#Feel free to reblog if you've been getting anon hate!!
14dayswithyou · 2 years
PSA ! I'm turning anon back on so all y’all attention-seeking assholes can direct your hate towards me instead of harassing indie yan devs who just wanna have fun and interact on this platform.
Also!! Here's an article you should read once you're done bothering game devs! It's really interesting and definitely applies to all of you
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hypnoneghoul · 1 month
okay this post hurts to make because it always hurts when someone you considered a friend for a little while turns out to be extremely two-faced
@revengeghoulette (her previous account was @sexy-sea-basss) turned out to have been sending anon hate to at least a few people
she has been confronted in a civilized way and told about all the evidence there is against her and she chose not to defend herself
it was hard for me to believe at first because she has never been anything but sweet and kind but while there isn't a direct evidence the anon hate asks in question came from her all the information surrounding the topic is solid enough to make the conclusion. let me just say here that for someone else than her to be sending these asks they would have to have access to her private conversations
do what you will with this information; ignore, unfollow or block her. feel free to reblog so more people see it, especially those that have been victims of anonymous hate on ghost tumblr in the last few months. it may or may not turn out that blocking revenge fixes that problem for some
the reasons I'm making this post and not someone else is because I'm a decently big blog and have a "bigger audience" thanks to that. also because my friends have had enough and deserve to have a break from this entire situation. don't harass me or anyone else about this unless you want to see some of the mentioned evidence. in that case turn to @mac-and-thefox, but only if you can have a civilized conversation. if not just make your judgement about revenge based on this post and let people affected by all of this to breathe. other victims asked not to be revealed. any weird asks I get will be deleted because as mentioned I'm not doing so great about this situation and don't want to drag it out more than it's necessary. mac's stand is the same
the goal of this post is not to create drama; I've been doing my damn best to avoid such things. no, my goal is to...warn people, I guess. inform you and maybe give some a chance of getting rid of some of the hate you've been getting. if you've been following me for a while you should know I will never tolerate anon hate. this isn't my first call out post, either; some of you might remember the last time I put a hater and harasser on blast
those of you who have "known" revenge/luci are probably as surprised as I was by all of this. she has made a goodbye post, looks like the intention was to leave before she was called out
as I said this one really hurts and I have to take some time to process this emotionally because I considered myself to be quite close with rev/luci
see you soon and I'm very sorry to anyone who has been hurt by her in any way. take care
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inbokutowetrust · 2 months
... Celebrating your 6-Month Anniversary!
how the haikyuu!! boys celebrate your 6 month anniversary online/msgs!
please follow, like, and/or reblog, that'll give me more energy to make these 🥰 i might also take requests, feel free to shoot me an anon like "hq boys (or mha) reacting to ___"
Includes Atsumu Miya, Kei Tsukishima (w/ Babe), Shoyo Hinata, Hajime Iwaizumi, and Rintarou Suna, 🥺
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Atsumu 100% tweeted this, then knocked on the door with flowers and chocolates 🥺🥺 this is the man who’ll forget your one year anniversary but remember every small thing 🥺 “You ok baby?” he’ll ask; “no, not after the flowers!” is what you say
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tsukki haha!! this is kinda of an AU, not gonna lie, with a y/n reader, but it's kind of...like, she has a nickname, ok, and that's what she's referred to by (bcs I hate the name y/n). basically, her name is Babe, and she’s like…the “outgoing” version of Tsukki. Think very Atsumu into a girl? She’s definitely the one to suggest fun meetings (kinda like Mina Ashido from MHA/BNHA) and as a result, Tsukki teases her endlessly about how it sometimes fails (with cuddles). She’s outgoing and sarcastic, but she cares very deeply!!  Fun fact, she’s only called “babe” because that’s what she always called tsukki when flirting, but then he twisted the tables!
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haha so hinata is definitely one to use a lot of kamojis/emoji combos a lot. like, he spams. plus, you cannot tell me he uses lyrics to convey stuff - it's so hinata-coded it's ridiculous! Anyways, Hinata is a happy go-lucky lover who's so excited for 6 months, he goes all out! (and for a year, 2, 3, etc) (ninja shoyo reference anyone?) particular song is "kings & queens" by Ava Max, btw
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the chocolates 😭 anyways, Iwaizumi is just the chill dude ✨ i feel like he's definitely one to not use emoji combos but to feel so...good? inside when you send him them. this guy 100% would slam the chocolates if you made him wait too long. yeah, you've been dating 6 months, but like...thats nothing in the run of things? he's so straightforward...i feel like that's miscommunication ready to happen??
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suna's the kind of boyfriend where he pretends not to know your anniversary but he's secretly already ordered everything- only for the plan to be hijacked by japan's delivery system. for some reason, i headcanon that suna is so chronically online that his phone is never under 90%. you on the other hand...he gets so pissed when he's trying to talk to you and you're not answering (your phone is dead...) basically, he cares and shows it off softly 🥰
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emilykaldwen · 6 months
"Blocking isn't some personal insult. Its a method of saying; hey, we clearly shouldn't interact, so I'm gonna build this soundproof wall between us to make sure we can't."
Except that's not what the people you associate with do and encourage you and others to do by extension. I really liked your writing, but it's disappointing to see the type of people you've chosen to buddy up to, who use blocking as a way to weaponize social media and make pariahs out of certain people in the fandom who don't bow to their whims. I hope they don't burn you the way they've burned so many others, but with their track record, I'm not holding my breath.
Okay let's do this. I'm tired. I would like to go back to sleep. Get off my lawn, etc etc.
I have been dealing with anons harassing me since I started posting HotD stuff back during the Season 1 show run. I got hateful anons saying terrible things about Abby back in December. When I interacted with NONE of the people that I currently interact with today. This escalated when I properly began posting Maiden in the summer of last year, and then escalated in the fall. After receiving some truly foul anons in regards to my writing, my OC, and my work, including one telling me to kill myself, I shut anons off. Because what the actual fuck. I have been on the internet for 25 fucking years and this is the first time I have EVER dealt with such bullshit.
