#Fe Erikia
vinegar-on-main · 9 months
VINNY!!!!!!!! YOU ARE NOW ELIGIBLE FOR 1 OF MY 3 SACRED STONE INBOX FICS!!!!!! you will become eligible for the other two once you beat chapter 11!!!!! this fic was inspired from how i just spent a comical amount of time grinding in the tower of valni and decided to make some slight eirika angst out of it :3
Leap back. Raise arm. Thrust. This motion was practically second nature to Eirika now. Monster after monster fell to her blade, almost like clockwork. Move out of the way quick once they throw their arms back. Counter while they recover.
This was their… well, she had lost count at this point. It was one of their visits to the Tower of Valni. Her and her comrades had made numerous visits to this foul place in order to make sure they were properly prepared for their journey, as the seemingly endless horde of monsters that flooded this tower’s floors made excellent target practice. After everything she’d gone through so far, she didn't expect anything to go her way or according to any sort of plan anymore. Before they headed out for Port Kiris and whatever awaited them in Rausten, she wanted to be ready.
She had to be strong. She needed to. So many people were relying on her. Looking up to her. People who would die if she made a single incorrect choice. She had to make sure nothing like what happened in Renais would ever happen again. She had to protect those she cares about. So it didn’t matter how much her arm hurt. It didn’t matter how her legs ached. It didn’t matter how the endless attacks of claws and spears got closer and closer to hitting her each time she dodged them. She had to keep going. She had t-
“Eirika?” Eirika nearly jumped out of her skin as she swiveled around to face whoever was speaking to her, seeing none I thee than a certain blue-haired pegasus knight giving her a concerned look. “T-Tana!” Eirika quickly stuttered out. “Yes? Can- can I help… you?” “We were… waiting for your word. We took care of all the monsters, but you looked… out of it.” Tana explained.
Right. Right, they had cleared out this floor. Her memory was getting a little… fuzzy. It was mostly just a blur of dodging and fighting. She was fine, though.
“Are you… doing okay, Eiri? You’ve been acting a little off for a few days now. Is something wrong?” Tana questioned.
“I’m fine.” Eirika mumbled, with a quavering voice of someone who was definitively not fine. Tana knitted her brow slightly. “If you say it like that, I’m not going to believe you.” “I… I’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry about me.” Eirika stared, hoping to move on from this conversation.
“You’re pushing yourself again, aren’t you?” Drat. Tara did always have an uncanny sense of telling when something was bothering her.
Eirika simply averted her eyes and stood there in silence for a few seconds, hoping that Tana would just… give up, and go do absolutely anything else. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the kind of person Tana was. Eirika let out a shaky sigh “It’s… been a lot, these past few days. I… I want to make sure we’re ready. I want to be ready. But… I would be lying if I said this was not… taking its toll. But I need t-"
Eirika paused as Tana laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“Listen, Eirika. I understand this is a lot. No one said war was easy. But you don’t have to do everything yourself. You can rely on us. You aren’t alone, alright? We’re all here to help you, and you need to know that, okay?” Eirika nodded.
Tana let out a satisfied huff. “Okay. I worry about you sometimes, so just… take care of yourself, alright?” Tana shot Eirika a playful wink. “Besides, you won’t be much help on the battlefield if you run yourself ragged, right?” Eirika cracked a small smile for what felt like the first time in days.
“Hehe… right. I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, Tana.” Tana gave her a quick nod as she headed back to the main group to tell them of their next destination. Eirika finally took a moment to catch her breath, only now noticing how tired she was. Maybe they could call it a day early today. She probably wasn’t the only one who needed a break, and they needed to be prepared for their journey to Rausten tomorrow. A journey they would all walk down together.
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Engage 12 - 14
Spoilers for FE Engage 12+ below the cut.
I'm betting I get Byleth, Ike, Erikia, Corrin, and whoever else I'm forgetting before getting the old rings back? I wish I still had Marth and Sigurd though. They had SSS Tier inheritance.
I love Kagetsu so far. But I'm a sucker for swordmasters in general. The crit animation they have is so fun. If the weapon triangle wasn't such a huge deal in this game, I'd make an entire army of swordmasters lol.
I like how Ivy actually has intel on the enemy and actually tells us. We need more recruited, reformed "villains" who do this.
Fogado is funny so far. If he and Kagetsu had a support, that would be gold. Because it would be non-stop flirting or competing at who can flirt better. I saw Fogado wins so far, because Katetsu is awkward as hell about it lamo.
