alexandersimpleton · 1 year
Hey guys, remember that time time Leland forced his high-school aged, sickly son to clear THIS
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On his feet with an overweight llama on his back? And remember how he didn't give Frederick an escort or anybody to watch him? And remember how he was in the middle of nowhere with no hospital for miles? And remember how it was broad daylight out? And remember how the gala normally happens in the fall so this was probably some time in summer? And remember how Leland made him do it AGAIN? And remember how it took so long the second time that he had to sleep outside? And remember how he immediately had to make a break for it in the morning? And remember how if Whitney wasn't there Frederick would've 100%, legitimately, actually died of exhaustion or heat stroke? And remember how Leland almost murdered his own child because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life trapped in a loveless marriage with someone who legitimately thought was going to hurt him?
Haha, yeah. What a funny thing Leland did. This is such a funny joke, and it will never be acknowledged again.
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sri-rachaa · 2 years
…oh the controversial angst idea. In tags it goes.
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beauzos · 4 months
reading Custerology, and two things:
it's extremely funny that a lot of contemporaries writing about him positively can't help but call him girly for like. having long hair and being particular about his appearance. like there's multiple quotes about him that basically just boil down to "he's sooo girly but also he's sooo badass he's awesome i love him". ok.
at one point the author contrasts "Custerphile" with "Custerphobe" and it made me laugh really hard. with YOUR help we can increase the amount of Custerphobes in the world!!!
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
What drives me most insane about all the discourse (or lack of discourse) around Hazbin is people trying to act like Angel Dust is the first ever sex worker character portrayed in media as an actual *character.* To say nothing of the fact that he's an utterly HORRIBLE representation. If anything it reinforces the idea of sex work as some bottom of the barrel hail mary for the desperate and horny. Which...no.
You want to know what most sex workers are like??? People. They're like *people.* People with interests and identities outside of their profession. They also have a lot in common with Therapists in that people go to them for comfort and sometimes literally a shoulder to cry on. The old cliche of a guy hiring a hooker only to cry about his problems isnt just for laughs. Listening to people and comforting them is a HUGE part of sex work. SO many sex workers are incredibly kind and emotionally intelligent people and not all of them only resorted to sex work out of desperation.
Angel? He's basically just a sassy, mean, gay twink stereotype rolled together with a ceaselessly horny, drug addled, asshole. Just because we're meant to feel bad for him doesnt make him a good representation.
You know some shows/movies that DO have positive rep? Bobs Burgers, Bless The Harts , GLOW, Firefly, Moulin Rouge, fucking Independence Day and yes I mean the one from 1996, and Sweet Charity which is from the goddamn 60s.
And these are just a fraction of the examples out there.
As a rule (and this is for everyone, not just the dickriders) just because YOU haven't seen/heard of something before doesnt mean it hasn't been done. Stop making all these broad judgements based on your own very narrow experience and do some research, good lord...
Dont even get me started on people trying to applaud the show for queer rep when it's literally just a Yaoi Hentai with musical numbers and twice the exploitation.
I pray to god John Waters never finds out about Hazbin because I don't need the poor man finding out all the work he did for queer culture and media has been set back decades by one spoiled rich white bitch.
And yes, Vivienne is white. Having South /Central American heritage does not automatically mean you aren't white. White is complexion, not a goddamn nationality. If you look and act white enough, you'll get treated like a white person, and Viv is about as white as they come. She grew up in goddamn bourgie-ass Frederick, Maryland. We see you, Viv.
Honestly, at the moment, I think my favorite fictional depiction of a sex worker is Tuca from Tuca & Bertie in that brief window of time she dabbled in it. Did it because she liked it and was good at it, no stereotypical Valentino-esque pimp in the picture, her clients were all regular people too, and she did it online which is something you don't often see in media. Viv could never have written something that grounded and adult.
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 9 months
The Heart of Your Home Pt 3
Summary: Arthur comes across a woman in need. What he thought was a simple good deed would take him down a much further path than anticipated.
Warnings: Cursing, eventual canon-typical violence, eventual smut.
Word Count: 4,861
A/N: Knocked this one out quicker than the last chapter...phew!
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Your bed felt entirely too large as of late. 
A simple routine followed early every morning. Roused awake by the dim rays of dawn peeking through the gossamer curtains of the bedroom shared by you and your husband. You were always the first to rise, shaking sleep from your body as you got dressed and began your work in the kitchen, having a hot breakfast ready by the time the door creaked open a second time. 
Since your move to New Hanover, you have often found yourself in your own company. The cold spot of Frederick’s sat empty and unused. His chair sat unmoving, only one plate and a single set of silverware adorned the table. 
It was all business, you knew that. Frederick was naturally a man of action. It’s how you were able to live comfortably, convinced employment for yourself was unnecessary, even if it meant frequent boredom in the household. 
Boredom, and loneliness.
He assured you plenty that it would lead to bigger and better things; a larger house and plentiful land, and no need for you to lift a finger for household chores. The two of you sitting on a spacious porch, watching a handful of bubbly children play in the expansive yard. 
A future you were not opposed to, but at present, you wished your husband was...well, more husbandly. 
Frederick was not a horrible man by any means. He showed his love and affection often, and always ensured you had what you requested— a new coat, seeds to start an herb garden, a horse of your own to travel to town when needed since carriages were far and few in between out here. 
But when it came to entrepreneurship, it almost seemed as if the band on your finger didn’t matter much. 
You sat at your usual seat on the table, once again enjoying an egg and toast breakfast by yourself across from the chair that sat empty for the fifth day in a row, not counting his stop at home just two days prior. What was supposed to be a quick visit to Valentine turned into a week-long affair. He arrived a few hours later as he promised, only to apologetically explain the new turn of events. A week in Annesburg, a mining town in eastern Hanover from what you understood. 
The smile on your face was forced, with your bid goodbye and a safe travel. He hadn’t even stayed for dinner. 
Come to think of it, the last person to occupy that seat hadn’t been Frederick at all. 
A sudden onset of rain pulled you from your thoughts. Surprise flooded you, not even glancing twice at the sky when waking up today, though dully aware of the gray overcast outside of the windows. 
Automatically, you glanced up at the spot you knew would start leaking soon, only to remember that issue had been fixed just days ago. Not even a patch of condensation. You smiled, once again grateful for the man who so selflessly offered his time for that very task. 
The remainder of your breakfast was spent quietly listening to the downpour outside. You were thankful for the warmth inside, providing a sense of coziness despite the empty feeling that stirred in your belly. The meal satiated you, but it didn’t fill the hole your husband left. 
As you began cleaning your plate, a knock on the door startled you. Rarely did you ever expect company, and Frederick wouldn’t knock, he’d just come right in. 
Wary, you dried your hands and approached the door slowly. You grasped the knob and opened the door just enough to peer through. 
To your delighted surprise, standing there waiting was Arthur. 
“Arthur!” you exclaimed with more enthusiasm than you’d realized. Opening the door fully, you greeted him with a smile. As early as it was, you had to remind yourself of the open invitation to your house. “Good morning, what brings you here so early?” you asked. 
The tall man stood there in what appeared to be a newer black leather jacket and his normal hat, both covered in beads of rain cascading down the smooth surfaces. He smiled at you politely. “Mornin’. I was headin’ back from West Elizabeth when it started rainin’, thought I’d hide out for a bit since I was in the area. You mind?” 
You shook your head. “Of course not, come in,” you stepped aside and gestured. “Stay as long as you’d like.” 
His smile turned grateful as he passed through the threshold. “I appreciate it.” 
You watched as he hung his jacket and hat, exposing a different wardrobe than what you’d seen him in previous. Usually in simple clothing, he appeared to be wearing something fresh and new. A crimson red shirt with a high folded collar, the top two buttons hung open to reveal his neck and upper chest, a view that was concealed by a scarf previously. His hair had been long and shaggy before, now had a neat short, faded cut and was slicked back. 
His pants seemed to be...more form fitting, or was that your imagination? 
Arthur’s eyes met yours for a second, and you realized you’d been staring for a beat longer than intended. “Somethin’ wrong? Or is my mug that ugly?” 
“You’re not ugly,” you said automatically, your response surprising yourself. You could appreciate a man that cleaned up well. Men like Arthur worked hard, you found, and they didn’t put much stock in their outward appearance. They didn’t have anyone to impress, as they were just trying to make an honest living for themselves and their families. 