Before these anons ramped up, I, like many people, blocked. A lot. I blocked mostly people thirst reblogging stuff about the actors that would cross my dash or in the tags because it made me uncomfortable, I didn't want to see it. I blocked a lot of blogs that were posting these weird reader x canon character thirst lists that I just found bizarre and didn't want to see scrolling through a character tag. That, friends, is what the block button is for. I block people with takes that I disagree with as well, I'm someone whose pretty liberal with my block button. I block things I don't want to see on my dash. It's honestly as simple as that.
No one has fucking told me to block anyone. I am actually deeply fucking insulted that I, a grown ass adult who is nearly forty, needs to be told to block someone/someones when people are setting up blogs called 'ihateemilykaldwens' and trying to terrorize me, and my friends and mutuals, and then try to frame another one of my mutuals for being responsible for it in the process. I only just recently started speaking with "the individuals" I've chosen to associate with long after I have blocked the people you're saying are being bullied.
And if this is about my post the other day about the culture I see: It was never actually about anyone specific, it was genuinely trends I have seen cross my dash as well as discussions with friends in other fandoms. That's all. If someone(s) thought I was talking about them specifically: Dude, IDK what to tell you. That's a you problem.
So let's stop playing coy. I'm tired of it.
THIS. IS. A SMALL. BLOG. I do not pass a block list around and TELL people or encourage them to block them, nor have I ever have it done to me. And even IF someone said 'omg you should block all these people' uh, no? I have free will and can make my own judgements?
Anon, if this situation is upsetting to you, either come off anon in the DMs and talk to me, or you are welcome to unfollow me. I don't care, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Because the people I've blocked on my own make others feel the way you're claiming they make you feel.
Because we all know who everyone is talking about. And I'm done. This is 12 year old behavior and I don't interact with minors.
I'm going back to bed. Whatever is in the fucking water, I want none of it.
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self-dx-culture-is · 10 months
Welcome Post
This blog is inclusive of everyone who has a self-dx! All submissions should start with "Self dx/diagnosed culture is" (or a more specific version, such as "self dx autistic culture is").
I will ignore any posts asking me to diagnose them (as I'm not qualified), and I request that no one ask for help in self-diagnosis either. If I can find reliable resources, I will link them below, under the cut.
Feel free to vent, but let me now so I can tag it appropriately. If you would like, you may also request that reblogs and/or comments be turned off for that post.
Anons are welcome!
Since we've been getting some lately, I wanted to state that while I have nothing against sending people financial aid, that is not the purpose of this blog and we personally are uncomfortable sending money over the internet due to paranoia. If we start getting too many, we probably will start deleting them as it's somewhat stressful to even post them for others to see the request. This is not directed at anyone and is just a general statement so everyone is aware.
Claimed Anons may be found here(link)!
My Extensive DNI (/sarc)
NSFW content and blog followers (this makes us very uncomfortable)
If you come here just to spread hate or fakeclaiming, including anyone who uses "narc/histrionic/antisocial/borderline abuse" or uses "[all Cluster B terms]", "delusional", "insane", etc. as insults or otherwise misuses them.
Anyone who encourages harm relating to any disorder (e.g. pro ana, pro contact)
Transid (Transabled, transage, transrace, etc.). People with BIID are not included in this and are welcomed to interact.
(More may be added if incidents arise.)
About the Blog Owner:
We are an endogenic system and may be collectively called (the) Werewolf Pack. Our collective pronouns are She/They.
We have professionally diagnosed Amblyopia, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, and Avoidant Personality Disorder. We have self-diagnosed Synesthesia and Visual Snow Syndrome, and are questioning Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Autism, and ADHD.
Base Account: @kpopwerewolf(link)
Tagging System:
All posts will either be tagged as either "self dx culture is" or "not culture is"
All triggers are tagged as: "tw [trigger]"
Vents are tagged as both: "tw vent" & "vent"
Positivity posts are tagged as: "positivity"
Negative posts are tagged as both: "negative" & "negativity"
Discourse/Syscourse will be tagged as: "tw discourse / "tw syscourse"
Tagging for promo: @paranoia-culture-is, @abnormalcultureis, @ndcultureis, @adhd-culture-is, @adhd-culture--is, @autism-culture-is. @autistic-culture-is, @depression-culture-is, @disabled-culture-is, @dyslexia-culture-is, @dyscalculia-culture-is, @no-empathy-culture-is, @ocd-culture-is, @posic-culture, @tourettes-culture-is, @schizospec-culture-is, @schizotypalpd-culture-is, @schizoid-culture-is, @schizopositivity, @synesthete-culture-is, @cluster-a-pds, @cluster-c-pds-culture-is, @cluster-b-culture-is, @ppd-culture-is, @aspd-culture, @bpd-culture-is, @hpdcultureis, @narcissisticpdcultureis, @avpdcultureis, @dpdcultureis
(If you want your link removed let me know!)
DSM-5.pdf - Google Drive(link)
What Is Plurality? – Plurality Resource(link)
powertotheplurals.com | Resource & articles for everymany - Dissociative identity disorder and other forms of plurality.(link)
More will be added as found! Feel free to suggest resources you've found helpful yourself!
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make-your-own-evil · 2 years
hello could I request some yandere capullo riddler headcanons?
anon, im going to kiss you on the mouth for requesting my very first riddler ask. YES of course you can have some headcanons
note: feel free to reblog my work! just give credit where credit is due :)
70s dad riddler yandere headcanons coming right up!
