#Fae rules my beloved
Hey look! I have J's pronouns!
-B (He/He/Him/They/They/Them)
...well. I suppose you did ask him if you could steal their pronouns.
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evilminji · 8 months
Dani should Kidnap The Clones.
It's basicly protective custody. Preemptive child services, if you will. NONE of these fuckers out here makin adorable clone baby just cause they want kids!
*kicks down the door to your shady lab* Knock Knock! ITS THE POLICE! *Walker's Shock troopers swarm the place as Dani secures the kids*
Look me in the eyes. You KNOW he'd love an excuse to enforce The Rules on people technically outside his jurisdiction. It's for The Children(tm)! Why, he simply had no CHOICE!
Meanwhile? Dani is shoving all these mal-adjusted Murder Clones into her Lair? Which is? Basicly a Door style Lair she hid inside Danny's Lair for safe keeping. It's shoved behind a vending machine just outside the observatory. And the inside? Goes on for DAYS.
Like national parks and every beautiful beach she ever came across. She smashed together the BEST sights and places she's found in her travels, like a collection. Always adding more. New waterfalls, new noodle shops, new fields of wine grapes. It's... beautiful. Snapshots of every wonderous little thing about Earth, stitched together.
They can't hurt anyone. Can't achieve their "objectives". Are just treated like actual individuals and the children they truely are. Are surrounded by other Clones. So it's NORMAL here. Just? All of it.
But also?
Dani and Dan? Teaming up to make History's Scariest Adoption Agency(TM). Dan runs it. Dan wants to know why EXACTLY you want a kid. Explain yourself to Dan. What are your references? Qualifications. He's doing a home visit to inspect the premises. He BETTER not find any suspicious Labs.
And? It just? Appears out of nowhere. It's powered by Zone Bullshit. One second you're thinking "oh woe is me D:> I will never have a child to fill my lovely home, because of all my Superhero Secrets and also because government bureaucracy!" And the next?
.....wasn't that an out of business taco bell? "Zone Adoptions"?
"....Free Clone Baby?"
Okay that is HIGHLY suspicious and as a hero you are basicly legally obligated to investigate. But now it's bigger on the inside? Fancy waiting room? You are being interrogated? Wait, no, you're supposed to be the one doing the-?
Somehow? You leave with your Clone Son from another Dimension. And a pamphlet. You're scheduled for a home visit in three days. You... you never told them where you live.
Somehow that doesn't seem like it will slow them down.
Did the Fae just Suprise Baby you with a clone baby? Can they DO that? W... what's happening? What days is this? Who ARE YOU PEOPLE?! HUH!?!?
Just? Imagine. IMAGINE. I was gonna say Bruce... but?
He finds himself... pondering What Could Have Been. Had his Clones not wanted him dead. Wondering if he could have saved them. If, perhaps, he had found them as infants. Raised them. Could he have given them a good life? Been a good father?
He gets emotional. Fatherly. He's about 14.
Dan's been around Ghosts too long to remember how humans age or how age relates to development. This one TALKS like An Adult. Must be one. Probably just short.
And Damian? Never backs down. The second Dan starts challenging him? His character is flawless and his morals divine. He has never done anything wrong, ever, in his LIFE. Fuck you. And on TOP of that? He not only will be the SINGLE GREATEST FATHER TO EVER FATHER, his home is the most loving and beloved ON THE PLANET!
In entirety of EARTH'S history, no less!
....what are they arguing about?
*is handed a baby and kicked out of Dan's adoption agency*
See you in a few days!
(o.o ) *happy gurgling from the baby* *Damian.exe has stopped working*
Smash cut, after Damian speed runs his stages of grief at his own Dumbass Life Choices, to his rocking back up at the Manor like? Congratulations, Father. I have brought you your first grandson! Do Not ask how I obtained him. It was likely dubiously legal but I will not be returning him. We have bonded.
And just? Annihilating the collective Bats on one go. You did what? You have What?! That is a baby! WHY IS THERE A BABY?! How is there a baby!? WHOS BABY!? *sirens going off and everyone panicking*
Will Damian be allowed to KEEP the Baby? Ha! Hell no. Bruce will. Damian is a child. But it will be a Needlessly Dramatic Bat Cold War Of Dramatic Drama to pry that small cherubic baby from his grip long enough for Bruce to fill out the paperwork.
Child thieving bastard that he is. How dare he. That is Damian's SON! D:<
*happy oblivious baby noises as Alfred feeds him in the background, while the Bats do their Dramatic Custody War*
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @mutable-manifestation
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greycaelum · 11 months
Ok im gonna drop this here for u to write it whenever u want,cause its been hunting me
Royalty au where gojo and reader are living happily,that is until someone poisons his queen when they're having dinner together.
She drinks the wine,and suddenly falls to the ground while throwing up blood and blood running from her eyes. Shoko manages to save her and geto holds gojo back so he doesnt do anything stupid. But when his queen wakes up she's really weak so shoko tells gojo about a flower that'll heal her up,so gojo leaves in order to search for it.
But when he's back,geto leads him to the flower garden the queen loves and he finds her among the flowers,a little better and seeing her not on deadbed has him running toward her,lifting her up and spinning while both of them laugh and kiss
Happy ending
Scribbles & Doodles—Lotus Tears
—Elven Emperor Gojo Satoru X Human Empress Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis:
His azure orbs stare as you reach to cup his cheeks with a slight understanding frown painting your brows. It doesn't help that you are wearing the other pair of purple robes. It made his belly warm, and his chest swelled with pride. You are pairing... He was the only one who could wear the purple robes since he was born, a lone star, but not anymore. And that was enough to make his heart skip a beat. "Will you be back for dinner?" Your tone carried hope and joy into his day. He doesn't understand why he has to part with you every day... He heaved a sigh hoping the day turns to dusk soon so he can hold you again to his heart's content. "For you, always, My Flower."
𑁍 Genre: historical fantasy, elves/faes, dark magic if you squint, interracial marriage
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (4.3k)— poison, mad Satoru, elven traditions and cultures, fluff, angst, comfort, implication of major character death, mating bonds, talks of rebirth
𑁍 ✒️☕: Hi to the person who sent this ask. Pardon the very long wait, but I loved writing this one, I just need to say your ask is one of my fave ideas for elf Satoru so I tweaked some things, fantasy tropes are my favorite to write to escape canon~ Grey,
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At night when you lay in their bed, your head atop his chest, he cannot sleep a wink for he has forever to spare and only a lifetime with you in his arms. For such a fragile flower, even a man who has grown bleak and untouched over the long passage of time, Satoru cannot help but stroke your head gently, scaring the pixies who would try to sneak in to soak with his mate's presence. He doesn't know if it's a good thing or bad that his mate is loved by the small faes. But one thing is for sure, he doesn't delight that they are trying to pry you awake from his arms. It's no secret he doesn't like sharing... especially when it's about you.
For a human to become the Empress of the High Courts is an unheard thing. Improbable would be the word. And you do not need to know what methods Satoru used to make this happen. Because you already knew that behind his delicate beauty, lies the prickly thorns that wield the absolute power over nature. There is a reason why he was able to rule undisputedly in the indifferent flow of nature over the passage of time.
When he married you, he knew he would uproot the earth and supplant it again and again to give whatever you desired. He is the supreme ruler and Emperor of the High Courts and would only sheath his indifference in the presence of his Empress. He has broken down the millennial walls covering his heart and found himself enthralled by the maiden who never feared the Dark Woods. She found beauty in the mystery of the borders, and he found solace in her presence. She has grown to be his beloved Flower.
Fortunately for you, even as a born human, you have adapted to the faes far quicker. Learning their language and making up for your lack of magic, you learned diplomacy. It was not easy to learn such an intricate affair, but fortune has smiled upon you, with Satoru, who has boundless knowledge of the matter to be your tutor.
"Is this adequate enough?" Satoru hopefully looked at you in the mirror and the craft he had finished for a satisfactory answer.
"Satoru, we are not going to any gathering, are we?" You chuckled as you sat in front of the golden mirror while Satoru stood behind, holding an ivory comb in his hand as he carefully brushed your silky tresses. Small flowers adorned your hair like trinkets as he wove them skillfully into a braid. At this point, your handmaidens have lost their job, with your mate attending to almost everything you need unless he is away for the court.
"At least let me do this before I leave for my duties." He brought the tip of your hair to his lips, kissing it as he stared at you, a longing look on his face. This prompt you to turn the chair and face the elven emperor.
His azure orbs stare as you reach to cup his cheeks with a slight understanding frown painting your brows. It doesn't help that you are wearing the other pair of purple robes. It made his belly warm, and his chest swelled with pride. You are pairing... He was the only one who could wear the purple robes since he was born, a lone star, but not anymore. And that was enough to make his heart skip a beat.
"Will you be back for dinner?" Your tone carried hope and joy into his day.
He doesn't understand why he has to part with you every day... He heaved a sigh hoping the day turns to dusk soon so he can hold you again to his heart's content.
"For you, always, My Flower." Satoru tilted your chin and pressed a kiss on your forehead. "I do not wish to leave." He grumbled and connected your forehead, staring right into your eyes.
Your soft chuckle fluttered through his ears as you reached to cup his cheeks and stare into his eyes. A sense of tranquility floated in your orbs bringing his heart into a puddle of cotton.
"I will wait for you at dinner, Satoru. So the earlier you finish the earlier we see each other. Alright?"
"Alright, as you wish." Satoru sighed and kissed the tip of your nose. "The things you make me do..."