Truth be told, this change made him look quite good. Not that he was worse off before, but something about this wardrobe change drew more attention to finer features you really hadn’t noticed before. 
Though it wasn’t your place to say so. 
His face slightly faltered at your comment, which piqued your curiosity. Rather than questioning it, you changed the subject. “Would you like some breakfast?” 
“That’d be great,” he said, the smile returning. “Thank you.” 
You began to work diligently, grateful for the opportunity to keep your hands busy. Cleaning surfaces only got you so far when you were the only one dirtying them, and you were beyond thankful for the company. Two more eggs were cracked open, and two fresh pieces of bread were placed inside the oven to toast, all the while Arthur sat at the table. 
“I take it the roof ain’t leakin’,” he said, catching your attention. 
You glanced over your shoulder to shoot him a smile. “Nope, thanks to a certain someone.” 
He chuckled lightly. “Glad to know my handiwork didn’t go to waste.” 
“Then I know what handyman to contact if something else breaks around here,” you joked. 
Arthur gave a half shrug, his amused smile remaining. “As long as I get paid or get another good meal, I’ll be your goddamned handyman for life.” 
A giggle passed your lips. You of course knew he was joking, but the thought of him being around more... 
Your thought was halted when he spoke again. “Your uh...husband out on business again?” he asked lightly. 
You hid your frown by facing the oven again. “As usual,” you answer with equal lightness, though it was feigned. 
Arthur grunted in response. A moment of silence passed before he added, “Everything okay here?” 
“Fine,” you answered, reaching for your stash of herbs in a nearby cabinet. To your dismay, you found it was empty. Frowning, you closed the cabinet and sighed, “Shoot.” 
“Somethin’ wrong?” 
You turned to face Arthur. “I’m out of herbs. I’m afraid your eggs will be a little dull,” you explain, turning back around to attend to the rest of your cooking without waiting for a response. 
You heard the chair shift, and just mere seconds passed when he was standing next to you. Glancing over, he was digging through the satchel at his hip. You were about to ask what he was doing when his hand reappeared and he held it out to you, laden with a few sprigs of herbs. 
Blinking in confusion, you peered up at him. “Huh?” 
He gestured with his head toward the frying eggs, as if it were plainly obvious. “Figured I could spare some.” 
You opened your mouth to argue, but from previous encounters, you learned refusing his generosity never worked. Holding out your own hand, he pressed the herbs into your palm. His hand, covered by a leather fingerless glove, felt surprisingly warm for having just stepped in from the cold rain. 
“Thank you,” turning to the eggs again, you peered at the herbs briefly. Thyme and oregano, you realized, peering at each individually. The dried leaves crumbled in your palm as you sprinkled them upon the eggs. 
How was it that Arthur always seemed to be there when you needed him? Not needed him, you amended to yourself, just needed something in the moment when he happened to be there. Needed saving from a pack of wolves? Arthur was quick with his bullets. Needed a patch job on your leaky roof? Arthur could do that. Needed some herbs to add flavor to your dish? No worries, Arthur had some. 
When you felt the pangs of loneliness left by your husband’s ambitions, Arthur showed up... 
A small feeling stirred inside you, one that you couldn’t place at first, as heat settled in your cheeks. You recognized the sensation as you’d once felt before in your younger days, before marriage. Recalling those memories of strolling the streets with your friends as they spoke about their potential future husbands. The mere thought of settling down with a man to support and dote on you gave a feeling of excitement and reassurance. It’d been a long time since you felt that, not since your wedding day. 
Frederick had proven to be that sort of husband, despite your private grievances about him earlier. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be working as hard as he did to provide a better life for the both of you. What reason did that old feeling arise? 
Shaking your head, you turned your focus back to the eggs, removing them from the stove before they had the chance to overcook. The toast followed, and you set both on to a clean plate before bringing it over to Arthur. He dug in almost immediately, a look of satisfaction crossed his face with the first bite. 
You didn’t even have to ask if he liked it, because the first thing out of his mouth after swallowing was a compliment. 
“Delicious, as always,” he said before shoving another forkful. 
You smiled and took your seat again. Arthur’s visits were always pleasant, even when neither of you carried long conversations some of the time. Unlike most of the men you’ve met, Arthur didn’t seem loud and boisterous. You knew he was a man well-traveled and skilled in his ways, which left you somewhat envious of his aptitude. 
Curiosity began to bubble in you. There were only a few sparing details you learned, and questions burned in your throat. You decided to speak up. “Arthur, can I ask you something?” 
Arthur had been chewing on the toast when his focus settled on you. “Hmm?” he hummed through a mouthful. 
“What is it that you do, exactly? I know you seem to travel a bit from what you’ve told me, and I wondered what sort of career calls for a man of your expertise,” you asked in one breath, realizing how nervous you were to even utter that. 
Arthur swallowed, a thoughtful look on his face for a split second before he answered. “I go wherever work needs to be done,” he answered. “Stagecoach escort, delivery runs, loan repayment, it changes every day.” 
You nodded. That made sense of course. Escorting stagecoaches explained his talent with firearms, knowing that often he would have to protect important people. “And do you have a wife? Family?” 
There was a full second before he replied. “No, no wife,” he didn’t acknowledge the second half of your inquiry. 
That you found hard to believe. He was kind and caring. Tracking back to your previous thought when observing his appearance, he certainly was easy on the eyes. Time and nature had its effect on him, yet that didn’t hinder his soft gaze and kind smile. How was it there wasn’t a lucky woman to call him her husband? 
But you didn’t dare to ask for an elaboration, lest the reason would be something worse than just choosing to remain unwed. “I see,” you say, trying to think of something else. “What were you doing in West Elizabeth then?” 
Arthur peered at you, a glimmer of amusement in his eye. “I thought I was here for breakfast and decent company, not to be interrogated,” he chuckled. 
“Oh!” you glanced down, a blush forming in your cheeks. “I’m sorry, if it bothers you—" 
“No harm done,” he interrupted, waving his hand in your peripheral. “I was out there huntin’. Heard the moose are somethin’ else.” 
“Hunting,” you repeated thoughtfully, looking back up at him. You’d never seen a live moose before. But from what you understood, they were quite large. “Were you able to find a moose?” 
“At first no,” he sighed. “Tracked one for a while, until I jus’ about ran into a damn Grizzly.” 
Your eyebrows shot up at that. “What? A Grizzly? Are you okay?” Obviously he was, since you didn’t see any sign of injury. 
The chuckle returned, and Arthur raised his arms in show. “Fine, fine. In fact, I made decent money off him at the butchers. Went right back to track that moose, found him not too long after. Thankfully the trail didn’t get too cold. Harvested plenty o’ meat from that son of a—” he paused. “Pardon my language.” 
That last part made you smile again. Ever the gentleman, you thought to yourself. “Lots of meat, huh? I’ve never had moose meat before...” you thought out loud. “Is it good?” 
“Why don’t you find out? Have some for dinner,” he said, once again digging into the satchel. Half a moment passed by before he produced a wrapped package, placing it on the table. 
You stared for a moment in surprise, your eyebrows raised. “Really?” 
Arthur shrugged. “Plenty more where that came from, I got more than enough for myself.” 
A small huff of a laugh passed your lips. This man was certainly full of surprises. “Thank you, guess I will have some for dinner tonight.” 
It didn't stop there. Arthur dug further into his bag, producing another handful of herbs. “Might as well replenish your stores along with it,” he said, placing them next to the package of meat. 
You recognized an assortment of more thyme and oregano, as well as mint, sage, and a few others that were harder to discern amongst the pile. There was a moment of wonder, was there an end to his generosity? You opened your mouth to speak when his wide yawn caught your eye. It was still early morning, and curiosity burned within you once again. 
“How long were you out there?” You voiced your thoughts. “Seems like you had a busy day, and it can’t be past 8 am.” 
Arthur stretched, groaning in the effort as his arms raised above his head. He then answered, “Took half the night, I got to Big Valley late afternoon yesterday.” 
“Half the night?” You repeated in shock. “Have you even slept?” 
He shook his head and shrugged, as if it wasn't a big deal. “Thought I could tough it out ’til I got home, that is, before the rain started.” 
And the rain was still falling, you deduced after glancing out the window behind you. A frown set on your lips as you turned to look at him again. The fatigue in his face was obvious now; dark shadows hung underneath his eyes. “Why don't you take a nap in the guest room?” You gestured toward the closed door off to the side, next to your own bedroom. “It might be a while until the weather lightens.” 