TW: kidnapping, general violence, light misogyny though reader is gn
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Yandere!Capullo!Riddler Headcanons
have you ever watched Labyrinth?
i make the connection because you will be kidnapped by a narcissistic freak who will put you through numerous 'tests' and 'challenges'
i feel like the typical standard for any riddler to have an obsession is that the object of their desires is also highly intelligent, though i also feel like with capullo riddler you would also have to be as physically attractive as him, in his opinion. think of gaston, but skinnier, socially awkward and highly intelligent
youre probably someone in a position of power. maybe youre an official, a detective, in forensics, etc. his initial goal is to embarrass you. he is back to his old tricks setting up some elaborate challenges. see? youre not as smart as you thought you - wait, you solved it?
the great riddler will not be bested by some lowly city imbecile!
his need to be better than everyone, including you, starts this game. he presents you will increasingly harder and more demanding challenges. at one point you probably have a bomb strapped to you.
the more puzzles and riddles you solve, the more he looks forward to these encounters. he eventually thinks that it may be because he's a loner and humans are naturally very social creatures, but this is dismissed quickly
he's not just a human! he's not like anyone else! he is the great edward nygma! the riddler!
then he finds himself making careless mistakes in everything he does. this should make him furious! it should...
suddenly, being captured isnt as bad anymore, he gets to see his 'game partner' as he's being booked in! you! he thinks nothing of this. just a little banter with someone who is almost as intelligent as himself
"ah, detective L/N! looking as sharp as ever! what did you think of our last game? ha, that hardly matters. its our next game that you should look forward to! imagine this..."
he is delusional in thinking that you enjoy his trials. you SOLVE them, because your life kind of depends on it. but this only spurs him on to make more! oh how you exhaust him. he slows down his intellectual assault on gotham and shifts more towards proving that you cannot possibly compare to him.
he's more so trying to reassure himself that he's the greatest
eventually one of the other rogues points this 'obsession' out to him as he's babbling about his next challenge for you (probably selina since she sees every opportunity to tease him)
"you know, ed, if i didnt know any better i would think that the 'great riddler' has a bit of a crush" followed by snickers and "woos!"
his face turns hot and red. this only spurs on the others more! for the first time, he doesnt know what to say. his mind is racing with explanations and excuses, but no words come out
he has been embarrassed before and it crushes him. he? the riddler? have feelings for you?
the more he sulks and ponders, the more he fears that it may be true. the sleepless nights wondering how you've solved everything. his giddiness when he sees his favorite player. the way his heart races when he speaks to you... the anger he feels when you speak to someone who isnt him. the jealousy of seeing you interact with the other rogues. the dejectedness of your disinterested attitude towards him
theres only one rational solution in his mind... to kidnap you!
you enjoy your time with him dont you? dont you hate sharing a city with knuckle-dragging baboons? dont you hate being surrounded by millions of people who dont see you for what you truly are?? a genius... just like him
his end goal is to convince you that you two really arent that dissimilar, that you are alike in more ways that you can comprehend. that you need him with you! like he needs you with him
his darling Y/N just needs a strong, intelligent man such as he to SHOW them that they would be best suited together.... no matter how long it takes, how many puzzles they go through and how many people will be exterminated if they get in the way
"my dearest, surely someone as intellectually gifted as you can understand? we are two of the same. you need me ~"
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pathsofoak · 6 months
Anon hate in the TMR fandom
Hey-ho! As many people know, someone has been sending hateful asks and AO3 comments around the Maze Runner fandom for a while now. These messages are usually about thominho or newtmas, with an excessive focus on Newt. On AO3, the anon almost always uses some variation of the name "thominhoe". Other notable quirks are the constant use of <333, mentions of specific tumblrs or ao3 accounts other than your own, and instances of Newt's name being replaced with the work crank (so key words are crankmas, mincrank etc).
If you have been getting any of these comments or anons, or got them in the past, I would really appreciate it if you could send me screenshots of them (with timestamps if possible, if you still have the asks in your tumblr inbox or saved the emails, you can find them there for asks).
I've been investigating since January, but this has mostly been discord-based, so I know I might have missed anyone who was targeted without being a member of any servers I'm also in myself.
If you've been targeted, you can contact me through Tumblr DMs. This anon has been at it for a very long time, so anything you think of is useful even if the messages were sent a while ago.
I've been taking every precaution possible to prevent investigating this from stirring up more discourse, so please don't give the anon what they want. If you got hate, send them to me privately, don't reblog this post with screenshots. Don't answer the asks, don't reply to the comments. It'll only encourage them.
Since the anon seems to thrive on discourse, please don't harass people over these asks, no exceptions. The anon loves to make this seem like it is ship-based, but I currently have reason to believe it's not.
Ps: if you're also on discord, you might see some variation of this message a few times. Sorry for that Also if you are, feel free to just contact me there if you know my handle.
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halfmoth-halfman · 2 years
You should respond to reblog comments more tbh. People are taking the time to reblog your stuff, and tell you how much they enjoyed it and not answering is kinda rude. I love your fics, and you seem nice and all, but I’ve seen your notes recently— they’re nowhere near what they used to be and you don’t get anywhere near as much interaction as other CoD writers. It’d probably help your blog a lot! Just some advice, but maybe think about it! 😘💖
this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days cause i've been debating about whether or not i want to answer this, but i'm 98% sure you're the same anon who's sent me a few other messages since they all use the same kiss emoji and are riddled with the same backhanded bullshit you're spewing here, and you've succeeded in annoying me so here's your answer before you get blocked. 😘
i do this for fun. writing is not my bread and butter, it's not how i make my money, it's not how i support myself. it is a hobby. i use some of my free time to write and post fics for my own enjoyment above all else. i don't give a fuck about how many notes, or likes, or reblogs i do or don't get. is it nice to see them and see comments from people who enjoy my stuff? absolutely. i'm incredibly thankful for anyone who takes time out of their day to read one of my fics and even more so for people who go out of their way to interact with me and my work, but i'm not going to worry myself over numbers, because that's not why i write.
also, i've been in fandom spaces for a long time and, i hate to break it to you, but more often than not fandoms tend to slow down and die after the initial hype. i posted my first CoD fic like a week or two after the game came out when it was blowing up all over social media, of course it got an unusually high amount of notes that were, honestly, a little bit overwhelming at the time. now it's been some time, and the hype for the game has died down, so people are moving on to different shows/games/etc. which means interaction is gonna slow down. it happens, and i don't intend to sit and worry over how many asks or reblogs or whatever i get compared to other blogs. that's not fair to me, the other authors, or the people interacting. i'm happy with where my blog is at, and the amount of interaction i get.
i've said this a few times already, but i work a full-time job and have other obligations outside of tumblr. i don't have a lot of free time, and have to plan ahead how i want to spend it. i try my best to respond to replies, to answer asks, and everything else when i can, but i am an adult with adult responsibilities and just don't have time to keep up with every single like and reblog i get. that doesn't mean i'm purposely ignoring anyone, or that i'm ungrateful, i just simply don't have the time to keep up with every single notification i get. if i had more time in the day, then i'd probably respond more and be more active here in general, but i don't.
