#Facial Spot Remover Machine
silky-wind · 2 years
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In 5 Easy Steps, Learn How To Apply Makeup
Makeup is not easy to learn, You need to keep several things in mind while applying makeup on your face. Here I am sharing some easy to learn steps to apply makeup. Check out this infographic and give your thoughts about it.
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sleepycatten · 1 year
PSA about hair removal
This post is for anyone who's seeking hair removal, but especially for the many other trans women / trans fems I see being given misinformation by laser or electrolysis technicians, especially in the US and UK 🥺
Laser hair removal
* Permanent hair reduction.
* Always shave the area closely beforehand. Laser is less effective if you do not shave.
* Ideally look for a clinic that uses something like a Candela GentleMax Pro or newer. Such machines are less painful & more effective than ones like any of the Alma Soprano devices.
* 6-8 sessions will typically be the sweet spot before moving on to electrolysis.
* If the technician or clinic tell you not to use numbing cream, that's a massive red flag against their knowledge. A technician does not need pain feedback from you to know they're using safe levels!
* Permanent hair removal.
* You must let the hair grow at least a few mm before a session.
* Ask your electrologist for an estimate of how long it will take to clear an area, as their expertise and speed will vary. For example, NHS Scotland estimates it can take 250-400 hours to fully clear a face of facial hair. My own highly-experienced electrologist estimated 100-150 hours max for me, but has nearly cleared my face in under 25 hours. She's not yet taken more than about 120 hours to clear someone's face / neck fully.
* Again, numbing cream is not only absolutely safe, it's in fact highly recommended if you cannot afford local anaesthetic injections.
* For most folks, it's as much a mental challenge as it is about physical pain management. Even with numbing cream and strong painkillers, it's gonna hurt, especially in 2 hour+ sessions and around sensitive areas (especially the top lip and around the mouth).
* Aloe vera gel helps with post-electrolysis swelling and recovery.
Numbing cream
* The most common brand of numbing cream is EMLA, which is 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine.
* The strongest cream I've found without prescription is Tattoo Numbing Cream, which is 5% lidocaine and 5% prilocaine.
* If you can get a stronger cream on prescription at an affordable cost, this is definitely something to consider.
*To help with absorption, exfoliate and clean the area before applying cream, apply 60-90 mins before a session, and cover in an air-tight, water-tight dressing (cling film / plastic wrap works well).
Sadly, I can't provide much information on local anaesthetic injections. In the UK, they're typically arranged either by a medically-trained specialist at an electrolysis clinic or separately (such as at a dentist's) immediately before attending a session.
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lunalillyhbhb · 2 years
Lea's home
Chapter 6 pt.1
The top floor of Lea's house is occupied by a private gym. It's equipped with everything from treadmills, rowing machines and cycles to weights, bars and dumbbells. It also has a 10 m long pool. It is a pretty nice gym. While I'm not exactly allowed to use it freely as I see fit, I'm not too bothered about it as the owners rarely use the gym facilities. And being on the top floor (a lot of stairs), it's as good as deserted. Almost like it's MY personal gym. Now and then when college ends early, I rush to Lea's house to use the gym quickly before my shift starts.
The only issue is Khushi, the appointed trainer of this residence. Khushi is a muscular woman, with defined facial features and beautiful brown eyes, a straight pierced nose and plump lips. Her long black hair is usually braided and drapes her back like silk on a sculpture. Her flawless brown skin define her lean muscles so prettily, she would make a perfect anatomy model. A long time outdoor and mountain marathon running enthusiast, she has a lean build with long arms and long legs, as well as perfectly sculpted D cup breasts.
Being a trainer, she specializes in all things sports and exercise, and frequently monitors the vitals of the family to keep track of things like body weight, fat percentage, muscle weight, loss/gains.... and most importantly: heart beat and blood pressure.
I just know she must be an excellent candidate to be hooked up.... heart being listened to.... the way she places her hand on her chest when she stands watch... the way it subtly bounces... but I haven't dwelt on it. I rarely use the gym and when I do, I have to make sure Khushi isn't there to rat me out to the owners. As such, I avoid her and rarely interact with her.
What a pity.
Today happens to be one such day, classes ended early and I have 2 hours till my shift starts. I decide to make the best of it and rush over to Lea's place. As the maid I have access to the house schedule. I notice that the gym is due for a cleanup, and there's no classes scheduled. Perfect. I could bring my maid uniform and in-case someone comes in, I could quickly change into my maid uniform and get to work. Simple.
I race up the stairs, open the glass doors to the gym and slip inside. Once in, I spot my favourite cardio activity: the treadmill. I quickly wear my shoes, tie my hair into a messy bun, turn on the machine, and start.
5 mins go bye and my heart has settled on a steady 140 bpm, going strong. I decide to jog for 15 mins as warm up, and hit my biceps today. Suddenly I hear a tussle from the staircase. My body immediately goes into panic mode as I swiftly turn off the machine and run to the changing room. Once inside, I hear footsteps, and quickly attempt to remove my crop top. In my panic I fail to notice the footsteps nearing the changing room. As I slip out of my tights the door barges open. I freeze, heart thudding in my throat. Khushi is staring at me, in my deep cut sports bra and tights halfway removed. She smirks.
"My little kitten, what were you doing in here? Changing clothes?"
She speaks in a sensual yet pleasing tone, capable of pulling everyone's attention to herself. Her loose tank top over black cycle shorts accentuates her curves and muscles even more, she looks incredibly sexy.
"H-hey Khushi, how come you're in today? I am scheduled to clean the gym so I was just changing into my uniform here...."
I pray she buys it.
She doesn't.
"The treadmill was slowing down when i entered, you have anything to do with that? Seeing how we're the only people here... and I definitely didn't use it...."
She knows. Why is she doing this to me? Why's she so strict? Just let me go!
"I'm really sorry Khushi, please don't tell the owners!"
My heart stammers as I scramble to look for an excuse.
"But you know I must my little kitten! The other workers are not allowed to use the equipment without permission and you know this!" she says this in a calm berating voice, as she traces her manicured fingernails across my cheek and down my neck. Her finger subtly rests on my carotid pulse, and I can feel it pushing against her finger with such force, and I know she's feeling it.
Her finger lingers there for a moment longer. I can see her beautiful eyes calculating her next words, and suddenly it lights up. Oh no.
"Ok. I'll help you, I'll keep it a secret......under one condition."
There it is. I'm going to agree to it no matter what, else I loose this haven of a job.
"Yes, anything, tell me what I can do!"
Her whole demeaner changes in a split second, and she's back to her upbeat bubbly self. "You can help me out with my sports medicine thesis! Just follow my instructions to the tee and I'll keep your secret between us.... hell, I'll let you use the gym facilities without getting caught! How's that of a deal, sweet right?"
I want to say yes immediately, so badly, but I know there's a catch. There's something she's not explaining fully. Otherwise, this would be too good to be true.
I sigh resignedly. "Umm..... Ok. Let's do this. What do you need help with?"
She perks up, eyes shining with mischief. "I need to record the cardiovascular changes of the heart before, during and after exercise. This exercise includes and cardio and weight training. Of course, I'll be doing the grunt work and hooked up on monitors, I just need you to tell me how it's beating, the blood pressure, and help me record it properly. I might need to record yours here and there, for baseline if you don't mind."
Yes. YES. This is what I wanted. I've wanted to do this. I've waited for an opportunity like this, and I can't let it slip by.
"YES!" I blurt out, sounding a little too eager for my liking. She smirks in response.
"You can remove your tights, don't change into anything new, It makes movement easier for you."
I got a little shy, but i am in no position to make demands. I see her removing her own shirt and cycle shorts, her sculpted breasts snugly sit in a sports bra with a matching set underwear. I can't believe I get to see all this. My eyes drink in her entirety, memorizing everything about her curves, her hips, the way she walks, everything.
