#Fabian Aichner x reader
dempseyregal · 2 years
Unexpected Surprise Part 1
A/N: This has been in my drafts for a while and I couldn't even finish it so enjoy the first part of this hot mess while I try to finish the other part
“Fabian, are you alright?” Marcel waved his hand in front of his face, but Fabian didn’t as much as blinked in response. “You’re leaving? But why Y/N? I though you loved it here!” His voice cracked with rage and hurt, but I couldn’t handle to tell him the truth.
I was pregnant, with Fabian’s baby, and couldn’t stay to wrestle until after the birth. I decided to go to Scotland and stay with my brothers’ wife until after the baby was born, I wanted to lay low. But all I told Imperium was that I quit because of personal problems within the family.
“Joe and Mark aren’t quitting?! Wolfgang is still creeping around, why don’t they quit too?!” “Because it doesn’t involve my brothers. Wolfgang isn’t even remotely related to me in anyway. My sister-in-law is expecting and there are complications with her health. I am leaving to take care of her.” I replied as I took my stuff and walked out of the dressing room while the three of them started debating and arguing with one another.
*8 and a half months later*
I was in the crowd at Takeover New York, flew in with Abigail to see the guys wrestle. They didn’t say who they were facing, just that my sister-in-law and I had to come watch them live. She was 5 months pregnant, and my little boy was fast asleep in my lap. It was the first time I stepped foot on WWE property since leaving.
Gallus made they way down to the ring and suddenly the lights went out and Imperium’s music hit. My heart dropped when I saw the three of them standing on the ramp, sadistic expressions on their faces. I looked at Fabian, his beard had grown, and his body had exploded to twice the size as when I saw him last. Marco started waking up in my arms and I panicked. “What if he sees him? He doesn’t know Marco’s his.” I whispered over to Abigail, and she looked over at my brothers, who also must have sensed my panic state as they went to work on distracting Imperium from walking around the ring.
The match was brutal to say the least.  Just when Wolfgang thought he had them pinned, Alexander Wolfe came from nowhere and caused a distraction, having Fabian pin him, winning the match for Imperium. I was frantically observing the ringside area for Joe and Mark when Abigail grabbed my arm. “He’s coming, let’s go!” She grabbed Marco’s bag but before I could follow pursuit, Fabian was at the barricade, grabbing onto my arm. “Y/N?! What are you doing here? I thought your sister in law had a baby alre-“He froze when he caught sight of Marco now fully awake, his big blue eyes staring back at Fabian with a toothless grin.
“I have to go.” I practically ran after Abigail to the backstage area, hoping and praying that their locker room was open so I could sneak in and hide there. TO my luck, it was and Abigail pushed me inside, closing the door behind her. I heard a commotion outside the door, German shouting and banging on the door. Joe and Mark burst through, pushing me into the bathroom. “Keep the lad in here until I tell you its safe to get out. These idiots want to see the baby.” I nodded and locked the door when he ran out, Abigail looking at Mark with wild eyes before he pursued our brother.
After a while, there came silence and a small knock from the door. “Y/N, come on out.” Mark’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. I opened it and saw the anger on his face. They were all seated in the locker room. All four members of Imperium and Wolfgang, Joe and Abigail were sitting around the table, Mark placing his huge hand on the small of my back.
Fabian jumped up but Wolfgang shot up to block his way. “Remember the deal Aichner. You get to see him but not too close.” I panicked once again and held Marco tighter to my chest. “You had a baby and didn’t tell us, Y/N? Why would you disappear like that?” Marcel spoke up while everyone just stared at the baby in my arms, smiling at all of them. “He looks just like you.” Walter pointed out to Fabian, who was focused on the giggling little human.
“He’s mine? Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve been there to help you during the pregnancy, I missed his birth! I missed the visits to the doctor!” I felt like bursting into tears. “I- I thought that you would want to take him away from me. I didn’t want you to know because I was scared.” I whispered and all eyes were on me in an instant. “Why would he do something like that Y/N?” Wolfe asked and Joe stood up, taking Marco from me and carefully putting him on the table in front of them to see.
I took a seat with them as Mark followed suit, sitting next to me, positioning himself in between me and his wife. “Our father tried to take us away from our mother when we were kids. So my mother tried to keep us a secret from the rest of the family afterwards scared that my father would come back for us.” Joe said as Fabian leaned froward, Marko grabbing his fingers and giggling as he pulled him close.
“I kept all of the ultra sounds and had videos made of my doctor’s appointments and the birth… SO when Y/N was ready, she could give them to you.” My sister-in-law spoke, Fabian looking over at her then at Marko. Marko had Fabian’s finger in his mouth, drool all over his hand. “Can I see it?” He asked and I obediently walked over to the little black case that I carried around with me. I handed it to him, and Marcel opened it, taking out the contents and handing them over to Fabian. Inside, photos of my scans, when Marko was born, Marko wearing an Italian supporter’s outfit that Mark bought him, a photo of Marko next to the Imperium flag I was gifted.
“I want the two of you to move in with me.” Fabian said while rocking Marko to sleep. I sucked in a breathe as I saw Joe tense up. “Its alright Joseph. He’s Marko dad, he has the right to have him around.” Wolfgang tried to calm him down while I held onto Joe’s hand. “You knew this was going to happen sooner or later Joe. We have to move.”
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What Is Mine - Marcel x Reader x Fabian
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So, with the latest episode of NXT, @wwzentertainment asked for Imperium x Reader. 
Here it is~ Almost the quickest I’ve wrote anything; just over an hour. 
Warnings? : Polygamous relationship (pretty much it). Small fight scene, multiple translations of German and Italian, little bit of body insecurity near the end
TAG LIST @starwithaheart​ @shedevil22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee​ @barthelsimperium​ (because i think you’ll like this too)
Note: Funny Marcel gif i found at the end because <3 
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I stood backstage, just out of sight, as I watched my two boys do an interview about their win last week at Halloween Havoc. What we had between us was… unusual… but between the three of us, we made it work.
I love Marcel. He was quiet but strong; demanding, yet gentle. Compassionate and funny but also stern.
I love Fabian. He was a giant teddy bear and a protective Sheppard; he joked a lot but was also romantic.
I knew, back in 2019 when we met, that there was no way I could ever choose one over the other. They seemed to know too, and to understand. Which made our current… arrangement—work, all the more. Never before had I even thought of being in a Polygamous relationship—and they hadn’t either, they admitted one night as we cuddled on the couch.
But it was what we had, and what worked. Thinking back on that night, I couldn’t help but smile—it was also the first night we all slept together. It was a fun night—despite the soreness I felt the next few days.
“—we don’t compromise with American ideals.” Fabian wrapped up in Italian, as Marcel looked over at him with his usual smug frown.
Seeing the two of them act so differently in front of camera compared to when it was just us, it caused a small chuckle. Unfortunately, my cheery mood quickly was squashed as I watched Gigi and Jayce walked onto the screen.
“Congratulations on becoming new NXT tag team champions,” Gigi told them, eyeing Marcel in a way I did not like,” You definitely… look… the part.” She reached out with her black rose and gentle ran it down Marcel’s jawline, seemingly catching his interest.
I stood there, jaw clenched, not moving. My whole body was frozen in place—not in fear. In anger.
“And so do we,” Jacy pointed out, gesturing between her and Gigi, as she pulled away from Marcel. I was barely aware of Fabian glancing in my direction, as the camera panned in on the ladies.
“Actually, we just found out we have a six woman tag team match next week,” Jacy continued, smiling at the thought, eyeballing Marcel some more, as Gigi looked from her partner to Marcel,” And I think… you guys should watch us.” The camera panned away, bringing both Marcel and Fabian into screen again, looking like they held some interest—or at least, curiosity.
Marcel leaned over towards Fabian, a smirk on his face, whispering,” We definitely will,” before continuing in German.
“The mat is sacred, but American has its benefits.” I heard him say, being able to translate his words since he had been teaching me German—and Fabian teaching me Italian. Italian was strangely the more difficult of the two languages, as I picked up on German a lot quicker. They watched in interest as the Gigi and Jacy walked away, eyeballing them up and down.
My heart dropped, and I felt not only pissed off but sick to my stomach.
The interview wrapped up, as Mackenzie walked away with the camera man, and I saw Fabian gently elbow Marcel, whisper something—and then Marcel look over in my direction. His eyes were slightly wide, like he feared something.
Just as they made a step towards me, I spun on heel and stalked off.
“Principessa!” (ts: Princess)
“Kleiner, warte!” (ts: Little one, wait)
Ignoring them, I picked up my pace as I knew they were getting close to catching up with me. Damn their long legs!
“Kleiner—” Marcel began, but I spun around to face them, stopping them dead in the tracks. (ts: little one)
“Nein!” I exclaimed, pointing a finger at him,” Nein nein nein nein! Just—just leave mich alone!” (ts: no / me)
“Amore—” Fabian tried but quieted with a look from me. With that, I spun back around and stomped off towards the women’s locker room. Unfortunately, that didn’t help matters, because low and behold– -who was standing just outside the door?
Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin.
Great. Just great.
As I got closer, all intent to just pass on by them and ignore them, went out the window when I heard Jacy let Marcel’s name slip.
“—kind of, but Marcel is. All those muscles—”
“You leave Marcel alone!” I snapped, getting in her face. I’d get in trouble for the altercation no doubt, but right now, I didn’t care.
“Why? You’re in a thing with Aichner—”
“—Dunno why—” Gigi muttered.
“—Unless you’re sneaking around behind his back with Marcel—”
“It’s none of your business! Just stay AWAY from Marcel and Fabian! Do you understand me?!” I yelled at both of them.
“Why? What are you gonna do about it?” Gigi asked, eyeballing me up and down.
I couldn’t do it—I couldn’t fight them. Medical hadn’t cleared me yet from my foot injury. I just had to walk away—
“We said—what are you going to do?” Jacy repeated, as Gigi shoved my shoulder—and then I saw red. My right leg flew up, foot connecting with Jacy’s abdomen, shoving her backwards on her ass. In the second of confusion for Gigi, I brought my elbow around and knocked her right in the face as she turned back towards me. Stunned for a second, I bent her over a bit and started punching at her back, trying to knock the wind out of her lungs. My focus on her, I didn’t see Jacy come at me until I felt her hands grab my hair and slam me face first into the wall. Gaining the upper hand, they began shouting and belittling me as they attacked, gaining attention from the surrounding backstage personnel, as they tried to separate us. They pulled Jacy and Gigi away from me, thinking I wasn’t going to antagonize the situation, that I was the calmer of the three—but not this time.
