#Fast air conditioning solutions
ramservices1 · 9 months
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Don't sweat it! Fast and affordable AC & cooler repair solutions. Get expert services for reliable cooling. Beat the heat with our repair solutions.
Do Read: https://ramservicesandsales.com/2023/11/10/dont-sweat-it-fast-and-affordable-ac-cooler-repair-solutions/
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Keep Your AC Safe: Installing Pigeon Nets for Air Conditioning
Protecting your air conditioner (AC) from pigeons is essential for maintaining its efficiency and longevity. Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore offers expert tips for installing pigeon nets:
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1. Choosing the Right Pigeon Net
Selecting the appropriate netting ensures effective protection:
Material: Opt for durable, weather-resistant netting that withstands outdoor conditions.
Mesh Size: Choose a mesh size small enough to prevent pigeons from entering while allowing proper airflow.
Custom Solutions: Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore provides tailored nets to fit various AC sizes and configurations.
2. Professional Installation
Proper installation is crucial for optimal performance:
Expertise: Rely on Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore’s experienced team for precise installation.
Secure Attachment: Ensure the net is securely attached around the AC unit to prevent birds from accessing it.
3. Long-Term Benefits
Investing in quality netting offers several advantages:
Cost Savings: Prevents damage to AC components, reducing repair and maintenance costs.
Efficiency: Maintains AC performance by keeping out debris and nesting materials.
Health and Safety: Minimizes health risks associated with bird droppings and feathers.
4. Aesthetic Considerations
Choose nets that enhance your property’s appearance:
Transparent Options: Opt for transparent nets that blend seamlessly with the surroundings.
Enhanced Property Value: Protect your property while maintaining its aesthetic appeal.
5. Maintenance Tips
Ensure the longevity of your pigeon net with regular maintenance:
Cleaning: Periodically clean the netting to remove debris and maintain airflow.
Inspection: Regularly inspect the net for wear and tear, repairing any damages promptly.
Installing pigeon nets for your air conditioning unit with Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore ensures reliable protection against pigeons while preserving AC efficiency and aesthetics. For professional installation and quality netting solutions, contact Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore today and safeguard your AC unit effectively.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
Green energy is in its heyday. 
Renewable energy sources now account for 22% of the nation’s electricity, and solar has skyrocketed eight times over in the last decade. This spring in California, wind, water, and solar power energy sources exceeded expectations, accounting for an average of 61.5 percent of the state's electricity demand across 52 days. 
But green energy has a lithium problem. Lithium batteries control more than 90% of the global grid battery storage market. 
That’s not just cell phones, laptops, electric toothbrushes, and tools. Scooters, e-bikes, hybrids, and electric vehicles all rely on rechargeable lithium batteries to get going. 
Fortunately, this past week, Natron Energy launched its first-ever commercial-scale production of sodium-ion batteries in the U.S. 
“Sodium-ion batteries offer a unique alternative to lithium-ion, with higher power, faster recharge, longer lifecycle and a completely safe and stable chemistry,” said Colin Wessells — Natron Founder and Co-CEO — at the kick-off event in Michigan. 
The new sodium-ion batteries charge and discharge at rates 10 times faster than lithium-ion, with an estimated lifespan of 50,000 cycles.
Wessells said that using sodium as a primary mineral alternative eliminates industry-wide issues of worker negligence, geopolitical disruption, and the “questionable environmental impacts” inextricably linked to lithium mining. 
“The electrification of our economy is dependent on the development and production of new, innovative energy storage solutions,” Wessells said. 
Why are sodium batteries a better alternative to lithium?
The birth and death cycle of lithium is shadowed in environmental destruction. The process of extracting lithium pollutes the water, air, and soil, and when it’s eventually discarded, the flammable batteries are prone to bursting into flames and burning out in landfills. 
There’s also a human cost. Lithium-ion materials like cobalt and nickel are not only harder to source and procure, but their supply chains are also overwhelmingly attributed to hazardous working conditions and child labor law violations. 
Sodium, on the other hand, is estimated to be 1,000 times more abundant in the earth’s crust than lithium. 
“Unlike lithium, sodium can be produced from an abundant material: salt,” engineer Casey Crownhart wrote ​​in the MIT Technology Review. “Because the raw ingredients are cheap and widely available, there’s potential for sodium-ion batteries to be significantly less expensive than their lithium-ion counterparts if more companies start making more of them.”
What will these batteries be used for?
Right now, Natron has its focus set on AI models and data storage centers, which consume hefty amounts of energy. In 2023, the MIT Technology Review reported that one AI model can emit more than 626,00 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent. 
“We expect our battery solutions will be used to power the explosive growth in data centers used for Artificial Intelligence,” said Wendell Brooks, co-CEO of Natron. 
“With the start of commercial-scale production here in Michigan, we are well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for efficient, safe, and reliable battery energy storage.”
The fast-charging energy alternative also has limitless potential on a consumer level, and Natron is eying telecommunications and EV fast-charging once it begins servicing AI data storage centers in June. 
On a larger scale, sodium-ion batteries could radically change the manufacturing and production sectors — from housing energy to lower electricity costs in warehouses, to charging backup stations and powering electric vehicles, trucks, forklifts, and so on. 
“I founded Natron because we saw climate change as the defining problem of our time,” Wessells said. “We believe batteries have a role to play.”
-via GoodGoodGood, May 3, 2024
Note: I wanted to make sure this was legit (scientifically and in general), and I'm happy to report that it really is! x, x, x, x
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redflagshipwriter · 2 months
Hot Ghouls Chapter 12 part 1/2
Call me when you’re free!!!!!!
“Geeze,” Danny muttered. “Calm down, Jazz.” Still, he did what she said. He hefted up his backpack, waved goodbye to his shift relief, and dialed her up as he jogged down the library stairs.
“I’ve found two solutions!”
Danny winced at how cheerful his sister’s voice was. “Great!” He tried to match her enthusiasm, despite feeling like something that had been peeled off the sidewalk. He’d ended up working the morning shift on Saturday anyways. “Should I come over?”
“No.” Jazz sounded a little shifty. “I think it’s best if you don’t come over right now.”
“I’m not nuts!” her roommate was faintly audible, as was some kind of repetitive thwap. “We are getting this place fumigated and cleansed and exorcised-
Jazz must have power walked away from poor Tiffany. Her voice faded out. “Ahem.”
Danny pressed his lips together tightly and tried not to laugh. There was a brief space in the conversation where he probably should have said ‘I’m sorry that I made her think your place was haunted.’ But honestly? In a very literal sense, it had been haunted?
“Danny,” Jazz said, in her quiet scary voice, “shut up.”
He shut up even harder than he’d been shutting up before.
She continued in one of her determined tones that meant there was no point in arguing unless it was a hill he was willing to die on. “I am not going to stay in your place because it’s small and scary.”
‘You’re scarier,’ Danny thought mutinously. ‘You’re scarier than anything in my apartment.’
Aloud, he said something else. “Then where?” He did his best to communicate, dummy, via his tone. “I don’t think this is a coffee shop conversation.”
More importantly, he didn’t really have much coffee shop budget. Jazz didn’t have that much either. They were both on scholarships and part time jobs.
“Of course not,” Jazz said practically. “The main Gotham public library is a mid-point and you can rent out a room there for hour blocks. I’ll reserve it online on the way there. I’m halfway to the train station now. What’s your ETA- you just left campus, right?”
Danny looked down at his foot incredulously as he stepped off the final cement stair onto the sidewalk. How did she know that? He looked around dumbly for a know-it-all sister spy plane or something.
“I’ll get a media room from 3-4 pm, that gives you time to stop and get us drinks and snacks. I’ll pay you back, budget of 10 dollars. That sound okay?”
“Fine.” Danny sighed heavily. “Yeah, I can get to that area pretty fast.” He hung up and resigned himself to pushing through foot traffic. He was a lot closer than Jazz was at the moment. He put his head down and ignored the masses of humanity for a little more than 20 minutes of walking. The high lifted roof of the city's main library came into view over the surrounding buildings.
There was a grocery store pretty close by. Danny detoured there and got wrapped sandwiches, chips, and coffees. He hid them all in his backpack just in case the library had a no-food policy.
Then he checked his phone. Jazz had sent him a text telling him the floor and room number in the library. He also had seven missed calls from his parents. That initially freaked him out until he noticed that Dad had sent him a link to an update on the family blog with a string of ghost and wink emojis.
Yeah ok. It wasn't going to be important in the slightest. He ignored his parents.
He jogged the rest of the way to the library and then up the ramp. Danny slipped in the doors and enjoyed the rush of air conditioning. He nodded to the librarian visible from the door and then took the main stairs at an easy pace up to the fourth floor. The rented media room was a straight shot to the back. His sister was waiting to pounce when he opened the door.
“Get back, beast,” Danny said, alarmed. He held his backpack out like it would ward her away.
“Open it!” Jazz demanded.
Holy cow. Uh. He scrambled to unzip it and hold out the plastic shopping bag in offering.
“Gimme gimme, thank you,” Jazz sang and she snatched the snacks from his hands. Danny blew on his fingers pointedly as if her speed burnt his fingertips. She ignored him and unwrapped the ham and cheese at lightning speed.
Oof. Danny kept his fingers a little closer so they didn't get bitten off and side-eyed his big sister as she all but inhaled the sandwich. He popped open the chips bag and ate a couple, feeling a bit freaked out by how ravenous she was. He opened his mouth to comment and then thought better of it.
“Are those for both of us?” Jazz swallowed her sandwich and pointed at the chip bag.
Danny held his hands up and let her take it away. “Geeze,” he said, quietly. He took his own sandwich out from the bag that Jazz had abandoned and ate it at a more normal speed. By the time he'd finished Jazz was content with the chips. He cautiously reached out and fished the bag back towards him. A glance inside showed that she'd left about half.
“So!” Jazz clapped her hands like she had pretensions of being a preschool teacher.
“That body language making you friends at Arkham?” Danny jabbed. He popped a chip in his mouth and crunched down.
Jass casually flipped him off. “Yes, actually,” she said primly. “Dr. Quinn was very complimentary-”
“Before she broke out?” Danny said dryly around a mouthful of chips.
“-and I have formed meaningful clinical bonds with many other patients. But I digress.” She gave him a version of her smug face. She, as always, looked like that meme of the knife cat. “I have two solutions for you.”
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xllizs · 1 year
"What's your favorite scary movie?" Ghostface! Toji Fushiguro x Reader
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TAGS: Serial killer, corn maze, halloween, made up characters as readers friends, SMUT NOT PROOF READ!!
You step out of your car into the eerie night, the grass brushing against your ankles. The cold air rushes past your body, making you shiver. You aren’t the biggest fan of this kind of stuff, but your friends wanted to go somewhere over the weekend, and since you miraculously finished all your work this week, you agreed. 
“Wait, are you guys fine leaving around, like, 8:30?” your friend, Himari hushes.
“Yeah, sure, but I kind of wanted to stay longer,” you say back, starting to walk towards the gates.
“Okay, but like, I’m still kind of paranoid because of all that Ghostface shit going around. I just don’t want to take any chances, y’know?”
You turn around and face the car, where Himari and your other friend, Keishi, are standing.
“Oh my god, if you keep mentioning it, then it’s actually gonna happen. You’ll be fine,” Keishi assures her. You nod at Himari with a slight smile. He yanks Himari by her wrist as you push open the gates of the pumpkin patch.
The sun’s glow reflects off of the field, making the lackluster grass look golden. The end of the sky fades into a deep saffron. There are a lot of people, but it isn’t too loud. You breathe in, take in the sight, and then exhale. After you pay for your tickets, you look back at your friends.
“Okay! So, what should we do first?” You ask, eyeing the seemingly endless rows of corn across from you. There’s an arch with a big sign on it that says Haunted Corn Maze at the beginning of the pathway.
“Ooh, we should do that!” Keishi exclaims, lightly jogging towards the entrance. You and Himari glance at each other before you follow suit. 