She opens her bag and grabs two sets of steths, attaches one firmly to her mitral valve. She makes her way to me and without asking for permission, she palpates my left breast, moving them around as she sees fit. Finally she settles for my mitral valve as well, and securely attaches the steth. My heart is beating fast, fluttering lightly. I know she felt it. I try not looking at her breasts, try not to locate for any visible palpitation. The steths are connected to a recording device, monitoring both our heart rates. The right arm is connected to a blood pressure cuff, continuously relaying the rise and fall.
Both these devices are also connected to her laptop. Finally after finishing her setup, she looks at me, a sense of hunger in her eyes.
"Watch me closely, please. Keep an eye for my heart." She says, steadily getting on the treadmill and starting her run.
The machine whizzes to life, and she starts stretching her limbs and her eyes sharpen, like a wild cat ready to pounce on its poor prey. I begin recording, keeping an eye out for the changes along the way. Initially her pump starts with a steady 90 bmp with the usual 120/80, breathing steady and deep. Slowly she increases the speed and 10 mins in, she is going fast, almost sprinting. Her heart is pumping amazingly at 190 bpm, with an astonishing 195/110. I envision her arteries working hard, trying to accomodate the mucle forcing blood at such high pressures through them. Khushi is so focused that she remains quiet staring straight ahead. I so badly want to listen to the sound of her organ, but I don't want to do anything that could potentially upset her, lest she revokes her offer.
She stops after 15 mins total, breathing heavily and fast. With her hands clutching her chest and eyes closed, she looks slightly worried. She suddenly looks at me, steps off the treadmill and closes the distance. With a shine in her eyes she grabs my hand and forcefully places it over her sternum. Her sports bra, soaking in sweat, does little to muffle the powerful pump, and I instantly close my eyes as I feel her thump away at 190 bpm, shaking my hand. Her body covered in sweat and her ragged breathing makes it hard for my hand to stay in position but that hardly affects the way her heart pumps forcefully, so beautifully, pushing her chest away from me. Khushi's heart is amazing. My other hand reaches for the headphones which are connected to the steth but she bats my hand away, her lips puckered like she's annoyed. I feel her recovery beats and watch her slowly gain back her breath.
I am completely entranced. My mind starts stripping her and I envision pushing my fingers inside her where I know I can torture her little heart a bit further, pushing it to its boundaries. I wonder what kind of face she'd make.
"Next is the pool!" she quips in her cheerful voice, pulling me out of my trance. She motions for me to bring the setup to the indoor pool and I set it up in the corner, free from potential splashes. I wonder how her heart will react this time. I am desperate to be a part of her, and my mind is filled with unspeakable thoughts. I can't wait for this pool session.
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Hair Prompts
1. Cut hair.
2. Hair carving.
3. Shave head.
4. Bleach/Dye hair.
5. Try out new haircut/-style/wig/etc.
6. React to new haircut/-style/wig/etc.
7. First grey hair.
8. Grow out grey hair.
9. Grow out hair./Let hair grow long.
10. Notice first changes in hair growth due to (gender-affirming) hormone treatments.
11. Wear a wig.
12. Wear a hijab.
13. Wear a toupee.
14. Wear a cap/hat/etc.
15. Wear a bonnet./Wrap hair in silk scarf.
16. Wear a shower/swimming cap.
17. Wrap hair in towel.
18. Bedhead.
19. Bad hair day.
20. Static hair.
21. Hair transplant.
22. Wash hair.
23. Blow dry.
24. Use hair products.
25. Do hair care routine.
26. Brush/comb hair.
27. Braid/style hair.
28. Hair rollers.
29. Make hair look presentable (again).
30. Remove bobby pins/hijab/etc. (e.g. at the end of the day).
31. Face hidden behind hair.
32. Couple hidden behind curtain of hair.
33. “Mustache” face by using long hair and holding it under the nose.
34. Hair tickles.
35. Bury nose in hair.
36. Smell hair.
37. Twirl hair.
38. Flip hair.
39. Fluff out hair.
40. Throw hair back.
41. Curl hair around finger.
42. Play with hair.
43. Gently pull on strand of hair before it jumps back into place.
44. Run hand through/over hair.
45. Move (a strand of) hair to the side/out of the way.
46. Blow strand of hair out of face/the way.
47. Tuck hair behind ear.
48. Ruffle hair.
49. Kiss on hair/bald head.
50. Caress bald head.
51. Kiss balding spot/receding hairline.
52. Donate hair.
53. Examine hair.
54. Lose hair.
55. Check for lice.
56. Shake out wet hair.
57. Send hair “flying”. (e.g. headbanging, shaking head)
58. Untangle knot.
59. Hair stuck in earring/piercing/button/etc.
60. Hair stuck to lip balm/etc.
61. Chew on hair.
62. Hold hair (back).
63. Pull hair.
64. Pull out hair.
65. Remove something from hair. (e.g. a spider)
66. Put/Stick something in/into hair. (e.g. a flower)
67. Try to not get hair wet.
68. Grow a beard/mustache/etc.
69. Shave off (facial/body) hair.
70. Trim beard/mustache.
71. Compete over who has the best beard/mustache.
72. Comb mustache/beard.
73. Style beard/mustache.
74. Beard/Mustache care routine.
75. Run fingers through beard.
76. Stroke beard.
77. Twirl mustache.
78. Mustache/Beard/Stubbles rub(s) against skin.
79. Beard/Mustache tickles.
80. Pluck/Thread/Shave eyebrows.
81. Run finger(s) through/over eyebrows.
82. Raise eyebrow.
83. Furrow brows.
84. Long eyelashes.
85. Flutter one’s eyelashes.
86. Wet lashes.
87. Make a wish on an eyelash.
88. Nose hair.
89. Pluck chin hair.
90. Wax/Use epilator/etc.
91. Arm hair stuck in watch/bracelet.
92. Play with chest hair.
93. Follow the happy trail.
94. Pubic hair.
95. Hair in mouth.
96. Find hair everywhere. (clothes, cushion etc.)
97. Hair on shower wall.
98. Get hair out of drain.
99. Wind/Wind machine in hair.
100. Hair stands on end.
101. Harm a hair on one’s head.
102. Tear one’s hair out.
103. Let one’s hair down.
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fuzzydreamin · 1 year
🧏‍♀️ 🌵 🍀 🍿 🩹 🧸🍒 for Nora & Al?
🧏‍♀️ DEAF SIGNING GIRL - do they have any disabilities? (if so) what are they?
✪ Nora: Outside of getting some PTSD after the bombs and Nate's death/Shaun's kidnapping, Nora is fine.
She does lose a leg (half - around knee) in the future though, but that's post the main series and part of a small series of after-events. She gets a cool synthy prosthetic but she has pains and phantom limb stuff.
✝ Al: ADHD, and a bunch of trauma they got after leaving the vault. She's also slowly dying of radiation poisoning.
🌵 CACTUS - what is a sore subject for them?
✪ Nora: That she feels she was a failure for not really achieving anything during her time as a JAG lawyer before giving it up to have Shaun. She wanted to help end the war but in the end she didn't do anything and lost everything. She was just a cog in a failing machine and ended up reduced to a simple number in an experiment done against her will.
✝ Al: The vault, their father, pretty much everything that happened shortly after they left 101.
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
✪ Nora: To a point. Nora is very much situated in a "if you want things to happen you have to make them happen yourself" viewpoint, but she wouldn't say that luck doesn't play a part in some things. It was sheer luck that Nate was holding Shaun and not her, after all.
As far as being lucky, Nora is unlucky enough to get into plenty of bad situations but usually lucky enough to get out of them too.