As soon as I had the chance, I launched myself at the two of them—including the personel and other talent holding them back—leading with overhead punches, trying to get as much damage as possible. Arms wrapped around my waist, trying to pull me away and in my bought of adrenaline, my elbow hooked around behind me and got the guy in the face. They let me go, stumbling away.
The yelling and arguing among talent, Gigi and Jacy yelling at me and my anger kept the area extremely loud, and I couldn’t hear one person over the other.
Another set of arms wrapped around me, this time slightly tighter, and instead of pulling me straight back, I felt my lower half get lifted as well, and then pulled away from the commotion.
“Basta amore mio! You’ll reinjure yourself—Fermare!” (ts: Enough my love! / Stop!)
Recognizing the Italian, I stopped struggling as much. He put my feet back on the floor, but still held me against his chest. I saw Marcel cupping the side of his face, only looking slightly annoyed.
“Du bist Fertig?” Marcel asked. (ts: You finished?)
“Nein,” I muttered, averting my gaze from his, as I leaned back into Fabian’s chest. (ts: no)
“Mi amore,” Fabian whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my ear,” Come, let’s talk elsewhere.” (ts: my love)
“Somewhere more quiet,” Marcel frowned at the commotion still going on ten feet behind us. Wordlessly, I nodded, following them down the hall to their locker room. Marcel closed the door behind us, and I softly pried myself from Fabian’s embrace.
“What’s going on in that mind of yours amore?” Fabian asked, sitting down in one of the chairs. (ts: love)
“Rede mi tuns… bitte leibling.” (Talk to us / please darling)
“I just—I don’t know!” I frowned, turning away from them as I crossed my arms in front of my chest,” I—I saw them shamelessly flirting with you guys—especially Marcel—and I just—”
“You got jealous,” Fabian finished, a slight smirk on his face.
“Nein,” I muttered under my breath. (ts: no)
“Kleiner…” Marcel drawled out, talking slow steps towards me. (ts: little one)
“Nein,” I repeated, trying more to convince myself then them at this point.
“Leibe, look at me bitte.” (ts: Love / please)
Slowly, I turned around but refused to meet his gaze. Briefly, my eyes met Fabian’s and I saw the soft smile his had on his face, but it only made me feel more ashamed, so I let my gaze fall to the floor. Fingertips traced my jaw down to my chin, before lifting my attention up until I finally met Marcel’s eyes.
His beautiful, captivating blue eyes. Those eyes were the first thing to draw me towards him—just as Fabian’s smile did.
“Liebe… You know I would never cheat on you, right?” (ts: Love)
I nodded slowly.
“Then why all this?”
“I just—I don’t know… I guess… with me not really being out there—maybe… maybe I’m feeling insecure? I mean—they are both, kinda attractive in their own—”
“Nein,” Marcel bit out, his posture tightening slightly before he relaxed,” I can’t speak for Fabian—but you…. You are all I need. All I want. Du bist wunderschon…. Komisch… clever… stark… Perfekt wie du bist.” (ts: no / you are beautiful, funny, smart, strong. Perfect as you are)
“Marcel…” I whispered, my eyes tearing up as I wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled into him as his wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.
“Si, mi amore,” Fabian agreed,” Marcel and I—back before we all agreed to do this relationship—we both were attracted to you in our own ways. People can come on to us all they want—flirt all they want… but at the end of the day, all we want is you, Principessa.” (ts: Yes, my love / Princess)
“You’ve nothing to be jealous over, we promise,” I heard Marcel assure me, and I glanced up at him.
“I’m sorry I elbowed you in the face,” I frowned, as he looked down at me with a grin.
“Don’t worry about it. You’ve done worse before,” Marcel chuckled, before pressing a kiss to my forehead,” Does your foot hurt any?”
“Hmm? Oh,” I thought, stretching it out a bit and considering, before shaking my head,” No. Doesn’t seem to. Doctor did tell me I should be good to go, but to keep an eye on it for a few weeks.”
“So, you’re cleared to be in the ring again?”
“Not technically, yet anyway. I think they will after my check up tomorrow. Which is good news for me,” I smiled deviously.
“Why’s that, Princepessa?” (ts: princess)
“You heard Jayne. They’ve got a 3-woman tag match next week. It’d be a shame if one of their opponents couldn’t make the match for… any… reason.”
“Questa e’ la nostra ragazza.” (ts: That’s our girl)
“Wir werden zuschauen.” (ts: We will be watching)
“I do hope so,” I smirked,” They’ll learn, one way or another, they’ll learn. You don’t mess with what’s mine.” 
The two Europeans just smiled down at me, before giving me each a breath taking kiss. Next week was a ways away– for now, they started with making me feel beautiful, loved and extra motivated. 
EXTRA MARCEL READJUST GIF -hearteyes- imdying
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jordanswwe · 2 years
a night out to remember
summary: the reader and fabian have been dating for 6 months and y/n felt bad because she never once got to spoil fabian the way he spoiled her, until one night.
asked for: “I was wondering if you could write a fic where the female reader and Fabian are in a relationship and she spoils him on a night out.”
this story contains only fluff, no smut :) hope you guys enjoy!!
also let’s all take a moment to look at this gorgeous photo
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October 26 (at the capitol wrestling center):
today was a successful episode of halloween havoc. your 2 closest friends jacy and gigi won the nxt women’s tag titles and your boyfriend fabian and his tag partner marcel (who was also your friend) won the nxt tag titles.
by the time marcel and fabian had made it back to the locker room area y/n and walter were already there to congratulate them. right after the boys got dressed marcel and walter decided to go out with some of their personal friends to the bar to celebrate.
that didn’t bother you because you had already planned something out for fabian. you had made a reservation in at a luxurious restaurant.
“fabian are you ready to go” y/n asked him. “go where” he asks curiously smiling. “you’ll see, it’s a suprise” y/n said responding then pulling him in for a hug.
at the restaurant:
as they pulled into the parking lot fabian was in disbelief. he had always wanted to go to this restaurant but he never had enough time. “you remembered” he said slightly laughing. fabian had always told you that he wanted to try this restaurant out. it had been 3 months since the restaurant had opened and it’s the only thing anyone was talking about.
as they both walked in the restaurant, y/n said “reservation for 2 the name is under y/n” as she turned to fabian who was smiling. “follow me” the hostess said.
you followed the hostess into a private room while holding fabian’s hand. when you he got in the private area the first thing he saw was that the dining area had roses and candles everywhere. fabian was shocked that y/n went out of her way to make all of this happen.
“thank you so much for all of this tesoro” fabian said as he sat down. “no problem love, anything for you” she said smiling.
“i’m so proud of you for winning the titles” she spoke up again while caressing his cheek. before she had the chance to say anything else fabian pulled her in for a kiss. “i love you so much y/n” he said smiling against her lips. “ i love you more” y/n said before kissing him back.
after the dinner had ended y/n decided to end the night in the best possible way. y/n took fabian to a nice opened area and they both decided to look at the stars.
while looking at the stars they couldn’t help but turn over to each other. looking each other eye in the eye they couldn’t help but to think that they found their person, their soulmates. “thank you again y/n, i deeply appreciate-“ fabian said before being cut off by y/n placing her lips on his again.
“you deserve all of this, i love you to the moon and back” she said before kissing him again.
the end 🪐✨🫶🏼💜🔮
this was my first request so thank you to the person that asked for this :) i hope i wrote what you were looking for!! if i didn’t then feel free to text me and i’ll get it done again!!🤍
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Caught in the Middle
Marcel Barthel, Fabian Aichner x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 1,271 Summary: The three of you had tried something new last night, and it was no secret that it was good. [Requested]
It felt right. 
That’s what made you pause. 
In front of you, Marcel slept with his body pressed against yours, hair tousled from sleep. 
And behind you, Fabian’s arms held you tight, his face buried in the crook of your neck. 
You were stuck in place, the first awake, but you didn’t move, afraid you’d wake them up. 
You felt guilty for how good this felt, how good your entire body still felt after last night. 
Beside you, now, you felt Fabian begin to stir. 
Slowly, he sat up and stretched. You stayed in place, listening to him shuffle around the room, before the bathroom door shut quietly. 
Now, you untangled yourself from Marcel’s hands and got up. Picking up your clothes and dressing quickly, you left the room, walking into the living room flooded with morning light. 
Your head was still spinning, unsure what you wanted to do. 
You could leave, grab your things and go home and call Marcel later. 
You could stay, wait for them both to wake up and get ready and talk about it. 
But you weren’t sure you wanted to talk about it. 
You were still trying to figure out what it was. 
“Are you leaving?”
You jumped up at the sound of Fabian’s voice. 
“I…” you started, turning towards him. “Yeah. I think so.” 
He nodded. He played with the zipper of his hoodie nervously. 
“Do you need a ride?” he asked. 
You shook your head, 
“I’m okay.” 
He said nothing else, so you took your leave. 
But just as you walked towards the door, he spoke again.  
“I think you should stay,” he called out. 
You stopped, halfway to the door, 
“At least...until Marcel wakes up,” he added, looking at you. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you said, quietly. 
“Why not?” he asked. 
The nerves grew and your chest tightened. 
“Last night…” you started. 
“You didn’t enjoy?” he asked. 
You shook your head quickly, 
“I did,” you said, surprising even yourself. “I really did,” you added. 
But as you thought about last night, and how it felt when Fabian had first kissed you, the way your entire body felt like it was on fire, the way you couldn’t let go of him. 
And the way Marcel had smiled at you when he pulled your head back towards him. 
It was the first time he’d held you, but even now you knew that you belonged in Fabian’s arms just as much as you did in Marcel’s. 
“Then stay,” he said, softer this time. 
“Fabian…” you trailed off. 
He walked towards you, but stopped a few paces away from you. 
“Last night was good. We were good,” he said. 
“But it was a one-time thing, wasn’t it?” you asked. 
He shook his head, 
“It doesn’t have to be,” he said. 
You sighed,
“It’s not fair to Marcel,” you said.
“He didn’t seem to mind it last night,” Fabian said, a small smirk on his lips. 
And it made your head spin. 
The running joke had always been that Fabian and Marcel shared everything, but last night had taken it to a whole new level. 
And you couldn’t even feel guilty about it. 
Something in the back of your mind told you that you should, that it wasn’t fair, that it wasn’t right, that it was a one time thing that ended right here and right now. 
“He’s very important to me,” you said. 
“Me too,” he replied. 
And that was it. That was the whole issue. 
You loved Marcel. 