i greatly appreciate every single follower i have, every person who likes, reblogs, comments, replies, sends asks, etc. while i write for myself, it's always nice seeing other people enjoying my work, i won't pretend that it isn't. it absolutely blows me away the amount of people who like my writing enough to tell me. i'm always open to people sending me stuff, and try to respond as best i can, but i feel it's unfair (and not just to me, but to other writers and creators in general) to call me rude for not responding how you think i should. and i think it's even more rude for you to come into my inbox (on anon of all things) to spam me with messages about how you think i should run my blog with condescending and backhanded asks that you want to pretend is friendly advice.
i think it would be good for you to take some time and step away from tumblr and go outside, touch some grass, climb a tree, eat some dirt, or interact with real people, and maybe try to realize that, outside of this blog, i am a person too and one who really doesn't need to deal with this shit.
Just some advice, but maybe think about it! 😘💖
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thementalshawty · 10 months
Yeah, I know but I feel like the chunk only comes out when I’m hurt or I’m ranting and it shouldn’t be like that either, well except you FNL cos well you’re anonymous! I just wanna see the same support on a regular day, not only when I feel worthless and ready to quit. // and that's on Mary had a little lamb. I feel you on that. And actually... I back up whatever you decide to do. Because if people can't be respectful enough to show love to you with a like, a reblog, an ask after consuming your content then you have every right to pull all YOUR energy away since they won't share THEIRS after you've said time and time again you would appreciate that.
Now all that being said lemme check myself too. I'm anon but i'ma find my own way to connect better to you after reading your next PAC (if you ever choose to do anymore.) I get the ✨anxious✨ and the ✨nervous✨ cuz I feel like I'm bothering people. But lemme go ahead and put my money where my mouth is.
Last thing, I hope life outside of this site is getting better overall. I know I keep saying it but it's true, you have such a beautiful soul. I'm taking my last little bits of good juju I save for others to use on you.
Awww my FNL!! You’re the smile on my face that I need you clever punny Muhfucca!!! And that’s on dr Suess creating thing one and thing two!!! I hate feeling like I’m giving and not receiving hence why I did pull all my content from this site, I need to feel a want for me to come bacc, literally I say that there’s so many readers on here they’re not looking for me or even impacted by my PAC’s and again they tell me to post more music I do and it gets ignored & so I’m like what else am I to do but pull bacc, then here comes the I love yous and the don’t leave, give me my roses while I’m still standing so I can feel inspired to keep going on here, not when I’m leaving cos then I feel like tuh they just want some more long ass readings, I can jus do the readings for myself and call it day but instead I love helping others find clarity cos it SUCCS SO MUCH FUCCIN ASS BEING LOST OR FOGGY so I wanna help in that way but I’m drowning out here when it comes to getting that reciprocal energy with readings and recognition from my music and that shit puts me in a toxic area that I’m way to familiar with and trying to grow from! If I do another PAC, it’ll be my first one all over again! But again that shit has to be earned! No other way around it! I’m doing cool in my outside life trying to build myself up and it’s not so difficult & worth it! So yes getting better your good juju has been working on me thank you I appreciate you! I wanna be seen as more than FREE READINGS! I wanna be seen as Lotus THE BADASS ENTERTAINER WHO CAN ROCC A MIC & SOME BARS AS WELL AS READ YOUR ENERGY AND BRING YO ASSES SOME CLARITY YA KNOW???
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dragonageheap · 3 months
doing my best to keep this blog a positive space surrounding dragon age <3 yes i know EA is shitty etc etc but i want to try and enjoy the game we'll get after how long we've been waiting for this game.
while i try to keep this blog positive, i might rb or post character critical stuff, though i don't really hate any of the companions. if you'd like to know who i'm critical of ahead of time feel free to ask (either via an ask- anon or not- or via message), i understand, don't worry. though i'll also say if you're critical of anders we might not get along. he's done nothing wrong.
be warned that while i try my best to tag spoilers (datv spoilers and da4 spoilers) i might forget. plus i do most of my tumblr browsing via mobile and that i'm not always 100% sure on what counts as a spoiler or not.
also, i'm an adult! i might occasionally post or reference nsfw stuff. likely only text and it'll all be tagged, but you've been warned.
for the most part i'll be rbing art and text posts about dragon age alongside posts about my wardens, champions, inquisitors, and soon-to-be rooks here! currently i'm focusing on my main world state leading into veilguard, but depending on how things go i'll probably branch out into my other ideas!
you're always free to ask about any of characters <3 whether it be via an ask game or your own question. if you're also a dragon age blog i'll try and send an ask back!
underneath the cut are quick and east links to ask games i've reblogged as well as links to further information about my world states and ocs!
links to my world states! these will give you more information on the overall world state, such as the general vibe/idea, any themes or symbolism, as well as links to the individual characters!
"thrown to the wolves"
I'll eventually fill out all of the (OC) questions and posts, but if you'd like a sneak peek ahead of time feel free to send in an ask!
DA:TV Hype QnA
Uncommon Questions For OCs and Creators
Not-So-Nice OC Asks
Dragon Age Character Questions
Theodosian Metals
10 Questions For Your Mage OC
10 Questions For Your Warden
10 Questions For Your Hawke
10 Questions For Your Inquisitor
50 Inquisitor Asks
10 Questions About The Companions
10 Questions About The Love Interest
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Do you have recommendations similar to to my star 2 or love mechanics in term of angst? i like angst within the relationship but also angst that comes with a little toxicity (like lm)
BL Recommendations with Toxicity and/or Angst:
Hello Anon, thanks for this ask! 😊 I went through my list of all the BL and BL adjacent shows I've watched and these are the ones I've pulled out. I'll just list them here, and then discuss each one below the cut.
