#February 2020 Horoscope
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On March 7, 2023, Saturn will move from Aquarius into Pisces where it will remain until February 14, 2026.
Want to know what Saturn in Pisces will bring to your zodiac sign? Get your Saturn in Pisces horoscope here.
Saturn ends a karmic cycle in Aquarius Saturn first entered Aquarius in December 2020, in a fateful alignment known as the Grand Conjunction. This rare alignment paved the way for Saturn to unfold into Aquarius energy.
Now that we are at the end of this cycle, think back to the themes, patterns, or lessons that have unfolded in your life since December 2020. Where have you had to set boundaries? Where have you had to step in and take responsibility for things in your life? Where did you feel held back?
These are all things the energy of Saturn can inspire in an effort to connect us more deeply with what we really want and what we need to take responsibility for.
Saturn can be compared to a strict teacher or a master teacher. While this can bring hard lessons, it pushes us to bring out our full potential. When Saturn is done with us, we feel wiser, more mature, and more aligned with where we want to be.
Saturn is also known as the Lord of Karma, and as it travels through each sign of the zodiac, it ensures that all of our karmic checks and balances are paid.
If you know your birth chart, you can look up which house Saturn traveled to in Aquarius to determine which charts you worked with. You can also download your Saturn in Aquarius zodiac ratio here.
Now, with Saturn moving, we are going to feel a shift. All of Saturn's ancient lessons in Aquarius will come to a head, helping us find closure and resolve any issues.
Before Saturn leaves Aquarius, it will also be sure to deliver all of our karmic rewards! In fact, ancient astrologers believed that when Saturn moves out of a zodiac sign, it always leaves a gift to remind us and reward us for all the hard work we've done.
So, as Saturn prepares to enter a new cycle in Pisces, pay attention to your gifts from the Universe! Stay open to what happens to you and see if you can honor difficult lessons and who you are today because of them.
Saturn moving in Pisces Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7-8, 2023 depending on your time zone. Saturn's location on the zodiac wheel indicates where, as a society, we are compelled to face reality, step up, and take greater responsibility.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so the movement of Saturn here also indicates an end or a point of completion of a larger cycle.
In a way, you might think of Saturn's move into Pisces as a collective Saturn return, where we all process and move forward through the karmic lessons and gifts of Saturn as it travels through the entire zodiac.
Pisces is a water sign that represents light, darkness, and the unseen worlds. He is known for his abstract ideas, creativity, compassion and willingness to go with the flow. Pisces is mutable water, which means it is adaptable, free-flowing, and open to the energies of the world around it.
Saturn is a very grounded earth energy. He rules over things like the law, boundaries, responsibilities, and restrictions. Saturn energy can feel like an awakening at times, bringing us back to reality and confronting us with the consequences of our actions and the actions of the collective.
Saturn's presence in Pisces might feel a bit heavy because of this. This normally watery, intuitive, and sensitive Pisces energy will be forced to become a little stiffer, a little more grounded, and a little more reserved.
You can think of it this way – if Pisces is free-flowing water, the presence of Saturn will build dams. These dams can direct water in a productive and more beneficial direction, but it can also feel more stifling or controlling.
However, there is a way to create a balance between these two energies. The creative, intangible and outer ideas of Pisces energy can be grounded in reality thanks to Saturn. It can allow us to take those creative, even spiritual, ideas and bring them to life in this 3D world.
If the energy of Pisces is like a piece of music, the presence of Saturn can help us write the musical notes so that the piece of music can change from a tune that only lives in our heads to something that can to be played, listened to and available forever more.
Saturn in Pisces in the real world If you work in a creative, inventive, or spiritual field, the presence of Saturn can help you take all your ideas and give them root so you can build something with them.
Saturn has a very grounded and practical energy, so pair it with the creativity of Pisces, and there is a balance that can be achieved here to help you bring your creative ideas to life and turn them into reality or even turn them into a company.
Pisces is also tied to religion and spirituality, so with Saturn here, there could be a lot of themes around religion and spirituality and how they relate to the laws and rules that govern society.
The spiritual and wellness industry may also be awakened by this energy, or personally, you may find that your own attitudes and beliefs regarding your spiritual or religious connection shift and change.
As the last sign of the zodiac, there are a few of all 12 signs in Pisces. These little seeds of energy will hit us at different times over the next few years, but whenever Saturn is involved, it's always a good idea to return to responsibility.
How can you take responsibility for the life you choose, your actions, your words, the energy you put out into the world?