The three of you had tried something new last night, and it was no secret that it was good. 
It was so fucking good, you thought. 
But there was Fabian, standing in front of you and he wasn’t asking you to make a choice between them. 
He wasn’t asking you to leave Marcel. 
He was asking you to consider something new, something different. Something better. 
“He loves you,” Fabian said. 
You nodded. 
“And I love him,” he said. 
And that was the heart of this matter. 
You both loved Marcel. 
And Marcel loved both of you, too. 
And it wasn’t exactly what you’d imagined when you’d started dating him, but it was something you’d grown used to. 
The space between them was a perfect fit for you, you’d found over the years. 
And it was like you were always meant to be there with them like this, wrapped up in both their embraces’.  
He took another step towards you, and without hesitation, you took one towards him. 
“If you don’t want this,” he said. You watched his hand twitch at his side, as though he wanted to reach out to you, but stopped himself. “Just say so. I’ll leave it alone.” 
But you took his hand in yours, the tips of your fingers brushing over the palm of his hand, and took a deep breath, 
“I don’t know how to do this.” 
You looked up at him and he smiled, 
“Then we figure it out. Together,” he said, bringing your hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand. “Please stay,” he whispered against your hand. 
You brought your other hand to his cheek and pulled him down for a kiss, soft against his lips. His hands found their place on your waist just as you pulled back, leaning your forehead against his. 
“I’ll stay,” you whispered, making him smile. 
“Good, because I can’t let you leave without breakfast,” Marcel said. You both turned to look at him, his hair messy, eyes still heavy with sleep, but smiling at the two of you. 
“You were gonna make me breakfast?” you asked, reaching out a hand for him. 
He scoffed, 
“No, I don’t cook,” he said, as though you should’ve already known that. “But Fabian does,” he finished. 
You looked back up at Fabian who winked at you, 
“Anything you want,” he said, kissing the top of your head. 
In front of you, Marcel pulled you close and kissed you, one hand on the back of his neck, the other hand still in Fabian’s. 
And it was as if this was normal for you three, as though you’d done it a million times over. 
“You were so good last night,” he whispered against your lips, “and we want you to stay. Please.” 
“I will,” you replied. “I love you,” you whispered to him. 
And with Fabian’s hand still in yours, you turned to him and said it to him, too, because you knew there was no better time than now. 
“I love you, too, Fabian,” you said. He kissed your forehead, untangling his hand from yours. 
“Sit, I’ll make us breakfast.” 
And you did sit down. 
On the counter, swinging your legs, while Fabian moved around you while Marcel left to wash up. It was quiet between you two, and you were sure that the hesitation, the awkward nerves of the first time, the first morning together, would fade eventually. 
But you found peace in this moment, watching him work, his back turned towards you, setting a mug of coffee down beside you while he tried not to let anything burn. 
And slowly, the day moved forward, and the three of you found your rhythm with one another. 
There would be a period of adjustment, you told yourself, but lounging on the couch, your head in Fabian’s lap, Marcel’s hand tracing circles absentmindedly on your legs, watching TV together, something told you that this was right. 
That everything about you three would lead you here, eventually. 
And though it was only the beginning, it already felt like home. 
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domesticblisss · 3 years
148 with Fabian aichner please
148 - “Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”
drabble prompts
They met on their first day at the performance center. Being signed by WWE had been a lifelong dream for the trio and soon, her, Fabian and Marcel were inseparable. They did everything together, from riding from city to city to sharing an apartment.
But as much as she loved Marcel, what she felt for Fabian was much, much stronger, and, for the sake of their friendship, she kept her feelings hidden.
The boys always made fun of how easily she fell asleep when they watched movies or when she watched them play whatever new video game had just gotten released. Twenty minutes in and she would curl up like a cat on their couch and sleep. Marcel always laughed at the sight, but to Fabian, it was the sweetest thing he had ever seen.
Every time she fell asleep on their couch, she would wake up tightly tucked in on her bed. And whenever she asked who took her to bed, she was met with silence on Fabian’s side, and some silly joke from Marcel. More often than not, when she wasn’t in deep sleep, she would feel a pair of soft lips kissing her, always between her cheeks and the corner of her lips.
She had barely fallen asleep when Fabian took her in his arms, carrying her to her bed and gently tucked her in. As usual, he kissed her, and said goodnight.
Before he could leave, she spoke.
“Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”
“I don’t want to ruin our relationship, principessa.”
“You won’t, now give me a real kiss.”
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Hello Queen!!! Thank you for giving us LIFE each and every day! 💙🥺
I was wondering if you’d be open to a Marcel/Fabian drabble?? Whatever comes to that sexy genius mind of yours we love to see it 🔥 Thank you always!!! 💙✨🥰
Hi gorgeous! Aww, you’re so kind, thank you so much for such compliments 🥰 Thank you for following me ❤️
I’m not that familiar with NXT UK wrestlers but I think I can work something with Fabian 😏 Let’s see if I will not totally embarrass myself with this one 😂
@thenightmareismyreality Thank you for Beta reading it for me ❤️
P.S. Yes, I’m obsessed with massaging giant men 😂 and sorry if this is complete garbage 🤣
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Fabian sighed when he entered your bedroom. You were laying down on the bed and noticing the tiredness all over his face, you asked
“Are you ok, baby?”
“I’m fine, amore (love). Just tired” He smiled weakly
“Do you want to take a hot shower to relax a bit?”
“I already showered at the gym” He undressed until only his boxers were left
“Maybe I can give you a massage to help you out with your sore muscles?”
“I can think of another way you can help me out” He straddled your hips, making your head stay at the same level of his crotch
Already sensing his intention, you raised one hand at his covered length, already caressing his half hard cock through the fabric
“Tell me what you need, baby” You cooed
“Mi fa un pompino (give me a blow job) ” He grunted, already caressing your hair
You smirked, darting your tongue out and tracing the outline of his erection through his boxers
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secretagentfangirl · 4 years
Part 1: For You This Song I Sing
All My Life (series, hopefully)- Based on the song “All My Life” by K-Ci & JoJo
Fabian Aichner x Reader
Summary: Reader just wants to record a silly video for her TikTok. Marcel is on board, but Fabian refuses.
Warnings: None, just flirty touches meant to embarrass.
Word count: 884
A/N: This is my second attempt at writing. I have the whole thing planned out, any feedback is greatly appreciated and will motivate me to keep going with this.
           “Come on, it will be fun!”
             Fabian rolled his eyes at that. You looked at Marcel, in the back seat, and pouted.
             “Come on, Fabian. How can you say no when she’s looking at us like that?”
             “I can say no because I don’t do TikToks.”
             You leaned over the console and poked Fabian in his bicep. “Fabio! Please?” You knew you were being whiny, but you couldn’t help it. Fabian was one of your best friends and was so fun to be around so you didn’t understand why he didn’t want to be goofy with you and Marcel for one teeny tiny TikTok.
           Marcel leaned forward and poked Fabian’s bicep, laughing when he swatted Marcel’s hand away. “It’s one video, Fabio.”
             “Shut up. See what you started, Y/N/N?”
             You and Marcel looked at each other, and then in unison (and equally whiny) said, “FABIO!”
           “I am NOT going to do your TikTok video. I am not dancing. That’s that. Nothing will change my mind.”
             “Okay, so you don’t want to dance. That’s fine with me, Fabio. Really. I’ll let you win this one.”
             Suddenly your phone vibrated. You smirked seeing it was from Marcel.
             M- You’re really letting him off this easily?
             He doesn’t want to dance.
             M- You never give up this easily. You’re plotting something, aren’t you?
             Hey, do you like how Fabian’s voice sounds?
             M- It’s okay enough. Sounds like he got punched a few too many times but I don’t mind it. Why?
             Think I can make him sing for one of my #dramaticsinging videos?
             M- Good luck with that.  If he won’t dance, he won’t sing.
             You looked back at Marcel with another smirk on your face before looking back at Fabian.
             “Hey Fabian, do you mind if I change the music? I want to look for a song for one of my dramatic singing videos.”
             “Yeah, sure.”
             You turned back to Marcel. “Mind recording? I kinda need both hands for this one.”
             Marcel took your phone while you grabbed Fabian’s to look for the song you wanted. You nodded when the sounds of the piano started.
             You started lip synching, complete with snaps, body rolls (as best as you could while wearing a seatbelt), and swaying. All of which was directed at Fabian. “I will never find another lover sweeter than you, sweeter than you”. You made sure to point at Fabian for the sweeter than yous. He quickly started blushing.
             “And I will never find another lover more precious than you, more precious than you.” You ran your hand down the back of his head, to the nape of his neck, and across his shoulders, grinning as he turned more and more red.
             Marcel started giggling as you forced Fabian to be part of your Tik Tok. Suddenly, he began to sing along with you to scream “GIRL YOU ARE CLOSE TO ME YOU’RE LIKE MY MOTHER!”
 You laughed and finally took your attention off Fabian to sing with Marcel, and continued with “Close to me you’re like my father, close to me you’re like my sister, close to me you’re like my brother!”
             You turned back to Fabian after noticing he looked more relaxed without you singing to him and you decided to change that.
             “You are the only one, my everything, and for you this song I sing.” You ran your hand up his arm again, smirking again as he tensed up, a hint of a blush returning to his cheeks.
 Without looking at you, he said, “Hey Y/N/N, I didn’t agree to this. I said I’m not being in your Tik Toks.”
 Marcel laughed and put your phone down at last. “She’s a sneaky one. Bet you regret asking her to be our travel buddy now, Fabian!”
 At last Fabian pulled up to the hotel. As you all exited the car, you ran from your side of the car over to Fabian. You tugged on the back of his shirt to get his attention, making him stop and turn to you.
 “I’m sorry, Fabian. I overstepped my boundaries and I played too much. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable and I won’t post the video.”
 He looked at you for a moment and you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. You really didn’t want Fabian mad at you for your little stunt.
 “I accept your apology. And I guess I’m okay with you posting it. You have a ton of videos with Marcel, might as well have one with me, too.”
 You beamed at him and pulled him in for a hug. You didn’t want to let go, but you didn’t want to make it look like you didn’t want to touch him. Suddenly you became aware that he also didn’t seem to be pulling away and the hug was starting to be too long. You only pulled away when you heard a cough.
 “Sorry, am I interrupting something? Don’t mind me, keep hugging while I drag all of our crap over to the actual hotel.”
 Fabian looked like he was blushing for the third time tonight. You made sure you looked away because, judging by how warm your own face felt, you were blushing just as much as Fabian was. He ran over to Marcel to help, leaving you alone by the car. After composing yourself, you followed them in.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: “your complexion is scaring me, please sit down.” 