At the entrance, there’s a wooden A-frame chalkboard with a handful of warnings and disclaimers. Keishi struts up to it, and begins to read.
“Warning: the Haunted Corn Maze is not for the faint of heart. Those who suffer from seizures, asthma, heart conditions, or any physical, mental, or respiratory conditions should not enter. Anyone who enters understands that there may be dangers or hazards– okay I’m not reading all of that. Let’s just go in, I didn’t see anything on their website about it being super scary anyways.”
The three of you start to walk down the path, but you aren’t aware of the critical mistake you’ve all just made.
At the bottom of the chalkboard is written in bold letters: On October 1, 2, and 3, The Haunted Corn Maze will be closed from 7:30-11:00 PM for maintenance.
It’s 7:04, but you sure as hell won’t be leaving for a while.
You, Keishi, and Himari, have been walking for a good 20 minutes, running into a few scare actors. It’s gotten darker now, making it harder to stay together. The noise of fake chainsaws not only irritate you, but sometimes drown out the sound of your friends’ voices. As you’re trying to get through the maze, an announcement airs over the speakers.
“Greetings, visitors! We hope you’re having a spooktastic time, this is just a reminder that the Haunted Corn Maze will be closed in 5 minutes due to maintenance. Again, the Haunted Corn Maze will be closed in 5 minutes due to maintenance. Thank you for your cooperation, and we hope you have a good rest of your evening!”
Oh, shit.
“...You have got to be fucking joking,” Himari says in a stern voice. You all stare at each other, then start desperately trying to find a solution.
“Should we call for help… I swear to god I didn’t know… oh my god… are we really stuck… just finish the maze…” 
You all agree that you should just try to find the exit as fast as you can, and if you can’t then at least help will find you. You and your friends start running slowly down the path, panting. It’s gonna take a fucking while for help to arrive, and you don’t want any random people trying to scare you in this anxious state–
Oh. Speak of the devil.
As you turn the corner, you see someone wearing a black robe holding a prop knife. It’s weird, they’re just facing the end of the aisle, which is a dead end. You groan loudly, realizing you have to go back, when the person turns around. The turn is curiously slow. Now, you can see they’re wearing a mask, a Ghostface mask. 
“Hah, Himari, you were right, there is a serial killer,” you sneer. You squint at the figure, trying to inspect them a bit harder, but they start to move their arm, raising the knife, and–
“Oh my fucking god, it’s an actual serial killer!” Himari screams. The knife barely flew past her.
“Himari, calm down, it’s just a prop… see–” You swear, trying to calm her down. Her arms squeeze around you as Keishi approaches the knife. His shaky hands try to cover his mouth, but he’s gawking. 
“N-no, it’s real.” The air turns even colder. You feel sick, like you’re going to puke, but you feel so horribly bare inside. You’re gasping for air, but it feels suffocating somehow. You’d think that your fight or flight instincts would kick in with a situation like this, but you’re just frozen. No way. No fucking way is this real.
“Oh– oh my god, run!” Keishi wails, holding onto both you and Himari as you try to get away. Any color in Himari’s face has completely faded at this point, and Keishi looks so distraught, which hurts to see, comparing it to his usual demeanor. Do something, idiot. Anything, it doesn’t matter, just please do something. You throw yourself away from your friends and take a shaky breath.
“D-don’t,” you choke, “don’t get near my friends, bitch!” You sob, clawing pathetically at the hunting knife on the ground. You didn’t realize how scarily far the knife was thrown, until now. The figure takes a firm, sharp step. 
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?!” Himari yells. You’re glad she’s still conscious.
“I-I don’t… I don’t know, just hurry!” You yell back. It’s true, you don’t know what you’re doing, but at least you’re trying to do something, right? 
“Are you sure about this?!”
“Just go! I’ll keep him off for now, just get help, okay?” It’s hilarious, really– because you and your friends are all bawling your eyes out, how the hell are you gonna make it out of here?
Keishi and Himari look back at you before scurrying away frantically. The person in black takes another step towards you. Are you terrified? Probably. Do you think you can beat this guy who’s a foot taller than you? Probably not. Are you still going to try and protect your friends? Of course. 
“How cute,” the man in black coos, his voice muffled by the mask. You’re both taking one step at a time, waiting for the other to act. You blink, and before you know it, he’s almost right in front of you. You hurl the knife at his torso, and then run as fast as you humanly can.
You aren’t sure how long you’ve been stuck in this shithole, but it’s definitely been a while; the fatigue is really starting to settle in now. Constantly running around while still trying to keep quiet is excruciatingly difficult, especially when you’re being hunted down by a serial killer. You think you’ve finally lost him. It’s completely dark out now, and you’ve finally accepted that nobody is going to come looking for you. I mean, they would have found you by now, right? You wonder where Himari and Keishi are. It would kind of defeat the whole point of this if they were still stuck in the maze too. You reach into your back pocket for your phone, but there’s nothing there. You reach into the other pocket, but there’s still nothing. Shit, did it fall out while you were running?–
“I feel bad for you, you’re so oblivious it’s almost charming.”
There he is.
In his left hand is the knife from earlier. It’s covered in blood. He must’ve pulled it out. In his right hand is your phone.
“W–what– how did–” You didn’t even realize that you had fallen backwards. Get off your ass, do some–
“Are these your little friends, sweetheart?” He shows you the– oh god– 28 missed calls from you and your friends’ group chat. You haven’t been able to get reception until now, how ridiculous. You don’t have time to mope though, you need to get away from this psycho. 
“What do you want?” Your voice is strangled but still fierce. He cocks his head to the side, then looks back at the phone.
“Hm, they’re calling again,” he shrugs nonchalantly. You stare at him, terrified. How could he sound so normal about this? You start to get up, but then quickly realize it's a dead end. Fuck. He starts to walk towards you. You decide that if he comes at you, you'll try and escape from the side. 
You run towards the open space on his left. His arm moves towards your neck, the bloody knife brushing against your collarbone. 
“There's nowhere to go, doll.” 
He pushes you down, quickly straddling you so you can't move. 
“Why don’t we pick up the phone?” He questions, and you swear you can hear the grin in his voice. What a sly motherfucker. You throw your hands up, trying to get him away from you– not like it's gonna help, he's clearly built. He drops the phone to hold both of your arms together. The other hand quickly slides the knife up to your neck. “Answer the phone, and let your friends know you made it out safely, and that you're okay. Or I’ll slit your throat right now, got it?” His deep, scratchy voice shivers down your spine. You frantically nod your head yes, pleading for your life. “That's what I thought–” the phone rings. “Perfect. Now once I let go of your arms, don't fight back. You won't win.” You were too scared to, now. If you tried, who knows where the knife would end up.  
He lets go of your arms, grabbing the phone and answering it. He puts it on speaker, holding it up between you two. It's still closer to you, and the mic side is facing you. 
“Oh my god! You're alive!” Himari cries out with relief. You catch your breath. 
“Yeah, I got out,” you say, trying to stabilize your shaky voice. 
“Why weren’t you answering your phone? We were about to call the cops,” Keishi lectures you.
“I, uh– sorry, the reception was bad and then my phone died. I'm okay now,” you reassure them. You really wish you were. 
“Alright good, stay safe, we love you!” Himari says in a loving tone. 
‘Wait, guys–” they had already hung up, but you hadn't realized and kept speaking. “Please, he has me– please!” you scream out. You start sobbing, you're done for. Why did you do that? 
“Oohh, you stupid bitch.” He throws your phone. The knife that was just held up to your neck is now in his pocket. 
“No! No! Please! They didn't hear me!” You hiccup mid sentence, trying to catch your breath from sobbing. “I'm so sorry! Please, please! I don't wanna die! Please!” you're hysterical. His hand goes to your neck. Right now, he's just holding it. 
“Would you shut the fuck up? Im not fucking killing you, yet,” he spits out at you. 
His hand adjusts around your neck. For some reason he doesn't want to get rid of you. There's just something about you. He makes sure he puts pressure on the right spot, just to knock you out. 
“No! No! I'm so sorry!” You shriek out. He starts to squeeze your neck, and you instinctively bring your hands up to try and take him off. He grips both of your hands again. You’re gasping for air. You're starting to feel funny. Your vision is blurry. You– you can't get any more air.
Cold. It’s a lot colder than before. Am I dead? Where am I? 
Youre propped up on a chair. Your arms are behind you, tied together by something, whatever it is, it's cold, you assume it's handcuffs? Don't know. Surprisingly you can see. 
What about your legs? Can you move them? No. you can't. They're stuck around the chairs legs. 
You aren't able to talk, there's tape on your mouth.
Your visions still blurry, but you’re  trying to decipher where you are. Its dark, maybe a basement?
Clearly its not your house, so whos is it-
Then, all the memories came flooding in of what happened before you blacked out.
You hear somebody walking down the stairs. This time, zero robe. Is this sick fuck seriously wearing a tanktop and sweatpants? Still that stupid ass mask. You notice the bandage near where you stabbed him before. 
 Your face is soaked in tears and you're breathing so loudly. Your heart beat is so loud. The silence breaks when you hear a deep chuckle.
'`Pretty girls awake, huh?” he mocks you. He walks toward you and crouches down. “Oh yeahh, cant talk, can you?..kay’ gimme a sec.” 
Why is he talking to you like he didn't just kidnap you?? 
His hand approaches your face. You close your eyes. He gets a grip on the tape and rips it off fast. It comes off smoother due to your tears. You feel the light burning sensation and whimper. “Get the fuck away from me.” you quietly spoke. 
He scoffs at you. “Nah. Don't worry. You'll be gone soon.” Why does he say it in an assuring tone? Does he expect you to feel better? “Huh???” you start panicking. This can't be happening. He gets up and walks behind you. You follow him with your head as he starts to unlock your cuffs. The tight, cold metal around your wrists is gone. “My knife is in my pocket. Dont fuck with me.”  he tells you fiercely. You nod, if obeying him keeps you alive longer, you'll take it.
Youre free, he got your legs undone. His back is facing you, while he stands only a few feet away. This is your chance! Go! 
You spring up and the second the chair creeked his heels turn and he pushes you towards the ground.
You crash on the cement floor. Your knees automatically ache. He gets on the ground and flips you on your back. 
You are fighting back with everything you got. Moving your arms so he cant grab them. While he tries to keep your legs down, you knock off his mask. Holy fuck.
His raven hair  thats not too messy is revealed. His face and gorgeous green eyes. How is a serial killer, so attractive?
His mouth curls up, you notice a scar on it as he does. He scoffs. Fuck, you are so done, now. Your mouth opens a little from eyeing his face up and down. “You fucking little bitch. Now I really gotta get rid of ya, huh?” he says with a chuckle, acting like it's some sick joke. No, no. you really are gonna die. “Please. Please.” His hand wraps around your neck to pick you up. He leans closer to you. Only a few inches away from your face. “How should I kill you? Hm?” his head leans to the side as he has a small grin. 
Why are you finding the man that wants to kill you attractive? 
“No please. Please. I just graduated college! I have a life to live for! Please! I have so much left to do before I’d even die. Please!” you sob out. Tears coming out again. 
“Yeah?” he lowers his mouth to your ear, “Like what?” he questions. 
Your eyes widen in disgust, he's seriously asking about your future?
You stammer, “Uh- I, are you serious?” it was scary to ask, but you didnt wanna piss him off.
“Yeah.” He moves his head and is staring deeply into your eyes, “Why don't you tell me things you haven't done yet, or what you're planning? Gotta know what you'll miss out on, once I kill you.” he snickers at you. 
Your eyes widen in horror. That word, kill. You’re gonna die.
 “Uh. I mean” you breathe out shakingly, “I guess get a steady job?..and, nevermind. Finally get a boyfriend,” you really didn't understand why you were honestly telling him this, “I don't know-” 
“Nuh uh. Go back, you know you were gonna say something before that, doll.” he coos. 
