#Feel free to ignore me
shadesofdeviant · 5 months
Random 9-1-1 Thoughts
Listen, I love Buddie. I've been a Buddie clown since Eddie's very first episode. Buck made a face at Eddie getting dressed, Whatta man played and I went "...well shit" as my fingers took a life of their own and started writing fic.
I also adore BuckTommy, Or TEvan or whatever wierd name we're going with. The chemistry was beautiful, it felt natural and passionate in a way none of Buck's previous relationships have and I am HERE for it.
But if we are going to get Eddie having a sexuality crisis of his own...
Do you know what I'd like to happen? For Eddie to be somewhere on the Ace spectrum. whether sexual or romantic or both.
The man who has only really felt comfortable both romantically and physically with his late wife who was his high school sweetheart.
Who forms strong platonic friendships that to most outsiders might look romantic or flirtatious in nature, but the concept of which never crosses his mind.
Who moves too fast and fails to let that bond develop, or pushes himself into doing what society/family expects of him and then wonders why he ends up having literal panic attacks.
This man says he hates being forced to date, who stresses about performing normally on them. He judges his eligibility with women based on how much time he wants to spend with them, based on the idea of them, how much his kid likes them, not because they're attractive or he feels a connection with them. Who complains that sex complicates things, who gets teased mercilessly by the others for not being good at dating or knowing what to do. Who freaks out at the idea of being set up on dates and then promptly drops said blind date like a hot potato and yet somehow ends up with a new friend.
I'd adore for Buddie to go canon.
I'd adore for BuckTommy to remain canon.
I would go feral for Queer Platonic Buddie (maybe with extra Tommy) where Eddie comes to terms with the fact he's not broken or weird, that he's perfectly fine just the way he is, that he doesn't need to follow societal norms and can get everything he needs from those around him without having to throw himself into something alloromantic/sexual.
I also really feel like I need to write this so...I guess it's on the list haha.
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three-drink-amy · 8 months
I am like genuinely obsessed with the bodyguard fic I’m writing. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt this way. It’s kind of weird. But, like, all day I’m thinking about what I’m going to write next and sneaking minutes to type in little sentences on the doc. I just constantly want to talk about it or post snippets. To the point that I feel like I’m annoying about it. But I’m just so excited about this fic, maybe more than I ever have been about a fic before.
Maybe it was the year it sat as an unfinished doc, just two chapters chilling, waiting for more. And I still planned out parts of it and actually cracked the plot in a way I know I wouldn’t have if I’d just written it when I started it. I’ve never written anything this fast. Unhinged, a friend called it. And she’s not wrong.
Anyway, sorry in advance for how annoying I’m going to be when I start posting this fic. I’m already proud of it and I have 6 chapters left to write. And a ridiculous amount of words already written.
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harritudur · 1 year
i know this is a pic from the series Narcos, but... why does it look SO MUCH like a sydcarmy kiss????
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streets-in-paradise · 4 months
Costume department of Troy either had a strong egyptian inspiration, or the aesthetics for casual wearing in male fashion came from The Mummy.
Check on this:
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flowerytale · 11 months
I need an advice: I own a little apartment that I rent, but since May the tenants didn't pay and now they owe me almost 4k. I think that I've been understanding... they lost their job, they don't have money... but what I should do? I waited 6 months, I think it's enough. I talked with a lawyer (it's not my lawyer but a family friend) and she told me that I'm absolutely out of my mind for keeping them in my home basically free (I'm also paying some of their bills). I just don't want to ruin people's lives, but they are totally ruining mine... I'm not a rich person, I work hard for everything I have and 4k (+ almost 400€ for the bills) are A LOT of money. I'm a monster if I sue them? I just... I don't know... I can't sleep anymore for this situation, I cry basically every night, I'm so incredibly stressed and I feel so guilty... I don't even know why I'm writing this here... I usually don't share personal things.
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floydsglasses · 6 months
Have you guys ever been mistaken for like someone younger?? When I was 14 I was confused for an eight-year-old even though I was developed, I'm 18 and now somebody thinks I'm 12 or 14 it's a never-ending cycle
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i-may-be-an-emu · 3 months
I hope sfth knows we think they’re hot
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starrspice · 9 months
My brain has cursed me with the concept of A DCA x centaur world AU
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vvitchy-succubus · 3 months
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Today was so hard. I don't know why it was so hard, but it was. I don't know when this will stop, but I know it's not tonight. It hurts the same every single day. I've just gotten pretty good at pretending like it's getting better. It's all a front though. Even when I'm laughing, the tears and anger and grief are right beneath the surface. Some days I make it the whole day without crying. Most days I hide in the bathroom or my car, I give myself a few minutes, and I plaster on my best "I'm ok" face and get back to real life. My new real life without him. My life is now "before" an "after". I hate the after. There wasn't supposed to be an after him. I still don't know how I'm going to get through the rest of my life like this.
I really fucking miss you kid. And I love you even more.
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ssreeder · 10 months
I was tagged by @erisenyo @chiptrillino & maybe someone else? Idk I’m sorry I love you all. For the last line that I’ve written, so here it is -
“I find the different nation’s war strategies interesting, and a ruse like this is precisely what I would have expected from the Southern Water Tribe fleet.”
im supposed to tag some people: @maaaxx @hella1975 @sockfus @chiptrillino (writing please.) @punkjet @y-s-t-v
It’s the last line you’ve written (please all of you feel free to ignore me except one of you don’t you ignore me. Mwahahahaha (seriously don’t befriend me I’m so annoying)
Anyone else feel free to join & tag me so I can see wohoooo!!!
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wrensflight · 1 year
Love that Christian won't even fight his friend himself he has to make Frankenstein's monster do it
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bass-alien · 11 months
and today is a great example of why I could never ever date someone who doesn’t understand and isn’t empathetic to my health issues because the reality is shit like this happens when you have a chronic disease
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breakbreadwithme · 1 month
might finally get around to determining which tarot cards reminds me of each of my friends today
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lazaruspiss · 11 months
making nightwing red, so that the "batfam" would match (from what ive heard about that whole thing) is so incredibly dumb. 1) they technically match already bc they all have the mostly black and edgy thing going on 2) use yellow instead of red you fuckin edgelords. yellow accents, almost all of the immediate "batfam" have done that at some point or another. and maybe i miss discowing. what of it
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bigalockwood · 7 months
His leaves are fully unfurled now and he’s shed the pith with my help. 🥺🥺 Now he can grow into a big tree 💜💜
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sunshinechay · 1 year
I’m sure someone way more articulate then me has talked about this and I missed it but
The love triangle….is actually the way I love my love triangles…Sand and Mew represent different paths Ray can choose and right now, he’s choosing the easy path. The path he knows, the path of addiction and the only way he can begin to get better is to choose the other path.
I don’t necessarily mean he needs to end up with Sand. Ray can (at this point I think, likely will) end the series alone and still be choosing the path Sand represents.
None of this is to say Mew is a bad person, a bad character or a bad friend. Rather it is what he represents in terms of Ray’s narrative. He represents the continued path of self destruction that come with addiction. And likewise, Ray represents something very similar to Mew, self destruction and poor choices.
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