#Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment in Ayurveda
jyotiayurveda · 9 months
Tubal Blockage: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Including Ayurveda
Discover holistic solutions for tubal blockage through Ayurveda. Explore causes, symptoms, and effective treatments on our blog. Unlock the path to natural healing. For more info, visit - https://www.drjyotiayurveda.com/blog/Tubal-Blockage/Tubal-Blockage:-Causes,-Symptoms,-Treatment-Including-Ayurveda
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activeayulife · 1 year
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aashaayurveda · 1 year
Welcome to Aasha Ayurveda, best Infertility clinic in Delhi and the right destination for PCOS Treatment in Delhi.
At Aasha Ayurveda, we understand all your concerns and try to give our best treatments based on ayurveda in which we compile a range of treatments including herbal medicine, yoga, massage and Panchakarma to encourage your well being.
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activeayulifedelhi · 2 years
निःसंतानता (इनफर्टिलिटी) महिला व पुरुष दोनों में होने वाली एक ऐसी समस्या है, जिसके कारण महिला माँ बनने में दिक्कत होती है और पुरुषों को भी पिता बनने का सुख नहीं प्राप्त हो पाता है। निःसंतानता के कई कारण है, जिसके कारण महिलाएं मातृत्व सुख से दूर होती जा रही है।
सबसे पहले तो भारत और अन्य देशों के आंकड़ों पर नजर डालते हैं, कि कितने प्रतिशत महिला व पुरुषों की निःसंतानता है, जिसके कारण से वह संतान सुख से वंचित रह रहे हैं। आंकड़े दर्शाते है, कि भारत में 10-15 फीसदी दंपति प्रजनन अक्षमता के कारण माता-पिता बनने के सुख से वंचित रह जाते हैं।
निःसंतानता लगभग 10-15 प्रतिशत भारतीय पतयों को प्रभावित कर रहा है। भारत में निःसंतानता (बांझपन) के बहुत सारे कारण है, जोकि इस प्रकार है- विलब से विवाह, जीवन शैली में तनाव, अधिक मोटापा, फास्ट और जंक फूड का अत्यधिक सेवन, सिगरेट व धूम्रपान, शराब और नशीली दवाओं की लत समस्या में योगदान करती है।
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shreevishwarpan · 2 years
Infertility Treatment in Sinhagad Road, Pune – Shree Vishwarpan Ayurved
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Ayurveda defines infertility as the condition of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to term as well as the biological inability of a woman of reproductive age to contribute to conception. The inability to have a child after a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraception is known as infertility, according to modern science.
The most frequent cause of female infertility is an ovulation irregularity. The discharge of the egg from the ovary depends on ovulation. Menstrual cycles that are irregular or nonexistent are some signs that a woman is not ovulating. Additional reasons for infertility include:
• Fallopian tube blockages (the tube through which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus)
• Endocrine conditions
• Uterine tumors
• Uterine deficiencies in terms of anatomy
Age, stress, a bad diet, lack of exercise, being overweight or underweight, smoking, drinking, having an STD, and health issues that induce hormonal shifts are just a few more factors that can influence a woman's ability to conceive.
A healthy lifestyle and food are essential for avoiding and treating illnesses, as well as for keeping excellent health, according to Ayurveda for infertility. Since food is essential for sustaining and nurturing life, it has been linked to God in the ancient Indian texts known as "Annam Brahmam."
Dietary management entails a strict devotion to the foods that boost Ojas (a factor that intersects the body's physical, mental, and spiritual health and is responsible for general health, vigour, and liveliness) and avoiding the meals and other substances that deplete.
Regulating ovulation and sperm count, which increases fertility, is critical to treating infertility in both men and women. Eating healthy foods gives the body all the nutrients it needs for optimum health, as well as the fibers that affect the body's hormone balances. Foods like hormone-filled meat, processed carbs, too much starch, and antibiotics can damage fertility.