♡ pairing: marcel barthel x fem! reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “cause i’m right here, darling i’m right here. close your pretty eyes, my butterfly, baby have no fear.” 
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / 
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you felt yourself getting dizzy once again, not knowing where the feelings was coming from. this was going on for the third week of you just feeling completely sick to your stomach and frankly, you had no idea why it was happening or why it hadn’t gone away yet. 
you fell back onto the chair with a thud, not feeling in any mood to get up and workout. as you took a sip of water and tried to regain your breath, you saw Fabian walking past you. you waved at him as he stopped in his tracks and saw your state of being. 
“you okay?” he asked, seeing the sweat coming down from your forehead, “just tired,” you murmured, taking another gulp of water. Fabian grabbed a chair and sat next to you knowing that Marcel would thank him later, “where’s your boyfriend?” he asked. 
pulling up your phone and saw the last text he sent you, “he’s training with Alex,” you told him, “why?” you asked. Fabian stayed silent for a moment, not knowing whether or not to confess what he was thinking, “you’ve been feeling like this for a while now, haven’t you?” you nodded, “ever think Marcel knocked you up?”
“excuse me, what?” you choked on your water at the wild thought as Fabian hit your back, “i’m just putting a thought out there. you’ve been feeling like this for a while now and i mean, my sister felt the same way you did when she got pregnant with my nephew,” he explained. 
there was no way you could’ve been pregnant with his child. you were on the pill and Marcel made sure he wore protection when you asked him too. “come on, you’ve got to be kidding me,” you murmured to him, not so sure on what to think of what he said. 
“if you aren’t sure, i can accompany you on the trip to the store,” he offered, taking his hey out of his pocket. you nodded and the two of you walked towards the parking lot, “what if I am?” you asked him quietly, “i genuinely don’t know how Marcel would take to the news.” 
Fabian could see the panic expression on your face as he started the engine. there was a store not even a minute out of the performance center and although he didn’t respond, he rubbed your shoulder in comfort, “listen, i can’t answer that question because i really don’t know how he would react either but i don’t think he’d be mad or upset about it.” 
you gave Fabian one final look before hopping out of the car and running inside of the Wal-Greens. you grabbed a few things and pretending that the pregnancy test was for a friend in case the cashier knew who you were by random chance. after she scanned you out and gave you your things, the two of you booked it back to the performance center. 
“stay right there,” you told Fabian in a threatening tone, “if I have to find out the news, you’re finding out right with me,” you added on. 
Fabian nodded as you walked into the single bathroom and locked it. the hallway you dragged Fabian too was generally a lonesome hall. hardly anyone that wasn’t custodial came down here and you knew that Marcel or anyone else wouldn’t come down here. 
after you took the test and put it back inside of the box, you walked out and timed the rest of the four minutes, “okay, we need to wait another few minutes and then i’ll find out if i become a mom or not,” you murmured, your eyes widening at the statement you made. 
you looked at Fabian with nervousness as you felt your phone ringing, “fuck, it’s Marcel,” you screamed in panic. you tossed him the phone and telling him to pick it up, “why? he’s gonna wonder why i have your phone to begin with!” he yelled back. 
Fabian, despite not wanting to answer it, picked it up, “hey Marcel,” he said as smoothly as possible, “Fabian? why do you have her phone?” he asked curiously. you yelled at him to make up a lie, “uh, she’s in the bathroom and left her phone on the table so i figured i’d picked it up considering it was you,” he said in a panic. 
Marcel’s eyes scrunched in confusion, not fully believing what he was saying. your phone rang off again, indicating that the time was up and your test would be ready with the answer. you grabbed your phone and hung it up, not bothering with Marcel at the moment. 
“ready?” he asked as he watched you fumble with the box. you gulped not, tears threatening to spill even though you had no idea what the test read. you took it out of the box slowly and grasped onto the side where the result was, not ready to read it yet, “okay, on three,” you whispered. 
Fabian counted to three and you lifted your hand up. 
you stared to Fabian, your heart racing a mile a minute and the urge to throw up crawling up your throat. you found the nearest trash bin and threw up for a solid minute before pulling back up and seeing Fabian’s surprised expression as he held the test. 
“does that mean I’ll be the godfather or something?” he asked, trying to make a light joke. you smacked him on the shoulder, “shut the fuck up! this is not the time to make a joke, you ass! i’m pregnant with your best friends child!” you screamed. 
Fabian wanted to laugh, he really did but a part of him knew that if he did laugh, you’d probably beat his ass for it. you looked down to the Clear Blue test and sighed, not knowing whether to celebrate the news or to throw up once again. 
“Marcel’s calling you again,” Fabian informed you, seeing your phone ping up for the second time. you grabbed your phone and answered it, “hey babe,” you whispered, your voice wavering, “hey, i called you twice and Fabian picked up your phone the first time. you okay?” he asked. 
you stayed silent for a second, not knowing whether to slowly break the news or just make up a complete lie. 
“i continued feeling sick and was inside the bathroom for a while. i had left my things with Fabian to make sure it didn’t get taken or anything,” you lied, Fabian’s eyes widening in surprise, “i’ll meet you in a few, okay?” Marcel hummed in response before clicking goodbye, slightly annoyed at yours and Marcel’s attitude. 
you stared at Fabian, your heart racing as you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. your eyes widened in panic as you tried to hide the test when it revealed that it was actually Walter who managed to find you and Fabian down here. 
“hey Walter,” you greeted in panic. he looked between you and Fabian, confused and slightly accusatory, “what are the two of you doing down here....alone?” he asked, seeing the way the two of you were acting. 
you looked up to him finally and sighed. Fabian could tell you were on the verge of bursting into tears as you fumbled to actually say something, “she’s pregnant with Marcel’s baby,” he screamed in a confession. Walter looked at you in surprise as you shakily handed him the test, “what the fuck,” he whispered to himself. 
“fuck, i don’t even know how i’m going to tell Marcel about this,” you exclaimed to his two friends, “we’ve never spoken about children and we are in no way even ready for it. he’s in the midst of his prime wrestling career and i’m chasing the fucking women’s title,” you continued, “but there’s a part of me that’s excited and wants to keep it.” 
Walter and Fabian stared at each other as they remained quiet. this was one of the times that Walter wished his wife would’ve accompanied him on his trip over here. you still hadn’t gotten off the floor as Walter read the positive test on the ground. 
“listen, you should get home and take a break from all this. you stressing out isn’t probably healthy for the baby,” Walter finally said. you nodded, figuring that he was right, “i’m going home, i guess. if Marcel asks for me, tell him i wasn’t feeling good at all and had a migraine or something,” you got up from the floor and looked up at the two boys before leaving. 
you had purposely took a way out of the performance arena that you knew wouldn’t cross over into Marcel’s view. you drove home, taking the back way there as you tried to clear up your thoughts. the tears that had stained your face remained as you got into the parking lot. 
as you walked inside of you shared apartment and sat down on the couch, you couldn’t help but relive the memories you had with Marcel in your head. the two of you were pretty free spirited. you enjoyed going out with Fabian every once in a while and traveled when you were able too. 
there were times where the two of you had a designated drinking nights and got plastered beyond belief to release some stress or tension that was going on. 
all of those things would have to come to a halt as your baby was on its way. a part of you knew that Marcel wasn’t the kind of guy to just drop you and the baby but you also had no idea how he would react. he didn’t seem like the kind of guy to settle down into a family but the thought of a baby Marcel running around warmed your heart. 
with all your thoughts running wild, you hadn’t realized how much time had passed until you heard the front door jingling. the thought of having to tell Marcel the news made you sick to your stomach out of nervousness as felt bile crawling up your throat again. 
you instantly ran to the bathroom and threw up whatever else was left in your stomach. at this rate, you were throwing up water as you hadn’t ate anything since the morning and you managed to throw that up when you read the test earlier in the day. 
you heard Marcel walk into the apartment as he set his things down on the floor and came to find you. you had thought that you locked the door when you ran inside but that didn’t seem to be true when Marcel walked in, a look of worry and panic instantly crossing his face as he saw how you looked. 
“hey, hey! what’s wrong?” he asked, holding your hair back. you shook your head as you tried to stand up and push him off of you, “nothing, i’m fine,” you managed to say as you went to the sink to brush your teeth and clean your mouth. 
Marcel stood against the doorway, seeing the color of your skin drained. he had never saw you this way in the years that you were together with him and as you finally looked back up again, he could see that you didn’t look healthy in the slightest. 
“your complexion is scaring, please sit down,” he stated, helping you to the couch to sit you down. you slumped into the couch, feeling a migraine coming on, “you need to go to the hospital. you’ve been sick for nearly a month and you haven’t been getting any better!” he exclaimed. 
you sighed knowing that if you even tried to hesitate, Marcel wouldn’t let it go and probably physically drag you there himself. you looked up to Marcel and asked him to grab your backpack from one of the kitchen chairs. he looked at you in confusion but nevertheless grabbed it for you. 
“what i’m about to tell you might be news you aren’t prepared for so you might want to sit down for this one,” you stated as you had trouble looking at him. he remained confused but didn’t listen to what you said and remained standing, “Marcel, please,” you repeated, “no, i’m fine standing.” 
you sighed as you took a deep breath in and rummaged through your bag until you felt the pregnancy test in your hand, “don’t freak out on me, i’m begging you. i’ve been through enough today and if you are planning to do anything irrational when you find out, just leave,” you said as you took the test out and handed it to him. 
Marcel’s eyes widened, reading the test before looking at you. he remained silent for what felt like an eternity. a million thoughts ran through his head until he finally realized that he hadn’t said anything at all. you remained looking at him, trying to read his expression. 
“you’re pregnant?” he asked. you nodded slowly as he stared at the test again, “you’re not kidding? when did you find out?” he asked again, “of course not but today. that’s what i was doing with Fabian. he found me puking my guts out earlier and offered to take me to the store to buy a test and i was too scared to take the test alone so i made him sit with me to find out the results. Walter knows too.” 
Marcel looked at you, “why did you hide it from me? i feel like i should’ve been there,” he murmured. you sighed in slight annoyance, “i know but we’ve never talked about kids and i was scared. i’m pregnant. pregnant as fuck and i want to keep it,” you stated, emphasizing the ending. 