Saturn wants us to step up and take responsibility for our lives and act in accordance with our true, authentic selves.
Saturn can impose limits and restrictions that make us feel stuck or suffocated, but it's only so we can take the time to figure out what we really want and what we're really prepared to stand up for.
Saturn charts in Pisces With Saturn in Pisces, the following themes can be noticed:
Revisiting the traditions or religion of our ancestors Desire to understand our lineage Feeling stuck or creatively held back while we rework our creativity Feeling spiritually stuck or held back as we rework our spiritual connection A back and forth between the structure and following the current A greater sense of grounding and structure of our creative and spiritual ideas A desire to care for and show compassion towards our fellow human beings Greater concern for the well-being of others Increase sensitivity to our higher senses Problems related to laws in relation to religion Religious matters in general A need to rebalance how we give and receive compassion Chart your own cycle from Saturn to Pisces The last time Saturn passed through Pisces was from 1994 to 1996, so if you remember that, think about the themes that came to you during that time. It's not that the same thing will happen again, but you may notice that similar themes or lessons are brought forward.
If you know your birth chart, you can also look at which house is ruled by Pisces to understand which areas of your life Saturn will affect you.
If you are unsure of your birth chart, don't worry, you can also pay attention to the charts or events that await you around March 7 and 8. You can also get a glimpse of what Saturn in Pisces will bring under the New Moon in Pisces on February 19.
You can also upload your Saturn in Pisces for your sign report, which highlights what Saturn in Pisces can spark for your Sun sign and Ascendant.
Whatever problems Saturn in Pisces brings, you can expect an area of your life to be challenged. Although there is a lot of learning to do, you will emerge wiser, more mature and more integrated into your soul path.
Journal Prompts for Saturn in Pisces What does my spirituality really mean to me? How can I take responsibility for my creative visions? What concrete things can I do to turn my dreams into reality? I can understand myself better by… My real thoughts and feelings around this situation are… When I stop, my intuition shares... Religion makes me feel... I can best express my compassionate side by…
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whydoifeelhunted · 2 years
Horoscop pentru luna Martie:
Nebunia lui Martie sau magia lui Martie? Vei experimenta tot spectrul luna asta, de la schimbari emotionale semnificative la urcarea pe culmile carierei si la tranzitii financiare. Aceasta este cea mai activa si cea mai profunda luna din 2023 din perspectiva astrologica, care ar putea schimba traiectoria pentru intregul deceniu. Acesta nu este un lucru rau, tinand cont de evenimentele de pana acum.
Noutatile care schimba directia evenimentelor tine de doua planete majore care se misca incet – Saturn si Pluto – care se intorc in semne zodiacale pe care nu le-au vizitat din anii 1996 si 1798. Mutarea lui Pluto va declansa transferarea puterii din Capricorn in Varsator, iesind dintr-un ciclu puternic influentat de politica si economie care a inceput tocmai in Ianuarie 2008.
Pe data de 7 Martie, Saturn va iesi din Varsator, semnul in care a stat din 21 Martie 2020. Luminat de luna plina in Fecioara – un moment de varf in casa carierei – Saturn va incepe o vizita care va dura trei ani in Pesti in Casa a Patra a caminului, familiei si a fundatiilor emotionale. Indepartarea de baza familiala ar putea sa se dovedeasca mai dificila, cu atat mai mult cu cat Soarele se va afla si el in zodia Pesti pana pe 20 Martie. Este foarte posibil sa reconsideri modul si locul unde vrei sa traiesti, si incepand de acum pana in Februarie 2026, este posibil sa te desradacinezi din mediul actual sau sa plantezi fundatii mai adanci.
In timp ce te gandesti la atatea mutari, poti sa te distrezi putin! Pe 20 Martie, Soarele trece in Berbec si iti activeaza Casa Cinci a pasiunilor, faimei si creativitatii timp de o luna. Luna Noua din 21 Martie in Beebec, va fi acompaniata de planeta ta guvernatoare Jupiter si de istetul Mercur. Asta va fi invitatia ta spre tot ce  este spectaculos pentru a-ti pune talentele in evidenta.