Men and Women building block consist of milk, ghee, nuts, sesame seeds, dates, pumpkin seeds, honey, saffron, and avocados. They also include fresh organic fruits and vegetables, protein derived from plant sources like beans and peas, sweet whole grains, and spices like ajwain powder, turmeric, and black cumin, which increase fertility and purify the uterus in both men and women.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Infertility?
The signs of infertility may include:
Pain during sex
Heavy, long, or painful periods
Dark or pale menstrual blood
Irregular menstrual cycle
Hormone changes
Underlying medical conditions
Not getting pregnant
Main Causes Of Infertility?
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Other hormonal factors that impact ovulation
STIs and other infections in the reproductive system
Unhealthy body weight
Blocked fallopian tubes
Anovulation (ovaries do not release an oocyte during a menstrual cycle)
Dyspareunia (difficult or painful sexual intercourse)
Menstrual disorders
Ectopic pregnancy
Spontaneous abortion
Salpingitis (can damage the fallopian tube)
Uterine fibroids and other unknown causes
Causes of Infertility in Males:
• Oligospermia as well as azoospermia (low sperm concentration in the ejaculate)
• Impotence and coldness
• Chronic Disease
• Stress and an unhealthy lifestyle
Ayurvedic treatment has a proven track record of increasing fertility. Ayurveda prescribes a holistic combination of diet, medicines and lifestyle in achieving a couple's desired goal. Coupled with Garbha sanskar for the healthy growth of foetus, the hallowed tradition of Ayurveda has proven a blessing to many a couples seeking cure from infertility.
At ShreeVishwarpan Ayurved Clinic, Dr. Prafulla Raut and Dr. Snehal Raut provide a infertility treatment in sinhagad road, Pune. They have wide years of experience in Ayurvedic filed.
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aashaayurveda1-blog · 5 years
What is Blocked Fallopian Tubes - Symptoms, cause and Treatment - Aasha Ayurveda
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Fallopian tube is a part of female reproductive system. It measures four inches (10 cm) or more in length and approximately 8 mm in diameter. Spermatozoa (a sperm cell) and the fertilized ovum can pass along the tube, if the passage or the tube is blocked or obstructed due to any reason it may result in failure of Fertilization. Blockage can be on either or both the tubes.
Blocked fallopian tube or tubal blockage is one of the most common causes of infertility. It is a matter of concern for many women trying to conceive but with our ancient medicine system i.e Ayurveda there are many options for tubal blockage treatment in Delhi. Ayurvedic treatment gives 90% success rate in tubal blockage. Know About Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment In Ayurveda
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There is no such direct reference of fallopian tube in Ayurveda but we can compare them to beej vaha strotas or vahani.
The hysterosalpingogram, sonosalpingogram and laparoscopic chromotubation are the clinical methods of testing the patency of fallopian tube.
There is no such signs and symptoms of blocked fallopian tube. However some women may experience pain in lower abdomen with unusual vaginal discharge.
After a year of unprotected and regular intercourse inability to conceive might be due to blocked fallopian tube which is confirmed by testing the patency of fallopian tube. Patients with such cases may see any tubal blockage centers or tubal blockage clinics in Delhitreating infertility in females.
Given below are the common causes of blockage of fallopian tube.
1) Inflammation of the tube i.e salpingitis
2) Gonorrhea and chlamydial infection
3) Salpingitis following septic abortion and puerperal infection 
4) Hydrosalpinx
5) Previous Cessaren
There are many tubal blockage centers /tubal blockage clinics in Delhi where the following treatment can be done
1)        tubal micro surgery 
2)        laparoscopic tubal adhesiolysis, fimbrioplasty and tubal surgery.
3)        Tubal cannulation 
4)        Balloon tuboplasty and cannulation
All the above mentioned treatments give less success rate and also no sureity for success. 
There are many good tubal blockage centers/tubal blockage clinics in Delhi.
 One may approach a gynaecologist or a general surgeon for tubal blockage treatment in Delhi.
Aasha Ayurveda Kerala Panchakarma Centre gives 90% successful treatment in Tubal Blockage. 
According to ayurveda, all gynaecological disorder are caused by aggravated vata. Therefore, treatment of choice is to suppress the aggravated vata (vayu).  Fallopian Tube Treatment In Delhi  by panchakarma.