She'd make a decent gambler, with a mix of strategy and enough luck on her side.
✝ Al: Asking what Al believes in, regarding anything, is a tricky question. They're fairly neutral on these things, neither fully believing in anything but having seen too much to write it off either. Luck and chance just seem like a regular part of nature, the chaos of living.
Al isn't very lucky themselves, often wandering right into bad situations and only barely skimming through, usually with lasting effects.
🍿 POPCORN - do they like being the center of attention or more in the shadows?
✪ Nora: Depends on what she's going for. If she needs peoples attention she has no problem going and getting it, but if she's trying to size everyone else up she might linger for a moment first before making her move.
✝ Al: Shadows. Al can shoot the shit with most people, but crowds and prolonged social activity isn't usually her style. They'd much prefer being the person behind the one in the spotlight, looking on from their safe spot.
🩹 BANDAID - do they have any prominent scars? (if so) how did they get them? do they try to keep them covered?
✪ Nora: Nora starts off the story with just a thin line on one arm from a car crash. By the end of the story she has several scars and modifications, including a long scar just like Kellogg's across her face and a heart-shaped bullet wound on her left collar bone. She can't hide her facial scar, and she doesn't want to hide or remove the heart-shaped one -her only tattoo is a thin lineart around the scar to emphasise the heart shape, with an arrow through it (yes, it's about Nick).
✝ Al: Their whole body is littered with scars and burns from everything they've been through. I'm not sure of any significant ones because I've yet to go back and play through 3 to decide if she has any of note.
🧸 TEDDY BEAR - what are their thoughts on children? do they have any / would they ever have any and home many?
✪ Nora: Before marrying Nate and having Shaun, Nora didn't really want to be a mother. She didn't not want it, she always liked kids, but she was just more focused on her work and goals and felt it would disrupt her life too much and that she wouldn't be suited for motherhood. Deciding to keep Shaun was a big decision for her, and something that changed and molded who she would become.
She loves her children dearly and would go through hell and perhaps even become the devil for them if she felt it was the only option to keep them safe. She does turn on Father Shaun in the end, but it's not an easy decision for her to make at all, and she'll forever be haunted by him.
I've said before that being a mother is a big aspect of Nora's character, and my AU's often revolve around different circumstances relating to her parenthood, such as who she has (more)children with and how or why.
✝ Al: Al always wondered what having a bigger family would be like in terms of having their mother live and possibly give them younger siblings, but never had any ideals for having children of their own.
Preganacy and childbirth are pretty big icks. She didn't want to go through either and felt wrong just imagining it. In the vault it was sort of a looming inevitability that they would be required to contribute to the vault population at some point but they avoided thinking about. She was pretty sure no one wanted to do that with her anyway. She hoped.
Now they don't have to worry about it so much, since even they can't live in their body anymore.
🍒 CHERRIES - a random sweet headcanon.
✪ Nora: She can sing. She used to sing to Shaun even before he was born, and would sing with Nate who also loved music and could play various instruments. Sometimes she'll hum along with the radio as she travels.
✝ Al: Al goes out of their way to make time for any children she comes across in her travels. Al always has the 'kid at heart' perk in-game. They play games with the kids and will give them snacks and trinkets they've collected.
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charlee-slimeciclee · 2 years
hey hey hey! dap me up!!
hello [user reading this] from [[tumblr]]! this is a tk rp blog especially sfw for dsmp character c!slimecicle
the admin of this blog (@slimeylee ,, u can call me slime ooc!) is a minor and would appreciate if everything was kept sfw ^^
things to keep in mind;; - the admin of this account, as stated, is a minor. please do not be weird when interacting and try to keep conversations sfw ic and ooc - you can swear w/ me just no slurs (yes even if u can reclaim them) n no words that could be considered nsfw (ik how pg slime n a few ppl hes interacted with can be usually but i dont wanna get banned from tumblr or anything-) - prn wise, ooc uses;; she/he/they - prn wise, ic uses;; it/they/he
general hcs
slime can mimic the appearance of others (facial appearance, clothing appearance, height, etc.)
when slime is upset or frustrated he'll make a squelch sound and hide in the walls of las nevadas for an hour or two
their skin is see-through and squishy and it has bubbles spread all around and inside of his skin
slime has a form with normal human skin and slimey patches scattered about his body but he usually chooses to be in his more slimey-skin form
it uses emotions to describe things and how they work, feel, act,etc.
slime always gets stuck to things / things stuck to them because his skin is very sticky
when slime blushes his face turns a darker green
slime is always full of curiosity and enjoyment of finding out about new things--things it didnt know abt anything before
slime is very flexible because of their slime tendencies and if he wanted to twist their limbs all the way around it totally can
he can only do it for a certain amount of time though before their body turns into a bunch of swirls and it becomes a pretzel xD
slime was taught that four leafed clovers give you good luck so it loves finding four leafed clovers and storing them in LN's walls
slime doesnt need to eat but if he does and/or wants to eat something it just needs to stuff it into their stomach and the food will digest itself over a timestamp of six hours
slime and quackity often hang out in the casino and watch the machine go and land randomly on a spot and slime always cheers when it lands on diamond because he knows it means a good thing
slime constantly hits quackity because when quackity is harmed it induces him to squeal in autotune and slime likes the sound; he thinks its funny and always giggles when quackity makes the noise
slime is aromantic!!
slime can remove the slime on his head and shoulder with no problem and often does it to fit in outside of las nevadas
lee hcs
slime loves when they get tickled and describe tickling as happy and cheerful
slime is a big lee leaning switch (80% lee, 20% ler) and the chance of it getting a ler mood is very uncommon
the bubbles on slime's skin arent poppable but in fact very sensitive--poke the skin above one or literally stick ur finger into his skin and wIGGLE IT AROUNd and he'll be jolting and giggling all over the place
slime is ticklish practically everywhere
some of his especially bad spots are anywhere on their torso--its thighs are a good spot as well
slime has a very bubbly and more giggly laugh and he doesnt cackle a lot unless you hit its thighs, hips or tummy :3
i would recommend that unless hes in his form with more human-like skin to not use mouth tickles with slime
though, mouth tickles are very effective if they are gentle and/or soft!! especially raspberries and nibbles :D he only lets quackity and anyone else in las nevadas (of whom he gets along with) use kisses
slime is squirmy and will always involuntarily wiggling away from tickles
but they also dont like to wiggle away from them because it generally enjoys the feeling of tickles so if he wiggles away they'll move back and lean into them
slime doesnt really understand teases and they dont affect it much, but he loves being showered in affection! their fav thing <3
slime genuinely melts if you tickle its legs (minus his thighs) and their arms + hands
so if you're tickling slime in his more slimey form and you go for his arms and from his knees to his feet, your gonna wanna make sure you do that on wooden and clean floor rather than a carpet, etc.
