#Family outing
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e-johnsen · 23 days ago
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I present my gift for the wonderful @spacedpanini. I love love love a 'family outing' prompt. Thanks so much @emis-equivalent-exchange for putting this together! So excited to take part this year.
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tanema123 · 10 months ago
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Just some random spider shenanigans. Prompt: spiders inject their prey with acid to soften the insides and later eat those. In other words...
Zestial can't eat solid foods and has to mash them every time he eats.
Carmilla has gotten used to it, but the girls have just met him and are very confused. They accepted the fact after a while.
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viagginterstellari · 3 months ago
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Family - Salvador, 2023
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scarlettundrhett · 7 months ago
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sunshineandlyrics · 9 months ago
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Some people are just jealous of Louis.
FITFWT Santiago, 24 May 2024.
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victoriaplaysims · 6 months ago
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family outing at the park <3
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oliver got the cutest milestone! i hadn't seen it before, i need to get my sims out of the house more lol
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i'll make a proper post showcasing the park, but i had SO much fun building and especially decorating this. it's packed with activities! i think my build style is just *stuff everywhere* lol
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and by everywhere, i mean e v e r y w h e r e hehehe
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maisie came too! she was not enjoying the park as much lol, i had to check with mccc and she's pregnant with TWINS! yay cousins!!!!!!
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bd-z · 6 months ago
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That was a great night. Totally worth it!
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The movie was a blast and with 0 spoilers our ratings are:
Me: 10/10 (Fed my shipper soul. I hope there is a third)
Husband: 9/10 (couldn’t stop laughing, especially during singing moments)
Rox: 9/10 (freaked him a couple times, jump scares. He loves Bob)
Kai: 10/10 (body horror creeped her but she loved the rest. Cracked up all through the movie)
So after that, Roxas said he wants to be a Sandworm for Halloween if he can chase me and Kairi dressed as Lydia and Astrid.
A full family cosplay cuz Hubs will always be my Beej. 🖤
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blackhakumen · 7 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1221: Skipping Homework Day With My Two Favorite (Only) Grannies! (Guilty Gear Strive)
2:12 p.m. at the Illyria Castle, Sin Kiske's Bedroom........
Sin: (Groans Loudly While his Head Was Laid Down on his Desk) ('UUUUGGGGGGGGHH') Mannn! This blows! (Pulls his Head Back Up as He Looks Down at the Stack of Multiplication Homework His Parents, Ky and Dizzy, Gave Him) I've been coped up in here all day today and I'm STILL stuck on the first page. (Crosses his Arms While Pouting) I know school's a big deal and all, but I'm a Bounty Hunter, I hunt thing! ('UGh') If only there's someone I know who could break me free from this madness!!
?????: (Knocks on Sin's Door) Knockity, Knock, Knoooock!~
Sin: (Gasps as He Turns to See a Very Familiar Face Sticking her Head Out in hints Room) Granny Jack-O!~ (Happily Gets Up From his Seat Before Making his Way Over to his Grandmother) What the heck are you doing here!~
Jack-O: (Happily Spreads her Arms Open) To see you obviously!~ (Catches Sin in a Very Loving Hug) I can't go on another day without seeing my precious granbaby who I missed and love so, so much!~ (Starts Kissing on Sin's Cheek)
Sin: (Chuckles Ticklishly by his Granny's Kisses) Hey-ey now!~ The feelings definitely neutral.
????????: She's not the only one who misses, my dear grandson.
Sin's face turns to even more glee as he and Jack-O turns to see another familiar face walks into the room.
Sin: Granny Testament! (Walks Over to his Second Grandparent) You came to visit me too?
Testament: Why, of course~ (Happily Hugs Their Grandson) I couldn't bear to proceed any further with my life without visiting my most precious grandson in all the cosmos. (Gives Sin a Kiss on the Cheek)
Sin: (Starts Snickering a Bit) I swear, your words are getting more fancier by the minute.
Jack-O: I know, right? Everything about them screams elegance. I'm kinda jealous....
Testament: (Smiles Sheepishly at the Duo) I.... wouldn't exactly say that I'm the most elegant person in the world, but I am truly happy to see ypu two think very highly of me nonetheless. (Notices a Stack of Paper Sitting on Sin's Desk) I take it you've being doing homework this entire time?