That nickname. Now that you've seen his face, and you hate to admit it, it did something to you.
“I wasn’t.” you gulp. You both knew it was a lie. 
“You know I didn't believe that for one second.” He takes his knife out and you flinch, “don't worry, i ain't doing anything, yet.” he sneers. “So what was it? Your first kiss?” he starts fidgeting with his knife and his eyes light up, “Oohh, orrr.. are you still a virg-” 
“No!” you cut him off. Obviously, that was what you were going to say, but there was no point in telling the man who's going to kill you that you are. 
“Got ya!! Not very good at being secretive, hm?” he smirks.
He starts to eye you down, stopping where he straddled you. You take the chance to eye him down too. The way his shirt hugs his body. You gotta admit, he makes you wet. Your eyes run down to the tent in his pants. Is he hard? 
“So, you just really dont wanna die a virgin?” he asks
Your cheeks light up in a pink shade. “Why does it matter?” you shoot a question back at him. 
“Ehh, dunno. Personally I wouldnt mind a quick fuck, ‘specially with a pretty girl like you.” that nasty, but very attractive smirk, appears on his face again.
You break eye contact.
Was he attractive? Fuck yes. Would you fuck him in a heartbeat? Definitely. Isn't he planning to kill you? Yep. 
“Tell ya what,” He does a swift move with the knife, “If you let me fuck you, we’ll both get something out of it. You’ll lose your virginity you are so worried about, and I’ll possibly spare your life if its good. Andd, hopefully I’ll get a good fuck. Deal?” He looks you up and down.
Fuck. You mean, you'd do anything to live. And if he wasn't your killer you would accept his offer right away.
“Will I actually live?” you wonder, for all you know he might just stab you mid fuck. 
“Probably. Hopefully that wet cunt of yours is good.” he winks
“Fine. Will it hurt..?” you squint while asking, he chuckles, “ehh, you decide once you see my cock. But first, I want you to suck it. You bite and I slit your throat, ‘kay?” 
You've never sucked cock. You can barely swallow a pill. You try to remember all those stupid things Himari told you once after she gave a few guys head.
You nod at him and he gets off of you. Knife in hand. You watch as he takes his sweatpants off, revealing the large bulge in his boxers. Then, he removes them. Your eyes widen. You've seen porn a few times, and you knew, this was big. He lets out a light laugh. 
He sits on the chair you were on a few moments ago, queueing you to come towards him.
Your knees still hurt so badly, so as pathetic as it was, you crawl towards him. 
As you get between his legs, you get on your knees and wrap your hand around his cock. 
You start to stroke it up and down, spitting on it to help you lube it up. Not sure what to do, you kiss the tip, letting go with a pop noise. Circling his tip with your tongue, he grabs a handful of your hair with his hand gripping it. “That's good. Better start sucking it.” he pants out. His dick spilling with a little of precum still.
You let more spit dangle out of your mouth onto his dick and put your mouth on it. Starting to slide farther down his dick until you gag, you were gonna move back up until he pushes you down and starts bobbing your head up and down. Tears start to brickle out of your eyes and stream down your face. Remembering, you take your and stroke the part that isn't in your mouth. You play with his balls a little, hopefully not doing anything wrong. You stare up into his eyes as they fill with tears from gagging.
“Fuck, youre a fuckin’ slut arent you? You know how to work that mouth.” he grunts 
You start stroking more and he loosens his grip on your hair as you start to bob your head past you limit by yourself. “I’m gonna cum. And it's going in your mouth.” and when he says that, you swear you almost heard a whimper. You rest your hands on his knees, your head moves up and you circle his tip with your tongue one last time and put it far down your throat again. 
His dick twitches as he unleashes a load inside your throat. Without a single thought, you move your head away and swallow it. Why did you enjoy it? “Haha, swallowed it like it was nothing. This really your first time?” he breathes out, trying to get down from his high. His dick is still hard.
“That was good. Can't make any promises on your life though till I fuck that  cunt.” he has a smirk on his face.
You hated how badly you wanted to have this man fuck you. 
He stands up avoiding hitting you as you're still kneeled in front of the chair. You look to the side as if offers a hand to help you up. You question whether or not he's actually gonna help you up, but you take the chance and you're standing up.
 Once you're standing up you barely have a second to look up at his eyes staring into yours before he roughly pushes you against the wall. He pins you down, cupping your face and roughly kissing you. He forces his tongue into your mouth as one of his hands start to run down to your boob, circling around your nipple. 
He bites your lip and sucks on it before he releases and his lips move back a little, a string of salvia following him. He quickly moves down to your neck, you whimper as he bites down then quickly sucking on it. You try to contain you moans but between him playing with your nipple and sucking on your neck, you couldn't. 
He takes his knife and cuts down the middle of your shirt quickly revealing your bra. 
He rips off the rest of it and undoes your bra, letting your boobs fall out. 
He removes his mouth from your neck and starts to suck on your sensitive nipple while his other hand rubs the other one. 
“Fuck~” you moan out. His low breathless chuckle vibrates against your nipple which makes you squirm more. You don't want this to end. You bring your hand to his cock, starting to jerk him off, you move up and down a few times until he unhooks his mouth from your boob and starts to take your pants off, ripping your panties off with them. 
He exams your panties, “Fuckin’ wet, huh?” He throws them to the ground and plays with your clit but soonly he picks you up and your legs wrap around his waist, letting you lean against the wall. 
He slides his cock up and down gathering your slick to help it go in easier, smirking when you shiver every time your clit and his tip make contact. 
“Please-mmmph. Please be careful, I've never,” you try speaking but he pushes his tip in slightly, “Yeah, yeah. Your first fucking time or what not. Does it look like I give two shits?” he thrusts all of it in in one go. You scream out in pleasure and pain. The burn. Hes so deep, you swear you practically feel him in your stomach. Holy shit. 
“Fuuuuckkkkk..you're sucking me in so good.” he groans and his eye roll back as he throws his head back. He waits a few seconds until he starts thrusting in at a slightly fast pace. “Mmpp..- feels soo good!” you moan out unable to hold it back. The pain you felt before is totally gone. 
You've tried to touch yourself before, but you could never reach where he's reaching right now. So many spots you never knew would feel good. He dick kept hitting that exact spot that made you see stars each time. “Godd, you're so fuckin’ tight. You gotta stop squeezing me like that, doll. You'll make me never wanna get out.” he manages to get out between breaths. 
He picks his pace up making your tits jiggle at the same time. As he thrust in, he pushes you into a powerful kiss and forces his tongue in, smashing into yours. He comes out of your mouth slightly and sucks on your lip, leaving a ticklish feeling, but it doesn't last long as bites down on it causing you to whimper and clench around him. “Hm? You liked that huh?” he has a smile on his face as he looks down at you, raven hair strands sticking to his forehead. His eyes were so beautiful to look at, they were a beautiful green shade. 
He continues thrusting but goes harder, deeper hitting that same spot over and over again. You start to clench more as he quickened his pace again. You couldn't grasp how he had so much stamina.
“I-i…fuckk.. Please. harder. “  You knew you were close to cumming. “So close..mmppp!” you cry out. “Shiitt. Me too.” he grunts, starting to somehow go harder then he was. The sound of your body's colliding echoing throughout the room, both of your moans syncing with his thrusts. He goes harder, you were seeing stars. You couldn't believe you were losing your virginity to the man who wanted to kill you, the man who is the serial killer, Ghostface. “Cum-ughhhfuck.. Cumming!!” you scream out, your cum gushing around his cock. He continues thrusting as your orgasm, until only a few seconds later he cums inside of you. 
You both are coming down from your high, catching your breath. “Was it good? Am I gonna live? Please.” you question.
“Huh? Yeah. That was really fucking good. You'll live, but I want you around for a while with me."
written by me and @ems-interlude !!
TAGLIST: (if you want to be added, check kinktober masterlist for the form!) @slutforfictionalman @queendessi24 @tojishugetiddies @thebestgirlever2 @getosho3cakes @hotvillianapologist @taxevadingblob
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doumadono · 1 year
Hello Dear Author,
I would like to state that I am a new follower and I already love your style and representation of the characters.
I don't know if your requests are open, but If it's not please feel free to not reply!
Can you do a Scenario or headconans for this.... whatever you prefer.
With Izuku or Bakugo or Shoto , whichever you prefer also.
With a reader who sometimes gets suddenly dizzy in summer because of the heat. Like sometimes her heart beat is fast and other times it quite low and she's unable to stand or talk because of dizziness, specially when they're outside, and how will they deal with her.
It's summer and the weather is too hot, and as a person who feels hot even during winter and the coldest weather, I can't with heat and I feel dizzy most of the time or when I stand up, The only thing that can save me is the AC🥹😭
Sorry for the long text.
Thank you in advance dear Author ❤️
Have a good day/night🩷
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A/N: I've chosen to fulfill this request because I love boys, and the topic seemed interesting but in the future, kindly check my pinned post before dropping a request. Please note that I'm currently only accepting emergency requests. Any requests not labeled as emergencies are being immediately erased
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Initially annoyed and frustrated by your dizzy spells in the heat.
Finds it hard to express his concern directly due to his temperamental nature.
Reluctantly keeps an eye on you during hot days, secretly worried.
Would never admit it, but he starts carrying a small water bottle for you.
If he notices you feeling dizzy, he might roll his eyes but will still help you find shade.
"Tch, can't even handle the damn weather... Here, drink this and sit down."
Shows tough love, but his concern becomes evident through his actions.
Keeps a close watch on you during outdoor activities, ready to intervene.
Might grumble, "Quit being such a hassle. Chill for a bit."
Surprisingly good at fanning you with a piece of paper or his own hand.
Secretly plans outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day to avoid your dizzy spells.
"I ain't gonna babysit you, but I'm not letting you pass out either."
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Observant and empathetic, notices your condition quickly.
Gently offers his arm for you to lean on when you're feeling dizzy.
Suggests finding a shaded area and doesn't mind if you want to rest for a while.
Always carries a small handheld fan or a damp cloth in his bag for your comfort.
"Don't worry, take your time. I'm here with you."
Keeps track of weather forecasts and suggests indoor activities on extremely hot days.
Will use his ice Quirk to create a comfortable temperature around you if necessary.
Takes note of patterns in your dizziness to anticipate and manage it better.
Offers his own water bottle without even having to be asked.
Asks gentle questions to understand how you're feeling during dizzy spells.
Suggests activities like strolling through air-conditioned museums on hot days.
His calming presence helps ease your dizziness when it occurs.
"Don't worry, I've got you. Let's find somewhere comfortable to sit."
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Immediately worried and wants to find a solution to help you manage the symptoms.
Researches the possible causes of your dizzy spells and preventive measures.
Encourages you to stay hydrated and offers water bottles regularly.
Carries a mini first aid kit with pain relievers and electrolyte packets.
Suggests taking breaks in air-conditioned areas to cool down.
"I read that staying hydrated and keeping a wet cloth on your forehead can help."
Will always have a backup plan in case you start feeling dizzy unexpectedly.
Shows deep concern, researching medical articles and talking to professionals.
Suggests keeping a diary of your symptoms to identify triggers more accurately.
Carries a small notebook with tips to manage your condition, just in case.
Offers to hold your hand during dizzy spells, to help steady you.
Comes up with innovative ideas like a handheld portable fan with a mister.
"I've been reading about different ways to manage this, let's try a few together."
Enthusiastically tries out relaxation techniques to help you stay calm during spells.
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oddlittlemiss · 2 years
✨House Cleansing✨
If you recently moved into a new space, you might want to consider cleansing your home of any negative energies that might still be there from the previous owners. Clearing your home from bad energy is also a good idea if you gone through a breakup, had a big life transition, or if you’re just feeling off.
A home should be a place where you feel relaxed and at peace. But when bad energy is lingering around, your home can become a place of hostility and negativity. This negative energy in your home can affect every other aspect of your life. Which is why house cleansing is an important practice to do regularly for your personal well-being.