slime has no shame walking up to someone and asking for tickles. he doesnt think that its that big of a deal or embarrassing at all!!! :>
it often snorts, squeaks, hiccups, etc. whenever you tickle his neck or when you poke at a slime patch on their human skinned form
ler hcs
he is the most precious, wholesome ler ^^
its very respectful of you and they always will ask the lee to choose a spot for him to start and a spot for them to go after that so it doesnt make them uncomfortable
whenever slime finds a spot that makes the lee snort, squeak, hiccup, etc. he'll keep going to that spot because it reminds him of quackity's habit of squealing in autotune whenever hes harmed
slime learned tickling from quackity and it started from him being tickled to him learning how to tickle someone
slime giggles and laughs along with the lee--its just something i see him doing all the time
slime enjoys knowing the fact that hes the reason that whoever hes tickling is laughing :> it makes him happy ^^
slime likes to remove the slime on his head and or shoulder and just roll it into a ball on the lees tummy :0
slime often makes puns whenever hes tickling someone--the main puns he goes for are-- "what spot should i go for? give me a spot that tickles your fancy.." "gitchie gitchie goo!" "did i turn you into slime too, [person] from [place]?!" he doesnt have a ton but he definitely uses them often
slime likes when a lee asks him to tickle a spot thats unusually ticklish but ticklish for the lee because it gives slime an opportunity to learn abt what parts of the body might and might not be ticklish :>
spot hcs
green ;; 1-4, not too bad but you'll get a reaction 100% yellow ;; 5-6, light n bubbly laughter n gentle holding onto ur arms.. orange ;; 7-9, evil!! how dare!! squeaky, bubbly laughter, more intense red ;; 10, too ticklishhhhh EEE
|| neck ~ 4/10 usually leads to snorts, squeaks, hiccups, etc.
|| shoulders ~ 2/10 mostly squirming and arm shuffling--massaging will lead to giggling/smiling :>
|| arms + hands ~ 3/10 a melt spot gentle giggling n leg kicks
|| ribs ~ 7/10 his slime form doesnt have any bones but their form w/ actual skin does slime hybrids have 48 ribs (hc,, slime hybrids with a humanized form have 2x as many bones as humans do) and slime cant stand rib counting :(/pos
|| tummy ~ 8.5/10 bad spot!! if u poke his bellybutton they'll squeal and they love when u knead into its tummy while hes in their slime form literally will shriek >w<
|| hips // waist ~ 10/10 bad spot!! loves when someone squeezes the sides of its hips n tappies his waist :>
|| thighs ~ 10/10 it will shriek and squeal n squirm xD leg kickiesss i suggest sitting on his waist or knees so they dont kick u ^^
|| knees ~ 5/10 more light laughter--also a good melt spot!! he cant stand when someone squeezes its knee because they'll just turn em into a puddle
|| calves ~ 5/10 might squeak or squeal a really good melt spot but laughter will shoot up an octave leg kickies leg kickles did i mention leg kickies
|| feet ~ 8/10 eeeek :O trace his sole with one finger or scribble, they'll simply pass away xd
rp boundaries
"can we rp with tools?" > if ur character has feathery wings ill allow that, but nothing too intense (toothbrushes, hairbrushes, etc.)
"can i rp using a character that hasnt interacted with slime before?" > i dont mind!! :D however interactions obviously will probably not be 100% accurate
"does the rp have to be lore based?" > nope!! if slime has had some issue with the person u wanted to rp with me as we can always negotiate on personality n the way they act around each other :D
"can i swear ooc/ic around you?" > if ur character swears normally (ex, tommy, quackity, etc.) then yes i dont mind!! and i swear all the time ooc so idm swearing ^^
"can we do a non-tickle rp?" > yes!! i will do any kind of roleplay--just please keep em sfw! i can do angst, fluff, etc. etc. i rly dont mind :D
"can i roleplay with you using an oc of mine?" > sure! i'll roleplay with anyone as said earlier :> it might take me some time to get uuused to it but ill totally rp with any ocs uve got :D
"can we rp containing ships?" > i would highly prefer if roleplays were kept platonic, but yes if you want to include a ship in the rp we can totally negotiate on that :>
"how long would we be able to keep the roleplay active for?" > as long as wanted!! i'd be happy to roleplay with anyone foooreverr if you'd like xd
mention + some tags
"why are you not responding to my rp starter / ask?" > i sometimes have difficulty thinking of what to reply with and might not reply right away i dont have good vocabulary and i might often reuse words the first time im writing a reply to an ask so i try to go back and fix them please be patient with me ^-^ ~ some tags you'll see me use on this blog on;;
ooc tags!! #slimes-ooc-posts #slimes-ooc-asks #slimes-ooc-reblogs #//ooc
ic tags!! #slimes-ic-asks #slimes-ic-reblogs #//ic
btw!! all posts will be ended with -slime signing the end of my posts w/ my signature is just something ive grown a habit of doing so if you at all see me end a post in -slime its just a habit, got nothing to do with any roleplays or anything ^^
thats about all yah need to know about me n my blog :D i hope to get to know anyone that passes by well and maybe roleplay with a few of y'all that pass by my blog ^^ and with that, thats the end of my blog intro!! slimey out!
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buildnetic · 25 days
How is AI/ML Transforming the Development of Social Media Apps?
In recent years, the landscape of social media has undergone a radical transformation, thanks to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). These cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing how social media apps are developed, particularly in tech hubs like the USA. The fusion of AI/ML with app development creates more intuitive, personalized, and engaging user experiences than ever before.
The impact of AI/ML on social media app development is profound and far-reaching. These technologies are enabling developers to create smarter algorithms that can analyze vast amounts of user data, predict behavior patterns, and deliver tailored content. Machine Learning models are being employed to enhance image recognition capabilities, allowing for more accurate facial recognition and object detection in photos and videos shared on social platforms. Natural Language Processing, a subset of AI, is improving chatbots and virtual assistants integrated into these apps, making user interactions more natural and context-aware.
Furthermore, AI/ML is playing a crucial role in content moderation, helping to identify and filter out inappropriate or harmful content more efficiently than human moderators alone. Recommendation systems powered by Machine Learning algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, offering users more relevant content and potentially increasing user engagement and retention rates. In the realm of advertising, AI is enabling more precise targeting and personalization of ads, potentially increasing ROI for advertisers and improving the user experience by showing more relevant promotional content.
At Buildnetic, we recognize the transformative power of AI/ML in social media app development. As a leading provider of AI/ML services, we are at the forefront of this technological revolution. Our team of expert AI engineers and ML developers is dedicated to creating innovative solutions that leverage the full potential of these technologies to enhance social media applications.
We understand that the key to successful social media app development lies in creating human-centered, results-oriented, and pragmatic solutions. Our approach combines cutting-edge AI/ML technologies with deep industry expertise to deliver social media apps that not only meet but exceed user expectations. Whether it's implementing advanced recommendation algorithms, developing sophisticated content moderation systems, or creating intelligent chatbots, we have the skills and experience to bring your vision to life.
Our AI/ML solutions for social media apps are designed to help businesses of all sizes navigate the challenges of the digital age. We assist in developing and implementing ML models and algorithms that enable more informed decision-making, from user engagement strategies to content curation. By partnering with us, you gain access to a team that excels at identifying AI opportunities and removing roadblocks to create more advanced, innovative, and intelligent social media platforms.
At Buildnetic, we pride ourselves on our ability to spot emerging trends and adapt quickly to the ever-changing landscape of social media. Our AI and machine learning services are tailored to help our clients stay ahead of disruptions and strengthen their adaptability in the new normal of digital interaction. Whether you're looking to enhance an existing social media app or bring a groundbreaking new concept to market, we have the expertise and passion to turn your ideas into reality.
In the competitive world of app development in the USA, partnering with a trusted AI/ML company like Buildnetic can give you the edge you need to succeed. Let us help you harness the power of AI/ML to create social media apps that not only meet the current needs of users but also anticipate and shape the future of digital social interaction.
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litonlaser · 1 month
How To Use IPL Machine To Repair Skin Barrier?
Article source: https://www.litonlaser.com/ipl-machine-repairs-skin-barrier/
1. Introduction Overview.
The skin is the largest organ in our body, covering the entire body surface and weighing 16% of the body. It has: barrier function, fluid balance, temperature regulation, immune function, metabolic function, sensory function, and expression function.
The skin barrier in a narrow sense refers to the outer barrier composed of the sebum membrane and the stratum corneum. Damage to the skin barrier will cause a series of skin problems. Today we will talk about how to use the IPL beauty machine to repair the skin barrier.