Higher Angst and Toxicity:
War of Y: War of Managers
War of Y: Next Ship
Lan Yu
Lovely Writer
The Devil Judge
Seems to have High Angst and/or Toxicity, (but I've only watched the beginning):
Word of Honor
Lower Angst and Toxicity:
Utsukushii Kare (My Beautiful Man)
Theory of Love
Why R U? (the FighterTutor cut)
Not Me
Semantic Error
High Angst but Low Toxicity
I Told Sunset About You
I Promised You the Moon
Where Your Eyes Linger
Once Again
The Eclipse
(I made a section for Toxicity with No Angst, but there was nothing in it)
You've probably seen at least some of these, but I'll write about them as if you haven't. I haven't posted about everything, but I tagged them all so you can search my blog to see what I have written. Most but not all of these have happy endings - feel free to ask for specifics. Or if you have any other questions about any of these shows!
War of Y: War of Managers Very toxic. Probably not actually a BL ( I still haven't seen the last episode.) I would have found it angsty if I cared about the characters more. I don't really recommend it, except as an object of bizarre fascination, or if you like extreme melodrama.
War of Y: Next Ship A much more coherent story, though still flawed. Higher angst, less toxic but still quite toxic. Like Love Mechanics they have amazing chemistry. Recommend if you're in the mood for dramatics.
Lan Yu (藍宇) A 2001 Chinese queer film, very difficult to find, but I highly recommend it to those who can handle the angst. I'll link the one secret YT version I found in a reblog. Very high angst (ask again if you want spoilers). Unhealthy relationship dynamics. I suppose it's toxic, except that I think of that word applying to shows with a more pulpy tone, so I wouldn't have called it that.
Lovely Writer Confession: I still haven't finished this one, I disliked Sib too much. Comedic in many ways, but with strong through-lines of angst and toxicity. Others probably found it less toxic than I did. Many people list it as a favorite, and I can see why.
Fahlanruk It's still mid series, but already lots of toxicity and from the trailer I'm predicting at least some angst. It's not good, but I've been enjoying it as a trash watch. Everyone here loves to hate on Fah.
The Devil Judge Not a BL. I loved it. I really liked the experience of watching it totally naive so I won't say more, but ask if you want more specifics.
Kinnporsche I'm sure you at least know about this even if you haven't seen it. Toxic and comedic and angsty in turns. I'm glad I watched it.
Word of Honor I've only watched a few episodes, but seems at the very least angsty and has the potential for being toxic. Looks very good, many people love it, I just didn't have the patience for complicated sect politics at the time.
Tharntype Too toxic for me, I noped out in the first episode. I get the impression there's angst, but couldn't tell you for sure.
Utsukushii Kare (My Beautiful Man) It didn't actually feel toxic to me, but it might hit some of those same toxicity buttons. Kinky boys falling in love and fumbling painfully through figuring out their kinks together. Medium angst, I would say. I loved it, highly recommend.
Theory of Love I adore many things about this and hate others. The beginning is rough - high angst and toxicity, plus moments of frat boy style comedy, and it's hard to root for the couple. Most of the second half I thought was amazing and the painful set-up pays off. My biggest irritation was with the use of misogyny in many of the "comedic" scenes, plus a few other flaws I won't get into here. I feel like reactions are so personal to this one, but I would recommend at least checking it out.
Why R U? (the FighterTutor cut) I wouldn't call it high in either angst or toxicity, but they're definitely there. Their chemistry is insane. Riveting. I fast forwarded through everything that wasn't related to Tutor and Fighter, which works as standalone story, so that's an option if like me you find all the other characters annoying. Recommended.
Not Me I feel like whenever I try to write anything about Not Me I don't know how to start. I definitely recommend watching it. There's angst and toxicity but they're not always related to the romances. Ask if you have more questions about it and I can come up with more specifics.
Semantic Error The lowest in either angst or toxicity on this list, it's mostly sweet. Toxicity depends I think on how much the bullying bothers you (it didn't bother me). Angst is the typical romance angst as characters are finding their way to each other. I highly recommend it in general though.
Angst but Low Toxicity:
Guardian Censored Chinese BL. Very high angst. The romance is amazing. The rest of the plot is kind of nonsense but fun (the show suffered from censorship on several fronts and a sudden huge budget cut halfway through preproduction.) I loved it. Amazing acting. Recommended, if you can tolerate censorship.
The Untamed Also censored Chinese BL. High angst - some as part of the romance, but mostly about other things. A much more coherent plot than Guardian. I loved it. And it's partly what got me into watching BL. Recommended, if you can tolerate censorship.
I Told Sunset About You (ITSAY) A queer romance and coming of age story. I loved it. Delicate angst, gorgeous cinematography (same DP as KinnPorsche, which is how I found it in the first place), really well acted. Highly recommend.
I Promised You the Moon (IPYTM) Sequel to ITSAY. I liked it a lot, many hated it. Not really a BL, more like a continuing of the ITSAY characters growing up. Lots of angst, but of a different tenor. Some might consider it toxic, but it didn't feel that way to me. It had some flaws for me, but I'm really glad I watched it. (Definitely a sequel, would probably not work on its own. Or even if it does, it's worth watching ITSAY first.)
Where Your Eyes Linger Hwang Da-seul's first BL, so you've probably seen this one at least. It's the least skillful of her work - you can really see how she's grown, but I still liked it a lot for its moody vibe. Angst from pining and from external constraints on the relationship. Recommend
Once Again Short Korean BL that just finished. Very high angst, but also many moments of humor and fluff. I can give more spoilers if you want. Very well acted. Many people loved it. I liked it a lot, but not quite as much as I wanted to. Recommend.
The Eclipse What can I say about The Eclipse? I'm sure you at least have heard of it even if you're not watching. I adore it. Plenty of angst, along with plenty of other stuff. I suppose it could fumble at the end, but so far I highly recommend it.