Pe 23 Martie puternicul Pluto ridica stacheta lasata de Saturn cu doua saptamani in urma, mutandu-se in Varsator pentru o perioada scurta (pana pe 11 Iunie). Pe masura ce Pluto iese din Capricorn si din sectorul financiar al hartii tale astrale pentru o perioada de 3 luni, o parte din temerile tale inradacinate in legatura cu banii si siguranta materiala vor putea in sfarsit sa se calmeze. Bucura-te de linistea din mintea ta si fa adevarata zarva in timp ce Pluto iti viziteaza sectorul comunicarii. Asta este o avan-premiera a ceea ce se va intampla atunci cand Pluto va reveni pentru o rezidenta de 20 de ani in Varsator incepand cu Noiembrie 2024. Pana atunci, poate ca e timpul sa investesti banii in una din ideile tale marete!
Te simti putin stors de puteri in preajma semenilor? Nu e nici o surpriza. Pe 25 Martie vei avea un moment de relaxare atunci cand energicul Marte iese din Gemeni si din zona ta parteneriala. Planeta Rosie s-a aflat intr-o excursie extinsa de 7 luni (de cinci ori mai lunga decat ciclul obisnuit) in semnul zofiacal opus tie, ceea ce a fost atat incitant cat si obositor in egala masura.
Ca si bonus, Marte a aprins niste aliante interesante care ar fi putut sa-ti puna in miscare telurile ambitioase. Dar este posibil ca lucrurile sa se fi miscat mult prea repede chiar si pentru tine. Este posibil sa fi fugit prematur de (sau spre) un angajament fie acesta de natura romantica, legat de munca sau de creativitate. De asemenea, poate nu ai fost pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu o persoana importanta. Cu putin noroc, Marte te-a ajutat sa te afirmi fara ca lucrurile sa devina prea agresive sau controversate. Provocarea lui Marte in Gemeni e cum sa fii direct dar si diplometic.
Va fi nevoie sa te bazezi pe tot ce ai invatat acum cand  Marte va sari in Rac e 25 Martie ai in Casa Opt a intimitatii, a resurselor comune pana pe 20 Mai. Cele mai apropiate relatii au sansa sa devina si mai intense! Casa Opt guverneaza extremele asadar exista riscul de fluctuatii financiare si cheltuieli neprevazute. Din fericire acest ciclu va fi mult mai scurt decat cel precedent. Telul va fi sa iti controlezi reactiile tempestuoase.
Este sezonul Pestilor pana la 20 Martie:
Ia lucrurile mai usor si savureaza toate momentele. Stelele au pregatit inca o luna agitata, si vei fi nevoit sa te menajezi. Ce-ai spune de putina hibernare, chiar daca e la mijlocul programului? Soarele va sta in Pesti si in Casa Patru cea domestica pana pe 20 Martie, punand importanta pe casa, familie si radacini.
Esti in semnul calatorului dar in primele trei samptamani din luna vei beneficia mai mult daca iti vei lasa bagajele si vei petrece cat mai mult timp pretios acasa. Vei aprecia spatiul mai mult ca oricand.
Luna Noua din 7 Martie va reprezenta un moment de varf in cariera
Simti nevoia de putina directie in cariera? Esti gata sa schimbi vitezele? Pe 7 Martie Luna Noua in Fecioara va straluci in Casa Zece a carierei si a succesului. Eforturile tale din ultimele 6 luni vor inflori cu o putere invioratoare – si cu un triumf profesional care iti va propulsa statutul si prestigiul. S-ar putea sa iti fie recunoscuta munca si expertiza sau sa ti se ofere o pozitie mai multa responsabilitate.
Daca esti in cautarea unei cariere sau pozitii cu mai multa insemnatate sau cu o remuneratie mai buna, aceasta luna noua poate cauza schimbarea. Cum Luna Noua aduce cu ea tranzitii si schimbari ai putea lua decizia sa te indepartezi de o anumita carare sau sa inghei un proiect care nu mai functioneaza. Acest lucru s-ar putea intampla subit multumita uniu trigon rapid format intre Luna Plina si schimbatorul Uranus. Oeicat de repede s-ar petrece evenimentele, nu uita sa te opresti si sa iti sarbatoresti reusitele inainte sa treci la pasul urmator. Ai muncit mult sa ajungi in acest loc deci marcheaza momentul!
Saturn intra in zodia Pesti pe 7 Martie
Un nou ciclu din viata ta personala incepe pe 7 Martie, atunci cand Saturn se muta in Pesti pentru peima oara in secolul acesta, incepand o plimbare de trei ani in Casa Patru a familiei, domeaticitatii si emotiilor. A venit timpul sa te gandesti serios la a intemeia o familie si a planta radacini peranente? Incepand de acum si pana pw 13 Februarie 2026, Saturn este aici pentru a-ti inventaria relatiile cele mai apropiate si viata personala, si pentru a te ajuta sa faci schimbari structurale care fundamenteaza securitatea pe termen lung.