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2. The role of the skin barrier.
2.1 Physical barrier function.
Avoid skin moisture loss, reduce mechanical damage, maintain shape, and subcutaneous tissue relieves impact.
2.2 Maintain and regulate body temperature.
Regulate stable body temperature through various mechanisms, including sweat discharge, etc.
2.3 Prevent microbial invasion.
In addition to physical forms such as the stratum corneum, it also includes the formation of a suitable slightly acidic environment to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.
2.4 Resist chemical erosion.
The stratum corneum has a good isolation and resistance effect.
2.5 Sun protection and radiation protection.
The keratinocyte structure of the skin and the melanin in it protect the skin and the DNA structure of the subcutaneous tissue.
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3. Causes of damaged skin barrier.
Excessive grinding and cleaning, habitual rubbing and kneading of the skin.
Excessive treatment with laser/TCA/fruit acid/peeling, or improper repair after treatment.
Various skin diseases that damage the stratum corneum and sebum membrane will make the skin drier or more flaky: such as dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.
Use of “cosmetics” and skin care products containing prohibited ingredients such as hormones or heavy metals.
 Plateau areas with low oxygen content and dry climate.
Damage from ultraviolet rays and long-term sun exposure.
Chronic inflammation.
High mental stress and emotional tension.
4. Skin problems caused by damaged skin barrier.
Decreased water retention function of the skin, increased transepidermal water loss, dry and flaky skin.
 Increased blood circulation, compensatory dilation of capillaries, and the formation of red blood streaks.
The skin’s ability to resist external stimuli decreases, nerve conduction and perception increase, skin sensitivity increases, and it becomes sensitive skin, or the skin is prone to over-immunity and allergic reactions.
Skin inflammation becomes more and more obvious, and erythema reactions are prone to occur.
The skin’s ability to resist sunlight decreases, ultraviolet stimulation increases, melanin becomes abnormally active, and pigmentation or spots occur.
 Due to the decrease in the ability to resist sunlight, skin aging problems such as photoaging, fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, etc. are prone to occur.
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5. Use IPL equipment to repair the skin barrier.
5.1 Functions and principles of IPL.
IPL (intense pulsed light) is a long pulse light and is one of the most important and efficient skin barrier repair equipment. Long pulse light has a good anti-inflammatory effect. After IPL intense pulse light irradiates the skin, the photothermal effect and subsequent biochemical effects can stimulate the regeneration and repair of collagen fibers and elastic fibers in the skin, rearrange them, restore skin elasticity, improve facial microcirculation, fight inflammation, accelerate the regeneration of skin cell tissue, repair the skin barrier, and gradually establish healthy skin.
5.2 Detailed parameter guidance for IPL machine skin repair.
Preferentially choose 640nm/695nm treatment handle (filter), use low energy operation of hair removal handle to produce light modulation effect similar to LED red light, anti-inflammatory and promote barrier regeneration and repair. Taking customers with skin color type III as an example, set 3 sub-pulses, pulse width 3.5ms, 4.0ms, 4.5ms; pulse interval 20-30ms, 30-40ms; energy density 12-15J/cm², the end point reaction is to feel warm and slightly red when hitting the skin.
5.3 Precautions after treatment.
In addition to monthly IPL treatment, home products are also needed to promote barrier repair. It can be paired with a multi-effect repair mask (with minimal ingredients, only type I collagen and pure water), licorice serum, licorice can fight inflammation and reduce skin inflammatory reactions, and finally with hyaluronic acid to repair the biofilm (containing hyaluronic acid and squalane) to moisturize and lock in moisture. Hyaluronic acid has the function of locking moisture inside and outside the cells and maintaining a humid environment, and squalane has the function of forming and protecting the sebum membrane.
6. Excellent IPL beauty equipment.
In order to better treat, repair and improve damaged skin, in addition to professional beauty techniques and skilled treatment methods, a stable and excellent IPL beauty machine is also required!
6.1 IPL machines require stable light sources.
For IPL machines, light sources are the most important influencing factor. As a beauty machine manufacturer with 20 years of experience, LITONLASER has always used excellent machine lamp raw materials to ensure that the light source output by IPL is pure and stable.
6.2 IPL machines require clean and impurity-free distilled water!
In addition, a series of maintenance and maintenance work should be performed on the IPL machine, such as changing the water source once a month! Friends who are familiar with the beauty machine industry know that IPL intense pulsed light belongs to the dual route of water and circuit. The water needed for IPL, we usually use distilled water! It cannot be mineral water, tap water or well water, but pure water that has been filtered through distillation to remove all impurities in the water.
As for why IPL beauty equipment uses pure water, it is mainly to ensure that there are no impurities, so that the light source can pass through the water flow completely, so as to achieve perfect output!
If you want to know more about beauty technology or beauty machines, please feel free to contact us: https://www.litonlaser.com/.
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poirierdustin · 1 month
Top Hydrodermabrasion Facial Machines for Radiant and Healthy Skin
In the ever-evolving world of skincare, the quest for smooth, radiant, and healthy-looking skin has led to the emergence of innovative technologies that go beyond traditional exfoliation methods. Hydrodermabrasion, a revolutionary facial treatment, has gained significant attention for its ability to deliver exceptional results by combining the benefits of physical and chemical exfoliation,hydrodermabrasion facial machine.
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Understanding the Science behind Hydrodermabrasion
Hydrodermabrasion, also known as hydra-dermabrasion or hydro-exfoliation, is a multi-step skin resurfacing treatment that utilizes a unique combination of water-based exfoliation and vacuum suction to cleanse, rejuvenate, and nourish the skin.
The Key Components of Hydrodermabrasion
Exfoliation: Hydrodermabrasion relies on a gentle yet effective exfoliating solution, often containing ingredients like glycerin, lactic acid, or salicylic acid, to remove dead skin cells and impurities from the skin's surface.
Hydration: The treatment incorporates a water-based solution, typically infused with skin-beneficial ingredients, to deeply hydrate and nourish the skin during the exfoliation process.
Vacuum Suction: A powerful vacuum suction system is used to gently lift and remove the exfoliated skin cells and impurities, leaving the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
The Benefits of Hydrodermabrasion Facial Treatments
Hydrodermabrasion offers a range of benefits for individuals seeking to improve the overall health and appearance of their skin:
Improved Skin Texture and Radiance: By effectively removing dead skin cells and impurities, hydrodermabrasion can reveal a smoother, more even skin tone and a radiant, luminous complexion.
Enhanced Hydration and Nourishment: The infusion of hydrating and nourishing ingredients during the treatment can help replenish the skin's moisture levels, leaving it feeling soft, supple, and deeply hydrated.
Reduced Visible Signs of Aging: Hydrodermabrasion can help diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots by promoting collagen production and stimulating cellular turnover.
Minimized Pores and Reduced Acne: The deep cleansing and exfoliating properties of hydrodermabrasion can help unclog pores, reduce the appearance of enlarged pores, and improve the overall complexion for those with acne-prone skin.
Immediate and Long-Lasting Results: Hydrodermabrasion treatments can provide immediate results, leaving the skin with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. With regular treatments, the long-term benefits can continue to improve the skin's health and vitality.
Exploring the Top Hydrodermabrasion Facial Machines
When it comes to selecting the right hydrodermabrasion facial machine, several key features and considerations can help ensure optimal results and a positive patient experience.
1. Adjustable Exfoliation Intensity The best hydrodermabrasion machines offer the ability to adjust the intensity of the exfoliating solution, allowing practitioners to customize the treatment to each individual's skin type and sensitivity level.
2. Customizable Suction Power Adjustable suction power is crucial for tailoring the vacuum extraction to the specific needs of the patient, ensuring a comfortable and effective removal of impurities and dead skin cells.