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kiatheinsomniac · 7 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇-𝐔𝐏!*˚ .♡⋆ˊˎ -
❝Hello may I get a match up for bungo stray dogs and moriarty the patriot? Pronouns: are she/her Sexuality: straight. MBTI: ISTJ Zodiac Sign: Taurus Personality: I'm a huge introvert and I don't start conversations either unless someone talks to me first except for my close friends. I can be pretty lazy too sometimes but I don't like to procrastinate heavily either and try to complete all my tasks in time. One of my negative traits is that I can be pretty blunt sometimes and unintentionally hurt the feelings of the person talking to me. Likes: I like watching anime and reading manga in my free time. I also love spicy food. Another one is the sound of silence lol. Dislikes: Tall places (I'm scared of heights), crowded and loud places, people who push me to 'talk' to them even though I have no interest to and people who complain about my quite personality (I get insulted for it so many times I hate it).❞ anon
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♡ Dazai is very fond of you in an opposites attract sort of way. You're quiet and efficient in what you do and he's also very fond of your bluntness. Pointed honesty is something he always appreciates in someone, even if it bruises his ego or feelings. He likes that you put your truthful opinions and observations over white lies.
♡ he does tease you about being so quiet and asocial but he has more of a soft spot for you than for others such as Kunikida so he does tone it down if he realises it's genuinely getting on your nerves. He just can't help but playfully tease and taunt though, it's just how he is and how he shows he cares. Joking aside, he does make it known that he really appreciates your personality and is very fond of it.
♡ he knows you're not much of a talker but he's more than content to do the talking for you! He can be a very chatty and somewhat childish man or a quiet and calculating one as it suits his needs. He's more than happy when you're out together to wrap an arm around your shoulder and do all the talking so that you don't have to.
♡ knowing you're not a people person, Dazai plans your date accordingly. He takes you out to a new restaurant that's grown popular quickly and makes sure to reserve a booth seat so it feels more private and away from prying eyes.
♡ he orders all the spicy dishes you show interest in, telling you to not worry about the price. He does playfully steal bites of your food but offers you some of his in return to make it even. He also jokes a little about ordering a dessert to share like a typical couple but really it's something that he enjoys and it's clear by the smile on his lips and soft little blush on his cheeks as he shares the sweet dish with you.
♡ the date doesn't finish at the restaurant though. Back at his, he's set up a fort of pillows and blankets at the couch and has set up a projector so you can watch some of your favourite animes while he holds you close with an arm around you or holds your hand in your lap. He won't be sending you home without a little bag full of some mangas that you've recently been complaining about not being able to find in any shop.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: my last matchup! Thank you so much for participating in my event this year!
missed the match-up event? try ships instead! ☾ ⋆ ゚like my work? why not: ∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ comms. ∘ taglist ∘ follow/reblog
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captainaikus · 2 years
that's a relief! the fact that you remember your anons makes me feel very warm and fuzzy 😭 happy that you think of me when you listen to chase atlantic 🫶 speaking of kaiser... that man was a literal menace during the previous bllk chapters omg i fucking hate him (holy shit i think i fell for him deeper 😞 my taste in personified red flags is extremely questionable) nonetheless, i'm looking forward to your next works!
really glad you've been faring well and your ao3 move is doing good. i get your point and i agree w/ it. tumblr's system is shit. some authors get like 700+ likes from posting a twt p0rn link?? i have nothing against them, if that's what some people prefer then so be it. but seeing the small authors who pump out actual high-quality content and not getting enough appreciation for it is saddening. in the first place i downloaded tumblr solely for the purpose of reading fanfics and poetry-related stuff. now all i see are twt p0rn links flooding my feed and that never ever fails to tick me off (come on man i just want to read some fics with good plots 😞). the main reason i haven't deleted this app yet is because of some authors i follow (including you), who actually work their asses off for their readers. that's something i highly appreciate. i'll admit—ao3 is better when it comes to giving smaller authors justice. at least you won't have pussyass anons coming after you in the most passive-aggressive way possible for no reason :D
i wish you the best of luck! ❤️
– 🌷
Apologies for responding to this late; I really like uncomfortable by chase atlantic and heaven and back is giving me some ideas... gonna start working on that when i'm done with this wip - Honey. I love like Aiku, he is literally the biggest red flag you can find in bllk (smh Idek why I fell for him - literally saw him and said yes.) I love him sm After reading his panels and guessing everything right about him, we're soulamtes my soulmate is actually Sae though... but we don't walk about that I'm waiting for the next chapter to drop so that i can see the loml 😭 Rant ahead so feel free to skip - Exactly the point. Like here's the thing about the author community on tumblr. I've usually stuck to my own blog cause of it - when you get buddy with some authors; it comes with its own set of problems cause when they get dragged into some kind of a discourse, everyone they've spoken to get dragged into it as well, even readers come up with some really crazy theories regarding content, similarities etc etc. It's one of the reasons that i'm not a very author to author interactive blog with just dropping in here and there. Not to mention that authors tend to stick to their own online circle and getting into one isn't as easy as it looks? They will judge you by the amount you have reblogged which shouldn't be the case tbh. And i don't reblog other author's works since i stopped reading things 2 years ago here and ever since I started writing ff i only checked the tags for seeing if my work turned up or not. Rather than preferring an author and author relationship, i prefer having one with my readers since they are the ones to hype my works up and send me good feedback. I feel really bad for small time authors on this platform cause authors who have dominated one fandom, entirely; are getting into smaller fandoms - and with their huge followings, they tend to take most of the space and fame compared to small time authors who have some really good quality content. Like was taking one or even two fandom/s not enough? But then its always the same story of "what's wrong with being a multi-fandom blog?" or "We're creating free/ quality content so what's the problem?" The discourse and the toxicity here is actually never ending, it's something that I've been noticing for four years now... and it was high time that i moved to ao3 cause here both authors and readers are toxic, cause authors are trying to keep readers down sometimes and readers... some of the them report your work even if it takes hours to create it. Not to mention that it even escalates to getting death threats which is another level of extremism cause of the lack of sensitivity that there's an actual breathing live person on the other side of the screen. Coming to the links that people attach to their posts and decide to post them, half the time I just think about the 15k notes from giving a visual from twitter that's not even their own content to begin with. Like yes, there are people who like erotica on the internet but in fandoms, its more of the literary work compared to a visual unless its drawn. and it makes me think how easy it was to make that and here you have some of us just... slogging it out or working hard on every line since it's more handmade compared to this. and what's weird is that authors seem to not pick up that queue and continue doing it. My opinion might seem harsh but it is what it is.