Marcel walked up to you and gave you a hug as you immediately cuddled up to him and let the tears go free, “i’m just surprised, baby. we weren’t planning on having one but i’m not mad or scared. that just means we’re going to be parents earlier than anticipated. nothing wrong with that,” he finally said. 
you smiled at him, happy that he was on the same boat with you, “so you’re happy?” you asked. Marcel laughed, “of course i am. you’re making me a dad! we’re going to be parents!” he exclaimed, “we just need to find a home and start building that nursery as soon as possible.” 
you brought him down for a kiss and remained that way for while before finally pulling away, “i’m sorry happy that you’re happy about this,” you confessed. Marcel brought you in for another hug as you put your head on his chest, “if we have a son, you wouldn’t mind naming him Axel, would you?” he asked with a serious tone. 
your heart fluttered as you realized he wanted to name your possible son after his father, “of course i wouldn’t mind. it’s a beautiful name,” you whispered back. he nodded in agreement as the two of you remained hugging in the middle of your living room. 
you knew you’d tell everything to Fabian and Walter later on but for the moment, you just wanted to remain in Marcel’s embrace. 
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peachmango-kombucha · 3 years
I need more Marcel Barthel x reader and Fabian Aichner x reader fics! 😩
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dempseyregal · 2 years
Unexpected Surprise Part 2
A/N: Part 2 is here!! Enjoy my ramblings
Surely enough, we moved back to Orlando. Joe and Mark moved their flat to one just down the street that if I needed them, they would come running. It was awkward, I couldn’t move around the flat without Fabian running to see what was happening. “You need something? I put the milk you pump for Marko in the fridge and I had your lunch ordered 5 minutes ago, its on its way.” I thanked him and went to the lounge to sit down and check up on Marko, who was almost 9 months old. He was crawling along on his play mat, a few teeth visible now when he smiled.
Fabian came in a few moments later, package in his hands. He put it on the table and disappeared to grab plates, dishing up for us while I grabbed Marko and made him comfortable on the couch. We ate in silence apart for Marko occasionally giggling when Fabian fed him a French fry, some odd warm feeling starting to creep in. I was hoping that one day we could be a family, but I was scared.
“You need to eat Y/N. You haven’t touched your food.” He spoke while cleaning the front of Marko’s shirt up. “I was wandering, I got a call from Shawn Michaels, asking if I was willing to come back, that if I could get a nanny to watch Marko while we worked. You wrestle on the main roster now so he can’t travel as much with you.” Fabian smiled and nodded. “We’ll check in with Walter’s sister. She came to live with him and she watches kids. We could ask her if you wanted.” “Yeah, that would work.”
As weeks moved on, I went back to training while Walter’s sister watched Marko, sending updates regularly when he was asleep or when he needed something. I was on my way home when I got a call from Fabian. “You almost home?” “Yeah, why?” “Marko started walking so you need to see this.” After Fabian dropped the call he sent a video of Marko pulling himself up against the couch and balancing down the side as he wobbled. Marcel was on the other side of the couch and Walter was nearby cheering him on.
I got to the house soon after, Joe and Mark also appearing out of thin air. “Fabian said the lad started walkin’! Oh I can’t believe the bugger grew up so quickly.” I led them into the house, everyone soon gathered in the lounge to see Marko repeating his trick once again. I felt Fabian throw his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into a hug while everyone was focused on Marko. “Thank you for staying here. I missed you.” “I missed you too, Fabian.” 
“Hey guys, look the little one is doing it without holding on!” Marcel shouted as Marko temporarily let go of the couch and made a few steps before coming to land on his butt, all laughing and giggling at his uncles who were cheering him on. “This is our family now huh?” Mark came over when Fabian went to get everyone something to drink, while I changed Marko in the bathroom. “Yep, its our family now.” I said as I dressed Marko. “You still love Fabian?” I looked at my brother but didn’t answer. “Yeah. I guess I do still love him.” I replied and we walked to the lounge where everyone were cheering and laughing about Marko’s waddle.
“He got pretty strong legs for his age.” Walter commented when we sat down. “Yeah, must be the Scottish blood coming through there. Got it from his uncles that.” Joe laughed as Fabian butted in. He’s my kid. He got those legs from me.” They went on back and forth about who was bigger and in the end Fabian won by disqualification because Marcel chose to interfere. “Yeah, but Joe’s got more injuries than Fabian.” “OK that’s enough. We should be getting back, Abigail would be arriving home soon and then we need to get ready for the little one’s birth tomorrow.” Mark and Joe left and Walter followed Marcel’s lead a little while after.
I hopped to get the place cleaned up while Marko was put to bed. Fabian caught me in the kitchen as I was packing away the last of the cups. “You need help with anything?” “Nope, all done.” “Listen, uhm… I heard what Mark said to you earlier, I just wanted to let you know that I still love you too.” Everything grew quiet, Fabian froze in the door. I started laughing hysterically at Fabian’s confused expression. “You’re too sweet, love. Now, let’s get to bed before that little monster of yours wakes up.” He wrapped his huge arms around my thin waist and hoisted me into the air and ran off to the bedroom.
As he put me down onto the bed, he started kissing my face all over, going to my jawline and my neck. Before anything could happen, Marko started crying. “Seriously, Marko?” Fabian mumbled something under his breath before getting up to get Marko. He came back a few moments later with Marko in his arms, rubbing his eyes before snuggling into Fabian’s chest.
We curled in under the covers, Marko’s little body wedged in between us, already asleep. I fell asleep as Fabian started rubbing circles on the back of my hand, placing soft kisses to the tips of my fingers. “I love you Y/N.” “love you too Fabian.”
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jordanswwe · 2 years
the journey to giovanni vinci
summary: y/n was the best of friends with everyone in imperium and they did everything together. y/n was personally closest to the muscular italian member of the group. once imperium lost their tag titles at stand and deliver the team goes their separate ways with their wwe careers. y/n and fabian hadn’t talked in months until one day.
this story takes place from stand and deliver to the time when giovanni vinci debuts
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April 2 (backstage at stand and deliver):
y/n was walking backstage trying to look for her friends marcel and fabian. they were set to defend their tag titles at the biggest event for nxt. stand and deliver was today and y/n was on her to make sure they were okay and ready. y/n especially wanted to make sure that fabian was okay.
something always intrigued her about the muscular member of imperium. y/n and fabian were bestfriends. so they pretty much told each other everything. as she was walking backstage further down in the arena. y/n spotted fabian in the back alone doing his pre-warmup workout. “god he’s so hot” she thought as she saw the muscular male doing push-ups. y/n tried leaving without him noticing but once she turned around she bumped into a box knocking them all over.
as soon as the sound echos fabian turns her way. as soon as he sees that it’s her he can’t help but chuckle a little walking her way to help her pick the boxes up. “what are you laughing at” y/n asks jokingly nudging him in the side gently. “oh it’s nothing” he says with a smile as he stands back up.
“well thank you for helping me pick up the boxes” she said. as she turned around and started walking away from fabian she heard fabian say her name. “y/n, what were you even doing behind those boxes” he says smiling. y/n smiles at him and then continues to walk away.
before they all knew it, it was time for marcel and fabian to defend their tag titles. y/n and walter watched the match from backstage in imperium’s private locker room. walter was in disbelief at what he was watching. he saw his teammates loose the titles.
as soon as the next match began marcel and fabian both came in the locker room arguing and bickering at each other. “it’s all your fault” marcel said. “my fault, you’re the one who got pinned” fabian said back.
as they were exchanging comments towards each other, marcel threw a punch to fabian. before we knew it me and walter had to do our best to separate them. walter had no trouble pulling marcel back. however y/n was struggling a bit to hold fabian back. “hey” y/n yelled. “you boys need to grow up and get on the same page, you guys are the greatest team here and you’ll get the titles back soon” y/n said which seemed to “cheer” them up.
y/n, fabian, marcel, and walter all left the arena to go to the hotel the nxt stars were staying at.
April 5 (backstage at nxt):
as y/n arrived to the arena with imperium, they went straight to the board to see if any of them had matches tonight. the board read out “creed brothers vs imperium” marcel scoffed at the idea.
“what’s the issue” fabian shot back. “guys calm down” walter spat out. “you guys need to get your shit together” y/n said. time seemed to go by really fast because before you knew it, it was time for their match.
“okay guys good luck and remember to get along and win” y/n said laughing before hugging both members. when y/n went to hug fabian it lasted a little longer than usual. “see you later tesoro” he said with a frowned face.
y/n was confused but she didn’t get too worried. as y/n and walter were watching the match from backstage. they saw as fabian just left marcel hanging. both of them were in complete shock.
after the match had ended marcel stormed into the locker room in rage. marcel was complaining to walter in german, but walter had told him not to worry.
after the show had ended producers called imperium and y/n into the creative room. “so marcel and walter, we are going to bring you guys up to smackdown” they said. you couldn’t help but be happy for them, but at the same time you were sad to loose your friends.
after you left the arena you went to fabian’s apartment to get answers from him. after pounding at his door for what felt like an eternity he finally opened up. “what do you want” fabian asked her. “why did you-“ she said before she was cut off by fabian.
“you’re going to ask me why i left them high and dry aren’t you” he said annoyed. “i’m not trying to be in a group anymore, i put all of my effort into that group and i hardly got recognized” he said getting more annoyed.
“that doesn’t mean you can turn on your friends, that you can turn on me” you said trying to hold your tears together. “you’re literally backing marcel up after loosing the tag titles, you’re just giving me another reason to cut you off like i did them” he said. you could tell he was just upset and he said it in the heat of the moment.
“fabian” you said as you grabbed the side of his face. “please don’t be like this, i love you and i don’t want to see you like this” you said now full on letting everything flow. “then leave” he said. “you know what fuck you” y/n said before slapping him. “i loved you, but this side of you is something else” y/n said walking away crying. that was the last time she saw fabian.
*fast forward for what felt like 1000 years*
May 24 (backstage at nxt):
for the past couple of weeks you have dominated the nxt women’s division by yourself. although you missed your imperium friends you couldn’t help but think about the fun time they’re having on smackdown.
but with fabian. you couldn’t help but frown everytime you thought of him. the last thing he said to you was “just leave” y/n began to trail off in her thoughts when she heard someone call her name.
roxanne, indi, and cora all walked in the locker room to watch the show from backstage. at one point nxt did a promo over a new star. giovanni vinci. you couldn’t contain your tears at the thought of fabian. their styles were so much alike.
indi leans into y/n and says “this reminds you of him doesn’t it” you just nod your head in reply. “why hasn’t he talked to me in months” you said trying to contain anymore tears from falling down. “maybe he just needs to be alone” cora said. “he’ll come around” roxanne said trying to comfort you.