3. Multi-Functional Capabilities Versatile hydrodermabrasion machines that can incorporate additional modalities, such as LED light therapy or microcurrent, can provide a more comprehensive skincare experience and address a wider range of skin concerns.
4. Intuitive User Interface An easy-to-use, intuitive control panel can greatly enhance the practitioner's experience, allowing for seamless navigation and precise adjustments during the treatment process.
5. Ergonomic Design and Comfort The overall design and comfort of the hydrodermabrasion machine can contribute to the patient's experience, ensuring a relaxing and enjoyable treatment session.
Maximizing the Benefits of Hydrodermabrasion Facial Treatments
To achieve the most remarkable and long-lasting results from hydrodermabrasion facial treatments, it is crucial to understand and implement best practices for their effective use.
1. Proper Training and Certification Ensuring that practitioners are properly trained and certified in the use of hydrodermabrasion machines is essential. This includes understanding the underlying science, mastering the operation of the device, and adhering to safety protocols to minimize the risk of complications.
2. Comprehensive Skin Assessment Before initiating any hydrodermabrasion treatment, a thorough assessment of the patient's skin type, condition, and specific concerns is necessary. This information can help practitioners determine the most appropriate machine settings and treatment protocol to achieve the desired outcome.
3. Customized Treatment Approach Hydrodermabrasion treatments should be tailored to each individual's unique skin characteristics and needs. By adjusting parameters such as exfoliation intensity, suction power, and product infusions, practitioners can optimize the results and ensure a comfortable, effective experience for the patient.
4. Proper Skin Preparation and Aftercare Preparing the skin properly before the hydrodermabrasion treatment, as well as implementing appropriate aftercare measures, can enhance the effectiveness of the procedure and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.
5. Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments Throughout the course of treatment, it is crucial for practitioners to closely monitor the patient's response and make any necessary adjustments to the machine settings or treatment protocol. This responsiveness can help ensure the best possible outcomes and minimize any discomfort or complications.
6. Collaborative Patient Engagement Effective communication and collaboration with patients can contribute significantly to the success of hydrodermabrasion facial treatments. By setting realistic expectations, addressing concerns, and involving patients in the decision-making process, practitioners can build trust and ensure a positive treatment experience.
The Future of Hydrodermabrasion: Innovations and Advancements
As the demand for non-invasive, yet highly effective, skin rejuvenation treatments continues to grow, the future of hydrodermabrasion is poised for exciting advancements and innovations. Some of the potential developments and trends in this field include:
1. Integrated Diagnostic Technologies The integration of advanced diagnostic tools, such as skin analysis devices or digital imaging systems, may allow practitioners to better assess skin conditions and customize hydrodermabrasion treatments accordingly.
2. Synergistic Combination Therapies The combination of hydrodermabrasion with other aesthetic technologies, such as laser treatments or microneedling, may create innovative treatment approaches that offer enhanced results and a more comprehensive approach to skin rejuvenation.
3. Increased Automation and Efficiency Advancements in machine design and software may lead to more automated, user-friendly hydrodermabrasion systems, streamlining the treatment process and improving workflow efficiency for practitioners.
4. Expanded Product Infusion Options The incorporation of a wider range of skin-beneficial ingredients, such as antioxidants, growth factors, or stem cells, into the hydrating and nourishing solutions may further enhance the hydrodermabrasion experience and deliver even more transformative results.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Radiant, Healthy Skin
Hydrodermabrasion facial machines have emerged as innovative and transformative tools in the quest for healthy, radiant skin. By harnessing the power of water-based exfoliation, deep cleansing, and targeted nourishment, these machines can help address a wide range of skin concerns, from dullness and uneven texture to visible signs of aging and acne.As the field of aesthetic skincare continues to evolve, the role of hydrodermabrasion machines is expected to become increasingly prominent. By staying informed about the latest advancements, choosing the right equipment, and implementing best practices, healthcare professionals can provide their patients with exceptional, long-lasting results and a renewed sense of confidence in their skin.The future of hydrodermabrasion is bright, filled with the promise of even more personalized, comfortable, and accessible treatments that cater to the diverse needs and preferences of individuals seeking to reveal their most radiant, healthy-looking skin. By embracing this transformative technology, we can unlock a future where glowing, rejuvenated skin is within reach for all
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aesthetic2020 · 2 months
Who is doing Microdermabrasion treatment in Bangalore?
Dermaplaning Treatment In Bangalore
Dreaming of having a baby-smooth complexion?
It is possible when you undergo a dermaplaning procedure at AESTHETIC INTERNATIONAL®.
This procedure is perfect for those who want to even out their complexion without the hassle of downtime.
It gives you the clearest and cleanest complexion of your life! Here are a few facts you need to know:
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The dermablade hair removal procedure is an anti-aging skin care treatment – without the use of chemicals. It is a highly effective manual exfoliation technique that removes surface debris with a sterile, surgical scalpel (dermaplaning blade).
An aesthetician uses the scalpel while holding the skin taut, swiping the blade in gentle upward motions to gently “shave” the skin’s surface, removing the top-most layer of dead skin. The added bonus is the removal of the fine, vellus hair (aka peach fuzz), which makes the skin feel smoother. It does not cause trauma to the skin and can be performed every 3 to 4 weeks. There is typically no downtime for this procedure.
Both facial treatments are good options when looking for exfoliation to reveal a smoother complexion.
• Dermaplaning uses a small razor to gently rid the skin of dead skin cells. The light strokes gently remove built-up cells and fine hairs that can trap oil and dirt. The end result is a refreshed glow free of Vellus hair (“peach-fuzz”).
• Microdermabrasion uses a machine that buffs and polishes the skin in order to remove dead skin cells. This procedure also results in a refreshed look. After a series of treatments; it can reduce the look of wrinkles and unclog pores.
You should consult your dermatologist/aesthetician to discuss the benefits that each procedure would have for your skin type.
Achieve Flawless Skin with Microdermabrasion Treatment in Bangalore!
Are you looking to rejuvenate your skin and achieve a radiant glow? Discover the transformative benefits of microdermabrasion treatment in Bangalore at Aesthetic International!
🔹 Why Choose Microdermabrasion?
Exfoliation: Gently removes dead skin cells, revealing a fresher, brighter complexion.
Anti-Aging: Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.
Acne Solutions: Helps in reducing acne scars and preventing future breakouts.
Even Skin Tone: Improves skin texture and tone for a smoother, more uniform look.
🔹 Expert Care at Aesthetic International
At Aesthetic International, our experienced dermatologists provide personalized microdermabrasion treatments tailored to your skin type and concerns. Using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, we ensure optimal results with minimal downtime.
🔹 Book Your Appointment Today!
Don't miss out on the chance to achieve your best skin ever. Visit Aesthetic International to learn more about our microdermabrasion treatment and book your appointment today!
#Microdermabrasion #SkinCare #Bangalore #AestheticInternational #FlawlessSkin #BeautyTreatment
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victressbeautylounge · 7 months
Affordable Lip Blushing Cost in India | Lip Blush Tattoo Near Me
Similar to the brows, Victress Beauty Lounge also treats your lips with tattoo shading for a long-lasting lipstick-like effect. Lip Blush also aids your lips in achieving a definite silhouette with a suitable shade. Depending on your aftercare, the lip colour can be retained. The overall shape, density, and contour make a vast difference to your facial structure.