So if all the NPCs are dark-skinned, they should've made more Solm retainers dark-skinned too (I know from pre-release that images they aren't). FE is getting better a variety, but still some way to go.
Veyle is being a bitch to Marth for no reason. Leave him alone. Still predicting that Mauvier is recruitable. And Griss is . . . eh . . . something. I love a good unhinged villain though.
One thing I DON'T like about this game is that they give you new units way too fast. Like, I just got Ivy and co and now I have Fogado and co. And they seem like a fun bunch, but like, I only have 7 deploy slots . . .
And then you get into a situation where if you want to try out the new units, you can't in a skirmish, because those are the HARDEST battles in this game because it scales with your characters. Which, in some way, I like, because then they're a good challenge but then you can make story levels easier by outclassing enemies, so then you're not "stuck" on a story and can pick and choose your challenging stuff, but it leaves other units behind. Which is typical FE I guess, but all the extra content seems like it encourages you to use new guys. Idk, there's low level Tempest Trials, but those take a long time and rewards are meh for how long it takes, esp for exp, which is why I don't think they really work for it either.
Ugh, Alcryst keeps getting shit level ups, but his supports and character is so interesting. And I just complained about limited deploy slots. I hope my boy can catch up, because he's, unfortunately, next on the benched list. Everyone else either dodges or tanks likes a pro. He's really my only liability on the battlefield right now.
Seforia is pretty cool. Glad to see more moms in this game. Really, almost everyone had a mom instead of a dad this time.
Oh, God, I'm so happy to get Ike. 😭😭😭😭😭 Radiant Dawn was my first Fire Emblem game, and still probably the one I've replayed the most. OMG this makes me so happy 😭😭😭😭
Timerra and co seem fun, but again, I'm sick of new characters. I still have a few open slots (pending you take 12-14 ish in final chapters), but 1 is reserved for the dancer, because, dancer. It's just a bonus he's gorgeous this time.
Ok, also, you have no idea how happy the bosses of these chapters makes me. It's a shoutout to other twin bandits with goofy names that used to show up n all the past GBA games.
Iyv's reaction to hearing that Hortensia has attacked was hilarious. A+ to the voice actress selling that.
I like how the three heirs on this post-level map are all talking to the locals. It's a nice detail. They're being diplomatic.
Also, another small bonus to this game. The bald eagle actually sounds like a bald eagle. All that majestic yelling you hear in movies is fake. That's a different bird. Eagles sound like squeaky toys, lamo.
Ivy teasing Alcryst in their B support is great lol. She tweaked him big time. She's a much more engaging character than she seemed like she would be initially.
So I just saw Alfred and Ivy's C Support, and this is the 2nd time someone told Alfred he's naïve for trusting people and he's just like "yep!" I love him so much, you don't even know.
Kagetsu is a fucking badass. Dude doesn't even have a special ring and makes mincemeat of enemy units. No way I could've beat the skirmish I just did without him. It was fog of war, everyone was separated, and like 99% of the units were fliers, but I really want to adopt a deer, so . . . Thanks, Kagetsu. He's going to get a pebble when I get back to Somniel. There wasn't even any deer. 😭 Why did I suffer? Got an owl and a rabbit at least though.
Case in point about Kagetsu. Turns out, he was the first enemy in the arena and defeated: Merrin, Ivy, Celine, and Chloe before Alfred finally took that menace down.
Lyn mentioned Eliwood and Hector in her paralogue 😭😭
Just saw Alfred and Alear's A Support. I think they're cute together. He's one of the few people who was casual with her right away, which is what Alear really wants. And the first one who offered friendship too. Still picking him as my S Support.
I still can't get over Hortensia's design.
Kind of glad that Hortensia is angry with Ivy. It makes sense she'd feel hurt and betrayed by Ivy, esp since she just lost her father too. Conflict also makes for a better story so . . .
Oh, wow, another cool moment for Alear. Hortensia is holding the Solm queen captive and threatens to kill her if Alear won't hand over the rings. But Alear refuses. So does Timerra, good on her.
Hortensia's VA is really selling her breakdown. Makes me feel bad and realize she's just a little girl. Then thong lady shows up and ruins it.
Is it bad I'm relieved Goldmary and Rosado aren't around? Because I'm tired of getting 3 new units every round. Even though I want Rosado so badly.
Oh, good grief. Hortensia is under some kind of mind control. How original, Fire Emblem. Betting that other little girl is too.