*2 weeks later*
June 7 (backstage at nxt):
as the giovanni vinci promo was shooting you still couldn’t help but think of fabian. that was until the promo revealed that it had been fabian all along.
“giovanni vinci coming next week” the screen said. y/n was excited but nervous to see one of her former friends. it has been around 2 months from when they last talked.
it was no secret that y/n had a thing for fabian. she always wished she would’ve told him when she had the chance, but she never had the confidence to.
y/n had made it her mission to get answers from fabian next week on why he betrayed her and imperium, but most importantly why he never attempted to reach out to y/n.
June 14 (backstage at nxt):
as y/n walked into the arena the first thing she saw was her former friend, her former team member, someone she had cared about more than anyone else. fabian was with the producers talking as he saw you from the corner of his eye.
“i’ll be right back with you guys” he said while making his way towards you. y/n tried to out walk fabian but he had his advantage with his long legs.
“y/n hold up” he said. “wait y/n, what’s going on” he continued to say. you stopped and turned around “what’s going on” she replied questioning what he just said.
“me and you were bestfriends, you were bestfriends with marcel and walter to then and you betrayed all of us, you betrayed me” she said trying not to cry. “tesoro… it’s not like that” he said as you started walking away.
June 14 (apartment):
after the show was over you started to head back to your apartment. as you got in your apartment, you took a shower, made yourself a snack, and put a movie on for you to enjoy.
as soon as your beginning to fall asleep on the couch you hear a faint noise knocking at the door. at first you thought you were just hearing things until the knocks got louder.
when you opened the door you saw fabian. “tesoro can we please talk” he pleaded. “talk about what fabian, they way you betrayed your friends or the way you broke my heart” she shot at him. “you have every right to be mad y/n but i just wanted you to know that i love you too, i wish i would’ve told you that when you came to my apartment that one night” he said as y/n just stood there in shock from what he just said.
“can i come in” he adds as he walks through the door before closing it. “why didn’t you tell me you loved me back the night i told you i loved you, why wait till now” she asked sarcastically.
“you have every right to be mad my love, but when you came to my apartment that night i was already consumed with emotions from everything that had happened that i took it out on the wrong person, i took it out on you and that was the worst thing i’ve ever done to someone, i am so sorry my love” fabian said.
“fabian i have loved you since the very first time i saw you and-“ he was cut off with fabian pressing his lips to her. before they knew it shirts when flying. as fabian was kissing y/n, he lifted her legs around his waist and placed her down on the bed.
before things could escalate anymore fabian put a condom on. “i don’t want any surprises” he says joking. you found that funny to so you began to laugh.
as fabian placed his nice, hard, long cock in you. you couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. as fabian started going down on you, you both started to let out heavy moans.
everytime he went down on you, he hit your g spot in the right place everytime. “i’m so close” y/n says panting. “not yet” fabian says kissing her neck.
as they continued to kiss each other passionately they both exploded. as they both continued to pant fabian said “i love you tesoro” kissing her forehead. “i love you more” she said resting her head on his chin.
from that day moving on y/n and fabian publicly made their relationship official and started dating. they would often do mixed tag teams together and escort the other to the ring. y/n and fabian couldn’t be anymore happier with their relationship.
the end
sorry i’m not really good at these ahah, but there are hardly any fabian fan fictions so i’m adding another one to the app. thank you to everyone who read.
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Fabian Aichner x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 1,182 Summary: Getting ready for a party is fun but it’s changing at the end of the night that’s the biggest struggle
Finally, you sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. 
Kicking the heels off, that you’d unbuckled in the car ride home, tossing your coat onto the couch as soon as you entered,  and sighing so loud it had made him chuckle. 
Finally, you got to sit down in your room, finished with all social activity for the night. 
And maybe for the year, too. 
You stared at yourself in the mirror, your makeup lay strewn out on the vanity, bottles left uncovered, hairbrush and curling iron, unplugged, but left haphazardly too close to the edge, glitter and foundation stains on the top of it all. You’d have to clean it all eventually, but for now you just wanted to take everything off and fall asleep in the shower. 
But the longer you stared at yourself, the less sure you were about where to start. 
One hand went to your hair, held together with an entire drug store’s supply of pins. It had given you a headache all night, and was probably the best thing to start with. But your arms were too tired to hold up that long, so you didn’t even bother. 
You’d probably go to sleep with it as it was, you thought.  
You decided on the jewelry, first, the smaller rings and bracelets you wore, pulling each one off with great effort, dropping them in the top drawer with all your other jewelry. 
Next, the earrings. The long, heavy earrings that made you think your ears were going to fall off before the end of the night. You leaned your head down so you didn’t have to bring your arms up too high. Pulling out the backs of each earring, dropping it alongside the other pieces, you lifted your head up with ease and a newfound lightness. 
Next was the necklace, but you found yourself in the same dilemma as with your hair. It was too much work to keep your arms up and undo its delicate hook.
“Need help?” 
You watched through the mirror as Fabian walked towards you, now changed out of his suit from this evening into just a pair of sweatpants. 
“You look so comfortable,” you mumbled. 
He came up behind you, hands on your shoulders, kissing the top of your head, 
“Where do you want to start?” he asked, softly, resting his chin on top of the intricate updo that made you want to cut all your hair off at once. 
“The hair,” you mumbled. He smiled, and pulled your chair closer so he could sit on the edge of the bed. 
One by one, he pulled out the bobby pins in your hair, taking great care to unfurl each curl before moving onto the next one. You both sat in silence, and as you watched him work, brows furrowed in concentration, you could feel your eyes grow heavier with sleep, 
“I could sleep right here,” you mumbled, leaning back into his touch. 
Another kiss to your cheek, 
“Not yet,” he said. 
“Then talk to me, or else I’m gonna pass out like this,” you said, yawning. 
“You looked beautiful tonight,” he said, raking his fingers through your hair. You sighed, contentedly, 
“So did you,” you said, dropping your head back and looking up at him. He winked at you, but continued,
“And I’m proud of you for behaving yourself, too,” he said. “Even if your cousin didn’t.” 
You rolled your eyes, 
“I was one comment away from making a scene,” you grumbled. 
“I know,” he said, smiling. He looked at you through the mirror. “And I was getting worried at the end.” 
“Wouldn’t have been the first time she and I got into a fight at a family party,” you mumbled. 
“Everyone looked like they were waiting for it to happen,” he said. 
“Welcome to the family,” you said, sarcastically. 
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad,” he said. 
“Yeah, I know,” you said. 
“And it was still a good party,” he offered. You smiled, closing your eyes as he dragged his nails over your scalp and through your hair,
“At least you were there this time,” you said. “It’s nice having someone in my corner, now.” 
“You have me, always,” he whispered, making you smile wide as he pushed your hair to the side, now.  “Better?” he asked. 
He had pulled out every last pin from your hair, made sure to undo any knots, brush it back, all without you even knowing, without so much as a tug at your head. You weren’t sure how he’d managed it, honestly. 
“Mhmm,” you nodded, leaning into him. 
“The necklace?” he asked, brushing his fingertips over the base of your neck, over the jeweled choker. 
“Please,” you said, quietly. Still, you kept your eyes closed as he carefully unhooked it, pulling it off you as gently as possible. 
And you finally felt like you could breathe a little easier, the weight of your hair and jewelry now undone, you felt as light as a feather. 
You heard the bed creak as he stood up, carefully placing the necklace on the vanity, careful not to hit anything else as he moved back. 
You had to stand up, needed to change and take your makeup off and get ready for bed, but you still needed a minute. 
You felt his lips on your neck, soft and barely pressing down as he wrapped his arms around you. 
“Come on,” he whispered into you. You groaned. “I’ll help with this,” he added, one hand unzipping the back of your dress, his thumb trailing down your back with each inch the zipper revealed. 
You smiled, finally opening your eyes up to look at him, 
“I can take care of that myself,” you whispered, tilting your head back to kiss him, straining your neck for the upside down kiss that made both of you smile into it. 
“Just in case?” he insisted, smiling against your lips. 
You smiled back, and pulled away from him. Fabian kept his hand laced with yours as you stood up, pulling you into his arms, the AC sending a shiver down your spine now that half of your dress was undone, 
“Well you already did half the work,” you said, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips, wrapping your arms around his waist, “might as well finish it up.” 
He smiled wide, pulling the rest of the zipper down, helping you out of the dress. And even though you were freezing now, you let him kiss you again, slower this time, as he pulled you flush against him. 
You still needed to take your makeup off, clean the discarded clothes off the bed, and put your things away before you could go to sleep. 
But as Fabian pulled you down onto the bed with him, holding you tight, you figured everything else could wait. 
You were tired and the day had been long enough. 
All you really needed was to be in his arms, laying on top of the mess on the bed, dangerously close to falling asleep, just as you both were.
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domesticblisss · 4 years
So, Which One?
Marcel Barthel x Female Reader; Fabian Aichner x Female Reader (Mentioned) Rating: Smut (Minors DNI) Word Count: 1482 Warnings: Rough sex, hate fucking, PiV, sex without protection. Summary: Reader reaches an impasse with one of her FWB.
We met almost a year ago when I moved into my current apartment. Both of them were wearing sweatpants and tight t-shirts, a little sweaty, like they were just out of the gym. Seeing me struggling trying to carry the few last boxes to my apartment, Marcel asked if I needed help and him and Fabian promptly did after I said yes. We started small talking on our way to the place I now call home.
“I’m Marcel and this is Fabian. It’s really nice to meet you.” I felt a slight different tone to his voice when he said ‘nice to meet you’. I introduced myself to them and mentioned I’m on the fourth floor.
“Really? That’s great, us too!” Fabian breaks his silence for the first time. The elevator stops at our floor in a matter of seconds, and while walking down the hall, we discovered another coincidence.
“Oh, I think we really are meant to be.” Marcel spoke up “See this door in front of you? That’s Fabian’s, and I, I’m right here by your right.”
“Good to know! I’m glad I have someone to bother if the shower breaks or something.” I joke with them and we all laugh.
They help me up with the last few boxes and ask if I could do anything to thank them, to which they say no, and that it was not a problem.
“You know what? I’m craving some Japanese food. I was thinking about taking a shower and ordering some. What do you guys say? Yes?” “Okay!” they say it at the same time. “Good! I just don’t have a table yet!” “You can come over to mine.” Fabian offered.
We clicked right away. Marcel and Fabian explained to me how they are both wrestlers, something I had figured out with how they carried themselves, where they came from and little things about the two of them. I told them how I am a physical therapist and how I am opening a clinic with a friend, and a little bit from my background.
