liccy · 1 year
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Another gift for the writer's appreciation event!
This one is based off the hilarious ending scene for @loquaciouslk's fic... one that delightfully distracted me into rereading it several times! Definitely worth it!
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lunarobyn22 · 8 months
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Faebruary day 1, how could I not start with this precious lil bean?
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autumn-sweet-fae · 1 year
Totk spoilers!!
In Tears of the Kingdom we see the concept of swallowing magical times as a method of changing species for three separate people. Zelda and Ganondorf both using secret stones to become dragons, and then Koltin eating all the cave crystals to become a blupee.
Being a queer nerd who loves all the Link crossover au’s and theories, I was suddenly reminded of all the fairy!Hyrule aus and the First Gen ring that can be found by his predecessor in Oracle of Seasons.
(irl the First Gen ring exist as an easter egg that transforms Legend’s sprite to look exactly like Hyrule’s did in the first Zelda game but in game canon make no sense chronologically)
So like, what if Hyrule was a legit fairy originally. But for some reason she didn’t fit in with all her sisters (cause he’s trans). His great fairy noticed one of her youngest confusion and set out her older fairies to find a way to help him. One comes back from a far away land with a ring that’s suppose to turn it’s wearer into an average hylian. (The First Gen ring)
The enchanted ring shrinks to fairy size (D&D attunement logic) and when lil fairy Hyrule puts it on he becomes a young hylian boy. Delighted by the change, lil Hyrule decides to always wear the ring and continues to do so for his adventures. He only takes it off when his smaller fairy size is needed, even if it’s a bit uncomfy to revert back to his feminine fairy form.
If anyone asks about it, he tells him a wizard taught him a spell.
Eventually, perhaps in a fic plot, hyrule could learn that swallowing the ring could permanently transform him into a hylian. A tough decision to make to loose that part of himself. But the better outcome could be: him still being able to turn into a fairy but also keep his preferred hylian appearance when he does so.
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Caffeine Shots
No beta no read over no nothing here we fucking go. Hyrule after downing WAY to much fucking caffeine because you can not convince me that stamina elixirs aren't just artificial expresso shots. Or a monster mixed with a five hour energy
Warriors world officially sucked worse than his own. Apparently since their last visit a rip in time had grown unstable and split into his Hyrule. Again. In fact it was through that rip that they'd gotten there! From Hyrules world! The event leaving half of his castle town displaced into a battlefield where further rips had monsters from his world spilling out like a rapidly drowning boat. 
So here he was. 3am. Desperately trying to help the nurses hold soldiers together that had ran into battle with no plan in an attempt to get ahead of things. 
He'd been using his magic since noon and very barely managing to keep on his feet with the magic potions Legend had been trying to keep in stock. The veteran in question currently unconscious after having drained his own magic supply taking out a mob that had tried to attack the base a couple hours ago. 
Four was down, the fall through time having been like a portal jump from hell leaving him disoriented enough he can't string a sentence together. So he was actually curled up with Legend. And the others were all out still fighting. 
Even if he wanted to, he couldn't sleep. He wants to be here for them when they get back..he needs to know if they're okay. 
Letting out a heavy sigh he reaches a shaky hand into his pouch and pulls out yet another stamina elixir from Wild. Popping the cork and slamming it down all in one go. 
With the barest hints of sunlight comes another round of potions. He can't even taste the nasty alchemical solutions anymore after having so many. And his stomach feels like he drank lizalfo acid, but that doesn't matter. As the dawn also brings the Fierce Deity carrying an unconscious Warrior's and a very out of sorts Wind. Quickly followed by Wild who frantically looks like he blew himself up a couple dozen times. 
So he slams an extra magic potion for good measure before rushing over to them. 
By noon there's a buzzing sensation washing over his skin. It's too hot in the tent with all the injured bodies, it's too hot outside because of the summer sun. So he spends three hours in a fitful sleep that's more akin to him forcefully holding his eyes closed before he gives up. Dragging himself back onto his feet and over to where Wild had been brewing potions since returning to base. 
The champion is gone now. And it looks like Legend is on his feet and gone. So it's just the captain and the sailor curled up with four in the nest of bedrolls and pillows they'd built in the corner of the tent. Warrior's looks like he still needs healing. So, Hyrule grabs up a couple red potions and uncorks another stamina elixir before heading over to do just that. 
A couple hours later and Warrior's has gone back out too fight. Wind is looking after Four who is slowly starting to comprehend things again. And Hyrule has no idea how long he's been staring at the two trying to put together one of Legends puzzles before a gentle hand is placed on his back. 
Just one of the nurses, he couldn't tell you who given that everyone is kind of blurring together. And maybe swimming a bit. But who ever it is places a hot cup of something warm and bitter in his hand. Pointing off to the back of one of the tent to let him know there's more if needed. 
Takes him a moment to realize it's coffee. Straight black coffee, so hot that it almost burns. Or maybe it does. Either way it's sharp enough to cut through the groggy fog in his head. So he has a couple more and somewhat manages to choke down some bread. 