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-Snehana (oleation) can be done by balatail(sesame oil
-Nadiswedana or kumbhisweda (fomentation) on lower andomen
followed by hot water bath and vata suppressive meal
-Yoni prakshalanam (purification process for genital organs) with trifalakwatha or kariradikwatha
-Uttarabasti with oil or kwath (decoction) made by sour matter.
Therefore treatment options are many and ayurvedic treatment has a good success rate. Aasha Ayurveda is one of the tubal blockage center /tubal blockage clinic in Delhi.
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गर्भधारण नहीं कर पा रही महिलाएं  आशा आयुर्वेदा  में  आयुर्वेदिक तकनीक से   बाँझपन  का इलाज  करवाएं
गर्भधारण नहीं होने के बाद सबसे पहले यह जानना जरूरी है कि निःसंतानता के कारण क्या हैं । सामान्यतया कुछ कारण जैसे     जैसे बच्चे न बनना  टुबल ब्लॉकेज  होना   , अण्डेदानी  एग न बनना  से निःसंतानता के कारण सामने आ जाते हैं”। कई निःसंतान महिलाओं में पीसीओडी, हार्मोनल इमबेलेन्स, टीबी की बीमारी रही हो या वंशानुगत समस्या रही हो तो इसका सीधा संबंध असर अण्डों के निर्माण और क्वालिटी पर होता है।
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ayurveda4all · 3 years
FALLOPIAN TUBE BLOCKAGE- Ayurvedic Treatment, Diet, Exercises, Yoga & Pranayama
FALLOPIAN TUBE BLOCKAGE- Ayurvedic Treatment, Diet, Exercises, Yoga & Pranayama
Fallopian tubes are the part of the female reproductive system that connects the ovaries and the uterus. It is also known as uterine tubes or oviducts. Fallopian tube blockage is the major cause of infertility. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF FALLOPIAN TUBE BLOCKAGECAUSES OF FALLOPIAN TUBE BLOCKAGEPATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF FALLOPIAN TUBE BLOCKAGEDIAGNOSIS OF FALLOPIAN TUBE BLOCKAGETREATMENTS FOR FALLOPIAN TUBE…
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aasha-ayurveda · 6 years
Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment in Ayurveda - Customer Review
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jyotiayurveda · 9 months
Unlocking Fertility Naturally: Ayurvedic Solutions for Tubal Blockage
Discover the power of Ayurveda in treating tubal blockages without resorting to surgery. Explore holistic and natural approaches to rejuvenate and clear fallopian tubes, promoting a healthy reproductive system. Unlock the potential for conception with ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. For more info, visit - https://www.drjyotiayurveda.com/Tubal-Blockage
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activeayulife · 1 year
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aashaayurveda · 2 years
If you’ve ever had pelvic surgery for an infection, a tumor, or an ectopic pregnancy, you might only have one fallopian tube. It is not uncommon for a woman to be born with a single fallopian tube. However, if you meet the following requirements, you may be able to conceive with a single tube.
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activeayulifedelhi · 1 year
Panchakarma and Uttar Basti, traditional Ayurvedic treatment, are believed to offer a holistic approach for addressing health issues, including blocked fallopian tubes. These treatments aim to cleanse and balance the body, potentially improving reproductive health. Panchakarma involves detoxification procedures like Abhyanga massage, which enhances blood circulation and reduces stress, indirectly benefiting reproductive health. Swedana uses steam therapy to open body channels and may alleviate fallopian tube blockages.
Virechana purgation therapy eliminates excess heat, potentially resolving inflammation contributing to blockages. Basti treatment, a key Panchakarma component, involves herbal enemas to strengthen pelvic and reproductive organs, regulate menstruation, and balance doshas. Uttar Basti administers herbal oils or decoctions vaginally to address gynecological issues, potentially restoring tubal function and reducing inflammation.