“Now I know who to come to when I have a sore neck.��� Marcel said, very straight faced, winking at me when he finished his sentence.
We were inseparable after that day. The three of us went training together, they always got me tickets to their matches, I would invite them over if I cooked something and use them as my lab rats if I learned a new technique. We were always together.
It was around the third month that things began to change. Marcel had to head back to Germany for a week to deal with some family matters, leaving me alone with Fabian. One night, after a few beers in, things happened. We kissed, we fucked, we fucked a lot, god... Fabian can go all night. Sorry, I am side-tracking! Anyway, we decided to just let things run its course as friends with benefits, since none of us really wanted a relationship at the moment.
Marcel came back more... energetic, for the lack of a better word. One thing about Marcel is that he is way, way more straightforward than Fabian. He came up to me one night a few days after he got back saying “Look, I think you’re really hot and that we got something going on. I know you’re not into serious relationships and neither am I. So, what do you say? You and I, friends with benefits?”
All I could do was nod and say okay. He fucked me so hard on the kitchen table that night that I thought I was going need to buy a new one.
They are so different yet so alike. Fabian is gentler, more attentive to my needs and takes his time to make me cum as many times as possible. Marcel is selfish, the kind of man that you have to beg him to let you cum and it turns him on so much. Both of them have a ridiculous amount of stamina and it was starting to wear me off. It wasn’t long before they noticed I had a thing going with the both of them. They weren’t exactly happy, especially Marcel, but they agreed to let things stay as they were. Our routine stayed the same, we would still do things together, but never mentioned the other when it was just two of us.
Right now I am in bed with Marcel lying by my side. It is weird because it is the first time we are like this after our little agreement, side by side in bed, just enjoying each other’s company. My phone buzzes on the nightstand and when I unlock it, I am greeted with a text from Fabian. It is a selfie, a thirst trap selfie. Him, post gym, all sweaty. His pants laying low on his hips, that glorious v-line that I have kissed countless times on full display, his body hair was starting to grow, just how I like it. Besides the photo, all he sent ways a “Wish you were here 😉”.
I couldn’t help but whimper and press my legs together. Marcel soon noticed how my posture changed. “What’s going on?” he asked as soon as he felt my legs moving. “Nothing!” I answered back, hiding my phone. “Liebe, don’t lie to me. Let me see.” he said as he grabbed the phone from my hands. His face changed as soon as he looked at the screen. “I’m assuming I get the same reaction from you when I send you one of those.” “Not really.” I decided to lead him on. “Not really? Are you serious?” his whole face and neck were getting red, but he tried to hide it, keeping his posture. “Well, you send me like, five of those every day, I’m immune to it already. It’s the first time Fabian does it.” “You’re immune to it... okay.” He was angry, his tone of voice was the same one that he used in the ring when his opponent pissed him off, and it turned me on so much. “I’m not saying I don’t like yours, but Fabian’s was a pleasant surprise.”
I didn’t see what was coming next as he grabbed me by my hair with so much force that it was painful, he kissed me, hard, full of anger, and he bit my lip with so much want that I am certain the soft skin broke. He let go of my hair and got off of me.
“Turn around. Face down on your bed. Now.” His tone was so calm but had such an authority to it that I obeyed without complaints.
He didn’t bother on taking off all of his clothes, nor mines, his shorts were shoved down to his knees as he kneeled on the bed, pushing my panties aside, slowly inserting himself inside of me.
“You really are a little fucking slut, huh. There’s no need to get you ready, just rough you up a little bit and you’re dripping”. I couldn’t answer him back. His thrusts were relentless, the position making him hit all the right places and making me moan, loudly.
“Tell me, who makes you feel this good?” “Fabian does.” He yanked my hair once again and saw me trying to get one of my hands to my clit to reach my release faster and got a hold of both of them, securing them behind my back. His other hand went to my head, shoving it deeper into the pillow as he whispered in my ear “You don’t get to make yourself cum. You’re cumming when I want.”
“I bet Fabian does everything you want, doesn’t he? I bet he gives in to your little whines and moans. He’s weak, I’m going to show how it’s done.” “Fabian knows how to treat me right. Oh, fuck!” my body betrayed me when he hit a particular spot.
His pistoning got harder, faster. The hand that was previously on the top of my head moved to my throat, squeezing it softly. “Fabian will never make you cum like this.” “He will, he’s so much better than you.”
He stopped for a second and I felt the mood change. When he got back to it, he wasn’t trying to get me off anymore, he did what he had to do to make himself cum. After he emptied himself inside of me, he got out of the bed and started to pull his shorts up.
“Marcel, what the fuck? What are you doing? I was almost there!” I exclaimed as I turned around to look at him. “I don’t give a fuck. Call Fabian and ask him to make you cum since he’s so good at it.” He got out of the room and left the apartment, slamming the door on his way out.
Shit, I’m a fucking idiot.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
Tumblr media
♡ starting prompt: based off a tweet i saw that said ‘we always kinda shipped them together. he kept scoffing that he didn’t like her and yet he always look at her first when someone made a joke to see if she was laughing too’.  
♡ pairing: walter hahn (WWE / NXT) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination. take a look and you’ll see into your imagination. i’ll be begin with a spin....”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes
"who’s that?” Walter asked his blond friend. Marcel looked up to see you, headphones in and blaring music so loud that everyone was able to hear. “oh, that’s ( your name ). she’s Timothy’s-,” before he could finish the sentence, Timothy came up to you and gave you a quick hug, “that’s his manager. she also works in the front office,” he continued. 
Walter’s eyebrows went down in confusion. never in the time that they were together in RingKampf had he ever took interest in having a manager and from the looks of it, you were the exact opposite of Tim. from afar, you were bubbly, excitable, and cute. 
Tim was nothing of the sort. polar opposites one might say. 
you were sitting in your seat as Tim was eating lunch. dancing to whatever you were listening, Walter couldn’t help but laugh at your antics. he knew Tim like the back of his hand so the decision to make you his manager was either his doing or something that was out of his hand. 
“she’s....interesting,” he said under his breath, making Marcel look at him for a moment, “any particular reason why you’re so interested in her? she’s been his manager for a while now,” Marcel put in. Walter shook his head, deciding not to respond. 
you were Tim, watching as he scarfed down his dinner while you finished up a few papers that needed to get done for next weeks taping. you were supposed to be dressed and ready to go by six but because of Tim’s new storyline with the boys from Imperium, you had to figure out a few things before the match. 
Timothy was a bit hard headed at first, stating that he didn’t need a manager but after a while, he got used to having you around. you were almost like a pest that he cared about like a sister. 
“hey, your friends are over there! why don’t you say hi!” you exclaimed, seeing Walter, Fabian, and Marcel in a corner, speaking to each other, “no. we’re not supposed to be speaking with each other,” was all he said before continuing to eat. 
you huffed before scooting out of your chair, “well, I’m going to say hello. since we’re going to be working with each other, I guess it’s only right to get formalities out of the way,” you stated, making Tim’s eyes go wide in panic. 
he instantly tried to get you to come back but by the time he tried to reach for you to come back, you were already prancing over to them. 
“hi!” you exclaimed happily. Fabian, the friendliest of the bunch gave you a smile, “i’m ( your name )! Tim’s manager. it’s nice to meet all of you!” you introduced yourself, giving them your hand to shake. 
Fabian introduced himself, giving you a hug instead. Marcel on the other hand just took the handshake and murmured his name to you. Walter remained looking at you, not bothering to say anything outside of giving you a simple head nod. 
to the untrained eye, like yourself and others, Walter’s reaction was a given. he was never a man of many words yet to the boys and Tim, they could see that Walter was holding himself back. almost like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. 
you giving Walter a smile, one that would’ve made anyone fall for you but he just turned his head to another direction and started to speak to Marcel in German. you gave Fabian a confused look, wondering why he didn’t tell you much but you felt a hand clasp onto your shoulder a second after. 
“evening boys,” Tim’s voice spoke from behind you. you gave him another look, wondering why he went back on his word from earlier, “they’re looking for you in makeup and they’re pissed,” he whispered into your ear.
your eyes widened, realizing you were beyond late to get your makeup done. you gave them a quick goodbye, shoving your work into Tim’s hands and screaming at him to put it into your office before basically darting off to the makeup station. 
Tim, Fabian, Marcel, and now Alex who had shown up looked at Walter with suspecting eyes. no one said a word but Tim could sense Walter had taken an infatuation with you. 
a few weeks passed since your encounter with Walter and the rest of Imperium. since you were working 'against’ them now, outside of the ring, you got a bit close to Marcel and Alex. they would invite you to sit next to them when Tim wasn’t with you. 
you tried to get closer with Walter but he always closed you off. he would say absolutely nothing to you and when had too, it wasn’t anything besides a few words. at first you thought that maybe you just annoyed him to the point where he didn’t like you but eventually, Tim told you that he was just that way with anyone that didn’t know him. 
“good morning to my favorite Germans!” you said, running up to Marcel and Alex, engulfing them into a forced hug. they stood stiff, basically embracing the forced hug, “and Walter!” you added on, giving him a brief wave. 
“where’s your boyfriend?” Alex asked, looking around. you fluttered your eyebrows in confusion, “boyfriend? wanna tell me who that is?” you asked. Marcel gave you a hearty laugh, “Tim. he’s asking for Timothy,” he stated. 
you let out a laugh, louder than you intended as you sat down next to Walter and Alex, “Tim? my boyfriend? that’s like saying it’s gonna snow in Florida. never going to happen,” you joked, trying to calm down your giggles. “very defensive about it, aren’t ya?” Alex added on. 
“people love the idea that we’re secretly together but Timothy is like an annoying brother. I love him but I wanna kick his ass 90% of the time. the other 10 is caring that he doesn’t get killed by you guys.” 
before you could continue, you heard a producer call your name, telling you that you were needed to clear up a few things for Hunter. you told them goodbye and went over to the producer. 
“so she’s single, huh?” Alex said, tapping his chin. Marcel looked at him, “why do you care?” he asked. Alex shrugged, “now that we know maybe this idiot will ask her out,” he mentioned. 
Marcel let out a laugh as Walter stared at him annoyed, “yeah right. he actually has to make conversation first and he can’t even do that with her. I’ve been hearing a few people have been interested in asking her out. not that she knows or anything,” Marcel said quietly. 
he actually had no idea if anyone was interested in you or not. personally, he could have cared less but he knew his best friend better than anyone else. Walter liked you, he was just too much of a chicken shit to actually admit to it. 