The overall shape, density, and contour make a vast difference to your facial structure. Victress Beauty Lounge’s Lip Blush comprises a variety of lip treatments to enhance your confidence. Our service uses lip tattooing to enhance symmetry, shape, and colour as aforementioned. This not only fills your lips but also has long durability along with eliminating the need to constantly use a stick
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Give Your Lips a Perfect Plumpiness and Lucious Look
Lip blushing is the new semi-permanent makeup procedure. This is something that can be used on everyone’s lips very well. This is similar to other semi-permanent makeup services like brow microblading and tattooed eyeliner. This lip blushing also allows you to wake up with picture-perfect and beautifully flushed lips without even applying a bit of lipstick, balm, or gloss. There is also good permanent lip blushing near me.
Lip blushing treatment
Dark lips are a fairly common and harmless condition, but some people simply want to remove the dark spots, particularly if they are the result of trauma, smoking, or another factor. Even though lipstick can easily cover it up, some people don’t want it there and feel insecure when they go makeup-free.
If you’re self-conscious about your dark lip and looking for a non-invasive way to conceal them, lip blush treatment at Victress Beauty Lounge can help.
Permanent Lip Blushing
Our process lasts two sessions with each lasting for at least a couple of hours. This includes custom colours as per your demand and symphony with the skin tone. We also give our clients the liberty to alter shades and colours before our process commences. The average life span of a thoroughly looked after lip blush is around 16 months, give or take.
The process post Victress Beauty Lounge Lip Blush includes timely cleaning, use of recommended ointments, and avoiding certain activities and product consumption. Ace PMU advises discussing the same with your doctor including the allergies you could deal with.
The lip blush tattoo for dark lips is part of the semi-permanent makeup universe, which involves tattooing a pigment to achieve long-lasting color and shape. Lip blushing, like microblading (a semi-permanent tattoo that makes your brows fuller and darker), can enhance the beauty and appearance of your lips through tattooing. At Victress Beauty Lounge, our professionals perform Lip Blush treatment to restore the shape, plumpiness, and fullness of your lips that are slumped due to aging or any other factors.
How lip blush tattoo is performed:
It is performed by using a machine that breaks the skin and injects natural pigments. To improve the overall appearance, color ink is deposited into your lips and along your lip line. The color is subtly applied to produce natural-looking results. Lip blush is the most advanced method at Victress Beauty Lounge for obtaining smudge-proof semi-permanent lipstick in your favorite color. It is also used to contour the lips, making them appear plump and fuller, to conceal scars and uneven lips, and, of course, to neutralize dark lips. It is essentially a cosmetic lip tattoo that enhances the beauty of the natural dark lips color by improving the shape of the lips, giving definition, and creating the illusion of fullness.
Lip blushing cost in India
Getting any type of permanent or semi-permanent makeup should not be an impulsive decision, and it should not be taken lightly. A lip blush tattoo for dark lips is no exception. This is why, If you want to go through lip blush treatment or want to give your pigmented dark lips a natural lip color you can search for lip blush treatment near me. Our professionals will help you with every piece of information which you need to know regarding the process like its longevity, process, before and after care, etc.
Our semi-permanent lip blush treatment is the perfect way to restore shape and fullness. Get more defined, symmetrical, plumper, fuller lips with subtle tints that enhance the appearance and give you a more vibrant look. Our treatments are non-invasive and our experienced professionals are available to give you a par experience for your aesthetics rejuvenation.
To read full blog visit- . Affordable Lip Blushing Cost in India | Lip Blush Tattoo Near Me
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orijine · 1 year
Glow Up: Transformative Face Treatments You Need to Try
A beautiful face does not wear makeup, it wears confidence. Wearing makeup is not the solution to your skin problems rather it could further irritate your skin and deplete its pH to worsen the condition. Thus, various home remedies and skin treatments for the face are widely accepted around the globe.  But what needs to be considered is that there is no single magic product that fits well for every skin. The differences in our lifestyles and food habits make skin problems different, no matter how similar they might appear. Thus, the only best solution for our skin problems is customization.
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Types of Skin Treatments
Botox addresses fine lines and wrinkles. Botulinum chemical is injected into the facial muscles which help to temporarily paralyze and relax them. This relaxes and softens the wrinkles, improving the look.  This is typically injected into frown lines, crow’s feet around the eyes, and in the neck.
Chemical Peels
Chemical Peels are used to treat sun spots, acne scars, dark freckles, wrinkles, and acne spots while improving the overall skin tone and brightness. For this, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which results in the skin blistering and peeling off. Once that top layer peels off, the skin underneath will appear younger-looking, even-toned, and brighter.
It boosts collagen production, reduces acne, and plumps up the skin. It is done by rolling tiny needles into the surface of the skin to create minute, microscopic punctures. This activates a wound repair response in your skin cells that encourages collagen production. The protein not only heals wounds but also plumps up your skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Laser Hair Removal
The procedure treats unwanted hair. The light from the hair removal machines penetrates the skin and damages the hair follicles. As the laser light is attracted to dark colors an individual with light skin and dark hair will respond best to laser hair removal treatments as the dark hair, rather than the skin, will attract the laser.
Laser Toning/ Rejuvenation
This latest advancement in skin care is a multipurpose solution for various skin ailments such as uneven skin tone, textured skin, wrinkles and fine lines, aged or sun-damaged skin, liver spots, precancerous lesions, rosacea acne scarring, and enlarged oil glands on the nose. The process involves the use of an invisible carbon dioxide laser which rapidly evaporates the water in the skin, removing top skin layers and tightening lower layers. This results in less scarring and bruising than other resurfacing treatments. It also requires little recovery time.
So, if you are also looking forward to an overall skin rejuvenation consider some of the best skin laser treatments in Pune.
Book Your Customized Skin Treatment Now
Now that you have an insight into the various skin treatments it is time to customize your skin care. Orijine can potentially be your right partner as it gives access to the best cosmetologists in Pune. The team specializes in all of the above procedures and in a number of lifts and facials, along with mesotherapy, carbon toning, PRP treatment, skin polishing, electroporation, cryotherapy, tattoo removal, double chin reduction, skin tightening, acne, pigmentation,  scar, and stretch mark reduction, under-eye treatments, and dermato surgery. So, don’t wait for your ideal glass skin and an attractive look. Book an appointment with Orijine now. 
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itsmyblog2563 · 1 year
Advanced Facial Face And Body
Advanced Facial Dermabrasion Treatment
Facials Norfolk
For Skincare and aesthetics, radical facial treatments that are at the forefront of innovation. From a rejuvenating position improving the body's look, these treatments allow a range of choices for those seeking to look and be as best they can. On this page, we scrutinise the marvel that is of dermaplaning, dermabrasion, and laser anti-ageing treatments, focussing on promote people in thier drive for timeless beauty.
Dermabrasion and Advanced Laser Anti-Ageing Treatments
Dermabrasion is an intense method to exfoliate that can meet a range of skin conditions. Here's what makes it an incredible option for many scar reduction Dermabrasion can significantly reduce the appearance of scar tissue, it includes both acne and surgical scars.
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Improvng The Look of Wrinkles It is a working therapy for fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a younger looking complexion. Skin Texture Refinement Dermabrasion can improve skin look, leaving behind it smoother with even tone. Controlled exactness A aesthetician uses a specialised machine to precisely surgically remove the outer layers of skin, allowing for tailored treatment. Anti-Ageing Laser Treatments Harnessing the capability of Laser Light Lasers have dramtically changed the realm of aesthetics, providing working anti-ageing treatments. This is what you have to understand Collagen Stimulation Laser procedures can enliven collagen production, boosting skin elasticity and firmness to your skin. Targeted exactness oscillating lasers endeavor specific skin issues, like pigmentation irregularities, broken blood vessels, or wrinkles.