Sin: (Sighs While Slouching his Upper Body Down a Bit) Yeeup. My math teacher says my grades has started slipping, so he convinced mom and dad to put me on a study/homework plan to catch up, starting with multiplications. It's so dumb.......
Testament: (Gives Their Grandson a Light Parental Glare) Now, Sin, you know they're only doing this to help improve your education in the long run, right?
Sin: Yeah, i know, but I've been working on it since first thing in the morning and it already got me stressed and bored outta my mind ever since.
Jack-O: ('Sigh') Stress and boredom. Two emotions I keep getting far too often these days......
Sin: (Turns Back to Jack-O) You had to do pages of homework too, Granny Jack-O?
Jack-O: Worse. I had to do stacks of paperwork, mountain sets of them, some of which were tall enough to create a mini fort around my own desk!
Testament: Oh come now, darling, it couldn't looked that ba- Oh my goodness. (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Picture of Paperwork Fort Jack-O is Now Showing Both Them and Sin on her Phone)
Sin: (Looks Closely at the Photo in Question) I dunno, Granny Jack-O. It's looks more like a mini castle than it us a fort.
Testament: (Turns to Sin) Castles and forts are the same thing, dear?
Sin: Wait, really? (Crosses his Arms Together While Thinking) I could've sworn they're different.....
Jack-O: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) Castle, fort, tomato, tamato. They're huge stacks of papers I never wanna go through again for at least the next months! (Smiles Brightly Again) Right now I wanna spend this beautiful, lovely day breaking our grandbaby out of this boring joint!~
Testament: (Turns to Jack-O Woth a Surprised Look on Their Face) I beg your pardon?
Sin: ('GASPS') Really?~
Jack-O: Really ×infinite!~
Testament: (Glares at Their Fellow Grandparent) Jack-O, no. We will not be doing that today.
Jack-O/Sin: What!? Why?
Testament: Because he has studies and homework to complete and we both know how very serious his parents about his education!
Jack-O: Obviously, but everyone deserves a break every once and while. (Wraps her Arm Around Sin's Shoulder) Especially this handsome cutie right here~
Testament: (Puts on a More Deadpinned Look on Their Face) Jack-O, I know what you're trying to do, it won't work.
Jack-O: Oh don't be even more of a stick in the mud. I'm only showing you how fearlu he miss spending time with his sweet, elegant gran-gran these days. Isn't that right, Sinny-Dear~
Sin: (Sticks his Arms Out and Puts the Most Adorable, Pleading Look He Could Muster) Gran-Gran~
Testament immediately winces at their grandson's sad puppy dog look, one of their most effective weaknesses.
Jack-O: (Forms a Cheeky Grin on her Face) Yeah, that's right~ There's no way you could say "No" with a face as cute as this, can you?~
Testament: (Tries Their Hardest to Resist Sin's Face.....) (So cuuuuuute~) (.....Only To Ultimately Sigh in Pure Defeat) Alright.... I concede.
Jack-O/Sin: ('GASPS') For real!?~
Testament: ('Sigh') Yes, yes, I am indeed "for real". But ONLY if you promise me that you will go back to finishing your homework once we return back here afterwards.
Sin: ('Sigh') Okay, but could you and Granny Jack-O help me out along the way? I really don't want to be stuck in rut anymore.
Testament: (Forms a Small Smirk on Their Face) Come visit you grandmother and I more often and our assistance will be granted.
Sin: (Happily Shakes Testament's Hand) Deal!
Jack-O: (Happily Pumps her Fist Up in the Air) Alright! Our Operation Break Our Granbaby Out of Boredom Jail is a definite go!~ (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Now, how exactly are we sneak pass the guards?....
Testament: Why so that- (Creates a Dark Portal With the Palm of Their Hand) When we can just use a safely tasted portal to leave instead?~
Jack-O/Sin: (Happily Claps at Testament's Fullproof Plan) Ooooooooooooh!~
An Hour or So Later at L'oro Di Illyria's Glorious Café: Outdoor Patio.......
Sin: (Munching on the Cookies and Maccrons Testament has Ordered For the Three of Them) So- ('Mmm') Is this really the place you and Captain Johnny went on your date that one night?