“who?” Walter asked almost immediately. Marcel closed the circle in, “for starters, in the NXT roster is Jordan Devlin and Sami Zayn from Smackdown has been rumored to have gotten her number,” Marcel lied. Alex perked at the names, “and how did you find out?” he asked, a bit suspicious that he knew. 
Marcel shrugged, not bothering to say anything for a moment, “oh, just heard a few of the girls talking yesterday while I was working out,” Walter stared at the table, his mind racing with thoughts. he never knew others actually had taken an interest in you, not that it was wrong to do as such but he was taken back that it was more than one person. 
“what has you so quiet all of a sudden?” Walter shook his head, not responding as he got up, taking his jacket with him and leaving the table. “I wonder what his problem is,” Alex murmured. Marcel laughed, “he’s finally going to grow a pair and ask her out,” Marcel stated. 
you were working in your office, sorting through a few different files you needed for a storyline in the women’s division. it was already late into the night as you filed the sheets away and started to get your things ready to leave.
“of course this week had to be my busiest week, now I have to call an Uber home,” you groaned. you had put your car in the shop because of a few issues it had and it wasn’t expected to get finished until at least Monday, “god damn it Tim, you just had to leave,” you huffed. 
just as you pulled your phone out, you saw Walter walking out of the locker room, “hey Walter! what are you doing here so late?” you asked, trying not to make it awkward, “I stayed working out late,” he said. 
you nodded, “ah, don’t overwork yourself now,” you mentioned, “but give me a second? I need to call an Uber home. my car is stuck at the mechanics until Monday and Tim already left,” Walter’s eyes widened, realizing this was his chance. 
“I have a car, I can take you home?” he asked, trying not to come off as intimidating. you perked up in relief, “really? that would be so amazing!” you said happily. he grabbed his keys and jiggled them, “my cars on the other side of the building,” he said.
you followed behind, trying to make conversation and interestingly enough, he was actually responding to you like a normal person would. not those snippets of conversations he would say around the others. 
the entire ride home, you were trying to crack jokes, seemingly trying to make him laugh which ended in you making an idiot out of yourself and making him laugh that way instead. Walter had never realized he actually liked you as much as the others would joke he did but now that it was just the two of you, he could sense the feelings were there. 
the ride to your house was a bit on the shorter side. you lived in a small two bedroom house, closer to Full-Sail than he thought. just as he put the car into park to let you get out, you turned around and gave him a smile, making Walter glad that it dark outside and you weren’t able to see his sudden red face. 
“I know this is weird but would you like to come in? I have food I made for myself this morning after I came from work and I’m sure there’s enough for you.” 
Walter sighed in relief. 
“I would love too.” 
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dempseyregal · 2 years
A/N: I tried. Don't hate. Also... Imperium's hot.
Warnings: None
It felt awkward to sit like this to say the least. So close to Fabian, Marcel being the gloop he was bragging that we'd make such a cute couple while I tried to get Fabian to focus on the soccer match we were watching so he wouldn't see me blushing like that.
"If Italy wins-" "You shut it, Marcel." "And if Germany wins, Fabian takes you out for dinner." Fabian chuckled, nodding while pointing at the scoreboard on the screen. "Looks like Italy is winning." Thank the gods, I can only imagine how awkward that would be if we had to go to dinner.
I could feel Fabian's stare as the game progressed and so did my cheering. Germany was literally just 1 point behind from winning and being crowned Euro champions when the Italian midfielder scored, causing Italy's victory by 2 points. "It was a good game." I shrugged as Marcel and Fabian started arguing with tactics of the game.
I got up and walked over to the kitchen to get some coffee, the guys' beer drinking habits not a mutual favourite. "Hey." I nearly jumped out of my skin when Fabian emerged from the hallway, stopping in the door. "Hey." I copied with a smile then turned my attention to the coffee machine. It was awkwardly silent, except for Fabian moving around in the kitchen.
He suddenly popped up next to me, handing me another cup for filling. "Where's Marcel?" "Meh, left to get Walter at the airport then taking Wolfe to the show, car broke down." "Oh, that's nice of him." Fuck, you're stupid, Y/N! "Yeah... Hey, I'm gonna play some video games if you'd like to join? Its Call of Duty though sooo..." "Its perfect, Warfare?" He nodded with a smile and took the cup from my hands before turning on his heel and leaving.
I mentally kicked myself before following pursuit, reclaiming my spot next to him on  the couch as he got the controls and everything ready. We were quiet while playing, although we sometimes caught glimpses of each other, Fabian clearing his throat at times. "You're pretty good at this." "Thanks, it comes from playing with Marcel. He taught me a lot." I said as I refused to look away from the screen.
Out of nowhere, I felt Fabian move closer, legs brushing against one another. I tried to ignore it but Fabian sat forward, our arms touching making me lose focus. I felt heat radiate from his skin, making me want to touch him even more. "What's up? You're never this quiet?" He asked as he paused the game, looking at me. "Nothing, why? I thought you liked the silence. You always go at Marcel when he goes on during games." "Yeah, he is irritating. You aint."
"I don't know then." I lied, playing with the material of my shirt. "Y/N, can I..." he trailed off biting onto his tongue as I looked up. "Do what?" He leaned in and placed a kiss on my mouth gently, lingering before pullling away. "I-I'm sorry. I just wanted - Fuck no, you know what. I'm not sorry, Y/N. I always wanted to kiss you." I didn't wait for him to speak before jumping forward and latching my mouth to his once again, this time more feverish. Our hands started wandering about each other's bodies, Fabian's hand tangling into my hair as he pulled me closer to him.
"We're ba- Whoa! Guys, no!" Marcel suddenly emerged with Walter behind him who burst into laughter with Marcel's sudden retreat into the kitchen. "Glad you finally did something Fabian, we've been waiting for that a long time." Fabian just smiled as I blushed even redder. "Not as glad as I am." He said as he planted a kiss on my forehead and pulled me into his chest.
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A Few More Minutes
Fabian Aichner, Marcel Barthel x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 968 Summary: Tooth rotting fluff and throuple stuff
You felt the bed shift around you, but each time it woke you up, you went right back to sleep. The only thing you felt each time was the sensation of hands running through your hair, and soft lips against your cheek. 
With the sunlight pouring into the room through the curtains, the warmth on your back, you felt the soft and slow crawl of fingertips on your arm. 
“Tesoro,” Fabian’s voice came quietly, the tip of his nose tickling your ear. “Time to get up.” 
You groaned, burying your face into the pillows. He laughed softly, pulling the covers back slowly. You heard the bed shift underneath you and the warmth of the sunlight behind you faded. 
“It’s noon,” he said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. 
“It’s our day off,” you mumbled. 
“Ah, she lives!” he teased, kissing your cheek. 
You smiled and turned towards him, eyes still closed. 
“Come on, you can’t spend the whole day in bed,” he whispered, caressing your cheeks. 
“I can with you two,” you said, yawning. 
“Just me, amore,” he said, pulling you closer. 
“Where’s pretty boy?” you asked, wrapping your arms around him. You breathed him in, clean and freshly shaved. 
“At the gym, taking pictures of himself probably,” he said. You smiled against his chest and kissed it. 
You both laid there, the ceiling fan running above you the only sound in the room for a moment. 
Fabian pulled you as close to himself as he could, kissing you all over, his hands playing with your hair the entire time. That was the usual for him. On your days off he kept you as close to himself as possible, not caring about who was around you, or what either of you were doing, all he wanted was you close by. If you weren’t close by he would seek you out and hold onto you, just to feel you. Most days he was content with just sitting next to you while you worked and while he read or did something else. 
“How do you feel?” he asked, after a while, carding his fingers through your hair. 
“Exhausted,” you mumbled. “But good.” 
You finally opened your eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the light around you, and looked up at him. His smile widened as your eyes met, and pressed a kiss to your lips, soft and innocent. 
“Me too,” he said. 
You both had every right to be. The three of you working each other up, one orgasm after another, until none of you could see straight or sit properly, until you all fell asleep on the bed in a mess of tangled limbs and wandering hands, sweat slicked skin and heavy breathing. You didn’t even know what time you all fell asleep, except that it was the third time this month it had happened and it left you feeling better than you ever thought you could feel. 
And these mornings together made it even better, made you feel like…
Made you feel like you were home. 
In their arms, looking for any excuse to hold each other, to whisper sweet pet names that became increasingly more ridiculous until the three of you were laughing too hard to speak. Or waking up before them and watching the way they curled around you, their faces softer than any other time of day, pressing kisses to their temple or their cheeks and watching the smile creep up, even in deep sleep. 
Or mornings like this when Fabian woke you up slowly and hummed to you. 
“Don’t tell me sleeping beauty’s still passed out,” Marcel’s voice boomed as he entered the room. You groaned and buried your head back into Fabian’s chest, 
“She’s awake,” Fabian assured him, kissing the top of your head. 
“Well while you two were here, I was at the gym, beating my personal best and your personal bests combined!” he bragged, the sound of his gym bag dropping on the floor. The bed shook as he jumped on top of you, peppering your back with kisses. Even with your back to him you could smell the combination of the gym, his sweat, and outside air on him. 
You made a disgusted face and tried to push his face away, 
“You have to shower before you do that to me,” you said. He kissed your palm and pushed it away, 
“What about this?” he asked, his hand making its way under the covers, giving your ass a squeeze. You giggled into Fabian’s chest and swatted Marcel’s hand away. 
“We were having such a quiet morning until you came home,” you told him, finally pulling your head away from Fabian, stretching your arms out and yawning. 
Marcel cut the yawn off and kissed you, 
“It’s almost 1 in the afternoon, liebe,” he said. 
“I just woke up so it’s still morning to me,” you argued. He laughed softly and rested his entire body on top of yours, ignoring your groans of protest. 
“I’m so tired I think I’ll fall asleep like this,” he said, fake yawning. You hit the back of his head playfully and tried to push him off. 
“Go shower, pretty boy,” you told him, running your hand through his hair. 
“Maybe later,” he mumbled. 
Fabian kissed your forehead and adjusted himself to get comfortable. 
“A few minutes won’t hurt,” he said, one hand still in your hair, the other rubbing Marcel’s shoulder. 
“Fine, just a few more minutes,” you agreed, closing your eyes, content to let Marcel crush you and let Fabian hold you close. 
They were rare moments the three of you could lounge around like this, and as much as you wanted to get up and shower, or do something even slightly productive, you loved them too much to deny yourselves more time together. 
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