Saturn s-a aflat ultima oara in Pesti din 21 Mai 1993 pana pe 7 Aprilie 1996. Daca esti destul de matur sa iti amintesti ce se intampla in acea perioada, cauta sa descoperi ce influenta ar putea avea acum.
Femeile, mamele si copii reprezinta domeniul de activitate al Casei Patru iar toate aceste relatii ar putea sa devina mai serioase in timp ce Saturn e in Pesti.
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princepestilence · 2 years
NYR: September in Review.
Post-September horoscope: “You’re allowed to make a big deal about things that mean a lot to you.” 
Feeling a bit all-to-nothing after last month, but not complaining. The busy times are about to pick up again as we move into the new place. Some of what happened this month:
house arrangement stuff. Nothing too exciting, just more paperwork. But important paperwork. Contract exchange officially took place a few weeks ago so we have a settlement date fast approaching. 
put up the sold sticker. A nice memory to have. 
best friend’s wedding. First time being in a bridal party, and it was such a lovely day for literally everyone. Dream wedding. Perfect weather, no disasters, not even small hiccoughs. Surreal experience dancing to music we listened to together as kids in high school. One of those moments where it hits you how much you’ve grown up and how much time has passed. 
got my nails done ~professionally~ for the first time. Strictly speaking, the friend who did them is studying to be a nail tech so it’s like, semi-professional, but I really like them. They’re just solid colour gel, but I think this is going to be a regular thing, I love the texture and how well they’re holding up compared to when I paint them myself.
thesis! I’m about a week off from finishing this chapter, and then on to the last (?) one next month. Really happy with how well I’m on track despite everything else going on. 
a whole lot of looking at and discussing furniture options. I think we’re just about settled on the new things we’re getting, though, and it’ll be nice to have a bit of a fresh start in the new house--and also a super comfy lounge. I’m never going to get off it. 
boy............    But that’s my business. :)
In October, I will:
go on a breezy long weekend holiday starting tomorrow. Wine tour with some good friends, it’s going to be so restful and lovely. It’ll be the first “holiday” we’ve been on since February 2020, so. Nice change of pace. 
finish this thesis chapter. Once I’m back from the trip, I’ll finish it off and start the next one. I’m hoping to have the fourth one done by mid-November, end of November at the latest, and then take December off to refresh my brain before the big edits and reworking next year. 
pack to move. Fast approaching the time when we have to start putting things in boxes and deciding what to bring, and what to get, and so on. I’ll count furniture orders and whatnot in this section too. 
move in! The big day is October 22nd. After that it’s just tidying the old apartment and handing back the keys. 
poetry gigs. I’ve got one next weekend at a little folk festival thing, and then potentially one the weekend after to celebrate + showcase the launch for the anthology I’m in. Should be really chill. 
editing stuff. For an upcoming TTRPG and friends’ novel. 
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rjdavies · 2 years
Chinese New Year Animal - The Rat
Year of the Rat ... is this your animal? The Rat is an Earthly branch, and is yang. 
Years: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032
Chinese: 鼠年 (shǔ nián ‘Rat year')
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2032 - Feb. 11, 2032 - Jan. 30, 2033 - Water Rat
2020 - Jan. 25, 2020 - Feb. 11, 2021 - Metal (Gold) Rat
2008 - Feb. 7, 2008 - Jan. 25, 2009 - Earth Rat
1996 - Feb. 19, 1996 - Feb. 6, 1997 - Fire Rat
1984 - Feb. 2, 1984 - Feb. 19, 1985 - Wood Rat
1972 - Feb. 15, 1972 - Feb 2, 1973 - Water Rat
1960 - Jan 28, 1960 - Feb. 2, 1961 - Metal (Gold) Rat
1948 - Feb. 10, 1948 - Jan. 28, 1949 - Earth Rat
1936 - Jan. 24, 1936 - Feb. 10, 1937 - Fire Rat
1924 - Feb. 5, 1924 - Jan. 23, 1925 - Wood Rat
Personality: Rats are quick-witted, resourceful, and smart. They lack courage. They also have rich imaginations and sharp observations and can take advantage of various opportunities.