Now Arthur was the one protesting. Shaking his head, he waved away your offer. “That ain't necessary, I’ll be fine.” 
“After spending an entire night hunting a moose and nearly getting killed by a bear? And riding across state lines?” You sternly pointed out, though kept your tone from being too stony. “I insist. Rest up for a little while, then you can be on your way. I'm sure your horse is as tired as you are,” he didn't have to mention, nor did you have to see his stallion that you very well knew was occupying the empty stall in the barn. 
Arthur looked as if he were about to argue, but he paused as he considered your words. “I suppose it couldn't hurt...” he stifled another yawn before clearing the remnants of his meal. You stepped forward and grabbed the plate, once again gesturing to the same door. 
“Make yourself comfortable, and I’ll be out here if you need anything.” 
He nodded in response, standing up and heading over. As he passed, you detected the hint of a grateful smile. 
Within the first hour you’d arranged Arthur’s gifted herbs into piles in your cabinet, noting there were enough to get your by for a week. The moose steak was placed to the side for prep later. The second hour was spent performing your normal chores, deliberately dragging yourself not to finish too quickly. Every so often you glanced at the closed door of your guest room, ensuring the sleeping body behind it was comfortable and not in need of anything else. The only noise was Arthur’s gentle snores from the other side. 
By the third hour mark, you’d run out of things to do and took to spending time outside, resting on the rocking chair on the porch. The rain stopped maybe an hour and a half before, and the misty gray skies made way for beautiful blues, the sun warming the soaked land as the wilderness began to stir. 
Your eyes fixed on the garden you started a while ago now, having abandoned it since a frost all but eradicated your budding plants. You ought to start again, you thought, hopefully a hardier crop would wield better results. They were the same herbs you’d spotted growing wild out in this climate, and you had to wonder why yours failed. 
Not that you minded taking a trip into town for supplies, self-sustenance was something you hoped to achieve down the line, as long as Frederick’s plans came to fruition. 
You also hoped it would be somewhere with warmer weather. 
You had an urge to visit the barn behind your house. If Arthur was okay, you’d best check up on his horse too. The poor thing had to be as tired as him, after trekking miles of mountains and wilderness. You began to wander over, boots sloshing in the soaked ground. The barn’s faded white paint loomed into view. 
Pulling open the door, you stepped inside to be greeted by the two lovely horses who were contently chewing on the same hay pile. You smiled and stepped even closer, rousing their attention as their heads raised to look at you. 
“Hello, sweet things,” you say to them, petting your mare first then stroking Arthur’s stallion, who you now realized completely dwarfed your horse. 
It was quite cute seeing the two of them side by side. Frederick didn't buy a horse of his own, claiming he didn't know how to ride that well. Ironic, given how much he traveled, but he claimed he was fine with hitching a ride when it was necessary. This, however, left your horse without a companion. You knew they were herd animals, and you felt it wasn’t fair that she was the only one. Even though you couldn’t read her mind, you couldn’t help but think she was just as lonely as you at times. 
You were thankful these two got along just as well as you and Arthur did. 
There was a pile of carrots placed upon a nearby barrel, and you grabbed a few. Both horses nickered in realization when you approached with tasty snacks. You offered one to your mare first, then the stallion, who took it so gently it was surprising. 
“He likes you,” 
You jumped at the voice and spun around to see Arthur in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms folded, watching you with a slight smirk. His jacket and hat were back on. 
“Sorry,” he said when he realized he must've startled you. 
“That’s okay,” you reply as your heart quieted. How long had he been standing there? When did he wake up? As the stallion’s lips fidgeted against your arm, you continued, “Is he usually this friendly?” 
Arthur shook his head. “Naw. He weren't like that when I first got him, tried to buck me off more than once.” 
This news surprised you. “Really? I can't imagine that...” your hand idly stroked the fine horse’s velvet nose as he nuzzled you for more carrots. 
“Took a few weeks jus’ to get him used to me,” Arthur said. “Now he's one of the most loyal horses I've ever had.” 
The statement brought a smile to your face. “Then perhaps you have some competition,” you joked as you reached up to rub the stallion’s ears. His head dropped even further, his brown eyes softening to your touch. 
With a chuckle, Arthur sidled up and patted his steed’s neck. “I suppose so...” 
Silence fell between the two of you, marveling in the horses’ presence. Not that you minded, Arthur was the only person you felt comfortable being silent around. There was no necessity to fill the void with idle, meaningless conversation. Something about his presence relaxed you, even more so when just bonding with these beautiful creatures. 
You watched as he grabbed a carrot, breaking it in half to offer both pieces to each horse. They both took each piece as if they were starving, to which Arthur laughed again. A quiet, gentle laugh that warmed your heart. His eyes softened with each pat he offered, then turning to your mare, he rumbled, “You're a good girl,” with a stroke to her neck. 
That made you smile. It seemed that his calming presence also seemed to reach the animals. Your mare’s head sagged and her eyelids drooped. 
His eyes met yours, and the eased expression changed to curiosity. “What?” 
You blinked, the smile vanishing at an instant with realization you were caught staring again, quite unintentionally. “Uh,” flustered and flicking your eyes down in slight embarrassment, you asked, “I assume you slept well?” 
“Like a baby,” he answered with a deep stretch. “Though I guess I better not wear out my welcome.” 
These words caused your heart to stutter. The thought of him leaving already didn’t sit right with you, but you couldn’t explain why. 
Some irrational part of you almost invited him to stay for dinner. You’d come up with the excuse to experiment the concoction of herbs and moose meat he provided you earlier. But you also knew it seemed absurd to even think this. The man had to go home, to whatever was waiting for him. He mentioned he didn't have a wife, but a man as busy as him must've had other priorities. You remembered him once mentioning he wasn’t looking forward to something at home. 
What sort of home life did he lead, exactly? 
He was pulling his steed away from the hay pile, and you somehow detected the reluctance in the horse’s eyes. The feeling was mutual, but you had no reason to feel that way. 
As Arthur approached the open doors, a question bubbled in your throat. It was oh so tempting to ask, even though you knew it was silly. 
“Thank you for breakfast, and allowin’ me to rest,” Arthur said, pausing to tilt his head to you. “Didn’t know exactly how much I needed that.” 
You smiled again, finding comfort in the fact that he found refuge with you. “You’re welcome...” just as he and his stallion stepped through the threshold, you called out, “Wait.” 
He stopped again, looking toward you expectantly. 
You realized you spoke first without thinking. Well, you had to follow through with it. “Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow?” you asked, your heart jumping to your throat with each word. 
You waited for a refusal, a shake of his head, a scoff. Instead, a thoughtful look crossed his face. “I guess your husband ain’t home for a while?” 
“Only for a few more days, but I’ll admit it’s quite lonely...and I’d love to hear more about your adventures, if that’s okay. Everything you’ve told me seems quite intriguing and—” you stopped yourself short, realizing you were rambling. Taking a second to recollect yourself, you added, “Only if you want to.” 
To your surprise, Arthur frowned. “I hope I ain’t leavin’ the wrong impression on you, wantin’ my company when it’s only convenient for—” 
“No!” you interrupted quickly. “Arthur, I thought you better of me! I was the one who established that anyway,” you reminded him, giving a weak laugh hoping to pass this conversation as humor. “Think of it as a pleasant dinner between friends.” 
He stared for a long moment, contemplating your words. “Friends,” he repeated, his stance shifting a little. Did he look...uncomfortable? “I ain’t the sort you’d want as a friend.” 
“Why, because I’m a married woman spending time with a man other than my husband?” you questioned, placing your hands on your hips. “You are my friend, Arthur. You’re certainly no stranger at this point. You’ve helped me plenty of times even though you didn’t need to, and I’ve helped you too. I'd be happy to serve you a plate or have an empty bed ready anytime you arrive at my doorstep. I’m sure Frederick would love to meet you too, when you’re not up on our rooftop.” 
Arthur was silent again. His hat hid most of his expression, but you could see the frown still slightly etched against his lips. His head tilted up so he could peer at you from under the brim. With a small, humorless chuckle, he asked, “Is it really that important to you?” 
You gave him an incredulous look. “Yes,” you said bluntly. “You saved my life. That put me in a debt I can never repay, but I try where I can. You’re the only person who’s extended me any kindness out here, and I won’t take that for granted.” 
With a sigh heaving his chest, Arthur quietly responded, “Guess I can’t argue with that.” 
Feeling triumphant, you smiled gratefully at him. “Thank you for understanding,” your gaze drifted to the outside. “I’m sorry for holding you up.” 