He never thought he would one day sit under the shade of foliage with his Empress on his lap, reading through some parchments while he pilfered some wildflowers to braid her hair. Or to walk while gently pulling the reins of his equine, leading the elk through safe passages whilst you ride on the back. Things he never imagined and things he never thought he would do. But the second you came it all seemed natural for him to indulge you in every way possible.
You are like a brittle glass flower to him that he cannot help but wrap you in the most flawless silks and softest ermine furs. You evoke in him a firm sense of fierce protectiveness.
So imagine the horror and derangement inside him when you were still smiling and talking with him at the dinner table but suddenly blood flowed down your nose, followed by a series of coughs drawing blood from your throat as you dropped to the floor, desperately gasping for air.
If it wasn't for his friend Suguru, a Dragon Lord who he has grown with, who happened to visit the very same day only to pin him down in his rampage of killing the perpetrators hiding in the imperial kitchen staff, perhaps one-fourth of the castle must've already been slaughtered.
All he could see was red. The burning flames consuming the imperial castle and the wilting forest mirrored the despair in his heart. He couldn't hear that his people were wailing for him. All he could ever see was his mate dying each second from the potent poison coursing in her bloodstream.
"Don't touch her!"
He snarled with pure frenzy when Shoko tried to reach out to your unmoving body in his arms.
"Satoru, Shoko is only going to heal her. Your mate needs help." Suguru tried to reason with the livid, elven emperor cradling the unmoving body of his bleeding empress. "She would not do anything to her, only help her."
Suguru could see how unfocused and distraught the dark blue eyes of his friend were, so far from his usual calm and regal sense. Satoru's eyes were bloodshot red. Thankfully, he didn't move when Shoko reached out again to heal his mate. 
A faint color of life returned to your face, but you were still as pale as alabaster, still unconscious. The fire consuming the woods slowly died down... A slight sense of sanity returned to Satoru, who held you close, ready to hide you from the world if not for Shoko's words.
"She's in moratorium state... I've only managed to stabilize her body and freeze the poison to stop it from spreading further. Right now, we need to find an antidote... Or else she will only have seven days to live. For now, let's take the Empress to a safe place." Shoko pinched the bridge of her nose as she looked back to the fire slowly dying down, leaving shared trees and ashes. "And fix the chaos you have ignited, Your Majesty, the Emperor."
There are, but severely few times he let his emotions overcome him. He could count it in his hand. But ever since that sight of your throwing up blood, Satoru experienced a myriad of emotions he thought he was never capable of.
Fear... Despair... Uselessness... and most of all heartbreak...
You don't know how many millions of times his soul has shattered in every second he held your cold hand whilst he channeled all healing spell he knows into your body as you sleep on the cradle of the sacred tree cushioned by wildflowers and vines dangling down the archaic branches of the colossal wood. It seems you're merely asleep, but it feels like it's been forever since he last saw your eyes. The reality is that day by day, you are losing your life while all he can do is sit here, rooted in place, too afraid that if he steps away, he might not see you again.
"Your Majesty..." Shoko came forward. The Emperor has been sitting here for three days straight beside his dying mate in silence holding her hand, unmoving, and would attack anyone who dares to step one foot closer to the lying Empress. The court matters have been neglected, with only the elders holding the court together in his absence. The woodlands are closely related to the essence of the Emperor. The depression of his heart manifested in the woods, which gradually lost the green leaves and were replaced by withered branches...
"I have found a possible cure for the Empress."
Shoko had never felt strong empathy, but she did feel a bit of ache for her friend when he raised his head at her, almost pleading with his bloodshot eyes.
"Do you remember the Sacred Tombs of Tvar?"
The sacred burial grounds of the late Empresses. It's deep-seated in the heart of the Mountain of Hanging Tombs, guarded by the mythical beasts his forefathers have created to protect the resting place of the late Imperial Rulers.
"What about it?" Satoru has only been there once when his Imperial Father has taken him to visit his late Mother. It's a mystical mountain filled with ancient elements, from the creatures to the plants, that can only be heard in folklore.
"For high faes like us, the poison the Empress has induced was nothing serious. But to humans, it is lethal." Shoko sighed. "The spell I cast was only a valve to keep the poison at bay until we can find an antidote. On the seventh day, when the sun rises, the spell will cease to exist, and the poison will corrode her bo—"
"Tell me, what should I do? Anything Shoko. I would kill if I had to." The bones on his knuckles protruded with his clenched fists. The Emperor cut her off. He would not hear her say such ominous words about his mate's life.
He would uproot the earth to find anything that can cure you. Anything.
"Killing might be going too far, but it's not impossible." Shoko took out from her robe a parchment containing a sketch of what seemed like a flower and handed it to her Emperor. She never slept over the three days in a desperate search for any cure. "There's a flower that can only be seen in the Sacred Tombs of Tvar that may be able to save the Empress. As we all know, only the direct descendant of the Imperial Family can enter the Mountain of Hanging Tombs."
The Mountain of Hanging Tombs is as ominous as the name implies. It's a mountain range covered with black mist and ferocious mythical animals and exotic plants. It's not that only the direct descendants of the Imperial Elven Bloodline can enter the mountains, but the lower beasts residing on the foot of the mountains refrain from attacking an imperial descendant since they are born from the first Emperor's blood as well. No ordinary fae can survive these mythical beasts, and could only result in death. Thus, it has become known not to venture deep into the mountains.
Satoru, however, wasted no time to cross the valleys leading to the burial grounds. He needs to find that flower.
Lotus Tears...
It is said that the flower can heal any illness. However, it's impossible to scour for the elusive flower, which roots deep only in the burial grounds of the Empresses and leave unscathed from the toxic plants and mythical animals on top of the Mountain of Hanging Tombs that will attack him at any given second.
"Why do you always put the flower on my left ear? I'm not yet married." You asked him during one of the days he stayed longer to watch over you as you searched for some wild, beautiful flowers in the woods.
Satoru stared at the magenta lilacs he conjured from his hands and tucked them into your left ear.
"You look beautiful in any shade of purple..." It matches the color of his robe.
You pursed your lips and huffed clearly not satisfied by his vague answer.
"You didn't answer my question, Satoru."
He chuckled at your angry face, bopping your nose, making you annoyed as you tried to punch him clumsily. The little girl still has the same pout even as she bloomed into a prim and proper lady. It was too adorable even to be called 'angry.' He jumps down the tree and walks up to you, bringing the tip of your hair to his lips for a soft parting salutation.
"Next time... I will tell you, My Precious Flower." With that, he took you to the borders of the human village and the dark woods, as your Mother was already looking for you. He watches you run into the light while slowly walking back into the shadows.
Maybe... He should have never forced this fate on you. You may have called on him in desperation to flee from the humans chasing after you, but he, being the one who knew better, should have returned you to your realm rather than letting his selfishness devour him and claim you as his mate. If he had done so, then you wouldn't have met this predicament.
You wouldn't have been lying in your blood, cold like a corpse...
"Where is she?" Satoru's heart felt like it was dying when he saw that your body was gone from the bed of the sacred tree. "Where is my mate?! Shoko!"
Did he lose you? Did he come too late?
He stared at the blue lotus he so carefully dug out of the perilous mountain despite the throbbing pain on his shoulders after a chimera managed to bite him before he could slay it.
No, you cannot leave him like this... Oxygen left his lungs, and his feet staggered, unable to support the weight of heaven, crushing his soul. His vision is going black, not like this. He barely got to dote on you. Barely got to drown you with the love he has secretly hidden all these years. No, no, no. Satoru's throat ran dry. He wants to scream as if the tearing of his heart wasn't enough to shout his despair.
The forest closely linked to his essence slowly wilted as if joining their Emperor in his mourning. The leaves slowly dried up. The flowers closed, and the vines started shrinking to twigs. His sorrow is mirrored by nature.
His mind went black, his heart slowly crumbled in every passing second that his eyes could not see you. Why did the gods despise him to tear apart the only joy he has ever touched for what seems like an eternity?
"Satoru!" Suguru found him in haste after the forest slowly grew darker and darker.
Who knew that his apathetic friend could have this vast amount of emotions to turn the lush evergreen forest into a barren land? Suguru wasted no time to drag what seemed to be a lifeless Satoru into a maze-like garden.
Shoko was there. She immediately snatched the mystical lotus from the Emperor. Satoru could care. All things pale in comparison to his mate... All things. He dropped to his knees, holding onto your hand.
"Y-Y/n?" Satoru's throat was parched as he saw your sleeping body, with the wilting grass around, as if you were truly taken away into the underworld... This was your favorite garden... All flowers in here, he has grown with his own hands. Not it seems like he has planted those flowers only to send you off to the afterlife. "No, you can't do this to me, My Flower... I would lose my mind." He muttered like a madman, bringing your cold hands to rub against his cheeks, desperately searching for any signs of warmth but finding nothing...
Suguru tried to pry him away from your frail body, but his malevolence met those who tried to separate you from him until the Dragon Lord had no choice but to use all means to knock Satoru out...
The last thing he saw was your sleeping face as he desperately begged his eyes not to close... He needs to see you, to be beside you... to hold you...
"Satoru...?" You were both sitting under the shade of a magnolia tree with his head on your lap, eyes closed from the glaring sun, meanwhile, you intertwined his lustrous hair into a loose braid, tucking little flowers in your masterpiece.
"Hmm?" It was one of the days when he had enough time to traverse the hills with you and meet other fae tribes so you may have time away from the Imperial Courts.
"Promise me that if the memories we have together start to hurt... you will forget me."
His eyes opened in a split second, and he looked back with furrowed brows only to meet your small smile.