Treatment There is no Downtime
Most laser treatments require minimal downtime, allowing clients to resume their daily routines with little if any delay. In the long run Laser anti-ageing treatments can allow good results, making them a valuable investment in one's looks. A Holistic way and perspective and Body Aesthetics Advanced facial treatment isn't restricted to the approach alone. Many techniques, including dermaplaning, dermabrasion, and distinct laser therapies, can be changed to combine the impression of additional body areas, for example the neck, chest, hands, and even stretch marks. https://advancedfacialfaceandbodyclinic.blogspot.com/2023/09/advanced-facial-face-and-body-clinic.html Advanced Facial|Facials|Dermaplaning|Dermabrasion Anti Ageing Clinic|Laser Anti-ageing|Laser Facial Skin Care|Skincare|Skin care|Skin-care|Anti Ageing Rosacea & Hyperpigmentation|Spots & Acne|Combination Skin https://www.tumblr.com/bell-mountain-gym-q8l3to/729648015032434688 https://www.tumblr.com/apple-valley-ca-yoga-nw3/729648794372816896 https://charlesrizzo184.blogspot.com/ https://charlesrizzo184.blogspot.com/2023/09/charles-rizzo184.html https://www.tumblr.com/charlesprizzo/729725301680209920
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nubway · 1 year
755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine
The Nubway 808 diode laser hair removal device works on the principle of selective thermal absorption of light. The outer hair root sheath in the hair follicle is rich in melanin vesicles, which can selectively absorb the laser energy, so the laser energy emitted by the diode laser is easily absorbed by the coloured hair follicles without harming the surrounding skin tissue.
Nubway 808 diode laser hair removal instrument is the best instrument on the market for hair removal. The emitted laser is only effective for the hair in the growing period. After treatment, the hair will become less and lighter with time. Generally, in the 9th month, the hair will not continue to grow, and nubway diode laser has achieved permanent hair removal. The contact surface between the handle and the skin is made of sapphire, which makes the treatment comfortable and completely painless. We also offer portable diode laser hair removal machine for sale. Please feel free to contact us!
Specification of 755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine
Power of handle
600-2000w optional
Handle Type
single handle/double handle optional
808nm (755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm/755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm optional)
Machine screen
12.1 inch
Handle screen
1.54 inch
Energy density
1-120J/cm2 (Deviation≤2%)
Pluse width range
Spot size
12*12mm; 12*20mm; 12*24mm; 12*28mm optional
1-10HZ (600-1200W); 1-20HZ (1600-2000W)
Cooling system
TEC cooling system
Net Weight
Package Size
AC220V±10% 10A 50HZ, 110V±10% 10A 60HZ
Benefits of 755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine
With 3000W super machine power and high-power manual tools, the hair removal cycle of ordinary machines is 6-8 times, while this machine only needs 3-5 times.
10Hz (20hz) sliding therapy, high-energy short pulse width output mode, greatly shortening the treatment time.
Obtained a number of relevant certifications, TUV medical CE certification and U.S. FDA certification.
The rotomolded water tank is integrally formed and is not easy to leak.
The handle and the body are connected by a knob, which is very convenient for disassembly and maintenance.
Relying on the powerful cooling system of the machine, the temperature of the handle can be as low as -30°C.
Working Principle of 755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine
working principle of 755nm808nm940nm1064nm diode laser hair removal machine
The basic principle of semiconductor laser hair removal instrument is selective photothermolysis. Hair follicles in the outer hair root sheath is rich in melanin vesicles, can selectively absorb the laser energ.  The nubway laser machine issued 808nm laser, which is easily absorbed by colored hair follicles without damaging the epidermal tissueb and the energy emitted by the light is absorbed by the hair and the pigment in the hair follicle then it is converted into heat.  Therefore the temperature of the hair follicle is raised to a certain level, the hair follicle will be irreversibly damaged, so as to achieve the purpose of permanent hair removal.
Technology of 755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine
triple wavelength diode laser
triple wavelength diode laser hair removal
triple wavelength laser hair removal
3 wavelength diode laser hair removal
755nm+808nm+1064nm/755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm optional
600-2000W various power combination types are available
Can use a variety of different energy and different sizes of light spot, to meet the needs of different parts of the treatment
Special facial tip treatment tools, can treat hard-to-reach areas, including ears, nostrils and eyebrows with good control
1-20hz optional, super fast treatment frequency, shorten the treatment time.
Touchable handle screen, 1.54-inch HD OLED screen, you can adjust the parameters directly on the screen
U.S. imported laser, 100 million times out of the light warranty, crystal and laser integrated, low energy loss, long life.
Contact surface with sapphire crystal, excellent cold conduction, comfortable and completely painless treatment
Double cooling piece, the temperature can reach -30 ℃
7 different languages available to meet the needs of customers in different regions
Four filters quadruple protection, each handle is equipped with two filters, while filtering impurities and ions
Internal modular design, water and electricity separation, to protect the safety of the circuit
Rotomolded water tank, not easy to leak
Applications of 755nm+808nm+940nm+1064nm Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine
applications of 755nm808nm940nm1064nm diode laser hair removal machine
Diode laser hair removal instrument is a professional hair removal instrument, which is comfortable and safe, painless, simple to operate and more ideal in effect. 755nm is for shallow hair and light-colored sparse hair. 808nm is suitable for most skin colors and most hair. 940nm improves the treatment comfort of dark skin, and 1064nm has strong penetration, which is more suitable for the treatment of dark skin and deep hair. There are four kinds of light spots on the handle: 12*12, 12*20, 12*24 and 12*28. 500w handle comes standard with 12*12 facula, 1000w handle comes standard with 12*20 facula, 1500w comes standard with 12*24 facula, and 1800w comes standard with 12*28 facula. With a special facial treatment head, it is convenient to treat small parts such as nose hair, ear hair and hairline.
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marketingbiotronix · 1 year
BiotroniBiotronix Solution Forever® 40k Ultrasonic liposuction Cavitation 8 Pads Laser Vacuum RF Skin Care Salon Spa Slimming Machine & Beauty Equipmentx Solution Forever® 40k Ultrasonic liposuction Cavitation 8 Pads Laser Vacuum RF Skin Care Salon Spa Slimming Machine & Beauty Equipment
【HEAD FOR THE BODY】By integrating with advance technology, increase local temperature, effectively remove excess body fat.
【FOR VARUOUS PARTS】For the waist, improvement of ovarian function, plastic waist, firm skin. For buttocks, plastic hips, firm skin. For the legs, pain in the legs, white skin, firm legs improve. For your face, tighten skin, firm facial contour, remove wrinkle and age spots.
【HEAD】Equipped with 3 functional beauty heads for treat different body part and ensures its high efficacy. This can lead to an effective consumption of calories and moisture in the fat cells and reduce the size of the fat cells.
【HEATING FUNCTION】The heating effect of wave can increase the temperature of the surface of the skin, accelerate blood circulation, increase the nutrients of skin cells. Promotes the absorption of nutrients through the skin.
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Biotronix Solution Forever® 40k Ultrasonic liposuction Cavitation 8 Pads Laser Vacuum RF Skin Care Salon Spa Slimming Machine & Beauty Equipment
【HEAD FOR THE BODY】By integrating with advance technology, increase local temperature, effectively remove excess body fat.
【FOR VARUOUS PARTS】For the waist, improvement of ovarian function, plastic waist, firm skin. For buttocks, plastic hips, firm skin. For the legs, pain in the legs, white skin, firm legs improve. For your face, tighten skin, firm facial contour, remove wrinkle and age spots.
【HEAD】Equipped with 3 functional beauty heads for treat different body part and ensures its high efficacy. This can lead to an effective consumption of calories and moisture in the fat cells and reduce the size of the fat cells.
【HEATING FUNCTION】The heating effect of wave can increase the temperature of the surface of the skin, accelerate blood circulation, increase the nutrients of skin cells. Promotes the absorption of nutrients through the skin.
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