Jack-O: (Munching on the Treats as Well) ('Mmm') Under shiny stars?~
Testament: (Gives the Duo Another Deadpinned Look) Please stop talking with your mouth full, you two. It's very unproper and unsanitary.
Sin: Oh. (Swallows the Cookies He Was Eating On Before on a Sheepish Smile Along with Jack-O) Uh....S-Sorry about that, Gran-Gran......
Jack-O: The sweets here are so delectable and yummy, we couldn't help ourselves....(Giggles Awkwardly)
Testament: Well, you're not wrong. Their desserts and pastries are the talk of the entire town for a reason. (Closes Their Eyes and Forms a Very Satisfied Smile as They Start Thinking About the Most of Desserts They've Eaten so Far) The well crafted designs, their appealing, sweeten aroma, their RICH, crunchy, creamy flavor~ Every last one of them gets even more tastier than the last the MORE YOU-
Testament immediately puts their rambling into a screeching halt as they notice Sin and Jack-O are staring at them a little funny, causing the Gear to slowly blush in the process.
Testament: B-But anyways- ('Clears Throat') Yes. Johnny and I have came here one night. On a date.
Jack-O: Ooooh~ How lovely~ (Places her Chin on the Middle of Both her Palms Before Leaning Herself in a Little For More Details) Did you two had a good time?
Testament: (Happily Nodded) We have, yes. It was a beautiful and peaceful that night. We've hummed to some of the lovely music an elderly man was very kind enough to play for us in his guita. (Giggles a Bit at the Memory in Question) We even laughed and talked for hours on end before the manager asked us leave for the night which lead us take a stroll the night away, enjoying the view of each architect we've passed at the time. ('Sighs Dreamingly') Everything that night wonderful. (Starts Blushing Again) Johnny, himself, is wonderful as well~ For the most part.
Sin/Jack-O: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Most part?
Testament: As lovely as he is, he's also a bit of a- How does the youngsters call it.....A try hard. (Sighs While Putting on a Small Pouty Look on Their Face) Honestly, we've been dating for two and a half years now and that man still tries to woo me with his charms and medicore pick-up lines, every chance he gers. It's very adorable in hindsight, but when will he ever get it through his cute, thick-headed skull of his that I am already, attracted to him completely no matter what he do?~
Jack-O: (Casually Shrugs) Some people just want give their partners more of their attention. It's not the worst thing in the world so long you don't make it too much of a habit.
Sin: (Snickers a Bit) Like how you always try to find ways to make Gramps notice you more?
Jack-O: (Immediately Pouts at her Grandson) No!....(Turns Away While Twiddling her Fingers Around and Blushes) Yes.
Testament: (Rolls their Eyes a Bit) Of course. There's never been a time of day where you haven't attempted to impressed that stubborn burte of a man....How has he been doing these days if you don't mind me asking.
Jack-O: (Smiles Brightly Again) He's doing great. Still a grouch on the inside- (Hugs herself While Swaying her Upper Body Side to Side in a Very Lovestruck Fashion) But ohhh so sweet and romantic on the inside!~
Testament (Raises an Eyebrow at Jack-O) Frederick? A romantic?
Sin: Yeah, even I find that hard to believe honestly.
Jack-O: It's true! One night, I asked him how he feels about and if he still misses Ms. Asuka and he says- (Clears her Throat Before Putting on a More Rough, Gruntier Voice) "Jack, Arie's gone and you're still here. You're great just the way you and I love you for it. Now for God sakes ,woman, go back to sleep already."
Sin: (Chuckles Lightly) Okay! I take it back. That DEFINITELY sounds like the Old Man alright.
Jack-O: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) I KNOOOOW!~ I told you he's a sweetheart!~
Testament: No one says he wasn't one, dear. Only the romantic part.
Jack-O: Which he excels on with flying colors these days!~
Testament: I doubt that.
Jack-O: (Pouts at Testament) Oh just give him a chance already, Testie. He'll might surprise one of these days.
Testament: Oh, I'm sure he will. Don't think it'll be anytime soon, but in due time I suppose. Speaking of which- (Turns Back to Sin) Sin, do you have a certain somebody you're interested in?