Personality in relation to their element:
Wood Rat: Independent, self-confident, virtuous, talented, with a strong sense of teamwork
Fire Rat: Energetic, brave, quiet, cordial, friendly to their friends, very strict with themselves
Earth Rat: Amiable, honest, flexible, modest, serious, has a strong sense of self-esteem
Gold Rat: Smart, talented, hot-tempered, jealous, has a strong sense of self-awareness
Water Rat: Talkative, conservative, wise
Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Rat:
Rat, Ox, Dragon or Monkey
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs with a Rat: 
Rabbit, Horse or Rooster
Lucky things for Rats:
Lucky numbers: 2, 3, and numbers containing them (like 23 and 32)
Lucky days: the 4th and 13th of every Chinese lunar month
Lucky colors: blue, gold, green
Lucky flowers: lily, African violet
Lucky direction: west, northwest and southwest
Lucky months: the 2nd, 5th and 9th Chinese lunar months
Unlucky things for Rats:
Unlucky color: yellow, brown
Unlucky numbers: 5 and 9
Unlucky direction: south and southeast
Unlucky months: the 4th, 10th, and 12th Chinese lunar month
Best Careers for Rats: 
Administrator, director, manager, entrepreneur, broadcaster, writer, musician, stand-up comedian, politician, lawyer, researcher, and racing car driver.
Health for Rats: 
Rats are generally healthy, full of energy and active. A balance diet and rest will always help Rats recharge and work at high energies. 
Famous Rat People:
Carmen Electra: born on April 20, 1972, Water Rat Scarlett Johansson: born on November 22, 1984, Wood Rat Ozzy Osbourne: born December 3, 1948, Earth Rat Rosa Parks: born February 4, 1913, Water Rat Samuel L. Jackson: born December 21, 1948, Earth Rat
Found all this info on  Chinese Zodiac: 12 Animal Signs, Compatibility, Horoscopes (chinesenewyear.net)
Xīn nián kuài lè
R. J. Davies
A Riveting Jacked-In Dreamy Mind-Bender
RJ Davies - Science Fiction Author, Maddox Files, Novels
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hmgn3 · 2 years
22-December 散財記録
03(sat) ・Lavender Diamond / Now Is the Time (2021, used LP) ・‎Aaron Abernathy / Epilogue (2019, used 2LP) ・辰巳哲也 / Aspects From Both Side (2001, used LP) ・Stereolab & Brigitte Fontaine / Caliméro (1999, used 7inch) ・The David Bromberg Band / Reckless Abandon (1977, used LP) ・The Corporate Image / Canadian Brass / Plumbers Union / Bud Henderson (1976, used LP) ・カールワイズマン指揮 わんわん合唱団 / わんちゃんのジングル・ベル (1972, used 7inch) 04(sun) ・Sign Libra / Sea to Sea (2020, LP) ・Ben Chatrer / What Have I Done! (2020, 7inch) ・Matana Roberts / Coin Coin Chapter Four: Memphis (2019, LP) ・Lala Lala / Sleepyhead (2019, LP) ・Horoscope / Carne (2019, LP) ・Jefre Cantu-Ledesma / A Year With 13 Moons (2015, LP) ・Blanche Blanche Blanche / Breaking Mirrors (2013, LP) ・Moon Jelly / Moon Jelly (2013, 12inch) ・Renaldo & Clara / Lila (2012, 7inch) ・Tara Jane O'Neil / Rainbow Connection/Sirena (2012, 7inch) ・Lightspeed Champion / Bye Bye (2010, 10inch) ・Gonjasufi / Kobwebz/Speaketh (2010, 7inch) ・#1 Xmas Record (2010, 7inch) 06(tue) ・Sun Ra / Cosmos (1986, used LP) 07(wed) ・SAULT / Nine (2021, used LP) ・The Whispers / Happy Holidays to You (1979, used LP) 13(tue) ・栗コーダーカルテット / 遠くの友達 (2008, used CD) ・The Lounge Lizards / Live From The Drunken Boat (1983, used LP) ・Bob Dylan / Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid (1973, used LP) 17(sat) ・Stereolab / The Free Design (1999, used 12inch) ・Lalo Schifrin / Rollercoaster (Music From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (1997, used LP) 18(sun) ・Carpenters / Merry Christmas Darling / (They Long To Be) Close to You (1990, used 7inch) ・Michael Galasso / Scenes (1983, used LP) ・Mark Isham / Vapor Drawings (1983, used LP) 21(wed) ・Zeena Parkins / Something Out There (1987, used LP) ・Oronzo De Filippi / Meccanizzazione (1969, used LP) 22(thu) ・Hatchback / Zeus & Apollo (2011, used 2LP) ・The Year Of / Slow Days (2006, used LP) 25(sun) ・Taro Nohara / Poly-Time Soundscapes/Forest of the Shrine (2022, LP) ・Bergisch-Brandenburgisches Quartett / Live '82 (2022, LP) ・Employee / Hold Music Vol. 2 (2021, LP) ・Anthonius / Itoigawa (2020, LP) ・Ursula Bogner / Sonne = Blackbox (2011, LP) ・Henry Threadgill Very Very Circus / Spirit of Nuff...Nuff (1991, LP) ・A.T.R.O.X. / The