"That is nonsense. I would never wish to forget you. You are my mate." Satoru sat straight and took your hand in his. "What led you to this ominous thought, My Flower? Do not think of such things, we are bonded for eternity."
You gently shake your head.
"You're an elf... I'm a human. Our life span runs differently. Some day... You will have to remember me longer than you have held me..." The bitterness of your eyes was quickly concealed as you closed them. "That's simply the order of nature..."
Satoru was tongue-tied... He cannot face that reality yet... Not yet... If ever the Lady of Light is listening to him, he prays that the sun and moon slow down... Forever never seems to be enough...
Forever will never be enough...
He wishes never to wake up. If you're not in the world he opens his eyes to, he may as well live in this fantasy. He has lived such a long time in solitude. So even if it's just a fragment of imagination or make-believe, he would choose that sweet lie rather than face the cold reality you're gone...
Your voice... It's sweeter than the sirens and softer than the small faes singing with the birds in early dawn...
A soft touch brushed off the fringes on his temples, shielding his eyes from the blinding sun. Unable to bear the brightness, his eyes opened and looked up to the blue sky...
Slowly, his blurry eyes met your worried ones as you tucked your hair behind your ear while staring at him with his head laying on your lap.
"You're finally awake... Thank goodness!" You sighed and smiled. "Welcome home, Satoru..."
Your hair... It's not the same color as it was... It shone a bright silver like his under the sunlight, which only the imperial descendants can inherit... But he knew it was you... His soul tells him so.
"Y-Y/n?" He reaches out to touch your cheeks that have grown prominent... more elf-like... "This isn't a dream?"
Your sweet chuckle filled his ears as your warm palms held his and pressed it to your cheeks, kissing his wrist.
"I must've worried you so... I'm sorry, but I'm fine now... because of you."
You're really warm... So warm, you melted the millennial thorny wall he built around his heart. Your palms are so dainty compared to him, but they have always been able to soothe him more than anything else.
"You... You look like me..." Satoru slowly sat up as he took in your features. "My Flower... you look like a fae..." Satoru is a bit confused about the sudden transformation. You look just as you are, but the silver hair, pointy ears, and sharper features... 
"It must've been because of the flower's healing attributes," Shoko explained, taking a step forward to assess the changes on you, who indeed looks like an elf now. 
"Explain, Shoko." Satoru looked at the woman as he was adamant about answers.
"The flowers had healing attributes; it's just a speculation, but aside from healing, we all know that lotus also signifies rebirth. The flower may have deemed it necessary to change the human blood running in the Empress's veins into elven blood for her to heal from the poison fully... As for the silver hair, I can only think that since the Lotus Tears came from the sacred buriel grounds of the late Empresses, it must have absorbed most of their remaining energy and passed it on to the Empress through the flower's healing attributes..."
"Does that mean my Mate is now an elf?" Satoru cannot believe how these events have turned out for you and him. He took your hand and studied your features... You are still you, but indeed, there swirls a more mystical air around you, and only a faint scent of human blood is left lingering in you.
"The Empress is not yet fully an elf at the moment, but I am sure before the fortnight ends, her transformation will be complete, and she will truly be a full-fledged fae, like us." Shoko nodded.
You stared at Satoru... The once wilting forest which you woke up to slowly regained life.
For a man so stoic, he is an open book... You can't help but chuckle as the smaller faes slowly creep out of their homes and rejoice at the blossoming life enveloping the woods again. Shoko and Suguru have left, leaving you and your mate some privacy in the garden.
"I..." Satoru cannot confess enough what he had done out of rage and sorrow when he thought you were gone.
"I know..." You shake your head telling him to speak no more as you took him in your arms... This time, you could feel him ever closer, hear his thoughts louder, and see him clearer. Everything he has done and he has said, you knew and felt in each passing second... But no words were uttered, as you can feel the remorse coursing in his being. What he needs the most is your embrace...
Nature can renew itself as long as it is given care and time...
The trees are once again full of luscious foliage, the grass is back to its evergreen hue, and the different faes have returned to their homes and gone through their duties as usual. Satoru is somehow a bit busier with the court matters, while you, the Empress, needed a little more recuperation before you come back to your court duties.
"Your Majesty... We always knew you smelled sweet even before you became like us."
The smaller sprites sat on your finger as they flapped around you, more drawn than ever. It seems that your new form has made you more captivating to their instincts, just like how they are drawn to the presence of their Emperor.
"Really? Though, I know you just want more sugary treats." You played with their cheeks until they perked up and bowed to someone. "See you tomorrow, Your Majesty!"
You didn't have to guess who made the little sprites flee in haste.
You turned around, and sure enough, you were swept off your feet as a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you off the ground. His sweet sandalwood scent filled your senses, soothing your racing heart.
"I missed you, My Flower... What did my mate get for me?" Satoru looked at the basket you're holding, filled with several flowers from the garden he built for you.
"It's nothing much... It's too loose to be called a crown." You showed him the crown you clumsily made with some lilacs. But Satoru guided your hand to put it on his head, indulging you with anything. You have now fully turned into an elf. Bright silver hair, lucid eyes, and the sweet scent of jasmine and orchid around you with the purple robes that only the Imperial Rulers can wear. Anyone who sees you will immediately recognize you as an Imperial Fae and their Empress.
"I would take anything you offer me, Y/n." Satoru softly kissed her forehead... his lips slowly kissed his way down your nose until he found your lips. "Can I ask for a kiss?"
"What if I say my kisses are not offered?" You raised a brow.
Satoru merely shrugged it off with a smirk.
"I'm pretty sure you can make exceptions for your husband, no?" Satoru chuckled. "Can I have my kiss now?"
Your sweet smile and soft giggle drowned in as he captured your lips for a gentle but passionate kiss.
If the lotus has tears, he will shed it only and only for you...
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All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General Taglist: @ice-icebaby  @aeanya @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @loml-riri @pelicanpizza @emichou-chan
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Rsa vs Nrc
Riddle vs Alex ( twst Alice Leddle )
Crewel daughter and Riddle are together in town and talking about something they both can relate, as in art and history and Crewel stay closed to Riddle
Malleus + Disomia vs Price Phillips ( twst of that price from sleeping beauty)
Crewel daughter invited Malleus and his friends/bodyguards as she needs help as she have a client of a foreign land to asked to restore agroot ( decorative gargoyle) and needed his help on stone materials that are uncommonly used and she feels very uncomfortable around the human prince for obvious reasons
Idia vs Heracles ( twst of Heracles)
Crewel daughter and Idia are getting some new video games to play together ( legs say Crewle daughter is a secretly a gamer and otaku because y not? ) And she is off putting with Idia cousin and prefer to hangout with the recluse as he's more interesting to be around
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RSA vs NRC w/ Crewel Daughter | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Riddle Rosehearts vs Alix Lidwelle
“As the rules state: on the designated day we shall be in attendance of the latest additions of Art in all of Twisted Wonderland.”
“And as the rules state: on the designated day we will devote are time to one another and our enjoyment to Art!” 
This is the closest Riddle equates to being a fan of anything
Its one thing to have a textbook based knowledge on images
Than to be with (Y/n) Crewel as she tilts her head at world renowned paintings
“Based? Why?”
“I don’t like the vibe I’m getting.”
There was nothing he loved more than looking at art with you
So much so that he even made it a rule that you two travel to different art museums together
If anything this was his day
That is until he sealed the deal…but until then this a thing
Our thing 
Now its almost ruined when the blonde comes skipping in you two’s direction
“What’ya guys doing?”
He can explain or rather you can since the student isn’t even looking at him to answer
“We are carrying out a tradition that we have done for years.”
“Tradition? That sounds..kindof boring? But you can join me for some tea if you want a break at least.”
“Tea but it isn’t even ti-”
“Come on (Y/n)!! Besides why would you want to follow the rules on a lovely day like this?”
If his respect for the arts and your non reaction he would have lit the blonde on fire
Better yet behead that arrogant, stupid, idiotic–
“No. I enjoy traditions and its a shame you don’t seem to respect that.”
“Come on Riddle we have seven hours left on our ticket. Let’s not waste anymore time.”
“I agree.”
Riddle delights in the red that over takes Alix’s cheeks
And the stomping feet as he prepares to throw a tantrum
The prefect sticks a tongue out from behind your back
Smirking as he offers his arm
“Shall we commence on our adventure on the designated day?”
“As the rules state it, we shall.”
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Malleus Draconia vs Prince Paul w/ Restoration Crewel Daughter Reader
You are quieter soul 
Opting to work in the silence as you restore and refurbish antiques
That’s probably why you get nervous about accepting a job at the Royal Sword Academy
So you bring support 
And who better than the one fae who enjoys gargoyles and you+
So you’ll invite him with you and he’s glowing with happiness
An invitation!
From his beloved no less 
You selfishly are quite grateful that he’s a people deterrent
Able to work on your work in peace 
That is until Paul comes
“The sound of such lovely sounds!”
“Ah, and a beauty is the maker! You’ve entranced me with your sounds–”
“Sir, I don’t really–”
“But alas I have yet to introduce myself! Woe is me! The me being Paul Phillip, it has been to long since I–”
“Oh and your just going to keep talking, great.”
But leave it to your resident guard dragon to swoop in and save you
“Ah the Prince of Briar Valley what a surprise to see you here!”
“My mate…friend is uncomfortable with your presence.”
“But she hasn’t-”
“Go now.”