There are many different ways to cleanse a home or even a single room in the house, and here’s how I cleanse my home/room.
1. First Thing’s First: Clean And Declutter Your House
Get rid of all the clutter by either putting things away or disposing them. Make sure to clean every corner! As you clean your home/room, know that keeping broken items (a statue with a broken arm put back with glue is fine but specifically ones that are irreparably broken) can bring down good energy. As well as items that doesn’t make you happy when you look or hold them. Use this time to get rid of it or donate if they are still in good condition and move on.
Then spend some time to dust, vacuum, and check for cobwebs. You don’t want the negative energy to have any reason to stick around.
Make sure to open all blinds, windows and if possible the doors. Let in as much light and fresh air as you can while you clean.
2. Remove Negative Energies From Your Home
When you cleared away the clutter, it is now time to start removing negative energies. A simple and fast way to clear out bad spirits and negative energy is smoke cleansing. You will need;
~ A fireproof dish for catching embers and ash
~ Any cleansing herb (frankincense, rosemary, cedar, etc.)
~ A small fan or your hand
Begin by standing in the center of your home or at the front door of the room you want cleanse. Then light your herb bundle or incense and let the flame die out which is fairly quick. Let the smoke carefully waft around you first, beginning at your head and working down toward your feet. Walk clockwise going from room to room if it’s a home or just walk clockwise in a single room. Fan the smoke paying special attention to the walls, corners, floors, and even the ceiling. Envision the smoke absorbing bad energy and carrying it away through the open windows and doors.
Some people like to recite incantations or make positive affirmations as they are smoke cleansing. If you want, saying a prayer or appealing to a higher power for extra help with the house cleansing is perfectly fine.
If smoke cleansing isn’t possible, there are sprays you can use instead. Just mist carefully around you first and then spray around the home.
3. Further Protect Your Home
After smoke cleansing, I like to cleanse my home with salt. Pour salt (as much as you feel guided too) into each corner of your home/room. Ring a bell 3 times in each corner to break up any stagnant energy which the salt will absorb afterwards. After 2 days, vacuum or broom/dustpan the salt and throw it away. If your place has carpet or you want to clean up the salt easier you can pour the salt into a bowl and place them in the corners. If you don’t have a bell clapping with your hands works too.
Doors and windows are where outside energy can enter your home. Keep these spaces purified with a house cleansing solution. Mix a bucket of water with;
~juice from 5 Lemons
~1/4 cup ammonia or white vinegar
~1 cup of Sea Salt
Using a cloth, clean the doorknobs, doors, frames, and windows in your home with the solution and let it air dry. If you are cleansing a single room use 1 cup of water, 1/2 lemon, 2 teaspoons of ammonia or white vinegar, and 1/4 cup of sea salt.
4. After Cleansing Tips
Now that you’ve cleared the bad energy from your home, you can focus on attracting positive energy and protecting your cleansed space. Here are some things you can do:
You can keep cleansing and protecting your space with crystals. Place your chosen crystals in areas where bad energy seems to collect. Here are some crystals you might want to consider;
~Selenite can cleanse energy and raise the vibration in your home.
~Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that absorbs negative energy.
Many people like to keep salt lamps in varies rooms around their place to continue clearing bad energy.
Witches broom also known as besoms, can help sweep away bad energy and protect against evil. Place a besom just inside your front door or room, hanging with bristles up, to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. A small besom can also be hung over the door with the bristles down to help catch negative energy before it enters the home.
Rearrange the furniture and objects in your home in a way that makes you happy. You can also buy new things to make your home feel better.
Planting rosemary near the front and back door of your home is said to keep negative spirits away.
Consecrate a candle or buy a candle created to bring good things, protection, etc. and light it to invite good energy into your home.
It is important to be aware of the energy in your home - good or bad. If you notice a shift in energy as time goes by, consider cleansing your home/room again. After all, your home should make you feel safe and be a place you can restore your energy.
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storiesbyjes2g · 6 months
3.101 Cash money
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I took Kooper for a nice long walk, which was something we didn't do often. He was chill and required less physical activity than Rosie, so I always favored her when I wanted company on my jogs. Even though he could have gone without, he appreciated the time together and smiled the entire time. When we got home, Sophia was standing at the door giving me that look. I unleashed Kooper as quickly as I could and whisked her away into our love den. Being on vacation in a fancy house was cool and all, but nothing compared to our own bed. I think we were trying to show it how much we missed it and lingered there until our stomachs growled around dinnertime. Afterward, we attempted to settle on the couch in the office, but we were intercepted by a huge pile of presents. I forgot that was a thing sims did at weddings. Sophia was overjoyed at the sight; it felt like Winterfest all over again.
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I let her open the first two from my parents, but then she handed me a box that had my name on it. I thought it was odd that the sender would single me out when the gift should have been for both of us. But when I saw who it was from, I understood.
"It's from Dub! Oh, there's a card..."
[click to enlarge]
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I couldn't believe it and had to sit down and read it again. He had no idea how much of a blessing that was for us. Or maybe he did. Whatever the case, I was elated, and humbled, and determined, and proud, and all the other positive emotions. Our friendship was such a beautiful thing. Not because he gave me money, but because it was pure. It had no conditions or warnings or complications. He was the kind of friend I always wanted.
Eventually, it hit me that Sophia and I were about to come into a bunch of money and we could accomplish our dreams a lot sooner than later. I started dancing in my seat.
"A money tree? I didn't think they were real," Sophia said.
"Isn't it great?? If it grows fast enough, we could be in our house by next week!"
That thought excited me even more, and I danced even wilder.
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"It's a very generous gift," she said hesitantly, "but..."
Like a record scratch in the club, I stopped. Party done.
"What's wrong? With all the money we're about to have, you'll never have to work again if you don't want to. We can go on vacations and stay as long as we want, buy our kids whatever they want... Hell, maybe I won't have to worry about teaching classes anymore. It's gonna be great!"
Her hands snapped to her hips, and I knew I'd messed up somehow.
"No, Luca! This is what I mean! I like who we are. Money has a way of changing sims, and I don't want that. I thought you taught yoga because you were passionate about it. Why would you stop? Are you doing it for the money?"
"I am passionate about it! But it's also how I make a living. If I didn't have to worry about making money, maybe I wouldn't have to worry about going from spa to spa, begging for a chance to teach!"
Her eyes flicked open, like she just realized something.
"But that's why you're going to open a studio."
"Yeah, but..." I sank back in the chair and let out all the air in my lungs. "That was my mom's idea. It's a good one, and sometimes I want to do it too. But sometimes I want my own plan. Everything I've done has been her idea, and..."
"So...you don't want a studio?"
"I don't know!"
She gasped.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. It's just...it's complicated. You want me to return the seed, then?"
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She sighed.
"No. That will be an insult to Dub and his family..." She sighed again and paced the room, searching for a solution that would satisfy us both. "It would be nice to move into our house before the baby comes, but I don't want this to get out of control."
Something like a bolt of lightning struck through my soul, and I felt my eyes grow as large as the sun.
"The baby?! Are you-"
She gasped again.
"I'm sorry! That came out wrong! I just meant it would be nice to be settled in our home before we start having babies."
"So...we're not having a baby?"
"Not at the moment."
I was a little bit disappointed, to be honest. Her slip up shocked me at first, but I was kind of excited about it.
"Alright, so what do you suggest we do?" I asked.
"I just think we need a plan. Put some controls on it so we don't go crazy."
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Heh, I know she said we, but she totally meant me. Whatever.
"We don't know how much money it's going to give us," she continued. "So what if we just take what we need to get our house and cover ourselves for a few months?"
"Alright... But what happens after that?"
"It can just sit there until an emergency comes up. Or when our kids want to move out or go to university or get married or...whatever."
The plan wasn't exactly what I wanted, but at least she wasn't completely opposed. This very much felt like one of those pick your battles moments, so I conceded.
"Okay fine. We can do it that way. Let's get this thing in the ground."
We went outside and picked a spot to plant it. I laughed when I took the seed out of the box.
"What's so funny?" she asked.
"This seed! It's cash shaped like a flower! What kind of wizardry is this?"
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I dug a hole, dumped the seed, covered it, and poured some water on it. Then, I stood over it, watching as if something were supposed to happen.
"Grow fast, little guy. I want to be in our new house as soon as possible."
Before going back into the house, I sent Dub a message to thank him for the gift.
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Dub's note written by @mysimsloveaffair
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I want to address a problem that seems to arise repeatedly in public discussions about green growth and degrowth. Some prominent commentators seem to assume that the debate here is primarily about the question of technology, with green growth promoting technological solutions to the ecological crisis while degrowth promotes only economic and social solutions (and in the most egregious misrepresentations is cast as “anti-technology”). This narrative is inaccurate, and even a cursory review of the literature is enough to make this clear. In fact, degrowth scholarship embraces technological change and efficiency improvements, to the extent (crucially) that these are empirically feasible, ecologically coherent, and socially just. But it also recognizes that this alone will not be enough: economic and social transformations are also necessary, including a transition out of capitalism. The debate is therefore not primarily about technology, but about science, justice, and the structure of the economic system.
Ecological economists point out that when we scale back our assumptions about technological change to levels that are, to quote the physicist and ecological economist Julia Steinberger, “non-insane,” and when we reject the idea that growth in rich countries should be maintained at the expense of the Global South, it becomes clear that relying on technological change is not enough, in and of itself, to solve the ecological crisis. Yes, we need fast renewable energy deployment, efficiency improvements, and dissemination of advanced technology (induction stoves, efficient appliances, heat pumps, electric trains, and so on). But we also need high-income countries dramatically to reduce aggregate energy and material use, at a speed faster than what efficiency improvements alone could possibly hope to deliver. To achieve this, high-income countries need to abandon growth as an objective and actively scale down less necessary forms of production, to reduce excess energy and material use directly.
Degrowth does not call for all forms of production to be reduced. Rather, it calls for reducing ecologically destructive and socially less necessary forms of production, like sport utility vehicles, private jets, mansions, fast fashion, arms, industrial beef, cruises, commercial air travel, etc., while cutting advertising, extending product lifespans (banning planned obsolescence and introducing mandatory long-term warranties and rights to repair), and dramatically reducing the purchasing power of the rich. In other words, it targets forms of production that are organized mostly around capital accumulation and elite consumption. In the middle of an ecological emergency, should we be producing sport utility vehicles and mansions? Should we be diverting energy to support the obscene consumption and accumulation of the ruling class? No. That is an irrationality that only capitalism can love. At the same time, degrowth scholarship insists on strong social policy to secure human needs and well-being, with universal public services, living wages, a public job guarantee, working time reduction, economic democracy, and radically reduced inequality. These measures abolish unemployment and economic insecurity and ensure the material conditions for a universal decent living—again, basic socialist principles. This scholarship calls for efficiency improvements, yes, but also a transition toward sufficiency, equity, and a democratic postcapitalist economy, where production is organized around well-being for all, as Peter Kropotkin famously put it, rather than around capital accumulation. The virtue of this approach should be immediately clear to socialists. Socialism insists on grounding its analysis in the material reality of the world economy. It insists on science and justice. Yes, socialism embraces technology—and credibly promises to manage technology better than capitalism—but socialist visions of technology should be empirically grounded, ecologically coherent, and socially just. They should emphatically not rely on speculation or magical thinking, much less the perpetuation of colonial inequalities. Green growth visions fall foul of these core socialist values.
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ramservices1 · 9 months
Don’t Sweat It: Fast and Affordable AC & Cooler Repair Solutions!
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It’s easy to feel the heat rising, physically and figuratively, when your reliable air conditioner or cooler breaks down. And yet, fear not! Since we recognize the urgent issue, we provide quick and reasonably priced AC and more relaxed repair services customized to meet your demands and financial constraints. With our effective and reasonably priced HVAC services, you can wave goodbye to hot days and restless nights.