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storiesofsvu · 9 months
Heyyy this was the anon that asked for an updated holiday bingo list for this year Just wanted to say thanks! Another update soon would be lovely, but no rush hehe
you're welcome? but bestie... this is not the way...getting messages (esp anonymous asks) like this make me never want to update the list again, i won't lie to you. (also i am like 90% sure i updated it over the break...which was less than a week ago so everyone can calm down)
if you are someone who's been enjoying reading the fics:
-follow the writers, favourite and reblog their fics, go through their masterlists, sign up for their taglists for more content
-search the bingo tag on tumblr and go through everything that's there if you were just hankering for some holiday shit. you could also go through previous years bingos, or other authors bingos they've hosted.
if you're a one of the writers who has written stuff for bingo:
-amazing, thank you for participating, i hope you're having fun and came up with some cool ideas and enjoyed the holiday season over here.
-but please remember: just by hosting a bingo does not mean i am obligated to do *anything* with what is submitted. I do not have to like/reblog/read any of the fics, nor do i have to make a bingo masterlist.
-I don't think me putting together a masterlist brings any higher level of interaction to people's fics, people will read the fandoms/ships/characters that they like under the proper tags through the tumblr search function any old day. Some of them they'll like, some of them they won't, some they'll give a follow, others might not be their cup of tea. if you want more notes, reblog your own work to get it out there again, search out similar fandom/ship/character blogs, follow them, read their work, chat with them in the dm's, etc. or simply post more for that character/ship, once you've got more than a small amount for one character, i find people send in more reqs/give more reblogs/likes/whatever if that makes sense.
-most bingo hosters usually wait until the event is OVER to put together a masterlist. i simply do it as i go so it's less tedious work.
-Now let's touch on that: i chose to host a holiday bingo this year because i KNEW i wasn't going to have the time/mental energy to write much because my actual job was going to be incredibly demanding (and this was when i was the assistant manager, not the FT manager...) so i thought i'd do a bingo to fill the void. i'm pretty sure i've reblogged everything that i've been tagged in except for anything that came in today. I try to reblog them right away, or at least after i've saved the link for the masterlist post. do i read everything i reblog? no. do i have to? no. Especially because some of y'all are writing for fandoms that i'm just not interested in. No problem with that, i still fully support those fandoms on my bingo, but i'm just not in that phase, you still do you and i'll support from outside with a reblog. Also! some of y'all have submitted some LONG fucking ass fics! (kudos to you! i wish i had that much energy lol).
-if you have a fic that isn't on there yet, or i've missed one, or whatever, have patience. Or consider putting together your own masterlist of your own fics. (@baubeautyandthegeek frequently does this for me as they write a fuck ton of fics for bingo, and send it to me at the end and i always greatly appreciate it <3). your own masterlist can also be tagged with everything and that again, will get you seen in those fandom tags a new time if traction is what you're going for.
-you can also always feel free to privately message me if i've missed something, or a title is wrong, or a link isn't working or whatever.
if you're neither of the above:
-i dunno what to tell you, the advice probably still applies
tl;dr: putting together the masterlist is an annoying task that i hate doing and i wasn't even going to make one this year. so....yeah.
shit like this makes me completely discouraged about hosting another bingo.
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carbonateds-oda · 11 months
🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇 Trick or treat!!! 🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇
(it's funny cause your name is candy lol 🤭)
anyways..so in this game, we can give anything..
I give you..
the nosy anon asks you reblogged! 🤭🦇 (and some more)
[disclaimer: I edited it a bit]
[only answer the ones you want to tho!]
[feel free to vent]
[it's not me, it's the post that's being nosy]
[I added/removed some questions too tho]
*** okay let's start! 🤭🎃***
Do you smoke/drink/take drugs? (don't look at me, it was from the post TT - but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested HELP TT )
Age you get mistaken for?
Have tattoos/Want any tattoos?
Got any piercings/Want any piercings?
Best friend/close friends?
Biggest turn ons?
Biggest turn offs?
Favorite movie?
Favorite show?
Someone you miss? (honestly, I think I alr know the answer but I'm still going to ask) TT
Most traumatic experience?
A fact about your personality?
What you hate most about yourself? (I'm going to virtually dazai-slap you if you say 'everything')
What you love most about yourself?
What you want to be when you get older?
Your relationship with your sibling(s)?
Your relationship with your parent(s)?
Your idea of a perfect date?
Your biggest pet peeves?
A description of the girl/boy you like?
A description of the person you dislike the most?
Type of people you dislike? (for no particular reason, just personal bias)?
A reason you've lied to a friend?
Do you prefer white lies or harsh truth?
What you hate the most about work/school?
What makes you happy when you're at work/school?
What words upset you the most?
What words are you dying to hear from someone else?
What words make you happy when you hear them?
Are you into girls, guys, or both? 👀
What makes a person attractive to you? (/what's your ideal type)?
Where would you like to live?
One of your insecurities?
Your childhood career choice?
Your favorite ice cream flavor?
Who you wish you could be?
What's the nicest thing someone has done for you?
What's the nicest thing you've done for someone?
Where would you want to be right now?
Sexiest person that comes to your mind immediately? (back off. Oda's mine /j).
What's one phrase you say often? (can be either in English or Spanish)
How many languages can you speak? Enumerate them based on how fluent you are (ex: 1. English; 2. Japanese, etc)
Are you a math or arts girlie?
Have you ever played candy crush? (sorry that's kind of a bad pun 😅🤭)
When a friend wrongs you, do you confront them about it or silently grow distant?
would you rather initiate physical affection or have someone else suddenly give you physical affection?
What's your love language/how do you show love to your loved ones?
and last but not the least
share one random fact you want to share <3
(just make sure its not private info lol)
🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇 Happy Halloween, Candy!! 🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇
my fellow Oda simp who's quite insane and funny 🥰🤭🤭
[pls pls pls i hope i don't come across as nosy TT just answer the ones you want :") ]
🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇 Happy Halloween, again!! 🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇
Do you smoke/drink/take drugs?
-I do not do any of those :) but I’d b lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to start
Age you get mistaken for?