Jack-O: (Leans Over to Sin a Bit) In a romantic sense?~ (Rapidly Blinking her Eyes, Awaiting for the Answer)
Sin: Nah. I'm not really into that lovey-dovey stuff like you guys are honestly. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Though, there is this one girl I've been thinking about as of late. You know, the one who used to hate Gears so much. Unika, I think was her name?
Jack-O: (Eyes Widened at Who Sin Was Talking About) The T.E.O.C. brat that tried to kill you and Freddie in the past!?
Sin: The very same, yeah. Not the most friendly girl around by a long mile, but I do kinda wonder what she's doing these days. Maybe she's traveling on foot?
Jack-O: (Crosses her Arms While Pouting, Very Not Please of the Girl Sin Mentioned) Or hiding.....
Testament: Either one of these options are plausible in retrospect. Though, if there's one thing for certain......(Takes a Sip of a their Tea Before Putting the Cup on the Table and Putting on a Dark, Intimidating Look on their Face) She better pray to high heavens that she doesn't stumble her way back to this Kingdom or be foolish enough approach ME for that matter........
Jack-O: (Puts on a Dark Look of her Own) Or me for that matter. (Cracking Both her Knuckles One by One) Been wanting to have a few words with her ever since that incident and it's high time I make a reality! (Turns to Testament) Wanna search for her just in case, Testie?
Testament: (Simply Nodded) Yes. Let's. (Is About to Get Up Their Table-)
Sin: (Quickly Stops his Grandparents) Woahwoahwoah Hey, hang on for a second! You guys don't need to do any of that!
Testament: (Look Back at Sin) Are you sure, darling?
Jack-O: (Starts Pouting Again) I wanna punch her......
Sin: I know you do, Granny Jack-O, but I'm definitely sure about this. I mean, sure, what happened between us on that day really sucks and all, but she has her reasons for why she was angry, for the doing the things she did. And I get that, even if I'm not a fan of her trying of harm my family just to prove a point. So let's just relax for a bit. No use getting angry over the past anymore, am I right?
Both grannies stare at Sin for a few seconds before letting out relaxed, defeat sounding sighs.
Testament: I suppose.
Jack-O: We'll let it go for now. (Gently Ruffles the Top of her Grandson's Hair) Only for you, kiddo.
Sin: (Chuckles Ticklishly by the Hair Ruffling) Thanks!~ I know it's a chore to listen to a dumb kid like me-
Jack-O: ('GASPS') Sin Kiske, how dare you!?~
Testament: (Gives Sin a Srern, Motherly Glare Along with Jack-O) We will not tolerate you putting yourself down like that, young man!
Sin: (Quickly Brings his Hands Up in Front of his Face in Fear and Defense) I know, I know! I was just saying! N-No one wants to be lectured by a dumb kid all the time, am I right?
Jack-O: For some people maybe, but YOU- (Boops on Sin's Nose) Mister, are not dumb! You have shown us plenty of times that you are more smarter and clever than you're giving yourself credit for right now.
Testament: (Nodded in Agreement) She's right. Remember the time you helped May and I complete five different sets of picture puzzles back at her ship?
Jack-O: Or the time you've managed to beat your old man at an one v. one UNO match effortlessly in under a minute or so, without even making a single pokerface to throw him off?
Sin: (Chuckles Lightly at the Memory in Question) Yeah and he starts throwing the throwing whole table to the side. He was fuming that night!
Jack-O: (Giggles Softly) Oho definitely!~ Nut I wouldn't expect any less from my grumpy gills of a man~ But do you see where we're getting at here?
Sin: Yeah, I think so. ('Sigh') My grades beg to differ though....
Jack-O: (Gives Sin a Reassuring Smile) You'll be able to improve and do better on them in due time. There's no need to fret over that.
Testament: (Gently Grabs Hold of Sin's Hand While Smiling at Him as Well) and there's no need for you to doubt yourself either. You are as unique as they come, Sin, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Understand?
Sin: (Stares at Both His Grannies For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back at Them) Yeah. I got it. (Smile Turns into a Sheepish One) But....you'll still help out whenever I ask for one, right?