Be sure to convince him not to go full dragon on him
Smile and thank him 
And he’s happy 
Gargoyles, (Y/n), crushing his rivals, and courting (Y/n)
Its all the great and good times
Now you know you can trust him to protect you
Lilia says that will be enough to proves you
Aww and he was looking forward to deliver a blooody head
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Idia Shroud vs Huckman  
You’re no gamer 
But your naturally skilled at everything you touch 
A perfect accessory to Idia’s high-level for multikills 
“You have three hours to beat the level, Idia don’t waste it shuddering in the corner.”
Once he gets in his groove your plowing through 
And since your actually lasor focused on the game
You don’t notice the way he focuses on your features
Just inches away the lips he’d dreamed of being graced with touch at the very least was so close
If he could just pretend to–
“Whoops sorry cousin about your door.”
“Quiet! I’m nearly there!”
He’ll play possum as his cousin insistently shakes him
“Hey i know your not actually dead. Idia? Idia?”
Its you that intervenes making his heart go: Doki doki!
“Retriever boy leave for now I’ll deal with you later. I need him in peak condition for the next hour I’ve granted him.”
He snaps to your side immediately
Keeping his eyes glued to the screen as his cousin let’s himself out
Now which tech-terror will he send to make sure ‘later’ never happens
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mochinomnoms · 1 year
A Floral Inconvenience
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You came into Twisted Wonderland with nothing but the clothes on your back, a literally fiery cat, and an immune system not conditioned to handle the foreign antibodies in the air, earth, or water. It was honestly a miracle that you hadn’t caught some sort of incurable disease, probably because most diseases here required magical output to survive, like plants and water. You weren’t immune to your own feelings though, and magical disease and illnesses have a funny way of adapting themselves to their potential host. It was then that you found yourself prepared for springtime hay fever and allergies, after all pollen was pollen no matter where you were at. What was unexpected, and thus not prepared for, was the disease known as hanahaki, or the flower sickness. Long ago, there existed a family of mages that lived in a small mountain village deep within a jungle that was established by a family of mages. The family protected their village with fantastical and magical abilities, each unique and extraordinary as generation from generation grew. One of those mages, the Flower Bride, had the ability to grow a magnificent array of flora with just the wave of her hand! Flor de mayo, jacarandas, figs and vines all made their home with the Flower Bride. She had a heart so full of feelings, love for her home, family, and her beloved, of course, that her very emotions affected how dazzling those blooms were. The Flower Bride then decided that others should be able to demonstrate their love in the same beauteous display as she did: after all, who wouldn’t want their love developing into only the most lovely blooms? As such, hanahaki was born. Some see it was a blessing, a push, an opportunity for one to confront their feelings. It’s a realization that what they’re feeling is indeed true, the type of love that can only be achieved in fairytales. Others saw it as an inconvenience: after all, sometimes it just wasn’t the right time to confess your love, or they’d be coughing up petals mid-speech, kind of annoying honestly. Yet the sickness would continue until they acknowledge their feelings, the love died down, or it became a chronic illness. Officially dubbed hanahaki by researchers in the East, the disease was also referred to as the flower sickness, being twitterpated, and sometimes even the lovesick florae by the general population. The most commonly afflicted persons fit into two categories: the positively, without a doubt, enamored sort, the twitterpated or lovesick sort of folk. Or, they were the kind to bury their feelings deep deep down and just one day die. It wasn’t unique to any singular species either. It had adapted to afflict humans, beastmen, and even merfolk. Why, not even fae were immune despite their natural immunity to magical disease. Really, it shouldn’t have been any surprise that the emotionally stunted students of Night Raven College would be prime targets for their own bout of hanahaki.
An event to christen the creation of my blog! Please feel free to request or use for your own!
Requests Close 10/20/2023
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Anyone can use this event and prompts on their own blog! Tag me in so I can read all your stories!
This event will be for TWST on my end, others are free to use for whatever they'd like!
All request will be up to 2000+ words, with a max of 3 characters per request.
Chose up one prompt for each character and indicate if you want romantic or platonic. You can also indicate if you want fluff, hurt/comfort, suggestive, etc.
No NSFW for this event (on my end at least, everyone else go nuts)
Reader will default to gender-neutral unless asked otherwise
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Dialogue Prompts
“Why is your trash can full of flower petals? Are you secretly a botanist, or is there something you're not telling me?”
“So, I hear you've been coughing up daisies lately. Got any plans to enter the flower business?”
“You know you have it bad when you start sneezing petals every time your crush walks by. At least it's a colorful allergy!”
“I can't believe you're faking a cough just to get some attention. And you're using fake flowers for the petals? That's commitment!”
“I think the local florist is in love with me. Their shop is making a killing off my Hanahaki. Do you think they'll give me a discount?”
“You've got to stop sending secret admirer bouquets to yourself. The delivery guy is starting to think you have a dozen secret admirers.”
“I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but wearing petals in your hair is a whole new level of fashion statement.”
“I have a steady, loving partner. you on the other hand have a left hand and a sunflower cough.”
“Why'd I have to get a nose full of lilies? I'm allergic, this is so unfair.”
“You think with all the lavender on my head I could make my own syrup out of it?”
“No, I've been practicing my sleight of hand! Watch as I make a bouquet of tulips magically appear—ACK!”
“No, I haven't been growing marigolds out of my ass. Why would you even ask that?!”
“Here, your favorite flower! Hmm? Where'd I get them? Uh, I just found them, around…”
“I'd rather have the thorniest, pesticide ridden roses grow in my mouth before I'd ever admit having any sort of affection for them!”
“Sooo, are you gonna apologize for puking dahlias all over my breakfast?”
“I've never heard of a flower sickness, are you talking about seasonal allergies?”
“Look, even if confessing would let me get rid of the poppies, I'd rather not. Maybe I'll just learn how to make poppy seed muffins or something.”
“Is this normal here?” “Only for the emotionally unavailable folk.” “Ah, so it is.”
“Dude, are your freckles turning into baby's breath?” “AHH!”
“Aren't lotus flowers really good for your skin? Babeeey, I'm set for life—” “NOT WHEN THEY'RE GROWING OUT OF YOUR EARS!”
“Look, I care for you and want you to get laid, but imagine all the money we'd save on tea if you kept growing chamomile from your head.”
“Blehhhg…” “You know I always knew I'd be holding your hair back as you puked your stomach out at a party, I thought it be from the alcohol though, not flowers.”
“You know, some people pay a lot of money for Hanahaki bouquets, have you considered—OW! It was just a suggestion!”
“I'm so happy that you confessed first.” “Why?” “If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.”
“Man, sunflowers have got to be the worst to be puking up.” “Nah man, it's roses and their thorns! They scrap up all up your gums, my dentist bill after was ridiculous!”
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🌸 a floral inconvenience masterlist 🌸
gardenias & peonies: silver x f!reader – #13
stargazer lilies: sebek zigvolt x f!reader – #5
dahlias; zinnias & cosmos: ruggie bucchi, trey clover, [separate] x gn!reader - #15, #1
teonanácatl mushrooms: jade leech x gn!reader - #18
lavender roses: floyd leech x gn!reader - #14
lavender: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader - #18
marigold: vil schoenheit, platonic!ace trappola x gn!reader - #7 & #12
blue hydrangeas: idia shroud x f!reader - #24
baby's breath & red roses: riddle rosehearts x f!reader - #14 & #19 [QUEUED]
amaryllis: lilia vanrouge x gn!reader - #1 [PENDING]
carnations: leona kingscholar x gn!reader - #18 [PENDING]
asters; purple hydrangeas: ace trappola, jamil viper [spearate] x gn!reader - #22, #24 [PENDING]
gerbera daisies: trey clover x gn!reader - #3 [PENDING]
orange poppies & water lilies: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader - #17 [PENDING]
sunflowers: jack howl x gn!reader - #8 [PENDING]
chrysanthemums: jamil viper x gn! reader - #1 [PENDING]
green roses: malleus draconia x gn!reader - #13 & #14 [PENDING]
pink poppies & cala lilies: jamil viper x gn!reader - #17 & #22 [PENDING]
sunflowers: leona kingscholar x f!reader - #8 [PENDING]
azaleas, cornflowers, & white roses: ace trappola, deuce space [poly] x gn! reader - #6, #3, & #22 [PENDING]
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Neslin AU idea -> A ballad of beasts
AU where Tamlin, unwilling to deal with his brothers' power struggle for the High Lord title after their father's death goes FUCK NO, and legs it for the mortal realm.
He eventually finds refuge in a little, faraway village called Carterhaugh. But even though he's fae, he has no idea how shit works in the mortal realm, and he needs a safe place to stay.
BUT, he can't just saunter into the place and be like 'please will you let me into your house and give me a safe place to stay??'
That goes against all the fae rules, sanctuary must be given freely of a mortal's own choice and mind, no asking allowed.
He transforms himself into a cat and wanders around until he comes across Nesta; the prickliest woman of the village, who couldn't give less of a shit about other people, but who is instantly besotted by the bedraggled and clearly malnourished cat that's mewling pathetically at her village bookshop door.
"Oh, you poor thing," she cooed, gathering up the golden cat into her arms and scratching it under the chin.
It purred happily, and she immediately made for her small cottage at the edge of town.
"You must be hungry, don't fret little one, I'll look after you."
She takes him home and gives cat-lin a bath and feeds him, and everything, but Tam starts feeling guilty so he poofs back into his fae male form and Nesta rightfully freaks out, screaming at him to get out of her house but eventually she listens to his story
High Lord powers -> WILL be killed by brothers
Nesta's still kinda eh,
So Tam just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE's and Nesta is eventually just like 'jesus fucking hell, fine, but i'm gonna make you do unpaid labour in the bookshop if you're gonna stay.'