This thorough blog will cover all there is to know about AC and more excellent repairs, revealing easy and affordable ways to keep you comfortable and relaxed. We’ll explore frequent issues and the advantages of timely repairs, select the best provider, and offer do-it-yourself repair advice. After reading this article, you should be prepared to handle cooling system problems expertly and affordably.
What’s More Annoying Than a Broken AC or Cooler?
Nothing is more unpleasant than discovering your air conditioner or cooler isn’t functioning on a hot summer day when the sun is beating down mercilessly, or you’re trying to enjoy a nice drink. The level of discomfort and annoyance is sufficient to make someone sweat physically.
These situations, which might include your cooler not chilling your drinks or your air conditioner not being able to cool your house adequately, can rapidly become annoying. The good news is that quick and reasonably priced solutions are available, so avoid irritation getting the better of you!
Common AC and Cooler Problems
Following are some: –
Uneven Cooling – Are some rooms in your home as frosty as the Arctic, while others feel like a desert oasis? Uneven cooling is a common issue that many face with their AC units.
Weak Airflow – When your AC system starts blowing weak or warm air, you’ll immediately notice the discomfort. It’s like trying to enjoy an ice cream cone that’s already melted!
Leaking Water – Finding a puddle of water around your AC unit is never a good sign. Leaking water can damage your property and pose health risks.
Strange Noises – Your AC should hum quietly in the background, not screech or bang like a rock concert gone wrong. If you’re hearing strange noises, it’s time for a repair.
Cooler Conundrums: Chilled Beverages Await
Inadequate Cooling – There’s nothing more frustrating than a cooler that can’t keep your drinks cold. Warm beer or soda? No, thank you!
Frost Buildup – Excessive frost buildup inside your cooler can reduce its cooling efficiency. Your drinks should be cold, not buried in ice!
Electrical Issues – Coolers rely on electrical components, and problems in this area can lead to inconsistent cooling. Don’t let electrical issues spoil your party.
Leakage – A leaking cooler is a party pooper. It’s messy and can damage your floor or carpet. Nobody wants that!
Quick Fixes for Common Issues
Following are some: –
1. Uneven Cooling
Ensure proper insulation in all rooms.
Clean or replace air filters regularly.
Check for blocked vents or ducts.
Seek professional assistance for ductwork adjustments.
2. Weak Airflow
Clean or replace clogged air filters.
Clear obstructions around the condenser unit.
Ensure the thermostat settings are correct.
Schedule routine maintenance with professionals.
3. Leaking Water
Check for clogged or disconnected drain lines.
Inspect the condensate pan for cracks or damage.
Tighten loose connections in the drainage system.
Call an expert for complex leak issues.
4. Strange Noises
Examine the fan blades for debris or damage.
Tighten loose components.
Lubricate moving parts.
Consult a professional for persistent noise problems.
Read More: https://ramservicesandsales.com/2023/11/10/dont-sweat-it-fast-and-affordable-ac-cooler-repair-solutions/
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gyusimp · 2 years
°•Heart Fireworks•°
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New Year Special One-Shot (NSFW)
Minors DNI | Fem reader | Smut content | Modern AU | Human Gyutaro | Somnophilia
I'm not gonna be at home during New Year so i leave this now. Thanks for all your support, i love you and Happy 2023! 💖🎆🎉
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It was about 15 minutes to 12 o'clock. You had been fast asleep for about 2 hours next to Gyutaro in your bed. The weather at this time of year is usually very cold, outside the air froze the city and a thin layer of frost adhered to the windows of the houses in the neighborhood and to the roofs of the cars. The doors and windows in your room were locked. Before you went to sleep, you decided to turn on the heating. It wasn't something you used often to avoid some increases in your electricity bill but because today was a very cold day you decided to make an exception, besides, Gyutaro was your guest today and you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable inside your house.
You had made this small gesture to be nice to him but you didn't know that he was actually going to have some problems. Gyutaro's house is rather simple in that it doesn't have any heating system, air conditioning or anything like that so he has become forced to learn to sleep in any weather. Usually, he doesn't mind the cold, actually, it helps him to fall asleep sometimes but if there was something he couldn't deal with it was the heat. Gyutaro tossed and turned on the bed trying to find a comfortable position to sleep but nothing worked. His forehead was wet causing parts of his bangs to stick to his pale skin, the sweat on his abdomen was dampening his sweatshirt, and his sweatpants were getting too heavy. He had already thrown to hell the sheets that covered his body but even so that unbearable heat did not disappear. Gyutaro thought it would be better to turn off the heating but he didn't know how those fucking devices worked, he had never used one and he didn't want to wake you up for such a stupid thing either.
Finally, Gyutaro gave up. He fumbled off the socks and sweatshirt he was wearing and threw them on the ground feeling somewhat angry. He settled back on the bed and sighed irritably. Gyutaro looked at you, you were asleep next to him and apparently you had also warmed up because you took off the sheets like him and you were only wearing your underwear and a basic tank top. Gyutaro did not take his eyes off of you, he watched your curves perfectly accommodated on the mattress and your soft breathing while you turned your back on him.
Gyutaro's breathing began to shake as well as his pulse, he could perfectly feel how after a few minutes looking at you a small tent formed under his pants causing him more pressure and heat. He felt very horny now, just by looking at your body he could imagine many things. Suddenly, something came to his mind. There is one thing that helps Gyutaro relax when he is alone and that on more than one occasion has helped him fall asleep or even relieve minor headaches. One thing led to another so if he now had a solution on his hands, literally, then he was going to use it.
Gyutaro's legs were bent and spread, he lowered his hand and placed it on top of his clothed member. He began to rub against the cloth causing chills to run down his spine. The friction between his palm and the cloth against his dick was driving him crazy, and he began to rock his hips gently to melt in his own careless touch. His lips parted to gasp from his mouth as pleasure began to fill his body. Gyutaro placed his fingers on it and move the fabric in different ways to get more of the desired sensation, making him feel even harder. He moaned silently, very careful not to wake you up, he closed his eyes, throwing his head back and feeling a pang in his stomach, he decided to put his hand under his pants and underwear to have direct contact with his cock. Touching himself, he could feel that he was already wet and that some of his liquid was leaking between his fingers. Gyutaro fucked his fist hard but not hard enough for you to notice how loving your boyfriend was giving himself behind you.
His back arched and his legs began to shake, he knew that in a very short time he was going to cum and he wanted to be aware of it. For some reason, Gyutaro likes to watch the exact moment his orgasms, if he can do it. That motivates him to keep going more and more until he's completely satisfied, no matter if he's with you or completely alone he loves to see his thick release coming out of him, sticky and warm and dripping onto his fingers. He enjoyed these moments alone when he felt aroused enough about something and luckily his sister was away from home, he could come into his room and fuck himself as much as he wanted until he felt satisfied. Right now, he couldn't enjoy it like he normally does. He felt a little stupid touching himself when you were next to him, but you were asleep and he wasn't going to wake you up just because he was horny. Gyutaro knows that it's very difficult for you to fall asleep so once you do it, he won't bother you at all. He will let you continue sleeping but that does not mean that he will not use you for his dirty deeds.
Gyutaro hasn't taken his lewd gaze away from you since he started, imagining you in thousands of positions for him, your face with particular expressions and the sound of your voice like when you moan because of him.
You were the last straw that broke the camel's back. His touch began to get harder and faster making him gasp and suppress a bunch of moans that struggled to come out from deep in his throat. Gyutaro was on the edge and in one movement he took his dick out of his boxers and his pants, observing his erection under the dim light of the moon between his slippery fingers. Once again, before cum, Gyutaro looked at you. He looked at your messy hair on your pillow, your bare shoulders and arms, your curvy waist so that your hips rest sensually on the bed, your short tank top exposing the skin of your lower back to him as well as your buttocks; the way your tight little black lace panties dipped into your butt was killing him, the pressure that the elastic made on your skin made him go crazy.
Your butt urged him to sink into you, Gyutaro's hand was faster. A fleeting thought but daring enough to make him think passed through his head. If he cum over you, would you feel it? Would you wake up or was your sleep so heavy? He had been moving around a lot and making sounds and until now you were still sleeping without any worries so that made him feel confident that you wouldn't wake up. Gyutaro approached to you and got into the big spoon position behind you but without wrapping his arms around you. He took his cock in one hand and placed the tip right in the middle of your butt, on top of your panties to begin rubbing against you as he continued to touching himself. After a few minutes the pleasure was indescribable, Gyutaro was in heaven and he knew that after this he would finally be able to sleep like never before no matter what. A burning sensation settled in his abdomen causing him to arch his back and close his eyes with force, he pressed his lips as much as he could, about to bleed his lip with his teeth from the force that he exerted, when he could no longer he covered his mouth tightly with his hand as he let out a muffled moan as he cum on top of you.
His hands trembled, his chest heaved up and down as if thousands of fireworks exploded inside his heart when he finally cum over your ass. Gyutaro lay back down next to you resting one of his muscled arms on his forehead trying to regulate his breathing with his mouth open. He was a bit tired so he was about to close his eyes but when he felt that you started to move, he was alerted immediately. You were sleeping peacefully when you felt a warm and thick sensation on your clothes that was wetting them at the same time, you managed to wake up so you turned around to face your boyfriend. At first you didn't think about it, you supposed that you probably sat on a wet chair in your dreams or something similar but when you opened your eyes you could see Gyutaro in front of you, with his naked dick sticking out of his pants.
You weren't angry, maybe a little surprised but not angry, rather, you felt flattered that you were able to arouse your boyfriend even while asleep and without putting a single finger on him and thinking about it had made you feel horny to you now. You looked at Gyutaro, he was a bit embarrassed for having used you so he apologized to you almost inaudibly and you approached him.
"Aaww, was my boy needy? Poor him."
Now the area between your legs was throbbing, you put one hand under your head to lean and with the other you ran your fingers over Gyutaro's chest, tracing the outline of his marks seductively. You continued with his ribs, his ripped abs and his pelvis until you stroked his dick. Gyutaro lay down on his side to face you, you two looked at each other for a few seconds and then your lips collided with his in a passionate and wet kiss. You cupped Gyutaro's face and he cupped yours, both licking your lips and opening your mouths slightly to make the kiss more intense. You put one of your legs on top of him and pulled him closer to you to start rubbing your dressed pussy on him.
Gyutaro lowered two of his fingers and tucked them under the center of your panties to feel your warm, wet labia against his skin.
He began to rub with the back of his fingers until thanks to your juices, his fingers slipped more and more inside you until he reached your clit where he began to pull him with a little rudeness but without hurting you. You did nothing but gasp while he touched you, he did all the work with his fingers and you just had to move your pretty hips. Gyutaro placed his hand between your legs to touch you better and place his thumb on your clit tracing circles over it on top of your panties, wetting them more and more. You moved closer to Gyutaro to move with your knees and climb over him until you straddled his hip. He took his hand from between your thighs to place his hands on your behind and grope you more roughly and needily. You gently arched your back as you got up and sat on his cock to rub yourself against it making Gyutaro feel hard and horny again.
Sometimes it was still hard for him to have sex with you. Not because he didn't like it, but because he still couldn't believe that you loved him that way and that what he considered disgusting about himself managed to turn you on. He always considered himself ugly, disgusting and grotesque with all those spots and marks painting his body, his sickly pale skin and how his bones were sticking out in some parts of his body so having a girl as cute and sexy as you sitting on him and riding him really turned him on. He was even more aroused to think about how someone as ugly as he would dirty and contaminate you with his seed, he could stain you inside and out as he wanted and you would be the happiest woman in the world with that,  you would always agree to anything he wanted to do to you and sometimes he would take advantage of that.
