#Fedor Dostoyevsky
chekhov-and-chill · 6 months
Ok but…young David Tennant as Raskolnikov???!!!
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trrstbsd · 5 months
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melaly · 1 year
Se me presentaba con claridad la idea de que la vida y el mundo parecían ahora depender de mí. Incluso podría decir que el mundo, en aquel momento, estaba hecho sólo para mí: si me suicidaba, el mundo desaparecería, al menos para mí. Por no hablar de que en realidad era probable que ya nada existiera tras mi desaparición, y que cuando se apagara mi conciencia, se apagaría y desaparecería al instante todo el mundo, como si fuera una aparición de mi conciencia, pues tal vez todo ese mundo, y toda esa gente, no eran únicamente más que yo.
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morriganduska · 4 months
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Crime and Punishment [Fyodor Dostoyevsky]
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im-lastgirlonearth · 3 months
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yvehattan · 11 months
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A Fyodor Dostoevsky doodle for his birthday.
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annie-baynton · 1 year
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possessedbydevils · 6 months
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First thing l thought of when l learned she had blue eyes. No wonder Alyosha was terrified
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newmusictodayfan · 11 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs
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dreamywander · 4 months
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❗AI-art❗BSD - Fyodor Dostoevsky🐀
«Самые глубокие раны — это те, которые не видны снаружи» // «The deepest wounds are the ones that aren't visible from the outside» ©Fyodor Dostoevsky
More pictures like this can be found in my profile ✨
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Undoubtedly the worst thing about Fyodor Pavlovich is that there is absolutely nothing which he holds as sacred, holy, untouchable, worthy of reverence or respect. Everything is a joke to him.
The very worst way this is exemplified is his alleged (but come on, we all know it was him) crime against the “holy fool” Lizaveta Smerdyashchaya, which for him was yet another distasteful joke. Lizaveta’s innocence and vulnerability are recognised by the community of Skotoprigonyevsk, both young and old, and we are given paragraphs and paragraphs to show how she is widely adored by the townspeople and how attempts are made to shelter, protect, and care for her.
When Fyodor Pavlovich violates her, he violates something that the community holds as sacred.
That, to me, is the core difference between someone like him and someone like Mitya. Even though Mitya has done a lot of “dirty things” and may on the surface appear to be following in his father’s footsteps, his heart is a noble one, or at least one with noble intentions. One that is filled with reverence and genuine emotion and a hatred for what is abhorrent—even when he himself is doing things that are abhorrent.
And even though we can fully understand his hatred of his father for his loathsomely mocking, irreverent, dishonourable, ignoble attitude toward everything, once his father is dead, he still feels sorry for that hatred. He still regrets the relationship he never had with the father who neglected him as a child and possibly swindled him as a young man. That alone speaks to the kind of heart that he has.
“It is a noble man you are speaking with, a most noble person; above all—do not lose sight of this—a man who has done a world of mean things, but who always was and remained a most noble person, as a person, inside, in his depths, well, in short, I don't know how to say it ... This is precisely what has tormented me all my life, that I thirsted for nobility, that I was, so to speak, a sufferer for nobility, seeking it with a lantern, Diogenes’ lantern, and meanwhile all my life I've been doing only dirty things, as we all do, gentlemen ... I mean, me alone, gentlemen, not all but me alone, I made a mistake, me alone, alone ... ! Gentlemen, my head aches,” he winced with pain. “You see, gentlemen, I did not like his appearance, it was somehow dishonorable, boastful, trampling on all that's holy, mockery and unbelief, loathsome, loathsome! But now that he's dead, I think differently.”
“How differently?”
“Not differently, but I'm sorry I hated him so much.”
“You feel repentant?”
“No, not really repentant, don't write that down. I'm not good myself, gentlemen, that's the thing, I'm not so beautiful myself, and therefore I had no right to consider him repulsive, that's the thing. Perhaps you can write that down.”
- The Brothers Karamazov, 3.9.3 (Pevear & Volokhonsky translation)
There is no beauty to be found in anything about Fyodor Pavlovich, and though Mitya contests that the same is true of himself, I argue differently. There is something beautiful in the struggle of an imperfect human toward nobility, despite being doomed to always fall short. To again and again slip into one’s baser impulses, and yet again and again stand back up and trudge onwards.
Both are human, but Fyodor Pavlovich is all of the very worst things about humanity, while Mitya is the worst things mingled with much of the very best.
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ichiguaakinoka · 9 months
Я уже несколько дней назад решила перерисовать вот этот офф. арт в своем стиле, так как подумала попробовать черно-белый колоринг. Ну вот, что получилось сами видите. Странноватенько, но пойдет, результат меня устраивает (* ^ ω ^).
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trrstbsd · 1 year
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melaly · 1 year
Soy un hombre ridículo. Ahora ellos me llaman loco. Y eso podría haberme supuesto un ascenso de grado, si no me siguieran considerando igual de ridículo que antes. Ahora no me enfado y todos me parecen simpáticos; incluso cuando se burlan de mí siguen de algún modo pareciéndome especialmente dulces. De buena gana me reiría con ellos -no ya de mí, sino por afecto hacia ellos- si no fuera por la tristeza que siento cuando los miro. Y me siento triste porque ellos desconocen la verdad, y yo si la sé. ¡Oh, qué difícil le resulta a uno conocer la verdad! Pero ellos no lo entenderían. No, no lo entenderían.
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darkk-devil · 1 year
we are connected by one blood
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wotchergiorgia · 1 year
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fydor dostoevsky, the adolescent
[text ID: never mind a little dirt, if the goal is splendid! afterwards it will all be washed away, smoothed over. and now it’s only―breadth, it’s only―life, it’s only―life’s truth―that’s what they call it now!]
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