So that's how life is for a while, they grow closer, and eventually Nesta tells him her story.
Years and years ago, her sisters were out playing in the woods near their home, and she was tasked by her mother with looking after them. But then as she was watching them, a thick wreath of shadow just... gathered them up and disappeared them from sight. They were never seen again, and Nesta's mother had hated her for it until her death, and Nesta has spent every day since then hating herself for it.
"I- I tried," her throat bobbed, eyes going distant and hazy.
"I tried to go back for them, I took my winter cloak and walked to the wall to bring them back home."
A tear slid down her cheek, "I failed."
Tamlin immediately goes sHaDowS? kidnapping? that fukcing bastard Rhysand -> Shit, I'm pretty sure I know where your sisters are -> cue trip across the faery world to find Feyre + Elain
SO, they finally trek to the wall, trek across the courts, end up in Night, and Tamlin + Rhysand confront each other (bitter ex lovers energy, obv)
Tamlin's father dies of illness or smth and his two older brothers fight to the death for the High Lord title, cept the winner almost forgot about Tamlin until the magic fails to go to him and he's like 'fuck', forgot to kill the other one, so he goes after Tamlin. BUT he makes the fatal mistake of asking Amarantha for help, and she's like, oh, you're trying to kill my beloved??! UNO reverse, fucker.
So now she's taken over the Spring Court and still trying to find Tamlin to make him her 'mate' and become High Lord/ Lady of Spring
BUT fae magic can't be sensed in the mortal realm, so she's just kind of been wasting time being a shitty ruler.
Turns out Rhysand has only been taking young girls from the mortal realm to keep Amarantha happy-> she sacrifices them for her magic rituals, or if she likes them enough, keeps them as serving girls/ maids, and she'd originally wanted RHYSAND'S SISTER as her companion, so he was doing it for family. doesn't make it any better, but yeah
"But if however, I were to present you to her... I am sure her appetites would be satiated for quite some time." Rhysand's eyes glittered and Nesta's stomach roiled at the implication. Beside her, Tamlin only listened with a stony silence.
Don't. she begged. Don't you fucking dare leave me.
Rhysand brings them both before Amarantha, who is instantly threatened by/ jealous of Nesta x Tamlin
So she proposes a bargain.
"Is your love true, I wonder?" Amarantha's wicked fangs leered down at her.
Nesta fought to keep her voice even. "It is."
"Would you love him if he were a mere man?"
"I would."
"Would you love him if he had nothing?"
"I would."
"Ah, but would you love him if he were a beast?"
She turned to him then. To Tamlin. To the man that she had grown to love so purely and wholly. It was to him that she spoke her next words.
"Man or beast, I would love him with all my heart. Thorns and all."
Thus begins the trial of beasts.
A blood red ribbon is used to bind Nesta and Tamlin by their wrists.
Amarantha uses Tamlin's shapeshifting powers against him and forces him to shift into beasts of all kind without any control over his body.
If Nesta can maintain her hold on him throughout his beastly transformations and endure the claws/ fangs/ gashes/ bites without cutting the ribbon, Amarantha will let them all go (Nesta, Tamlin, Feyre and Elain)
Nesta, being the bamf she is, completes the challenge.
Amarantha, pissed as hell thinking that Nesta wouldn't be able to do it, but unable to break her bargain without repercussions, has no choice but to let them go.
the end
or is it???
she goes for Nesta, and THAT'S when Tamlin's High Lord power finally snaps into place, because it was dormant the entire time he was in the mortal realm and he goes full beast mode on Amarantha and murks her once and for all.
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punkedsolar · 18 days
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Ever done something and had no idea how you did it and moreover find you could never replicate it again?
This is a digital Kelpie painting I did in Paper by FiftyThree when it was still my thing. I never worked out how to emulate this look and feel ever again.
This might be the first picture of the character Angel. Angel is a very dubious Kelpie character who is a shapeshifter on a game I'm on. He is usually capable of achieving beautiful forms by shape shifting, but his true shape, and his mind tend to be a bit slimy.
Character sheet inspired by @destinationtoast!
Angel the Kelpie (and other things)
Intense: 😤😤😤😤🫥 Complex: 😤🫥🫥🫥🫥 Fruity:😤😤😤😤🫥 Skrunkly: 🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥
Sub Class
Angst-lord 🚫 Enemy of the State 👌 Flavour Container: 👌🚫 Himbo 👌 Soft and Sweet 🚫 Braincell Haver 🚫 This Is a Kink 👌 Just Like You FR 🚫 Chew Toy 👌 Friend Shaped 🚫 Aspirational Char 🚫 Little Meow Meow👌🚫
Tragic Backstory? 👌🚫 Orphan? 🚫 Frequently Violent? 👌 Divorced? 🚫 Has enemies? 👌 Has friends? 👌 Sidekicks? 🚫 Would pet strays? 🚫 Insomniac? 🚫 Murder? 👌
just some guy -☠️-------- the protagonist of life head empty ☠️--------- too many thoughts stupid as shit ---☠️------- scary-smart awful company --☠️------- ray of sunshine hated by all ---☠️------ beloved by all trauma x1000 ------☠️--- untouched by history sadistic for fun -☠️-------- helps others for fun 1,000 weapons -----☠️---- 1,000 tools enemy of god -☠️-------- at peace with life break the rules --------☠️- change the rules
Angel is not exactly an evil person, but he is not a very good person. His character arc might involve getting to learn what being a human is, but in his defence, he started life as a piece of pond scum that got enchanted into being a horse by the number of people who drowned in the pond as accidental 'sacrifices'.
When he appears as a young man, he is generally blonde, hot, and mean as hell. Angel does not do angst despite having a pretty bleak background - as long as he lives to annoy a child or steal money out of a tip jar, Angel is happy. Technically, he isn't exactly 'gendered' but as a member of the Fae, he has very little comprehension of human sexuality in the first place.
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trashybugs · 10 months
[Fanservant] Pan-Human-History Fairy King Oberon
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PHH Fairy King Oberon
Class: Ruler
The great fairy king and the ruler of the Seelie court. Different from his Lostbelt counterpart who was born as a doomsday terminal, this fairy king lives just to enjoy life and be happy.
Although he was born as the elven king Alberich from the Germanic folklore Nibelungenlied, as time progresses, he has incarnated into a more famous portrayal from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night Dream". He loves fame and attention, he doesn't mind shedding his old shell to become a more resplendent butterfly.
He is very capable in combat and holds a great strength, capable of controlling the nature and weather even from a change of mood. Because of his overwhelming strength, he's used to toying with his enemies and underestimating them. He prefers to summon his fae servants to fight for him while he watches from a fair distance with a benevolent (cruel) smile.
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Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 183cm, 60kg (not counting antlers)
Origin: Germanic folklore, medieval European literature
Region: Britain (formerly), Avalon
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Gender: Male
"My my, dearest, pray tell, why are you staring at me with that innocent, doe-eyed eyes look of yours... are you that astonished at how different I am to that pathetic, washed-out mimicry?
As expected, not a single being in any realm could come close to my greatness after all. Of course, there's a limit to what playing pretend could do... Now, come sit beside me. I would love to hear what you think of me."
A flirty, unrestrained, and outgoing monarch. Oberon has gathered a lot of lovers from varying races in his lifetime, and he's still open into adding more to his harem.
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Bond 2:
While he loves gathering beautiful people for himself, he also takes great enjoyment in playing matchmaker and seeing other people's relationship develop, for the best or the worst.
A complete opposite from his other self who appreciates and finds value in everything, this Oberon does not bother attaching meaning in anything he chases. He doesn't view relationships and connections as something that should be cherished, for in the infamous Shakespearian play, his wife has proven to still love him no matter what he does.
He has a great many desires but his motives seem to be empty and short-sighted. As seen in the play, he gave his queen, Titania, a love potion to prank her without thinking much of what will happen after its effects wore off. He received no consequences for his actions and the story eventually brushed aside the quarrel that they had, further enabling his behavior. To him, there never seemed to be a problem that came his way or a moment in the story that criticized his faulty mindset.
His appetite for the world is unquenchable, as he views everything in it as worthy of enjoyment. He seeks to collect everything that shines before his eyes, yet as his collection grows, so does his dissatisfaction. What motives he has to obtain them are but a momentary fancy, but due to his own frivolous nature, he's fundamentally incapable of realizing and fulfilling his desire for a genuine attachment
Oberon lives as any pan-human history fairies will do, living life as he pleases.
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Bond 3:
Being one of the great-father of the fae realm, Oberon, who came from the inner sea of the planet and has no connection with human civilization, is very connected to nature.
This can be seen with his appearance, a large beautiful antlers that attracts birds and insects to land on it, and legs resembling a stag. his outfit and a flowery cloak that is magically created by his fae servants. He’s adorned with jewelries from humans who gave him offering as a way to pass his territory safely. In some legend his pearls are made out of maiden’s tears.
with a face that is blessed to be forever beautiful, he is a king that is fitting to rule the fae realm.
Without his beloved queen Titania to accompany him, he took in her role and personality. He developed more gentle, nurturing, almost motherly role to the fairies around him.
As long there’s nature around him, he could give birth to new fairies on a whim using little bit of mana from his Fairy Patterns. He sires many children from that method of reproduction alone but he also took enjoyment in creating them with others. Such as his consorts and random human maidens.