Ivy and Hortensia got pretty cool story arcs. Pretty sure I get Hortensia and Byleth now. Man, it's cool to get Byleth.
And, hey, another parent gets to live!
Solm gave me more money 😭😭😭😭
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
So About Female Byleth’s outfit.
I’m going to note here that this is not me saying you can’t like the outfit, but it seems really weird to me that this has become a thing to want the character’s from FE to look like character’s from say Dragon Age, namely the female counter part. Yet, FE has Always had the female character’s dressed sort of like this because, for the most part, they were not the soldier class. Most are Pegasus knights, or mages, or healers. So their outfits tend to reflect that, I mean heck the guys that are mages or healers tend to have less armor and even short sleeves. 
I mean heck, take a look at any of the earlier series and you’ll see that the look that our F!Byleth and her male counter part is giving a nod to probably Erika and Ephraim from Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones. Yeah sure, most of the mid drift bearing female characters are the dancer class, or the mage class. But who’s to say that’s not what’s going on here. We’re told that Byleth is a tactician, and, if this is like Sacred stones then the Male version of Byleth may be more like Erika and a Myrmidon class (Swords) or she may be more akin to daggers and a rogue, where as the M!Byleth probably will be a knight build. 
I mean heck...look at how much they look like the twin siblings even though they are not. 
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Erika and Ephraim from FE the Sacred Stones...
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Byleth, male and female in FE Three Houses. 
Just lighten the hair some, put them in blue or red, and boom you could have the twins. Her outfit also makes me think that she’s going to play more like Erika’s route where you use stealth, or different strategy than her male counterpart who I think would be more like Ephraim, and more straight forward and less diplomatic. 
That’s just my take on this. 
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feheroestips · 7 years
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Sacred stone icons, feel free to use~
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divinefellblood · 5 years
Updated muse list
Artemis (prof)
Freya(feh)(also non fe verse)
Need to update the list and work on the words the rules the blog needs a new theme something to help make it feel newer. Maybe make a promo? Maybe try to get the muses creative going?
There are also some muses I’ll call guest muses meaning trial runes such as Erikia,Tanna,Ophelia and more to be added or changed around. I want this I just need a little time and help to do it.
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something-in-red · 7 years
So Navarre and Caeda were spotted at the newest trailer for FE: Warriors
Don't get me wrong Im Happy they're adding more Archenea characters...
But If Lyn made it.... where's Hector? Where is Ephraim? WHERE IS ELIWOOD, SIGURD AND IKE????????????????????
Fuck Add Michalis and Minerva
Or Erikia and Seth
I'll take Jagen at this point.
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ambris · 7 years
Well For FE Heroes: I just got my first naturally summoned five star not counting the guaranteed one. I got Erikia of Sacred Stones.. Ironic considering im doing a emulated playthrough of sacred stones RN. - PS: whats wrong with warriors I haven't been following that closely.
It’s a long rant and I don’t wanna get into it.
Anyways, awesome! Erika is a fantastic unit, especially for support roles. I’ve yet to get a 5-star Erika myself, though certainly not from lack of want.
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Hello!! I know I've only just followed you but I've really enjoyed reading through your blind playthroughs. I'd like to ask: as someone who's played the older games, would you (and/or your followers) recommend the GBA FEs? I got my old GBA sp working and I'd like to give them a try if it's worth it c:
Yes! GBA feels like "classic" FE to me. Some of the most classic lords are in those games. I love the Eliwood, Hector, Lyn trio. And Sacred Stones is one of my favorites. Eliwood and Erikia were tied for my favorite lord before Dimitri stole it from them.
Here's a few things you'll want to know though. They are not as beginner friendly/easy as newer games.
-You can only play "classic" mode, meaning if your unit dies, they stay dead unless you reset the entire level.
-There's also no "reset" mechanic that will let you re-do a move.
-It also doesn't do the math for you either.
-Supports aren't unlimited, you can only unlock so many per character, so if you want the pairings you want, be careful. There are also less pairings and supports per character.
But - Sacred Stones is widely considered very easy, so I'd start there (plus, I'm biased and love so many characters in it) and see how you like the older games. Seth is one of if not thee most broken unit in the entire franchise (he can solo the whole game on its highest difficulty, people have posted videos), and you get him in every single level, making it easier to deal with all of the above. Plus, you can grind in it which makes it a bit easier. I still think the other GBA games are worth trying, but SS seems like a good spot to start.
EDIT: I think there's one level he misses, but you have Ephraim, so it's still really easy.
I'll let my followers weigh in on anything else.
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