He made his familiar gesture to wave off your apology. “Nothin’ to worry about, I’ll get home all the same,” Making his way fully out into the open, he mounted his stallion with ease. He glanced up at the now clear sky and into the woods, before settling his gaze to you. “Thank you for earlier, really. I appreciate it.” 
The smile on your face widened. “Any time, Arthur. I truly mean that,” you reminded him. 
He nodded in understanding, his lip slightly twitching into a half-smile. It was a short goodbye before he trotted off, his figure soon swallowed up by the trees. Your mare let out a soft whinny at his departure, to which you came to her side and patted her neck. 
“It’s okay, I’m sure they’ll be back soon enough,” you said to her soothingly, but you had to wonder if the reassurance wasn’t only for her. 
Arthur’s presence, while still fairly new, has had a significant impact on your life thus far. Your stomach churned, partly due to his absence, and partly due to anxiety of the previous conversation. You hoped your most recent invitation hadn’t scared him off. Your words to him rang true; you’d be perfectly happy repaying your debt until you were old and brittle. 
But it wasn’t just that. How was it that you were so comfortable with him around? Surely in a more civilized state, rumors would spread like wildfire. A married woman so eagerly welcoming an unwed man into her home to frequently would earn you looks of spite and venomous whispers in the crowd. But this was not your home back east, and you were no longer part of that society. 
Arthur was your friend, that you were certain of. He instilled an air of peace and safety in his wake but stirred feelings of excitement with a life so unlike your own. You wanted to learn more, to hear of those tales that once seemed so far-fetched to you. If you could hear them every day, you would. 
And so, you were in for a pleasant surprise when he appeared that following day in the late afternoon, waiting patiently on your porch when you opened the door.  
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lil-gae-disaster · 2 months
A while back at the beginning of Freddies existence, like, neither Gilroy nor Henrietta were a concept yet, I mentioned how Freddie takes after his mom in looks but his dad in personality and how he doesn't like it
He's not 100% a male version of his mother, even in looks. His hair and eyes are darker and he inherited Gilroys shine in the hair.
But he looks like her. At least in color scheme. (Blond hair blue eyes.)
But in personality, he's almost entirely his fathers son. A few examples:
Both can't handle failure
Both are happy to help in any scenario and/or problem
Both are smug little shits who tease their significant others
Both put others before themselves even though they know it's a bad habit to have
Both are overly ambitious
Both are born dads
Don't get me wrong, Freddie loves his dad very much. BUT!
His grandparents, whenever he exhibited a sign of not being Henriettas exact clone, would shame him for it. "You are so much like that little slob your mother calls her husband, it is disgusting. You are a Schmidt, act like one! None of that pathetic farm boy behavior, you are truly an abomination, you and your mother should be ashamed of yourselves!" <- kinda treatment.
Frederick was taught that any of his fathers traits were bad, so he tried to act the opposite of it to evade a lecture from his grandparents and a beating session and to keep his bed + food privileges.
And Freddie was a mamas boy. Unintentionally. Gilroy pulled away from his father duties when the shame of having failed as a father became too much. Henrietta was his only pillar of hope during his time in Germany.
His grandparents were horrible, he and his father only coexisted and his little baby brother got taken away.
Freddies Grandparents also seperated Gilroy and Henrietta since they didn't want her to lay with him again and "produce another testiment of their shameful whore daughter", but they kept her from sleeping in an isolated room, thinking she'd sleep in their room or in the living room, where she can be controlled, but they underestimated her motherly love and they reluctantly let Henrietta move into little Freddies room.
Frederick wanted to be like his mother, because she was the only one who was there for him when he needed it. She held him and reassured him that everything would be fine. She let him cry without beating him and keeping water from him for that day. She held him in her arms in a loving embrace, she was the only one who did it.
He wants to be his mom, be like his mom, because else he feels like he's loosing her.
But what he doesn't see is that he is like his mom. They have the same quirks. Examples:
They both dance a little in the kitchen while they're cooking
They both chew on their quills (something both Gilroy and Jonathan disapprove of)
They both tug at their hair in their neck when they're nervous
They both doodle some in the corners of their letters when they forget a word
They both jump in one place when they're excited.
And more but I'm uncreative atm 😀😀
But yeah Freddie defo has some issues
(@hamalicious-soup @unicornsaures @marsfingershurt @paradox-complex @toastmrlord
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avinwrites · 1 year
Frederick Kreiburg x reader HC's
|| I played as Frederick for the first time not too long ago and I have fallen in love with his playstyle, I kinda want to main him now ||
Starting with his love language, Frederick is a private person. He never really feels safe and comfortable around others, and it takes a lot for him to open up. For this, I see him feeling loved when one spends quality time with him. It would take a lot, in the beginning, just to be able to spend any time with him. He frequently practices piano, so that would be a good start. All it takes is time and effort to get really close to him, but the return is worth it. 
-He doesn’t really know how to show his love in any other way but if you ask to spend time with him, he’ll always accept
-He’s never touchy, in fact, you will explicitly have to ask him to hold your hand or hug you because he just won’t
-It’s not that he’s particularly uncomfortable with it, he just isn’t used to physical affection of any kind
-so it’s best to take your time
-He’ll always be glad to play the piano for you; he’s passionate about his craft
-That will probably be how most of your time is spent with him for a long while after you first meet
-In a place where he is comfortable, and you, with patience, will help him eventually open up
-He’s had a rough life, and in some ways, he’s happy with his life now, even in the dire situation you all are in
-Just because he’s not ridiculed here, his psychasthenia isn’t as horrible as it has been, he believes things are looking up for him
-He’ll find himself thinking about you more often when you’re away
-He can recognize his feelings and what they mean, and what it means when he thinks of you
-He just never thought he’d be able to experience it
-So, excuse him if he goes about it the wrong way
-He’s the type to blush and stumble over his words, fidgeting and unable to completely stand still when he’s talking about a certain subject matter
-the subject: he would like to court you
-That being, the long and formal process of getting to know someone, spending time together, doing thoughtful things for each other
-Like the gentleman he is
-It would be a long process though, but you’ll spend a lot of time with him
-getting to know each other so wholly and intimately
-And eventually things would evolve from there
-It would be no secret to anyone that you were seeing each other
-Most of your days are spent in close proximity to him
-He claims that being around you is calming, just like how music clears his head
-Your voice has it’s own special melody that makes the world feel still and bearable
-Even if you’re the most chaotic person in existence, he thinks you can do no wrong and being around you changes his world for the better
-Aside from music, Frederick really likes nature. 
-He will often ask to accompany you through strolls through the greenhouse
-Anything that has a distinct, flowery scent, he will stop to smell
-His favorite is Wisteria
-He loves the smell and how it spills over and grows so sporadically, yet is still so beautiful
-If he ever goes to the greenhouse alone to clear his head, he will always bring you back a clipping, usually Wisteria, but if there is something else that happens to catch his eye, he’ll show it off to you
-When in matches, he prefers to stay far from anyone else and decode
-But if you hint at all that you need help, he’ll be right there
-Most of the time, he’s targeted first though
-So he’s very appreciative when you help him out
-When you decode together, he’ll hum what he hears out loud so you don’t have to put up with only the sounds of the cipher machines
-If you lean against him or get close to him, he’ll freeze up and probably miss a few ‘calibrations’ but will not complain
-After a short while, he’ll close whatever distance is between you and maybe hold your hand
-that's really inefficient though, but he doesn’t care
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mayomaggot · 3 days
Every Single Class of 09’; Flipside Message
Feet Ending
Title: Greetings my queen
From: 703-425-2981
hewwo dere i saw your FM wisting and wanted to see if I could come to your house to be stepped on by your cute little piggies. My parents named me Frederick but you can call me Freddy Footins! I am 34 years young and have been with the FeetMeet community for about 5 years now. Someone on the forums snapped a pic of your feet without your permission and I pleasured myself to it roughly 9 times.\nWith that icebreaker out of the way, i have saved up about 300 dollars with my SSI checks and would like to hire your services. Unsure if you do any of the more erotic foot sessions but just in case let me list you some more of my fetishes: feet, choking, food play, facesitting, Mommy incest, sister incest, twincest, simulated kidnapping, women wearing the Taco Bell uniform, you pretending to be Mexican but then saying you are white after I point out how hot it is that you are Mexican, covering my rent this month, that last one wasnt a kink but would be pretty cool if you did that. Also I am not a rapist by definition (looked it up) so no need to google anything about me. P.S. havent seen your face yet but if you look roughly 12 i am SO going to try moving out of my parents house down the line one day maybe to date you!