In some legends he have another famous fairy queen besides Titania, named queen Mab
Bond 4:
Oberon was horrified and amused upon finding out about his other self. A pretend prince in rags and naught a kingdom to speak of. A solitary, spineless insect who is content to forever stare at the star above him instead of dragging it down for himself.
Oberon can't wrap his mind on the way his other self sees the world, and while he agrees that stories should not be forgotten, he thinks they should rightfully be enjoyed forever, else they don't qualify as something interesting. In that case, they might as well be obsolete in his eyes.
In the end he took great enjoyment in observing his other self, and wouldn't even mind extending his affections toward him.
After all, he is still his beloved's master compatriot.
Bond 5:
Though his favor is true in a sense, his seeming infatuation with the Chaldean master urges him to act as though he's madly in love with them. In truth, he initially sees them as a form of entertainment, something to satisfy his curiosity and burgeoning envy as to why his other self-took so much liking towards them.
His yearning for the fictitious Titania might perhaps be even stronger than that of Oberon Vortigern's, for he sees Titania as his rightful wife in the myth, unlike Oberon Vortigern who is simply a pretender. As time goes on, his desperation to have a genuine affection for his master grows, leading him to question why their relationship with his other self seems to flourish more than it does with him. He's failed to understand that his connection with his master is fundamentally different, as the relationship between his other self and the Chaldean master have been forged through a long journey together in Lostbelt Britain.
Despite his strong longing for a true love, he doesn't put much effort in trying to find it nor is his attachment to that desire strong enough to make him hate Pan Human History.
"After all, the world is a beautiful place filled with enjoyment, what would be the point in destroying such things?"
The world is but a playground to him, in the end.
big thanks to my friend @lamunana who helps me brainstorm his lore, write her own ideas and even fix my grammar!
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Sometimes I wish I could meet a fae creature, towering over me, with an exoskeleton on their face and round eyes. they offer me a drink and some small cakes and, forgetting the rules of the fae, I accept. The drink is laced with an aphrodisiac that their body produces, and the food tethers my soul to them, bunding me to their will. I am fully at their mercy as they transform me into their ideal pet, training me, changing my body as they see fit. I lose my humanity, but I'm not a fae, I'm simply a doll to please Master and their friends. I am well cared for, safe, warm, comfortable. They treat me so well, I'm never hurt or punished because I'm so obedient, I'm truly a beloved pet as I continue eating and drinking what Master gives me, they coo as I become their perfect pet, they truly love me. Soon they stop mixing their aphrodisiac with the tea and just guves it to me straight from the source. They love me, dress me and fuck me with their inhuman anatomy as they breed me. I'm happy, I'm just a pet, a pretty toy for the Fae, they give me a name and I answer to it happily, having forgotten my old one. I am shimmering with magic and pollen, a tail sticking out of my lower back, they teach me some of their language, just enough to be a good toy, just enough to understand and obey. I know they withhold information from me, I know they don't see me as an equal, but I don't care, I am happy to serve my Fae Master as long as I am loved and provided for
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fleetingcalypso · 5 months
Even children can act as Kings, even Kings can act as children.
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≋ There is a certain joy in acting childish with one's lover at times. Far too often with time we become accustomed to a routine and abandon that carefreeness. Play harmless pranks on your beloveds, it is worthy if only to hear their laugh, see their smile lines and their eye crinkle.≋
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≋ Cardan Greenbriar x Jude Duarte ≋
≋ Word count: 1350 words.
≋ CW: Mentions of alcohol. This is set sometime after Queen of Nothing, nowhere specific in the timeline, just a dip into Cardan and Jude's married life.
“Quit your squirming and drink this.” Jude’s ever present frown is noticeable even just by the tone of her voice, “I’d rather not have to pry your lips open, pour tea down your throat and risk staining these pristine sheets.” She was met just with an amused hum, coming from the bump currently occupying the High King’s bed, unruly raven strands of hair stand out against the blankets. “Your aim is far too perfect to ever miss my lips, sweetest joy I’ve ever known.” His muffled voice fails to hide the saccharine honey dripping from his words, in fact it did nothing to dissuade her from the matter at hand: make Cardan drink a hot tea to facilitate his return to sobriety. 
Brown eyes roll in annoyance and her free hand itches to throw the covers off his body, pin him to the bed and make him listen to her, but knowing him he’d find no lesson nor punishment from it, only pleasure. “You’ll find that flattery rarely ever is a way to change my mind, Cardan. I won’t repeat myself, sit up and drink.” Oh, how he loves that sliver of a threat in her voice. Reluctantly his form emerges from his burrow, with sluggish movements and a low groan that sounds anything but dignified. He’s sitting up at last, but the worst is yet to come: the herbal tea residing in the golden goblet Jude holds needs to be drank by his royal lips, and if he’s so kindly complied with sitting up, she can only imagine how much the High King is going to whine before he takes even the smallest of sips. To her surprise no whine comes, instead, as Cardan is greeted by a scowling face -of which he is too busy admiring pouty soft lips he knows taste like a golden sunset- Jude is greeted with rosy cheeks,a glazed gaze veiling a trickster’s twinkle and the smallest peek of pearly white teeth biting down on a bottom lip that is still damp with what is most likely faerie wine. For what feels like forever, but very well could have been only a second, the only movement in the room is midnight eyes running across all of Jude’s features, drinking her in like she was the sweetest of inebriants, resting at the very bottom of a bottle, swirling around in a hurricane of red at the slightest movement of his hand. “Every time I look at you, wife, you always look more beautiful than the last. And when I blink, and my eyes are shut, that’s when the magic happens, I can still spot you imprinted in the darkness. That’s never enough for my greedy heart, though, lucky for me when light comes back, you’re still there. You don’t disappear when the dark fades. You never do.” There are the words of a drunk, Jude needs to remind herself: a drunk who is very much in love with her, a drunk who married her and fought against all odds to forever keep her by his side, a drunk who is the High King of Elfhame and who rules on , but a drunk nonetheless. A foolish enamored fae who thinks he can get out of sobriety with the allure of a few sweet words.  No one could be this adoring to another living being, she’s sure of it, he seems to wholly be the contradiction to each and every one of her assumptions about the world. The way his words don’t slur almost turns her into a helpless victim to his charm. Almost. “Drink, Cardan.” Not even a single droplet of tea accidentally rolls down the goblet when she taps the edge of it against his bottom lip. Another hum escapes him as his eyes narrow, maybe the scent of sweet herbs swirled together delights him, or maybe, just maybe it’s her being too flustered to say anything that makes his heart sing.
“This is what I awake for, each day of my lowly life,” he says, his voice swirling in the air like a glamour as his long, rings-clad fingers graze hers while wrapping around the cup, “To hear you say my name, just like that. You make it sound like a curse and a blessing, all at once.” 
“Cardan,” she insists he stops talking and begins drinking. After another moment of admiring her, the corner of his lips curls upwards, he takes just a small sip, barely enough liquid makes it into the warmth of his mouth to be considered one. “Done.” His voice is a level of low she’s heard only a handful of times before. 
The scoff that leaves her is almost comedic, he doesn’t miss a second before his voice from low becomes a purr from the back of his throat, “I’ve done it, my love. Shouldn’t I be rewarded?” Jude’s fingers softly tilt his head up, she should have seen this coming. “You’ll get your reward when you drink all of your tea, you sly, cunning thing.”
“You’re not lying to me, are you?” He breathes.
“You could always find out.” 
“I don’t need to. I know you’re not lying,” The goblet slips out of his hand and hits the floor with a clunk after he chugs what is probably the sweetest herbal tea ever created. A rivulet descends down his chin and he does not bother to wipe it.
Her world and its views shift when Cardan pulls her onto the bed, next to him with a swift motion. “Reward me, now.” He murmurs, his hand cupping the back of her head, fingers threading through brown locks. He doesn’t have to wait much, she’s eager to give him his prize just as much as he’s eager to receive it. 
Their lips meet in the middle first in a soft kiss, until it evolves and it becomes difficult to ascertain where Jude ends and where Cardan begins. His knee nestles itself between her thighs, her hands slide into his unbuttoned shirt, their breaths are entangled as one. 
“I love watching you fight,” he sighs against her neck, “Even if it’s against me. Especially if it’s against me.” His fingers draw invisible, shapeless figures on her back, sending shivers down her spine, they’re still clothed but when he holds her like this she can’t help but feel naked, completely and utterly naked. 
Their glistening lips meet one last time before Cardan’s hand slides down to intertwine his fingers with hers, “It was worth it.” One slightly confused look from his human goddess prompts him to elaborate, “Having to drink that horrendously sweet tea for the second time. It was worth it, if it got you to look at me the way you do.”
“Second time?” Jude sits up, her head tilts in an even deeper confusion, this time whirling with a blossom of confusion that quickly shifts into annoyance once it clicks. 
His laugh echoes in the room, “Liliver all but forced it down my throat a couple hours ago as you threatened to do, just now. While her… quite intimidating ways have worked on me, I was curious to see how you’d convince me. As it turns out, not even my darling wife can unmask my facade when she’s busy worrying about me.” 
Satisfaction tastes sweet, it tastes even sweeter when a soft pillow hits him a number of times, knowing he was able to trick his quick-witted Jude and that she is retaliating with the one thing she finds comfort in: violence, although a softer, more sensible version of it, is a feeling he’ll never grow tired of. To Jude’s dissatisfaction Cardan’s laugh only grows louder and more melodic.
It’s a bright, warm summer’s day in Elfhame. From Insmire, to Insmoor and Insweal no one has any idea that the High King and the High Queen are busy having a pillow fight in the privacy of their bedroom, not a soul would suspect that just for a moment their monarchs are playing like children, keeping secrets from the world like teens and living their love like grown ups.