While these Ayurvedic treatments may benefit overall well-being, they are not guaranteed cures for fallopian tube blockages. Consult an expert like Dr. Ruchi Bhardwaj for personalized guidance, especially if facing fertility issues or gynecological problems. Dr. Bhardwaj has extensive experience in Ayurveda and Panchakarma treatments and specializes in women's health concerns, including infertility and menopausal disorders.
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pathyamayurveda · 3 years
Best Ayurveda Doctor In Delhi NCR
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Best Ayurveda Doctor In Delhi NCR Treatment For Infertility In Female
Dr. Shweta Kaushik is Best Ayurveda Doctor In Delhi NCR For Infertility In Female, situated in Lajpat Nagar South Delhi, degree holder of B. A. M. S. is a solid adherent of Ayurveda and She has a dream to make Ayurveda arrive at each entryway step in India as well as Globally, likewise instruct humankind that ayurveda isn't a study of Home Remedies. She has a solid conviction that Ayurveda can do ponders in Chronic Diseases as well as in Acute Diseases. What's more having said that, there could be no other potential pathy that does some incredible things in instances of Female Infertility than Ayurveda. It is strong as a Treatment - Pathy because of its belongings enduring long To work to assist a humankind what's the better method for treating couples who neglect to consider a child .she get best ayurveda fruitlessness specialist grants
Ayurvedic Treatment For Infertility In Female Best Ayurveda Doctor In Delhi NCR Origination is very lovely stage in a human existence on opposite it very well may be a truly discouraging encounter when one neglects to consider. she pros a full outcome confirmation treatment for not many of the ailments in ladies like :- *Contamination -Bladder -Urethra -Vagina -Cervix
*Uterine Bleeding -Unusual Uterine Bleeding (Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Polymenorrhoea, Oligomenorrhoea, Hypomenorrhoea) -Broken uterine dying (PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Polyps) *Vaginismus *Low/Poor egg quality *Low AMH *Fallopian tube blockage
She is one of the fruitful and best Gynecologists in South Delhi, India. She has an exceptionally one of a kind and adaptable treatment program that permits one to have a thought of customized care bringing about expanded usefulness of a patient to get a 100 percent Cure of the issue.
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Tubal Blockage Treatment in Delhi
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adyantayurveda · 3 years
Ayurvedic treatment for Secondary Infertility
Ayurvedic treatment for Secondary Infertility
What is primary and secondary infertility and Complete Sterility?
Primary infertility refers to couples who have not been able to conceive even after at least one year without using birth control methods. Secondary infertility refers to couples who have been able to conceive at least once, but now are unable. In complete sterility, a woman has completely lost her Artava (Menstruation) and is unable to ovulate. Here, we will discuss Ayurvedic treatment for secondary infertility.
How common is secondary infertility?
Nowadays, the problem of primary infertility, as well as secondary infertility, is commonly seen.
When a couple decides to take a second chance after having one child, the first pregnancy was an easy pregnancy, so next time people take the casual approach towards the next pregnancy. Once they notice that pregnancy does not occur after even 2-3 cycles, then comes a little restlessness. Secondary infertility is just as common as primary infertility and it can be treated with Ayurveda. Here we will discuss how Ayurveda treatment helps in secondary infertility.
Causes for secondary infertility:
Problems in the quantity or quality of eggs: There are several reasons for the quantity or quality of eggs in females such as age, autoimmune or genetic conditions. Three aspects of ayurvedic treatments viz Shamana, Shodhana and Rasayana have to be incorporated to improve AMH levels.
Shamana treatments include internal medications to balance the ‘dosha’, improve metabolism (Deepana and Pachana) and improve hormonal balance
Blocked fallopian tubes: This could be a reason for the same. In Ayurveda, we have Uttar Basti treatment to remove fallopian tubes blockages. For more information, please read our blog.
Stress: In today’s stressful lifestyle, competition, lack of faith and trust, distance in nuclear family relationships, lack of happiness-sharing, can lead to loneliness and irritability.  Ayurveda treatment such as Shirodhara, Takradhara, Abhyangam helps to release stress. Along with this regular meditation, morning walks, listening to music, singing, pranayama, Yoga Nidra are all used to improve mental health.