OD Ending
Title: right number?
From: 703-960-1431
Hi I'm not sure if I have the right person but this is Jeffery's mother. Was just texting to thank you for finding his body and alerting the authorities when you did. Unfortunately they were too late but you can't blame yourself for that. A part of me is devastated but another part of me is relieved, which is horrible to say... Jeffery has never quite fit in with the other children, never had the best grades, and maybe this was the only avenue for him sadly enough. Every day I wondered in the back of my head if I had failed as a mother by raising someone so awkward. By middle school I eventually gave up on him to compartmentalize my insecurities as a parent, letting him play with toys and masturbate to what I assume is animated pornography that I found on his computer. I was worried he would be hopelessly going through adulthood so this might have been the best outcome for him. He would tell me he was going to work on video games for a job when he was an adult, then it was comic books, then it was making YouTube reviews of action figures. All these things he said he wanted to do and never pursued... my fear was he just wanted to be a child playing with toys forever. My son's suicide is bittersweet, on one hand he is gone but on the other he realized himself that life wouldn't work out and ended things before they got worse. I KNEW there was a smart boy somewhere inside of Jeffery. I also know we have never spoken before but I needed to tell someone who would not have any pre-conceived notions about my pain...and can understand my blunt honesty now.When Jeffery was alive I was insecure. Now that he's gone I can feel free.
Slave Ending
Title: right number?
From: 202-347-4800
Heyo this George W Bush from the America White House! Not sure if those lesser camel jockeys let you have a phone as a slave but I personally wanted to let you know that Obama has sent a presidential pardon message to the Taliban to let you out. The Taliban ignores most of my messages and will make a grainy VHS tape telling me MacDonalds is the anti-christ or buddha or whatever the hell brown people worship but you get the idea. American girls like you have a bright future and we need to perserve that in ensuring all men are created equal in this race for equal opportunity.
P.S. Kanye was right ;)
Car Crash Ending
Title: can you cover
From: 703-960-1431
This is Ron Stumpford of Dominos Fairfax texting about the tragic passing of Ari. Now that shes dead we dont really have anyone to do deliveries on NFL Thursdays anymore so can you cover for her? We dont care that you killed her drunk driving we just gotta move orders here. Between you and me I am glad you killed her cause I asked her out on a date and she made up some fake excuse that she was gay FUCK THAT BITCH! But please come down and cover for her because the selfish bitch was too inconsiderate to have someone cover for her in the event she died on the job. I told her parents that and they made it out like IM the bad guy. If you cant drive for us would you at least have any naked pictures of her or anything? Im trying not to leave this deal empty handed here. Not even her parents had naked pictures of her to send me like what a rip off!
Nicole's Suicide Ending
Title: why why why why...
From: nicole
why cant u help me
100% Completion Message
Title: Thanks for playing!
From: SBN3
Thank you for playing the Class of '09 visual novel series to completion!
This project set out to bring real, relatable experiences back into the current lexicon of entertainment through the medium of comedy. Originally it was thought a bunch of people in their early 30s would play these games for a laugh but it turned out people who were barely alive for 2009 gravitated towards it in larger numbers.
Many of the social issues featured in this game were not exclusive to the late 2000s and the teenage portion of our fans lead me to believe times haven't changed... I also learned that 2-line throwaway jokes qualify as lore for people who need employment.
Through these games, presenting the dynamic reality I had witnessed came second to only writing dialogue which would entertain a wide array of people.
From FPS streamer fratboy assholes who love Kylar to purple-haired gender neutral girls who love Ari... Class of '09 has succeeded in being a crossroads of internet culture (regardless of whether those two parties are even aware the other side plays the game). This was not by accident, this is just what happens when you aren't afraid to exit your comfort zone and explore other circles, other cultures, and most importantly other levels of hardship.
Represtation in media is important, however mainstream media cannot represent those they are disconnected from. If you're suicidal, homeless, bulimic, addicted, a sex worker, or in an abusive relationship, Class of '09 is not shock humor to you. It merely displays a reality the comfortable can't comprehend.
I cannot necessarily write how real which stories were or were not, but I can guarantee the answers will surprise you. Lives had been lost and many futures were squandered along the journey which influenced the stories in these games. Those who experienced some events of Class of '09 in their own lives would understand. Your funny stories and your sad stories are all you need to create media that resonates.
Now while the game contained a plethora of anti-pedophilia messagery you just can't avoid psychos who latch onto media just because it's popular. I would just like to warn our fans that child predators who infiltrated the Class of '09 fanbase have been using the following phrases to secretly identify each other:
"the writing in Class of '09 isnt very good"
"I hate SBN3"
"I hate Wrath Club"
"Class of '09 was good by mistake"
"I love Class of '09 but hate the creator"
"No! The game just made that up!"
Make sure to report anyone using this or similar secret pedo rhetoric to your local authorities. Thank you.
-SBN3 a.k.a. God.
this game was an actual dumpster fire, idk what I was expecting but it definitely wasn’t whatever we got
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brokenbluebouquet · 4 months
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15/xx Daniel Dumontsier, Le Duc de Boukinkan, 1625, BN Paris
Another souvenir from George’s trip to Paris in May 1625 for Charles and Henrietta’s proxy wedding. Despite what horrible histories told you, he was not the proxy groom - that was one of Charles’s French cousins.
Although the trip to Paris was a hit socially - the stunt with the Pearl suit had the intended effect and there was a type of hat named after him - but he did not get the guarantees from Richelieu and Louis XIII for a joint campaign against the Habsburg to return the Palatine to Elector Frederick, who was languishing in exile at The Hague with Elizabeth and their vast brood of children.
There were also delays getting out of France due to various people getting ill and delays with papal dispensation and the presentation of papal honours to Henrietta Maria. This led to the first big clash between George and his new queen, and set the antagonistic tone for their working and personal relationship going forward.
However what everyone remembers is the business in the garden at Amiens with Anne. What actually happened is honestly a mystery and there has been a lot of scandal and romantic fantasy surrounding this since. Anne was of course the one who bore the brunt of this - when she was introduced to Cardinal Mazarin years later by Richelieu it was with the words “Madame you’ll like him, he looks just like Buckingham.” This also gave George the nickname “Fuckingham” one both sides of the channel.
Well done George, you only had one job and you couldn’t even do that properly.
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mintytealfox · 1 day
tis the au anon!
One other thing that would be interesting is if the Da Capo team finds a tunnel entrance that ends up being connected to the Golden Cave... Ohhhhh Norton would have a horrible time going into the tunnel and be understandingly resistant to the idea.
Personally you think that Norton would let the team know that this a place he grew up and worked..... or would he try to keep that to himself..... more importantly would he let the other know when he's slowly transforming.
Also I would imagine that this transformation would be painful.
What an absolutely nightmare for Norton LOOOOOOL
But Norton constantly making excuses on why they shouldn't go down there and constantly sabotaging any efforts to go to the tunnel! Doing everything he can behind the scenes to keep them from getting there or finding out he has connections to the place
I think the only reason he gets found out is because of Orpheus's creepy connection to the stuff that transforming everything, so he probably got glimpses of what happened here in the past, and then naturally outs Norton, like: Orpheus: "He is the reason we can't continue forward! He is sabotaging the mission!" Melly: "What??" -looks at Norton- "You're the one who is supposed to be guiding us! Helping us survive!" Norton: "I AM! I know for a DAMN FACT we all won't make it through there!" Orpheus: "Or are you just saying that because you don't want your dirty little secrets getting out, and they just so happen to be buried....right.... down.... there....~" Norton: "??"
Oh maaaannn 100% he would keep that slow and painful transformation a secret! AH! He would likely go off on his own to 'take a leak' but is actually just checking on the progression under his shirt and silently cursing himself and trying to figure out what to do ;; I can totally see him keeping that locked up until its obvious and can't be hidden anymoreeee 😭😭😭 (makes note: 'and he gets noticeably taller' -shuts notebook- okay cool cool -WHEEEZZEEE-)
But Alice looking him over and seeing what this transformation is doing to him, just amazed on how he was able to keep such pain a secret for so long, going through all that chaos and running and fighting, acting like nothing was wrong!