Night's Remains (1982, LP) ・Alceu Valença / Molhado De Suor (1974, LP) 27(tue) ・London Pavilion Volume One (1987, used LP) ・Van Morrison / Beautiful Vision (1982, used LP) ・Burt Bacharach / Reach Out (1967, used LP) 28(wed) ・麓健一 / 3 (2022, CD) 29(thu) ・Caleb Dailey / Warm Evenings, Pale Mornings: Beside You Then (2022, LP) ・Isik Kural / in february (2022, LP) ・Kit Downes / Vermillion (2022, LP) ・Cassandra Jenkins / (An Overview on) An Overview on Phenomenal Nature (2021, LP) ・Johan Lindström Septett / On the Asylum (2021, LP) ・食品まつり a.k.a foodman / やすらぎランド (2021, used LP) ・Lounge at the Edge of Town / Lounge at the Edge of Town (2021, used LP) ・Martin Rev / 3 Raw Takes (2020, used 12inch) ・Donna Regina / Star Ferry (2000, used 12inch) ・Keith LeBlanc / Stranger Than Fiction (1989, used LP) ・Angelika Maisch / Endlich Satie! (1982, used 10inch) ・The Hot Jazz Orchestra / The Hot Jazz Orchestra (1977, used LP) 30(fri) ・戸張大輔 / ギター (1999, cassette) 31(sat) ・banana / music for Shadow Ban Travel (2022, CD-R) ・Karen Dalton & Angel Olsen / Something on Your Mind (2022, used 7inch) ・Rui Maia / Botany Department (2021, used LP) ・Tortoise Remixed By Derrick Carter (1998, used 12inch) ・Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 / The Funeral Pudding (1994, used LP)
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apologies ahead - this is a rant
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source: Twitter
this would have been really nice to know at the time!! all of my horoscopes at the time were like this could be your forever person but they are shy and you will have to fight for it when I knew within the first 2 months he was not ready and none of my people were feeling it
cannot <clap> emphasize <clap> enough <clap> how I would have done a much harder break up (like March 2019) than February 2020 (yeah, I know - impeccable timing to be single)
would have appreciated being able to enjoy the last year of pre-pandemic single and without weekly migraines
end of rant. back to 1899 and work
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2020 & Beyond #Pisces #Astrology #Horoscope
Pisces in February 2020 we are sowing seeds for next two decades of material growth through the part of our life that Saturn Jupiter will bring to focus as well with their once in 20 year conjunction in December 2020. A new age of gainfulness & prominence will begin - what’s your source of next 20 years of growth ?
Link to Your sign specific video ♓️ - https://youtu.be/kJ21752HVCM
Link to Part 1 - Overview across signs - https://youtu.be/-F-O2hGFE1g
For ♓️ Pisces - Spiritual awakening / journey, contributing spiritually to a society, alternative healing methods, breaking old structure suddenly due to a download or sudden awakening, sudden development while you are travelling or in a foreign country or sleeping or relaxing away from the crowd, meditation, psychic work, charity work without attaching your name to it - in hospitals, in field of healing, for mental health, in prisons or for those in need, doing it like your karmic duty & helping humanity in ways not previously seen or understood by others, being a blessing to others, discovering your hidden take to & knowledge suddenly in a moment of peace or in meditation and using it for helping larger set of people, past life memory, karmic times, experiences guided by your guides & angels, enabling group of people to connect with their own inner wisdoms, confronting their demons or fears, connecting with their angels & guides through innovative healing methods
Our e-coordinates 👩‍💻
Website - http://emailabuddy.com/blog/
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YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvSvY3h-vAPU0qnXPJM32PA
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askmyoracle · 5 years
February 2020 Horoscope For All zodiac Signs
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February 2020 Horoscope Predictions give an idea about what all events are expected to happen in the month of February for all 12 zodiac signs. February 2020 Horoscope aims are unfolding the mystery that hovers around your career, finance, health, love relationships, education, travel and family based on the planetary positions.