Along with this PCOS, PCOD, Fibroids, Endometriosis Obesity, hormonal imbalance, Thyroid are also some common causes for secondary infertility in females. Breastfeeding is also one reason, during breastfeeding women body stops ovulating or releasing eggs for potential fertilization.
The end of the topic will discuss how Ayurveda helps. Now, will discuss the causes for secondary infertility in males.
What is secondary male infertility?
Secondary infertility, defined as a preciously fertile male, now experiencing an inability to have another child, is most commonly caused by a varicocele, Lack of sperm count, incontinence, as well as lack of sexual desire, Prostate enlargement, Testicular varicocele obesity, are most common factors are responsible for male infertility.
Can diet help with fertility? Dietary management for fertility
The answer is definitely Yes. Eat a lot of salads. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drinking at least 3 to 4 litres of water a day controls the heat. Eat less fried and baked items. Dioxin is a by-product produced during the digestion of meat. So, avoid non-veg. Dioxin can interfere with the ovulation process. Raw or boiled peanuts, olive oil, flaxseed can be used. This type of diet keeps the haemoglobin in the blood normal and the acidity maintained.
Regular consumption of turmeric and honey (with warm water) removes microbial barriers and regulates energy flow.    Dates, jaggery, almonds, walnuts, etc. are very helpful in male infertility, azoospermia and sexual dysfunction. Java Plum or Indian blackberry is useful to control bleeding and adenomyosis. Papaya, Turmeric, Kiwi are useful for menstruation
In short….
Less trans-fat and more monounsaturated fat (from foods such as avocados and olive oil)
Less animal protein and more vegetable protein
More high-fibre, low-glycaemic carbohydrate-rich foods (including whole grains)
More vegetarian sources of iron and fewer meat sources
High-fat dairy instead of low-fat dairy
Ayurvedic herbs for fertility:
Infertility doesn’t come due to a single reason, there are multiple reasons involved in infertility. It’s always better to consult an expert Ayurveda doctor to plan a course of treatment and medicines.
The most common herbs are Shilajit, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Amalaki plays a vital role in the balance of hormones.
Ayurvedic herbs used in the treatment for infertility:
Ovulation disorder – Ashoka, Dashmoola, Shatavari, Aloe vera, Guggulu etc.
Premature ovarian failure (POF) – Ashoka, Dashmoola, Shatavari, Guduchi, Jeevanti etc.
Blocked fallopian tubes, adhesions (scar tissue) and pelvic inflammatory disease – Guduchi, Punarnava etc.
PCOD/ PCOS: Shatavari, Kanchanar guggul, Navak guggul, Ashwagandha
Low AMH: Dadimadi ghritam, Shatavari Gulam, shatapushpa choornam, saraswatharishtam, mahanarayana tailam etc. Deepana pachana medicines like vaiswanara choornam, hinguvachadi choornam etc
It is always better to consult an expert Ayurveda doctor to plan medication based on symptoms and physical condition, history to get perfect results.
Summary: Ayurvedic treatment for secondary infertility helps to improve metabolism, Improve Agni ( Digestive system ) Detoxify the body. Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments help to remove Ama from the body and correct Agni. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas. Utter Basti, Panchakarma -Virechanam, Vamana, Lekhana Basti, Udwarthanam, Shirodhara, such treatments help to get the best result.
Ayurvedic treatments help to release tension as well as remove impurities from the body. They nourish the body, revitalize the mind and strengthen the immune system. They are helpful in reducing stress, nourishing all Dhatus in the body, and soothing Vata. Along with Ayurveda treatments, internal medication, as well as diet, exercise is equally important to get perfect results.
The right combination of Ayurvedic treatments, Diet, Exercise, and ayurvedic herbs helps regulate menstrual cycles, improve overall health and well-being, revitalize sperm (improve sperm count, body shape and motility in a man), reduce stress, improve sleep, control anxiety and increase energy level, balance endocrine system and improve blood flow in the pelvic cavity, thereby promoting fertility.
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