Then the thought of Norton going to Frederick while the others are sleeping and not really needing to say a word:
Frederick cleaning up his rifle "you don't need to ask, just say, 'when'." Norton: "I don't know what the hell is happening, but if loosing myself is in the cards, .....just don't let me hurt her" Frederick: "just so we are clear I won't let you hurt me either" Norton: "fair..."
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james-vi-stan-blog · 7 months
Hi I was wondering if you could share what you and historians make of Anne’s take on James’ homosexuality and his relationship (romantic, platonic or otherwise) with his queen, at the start of their marriage (i.e the sailing to Denmark and obsession etc) and the end (i.e letting her corpse rot) Thank you!! - thelastplantagenet 💚
Please excuse incoherent and loopiness I'm so sleepy while writing this alkdgf;ldgdk
The impression that I get of James is that he was very proud of his self-image as "a good king", "a good Christian", and "a good husband", based on his ever-so-clever reading of Scripture and philosophy. Picture the most horrible Arrogant Smart Kid Syndrome, formed by being the smartest person in the (very small) room for many years, which was never properly challenged by reality, because he's the king. The True Law of Free Monarchies and Basilokon Doron just drip with this attitude. Therefore, his self-image as magnanimous, benevolent, and faithful to his queen was important to him, even if in reality he was not these things.
cn for miscarriages, cruelty to pets, creepy kinda incestuous vibes, child marriage, etc.
There are two rather different images of the courtship of James and Anna (who was very young, just 14-15 to James's 22-23). On the one hand, James is said to have instantly fallen in love with her portrait almost as soon as marriage negotiations opened, to have written to her ardently, written poetry for her, and then of course have boldly sailed to "rescue" her in 1589. There is a story that when they first met in the flesh, James rushed over and kissed her "in the Scottish style", which repelled her (she thought it was very forward), but they later came to an understanding about this when the cultural difference was explained.
Yet also, James himself wrote of his reasons for sailing to his bride in October 1589:
As to the causes, I doubt not it is manifestly known to all how far I was generally found fault with by all men for the delaying so long of my marriage. The reasons were that I was alone, without father or mother, brother or sister, king of [Scotland] and heir apparent of England. This my nakedness made me to be weak and my enemies stark. One man was as no man, and the want of hope of succession bred disdain. Yea, my long delay bred in the breasts of many a great [suspicion] of my inability, as if I were a barren stock. These reasons and innumerable others, hourly objected, moved me to hasten the treaty of my marriage; for, as to my own nature, God is my witness I could have abstained longer nor the weal of my patrie could have permitted.
Basically, "I could have remained unmarried forever, but I have to get heirs for political stability". He was also noted for being coldly hard-assed in the dowry negotations.
Apparently their very early marriage was warm, but Anna was criticized for not immediately producing a child. When she was pregnant with Henry Frederick, IIRC rumors flew that he was not James's but that of Ludovic Stewart, 2nd Duke of Lennox (Esmé Stewart's son, therefore James's second cousin, who was also rumored to be a favorite of James's. Yes. This family is tangled and fucked up.) James was said to be jealous over this -- but was he jealous, or was he sensitive about the renewed rumors that Anna did not conceive by him because he was busy with his male favorites? (In reality, Anna had conceived immediately after their marriage, but then suffered a miscarriage.)
The marital relationship was then absolutely torpedoed by James's insistence on Henry Frederick being fostered at Stirling Castle by the Earl of Mar (the same Earl of Mar with whom he had huge childhood drama). This was traditional for Scottish heirs, and it was also sensible, as James and Anna were put in regular physical danger by rebellious lords, who you must remember repeatedly kidnapped young James and absolutely would pull all sorts of power shenanigans if they could lay hands on the heir. However, Anna was understandably furious and devastated by her separation from Henry. This became a huge battleground of their marriage, and James did not give way until the 1603 accession to the English throne, and it really ruined any affection Anna had for James. After that, Anna was often embroiled in schemes with factions that have grievances with James, like Bothwell and the Ruthvens. When the Ruthvens supposedly tried to assassinate James, Anna accused James of fabricating the whole thing. And as their children (Henry Frederick, Elizabeth, and Charles) grew up, Anna was often subtly working on them and turning them against their father (which wasn't hard because James was an awful, totally uninvolved father).
It is said that Anna once """"accidentally"""" killed one of James's favorite hunting dogs named Jewel.
Despite this, I would say that James always respected Anna… as much as he was capable of respecting any woman. Because James was really a misogynist, even more than the typical man of his time. His thoughts about marriage, and about the respect one should give one's wife, are clearly articulated in Basilokon Doron, and it's not pretty. (Full text is online here) Essentially, he gave Anna what he thought a wife should have from her husband: condescension, indulgence, honor before other ladies, sexual attention and fidelity (men don't count, ofc). James, one must remember, had a strong sense of himself as a divine right king, God's representative on Earth. The position of queen therefore also had an aura of the divine, and deserved respect for that - but not for her personhood, personality, or ideas. This is the man who is wearing a bejeweled "A" on his hat to celebrate his love for his wife at the same time he denies her access to her child and basically opposing her in court schemes.
Treat her as your own flesh, command her as her Lord, cherish her as your helper, rule her as your pupill, and please her in all things reasonable; but teach her not to be curious in things that belong to her not.
Something interesting is that when James learned of Anna's secret conversion to Catholicism, he told her he had no issue with her following her conscience as long as she kept it under wraps for the sake of political stability. For this time that's remarkably tolerant, both of Anna and of Catholicism.
Both Goodman and Weldon (remember them? writing from totally opposite English Civil War factions, one pro-Stuart and one anti-Stuart) described James as "not very uxorious". Maybe because he was too gay to really love his wife; maybe, as Goodman accused, Anna did not give him much cause to love her (can you blame her!?). But certainly there was not the sort of effusive affection for Anne he would show to his male favorites.
Over time the king and queen lived more and more separately. Until a miscarriage in 1606, after which Anna decided she was done with pregnancies, they continued to sleep together, but emotionally their lives were rather divorced. Especially after 1606 but IIRC even before, a separate "king's court" (dominated by James's male favorites) and "queen's court" developed. Real political power was located in the king's court, of course, but Anna used her influence to create a much more culturally sophisticated and artistically influential court. The Jacobean flourishing of the arts is more attributable to Anna's patronage than to James's (he fell asleep during plays and much more enjoyed watching a good debate).
But, I feel that their relationship somewhat recovered with time. In the more peaceful environment of England, they negotiated a sort of understanding, and had a cool but amicable relationship, sometimes working as partners and sometimes at cross purposes.
Anna's attitude to James's favorites seems to have been ambivalent. On the one hand, she was said to have understood "the king could not exist without his favorites" (I tried to find the source for this quote and failed but I'll look again later), and for his part he allowed her some degree of veto over his favorites, if only so that if she complained later, he could tell her "But you recommended him to me!" But it doesn't seem like she was happily indulgent - rather, pragmatic.
Also, as regards the Gowrie Conspiracy, Michael B. Young, author of King James and the History of Homosexuality, relates a conspiracy theory (not Young's own invention) that the Ruthvens might have lured James in not with a pot of gold (what a ridiculous story) but with sex appeal, and that Anna's reaction to the plot subtly accused him of this. And I believe it because I blindly believe everything that Michael B. Young says.
Even though James barely interacted with her by the point of her death in 1619, he was reportedly pretty upset about it, writing her a commemorative poem and going into a depression. You could say that his failure to appear at her funeral (it was Charles who was chief mourner) was evidence of his not caring very much, but some historians, like IIRC Rictor Norton, say that Anna's death actually triggered a minor breakdown for James, who was now facing his own mortality as well, due to his worsening illnesses. James may have also avoided the funeral because he had a longstanding fear of death, disease, and funerals (he also did not attend Henry Frederick's, and likewise that can be read as absence of love, depression, and/or neuroticism.)
IMO, the M&G monologue that I reblogged is not a bad take on the overall tone. I actually don't think James would have been so self-aware or ever considered that God was against any of his ideas, but it captures the ambivalence.
I hope that's a fair picture and of interest, @thelastplantagenet!
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cartoonicle · 6 months
The Ugly Witch Begins
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‘Mariana’s Start’
At some point in every child’s life they learn that everything isn’t perfect and people can be cruel as the smartest person in her family she learns this lesson early on but somethings she can never understand is why there is so much hatred for close members of her family some of these people are family members themselves: Why would Blaine and Leland ever consider killing Frederick, how could Helena and Jesse think that Grandma Leelathae was ugly and why did Leland take his anger out on Jack’s family and his own because he didn’t get what he wanted?