Your waist moved on your boyfriend, your panties moved inside you and this began to squeeze you uncomfortably, you wanted to take them off but if you stopped you would lose all the progress you had gained. You decided to continue when you saw Gyutaro's expression and since he didn't take his eyes off you, he looked you up and down, enjoying every inch of you, how your thighs wrapped him while you rode him and the lace of your panties on your skin. You were not wearing anything under your little white tank top, your breasts stretched the elastic fabric over your chest and in some parts your skin was transparent under the top, leaving your nipples exposed despite not having taken off your clothes.
Gyutaro took your tits with his hands to start squeezing your nipples between his long and thin fingers causing several careless moans to come out of your mouth, he put his hands under your top to feel them better and then he removed the garment leaving your bare breasts. Gyutaro sat down and took you by the waist to change places, now he was sitting astride you but after a moment he got up. You sat up as he got up and stood up, Gyutaro grabbed your thighs tightly and pulling your legs dragged you to the edge of the bed so that your legs dangled from the mattress as he squatted on the floor in front of you. Gyutaro's large, slender hands went to the lace top of your panties to yank them down and slide them along your legs to fling them to the floor afterwards. You weren't ready, when you felt Gyutaro's face sink between your legs heading straight for your cunt, his movement caught you off guard so that made you moan louder than usual. Gyutaro licked every part of you as if there was no tomorrow, as if this was the last night in his life that the two of you would be together. There came a point where you were completely blinded by the pleasure that only he could give you, you took the small ponytail of his hair and brought it closer to you so that he could continue with what he was doing. This man was eating you alive and you loved it, his tongue ran every inch inside your wet and slippery cavity and his teeth took your folds causing an electric current throughout your body.
But when it comes to sex, it's never enough for the two of you. Gyutaro pushed you so that your back touched the mattress and spread your legs to the limit to plunge into you again, Gyutaro had become addicted to your taste once he had tasted you. In addition to his tongue, he introduced two fingers inside you, you were already wet enough so he did it without warning. When you felt that he was inside, your senses exploded. Your hips began to move almost by themselves to be able to feel him in every corner of your core, you could hardly speak.
"Aa-ah Gy-utaro...keep going, t-to the bottom...I think I'm gonna cum!"
It wasn't necessary for you to tell him, he knew perfectly well that you were going to do it from the way your pussy tightened around his wet fingers. It only took a few seconds for you to feel the same fireworks that Gyutaro felt a while ago exploding in your chest, traveling to your belly, to go down to your pelvis and end up in your cunt to release all your juices directly into Gyutaro's mouth.
He wouldn't waste a single drop of you. With his hands, he cupped your butt with 4 fingers and with his thumbs he opened your vagina to expose your beautiful, shiny folds to admire and drink you in. Your waist continued to move reflexively so that reminded him that he was still very hard.
"Don't forget about this, precious." he told you, placing one of your hands on his cock. Gyutaro pulled you back to the center of the bed. He made you kneel and he went behind you to take you by the waist with one hand and after touching you a little between the legs to find your hole, he entered you after completely removing his pants. The truth is, you didn't know why he fucked you in this awkward position, but then you saw that from this angle you two were perfectly reflected in the full-length mirror that had one of your closet doors, so that ended up turning you on a little more.
The room was filled with the dirty wet sounds of your bare skins bumping against each other, the splash your cunt made when Gyutaro charged into you, and the moans the both of you made. The heating was still on so your bodies were twice as wet from sweat. Your legs were beginning to get tired so in your attempt to get comfortable you lost your balance causing both of you to fall sitting on the bed. You thought Gyutaro would scold you but he didn't say anything and he just settled in to continue fucking you. Even though Gyutaro was doing great, you felt that your pussy was still lonely so in the middle of the action you decided to use your fingers. You spread your legs and looked at your wet pussy in front of the mirror, which brought you to the limit of arousement. It seems that you and Gyutaro had the same strange pleasure in watching yourselves cum so having a perfect view of your core, you started to satisfy yourself as Gyutaro satisfied you.
Your hole was filled by Gyutaro so you only had the top to yourself but you still loved it. Your pussy was opened by the position in which you were sitting, you brought two fingers to your labia and with the middle finger you gently caressed your clit over and over again, at first your movements were slight and provocative until the moment came when you simply needed more. Your fingers treated you more roughly causing you to start getting more and more wet, your hand made wet sounds while you rubbed your fingers against yourself, your vagina was very wet and you loved it, you could swear you could even be dripping because a few drops slipped through your fingers. Your fingers went up and down inside you while Gyutaro kept on doing his thing, he loved seeing you touching yourself for him like he did a while ago. You leaned your head back and rested it on Gyutaro's strong shoulder while he took both of your boobs to squeeze them between his fingers, from above, he could see how wet you were, even staining parts of your thighs white.
"Wow, looks like I have competition." he commented, with a perverted smile.
Gyutaro was a bit jealous of you, you moved your fingers too well which made him wonder if you masturbated yourself before? Or if you thought of him when you did it? He chuckled as he imagined that, as he imagined you in your bed, wide open with your own fingers pumping into your dripping, warm cunt moaning his name when he wasn't with you, you squeezing and cumming pathetically into nothingness.
"You're a little bitch." Gyutaro said, grabbing your face so you could see yourself in the mirror. "I think you're very skilled, does my dirty little girl touch herself thinking about dad when he's not around? That makes me feel very flattered" he planted a rude kiss on your cheek. "Knowing that that cute little pussy drools and squirms for me even though I'm not fucking it."
His words took you to the limit, Gyutaro sank his fingers inside you next to yours and having more than 2 fingers fucking you at the same time, you inevitably were cumming from the depths. The bed below you was a mess, Gyutaro was cumming a few seconds after you so you were both lying on a small sticky puddle of a mixture of your juices. One part soaked into the sheets and the other slid from your open pussy dripping down your thighs. You two were very wet and weak, with your bodies shaking. Gyutaro took to his mouth the fingers that he had inserted in your vagina and snapped out of you while he dropped onto your bed. You stayed seated for a few more seconds, your waist and legs ached so you waited until you were able to move without problem. After seeing your boyfriend behind you, you gently leaned over him to straddle him and kiss him. The kiss started passionately as if you were asking him for another round but then it became sweeter and more sensitive until the two of you separated and you laid your head on his chest.
Gyutaro caressed your head with his fingers while your face was slightly shaken up and down by his heavy breathing. You rested on top of him with your legs on each side of his hips, wetting the skin of his pelvis a little with your cunt. At that moment, your eyelids felt really heavy and sleep began to invade you again until Gyutaro's voice woke you up.
"Wait! Help me turn this damn thing off, it feels like a fucking oven in here." he said, desperately asking for your help to turn off the heating once and for all.
"Sure, plus I think I have to change the sheets." you told him.
You stood up to give Gyutaro some space to stand up as well. While you went to turn off the heating, he removed the wet sheets from the bed and placed some clean ones that he took from your closet so that when you returned, the bed would be ready to sleep.
"Ready." you told your boyfriend.
The cold had subsided so even if you two weren't wearing clothes there wouldn't be any problem. You took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and dry yourself a bit but even so you continued to feel very wet and slippery so you picked up your panties from the floor to put them back on.
"Are you gonna get dressed?" Gyutaro asked as he looked at you from the bed.
"Yes, why?" You didn't know why he was asking you that question.
"Nothin', forget it..."
"Do you want me to have no clothes on?...I still felt a little wet so I was going to put them on for that. Do you want me to sleep without clothes on?" you asked him.
Gyutaro seemed somewhat embarrassed but it was what he wanted. He had the look on his face of a child when his mother notices how much he stares at a piece of candy and then asks if he wants her to buy it for him. Gyutaro gave a slight nod, since he was without clothes too.
You smiled at him and took off your panties again. You walked over to the bed with Gyutaro to straddle him and lay your head on his chest like you did earlier. Gyutaro loved that after sex, you slept naked next to him. You used to put your panties and his sweatshirt back on sometimes but it didn't feel as good if he was naked. If both of you slept without any clothes on, he could still feel every part of you crashing against his skin as if you two were one and that unique and intimate closeness with you made him feel in heaven. As he thought of you, he could feel your fingers tracing the marks on his arm and chest.
"We can never sleep together without ending up fuckin' uncontrollably, have you noticed?" he asked, with a small smile.
"Now that I think about it, you're right" you replied with a blush. "I guess we are inevitable, you know."
Both of you laughed and continued to talk about anything until it was almost 2:00 a.m. Gyutaro felt how your body became heavier on top of him, he tilted his head a little to see your face and confirmed that you had fallen asleep. He pulled the sheets over you and gently pulled them over your shoulders, careful not to wake you, then he placed a small kiss on your head.
"I love you." he whispered.
Gyutaro continued awake for another half hour until exhaustion reached his body, he closed his eyes and slept calmly with you.
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nightingaletrash · 1 year
With a Little Help From My Friends 1/2
A Karlach Fix-It Fic in which Karlach gets a happy ending like she deserves <3 y'all can thank @andauril this only happened because of our shared babbling xx
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The chamber was suffocating in its silence as Karlach’s screams still seemed to echo off of the walls like a chorus of ghosts, the spectres choking any semblance of satisfaction out of the room. The stench of blood and smoke powder clogged the air and Gortash was dead. They had another Netherstone. And none of it fucking mattered because she was still dying.
The air itself seemed intent on choking them all, so Nemeia led the party back the way they’d come, all of them shuffling along in silence as the words kept replaying themselves over and over; the break in her voice, the utter despair that couldn’t quite choke out the fury of injustice, and the fact that no matter how they looked at it, she had been utterly right. When this was over, when the Absolute was no more, Karlach would likely be gone along with it and the rest of them would carry on with their lives.
How fucking unfair.
And it was like Wyrm’s Rock knew of this great injustice that it had just played host to because despite all of the people that filled its halls and the scrambling of the Flaming Fist to fill the patrols of the now-defunct Steel Watch, the keep seemed to have fallen mysteriously silent and they encountered no one as they made their way down the stairs and through the corridors as they made their way back outside. Maybe the world had finally seen fit to fall silent in respect for the inevitable end of a woman who’d deserved better. Or maybe grief just had a way of filtering out everything but the things that hurt the most.
As they exited the keep, the sun had reached its zenith, shining cheerfully when it should be doing anything but. On a day like this, under circumstances like this, it ought to be dark and cold and gloomy as the heavens opened and the sky wept for the one person who’d been denied her true justice. That’s how it was in the stories. Sunshine and misery were like oil and water. They were never meant to go hand-in-hand.
Where was the outpour of grief? Where was the poignant reflection of circumstance? Where was the fucking justice?
Yet despite her silent tirade at its tyranny, the sun just shone on happily, warming them all up in spite of their collective mourning. In fact, Nemeia was so deeply caught up in it that she barely registered it when she stepped out towards Basilisk’s Gate that someone was shouting. It was only when Shadowheart pinched her elbow did the static in her ears finely peter out and she realised that a strangely familiar gnome woman was calling out and running towards them as fast as her legs could carry her.
“You there! You’re - the one from the Foundry right?” the gnome panted as she skidded to a halt in front of them. She had long blonde hair tied into a ponytail and a dirty white coat that struck Nemeia with the realisation that she knew where she had seen this woman before. She was a Gondian who had worked in the Steel Watch Foundry, complete with control collar and the threat of death looming over her head. Her whole face was bright red and dripping with sweat, and she doubled over as she panted for breath. Had she ran all the way up here from the harbour?
“Is everything alright?”
The words seemed to stick in Nemeia’s throat, which was unlike her. It wasn’t like the Gondians were to blame for Karlach’s condition, it wasn’t their fault that they couldn’t provide her with a miracle solution. But for them to approach her so soon off the back of Gortash’s death, undoubtedly to ask for her help when she had already done so much for them when they couldn’t do anything to help Karlach-!
“What? No, no - we’re fine. Everything’s - fine,” the gnome gasped, still gulping down air like a drowning man. She didn’t seem to realise that she had interrupted a very angry train of thought. “Sorry… I’ve just spent so long holed up in that - damned foundry. Not used to running around - like this. But Zanner said that - it’s important.”
