#Feel like we're being swept away into a world that doesn't exist and can't put down on paper without sounding like a rambling wreck
loveableghosts · 5 months
I'm thinking about those OC's I have & do nothing with because there's no way in hell I could put their worlds to justice.
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 years
The River by be-the-creatue-fan (Read my first story AIN'T NO TIME LIKE 1969 before reading this story)
Chapter 1
"Martin? What are you doing here again? Dr. Corvado was looking everywhere for you!"
Martin turned around to see who was talking to him.
"Mom?! What are you doing here?"
"It's a good thing that we've found you in time." Linda Kratt said as she grabbed Martin arm and took Martin away from the tomb stone.
"Mom, what are you doing? where are you taking me?"
She didn't say a single word and they both continued walking until they got to the parking lot. There stood an ambulance type vehicle with several doctors and police officers that ran towards him.
"Mom? MOM! What are you doing? what's going on!?"
Linda remained silent but her eyes were starting to water up as the doctors restrained him and shoved him into the back. One of the doctors looked very familiar, Martin looked at the name tag that was on the doctors shirt. Dr Corvado.
"Aviva! Oh man it's so good to see a familiar face!"
But Aviva didn't say a word, and ignored him. Martin being very confused still tried to talk to her, but with no luck.
"Aviva it's me Martin, Me, You, Chris, Koki and Jimmy would go around the world to rescue animals. you're a genius inventor and-"
"Smith! he's speaking crazy talk again, we should probably give him the shot now."
"Alright Corvado he's your patient."
"Wait what shot? Aviva you have to listen to me we were friends you have to beli-"
And just like that Martin was out cold.
Chapter 2
(Flashback to July 20th 1973)
It was what you would call a perfect summer day, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and excitement was still in the air. Chris had just celebrated his 4th birthday and he was still hyped about being another year older, but he was even more excited to go with Martin and his older sisters to the near by river at the place where the whole family camped.
"Bill are you sure Chris is old enough to go with them to that river?"
"Linda, of course he's old enough, they're going to the shallow part of the river, and plus I'll be close by incase the kids need anything."
"Oh alright, have fun you guys!"
As Bill, Martin, his sisters and Chris got closer to the river the more excited Chris became.
"Martin are we there yet?"
"It's going to be awhile until we get there, but don't worry we'll be in there in no time"
But Chris wasn't the most patient kid and decided to run ahead.
"Now Chris don't run to far ahead yah hear!" Bill called out.
"I won't!"
After a while of walking and running they finally made it to the river, only to find it flooded from the storm the night before.
"Welp, looks like we can't go swimming gang"
"WHAT!? But why Daddy?" Chris winned
"Well you see squirt, the river is over flooded, it's too dangerous to go swimming, but, it's not to dangerous to go berry picking" Bill said as he pointed towards some blackberry bushes. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"
"Uh I guess" Chris said a little disappointed.
So Martin, his sisters and Chris started picking blackberries close to the river as Bill went fishing just up river not to far from them.
"Man it's hot outside, I'm gonna cool off in the river"
"But Martin, Daddy said to not go in the river because it's to dangerous" Chris said
"Yea, he said it was dangerous for you because your to little"
"I'm not too little, I just turned 4!"
"Yea, and I'm 7 almost 8, I'm technically a man, and I'm old enough to go into the river if I want to."
Chris didn't take that to kindly and wanted to prove that he wasn't the little kid that everybody thought he was. When no one was watching he decided that's when he would make his move to go into the river.
"Chris what are you doing?" Susan said (one of the twin sisters)
Chris didn't respond as he jumped into the river. Chris underestimated the depth and power of the river as he was swept away by the strong current.
"MARTIN! Chris jumped in the river!" "He's getting carried down river!"Both Christine and Susan screamed.
Martin turned around to see Chris's head pop out for a split second, before the current pulled it back down.
"Susan! Go and get Dad! Me and Christine will try to get Chris out!"
Susan ran to get Bill as Martin got out of the river because even he knew that the current was to strong for him.
"MARTIN! HELP ME! *GASP* MOMMA ,PAPA *GASP* SAVE ME!...... save me....." Chris's head went under again.
(A few hours later)
Mr and Mrs. Kratt, we've found your son's body down river and I regret to inform you that your son didn't make . We are so sorry for your lost. we need-....................................