Ever since Blaine, Helena and Jesse came back she has done everything in her power to make them feel unwelcome and unwanted the same way they did to Leelathae and Frederick, she is so angry and this anger keeps building up because she thinks her family is too nice and forgiving to do anything, of course she doesn’t want them to change she loves the fact they are nice and love everyone so she thinks she’s the one who has to be harsh to protect her family. She feels like she has to be in the room with her beloved family members alone with Blaine or Helena and Jesse she would just quietly glare at them giving them a warning not to say anything or do anything hurtful to her brother, father or mother every time she believes they are going to do something hurtful she ask her family to come with her when they leave the room Mariana stares back at them with the scariest evil look even Scarier than Leland’s.
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‘Beauty is Curse’
Mariana: Human Beauty is such a curse I want to be a extraordinary like you! Beauty is such a curse, it broke my Grandma and nearly killed my mother.
She doesn’t hate the fact that she looks like Jamie or Jack she hates that she looks like Helena and all the other Bigoted pastel family members. Even though her mother loves the fact that she turned out ‘Beautiful’ she hates it! She has a beautiful voice but hates singing clear and pretty songs, flowers grow around her but they annoy her when they almost trip her or constrict her in bed, and as for glows and sparkles she does everything in her power to ignore it. Above all she refuses to make friends because she assumes they’ll only love her for her looks and not her personality; she feels like only her brother sees past that stupid glow and sparkle of hers.
She would give anything to look like a civilian of the beautiful and extraordinary Braided Island.
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‘The Glow Fades’
Everyone in the Pastel family has their new found abilities: everything Gwen creates glows and brings happiness, Jamie can taste emotions through homemade foods but Mariana is happy to discover her ability, since glowing is a reflection of inner happiness her dark aura is the reflection of her inner evil and resentment towards others. She can turn her glowing warm infectious aura into dark horrifying one, instead of making people feel happy like her mom and uncle does she makes them scared and regret their past actions.
I guess you can say when they look at her their lives flash before their eyes replaying every horrible decision they have ever made.
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‘Where did all your toughness go, Plaidypussy?’
The man in the drawing is Commander Tattersall the pyscho that led the attack on her family before she was born; the man who traumatized her aunts, knocked out his uncle, nearly killed her mom’s friends and almost attacked her grandmother. It’s not just Tattersall, she gets her hands on all of the previous Plaidypuses. Most of them admit that they didn’t want to hurt anyone and they were scared of the King so she let’s them go on the condition that she puts a magic spell on them they forget who tortured them but still remember the torture, but the people she knows are lying to her get extra punishment. It’s Tattersall she hates most for practically enjoying the fact that he hurt her family (Well at least the part of the family she loves).
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Each bottle and potion houses the materialized harnessed abilities of her family members, songs, different flowers and plants, sparkles and glows, and the braided kingdom’s unique charm. Her inherited abilities might be a nuisance to her have proven to be great to her: She uses her songs to summon society’s least loved creatures, snakes, crows, and wolves; growing flowers and plants for ingredients for potions or poison; and glowing sparkles that can trick people.
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‘Mariana’s Blessing’
Most people will call it a curse while she calls it a blessing.
Her magic spell is to make everyone’s outer looks reflect their hearts
If the person is kind and true they will be beautiful, if they are not bad they will remain the same, if they are not evil but still have bad intentions they will be mildly mutated but if they are truly evil and selfish they will become hideous monsters.
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‘I’m finally free!’
She may not look like a civilian from the Braided Island but she is truly happy not to be tied down by sparkles, glowing, beauty, singing and flowers. Her own blessing has turned her into a real ugly looking witch because of the hatred reflected in her heart, but she doesn’t care; she is free, everyone was free, no more Beauty! Just love
Sketch bases Links
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eve-lullabye · 2 years
Where you learn to never underestimate the hunter
Based off IDV
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Eversleeping Town is a great and horrible map at the same time. It's great when you don't spawn next to the hunter and can immediately start decoding. On the other hand, if you spawn next to the hunter, you have to find pallets or anything to widen the distance between the two of you.
You were the middle person. One who spawned at a decent place where you could bolt and hide if needed. Some of the hunters honestly just didn't notice you for some reason. I mean, hello? You passed me five times already. Open your eyes! Needless to say, Joseph was far more observant than most, especially in a big map.
With two ciphers left, you silently cheered for Frederick and Helena. Your heart had been glowing a few seconds and you ran into the open across the tram tracks. Unfortunately, you ran right into Joseph, who was just shocked as you. You landed on your bum, while Joseph quickly recovered and struck you. The tram eta appeared above your heads. 45 seconds. Joseph grinned and reached to pick you up.
"I wouldn't do that, Monsieur Photographer," a calm voice called out. You turned to see Rook with his bow drawn and arrow pointing straight at Joseph.
Joseph smirked, "Well, this is a dilemma, isn't it?" You started crawling towards Rook in hopes to get out of Joseph's reach. "Not a step forward, ma chèrie." Joseph commanded taking a step forward as well, his eyes trained on Rook. You honestly couldn't tell what was more intimidating: the fact that they both speak French or the fact that they're both hunters. It was quite funny if you thought about it. Rook was a hunter on the survivor's side.
You glance worriedly at Rook, "Rook, leave."
"I'm afraid not, papillion."
What was with the French nicknames? Is it something that all French speakers must do?
You tried healing yourself while keeping an eye on the deadly sword. A sign flashed again above your heads. 10 seconds. You yelped and tried to hurry up the process. Neither of the men moved. If this was a glare battle, it wasn't helpful.
Joseph caved in and snatched you up. That was all Rook needed to shoot. Joseph unpleasantly dropped on your feet. You ran to Rook who pushed the two of you off the tracks in time for the tram to come careening into Joseph. Rook picked you up and began running as far as he could. You looked over his shoulder to see Joseph stalking towards you.
"Rook? He's coming!"
Rook smiled and put you down, "Run, papillion." The glint in his eyes warned you not to disobey him, and so you ran. It came to you then that Rook was body blocking you from Joseph. Joseph swung out hitting Rook like the blond hunter had planned. With the boosted speed, Rook pulled you right behind causing you to nearly lose your balance.
The last cipher popped, and you knew then you had to run for your lives. Helena shouted, "Exit gates 18%"
You looked at the map. Thank goodness, it was relatively near you. You slammed the pallet down behind you, hitting the photographer in the process. Rook grabbed you from behind and winked at you. You clutched his shoulders confused.
"5, 4, 3, 2," the blonde began counting down, "1." Rook pulled out an arrow and stabbed it into the ground. You closed your eyes, feeling as your body compressed itself. "Come on, papillion," Rook's melodic voice reached your ears. You looked up to see the exit gates opening and your other teammates. The four of you ran through, leaving a cursing Joseph behind.
At the mansion, Rook set you down and removed his hat, pressing it to his heart. You blushed but, nevertheless, thanked him.
"Would the Mademoiselle be so kind as to give a token of appreciation?" Rook smiled charmingly. Your heart beat faster at his suave voice and words. You tried to pass it off as childish by rolling your eyes, but the two of you knew that your heart and cheeks betrayed you.
You walked up to Rook and gently kissed his cheek before walking off rubbing your cheeks on the way. Behind you, you could hear Rook.
"Ó la la, you have made this hunter very happy indeed, ma chèrie."
Curse your love for French.
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alexandersimpleton · 11 months
You know, the moral of this series is that words can hurt, but it seems like it's moving away from "words can hurt" and to "Frederick's words can hurt". I mean, calling someone ugly behind their back is a nasty thing, but I'm more talking about the inequality of it.
These words can hurt
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But these words can't
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Frederick judges someone as a monster by appearance alone, and he called them something horrible because of it. He got punished for it, and punished, and punished, until I'm pretty sure there is not one person in this fandom that thinks he still deserves it. He's beaten by his own family, coerced into a child marriage, threatened and almost murdered by the CPC, loses the only good person in his life, is locked in a hole in the ground for TWO WEEKS, gets called a loser by the person he most trusted, got gaslit by the CPC into forgiving said person, and then whatever the frick may happen in the coming episodes.
And then Jack does literally the exact same thing and it's never addressed again.