She paused to better catch her breath, then continued.
“Listen. I know what we said - about your friend’s engine,” she began. “And truly, we can’t fix it. That thing - was built to run in Avernus, and only Avernus. We’re inventors, not miracle workers.” Her breathing finally evened out and she straightened herself up, still red and sweaty, but looking very sincere as she craned her head up to look at Nemeia. “But you all did so much for us and for the Iron Hands that we all decided to put our heads together and try to think of something we can do. And-”
Nemeia’s heart jumped into her mouth as the gnome grinned up at her.
“-we think we’ve got something.”
Barcus and Zanner Toobin were seated at the table in a sideroom of the slapdash workshop that had been erected in the old Flymm Export building; they were pouring over a set of blueprints and talking intensely when the party arrived, following after an eager and still somewhat breathless Lowa.
All around them, the workshop was alive with activity as Gondians and Iron Hands alike bustled to and fro, all discussing eagerly among themselves. Some were working plates of metal in the forge while some were working with oils and tubing, and others were from room to room with pots of coffee and freshly-made toast to keep everyone supplied. It was a gnomish workshop in action, and it seemed that everyone was pitching in on their latest project.
Barcus looked up as Nemeia approached and beamed enthusiastically at the sight of her and the others. He leaned over to whisper to Zanner before waving the group over.
“There you are. Lowa found you alright? Good!” He glanced over at them and his expression wavered somewhat. “Karlach’s not with you?”
“She needed some time to herself now that Gortash is dead,” Nemeia said vaguely. She didn’t need those words to be invited back into her skull where they could occupy her thoughts with free reign, and fortunately, the delighted cheers of the Gondians and Iron Hand chased them away for the time being. Karlach wasn't the only one who'd wanted to see Gortash get what was coming to him. “Lowa said that you’d been working on something for her?”
She glanced at the papers on the desk. The documents were detailed, with numerous notes scratches in margins, and scribbled out words, lines, paragraphs, and sketches in addition to the very detailed schematics. The details were far beyond her understanding, but she could recognise the central purpose of it all: an engine. 
Barcus’ beam renewed itself and he nodded enthusiastically.
“Yes, yes. Zanner and I were just going over some of the finer details and we think we’ve got just the thing.” He moved a blueprint closer for Nemeia to see, and Zanner leaned in to say his piece.
“It’s a refined version of the engine that we created for the final iteration of the Steel Watch,” he explained, his calm voice edged with a note of pride. “After what you told us about Karlach’s engine being an infernal prototype, we theorised that we could scale down the engine we created based on the materials that Gortash had supplied us with. And with what we had to hand, we’ve managed to create a prototype that should work perfectly as the baseline for the final product.”
She could already hear the ‘but’ coming, and yet she didn’t care and hung on Zanner’s every word. If she had to go back to Avernus and fight through every last layer of Hell to get what they needed to make this prototype work, she’d do it in a heartbeat.
“Hopefully that won’t be necessary,” he said with a smile, and only then did she realise that she’d said any of that out loud. “What we need is a skilled mechanic, one familiar with an engine like Karlach’s as well as the dimensions of her chest cavity so that the final engine we create is tailored to fulfil her precise requirements. If the engine is too big, it won’t fit. And if its too small, it won’t sit right, won’t produce the proper energy requirements for her body and could end up failing entirely, along with the multitude of other problems it would cause.”
“We also need the correct materials,” Barcus added. “The prototypes have been made with whatever we’ve had to hand, but when you’re installing machinery into a person, you need to make it with materials that will last. The last thing anyone wants is to have to replace their insulator shell or their fuel line every six months.”
“Fortunately, the parts and pieces we need that could survive in organic housing are right here in the city,” Zanner continued confidently. “No one’s removed the defunct Steel Watch from the streets, and the biomechanical fusion of their construction means the materials would be perfect for this new engine.”
“Chk!” All heads snapped in Lae’zel’s direction as she glared at the gnomes, and Shadowheart side-eyed her as if trying to silently tell her to calm herself. It went unnoticed. “Were the Steel Watch not part ghaik in their construction? Are you suggesting that illithid machinery be the solution?”
“Not at all,” Zanner replied smoothly, not even skipping a beat despite the venom in her voice. Maybe it helped that he couldn’t see the white-hot stare that he was being subjected to. “The biological components of the Steel Watch are certainly illithid in nature, but those aren’t the parts we need. We need the mechanical parts because they mesh well with organic material, nothing more.”
That seemed to placate Lae’zel who sniffed but said nothing more and just jerked her head at Nemeia in ascent. She nodded back at her and turned to Barcus and Zanner.
“We know a mechanic here in the city who’s worked on Karlach’s engine before. We can get him on board, no problem, just tell us what parts you need us to find.”
Both gnomes beamed, and Barcus turned back to the papers to shuffle through them.
“Well, luckily you won’t need to know what to look for. Myself and a few of the others are going to head out and salvage the materials from the Steel Watch ourselves. Considering that Lord Gortash isn’t around to claim the salvage, we’re certain that the Iron Hand and Gondians will be granted the rights to retrieval by Duke Ravenguard now that he’s back to his old self.” 
He gave Nemeia a knowing, self-satisfied look. “You just need to find the mechanic and ask him to come here as soon as possible. I don’t doubt that his insight will be invaluable to perfecting our designs so that we can sign off on them and get to building. And he’ll be needed for the installation of course. Should Karlach wish to swap out her engine, that is.” He cleared his throat. “I only ever heard bits and pieces of the story while at your camp, but I’ve gathered enough to know that she’s had too many choices made for her. Even if our intent is different from that of Zariel’s, she deserves the right to say no.”
She’d never say no, not to this. Not to the chance to live. 
But, Nemeia reminded herself, it mattered that Barcus had even considered it all the same. This was Karlach’s choice in the end and no one else’s. No one here was going to forcibly strap her down and rip out a part of her in exchange for something that wasn’t her’s. Something better . That was what Gortash had done. What Zariel had done. They decided that they were improving her by taking her heart from her. And while the engine might be the source of her pain and woe right now, it was still her’s. It was part of her, had been part of her for ten years now. Fixing it and replacing it were two separate things. She might not want to replace it. She’d probably do it if it meant surviving, but doing what she needed to do wasn’t doing what she wanted to do. And only she had the right to make that call.
Regardless, one thing was clear: the Gondians and Iron Hands had gone above and beyond in their efforts to find some kind of solution, and they were closer than anyone to cracking a seemingly unsolvable problem.
In less than twenty four hours, they had drawn up their blueprints, teased out every flaw in the existing design, figured out how to make it work for a person rather than a machine, noted down every last detail they could think of that would need to be considered before they even approached the idea of installation, and they were still working away even now. Despite the treatment they’d received at the hands of the Banites, despite having every right to throw up their hands and rest, they chose to work instead. The aroma of coffee was nearly overpowering, and it mingled in the hot air with the stench of fire, sweat and oil as they continued to march ever onwards, forging test pieces for their prototypes. The rhythm with which they worked was well practised and fast paced, but there was a fiery determination which motivated them far beyond anything the Steel Watch Foundry might have witnessed from them. There, they worked so that they and their families might survive. Now, they worked so that someone else could live too, even though they’d originally believed that it was beyond them.
This was more in line with the stories. That one person could be so loved, that heaven and earth would be forced to move before anyone gave up on them.
Maybe she’d judged the sunshine too quickly. Maybe there would be no need for rain at all.
After weeks of fighting through the hostile territory, combating the Shadow Curse, and travelling in the company of a hardened Githyanki warrior, one might expect Nemeia’s athleticism to have improved somewhat. As it so happened, that was not the case. As she arrived at the top of the steps that led into the Forge of the Nine, her face had gone from a delicate pink to a deep scarlet as she gasped for breath.
After running all the way up from the harbour, she suddenly found herself feeling deeply sympathetic to Lowa. It must have been a much longer run from the harbour to Wyrm Rock, and she’d done it all with gnomish legs. The others followed up behind her, all in varying stages of out-of-breath. Though of course Lae’zel was perfectly fine, despite wearing heavy plate armour. Of course she was.
Nemeia leaned up against a wooden post as Dammon set down the shield he was working on and hurried over.
“Nem, is everything alright?” he asked, glancing over her and the others for any sign of injury or trouble. And if they were there for any other reason, Nemeia might have considered that they were still bearing the marks of their battle with Gortash and his Banites, from the crust of their blood dried to their weapons to the scorches and burns they'd received from his traps and explosives.
Instead she just nodded hurriedly while still sucking down lungfuls of breath, and Dammon rubbed her back before reaching for his belt. He offered a water skin which she accepted eagerly. After gulping down two mouthfuls, she passed it off to Gale and gasped out, “we’ve found a way to save Karlach.”
Dammon’s tail went stiff and his eyes widened. Then his jaw clicked and he straightened his back as he said, "tell me everything."
They piled into the Forge and presented him with the notes provided by Zanner and Barcus so that he could study them himself. As he devoured their contents, Nemeia explained why they had come to him and what they would need.
Without a word, he grabbed a pen and started scribbling over the notes, marking down measurements and suggestions as they came to mind and he pinched his tongue between his teeth. Still he nodded along as Nemeia spoke, showing that he was listening intently.
"It could work, though I'd want to talk with the other engineers first. The proposed housing unit isn't sturdy enough for a person who's not clad in heavy-plate armour," he mused. "Infernal Iron is what her body's used to, and can handle more punishment. If you still have any on hand, we can see what the Gondians have to say about its use."
“It’s back at camp,” Nemeia replied excitedly. “We hung onto it all in case we found a way to fix the engine.”
“And it seems like it was a wise decision to do so,” Gale noted humorously. “Despite the extra effort required to haul it around whenever we picked up camp.”
“As if you ever once tried to carry it yourself,” Lae’zel sniffed imperiously.
“And let him break his back in the effort, Lae’zel?” Shadowheart jabbed mirthfully. “He has enough trouble with hauling around the scrolls and books that our fearless leader insists on collecting.”
"So long as you still have it," Dammon cut over before anyone else could jump in, drawing all focus back to the subject at hand. "Of course I'll need to consult the others first, finalise a design that we can all agree on, mock up a final prototype to ensure it all works and then-"
He stopped short and shook his head.
"I'm getting ahead of myself. I need to get to this workshop before we even consider installation. I take it that Karlach's with them?"
Nemeia shook her head.
"We killed Gortash not long ago. And with the whole 'go back to Avernus or die' thing, she needed some time alone, so she went back to camp,” Nemeia explained. “The Gondians approached us after she'd already left, and well. I guess I want to be certain that this could even work before we consider getting her hopes up." 
She worried at her lower lip as the guilt soaked through her chest, and she gave the mechanic a pleading look. "She was so upset, Dammon. So angry about the fact that Gortash wasn't the slightest bit sorry about selling her to Zariel, or that even with him dead, she was still dying. She wants to live so badly, and I could never bring this to her just for it to turn out that it could never work." Her eyes burned as she shook her head and Dammon grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly as she finished, "we need to know that it'll work. So that it's real and we won't just be setting her up to get hurt again. She deserves that much… More. Everything ."
He nodded sympathetically.
"Then we'll give her everything we have," he said with firm-yet-gentle confidence. "I'll gather up what I need from here and we’ll head to the workshop. If the infernal iron can still be used, then you can fetch it from your camp and tell Karlach that there might still be a way to save her."
A lump formed in Nemeia’s throat.
“And if the iron causes some kind of problem? What then?”
But Dammon just clasped her hand gently.
“I’ve got enough infernal scraps lying around here for a prototype. An old commission that went unfinished by the last smith who worked here,” he explained evenly. “I’d never use it for a final product, but it’ll serve well enough. By the time we need the raw stuff you’ve collected, we’ll already know one way or another.”
And just like that, the lump dissolved and her heart soared even as her eyes watered. She held Dammon’s clasped hands with her free one and fixed him with the utmost gratitude that she could muster.