Testament: (Giggles Softly) Of course we will, dear. Always. (Gives Sin Another Kiss on the Forehead)
Jack-O: (Happily Hugs Sin) What kind of grandparents we'd be if we don't help out our baby boi?~ (Starts Kissing on Sin's Cheek)
Testament: Honestly, Jack-O, you're going to end embarrassing that boy if you keep kissing him like that.
Sin: (Casually Shrugs) Eh I don't mind. Let 'em stare. (Forms a Bright Smile) At least everyone will know I have the most awesomest grandparents in the entire universe.
Testament: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as They Join in on the Hugfest) Bless your pure heart!~
Sin let's out another laugh as he continues to spend some much needed time with hisvtwo favorite (only) grannies in the universe.
Unknowingly to them, however, there are two familiar figures watching over them from the far distance.
Ky: (Chuckles Lightly at the Trio in the Distance) It seems those three are already having a grand old time out there.
Dizzy (Giggles Softly) So it seems. It's been so long since I've seen Testament act like a dotting parent. It's so precious~
Ky: (Snickers a Bit at the Memory) More precious than the time Jack-O started cheering and running around entire castle once we first told her that she's a technical grandmother to the kids?
Dizzy: (Giggles Some More) I find that more silly if anything, dear~(Smiles Softly as She Leans the Side of her Head Over to her Husband's Shoulder) But it makes me happy to see to that our family is getting along these days.
Ky: (Wraps an Arm Around his Wife's Shoulder) I couldn't agree more. But you know something?
Dizzy: Hm?
Ky: It surprises me that you let those two sneak Sin out of the room earlier. I was for certain you would have a fit over it.
Dizzy: (Playfully Pouts at Ky) Oh hush up that cute mouth of yours, Ky Kiske!~ I can be as fun of a parent as you are, you know?
Ky: (Chuckles Lightly at How Adorable his Wife is Acting) Of course, you are, dear!~ I've just seen you becoming more laser focus on getting him do his homework these days it's kinda hard not to see you as the serious parent of the castle hold.
Dizzy: ('Sigh') You're not wrong there. Education is important and it's cruise for him to learn about it in the outside world rather than just hunting all day. (Gives Ky the Brightest Smile She Could Muster) But my baby's happiness is far more important to me than that all together and, you know?
Ky: (Stares at Dizzy For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back at Her) Yeah. It's important to me too. We'll make sure he maintain that happiness for as long as we both shall live.
Dizzy: (Nodded in Agreement) Right. For Sin.
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cybermartins · 1 year ago
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Francis Bacon at a family outing to West Bay, Bridport, Dorset, c. 1933 (photo taken by his cousin Diana Watson)
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marseesthisway · 7 months ago
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portrait of two adult children on a very hot day
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mlp410nightcore · 8 months ago
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Hi Everyone!! Here is a family painting for my Blossom Love AU. Even before Samurai Jack and Itward got married or even got together, Itward had already adopted Fran Bow and after Itward and Samurai Jack got married, they later on adopted Little Misfortune as well. This cute little painting is of Samurai Jack spending time with his adopted daughters in their home of Ithersta. Credit goes to PrincessLilyBrush for the base I used and to KillMonday Games, Genndy Tartakovsky and Cartoon Network for creating Fran Bow, Little Misfortune and Samurai Jack as well as creating the characters, Fran Bow, Itward, Little Misfortune and Samurai Jack as well as creating the location, Ithersta as well. I only take credit for my next gens, art, ships, stories and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like this!!!
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tianalaurence1 · 9 months ago
Family time. 💞
The Queen, Peter Phillips and his daughters attend the final day of the Badminton Horse Trials 2024 at Badminton House on May 12, 2024 in Badminton, Gloucestershire.
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viagginterstellari · 5 months ago
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Family outing - Viscri, 2021
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wiley-treehouse-gardens · 1 year ago
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I have more pictures of butterflies on me + mom + dad (courtesy of the volunteer at the butterfly house) but I like my parents too much to dox them.
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kawasiki-jo · 2 years ago
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Aki said that all my fanart is way too sexual and I need something PG 13+, so he sent me a ref he pulled from god knows where, and told me to do the impossible. Here’s me trying to not sexualize my bois 🥹✨😂.
I tried my best, even put in Khun and Arm and Pol. Does it make sense? not really. But oh well, I was challenged and … may have lost a bit of respect for myself ☺️
le Ref:
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