Like come on, I'm not the only person who realizes the inequality of this right!? The whole moral is that words can be more hurtful than swords, but the only words that are actually given weight are Frederick's comment and the people scorning Lilith. Maybe you could argue Blaine calling Frederick ugly was given weight, but even then, the CPC yelled Frederick that he's misinterpreting it and he kinda just shrugs it off. The CPC doesn't even take it seriously, and they tried to murder a teenager over a single insult!
It just kind of bugs me.
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Some extra information on my universe's Sinister Six members.
First post here
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I'm tempted to do entire fics on them but- I need to stop before I start overwhelming myself and getting too excited.
Doctor Olivia Odell
Likes - She's always had a strange fascination with ballet, always adores any dances that include sea themes, or long flowy silk.
Dislikes - Any vehicles, cars, helicopters, even bicycles make her nervous and uncomfortable because she has no control. Olivia used to walk everywhere, now, her tentacle situation can help with that.
Favourite food - Fruits, specifically strawberries and blueberries, she loves salads because they can be so diverse with what foods are included.
Least favourite food - Anything spicy, she's always preferred colder foods, and so something hot in temperature let alone flavour is just not her thing.
How does she text? - Usually her texts have very good grammar, even in crisis, she doesn't text often and prefers to use emails in which they're very professional and well structured.
Nationality - English.
What does she think of her fellow Sinister Six members? -
I... Have mixed feelings on the Green Goblin, I believe that his obsession with perfecting... Whatever he was trying to do, was rather immature, and not well thought out, but, I can understand his need for scientific discovery.
Frederick? His connections are useful, and his dedication to his family is admirable, but it gets in the way. He has a soft spot for those younger than him, which, to be fair, is a lot of people.
Marlene is far too bright, my eyes sting just looking at her. She's also very young and unsure. Her powers, however? Now, that's interesting.
Miguel, much like Frederick, has family issues that are too distracting, but, at least he's much more willing to be a firm leader and get the job done.
Mysterio... What do I say about Mysterio?... He's... His illusions are definitely useful...
Norman Osborn
Likes - He likes shiny objects, anything that can spin, and screams. They're loud, they drown out the voices.
Dislikes - Those two boys... He can't remember how he knows them, but he knows it's painful to see them.
Favourite food - Steak.
Least favourite food - Anything with too much grease.
How does he text? - Doesn't bother to check for spelling errors, punctuation, or grammar, and he's barely coherent. Yet, he insists on texting the Sinister Six group chat regularly.
Nationality - American.
What does he think of his fellow Sinister Six members?
Pretty hair, like little tentacles.
Sand is irritating, all over my skin... He does it on purpose, I know it.
Bright, loud... Perfect to listen to... Not fun to talk to.
Too quiet... He reminds me of... Of...
Shiny, I like the helmet, it spins.
Frederick Miller
Likes - Playing dolls with his daughter, he can't afford much, but his wife passed down a dollhouse with some cute little wooden peg dolls that they play with after school.
Dislikes - Soft beds, he's always preferred a hard surface to sleep on, maybe that's why his back is so horrible.
Favourite food - He likes cereal. It's cheap, the most important meal of the day, they give you a lot of what you need, plus, you can add anything to it.
Least favourite food - Honestly? Anything with an expensive price tag, the cheaper, the better it tastes.
How does he text? - He can't actually write too well and so uses the speech to text feature, it makes his texts get misunderstood regularly.
Nationality - American.
What does he think of his fellow Sinister Six members?
Olivia is strange, she's not a bad co-worker but she's intense. I don't know if she likes me, and I don't know if I like her. At the end of the day, she's just another criminal I gotta work with.
Uh... That guy...? Green Goblin, was it? He's... He's definitely a... Uhm... Person...?
Marlene reminds me of my kid, they're bright, fun, and honestly? I feel bad for them, they shouldn't be in this business, at all, from what they've told me, it was a complete accident.
Miguel, he's strict, commanding, but that's until you share a beer with the guy. He's damaged, I feel for him. Although, that doesn't make me like waking up at five AM any more.
I don't like how Mysterio acts around Marlene. He's just... Weird... At least his technology is useful.
Marlene Diegel
Likes - Ballet and classical music, they're very important to the history of theatre and the entertainment industry in general.
Dislikes - Dull colours and costumes that aren't flashy, in their opinion, if you're going to be a villain you may as well dress the part.
Favourite food - Cake, the ones with heavy icing and cherries on top.
Least favourite food - Chicken, especially with bones in it.
How do they text? - Lots of emoticons and exclamation / quotation marks, she's never professional texting even when it's about a serious mission.
Nationality - German.
What do they think of their fellow Sinister Six members?
I wish I was as smart as Olivia, I admire her, really, but she's honestly not very fun to be around. She's quiet, and kinda boring, but at least her tentacles can hold stuff for me.
Green Goblin gives me the creeps, he's literally green, I thought he was some kind of alien at first. I can't imagine purposefully doing that to yourself.
Frederick is nice to me, I don't know why, but he feels like my dad, or my brother, or just my friend, even if we never get to sit down and talk much, I always enjoy when we do.
Miguel also reminds me of my dad, but how he actually was, and not the feeling of a dad. He's very strict and he kinda scares me sometimes, but he's not doing it in a bad way, or at least I don't think he is?
Mysterio's got a fish bowl for a head, I admire the flair, especially the cape, but it is a little ridiculous, and that's coming from somebody with lighting patterns all over their clothes. There's something about him though, I can't place my finger on it!
Miguel Dominguez
Likes - Taking videos and photos, he originally wanted to be a photographer before joining the army, and he's never managed to get back into the hobby professionally.
Dislikes - Watching sports, he despises how boring it is and how you aren't even doing anything while watching.
Favourite food - Pizza, specifically with jalapenos, barbeque sauce and pineapple, it adds a spicy kick and an interesting flavour combination, which boosts his energy.
Least favourite food - Spaghetti, it was his wife's favourite, even the smell makes him sick to his stomach.
How does he text? - He uses emojis a lot and isn't well versed in how people typically use them, so tends to come off as strange. Very good grammar, but occasionally he will sacrifice a bullet point or capital letter once and a while.
Nationality - Mexican.
What does he think of his fellow Sinister Six members?
Olivia's smart, she put this scorpion tail on me, but, I know what it looks like when someone is being told to do something. That's all I'm sharing.
Green Goblin's more like a pet than a human, why would a man reduce himself to such an animalistic state of mind is beyond me. At least he follows orders, I suppose.
Frederick is a good, hardworking, man. Despite how he acts at first, he is very family centered, and I feel as if we both have an understanding of our relationship as co-workers.
I don't think Marlene's cut out for this line of work.
I appreciate Mysterio and his illusions, the technology is impressive, and he's even added advancements to my tail on more than one occasion. But, he's a bit too... Eccentric, for our missions.
Quinlan Blanchfield
Likes - Baking, specifically after a long day of working behind the stage, the lights, the music, it all gives him a rush, and baking cools him down.
Dislikes - The colour blue, it's always just annoyed him, it's too soft.
Favourite food - Cokie dough, and cookies, but, he's working on trying to convince Olivia to help him find a way to safely consume cookie dough, so far she's uninterested.
Least favourite food - Anything that's salty, he never adds salt to his baking, no matter how much it'll improve it.
How does he text? - Uses words that any regular person would need a dictionary to decipher, he's never had a spelling error or incorrect grammar, yet he also uses emojis occasionally.
Nationality - French.
What does he think of his fellow Sinister Six members?
Olivia is impressive, her advancements are far beyond any others, and I'm not just saying that because her boss funds us and our living situations.
Green Goblin interests me, his state of mind, or lack thereof, his costume, everything is such a point of intrigue, I can't wait to learn more when he starts to regain his memories.
The sand guy? He's annoying, I'm starting to think he's spilling sand into my costume on purpose.
Marlene...? No comment.
Miguel is a great leader, he's strong, strict, everything about him is intense, I admire him, I really do, but his schedules and god, the diet? Don't get me started.
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Because we rightfully talk about how Frederick is a horrible father, but never stop to talk about… the person who put Annabeth in that position… and just abandoned her.
Not only that, but it is heavily implied that Frederick wasn’t ready for children, and she gave him a child.
And when he was like, “hey, wtf, we never discussed this” she basically told him that it wasn’t her responsibility.
The child… you made… for a man who you didn’t even make sure wanted a child… who had no say in the making of said child (because Annabeth wasn’t made the natural way)… isn’t your responsibility… okay.
Definitely not defending Frederick for this, but I fucking hate Athena for putting her through this too. All of this could of been avoided had she chosen a man who wanted to be a father.
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