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z00mbi3sstuff · 4 months
Since you asked for some lu x reader headcannons, I think Time and Hyrule would be fae like in the way they court their beloved. Giving them foods, playfulling tricking them, trying so desperately to get their beloved to break any of the fae rules so they can have a reason to have them to themselves.
Oooh a very special request! <3
And also, I don't know anything about fae, so I'm really sorry if I get anything wrong🙇‍♂️
But what I'm guessing is that they kind of act like fae and have their special sort of rules(?)
And what I've gotten from my quick research is that if you break one of these deals/rules, you have to serve that fae for a specific amount of time (please correct me if I'm wrong I would love to know more)
I can edit this any time anyway, so let's start!
• I feel like he would be a little shy at first, but also a bit mischievous
• LOVES giving you his favorite berries and other things from the forrest
• doesn't really mind dirty water since he just grew up in a cave
• would be pouty for a really long time if you were to be impolite
• you would probably have to serve him for as long as possible, but he would still be nice most of the time
• I feel like he wouldn't be an actual fae, but would still hold up the rules in honor of all the faries he's met
• he can be a bit mischievous, so of course he would do anything to get you to break the rules
• loves teasing you about the fae traditions and all, but never reminds you of the rules
• good luck if you don't wanna be his servant for the next 1000 years🙏
• likes to give you more objects rather than food, like a shiny stone or a nice flower or something
I'm sorry if this is too short, but I don't want to add too much without knowing anything😔
But thank you for your request! It's a nice change from what I usually do
Let me know if I should add something specific! I'm always happy to hear your own headcanons and opinions!
— <3
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faeriefrolic · 6 months
I feel like there are not a lot of Sims 3 simblrs left. Who have been inspirations to you lately. I want to follow more simblrs :)
It's always lovely to see more ts3 simmers !! 💖 I usually check the ts3 tags to find more players, but here's some recent simspo that's been popping up on my dash: @poisonfireleafs: I loveeeee her hair retextures sm! I switched to using just them during my last small cc cleanout (Which I need to do... again... eventually... kicks mod folder under bed haha) @erasabledinosaur Cute colorful reshades and photos, her decorating style is chefs kiss mwah mwah 🥰 @simspaghetti I love her gameplay and follow her guides and gameplay rules! Sooo many good resources here 📚 @thepettymachine Really fun and cool ts3 challenges and legacies! One of my saves is their jam legacy challenge and I plan on tackling the others sometime 🍓 @acesandfairydust Just finished a berry lepacy! So many colorful generations 😻 @swedishsimmerr Currently playing a 100 baby challenge! Good luck soldier 🍼 @ticklemerainbows Their berry legacies span so many generations!! All those color combos and palettes are so neat to look at 🍒 @bool-prop Stories involving magic and the occult? Yes pleaseeeee 🐺 @amixofpixels Colorful faeries and a huge family tree!! Dedication to the fae ✨ @papermint-airplane Storytelling and cute aliens, need I say more 👽 @greenplumbboblover Amazing storytelling with the Sunset Valley sims 🌴 @kissalopa @prettyplumbobs @simsreaper @llamabees @hiddenspriings @nikatyler @hypatiaas @nonrevsims @panicsimmer More hix completionist/lepacy players!! It's such a fun challenge so far and it's fun to play alongside others doing it too, and seeing how unique everyones games are while playing in iconic ea worlds 🌞 @pearlsim @llamabees @magiclabs @teekapoa Cute & colorful gameplay and adorable decorating styles!! Taking so many notes 📝 @bearsimz @annacake @lalarose More ts3 berry players, berries my beloved 🍑
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eerna · 3 months
book franchises that describe faeries as omegaverse humans with pointy ears my beloathed (acotar, tog, crescent city)
book franchises that describe faeries as the weird fucking freak species they rightfully are my beloved (tfota, emily wilde)
Rule of thumb of how to tell if a fae romance is about to be unenjoyable: Is the fae love interest a mischevious little freak without any muscle mass? If the answer is "No", skip it
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[Corrupted Anon]
Fae!Price would be a King, looking for a mate or a worthy Queen to rule (and to give offsprings). Suddenly catching the peasant/maiden/lady in his sight. The need to make you his emodies him, no longer in control as he uses the branches to seal off the doors, the only way out is to become his.
Fae!Simon would be a creature in hiding in the forest. His fores, his land, his rules and poor innocent you stumbled upon it, running away from reality and into his home. He sees how enchanting you are, how you cradled his creations, the thorned roses he bloomed even if it drew blood. Now you're his new prey.
Fae!Johnny would be hidden as normal being, hiding his fae features underneath clothes. A beautiful florist caught his eyes, you dotting and tending your beautiful that you grew on your own making his heart melt, since most humans treat nature with disrespect. Instantly in his mind, you are his mate. You will be his mate.
Fae!Kyle would be bathing underneath the luscious, clear-blue cataract. His dark skin glistening underneath the radiant sun till he heard a splash behind him, he hides, till he saw you. A fair thing, reaching out to grab that damned, wooden bucket you let slip out of your hands. Curiosity peaked as he watches you from afar, slowly his soft gaze turns into possessive ones. A fae that has the heart of a siren.
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epiphyllous · 2 years
gift of immortality (Malleus x Reader)
The potion of immortality has been made and Diasomnia rejoices over its discovery. No one is happier than Malleus, who upon the knowledge of the potion existing, presents it to you immediately. The last thing Malleus expects you to do is gently close his hand around the vial of immortality and shake your head. word count: ~2.4k  notes: malleus x reader, gender neutral reader “you,” established relationship, angst to fluff; hurt/comfort (it works out in the end), diasomnia dorm
For a fae, Malleus is much too aware of his lack of mortality. For as powerful as he may be, he will always be beat when it comes to facing the march of time. He is not affected by it-- not directly, anyways, but recently Malleus finds that he wishes that it did touch him the same way it does others, like it does you.
If it did, perhaps his fear of being left behind would not have such a hold on him when he thinks of you growing old. 
He tries not to think upon it too much. He already has so little time with you to lose any of it to the fear of something that is only inevitable. You have told him this very notion several times as gently as you could, so perhaps his fear is not so easily masked (perhaps just to you). And he is fine with it; accepts that things will be as they are, and that his life must be lived to the fullest with you here with him. 
This goes well for him until the time you get sick. And the fear comes back tenfold. 
(Malleus isn't sure what he would have done if he had lost you then, futilely holding onto your clammy hand as your breaths come out unevenly and labored. He isn't ready to lose you. Not then, not now, and now he isn't sure if he ever will be.)
Which is why when a potion of immortality is given to him on a silver platter, Malleus does not hesitate. With Sebek and Silver trailing after him, their congratulations interrupted by his abrupt exit, Malleus goes to find you sitting in the Diasomnia lounge with Lilia and announces the solution to all his problems.
"This is quite the miracle," Lilia says, blinking, "if it is what we believe. When did you request such a potion to be made, Malleus?"
Malleus avoids your searching look as he answers, "A few months, though I am also surprised by how quickly they have developed it, even with my help."
At this, Lilia perks up. "Well, if it truly is a potion of immortality, that is quite the discovery!" Malleus sees the fae gaze at the vial with a hint of longing, and Malleus hopes that his friend will forgive him for not giving him the first batch of the vial for what he assumes would be for his son. Yes, that would be quite the sight-- Silver, Sebek, and Lilia by his side as he rules over Briar Valley for eons on end like his grandmother. 
He looks to Sebek who is switching his attention between looking up at him and the vial in awe. And certainly, Sebek would be wanting the vial for his father as well, as much as he grouses about having a mortal father-- and if not for himself, then for his beloved mother or his siblings to have a father who will live with them throughout their lives. "This is a fantastic endeavor that you have set out to do, young master!" Sebek exclaims, "To possess the power to grant immortality-"
"Shh, now, now, Sebek," Lilia drawls with an indulgent smile. "Not too loud now, lest unsavory company hears of such a thing."
"A-Ah, yes, of course. My apologies..."
To the side, Silver looks on quietly, though even his gaze follows the vial in Malleus' hand as though entranced. 
Finally, he hears your voice then, but it is to teasingly berate Sebek for his loud voice than to comment on the potion that has captivated everyone else's attention. 
Malleus calls out to you, and he likes the way you turn to him immediately, laughter still in your eyes as you look at him. "What do you think of this?"
“About the potion?" You say, "I think it's nice. For those who want a longer life... I would say it's great. You can help a lot of people with it... or get paid a lot of money."
"Perhaps you belong in Octavinelle," Sebek mutters immediately, avoiding the swat you gave him for his comment. 
"It is what it is," you tell him, as you have told Malleus and others countless times before. "Immortality would definitely sell. It's dangerous, even. So I hope we're careful about who we give this to, if anyone."
"Yes, Malleus, that would be correct." Lilia says, looking at him carefully. "What did you intend to do with the first vial?"
The vial itself is not very large, as large as his pinky with a liquid that is deeply magenta. Malleus has yet to open it, but he wonders if you will be able to smell it and tell him what scent it holds. He walks to you and holds the vial out to you. "I want you to take it," he says, watching as your eyes widen. 
Malleus thinks of a life long-lived with you by his side. You who temper his anger and guide him to wisdom, you who know him better than he knows himself, you who he has told of all his hopes, dreams, and fears, you who he knows he wants to spend an eternity with (the road to realizing and accepting this was a long one, but he is here now)-- he gives you this vial of immortality.