One more hour, and that buzz won't stop. It's maybe gotten worse. And he's maybe on his tenth cup of coffee. And he maybe can't remember which way is north. Or were the exit is. 
For once he's thankful for having an iron stomach because otherwise he's fairly certain the burning roil in it would have made someone else throw up. But the time to dwell on that ends when Twilight comes in with an unconscious Time hoisted up onto his back. And Sky passed out on Epona. 
So, for a quick moment he sets down his half empty coffee mug. Uncorks and dumps the next round of potions into it. Then chugs the whole thing before stumbling off to help.
Thankfully it wasn't anything serious. Or was it serious? He can't remember because everyone looks too fucked up at the moment. 
Something touches his shoulder. Just a light careful little touch but it startles a yelp out of him. His head snapping up so quickly the world spins on its access and oh, he's falling. 
No wait.
He's not falling? 
Two big arms catch him. Least he thinks they do, he can't tell. That buzzing makes it really hard to feel. 
"Woah woah…easy there traveler." Twilight murmurs as he carefully sets Hyrule back on his feet. "You okay? You're shaking like a leaf."  
A small nervous sounding laugh comes rattling out of Hyrule before he can even attempt to think. "Hehe I think my heart just stopped? Oh hey..when did it get dark?" 
"Chillio dog boy it's fine." 
"The fuck it ain't." Twilight huffs before insistently places strong fingers against the vein on Hyrules wrist. "Oh- sweet mother of Faron..that's…that's not normal." 
"Normal? You really think my death would be fucking normal?" 
"Your heart didn't stop, you're not dying….least not yet. But this certainly explains why I thought I was hearing it from ten feet away. It's racing faster than a hummingbird." 
"Mmm f-fairies works really similrat to humming hits hits h..ummin birbs it's berry hard for us to sit sit still." 
For a moment Hyrule stops to try and process what just left his mouth. Shaking his head a bit to try and clear it. Which must have been a bad ideas see as he definitely wakes up on the ground this time. Night sky spiraling above him. 
"Deep breaths buddy..you're okay…" Twilight murmurs again as he leans into view. 
Smacking his lips a bit Hyrule blinks slightly. "My mouth feels fummy…." 
"Yeahh…yeah you just threw up. Like a lot. What the fuck have you been drinking?" 
Twilight levels him with his best impression of the stare. "What things?" 
"Uhhhhhhhh…last thing was a coffee with two stamina ichsers..and…gren….it's was all very gren…" 
"Dins tits no fucking wonder. How many of those have you had??" Twilight questions. 
Hyrule stares at his hands and he swears has a few more that usual. All the extra fingers making it a little difficult to count. 
"Mmn…a number?" 
"How long have you been awake..?" 
"When the fuck did we get here?" 
"Okay….let's..let's get you some water and make sure you don't have a fucking heart attack." Twilight says with a stressed whine as he carefully scoops the shaking fairy boy up. 
"Nuuu!!! I need to…what the fuck was I doing…?"
"You've been staring into space for the past two hours what you need is to be knocked unconscious." 
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Okay um so... some whumptober? Plan is to combine this with days 14, 19, 21, and *maybe* 27 and/or one of the pre-14 numbers or an alt prompt, then a post-event wrap up, but we’ll see.
Prompt: caged
Summary: A portal splits the Chain. Hyrule has a bad time.
The portal spat Hyrule out onto a stony floor in a building. The room was empty, and the curtains worn and slowly turning to dust. From beyond the open window he could hear the sounds of fighting - or perhaps of training if the laughter was anything to go by - and from downstairs that of rambunctious conversation.
He had been third to enter the portal in the previous realm; it must have split them up. Hopefully someone else would step through behind him, letting him at least have a partner.
The portal flickered shut behind him; no such luck.
Well... He would manage. Looking around again... this room did not seem to belong to anyone worth knowing. Squinting into the din he could see torture implements - freshly used - on the walls.
While he was alone, there was still the conversation downstairs... And people outside. He could sneak, but it was not his forte...
It was, however, much easier if he were small - with a breath and a thought he shifted his form, the drain on his magic almost comforting. With a small test of his wings he fluttered up, and out of the window.
From up here... Well, Castle Town was very obvious on the horizon, marked by the spires of a castle. If everyone’s sketches had been accurate it was most likely to be Warriors’, though these things were always a little tricky to tell. Either way, hovering by a window would not help him - fearing being picked off by the hungry looking ravens, Hyrule avoided the training yard to swoop down and into the gardens.
There was something horribly false about the gardens. In his fairy form, Hyrule would usually feel much more comfortable among the flowers. And yet, these flowers... He stopped to look. Something was wrong with them. Their unnatural placement, yes, but they were gardens not a forest. It did not quite explain...
“There’s one!”
The voice sounded loud behind Hyrule. Twisting instinctively he tried to look.
A pair of monsters - the sort escaped his mind for a moment - dressed in coats and carrying bottles.
Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh no oh no oh no
Hyrule turned his back to them and tried to fly away - he really did. But, tiny as he was, he could only move so fast. He dodged right and left and down and up - applying all of the possible dimensions to get away.
It was not enough.