Click here to Read Full February 2020 Monthly Horoscope
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whenerosmetpsyche · 5 years
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I generally don’t write these, but I awoke to the Leo full moon shining through my window so brightly I could hardly look at it early this morning. I suddenly felt the need to write one this month. 
The Leo full moon is special because it reflects the current state of our joy and desire to embrace life. If we’ve lost our joie de vivre, the Pisces retrograde is set later this month to help us retrieve it.
Leo Full Moon  Rising signs:
Aries  A time of romance, pleasure, and life this month for you. An unfinished karmic situation come back into your life and possibly send you on an inward journey of self-reflection. Accept or find closure with this situation so you are able to enjoy the pleasures of your success guilt free.
Taurus This month feels especially emotional and you my find yourself wanting to stay close to home and reconnect to friends and family over text or through social media. You may find yourself rethinking some of the goals you have put into place and whether they reflect your internal values. 
Gemini The last few months have been tough, but this month will feel like a 180 turn towards the right direction. Past projects will gain notoriety and your brilliance will stand out. A new opportunity from a past project may make you rethink your current path or shift your current one. Wait until the retrograde to make any final decisions and be careful that the costs don’t outweigh the benefits.
Cancer Your life feels like it has been coming together, but you may be wondering if you made the right choice. This is the month where your work and effort begins to pay off. Lucrative travel opportunities open up as others notice your worth as well. New relationships are forming and others transforming -- but who is getting left behind?
Leo This is the month where a past ending or transformation has the power to affect your day-to-day life in a profound way. This could be a resurrection of a situation you thought long dead, secrets long buried, or the results of personal transformation come to light. This is the month to let go of whatever is holding you back, lighten up, fully embrace the change, and reclaim your joy.
Virgo Unfinished karmic partnerships from the past come back this month which could result in a fling or a new start. You may feel the need to set new ground rules around this restart but the advice from the universe is to relax and have fun with it! The purpose of the creative or romantic connection will become clearer by the beginning of March when you will have a better idea how to move forward. Libra The daily grind (or lack thereof) has you questioning your dreams for the future in a big way this month. You find yourself more interested in connecting with others over the mysteries of life more than usual. Your desire for deeper connections in others is a reflection of your desire for a deeper understanding of yourself. An opportunity to move forward will present itself if you are willing. 
Scorpio An opportunity to revisit a creative endeavor or project you thought long gone will revisit you this month. Do you want it to see the light of day? Is it worth your time and effort? The stars think so. Someone else holds all of the control this one. If you can compromise, an unexpected windfall of opportunity is in your future. Sagittarius This full moon has you reflecting on your many accomplishments and successes over the past couple years. Where to next you wonder? The upcoming retrograde may have you feeling that your home is not to your liking in some way. This may prompt you to take a trip or move far, far away. For less impulsive Sag risings, you may realize that your desire for change in your home comes from a need to declutter your inner psyche as rumination pushes you towards growth.
Capricorn Profound transformations have been commonplace in your life over the past couple years, and it’s getting harder and harder to hide those changes from the world. The retrograde this month brings past work into the spotlight and asks you to take ownership and show the world what you’ve been working towards. 
Aquarius Your relationships take center stage this month as you question whether your current or potential partnership is worth the cost of your freedom. If you are not in a relationship, you may suddenly feel the lack of love in your life and find yourself pining after past loves. Ask yourself what it is that you’re missing in a relationship and set your intention. The Universe is trying to deliver!
Pisces That project you have been working on -- is it fulfilling your hopes and dreams? Are you feeling appreciated by those who are supposedly on your side? This is the time where those that truly see you will let you know and compensate accordingly. For those that do not, the retrograde will steer you in a new direction -- a place where your quiet brilliance and generosity is not taken for granted.  
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Feb. 17th Mercury begins its retrograde period.The first retrograde of the year can throw a lot of us off including our resolutions but don't let it scare you mercury will return direct motion on march 1st. Over those few weeks, we can expect to see increased inspiration and creativity. This retrograde season asks us to think about the ways in which we can implement new thoughts and feelings.