The last thing he expects is for you to gently close his hand around the vial and shake your head.
"Please don't look at me like that," you say to him after looking away, and Malleus wonders what he must look like for you to tell him that. He thinks that it is a shame that the worst of his emotions are clear on his face at the worst of times. But he cannot quash the feeling of betrayal that comes up at your refusal. 
Perhaps it was foolish of him, but it did not once occur to him that you would ever deny the offer of immortality when others covet it so. When the sense of betrayal fades, it bleeds into disappointment and even the feeling of hurt, tinged with an indignant anger that consumes him like wildfire. 
Don't you want to live a life with him? Hasn't he told you about the loneliness of it all? Do you not understand the pain of being left behind, or do you simply not care?
You suddenly look up at him and snap with a voice just as brittle as he feels, and he realizes he must have spoken aloud. "Don't you dare say I don't care," you say. "How could you even say that?"
"Then take the potion," he says, and his voice is low when he sees you take a step back as though the vial were poison.
"This is a huge decision, Malleus," you say instead. "This isn't something a person does on a whim."
"Then you will think upon it and take the potion then?" Malleus presses, and when he sees the hesitation on your face, he knows you are only trying to placate him. "You will refuse me again when I offer even then, won't you?"
You stand before him with an unwavering resolve that he has always loved about you-- that he wants nothing more than to crush if it would make you see his way. "I'm not going to drink it, Malleus," you say warningly.
Malleus snaps, taking a step forward. "Then shall I make you drink this then, if you will not take it willingly?" 
"You wouldn't," you say, your voice trembling at the strength it takes to speak. "You wouldn't dare, and you know it." 
He wouldn't. He respects you too much to force something upon you, and it is a weakness he didn't expect to have until this moment. (You would never say it is a weakness, though.) Still, Malleus growls, eyes narrowing.
"If you make me drink it," you say resolutely, "then you will lose me."
"And if I do not," Malleus says, a fluttering sense of panic in his heart that he cannot control, "I will lose you anyway! Please.” You look up at him in surprise as he pleads, "Understand where I am coming from. What I am asking of you." 
"This is not something that I can do for you," you tell him, your voice breaking at the end. "No matter how much I love you."
Malleus swallows, hands gripped at his side, as he struggles to speak without his emotions holding him captive. He knows with certainty he has never experienced this predicament before, but loving you has shown him that his emotions can run deep and loyal. "You have never been afraid of me," he says, closing his eyes. "But I've found myself increasingly more afraid of losing you."
He says your name and you snap your mouth shut. Malleus thinks he would beg on his knees if you would like him to. Cut his hair, break his horns, leave him bare-- if only you would tell him 'yes.' A future in which you are not in it is beyond what he can imagine. Though there was once a time he was frightened by the love he felt for you, he can no longer remember how he has been able to live a life without it. Without you. "Please.”
He watches you as you step closer to him and take the vial in his hand. Instead of opening it, as you seem to want to lay eyes on it as little as possible, you hide it away in your other hand as you grasp his hand with yours. 
There is a silence, and Malleus watches as you shift where you stand, and it is only then that he vaguely remembers that they are not alone in the room. (Not that it matters to him-- not when he has always considered the three in the room akin to family.)
"Can I talk to Malleus alone for a bit?" You ask them, your eyes never leaving him for a moment.
It is telling in his kingsmen's trust of you that they do not question your request, Lilia quickly ushering the two out with a knowing look at you, and Sebek and Silver filing out with little complaint. (Sebek does mutter a little to himself though, but for him, that means a lot.) 
You take his hand and lead him to the couch, and he follows without a word, quieted by the emotional outburst that has left him wrung out.
"Malleus," you begin to say, rubbing his hand with your thumb comfortingly, "how do you feel about the time you've spent with me so far?" 
"I enjoyed it," he says immediately. "Very much so. Though we have not known each other for very long (in my eyes), it feels as though I have known you forever." Malleus takes your hand in his and squeezes it, liking the way you squeeze it back almost automatically. "My time with you has been worth living through," he says, and you smile; he feels himself lighten with just the sight of it.
"I think," you say, "that I have been very lucky to meet you where we are. At this time, at this age." You look at the wall of the dorm, lost in thought. "We could have not met at all." Malleus flinches at the thought of it. "Isn't that funny?"
"I would not go so far as to call it 'funny,'" Malleus mutters, and you laugh, quick as you are to find amusement in his fits of petulance. 
"Well, what I'm trying to say is getting to know each other is a miracle on its own." You tell him, your eyes meeting his, "You are my chance encounter, Malleus. I feel very lucky to have met you in this lifetime.”
"We could have more than a lifetime together," Malleus says. He eyes the vial in your other hand, and when you see his line of sight, you bring it to him, palm up. When he does not take it, you place it in the space between the two of you where it stays.
"I do not want immortality." You raise your free hands to cup his face, thumb brushing against his cheek tenderly, and he feels like falling apart. "I want to make this life of mine count. I know you don't understand that right now but..." You reach up to press a kiss to his forehead. "Maybe you will someday. But regardless, this is my choice, Malleus."
Malleus closes his eyes when he feels you press your lips onto his skin, your hands holding him as though he were a fragile gemstone. He reaches up to hold onto your wrist, your pulse a comforting beat against his fingers, and he thinks that love is oh-so-loathsome at the same time it is wonderous. To have known your love and touch but to also covet it and know what it would feel without it-- it is overwhelming. 
"I hate the knowledge," he says finally, "that you will one day go to a place where I cannot follow."
At this, he feels your hands curl into his face, and before he knows it, your lips are on his, pressing kisses into them as though it were your last chance. Malleus wastes no time in hesitating, returning your affection with as much fervor as you-- tilting his head and pressing forward until you are as close as can be, his hands grasping at your sides. 
"...Is this really okay?" You ask, your voice wavering with the presence of tears, more unsure that you've been in the past hour. You press your forehead to his, squeezing your eyes shut from the world. "If everything works out with us, beyond NRC, beyond... everything else with your royal status, my education... is it really okay that I stay with you?”
Malleus breathes out your name, feeling you shudder. He grasps onto your face gently and whispers to you, "A day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a lifetime-- even if I cannot spend my entire life with you, I am yours for as long as you will have me."
"Till death do us part," he hears you say wetly, and he brushes a stray tear away from your cheek.
"'Till death do us part,'" he says back to you, like a promise, and the two of you hold each other as though protecting the other from the world.
The vial of immortality lay temporarily forgotten in the divot of the couch.
taglist: @malleusmybelovedd @supernatural9000
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deadrayg2mf · 5 months
Wed to the Lich (Arranged Monster Mates #8) by Layla Fae
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Okay, I went into this knowing this was not the first book in the series but it didn't seem that the series may be required to be read in order as it is a collab series between Layla Fae, Eden Ember, and Cara Wylde and it wasn't recommended to be read in order - however, now having finished this I realize I may need to start from book 1 to assuage some issues I had regarding world building info. Also... that lich is just so hot... I needed to know more about him when he was what drew me to this. Which brings me to the covers!! The entire series has amazing cover art, it ranks right up there with SJ Sander's cover art that I love.
This is currently a series of 16 novellas between the above-mentioned authors, Wed to the Lich being dead in the middle at #8. It was a total of 208 pages and I read it within a quick day at work. It was a simple story which does involve triggers involving anorexia nervosa, past abuse, and animal death.
Basically, this is a world in which an event called The Shift has occurred, and from what was explained in this book alone it sounds like that was basically the... dimensional overlap of the human world and monster world where parts of the monster world ended up being transplanted into the world we know? Hopefully that is some semblance of correct as it's how I understood it. In this world, monsters rule over humans in most areas and if a human is wanting to get some cash for their family or, if you're our FL May, trying to get out of a bad situation you can sign up at the Temple and get married off to a monster.
This is exactly what May commits to as she decides to escape the abusive orphanage director who haunts her thoughts when it comes to beauty and its relation to her size and food consumption. How well this goes about depicting the troubles that come with experiencing an eating disorder I could not say, so I will leave that up to your interpretation if you choose to read. May gets married to Virgil, the all fearing Lich who can suck out your life force with just a look.
The following story revolves around May's struggle with food, her inner demons, and being beautiful for Virgil who is also struggling with how May views him and fearing that one day she may come to fear him and try to leave. In the end, they end up working out their troubles with each other's help and are a lovely couple, no matter what those town villagers think. I liked both May and Virgil's characters, he was really checking the marks for me as both loving and caring but strict and forceful when he felt necessary. By the end, May had come into who she was as a person when she wasn't tormented by her past.
My main issue comes from how I felt finishing the book. I had read 208 pages of what essentially felt like it had amounted to nothing. Unfortunately, for all that happened, there wasn't enough deep diving into characters, relationships, or true plot that it felt worthwhile. It was one of those where I was shocked it was so long for how much I got from it. I think it's a really cool story, I love a Lich, and I love a FL battling her inner demons and unafraid to seek help from another in order to do so. The way May was willing to just be blunt about what was going on versus other characters who might hide things that lead to a (beloved but sometimes overdone) miscommunication was rather refreshing.
I think I would have really enjoyed this story had it been more fleshed out. The writing was good, but the content felt unsubstantial. For all of that, I'll give it a 5/10. Mid but enjoyable and full of potential.
Would I read again? No, but not because it was bad. Just because there wouldn't feel like a point.
Would I recommend? Yeah, I am gonna go and try out the series from the first book - Wed to the Ice Giant also by Layla Fae - and then pry check out at least on book by each of the other authors. If I don't like it - you'll hear about it :)
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