After a chase across half of the gardens, a net finally swept around Hyrule. His wings caught in the netting, tugging harshly enough for him to give a yelp of pain. Regardless, he clung to that netting with all the force his hands could manage, trying to stop the monsters from taking him. He tried and tried - he really did - begging and pleading and screaming as he clung to the fabric.
The monsters did not care; when shaking him into the bottle failed, one of them grabbed him. The force of its grip crinkled his wings and crushed his abdomen until Hyrule could not breathe - still, desperate, he struggled and struggled, kicking his legs inside the fist, pushing his entire tiny force against the fingers in hopes they would slip, even as his vision began to black out. It was hopeless, fruitless, he was too small to do anything - but he /refused/ to die, he couldn’t, not yet, not now, not captured and crushed in a foul beast’s hands.
Laugher came as he was tossed into the jar, his tiny body slamming against the glass hard enough knock the single breath he had managed to take again. There was nothing he could do but lie there, panting desperately, as the lid was screwed on above him.
A few tiny holes in the cork allowed for air blow, but that was all. Otherwise, there was just... Glass.
His breath was not yet caught, but Hyrule had to move; he banged on the glass, screaming, but all he could hear was muffled laughter. His hands grew raw, then bruised, then his littlest finger snapped out of place and his scream grew even louder.
Curling around his injured hand, he barely noticed himself being carried inside - not until the bottle was slammed on a shelf, throwing him from his position and into the glass once more.
This time it was his head that slammed into the glass; he barely had time to hear the crack before he slumped, unconscious, to the base of the bottle.
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ovegakart · 6 months
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sometimes they are small
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raycatzdraws · 11 months
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Wolfie and Four friendship appreciation doodles! They're shared secrets besties! I hope Four's distrust of the shadow crystal doesn't drive anything between them. Wild found his way into this compilation with a force. It seems I can't draw Wolfie and not include him too!
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu four#lu twilight#lu wolfie#lu wild#lu legend#lu hyrule#fairy hyrule#I drew most of these on my weekends at camp#hence the swearing probably lol can't swear in front of the campers#man I did not leave that mountain for the whole summer and I wouldn't have it any other way#I was there 6+ weeks straight#some of the other counselors who also stayed and I would occasionally make the hour drive into town#a bunch of us went to see the Barbie movie together and like 2/3 through the film the fire alarm went off and we were evacuated ajhsgfsdf#we all held hands to not be separated in case there was an actual emergency and some guy was like 'look at the preschoolers'#AND AAAAA I won't be separated from my counselor buddies!!!! RAAAHH this is what we would have gotten the kids to do#so I guess we're just too good at our jobs lol#that one LU post with the lads lined up with their bows? It's AWESOME#but I taught a bunch of kids archery this summer and none of the lads have the right posture lol#I'm walking up and down that line readjusting all of them ahsgdsdf#Imagine Wars going to Wind though like 'remember to pull back to your smile! :D '#and Wind just deadeye staring him down like you serious rn?#caught and removed a scorpion from the lake cabin biffy this summer - that was very exciting#calmed the campers down and put them to bed and then rolled up my sleeves and asked the program staff who was staying with us#for emotional support#her only experience with scorpions was from animal crossing so she was like 'get ready to run' and I'm- I think we'll be okay#anyways it's her perched on one of the toilets with a spray bottle of bleach and me with an empty tupperware from dinner#I caught it under the tupperware but IT MOVED THE TUPPERWARE#we drowned it in bleach and it like finally died but it took a while and then we flung it into the woods BYE BUGGY
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retrogamingblog2 · 9 months
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drlessy · 7 months
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a fairy's chime is hard to resist, probably. either way, Wild needs a hug ASAP & Hyrule shall answer to that. (+ some made up magic logic as an excuse to make Wild a little guy.)
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linked-maze · 4 months
Question to Hyrule, when was the first time you discovered your blood could heal people?
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They learned that at a very young age- it was important info.
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brendathedoodler · 2 months
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The chain as fairies, perhaps?
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commanderwindy · 2 months
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Fairy Hyule and Warrior!!
They got lost
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kenvamp · 10 months
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On this episode of me putting way to much effort into stupid things: The Chain has a competition on who could fuse the most kinstones
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annienyx · 1 month
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Fairy Hyrule!
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
One thing to say. Great Fairy Hyrule. Something that occurs as a side effect of the Triforce's constant presence. He can switch between Hylian, Fairy and Great Fairy forms but has to assume the latter at some point or else it happens forcefully.
This mainly stems from Oberon, the King of Fairies, found in medieval and Renaissance literature.
Ooooooo!!! Yesss that sounds like fun!!
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Cookie? 🍪
Oooh cookie! Ty ty. And because I still have words for 3 word fics in my brain...
There was not room in the cupboard to fly, but that would not stop them on their quest - nothing could stop a Hero of Hyrule, and another Hero's guide. Proxi climbed up on Hyrule's shoulders, reaching forward. With the extra height she reached up and over the lid, grabbing too cookies - one for her, one for her assistant - before tumbling down into a giggling pile of fairies and cookies and sugary treats.
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