“Thank you Dammon, thank you so much,” she said wetly. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
He just smiled and said, “all I need from you is the promise that you and Karlach will come to visit me when you’re done saving the world, and that you’ll buy the drinks.”
She smiled and nodded.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from National Geographic:
These days, the village of Karauzyak in western Uzbekistan is a dusty place. Surrounded by an arid landscape of dry scrub grasses and salt-crusted soils, it’s hard to believe the village was once along the banks of a swollen river, 30 miles from the shore of the world’s fourth-largest lake. Over the last 50 years, that lake, the Aral Sea, has dried up almost entirely, in what is often called the “world’s worst environmental disaster.” Now, it’s hard to farm much of anything in Karauzyak—except for atriplex, or saltbush. 
In a 3.5-hectare plot of land near the village, a team of Japanese researchers is growing this salt-loving plant, known scientifically as a halophyte, to see if it can be a viable crop for farmers in the region and even nurture a small dairy industry. They’ve fed it to cows at a nearby farm and found that it helps lock scarce moisture into the thirsty soil, and it can be grown without extensive fertilizer use.
As she holds up a dusty green twig of atriplex, Kristina Toderich, a halophyte expert from Tottori University in Japan, explains why the salt-loving plant excites scientists like her: “This doesn’t need water. It doesn’t need anything.”
Toderich is one of the lead researchers on a project using the former seabed and nearby river delta as a living laboratory. It’s part of a larger Japanese foreign aid and scientific collaboration initiative called SATREPS. Working with Uzbekistan’s hydrometeorological service, UZGIP, the researchers are collecting real-time climate data and satellite imagery to better understand the conditions in the Aral Sea area: how much water is left, how fast it’s disappearing, and what kind of crops are being farmed there.
Based on the results, they’re drafting a model for sustainable agriculture in the region, recommending that farmers adopt new irrigation methods and plant crops that are more salt- and drought-tolerant, says Kenji Tanaka, a hydrologist who studies the effects of climate change on water resources and the head of the SATREPS project.
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification has warned that an area of land the size of Central Asia has become degraded from drought, salinization, and overuse since 2015. By learning what can grow in the Aral Sea, SATREPS could provide solutions for other parts of the world that are facing similar problems, from the Lake Chad basin in Western Africa to the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
It's unclear whether the Uzbeki government will adopt the recommendations made by the SATREPS team. But so far, the country seems open to change; President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who promised to loosen the rigid Soviet-era policies of his predecessor, Islam Karimov, ended the requirement that all Uzbek citizens pick cotton if called upon, and has spoken at the United Nations about the effects of desertification and land degradation on his country.
Climate change makes these adaptations even more urgent. Average temperatures in the Aral basin have increased by around 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit since 1968. And the shrinking of the Aral Sea itself has affected the climate; as the water disappeared, the air became drier and lost the cooling effect of the nearby lake, creating a feedback loop that resulted in hotter and drier weather. Sandstorms now spread dust and toxic heavy metals to nearby villages, while retreating water has caused a build-up of salts in the soil.
Tanaka’s project has several components. Aside from atriplex, SATREPS researchers are planting crops like sorghum, mung bean, and amaranth in test plots to learn which can best survive in dry, saline soil. So far, they’ve developed promising varieties of winter wheat and barley.
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gulshanfacility · 5 months
Elevate Your Workspace with Rental Office Plants: Find the Perfect Fit Near You
In today's fast-paced corporate environment, creating a welcoming and productive workspace is essential. From ergonomic furniture to ambient lighting, every element plays a crucial role. However, one often overlooked aspect is the presence of greenery. Introducing plants into your office not only enhances aesthetics but also contributes to a healthier and more vibrant atmosphere.
If you're considering adding some greenery to your office but don't know where to start, fret not! Rental office plants offer a convenient and cost-effective solution. With a plethora of options available, finding the perfect plants for your workspace has never been easier.
Why Rental Office Plants?
Firstly, rental office plants provide flexibility. Whether you're looking to revamp your office decor for a special event or simply want to experiment with different plant varieties, renting allows you to adapt to changing preferences without the commitment of purchasing.
Moreover, rental services often include maintenance packages, ensuring that your plants remain healthy and vibrant. This means no more worrying about watering schedules or dealing with wilted leaves. With professional care provided, your office plants will thrive, enhancing the ambiance of your workspace effortlessly.
Where to Find Rental Office Plants Near You
Now that you're ready to bring the benefits of greenery into your office, the next step is finding a reliable source for rental office plants. A quick search for "near me plant nursery" will yield a list of options in your vicinity.
Plant nurseries offer a diverse selection of plants suited for various office environments. Whether you prefer low-maintenance succulents, air-purifying ferns, or statement-making palms, you're sure to find the perfect fit for your workspace.
When selecting a plant nursery, consider factors such as reputation, variety of offerings, and rental terms. Reading customer reviews and exploring their portfolio can give you insight into the quality of their products and services.
Integrating Rental Office Plants into Your Workspace
Once you've chosen a plant nursery, it's time to select the plants that best complement your office space. Consider factors such as lighting conditions, available space, and overall aesthetic when making your decision.
For areas with ample natural light, consider incorporating plants that thrive in such conditions, such as snake plants or pothos. In dimly lit spaces, opt for low-light tolerant options like peace lilies or ZZ plants.
Placement is key to maximizing the impact of your office plants. Strategic positioning near workstations, common areas, and entryways can create focal points while improving air quality and reducing stress levels among employees.
Remember to schedule regular maintenance visits as part of your rental agreement to ensure that your plants remain healthy and vibrant. With proper care and attention, your rental office plants will continue to enhance your workspace for months to come.
In conclusion, rental office plants offer a convenient and affordable way to incorporate greenery into your workspace. By partnering with a reputable plant nursery near you, you can select from a diverse range of plants and enjoy professional maintenance services to keep your office looking fresh and good environment.
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imperialchem · 5 months
Defoamers in Wastewater Treatment - Mitigating Foam and Improving Processes
In the realm of wastewater treatment, foam can be a persistent nuisance, hindering efficiency and complicating operations.  From excessive foaming in aeration tanks to foam buildup in clarifiers and digesters, foam-related issues can lead to process disruptions, increased maintenance costs, and compromised treatment performance.  Fortunately, defoamers offer a practical solution for mitigating foam and improving processes in wastewater treatment plants.  In this comprehensive guide, we explore the role of defoamers in wastewater treatment, their benefits, and the different types available from leading manufacturers in India.
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Understanding Foam Formation in Wastewater Treatment
Foam formation in wastewater treatment processes can occur due to various factors, including:
Organic Matter:  The presence of organic compounds in wastewater, such as proteins, fats, and surfactants, can contribute to foam formation by stabilizing air bubbles and increasing surface tension.
Microbial Activity:  Microorganisms present in wastewater can produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that promote foam stability and persistence.
Mechanical Agitation:  Agitation caused by aeration, mixing, or pumping can introduce air into the wastewater, leading to foam formation.
Chemical Reactions:  Certain chemical reactions, such as the release of gases during anaerobic digestion, can result in foam generation.
The Role of Defoamers in Wastewater Treatment
Defoamers, also known as antifoaming agents, are chemical additives designed to disrupt foam formation and promote foam collapse in wastewater treatment processes.  By reducing surface tension and destabilizing foam bubbles, defoamers help prevent foam buildup and facilitate the smooth operation of treatment units.  Some common applications of defoamers in wastewater treatment include:
Aeration tanks
Clarifiers and thickeners
Filtration systems
Sludge dewatering processes
Types of Defoamers
Defoamers used in wastewater treatment are available in various formulations, each suited to specific applications and operating conditions.  Some of the most common types of defoamers manufactured in India include:
Silicone-Based Defoamers:
Silicone-based defoamers are widely used in wastewater treatment due to their excellent foam-suppressing properties and chemical stability.  These defoamers are effective across a wide pH range and can withstand high temperatures, making them suitable for diverse wastewater treatment applications.
Alcohol-Based Defoamers:
Alcohol-based defoamers contain alcohol compounds that disrupt foam formation and promote bubble coalescence.  These defoamers are often used in wastewater treatment processes where silicone-based formulations may not be suitable due to compatibility issues with certain chemicals or materials.
Glycol-Based Defoamers:
Glycol-based defoamers utilize glycol compounds to combat foam formation in wastewater treatment.  These defoamers are known for their fast-acting properties and low toxicity, making them suitable for use in environmentally sensitive applications.
Benefits of Using Defoamers in Wastewater Treatment
Improved Process Efficiency:  By reducing foam buildup and preventing process disruptions, defoamers help wastewater treatment plants maintain optimal process efficiency and throughput.
Cost Savings:  Defoamers help minimize downtime, reduce maintenance requirements, and enhance the performance of treatment equipment, resulting in cost savings for wastewater treatment plants.
Enhanced Treatment Performance:  By mitigating foam-related issues, defoamers enable wastewater treatment plants to achieve better treatment outcomes, including improved effluent quality and compliance with regulatory standards.
Versatility:  Defoamers are available in various formulations to suit different wastewater treatment applications, ensuring versatility and adaptability to specific process requirements.
Choosing the Right Defoamer Manufacturer in India
When selecting a defoamer manufacturer in India, it's essential to consider factors such as product quality, technical support, and reliability.  Look for a manufacturer with a proven track record of supplying high-quality defoamers for wastewater treatment applications.  Additionally, ensure that the manufacturer offers comprehensive technical support and assistance to help you select the right defoamer for your specific needs.
Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (ICPL) – Your Trusted Defoamer Manufacturer in India
As a leading manufacturer of specialty chemicals in India, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (ICPL) offers a wide range of defoamers specifically designed for wastewater treatment applications.  Our silicone-based, alcohol-based, and glycol-based defoamers are formulated to deliver exceptional performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.
With decades of experience in the chemical industry and a commitment to innovation and quality, ICPL is your trusted partner for all your defoamer needs.  Whether you're operating a municipal wastewater treatment plant, an industrial wastewater facility, or a specialized treatment unit, we have the expertise and resources to provide customized defoamer solutions tailored to your requirements.
In conclusion, defoamers play a crucial role in mitigating foam and improving processes in wastewater treatment plants.  Whether it's silicone-based, alcohol-based, or glycol-based formulations, defoamers offer effective solutions for combating foam-related issues and enhancing the efficiency and performance of treatment operations.  By choosing the right defoamer manufacturer in India, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (ICPL), wastewater treatment plants can benefit from high-quality defoamers and comprehensive technical support to meet their foam control needs effectively.
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tauforged · 1 year
it IS funny that they predicted the “im disabled” response and tried to preemptively make me sound ridiculous but also… seemingly forgot that physical disabilities exist? so they ended up just making themself look like an idiot. for the record i’m always on the fence about calling my illness a ‘disability’ cuz it’s like, we’re still trying to work out treatment and figure out what exactly is causing the anemia and fatigue, it could likely be a temporary problem with a solution just as much as it could be a chronic condition, it’s all up in the air rn. but for the time being where i’m stuck in this waiting period between blood draws because they don’t want to take too much because of how seriously anemic i am, yeah it’s certainly disabling. taking the dog for a 15 minute walk up and down the street is about as taxing on my body as running a marathon. yesterday i repotted a few plants and then vacuumed up the dirt off the floor and when i was done i had to flop onto my bed and lie there for a good five minutes to recover my strength. hanging up clean laundry in the closet is a task that requires constant breaks because raising my arms above my head for extended periods of time is super fatiguing because of how bad my circulation is and i literally get lightheaded if i bend down and then reach up too fast. like i’m coping alright don’t get me wrong im working around it but i definitely am NOT as physically capable as a healthy person, hell not even as physically capable as i myself was a few years ago. it’s a bitch. so sometimes i will forgo the effort of going downstairs to sit out on the porch and will just open my window to get some fresh air instead. so sue me
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