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साप्ताहिक अंक ज्योतिष (8 से 14 फरवरी 2021): जानिए क्या कहता है आपका मूलांक, कौन होगा इस सप्ताह सबसे ज्यादा लक्की
योग का योग संयोग इस बार अति संवेदनशील … इस वर्ष यानि 2021 की फरवरी के दूसरे सप्ताह में ग्रह-नक्षत्रों को लेकर बड़ा फेरबदल होने जा रहा है। ऐसे में जहां इस सप्ताह की शुरुआत में न्याय और कर्म के ग्रह शनि उदित होने वाले हैं। सप्ताहांत में सूर्य देव मकर राशि से निकलकर कुंभ में चले जाएंगे। योजनाओं के योग संयोग की दृष्टि से इस समय अत्यधिक कष्ट शील है। ऐसे में आज हम आपको अंकज्योतिष के माध्यम से आने वाले…
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Horoscope Today, February 29, 2020: Check astrological prediction for Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and other signs - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/horoscope-today-february-29-2020-check-astrological-prediction-for-leo-virgo-libra-scorpio-and-other-signs-times-of-india/
Horoscope Today, February 29, 2020: Check astrological prediction for Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and other signs - Times of India
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What will this Saturday bring you? Here is what the stars foretell…
Aries Today until late afternoon day is not good, you may feel unhappy and become nervous , but after noon onwards, you will be more happy, internal vitality will boost your self confidence. You should avoid carelessness in making decisions in terms of finance, profession and studies. Sometimes , you may face self respect issues with spouse, need to keep patience to avoid to convert happy moments into bad moments. Love birds will plan for short trips.
Taurus Today your tendency to overspend will affect your savings. Should be careful while expressing yourself in work and domestic front also. Should avoid lending money and should postpone to make important decisions in real estates and other assets issues. Should try to avoid a tendency of elevation from your responsibilities.
Gemini Today at a social get together, you will re-establish your network, which will make give you benefits in near future. Natives related to glamour, art, fashions will plan to do something new in terms of their profession. Students will perform better today in terms of study. Love birds will enjoy their happy moments.
Cancer Today will be a busy day for you in terms of work, overload may make you tired but you will enjoy your work. You will not spend money on worthless stuff. You will be more polite with your family, friends and loved ones. You may also get some good news from family members.
Leo Today, blessing from elders will give you confidence. You shall follow your intuition before taking any initiatives which will help you in your work . Your intuition will help to gain more in terms of finance. You will plan to visit some religious place with your family members. You shall control your arrogance to enjoy your domestic life. Students will expect good results with the help of destiny.
Virgo Today before noon , you may feel happy and will enjoy your work and afternoon onwards, negative feeling will make you dull, which will effect your professional life, you will expect some domestic argument also. You shall avoid to lend money to any one, it might be not recoverable easily. You will analyse yourself and figure out your negativities. Occult sciences will attract you today in terms of study.
Libra Today you are blessed by moon. You will be in a very good mood since morning. You will be more romantic also , it will fill harmony in your domestic life. Your patience will help you to do your best professionally. You will see some coordination with your colleagues and business partner.
Scorpio You will be successful to control leakage and worthless expenditure, which will boost your bank balance. Should be careful in kids health . Singles will see progress in terms of marriage. Persons related to travel, diplomats , supply chain will do better. Should be careful in stomach issues.
Sagittarius Today, your plans will not work on professional front , which will make you arrogant . Should try to avoid taking important decisions in terms of investment and relationship. Couples and love birds should try to avoid make arguments to maintain harmony in the relationships. Students should not choose short cuts in their studies.
Capricorn Today moon will make you more sensitive and emotional. Should avoid to invest into real estate or other assets. Should take care of your parent’s health. You will expect some delay in your work also, you shall face it with patience. In professional front , should not be indecisive.
Today you will be glad, you will be able to maintain a balance between your earning and expenditure which will boost your finances. Your network will help you to implement your plans. Your siblings and subordinate staff will be more helpful today. Make a plan to visit elders or religious place.
Pisces Today, your energy level will be high. So it will make you happy and optimistic to fulfil your desires with the help of hard work. You will plan to go for outings with friends and family to share your happiness. Students will see a good new in terms of study. The author, Samir Jain, is a Jaipur based astrologer who is an expert in astrology, numerology, palmistry and Vastu. He is also an expert in Jain Temple Vastu and Jain Jyotish. Over the last several years, he has consulted clients from the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, the UK, Australia, Turkey, France, Italy, South Africa, and Germany.
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