Martin and his sisters were sitting inside the trailer, he could hear his mom screaming in agony, he looked out the window to see them both crying. That's when Martin knew, but that's not how it was happen, Chris didn't die, he couldn't have died, he didn't die, he didn't die, he didn't die!
(Back in Present day)
Martin woke up to find himself in what seemed to be some sort of jail cell.
"Martin, you awake?"
"Jimmy? Is that you?"
Chapter 3
"Jimmy! Oh my gosh I'm so glad you're here! Where is here anyways"
"We're in some sort of insane esylem, but that's all I know because HOW ON EARTH DID WE GET HERE!!!"
"What is the last thing you remember?"
"Well, I was asleep in the Tortuga and the next thing I heard was sombody screaming and when I woke up I ended up here. I saw Aviva but for some reason she didn't respond, it was like she didn't recognize me"
"Wait do you remember Chris being alive?"
"Yea why wouldn't he be alive...unless. What happened while I was asleep?"
Martin explained what had happened to him, Chris's gravestone. the strange dream and how Aviva treated him on his way to the esylem.
"Oh my gosh...OH MY GOSH!"
"Jimmy what is it?"
"Its all wrong, this wasn't supposed to happen, when Chris went to the past, something happened that messed up the space time continuum."
"Well, how are we going to fix it?!"
"I-I don't know, its going to be hard to find the cause of how or what caused this to be our new reality. Time is very complicated stuff."
"Wait, how do you know about this stuff?"
"Martin, I don't just sleep, eat pizza and play video games all day. I usually subcaunsely listen to what Aviva and Koki talk about when it comes to complicated things like time trampolines and such."
"Hey Cell 37! SHUT UP!"
Martin and Jimmy turned to see one of the guards banging his fist on thier cell door. Then they saw the shadows of two other faceless figures before the door opened.
"I don't know how you escaped this time, but we'll make sure that it doesn't happen again yah hear?" The first person said
Martin and Jimmy were very confused as the 2nd figure walked in. Aviva walked in with a huge syringe. That was the last thing both Martin and Jimmy remembered.
Chapter 4
Martin and Jimmy were laying on their bunks. Numb, Cold, Afraid, their heads were pounding and they both were uncontrollable twitching. Martin's eyes began to water from the pain that he felt. Jimmy on the other hand felt anger and rage, his blood began to boil. Jimmy jumped from his bunk and ran to their cell door.
"Jimmy?" Martin said with a weak voice. "Was Chris ever alive? Or was I just crazy this whole time?"
"No, Martin, your not crazy, we're not crazy, Chris was alive. He was alive..."
The Next few days were rough for Jimmy and Martin as their hope began to dwindle. Martin kept having the same nightmares of his brother's death as well as having the same horrible dream of him just disappearing from existence like what he had originally witnessed, as the days passed it was getting harder to believe what was true. Jimmy was also going through a rough time. He still felt utterly betrayed by Aviva and missed Koki dearly.
"I wonder where Koki is?"
"Who knows." Martin said kind of miffed
"You know I loved her, right? I-I wanted to tell her how I felt...b-but I was always too chicken, a-and now I might never get the chance."
"Well sucks to be you. At least Koki might be alive somewhere, but guess what, Chris is dead and everyone thinks I'm a looney!"
Jimmy fell silent as he was to angry to say a word.
Weeks turned into months and not a word was spoken.
Until one day Martin overheard a conversation.
"I think I did it!"
"Did what Ms Corvado?"
"Well, for the past couple of years I've been working on a time machine and now I've think I've done it!"
"So she has been working on a time machine" Jimmy said kind of miffed.
"But what good would that do" Martin said feeling rather hopeless "it not like we can fix any of this, or can we..."
(Meanwhile with Chris)
Martin, that was the last thing Chris saw before he felt as if he was drowning. Fear was the last feeling that Chris had before he dissapeared into the abyss.
"Wh-Where am I?"
But the only response he got was an echo. His surroundings were white at first before becoming more clear. The first thing that came into focus was the green grass and the surrounding tombstones, soon more things came into focus he spotted Martin standing infront of one of the tombstones.
"Martin!" Chris yelled as he ran towards his brother to embrace him, but he went right through him.
Martin didn't hear him, he couldn't hear him, he couldn't feel him, Chris was nothing more than a soul.
(I'm putting this story on hold I am so sorry for leaving this on a cliff hanger I just need to think how I'm going to continue the story because honestly I ran out of ideas. Oop)
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