sorry". Jacob looked confused at all of us "What the hell is going on! You two like each other or what!?" In that moment i was about to freak out, so i just standed up and went inside the cabin.
I sat on the couch "What the hell is going with me! You have always expressed how you felt so damm easily but now you can't even told the guy that drives you crazy, that you love him!! I'm an idiot" i said to myself as i started to cry. I felt completely lost, until i felt that soft touch on my skin, i looked up and i just saw Tom sitting next to me and putting his arms aground me, i rest my head on his chest and tried to stop crying "You can keep crying, darling" i looked up to him, our faces were in front, my eyes were lost on his deep brown eyes "Why are you crying, love" he said cleaning my face, and getting closer "Nothing" i said looking down "You wanna know my secret, the one that Haz told me to said it, darling" he said while holding me on his arms, i just nodded "You need to look at me, in the face, if you wanna know, love" i looked at him "Ok... Here it is... I'm going to say it. I- I- reall- really..." he was really nervous, that was kinda obvious, with just looking at his face, once he said the word 'really' he got closer to me, and our lips connected on a cute and soft kiss, i pulled away after a little kinda shooked "I really like you Y/N... No! I love you, i have being in love with you since the first time that i ever saw you... i just thought that you were the most beautiful and amazing person in this world. The way that your hair is always up in a messy bump, that kind and cute smile that you always have, the way that i get lost every single time that i see your beautiful green eyes, and the way that they sometimes change of colors. And for me you are just perfect, you are the most perfect and beautiful and amazing and kind soul in this entire universe" i looked at him so damm shook, i just never though taht this guy could feel the same way that i feel for him "Wan- Wanna know m-my secret??" He looked at me confused, i mean he just said all that beautiful things about me, he just confessed his fellings and i didn't even said anything "Yeah... i guess" he said with a mad tone "I love you too Tom" i said whith a huge smile, he smiled and his eyes has sparkles "I can't believe i just told you that" i said looking down, he just kissed me without saying a word, his lips were so soft and comfortable and the way the fitted with mine was just perfect "Since when?" He said with a happy face, once we pull away "Before we meet in person, i mean... before i even knew you were Spider-Man... i mean since the impossible" i said looking down "You looked so cute, sensitive and soft, i fell for that kid, i mean i had a crush on 16 or 15 year old Tom. I always watched your movies, i had a crush on you and i admired you... You don't know how loud i screamed the day that i found out that you were Spider-Man, because that meant that you and Zendaya would be in the same movie, and that i could meet you. I fell in love with you since we meet, i really didn't knew you before, but when i finally meet you i fell completely for you... I couldn't control myself any time that we were together, i just looked at you and the only thing i could think about was about the way that yout curly brown hair falls over your face, about your soft and kind smile and about your beautiful eyes..." he cuts with a kiss, wow! thee kiss already! We went away when we heard the door open
"Can we come in??" Haz said, Tom and I laughed "Yeah!" 3 people came into the house "you don't wanna kill me rigth?" Z said hiding behind Jacob "Nop, not at all" i said laughing at my bestie "How is everything in here??" Jacob said "Better than ever" Tom said with a huge smile.
A/N: Hi, my little sunflowers!🌻 Hope you liked this one. It has being a completely mess writing this, Why? Oh! Easy! Because the internets didn't worked and i saved it all, like until the half of the story on the drafs, and the Wi-Fi wasn't working, so it didn't save, and then i completely forgot like my password, oh! Rigth! Why my password?? Because my little sister uninstalled Tumblr from my phone!🙄
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particleofashes · 2 years
Hello! I am new user here. You can call me as Vava of Feezze. So ths acc may be contain a lot of my OC stuffs, both the lore, the character, also the fact. As you see in my account's name, this story will be called as Particle of Ashes. Hope you like it!
Note : I apologies for my bad English since it's my second language and some of them went out for so long
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bluecheeseblues · 13 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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FEEZZ -  für immer
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