-I’ve nvr been mistaken for a diff age so none ig
Have tattoos/Want any tattoos?
-do not but I do plan on getting at least one sometime, prob zelda related
Got any piercings/Want any piercings?
-just my ears rn but I rlly wanna get my nose re-pierced and maybe an eyebrow one too
Favorite movie?
-shrek 2 that movie is just rlly funny in spanish and I grew up watching it a lot
Someone you miss?
-…maybe my brother. but only a rice grains worth. oh and def my cousins I haven’t seen them in a while but I’d die before admitting that out loud
Most traumatic experience?
-every first day of school Ive had ever
A fact about your personality?
-well i have the same personality type as saiki and according to multiple sources, it def checks out
What you hate most about yourself?
-I’ll just take that slap then thank you.
What you love most about yourself?
-im occasionally funny w is nice ig
What you want to be when you get older?
-hopefully a writer
Your relationship with your sibling(s)?
-oof idk anymore but we were pretty close I’d say, we have a lot of similar interests but he’s like way older so he had too much other shit going on for us to b super close
Your idea of a perfect date?
-if we manage to make each other laugh that’s an automatic win for me idrc what we do
Your biggest pet peeves?
-when ppl ask me stupid questions that they could easily answer themselves I rlly don’t like talking more than I have to
Type of people you dislike?
-anyone who knows anatomy bc I’m bitter and envious of them
Do you prefer white lies or harsh truth?
-harsh truth
What you hate the most about work/ school?
-being expected to talk to ppl
What makes you happy when you're at work/school?
-I like having structure and being told exactly what I need to do and when so that
What word's upset you the most?
-“you have to order ur own food” <\3 😔
What words are you dying to hear from someone else?
-an explanation abt sm that happened yrs ago I still have yet to hear their side of things
What words make you happy when you hear them?
-my mom told me it was cold outside and i nearly exploded from joy I’ve been waiting so long to b able to wear sweaters again
Are you into girls, guys, or both?
-both, i am bi (mysel- I’m sorry.)
What makes a person attractive to you? (/what's your ideal type)?
-just someone funny and well read. and if they have a nice voice
Where would you like to live?
-somewhere where it isn’t always hot as fuck
One of your insecurities?
-rlly living up to the pfp, I get hair on my chin w I forget to shave sometimes and it’s dark so ppl close to me can def see it w is embarrassing
Your childhood career choice?
Your favorite ice cream flavor?
-vanilla, but specifically the blue bell one
What's the nicest thing someone has done for you?
-my six yr old cousin threatened to call the police on my mom cuz she thought she was hitting me and then used herself as a shield to “protect” me😭
What's the nicest thing you've done for someone?
-just lending an ear to sm who rlly needed it ig
Where would you want to be right now?
-can’t believe I’m saying this but school, I can’t function w out the constant over looming threat of deadlines, they keep me in check
Sexiest person that comes to your mind immediately? (back off. Oda's mine /j).
-^ I’m gonna have to ask u to step tf away from my wife please. ok but fr no one rlly comes to mind rn
What's one phrase you say often?
-“no thanks” and man does my fam hate it
How many languages can you speak?
-two, English and Spanish
Are you a math or arts girlie?
-ARTS. I fucking hate math sm
Have you ever played candy crush? (it’s ok lol)
-a few times, on my moms phone though cuz ofc that lady was obsessed w it
When a friend wrongs you, do you confront them about it or silently grow distant?
-silently grow distant I need to fix that fr
would you rather initiate physical affection or have someone else suddenly give you physical affection?
-neither tbh
What's your love language/how do you show love to your loved ones?
-acts of service ig
share one random fact you want to share <3
-my fav soda is Pepsi (idk there’s like three bottles rt in front of me and I can’t think of anything else)
ty for the trick or treat asks 🫶
and Happy Halloween to you too 🎃🍬
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shiningloki · 2 years
I’m wondering if you’ve ever been made fun of for your writing? I know you’re very popular now especially after “Get on your knees and pray to me” but did you ever deal with that?
I ask because I am a writer too and while my stories seem to have a good audience I’m often being told I am “too old” to be writing them and getting bullied for it, I highly respect you as a writer and hope that people will love my work as much as yours someday.
I appreciate any insight you may have and I hope you’re well
Hi hun! First of all, I am so sorry that people are bullying you. It is absolutely ridiculous that authors have to deal with that, especially after putting so much time and energy into writing for free. Keep your head up, and I hope those nasties go away soon. There's no such thing as "too old" to write. Write how you want, when you want, where you want. Writing is your craft, don't let them beat you down.
Unfortunately, I've been dealing with bullying since I began writing about 4 years ago, and it's gotten worse after I gained a larger following :( I too was bullied for my age, but people called me too young to be writing what I wrote. I'm only 23 at the moment, and some people were telling me I was too young, immature, and inexperienced to be writing, especially the level of smut I was writing. That was a real bummer to hear, but luckily, I don't seem to get that one in my inbox anymore.
What I do deal with more, though, is people bullying me for not writing what they want to see. The people who bullied me want to see Loki and Tom Hiddleston fics, and that's it. Anyone else I write about, they feel bullying me will stop me from writing about other characters and "turn me back" to writing about Loki. This happened so badly that I had to take a long break from writing after I wrote a Loki x Eros x Reader fic. I was super excited to write it and try new avenues, but there were a lot of people that were mad that I wrote about Eros, said I was betraying Loki, I was fake, a liar, a horrible person, that I deserved to be kicked out of the Loki community...all for writing a fic about 3 adults consenting to a threesome. It was brutal, and whenever I mention another character, reblog another character, or write about another character, hate and bullying overflows my inbox. I've learned to just ignore it and delete it and do what makes me happy, but it still gets under my skin. It's really hard not to let it hurt you, I know.
Hate and bullying are something that happen far too often, especially when people can hide behind anons and a screen. There's no consequence to their actions so they'll say whatever they want. Luckily, there are so many more amazing people and loving people out there than there are bullies. It's those amazing readers and kind hearts that make it a little easier to get through the bullying. I hope that you're able to stay strong throughout this and remember, you've got me in your corner! I'll fight on your side, hun :)
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